#nothing much to say about fem sniper situation
homkamiro · 8 months
Straight sniperscout please 🙏🏽
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That's actually an interesting thought!!! Didn't knew which version of straight ship you wanted so I made both
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bruh-myguy-what · 13 days
Can I request Crosshair with "sorry, that was my first kiss." "i could tell." "...." "i'm kidding!" I don't imagine any of the Batch have ever kissed someone before. 🤭
Jealous Much?
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Pairing: Crosshair x Fem!Reader Warnings: Massive fluff, Crosshair being a cutie pie and not understanding his own emotions because he's silly, light cursing, nothing other than that really Word Count: 2.2K Summary: After running into a "Reg" in the halls of Kamino, Crosshair hears something he doesn't like and it bothers him. A/N: I really liked this prompt for Cross and I've actually not written anything for him yet, so this was fun! Thanks for request precious anon! I hope it was what you were looking for when you sent in the request!
Requests are currently closed until I finish the ones I have in my inbox!
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"Mesh'la~" A clone trooper called after you with a smile, "Why don't you stop hanging out with those defective boys and come hang out with real men, huh? I know you miss me~" He teased, mirthfully, as he blew you a kiss.
While you found the trooper's antics amusing, evidently none of the other Batchers had. Crosshair hissed a snide "filthy reg" under his breath as he took your arm and positioned himself between you and the other man. Hunter rolled his eyes with an exhausted sigh, Echo shrugging when Tech looked between you and the other clone. "What precisely does he mean when he says 'I know you miss me'?"
You only chuckled and shook your head in reply but flinched a little when you met Crosshair's sharp eyes. "W-What?" Your voice was hushed as it passed through your lips, almost as if you were intimidated by him.
The sniper simply lifted a brow at you, the tattoo over his eye elongating. "You didn't answer Tech." He answered with his coiled voice, toothpick moving over his thin lips. Was he serious? Why did it even bother him? You knew very well he had more contempt for the regs than even the others did, but for him to care so much about why the other trooper mentioned you neglecting him was odd- even for Crosshair.
You shrugged unhurriedly, eyes wide, as if you'd been caught in a speeder's headlights. Glancing toward the others to see if they were as confused as you were, but instead noticed they were also staring at you- waiting for a response. Tech adjusted his goggles on his face while Hunter rested his weight onto one of his hips, arms crossing over his broad chest. Echo blinked at you, and Wrecker tilted his head curiously. "What, seriously?" Was all you could summon as you looked at them all in amazement. "Is it really that big of a deal to you guys?"
"Well," Tech began simply, glancing at Hunter, "yes."
"Seriously?!" You shot back, your voice filled with offense then huffing out loudly at their insanely meddlesome behavior.
"Seriously." Crosshair's whispery tone upset you and the glare you sent him scarcely made him shift. "So, are you going to keep us waiting...or?"
"For kriff sake..." You muttered as a hand ran across your face, bitterness lacing your breath. "Fine! I made out with him once while we were at 79s on shore leave, are you happy now?" Your answer stunned them and they once again shared of look amongst themselves. "Stars. Karking fools, not everything is your business." Breathing out an annoyed sigh, you forced past them and fled into your bunk room.
"It would seem we have upset her," Tech noted after a beat of silence, to which both Hunter and Echo gave him a disapproving glance. "What? I am not incorrect. I am merely stating a factual examination as I have observed the situation."
"Stow it, Tech." Echo growled with a fatigued voice, pushing past him as they all began striding back to their own shared bunk room. Crosshair, however, lingered; eyes still eyeing where you had disappeared further down the hall. Why was it bugging him so badly to know that you had kissed that reg? It felt like gnawing in his chest like a wild nexu was bitting him.
He loathed it.
Why wouldn't it go away?
"Cross?" Hunter's deep voice broke the taller clone out of his thoughts and he looked over at his brother who was standing in the doorway. "You coming?" He questioned, a raise to his brow as he scrutinized him.
Nodding, Crosshair joined the others in the room with a faint 'yeah' and flicked his toothpick aside.
The night went on without much more discourse about your "adventure" with the reg but Crosshair couldn't get the idea out of his head and he was increasingly becoming cranky. Far more cranky than usual. The trooper was practically seething at one point while taking apart his rifle for the fourth time, griping to himself and shoving the pieces together sharply. "Any harder and I think you'll bust it, Cross." Echo comments, stepping over to his bunk to lie down.
"Shut up." The sniper hissed grouchily, driving a piece together especially hard and pinching his finger. He cursed under his breath spitting out his toothpick and placing his finger in his mouth to numb the ache.
Hunter chuckled at the exchange, "Listen, if you're so bothered by her kissing that reg, why don't you go make up for lost time and stop making the air so sticky with your angst." The man lounged in his own bunk, twirling his vibroblade around nimbly.
Crosshair prickled at the remark and turned to look at Hunter with a dangerous glare. "What do you mean by that?" His voice was low and lethal as he spoke, daring his brother to repeat himself.
"I believe you heard him well enough, did you not?" Tech piped up from his workbench, accommodating his goggles to look over at Crosshair. "However, if you were not clear on his meaning, he was proposing that you go and kiss her to make your intentions apparent."
Crosshair's nasty glower slowly landed on his intelligent brother and narrowed even further, his brow now raising in challenge. "What in the galaxy are you idiots going on about?"
"Well, you want to kiss her, don't ya?" Wrecker chimed in with a careful voice, making sure he was following the conversation correctly. Echo suppressed a laugh at Crosshair's dumbfounded expression at his larger brother.
"Of course, he does, Wrecker," Tech replied in Crosshair's stead with a matter-of-fact tone, restarting his work on whatever gadget sat in front of him.
Crosshair growled, stood up from the crate he was sulking on and lurked out of the bunk room into the hallway. Gritting the toothpick between his teeth, he groused to himself again, brown eyes traveling in the direction of your door. Hunter's comments persisted in his mind about going to you and...
But Crosshair barely considered the thought and waved his hand in the air as if he could swat away the notion. There wasn't any way in all the galaxy he was going to show up at your door like some loser with a crush.
The tall sniper rolls his eyes and then blinks in shock as he finds himself in front of a door. Your door. "What the hell?" He murmured to himself in bewilderment, eyes narrowed as if the door could give him an explanation.
He stood there for a surprisingly long time, debating with himself mentally; attempting to figure out what to do. Knocking on the door would require him to follow through with something he could easily make a fool of himself with, or...he could turn away and continue to seeth in jealousy over you being with other men.
That had just struck Crosshair.
It was the first time the idea of him being jealous truly passed his thoughts, though it made sense...the sentiment lingering in his chest corresponding to the word flawlessly.
He was jealous.
Aggravatingly so.
He hated to admit it. The thought made him feel...vulnerable; as if you have power over him in some way. But if he considered it in more depth, you did. Secretly he had been admiring you for months, amazed at how you took his brazen nature in stride and followed thoroughly alongside his banter. It startled him, pleasantly, when you first quipped back at him so effortlessly- his brothers typically being the only ones able to handle their comebacks well enough to leave him in silence. However, within weeks with the group you had smoothly grinned at him and shot back as if his offensive mood hadn't phased you in the least. He'd found himself gravitating toward you after that, interested in why you were able to tolerate him so well, wondering if he could push you further or cross a line that would make you furious; to which he uncovered nothing. The only thing he'd encountered was your gentle nature, sparked by sass and a smirk that made his heart race.
A whooshing sound startled him back to the present and he was met with your face. "What the hell are you doing out here, Crosshair?" You asked with a bothered expression.
Apparently the decision had been made for him. He was fully aware that if he turned around now he'd never live it down and would seem like a coward. He'd also have to deal with hearing about you kissing other regs which irked him even more than the idea of his brothers teasing him for being a wuss. So he rested his weight on one of his hips and smirked at you, flicking his toothpick past you. "You seemed annoyed back there, sunshine." He chose to go the route of antagonizing you, his more preferred form of communication; especially when breaching a matter he felt out of his depths to manage.
You rolled your eyes, infuriated. "That's because you and your idiot brothers were being assholes. It's none of your business what I do in my free time."
"What if I want it to be?" Crosshair heard himself speak before he could stop it but he chose to remain steadfast in the face of your changing expression.
Your raised brow and slow hand gestures implored him to continue as if what he said was unfinished. "And so what if you did want that? I'm not your-" Then it hit you and a blush rushed over your cheeks.
The clone stood there and he could feel his hands trembling, uncharacteristically. He wasn't predisposed to anxiety, none of his brothers were, but now he felt as if his heart were going to leap out his chest and through his armor directly into your hands. Silence continued to linger between the two of you with only the narrowing of Crosshair's eyes as a reaction.
"Don't flatter yourself too much." Crosshair interrupts with a roll of his eyes, trying to fight off the embarrassment that started to creep up his own cheeks.
A smile began to form on your face, much to his dismay. "Crosshair...are you saying you're...jealous of that reg?" You were testing your luck and you knew it, he was never this clumsy in conversation with you but you couldn't help yourself when you caught the reddening of his cheeks.
"Stow it or I'll walk away right now." He hissed hatefully and crossed his arms over his chest, making no effort to move. While Crosshair despised the feeling of floundering he felt in the moment, he also found it...exciting. He was caught desperate and nervous in the sight of someone he cared for and your smile was stunning.
You chuckled at his expression, his face turning away from you to look down the hall where he'd come from. "You are jealous!" The triumph on your face was simultaneously aggravating and charming to the sniper, his trained eye taking in every detail even from his side glance. "I can't believe you're jealous because I kissed some reg, what are you a school girl? Little Crosshair feeling jealous because I kissed someone el-"
Your taunting was cut off quickly by the taller man as he covered your mouth with his; your eyes blowing wide. It was inelegant, awkward, and hurried but filled with an unexpected sweetness. You could feel his hands shaking as they held your face gently, his eyes squeezed shut. Scarcely given the chance to kiss him back before he pulled away, you grumbled in disappointment.
Crosshair stepped back out of your personal space with a dark blush across his cheeks, avoiding your eyes as he cleared his throat. He'd never felt so overwhelmed by emotion in all of his life and for him to act upon them in such a physical way left him tense.
"Crosshair..." You whispered his name with a grin, blinking a few times to make sure you were still in reality, not one of your many dreams. He peeked up at you momentarily and you could tell he would rather be shot by a blaster bolt than acknowledge that he'd just kissed you but you disregarded the look and stepped back up to him. "I'm gonna have to teach you how to kiss properly if you're going to want to keep doing that, ya know?" You teased softly.
Crosshair still denied any eye contact with you, missing the sweet expression on your face. "Th-That was my first kiss, so I don't know what you expected." His voice came out hastily by the end and had a bite to it, but you only chuckled at his shy behavior and kissed his cheek.
"I could tell." You joked lightly, a wise grin on your face.
Crosshair whipped his head to look at you, his glare fierce at your comment; which is what you had anticipated. You smiled up at him warmly and his heart leapt at the sight. Turning away from your captivating expression quickly, you hug him, resting your head against his chest plate.
"Wait! I'm sorry! I was just kidding!" You laughed at his pouting, knowing that you'd never let him live down the shade of red his face had gotten; even if just between the two of you.
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turtletaubwrites · 3 months
Slipping Away ~ Part 27
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This is part 27 of the poly series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader x Robin
Word Count: 4261
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 17 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
!!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc (through episode 307).
Summary: More dangers block your path as the Straw Hats keep pushing to free Robin. Help arrives in unexpected ways.
Rating/Warnings: AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Polyamory, Canon Typical Violence, Blood, Injuries, (Including Reader), Pet Names, Cigarettes (they're gross, don't smoke), Swearing, Angst, Fear, Heights, Nausea, Throwing Up (just heaving, nothing comes out), Drowning, Reader is not doing great, Dizziness, Explosions, Fear of Death, Hurt/Comfort
A/N: Hi y'all, I'm so sorry about the wait! These chapters following the arc have been taking me longer, and I got distracted with other stories/requests. But I'm here now! The next update will be out within a week, as well as an extra scene. Thank you so much for being patient with me 🙏🏼🖤
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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Blood splattered on the ground as Usopp dragged himself to all fours, his wrecked body stiff, yet shaking.
“I’m sorry, Sanji,” he coughed, more blood spreading around him. “I tried, but I couldn’t…”
A silent sob left your throat as Nami struggled to guide your pathetic, limp body. Your limbs were dead after clinging for your life for so long, and you hated that you couldn’t help Usopp off the ground.
“You’re alive, that’s what matters,” Sanji declared, his voice rough with emotion. Water dripped from his blonde hair as his eyes flicked to you for a moment, before comforting your friend. “Everyone has things that they can do and things that they can’t.”
The lump in your throat did not help to reduce your frustration at your uselessness. 
“Yeah, but,” Usopp mumbled, the wobble in his voice like a punch to the gut.
“Look outside,” Sanji commanded, Pointing through the gaping hole in the stone wall. The sight of those massive gates fell like a weight on your heart. A weight that stole your breath as it started to open, the huge metal slabs moving slowly, but not slowly enough.
“Robin,” Nami whispered, saying the name that you couldn’t with your dry throat.
“If those gates open up, and Robin goes through them,” Sanji warned, “we won’t have any way to follow her. She’ll cross waters infested with sea kings, then there’s the undersea prison, or the navy headquarters. Everywhere on the other side of those gates is beyond our reach. We’ll lose her forever.”
Sanji came to you, taking you from Nami’s arms to hold you against him for a moment. Your feet were getting a bit steadier, but his warmth was too much. You wanted to push him away as he kissed your temple, the tenderness shoving you closer to that edge of falling to pieces. 
“This is the worst situation, but in every situation, even one as bad as this, there’s always a chance,” he comforted, his eyes on Usopp as he helped you step toward Nami. 
She handed you her Clima-Tact, giving up her weapon for you to use as a makeshift cane before she pulled Usopp to his feet. His blood stained her clothes as she supported some of his weight with his bandaged arm around her shoulders. 
Sanji leaned in close to the sniper, reaching to touch his shoulder, but let his hand fall before gripping the wounded flesh.
“I'm gonna stay here, and do what you can’t do. We’ll get those keys. You need to do what I can’t do.”
“Huh,” Usopp questioned, head tilting toward the cook. 
“Think carefully, read the situation,” Sanji commanded, his rough voice giving you chills as the wolf man stalked ever closer. “As long as we have you there’s still a chance we can save Robin. You hear me, Usopp?”
Your bloodied friend started shaking, his question interrupted by a howl. 
You heard the metal slash of blades as Zoro battled the giraffe man, and in an instant the wolf was on Sanji, your lover yelling for you to leave as he blocked the attack.
“Come on, we gotta go,” Nami ordered with a grunt, fighting Usopp’s struggle to call for Sanji.
“Ow, Nami,” he complained as she yanked at him, “I’m still injured.”
“Well, staying here and getting killed will hurt more,” she scolded, their stumbling forms moving past you. 
Your boys. Teetering with the Clima-Tact, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from their fights. Battling agents of CP9, devil fruit users.
Blood, and broken stone, and hits that made you cringe.
They can win. We need to save her. 
Your movements were agonizingly slow, the makeshift cane slipping in your hands. Wiping your blood and dust stained palms on your shirt, you gritted your teeth, following Nami and Usopp out into the center stairway of the tower as fast as you could manage. 
The trek down the stairs had barely started when Usopp pulled away from Nami. He was limping, but practically buzzing with a manic gleam in his eyes.
“I get it!”
“Get what,” you called as he started rushing back up the stairs. 
“We can save Robin. As long as I’m here we can save her, damnit,” he declared with more true confidence than you’d ever heard from him before. Chills ran along your skin as the wounded sniper turned to face you, issuing a command that you had to follow. 
“Let’s go!”
Nami took her weapon back, offering you her shoulder as Usopp’s burst of energy sent him scampering away faster than you could have gone on your own.
“Fuck, I’m slowing you down,” you hissed, fighting for your body to move, your head still reeling from that antler ride you’d like to forget.
“Didn’t you hear Sanji’s speech,” Nami scolded, supporting your sluggish steps. “We’re a crew, Y/N. Helping each other is what we do, stupid.”
Her comforting words pulled a small smile from your lips that was quashed almost immediately as you struggled up the endless stairs. Usopp’s cheerful yells pushed you forward, and your legs were slowly feeling steadier. It seemed your headache was the biggest issue, dizziness staying with you as your limbs relearned how to function. 
Stepping into the sun was brutal. The light gray stone of the tower almost glowed beneath your feet, and you pulled away from Nami to cover your eyes from the glare. She wrapped your hand around her weapon again, moving ahead of you to watch Usopp at the edge.
You couldn’t get too close as your new fear of heights started closing your throat, so you stayed back. The bridge cut across the water in the distance, leading toward that now open gate, those massive metal doors like a gate to hell.
A hell that Robin was being dragged toward. 
“I see her,” Usopp cried out, prepping his new weapon. With Kabuto held in front of him, and his broken mask still showing rays around his face, Usopp's shadow really did look like some mythical warrior.
Nami took your free hand, inching you closer, but you had to take it back. Holding it above your eyes to cut the glare, you stared at the bridge, desperate to see her.
You saw people. Very small people. Marines in white moving across the bridge.
“Watch this,” Usopp commanded, humming his silly Sniper King song as he lined up his shot.
An urge to stop him tore through you. It was too far away, how could he see her, let alone aim to ensure she wouldn’t be hit?
But he was your friend, even if he wasn’t part of your crew anymore. You trusted him, but still held your breath.
Then you saw her. 
Two of those figures weren’t in white. One charged across the stone in a billowing, dark cloak. The other was in gleaming black, being dragged along the ground by the first.
This pathetic fucking man child. This scumbag that already didn’t deserve to open his stupid mouth again.
Spandam was dragging Robin behind him like she was trash. You wanted to rip his mask off, and smash his stupid mouth into the stone until he choked on his teeth. 
“Get him,” you growled.
“On it.”
The terror of waiting was replaced with pride and sick pleasure at the sight of that small, cloaked figure being blown away from Robin. You hoped that the smoke erupting around his head was enough to strangle the air from his lungs. 
Usopp hit him again, Spandam’s body flying down the steps of the bridge. And the sniper didn’t stop, sending blast after blast as those marines in white scattered, their shouts carrying across the water. 
Without meaning to, your voice joined Nami’s, cheering for Usopp as he wreaked havoc on your enemies. The praise seemed to set him on fire, his shots flying faster, laughter on his lips, singing his song while he blew them away. 
“Look,” Nami yelled, pointing toward that figure in black. 
Robin had broken away from the chaos, and was stumbling as she ran away from that gate. Toward you.
You cried out, ice filling your veins while the marines stood in a line as they faced her. It was hard to see clearly, especially with your head still pounding, but you knew what those movements meant. 
They were going to shoot her down.
Usopp kept shooting, but there were too many. There was no way he could take them all down in time. 
The three of you screamed for her as she fell to her knees.
You couldn’t look. You couldn’t look away. You could only scream her name, and hope that she heard you. That she knew she wasn't alone. 
The moment before the shots were fired lasted a century. A century in which you were trapped in stone, forced to watch and wait, helpless again. 
Your eyes almost shut when the sound of death exploded from that line of guns. But if they had, you wouldn’t have seen it. The moment that filled you with more forgiveness and gratitude than you’d ever felt before. 
The man whose family had stolen from your crew, who’d hurt Usopp. The pervy cyborg whose family was now fighting at your side. 
This strange man that you barely knew was standing in front of Robin, shielding her from the marines. He held his arms out, and took every single bullet that was meant for your love. For Robin.
“Hey! Sniper King? Needy?”
Zoro’s voice called up from what sounded like not too far down, but you couldn’t stick your head over the ledge to find out. 
