#notion budget planner
house-of-quark · 6 months
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pinksatinsashes · 5 months
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The end of the year is the best time of year for us self improvement obsessed girlies because the planners are out, everyone's making vision boards and its finally time to write a nice long list of New Years Resolutions and achieve precisely nothing! Nothing!
Then the end of that year comes and we start the cycle again, making lists, checking them twice, achieving absolutely nothing, staying exactly the same and sometimes worse! How exciting! :)
When I was 16 I thought I'd have my life together at 18...lol! When I was 18 I figured I'd be totally together when I was 20. I'm 20 now...I think I've genuinely gotten worse.
But this year I am determined! I have said absolutely no more, absolutely no way is another year going to pass me by and I'm going to be stuck here in the exact same place. I NEED change.
Your 20's are meant to be the 'best years of your life'!
This is probably the easiest I'm ever going to have it! I have no children, no husband and I don't pay rent yet, if I don't do it now I will never do it..I don't want this to be my life forever.
Want to know how I'm going to make this year my year? Keep reading.
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About two weeks ago I coined 2024 as the year of the Glow Up and started to meticulously plan out exactly what I wanted out of it.
My main goals for 2024 are:
To Hit My Goal Weight.
To Save Up Enough Money to Move to London.
To Be 75% of my Dream Girl
There are tons of other things I want to achieve of course, but If I don't achieve those three 2024 would genuinely have been a waste of time for me.
Now a couple years ago I would've just written those two goals down, put them on a vision board and went about my business...but Oh No, not this time.
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I had a nice long think about the person I wanted to be at the end of 2024, financially stable, clear skin, goal weight, ready to move in spring 2025, closer to God, found her signature scent.
Each of these goals had a wider theme:
Fitness and Body
Skincare and Hygiene
Beauty & Makeup
Books & Brains
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I fired up Notion, created a home page that had a sub page for every month and then finally I created the Overall page, which has a sub page for every Goal Category and then I broke down each goal into lots of SMART goals. (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Based)
So my 'get down to my goal weight' goal became:
Fitness and Body:
[ ] Size 10 clothes or under and 140 lbs (I'm 5'9 with naturally big boobs so this is my ideal weight)
[ ] Hour Glass Figure, building up glutes and upper body
[ ] Maintain Goal Weight for at least 3 months
[ ] Able to Stair Machine for 10 minutes
[ ] Able to go on a full Run
[ ] Do at least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] At least one form of Excerise a day
[ ] Take the Dog on Daily Walks
[ ] Try 12 New Recipes
[ ] Learn How To Cook 4 Different Nigerian Recipes
[ ] Form Consistent Eating Routines
[ ] Eat out twice a month or less
[ ] Stay in a Caloric deficit until I reach my Goal Weight
See how much more specific this is?
Having my goals listed like this makes everything so much easier because I'm tackling multiple things at once. First I'm changing the majority of my goals to habits or tasks (things I can control) from outcomes (things I may not be able to control).
Now I know that if I do all of these things written out, staying in a caloric deficit and excising daily there's a 90% chance I'll reach my goal.
This is much more effective than writing an outcome with no plan on how to achieve it.
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From here, I'll break the Goal Down Even Further, into monthly goals.
For example, to reach the goal weight Goal by the end of December, January may look like this:
Eat at 1500 calories a day or 10,500 calories a week (to allow for the high calorie company lunches I often attend as part of my work, I'll simply eat less on the other days
Go to the gym 4 times week,
Complete X Fitness plan
Go on one Dog walk a week
Meal Prep ever week.
Lose 10lbs
To Save enough Money to Move to London by the end of the year, January might look like this:
Prep for no Spend Months in Feb and March (stock up on skincare, budywash etc)
Meal plan every week
Sell £200 worth of clothes on Vinted to spend on Spring Wardrobe (I'm not buying any clothes unless I use the money I get from selling my current clothes)
Stick to Budget
My Goal to get Smarter and Stop Mindless Scrolling may look like this in January:
Read at least 1 book
Listen to 4 Podcast Episodes
Limit Social Media use to 1 hour a day
Write 6 Blog Posts
Watch one Documentary
Setting the tasks in this way also allows me to feel a sense of achievement, every month I'm able to tick off my goals which can increase my motivation, instead of writing down a list of things to do and forgetting about it until the end of the year. It also allows me to recognise when I'm going off track faster and adjust for the next month.
