#ness chimes
galechimes · 1 year
The Glory.
Revenge plot-based movies/series usually bore me but this series, omg. Beautifully dark and twisted. I am in love.
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chalk-homunculus · 1 year
Truly a dissociative moment where we finish talking to a friend while streaming Genshin, then our memory completely just cuts off and I wake up from our bed what, 6 hours later with no memory of what happened or when we even went to bed
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lackadaisycats · 3 months
Which Lackadaisy female character do fable and Tracy likes to draw the most?
Tough to pick. Ivy's fun to draw because she's usually having fun. I enjoy drawing Mitzi's flowy shapes and over-dramatic eyes. It's also amusing to me to draw really goofy expressions on someone who otherwise comes across like a glamourpuss. I like drawing Lacy's put-togetherness, Elsa's wispiness, and Nina's short-and-stout-ness. I enjoy drawing Serafine's sharp sense of style and ability to chameleon between one look and another, depending on what mode she's in. I get a kick out of drawing gnomish Mrs. Bapka too. I guess it helps to be unrepentantly indulgent about designing your characters, because then drawing is always a good time. I can't answer for @fablepaint, but I'm tagging them so they can chime in if they want to.
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sixosix · 3 months
notes this chapter switches from lyney to reader, but you’ll notice right away when it does ^__^ and i also wanted to plug in my hcs of aether sjdkwd, wc 2.1k
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Lyney has had many embarrassing moments in his life. Everyone has their moments, eventually, and Lyney’s not the type to keep track of all of them. He couldn’t even count them with his hands if he tried—it’d be as long as Lynette’s weekly receipt of sweets.
The first he could remember was performing in front of a live audience. He forgot his lines, cowered across expectant eyes, and fumbled with his tricks, but he didn’t regret it. That experience made him the illustrious magician he is today.
There was a time when Lyney wasn’t too used to you addressing him so directly and face-planted on the floor when you called out his name. 
He used to hear from the other orphans all the damn time: “Aren’t you at least a little embarrassed?” They never understood why Lyney kept returning to you, even after pushing him away. They never got to understand how thrilling it all was. He was just a little kid with an infatuation—why was he supposed to care about everyone else’s second-hand embarrassment?
He never came to regret any of those. He wouldn’t be here right now if it never came to be. 
However, Master Childe standing frozen while Lyney fumbles with not letting you sway all over the place, might start steadily pushing itself towards the top five. Lyney barely dodged as you nearly elbowed him in the face. Graceless in every form in front of the 11th Harbinger.
You use Lyney to prop yourself up and whip around. “Where’s Lord Tartaglia?”
Master Childe pushes the door open, his silhouette like some angel coming down to say he will tell on ‘Father’ about Lyney hoisting the runaway Fatuu. Political-ness aside, it already looks bad enough that you’re drunk, and he’s dragging you. You hiss like some sort of vampire, and Lyney dutifully shields you from the light. Would it be rude to order Master Childe to fetch glasses of water?
“My head,” you groan.
“I’m sorry,” Lyney says, brushing hair away from your face. “Do you want to lie down?”
You’re not given a chance to lie down nor reply as Childe points a finger in Lyney’s direction.
“Hey, you,” Master Childe says, and Lyney blinks a little fearfully, spine ramrod straight. “I know you. You’re one of the orphans in the House, right?”
“What are you doing here, Master Childe?” Lyney asks, hopefully still conveying his respect.
“Well, the Northland Bank wouldn’t mind some wealthy connections,” Childe says proudly. “And one of the special guests here owes something to the Fontaine Branch.”
“You also know me, Tartaglia,” you chime in, stumbling around and revealing your face to him, wasted as hell.
Lyney holds his breath as Childe’s expression blanks. “Do I?” Childe asks indulgently.
“One of your subordinates!” you exclaim petulantly, as if sulking Childe hasn’t given you the same treatment he gave Lyney.
Childe turns sheepish. “I’m not too familiar with all of them.”
Lyney can’t tell if he’s disappointed or relieved. Instead, he brushes it off and focuses on your well-being. “Y/N, do you think you can walk on your own?”
“Of course I can,” you say, then wobble when Lyney tests it. “W-Wait—”
“Wait,” Childe says, too. “You’re Y/N?”
“Duh.” You sniff.
Lyney smiles. “Please forgive her.”
Childe’s expression does something complicated. “I’m not that good with faces. I do know you—I assigned you here.”
