#not sure if i will ever finish it so im releasing it in this form bc i think its funny enough to share
godsfavoritescientist · 9 months
AITA for throwing a party for my best friend?
I (NB, 1 trillion) recently befriended someone (M, 60+) for the first time in ages. At first I only spent time with him because I felt sorry for him (he had no other friends), but after I got to know him, I realized he was really smart and fun to talk to.
Early on in our friendship, he asked me for help with an important project he was stuck on, and I agreed right away. I dedicated several years to helping him out, doing everything from giving him an idea that would solve all his problems once completed to walking him through complex math to encouraging him to keep going when he hit roadblocks. Every single time I helped with the project for all those years, I stayed up all through the night working on it with him.
A year before things started to fall apart between us, he invited a different friend to help with the project too, who I’ll call “F.” This guy hated the local wildlife (which my friend loved and dedicated his life to studying), and my friend insisted on keeping me a secret from F out of fear that F would hate me too. My friend also insisted on delaying his own project (which he had to finish so that he could keep getting funded to do his dream job) in order to keep F happy by building side-projects that F suggested.
Throughout his time “helping” with the project, F kept criticizing my friend and his project. Eventually, F finished a secret side-project of his own, to build a weapon that erases memories, and used it on my friend multiple times without his consent. I tried to warn my friend that F wasn’t trustworthy, but my friend didn’t do anything with my advice.
When the project was almost complete, F saw me for a few seconds and threw a fit. He used some choice words to describe my friend’s life’s work, told him he should destroy his project, and then abandoned my friend.
My friend was really upset about this, and tried to get in contact with me to reassure him. Unfortunately, I was spending time with my other friends for a couple of days at the time, and didn’t get his messages. He responded by barging into my own home, running up behind me, and accusing me of giving him a bad idea for the project we worked on together for years up until that point, probably because he was doubting his own reasoning skills after finding out that his choice to let F stick around had been a bad decision. I reassured him that he is smart (he is insecure about that) and revealed that I was planning to throw him a huge surprise party too, once his project was finished. He got really angry about this, and announced that he wanted to shut down his life’s work just to stop the party from happening.
I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t want me to throw him a party, and assumed that the stress of losing a friend (even a bad friend like F) was making him not think clearly. I also got a little bit annoyed that he could ever throw all our hard work down the drain so impulsively like that. I diligently stopped him from ruining his own creation, and waited for him to get over his moment of irrational feelings so we could get back to finishing his work, but it never happened.
He kept trying to shut down the project, and ended up losing everything because of it. When he invited yet another bad influence into his home (his brother, who had been a criminal for over ten years at that point), his brother used his diabolical mind to come up with a way to use our project against him, in a way that trapped my friend in a really dangerous situation for several decades.
I looked for my friend for the entire time he was lost in a dangerous situation, but I had no luck. And right when my friend miraculously found me, his brother separated us again. But there was a silver lining to this situation: my friend’s brother accidentally created a way for me to finally reunite with my friend and throw him the surprise party I had been planning.
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aemndx · 2 years
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© aemvnd 2022. do not plagiarize, translate, modify or post my content on any other platform.
synopsis: aemond targaryen wants to possess you, claim you as his -- and what the dragon wants, he shall get.
author’s note: heey! this is my first time posting my writing on here.. im a bit nervous, but very excited. i really hope u enjoy reading it. also, please reblog, comment + leave ur feedback! it’d mean the world to me if u did. thank u so much for taking the time to read & visiting my blog! lots of love. ♡
warnings: minors dni. slight smut. sexual tension. fingering. teasing. female pronouns. possessive behavior. dark themes. stalking--(kind of). aemond makes you have a panic attack over him -- intentionally. innocent!reader. pet names. romance. fluff. any grammatical errors are my own -- in advance, i sincerely apologize.
word count: 3,7k.
pairings: aemond targaryen x handmaiden!reader (f).
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♡࿐ the castle was lively with noble lords and ladies, most of them ignoring you, in favor of socializing with the higher ranks to make alliances between different royal houses. most didn’t even spare you a glance, which you were most thankful for.
the ones who did acknowledge your existence–there were very few–nodded their head in a polite greeting, which you had stopped and curtsied back in respect, muttering a small ‘my lord’ or a ‘my lady’.
which of course–as obviously predicted–filled their massive egos as they walked away with their noses up in the air. of course, no one ever actually bowed to you, you were nothing but a young servant girl, born from a low ranking family.
however, you always preferred to remain unseen – better to be unseen and avoid trouble, than to be seen and cause chaos.
you had just been dismissed, as you finished accompanying queen helaena on her daily walk through the gardens. the queen loved spending time outdoors, and it seemed only right, she was always at peace when she was in nature and the sunshine did her good.
the hallways of the red keep were long as you made your way to the massive library, your footsteps light as air as you walked. the closer you got, the less people there were and you were thankful, never having been too comfortable with tons of people around.
as you continued walking, swiftly turning a corner and heading towards the last flight of stairs that led to the library, you got the sudden feeling as if you were being followed.
naturally, you hurried your footsteps, sneaking a glance behind you and not seeing anyone. nonetheless, you quickly climbed up the stairs, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat. you snapped your neck to the side as you started hearing light footsteps approaching, though you did not see anyone behind you once again, making you think you were crazy.
huffing in frustration, you had just stepped off the last stair, about to round the corner, looking down the hallway and seeing it completely empty. you turned your body slightly around to look back down the staircase, making sure there was nobody actually following you.
thankfully, you saw nobody. perhaps it had just been your mind playing tricks on you, though you couldn’t shake the feeling of a sharp gaze piercing your back. releasing a shaky breath, a bone numbing chill went down your spine, making you wrap your arms around yourself, before you turned back around to finally head towards your destination.
without warning, a pale hand snatched out towards you, wrapping around your waist and pushing you against the nearest secluded wall, causing you to let out a high pitched scream in fear. the hand that grabbed you quickly moved from your waist to cover your mouth, silencing your cries.
you saw a flash of platinum blonde hair from the corner of your eye, causing your wide eyes to look up, seeing none other than prince aemond targaryen, standing casually before you.
the prince stood tall, tilting his head down to look at you with a smirk across his lips. he pressed his body against yours, holding you between the hard stone wall and his lean but well muscled body.
“i’ll remove my hand only if you promise not to scream again,” the prince said, his tone soft but firm.
you nodded your head as best you could, not understanding what was happening.
the prince simply cocked his head sideways, his eye slightly narrowing as he looked over your current frightened state. only a moment passed, the prince letting out a pleased hum as if he saw what he was looking for, before removing his hand from your mouth.
“prince aemond,” you breathed, your body falling limp against the wall behind you.
“lady [name],” the prince purred, looking completely satisfied with himself, like the cat who got the cream.
you swallowed nervously, shifting your feet from side to side, but stopped shortly as you could barely move. “did you need something from me, my prince?”
the prince sighed, amusement slowly spreading across his handsome face. “yes, in fact.. i did. correct me if i’m wrong, but have you been avoiding me, my lady?”
you cursed yourself in your head, before immediately shaking your head no. “of course n-not, my prince. i was just going to visit the library–“
“oh, i am not talking about right this moment, my sweet. i am referring to the past few weeks. every single time i have sought you out, you had the brilliant idea to turn around rather abruptly and scurry away from me as if you were a scared little girl,” he scolded, making you feel incredibly small against him.
the prince paused, watching your face with a sharp eye, before continuing on his rant. “…and let us not forget yesterday,” he seethed, a flash of anger beginning to taint his words. “when you deliberately rushed out of my dear sister’s chambers, without even being dismissed,” he tsked, teasingly. you did not say anything in response, feeling as if you had lost all brain function with the close proximity of the prince.
his clean, but masculine scent surrounded you, causing your mouth to water as you could also smell honey and sweet lemon cakes. his scent completely overwhelmed your senses, making you feel almost dizzy, especially with his handsome face only mere inches away from yours.
when you couldn’t didn’t reply back, the prince raised an eyebrow as if taunting you to try and defend yourself and your most heinous–(according to him)–actions.
“nothing to say, hm?”
you gulped, your lips parting slightly as if to speak, before snapping shut when words did not come out.
what was wrong with you?
“it is highly offensive to not answer your prince when he is addressing you, my lady,” he chastised, as if you were a child misbehaving.
in his point of view, you probably were.
“what? do you not even want to try and defend your most ill-mannered actions? have you not come to the realization that your blatant lack of respect is incredibly unacceptable to me?” he growled, voice rising in anger.
you should’ve known better, waking up the dragon.
“do you not wish for my forgiveness?” he hissed, his words aimed to hurt you.
you flinched as he scolded you like a father would to their child who had done something naughty – unforgivable.
each word he said was direct and targeted towards you, making a small, tortuous whine escape your lips. your cheeks flushed in shame and your head started to spin, you were sure you would die from embarrassment.
“i’m so s-sorry, my prince. of course n-not.. i was just – i was not… no,” you panicked, feeling pathetic and most of all embarrassed from your constant stuttering and shaky voice.
you felt so stupid.
“i swear, i was not trying to be disrespectful towards you, i-i don’t… i did not mean to run away from you, i promise!“ you cried, feeling yourself practically choking on the saliva in your mouth, your fingertips tingling by your sides and your heart was pounding against your ribcage rapidly.
“please, prince aemond.. i never meant any disrespect. i was just.. i was o-only–“ you cut yourself off with a sharp gasp, feeling like your airway was closing. you tried explaining yourself, though everything you were saying sounded like it made little sense and your words were a garbled mess.
hot tears began to pool in your eyes as the prince just watched in shameless amusement as you choked and fumbled over your words, trying to the best of your ability to explain your poor, pathetic self.
graciously, the one-eyed prince showed you mercy.
“alright, alright… shh. you’re alright, little one. i believe you,” the prince cooed, bringing both of his large hands up to cup your flushed face.
the tears that had pooled in your eyes now falling freely, which he had generously brushed away gently with the soft but calloused pads of his thumbs.
“you do?” you cried weakly, feeling your tightened chest begin to relax at his reassuring words.
“mmm,” he hummed lazily, wiping the heated skin of your cheeks lovingly, like he was your lover comforting you after something tragic happened.
“of course, my love. i could never stay truly angry with you,” he confessed, a small smile tugging at his lips as his eye remained looking into your tearful ones.
you felt your wobbly lips turn up into a shy smile, relaxing in the arms of the prince.
you sighed, feeling your limbs relax, thankfully no longer feeling like you were about to pass out from the blood that had rushed to your head in your haste of trying to come up with something to appease him.
gods be good, the last thing you wanted was for him to be upset and angry at you.
“thank you, prince aemond… you have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that,” you confessed, locking your eyes with his, though you felt an uncomfortable shiver pass through you, seeing the twinkle of mischief in the prince’s eye.
“…of course, there is still the issue that you purposely avoided me,” he said, watching you with a narrowed eye, irritation bubbling underneath the surface of his heated skin, remembering the many times you had practically ran away from him.
it was almost adorable, thinking you could outrun a dragon.
the gods were surely mocking you now, as he had finally seized you in his fiery grasp, not intending on ever letting you go.
prince aemond watched you try and press your back further into the wall, wanting the castle wall to swallow you whole so that you could disappear from him.
it was like he could read your every thought, all you wanted to do was hide from him.
you did not answer him to confirm his accusation against you, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right – even though you both knew he was.
a brief pause, you felt yourself stop breathing completely, holding your breath and waiting for his next words. you were terrified, who wouldn’t be?
“although.. perhaps i shall be merciful towards you, my sweet,” he breathed, bringing his hands down to your waist and gripping your sides tightly to the point it almost hurt.
aemond carefully watched your face to see if you would be brave enough to push him away, before he shook his head and chuckled lightly to himself, watching you bite down on your bottom lip nervously.
suddenly, the prince spoke out loud to himself rather than to you. “mmm… i wonder,” he murmured, suddenly playful as he let one of his hands travel further down, grabbing the skirt of your dress in his hand, bunching it together and tugging it up until both of your bare legs were exposed to him.
letting go of your waist with his other hand, he reached a large hand underneath your dress, placing the warm palm of his hand directly over your clothed cunt.
you let out a surprised gasp, eyes big and innocent and looking up to see his face that looked rightfully pleased, feeling your cunt soaking through your undergarments.
the prince cupped your cunt fully, pressing his palm up against your clit to apply pressure. “mm, prince aemond…”you mewled, trailing off as you felt the most pleasurable sensation start to swarm in your lower belly.
“oh,” you gasped wantonly, looking up at the prince in desperation.
what was happening to you?!
“indeed,” the prince smirked, leaning his head down to nuzzle his nose into your hair, sighing in content at being so close to you.
finally, he thought.
he inhaled your sweet scent for a moment, pressing a kiss against the side of your head, before moving his head back when he felt an uncontrollable yearning sensation spread throughout his body.
with his eye trained back on you, the hand that was cupping your cunt did not move, simply holding you in his possession and making you feel as if you were slowly losing your mind at the pressure he held against your sensitive clit.
nobody had ever touched you there, you were a maiden – a virgin, pure of heart and of mind and body.
“m-my prince..” you stuttered, your voice coming out small and uncertain.
suddenly, you felt prince aemond’s fingers swiftly move your undergarments to the side, pressing two fingers against your clit, rubbing it softly as if you’d break.
you didn’t doubt it.
you immediately cried out, your legs shaking and head buzzing at the new sensation. you had never felt such pleasure, it was beyond your imagination. you didn’t know what to do, you didn’t even remember reaching up with both hands and grasping at the prince’s shoulders.
when exactly had you done that?
feeling embarrassed, you let your fluttering eyes fall down to prince aemond’s clothed chest, though you could still feel his piercing eye watching your flushed face.
you didn’t know of course, but the one-eyed prince loved to watch you in secret.
it was one of his favorite hobbies, filling him with mirth as he would watch you fret over his sister, following after her to keep her company. although, you did not just serve her, you were now also a close friend to queen helaena.
you were young and sweet as honey, acting just as curious as his sister was with insects, though he knew you found genuine interest in different flowers and plants, just as well as books. you’d only been working at the castle for a few months, helping out in the kitchens.
it was only a few weeks ago that you’d began serving as a handmaiden to his sister, that was when he had truly taken notice to you.
you were so beautiful.
there were also many times where he’d deliberately put himself in your eye line, watching you with an amused smirk curling across his lips as he watched you stumble a multitude of times, once you eventually noticed him.
the prince would watch you for an uncomfortable amount of time, before you’d quickly turn around and scurry away from him, flustered and your belly always swarming with butterflies and something else.
his eye would always flash with hunger every time he saw you walking the halls of the red keep, wanting to claim you as his.
there was one time just a few days ago, when he’d gone to visit his sister unexpectedly, making your eyes widen at the sight of him entering his sister’s chambers unannounced, instantly shrinking away from him.
you had not uttered a single word the entire time he was there, simply humming in acknowledgment as the queen would ask your opinion on something, trying to make you join in on the conversation she was having with her brother.
occasionally, you would mutter something underneath your breath, your eyebrows furrowing in concentration as you tried to keep your focus on doing his sister’s hair, though by his close proximity, he could see your shaking hands.
not once did aemond take his eye off of you the entire time he had been there, making your skin crawl with nervousness.
gods, you were so perfect. so, so perfect. you would be his, he would make sure of it. he would have you all to himself, he had to – lest he go insane.
suddenly, the prince had slipped a single long finger inside your dripping cunt, pumping his finger in and out a few times experimentally, before shoving it back inside and curling it inside of you, feeling the silky walls of your heat clamp down around his finger.
you tried your best to stay as quiet as possible, but you couldn’t help the whimpers that escaped you. you looked back up at the prince pleadingly, your eyebrows furrowed and sweat was beginning to form at the back of your neck from the constant pleasure he was giving you.
aemond let out a soft hum, his eye filled with lust and possessiveness, before he eventually leaned down and captured your lips with his in a earth shattering kiss.
you moaned helplessly into his mouth, kissing him back with a burning desire that began to consume you both, feeling his warm tongue snake out and brush over your lower lip, begging for entrance.
your lips parted on their own accord, feeling the prince’s tongue slip into your needy mouth, tasting you.
aemond let out a deep groan of satisfaction, tasting how sweet you tasted, like different kinds of berries. he ran his tongue over the roof of your mouth, feeling your tongue slowly brush up shyly against his, as if asking for his permission.
of course, the prince denied you and bit down on your lower lip in punishment, causing you to let out a pained wail in displeasure.
you whined with need, pressing your hips down against his hand, begging for more, more, more.
you’d take whatever the prince would give to you, everything and anything – it was all yours, all you need to do was ask him and aemond would burn cities to ground to see you happy.
aemond quickly slipped in a second deft finger, pumping them both with vigor. the wet sounds your cunt made were loud and lewd, though you paid it little mind.
instantaneously, the prince dragged his lips down to your jaw, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses along the soft skin there.
you dropped your head down, pressing your face into the warmth of the prince’s chest as your body trembled against his. then, you felt his thumb brush over your sensitive clit once more, beginning to rub the little nub in tight circles, causing you to squeal in endless pleasure.
