#not ggs related
gentle-giant-swag · 7 months
*that is deadly
Btw if you’re a punch out fan do not reveal
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girlybellzz · 11 months
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Me in love
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greeenchrysanthemums · 5 months
I’d love to hear anything you’ve got about Pearl from your gg rivals au! Super interesting concept, I’ve been loving the asks you’ve answered so far
Oh, yes! I've been dying to talk about Pearl. She is extremely important to the plot, as well as a favorite of mine.
GG Pearl is a mercenary of sorts. She does whatever you ask of her for the right price, including murder if it is within her skill range. However, most of her jobs include acting as a bodyguard, helping repair buildings, spying for information, things to that affect. It is rare that she has to take a life, but not unheard of.
She never had much of a family growing up, having lost them to war and disease before the memory of their faces could even form properly in her mind. The only lifelong companion she ever had was her dog, Tilly. It was her and Tilly against the world for the longest time.
She is one of very few people who knew Grian when he was a kid. They clicked immediately and were as thick as thieves before he abruptly disappeared when they were barely teenagers, and she was left alone all over again. She only met him again once the resistance was in full swing. It was how she learned he was even still alive, the descriptions of him were too similar to be a coincidence.
She wanted nothing more than to be bitter at him for leaving her without an explanation, to blow up at him and make him feel as hurt as she had been all those years ago, but the second he offered her a place in the resistance, she caved and agreed. She just didn't want to be alone anymore.
She occasionally skips town for the odd job or another, so she isn't always around. She comes and goes as she pleases and has no real position in the resistance. She just helps where she can. She can't help but feel like an outsider because of it.
Now, you see, Pearl is very curious and nosey by nature. She can't help getting herself involved in things that do not concern her. So, naturally, she had to go see what the deal was with her friends so called "rival".
And how did she do this? By breaking into the castle, of course. Well, not all the way in. She planted herself right on the wall of the training grounds and waited. Gem tried to attack her at first, but Pearl said she just wanted to watch and that made her hesitate. Gem was skeptical and warry, but somehow Pearl's innocent smile was enough to make her let her stay. And so, stay and watch Pearl did.
Her little break-in only served to make her more curious, though, so Pearl showed up every day at the same time to watch Gem train. It became part of both of their routines. Soon, they began to talk during these afternoons together and formed a quick friendship. Pearl never told Gem much about herself, only the odd story from her travels/childhood, and Gem never pried.
Pearl never intended to befriend Gem, it just sort of happened. Now she is stuck between two worlds, unsure of what to do. She loves Gem, thinks of her as her best friend, but she's loyal to Grian on grounds of their history together. She tries to tell herself that it's just curiosity that keeps her going back to that stone wall, but it's a flimsy lie at best.
Grian thinks she only goes to Gem to get information. Impulse and Scott think she is just a girl from town who Gem befriended (though Scott has the sinking feeling he's seen her before...).
Pearl isn't sure how long she can keep up either of the facades she has built up: an uncaring informant, and a harmless town girl. Neither of them are who Pearl is, but she's afraid that letting either one go would result in her losing either Grian or Gem. She couldn't handle either of those, no matter how much she tries to tell herself she could.
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grumpyghostdoodles · 4 months
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The unexpected continuation of this post! And just like that one, I had to stop multiple times bc I was laughing too hard at Chara's first face
Based on these glorious dogs
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kaialone · 2 months
Thinking about the fact that A.B.A's creator (I wanna call him Dr. Paracelsus to differentiate him from key Paracelsus) could very well still be alive out there somewhere, cause he wasn't said to have been killed, he was just taken by a military organization (?!) for his skills-
And while I don't think they ever confirmed a connection, it feels like almost too obvious that he'd be in some way tied to the creation of Frasco II, given that it's called Frasco II
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I need to know more
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baileyash · 2 months
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(For those wondering why I send in asks to myself, check the pinned post)
“I’ll watch for just 5 minutes-“
famous last words
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still adjusting to the fact that we saw midge and susie in 2005 and therefore, technically, they COULD be gilmore girls fans
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A Totally Normal Murphy {LoP/GG}
Happy Halloween! 8D Been playing a lot of Lies of P lately. Good game, though it kicks my Sekiro-playing ass lmao.