Something about that feels wrong to Lyney, but he’s not given any chance to think too deeply about it when Childe looks as if he is about to reach out to you. Lyney pulls away and takes two steps back when Childe raises his hands. The Harbinger blinks in confusion.
Lyney’s guard is up. “I-I’m sorry—”
Childe lifts his hands in surrender. “I don’t know what you think of me, but I assure you I’m not that kind of person..”
Lyney winces. There goes his first impression on the 11th Harbinger—disrespectful and maddeningly shameless. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to insinuate I thought of you that way, sir.”
Master Childe laughs. “It’s fine. It’s my fault for coming off like that. Do you need help?”
This is definitely beyond rude. You sway on your feet when Lyney moves. “Mon lapin here could really use a glass of water.”
“I feel like I’m going to throw up,” you announce. Lyney and Childe, positions be damned, share the same fearful look.
Thankfully, the aristocrat’s floor was safe from the assault of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but the bushes outside the mansion couldn’t share the same sentiment. Lyney and Childe had a moment of silent agreement to keep quiet about this matter if they suddenly wilted.
“Does the lady need any more help?” Childe asks. He’s actually nicer than Lyney expected and even younger than they say when up close. He's less intimidating when he’s not standing across with his features darkened by the light flooding from behind—that was certainly nightmare fuel.
“No!” you exclaim. “I can go home myself,” you say, still slurring your words.
“I’m not letting you do that,” Lyney says, helplessly charmed.
“You should,” you argue, then look a little green again. “Uh oh.”
Childe takes an instinctive step back. “Are you going to throw up again?”
“No, my head,” you whine pitifully. Lyney wishes he could pull that migraine out with his bare hands, but he also finds your expression right now a little hilarious.
Lyney pinches your cheek. “I told you to lay off the alcohol.”
“Did you not want to kiss me because you were scared I would throw up in your mouth?” you ask Lyney.
Lyney freezes, eyes wide. “You’re still on to that? How much do you remember?”
He wants to ask you a million questions when you’re finally not acting so skittish, but he finds that he can’t. He realizes he hasn’t seen you like this before—not hostile or wary of him. You look nice, like everything was before it was ruined. And there was also how you willingly wanted him to kiss you.
As you press against him, Lyney watches as you deflate like a balloon faced with a needle. You sigh softly, then bury your face against his neck.
“You’re so warm,” you murmur to his skin.
Goosebumps blossom all over his body. Your face brushes against the side of his neck. “Do you hate it?”
“I like it. My hands are cold. Every part of you is warm.”
“Would you like me to warm you up?”
“Mhm. Thanks.”
This is so unfair. Lyney wants to bury his face in your hair and hide there, hoping you’d cling to him forever like this. But that won’t happen in this lifetime or any other one. (He doesn’t pry you off in this lifetime, however.)
The grand entrance doors slide open. Lynette emerges from the party with a tentative look on her face. She swiftly rushes over to Lyney, then is visibly startled when she notices Master Childe still hanging around.
Oh. Right. Why the hell is Master Childe still here?
Lynette bows her head, addressing their superior. He laughs and waves it off like he’s no one important in the streets. His sister turns to him, whispering, “Lyney, ‘Father’ is looking for us. She’s asking for us right now.”
Lyney’s skin crawls. “What? Why now?”
She shakes her head, her eyes flicking back and forth between you and Childe. “I’m not sure. She wasn’t supposed to come this early.”
Lyney frowns, glancing down at you. “I can’t just…”
“We can’t bring her there with ‘Father’ in, too,” Lynette murmurs. Lyney curses, knowing she’s right.
“What’s wrong?” you ask from where you’re pressed against Lyney. “Oh! Hi, ‘nette!”
“Hello, Y/N,” Lynette says warmly. It seems fondness for Y/N runs in the family. “Do you have anywhere to go to? May I ask where it is?”
“Yes, of course I do!”
Lynette looks over to Lyney. “I don’t think this is going to work.”
Lyney, as much as he hates to, glances back at Childe, who is, unfortunately, and fortunately, still standing there.
“Good idea,” Lynette praises, seemingly catching on to what Lyney is thinking.
“That’s her boss,” Lyney says, instinctively shielding you from him. “What if she gets fired because of this?”
“She won’t be,” Lynette says. “And I’m sure that Master Childe would at least make sure Y/N is somewhere safe before he leaves. And right now, we have to do that, too.”
Lyney doesn’t want to, but he doesn’t trust showing you to ‘Father’, too. It’s been too long—he doesn’t know what ‘Father’ would think of you, and her decisions happen in a split-second.