You see how this is better?
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I was strategic in using notion because I knew that I could then use it not only to set out my goals, but as a home base, a setting point to house all the things I could use to achieve them.
Under each section I've also included a bunch of things to help me, the Food section for example has a list of my go to recipes, so that when I can't think of anything to eat and want to run over to the closest KFC I have something to choose from. The Hair section has a list of hairstyles I've done and the Pro's and Cons, the Skincare section has a list of the products I've tried, if I liked them and If they worked for me.
Each month has its own page with a section for each wider goal and a spot for me to have a monthly write up, detailing what works and what didn't work so I can change and approve the following month and prevent falling behind.
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I'm determined to make this year my year so let me know if you'd like me to keep you updated, feel free to ask any questions or send them to my asks. Also let me know if you want my notion template, here's a little peak-
Till we speak again!
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haruharuz · 2 years
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This is absolutely nowhere near done! I’m working so so hard on this haha. You guys have no idea. I’m making a list of a few things that will be included: 
skincare schedule
skincare product list
haircare schedule
haircare product list
maintenance list ( weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly)
self care schedule and checklist
work schedule
work income tracker
work regular tracker
work essentials tracker
recipe book
meal planner
“kitchen” section that has
grocery list
running out soon / expiring soon list
weekly food goals
gym and workout tracker and planner
studies tracker and planner
budget planner
savings planner
$10,000 savings checklist
taxes checklist
mental health checklist
mental health journal tracker 
habit tracker
i don’t even think that’s gonna be ALL either. I’m really putting my all into this so it will probably be taking me a while to make sure it’s complete. But holy shit is this a whirwind. I’m just learning how to use notion too.
NOTE: Send me an ask if you want anything at ALL added to this and I’ll do my best 
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b-courageous1010 · 1 year
Productivity Log
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I had a light workday today so I worked on some personal things
Set routine emails to be automatically moved to a folder in my inbox and I will dump the contents of the folder regularly so I’m not constantly deleting every single email
Decided to invest in habit tracker inserts
Instead of creating a habit tracker in notion like I initially wanted to, I’m looking for inserts for my planner because I am more likely to update them.
Organize collection of journal prompts
I now have this habit of logging different journal prompts I come across to the point where I need to create a system of flushing out the ones I don’t need and logging them in a efficient manner. I created a notion database that way i can sort/filter them by general topic.
Cataloging the contents in my spiral and executive notebook.
I tried creating an index in my notebook but i make too many changes for it to remain clean.
Plus its not like I need an excuse to make an excel spreadsheet
Cataloging the notes I made on various random sheet on my notepad.
I have various systems and places where I log my notes because they can range from anything work, personal or school related
I had 11 sheets of random notes to sort through and aggregate. It took me awhile but the stack is cleared out.
I noted some budget related tasks that I will tackle in the morning. I got the brain waves flowing today so all I have to do is keep them up!
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growwithrandom · 1 year
The Best Notion Template for students in 2023 | Notion for Students | Notion Templates | Notion Progress Bars
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With this article, I intend to inspire you with some useful ideas, for you to implement and get Notion working for you better than how you were already using it. Notion is the best tool I’ve come across when it comes to organization and productivity.
I heard about it for the first time 2 years back, and since then with each new update, it has only made my amazement and expectations go higher and higher. It comes power packed with some really cool features which allow you to customize notion in the most unique and personal way possible. The wide variety of formulas and tweaky tools offer you to make a one-of-a-kind program that works for you, however, you want. It’s no less than making your own app that functions to make your life easier. Thousands of notion templates available on the internet are the best examples of what all you can do with notion. My Notion Template is just one of them.