“We’ve got the rest of the keys. Catch, and send them to Franky,” Sanji commanded as your eyes returned to the bridge. Franky was still standing, still protecting her.
“Can you do that, Sniper King,” Sanji questioned, his voice filled with his belief in your former crewmate. 
“Of course! Just throw the–”
“Catch,” Zoro yelled before a tied up bit of cloth came flying in front of Usopp.
Usopp caught it easily, tossing it in his hand.
“There’s more than keys in this.”
Usopp made you even dizzier as he leaned over to question the boys. 
“We stole a snail off an agent,” Sanji’s voice carried up “You still have one right?”
“Yes,” you choked out, confirming that it had survived the monster ride with you.
“Fucking shoot it already,” Zoro yelled.
Nami untied the bundle in Usopp’s hand, adding the remaining keys before securing it, nodding at the sniper.
Everyone was silent as he aimed. This shot would mean her freedom.
“Franky! Robin!”
You were shouting in the poor snail’s face, until Franky turned to pick up that tied up cloth.
“Oh gods, Robin,” you sighed through your tears. 
Nami took the snail from your shaky fingers as she smoothed her hand along your back. 
“All the keys are in the bundle. Franky, please unlock her!”
“Got it, but how did y’all–”
“Thank you, long-nose,” Robin interrupted. There was joy in her voice. Joy.  “That was wonderful.”
“It was the least I could do,” Usopp declared in that silly, pompous voice. If he wasn’t so close to the edge of the building, you would have hugged him. “The true heroes are those who fought to retrieve those keys from the enemy. The Straw Hats will be proud to have you back. Hold your head up high, and meet them with a smile when all of this has ended.” 
“Right,” Robin agreed, and even from a distance, you could see when she was freed. She stretched her arms above her head before pulling them down in front of her, and you knew exactly what was coming next.
“Seis Fleur.”
That powerful voice echoed through the transponder snail, just as a cloaked figure made its way to the front of the marines. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time to do this,” Robin purred, arms sprouting from his dark clothes as she smacked the shit out of Spandam.
“Fuck yeah,” you cheered, hearing the cacophony of slaps, and the whimpering cries of that sniveling piece of shit. 
The remaining marines scattered, rightfully fleeing in terror from her power. 
“Alright, let’s move,” Franky ordered with a laugh. “Get your asses over here. I’ll get everything ready for ya. We’re gonna bail.”
“Got it,” Nami agreed, storing the snail while Usopp called down.
“Did you guys hear that? Robin’s free, Franky says–”
“Get down here already, Sniper King,” Sanji yelled. 
You were squeezing the sides of your head, trying to relieve some of the pressure. The relief poured through your body, but almost made you feel more off balance. 
“Ha, everything went according to my plan,” Usopp hummed as he limped toward the stairs. He stopped abruptly, making Nami grumble as she almost ran into him. 
“What’s that,” he wondered, almost under his breath. “I swear I heard something.”
“Come on, we’ve gotta–”
Nami’s demand was cut short, all of you hunching and covering your ears as an explosion went off. It was easy to spot, a huge plume of black smoke rising from the metal fence surrounding the island. A marine ship firing on it’s own base. 
“These psychos are really going to destroy their own fucking island, and kill all their own people because some dumbass pushed a button,” you seethed, hearing the boys calling for you. 
Nausea rose as you neared that ledge again. 
“Things have gotten serious, Needy,” Zoro urged, making you bravely peek down at him on the balcony below while Nami held your hand. “Hurry up, and jump down from there. We need to go now.”
“Jump,” you choked, glad that Usopp cut in to be cowardly for you.
“Is that supposed to be a joke? I don’t have the same kind of freakish superhuman strength that you guys have, alright. And my bravery is not the life risking kind. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a normal super hero not a super super hero–”
“Don’t be babies,” Nami teased. “We’re almost home.”
Nami called down before leaping off the edge. 
“I’m fine,” she shouted as you looked over to see Sanji setting her down on her feet. “Come on, it was fu–”
At first you thought your body was fucking with you, all the looking down bringing that terror up. The crushing sound, the slipping of your unsteady feet, until there was nothing. Nothing holding you, nothing touching you, just you hanging onto the Clima-Tact as you spun. 
The rough scrape of broken stone flying across your legs tore your eyes open, but you closed them immediately. 
All that clinging, all that hell you went through to keep yourself from falling, and now you were falling to your death.
At least you got to hear your boys one last time, your name screamed from their lips.
It wasn’t stone.
The dreaded moment of impact came, along with the deep groan of whoever had caught you. 
“Needy, are you–”
The Clima-Tact clattered to the stone of the balcony, and the top of the tower finished crashing to the ground while you fought to crawl away. Zoro’s warm hands were just another sensation too many. 
But those hands held your hair back while you tried to throw up, soft voices floating around you as your head fought to split open. You whimpered as nothing came out, just spinning nausea, and your memory failing you as you tried to recall the last time you ate. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” he soothed, pulling you against his chest after your empty retches had turned into frantic breaths. “We have to go now, Needy.”
As he pulled you to your feet, Nami was there, rubbing your arm as she checked on you. She offered you her weapon, but Zoro shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Needy, but we need to go faster than you can walk. Do you want me to carry you in my arms, or do you wanna ride on my back?”
Nausea rolled in at the thought, but you bit the inside of your cheek, motioning for his back. You saw Sanji and Usopp having the same debate, Usopp wincing as he moved. 
“If you hadn’t torn my bandages–”
“If I hadn’t caught you, we would have had sniper crepes for lunch. Just get on,” Sanji demanded, until the five of you moved on three sets of feet. 
Down those endless stairs, the sky burned through the roof that was no longer there. The rhythmic bouncing of Zoro’s body had you clenching your teeth, closing your eyes to fight the spinning.
I’m going to be dizzy for the rest of my life.
If we survive.
You only knew that you had made it to the bottom as the downward falling motion of Zoro’s steps on the stairs shifted to a steady up and down that was still just as bad.
“Please don’t ever pick me up after this, you groaned against Zoro’s shoulder. “I don’t want to be carried anymore. Ever.”
His chuckle was cut short as a familiar voice called out. 
“This way, kiddies,” Kokoro ordered, and you opened your eyes just a bit to see her pointing down a dark corridor. Chopper was back in his normal, small form, his mouth hanging open in sleep as she had him strapped to her hip like some living purse.
“This leads to the bridge, come on!”
There was no time to argue or question. Just heavy steps echoing down the stone hallway that seemed to get colder with every step the swordsman took. 
“Try to pick up the pace, we’re in a hurry here,” Usopp rushed over Sanji’s shoulder.
“I could probably run faster if you were unconscious,” your cook threatened, and you were shocked to feel a weak smile on your lips. 
“How could you talk to your hero that way? Especially when I've been so seriously injured in the line of duty. All six of my ribs are broken!”
“You have more ribs than that,” Zoro huffed, pulling up beside them, “but if you don’t shut up, we’ll break the rest, and make you run. Got it?”
You smiled at Usopp from your carried positions as he kept complaining. Slowly, the feeling of a hammer hitting your brain was starting to lessen.
Not distant enough explosions had you tightening your body around Zoro’s back. 
“We’re almost out.”
His whispered comfort almost sunk in.
“What’s that?”
“I hear something weird down the tunnel.”
Usopp and Nami had spoken at once. The group stared down that cold corridor as you kept heading toward freedom. 
“We don’t have time to go worrying about weird sounds. We’ve gotta make those government jerks pay,” Kokoro said with a cough, still sounding drunk as if she’d been at the bar while you all fought for your lives. 
“Is that–”
“It’s water,” Usopp cried out, cutting Nami off. “Don’t you hear it? We need to run!”
No one stopped. You couldn’t hear anything over the rhythmic slap of feet against stone, and Zoro’s heavy breaths as you rested your head against him.
“We have to turn–”
“We’ve got nowhere else to go,” Sanji huffed, “we need to keep moving no matter–”
“Holy shit,” Nami cursed beside you, her voice breathy as everyone stopped running.
“Hang on, Needy.”
You cracked your eyes open, the horrifying sight matching the sound you could finally hear.
Zoro slashed at the stone wall, but even his swords couldn’t break through. 
“We’re underwater, dumbass,” Sanji spat as the group started running the other way.
Running for your lives. 
The stone walls made that rushing sound echo, surrounding you even before the cold death touched your skin.
“I’ve got you,” Zoro promised through gritted teeth while he sprinted ahead.
As he passed your friends, you saw the terror burning through them, sweat dripping from their faces. 
Your mind went hazy, just a little outside of your body as yet another chaotic force threatened those you loved. 
Zoro flipped around as the sound roared too close, gripping your knees against his waist as he took the brunt of that liquid force.
You wished you had stayed dissociated, stayed out of your freezing body. Zoro’s rapid turn had shaken you enough that you took a deep breath, but it took every scrap of energy in you to keep your mouth closed, to not scream into that watery void.
Slipping, slipping away. The spinning torture through the rapid water had you reaching for your aching head, releasing your hold around his shoulders.
Zoro never let go. His hold started to slip, but he clamped down on your legs until they ached.
At least we’ll die together.
Your tears never had a chance, they just mixed with the wave that would drown you all. 
“It’s alright. Just hang in there. I’m not going to let you die.”
A soothing voice washed over you, clear and calm through the flood. All you could do was fight to keep your mouth closed, letting yourself drift to wherever you might end up. 
But something pulled at you, interrupting that chaotic drift. Your eyes opened, but the water burned, the world nothing more than a painful blur. Something had snared you, tugging you closer to Zoro, and you could feel another wriggling body against your side. 
At least we’re all together. 
“I’m swimming as fast as this tail will let me! None of you are gonna die on my watch!”
Kokoro’s voice carried through the water, and you almost cried out, managing to clamp your hands over your lips as the bodies around you seemed to writhe against the shock. 
What the fuck?
But it was too long. You couldn’t hold it. 
The choking pain tore through your chest, the struggle to stay finally fading. 
Just cold.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
Too many hands rolled you onto your side as scorching water tore through your throat. 
Your stinging eyes watched the water that left your lungs as it spread across wood, staining the black clothes of the person holding your hair back.
The person whose many hands held your body, whose voice cracked as she repeated your name. 
She let out a cry of relief, pulling your body gently as she held you against her chest. 
“Is this real,” you breathed, managing to move your arms to wrap around her.
“It’s real. You saved me.”
You felt the warmth of her cheek against your temple, and if you’d had the energy, you would have wept.
“I didn’t do–” 
“You came for me, Y/N. And you saved me,” Robin countered before you could finish your thought. Many arms held you up so that she could look at you, and tears managed to fall from your tired eyes at the sight of her beautiful face. Stunning, even marred with dirt and blood. 
“I love you too,” she confessed, a wave of fear filling those eyes before she cried it away, laughing before she kissed your cold lips.
It didn’t matter where you were, or how much danger you were still in. Robin was holding you, kissing you. The two of you laughed and sobbed as voices moved around you, orbiting your perfect world. 
“Sweethearts, are you okay?”
Sanji’s rough voice moved closer, and you finally looked around to find yourself on a ship. An empty marine ship, whose deck was covered with your crew, and all the water they’d ripped from their lungs. 
Your cook crawled over, seeming hesitant to get too close. 
Robin reached out, and you smiled at that sweet look of awe on Sanji’s face as he gazed at her. 
“I love you, Robin,” Sanji cut her off, racing to touch both of you, a gentle hand on your cheeks. 
“I love you too, Sanji,” she said with a laugh, and your heart melted as they shared their own salty kiss. 
Cannon fire and shouting were distant as the three of you held each other, laughter and tears like a shield from the danger that remained. 
But it wasn’t complete. 
A shiver ran up your neck, a warm vibration pulling your eyes away from Robin and Sanji. 
Zoro sat with his back against the railing, giving you a small smile as you caught him staring. He shook his head when you held out your hand. 
A frown pulled at your smiling lips as he mouthed, ‘it’s okay,’ nodding his head toward your other lovers.
“Please,” you whispered, hoping he could see how much you wanted him too. 
How much you needed him. 
He coughed, wiping more water from his brow before he crawled across the deck.
You and Robin clung to each other, laughter and tears still spilling from you. Sanji poured out streams of praise and words of love as he hugged you both from behind Robin’s back.  
Your swordsman came to you, and his soaked body warmed yours as he wrapped his arms around you. He joined the group embrace without flinching away, pressing a wet kiss against your shoulder.
It was all worth it. You’d go through all of that again, just to have this perfect moment. 
All of your lovers holding you close. Safe, if only for the moment. 
All of your crew on this stolen ship, ready to escape this hell.
All of your…
Zoro’s body went rigid, leaving you cold again as he leapt to his feet. 
His words cut through it all. No more laughter or tears could be freed until his question had an answer.
“Where’s Luffy?”
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: I love them all so much 😭😭😭
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Tag List: @vinsmokesangio | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass | @egos-r-life | @shewrites02
Part 28
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 4 months
Loved ur panties kink scenario with medic, could you do one with sniper? <3
Sniper x fem!reader: pantie kink ‼️
Sniper definitely wasn’t the most sociable person.. that’s for sure. So of course he caught your attention. When he was around you always kept an eye on him. Not because he was concerning but because you were intrigued by how calm he was constantly. Like he was just taking in everything, always.
While you always pictured him as a gentlemen (professionals have standards after all 🤭🤕) you never would’ve guessed he’d be a thief. Much less a panty thief.
You walked out of your room to go get your yearly check up. It was a risky situation considering everyone was at the shared facility that day and you were only 5 doors down. Sniper took the initiative anyways. His heart racing, blood pumping, hands shaking. He sneakily slipped into your room and rummaged through your panty drawer, pulling out a small pair that were neatly folded. Quickly, he shoved them into his coat pocket and walked out like nothing had happened. Slowly shutting the door behind him then quickly made his way back to his van. (He’s such a filthy man I love it)
You left medics office after your check up and walked back to your room. Door slightly ajar. You pushed it open as if it was foreign for you to do so. Your pantie drawer was sloppily closed. You opened it and noticed how your panties were “attempted” to be folded back in the absence of a pair. You marched out of your room and into the living room where everyone was sitting, chatting and playing cards.
“Who was in my room?” You demanded and answer from all of the men
“Why?” Scout asked
Medic walked out to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water
“Because SOMEONE took a pair of my panties. That’s why scout.”
Everyone froze. Medic dropped his water bottle mid swig.
“What?” Engineer asked
“Ugh. You know what. Whatever. You’re all freaks. Stay out of my room.”
“Listen, no one was in your room. you’re crazy Y/n.” Spy replied
“My door was left open, my drawer was rummaged through and my panties are gone. What do you think happened, spy? Hmm?”
“You need to get some rest or something, collect yourself and then come and talk to us.”
Sniper walked in the room then froze at the sight in front of him.
You marched back to your room and slammed the door
Sniper walked over
“What was that about?” He inquired
“Y/n thinks someone took her panties or something.” Scout shrugged as he took a sip of his soda
“Who would do that?-“ sniper stood straight up.
“Who knows. Definitely wasn’t any of us, she’s probably PMSing or something.”
Everyone looked at scout
He looked up “what?”
“Stop talking.” Demoman said as he lifted an unlabeled bottle to his lips
Sniper left the room and went back to his van. He held the panties in his palms, they were so small compared to his hands.
His cock began growing. He unzipped his pants and took his cock out. He spit on his hand and pumped his cock until full hardness. Then he wrapped the fabric around himself, picturing your angry face as you walked back into your room, his sunglasses were fogging because his breath was hitching so much. He moaned out your name. His orgasm already was fast approaching.
You decided to leave your room to see what sniper was up to. Usually you knock but today you just barge into his van. The sight in front of you was.. erotic to say the least.
“What the fuck.” You froze
“Y/n!! What are you doing, Christ haven’t you ever heard of knocking??” He covered himself.
“I knew it. You dirty bastard.” You said as you walked over to him
“Look y/n it’s- not what it looks like. I was just-“
“Shut up.” You moved the cover from his lap. You were face to face with his hard cock that had YOUR panties around it.
“So.” You looked into his eyes “you couldn’t close the drawer all the way?” You giggled
Sniper stumbled his words.
“Hey, look, it’s ok. I kinda like this idea if im being honest.. can I help?” You asked as your reached your hand around his member
Sniper let out a deep moan and nodded
“Fuck. Bird listen.. I’m really- really- sorry..”
“Don’t worry about it, ok?”
He nodded.
You pursed your lips on the tip of his cock while you worked the fabric around him.
You felt something on top of your head, your eyes made contact with his. It was his hat.
“Figured if I’m wearing something of yours it was only fair” he smirked, flashing his sharp canines.
You smiled a little and rolled your eyes. Tongue pressed on the head of his cock, you decided to take the rest of him (that wasn’t covered by your panties) into your mouth. His moans became louder and more inconsistent, just like his thrusts.
“God.. y/n. I’m gonna cum. You’re too good at this” he smirked and leaned his head back.
You stopped “No. Look at me”
He lifted his head and did just like you said. The two of you made eye contact as you pumped and sucked his cock. His eyebrows furrowed and eyes fought to stay opened behind his sunglasses.
“Gonna- gonna cu-m..” you lifted your head and took the panties off his cock while still pumping him.
“Cum on my panties, Mick. I know you want to.” You smiled so sweetly as you said that his heart melted.
He nodded ecstatically. “Of course I do..”
you held your panties over the tip of his cock, allowing his cum to coat them and seep through the fabric. His song-like deep moans were music to your ears. You stood up as he was catching his breath.
You took your current pair of soaked panties off and tossed them at him.
“My turn now.” You said as you straddled his lap. Cock coming to life again. He took your wet panties and pressed them against his face.
“If you say so, I’ll gladly help.” He smirked again
You lined his cock up with your soaked cunt. Slipping the head in, allowing yourself to adjust before sliding down completely. You wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands rested on your hips, panties in hand. You bounced up and down on his cock.
“Fuck. You’re so big..” you lifted your shirt to show your bare tits as they bounced with your movements. Slamming yourself down repeatedly as you lost yourself in the pleasure of the stretch his cock gave you.
“I’m gonna cum again, Shelia..” your panties made their way to his face again. He inhaled the scent while you rode towards your orgasm
“Me too-“ you moaned in between words
Your orgasm hit you like a brick wall. You gripped his shoulders and moaned out his name with a few slurred curse words in the mix
Sniper gripped your hips and slammed you down his length as he came inside of your pussy. Filling you with his cum. You both sat in the silence of the mess you two had just made of yourselves.”
The silence was broken as you slid off of his cock
“Next time you can ask” you giggled
“You know I like the challenge before I get the catch”
The end 🤕
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hey, if it isn’t too much trouble and when you have all the energy you need, would you consider making (preferably fem!)reader x crosshair fic where some bad guy takes the reader and then after she is rescued the bad guy says “I should have killed your little girlfriend when i had the chance” id really like to see how you would express his emotions in this one, you capture all of the characters’ behaviour soooo well i love your works <3 ty for considering
This isn't going to end well.
Crosshair x Fem!Reader Short One-shot - The Fatal Mistake
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Warnings: Angst/Violence/Tiny Bit Of Fluff
Forgive me for making something up that isn't canon (yet).
After Crosshair managed to flee Hemlocks facility, he reunited with you, after months of being missing. The Doctor doesn't take it too well, especially since Tarkin is watching this failure critically.
Hemlocks spies know about you, and he gets hold of you. As Crosshair tries to free you, things turn ugly.
The Fatal Mistake
After the sound of gunshots fades, it is eerily quiet for a long moment. A deceptive silence that seems almost peaceful. Until a voice familiar to you breaks the silence.
Crosshair snarls, "You're in over your head, Doctor."