“Lyney,” Lynette says, in the tone of Let’s not keep ‘Father’ waiting.
Perhaps Lyney really isn’t thinking straight himself. “Master Childe?” Lyney calls out. He takes a deep breath and says, “We are in your debt.”
You wake up to a pounding headache and realize that Aether’s hair glows in the dark when fully blacked out. You had an inkling when it looked like Aether was illuminated at night, but seeing it up close is startling.
“Holy shit! Aether, your hair!” You sit up but belatedly regret it when the migraine returns to full force. “Holy shit,” you say again, for a different reason this time.
“Stop swearing,” Aether sighs, looking alien as he moves and speaks like a human being, yet his hair radiates light like the sun—literally. “Can we pull the curtains open?”
“Nooo,” you sob. “I want to sleep again. It hurts.”
“Paimon, if you will.”
The fairy salutes and shows no sliver of mercy as you’re ravaged by sunlight piercing your eyes. It feels like all your cells are screaming in protest. Or maybe you’re the one screaming.
“Huh,” Aether says thoughtfully. “Just as I suspected. You’re wearing the same shade of lipstick.”
You don’t care about your lips right now. Thinking about how dry your mouth is has you wanting to throw up. “What does that even mean?”
Aether ignores it. He’s starting to act like a stern, disappointing mother. “Do you remember what happened last night? Imagine my surprise when I see Childe sneaking in my teapot, carrying you like a passed-out damsel.”
Memories of last night flashed behind your eyelids, most of them featuring the 11th Harbinger, and your blood runs cold. “Oh no.”
“He’s still here, and he’s asking to talk with you.”
Your cells haven’t stopped screaming; they’re scattering around in panic. You certainly feel as if you’re being jostled around. “I think I’m going to throw up again.”
Pitying you, Aether reaches from the bedside desk and hands a glass full of water that’s delightfully the perfect temperature. But apparently, he doesn’t pity you enough to not drag you out of bed.
You didn’t understand what Aether meant when he said Teapot, but while on the way to where Childe was resting, Paimon explained that you were all walking in a floating teapot hanging around somewhere in some corner of Fontaine. Faintly, you wondered if you were still drunk.
Master Childe is all sprawled legs on the living room couch. He senses your presence right away, waving with a bright smile.
“I think I did pretty well last night, comrade.” Childe flashes a grin to Aether, who rolls his eyes. “They didn’t question anything!”
“It’s because you’re their superior.” Aether turns to you, plucking the empty glass from your shaky fingers. “Sit beside them. I have something to ease your migraine.”
You could cry. Instead, you obediently sit beside the feared and renowned 11th Harbinger, moving as stiff as a board.
“Hey.” Childe tilts his head as he studies your face. “You look pale.”
“Sir!” You bow, then promptly start retching.
Chidle laughs, “Calm down, calm down. You don’t have to be so formal. You spoke easily last night.”
“I was drunk,” you murmur, face heating up. You couldn’t recall how easily you spoke to him last night—it’s all a blur. Thinking too hard about it has you dizzy.
“Loosen up then. You’re a friend of the Traveler, aren’t you? That makes us comrades, too.” Childe sinks into his seat, grinning. “I already got the gist of the situation. I gotta say, that’s dangerous deceiving the Arlecchino, of all people.”
“If it involved Teucer, wouldn’t you do the same?” Aether chimes in, entering the room, holding a tray with three glasses.
Chidle guffaws, “Fair enough!”
Paimon settles beside you, looking as alien as Aether earlier by sitting down. Your drink looked different from Paimon’s and Childe’s, but you reasoned that Aether still needed your intel to not poison you.
“It wasn’t part of the agreement to have to see my subordinates canoodling, though,” Childe says offhandedly. “Your boyfriend was like a leech.”
“Lyney is not my boyfriend,” you say automatically.
Childe laughs at first, but it dies down seeing your confusion.
“Oh,” he says. “Oh.” He turns to Aether, who nods sagely, world-weary.