Now, this program/app of yours can perform various functions in different domains, depending on your use case and needs. It can be a daily/weekly planner, life tracker, budget/finance tracker, business workspace, etc. Today, I’m gonna elaborate on one from the ocean of use cases, which is, academics. Something I used Notion the most for. When I first got aware of the possibilities that come with Notion, and many intriguing YouTube videos showing how people, particularly students, ace productivity using Notion, I decided to use it on my own.
It took me a little while to understand how different features on Notion work, and how I can mold them to work for me in the most efficient, modern, and automated way. But after much effort, I’m finally satisfied with what I have come up with. If you are a student, or anyone, learning anything, and want to have an automated system that keeps a track of your progress, your data, your tasks, reminds you of the deadlines, tests, etc., basically where you can have your mind free for innovation and productivity, and the not the tension of remembering them. Then you are at the right place. This Notion Template can start your Notion journey.
Below is my Notion template which is packed with the formulae, and functions required to keep me productive and able to multi-task, at the same time.
*It’s NOT a tutorial, just a walkthrough.’*
I avoid having too many things going on when it comes to work and focus. Especially when I already have so much work to be tracked, like my progress, ongoing tasks, due deadlines, reminders, routine, etc. So I aim for a minimalist layout, which conveys everything, without being cluttered. One which is modern enough to have every function successfully automated, but at the same time not overwhelming. As you can see below.
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Apart from just reminding you of upcoming deadlines, this Notion template also has a table that populates with routine tasks due for the current day, out of the list of mundane tasks you will list down in the second table below the first one, to declutter your mind.
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The Course Structure and Notion Progress Bars
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The courses section, allows you to add new notebooks for every new topic/subject/project you start working on. Inside of it is a whole program sort of thing that shows the overall progress you made in that subject/topic/project, on the basis of the work, and the progress you made in the sub-tasks associated with it.
This is my favorite part of the entire database. This is the notebook template. Every time you click ‘New’, a new notebook is created with a fixed structure. But it’s not just an ordinary notebook that has pages for you to fill. But, it’s an entire program. Firstly it has an editable view of the ‘Notifications’ panel you had on the home page. A ‘Home’ button, to go back to the home directly. Then ‘Sources’ and ‘Notes’ sections, which, as the names suggest, are for having your notes and important sources for easy future reference.
The key feature though is the Template Button named ‘Create Subject Structure’. Every time it is pressed it makes a table. It’s not an ordinary table, it’s the whole and soul of my entire database. Because it is where you have your actual tasks and sub-tasks, and in return get the progress report. This becomes possible with the brand new ‘Notion Progress Bars’ feature.
It has 3 levels of difficulty columns, ‘Hard(H)’, ‘Medium(M)’, and’ Easy(E)’. The ‘Next Review’ Date column gives you a date based on the level of difficulty you choose for a certain topic. According to your understanding, it suggests a date of revision so that each topic gets as much weightage as required to make your grasp stronger in it.
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The progress column is very important because it not only shows your progress in that topic, based on the ‘Review Count’, but also is the base for calculating the overall average reflected on the cover of the Notebook.
The ‘Review Count’ is nothing but the number of times you have gone through one topic. If it’s your first time, then the Review Count will be 1, and so on.
At the end of the ‘Topics’ column, the number of entries is automatically calculated, these have their own importance in calculating the overall progress score. At the top of the Notebook, you are asked to enter the number of entries, in the ‘Total Topics’ row, and the sum at the end of the ‘Progress’ column in the ‘All Topics’ Progress’ row. This gives you the desired result.
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Overall progress, reflecting on the very cover of my subject notebook helps me decide which subject to prioritize and in which I am falling behind.
Extra-Curriculars and Relax
I also have a picture gallery section, this is optional, but personally, I feel that for small breaks in between your focus sessions, this is a very nice way to relax and refresh.
If you are a university/college student, you know how much is college life and extra-curricular important for you along with your studies. To keep a track of that, I maintain these very simple sections. I just add anything I am currently working on or involved in. Every new addition is made to form a page, so anything you do, plan, etc. can be easily stored there.
With these, all the things I need to care about, come together in just one page, which has an entire database inside. It keeps me productive, and on time, along with being easy, manageable, and fun.