Have a Totally Normal Scrapped Watchman 8}. Don't mind the colors or the missing right hand and eye, he's completely normal, no need to worry.
I hope you like it!
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solradguy · 3 months
People make theories that Dizzy is Sol’s daughter, but I think she’s probably HOSol’s kid. They have, like, identical poses in their Install-type kills. I could be wrong though.
Oh god Justice during the Crusades/HOS era was like 1000ft tall (same design as in Xrd)
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She also kicks Sol's entire ass and that was one of the catalysts for him leaving the Holy Order but I'm infatuated with the idea of them finding a moment to have weird rancid Gear sex somewhere before that
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gentle-giant-swag · 5 months
Why is Larry so wet cat
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lesbiangiratina · 1 year
Normal about how testament used to talk about being unable to control their strength
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greeenchrysanthemums · 5 months
Joel is Lizzie's personal guard; and perhaps a little bit more than that.
His father was the commander of the Coral Crest army, so he lived in the castle from a young age and spent a great deal of time with Lizzie by proximity. They were the best of friends growing up and they spent pretty much every single day together. They would often times hang out around Joel's dad on the training grounds, pestering him to teach them how to use a sword to no end, until he finally caved and taught them simple fighting forms to get them to leave him alone.
They got into all sorts of trouble together over the years. They were practically inseparable.
On Joel's 17th birthday he gained knighthood and became Lizzie's personal guard, taking a pledge that he would protect her with his life (though he would have done that regardless of some silly oath binding them).
This promotion, of course, meant that they spent even more time together, and subsequently grew even more close. So close, in fact, that it was not out of the question for the two of them to steal the occasional kiss just out of view of prying eyes.
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impyurities · 5 months
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yippee 🗣️
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rakkiinoko · 1 year
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grmpgm · 27 days
ok executive dysfunction is kind of ruining my life actually
#i have an incredibly time-consuming project i NEED to finish and i genuinely don’t know if i can#i’ve started which is good but i’m horrifically behind where i need to be and i’m just so overwhelmed#i technically have enough time to finish it i think? but it’s my final project so i literally cannot miss this deadline#my professor is really cool + likes me but it’s already been so long w/out me bringing it up#and wtf am i supposed to say? yeah. i WANTED to work on it. i just chose not to????? like wtf#it’s just so humiliating and i’m so behind i don’t know wtf i’m gonna do#it’s worse bc it’s an animation and it’s gg related and i really really wanted this to be good and i wanted things to be different this time#kind of funny bc i’m actually mid getting an adhd diagnosis rn but it’s just so fucking awful because i do this constantly#it fucking sucks so much i feel so helpless and i don’t know wtf is wrong with me. i’m so tired of letting everyone down constantly#it’s so bad rn i literally cannot do anything. it’s humiliating like WHY can’t i just be a functional normal person#it fucking SUCKS because i KNOW if i had any self control or work ethic whatsoever i could be really fucking successful but i don’t.#so i won’t be i guess.#and i KNOW it’s tied into a bunch of different stuff too but like gd i DO NOT care i just want to be functional#worst case scenario i have an A in the class so if i completely blow it i’ll at least pass? hopefully?#i might be able to talk my prof into an extended deadline but it’s so embarrassing bc i didn’t need one in the first place.#i have literally no excuses#it just makes me so upset because i just keep doing this over and over and i don’t know how to stop it or how to get better#and LOL sorry for posting this here i just feel weird talking to anyone personally about this (+ currently avoiding responding to messages!)#it’s just like. man if i can’t get a fucking grip i will literally waste my entire life. Oh Well! LOL
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spookyhoaxart · 2 years
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I could win at any game, whether you’re a boy, or a girl, or a super computer 🧡
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