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imagine: lyney returning to the bench he left you and childe on, seeing that you’re both gone, and exclaiming FUCK
notes omg its been a while……….How is everyone!!! sorry i know this is so short but im just glad i finally update after like?? nearly a month and a half?? 😭😭😭 tbh im not too proud of this chapter but i cant tell if its bc its been so long or if its bc its actually badjhfkjd EITEHR WAY THANK YOU FOR REAADDINGGG
@thenyxsky @aeferkssr @1mewo1 @lacrimae-lotos @meigalaxy @hyacinth-daze @miwafei @popochakku @svasilios @heyhazelnut101 @kruinka @waveto-earth @superstar-ethereal @mxplesyrvp @achilleas-dream @episodecete @jellifizz @auranny @motherscrustytoenailclippings @lovelyevil @iawaaaaaa @rionah @esmetrees @cherryig @kzhwaif @mystiquemare @unknownlololol @sanluvssu @blvdmrcnry @kascar-chronicle @idontevenknow129 @tarathecogsci @lunavixia @beaniedoodz @wendolrea @avalordream @egoistars @rains-mae @magnificentfireball @poemzcheng @fiannee @ask-kurayami-akura @sc4rlett-letter @xxxion @wangshuu @deathkat657 @powchakko @beasalmeh @h-8chi
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milaisreading · 3 months
Imagine Crossdresser! reader passing out during an interview live while the rest of the team watches it lol
🌱🩷: I wrote something similar to what your request is! Hope you like it🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her, but she is crossdressing as a guy, keep that in mind! Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
'This is so annoying. And I can already imagine the jokes Ness and Kaiser will be making at my expense for this interview.' (Y/n) thought as she glanced at one of the cameras. It took everything in her willpower not to yawn as she knew everyone who follows BBLKTV was watching this. The sleep-deprivation pretty much stopped any nervousness she could feel at the moment. The past few weeks weren't that kind to her, from the constant back and forth between Rin and Shidou's fights, watching over Kunigami and the rest of Blue locks BM players, to her parents and the JFA scolding her to be on her best behavior, (Y/n) was ready to call the quits.
'It's like I am their parent or something.' She thought as the interviewer entered the room.
'Not to mention that my period is about to start soon. Do I have any pads left?' The girl thought, looking over at Anri, who was standing behind the camera and sending her a thumbs up.
"Hello, (L/n). I will be interviewing you today, thanks for taking the time of your day for this." The man said warmly, causing (Y/n) to give him back a small smile.
"Thank you for inviting me, Nihei-san. It's a honor to be here." The girl got up and bowed at the man before sitting down again.
'All this media training will be the end of me.' The girl thought as she looked back at the man, who let out a sigh of relief.
'Thank God it's not another Itoshi Sae situation.' The man thought as he looked through his papers.
"So, you don't need to be nervous or anything. The questions are very easy and you can take your time to answer them, there is no time limit or anything. And, the cameras are filming right now, just a warning." Nihei said as he pointed at the camera behind him. (Y/n) slowly nodded her head, blinking the blurriness away and focusing back on the man.
"Of course. Thank you very much, I will keep the things in mind. And the staff already warned me about the cameras as well, I am very greatful for that."
'The amount of times I would have yawned...'
"Alright, let's start then. Ok?"
"Of course."
Back at Blue Lock...
"Kaiser, I swear if you don't move away I will kick you." Kunigami warned as the blonde smirked, still standing in front to the TV.
"I don't know. I like it here a lot." Isagi rolled his eyes as Yukimiya and Kurona sighed in annoyance, while Hiori was whispering something to Gagamaru.
"Nobody wants to see your flat ass, Kaiser."
"His ass isn't flat, Yoichi!"
"Shut up, Ness!" Noa was about to interject, but stopped when he saw Hiori and Gagamaru tackle the blonde to the ground.
"Shut it! (Y/n) is speaking!" Yukimiya yelled as Isagi and Kurona kept their focus on the TV.
"So, how was your experience with Bastard München so far? The fans would like to hear from the player who is in that stratum now."
"It's been great so far. I am grateful that we have a coach as experienced as Noel Noa to help us, and I am happy to I am able to play withgreat teammates. Especially the ones from Blue lock, they all progressed tremendously." (Y/n) answered back as the boys blushed a little.
"Hahaha, what can I say. I did progress quite good, actually." Yukimiya boasted as Hiori chimed in.
"So did I. (Y/n) even said he was proud of Isagi and I after the Ubers match."
"Right. It's even better for me since (Y/n) has seen my developments from the beginning." Isagi added in as Kurona thought over his words.
"(Y/n) has said the same thing to me 2 nights ago. He was even sad that I couldn't continue playing for the rest of the Uvers match."
"I got compliments on blocking Barou's shots as well! It felt really nice." Gagamaru admitted. Kunigami cleared his throat, looking nervous to everyone's surprise.
"I got told that my defense got better after the Barcha match."
Ness and Kaiser kept quiet as they spoke about the player, feeling a little jealous that they never got any compliments.