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Lastly, as is clear by the screenshots attached, you should definitely utilize the ‘Dark’ and ‘Light’ appearance features in Notion, this helps you give an altogether different look to your Notion template. I have different color combinations for both modes, I find it to be another nicer way to play with Notion.
If after reading this you feel pretty confident about your Notion template-building skills, then you can build a high-paying side hustle successfully out of it. Click here 👉 to know more.
Thanks for reading. Hope you got some useful ideas and tips from the database design and tools of my Notion Template. Do let me know if you wish for a detailed article on anything mentioned in this article. Do share your thoughts and suggestions below.
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ndigitalplanningtr · 1 year
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Family Household Tracker Notion Template | Household Finance Tracker | Household Task Tracker | Digital Budget and Finance Planner | Expense Tracker | Monthly Finance Tracker NOTE: This template was created for the Family Household tracking system, however you CAN USE it for your housemates or with colleagues at work. Managing your family finances and tracking tasks has never been easier with the Household Tracker Notion Template. Organize your tracker lists with a thoughtfully-designed Notion Template. Ideal for those with a lot on their schedule, this Notion Template will help you keep track of your day-to-day tasks and see your upcoming events and to-dos at a glance. With this template, you can see what household members spend and their tasks on a single page. Created to be both minimal and functional, the Family Household Tracker is the only template you need to organize your family life and achieve your wants. You can check my youtube channel for detail. ▷ WHAT IS NOTION? ◉ Notion is an all-in-one workspace where you plan, write, organize, and collaborate. It provides its users the building blocks to create customized layouts to get work done. Notion is free for a personal plan and is accessible through any device connected to the Internet - be it a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer. ▷ WHAT'S INCLUDED? ➜ Daily Data Entry ➜ Monthly Household Budget Tracker ➜ Saving Wallet ➜ Wishlist ➜ Finance Tracking Chart ✵ Month-based Tracking Chart ✵ Expenses-based Tracking Chart ✵ Family Member-based Tracking Chart ➜ Household Task Tracker ➜ Grocery List ➜ To-do List ➜ Database (Please don't delete!) ➜ Resource
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slightlystudy · 9 months
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here's the second part of this post! It was going to get made last night but tumblr went down at the most convenient time! here are some paid templates [ with conversion to USD if in another currency ] I tried to stay within a low budget range, the most expensive one being $12. most lists you see online don't tell you the prices so I'm including the price bc I personally hate seeing a template i like just to go and see it's almost $20. next post will be dashboards! <3
Student Workspace by notionworks for $0.99 Rory Gilmore by maggie's notion templates for $5.00 Detailed Notion Student Dashboard by nayara gonzález for €2.00 [$2.21] Student Life OS by notionplates for $12.00 Perfect Student Hub by pasteldigitalstudio for $3.36 Student Planner by templateclubshop for $7.17 Student Studio Ghibli Notion Planner by seniadesign for $7.99 University Planner by podlystudio for $10.50 Complete Study Planner by chancestemplates for $7.43
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sunnysglow · 1 year
March Reset
We're 3 days into March and I'm finally wrapping up my reset. So here's what I've done so far:
Updated my notion, my planners, and white board for any upcoming dates that are important
Washed all my laundry and changed over my bed sheets
cleaned out and reorganized my car, my desk, and my cosmetics drawers
cleaned my iPad, my MacBook, and my phone by deleting any apps, documents, photos, or messages I no longer needed
set up my budget for the month
unsubscribed from any email newsletters I no longer read
and last but not least, organized my mental material by changing over my books, magazines, and podcasts based on what I finished and what I wanted to focus on
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passiveincomemoney · 2 days
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30 Free Resources to Grow Your Blog
Blogging can be an exciting and rewarding endeavour, but it also requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Fortunately, there are numerous free resources available that can help you grow your blog without breaking the bank. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your reach, these tools, and platforms can provide valuable assistance in various aspects of blogging.
Content Management Systems (CMS)
WordPress: The most popular CMS that's flexible and SEO-friendly.
Ghost: A lightweight alternative dedicated to blogging. Ghost is a modern open-source blogging platform that is gaining popularity for its simplicity and focus on professional publishing. Launched in 2013, it has evolved into a comprehensive tool for creating, sharing, and monetizing content.