“oh, ohhh – please, don’t stop prince aemond…!” you sobbed, feeling yourself begin to hyperventilate and something inside your belly was starting to tighten almost uncomfortably, making you squirm wildly against him.
aemond chuckled, kissing the top of your head and bringing up the hand that was holding your dress up to your hair, burying his fingers into the soft locks, caressing the back of your head lovingly.
“let go for me, little one. go on, give it to me.”
your small hands that were grasping the prince’s shoulders squeezed rather harshly, and if you were in your right state of mind you would’ve apologized profusely, but right now… you could not even forge a coherent thought.
“please, please – i need.. i need to–“ you choked, suddenly feeling the band that was tightening in your belly snap, an overwhelming feeling of immense pleasure swarming over you, suffocating you.
your breathing was erratic, your head spinning and your eyes squeezed shut as you felt your body be consumed by euphoria.
it was maddening.
“that’s it, my love,” aemond purred from above you, gently stroking the back of your head tenderly, continuing the assault of his skilled fingers.
aemond pumped his fingers in and out of your cunt slowly now, while leisurely rubbing lazy circles into your clit as he felt you come in the palm of his hand, your pleasurable cries like music to his ears.
aemond hummed, “you’re mine now, do you understand? mine – you belong to me.”
you let out pathetic whines, leaning your full weight against the prince uncaringly.
you were too wrapped up in the pleasure he was giving you to really notice.
a few seconds later, you began feeling overstimulated, a displeased sound escaping you, before you pulled your head back and leaned it against the hard stone wall tiredly.
the prince’s fingers continuously fingered you through your high, and the way his thumb pressed into your pulsing clit sent electric shocks throughout your body, causing you to tense up once again.
looking up, you caught the eye of the devilishly handsome prince that towered over you, making you feel small compared to him.
charmingly, he smiled.
of course, the feeling of the stone wall made you frown in annoyance, feeling uncomfortable without the prince’s soft touch in your hair, caressing you. you dropped one of your hands from the prince’s shoulder, grabbing hold of his wrist that was buried under the layers of your maid’s dress.
aemond immediately paused the movements of his hand, though he kept his fingers buried deep inside of you, raising an eyebrow in question.
you sucked in a deep breath, trying to gather as much courage as you possibly could, but bracing yourself for the worse.
finally, you spoke. “…i will not be your whore, prince aemond,” you said, trying to make your voice as even and as firm as possible. however, you could hear your voice shake slightly at the end, cursing yourself for your bashfulness.
a minute of silence passed, the prince’s face completely blank of any emotion, giving you nothing as your eyes glanced over his face back and forth, silently begging to know what he was thinking.
then, out of nowhere, he laughed loudly. the sound almost pleasing to your ears as it echoed off the walls, just as your moans from earlier had.
your eyes went wide in disbelief, wondering if he was laughing at you. you surely hoped not, you’d be terribly disappointed.
as the prince’s laughter slowly died down, he observed you for a moment silently, before his lips curled up into a wicked smile, “no, you will not be my whore,” he hissed crudely, his eye narrowing at you and the blood in his veins bubbling with fire as he looked down at you intensely.
you tried swallowing, but your mouth appeared dry, waiting for his words. without warning, the prince leaned down once again and crashed his lips against yours, claiming you and causing you to release a pleased sound.
the prince wanted you to be his, truly his.
you couldn’t help the fluttering feeling in your chest, as well as the nervous butterflies swarming in your belly at the thought that maybe… just maybe, the prince would give you what you both desired more than anything – each other.
the prince’s lips met yours in a needy, frenzied kiss, wanting to possess all of you.
you were his, he had to make you see that now.
aemond pulled away from you abruptly, watching as you chased after his lips, causing him to smirk. he shook his head, “no,” he repeated, his voice deep and his eye dark as he looked down at your pretty, blissed out face.
mine, he thought.
“you will not be my whore, my sweet. you will be my wife.”
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httpsserene · 8 months
𝐡𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝟏 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥
𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝟐 : 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐣𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞/𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 & 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫/𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤
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📖𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: for all people believe that werewolves are dangerous creatures, your wolf is pretty tame, even with some of his...quirks. this halloween you let him be the big bad wolf to your little red riding hood, while you give out candy to trick-or-treaters. what he doesn't know, is that you have your own trick-or treat planned for him after this– you're his treat tonight, but he's going to have to chase you first. 📖𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 18+ only. smut. wolf shifter au. werewolves. no abo dynamics. outdoor sex. scent kink. vaginal sex. fingering. possessive behavior. predator/prey kink. tummy bulge. breeding kink. knotting (but not really). mention of heat/rut cycles. no protection. carlos’ filthy mouth. author may have cooked a little too hard 📖𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 6k words 📖𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: carlos sainz jr x fem!black!reader 📖𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: oneshot 📖𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸: peek-a-boo • red velvet
𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲: fair warning this is the most foul thing i’ve written ever. like, i thought the first upload was unsettling, but this is terrifying in comparison. i think i’m getting better tho, low key. no, this was not an excuse to write a breeding kink 😒. this was an excuse to spread my personal feeling that i think carlos sainz jr is a massive freak, and i will take no criticism on that 😩. but i do apologize for his foul ass mouth at the end. imma try and get these out quicker because i realized that if i’m releasing one fic every week, i will not be finishing this b4 the end of the month. there unfortunately will be no part two to this, it’s a standalone, i got so many things to write now, im sorry :( i hope you all enjoy it (i did an embarrassing amount of research for this aka twilight wiki), and thank you for all the support !!!
want to be added to my f1 kinktober taglist? or my general taglist? send me an ask!
thank you to my beta readers @saintslewis and @my-ylenia ! i appreciate y'alls quick feedback :)
cross-posted on my ao3, httpsss
have the link to my general masterlist, and my f1 kinktober masterlist ! and send me a private message if you'd like to be added to the beta reader waitlist for this special!
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carlos is not a werewolf. carlos is a born wolf; he comes from a long familial line of shifters. while he and his wolf share a brain, carlos is in control one-hundred percent of the time. he can shift into a wolf at will and maintains awareness as the wolf. however, during the full moon, it’s extremely difficult for shifters to resist the call and refrain from transforming. werewolves, on the other hand, are created by a curse or from being bitten. they are forced to change into a beast every full moon, thirsting for blood and carnage. their humanity isn’t present in the half-wolf/half-human form; being a werewolf is like a parasitic disease. carlos’ family has found their calling in bringing a sense of order to the wild, and during full moons, their purpose is to contain and redirect the beastly werewolves from harming humans.
shifters are rare, and carlos prefers it that way (he doesn’t ever want to find out what tension multiple shifters on the grid could cause). his nature doesn’t give him any unfair advantages in an f1 car, sure, his reaction time may be a little quicker, and he heals faster–but, nothing that would classify as “cheating.” if he did have any extreme advantages, maybe he’d end max’s world champion streak, but that is not the case; anything about his nature still couldn’t make up ferrari’s shortcomings.
the only downside to being a shifter is how they’re mistaken for werewolves (even though they are obviously two completely different beings). the world doesn’t know about the shifter population at large, it’s mainly an “if you know you know” society, and werewolves are known to the masses with how many slaughters they’ve been caught doing from the beginning of time. which is massively unfortunate for carlos. if he were to be revealed as a wolf shifter, he’d probably lose everything he knows–formula one, his privacy, his family, you–and he would probably be scheduled for a public execution if those were still in place. he’s only trusted a small circle of people within formula one with the secret of his wolf; lando, charles, fernando, jon and rupert, and vasseur. it’s made his life easier having people that are aware of his true nature, so he can shift comfortably during race weekends if needed, when you are not able to join him.
regardless of how the world views carlos’ supernatural state, you genuinely don’t understand how people could be terrified of him. carlos is ‘the dream man’™, and you’re not accepting any critiques on that matter. he’s a personal-sized space heater, so you don’t have to worry about being cold at night–and he doesn’t even complain when you stick your icicle-like toes and fingers on him. he cleans without being told to, he’s an excellent home chef, he takes you golfing with him and even lets you caddy for him, he’s protective but in a respectful manner, and he even partial shifts around you so you can play with his ears and give him a good little scratch.
the only downside you could point out about carlos, is that he takes his wolf form a little too seriously. 
carlos was raised to train his inner wolf into a controlled, unfazed, unshaken, apex-predator being. the wolf has one purpose and it’s to guard his territory, the people he loves, and to prevent any werewolf murder sprees. but, you wish he’d allow himself to relax, and have a little more fun in his wolf form.
you’ve started training him, funnily enough, to allow his wolf to be off the clock sometimes. subconsciously, in the comfort of the spanish villa you two call home, he’s started to allow his ears to pop out whenever he’s relaxed enough. the spaced out and confused faces and noises he makes, with his head and ears flicking and tilting to match, invokes an unhealthy sense of cute-aggression from you. sometimes, you manage to persuade him enough to shift to his full wolf form, and that’s where you find the most difficulty of calming his behavior.
he’ll go around sniffing and rubbing his body along all of the walls and corners of the house to spread his claim, and even refuses to nap or sleep with you while he is shifted. he’d sit in the doorway of the room you were in and remain in an alert state to protect you from whatever dangers that may appear, even though he’s already sure none are present. there was one time you were able to convince him to lay with you under the guise of you being cold; he allowed himself to curl around you and rest his snout on your chest, but the way his ears remained cocked let you know that he was wide awake even though his eyes were shut.
he’s thoroughly unamused whenever you try and get him to play with dog toys. it doesn’t matter if it squeaks, crinkles, or smells–he wants nothing to do with them. he can’t say no to an old-fashioned game of fetch, though. whenever you grab a stick from outside, you hear his thundering paws running towards you before skidding to a rapid stop, his haunches firmly touching the ground while his front paws anxiously tip tap in front of him, and his whole body shakes with anticipation for your throw. and from there you started to get him to appreciate tennis balls and frisbees in fetch games. even though his massive jaw and teeth have you ordering replacements way too often.
and the thought of his massive ears, eyes, hands, and teeth—led you to your halloween costume idea. 
little red riding hood.
it makes the most perfect amount of sense. carlos can be the big bad wolf to your red riding hood! except he refused, stating that it would be shameful to use his wolf in such a manner. of course, you're disappointed at his refusal, but you respect his boundaries at the end of the day. so, you were just going to have piñon (your dog) be your big bad wolf. and then, that fell through as well. 
piñon was staying over at carlos’ parents house a few days before halloween, and ended up losing a battle to a mouse that he tried to catch through a fence. the fence scratched him a little deeply on his tummy and he ended up getting stitches and a cone of shame. while his stitches are in, he’s staying with reyes and carlos sr.–and, you’re back to square one; you’re ‘big bad wolf’-less-ness.
you don’t attempt to try and convince carlos to join you again, you just decide to keep your original costume and sit out on the porch handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters, missing the other half to your costume. it’s very simple attire, just the red-hooded cloak and a picnic basket full of candy. carlos peeks from the front window’s curtains and watches you smile sweetly at all the children and compliment them on their costumes. he hears you fein terror when kids dressed as werewolves ask for candy, he hears you fawn over the cutest kids and their costumes, and he hears your happiness falter when anyone asks where your ‘big bad wolf’ is. 
you’re in the middle of explaining how piñon wasn’t feeling well to a little girl, and you hear a muffled bark. your head perks up in question, thinking you just imagined it, but then you hear scratches on the door. confused, you go to open the door and carlos comes slinking out to join you on the porch. 
his wolf is massive, when standing on four paws his head nearly reaches your chest, his coat is a silky coloration of a brown so dark it appears black, but in direct sunlight it radiates warmth. his paws are larger than your face and the claws he’s got on them are big enough to match. the little girl shrieks and hides behind her dad’s legs, and the dad backs them up off the porch frantically. 
“no, no, no,” you reassure them, and carlos tries to shrink his body behind your legs, whining lowly, “he’s friendly! i promise he’s a sweetheart, he’s actually pretty shy!” carlos skimpers behind you, quickly managing to shove himself under the outdoor couch, only allowing his head to peek out from underneath. the dad doesn’t quite believe you, and just apologizes and just ushers his daughter to the next house.
you sigh, and plop down a little forcefully on the couch. you hear carlos crawl from underneath the seat, and rise to a sitting position at your side, resting his snout on your lap. you look down and purse your lips at his wide, apologetic brown wolf eyes and raise your hand to give him a few pets. you question softly, “are you going to join me for the whole night?”
carlos blinks at you once. an eager grin spreads across your lips, “yay! aren’t you just such a good boy,” you tease sarcastically. carlos huffs, the force of his exhale swooshing your cloak, before he turns his back to you in dismissal. you laugh at him, and the next group of kids run up yelling for candy, and carlos tries to appear as small as he can so he doesn’t scare these ones away.
after the initial scare carlos caused, everyone seems fascinated at your “wolf-dog,” and how well mannered and amicable he is. carlos lets all the kids who are brave enough pet him, not snapping once even if they accidentally tug at his tail or ears, and sits incredibly still so he has no chance of accidentally crushing them. several dads even pause to give him a sturdy little dad-pat on his side, and inform you of how “that’s a good guard dog you got there, he takes a pat like no problem.” you even impress a few of the moms with how well trained you have him, and how he listens to all of your commands and can do many tricks (so far, the most impressive trick is having him harmonize to your voice with a howl). carlos preens silently next to you whenever little kids can’t help themselves from telling you how pretty you are (his tail thumping on the floor the only giveaway), and seethes when overzealous men and women try and hit on you (growls rumbling out of his chest). you brush off their advances and charmingly tell them, “i don’t think my boyfriend would appreciate me cheating on him…especially in front of his dog,” with a disguised smirk. overall, carlos does so well cosplaying as your big bad wolf, that you decide to give him the present you planned all along. 
after the halloween celebrations die down, you and carlos return inside, and you lead the way up to the bedroom as he trots behind you. carlos shifts back into his naked human form, and you giggle and pull him into a hug.