"Whatever. He probably only compliments the Blue Lock players." Kaiser rolled his eyes.
"Not really. I got complimented as well. (Y/n) also added in he likes my hair." Grim told Kaiser.
"Same for me. He complimented me after the Manshine match since my passes helped him a lot to score his 2nd goal then." Sachs added in.
"What?!" Kaiser asked in disbelief, then looked at Gesner.
"And you?"
"He complimented me on my strength when we were both on the gym." Gesner said nervously as Kaiser looked at the trio as if they had betrayed him.
"This isn't fair..." Ness pouted while looking back at the Blue Lock team.
"Sucks to suck." Kurona chuckled.
Now, Rin tried (and failed) to pretend that he didn't care about the whole interview, but he couldn't. He cared way too much. So that's why he was now sat down in front of thr TV, ignoring whatever Tokimitsu, Karasu, and Shidou were saying.
"Shut up!! I want to hear what he is saying!" Charles yelled at the group while Loki tried to calm him down.
"Calm down,you all."
"While we are at the topic of foreign teams." The group stopped and looked at the TV again.
"Is there any foreign player you would want to play with in a team?"
(Y/n) blinked at the reporter and stayed quiet as she thought it over.
"Boooriiing. He would never pick a foreign player over one of us. Especially me." Karasu smirked, earning a few glares from the others.
"You mean me! I am the one he said he could barely keep up with during our first match." Shidou butted in.
"And yet you still lost." Karasu jabbed back.
"Shut it! He would be pick me. I am the number 1 here, after all." Rin rolled his eyes.
"Being the 1 isn't the only thing that matters, Rin. Besides, (Y/n) admires my dribbling."
Charles rolled his eyes at the team and cleared his throat.
"Please don't." Loki begged.
"Yet the interviewer cares about none of you. (Y/n) will definitely pick me here-"
"I really enjoyed playing against Julian Loki during one of our selection rounds. While I don't know his current abilities yet, I would definitely pick him as a teammate. He is very easy to get along with." (Y/n)'s answer quickly shut up the group. The Blue Lock team kept quiet as they looked at Loki while Charles looked at him in utter disbelief.
"You stole him away!" The French player said as Loki looked at him in disbelief.
"I did not?! Besides, he knows me for longer than he knows you."
"So now you are showing off?!"
"Are you stupid?!"
"(Y/n) should gave asked me for some fashion advice. Why would he wear the Bastard uniform during an international interview of all times." Aryu tsked in disapproval as he looked at the TV. Niko rolled his eyes at the comment and looked at the taller player.
"How does that matter now? He is having a interview about Blue lock, not a fashion show."
Snuffy chuckled at the younger players comment and ruffled his hair.
"Calm down, Niko. But, he does have a point, Aryu. (Y/n) was told to wear that, after all.
"They purposely wanted him to look ugly." Aryu pouted.
"Will all three of you shut up? I am trying to listen." Barou groaned as Lorenzo looked at him in amusement.
"Didn't thing a king like you was invested in stuff like this."
"Shut it-"
"As you are aware, the whole world is looking forward to your final match against PXG. But, the fans would like to know which game was so far the most exhausting one."
"Hmm... that's an easy one, definitely the one we had against Ubers. While Barcha and Manshine were challenging as well, the Ubers one outweighs them a lot. Not only did the team already have good and experienced players like Don Lorenzo, and their coach Marc Snuffy. But, my own teammates have evolved quite a lot. While I was annoyed that the end of the match kept getting delayed, I was very happy to see them give their all on the field."
The trio kept quiet as they blushed while looking at the TV. Snuffy and Lorenzo silently laughing at their reactions.
"(Y/n) looks a lot paler than I remember him to be. Don't you two think so?" Reo asked, looking back at Chigiri and Nagi for an answer. The redhead narrowed his eyes and inspected the captain before slowly nodding his head.
"It sure looks like it. I wonder if he is sick or something." Chigiri said in worry while Nagi kept quiet.
"I hope Bastard aren't stressing him out too much." Reo rolled his eyes as he thought about the German team.
"We all pretty much witnessed your hat trick during the match against Manshine city, how did you feel back then? Excitement? Confusion?"
The three looked at the TV, silently waiting for an answer.
"Well it was a mix of both, but mainly confusion. I really wasn't sure, and still I am not sure what had possessed me om the field back then. But, I am grateful for the chances Isagi, Kurona, and Sachs-san gave me to score."