Tumblr: Tumblr is a vibrant microblogging platform that combines elements of Twitter, WordPress, and Facebook, allowing users to post text, images, videos, audio, and links.
SEO and Keyword Research
Google Trends: Discover the latest trends and popular search queries.
SEMrush: Access a limited free version for keyword research and SEO insights.
Keyword Planner: Find the right keywords for your content with Keywordtool. Keywordtool.io is a versatile online tool that leverages Google Autocomplete to generate a vast array of long-tail keywords for any given topic. It's designed to assist content creators, marketers, and business owners in discovering what potential customers are searching for. This can greatly enhance content relevance and improve search engine optimization efforts. The tool is user-friendly and offers a free version, which can generate over 750 keyword suggestions, aiding in the creation of content that aligns closely with user search trends and interests.
Writing and Editing Tools
Grammarly: Strengthen your writing with grammar checks and suggestions.
Hemingway App: Make your writing clear and concise. The Hemingway App is a digital writing tool that aims to improve the clarity and strength of your prose.
Graphic Design and Images
Canva: Create stunning graphics with pre-made templates.
Skitch: Annotate images and screenshots easily.
Design Wizard: Access free design templates and resources.
Social Media and Promotion
Buffer: Schedule and publish content across various social media platforms.
BuzzSumo: Analyse what content performs best for any topic or competitor. With BuzzSumo, users can analyse what content performs best for any topic or competitor, find key influencers to promote content and track their results with comprehensive analytics.
Email Marketing
Mailchimp: Start with a free plan for email campaigns and newsletters.
Moosend: Design and send email marketing campaigns with ease. Moosend offers various pricing plans to accommodate different needs and budgets. The Free Trial allows users to test all features for 30 days without a credit card. For more advanced features, the Pro Plan starts at $9 per month, offering unlimited emails, automation workflows, and landing pages.
Analytics and Data Visualization
Google Analytics: Track and report website traffic.
Databox: Visualize your data with dashboards and reports. Databox is a versatile analytics platform that simplifies the process of consolidating, monitoring, and interpreting data for businesses. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows companies to centralize data from various sources.
Learning and Development
HubSpot Academy: Free courses on content marketing and inbound strategies.
WordPress Training Course: Learn how to build a WordPress site using Elementor.
Productivity and Project Management
Trello: Organize your blogging tasks and projects.
Notion: All-in-one workspace for notes, tasks, and databases. Notion is a dynamic workspace that integrates notes, tasks, wikis, and databases into one versatile platform. It's designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to create their own systems for personal and professional productivity.
Community and Support
Quora: Engage with a community and answer questions related to your niche.
Reddit: Join blogging-related subreddits for tips and networking.
These resources are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what's available for bloggers. By leveraging these tools, you can enhance your blog's content, increase its visibility, and engage more effectively with your audience. Please note, that the cornerstone of effective blogging lies not only in the calibre of your content, but also in your adeptness at marketing and managing your blog. Armed with these 30 complimentary resources, you're poised to elevate your blog and expand your reach. Here's to joyful blogging!
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techdiaries · 3 months
Tech Diaries: Weaving Advanced Innovation into Everyday Life
Embarking on a day in the life of a nursing student unfolds a narrative marked by the seamless integration of cutting-edge digital tools. This blog delves into the intricate dance between technology and daily existence, showcasing how these digital companions intricately shape my academic, social, and personal pursuits.
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The day commences amidst the dynamic landscape of digital existence, marked by a seamless blend of social media applications, prominently Facebook and Instagram. A poignant moment is captured in a video call with my mother, currently working abroad, emphasizing the transformative power of technology in nurturing familial bonds amidst our increasingly globalized world. The inclusion of such a call serves as a poignant reminder of technology's prowess in maintaining emotional ties across borders.
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As a conscientious individual, staying well-informed is paramount in today's dynamic world. The integration of news applications into my daily routine ensures a constant awareness of current events, societal shifts, and global developments. The ubiquity of digital news platforms empowers me to access diverse perspectives, underscoring the importance of leveraging digital platforms to cultivate an informed and intellectually engaged perspective.