Hemlock knows what Crosshair can do, and yet he feels superior, his movements deliberate, slow and confident, like those of a predator. His posture carries the arrogance typical of a bully who feels superior to his victim.
He has you handcuffed in front of him like a shield, he is sure that he holds all the cards at the moment, even if Crosshair has taken out his men, and he is facing the Sniper alone.
"I don't think so," Hemlock replies in his calm, low voice, almost purring, "I have someone very close to your heart here, as you can see, and I intend to take advantage of the situation."
Crosshair tilts his head slightly forward, his gaze piercingly fixed on Hemlock, almost like a bull ready to charge at any moment. There's so much hatred in his amber eyes that even you feel it run down your spine, though you know that hatred isn't for you at all.
"Bringing her into this was a big mistake. If you take her from me, I have nothing left to lose, and I will walk over dead bodies to get her back," he growls.
Hemlock has one hand on your shoulder, with the other he points to the dead on the ground, the bullet holes still smoking.
"Yeah, I saw that. You've always been willing to take lives, even innocent lives, without hesitation, from what I've heard."
Crosshair grits his teeth, avoiding looking at your face for fear of the judgment that might lie within. He is well aware of his mistakes, and they've kept him up many a night.
"Those were different times, different circumstances," he says reluctantly.
Hemlock smiles and says unapologetically, "Tell yourself that if it makes you sleep better at night. But in fact, I know you hardly slept in the weeks before you were brought to me. Guilt?"
Crosshair doesn't dignify that question with a response, but instead demands, "Let her go."
You listen to the men, nervously. You know that your life or death is being decided here. You feel Hemlock's hand on your shoulder and the handcuffs cutting into the skin of your wrists.
A few minutes ago you thought you were lost, but Crosshair really showed up, he really came to save you. Fear and joy mix. You trust him, you trust that he will do the right thing. You force yourself to take a breath, to trust that Crosshair has the situation under control.
"Tell yourself that if it makes you sleep better at night. But in fact, I know you barely slept in the weeks before you were brought to me. Guilt?"
"Let her go."
You know about the conflict Crosshair still fights with himself regarding past actions of his. You don't judge him, even though the realization when you first learned some things was a shock.
Crosshair raises his rifle and Hemlock's hand shoots from your shoulder to your neck, pulling you closer to him. He doesn't strangle you, but the grip is firm enough to be uncomfortable. Both men are more than tense.
"Get your hands off her, now!"
"I'm inclined to take them from you just to see how far I can break you," Hemlock says, laughing softly.
You hear a gunshot, you feel Hemlock flinch behind you the next moment and let you go. Hastily, you dash forward and behind Crosshair, who hastily comes towards you and pushes you behind him.
The sniper growls, "There's a reason my name is Crosshair, you should know that, Hemlock. You didn't really think you could use her as a shield, did you?"
Hemlock lies on the ground, one hand, on the side of his neck, looking up at the two of you. He's not mortally wounded, probably would survive this. He looks at you, a biting smile on his lips as he says, "You cost me so much, the respect of my superiors, my project, everything. I should have killed her when I had the chance, only to see in your face how you are breaking inside."
Crosshair growls and slowly leans over him, like a predator sure of its prey.
"You won't get another chance at this"
The muzzle of the rifle tilts toward Hemlock's face. Hastily, you look away as Crosshair pulls the trigger several times at once. You smell burning skin, and flesh, and shake yourself. Automatically, you take a few shaky steps away from Hemlock, who is now lying dead on the ground, to escape the smell.
Crosshair hurriedly follows you, you hear him close behind you, "Are you hurt?"
You shake your head and say softly, "No, just still in a bit of shock."
Very slowly, almost tentatively, Crosshair grabs your shoulder, turns you around to face him and looks at you scrutinizing. His amber eyes roam over your face.
"Are you sure?" he asks gently.
You nod and say just as gently, "Thank you for saving me."
Crosshair relaxes a little, a small smirk twitching at the corners of his mouth, barely noticeable, but you know him well enough to see it. He kisses your temple, long and tenderly, maintaining contact for quite a while, a rare gesture.
"Of course. Anytime, Kitten."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Would you write top Usopp? I’d rlly love to see that! Maybe a shy dense reader (she) that he’s been flirting with until he finally went “y’know what? Fuck it” and just kisses her! Or anything you’d have in mind! (I love angst with happy ending, soo 👀 👉👈)
(Lil vent: I only ever see ppl writing him as a bottom and, while I don’t judge, I just rlly don’t/ can’t see that. Yeah, he’s anxious and can be a scaredy-cat, but he’s grown and when it matters he’s super brave and confident. I feel like ppl babyfy him a lot… so I’d love to see a top Usopp being all the confident and flirty for once! It’s kinda unfair how they babyfy him so much… anyway! I’m so sorry abt this impromptu vent!! Ik it was stupid, I just been thinking abt this a whole lot! Sorry again)
Anon, I love your beautiful mind. Your wish is my command, because your wish is also my wish. We are of one mind right now. I have written some Usopp for you, with some angst, and fluff, and some smut, and guess what? He's not a bottom! So there's that.
(I refuse to accept as Usopp as bottom so you and I can stand together on this hill. I'll make room. Usopp is courageous, and trustworthy. He knows how skilled he is, and isn't shy at all in my opinion! He just gets scared and honestly rightfully so! The situations they get into are absolutely bonkers. Not everyone is as fearless as Luffy. Never worry about ranting to me!! We can rant together)
hehe ANYWAY here is the fic. I could rant for three more paragraphs if you let me. Please enjoy the Usopp meal kiss kiss xoxo
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WORD COUNT: 1.7k (I could have easily written another 1k but thought i should stop while i was ahead)
A (BADLY WRITTEN) SUMMARY: Usopp doesn't understand why y/n can't just grasp the concept of him being into her??? So he makes a move because life is short.
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There wasn’t a target in all the seas that he couldn’t hit. No matter how far, no matter how fast. That was the guarantee. His legacy. Sniper King, Usopp the legend of East Blue.
However, with you, it was like flinging cotton balls as ammunition; not enough force, always falling too short, nothing stuck. 
It was true that you always laughed at his jokes, crinkling your button nose, chubby cheeks partially concealing your eyes. It was true that whenever he called your name, you whipped your head in his direction, never ignored him; not even once. It was true that sometimes he’d brush the back of his hand against yours, and sometimes–maybe once or twice, your pinkies had entwined as silence fell between you; an understanding of shaky possibilities.
It was also true that you never once answered truthfully when he asked you if you had a crush. Did he know them? It was also true that he called you pretty, funny, amazing and you had taken it all in stride with a quiet laugh, stating that he was too kind; too sweet. 
He wanted to be more than sweet. He wanted to be enticing, alluring. He wanted you to see him and feel fire wrap itself around your legs, and over your hips until you were consumed by nothing but thoughts of him. He wanted you to dream of him the way he dreamed of you at night; dream of his lips the way he dreamed of yours–their taste, their shape, the way his name would tumble out in an imaginary ecstasy.
Night after night, he struggled with himself. He’d run scenarios in his mind, wondering what else he could do, what else he could say. It bothered him enough to go to Sanji, risking humiliation. Sanji had laughed, before clapping one hand on his shoulder. Some people are like flowers, he had said as they shared a glass of wine. Sometimes they need a little extra push, a little bit more care, before they can bloom.
Usopp wanted to see you bloom. He wanted your petals to open up, to reveal the tender pink inside, like cherry trees in spring. He wanted to be the breeze that shakes your branches, scattering the essence of you everywhere to carry it with him wherever he went.
He smelled you in the ocean breeze as you stood on the deck, observing the sea as you often did. You turn to him and smile, hand outstretched to him. He doesn’t have the strength to deny you. He walks towards you, heart hammering loudly between his ribs. It seeks to escape, to run away from the scene. Usopp brings a hand up to calm it, he rubs a quick circle over his chest. He murmurs a quiet promise to himself. Today, he wouldn’t let you escape. Today, he’d make you understand.
You both look out at the ocean, watch the sun sink lower into the horizon. Orange ink spills in the skies, washes away and blends in with dusty blue. 
“Beautiful isn’t it?” you ask him, tilting your head up at him. He looks down at you with lips slightly parted. As if he couldn’t breathe enough. His dark brown eyes, deep and soulful, watch you and it feels as if he sees deeper than skin; deeper than flesh, sinews and bone. You swallow, trying to ignore the steady increase in body heat.
“Yeah,” he says, tearing his eyes away from you with the last shred of his will. He places an elbow on the railing of the Thousand Sunny to glance at the sunset casually. It was beautiful for sure, but the sight of your skin glowing was far more than that; far more than words he could ever utter. 
He should, though, shouldn’t he?
He swallows the nerves, they tangle in his throat. He hears you talking about something or the other; more than likely whatever shenanigans Luffy had gotten up to that day. He laughs just at the thought of it, your story barely registering. All he could do was stare at your moving lips, the way the corners of your mouth would curl up, the tiny flash of white teeth; he remembers at the most inopportune moment, he is aware, of his last dream where you sank your teeth into his shoulders to keep from crying out.
His hands shake, he feels pleasurable heat at the bottom of his belly. If he didn’t hold you tonight, if he didn’t kiss you until he was out of breath, he was as good as dead. He says your name, cutting off your speech. You blink at him, wondering when he had become so rude. You don’t get the chance to question him. His mouth is on yours, tightly pressed as one arm wraps around your waist. He pulls you in closer, fingers clutching at the fabric of your shirt; desperate to keep you close. His other hand buries in your hair, grabbing handfuls of it, bringing your mouth closer to his.
You feel your body freeze, adrenaline shooting bullseyes at every nerve. Bang, Bang, Bang! And at the source of the hit, warmth blooms; ink on paper, spreading heated fingers over your skin. 
He presses his tongue against your bottom lip, and feels the chapped skin. It doesn’t bother him. He just thinks he should kiss you more properly; tenderly, to make up for it. He has you in his embrace, tongue pushing past your lips. He claims yours for the taking, moaning softly as he sucks on it. When you come up for air, you are breathless; a small shiver rattles your senses.
“I like you so much,” he confesses against the baby hairs on your temple. He kisses your cheeks, brushes his plush lips against the shell of one ear. “I want you.” You don’t trust yourself to answer. Your legs feel weak, so you clasp fistfuls of his vest. He looks down at you through his curly lashes, his ragged breathing splashing against your mouth. He takes your silence as an answer, and envelopes your small hand in his large one to lead you away from the deck.
It is fortune’s grace that you meet no one on the way to his bedroom. He pushes the door open with too much force, and it slams against the opposing wall. The noise startles you, so he apologizes quickly as he closes it, ears heating up with embarrassment. 
He tries to forget his slip up by pulling you into his embrace again, kissing you with abandon. You were in his room; you, the elusive you. It was more than he could have ever hoped. He had dreamed, yes, time and time again but those were fantasy; a cheap copy of the real you. His imagination could not compare to the softness of the inside of your mouth, the meatiness of your hips that he gripped tightly enough to bruise. You whimper as he bites on your bottom lip, tugs on it with a strength you didn’t know he possessed.
Your tongue is in his mouth again when he picks you up by the ass, long brown fingers digging into your glutes. You moan, arms wrapping around his neck as you both fall back on the bed. His weight on your body is arousing. You can’t get past the idea of how domineering it feels, as if he could pin you down and you’d be too weak to resist. He was an incredible marksman. You knew this, but wondered if he was a mind reader as well. His fingers wrap around your wrists, and he pins them over your head, his free hand snaking under your shirt, pressing flat against your belly at an excruciatingly slow pace. His callouses palms, the roughness of his skin makes you shiver.
“Usopp,” you breathe, barely able to utter the syllables. Your legs move despite your will, rubbing together as if that would stop the slickness in your panties from spreading. You don't have the courage to ask for it, so you blush instead. The sight of you biting your lip, sinking in your shoulders as if you wanted to hide shouldn’t entice him; it shouldn’t make the throbbing erection in his pants any more worse but it does. He feels it twitch, feels the need to force you to look at him. So he leaves your skin alone to grab your chin between thumb and index finger. He pulls your chin upwards, watches you until you make eye contact.
You can barely stand to look at him. Sweat drops cling to his cinnamon skin, and as your fingers twitch you remember how warm he always feels. A heat floods your belly, oozing downwards. You feel yourself become wetter the longer he stares at you. 
“I want you to look at me,” he says as he lets go of your chin. His hand travels down the center of your breasts, fingers dancing lightly over your belly. Your breathing comes in short bursts; soft pants filling up the empty room. “Make sure you keep looking at me.”
His fingers brush along the inside of your thighs. You feel them ease under the skirt. You try not to close your eyes, they flutter briefly as he finds your heated cunt. You mutter something unintelligible, maybe his name? He doesn’t quite catch it but it makes him smile to see you falling apart so easily. He discovers the elastic of your panties with two fingers, pushes it aside to gently play with your wet folds.
You’re tethered to his gaze; dark, warm and hypnotizing. You lose yourself, sink into it, as if drowning at the deep end of a pool. Was breathing even necessary when his fingers so easily slipped inside of you? You cry out at the feel of them curving; searching. You bite your lip, before you gasp, panting. He never stops watching you, even as he picks up the pace, taking the hint from your moving hips. You were art in motion; a cascade of colors; a mixed medium of sound and touch. He was a mere consumer, delirious; his only desire was to have whatever you could possibly give him.
You cry out his name, and he feels a wish fulfilled. He buries his face in your neck, his curls brushing your cheek. 
“Perfect,” he mumbled against your neck, nipping the skin he found until little purple bruises showed up. He feels like an imposter. He wishes he could leave something better; the shape slightly different, anything to add to your beauty. “You’re so perfect.” Your moans ignite his passion, your fingers are under his shirt, running sharp nails down his back. “Let’s not stop here. Give me more. I want more.”
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 1 year
@silas-sullivan asked me this:
Alrighty! Thank you so so much <33 so sorry this is so long omg 😭
Im a pretty empathetic and helpful person! I like to help out whenever I have the chance, however i do have a bit of a short temper which ties into me being impatient in some situations ^^;; I always try to find the positives in things! I dont like to dwell on the could have beens or negative things much, even if theres some bad theres bound to be some good as well :) I try to stick to a who cares, we only live once mindset LMAO otherwise I do tend to be a bit impulsive which can lead to not that great decisions :,) SHBSJSJS (SORRY THIS IS SO LONG OMG)
Im 5ft! (I’ll be 6’3 someday,,, ONE DAY!! BAHAHA)
Hmm for physical looks, im asian-american! I have medium-short length wavy-ish? dark brown hair with the bottom half dyed orange! :) I have brown eyes as well. I’d like to think I look pretty masculine! (Or at least I hope so) I have a lot of scars on my arms ^^; and stretch marks on my upper thighs (which i think are really pretty :>> im a sucker for those) I have black painted nails aaaanndd,,, thats ab it!
Ouughh i LOVE styling outfits,, def sticking with the thin black sleeveless turtleneck+black sweatpants+combat boots tho (my fav outfit,, i love being comfy but also kinda cool 🏃‍♂️) I def try to go for punk?/intimidating ish outfits! I always end up sticking to black clothes LMAO but on other occasions I love sweaters!
Cant really think of any abilities or fighting styles, prob brute force or just being a sniper? as cool as swordfighting would be I do not have the ability for that BAHAHSJSJS If anything I think having smthn like shanks haki walk would be so sick
I love anything artistic! Photography, film, drawing, reading, music is a huge one(dont think i’ve gone a day without music JSBSJDHD), I love to cook as well! Im a big sucker for cats+birds,,, they’re so cute :,) <33 I enjoy adventuring and exploring new stuff! I dont like sitting still and doing nothing,, I prefer being on the go and doing lots of stuff :D I also like fruit (number 1 fav food 💪 RAAHHHH)
I dont really like super strong smells, really sensitive to smells for some reason 🏃‍♂️ I dont like eating mushrooms or olives that much, uhmmm- not a fan of huge expectations, or making decisions in a snap (BARE WITH ME IM SO INDECISIVE LMAO)
If you dont mind,, no fem!aligned characters? D: so sorryy
I don’t think I’ll give you the ability to do Shank’s haiki walk, mostly because it seems way too overpowered for this, but I will settle with the idea of letting you become a sniper instead with armament haiki and observation haiki.
I match you with…
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I feel like this would be a good partner for you, like the very best. Not because he’s a pervert with a very hopeless romantic flare to him, no, it goes so much deeper than any ocean in the world of One Piece
You both are almost always matching, or at the very least always complementing each other’s wardrobe tastes, you being more loose about what kind of stuff you wear. Occasionally Sanji will match you in comfy clothing, but more or less you guys are known to be stylish and very finessed. You sometimes do this fun thing where you pick out each other’s clothes for that day and needless to say, you both don’t hate when the other chooses for you
Loves to have you near him or even helping out in the kitchen, he could always use someone who won’t mess around in his kitchen and women are very much allowed in. Does end up allowing music to be played in less serious moments or a little bit on the quite side if he needs to focus, but he usually can’t say no to any of your requests
Can always be seen praising you on any of your hobbies in front of the crew and others, but in private he’s always trying to find a way to get some cuddles out of you while you might be reading, he can’t help it. You’re the only one who shows him loyalty outright when he needs the reassurance that you’re not just using him for what you want. Poor boy has been played enough, just let him win when it’s not in front of prying eyes
Actually prefers that you’re a sniper, makes it easier for you to stay hidden and out of a fight since your whole gig is to take out without being seen. But he does realize the disadvantage when you get pummeled into the ground and he couldn’t get to you right away because you were almost too far away. He now likes to stick closer to you in a fight so he can’t be so ridiculously far away, or at least be able to back you up when you need the help. Gets less anxious as you develop more skills and strength for far away combat to up close combat, but it never truly goes away after that first time with you being covered in blood getting punched into the earth like it was this brute’s last goal as he came up on the scene. He blames himself for allowing a woman of your caliber to get that badly injured
Is deeply enamored by all your beauty marks. If you let him when he sleeps in the same room as you, he’ll kiss every mark that’s available to touch. He wants you to never doubt your beauty, you are definitely a women to love with all of his heart. Maybe even get more serious and shows how much he loves all of you, marks and all~
Knows what it’s like to have a shit ton of expectations and never being able to succeed in any of them. What it’s like to have to make a decision that alters your life permanently, he’s done it. He comforts you by giving you a couple of options that make sense and tells you what you choose, he’ll back you up 100%. He can not not be serious about this, it drives him up the walls, he doesn’t want you to feel alone either. He’ll also offer long hugs to be able to soothe you, petting your hair as you vent out your frustrations about not being able to choose fast enough. To get better at this indecisiveness, he takes you to a fragrance shop on an island the ship is docked at the moment and asks you to choose before you guys have to go back for dinner, but he leads you how to make effective decisions. It’s still a learning process, but you’re getting better and he technically gets gifts from you as you pick out his new cologne
Definitely once in awhile you’ll butt heads, but a healthy relationship requires communication. Eventually you’ll make up by dancing in the kitchen to some slow music, swaying back and forth because the crew has gone to bed for the night. Sanji knows this where he can be the most vulnerable with you and you with him, due to the fact you both spill your undying loyalties to one another, promise acts of commitment for all of your lives you shall fulfill
You’re definitely the suave couple upfront, but on the flip side? You guys are romantics who never really left the honeymoon phase behind with how many dates you go on, giggling like little children on sugar highs no matter what the occasion is for or what you two end up doing
The follow ups are:
Roroanoa Zoro
Tralfalgar Water D. Law
That’s it for now! Hope you enjoyed it!
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tf2-dead · 3 years
Ok, this was funny to think about in my head so hopefully it will be fun for u too lol: How would some of the mercs (specifically: sniper, scout, demo, and engie) react to accidentally walking in on thier fem merc crush taking a shower?