"I can only imagine, especially when you got such a high bid offer from Re Al right after."
"That was a surprise to me as well. I didn't imagine they would notice me like that." (Y/n) chuckled as Nagi and Reo facepalmed.
"He really needs to work on his confidence."
"Nothing changed with him."
"It's cute. He reminds me of a puppy." Chigiri laughed as a blush coated his cheeks.
"Keep it down you two. You won't be able to hear anything." Lavinho said as he looked at Otoya and Bachira, which immediately shut them up.
"We didn't see (Y/n) in so long! Can you blame us?" Otoya said as Bachira nodded along.
"Do you still stand by your statement that the game against Barcha was your favorite one?" The trio looked back at the TV, waiting impatiently at the answer.
"Yes. It was probably more relaxing since it was our first one and, personally, I had a lot of adrenaline rushing through my body. Also, Lavinho-san made the match more interesting with his antics." (Y/n) laughed as the Brazilian laughed along.
"Finally someone who understands!"
"And this is why we should have kidnapped him out of the Bastard stratum."
"Bachira, no." Otoya said in a scolding manner.
Back with (Y/n)...
'Can this be over already? I van barely keep my eyes open.' (Y/n) thought, trying to keep her focus on the questions and the interviewer, but that focus was slowly slipping away.
"We have a few more questions and then we are done. Are you ready to answer the next one?"
"Sure-" Before (Y/n) could finish her answer, her vision turned black and she fell unconscious.
"(Y/n)!" Anri yelled in fear as the interviewer caught the girl before she could fall face first on the floor.
"He is fine. He just fainted. Turn off the cameras." Nihei said as the camera man quickly turned everything off. Anri ran to (Y/n)'s side, sighing in relief when she saw the girl was still breathing.
"Bring me some water and call a medic." Anri told the interviewer then looked back at (Y/n) in worry.
'I knew this whole interview was a bad idea. And the PIFA and Re Al higher-ups are watching this as well. The last thing I need is for (Y/n) to get scolded for being exhausted.'
Panic in the stratums pretty much started the moment they saw the girl faint and the cameras got cut off. Ego felt of course worried, and along with Noa and the other coaches was immediately at the medics office.
"So, he was exhausted?" Loki asked as the doctor nodded his head.
"Pretty much. Lack of sleep caused his body to crash. Aside from that, I have noticed he was under a lot more stress the past few weeks, either caused by the games or the JFA, I can't tell right now."
"What is the next best thing I can do now? I am his coach, after all." Noa spoke up.
"Just let him rest for a few days. If possible, delay the match against PXG for a week or so."
"Sure. Ego-san-"
"Consider it done, Loki." Ego said back, interrupting the French player.
"Also, I would like you all to keep the players at bay for now. Just let him sleep, visitors will only cause more harm now."
"Don't worry about that."
"We will handle it." Chris and Lavinho nodded along as Snuffy patted Noa's back.
"The boys need to practice, anyway. So keeping them away will be easy."
The doctor nodded his head and looked back at Ego.
"Anri is currently with him, so you don't need to worry. Should something happen I will immediately inform you. But, as I said, everything will be fine. He just needs rest."
"Alright." Ego said back, a little bit relieved that (Y/n) wasn't in a life-threatening condition or anything. As the doctor left, Loki and the adults silently thought over their plans to tell the other players.
"It will be quite a headache. Especially since Nagi, Reo, and Chigiri are so stubborn." Chris groaned as Lavinho shrugged his shoulders.
"Just give them punishments if they don't listen. What else can we do."
"True, but let's try being reasonable first." Snuffy added in.
"Lucky for me I have the most unreasonable players in my team." Noa butted in as Loki chuckled a little.
"You clearly didn't meet mine yet."
"I don't care how unreasonable they are, if they defy the rule, inform me. I will give them a proper punishment then." Ego told the coaches in a serious manner.
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seivsite · 1 year
includes: various!bllk boys x gn!reader. how would bllk boys react to you ignoring them for hsr men? open to your own interpretation — wc: 467
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Hoyoverse has finally released their new game, Honkai Star Rail. You’ve been eagerly awaiting this moment for the past two years. You’ve fallen in love with the male characters in the game because they’re hot. It’s as simple as that, really. It seems like you’ve been playing the game for far too long, and your boyfriend is needy for your attention.
“Damn, he’s so attractive! I can’t believe a man from a game could be this pretty!” you exclaimed, turning back to see your boyfriend’s curious and amused expression.
