#not ship obv
kittybuckets · 6 months
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to the point
(no text under the cut)
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jemdylan · 1 year
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hello i am new to posting in the plier universe tumblr world so here are some doodles… if anyone has a good damien/dark playlist please give it to me ☺️ (these designs are a little divergent just bc thats how they look in my head + these were kinda rushed so i forgot some stuff sorry)
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twowink · 2 years
i think about izumi and makoto a lot ... you were my best friend you were my brother you were the only light in the path i chose and i thought you loved me (oh why did you ruin it / why did you run ?)
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kaevch · 2 months
dyed hair :)
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(read from left to right!)
- inspired from this post.
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cracksh0t · 5 months
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seeing people ship the bracken and nutcracker is very intriguing to me can we start calling it cracken
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carfuckerdean · 29 days
by "real" use whatever criteria you think appropriate. "i think they had feelings for each other but never acted on it" "they had a casual thing/situationship" "they were together but broke up" "they were secretly married in canada and have 6 kids together and their wives are beards". or maybe "they gave each other handjobs but platonically or something" or "one-sided unreciprocated feelings" wouldn't count as "real" by your judgement.
feel free to say your ship/opinions if you reblog. or dont idc im not your mom.
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muchmorethanmoney · 1 month
I think Rosie is a key factor to understanding Alastor's outlook on friendships.
The show all but spells out that Alastor sees attachments as a weakness, from the "Great Alastor, altruist, died from his friends" line to the hints about his failed friendship with Vox and to the way the narrative immediately punishes him when he admits to Niffty that "One could get accustomed". However something sets Rosie aside from all of this. With her, Alastor is open about scheming, he allows her to touch him and even seems to bleat like a fawn when she grabs him. Their friendship seems oddly healthy for a guy who seems to think that letting people even peek through the twenty meter wall he's built around himself is a fate worse than death. So what makes Rosie different? I think what sets her aside from other attachments that Alastor might view as dangerous (such as Vox, maybe?) is that no matter how close they might be, she still has her own world and he has his. There's a safety in knowing your life won't have to change and that you're free to take any risk, ruin any bond because you're not directly putting this person in danger. Rosie is Alastor's friend, not his responsibility. That's why she's not as affected by Alastor's disappearance and welcomes him back as if he had been gone for a week. Their lives are completely separated, but they choose to meet at the borders.
I think that someone like Vox doesn't do that. Vox lives with Velvette and Valentino, they share everything, success, plans, even a living space. Heck, Velvette can go to the Overlord meeting representing the other two because that trio can speak as one. When Vox asked Alastor to "join his team", he was basically asking Alastor to remodel his life to make space for him as well. If one of the Vees fucks up, all of them fuck up ("Our model is perfection"). Alastor has his own plans, his own messes and cannot by any means be tied down to someone else. Even if he did care for Vox, in order to really be on a team with him or anyone else, he would have to drop his creepy persona which keeps him safe, he couldn't just kill people and betray others however he wished, let alone make sketchy deals with much more powerful entities. His actions would impact the ones he kept close. Vox and Alastor couldn't join forces because they have fundamentally different goals and outlooks on attachment. Vox wants codependency, Alastor has conjured up indestructible walls just to survive.
So, tl;dr: Rosie and Alastor work as friends because they seemingly agree to keep their lives separate. Vox wanted to carve a niche for himself in Alastor's life just like he had done for him, but that's just not what Alastor wants nor is able to give.
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crushedsweets · 10 months
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That eldest child instinct
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blluespirit · 2 months
back on my 'zuko is aroace' agenda. if i have to see one more post arguing about shipping i am going to start biting people. he's actually a single dad and never marries thanks bye.
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cinnamonrollsledge · 4 months
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Masters of the Air + Text Posts & Headlines Screencaps from @itstheheebiejeebies
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gunstellations · 5 months
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In the world I love
In a different world
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rorvk · 16 days
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Persona 2 stuff ... Life has been so wild that I think doodling P2 on the side is one of my few solaces at the moment
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mintypsii · 16 days
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more of them because they won't get out of my head
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version without the text
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Self shippers...a questions for you. Did you like. Choose who you "liked" or was it more like a curse being placed upon you
And also who is your Main self shipping guy (<- gender neutral)
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findafight · 10 months
Vickie stranger things you are sooooo woman hated by the fandom who has done nothing wrong but be the canon mutual love interest for one side of a popular gay ship coded you deserve so much better than this
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🎸🌻 by plzdldl
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