The basic idea in my head was that each of the guys would be decent friends with their respective crush in this situation. So like they were looking for her around the base for some reason or another, and when they go to her room to look for her they hear a loud banging come from her bathroom (like a big soap bottle dropped kinda sound) and without thinking just go in out of concern????
But like, the door didn’t lock right and they can’t hear the water running before they just walk in and just see like the top half of thier crush in the middle of her shower??? THEY JUST NEVER CONSIDERED THAT SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SHOWERING, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN??? WHO WOULD DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT??? WHAT DO U THINK CUZ THINKING ABOUT THIS GOING DOWN MAKES ME LAUGH
BABAJAKWKW I will admit I’ve thought about this before. Also I think this ask cured my recent lack of motivation so thanks for that lmao
A/N: I like to keep all of my writing as gender neutral as I can so I won’t really be specifying any body parts or pronouns, although in demo’s one I do call the reader a woman once, but it’s more for a joke if anything. feel free to ignore it!!
//nakedness, Scout being horny
Walking in on reader showering
After hearing a loud bang emanate from the bathroom and you being nowhere in sight, Scout instantly decides to play the hero. He bursts through the door, not thinking logistically about what the noise could be
He practically chokes when he sees you, looking very surprised and very naked.
I will admit that he freezes and stares for a moment, eyes wandering as a blush slowly rises to his cheeks, a nosebleed is quite likely as well
That is until you scream at him to get out, at which he himself shrieks at the ferocity in your voice
He instantly slaps a hand over his eyes, stuttering out an incredibly flustered apology as he blinding stumbles backwards for the doorknob, bumping into anything and everything
He slams the door behind him with the force of an Ubercharge and basically just collapses against it on the other side, his chest heaving
May make somewhat suggestive comments and jokes about it afterwards but overall just uses it to cope with how embarrassed he is
Was taught by his mother about the wrath of angry women, and my god if he didn’t fear for his life at this very moment
He was only trying to be helpful, after endlessly pacing the base trying to find you, he hears a loud crash from the bathroom. Not thinking too much of it but still having the urge to investigate, he opens the door and finds himself facing you.
A shocked, showering, naked you.
Covers both of his eyes out of respect knowing damn well he only has one, and immediately expects a round of bullets to be fired into his chest - almost as fast as the apologies he’s hurling in your direction
He definitely runs face first into the wall by the door trying to get out
Is incredibly embarrassed and expects you to hate him for it, apologises profusely at every moment he can
Will beat himself up about it until you verbally say you’ve forgiven him
He’s the most rational and calm out of all of them I’d say
He hears the crash of something hitting the ground and immediately rushes to what he thinks is your aid. He first knocks on the bathroom door and asks if you’re okay, thinking that perhaps you’ve hurt yourself.
It’s only when he gets no answer that he barges in and immediately yelps in surprise when he sees you showering
When you turn to him with wide eyes and a shocked expression his mouth overflows with apologies as he awkwardly backs out of the room, keeping his eyes on the floor, and slams the door shut. Through it, he stutters whilst asking if you’re okay and what the noise was.
At hearing that it was nothing he once again apologies and leaves, going back to his workshop only to find he can get nothing done due to him being distracted
He will later properly apologise about the ordeal in private
Like Engie, when he hears the bang he only meant to ask through the door what the noise was, but after hearing no response he leans up against it to listen for any noise inside.
Unbeknownst to him, its left unlocked and it swings open, causing him to stumble forwards into the bathroom, being left face to face with you in your birthday suit.
He immediately shoots up straight and sort of just…stands there.
He doesn’t really know what to do or say as a bright blush rises to his cheeks and his eyes are desperately trying to look anywhere but you, his arms glued to his sides
He will probably cough to try and alleviate some of the tension but after seeing your very confused, almost concerned expression, will silently walk out whilst pulling his hat over his eyes and mumbling a quiet apology
Definitely can’t face you for a while afterwards and is plagued with the image of your naked body, he will silently admit it gets very annoying when he’s trying to snipe
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Hi hello! So pleased to hear your requests are open! Can I please request for a marriage au mafia style where the reader gets hurt or assaulted by the rival gang in front of him and due to being restraint he can't get to her and he cries and begs for her stop. Then thankfully Chan and the others come to the rescue and you want nothing more than to be in chnagbins arms. Maybe a lot of angst and fluff afterwards too. Can't wait to see what you come up with 💕
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Changbin
Warnings: Mention of violence and blood; cursing and language; lots of angst and some fluff at the end; mature content
Genre: Mafia AU; Established Relationship
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Where are you?
It feels like a dream. The very strange sensation of that in-between state because you were incapable of distinguishing consciousness from something less than. 
Am I alive?
You must be, aware of the sensation of cold, shivers running down your spine, raising little bumps across your arms...
What? Did you hear that?
“Y/N!” the voice came again. More urgently this time.
You realized then, with the grounding agency of that sound, that your eyes were closed, but it was a struggle to open them, slowly coming back from whatever had sucked you down, wincing at the dull pain in your head.
“Y/N,” the voice sighed this time. Like it was relieved to see you cognizant. “Tell me you’re okay, love.”
It hit you at that moment, the sound of the voice. One you could recognize no matter the degree of darkness holding you under, and you managed to open your eyes enough to meet Changbin’s gaze from across the room. 
“Changbin?” you questioned. Or, at least, you thought you said his name. You couldn’t be sure since the sounds around you made it seem like your head was underneath water, distorting everything, and the roof of your mouth was dry and tasteless.
“That’s right, love,” Changbin said, and you struggled to keep him in your line of vision, watching his form swim and dance in strange directions.
“I don’t feel good,” you admitted, hearing what might’ve been a sharp intake of breath.
“Where does it hurt?” Changbin asked, and you frowned at how difficult the question was since you weren’t sure how to answer it.
There was too much numbness, and you were far more concerned with restoring your senses, slowly feeling your ears open back up and the things surrounding you come into focus.
Meanwhile, Changbin was still talking. “I’ll kill them all,” he growled. “This was never supposed to happen.”
Them? you thought to yourself vacantly, gingerly turning around as much as your bindings would allow, realizing only after a brief relapse of confusion that your hands and legs were tied to the metal chair you sat on. 
“Where are we?” you asked, finding your voice amidst everything else.
“I’m not sure,” Changbin whispered, and he suddenly sat upright in his chair, eyes narrowing and features taking on that practiced hardening that you associated with your husband at his most dangerous.
But a Changbin bound and tied by seemingly impossible to escape restraints didn’t exactly scream power to you. In fact, it seemed more like a power imbalance, and you were left reeling for answers when the sound of a distant door opening and then closing filled the space between you both.
“I see you’re awake now,” an unfamiliar figure announced, voice slightly accented. He walked with an arrogant swagger, matching the exaggerated steps he took and the smirk he wore on his grizzled features. “We’ve been waiting.”
“Don’t touch her!” Changbin snapped, jerking against his restraints as the veins in his neck visibly popped in response to his obvious anger and frustration. 
“Who? The girl?” the man asked with a lazy gesturing towards you. “Then you’ll give us answers, no?”
“What do you want?” Changbin asked, and you noted how his fingers were clenched tightly against the arm rests attached to his chair.
“The new shipment of weapons,” the man said. “Your men took them from us the other night. Came in and shot my best sniper.”
Changbin sighed, clearly frustrated. “They were originally assigned to us.”
“But then we made a better deal!” the man growled. “It was my name on that contract, and you had no right to interfere.”
“Says who?” Changbin asked, fishing for more information.
“I can’t tell you that,” the man replied. “I’m only the messenger.”
“You act like it’s more than that.”
“Oh?” the man smirked. “Well, I am a big deal.”
Changbin glowered at the arrogance. “I don’t lead the organization.”
“I know, but you’re an important player,” the man continued. “And your name was everywhere when I started investigating.”
“The weapons were a necessary exchange,” Changbin argued.
“But they were ours!” the man declared passionately, and Changbin knew better than to try to argue with someone so overzealous.
“Fine,” Changbin huffed. “I’ll have my men restore the weapons.”
“Wonderful,” the man sighed, tucking his hands into his pocket. “There is one more thing, though.”
“One more?” Changbin snorted.
“I know of your importance, Mr. Seo,” the man said. “I assume that you’re someone in possession of good information.”
“Like what?”
“Like that little bar you opened downtown,” the man continued, taking another step closer. 
You froze when he pulled a knife from his pocket, studying the way the light reflected off the harsh metal. “What about it?” Changbin grumbled, eyes focused on the obvious danger in the room.
“I’m curious about its sudden success,” he said, and you shivered when he started circling your chair. “Seems like something is missing.”
“Just good business,” Changbin said, but you could tell he was trying to get one step ahead of the guy - discerning the meaning of this unexpected conversation.
“Or, you figured out how to delegitimize the competition,” the man harshly exhaled, and you whimpered when you felt the cold blade of the knife tease the sensitive skin of your neck. 
Changbin sat up just a little higher, biceps flexing against his restraints. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Obviously,” the man hissed, digging the blade just enough to draw a tiny pinprick of blood. “You’ve sent your men undercover to spy on my business! To spread rumors and lies and turn my clientele away!”
Changbin chuckled at the outrageous claim, but it was devoid of any humor. “You probably fucked your business over yourself.”
“Do you think I’m a fool?” the man growled, searing metal against flesh. “I know men like you, Mr. Seo, and I’m willing to bet that you’ve played a bigger part than what you’ve let on.”
“I have better things to do than fuck with some second rate booze club,” Changbin growled. “We’ve got clubs all over downtown. They’ve all been successful, and it has nothing to do with sending off the competition.”
Changbin smirked then, something harsh and mocking. “Maybe you’re just a really bad businessman.”
But it was the wrong thing to say, and you withheld a scream of terror when the man suddenly wrapped biting fingers into your hair. “You want to save your cocksleeve?” he growled, gripping even tighter to your aching scalp and wrenching your head back to expose your throat and the small laceration he had left there on the smooth skin. A puddle of red amidst the rest. “Tell me why you did it!”
“I can’t!” Changbin snarled in return. “My guys never stepped foot in your territory.”
“LIES!” the man roared, and you were teetering precariously in your chair, back legs lifted from the safety of the floor.
“If you hurt her,” Changbin said, and his tone was staggered and weak. “I will make sure you suffer a thousand times worse.”
The man laughed, incredulous as he looked around the room. “And what do you plan to do about it?”
Silent tears fell down your glistening cheeks as you felt the man’s warm breath against the side of your face. “Maybe violence isn’t enough for you. Maybe I need to get what I need by other means.”
Your stomach dropped at the guttural tone, trying to meet Changbin’s eyes from across the room. “You’ve been warned,” Changbin said. “The grave you’ve dug for yourself is deep enough.”
“Oh?” the man laughed. “Well, since you think you’re in such control here, let me remind of you of the reality of the situation...”
“Changbin!” you cried when you were abruptly lifted from your chair, knife cutting through the ropes binding you, sending you colliding back against the solid mass of an unfamiliar form, loose hands roaming across your torso. 
Changbin’s voice was just veering on the edge of desperate, recognizing that you were in no position for him to sound anything less than serious. 
“Stop?” your captor repeated in a mocking tone, and you felt the blade of the knife return to your throat, slicing down harder and finally triggering the hair-raising scream that you had been suppressing. Trying to be brave for Changbin.
“You can’t do this!” Changbin cried, and you were amazed to see the faint rivulet of a tear stain - the mark of weakness that your husband tried so hard to suppress in this violent line of work.
If you thought about it, there were only a handful of times that you had ever seen Changbin cry.
“I’ll do anything,” Changbin whispered. “I’ll even take her place! Just don’t hurt her anymore.”
“Hmmm?” Your captor relinquished his threatening attack, and you could breath a little easier when he turned his attention back to Changbin.“What if I offer you a compromise? Tell me how you’ve managed your business affairs, and I won’t kill your little plaything.”
Changbin inhaled sharply, gaze full of a sinister rage you knew was reserved for his greatest enemies. “You’ll be screaming for a death of your own by the time I’m done with you.”
“You still don’t understand,” the man sighed, and you gasped when chapped lips brushed against your cheek. “Maybe I’ll fuck her first...”
“You won’t have the time.”
“Says who...”
He trailed off then. The last words you ever heard from your captor before an enormous explosion interrupted the tension, walls and floors shaking as dust and debris fell from the ceiling overhead.
You could feel the body behind you trembling as well, but you knew that it wasn’t from the explosion. It was from fear, and in a split second of panic, the man shoved you to the ground, and you yelped when your head collided hard against the concrete. 
You attempted to pull yourself back up, but there was something numbing and weighty keeping you on the floor, darkness swimming threateningly in front of your eyes once again.
There were familiar sounds: the sharp click of a gun, the whizzing of bullets flying overhead, and the cacophony of screams and yells.
The pain was keeping you from focusing, aware of vague figures passing in and out of your periphery, running and moving in all sorts of directions. It was chaos at its finest, and you were incapable of comprehending any of it. Instead, you could only focus on two things: the pounding of your pulse against your eardrums and the intermingled buzzing of familiar tones.
There was a hand on your shoulder, but you were incapable of responding to their call, succumbing to an irrefutable and dreamless sleep.
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The first thing you noticed when you were capable of understanding your surroundings, was the silky fabric of the bed sheets.
They were smooth to the touch and you flexed your fingers around them, humming in contentment when you silted open your eyes just enough to confirm that they belonged to you and Changbin. The ones you used on the King-sized bed in your shared room.
But therein lay the problem: you were alone in the bed, and the only voices you could hear certainly didn’t match the same tone of your husband.
You swallowed hard, flinching when the motion brought attention to the thick bandage around your neck, and upon touching the material, you were bombarded with a barrage of images reminding you of everything that had happened the previous night. 
It was enough to leave you shaking, seeking some form of comfort as you roused your body just enough to turn around to the sound of those voices, recognizing Chan, your husband’s boss, and Seungmin, the residential healer.
“Chan?” you groaned, grimacing at the dryness in your mouth.
“Y/N,” he acknowledged you, rushing over to your bedside in an instant. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” you said, watching as he lifted a bottle of water to hand to you.
“Drink this.”
You nodded, taking it from him. “Where’s Changbin?”
The question was met with silence, and you frowned when Chan and Seungmin exchanged quick glances. “Well, if nothing hurts, then I have other appointments,” Seungmin said, hurriedly dismissing himself from the room.
“Coward,” Chan muttered, but he was nothing but smiles for you, coming to sit down at your bedside. “Changbin...he’s busy.”
The answer wasn’t satisfactory, and your heart started beating a little faster. “Where?”
“Downstairs,” he said, and you knew exactly what that meant. 
“He brought him here?” you muttered, hating the idea of having someone like that under the same roof you called home. 
“Changbin insisted,” Chan replied, and you realized that he disapproved as well, but it still didn’t help your tender sensibilities, and you were ready to implode from the inside because you needed Changbin’s comfort.
“I need him,” you said, fixing Chan with a stern look. “Can you ask him to come up here?”
“He won’t be convinced until he’s done,” Chan said, but his gaze was soft as he leaned in closer. “I can help, if you’d like.”
It was a nice gesture, and normally you might take him up on an offer of comfort, but Chan wasn’t going to heal the turmoil bubbling inside of you.
The emotions burst forth, and your eyes had already glossed over from tears shedding themselves like dead leaves falling from a tree in the middle of a windstorm. “I just want Changbin,” you sobbed, and Chan was barely perceivable through the mess of your tears. 
You could tell Chan was upset by your dismissal, even as his fingers tried to brush away the wetness dotting your cheeks. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said, and it spoke to a history between the two of you that often when unsaid.
You had been given to Chan, your organization’s leader, as a peace offering from a rival mafia group. It was a cruel trade, and you resisted as much as you could, especially since, at first, you were meant to be his betrothed.
And you came into the Miroh Group with a determination to resist them to the very end.
Until Changbin stole your heart.
From there, you couldn’t believe that you had gotten so lucky, falling in love whole-heartedly, capable of forgiving Changbin’s worst sins.
Including his more sadistic tendencies.
“You can try to see him,” Chan said, seemingly satisfied after wiping away most of the evidence of your internal breakdown.
You nodded immediately, even though you understood that what you might find downstairs wouldn’t be anything comforting.
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You felt a little unsteady on your feet, even with Chan helping you down the concrete steps descending into a place you tended to avoid.
The smell of alcohol and blood were both overwhelming, and you stumbled on the final step, rearing back at the sound of a truly gruesome gurgle that reminded you too much of drowning. 
In the middle of the room you managed to make out Changbin, wearing dark pants and a white t-shirt, allowing you to see all the blood painting the texture in ugly patterns.
But then your attention wandered over to the poor soul strapped to the chair, barely recognizable because of the damage caused by your husband, the one who was gaping at you while holding a knife in one hand and scissors in the other.
"Y/N,” Changbin whispered. “Why aren’t you resting?”
You shook your head, looking past the gruesome, mangled damage to see the pained expression of your former captor. 
Changbin had made good on his threat to tear the asshole apart, and your stomach rolled at the awful display of violence.
Done at the hands of the man who made the sweetest love to you in the dark recesses of your bedroom.
Still, you craved his presence, falling into his open arms as he held you close after tossing aside his tools. “Shhh,” he whispered to calm your tears.
“You weren’t there when I woke up,” you sniffled.
“I’m sorry, love,” Changbin said, soothing your cries with soft cooing. 
You savored his closeness, tucking your chin over his shoulder and opening your eyes to look upon the decrepit appearance of your former captor. “What are you doing to him?” you asked, and you felt Changbin sigh as he pulled back from you.
“I know you don’t approve, love,” Changbin said, and he glanced down at his ruined t-shirt and jeans, drenched in blood. 
Under most circumstances, you would agree, but you felt your hand jumping to your throat, wrapping around the bandage covering your wound. 
Changbin frowned at the movement, likely remembering the events that led to your injuries. “Kill him,” you said, and both Changbin and Chan seemed taken aback by your response. It was completely out of character, coming from someone who often disapproved of the murderous part of their work. 
“Y/N,” Chan whispered, and you could see that he wore wariness on top of his horrified expression.
“Come upstairs soon,” you said, squeezing Changbin’s hand with your own. “I need you.”
Your husband nodded, looking at you with something akin to awe as you left the downstairs basement with Chan hot on your heels and torturous screams assaulting your ears. 
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Chan only left your bedroom once Changbin arrived, showered and clean, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. 
“Careful,” Chan whispered to him on the way out, and you shivered.
But there was nothing that could warm you up more than Changbin, and you even managed a smile when he climbed into the bed behind you, wrapping a strong arm around your waist to pull you closer. “Hi, princess,” he whispered, and you felt like bathing in the sensual tone of his voice.
“Changbin,” you sighed in return, turning around so that you could face him.
“It doesn’t hurt too much, does it love?” he asked, reaching out to tenderly stroke his fingers across your bandages. 
“Not anymore,” you said. “Seungmin did a good job.”
“He better,” Changbin rumbled, and you tried not to roll your eyes at your husband. 
“I was really upset earlier,” you said. “When I couldn’t find you.”
“That’s my fault, princess,” Changbin said. “I didn’t know you would wake-up so soon....and there were things I needed to take care of.”
You sighed, closing your eyes hard against a distant image of your mind conjuring the bloodied and ruined form of your captor. “Did you find out who he belonged to?”
“Yeah, a small organization under Park,” Changbin said. “He was more than willing to talk after I took one of his fingers.”
Your heart twisted at his nonchalant tone. “I guess you silenced him.”
Changbin hesitated, pausing to look at you with concern. “Are you mad at me?”