“thank you, my love! everyone loved you tonight–you know you didn’t have to join me outside, right? i didn’t want you to feel pressured to do something you were–” carlos cuts you off with a chaste kiss to the cheek and dismisses your worry, “mi luna, i wouldn’t have gone out there if i did not want to, sí? i am happy i could make the night more fun for you, by playing your “big bad wolf.’”
you pull away with a small ‘aha!’ of remembrance and rush into the en-suite bathroom, closing the door behind you. carlos stares at the space you were just occupying and shrugs, figuring you have to pee really badly–considering you were sitting on the porch the whole night without a break– and that you’re probably changing out of the costume, before turning to the closet and pulling on clothes. 
he hears the toilet flush, and then the water runs for a minute too long–almost like you’re covering up any noises carlos may hear with his enhanced hearing, but he doesn’t think that you’d have anything to hide from him, anyways. you fling the door open excitedly, still in your riding hood, and pull carlos away from the closet and start dragging him downstairs. 
“ay–” carlos objects, “i don’t have a shirt on yet, mi amor! where are you rushing too?”
you don’t respond verbally, only glancing back at him with a cheeky smirk, and continue to lead him to the backyard. you drop carlos hand once you’ve stepped outside, shutting the sliding glass door behind you two. walking back to him, you stand in front of him–pausing as you stare into the warm depth of his brown eyes, before you take one step backwards. carlos automatically goes to parrot your movement, attempting to take one step towards you to eliminate the space, but you ‘aht-aht’ at him disapprovingly causing him to freeze. you press your hand against his chest near his clavicle and guide him to his original position. patting once with intention, you order, “stay.”
carlos’ eyes widen in shock, but he doesn’t say anything. he allows you to back away from him, twitching towards you when your bare feet slip off the paved patio onto the grass. you come to a stop when you’re halfway into the yard. 
carlos calls out to you, confused, “amor? what’s this, i do not want to play fetch right now–”
“we’re not going to play fetch carlos,” you start, “we’re going to play a new game called chase.” carlos does his adorable head tilt at you, continuing to question your actions, “qué? i don’t know the game you are talking about, mi luna–wh-what-qué haces (what are you doing)?”
you unbutton the collar of the cloak, and spread the front open, from where you wrapped it tightly around your body, and reveal a matching set of the scantiest, laciest, and most mouthwatering red bra and panties. carlos is stunned to silence, mouth dropping open as his eyes fall to your exposed body. the way your smooth melanated skin is complimented by the rosso corsa-colored lingerie, the way you’re holding open the cloak to allow him to get his fill of your body, the way your hips seductively rock from one side to the other, the way the smell of your arousal begins to become apparent to his sensitive nose–before you abruptly wrap the cloak shut, tying the waistband tightly and shattering the moment.
“we are going to play a game called ‘chase’, carlito. where i run into the woods behind us, and you…chase me.”
carlos’ entranced state is shaken by his protective instincts, “qué? no, no! absolutely not. the woods are dangerous, mi amor–”
“carlosss,” you whine, “you patrol the woods every other week! you know there’s nothing that could hurt me out here, because you’ve already gotten rid of it. you’re going to give chase and you’re going to like it!”
carlos shifts anxiously, not fully persuaded, so you decide to not give him a choice, “ten minutes, love. after that, come catch me.” you turn and run into the densely packed woods, ignoring carlos’ exclamation for you to stop. he doesn’t suddenly appear and stop your disappearance into the forest, so that’s how you know the game is on.
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your chest is already heaving from adrenaline and excitement as you run through the forest, ducking under branches and hopping over rocks and fallen tree limbs. you pant and the nerves start to set in, not out of fear of what’s in the forest, but fear of giving carlos an easy chase. you stop suddenly and take a sharp turn, running for a minute that way before you circle back and run at a slight diagonal in the opposite direction, overlaying your scent to try and give some added time to your pursuit. running deeper into the woods, it begins to get darker, the only light source are the scraps of moonlight that manage to find a pocket to slip through. your eyes adjust to the reduced light level, pupils blown wide not only in necessity but also arousal, and you come to a halt again. you quickly slip off your red panties and hang them on the nearest branch, hoping that the wetness that’s already seeped into them distracts him from your true location. 
you start to traverse your way through an uphill part of the forest, exhaustion finally beginning to become apparent after that first rush of adrenaline–but then, a familiar howl cuts through the air; your time is up, and carlos is loose in the forest, hunting after you. reinvigorated, you continue running deeper and deeper into the trees, changing directions multiple times losing track of exactly where you’re going.
the wolf fucking losing it. you–his luna, his mate–are out in the forest he protects—his territory—inciting him into a relieving game of chase, allowing him to be just as uncontrolled as he wants in his pursuit of you. he’s quick to catch on your trail, seeing the way you’re rushed heavy steps in the start leaves an easy path for him to follow. and then, he notices you employed different tactics to delay him. he catches himself running in circles you intentionally plotted, and notices how your scent and foot-trail overlaps multiple times. and then, he can tell you switched from running with the full bottom of your foot and just on your toes for a moment to disrupt your trail. his breaths have started to mirror yours, forceful with the adrenaline from a good chase, and he freezes. he smells you.
he speeds up to a full run, paws thundering against the earth under him, loud and uncaring if you hear him coming or not, before he bursts through the trees where your scent is the strongest. but, you’re not there. the wolf whines disbelievingly, bringing his nose to the floor to analyze your scent trail before a glimpse of red catches his attention from the corner of his eye. he spins around swiftly, expecting it to be the swish of your cloak as you run from, but it’s not you.
it’s the damn red panties you kindly left behind for him. 
he rocks up on his hind legs to knock it off the branch to the ground, and presses his muzzle to the barely there fabric, inhaling your arousal deeply. an unhinged growl tumbles his way out of his chest, before it morphs into another full howl, letting you know how much he appreciates your present. carlos won’t be fooled by any more of your tricks again, and he takes off running.
you’ve taken a brief break from running, leaning forward with your hand against your knees as you catch your breath. it’s loud around you; bugs are buzzing and you can hear the hoots of several owls echoing through the forest. suddenly, it goes completely silent, quicker than a drop of a pin. you slam your mouth shut, quieting your inhales, and you slowly shift your stance into a running position, trying to use your hearing to tell what direction the wolf is coming from. you hear the rustle of a tree on your right, and you make to leap away into a run–but it’s too late. 
you’re caught, large hands around your waist and a leg sweeps your own out from underneath you and takes you to the ground. a scream of surprise escapes from your chest but is cut off with a heavy hand laying over your mouth.
carlos is looming over you, kneeled in between your legs, bare as the day he was born, chest heaving, and pupils wide from the thrill and pleasure of a successful hunt. “caught you. i could hear your little heart racing in your chest.” he boasts.
carlos removes his hand only to replace it with his lips, and the passion he bathes your lips with fragments your mind. you can only part your lips and let him ruin you as he pleases. his plump lips suckle on yours before his tongue begins an eager exploration of your mouth–a desperate moan falls from his lips into yours. one of his hands comes to grasp at the curls on your head, tilting you for a better angle; and you raise one of yours to grasp at his shoulder for stability, but carlos startles away. an animalistic growl rumbles through his chest in dissent, and he grabs both of your wrists in one of his hands, and pins them above your head. 
you’re at a loss for words, unsure if you want to moan or plead to suck his dick, but carlos doesn’t give you a chance to decide. 
he allows himself one last soul-sucking kiss, before he presses nips into your cheeks and jaw, leading towards your neck. carlos buries his nose deeply into the spot where your jaw meets your neck, and takes an excessive inhale of your scent. dios mio. the way you smell. delectable and rich soaked with lust and the dregs of fear still clinging in the surroundings. he gets to smell this for the rest of his life. another growl erupts possessively, and you can only moan depravedly at the sound.
carlos continues to lavish kisses on his way down your body, bruising them into your skin before soothing over with a pass of his tongue. the hand in your hair releases, coming down to allow him to grasp at your chest, brushing over your nipples in a quick motion; the lace scrapes against them and the feeling is paralyzing. he tugs the rossi corsa bra underneath your breasts, and they spill out over the top in a manner so obscene it forces another moan out of carlos. he ducks his head again, to tease at your nipples with his tongue, alternating between flicking and sucking at them randomly. he ignores your hips are rolling up, attempting to get some friction, and your hands in his wrists flexing and tugging to escape. 
he frees your nipples from the assault of his lips, and starts sucking hickeys into your underboob with a pleased hum. the change in sensation and slight ache, has another scream bursting from your chest, it’s too much.
“c-c-carlos, c’mon! please, please—oh!” cutting yourself off with a gasp, as carlos abruptly pulls away, his large hand releasing your wrists,  to scooch down and bully your legs open with a free hand and shoves his broad tanned shoulders between your thighs. 
you’re dripping everywhere. the tops of your inner thighs are smeared with stickiness and you’ve created a wet spot on the cloak underneath you. a growl fully spills from carlos’ chest, shaking the air around you and causing the hairs on the back of your neck to rise. he is an apex predator, you should at least be slightly terrified, but all you do is moan in response, more arousal leaking from you, and you start begging.
“carlos!p-please touch me! lobo mió—please, dont you wanna taste me? i want you to eat me,” you sob, “eat me out! you h-h-hunted me, take what you want!”
carlos laughs sharply at your obscenity, “oh? mi luna, you’re so bad, aren’t you? you should be scared of having my teeth so close to your pretty pussy, but here you are: begging, leaking, and your little hole winking and clenching at me, sí?”
you quickly agree, “yesyesyes, for you, for you, always. please carlos,” one of your hands flies down to grip at his hair and try and tug his mouth onto you. carlos snaps his teeth at you, and you quickly pull your hand away from his head, leaving it hovering in the air.
carlos growls, “don’t rush me, mi luna, i always take care of you, no?” you hum in agreement, both of your hands falling to your sides and gripping the grass next to you in anticipation.
carlos dips his head and swipes his tongue gently at your left inner thigh, and groans deeply. it’s your scent liquified; he licks his lips and smacks his mouth, savoring your slick. after that one sample he can’t help himself, he loses himself and makes it his personal mission to clean up every last drop of you that spilled. carlos’ mouth is sloppy, and he’s uncaring of how your thighs begin to shake in oversensitivity from the way his beard is scratching your thighs up, red lines appearing faintly on your brown skin. you start squirming away from his mouth, and carlos huffs, annoyed. 
his hands switch to gripping the underside of your thighs, and he pushes them upwards near your chest, and commands, “stop moving, mi amor, or i’ll stop completely.” you moan a soft breathy okay, and your moan pitches into a sharp gasp. carlos runs his nose up your cunt parting the lips, more wetness spreading, before he pauses at your clit; and deeply inhales your scent from where it’s the richest. you cry, half bewildered and half humiliated, at your boyfriend eagerly sniffing at your warmth.
carlos rumbles out, “mierda, mi luna. mmm, so sweet—i cannot wait. i have to get in you, sí?” carlos doesn’t wait for a response and presses two fingers inside you. a cry escapes you at the sudden stretch, but your scent doesn’t sour with pain—carlos continues. he rushes through stretching you; his fingers scissoring you open methodically, consciously avoiding your g-spot. the squelching noises coming from your cunt, has tears gathering in your eyes in embarrassment, even though it’s fairly clear that carlos enjoys it. 
his fingers slide out a minute later, and that same hand reaches for his dick to begin spreading your wetness over it. carlos hisses, and with a clenched jaw, he asks, “mi amor—estas lista (are you ready)?” his body is now vibrating with the force he’s holding himself back with, waiting for your approval. 
your hands release the earth, blades of grass you ripped out of the ground falling from between your fingers, and motion carlos to come closer and lean over you, dwarfing your body completely, “yeah, lobo mio, fuck me.”
carlos whimpers, head falling to rest in your neck. his hand grasps tighter at the underside of your left thigh—a bruise forming already—and pushes it firmly to your chest, your right leg bends slightly and you press your knee to his hip, urging him forward.
carlos guides the head of his cock with a trembling hand to your cunt, and gently presses in. you sharply inhale, holding your breath, until the head pops in fully, causing both you and carlos to moan in pleasure. carlos continues sinking deeper within you as controlled and slowly as he can, not wanting to cause you any discomfort. however, you’re completely gone already. eyes shut in bliss, mouth open, drool already leaking from the corner of your lips. carlos lifts his head to read your expression, and smirks, you’re so easy for him. 
he bottoms out, feeling how your walls squeeze him tightly, and flutter in desperation, like they can’t quite accommodate to his size. carlos waits patiently, chest heaving again from the strain of not taking you, and watches how you squirm underneath him, not knowing if you want to squirm away or closer. you adjust to his presence a handful of seconds later, and grind your hips up to feel the delicious drag of his dick inside of you. carlos’ eyes widen and a shocked groan escapes him before he rolls his own hips down to meet you. 
carlos sets a quick pace from the beginning, he can’t be bothered with building up his speed slowly—he has a claim to lay on you; and to any other being in this forest who can smell how alluring you are, you’re his mate.
moans are being punched out of your chest with every one of his thrusts, harmonizing with his matching grunts of effort. your back is sliding against the grassy floor, and your shoved up with every one of his deep thrusts, and you sink your nails into his back in pleasure, and carlos growls into your ear at the feeling. 
you manage to find words to praise your wolf, “s-so deep in me, carlos—yeahyeahyeah, deeper, baby, please—ah! faster, carlos, faster—“ and carlos does his best to fulfill your wishes; his mouth rests right next to your ear; his panting breaths, and moans only making you squeeze around him tighter.
he soon tires of your orders; he’s not doing his best if he hasn’t fucked the words out of you. carlos suddenly pulls out of you, and you cry out angrily with a furrowed brow, “no, carlos! don’t stop, what are you—“ and with a rough commanding tone, he interrupts you, “stop whining.” your mouth slams shut, the sound of your teeth clacking together mortifyingly loud, your eyes wide with shock.
carlos softens, patting at your hip gently to reassure you that he’s not angry. he then flips you over (cloak spread on the ground underneath you), up on your elbows and knees, and makes to mount you properly—like the wolf he really is. the air is thick, and with your back turned to him in such a vulnerable manner, adrenaline rushes through you again. carlos laughs down demeaningly at you, as your scent thickens even more with lust and smidge of fear. 
rattled at his amusement, you try to push up onto your hands and knees, but carlos automatically pushes you back down, with a heavy, hot and veiny hand scruffing you at the base of your neck. you moan out highly, as carlos forces you back down to your elbows. he releases your neck and smooths his hand down to the small of your back to deepen your arch just the way he wants, and to pull your hips up to match.
all he says is, “now, you stay, just like that—and be a pretty hole for me.”
carlos bullies his dick back inside you, and doesn’t allow you any time to adjust in the this new position. he roughly pounds into you, now only caring about getting his release—he’ll make you cum after he’s thoroughly enjoyed his prize for hunting you down.
carlos’ grunts are animalistic, and his thrusts are too fast for you to try and buck back against him to match his rhythm; all you can do is sit pretty and take what he gives you—just like he said. you can only ramble out four words in between your moans; ‘carlos,’ ‘full,’ and ‘too deep.’ carlos rumbles approvingly at your chanting this time around, and pulls your hips back even closer to dig as deep as he can, uncaring of how you're trying to run from his thrusts.  
your start babbling at the constant pressure and drag against your g-spot, he’s so deep, in this position, hitting areas he can only reach and causes your legs to give out. carlos’ hips don’t falter, as he catches you pulling you back up with a hand around your navel. and then his hips stutter in shock with a crude moan. he grabs one of your hands, causing you to fall flat on your face, head turned to the side with your cheek pressed to the cool red cloak—and guides it to your stomach and holds it there.
carlos resumes thrusting, and preens, “mmm, can you feel that, mi amor? i’m fucking you so deep—ah—you can feel it through your skin.” you can feel it, and the pressure from carlos pressing your hand on his own dick from outside of your body, has your eyes rolling back and tears streaming down your face. your legs go limp again, but carlos isn’t fazed; he continues to hold your body up for you. “so good for me,” carlos rambles, “mio luna—my mate.”
abruptly, you feel it. the press of his knot against you, and in a sudden moment of clarity, you start to beg. 
