#noel diary
whatyawatching · 2 years
The Noel Diary
Rating: ✨
A few days before Christmas, a famous writer estranged from his parents sets out on a road trip to help a stranger reconnect with her birth mother. They open up to each other along the way.
More depressing than I like in a holiday film, not much of a spark and some morally gray feelings toward the romance, and an abrupt ending that lacks satisfying resolution in multiple areas.
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lurvlurvlurv · 2 years
The Noel Diary was not bad – it's all about the chemistry between the two leads bc we all know the premise of most rom-coms are ridiculous.
Like, sure, I'll go on a long ass car ride with you even though we just met and fall in love with you in 48 hours.
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dirtbagdefender · 1 year
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caitmeetsworldsstuff · 8 months
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𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲,
Music has become my sanctuary, my refuge amidst the chaotic storm that is my life. I never imagined that this simple hobby would have such a profound impact on my journey. You see, it all started when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The weight of the world felt unbearable, and my mind was a constant battleground of emotions.
In those dark moments, I found solace in the keys of a piano. The gentle touch of my fingers, the melodies that flowed through me, became a balm for my troubled soul. Music became my therapy, my way of easing the turbulence within. Sometimes I play guitar and drums also. I may not be the best singer, but the act of singing, of pouring my heart out through the lyrics, became a cathartic release.
Through music, I could express the depths of my emotions, the turmoil that seemed to have no words. It became a language of its own, allowing me to communicate the unspoken, to share my innermost struggles and triumphs. With each note played and each lyric sung, I felt a sense of liberation, as if I could finally make sense of the chaos inside my mind.
Growing up, I always had a deep appreciation for different genres of music. But it wasn't until my bipolar diagnosis that I truly embraced playing and singing. Music became a lifeline during my bipolar episodes, soothing the edges of my depression and channeling the intensity of my manic episodes. It was a constant companion, guiding me through the highs and lows of my journey.
At first, I only used to sing for Mickey, my partner and confidant. It was our intimate connection, a way for me to share my vulnerability with someone who understood me. But as time went on, I began to sing more openly, even in the presence of others. It was a gradual process, shedding the self-consciousness and embracing the joy of making music.
Sure, I may not be the greatest singer or the most skilled instrumentalist, but that no longer matters. What matters is the healing power of music, the way it has become intertwined with my very existence. It's no longer just a hobby; it's become an essential part of who I am.
Music has taught me empathy and understanding. It has opened my eyes to different perspectives and allowed me to connect with the world on a deeper level. It has shown me that even in the darkest moments, there is beauty to be found, melodies to be sung.
So, I continue to play the piano, to strum the guitar, to beat the drumsticks on my drums, and to sing with all my heart. Music has become my sanctuary, my way of navigating the complexities of life with bipolar disorder, and so much more. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝓘𝓪𝓷 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓽𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓻
Tags: @milky-m-milky @gallavichgeek
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thetulip84 · 1 year
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bonobochick · 1 year
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The Noel Diary  📔
(available on Netflix)
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supersonic1994 · 4 days
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The Noel Diary (2022)
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will80sbyers · 2 years
The Noel Diary... just started it but I already think it's a beautiful Christmas movie, you can immediately see it's really well made!! Great story and great actors too!