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He couldn’t help but frown before pulling you off the chair and rushing you to your shared bed. He pinned you onto the bed and kissed your lips.
“I’m way better than him,” he pouted, looking down at your prone form, your face flushed with red, and avoiding his gaze. “Plus, I’m real and can give you every ounce of my love and affection,” he stated, kissing down your neck before finally lying beside you, guiding your body towards him and holding you tight, refusing to let you go.
“Okay, I get it!” you struggled in his grasp, but he wouldn't release you. “Hmm? Then why don’t you show me, angel?” he teased. You could only blush and stutter in response before he leaned in to kiss you and showered you with all the love that those stupid game characters can’t give you.
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“Pfft, that's funny, sweetheart. I don’t remember being in a video game,” he chimed in, leaning over your seated form to see your PC screen.
As he saw the characters, he said arrogantly, “Really? Did you forget that you have me? I’m way more attractive than him. Who can actually satisfy your affection needs? Unlike him, I could make love with you—” He was cut off by your hand covering his mouth.
“Okay, no more of that, please!” you shyly said in a slightly loud voice. “Are you shy, sweetheart? You weren’t so shy last night,” he continued teasingly before being smacked on the head.
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“Am I not enough for you, honey?” he asked, giving you sad puppy eyes because some video game characters had captured your attention more than him.
“What? Noo, you’re the love of my life! I’d never trade you for the world!” you replied, noticing his puppy eyes and feeling apologetic.
“I’m sorry, babe. I love you more, okay? Please don't be sad,” you said, pulling him into a hug as he nestled into your neck. “Give me hugs and kisses, and I’ll consider your apology,” he grumbled, and you immediately showered him with all your love for the remainder of the day.
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NOTES. u can imagine your faves if they aren’t listed, i tried to add every single character i remembered at the top of my head. could be ooc for some characters doe.
TAG LIST. @rintosei @m8bius @yanqingisim
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littlemissferret · 11 days
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CHRONICLES OF HOUSECATS [ part 1 , part 2 ]
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sypnosis: you finally manage an uninterrupted date with isagi
no prns used (reader). established relationship with (loser bf) isagi. 2.2k wc. cw: nothing(?). made them a lot tamer for this (less chaos). kaiser & ness still cats ofc.
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Do you remember the feeling of awkward cringe, when you watch third-rate actors on screen put on an act so atrociously bad? The kind of feeling that forces your skin to crawl- a chill sent down your spine while simultaneously warm blood rushes to your face from second hand embarrassment?
Yeah, you’re feeling a whole hell of that right now. God, he’s so embarrassing…
You pinch the bridge of your nose, breathing in much needed fresh air to cool down the horrendous headache your darling housecats are causing you right now.
“Enough, Mihya. I told you to save your little theatrics for the talent shows.” You lift up the blue cat carrier to chastise him.
Michael bats his eyes, staring up at you with the eyes of a pitiful, heartbroken widow.
“You’re not fooling anyone with that,” You deadpan at his attempt to win you over. “C’mon, it’s just a spa. You love getting pampered, don’t you? Well, they’re gonna give you lotsss of love and attention there.”
He furthers his meowing and whining at you, pretending he didn’t hear allat. Determined to not drop his act anytime soon.
Isagi walks next to you, this sweet boy has been trying to hold your hands when you were busy arguing with your rebellious cat.
He finally manages to grab onto your hand, a smile blossoming onto his face as he internally celebrates his success.
“Um, will it really be okay for us to just leave them at the spa?” He eyes the magenta cat carrier in his other hand. “I mean, we can do this another time.. It’s not that much of a hassle, really.”
You intertwine your fingers with his, and start swinging your held hands. “It’s fine. Really!” You turn to him with a smile, “I bring them to the spa every two to three months anyway. Mihya usually loves it! He’s just being whiny for attention right now.”
Ignoring the blond cat’s yowls of protests, you continue, “Besides, I’m looking forward to this date with you-” You glance down at the blue carrier, “-without them interrupting this time.”
On your previous romantic dates with Isagi, the two cats had stalked and caught up with you both. Causing a scene every single time, thanks to Michael’s dramatics and Alexis’ surprising animosity towards your sweet boyfriend.
You swear Alexis is usually a good, well-mannered kitty. He never had any problems with strangers. Maybe he just doesn’t like Yoichi’s smell? You oughta talk to him about showing up right after practice in his stinky sweat drenched jersey.
You hum, stepping into the doors of ‘Magic Whiskers Pet Spa & Hotel’. The bell chimes, alerting the workers and other pets in the building of your arrival.