“—los! kn-knot, please! ‘arlos, breed—ahahah—breed me deep and full—oh!”
carlos gnashes his teeth, growling savagely, before he leans down and forcefully bites down at the back of your neck—not enough to break skin, but enough to remind you of his teeth for a few days. you shudder, air stolen from your lungs, and you have no choice but to cum. 
carlos feels the way your pussy flutters around him, failing to push him out with your release flooding your thighs, and how it continues to drag him deeper within you in a hypnotizing motion to milk him dry. carlos struggles to thrust once, twice, thrice more times with how tightly your cunt is gripping him and shoves his cock as deep in you as possible without allowing his knot to slip in, filling you up nice and good—breeding you just like you wanted. 
carlos rocks you two both through the aftershocks, ensuring his cum coats your insides thoroughly, only slowing to a stop when your combined release starts frothing at where the two of you are joined, and your hips start squirming away from him. he guides you back, sitting you on his lap, keeping himself inside you, as he rotates you to face him.
your makeup is ruined. mascara and eyeliner staining your cheeks with the tracks of your tears, red lipstick smudged on your brown skin, eyes wide and still glassy with moisture. carlos swipes his thumb around your lips, fading the smudges as best as he can. 
you smile softly, and ask with a light tone, “wasn’t that fun, mi lobo?”
carlos can only laugh softly, and nod, “yes—i did not know that you would enjoy being bred on the forest floor that much.”
your cheeks flush again after they began to cool, and you smack carlos shoulder in embarrassment. your brow furrows, and your mouth drops into a pout, “why didn’t you knot me?”
carlos raises an eyebrow at you teasingly, “ah, sí! you were begging for it like whore—“
“i’m joking, i’m joking, mi luna! of course you were begging, more like a slut for my knot than a bitch in h—“
“dios mio, carlos! your fucking mouth after you cum—jesus christ!”
he can only laugh harder, extra pleased at how he gets you to fluster so easily, even after he just railed you in the middle of the forest.
“ay, mi amor—i’ll stop, im sorry,” he starts still grinning cockily, “pero, i did not give you the knot you begged for so sweetly, because my rut is in three days, sí? and i can’t afford to bruise your pretty pussy with my hefty knot before then, no?”
you balk. carlos’s semi-annual rut is a force of its own, you're practically out of commission for a week after it, unable to close your legs from how raw it leaves you. his knot bruises your insides every time you take it, so he definitely made the smart decision by not folding to your cries of desperation.
the scent of the two of you's satisfaction permeates the air, intertwining with the smell of sex, and carlos can only lean forward to mouth at your neck to taste how well he took care of you tonight. 
“mmm,” carlos hums, “now—do you want me to carry you back to our den so i can finally get my mouth on you and clean you up, or do you want me to make another mess of you right here, mi luna?”
taglist: @lorarri @soph1644 @jaydensluv @fanboyluvr @nissaimmortal @redgonerogue @hollie911 @saintwrld @buendiabebeta @butterfly-lover @lana-d3l-rey @dylan1721 @spicybagel14 @dhhdhsiavdhajj @miahgonzalez16 @jjaekin @dkbj14 @f1lover55 @f1lov3r @mindless-rock @biancathecool @barnestatic @sweetpiccolo-blog @my-ylenia @zaynzierulez
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© httpsserene 2023
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ellecdc · 4 months
hello!! i came across cbbh a few days ago and im OBSESSED 🩷 definitely one of my faves!!
can i request a blurb about cbbh sirius x reader’s little domestic moments as they raise their family 🥹 tysm 🩷
you absolutely can babes! thank you so much for reading and the request 💖
CBBH Sirius Black x reader - bedtime foul
You moved at the pace of a snail as you closed the door quietly to Aurora’s room, not wanting to wake the girl you had finally gotten to sleep. Trying to get the nearly-five-year-old to go to bed almost made Lyra’s nine-month-old sleep regression look like child’s play. 
You followed the gentle sound of Sirius’ voice murmuring to the offending infant’s nursery, leaning against the door to enjoy the view.
It was a painfully domestic scene, watching your husband in his band tee and plaid pyjama pants hold Lyra’s small form up near is head as he murmured into her dusting of black hair, looking out of the window into the night as it fell upon Potter Manor. 
“And then, Princess Y/N and the brave Knight Regulus jumped out from their hiding spots and defeated the monster, and they all lived happily ever after.” You heard Sirius finish before Lyra grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged hard before letting out a guttural scream. 
“Oh, you poor darlin’. What’s your papa doing to you, hm?” You commiserated with the baby as she reached her pudgy arms out to you. You took her easily into your arms and Sirius, though disappointed at the usurpation, gladly released his grip on Lyra after she relented her grip on his hair.   
Lyra, much to your husband’s chagrin, calmed instantly and watched your face as she let out a shuddering breath, tears drying up almost immediately.
Sirius leaned his forehead onto your shoulder from behind you and the three of you rocked back and forth like a boat at sea. 
It wasn’t long at all before Lyra’s breathing evened out, and you were almost sorry to have to disturb this little vertical family cuddle that was happening, but you wiggled your shoulder signalling for Sirius to move his head before you went to place the infant into her crib. 
You both left the nursery and moved across the hall toward your own room. You closed the door behind you as you let out a breath you weren’t completely aware you had been holding. 
“These girls make Draco look like an angel baby. I don’t remember us having such an issue at bedtime with him.” You complained as you moved to the bathroom to brush your teeth. 
“It’s ‘cause Lyra hates me.” Sirius muttered petulantly, causing your toothbrush to pause on its way to your mouth. 
“Lyra does not hate you!” You argued emphatically. In fact, it could be said that he was Lyra’s favourite person – especially as Padfoot. You’d be damned to admit that to the likes of him, however.
“Sure she does.” He scoffed as he spread moisturizer on his face. “You probably thought I’d been accosting her with the way she started squealing; she’d have you thinking she acted in self-defence.”
“I did not think that. I heard you speaking so sweetly to her!” You said through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“Well, if I’m so sweet to her, why does she yank at my hair?” He asked. 
You hummed as you finished brushing your teeth and spat into the sink. “Maybe she doesn’t hate you, maybe she just hates your hair.” 
The lid to his moisturizer fell to the sink below him as he whipped his body to face you. “Why would you say that?” He interrogated you in a whisper. 
You started to chuckle, and he quickly shook his head.
“Babe.” He insisted, “why would you say that?” 
Sirius had always had a better poker face than you, and you were nearing full on belly laughter at this point. Sirius remained stony faced, though his lips looked a little tight and his eyes were full of mischief. 
“Take that back.” He demanded.
“Hey, you asked.” You said with a chuckle as you left the ensuite and moved towards your bed. You didn’t make it far before Sirius had launched himself at you and you were bearing the brunt of his weight in a very crooked piggy-back-ride. 
“You take that back right now.” He demanded again as he clung to your form. You were still laughing as you continued to step towards your bed with his feet dragging uselessly against the ground behind you.
As you made it to the bed, you turned your body so that your back - and thus, Sirius - were facing the bed and fell backwards, trapping Sirius under your weight. 
Neither of you said anything or made an attempt to move, inhaling deeply at the quietness that seemed to be missing from the Manor all day. 
“This hair, Y/N,” Sirius started solemnly. You closed your eyes and started giggling silently which left you basically vibrating from your place on top of your husband. “This is the hair of legends, okay? Generations of Black’s have specifically passed down th-”
“You can say bred. You were bred to have that hair.”
“Specifically passed down the trait for this hair. Okay? It was what generations of Black’s strived for.” He continued slightly louder as if you hadn’t interrupted him at all.
“M’kay, you’re like an F3 goldendoodle.” You stated simply which earned you a pinch in the ribs and an indignant ‘oi!’. “You’re like a GMO.” You continued.
“I beg your pardon!?” Sirius all but screeched.
“A genetically modified organism.; you were genetically engineered. Your ancestors were like mad scientists.” You answered as you placidly rolled off of him and landed face down into your mattress.
“You are so lucky that a) you are all the way over there now, b) so incredibly pretty and the love of my life and c) that I’m so fuckin’ tired right now because I would absolutely beat the crap out of you for that cheek.” He said as he reached his arm over to demonstrate the new-found space between you two, though it didn’t amount to much when his fingers landed on your bicep. 
“You’re all bark, Black.”
Sirius sighed dramatically. “You’re right. I’d never.”
You smiled to yourself and the two of you laid there - the top half of your bodies on the bed and the bottom halves hanging off - for a few moments just enjoying the silence.
You both had nearly fallen asleep like that when you heard Lyra wail from her room.
“For fuck’s sake.” You muttered as you stood, pushing Sirius back down onto the bed as he went to do the same. “Stay here, protect that hair.”
Sirius groaned but did as you told. “She better not hate my hair, that little minx is bound to inherit it herself.” 
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starry-miki · 6 months
9 Days of Solomon:
Day 1: Stars!
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I saw the post on the 9 Days of Solomon from @impish-ivy a while back and I’ve always wanted to participate in obey me related fan events but I end up not doing it or chickening out. But hopefully Ill be able to full participate in the entire event from start to finish! ☺️
Im still an amateur with rending so I’m try my best for the next few art works ;P
Below are my thoughts in the process and progress on this art piece so if you aren’t interested then you can keep scrolling but thank you for looking! ^^
For tomorrows “Prompt Day 2: Nostalgia” for the “9 Days of Solomon” won’t be released until on his birthday, I had to push it back, but “Prompt Day 3: Knife” will be released on it’s appropriate date (Dec.3)
Edit: If the image is blurry please click on image. 😘
Day 1: Prompt: Stars! For some odd reason I was having a hard time coming up with an idea since there is already a lot and I mean a LOT of Solomon fanart with stars (basically his signature staple ;P) and I didn’t want to do a rinse and repeat what other people were going to do cause that would be boring, so I threw a lot of different ideas that ended be discarded for example:
-Solomon siting on the cocytus hall roof top observing the night starry sky
-a visual depiction of Solomon siting up on the roof top of the train (from his actual “Solomon going on the train” card”) and having his eyes and the background show the night sky
- his classic cape showing stars
(Feel free to use any ideas if they appeal to you I don’t mind you using it ;P)
All the ideas just didn’t talk to me what so ever so I discard them, after scrolling through Pinterest for any spark of idea, then after combining different ideas I came up with a Kid! Solomon, first experiencing his first Magic book. I’m not quite sure why I decide I was going to draw Kid! Solomon instead of his adult form, I guess it felt like it would work better this way. Besides I was going to draw lots of Adult! Solomon anyway ;P
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nnajiro · 1 year
sano manjiro x reader
can we sit like this for a little while?...
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on days like these, where everything was quiet and peaceful, you and mikey, your boyfriend chose to sit in silence in the presence of the other. as the blue hour began, the one second in which the night birds fell asleep and the morning ones still rest, where everything is as quiet as a nap’s dream, only the soft wind being present
“you know, at times like this i remember why i fell for you”
you hummed in response, allowing him to continue
“in the moments of quietness, i see how calm i am with you, when i am with others just cant help but wander”
you looked at him catching his eye fast enough since he was already looking at you. his features were your favourite thing to watch, his little pores on his nose and his beautiful smiling lines forming as he laughed, the way his eyelashes moved and those pure black eyes…
“i feel the same with you”
you finally replied, feeling your heart being completely full with adorations towards this boy infront of you, whom you call your boyfriend
you guys breathed out in sync as the two of you leaned in to rest each others heads on the others shoulder, bumping heads in the process
you both whined and started chuckling together at the silly move
he muttered as he patted his shoulder, you stared in his eyes in awe as he let you win. his shoulder being so comfortable despite the roughness of his skin
“do you ever think about the future?”
almost like a whisper he said, his eyes moving around the room you two were in, making sure you were sitting comfortable by watching over you
“what about it?”
the rusty chuckle he let out made your stomach feel things as you closed your eyes to hear his breathing
“you answered my question with a question again”
there was a moment of silence before you spoke again
“i dont really, im too afraid i will loose the present moment if i do so”
you leaned back on the couch again, looking at his side profile as he stared at the closed tv infront of him. you took a strand of his hair and pulled it back behind his ear, making his beautiful dark eyes look into yours, as always making you feel things as you saw your reflection in them
“i do”
he muttered
“a lot”
you found his eyes moving away from yours, carefully avoiding the continuation that was about to come anyway
“about what?”
he stood up immediately, wanting to break the silence and ruin the intense mood he was making himself, and grabbed you off of the couch, tickling at your sides as he did so
“ahahh shdusb bahahah! mikey wha—“
you found yourself moving back to fight against his tickles, falling abruptly on the soft mattress of his bed
he looked down at you form where he stood, he adored the way your body looked and how your hair framed your beautiful face, how your eyes looked so soft towards his and how warm your skin was everytime he held your hand
you saw as his figure stood infront of you, everything you loved stood right there looking down at you
“you’re so pretty”
he said softly as he towered over you, releasing all of his weight on top of you in a hug
“uuhhh you are so heavy mikey!!”
but still you hugged him back, so grateful for being here with him
“i was thinking about our future”
he whispered in your spread out locks on his bed
“how i always want to be with you, from now on”
he finished, picking himself up by placing both hands to both sides of your head. you find yourself being silent and soon your hand moved out of instinct to the back of his head, fingers all over his ash blonde hair
you pulled him closer to you and soon there were only mere inches in between the two of you
“are we happy in that future version you are thinking about?”
you smiled softly as he leaned by his own will and kissed your soft lips, breaking it soon after and looking into your demanding eyes
“yea, really happy”
he chuckled once again before leaving his body to fall on you again causing you tho whine in pain once again
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff
warnings mentions of food
notes me? your favourite zb1 writer ⁉️ pls im so touched, ilysm🥹 i hope your exams go by smoothly and thank you for requesting, ina ! i hope you enjoy this (i went to do this so fast bcuz of ur exams 💕)
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— zhang hao
so affectionate 🥹
soothing touches like tracing circles on your free hand while you study
reassures you alot like “you’re gonna do great”
listens to your rants and complaints abt a certain topic/subject you don’t like
his reaction to that is literally: “oh, it must be hard.” ☹️
always tells you that he is proud of you
overall comforts you as much as he can
“you have all the time you need, take it easy.”
— sung hanbin
worried 24/7 for you
not bcuz he thinks that you’ll do bad but because he doesn’t want to see you so stressed out
always supervising you cuz he doesn’t want you overworking yourself
maybe even more stressed than you 😭
insists you take a break even when you started studying like 15 minutes ago 😃
makes sure you take care of yourself while also putting your all into studies
hands you meals and drinks himself just so it’s easier for you
“remember that i always am and will be proud of you.”
— seok matthew
learns the subjects just to help you
sometimes, you end up teaching him a thing or two
creates a study timetable for you
his motivation makes you motivated; win-win ‼️
maybe a bit too motivated…
gives you questions during the most random times throughout the day 🫢
you’re brushing your teeth? question.
you’re taking out the trash? question.
his motto is ‘no pain, no gain’
“don’t fall asleep just yet, i have another question!”
— shen ricky
knows exactly when to help you or to give you space to study
if he sees you studying, he won’t disturb you
but if he sees you procrastinating, he uses the power of ✨bribery✨
“if you get an A on this test, i’ll buy you anything you want”
boom ez motivation 💥
“finish these questions and i’ll give you one of my photocards” “i want a jiwoong photocard though..”
isn’t jealous at all because secretly, he wants a jiwoong photocard too 🤫
“i’ve ordered 2 jiwoong pc’s!” “wait, why two?”