“Just...disappointed,” you said. “I couldn’t hold myself together.”
“It would’ve torn me apart,” Changbin replied. “If I let him go without making him suffer for touching my princess.”
You closed your eyes, feeling Changbin trail his fingers across your arm. “But you’re here now?”
“Of course,” Changbin agreed, leaning in to kiss you gently. “I’m yours, love. For as long as you need me to hold you.”
“Might be all night,” you said, moving up to kiss under his jaw. “I need you in a lot of ways.”
Changbin chuckled at your implications, leaving nothing to be imagined as you grazed one finger over the front of his sweatpants where his cock lay flaccid. He titled your chin at a better angle, a glaze of lust darkening his eyes. “When you feel better,” he purred. “I’ll take care of your little pussy.”
You shook at his seductive promise, curling even closer to him as Changbin’s thudding heart lulled you into a comfortable peace.
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of gun violence (just references to what happened last chapter, nothing new), hospitals, one swear word
A/N at bottom
Chapter 22
You managed to make the nurse feel bad enough for you that she gave you lots of extra Jell-O.
“Happy birthday, dear Jo,” you and Spencer sang, “Happy birthday to you.”
“Blow out the invisible candle!” you encouraged her.
“I promise we will get you an even bigger cake than before soon,” Spencer kissed her head as she ate a spoonful of the green Jell-O.
“It’s okay, I like Jell-O,” Jo said, outreaching the spoon towards Spencer.
“Me too,” he smiled, taking the bite off the spoon.
Spencer’s phone rang and you saw it displaying Hotch’s name. Spencer grabbed the phone and stood and you nodded at him in acknowledgement.
“Hey, Hotch” Spencer said as he stepped out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him.
“Reid, is there any way you could get back to the BAU?” Hotch asked.
“I really don’t feel comfortable leaving my family until the unsub is caught,” Spencer stated, watching you feed Jo another cup of Jell-O through the window.
“Not even if we sent two guards over,” Hotch asked.
“No sorry, I’m not leaving them. Can you fill me in over the phone?” Spencer responded.
“Yes, of course. I’m going to have Garcia call the hospital and fax some documents over to you so you can look them over. I’m setting you up on speaker in the conference room now,” Hotch stated.
“How’s everyone over there?” JJ asked.
“As good as can be expected. Y/N is sitting up now and she says her discomfort is minimal. And Jo seems to be enjoying the vast supply of Jell-O here. Oh also, Y/N and I are engaged,” he added.
“WHAT? Boy Wonder, you can’t keep springing huge news on us like it isn’t a big deal. You’re getting married!” Penelope squealed.
“Yes, I am,” Spencer smiled.
“Dr. and Mrs. Pretty Boy,” Derek grinned.
Everyone else gave their congratulations before getting to work.
“This unsub obviously has a vengeance against specifically Reid because we were all there and they only aimed for Reid’s family, probably because they knew it would inflict the most pain for him,” Emily stated.
“Garcia, search all past cases in which Reid was the primary on the takedown,” Hotch said.
“Sir, he was at the bureau for nearly seven years. There’s still hundreds,” Garcia replied.
“Garcia, filter out anyone who is still in prison. Focus on unsubs that have been recently released or escaped,” Spencer said.
Spencer heard Penelope clicking away at her keyboard through the phone.
“There’s no one you have put away that has escaped or been released in the past six months.”
“An unsub that has this much rage against Reid would have taken action before then,” Derek countered.
“Get a list of everyone I had to kill and focus on their friends and family. Maybe an anniversary is coming up that triggered them” Spencer spoke softly.
“Got it. We’ll update you later. Tell Y/N we all are sending our best,” Hotch said.
“And a muffin basket!” Penelope added.
Spencer was curled up on the tiny hospital bed with Jo and Y/N who were both napping when his phone rang.
“Do you remember the L.D.S.K. in Des Plaines, Illinois about 5 years ago?” Hotch asked.
“Yes, Phillip Dowd. He was an E.R. nurse taking shifts at multiple hospitals and wanted to save the people he shot to look good,” Spencer spoke softly.
“This unsub is exhibiting the same M.O. and you were the one who shot him in the hostage
situation. So, I had Garcia look up his relatives. He has a younger brother, Damon, who served in the army as well but was just recently dishonorably discharged after a long mission. That explains why he would target you now.”
“Of course. How did I not see this?” Spencer rubbed his eyes out of frustration.
“Your girlfriend, or should I say fiancée, was just shot. I think you have the right to not be exactly clear-headed right now,” Hotch assured him.
“Is he in custody?” Spencer asked, watching you start to stir next to him.
“Yes but he wants you to take his confession.”
“I’ll be there soon,” Spencer sighed and hung up.
“Who was that?” you whispered.
“They got the guy but I have to take his confession,” Spencer whispered back.
Spencer looked you in the eyes guiltily. He had to tell you that he was responsible for you getting shot. He was the one that the unsub was angry at.
“It’s all my fault,” he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek, “It’s the brother of an unsub I had to kill five years ago.”
“Love,” you wiped the tear off his cheek with your thumb, “you were not holding the gun pointed at me. This was not your fault. You were only doing what was right during that case,” you spoke softly but in a serious tone, “I need you to say it for me, please.”
“This...was not my fault,” Spencer sniffled.
“Good,” you gave him a kiss, “now go get the bad guy’s confession and then come back to us.”
Spencer entered the slightly chilly interrogation room with a file in his hand.
“Dr. Spencer Reid,” Damon smirked.
“Why did you do it?” Spencer asked flatly, taking a seat across from him.
“Try to kill your family at your daughter’s birthday party? Eye for an eye, Doctor,” he replied.
“Why wouldn’t you shoot me though? I’m the one you have a problem with,” Spencer asked, already knowing the answer.
“You’ve been shot before. That’s nothing new. Even if you died, your pain would be relatively minimal compared to watching a loved one bleed out in front of you knowing that you were the cause.”
Spencer’s mind flashed back to earlier when you made him state out loud that he was not responsible for any of this.
“This was your fault, not mine,” Spencer spoke firmly.
“Too bad, I’m not as good of a sniper as Phillip. Next time, I’ll have to practice more,” Damon made a fake gun with his fingers and pointed it up to Spencer’s head, pretending to shoot it.
“And I’ll make sure Mommy isn’t around to stop the bullet….you know what, maybe I’ll actually take two shots next time.”
“You son of a bitch,” Spencer leapt up from the table and tackled Damon to the floor.
Damon wasn’t in handcuffs but was already pinned to the floor before he knew what was happening. Spencer landed a few good punches on him before Hotch and Derek pulled him back.
“Stay away from them,” Spencer seethed.
“Are you going to do something about this rogue agent?” Damon demanded, wiping the blood from his nose.
“Technically, he’s a civilian and I’m only responsible for my team’s behavior so no. And it’s doctor, not agent,” Hotch put Damon back in handcuffs and escorted him out of the room.
A/N: so many people thought the unsub was cat adams but i already planned it to be like the LDSK in the park. i wasn’t originally planning on having cat be in this fic but should i write her in (this fic will still have a happy ending). also, this is a bit of a filler chapter but the next chapter is gonna be really long and i’m so busy this week so it may not be out until this weekend. i will post an update on here when i have a better idea of when it will be out. anyways...did you hear that??? i think it’s wedding bells...
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spencersmagic · 3 years
greet me with goodbye - part 7 of 505.
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masterlist // 505 series // taglist
summary: the last minutes in their relationship were always going to hurt. they just didn’t know it would hurt this much
couple: fem reader x spencer reid
category: pure angst.
warnings: no happy ending YET. i will be posting the second part, where there will be a happy ending, but for now its sad. mentions of insecurity and self-doubt, relationships falling apart, love deteriorating in a way that you could only describe in detail if you've seen two divorces in your lifetime and have had plenty of time to question whether love is rotten because its love or if it rots because of carelessness. i, as a self-preserving genius, choose nº2.
words: 2.1k
time to read: 12 minutes.
this fic describes love deteriorating in a way that you could only describe in detail if you've seen two divorces in your lifetime and have had plenty of time to question whether love is rotten because its love or if it rots because of carelessness. i, as a self-preserving genius, choose nº2.
i do want to say, though, that any type of feelings or thoughts are best when expressed. tell him that what he did to you was wrong. tell her that her behaviour hurt you. tell them you've fallen for them. subtext gets us nowhere.
Their relationship had become clumsy.
But not in the sweet way. The way they spoke to each other didn’t resemble the first steps a foal takes. Their arms weren’t learning their way around their world anymore. They weren’t studying how each other’s heartbeat sounded at their touch, their words, in the form of a whisper that promised the world. They weren’t clumsily hugging each other, turning into a tight embrace once their arms found their place.
It was more of a carelessness. The feeling that they were constantly avoiding a conversation, that dark matter between their hearts that only seemed to grow. Like two magnets similarly charged, they would always leave a sacred space between each other, only coming into close proximity of each other when absolutely necessary. Still, she still noticed him pulling away.
Or at least that’s what Y/N felt.
Her heart had always been filled with fear: fear of the unknown, of being too loud, of being too present, too absent, too much. And when she felt him pulling away, she felt her heart being pulled apart. But, what else could she do? She’d given him everything. She’d given so much of herself to him, in hopes of being enough. The idea that Spencer was pulling away because of something she’d done, made Y/N sick to the stomach.
Because, day after day, night after night, she would wake up and he would be gone. And he would be asleep by the time she came back from work, not to mention the avoidance she was shown by the resident genius in the bullpen.
Y/N wasn’t going to be the type of person that forces herself onto someone that doesn’t want anything to do with her. She is a lot of things; strong, caring, independent, intelligent and, above all, observing. If he wants to greet her with goodbye, if he wants to show her disregard in the form of over-the-shoulder, rushed, tiny hello’s and dismissive gestures, she’s not going to act any other way.
He treated her like she was poison. She had given him nothing but honey and kindness, but he treated her like all she had to offer him was ulcers and dry mouth.
Sleepless nights holding each other slowly became restless nights hugging themselves in hopes of finding comfort in their own embrace.
He started staying up on the couch. She acted like it was a mistake, like she knew he didn’t mean to fall asleep so far away from her. He was grateful for this.
Because every time their hands would brush up against each other, she would feel the same spark she’s been feeling for the past two years. And he would feel anxiety creep up from his toes, spreading all over his limbs and heart.
He didn’t like the feeling. He especially didn’t like where it came from.
So, he minimized the amount of physical proximity they had together, until it escalated to taking turns on the couch, pairing up with anybody else during cases, and handing information that was pertinent to the case through Penelope.
It’s better this way, he reminded himself through every breathing moment, it’s better this way.
Spencer had made the following calculations.
If he distances himself from her enough to be convincing, The Woman would either think that Spencer loves her, thus leaving the love of his life alone, to live in peace. Perhaps she would find someone who wouldn’t put her in danger as much as Spencer did. Perhaps he would make her smile in the way he hadn’t been able to in the past three weeks. No matter how heartbreaking the thought was, he knew for a fact that his heart would be crushed forever if Y/N spent the last moments of her life at the unfortunate end of the barrel of a shaking gun in the hands of The Woman, as she had introduced herself.
The first option, though more appealing, is still not enough to keep her safe. He needed to make sure that, at the end of the day, she would be able to come home, and he wouldn’t have the aching feeling inside of his chest where something like that could happen again.
Y/N was known to sleep through anything. She’d slept through 76% of their flights, making her the highest ranked among the team, as Spencer had calculated once after having one too many drinks. She had fallen asleep in bars when their friends had dragged them out for drinks. She had fallen asleep in bullpens, cars and helicopters.
It wasn’t a surprise that she could sleep through a call between Spencer and The Woman, as she had a sniper pointer aimed at her chest through the window.
The call, which he didn’t even want to think about, had started everything. It had started his sleepless nights; it had started his paranoia and fear of being seen with her. It had created a distance between the two of them that could only be mended once The Woman was apprehended, or dead.
Spencer preferred the last.
He had never felt such anger. Spencer wasn’t the type to hate, but when she saw the way The Woman had been smirking at him, hands firm but careless, as she grasped her weapon from the house balcony diagonal to them, he could only think the darkest thoughts. Terrible ideas came to mind, of torture and endless pain, where she was at the other end.
She had asked him how she looked. She had even posed for him as he sobbed quietly. He could only dream of exactly how good she’d look surrounded by the prettiest flowers, in a casket.
He wanted to hurt her. In ways he’d never dreamt of hurting anybody before.
From that moment on, he had been texted from an unknown caller. She had been making requests. Spencer, won’t you buy me a beautiful dress? Spencer, it’s our anniversary, I expect a gift. And the latest. Spencer, buy me flowers, won’t you? I’ve had a terrible day.
So he had gone out. Done all these things she wanted, out of pure fear. Because every time he closed his eyes, he would see the red dot around Y/N’s chest. He would see the way her soft breath made her chest rise and fall as she slept a dreamless sleep. And it paralyzed him.
Spencer had been feeling observed for the past three weeks. Every time she called, her language always indicated that she was somewhere close, watching: a comment about how handsome he looked, how sad Y/N looked traveling alone in the metro, how much his shirt complimented his eyes. So, how could he even think about talking to Hotch, or Prentiss, or anybody else about what was going on? She seemed to creep up in every corner he would turn, every store he would walk into. Every breathing minute had her voice stamped on it.
Spencer walked into their apartment. It felt like a chill rushing onto him, like a ghost walking through him. Perhaps he had, once again, forgotten to call their HVAC repairman. He had been doing that for a while now, as Y/N would note: forgotten to make an effort for her, to fight for her.
Maybe, just maybe, it was the change in scenery. The warmth that usually rushed onto both of them, in the form of hugs and physical care, the smell of freshly baked cookies, or candles, or incense, or anything that said I care about this space, and I care about you.
But that was long gone. Forgotten.
He had expected Y/N to be sleeping. Or at least, pretending to sleep. But as he walked in, he saw her cooking. She was cooking Rossi’s pasta, a dish they had all been taught one day when Rossi invited them for “family bonding time”.
Only she wasn’t cooking. Upon further inspection Spencer realized that she was leaning over the sink. Hyperventilating.
He wanted to rush to her side. To hug her and tell her that everything would be alright. That soon, he would give her everything. He would be there next to her every night, loving her, showing her just how much she’s worth in his eyes. But he can’t do such thing. Not when She could be close, watching.
“Y/N? What is wrong?” he kept his voice as monotonous as possible, and it broke her heart further. It destroyed the last hope it held. Selfishly, naïvely, even, she thought that he would rush to her side, to hug her, tell her he’s sorry for what he’s done. Hell, even to explain just why he was treating her like she was nothing but an inconvenience.
“I can’t do this anymore, Spencer. You know I can’t. It’s not who I am” she whispered between soft sobs.
All he wanted to do was tell her how much he loved her. That he never wanted to hurt her. He wanted to explain the situation at hand, that he’s cooking up a plan and that, once The Woman disappears, they can go back to normal. But he stood there, emotionless. Like he was looking right past her.
She grabbed her coat, put on her boots and rushed out. Not another word was wasted in the rotten relationship that they had wanted to let flourish in that apartment.
He watched her leave before everything settled. Like dust - like tiny particles that had accumulated due to the carelessness, lack of trying.
When they started their relationship, Spencer had gone out of his way to make her feel loved.
He knew how much she had worked to get to where she is in terms of self-confidence and love. He knew just how hard it had been for her, because Spencer had been there every step of the way. He had loved her through every moment where she couldn’t love herself. He had introduced her to the world of affirmations, and how important it is for her to remind herself every single morning that she’s worthy of love, that she is allowed to take up space and that she’s beautiful.
After their first fight, which was instigated by the feeling she constantly had of not feeling enough, resulting in some harmful words said and some feelings left unexpressed, he made sure she knew just how much he loved her. He told her my love, I will love you until my heart stops beating. And, if, for any reason, I change my mind, which I know wont happen, I will immediately tell you. Until then, I will love you as much as you need. But you need to remind yourself, too.
As she walked out of the doorway, she affirmed once again.
Spencer is my boyfriend, he loves me, and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me. She added, he’s right behind me. He’s following me out because he cares about us, and wants to fight for what we have.
But as she turned around, he was gone.
And she was left only with the constant reminder that the embrace of the coat she had picked out could never replace the feeling of his arms around her, soothing her.
After what felt like forever, but was probably sometime around two hours, she decided to walk back to their shared apartment.
She had cried, called Penelope to tell her what happened, lied down on the grass looking up at the stars in that park they went on a picnic to during one of their first dates. She had screamed in anger, and kicked the ground, and cried over an ant she had stepped on accidentally.
She had made decisions. Decisions to go back, to leave him, make a bag with all of her belonging, the things that she had picked out to nourish an environment and relationship that was bound to fail. And she would leave.
But, as Y/N walked back, she found the front door open, the apartment trashed in a way that screamed threat, and a promise in the form of a note.
I know where you are. If you come looking for him, I will kill you both.
if you liked it, please consider liking and reblogging, or sending me an message.
super cool kid taglist: @lady-anon-x @username2002 @eoupe @galaxydefenderjulia @spencerreid-mgg @spenxerslut @urie-bowie-mercury @onyourfingertips @big-galaxy-chaos @fiftyshadesofspencerreid @tbuhgs @jswessie187
tags not working: @idontwantyourcookiesthanks
i love you all. stay happy, healthy and safe. 🤍🫂
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knightprincess · 3 years
Stay With Me (Echo x Fem Reader)
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Words: 1553 Warning: None, just a bit of love for Echo
Echo wasn't entirely sure when her touches began to leave invincible burn marks on his skin. He wasn't sure when her voice had began to haunt his quiet moments, but still it had happened. Fives and Jesse had often encouraged him before the Citidal mission, yet he hadn't followed through with it, finding himself somehow terrified by the mere thought of (Y/N) rejecting him, instead he had settled for friendship. Fives had been the one to tell (Y/N) about Echo's fate after the Citidal mission, he'd held her as her heart broke, as she lost control of her tears and as her anger for the situation finally hit her. When Fives was killed Rex was the one to tell (Y/N), yet he had stayed to comfort her, knowing the unhealed feelings from Echo's death had been brought back to the surface, the Captain dare not tell her, his suspicious her beloved Echo was alive, he dared not get her hopes up in case he had to shatter them again. 
Although (Y/N) was a medic, she had found popularity among the 501st, often working along side Kix on the many cruel battlefields. For the most part it didn't effect her, but there were times something had been too much for her to handle. No number of exams and tests could prepare anyone for the harsh reality of war. Echo had taken a particular liking to (Y/N), he had instantly been attracted to her beauty. More than once he'd gotten an injury on purpose just to see her. Kix had caught on quickly but said nothing as he asked (Y/N) to tend to the Arc Trooper. A comment or two slipping from his lips as he did so. Kix had also been the one to encourage her when it come to her unspoken feelings for Echo. Yet he'd seen how much her heart broken when the boys comes back from the Citidal. (Y/N) had planned to tell Echo then and ask him out on a date, instead she had been told of Echo's apparent death. 
Jesse had been the one to tell (Y/N) about the theory of Echo being alive, with Rex's permission, he had told her about the mission to the opposite side of Anaxes with Clone Force 99. About the alga rhythm's voice and the answer given when asked who it was. CT-1409. In that very moment (Y/N) had allowed herself to hope again, her heart had done a few flips at the possibility of her Echo coming back. A lot of troops had noticed you hadn't been the same since Echo and Five's deaths. 