Edit: I was right, really enjoyed the movie, it's realistic and shows beautiful relationships between all the characters 👏
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chloesdiaries · 2 months
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Le sapin de Strasbourg 🎄, décembre 2023
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savageandwise · 1 year
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dirtbagdefender · 1 year
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caitmeetsworldsstuff · 8 months
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𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲,
Living with bipolar disorder is like riding an emotional roller coaster that never seems to stop. It's as if my mind is constantly at war with itself, swinging back and forth between extreme highs and lows. One moment, I feel invincible, a burst of energy coursing through my veins, and the world seems full of endless possibilities. But just as quickly as the high comes, it crashes down, leaving me feeling empty and numb. During the manic phases, my thoughts race a mile a minute, and my body can't keep up. I become impulsive, making reckless decisions and engaging in risky behaviors. It's like I'm on autopilot, chasing the next thrill without considering the consequences. Everything feels amplified, intensified, and it's hard to control my impulses. Then there are the depressive episodes, where I'm consumed by an overwhelming sadness that wraps around me like a suffocating blanket. It's like sinking into a deep, dark abyss with no way out. The simplest tasks become insurmountable mountains, and even getting out of bed feels like an impossible feat. The world loses its color, and I'm left feeling numb and disconnected from everything and everyone around me. Living with bipolar disorder means constantly walking on eggshells, never knowing when the next mood swing will hit. It's frustrating and exhausting, not only for me but also for my loved ones who have to bear witness to my erratic behavior. They try their best to support me, but it's hard for them to understand the chaos happening inside my head. But amidst the turbulence, there are moments of clarity and stability. With the right medication and therapy, I've learned to manage my symptoms and find some semblance of balance. I've learned to appreciate the highs for their creativity and passion, and I've gained a deeper understanding of the human experience through the lows. Living with bipolar disorder is a constant battle, but I refuse to let it defeat me. I am Ian Gallagher, and I will continue to fight, to find my own version of stability and happiness, despite the challenges that come my way.
𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝓘𝓪𝓷 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓽𝓸𝓷 𝓖𝓪𝓵��𝓪𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓻
Tags: @milky-m-milky @gallavichgeek
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cogentranting · 2 years
To fix the Noel Diary they needed to do two things:
1. Take out the cheating. You can still have Rachel freak out because she’s falling for Jake! If she realizes that she has feelings for this guy but isn’t willing to leave the security of her fiance, that’s plenty of conflict to make her bolt and go home. If you want to push the conflict further they can kiss and then realize what they’re doing and have Rachel regret it and leave. 
2. Let the characters be emotional??? Why do I have to tell them this? The most absurd scene is Jake telling Rachel about the death of his brother with the ONLY emotion being a slight hesitation right at the start, and other than that a completely flat tone, no voice breaking, no tears, nothing and then apologizing for how emotional he got. He’s played by Justin Hartley. He spent 6 years crying on This Is Us. He’s good at it. Let him cry. Or let him yell at the dad who he hasn’t seen since he abandoned the family 35 years ago. Or let some character show SOME strong emotion. 
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 8 months
this what i think i sound like whenever i post anything political
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The Noel Diary
Justin Hartley, Bennett Doss
Heyyyyyyy! Here we are again - as our lord and savior Taylor Allison Swift once said, ‘tis the damn season. And I’m back at it again with the shitty xmas romcoms, amen hallelujah.
We’re starting off with a fun romp through the New England countryside, as Rachel and Jake road trip to track down Jake estranged father in order to glean information about Rachel’s biological mother, who she has never met but who, as it turns out, was once Jake’s nanny when he was young.
Jake, who by the way is a handsome and wealthy but oh-so-lonely famous novelist, finds himself starting to open up to Rachel along the way. As they drive, they read their way through bio mom’s diary, discovered while cleaning out Jake’s recently deceased mother’s house - the site of all his childhood traumas. The emotional walls aren’t the only problem, either - Rachel also happens to be engaged!
But unfortunately for Rachel’s fiancé, he kind of sucks, and she and Jake have a little too much in common for comfort. A shared mysterious past! A love of jazz music! Matching His & Hers Daddy and Mommy issues! What more could you ask for?
There’s a really great movie moment about halfway through their trip, when Jake starts telling Rachel the tragic story from his past as they wait in the car for a passing train: As Jake talks, the audible dialogue fades. Rachel hears the story, but we, the audience, don’t. It’s an oddly poignant moment of intimacy from a shitty xmas romcom, something worth noting.
Other highlights include a couple of really excellent meta moments:
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Not to mention this extremely good girl:
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Did it pass the Bechdel-Wallace test? Yes
LGBTQ characters? No
Characters of color? Yes
Attractiveness of the male lead? I polled the room and we agreed to award him an 8/10. Though it must be noted for the record that he “does nothing” for my mother.
All in all, I give this one a 4.5 out of 5 Golden Rings!
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