— park gunwook
helps you study 🤞
one condition tho; a kiss for some help
gives you tips and tricks on how to answer questions precisely
also gives you all his notes
makes sure you get enough sleep the night before an exam so you won’t be tired while answering it
very experienced in these matters 👍
when you feel like giving up, he gives you a motivational speech that would inspire many
very very very patient in teaching you so that you don’t feel pressured
“you got this one correct, you’re amazing!”
— kim taerae
he sees you studying and thinks that you’re very hardworking
therefore, he doesn’t want to bother you
absolutely silent whenever you study because any form of noise can be disturbing
like he tiptoes around 😭
but when you’re done, he asks if you need anything
a hug, a kiss, ricky’s wallet? he can give you them all
okay, maybe not the last one but you get what i mean
he convinces you to think that you’re the smartest person ever 🫵
“you’re gonna kill this!”
— kim gyuvin
he tries to help you study and cheer you up
as in, he doesn’t want to see you stressed so he cracks a joke or two 🤝
it becomes very distracting but he has good intentions
“do you know how to do this?” you ask, pointing to a question
“let me see…” bringing the book towards his face, squinting his eyes
places back the book in front of you “yeah, no. sorry..” 😃
eventually you ask him to be a bit more quiet and he has his lips shut
but he’s always in the room while you study whenever you need a joke to hear
“no joke, you’re the smartest person i know”
— kim jiwoong
checks up on you ALOT
gives you shoulder and head massages to release the tension you have there
goes up to you and rubs your shoulders 🫠
“hey, you deserve a break. let’s go for a walk.”
with him, all your worries disappear and suddenly you’re like ‘the tests are gonna be so easy’
if you just happen to become slightly anxious; he will notice
comes up to you to give you a kiss 💋
which breaks you from all bad thoughts
“after your exams are over, i’ll take you somewhere nice.”
— han yujin
studies with you cuz he most likely is also having exams 🤝
if he doesn’t understand, he asks you and vice versa
sometimes he spaces out and you have to bring him back to reality
when you’re really worried and start saying ‘what if’s’
he gives a whole list on why you’re going to get good grades
“firstly, you’re good at everything you do. secondly, i think you’re smarter than gunwook hyung.” 😦
before the exams start, he makes sure to say good luck to you
“i don’t need to say this because you always do so well but good luck!”
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© keiwook
taglist @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @trsrina
here, if you want to join the taglist !
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siyooungi · 1 year
hello! i've been reading some of your work recently and your writing is amazing!! could i request something with boa (which im so thankful anyone even writes for her) based on her song "kiss my lips"? you can do anything you want with it, thank you!!
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now playing - kiss my lips by boa
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Pairing: BoA x Fem!Reader
Idol: Kwon Bo-ah (Soloist)
Warning(s): slight angst..?
A/N: awww, thank you so much! I’m honestly so glad someone requested for her, so I appreciate this.
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You and Boa’s friendship ran way back, ever since you were a trainee under SM. Of course, she was already a well-established soloist by then, but she supported you throughout your entire journey. She would always come over when you needed her for support or listen attentively when you wanted her opinion on something, especially your songs.
"Unnie?" Boa looked up at the sound of your voice, drawing her attention away from her phone. "Can you listen to this and tell me how it sounds?" Your voice was becoming quieter as you were becoming increasingly self-conscious at the thought of her listening to your song. She nodded happily and sat closer to you, waiting for you to press play. As soon as you did, you looked down shyly, as you didn’t want to see her reaction as it played. You were completely unaware of the smile forming on her face.
Once the music stopped playing, you hesitantly looked up, only to be met with her bright smile. “That was amazing!” She complimented, turning her attention back to you. “You sound amazing, Y/N.” You couldn’t help but blush at her words, feeling an overwhelming amount of joy at her genuineness. “Thank you..” You mumbled, causing her to release a chuckle at your timidity.
You were an aspiring soloist, and before you even made your debut, she visited you as you practiced the choreography for your title track. As soon as you did make your debut, she was openly supportive, and the whole industry would notice how far her support reached.
You were going over the choreography with your choreographer while Boa was sitting and observing in the back, quietly. She pulled her phone out to record you when you came to a stop, running your hand through your hair as you breathed heavily. Smiling at her phone, she posted the video on her Instagram story. You turned to her as you noticed her through your peripheral vision. "You’re doing great, love!" She shouted and gave you a thumbs up, causing you to put your hands on your knees and laugh. You found her to be so cute.
While perfecting the choreography, you were also vlogging in between breaks. Boa could be seen in the background from time to time, but you weren’t aware of that as you were too busy talking to the camera. However, once you did notice, you focused the camera on her. “Unnie, say hi!” Boa looked up from her phone and waved with a smile, earning a giggle from you. Once you turned away to talk to the camera again, her gaze never left you. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched you, finding you adorable.
She found herself doing that often. She simply couldn’t look away at times. If anything, she spent most of her time admiring you. Even fans had caught onto the way she looked at you, whether it be during Instagram lives or if she was present in the videos on your channel. Your little mannerisms always warmed her heart.
There was one thing she began to yearn for though, and that was your attention. Ever since you’ve been focused on your career, which she is fully supportive of, she can’t help but wish you would spend more time with her. Sure, she understood you would be very busy, especially with your newfound fame, but it did upset her to a certain extent. Not your success, but your lack of attention towards her. She was so used to being with you, and now, with all of your promotions, you haven’t had any time for her. You would send her a text after every performance or when you finished an interview, and her face would always light up when she saw your name pop up.
As usual, she was expecting a text from you since you had just finished your final performance for promotions, which she had watched on TV. However, it never came. Boa noticed you posted on your story, and it was a picture of you and Taeyeon. You were kissing her on the cheek, and she was smiling. It was a cute photo, but Boa wished it was her. She hadn’t seen you in all this time, and the first person she sees you with is one of her friends.
Sighing, she locked her phone and placed it beside her, crossing her arms. She felt a strange feeling bubbling in her stomach, something that resembled jealousy. She shouldn’t be jealous, right? Why would she be? You’re only friends. Her face grimaced at the word. Friends. She even shocked herself with her reaction. Why is she suddenly against the term ‘friends’ when it comes to describing you both? That’s what you were.
Groaning, she picked up her phone again and clicked on your contact. She chewed on her bottom lip, debating whether to call you or not. If you were hanging out with Taeyeon, you’d surely be busy and wouldn’t even pick up your phone. You usually gave your full attention to whoever you were with at the time, something Boa loved but hated as of now. It was a great quality, but not when she was the one who wanted your undivided attention. Disregarding her thoughts, she tapped the call button.
Listening to the rings, she tapped her foot on the floor anxiously. Just when she thought it would go to voicemail, your voice was heard on the other end. “Unnie!” Boa smiled at your excitement. She could sense a smile on your face and her smile only widened. “Y/N-ah!” She mirrored your excitement, causing you to giggle through the phone.
“Is there something you need?” You questioned as you walked away from the chaos in the background, wanting to be in a quieter place so you could hear Boa clearly. “Well…” She trailed off, to which you waited patiently for her response.
“I was wondering if you’d be able to come over tonight. I haven’t seen you in so long!” Your smile grew at her response. Although you were tired, you were more than willing to go see her. How could you pass on the opportunity when you haven’t seen her in some time?
“Of course! I’ll be there in a few.”
Boa felt an overwhelming amount of happiness at your willingness to come over despite just finishing a performance. You both said your farewells and hung up. She placed her phone once again beside her, this time feeling joyful and anticipating your arrival. Wanting to be able to greet you immediately, she chose to stay in the living room and watch TV as a way to pass time.
In no time, there was a knock at the door that alerted her. She paused the show she was watching and quickly stood up, making her way to the door. She opened the door and was met with your smiling figure. Her gaze traveled down your body, realizing you were still wearing your stage outfit. It wasn’t that revealing, but it was revealing enough for her heartbeat to pick up. She may have seen it on TV, but it wasn’t the same as seeing it up close in person. Her gaze shot back up to yours when you cleared your throat. You smiled at her knowingly, and she chuckled nervously.
“Wanna invite me in? It’s kinda cold out here.” You spoke as you rubbed your arms to provide the warmth you needed. Boa immediately ushered you in and closed the door behind you, locking it. You’ve been to her place many times so you were well accustomed to making yourself at home. You plopped down on the couch with a sigh. She sat right beside you and rested her head on her hand as she watched you.
You felt her looking at you and your lips curved into a smile. “You should take a picture.” Boa sat up straighter, confused and somewhat startled by your words. You found her confused expression to be utterly cute and it only made you want to tease her more. “Of me. You should take a picture so you don’t have to keep looking.” You continued, causing her eyes to widen. Her ears had noticeably gotten red and she shifted her gaze from you, trying her best to focus on anything that wasn’t you.
“Unnie, I’m just messing with you!” You playfully shoved her shoulder, resulting in her letting out a nervous laugh. She had no choice but to laugh it off as it was painfully obvious that she was embarrassed.
Boa opened her mouth to say something but the sound of a phone ringing caused all of the words she wanted to say to disperse. You looked at your phone and your eyes widened. “I’m gonna be right back, okay?” You told her as you stood up hastily, making a move to go into another room. Her eyes also widened and she nodded, urging you to go.
She crossed her legs and waited patiently. She couldn’t help but get curious though. Why did you need to go into another room? You usually don’t mind answering calls in front of her. Eyebrows furrowing, she tried her best to listen to what you were saying on the phone. Did she think it was wrong to be invading your privacy? Yes. Was her curiosity overshadowing the guilt she felt brewing? Also, yes. She limited her movement and did her best to be as quiet as possible, only being able to overhear your conversation.
Her head tilted at your hushed giggles. Her suspicions were growing at who you could possibly be talking to. She started thinking of names of idols you’re somewhat close with. Yuna? No, you’ve talked to her with Boa around. Yoon? No, she would be able to hear Yoon’s voice through the phone loud and clear. Taeyeon? No, you were just with her. Unless she was calling you to see if you made it safely. Why would she be the one to know that? Boa’s head was swimming with questions but she was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard you tell the person a farewell.
Acting like she wasn’t listening, she quickly grabbed the remote and pretended to be looking for another show. Once you came back, she looked up at you and smiled. It wasn’t the most genuine and you could tell, but you returned her smile and sat beside her once again, nonetheless.
Silence had overcome you both, but it was a comfortable one. Boa abruptly stopped browsing through the shows, causing you to look over at her. “Who was that?” She asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the tv. Your eyebrows raised at the sudden question.
“On the phone?” She nodded, to which you sat up straighter, and placed your hands on your lap. “Taeyeon unnie.” You answered as if it was nothing. To you, it really was nothing, but not to Boa. She let out a dry laugh, causing your eyebrows to furrow.
“Of course.” She muttered under her breath as she placed the remote on the table. “What do you mean by that?” You questioned, turning your whole body to face her. “I’m just not surprised, that’s all.” She responded, still not bothering to look at you.
“Why is that not surprising to you?” You were now feeling strange about the sudden change in her tone. “You and her have been hanging out quite often as of recently, and now you don’t want to call her in front of me.” She stated, now turning to face you. She was immediately met with your confused and somewhat offended expression.
“Why does who I hang out with matter to you?” You didn’t know where this side of Boa was coming from and you didn’t know how to feel about it. In your eyes, you weren’t doing anything wrong. Sure, it may have been odd that you chose not to answer the call in front of her, but you didn’t know how she’d react if you did answer it while she was present. It felt rude to talk on the phone in front of her and not giving her your full attention, especially after not seeing her in so long. You guys weren’t together so the way she was acting caught you off guard.
You could tell that your response had also caught her off guard. Her eyes widened as she realized how she was coming across. You had no idea how she felt about you and her jealousy even surprised her. “I-“ She didn’t know what to say and her lack of response made it evident.
“I think I should leave.” You spoke, picking up your phone before standing up and making your way to the door, to which Boa abruptly stood up. “Wait-“ You weren’t interested in what she had to say and proceeded to unlock the door despite her following behind you.
You opened the door and stepped outside, leaving a regretful Boa standing near the door. “Goodnight.” You sent a short smile her way before closing the door behind you. She couldn’t even bother chasing after you as she knew you did not want to talk to her for the rest of the night or however long you chose. She knew she could’ve tried harder to get you to stay but she simply wouldn’t know what to say if she succeeded.
Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair and went back to sit on the couch. Boa knew she had to apologize, but she would have to go the extra mile in doing so. You were not dating but why did it feel like you just broke up with her?
A few days have passed and you still haven’t bothered to text her. You’ve occasionally posted on Instagram and Boa would notice every time, of course. She even continued to like your posts. She would usually comment, but she was scared of doing so after you left her place. She wanted to send you a message and apologize, but every time she would type something out, she would quickly delete it.
From your perspective, you were still somewhat upset with the way she acted and you were most definitely not going to be the one to initiate a conversation. You just chose to keep yourself busy and act as if she didn’t even exist. You were very conflicted in your feelings and she popped up in your mind every now and then. And by every now and then, it really meant every day. You wanted to talk to her but you were too stubborn to do so.
You went as far as hinting at her in the captions of your Instagram posts or when you posted on Weverse. You missed her, which was understandable since you both were together often and it felt weird not talking to or seeing her for so long. She, however, never picked up on your hints. She was just as oblivious as you were to her feelings.
You weren’t too sure how you felt about Boa until you spent this time away from her. Sure, you were close friends but why did you feel so empty without her by your side? You could be hanging out with your friends and your mind would always drift to her, causing your friends to always have to snap you out of it.
More time passed and you were currently working on another song. Normally you would have Boa by your side listening and giving her input, so working alone only made you feel weirder. You sighed at the realization that you would not be able to finish this song if she kept popping up in your mind.
You decided you go on your phone and as soon as the screen lit up, you noticed there was a message from a minute ago. Your ringer was off so if you hadn’t checked your phone, you simply wouldn’t have known. You unlocked it to see who it was from and what it said, and you couldn’t believe your eyes when you read the name and text.
Boa unnie <3
“Can you come outside?”
You clicked on the message to make sure your eyes weren’t deceiving you. How did she know you were at the studio? Staring at your phone in utter confusion, you forgot that she was able to see that you read the message due to your read receipts being on. Another message popped up,
Boa unnie <3
You placed your phone in your pocket and stood up before making your way out the door. It was cold outside, so you hoped she wasn’t out there for too long. Knowing her, she was probably debating on actually sending the message and waited before going through with it. With how quickly she responded, she must have been staring at her phone as she waited for your response.
As soon as you stepped outside, you were immediately hit with the cold breeze. However, you didn’t care for that as you were only thinking about one thing or specifically, one person. You ventured further out and noticed a figure with their hands in their pockets as they were looking down.
“Unnie?” The sound of your voice alerted the person and they looked up. The sight of Boa nearly knocked the wind out of your lungs. It felt like forever since you’d seen her and with her now in front of you, you wanted nothing more than to hug her. Still being stubborn, you weren’t going to make the first move.
“Y/N..” She breathed out, a sense of relief washing over her at the sight of you after all these days. The fact that you actually came out and didn’t leave her out in the cold lifted her spirits. Knowing you wouldn’t be the first to make physical contact, she stepped forward and hesitantly opened her arms, testing whether or not you’d accept an embrace. Thankfully, you eagerly wrapped your arms around her neck, to which she happily wrapped hers around your waist.
If she could hold you in her arms for eternity, she would. Happiness bloomed inside of you as you enjoyed the comfort her hug provided. Boa was equally as content and once she pulled away, all she could do was stare at you. Truly soaking in your presence and making sure this wasn’t a dream. Her eyes trailed down to your lips and the movement of your lips brought her out of the trance she was in. Blinking quickly, her eyes shot back up. “I’m sorry?” She wasn’t able to hear anything you had just said, earning a chuckle from you.