"General Skywalker" spoke (Y/N), as she found the heroic Jedi Knight, he made a point of knowing her after hearing the whispers of his troops. He'd quickly understood why so many of them had taken such a liking to her, not only was she a brilliant medic, but she also showed a love for each of them, always making sure to remember each name and how to tell them apart, a joke or two thrown in while attending to their battle wounds. "Permission to join the mission to Skako minor" she asked, being professional. She had prepared herself for being told to stay behind, she knew there were a lot of troops still in need of medical care, yet she had hope she would be granted permission to go along, offering her medical services should the small team need it. 
"Permission granted (Y/N)" calmly spoke Anakin, placing a hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner, knowing she could offer something many others couldn't. Not only was she positive on the battle field, but she also had skills in other areas. Plus he knew if Echo was there, she'd be one the Arc Trooper wanted to see. "Your skills are valuable. All I ask is you follow my orders. I don't think I could bare for you and Echo to be reunited only for one of you to be lost again" added the Jedi Knight, being sure to make it clear he wouldn't do anything to put her in direct danger. Yet also showing his support for what he could clearly see was there, even if it was something that had previous been unacted on. He could see how much brighter her eyes had become since Jesse had informed her of the discovery. 
The mission to Skako Minor was a success, although (Y/N) had been ordered to stay on the ship. Tech had informed her Echo had been found and they were attempting to make an escape. Just as he had informed her when they had gotten from the city. (Y/N) had waited patiently for the group to arrive, she knew Rex hadn't told Echo, she was there. Almost as he intended on it being a sweet surprise for the Arc Trooper. Especially when he knew Echo needed something, although the medical review with (Y/N) would likely be enough to remind Echo, he was still very much loved and missed during his absence. 
Although the medical review had to wait until the small battle was over. (Y/N) had once again been ordered back to the ship by Anakin, ensuring she would survive it. After it, the group gathered on the Marauder. Each needing some sort of attention. (Y/N) insisting of treating each of them, even if Crosshair and Anakin were being stubborn about not needing it, although she'd given them little choice in the matter. A few comments escaping Tech regarding Crosshair, with the sniper doing his best pout while being treated for the minor head wound. Rex had willingly allowed her to check him over, knowing well she was far more stubborn and generally cared for the well being of every trooper, no matter their rank or which legion they served with. 
Echo had been the last one treated at his own request. Finding himself nervous to be around (Y/N), especially after so long, although he felt his heart beat faster when she neared, he could help but hope she wouldn't look at him as she had done in the past. He hoped she wouldn't look over his with love in her eyes, he didn't want to be the one who let her down, especially when he didn't feel as if he could give her what he once could have. The Arc Trooper flinched slightly upon feeling her soft hands brush over his shoulders as she wrapped a blanket around him, being sure to keep him warm. She soon got to work, being sure to check the implants forced upon him. Although (Y/N) was pleased to have her Echo back, she could see he wasn't the same man he was before, he had lost the pride and confidence he had. Almost as if he had somehow convinced himself she wouldn't see him in the same way, in the short period they'd been reunited. 
"What's my diagnosis?" calmly asked Echo, a hint of the man he'd been peaking through his voice. The smile come back upon eye contact with (Y/N) being made. Yet (Y/N) could see through his unsure act, she could see he was attempting to be who was before to try and regain what he thought he had lost with you. 
"You'll live, although further testing is required in the med-bay" responded (Y/N), her normal soft grin appearing upon her lips, she was pleased to have him back yet found herself unsure how to say it without coming across as needy. The moment her eyes landed on him at the native village, she felt her broken heart begin to mend, she felt as if something she lost had been found again. Echo soon reached out for her hand, as she went to move away, the familiar burn of his skin where she had touched him, reminding him of the brave soldier he was and still could be if someone gave him a chance. 
"Only if you stay with me" responded Echo, as his fingers gently wrapped around her wrist, feeling the familiar yet welcome burn again. The sense of familiarity overwhelming him as she gave him the all to familiar smile filled with love, the same one she had given him multiple times before when he had flirted with her. The same smile that remained with him during his dull time as a prisoner of war, the same smile he was sure the Techno Union got fed up with seeing, as he often used the memory to block them out when he could. 
"You got it Trooper" voiced (Y/N), being sure to memorize every new detail, as she sat next to him. His drastic change in appearance doing little to bother her. She could tell he was still the same Echo, he was still the brave trooper he had been before. All be it a little broken, but she was certain, she could help fix him again, no matter how long it would take. He had unknowingly fixed her broken heart by coming back, so she was more than happy to help fix him in any way she could. Even if it was something as simple as being there when he needed her most. 
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mqgriett · 3 years
Crosshair- The Exam
Prompt: “You’re the only thing that matters”
Pairings: Crosshair x Fem!reader
Warnings: none!
Summary: you’ve been studying your ass off for a month trying to prepare for the exam that will dictate whether or not you get to go back to the 104th battalion as a medic. 
Notes: IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG thank you sm for requesting @lightning-wolffe
You shut off your data pad and pushed it under your armpit, squeezing it with your bicep to not let it fall from your grip as you open your textbook. Before you received the chance to re-read your highlighted notes you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“I heard that your boys landed in Hangar 5.” Kix chirped, pointing behind him with his thumb. He ran his opposite hand through his short brown hair, smiling kindly. 
You hummed in response, your attention mostly focused on your annotations. The big exam, one that basically determined whether or not you were allowed to return to your assigned Clone Force, was in three days. Every quiet moment was spent with you cracking open a textbook or reviewing your notes. Now that you thought about it, when was the last time you ate… or slept?
Kix quickened his pace and moved in front of you, using his index finger to push your book down to properly view your face. “You know the exam isn’t for another three days, right?” he asked. 
You pressed your lips in a thin line, “Unfortunately not everyone has a memory like yours. I need to study.” you said, closing your book and bopping him on the head with it lightly. 
He took the textbook from your hands, holding it up in the air until it was out of your reach. “Fives!” he called to someone you couldn’t see, “Batchers still here?” 
Behind you, the ARC trooper nodded, “Gonna be here for the next coupla hours. Engine is shot.” 
Kix let his guard down just long enough for you to grab your study materials back. You gently nudged him to the side and walked past, just wanting to get back to your quarters and study. 
The medic gave up, hurrying to catch up with Fives as you walked in the opposite direction. 
Were you dying to see the Bad Batch? Absolutely.
Did you have the time to? Unfortunately not.
Someone (a medic from the 212th apparently, but you tried not to believe rumors) had fucked up a month ago, and it costs you your privilege of being an on-site medic. All field nurses were sent back to Coruscant to retake the big medical exam to prove that they could still serve as medics. 
Unlike Kix, you took it very seriously. Getting anything below a 80% would make your chances of returning small. Only the top 45% of nurses would go back to their battalions while the other 55% stayed on Coruscant to continue their studies. 
The large metal door to your room slid open as you scanned your hand and you stepped inside. Without looking up, you wandered to your desk, which was covered in an assortment of different papers and sticky notes. 
Still reading your textbook, you typed in the access code for your online notes. After a few seconds an automated female voice began to quiz you on questions you had written down two weeks ago.
You stood up and undressed yourself, lazily pulling a dark brown shirt over your head and letting your hair fall loose from the bun that had sat on your head for the majority of the day. 
“Define Choledocholithiasis.” said the voice. 
“Stones in the gallbladder or common bile duct” you replied effortlessly, shuffling to your bathroom to fill the water compartment for your caf. 
You plugged the machine into the wall, allowing the slow drip of heavenly brown liquid to start as you sat back down at your desk. It gave you a moment to think about everything. Realistically, you were more qualified than half the shinies going in to take the exam. 
Kriff, you were wasting your time here. 
You pushed back from your desk and slid on the first pair of shoes that were near your door. 
The halls had quieted down for the most part, most of the clones eating dinner or heading to bed if they had an early start tomorrow morning. 
Massaging your scalp and yawning, you made your way to Hangar 5. 
You looked a little tired, but it didn’t matter as long as you got to see Crosshair. You knew none of them would care but especially not him, in the small window of time you two got alone he frequently told you how much he loved your messy hair. He wasn’t much of a verbal communicator when it came to your relationship, but he always made up for it in physical gestures. 
Rounding the final corner, your eyes began to scan the busy hangar for the marauder. You took back your thought from earlier, seeing that Hangar 5 was a lot more busy than you had anticipated. 
At least two different squadrons were shipping out, from what you could tell it was the 104th and 312th battalions. The blurred figures of grey and green armor made it difficult to keep your focus on one thing at a time. 
You carefully started to walk along the wall, ducking until a small cruiser as a short cut. 
After another ten minutes of searching you finally spotted a familiar face in the bottom right corner of the hangar. 
Tech typed away at his data pad, turning to shout something up at Wrecker, who was sitting on the top of the ship and swinging his legs like a mad man. 
Despite the excitement bubbling in your stomach, you took your time walking over to them. It was nice to just observe and laugh at their behavior for a few minutes, it lifted your spirits.
Once you were within vision to Wrecker, he didn’t hesitate to point and shout at you from the top of the Marauder. 
“Tech!” You called as he mindlessly searched for you in the crowd of people. 
He grinned widely, opening his arms up as you jogged over to him. He hugged you tightly, another pair of large arms suddenly wrapping around both of you. 
Wrecker finally set you two down, giving you an individual hug and swaying you from side to side. At one point you were almost choking. 
“Thought you were studying for the exam.” Tech said skeptically, eyeing you as if you would ever hide something from him. 
You shrugged, “priorities” you peeked over his shoulder, looking for a specific person. 
Tech noticed your wandering eyes and smiled, “Cross is taking inventory with Cody.” 
“Where’s Sarg?” you asked, linking your arm into his. 
“Talking to some of the blue regs.” Wrecker replied loudly, making a few of the 501st soldiers turn to look at him. The large clone was never one to be secretive when it came to addressing the other clones as “regs”. It often drew attention to the group, not necessarily the good kind either. 
From a distance you could see Hunter walking back towards the Marauder with Fives, both of them with their helmets at their hips. 
Sarg’s eyes lit up at the sight of you, his pace quickening as his urge to be with you grew. He hugged your torso tightly, allowing his arm to sling around your shoulder loosely afterwards. 
“It’s been a while.” He said, gently nudging you away from Fives before the ARC trooper could talk.
“It’s been two months. And I always call.” You replied, smiling. 
“You look exhausted.” Hunter pointed out quickly, looking down at the bags under your eyes. 
You shrugged, “could say the same for you Sarg.”
You four situated yourselves underneath the Marauder, sitting on top of a few power supplies and food crates. Hunter sat next to you, Wrecker and Tech mirroring both of you. 
“We were told you wouldn’t be coming down.” Hunter said, leaning back on his elbows. 
You raised a skeptical brow, “who told you that?”
“Fives” he answered nonchalantly, “why else would I be talking to him?”
His comment made your eyes roll, “be nice.” You warned, poking his stomach where armor didn’t cover him. 
Hunter swatted your hand away, briefly turning his head and smiling. “Look who’s back,” he jutted his thumb behind him, pointing to the two other clones making their way back to the ship.
Cody held a clipboard loosely at his side as he spoke to Crosshair, who carried his helmet against his hip. The 212th trooper laughed at something he said before saluting the sniper and walking in the opposite direction. 
You always seemed to forget how handsome Cross was in person. The blue hologram of him during your brief calls did nothing for his strong jawline and high cheekbones. The scruff along his jaw and neck was slightly more visible now, a grey shadow lingering along it. 
Pushing yourself off the crate, you broke into a swift jog towards him. For someone with perfect eyesight, he didn’t notice you coming until you were a few meters away. 
He opened his arms up, catching you perfectly as you jumped to him. 
His long arms held your waist completely as he lowered you to the ground, back arched due to his height compared to yours.“Didn't think you would come.” he said softly in your ear, his voice alone producing butterflies in your stomach. 
“I wanted to see you.” you replied, pulling away from him and moving to his side. 
Crosshair sent a small smirk to you, which was enough to indicate that he felt the same way. 
You walked side by side back to the rest of the group, shoulders touching and hands grazing against one another’s. The gestures were sweet, like the type you would make in school when you were younger. They were enough to make the other person feel loved without drawing too much attention. 
The Bad Batch, plus you, sat underneath their ship once more as the rest of the 104th took off in their ships. You waved to Sinker and Comet from the opposite side of the hangar, tossing over-dramatic kisses in their direction while they climbed up the steps. Another mission for them, one that you wouldn’t be going to. 
“When do you expect to return?” Tech asked from the top of his crate. You had situated yourself on a lower case, one that was used to store bombs and other small explosives. It kept you about seven or eight inches off the ground while Crosshair took your spot next to Hunter. 
You let out a long sigh, “I don’t even know if I’ll go back.”
“They need ya out there.” Wrecker replied, crossing his large legs like a child would. 
Crosshair could sense your unease and pushed himself off the crate, settling on the ground in front of you and leaning back so his head pressed against your chest. He let out a small chuckle, no doubt feeling your heartbeat quicken for a few moments. “They’ll take you back.” he said calmly, reaching for your hand and placing it atop his head. 
You began to run your fingers through his short, grey hair. “If I don’t get above an 80% then I’m not going back.” You mumbled. 
“Why 80?” Hunter asked innocently. 
“Because she’s a girl.” Wrecker replied loudly, having absolutely zero common sense as to who could be listening. 
Crosshair tense underneath you, muscles tightening against your legs, “Wrecker.” he seethed, using his brother’s full name. 
Your face dropped, cheeks heating up. He was right, but hearing someone finally say it out loud made it worse. That was the real reason you had been dedicating so many weeks to studying. Even if Kix received a 45% and you an 80%, they would choose him over you. Clones were bred to be intelligent. You were just a girl who somehow got Senator Palpatine to assign you to a clone squadron. 
You wiggled your way out from under Crosshair, stepping over the low crate of explosives and walking up the steps of the Marauder. It was cold inside but the chill felt so nice against your hot body. 
In all honesty, you wanted to cry. You wanted to go back to your room and bawl your eyes out until you physically couldn’t produce tears anymore. But you knew you couldn’t, that would be showing weakness. 
Soft footsteps echoed behind you, Cross’s monotone voice ringing in your ears shortly after, “he didn’t mean that.”
You shook your head, “No no, he’s right.” 
He took a few steps towards you, gently reaching for your wrist and pulling you into him. He rested his chin on your head, “you’ll do great on the exam.” 
You pushed off of him, needing a bit of air to keep from crying. You shook your wrists out and looked up at the ceiling, it helped a little bit. “Just nervous.” you muttered. 
He stayed silent, not exactly sure how to comfort you. Words frequently failed him and in the rare occasion that you were upset Tech was able to calm you down, but not this time. Crosshair wanted to make you feel better, no matter what it took. 
You hated being this vulnerable around anyone, the panic in your stomach growing every second of silence that passed. 
Taking a deep breath, you began to walk past him, “I need to go, you have more important things to-” 
He caught your bicep and spun you back around, other hand holding the small of your back as he kissed you. It was a deep, passionate, yet chaste, kiss. You melted into his grip, leaning backwards to force his lips onto yours more. You held the sides of his face, the small scruff on his jaw feeling immaculate against your own. 
He rested your foreheads together and quietly, barely audibly, whispered, “you’re the only thing that matters.” 
You were about to kiss him again when Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker walked through the door. 
Hunter smiled, “Guess who’s got a new nurse on the team.”
Your head cocked to the side, Wrecker looking like he was about to explode from excitement at any moment. “We do!” he bellowed, “and it’s you!” 
Mouth hanging open, you looked from Crosshair to the other three. “What?”
“Welcome to Clone Force 99, medic.” Hunter answered proudly.
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kominum · 3 years
semoto (corpse x fem!reader)
4 times you think tuxedo mask!corpse could be yours + 1 time you learn to stop feeding your own delusions 
pt. 1 + background info can be found here! please read for context. 
basic rundown of classic!sailor moon (anime) lore ‘creatively’ used in this two-part:
sailor moon and tuxedo mask are star-crossed lovers/soulmates that faced tragedy in a previous life. 
sailor mars (aka you/reader) had a crush on tuxedo mask’s non-hero persona, darien/mamoru, for a while 
sailor moon is the moon princess and tuxedo mask is the earth prince.  
sailor moon’s non-hero persona, usagi/serena, bickered a lot with darien/mamoru.
fem!reader // tw: death mentions, bodily injury, unrequited love to the very end, some unresolved tension. 
1. “Whaddup, baby?” 
Without much reason, you and Corpse trade off calling each other whenever a new monster is defeated. You’re figuring out all of this as much as he is, but he doesn’t have much guidance besides some supernatural force within him. He’s not taking instructions from a black cat and white cat like you and the other girls are who can help fill you in on the gaps -- all he knows is that he’s pivotal to maintaining Earth’s existence, and he’s not exactly thrilled about it.
But the calls are never about the fights, never about your secret identities. In fact, you’d be willing to bet half your grocery funds that he still hasn’t made the connection between you and your Sailor Mars persona and part of you wants to keep it that way. Sometimes you’re mentally exhausted and just want to forget about the events for the day or night, which is why you usually end up calling him soon after everyone disperses or vice versa. It’s almost instinctual these days, and you wonder how long it’ll be before you accidentally crack. 
Right now, the rule of thumb seems to be, “Never trust new flashy shops that open with no warning and have too-good-to-be-true grand opening offers.” This time, some luxurious salon opened up by a famous local hairdresser had been the said attraction. All of you weren’t ignorant enough to believe the sham, but the star of the show had taken the chance to say, “Let’s go scope it out!” when really, she wanted that free haircut. You had called her out on it, but she argued that if anything happened, then perfect, you all could take care of it right then and there. Needless to say, you do not want to be attacked by a monstrous version of Edward Scissorhands ever again. Corpse had made a dark, humorous entrance, a style he’s really adapted to because he knows it pisses Sailor Moon off, 
About an hour later, you’re home and bandaging up some cuts and rubbing salve on bruises, phone on speaker and dial tone blaring through the bathroom. You’re addressing the scrape on your knee when he picks up, a low drawl of, “Whaddup, baby?” comes through and your heart stutters.
The girls call you a number of terms of endearment: sweetie, honey, love, dear, babe, queen, but the last person to address you as ‘baby’ with any amount of affection was your ex-boyfriend.
You scoff to hide how flustered you actually are, quietly hissing as you attempt to put some Neosporin on the scrape and catch onto some stray skin. “Are you drunk?” You ask jokingly, knowing full well he wasn’t. 
“Drunk? Nah. Tired? Yeah. But that’s always.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
“It’s old news. But uh, what’s up? Been a while since we last talked.”
“We talked like...three days ago. You called me, remember?”
“Feels like forever. I like talking to you.” 
You wonder if it’s irony or plain, cruel fate that this man will probably be the death of you.
2. “Don’t lay a fucking hand on her.”
It’d been a bad day overall. Lack of sleep compiled on by a growing pile of assignments in addition to having to get your tires checked out for an air leak because your car said, “Not today, honey,” -- everything came together in torrential hurricane and the last thing you needed was to be caught fighting another force of evil.
You’re so tired.
Sailor Moon seems to have all the energy in the world as she dodges attacks left and right, but your muscles are screaming in agony. You’re constantly hunched over and panting, but looking for the right openings to weaken the monster. Luckily, the creature has its back towards you when it dashes over to Venus and you muster everything you have to summon a bow and arrow made of fire, pulling back and making sure your arms don’t quiver. 
But at the last second, your lack of oxygen gets the best of you and your flame sniper barely manages to graze the monster’s side and narrowly avoid Jupiter. It’s enough to cause a distraction, but the anger in its glare as it’s directed at you elicits surrender in your heart. There’s nothing left in your bones to help you run or hide, and your knees buckle painfully onto the concrete. Everything else hurts so bad that you’re not bothered by the sediments digging through your skin. Venus is running towards you but she’s not quick enough, and you feel your eyes begin to slip. If this is what death feels like, then so be it. You hope that the girls’ mourning will be short, that they can still complete the ultimate mission, and--
“Don’t lay a fucking hand on her,” an angered, frustrated baritone spits out and you’re torn between laughing or crying. In a separate romantic context, you’d like the idea of wholeheartedly leaving your life in his hands. But in this reality when either of you could die at any moment and the world be consumed in darkness, it’s something you would never wish upon anyone. It’s a different situation than your bonds with the girls. 