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As the day unfolds, it transforms into a kaleidoscope of immersive experiences facilitated by movie applications and personalized music on Spotify. This fusion of technology transmutes mundane moments into sensory delights, marking the integration of smart devices into my personal leisure.
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The midday segment revolves around my academic pursuits and social interactions, seamlessly facilitated by meeting applications such as Google Meet, Zoom, and Discord. This integration underscores the versatility of meeting applications, emphasizing their relevance in diverse contexts and their instrumental role in shaping modern education and social engagement.
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As the evening chapter unfolds, meticulous orchestration of my activities transpires through the Notion planner app. As a nursing student immersed in clinical rotations, this digital companion efficiently organizes my responsibilities and budget tracking. The incorporation of Notion into my routine exemplifies the confluence of academic discipline and technological support, fostering an organized and goal-oriented approach to life.
In conclusion, this blog underscores the pervasive influence of digital and smart technologies. The visual journey through various applications highlights their multifaceted roles in fostering connectivity, information dissemination, entertainment, and education.
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I've released my university student planner on Gumroad! Features a time blocker, essay planner, student reading list, budgeting guide, and more!
Link: https://pointybird.gumroad.com/l/university-student-general-notion-planner
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Budget Tanzania Safari Packages can Really Save More Money for You!
Getting a proper tour package can really make your holiday more amazing. You have already selected a holiday destination and now you are searching for the best tour package. In case you are not able to get such a package, then a wide range of inconveniences which you might face once you will be there at the holiday destination. And you will surely not like to experience this odd during a holiday. The same goes for those travelers who are now planning for visit Tanzania for their next holiday. These travelers have a common notion and that is to join the safari tours in Tanzania. Visiting the national park and game reserves of this east African country is surely going to bring the most amazing traveling experience for you.
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It Will Be The Most Amazing National Park Tour
But when you lack access to the best Tanzania national park tour packages, such experience is also going to remain far away from you! Only the top safari tour planner can bring the most affordable and the best safari tour packages for you. They craft these tour packages while keeping their customers’ needs, budget, traveling style and preferences in mind. Due to this reason, travelers also face no issues with their comfort, convenience, safety, luxury and privacy like aspects during the safari tour.
Budget Friendly Safari Tour Packages
To make every safari tour a well planned and executed one, they deploy the best safari cabs, cab drivers and tour guides. This is how they also ensure that the travelers receive maximum comfort and safety during these tours. Budget Tanzania safari packages are also announced and these tour packages are becoming more and more popular among those travelers who keep a keen eye on their traveling budget. By taking such a safari tour package, you can really save more money!
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thebaepatricia · 5 months
Weekly Highlights ✨ Dec 4-10, 2023
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Revamping my Digital Planners and Trackers 💖  I watched The Ultimate Toolkit for CREATING New Habits: The Science Made Easy | The Mel Robbins Podcast and it inspired me to make drastic improvements on my Notion templates. Actually, I wanted to know the difference between a “Vision Board” and an “Action Board”. I watched a couple of videos, but realized I could come up with my own template - I just needed to understand the essence of it. So I landed on Mel’s video and now here we are.
I tried GrabFood for the first time. Hehe. I ordered a whole blueberry cake and pepperoni pizza for Dani’s 42th birthday and I would say it’s worth it. His birthday is every Dec 3rd.
(Dec 5) Did hybrid training in the morning! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 I woke up at 5am, lifted from 5:30 to 6:30, and jogged for 30 mins/3km. It was so hard to jog that morning as my legs were already sore from the legs training. Plus, it was cold. The next morning, thankfully it was an upper body day or else I would have had to skip. 😮‍💨
New morning workout: Training in the morning + working until afternoon
Took a mid-week break to sleep > train in the morning
Doing my best to be more personable and active online by being creative with the everyday things I do
Learned how to show and sort properties in gallery view (Notion) I’m so smart 🥹 (In case I forget ⤵)
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Actually spent a local holiday off and did not work at all 😏📴
Reviewed Budget Chart (for the nth time) and re-assigned budget per category based on previous transactions and expenditures. Note to self: Stick to the budget 📝
Surprise visit from Nanay + Uncle Nelson family 😭 Quick pitstop for 15 minutes to say hello
Journaling really helps me sort out my thoughts and gain clarity. I almost always feel lighter and enlightened afterward. Will not ever downplay the art and value of journaling. 🫡 ✏️📖
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consultantwealthft · 1 year
What Is a Finance Consultant and Does a Financial Advisor Do?