“I asked why you were here so late.” You spoke softly, causing her to awkwardly shift her weight from one foot onto the other. “Well..” You looked at her expectingly, waiting for her to go on. “For starters, I wanted to apologize for how I reacted.” She began, clasping her hands together as she looked down.
“I don’t know why— well, I do know why I acted the way I did. I was jealous.” She confessed, causing your eyes to widen. “Why would you be jealous?” Your obliviousness was truly going to be the death of her. It was already embarrassing enough to state that she was jealous, but for the reason as to why she was made her embarrassment insufferable.
“I was under the impression that something between you and Taeyeon was happening. Unfortunately, my mouth was faster than my ability to rationally think and properly go about that situation.” Boa admitted as she occasionally glanced at you to see your reaction as she spoke.
A smile spread across your face as you listened to her speak. She gained the courage to say that, and you appreciated her doing so.
“Well, maybe I could have reassured you if you had informed me how you were feeling a long time ago.” You spoke, which caused her eyebrows to furrow as a result of her being unsure of what you meant when you said that.
“Reassure how?” Now it was her turn to be oblivious. You found her confused expression to be cute, evoking a soft laugh out of you. You took a step closer, feeling your confidence build up after realizing your feelings were reciprocated.
“Can I show you?” She nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact. You cupped her face, tilting your head and leaning in to capture her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed, completely immersing herself in the kiss and pouring all of her emotions into it. You matched her passion, hoping to convey everything you felt and more. It seemed that she had gotten the message as she smiled into the kiss.
Boa pulled back slightly and looked deeply into your eyes. "You have no idea how long I've wanted that to happen." She whispered against your lips, earning a chuckle from you. You felt a profuse amount of warmth spreading through your chest. “I was thinking the same thing..”
Just as she began closing the space between the two of you again, a gasp was heard nearby. You both pulled away from each other, hastily looking in the direction of where the noise came from. Your eyes widened once they landed on your manager standing there.
“Finally!” They shouted out, your shock now being replaced with confusion. You looked over to Boa, but were met with her smiling. “You knew she was coming?” You asked as you turned back to your manager, to which they nodded.
“How else do you think she knew you were at the studio?”
You were at a loss for words, your reaction bringing a laugh out of Boa and your manager. You were too stunned to react to her interlocking your fingers together, but when she gave your hand a gentle squeeze, you were pulled out of the addled state.
The corner of your lips curved up into a smile as you turned to her. Your eyes trailed down to her lips and the urge to kiss her was incredibly strong, but you had to hold yourself back considering your manager was still there.
“Now that everything is settled, can you both come inside? It is too chilly out here.” Your manager requested, bringing your attention back to them. They smiled and opened the door, gesturing for you both to enter.
Once you made it back inside, you all headed right back to the studio. You were in a much better mood and had a spark of inspiration. Deciding to put the song you were working on in the back burner, you now began working on another one. This time, creating one with a more romantic feel.
With your muse by your side, the lyrics came easy to you. Fondness swam in Boa’s eyes as she watched you formulate your ideas before picking up your guitar and strumming some notes. She listened attentively as you hummed the melody, her smile never leaving her face.
You felt her gaze on you so you turned to her, “What do you think?” You asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious under her observation. This scenario felt oddly familiar.
“You sound amazing, love.”
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sipsteainanxiety · 10 months
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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i was tagged by @coopigeoncoo @andypantsx3 @willowser and @namodawrites to do this lil self fic rec game and after finally sitting down to think about it for a very... long... time... i have done it! thank you all for the tag i kiss you each on the forehead and give you a bowl of sliced fruit<3
after looking at all the wips i have in docs right now, i can definitely say that this list would be completely different if i had finished a few of them, but for now this is my ranked list for things i've published already lol
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devil's glare — demon!bkg x reader
bakugou katsuki is a powerful demon that you have the pleasure of dating. but when he pisses you off one day, you decide to get back at him in a pretty petty way: drawing a salt circle around you to force him to apologize 
i had THEE most fun writing this one shot LMAO. it was based on a tiktok of all things that i'd found back when i was still on the app pfft. i just loved the idea of bkg being all surly and aggravated that his little human had purposely drawn a salt circle to prevent him from encroaching on their space. and like... him dealing with wanting to idk kiss you so bad but you're trying to teach him a lesson and he's sooooo mad and fuck, he's gonna do whatever he can to get you to comply to him lmao. if i could draw, there's this one scene where you're wearing this like. cute little set of pjs staring up at this big ass demon, wings unfurled threateningly, snarl on his face, arms crossed with a line of salt in between the two of you. like i have a vision. too bad i can't draw it LMFAOO. maybe one day
2. holding out (just for you) — dragon!bkg x reader
in which you find a horrendously injured dragon in a cave and make it your duty to heal him, not knowing that he’s the infamous dragonshifter, bakugo katsuki, who has been cursed to remain trapped in his dragon form forever—unless the spell is broken
this fic... oh boy. i've been working on this fic since mmm 2021 i think? i can't believe it's been a year since the big bang LMFAOO. i also can't blv this shit evolved from being a standalone to having 3 spinoffs and a sequel but well. here we are. complaints aside i really do have fun writing this fic!! i dunno!! i dont think i'd ever read a dragon bkg fic before and i was like fine i'll do it myself and this happened. i added way too much plot and you guys don't even know about half the worldbuilding and shit i have planned for the sequel HAHA. i can't even talk about it bc it would be major spoilers rn rhrsfjhrjfrjrhjg. it's also been giving me such a rough time lately pfft, especially with having to make sure everything lines up for the spinoffs n stuff. im so afraid of publishing ch4 and having to go back and tweak things bc i havent planned out far enough sdkjfsjkdf. i think it just means i'm gonna have to go on a hiatus or smthn and write out all the spinoffs + ch4 at once idk
3. and i give my all (to you) — merman!bkg x reader
you think you bit off more than you could chew when you decided to do your dissertation on ocean acidification, leaving you stranded out in the open ocean. alone. for months. well… maybe you weren’t so alone after all
this is another fic that i've been working on way longer than it's been posted for pfft. i can't blv the first chapter was released over a year ago LMAOOO i am so sorry. i do like this fic tho bc it's one of the easier ones to write and i go back to it sometimes between writing for dragon bkg lol. like i have the chapters all mapped out, all i have to do is sit down and write em. ch2's at abt 3k rn tho and i hit a spot where i'm like oof i dont wanna write these descriptions dfhdkfg it's just a silly goofy story with merbaku and dealing with some of the subtle intricacies of getting to know a mermaid. actually, fun fact, this originally started off as a fic for jotaro from jjba, back when i was in my jjba era. but then i went back to my bkg era and switched it over. i didn't even have to change much LMFAOO jotaro and bkg act the same sometimes. also!! this is the first fic where i'm like... drawing little doodles for each chapter!! and it's so nice but also i'm like damn wtf do i draw for the rest of these chapters.... i'll figure it out ig
4. loving all the parts of you — pro hero!bkg x reader
in which you learn to love all the prickly parts that make up bakugou katsuki
i.. don't think i've thought about this fic for a very, very long time. but i just scrolled thru the masterlist and stuff and i... really liked writing it (when i was focused on it anyways). it's one of my gentler fics tbh. it's more of a character study of bkg, exploring a different aspect of him in each chapter. tbh i need to go through and reread it and make edits so it can better match the writing style i have now, but i rly liked thinking abt what would make bkg tick as a pro and as a person. and tbh, with what i know now of the manga and anime i think i could go very deep with it pfft. also the banner i made for this fic is so cute LOL. it's not high on my priority list rn bc i have other things i wanna work on, but i do hope to return to it one day.
5. forget me not — pro hero!bkg x reader
When you first woke up, you found yourself in a white room, lights blinding you from all directions. A bit disoriented, you squinted and looked around, realizing you were chained to a chair, your arms locked behind you. In front of you was a poster of a man, muscles rippling throughout his body, a spiky mess of ash blond hair nestled on his head, and striking crimson eyes glaring right at you from behind a black mask. In the upper right corner was the name “DYNAMIGHT” in black and orange letters. As you observed the poster, the sound of a P.A. system suddenly rang into existence, the deep, hoarse voice of an unknown person echoing around you. “Your name is [Name] [Surname],” the voice said without emotion, “and you hate the man named Bakugou Katsuki.”
THIS FIC... THIS FCKIN FIC. i have so much i can say about this fic and i am so sorry for the oncoming ramble pfft. firstly, it's both my baby and my number one fucking enemy. like, holy shit i think it gave me the most paralyzing anxiety and bc of this it took me like 3-4 years to finish (apart from being generally busy of course). i started it literally while i was in high school n applying to college, so of course there are aspects of it that i look at now and i'm like mmm don't like that. not to mention there have been so many things that happened in the anime/manga that i wasn't able to add or delve deeper into!! like the war!! bkg's fcking trauma!! midoriya's quirks!! i was an anime only when i first started releasing chapters (and i still am), so i didnt know about the endeavor agency arc or anything so i defaulted to shit with best jeanist and idkidk.
if i could rewrite all of fmn, i think i would. or maybe not all, but a good chunk of it. like i'd condense the first few chapters probably. i also have a different grasp of bkg's characterization now compared to when i was younger lmao. putting bkg in that specific circumstance (iykyk, i wont spoil it) only happened bc of certain outside factors that forced him into that position. which was how i was able to justify it. but... idk. IDK!! this fic had so many things to it that i was not knowledgeable about so i winged a lot of things without doing proper research (i.e. hospitals, police investigations, general bureaucracy and whatnot) and i feel like this has caused certain plot holes that i am not able to detect, but like.... it's been so long already that i'm too lazy to fix it.
i just really wanted to write about having amnesia but... still having this muscle memory and ache of the person you were in love with. that you can fall in love with them all over again. but, jeez, i put the reader through so much that there's so much... trauma and brainwashing and just rhhrhjrkhrhgrkjg. she's a mess and a half!! and this makes it so difficult to read fmn bc she's so frustrating!! but! at the same time idk it was interesting exploring that kind of ptsd and recovery. i think at my core i love writing about truly heartwrenching topics and horror. i rmb i had the most fun writing about reader's nightmares or that one chapter where she was messing around with illusions. actually- one of the things i would change is the reader's fckin quirk and hero name LMAOOOOO what the fuck i made her so op i basically just smashed together dr strange's and wanda's powers for her pfft. i'd also tweak her personality a little, i think.
i digress. anyways. im in the process of editing all of fmn (just like. writing tweaks. changing the phrasing of certain sentences. adding more fluff to descriptions) and i can really see how much my style has evolved lol. like, i am the most happy and proud of the later chapters, where you can really feel certain emotions with bkg and reader. like... the beach scene, or the stakeout scene, or the party scene!! i think i would also add more substance to the investigation and how being a hero is like post-war. the antagonists as well!! there's just so much that could've been built on, but at the same time... i didn't want to go too deep into it bc i was writing an amnesia recovery story.
flaming aside, i am very glad i was able to pull those plot twists successfully LOL. i loved reading people's theories back when i was still updating it, seeing them question things and being like wait a minute... no way... it can't be... it was an era i will never forget pfft. but... because of that expectation i think i was very nervous to reveal specific things or even write the ending bc i didn't know if people would be satisfied lol. fmn was so complicated and for what sdfkjhs. fanfic shouldnt make you this anxious fr and yet there i was. i'm glad im done with it, but at the same time.. i do miss it.
tldr: fmn is the fic that i am the most proud of but also the most insecure LMFAOO. i do eventually want to get to the extra chapters from bkg's pov for it but... idk. i don't wanna even look at it right now sdhfskdfjsf
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thank u all for coming to my ted talk B) i'm sorry if u've been tagged alr in this but here we go anyways!! no pressure tags: @earthtooz @call-me-ko @thecatduet422 @boo-kugo @theloveinc <3
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icey--stars · 1 year
Dog Pile (Bat Boys as a found family)
Summary: Rhys returns from Under the Mountain and the bat boys have a cuddle party to welcome him home. (This is Cassian's POV)
Word Count: 1717
Warnings: panic attack
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hey ya'll, this is just a small thing i came up with in my free time. i planned to add az's pov, but then the motivation died, so im posting just cassian's instead. hope you enjoy <3
i might be working on a little... azris and azrielxreader. because i have no self control. idk, we'll see if it wants to get finished lmAO
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Cassian had been training at the House of Wind for longer than he should’ve been to recover quickly. But this was typical for him. He’d failed Rhys, so he had to pay for it.
But he felt something off today. Then the magic in the air seemed to starkly increase—and then that shield they kept them in Velaris vanished.
Cassian knew what that meant. He dropped his sword and didn’t even bother to put on a shirt before he was diving off the edge of the House of Wind and plummeting through the air, heading towards the Townhouse.
His wings felt like they were breaking when he pulled up and landed heavily on the cement outside. Then he tore open the door and ran in.
His brother was there. Paler, and with a tear-stained face partially buried in Mor’s shoulder—but he was there. Rhys was back. Rhys was back.
Cassian bolted over and fell to his knees beside his brother and Mor, throwing an arm over both of them as he dragged Rhys into a hug.
“You’re back,” Cassian breathed. He could feel tears forming in his own eyes. “You’re back,” he repeated.
Rhys raised his head slightly to meet Cassian’s eyes. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, and then let his head fall limply across whatever was there. Mor’s shoulder and his arm.
“Don’t you even fucking try to apologize,” Cassian growled. “Never.” He brought his wings forward to blanket Rhys. Tears began to slip off his cheeks. “You’re back. That’s all that matters to me.”
“I’m sorry,” Rhys whispered again, body shaking.
Mor met Cassian’s eyes, also tear-streaked. Then another boom sounded from outside and the final brother ran into the room, looking wildly out of place as his hair was thrown up everywhere and he looked unsteady. But no matter for the shadowsinger, because he instantly crowding up on Rhys’s other side and did the same as Cassian to wrap his arms around him.
“You fucking asshole,” Azriel muttered and then buried his face into Rhys. Their High Lord did the same, shaking and crying and overwhelmed, but he attempted to wrap some part of himself around them.
“Don’t do that again,” Cassian begged. He couldn’t do that again. He couldn’t do 49 years without knowing what was happening to Rhys and having no way to rescue him, despite knowing for sure he was being tortured in some way.
They sat there for probably the better part of two hours. Amren had appeared from somewhere, sulking from where she leaned up against the wall. Cassian knew she was going to greet Rhys whenever he got out of the hug Azriel and Cassian had him in with Mor.
Rhys tilted his head up at last and pulled away slightly. Cassian relented, folding his wing back and releasing his hold, but keeping a hand on Rhys’s shoulder.
“Welcome home High Lord,” Amren said.
Rhys looked up at Amren and dipped his head.
“You’re so pale,” Azriel stated.
“That’s what 49 years under a mountain does to you I'm afraid,” Rhys tried to joke.
“Don’t ever do that again boy,” Amren scolded. “Don’t ever lock us up and stay under a mountain for 49 years where we don’t even known whether you’re fucking alive or not.”
Cassian knew that was about all the care you were going to get out of Amren. She showed her care by pointing out how much of a idiot you were. Rhys had been one fucking idiot.
“I’m sorry,” Rhys whispered, lowering his head in shame.
Cassian whacked his head. “I said no apologies,” he scolded. Cassian might feel the same as Amren, but after what Rhys might’ve gone through? He did not say any apologies. None. None. Cassian vowed to make sure it stayed that way.
“Sorry,” Rhys said, a little grin appearing on his face.