The pain is enough to send you in and out of consciousness for the next few minutes. But strong, warm arms sit you up, though they’re slightly trembling and keeping you awake. “Hey, you okay? What happened to you? You’re stronger than this.” 
“G-great way of telling me, fuckthathurts, that I was...shit today,” you joke, but hiss when you try to move your legs and the deep scrapes scream in agony. 
“Take it easy, ‘kay? Or your princess is gonna have my head--”
“Thanks man, but we got it from here,” said princess interjects, hoisting you up with the help of the other girls. “You can go.”
“Speak of the devil,” Corpse chuckles and helps make the transfer less painful, a lot less awkward jostling around. “Look, I saved her--”
“And I said thank you. We’ll see you around,” your stubborn friend dismisses. 
“You’re welcome, baby.”
“Not your baby, piss off!”
3. “I’m always gonna be there for you, no matter what.”
It’s soft yet sonorous, deep yet light. Twilight hours are cast high above you both, separated by walls and buildings connected over wires and unseen forces. Technology is the sharpest, double-edged sword you’ve seen and used on this planet, because Corpse has never felt so close yet so far than in this moment. Your mind deludes you further by indulging in believing he’s right there next to you, strong arms holding you much like he did when you were on the brink of unconsciousness just two weeks ago.
Wishing, hoping, wanting. Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
The one year anniversary of your ex-lover’s death looms over you on another sleepless, caffeine-fueled night. It’s no surprise when his custom ringtone chimes softly throughout your room during these graveyard hours, but it certainly raises your eyebrows when after a minute or two, he asks tentatively, “Are you gonna go visit him?”
There’s no question as to who or where “him” is. You haven’t been since the funeral, if you’re honest, swept up by work, classes, and your new side job. But Corpse doesn’t know that, and you know it’d be the right thing to do. Maybe it’d help settle the storm of anxiety (or guilt?) that swirls in your gut on a daily basis. 
“I think so,” you reply quietly after a moment of silent contemplation, already thinking ahead to what the drive might be like. “He deserves better.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Charming, compassionate, thoughtful, absolutely too good for this world -- the three-letter affirmation nearly slips off your tongue without a second thought. You can’t risk him seeing you, putting two and two together, and potentially forever losing him to his long-lost princess. Selfish delusion creeps through your veins and you fight back the shiver of guilt that runs down your spine. 
“I think I’ll be okay. Might be a visit made best alone, but I really appreciate you even asking.”
“Let me know if you change your mind. You know I’m always gonna be there for you, no matter what. Right?”
Warmth. Strength. Oblivion. 
“I know. Thank you.”
4. “I don’t have anyone else but you.”
“Why are we doing this again?”
“Because we can’t sleep and have nothing better to do.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” you chuckle into your phone, free hand swirling a pot of instant ramen. “I have better things to do at 3 in the morning than watch The Poltergeist with you.” 
“Then go fucking do it,” Corpse laughs teasingly. 
“And leave you high and dry? I don’t have the heart.”
“I mean, you really don’t have to--”
“Seriously, I was awake anyways. Just giving you shit.”
“One of these days, you’re gonna fucking regret it.”
Ramen done and lamp on, you snuggle beneath your blanket and start the traditional countdown to pressing ‘play’ on the movie. Neither of you really had the technology to screen share on this Discord call (your laptop is almost on its last leg and your apartment WiFi can be spotty at times), so it seemed better this way. 
The next roughly 2 hours are filled with laughter, small jump scare yelps, and quiet yelling at the ignorance and twisted logic of horror movie characters. But towards the end of the movie (and arguably the climax), your eyelids start to droop, body succumbing to the warmth of your bed. The screaming and cheesy, orchestrated music are all background noise as your breathing evens out, shifting in and out of consciousness. Ending credits roll on screen before you know it, and the only think that rips you awake is Corpse’s gentle calling of your name. 
“Sorry, fell asleep,” you murmur tiredly and squint at your screen, languidly closing out the window and letting the Discord window take precedence. “Tells you how riveting I found this movie.”
“Should’ve just let you sleep, my bad,” he chuckles. “Thanks for staying up with me.” 
“Yeah of course -- I wanted to, just got a little sleepy. Wanna watch another one?”
“ ‘m actually gonna try to sleep. Don’t wanna bother you too much. You got work tomorrow?”
“Not ‘til noon so it’s okay. You sure?” 
“Yeah...yeah. I’ve only had like...3 hours of sleep lately. Fucking awful.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
“You do enough by just letting me call at the fucking crack of dawn, seriously.”
“I’m your only option, let’s be real,” and your voice is a mix of fatigue, humor, and some bitter sardonicism. There’s no malice intended, and you really hope it’s conveyed accurately. 
“...I don’t have anyone else but you,” he all but murmurs. Your heart clenches painfully, anxiety and fear and love surging through your lungs. Those words don’t hold the connotation you desperately wish for, but what matters most is that he knows he’s not alone and you’re not the only one he’s got. You verbalize as such and he only hums back in a façade of agreement before wishing you a good night. 
And sometimes, while you do know that your girls have your back and that you love them to death and would take a bullet for them any day, there are nights where you really do feel the same.
That you have no one else but Corpse. 
5. “He was never yours.”
There’s nothing you hate more than psychological monsters. You’d probably take physical pain over mind games any day because at least, it’d heal faster to some degree, or there would be a more surefire way of minimizing symptoms. But sometimes, there are days when the egotistical chess players of hell come to wreck havoc on the world, and you get lost in their trap. It’s annoying, a pain in the ass, and affects you a lot more than it should at times. 
This particular instance makes you want to quit. It makes you, Sailor fucking Mars, guardian of the planet of fire and passion and perseverance, leave all of this behind right here and now. You’ve never hated yourself more for feeling so weak. 
You’re not sure what to call it -- altered dimension, distorted reality -- but all you know is that you and the princess are kept in separate cages hanging from an endless ceiling, labelled as baits for tuxedo mask/Corpse to come. The enemy lets you both stew in the confines of the metal, watching with glee as your partner attempts to cut through the rails with her tiara and ultimately fail. It seems they’ve thought of everything because you’re not their #1 enemy today. Or maybe you are. You’re not sure anymore, even as they launch into villainous speech. 
“Nothing brings me more joy than watching you lose all your energy to fight, both physically and mentally. I’ve seen all your dreams and wishes. Nothing’s more fickle and double-edged than love, no? We shall see who the prince really belongs to.”
Mention of the prince has you snapping your head to meet the enemy’s eyes, slowing squinting as they catch yours and begin cackling like your demise is racing at the speed of an oncoming train. Your princess looks confused, but dread is heavy mercury filling your veins because you know, you know, your best held secret is coming to fruition. 
“What the fuck are they talking about?” She hisses across the void. 
“I don’t know,” you lie through your teeth, eyes flicking toward every corner of the cage now to find a way out. This isn’t how you wanted it to happen, much less happen at all. 
“Are they talking about Corpse?”
“Is there any other prince they’re referring to?”
“Do you always have to be a smartass with me?”
“Somebody’s got to,” you allow yourself a slight reprieve of laughter. It’d be dumb to try to set fire to this thing, knowing you’d only burn yourself in the process. Your exorcism tags also have no use and you can hear the clock ticking down in your mind. 
“Think it’s pretty fucking rude to keep a couple of girls in cages, not gonna lie,” a baritone voice cuts through. It sends temporary sparks of relieve down your spine. Perhaps you’ll have a fighting chance to get out of here. 
“Welcome, welcome! I’d like to get straight to the point, but maybe we’ll up the stakes a little bit before you answer my question,” they tease cartoonishly and you want to roll your eyes.
“Is this a fucking test--”
Both you and sailor moon yelp as the cages drop into a miraculously (or not) appearing large body of water, but still hanging just above the surface so you have enough air to breathe. You look out and down to see how deep this pit is, and though it might be some elaborate illusion seemingly defying all laws of physics, you see nothing but descending darkness. You don’t even have to hear the question to know what the enemy is going for, to know that they’re trying to hit you where it hurts the most, and you loathe how cliché and goddamn unfair this whole situation has turned out to be. 
“So, dear prince. Pretend that the fate of the world depends on the princess. Before you are just two girls you know and care for, stuck, captured, and on the brink of drowning. You may only save one. Who would it be?”
It’s fucked up. Corpse seems stunned, perplexed by the question. “What the absolute fuck is this? Just let them go if you had an issue with me.”
“Quite frankly, I have an issue with allof you, so this is only fair. Now, what’s your answer?”
Corpse catches your eyes first. Is it from the water that your eyes seem to be brimming with unshed tears? Is it stubbornness or defeat in the way your hands clench around the cage bars?
And this is why, once again, you hate enemies who strictly play mind games. Confirmation that Corpse would never love you the way you do him, knowledge to the princess that she’s the source of your deepest unhappiness despite the bickering friendship, realization to Corpse that the girl he’s treasured so dearly and maybe unknowingly kept as a bit of a placeholder was doomed to love him -- pain on all of you, lashes and scars on what was once believed to be unbreakable bonds, as soon as the villain explains it all with sick glee. 
“Do I have to give you an answer?”
“If you don’t, I’ll really consider drowning them since I honestly wasn’t before.”
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
“Ah, just to make things a little more interesting -- I’m aware you and the princess speak regularly outside of all this.”
They what? This was certainly news to you. 
“And?” Corpse asks somewhat defensively. 
Don’t say it. Don’t tell him. Please don’t--
“Say Mars, don’t you enjoy those late night calls with him, too? Though I must say, meeting in a hospital while your ex-boyfriend is having life-altering emergency surgery seems rather morbid in its own respect.”
You don’t have to look at him to know and hear the gears turning in his brain, the villain allowing this brief silence to let everything sink in. There’s a disbelieving whisper of your name, your real name, but he’s cut off from saying anything more. 
“You have 10 seconds.” 
You know the stories. You know the couple’s tragic end in their previous lifetime. You know that as much as the princess denies feeling anything but annoyance towards Corpse, she looks forward to seeing him. There’s a certain softness that he treats her with, different from the platonic affection that he showers you in. You’ve lied to yourself for too long. 
The countdown has no chance to finish when Corpse spits out a name that’s not yours, your eyes squeezing shut to fight back the tears that threaten to flood over. Everything disappears and you land on your butt -- a quick sweep of your surroundings registers two things: Corpse running over to your princess and the villain standing proudly at the chaos they’ve created. It’s instinct that has brings your powers to surface, arms and fingers quickly notching a fiery arrow with pinpoint aim at the imaginary target on their head. “Move!” You yell at the two and they scramble to gather their bearings and avoid your rage. 
They don’t run or cower. The maniacal grin only grows wider and more sinister and you’re this close to screaming expletives. 
“Hurts, doesn’t it, to know that he was never yours?”
It’s the last thing they say before you release the arrow, watching with no remorse as they burn and disintegrate. When the dust disappears and the dimension shifts back to some abandoned building with an exit, you run. 
You run until your lungs burst, until they scream over the aching of your heart, until your costume dissolves and you’re finally buried under the blankets. You turn on ‘Do Not Disturb’ and only allow notifications from a select few important numbers.
And maybe you’ll keep running. Maybe you’ll go off the grid. Maybe you’ll let your voicemail inbox fill up with unheard messages, apologies that you don’t and never will deserve. 
But the love you feel and cherish will never fade. It’ll run alongside you; a bright, burning star, forever bittersweet--
Forever out of reach. 
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wildlittlefoxsworld · 3 years
Booker x Fem Reader Unlike your family you're not a soldier, more of the tech nerd of the group but that doesn't mean your some damsel in distress! It be good of your family to remember that so when you get kidnapped by people with a grudge, the kidnappers aren't the only one in for a surprise! Also if you could maybe add Angst 6,8 and Random 11,29,36 from the prompt list into the story if you can no pressure Thanks!❤
Badass wife | The Old Guard | Booker x Fem!Reader
Warnings: rape (but only mentioned), reader is kidnapped, torture (only mentioned), angst with happy ending
Words: 3k
6. “Don’t you ever do this again.”
8. “Nobody’s seen you in days.”
11. “You’re insane.” “You love me.” “Not right now, I don’t.”
29. “How is my wife more badass than me?”
36. “That was kind of hot.”
If you were honest, you never enjoyed or loved being immortal. Of course, your immortal life had a lot of benefits. You couldn’t get ill, you were forever young and beautiful (that was what your husband said all the time to you), you spend the eternity with the love of your life. Sometimes it was very great, but sometimes you hated it. Your loved ones died a long time ago and you saw all the people in the world getting old, and you wanted that with your husband. Growing old, playing with your grandchildren, remembering a wonderful life.
But you had a family and currently you were the second youngest of your group. A few months ago Nile joined your little family and she was a former marine. Nile was a soldier, like the others in your group. You weren’t a soldier; you never learnt how to fight before you died for the first time. You were born in 1985 and during your time in school it emerged that you were a genius, primarily in mathematics and biology, but you focused your interest mainly in computers and other kind of this stuff later in high school. You made money with programming security and anti-virus software for companies to protect their data.
The first time you had died wasn’t something really special or spectacular, but you had died on smoke poisoning after a fire was breaking loose. You had woken up in the mortuary in the hospital and you couldn’t believe what happened. You had been disoriented and confused, so you just wrapped the white sheet tight around your body and searched for a way out of the hospital, because you wanted to go home. But you hadn’t come far… that was when you met Joe and Nicky for the time. Joe had explained you quickly that you had died, because of a fire in your house and they were there to help you. Nicky had wrapped you in his leather jacket and carried you in his arms, because your feet were bare.
That was six years ago in 2015 and you were now married with Booker for four years, these were the happiest in your life. Booker and you had become very close immediately and you couldn’t ask for a better man or husband. Booker was good with all the technical stuff, but you showed him skills that he only had dreamed off and fast you were responsible for finding persons or hacking any websites, searching for information and made sure that all the tech stuff ran smoothly. You felt sometimes like the fictional figure Ramsay from Fast and the Furious.
The time in your little cell gave you enough time to think about your life. You were here for three or four days now and your kidnappers thought you had find out information about their criminal business, and you had gave the info to the FBI, which was true, but the criminals couldn’t prove that. So they had water-boarded you already and now they were trying to starve you, so you would tell them what you did and what exactly you told the FBI.
You had a little worry that your family couldn’t find a way to rescue you or that it was very difficult to break in the building where they hold you hostage. You wore a little location transmitter under your skin, not only one, but four in different places. This was your first idea after you joined the team, because it would be easier for the team to track someone if one or more of you got kidnapped. You hoped the others already found you.
You were sitting on the floor with chains cuffed to your ankles and wrists when one of your kidnappers opened the door. It was Paul, the at least friendly one of the men, but he wasn’t very talkative. He checked the chains and brought a new bottle of water, but clearly no food. You didn’t eat something in the last seventy-six hours and you were very hungry, but you wouldn’t beg for food. You weren’t weak or easy to break, but your kidnappers didn’t know that and maybe your family members would rescue you in the next coming hours. You would definitely eat a cheeseburger and a large portion of fries.
“Do you want to tell me something, sweet girl?” Paul asked you with a gentle voice and little smile, but you only quirked an eyebrow and looked dumbfounded at him. Did he really think you would talk so fast? Andy had one rule; don’t say anything about their missions no matter what they would do to you. It was easy to follow the rule. Of course, you were afraid that they would water board you again. That wasn’t very pleasant, but they could do other things and you didn’t want to think about it.
“It’s very sad that you don’t want to talk with me and it’s impolite, too. You should show us more respect and answer a question when someone asked you.”
With two fingers he tipped your chin up, but you refused to look him in the eyes.
“No, I have nothing to tell you.”
“Well, that is bad… for you. My boss said that I have to make you talk and that I could do anything with you what I want. You have a pretty face, you know, I would really like to kiss your lips. But your body is more interesting, I ask myself what you hide under all your clothes. What do you think… can I take a look?"
That was the first time you gave him a glance and you were disgusted by the smug grin on his face.
“Fuck you,” you cursed and spit him in the face. Your spit landed on his cheek and mouth and brushed with his hand the wetness from his skin.
“Don’t you ever do this again!” he warned you with an angry voice and slapped you across the face, so that your head flew to the side. Your cheek burned where he hit you with the back of his hand, but you only turned your head slowly to him and grinned slightly. “That was your answer.”
His eyes were filled with rage now, because he had thought you were just a pretty little girl who he could threaten and you would sing like a bird. In the next moment he pressed his mouth hard on yours and his tongue tried to invade your mouth, but you bit him as hard as you can on the lip that you could taste blood in your mouth.
“You bit me, you little bitch. You will wish you were never born when I’m done with you.”
“I think it will be the opposite,” you considered and he shoot you a death glare. He came closer to you for a second time and you watched the blood dripping from his torn lip.
“You really want to be hurt, right?”
“No, but it seems you want to,” you replied and kicked your knee into his stomach. He gasped and fell backwards on his butt.  You didn’t get much time to put your plan into action. The chains around your ankles were tied to the ground, but the ones around your wrists were connected with a chain. You stood up fast to your feet, ignored the dizzy feeling in your head from sitting so long and wrapped the chain around his neck. You pulled tight to cut his air supply and he tried helplessly to inhale the much needed air. You used all of your strength to strangle him, because he started trying to put his fingers between the chain and his throat. You noticed how strong he was and he scratched the floor with his feet helplessly. You couldn’t give up now, you know there would other men come, but maybe he had any keys that you could use to free yourself from the shackles.
You felt how slowly his strength faded, but it did and you collected all of your strengths to pull the chain tighter. You thought it took you minutes until he gave fighting, but it was only a few more seconds until he went limp and you counted to sixty in your head to be sure he didn’t fake it.
 You searched in his pockets for any keys and you were successful. You thought why they were so stupid to give Paul the keys, but you thought that they weren’t smart enough to assume that you could have overpowered him. But you could only free yourself from the chains around your ankles, your hands were still in chains and you cursed that you couldn’t defend yourself properly. They weren’t very tight, you could have freed yourself earlier from them, but you would have to dislocate your thumb and break your hand in the process, and you weren’t brave enough to do it. Maybe you would find the keys somewhere else, you weren’t happy how the situation turned out, but at least you weren’t raped by Paul and you took Paul’s gun to your defense, then you walked on wobbly legs out of the little room. You didn’t know if there were any cameras, but you assumed they had a few, because you heart already shouting and appearing footsteps from down the long hallway where you stood now helplessly. You didn’t know where you were or how they got you here. Normally you weren’t active in any mission, you were the tech nerd and you stayed often with Nicky when he searched for the perfect position for his sniper rifle. But the last time you were with Nicky, he needed to change his position and you decided to stay in the first place he had chosen. You always had a gun with you and Andy had trained you, but you weren’t used to fight against so many men that had approached you after Nicky was gone. You were sure Nicky was crestfallen, because he left you there alone and Booker freaked out probably in the moment.
You thought about which way you should take and it would have been probably stupid if you would go into the direction from where the shouting was coming.
“She’s this way, boss,” you heard a familiar voice from behind you and your heart began to beat faster. That was your husband and the shouting was from the other criminal men, when the team had surprised them. You were glad that they finally came for your rescue and started running towards them.
“I hope they didn’t hurt her or I will them kill all over again,” Booker said maybe to Andy, because you didn’t know if all of them were in the building.
