#not canon tho
loz-tearsofahomo · 1 month
i am begging people to start appreciating the trope of "friendly to everyone except you" because it is so untapped. Imagine. Character A is universally liked but just, hates character B's guts For No Reason other than pure annoyance. The tension is so thick for literally no reason. Absolutely underrated .
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steddieyes · 8 months
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Chapter one - An opportunity
A continuation of my previous Bryce graduation post.
(uploading here before ao3 (@Arloooh), I suggest not looking at my other bryce graduation post if you don't want to be spoilt!!)
You see, it all happened almost ten years ago to the day. It was like any normal summers day in school, bright uniforms and freah air, until unique monique and her stupid boyfriend exchanged vows (a fart machine) and became official. Boyfriend and girlfriend. And boy was it a sight to see, no longer was Bryce the main act, but these two losers who hugged like they were happy. /happy/. Something Bryce hasn't felt in years, not since she ripped her own heart out for Bobby only for the boy to empty his lunch all over it. She stormed away that day, stabbing Bobby's dad and stomping on what was left of her now broken heart, in two with glitter spilling out like some stupid analogy she'll get later in life. 
But that was then, and now is now. And today's graduation day. 
God has she had waited years for this. Having her heart ripped out only to have a shittier one put back in by "Dr" Paul from down the street, the /mortician/. But looking across the crowd that was once her playing game, pawns to put into place, she can't help the inkling of pride she feels knowing she won't be just like her mom. That she isn't just anothet high school dropout who swindels cash for a living. She's a top grade student who may have finessed a thing or two to get here, but she's finally here and that's all that matters. Not caring for the people that are around her. Sure, Cindy's a nice girl, pretty hair and straight teeth, but she's just a freind. She's no Bobby. 
Fuck. Bobby. 
It's been almost ten years, and even without her own heart to feel, she still can't get over what she did. What she's done. To the boy who, for a short ammount of time, she truly loved. But she's not sure she can call it that anymore, not sure she deserves to yearn for him after doing something like that. No matter the sleepless nights she's had week after week, or the notebooks full of apologies and dreams she could have lived out with him. With bobby. With... her Bobby.
Putting on a practiced smile, she shakes her head and follows the crooked line of soon to be previous classmates. Not bothering to look out for dear ol ma'. She's probably off swindeling princaple Higgans for cash anyways, she can’t keep her eyes off a cash cow when she sees an opportunity like that appear dressed in tight suits. 
There's filtered out chatter and banter around her as she walks in line, the speakers going off shutting down her day dream real quick. "Five minutes till showtime everyone! I hope you've got your disposables ready! And no /flash/, thank you." God. As if that entitled old dustbag has even seen a camera, you can't turn off the flash, prick. Not even that fancy camera mom stole could turn off that damn flash. Whatever, I'm almost up anyways.
Just a couple more people and here I am, shit, that really is alot of people. 
Looking over the crowd of graduates and parents alike, Bryce smiles. Truly smiles. Shes proud of what shes done, dredging her way through school after falling off her high horse all those years ago, but still remaning the powerful women she is now. Scanning the crowd, she looks for her mom, for the sliver of hope that she'll find her looking up and smiling back at her, smiling back with pride. But as she looks across the vast crowd, she spots a fermilliar smile by the bleachers and oh my god- 
Who knew seeing him would cause this rickety old heart to finally fail, ten years did me good huh..
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OPINION ON FROSTCACAO!!!!! (frost queen x dark cacao) breathes heavily
Personally I don’t see it; but it’s not a pro ship so it’s good in my books
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mis-n-the-unwise · 4 months
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Josten what you doin here
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nkogneatho · 8 months
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 1 year
“this ship isn’t canon” to YOU. I, however, am delusional
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maiko-coy · 3 months
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I don't see any angry, vengeful Dogday in the ppt community so I'll provide for myself beCAUSE IM STARVING FOR THIS, HE DESERVES TO BE ANGRY-- ahem. Anyway, heres an AU where after there is still fire in Dogdays eyes and him being saved fueled the fire and now he wants to keep fighting.
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tacticaltaxonomist · 1 year
I love the rainbow checkmarks but the colors could be improved. Maybe something like this?
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allow-me-to-speak · 1 year
A few things to note —
1. Canon events should have been "disrupted" when RIPeter died in 1610. However, it didn't. Miles' dimension is intact.
2. Miles is not the original anomaly. Miguel is. (Edit: in that he caused the first dimension-collapsing anomaly before Miles did anything. He admitted it himself.)
3. Despite Miles being an anomaly, he's being treated as though his life has to follow the canon events of a normal Spider-Man.
4. According to the school counselor, Miles' "universe" (which she is supposed to capture on paper) is blank.
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6. "No expectations"
Conclusion: Miles isn't bound to the canon events of a normal Spider-Man. His future is his own to write. That's the theme of the movies.
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aalghul · 2 months
once again thinking about jason as duke’s robin. he’s ~4 years younger than jason, and that puts him at 8-12 during Jason’s time as robin. that’s prime time to get attached to your local kid vigilante before your own life goes downhill.
and if we try to keep duke’s meeting with bruce in zero year + duke’s age (so he can remember the meeting and hold that conversation with bruce), he has to be around 8. if he starts following batman through the news at that time because of the mess that just happened, the robin he sees is probably jason. I’ve literally connected the dots
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passiunclepaltry · 9 months
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worth mentioning now i didnt mind the direction the F&C ending went it was bittersweet which was perfect and tragic . but also there’s an almost fix-it au comic series published where simon just kisses golbetty in a gay lil ponytail and everything’s normal
edit: not whatsoever saying this was better than fionna and cake not by a landslide it was a little flimsy. but it was FUNNY ab it
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hinamie · 13 days
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yeah sorry theyre tragic in this au too
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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grape-souffle · 2 months
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sketchy-tour · 3 months
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I need him to bury me in affection right now
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minusecko · 3 months
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pancakemolybdenum · 2 months
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happy bday!! suit suit for u on this lovely 413
alpha kids
beta kids from last year
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