Everyone has some kind of goals and dreams in his life. But your goals and dreams would remain just a dream if you don't effectively plan to achieve them. With careful financial planning and better management of assets, one could easily achieve his dreams. It would be even easier and more effective if you get assistance from a professional to devise a better plan for meeting your future goals. In other words, you could definitely and easily achieve your goals and accomplish your dream by hiring the services of an expert financial consultant. A financial consultant or planner is an expert who can provide consulting services and advise and assist clients to opt for the most appropriate products. A financial consultant has extensive knowledge in almost all facets of finance such as budgeting, taxation, forecasting, and allocation of assets, tools, and products.
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Hence, they are able to make available to their clients a continuum of services including management of cash flow, investment and retirement planning, education planning, tax and insurance planning, estate planning, risk management, and business succession planning. The services of a financial consultant would be highly beneficial for those people who have debts but at the same time high income or other significant sources to pay off the debts with better assistance; a business firm that is going to start a new venture and requires assistance for better organization of assets and finance; people with exceptionally high income and looking for assistance to invest in some beneficial sources; and people who have gained a large sum of money as a result of promotion, retirement, or inheritance, and seeking assistance on how to manage it effectively.
What Do Consultants Do? The consultant’s work is simple: he will impartially analyze the company’s situation, suggesting changes and understanding the company’s profitability to enable the healthy growth of your business. With his help, the entrepreneur will be able to make more assertive decisions about which direction the company wants to take. In addition, the suggestions may impact several areas of the business such as feasibility, administration, and investments. Now that you, an entrepreneur, already know the importance of having the support of a financial consultancy, search for a good company and do not waste more time on bureaucratic processes alone. Good financial management at the beginning of your business will make you climb higher mountains toward success. Investing in financial consulting will make your company more stable and consequently easier to manage.
What is the meaning of financial consulting? It is necessary to first identify its literal meaning in order to have a better notion of consulting. The word consulting comes from “receiving or giving advice”, which means the branch of activity that will help someone, or in this case, an entrepreneur, to diagnose financial problems and solutions to leverage results and prospect your business. Furthermore, it is the financial consultant who evaluates the data of your finances to seek strategies that may keep them more organized, so that your company is safe to invest in and also ready to face the challenges of the market.
How is the financial consulting conducted? Many entrepreneurs expect to be almost bankrupt and full of problems to seek financial advice, but it does not have to be this way. Before starting a business it is essential to identify the points you need to improve in your company’s financial life to prevent future situations that could put everything to loss. When hiring this service, the consultant will visit your business and compile a detailed data sheet, analyzing the inflows and outflows of money, and assembling a report with the entire financial routine that the entrepreneur provides. Afterward, the consultant will assemble a diagnosis with all the information to propose actions and strategies to help improve your company.
Build a good financial plan: Every entrepreneur needs to build a good financial plan to achieve his/her goals based on an appropriate level of organization. This will help them avoid going bankrupt due to a lack of efficient financial management and it will make your company stands out. Regardless of whether the entrepreneur owns a small, medium, or large company, to be successful you must start by separating personal and business finances, recording excessive expenses and spending, set prices for services according to what the market demands, having a cash flow, pay attention to payroll, among other initiatives that help to keep your company running. Therefore, for this financial plan to work, it is necessary to rely on the help of a financial consultancy that will make the entrepreneur understand the direction his/her company is going. As a smart act that will add value to the success of your business.