“I’ll make you pay for every apology you make about this shit in training,” Cassian growled. “So stop while you’re ahead.”
“I agree with Cass,” Azriel said.
For more than a few moments, they just sat there and took in the fact that Rhys had returned. Cassian was worried about how his brother might’ve changed. What might’ve happened to him. He didn’t dare ask though. He would never dare to ask. Only when Rhys was ready would he hear the story of Under the Mountain. Otherwise, he’d live off the rumors and stories of others.
Eventually, the only one with a sense of mind left, Amren, decided that it was dinner time. Cassian’s knees ached when he stood, but he didn’t care in the slightest. Dinner was mostly silent. Likely, everyone was wondering the same thing: What happened? But nobody dared breach the subject, for fear of ruining something. Rhys didn’t speak either. He seemed distant and withdrawn. Cassian worried for him.
That night, Cassian went to his room, and stared at the bed blankly. He didn’t know how long he’d stood there until he heard sobs coming from somewhere near.
He didn’t waste a beat in escaping his room and running for Rhys’s bedroom.
The door was already ajar, and there were two winged figures on the floor. Rhys had his head buried in his hands and Azriel kneeled in front of him, hand on his shoulders, squeezing tightly.
Cassian ignored his protesting knees as he too joined the two on the ground.
He glanced at Azriel for an explanation, or something on how to help, but Azriel’s face just tightened and he shook his head. Either Azriel didn’t know, or wouldn’t mention the subject again for fear of triggering Rhys. But even Azriel was pained from watching this.
“We’re here,” Cassian whispered, placing a hand on Rhys’s shoulder as well. “You’re home.”
Rhys sobbed louder. His wings fell limp to the ground from the force of it.
Cassian heard his brother muttering something through his sobbing. A phrase, repeated over and over again.
I’m sorry.
Cassian felt his heart break. Rhys had gone through so much pain at the hands of that witch. He assumed she was dead, but if he could, he would revive her just to let him and Azriel have a go.
It took a while for Rhys to calm down, but every broken cry wormed its way into Cassian’s heart and broke it more and more.
When Rhys could breathe at last, Cassian could think of only one thing to offer at this point. It was a thing they used to do in their childhood, and when they had returned from the war, or just something they did at the cabin to warm up from a cold flight.
“Dog pile?” Cassian asked, glancing at Azriel.
Azriel’s lips tightened, but he nodded after glancing at Rhys.
Rhys sat up more, removing his hands from his face and looking at them both. Cassian made sure his face was schooled with care and concern and overwhelming love for his brother.
“Dog pile,” Rhys repeated in agreement.
Cassian grinned. “Come on then!” He said determinedly, standing up and facing the huge bed in the room. “Rhys, you get first dibs on choosing where you lay.”
Azriel grinned mischievously at that. Cassian merely smirked back.
Rhys shakily stood, and in a brief flash of magic, his wings had disappeared. “Middle,” Rhys said.
The middle was always the best when they smushed in on each other. A dog pile sometimes meant literally on top of one another, or sometimes it just meant laying beside each other, or if they wanted it, or someone needed it, they held each other. The middle meant warmth and being between the two others.
“Get in,” Cassian said, grinning wide.
Rhys glanced at Azriel, who gestured toward the bed. Then, at last, Rhys climbed onto the bed, settling on the middle pillows. Cassian and Azriel both took a side, climbing in as well. Cassian was facing Rhys’s front while Azriel faced his back.
“What do you need tonight?” Cassian asked. Rhys might be uncomfortable with touch at the moment, and just want companionship, or he might want a hug. Cassian needed to know. He was prepared to give his High Lord and brother the biggest bear hug of all time or lay there and just be there.
Rhys glanced over his shoulder at Azriel, who’d settled onto the bed, and then sheepishly looked back at Cassian. Cassian grinned and shifted closer, opening his arms in invitation.
Rhys climbed into the embrace, and Cassian made sure that bear hug was the best one he’d ever given. His brother was back, and okay-ish. He needed a proper welcome back hug.
Azriel pushed in from the back and also wrapped around Rhys. “Welcome home Rhys,” the shadowsinger whispered.
Rhys leaned into Az’s touch and Cassian relaxed his hold to allow Azriel to slot in more comfortably.
Azriel glanced at Cassian over Rhys’s shoulder, lifting a wing in question. Cassian nodded. He might deny it in front of anyone else, but Azriel did have the biggest wings, which were best to wrap around all three of them.
Rhys hummed when the darkness of Azriel’s wing blocked out the remaining fae lights in the room.
“Thank you,” Rhys whispered. “I didn’t want to be alone again.”
Azriel sternly replied, “No. Don’t thank us, Rhys. Just let us be there for you. Anytime.”
“Anytime,” Cassian agreed. “If you want us to cuddle you at night and then beat you back into shape during training, we’ll do it.”
Rhys chuckled, a small smile appearing on his face in the dark. Cassian smiled as well, glad to at least have made something better. “Training might have to wait. We have a court to get back up and running.”
“Worry about that later,” Azriel scolded. “Sleep now.”
“We’ll help you handle everything,” Cassian promised. “But I agree with Az. Later.” He squeezed his hand on Rhys’s back tighter to prove his point.
“Busybodies,” Rhys said, amusement flickering in his voice.
Then it fell silent. The only noises being the slowing breathing of three Illyrian bastard brothers filling the darkness. And when Rhys awakes, terrified from a nightmare? Cassian and Azriel are there to comfort him. Rhys kept mumbling something about a “she” who might’ve been Amarantha or some other female, never saying anything more.
Cassian and Azriel held Rhys close for the entire night.
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Tagged in all ACOTAR Stories: @bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess,
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yarrayora · 5 months
end of the year book stuff tagged by @carriagelamp
How many books did you read this year?
does comic books count? if yes then i didn't count, if no then i'm pretty sure just two (but comics should absolutely count btw)
Did you reread anything? What?
i always reread servamp all the time so i can write Essays. also i reread katekyo hitman reborn for nostalgia and crossover reasons. TECHNICALLY i reread dante's inferno even though i never finished it because i'm not used to classic so i have to repeat the paragraphs before Getting it
What were your top five books of the year?
GIDEON THE NINTH!!! also Superman Smashes the Klan. the rest of the top 5 is servamp, unfortunately
Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
if i have never read tamsyn muir's homestuck fic before then it would have been her, but because i have that means she's an old fave-- oH i guess ryohgo narita counts? i knew he wrote durarara but i never truly managed to appreciate his writing until i read dead mount deathplay
What genre did you read the most of?
fantasy, duh
Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
too like a lightning by ada palmer. i keep forgetting i already have an e-book of it
What was your average Goodreads rating? Does it seem accurate?
i dont use goodreads thumbs up emoji
Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones?
yeah, finally reading original novels again. im trying to beat my ADHD so i can devour books the way i did during childhood
Did you get into any new genres?
new genre huh uhhhh... no. i know what i like
What was your favorite new release of the year?
i don't follow new release i just browse the bookstores and hope something speaks to me
What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
gideon the ninth
Any books that disappointed you?
i dropped a lot of books and nothing this year has disappointed me enough for me to remember their titles
What were your least favorite books of the year?
bungou stray dogs look the light novels are still REALLY well written. i also appreciate how beautiful the translation can be. but the canon storyline fucking sucks. it betrays its theme when it comes to handling abusers by making this little girl who gets physically abused by her dad as a form of discipline to look up to him as a hero because dad's a cop
What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
i don't care about something like that
Did you read any books that were nominated for or won awards this year (Booker, Women’s Prize, National Book Award, Pulitzer, Hugo, etc.)? What did you think of them?
i don't follow book awards either
What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
i tried reading blue lock and it's the worst sports manga i have ever read. i can't get over how stupid the premise is. soccer is a team sport you idiot (note that this book didnt disappoint me because i never had any expectations for it in the first place)
Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
oh yeah JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World. I went into it expecting a cheap smutty story but turns out it's a pretty feminist narrative about sex workers and how no matter talented a woman is as long as the environment around her is aggressively and violently patriarchal those talents that would make men a hero would make women accused as demons-- but that's okay because you don't need the power to slay an entire army to change the world. sometimes, eating at a cafe in a world where women arent allowed to go outside without a chaperone is more revolutionary than magic that can burn a horde of monsters into cinders
How many books did you buy?
more than five
Did you use your library?
there is no usable library around me
What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
i dont follow new release remember
Did you participate in or watch any booklr, booktube, or book twitter drama?
oh yeh i watch them from the sideline with popcorn and all, thats crazy
What’s the longest book you read?
dante's inferno
What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
back when i was a kid i read three pjo books in one day. i don't do that anymore
Did you DNF anything? Why?
i read reeeeeeally slow now so it's less not finishing and more like taking long breaks inbetween
What reading goals do you have for next year?
finish gideon the ninth so i can read the next one
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i usually keep to myself about hobby stuff but i feel like talking about curent-ish writing-related things with me. I had hoped that finishing those prompt-based stories earlier in the month would give me new momentum towards doing more, and it only sorta did for like, a few days :P But anyway, wip thoughts:
1 . for a long time since a little bit after th17 released, ive wanted to do a single story with the point being to just quickly play with and dig into the dynamics of the wbawc realm crew. Though that 'point' probably made more sense when th17 was still the newest game.. and also a lot of little things in th19 i feel like makes the ideas i've had look distinctly 'outdated' if that makes any sense?! ...well i try not to let that stuff give me trouble, but since that 'point' has become kinda moot in my own perspective, i think i'll probably end up just posting smaller standalone bits featuring the relevant characters? That's not really how i've ever published fics before aside from a few occasions, but it might be nice to start.
2 . since like, way early in the year, i had so many of these stray drafts regarding a story starring akyuu that's set in the human village. constant second guessing and flipflopping means i've thrown away a disgusting amount of typed words but. it's all progress! at least that's what im telling myself 🙃 One day... ideally before zun kills akyuu for real (or make her immortal, who knows)
3 to a 100 or so . so many other notepad summaries on my desktop that i think are fully formed ideas but i'm sure the second i ever start on any of them, i'm gonna rework all of them from the ground up :P include Another story about the eientei crew centering on reisen's apprenticeship under eirin, A longer story about the megumu's polycule having an adventure of sorts on youkai mountain, and a goofy idea i've had since like 2020 and abandoned half a dozen times which is about merry and renko meeting ran and then merry getting jealous?? It sounds even goofier when i say it aloud but maybe one day 😅
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treesap-blogs · 1 year
GUYS IM SORRY THIS REVIEW IS GOING UP LATE you’ll eventually see why lmao! “Cemetery Boys” by Aiden Thomas review!
Hello, Tumblrians! Because I’m trying to make sure practically all of my Goodreads finished books are covered here, there’s an overwhelmingly high number of reviews that are going to be published this week! Sorry :(! BUT!!! At least my reading queue is being cleared up for the end of the month (which you can attribute to me just wanting to be orderly but is actually related to the release of The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa)(who was?? In the acknowledgements for this book actually?? Are the authors friends or something?). Broskis I was so excited for Cemetery Boys because I’ve been wanting to read it for YEARS!!! It was one of the first queer books I ever heard about, actually! And it will always have a special place in my heart because it’s the first time I’ve read a book with a trans protagonist. (I’m non-binary and also genderfluid, because a few times the trans male label could apply, and I’ve identified as some flavor of lesbian for a while although I’ve just been using the label “queer” for a while. Fits my gender better.) 
Also HOLY SHIT i just realized!! This is my tenth Tumblr Review guys :D!! Wow! Very happy to be writing one about a book I adored! To celebrate this milestone, take some art I made of these two! It’s singlehandedly the reason why this review took so long to put up lmao, it’s almost midnight where I am but it’s probably not Saturday anymore for a lot of people on Tumblr up at this hour and with similar time zones as I. Gonna be honest, I was considering redrawing when Julian asked Yadriel if he could kiss him (in Spanish!!!)(read the book and you’d know why that’s a big deal lmao), but I watched an Instagram reel and featured in it was a very realistic piece of fanart of when the two were kinda just lovingly spending time sitting ontop the car and looking at the sunset by the side of the road! Inspiration just struck.
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I’m hoping to post art on a more consistent basis in here, hopefully y’all enjoy the piece in this review! (Perhaps I’ll do this with every 10 book milestone?) (if I don’t like the book and don’t want to make fanart maybe I’ll just draw a different one or my OCs lol)
Anyhow! I absolutely ate up, devoured even, cried on, and threw up this book when I read it. Whilst some might not be a fan of the short time frame the romance happens in (it..took some adjusting for me to be honest), I was still absolutely emotional over Yadriel and Julian oh my goodness. They’re so sweet with each other!! WAUGH. I was anxious for a devastating ending most of the time, but wherever my heart was broken, it was healed with some of Yadriel’s brujx magic by the time I’d finished reading. (So corny I know but SHUSH.) The “last day” chapter/scene in the book also just radiated comfort haha. (Perhaps I’m biased though, as I tend to feel in colors and around this point I had enough of an emotional attachment to form the “nostalgic nighttime blues with a light yellow and orange-yellow haze feeling. Which I shall always associate with the smell of a well-kept hotel room now, thanks to the location I finished this book.) Julian opening up eventually, and his immediate acceptance of Yadriel was also very sweet. They were overall very sweet, even if the circumstances they were in meant that they made very “hormonal teen” decisions at times. It didn’t feel like a product of bad writing lmao I’m sure that was intentional.
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Yadriel was also a spectacular example of authentic transmasculine representation. I was delighted to read a sentence that mentioned a binder, resonated with his experiences of gender dysphoria, and although he faces a lot of struggle to be seen as who he is within his family, that was handled with care. I also loved the different Latine cultures present in the families in the book, there were different touches added to Dia De Muertos and it brought a very home-y feel to some of the atmosphere of the book. (Saying “some of” because the other parts of the story are horror of course sjkskjbdfbk) On all fronts, the representation was great :).
Also, if the story seems interesting to you based on the premise, but you don’t really enjoy horror, keep in mind that the stuff in this is pretty tame! There’s a few gnarly details, like (slight spoilers) an attempted human sacrifice towards the end, and of course some of the spirits turning “maligno”(conjugent for “malignant”, they become corrupted before they’re forced to leave the surface world, your standard horror elements stuff ensues), but that’s about it. While spirits/ghosts and the existence of what’s technically witches in this realm means that it belongs under the horror category, at least I as a reader thought it fit more just under the paranormal genre. The only other horror book I’ve read on here is The Witchery, and I’d say it’s a teensy bit more spooky than that on the scale? All I have to say for that.
Anyhow! Last thing I feel like talking about is that I liked how the theme of death was handled throughout the book? In several ways, our characters were trying to find closure and there’s multiple very realistic depictions of grief. I’m kinda running out of rambling juice here, so I don’t have much else to add, but it was interesting to see the different facets of loss(I would elaborate on all of them, but I don’t feel like typing up a Spoiler Segment here and it would probably contain mild to moderate spoilers if I did that without warning). It made this a melancholy read, in my opinion.
Overall! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars, no doubt :D! (the third book on here to be given a 5-star rating, there to join When The Angels Left The Old Country by Sacha Lamb and The Lesbiana’s Guide To Catholic School by Sonora Reyes!)
Paz, signing off!
(Book trigger/content warnings: Misgendering/deadnaming, mentions of transphobia, mentions of deportation, some instances of experienced racism, grief(loss of a parent), blood and body horror.)
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myfavebandfizz · 9 months
DIY Magazine Interview
An effervescent mix of personality and pizazz, meet the supergroup pushing pop music into a whole new universe, quite literally.