“She’s moving fast into our direction,” you heard him gasping shocked. In the next moment you ran around the corner and directly into his arms when he recognized you. Booker his arms around your body and you buried your face in the crook of his neck; you inhaled his familiar scent that helped you to calm your nerves slowly.
“Nobody’s seen you in days,” he joked chuckling in your ear and you laughed along with him. Of course, he had to make a stupid joke in the middle of a rescue mission. “I’m so happy that you are with me again.”
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Andy asked while she observed your surroundings. You looked up and she gave you short glance.
“I’m okay, but my hands are still chained.”
“How did you escape?” Booker asked and you quirked an eyebrow at him.
“The bad man wanted to touch me, so I killed him.”
“How?” �� “I suffocated him with my chains.” I held my hands up in demonstration and Booker nodded in admiration.
“How is my wife more badass than me?” he said stunned.
“I trained her. Now let’s go!” Andy replied impatiently and let the direction to get out of the building.
The three of you ran down the hallway from Booker and Andy had come and you saw all the dead men on your way to the exit. You counted the corpse, twenty-four. You were still impressed, because you hadn’t often the opportunity to see the others in action. You saw a lot of flesh wounds that Andy had caused with her axe and the others had bullet holes from Booker’s guns. You hoped you would leave this building without meeting more of the men, but you didn’t come far when you heard again footsteps coming into your direction.
Andy gave a sign to slow down your tempo and you tightened your grip on the gun. You didn’t know how to describe your feelings in the moment, because you hated to be forced with the enemy. You felt tired, because you hadn’t eaten in days and you used the last bit of your strength to kill Paul. You were mostly pissed that they had you taken and they were still stupid enough to stand your in way to freedom. You were glad that you weren’t alone, because when you arrived in a great hall where they stored their stolen guns and drugs and all the other ware which they made profit with.
“I see you managed to escape. You killed one of my best man, you slut.” You knew the voice very well, it was Paul’s boss and he wasn’t happy about what you did to Paul. You saw his angry red face and the gun he pointed at you.
“I’m bulletproof… but please, don’t shoot me. I really hate the feeling of bullets in my body,” you answered him and he looked dumbfounded at you for a second.
“What are you talking about? Are you already gone mad? Well, I don’t care. You killed my man, so I’m going to kill your man, then the crazy axe lady and in the end I will torture until you beg me to stop and you will tell me your little secrets, and maybe then after every one of my men had their fun with you, I let you die.”
“You’re pathetic. You will pay for what you did to my wife!” Booker screamed and tried to push you behind, but you didn’t let him, you were too angry.
“You’re disgusting, Antonio. I make you a better offer: I will shoot your balls off and let you bleeding out like a pig, while you can watch how we kill the rest of your men and then we will blow up this whole building.”
You grinned like a mad woman when you aimed to shoot him between your legs and you didn’t hesitate a second until you heard the echo of your shooting. Antonio screamed in pain and felt down to the ground. You could shoot him again, but his men already began to fire in your direction and Booker pushed your forward, so you could get out of there finally. It took a lot of bullets and fighting until you were even near to the exit and then Joe came through the large door of the hall and shot two of them precisely in the head which left only two of them in the end.
A dark haired man fired a bullet into Booker’s leg and he winced in pain, but kept running. But you got so angry that they had the nerve to shoot your husband, when it was clearly that they were going to lose. You stopped and turned around to shoot them, but you were out of bullets.
“Fuck,” you cursed. That was definitely your favorite swear word. You used the handle of the gun to hit the dark haired man on the cheek and you heard the satisfying cracking of the bone. He tried to punch you, but you crouched down and tackled his body with yours, so you fell on the ground. The man had no time to react when you grabbed his head with both of your hands and smashed his head on the hard floor four times.  
Andy killed the other one with her axe while Booker pushed off the dead of the dead man and out of the building, and that was when you inhaled fresh air for the first time in nearly eighty hours.
“Are they all dead now?” Joe asked still aiming the door, but you couldn’t answer him, because you were pulled in tight hug from Nicky.
“Thank god, Y/N. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“I’m perfectly fine, Nicky. Are you okay?”
Nicky watched me confused. “You’re asking me if I’m okay after you had been hold hostage for more than three days.”
“Ah yes, you seem very distressed.”
“You’re insane,” he mumbled when he kissed the top of my head.
“But you love me,” you replied laughing.
“Not right now, I don’t. You made me leave you alone there; I will never let you alone again.”
“Isn’t that my husband’s part?” You said still laughing when Booker hugged you from behind with his arms around your waist.
“He can share,” Nicky prompted snorting and both men cuddled you between them.
“Can we go home then?” Andy asked still impatient.
“Yes, boss,” all of you saluted and Andy rolled her eyes on you.
The ride home was silent. Joe and Andy switched on driving and you sat with Booker and Nicky in the backseat. Nicky was peacefully snoring beside you and you were cuddled up in Booker’s lap. When you got in the car earlier he had kissed all over of your face and then your mouth, he let you feel all his love for you.
“When Nicky had told us that they kidnapped you… I thought I would never see you again, but then I remembered how brilliant you were to get us the location transmitter last year and it was easy to find you, but to get in the building was so much harder. Please tell me, he didn’t get a chance to touch you? I can’t bear the thought that he might took you with force… I…”
“Shh, my heart. He didn’t touch me. I killed him before he got a chance. At least I was lucky enough to overpower him… don’t think about all the other possibilities how it could have ended. We are together again and that’s all what matters.”
“You’re right, sweetheart. I love you so much. Please, never leave me again.”
“How could I ever leave you, Sebastien. You are the love of my life and our life had only just begun. Wonderful five years, yes, but I hope it will be at least five hundred more.”
Booker chuckled at your words. “I will five thousand years at least, and more.”
Your lips found each other again and you know that as long as Booker was at your side, you would be never alone.
“I hope you can free me from this chains as soon as possible,” you told Joe and he only grinned at you.
“Don’t worry, we will make it when we’re at home. But are you sure you want to be free so soon? I can tell you that they’re perfectly for role games in the bedroom. Nicky and I had a lot with chains in the past.”
You looked back at Booker questionly. “Sounds like an interesting idea. You know when you hit and tackled the man down on the ground. That was kind of hot. It turned me really on.” The last words Booker whispered in your ear and you knew you wouldn’t leave the bed in the next days.
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Burden of the Survivors-- Chapter One
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*not my gif*
Burden of the Survivors
Pairs: Din Djarin x fem!reader Rating: T (at the moment- subject to change) Warnings: a little bit of cursing but otherwise fairly tame *no spoilers- takes place in Season 1 timeline* Summary: Mando works alone- except for when he absolutely can’t. There are few people Din trusts – trusts as in he doesn’t expect a viroblade in the back the second he’s turned around. She’s one of them. Just as cautious and nearly as tight lipped about her past as he is, Din doesn’t mind her around too much.
[Masterlist] [Chapter One] [Chapter Two] or Available on AO3
A/N: It’s been ages since I wrote a reader series, I do my best to write them with as non-descriptive reader as possible but if there’s something I miss let me know. Reader does have a backstory and obviously has certain skills sets as a bounty hunter but I don’t believe that will cause any issues going forward. Also thanks to @fishingwithstring​ & @flyingmarshmallow64​ for kinda beta-ing for me
Chapter One--
When you had given the Mandalorian your commlink info you had not thought the stoic man would actually use it. He had a reputation to uphold after all- he couldn’t be seen willingly working with another bounty hunter. You could respect that; the Guild was cutthroat and there never seemed to be enough credits or jobs to go around these days. The New Republic was a blessing and a curse to those trying to make a living in the Outer Rim. Your regular contacts were coming up short on good jobs and everything Karga was offering wasn’t worth the cost of fuel. It all had you wondering if you should take up running with Tillis’s crew again, the cuts were always fair and at least you weren’t burning credits on your own fuel.
Yet despite your initial beliefs, Mando had called, and he’d called with an offer for a job. They were high rollers from the underworld, apparently. Nothing you had not worked before. The first job you had worked with Mando on had been an under the table job from Karga as well. You allowed yourself the slightest bit of pride that after how well you two had worked together, Mando felt you would be a useful addition on this job.
You jumped on the offer. Whatever job Mando had taken had to be worth a decent stack of credits if he was willing to go with an even split. Hopefully, this would be enough to hold you over for a while, maybe pay for a few fixes to your ship while you were at it. The navicomputer could use an update, and there was the leak in the cooling lines that could probably use a proper fix instead of your last patch job… but you were getting ahead of yourself. Mando had asked you to meet him at his ship just outside of town on Navarro, which was convenient considering you had been laying over on the backwater volcanic planet after your last round of bounties. Karga may be cagey but at least he paid you what you were owed in the end.
Mando was waiting for you, leaning against the side of the Razor Crest, looking as much the stoic and hardened warrior as ever when you arrived. Though he had upgraded a bit since you last saw him.
“Looking spiffy Mando! Is that a new pauldron I see?”
He shrugs, pushing off the Razor Crest, “maybe.”
Man of few words, some things never change.
“You mentioned before that we didn’t have much to go off of. What do you know?” Hitching your bag of gear up your shoulder you follow Mando up into the Crest.
It wasn’t the first time you’d been on Mando’s ship, but it amazed you every time you boarded how he managed to keep such a relic up and running. You would not be surprised if it cost him a fortune in repair costs over the years. Sure, your ship wasn’t a spring chicken either, but it had been built within your lifetime.
“Tracking fob.” He quickly fishes the device out of his belt, flashing it at you briefly. “Last known position and age.”
“Wait, not even a chain code?” That was just common courtesy in this line of work, and it kept mix-ups to a minimum. “Just the last four digits?”
Mando nods before clambering up the ladder to the cockpit leaving you stunned. Who exactly were you working for and who were they after?
After ditching your bag in the hull you follow Mando up to the cockpit. “How trustworthy is this client of yours?”
You lean against the doorway, watching him program the ancient navicomputer. “It’s underworld, what do you expect?”
“At least some minimal assurances,” you throw back, “I don’t want to end up a prisoner of the New Republic for the rest of my days if I can’t help it.”
“The chit came through Karga.”
Well, that was the definition of minimally reassuring.
“But no puck?”
Mando shakes his head, or rather, his bucket.
“Well, this will be interesting.”
“Arvala-7, can’t say I’ve ever heard of it.” You’re sitting in the co-pilots chair with your boots propped up against the dash, fiddling with one your rifle sights as Mando attempts to pull planetary info up on his navicomputer.
Your partners huff of displeasure filters through his modulator, you can imagine he’s rolling his eyes behind the visor. Over the course of working together you had managed to pick up on a handful of the man’s cues, his body language was fairly expressive, and irritation with you was one you were aptly familiar with. It had been obvious from your first meeting that the Mandalorian was all work and no play. So, your occasional flippant remarks were not always received well. You were by no means trying to agitate the bounty hunter- you had better self-preservation skills than that- but you were trying to lighten the mood a bit. Two sticks in the mud didn’t make for an entertaining partnership.
Even after a few smacks to the computer Mando cannot seem to pull up the data he wants. His fists clench and unclench rhythmically, the creak of his leather gloves filling the silent cockpit. This one was wound way too tight. You wondered what mandalorians did to relax and unwind, and how exactly could you get him to do that before you landed?
“You’ve got the tracking fob, we aren’t completely screwed, if that’s what you’re all upset about, Mando.”
The helmet snaps around, his black t-visor staring unblinking into your soul.
Maybe that was not the best button to push.
“I’ll- ah, go get my stuff together.” You wince at the crack in your voice but gather up your blaster parts before preparing to shimmy back down into the cargo hold. You were a bounty hunter, same as him. His attitude should not unnerve you like it did. He was human like you after all- or at least you assumed he was- one faceless man should not affect you so strongly. You were better than this.
Master trained you better than this.
“Coming into atmo,” Mando shouts down from the cockpit, “may want to hold onto something.”
The ship lurches forward, throwing you into the back wall. “Thanks for the warning,” you grumble, latching onto the refresher door to stay upright.
Mando comes in quick, the Razor Crest touching down shortly after entering the atmosphere. Moments later the helmeted man is down the ladder, amban sniper rifle in hand and already heading down the ramp. Always in such a rush. The Mandalorian really had no clue as to how to stop and assess a situation or take a moment to breathe.
You scramble over to your bag of gear, assembling one of your own blaster rifles without having to look. It was all second nature now; you know every weapon in your stash like the back of your hand. As you slide the newly fixed sight into place a roar echoes through the ship followed by a loud curse. Down the ramp in seconds your blaster is trained on the approaching creature, ignoring Mando with his arm trapped in the jaw of another felled creature.
The tadpole-shaped beast falls before you pull the trigger, sliding in next to Mando with a bright red electro stun dart sticking out of its side. You let out a sigh as Mando groans, freeing his arm. At least your partner in crime was not out for the count yet.
A third creature approaches, this one saddled and ridden by an aging ugnaught wielding what you can assume was responsible for the stun darts. You lower your blaster, hoping that there would be no quarrel after he seemingly saved Mando.
“Thank you.” Mando’s panting as he stands, his arm clutched tight to his chest.
The ugnaught nods before looking back between you two. “You are bounty hunters.”
“I will help you.”
You shrug at Mando, if he wanted to assist you with this odd bounty you had qualms.
“I have spoken.”
Kuiil had been more than accommodating to you both at his moisture farm. Offering up his bed to you for the night and sharing his dinner and a warm cup of tea with you both after the sunlight finally fell below the horizon. You jumped at the offer for any food that was not freeze-dried rations or protein bars. Mando on the other hand stiffened when the ugnaught passed him the meal.
“You can use the bedroom to eat, Mando.”
This was not the first time you had run into this problem while working with the Mandalorian. He never took the helmet off around you, not even in the safety of his ship, not to stop and eat while you were drifting along in hyperspace, or to fix up wounds after a particularly nasty fight with a quarry. You wondered if he even took it off to sleep when you were on board with him.
It was not as if you did not understand the draw of a helmet. The lifestyle of the faceless. You own tactical mask offers a small sense of anonymity, bringing some comfort after years of running from your past, but you were not unnaturally attached to it. Whatever tentative relationship you had with Mando; you were comfortable enough to take it off around him. You could eat in his presence. The mask did not inhibit your job or your lifestyle. While it had been ages since you had been in contact with mandalorians-other than the faceless and nameless Mando- you did have shadowy memories of those you had met taking off their helmets in the presence of others. Not that you had dared to ask about it. Your first few meetings had been tense enough and you liked to think you were smart enough to not insult the beskar clad warrior who walked around armed to the teeth.
Kuiil did not ask until Mando had settled into the other room. “He does not remove his helmet in the presence of others?”
“For as long as I’ve known him,” you nod.
“And how long have you known him?”
That was a good question. How many years had it been since you worked that job with Tillis’s crew that introduced you two?
“Four standard years now, maybe?” You ponder, “but we’ve only been working together for about two.”
He nods, looking thoughtful, “like a Mandalorian warrior of old.”
“I suppose,” you shrug.
“You do not agree with his choice?”
“Oh no, my opinions have nothing to do with it. Can’t say it appeals to me, but I respect the restraint it would take to wear a helmet all of your life.”
Kuiil nods before pottering off, cleaning up his small cooking station. You cannot help but smile, the ugnaught reminds you of someone but you cannot recall exactly who. They are just echoes of memories now, a childhood long gone, but something about Kuiil’s wise demeanor picks at them.
Mando returns moments later, shaking you from your melancholy as he takes a seat next to you.
“Many have passed through. They seek the same one as you.”
What kind of job exactly had Mando gotten for you two?
“Did you help them?”
“Yes. They died.”
You gape at the ugnaught, unsure if his honesty was all that helpful now.
“Well then I don’t know if I want your help,” Mando scoffs.
Kuiil shakes his head, “you do. I can show you to the encampment.”
“Encampment?” Who in the galaxy would have an encampment all the way out here and how to Kuiil know about it?
He nods but divulges no further details.
“What’s your cut?”
Your head whips around, Mando had promised you half the cut already, that is why you had agreed to come in the first place.
“Half the bounty to guide? Seems steep.”
“No. Half the blurrg you helped capture.”
You left out the breath you did not realize you had been holding, gaze softening. The blurrg would not be an issue. “I can assure you Mando has no use for a blurrg.”
The helmet nods, “you can keep them both.”
“No. You need them. To ride. The way is impossible to pass without a blurrg mount.”
Mando sounds unconvinced, “I don’t know how to ride blurrg.”
“I have spoken.”
You did not happen to know how to ride a blurrg either, but you decided it would be best for everyone’s health to not mention it as the Mandalorian struggled the next morning to even stay on the creature. Mando had insisted on letting you attempt to ride first. Kuiil had kindly walked you through how to greet the beast and the best way to mount. You had struggled a bit, the tallest point on the blurrg’s back was nearly a head taller than you and required some interesting moves to get to but after some coaching you finally managed to get the hang of it. It was smooth sailing from there. They reacted to the reins about the same as most other animals and their walking rhythm was not too difficult to adjust to. After Kuiil seems satisfied with your progress and let Mando into the ring you thought maybe this job would not be all that bad.
Yet as you watched Mando fly off the blurrg’s back for the umpteenth you decided you had called that much too soon. For a man who always walked with such swagger you did allow yourself to enjoy the scene. Just a little.
Even the patient Kuiil was becoming frustrated with Mando’s slow learning curve.
“Perhaps if you removed your helmet.”
That would never happen.
Mando’s shoulders stiffen, “perhaps he remembers I tried to roast him.”
Kuiil shakes his head, “this is a female. The males are all eaten during mating.”
You try, you really do, but all your willpower combined at the moment is not enough to contain the laugh that bubbles up in your chest. “Ha! They’ve got the right idea.”
Mando’s helmet tilts back just a fraction. He’s rolling his eyes at you.
Kuiil chuckles softly at your side while you stick your tongue out at the bounty hunter. He blatantly ignores you, going in for another attempt at the blurrg. It ends the same of the others, Mando flat on his back in the dust.
You understand he’s frustrated, Mando’s never been the patient type, and just wants to complete the job and get back to working alone. A wound up, frustrated Mandalorian was never a good combo. Your hand hovers over the blaster in your thigh holster as he stalks towards Kuiil, just in case.
“I don’t have time for this,” he snaps at the ugnaught. “Do you have a landspeeder or speeder bike that I could hire?”
“You are a Mandalorian! Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur. Surely you can ride this young foal.”
Kuiil’s jab at his ancestry is enough to get Mando to try again. You look on as he approaches the blurrg, arms outstretched, murmuring calming words as he goes to pat the creature between its eyes. You would almost describe the scene as gentle. Not a word you’d have ever used to describe the helmeted man in the past. Where had this Mando been hiding all this time?
When you spot the compound in the distance the worries begin to creep up again. You wonder who exactly you were after and what Karga’s underground client wanted with them. People don’t just build fortified compounds on backwater, nearly uninhabited outer rim planets for no reason.
Kuiil points to the structure as the three of you come to a stop, “that is where you’ll find your quarry.”
Mando attempts to give Kuiil a pouch of credits. It was the least he deserved for all the help he’d given you. The ugnaught turns it down.
“Please. You deserve this.”
“Since these ones arrived, this territory has been an endless stream of mercenaries seeking reward and bringing destruction.”
“Then why did you guide us here?” you ask.
“They do not belong here. Those that live here come to seek peace. There will be no peace until they are gone.”
Mando turns to Kuiil, “then why do you help?”
“I have never met a Mandalorian. I’ve only read the stories. If they are true, you two will make quick work of it. Then there will be peace again.” The ugnaught guides his blurrg around, ready to make the return trip, “I have spoken.”
You and Mando sat for a moment, watching him ride away in silence.
For peace then.
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