Davies Wealth Management
684 SE Monterey Rd, Stuart, FL 34994, United States
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treschiceventp · 1 year
How a Wedding Coordinator Can Help You Save With Your Wedding Budget
Wedding coordinators are not just there to help you organize your wedding, they also make it possible for you to stay on your wedding budget as well as save you money. Some people have this notion that hiring a wedding coordinator miami is just an added expense on the wedding budget; but contrary to that belief, wedding planners understand the importance to stay on the budget and would even find ways for you to save some money. There are even cases wherein some couples are able to save more money as compared to the professional fee that they are paying for the coordinator.
The best thing about wedding coordinators is that they deal with even the most moment subtleties. They must recollect what you might neglect. The rundown of things to recall can be enormous, contingent upon the kind of wedding you are expecting. For instance, you will probably be requiring a photographic artist, food provider, a cake, wedding site, gathering site, blossoms, wedding favors, highlights, and enrichments. Indeed, even with such subtleties as what kind of plates, flatware, and music rather than a band or DJ, the rundown continues to develop.
Since wedding coordinator work with organizing and planning weddings day in and day out, most of them already have partner suppliers that they can suggest to you. These suppliers are more than happy to give discounts if referred by their partner wedding coordinators. Aside from that, your coordinator would also have the best ideas as to where to buy or get suppliers that would fit your budget and, at the same time, have the best quality service in mind. Surely, your wedding planner wants your wedding to be successful, that's why they would only refer you or bring you to their trusted suppliers.
They could also make suggestions on other cheaper options for wedding needs that best suit the theme of your wedding. Since they specialize in planning weddings, you are rest assured that they have a lot of ideas to help you out with. When working with one, be sure to make it clear that you are working with a certain budget; and ask if it's possible for you to save or get the total of the wedding cost lower. But if your wedding planner is really good, you don't really have to make this clear as this is one of the first questions that they will ask.
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tntstepanovllc · 1 year
Advantages OF Hiring Home Remodelling Constructor In Chelan.
Hiring a general contractor is like hiring a wedding planner; they handle all the logistics of finding the correct specialists for the work, and their expertise is crucial. Sure, you could handle everything independently, but that would be a major hassle and possibly risky. Chelan Construction is the area's top company for kitchen and bathroom remodelling.
A general contractor is a one-stop shop for anyone needing anything related to building:
A general contractor is the one to go to for any home improvement needs. You only need to tell them what you need, and they'll make the necessary plans, timetables, and arrangements to get the job done on time. You won't have to deal with much different personnel because everything will go through the general contractor. They'll be the sole point of contact you need and handle all communication with the project's subcontractors.
The following are some of the design services that a general contractor can provide:
A general contractor can help you establish a plan and design for your home tailored to your specific requirements, even if you already have some notion of how you want it to look. They'll be familiar with the precautions necessary for major construction projects like knocking down walls or expanding a building. In this way, they can guarantee that everything is legal. If you want a smooth home remodeling Chelan, their expertise is crucial because they will likely see potential problems you will miss.
In general, an insurance policy will protect you against:
If you choose to make repairs or improvements to your home on your own, you are responsible for the costs of any complications that arise. On the other hand, if you employ a general contractor that carries liability insurance, you won't have to worry about a thing if something goes wrong. You are taking a significant risk if you have multiple projects running at once and different handymen working on them. Having a single, fully-insured general contractor oversees a construction job is better.
Timeliness is increased by using a general contractor:
When you attempt home repairs on your own, you'll spend a lot of time learning the ropes, gathering supplies, and making mistakes. As a result, you might expect significant delays in completing your work. Hiring a general contractor can speed up the pace at which a home renovation is completed by bringing in specialised tradespeople when needed.
Credentials held by a general contractor:
If you want to prevent a renovation nightmare, pick a licensed contractor in your state, as regulations vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. A professional builder will be familiar with the code's requirements and how to obtain the necessary permits and pass the necessary inspections. In addition, if you employ a certified contractor for home remodeling near me, you will likely be offered more flexible repayment plans and lower interest rates on your construction financing. You should also hire a general contractor that is licenced and insured if you want a warranty.
Attempting a home renovation on your own can be stressful for many reasons, including the difficulty in determining which materials the cost of those materials, the amount of time it will take you, and the risk that you will make mistakes and ruin those materials. Your remodelling budget might go up as a result.
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