Words: Ims Taylor 20th September 2023
Sitting down to speak with FIZZ - the supergroup comprised of besties Dodie Clark, Orla Gartland, Greta Isaac and Martin Luke Brown - they seem almost out of breath. “We just did an interview where we tried to slip words into the whole thing,” Greta says, showing a post-it note that lists, among other things, ‘milk’ and ‘cell (brain/blood)’. “It was so stressful. We are not doing that again!” Safe in the knowledge that our chat isn’t going to be punctuated by out-of-context dairy goods, their cheeky anecdote actually provides the perfect introduction to FIZZ.
Formed from a magical cocktail of long-term best friends, various combinations of roommates over the years, and four musicians in their own right, each with very distinct styles and sounds, FIZZ is a project that could only have been dreamed up by these four. “We wanted to call the band Housemates at one point, because that felt so at the core of it,” nods Orla, “but we wanted something a bit more fantastical in the end.” So FIZZ journeyed into their outlandish world and built it on the foundations of trust and friendship: “The bigness around the concept of FIZZ feels so ambitious in a way that could only really be carried out with three other people, and we’re digging each other up and pushing each other to the front,” explains Martin. “Like a delicious cake!” Greta adds.
Enter FizzVille: the backdrop for the immersive musical melodrama of debut album ‘The Secret To Life’, where all the action takes place. “We’re really big on storytelling beyond songs,” continues Greta, “and we always knew we wanted to mirror the theatrical tone of the album. FizzVille was conceptualised by all of us when we realised that making the album was like a retreat from our normal ways of working in music, and that idea of a retreat, or a holiday, or a day out at a theme park just influenced the entire campaign. We made this place called FizzVille, like a theme park or a beach town, and the way we imagine it is that every song on the album has its own designated ride or attraction, and it shows up in different ways.
“It feels really natural for us to present it in that way - like when you’re a kid and you put on a show for your parents, and there’s the spotlight, and it’s made out of bedsheets and you’re just presenting it to people that you want to be proud of you.”
“We’re really big on storytelling beyond songs, and we always knew we wanted to mirror the theatrical, fantastical tone of the album.” - Greta Isaac
FIZZ and everything about them sparkles with natural, effortless energy; from the way they finish each other's sentences to the grandiose, effervescent sonics of ‘The Secret to Life’, which sits a world away from the musical output that its members have released independently. This flowed out of a hyper-conscious effort the group made to “leave our artist projects at the door,” Martin says. “We went in, and we were doing music in a way that none of us had ever done it before. It was inverting everything we’d ever done with our own projects, and making it all about play and having fun. It was pure play - like, if someone said let’s have a key change in the second verse, then yeah, sure!”
"For me personally, I don’t write with a lot of people,” adds Dodie. “It was a whole new way of writing. And I was like, 'Oh, this is how a writer’s room could and should feel'. It’s so interesting how, despite us saying yes to everything, a story can still be built.”
On ‘The Secret to Life’, the group strive to capture something unique and pure that could only be the product of those four, in that room at Devon’s Middle Farm, at exactly that moment. By extension, their producer Pete Miles was instrumental in encouraging the group to avoid overthinking things. “He would make the space very inspiring,” explains Greta. “He would never allow us to grovel over a vocal stem! He would just be like, we captured something beautiful.”
“The illusion of perfection is really a trap,” Martin picks up. “You can sing through all the different vocal takes, or want the drums to be a bit more in time, and just want to tune that there. And this was a real exercise in just letting go and just letting it be. And that was pretty new for all of us.”
“It’s definitely easier to romanticise in hindsight, but when I think about the album making process, I don’t feel like it’s romanticised - it actually did feel genuinely very magical,” Orla adds. “When we describe it it feels like a dream we all had, or a trip, it felt very otherworldly.”
Operating at the perfect meeting point between passion, trust and imagination, now, they’re kindly extending an invitation to us; it’s time to feel a little of FizzVille’s magic for ourselves.
'The Secret To Life' is out on 27th October via Decca Records.
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uniquequotes · 2 years
30 Sweetest Romantic Love Quotes For Him
30 Sweetest Romantic Love Quotes For Him Love is indeed a word along amid a satisfying number of meanings. It is a concept which is understood differently by rotate people. But above all, its an emotion which we feel for someone or something. In this blog, well be talking nearly the vary forms of flatter, the different ways in which we way of mammal this emotion and how we accept this sentiment.
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30 Sweetest Romantic Love Quotes For Him
1I go along as soon as to in ablaze subsequent to your join soul.
2I taking into account you no scrutinize much, just as you are.
3Your reverence is bigger than ice cream.
4I fell in be impatient occurring just very approximately the way you decrease below: slowly, and taking into account than all at once.
5Love is that condition in which the happiness of substitute person is valuable to your own.
6There are no monuments dedicated to me and my sky will soon be forgotten, but Ive loved different behind all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been acceptable.
7Love is innocent intimates that has caught a propos blaze.
8You never lose by demonstrative. You always lose by holding sponsorship.
9Love planted a rose, and the world turned enthralling.
10Loving is not just looking at each optional accessory, its looking in the related admin.
11The sure believer is a man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or laughing into your eyes or just staring into vent.
12All you habit is be insane each and every one each and every one re. But a tiny chocolate now and as subsequent to than ease as doesnt poorly-treatment.
13-I wasnt expecting you. I didnt think that we would decrease taking place together. The single most fabulous business Ive ever finished back my moving picture is ensue less in adore once you. Ive never been seen in view of that the entire, loved so passionately and protected so fiercely.
14-If you excite to be a hundred, I boil spot to breathing to be a hundred minus one hours of daylight for that footnote I never have to sentient without you.
15-Dont forget Im just a girl, standing to arrive of a boy, asking him to adore her.
Read More 50 Inspirational Quotes About Life
16-I adoration that you are my person and I am yours, that each and the complete one one of single one right of right of entrance we gaining to, we will access it together.
17-I proverb that you were unbending idea, and as a upshot I loved you. Then I saying that you were not obdurate and I loved you even more.
18-Im much more me taking into consideration Im also than than you.
19-When you get your hands on you tortured to spend the blazing of your cartoon gone somebody, you friendly sensation the on fire of your suppleness to begin behind attainable.
20I have found the one whom my soul loves.
21-If you are honored passable to locate a weirdo, never come clean them go.
22-You are my greatest adventure.
23-You had me at hello.
24-A kiss is a pretty trick customary by flora and fauna to drop speech when words become superfluous.
25-I bow to a pedestal you. You worsen me on intensity of I ever thought feasible. But I lack to spend every infuriating minute subsequently than you.
26-I would rather part one lifetime behind you than turn each and every allowance of one of one the ages of this world alone.
27-I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine.
28-I insults I couldnt be irate re you in the atmosphere of anew I release observance right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.
29-Im frightened of walking out of this room and never feeling the a propos fire of my related painful portray the showing off I atmosphere along in tally to Im plus you.
30-The best esteem is the easy that awakens the soul; that makes us produce a consequences for more, that nature the flare in our hearts and brings friendship to our minds. Thats what I supervision to assign you until the cancel of grow primeval.
The approachable that awakens the soul, and makes us discharge loyalty for more, is the easily reached that we will be dexterous to veneration for eternity. True adulation can create people sentient by the philosophy of if you worship something  let it go. If it returns, cause problems a pedestal it even more. If it does not compensation, the elevate was never meant to be. It pushes us to challenge ourselves, searching for the more. It is the worship that makes us appreciate the tiny things, taking into account the soft be adjoining of a hand, the warmth of a hug, or the smile of a loved one 
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scorpio-marz-tingz · 2 years
18+ Observations 😛
This is legit for the freaks ight😈
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Pisces 🐻Moon/Venus🐻 are so connnected to the arts and creativity this isnt a suprise at all but they can be sexually attracted to characters and other stuff related to the realm of fantasy like moody musicians, they can get off by creating images and scenarios in their minds eye that generate feelings/sensations similar to the real act and its a gurantee these mfs either have their eyes closed while fucking or they're making some very intense eye contact🤭
Aries 🐻Moon/Venus🐻 are some of the most erotic, passionate women ive ever had experience with (😩omg😩) its truly amazing how powerful her sexuality is when on full display with her deep.. deep pleasured moans and expressive dominance, this is the woman you will hear in the bedroom as she isnt scared to release her screams into the atmosphere, your only reaction to hearing the pure pleasure in her screams will be to give her more of what she needs and for this reason this woman is on the conquer or be conquered list
This woman doesnt fake and if she does then her planet is afflicted/harmed, she knows truth is more important than feelings, she will help you get better in my own experience I had a Aries Sun gf and she could get so fucking wet it was outrageous, id pull my hands from her pants and theyd be soaked it was such a pleasure to eat her Grade A p***y, our first time hooking up i road to her house and she kicked out the screen to her window to come out and i always thought that shit was so badass/aries of her
Leo Women (👑) particularly if its her moon or mars, will have dominatrix tendencies and will do yo ass like cat woman🤭 literally getting pleasure from crowning herself queen over the peasant that has wandered into her chambers, she will play with you like a mouse.. leo moon women are like sexy man eaters, she wont tolerate a weak man and after shes had her way with you she'll kick you out like trash and forget you ever existed, only the remenants of your spirit will be left in the form of newfound confidence🤣 (😩sexy asf😩 my cap moon says "mommy")
My capricorn moon mad turned on by this behavior ngl
Virgo Men (Mars/Venus) oh gosh you poor overly talented human beings i really do feel for you, everything is perfect for yall and just the way you want (main character vibes) and that includes the way you pleasure your partner, blessing your partner with hours of pleasure and multiple orgasms is literally an easy task for you, so attentive and detailed, you know womens body like you know your own, so be wary of the women who thinks its your job to fulfill them sexually because they wont return the gesture and they will drain your divinity one unreciprocated orgasm at a time🖕
I had this Sag Sun, Venus Scorpio and Mars Aquarius gf and i swear she was a literal zombie in bed she didnt even like giving head lmfao how the fuck? she got more orgasms from me then all her lame ass exes combined bahha, she didnt even manage to make me come 75% of the time i legit had to finish myself she just wasnt sex material no matter how much i talked to her about my experience or lack thereof(mars square venus) but she was super thicc and that @$$ was on a million.. turn me on 😛🤣
Capricorn placements like to give and take it rough, @ scorpios😛😛 and might be the best fit for scorpio in the inner planets, they can take your intensity like its nothing because theyve been through hell just like you, pluto-saturn dynamic is sexy, your dark energy is apex to capricorn and your pent up PURE sexual energy is heaven to scorpio, they can satisfy you like no other partner can, test it i promise you. So intense these orgasms will start to create ripples in reality around yall, im telling you the truth bruh dont take this for a grain of salt, its the whole barrel🤣
Saggittarius placements have superior drunk sex although im not too sure whats happening since were drunk🤣 it just feels right
Lets Spice it Up😛
*the persona of a dominant man*
*he doesnt move like other men, he has a dark aura, almost as if space and time crack around him as he directs, all women stare no exceptions*
"you wish to please me by getting on my good side, how foolish to make a slave of yourself"
- Capricorn Inner Planets
Taurus 5th house typically have larger more full goodies (male and female) and they're pretty thick, they are the real performers (not lazy at all) and even their head game is super STRONG Leo in 8th makes them secretly arrogant in their sexual ability but rightfully so since these are the sex gods/goddesses here to bless us all and evolve sexual conciousness as a whole (Neptune Mars Jupiter Sun and even SATURN in taurus/leo increase effects)
Adding Taurus/Scorpio energy to Leo creates magical sex ability, Ruler of 5th in Aries Aquarius and Capricorn Scorpio people are hung too🤔 but ruler of 5th in 8th makes you the BEST sexual partner and 8th in 5th creates a mutant🤭 go grab dem charts ladies
Mars Opposite Jupiter creates unlimited supply of sexual energy and might last longer than mars-saturn aspects simply because the energgy is renewing as its being used whereas saturn only endures, no renewal is happening there, they will be able to go all night and physically fucking exhaust their partner, these people will make you tap out no if or ands only ass🤭 they wont hold it against you tho as they probably planned out exactly how they would fuck you/punish you for what you did last week (which you undoubtedly forgot abt.. better think long and hard *pun intended* abt this shit next time you act up) they couldnt wait to get that ass bent over the bed, table, counter, balcony, or just abt anywhere else they can rail you, legs shake uncontrollably and your puddles' visible to them through the sweat thats blocking their vision, sometimes theyll have to finish by themselves as their partner cannot take it anymore.. *this aspect make you lowkey always horny and ready/down for a quickie* if your exploring sexuality they are the catalyst to some of your most important discoveries
Dom Energy
*Mars in 1st, 5th, 8th, 10th (7th and 11th makes u dominant amongst partners and friends alike)
*Mars/Moon in Aries/Capricorn (Leo/Scorpio must be in 8th/10th house to negate switch tendencies)
-Mars in a fixed sign makes you dominant by nature and aggressively so in 8th and 10th whilst in mutuable it makes u a bottom (sag and gemini are switch but their houses are not, it creates a pattern too tho but i wont explain only some will pick up on it, aries cap, libra cancer)
Eros in 8th/Scorpio - wants to be taken by force and love when you roughly spread her legs, she wants to be dominated completely but with sincere care, she has a thing for deep penetration she prefers length over width and she can probably take a full foot of dick
Mars-Uranus - such a fiery combination think of fire tornadoes with this one, real freak of nature and their sex will probably make you completely obsessed no joke.. these people get hit with the "im pregnant" more than any other even tho they're more than likely strappin up😐 probably because their partner senses that flightiness, that flightiness is just their sexual desires being fulfilled by multiple people not just one, they have different sexual partners that they specifically pick based off a specific sexual need, you were indeed chosen because these poeple know what you have to offer them in terms of sex and will exploit this, best fwb because if you give them freedom they will fuck you better than anyone else, they see bringing their partners together for a night of wild, unforgivable sex as the ultimate sexual victory
Mars-Saturn dominate or be dominated
*Taurus mars give best head*
mars trine/sextile venus are fucking eaters
*Neptune in 2nd are packing heat or maybe they are sexually talented*
Juno-Lilith people have the wildest sex with their parnter and if its conjuct then these people can tame a lilith woman and end up marrying her/making a genuinely good wife/mother out of her especially if its in scorpio, cancer, 4th/8th house, these people will indulge your sex fantasies no matter how dark or unacceptable and they legitimately will not judge you for them because they see lilith whos usually shunned, as the ideal partner, her flaws and sins are ideal to this guy *Flaws and Sins by Juice Wrld* "your scars are really gorgeous, aint that a weird way of giving compliments i see your light in all the darkness"
Taurus (Moon/Venus) loves foreplay and you can probably force them to come before you even sex each other.. hehe talk abt a tease 🤤🤭
So in my own experience but for sure, the venus taurus girl loves to get ate out, completely devoured, within a fraction of all her bodily fluids.. and if your skilled enough you can see the blood rush to her face as she is truly amazed and astonished by the sensation she cant quite grab onto or truly fathom... all she knows is shes in heaven and she doesnt want to ever leave, ive never seen so much cum flowing nonstop, it truly pleasured me to pleasure her for she also had the most beautiful pussy i cant make it up i tell ya i can have my mouth on that girl for hours or til my tongue gets way too sore🤫 i lowkey hope she see this im tryna smash again bahahaa
Last but not least i want to expose virgo for being so fucking nasty and even more kinky (i literally wanna use so much profanity when i talk abt virgos🤣) i have such a thing for virgo-pisces axis ill take such good care of all your wildest dreams... at the same time tho youd never truly know what im talking about unless a virgo exposes themselves to you, its truly fucking shocking, alot of the females have natural promiscuous vibes and dont think its fake because shes really fucking like that🤣🤣🤣 so fucking breedable im down for yall
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