It doesn’t take long until the old manager walks up to greet you. “Hello there, dearie! Michael and Alexis back for their appointment?”
“Hi, gramps. And yeah, the usual, thank you.” Placing the cat carriers onto the counter, you open the locks for them.
Michael huffs, strutting out and stretching his legs, then immediately basks in the old man’s praises at his big boy stretch.
Little bastard giving you the silent treatment.
Alexis walks up to you the moment he’s let out of the cage. Purring as he rubs his head at your waist. Finally, he thinks. Normally he’s comfortable with his carrier but god when Isagi is the one handling him does it make the experience a hundred times less enjoyable.
Oh well, at least he’s in his second favourite place now. Being in the magic themed store slash spa makes him the happiest feline alive.
Great memories were created here in this magical place, after all.
“Good boy, ‘Lexis. You watch over Michael for me, yeah? He’s being a petty prick.” You whisper to the cat. “I’ll stock up on your favourite kibbles when I come back later.”
You scratch at the spot behind his little flicky ears, sinking in his purrs as you stare at Michael’s overgrown blond fur.
“Hmm. You know what, old man? I think you can try something new with them this time.”
The cats stare up at you curiously and the manager only gives you a warm smile.
“I thought you’d never ask. Leave them to me!”
“Ahh, some peace and quiet..” You sigh in bliss as you hook your arm with Isagi. You’re both now walking leisurely on the sidewalk. “Soo, what’s the plan, Yoichi?”
Isagi blushes when you turn to look at him, “Ah, right.” He fumbles with his jacket, “Well, I didn’t plan an itinerary or anything. But..”
He lists off the places you both can visit together, rambling off. Occasionally stuttering and tripping over his own feet.
You admire his side profile as he continues his meandering. He’s such a cutie, still so awkward and shy this far into the relationship.
You wonder if you’d get to more sides of him as you both continue to spend more time together.
“-so i think it’s really worth a visit too. You wanna go?”
His dorky smile paired with a soft blush on the apple of his cheeks. How could anyone say no to that?
You’d go anywhere this man brings you to.
“Sure. Anything for you, pretty boy.”
The faint smell of clay envelopes the both of you as you step foot into the pottery studio.
“Hello, we booked a session under the name Isagi Yoichi.” You glance around the cozy studio, admiring the array of works displayed. The muted colours of each piece of art blend well in the modernly designed room, adding a spark of personality to the mundane aesthetic.
“Yes, of course. Over here, please.” The receptionist brings you two to your designated workshop.
You place a thumb to your chin as you stare at the unpainted pottery in front of you. You never really had any plans to paint on some clay. Now that you think about it, you jumped at any idea Isagi had suggested- and pottery painting just happened to sound the most romantic to your dear Yoichi right now.
Oh, well. Now that you’re here with him, might as well show-off whatever amount of talent you have for painting.
Yoichi’s hand finds yours, before he quickly releases it to wipe off the sweat that has collected onto his palm.
“Sorry! I- It’s too hot in here, aha..”
Help this poor guy. So many dates into the relationship and he can hardly tell if you’re as excited as he is. Is your heart beating as quick as his right now? Do you feel the immense urge to hold him the same way he wants to hold you?
You choose to reach out for him, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Are you nervous about pottery painting? I’m sure you’ll do great, ‘Ichi.”
Ah, that’s not.. Yoichi sweatdrops. You have trouble reading him too, it seems. At least now he feels better about being unable to read you.
A talent to be reckoned with, really. How you both have been with each other for years and still stuck in the awkward guessing stage whenever you go out together.
But weakass communication skills aside...
Uh oh. What if you think of him as a loser, one that is jittery at the notion of.. painting?
No way! He’ll save this, he thinks. Right, he was good at arts and crafts back when he was in school. He can woo you with his crazy painting skills!
With newfound confidence, Isagi picks up an unpainted mug. A blank canvas- for him to turn into one of his creative works, and sweep you off your feet. He picks up a brush, brainstorming ideas of what he can paint onto the mug.
You browse the options, settling on matching mugs with Yoichi’s. Sitting by his side, you dip your brush into the paint of your choice, and start to draw strokes of what you have in mind onto the delicate surface of the mug.
“Has your season come to an end? You’ve been more free lately,” You ask, just to start a conversation. “As in, you’ve been coming over a lot more.”
Isagi’s mouth forms an ‘o’, “Right. Yeah, it's my off-season right now.” He pauses to think, “I’ll be free until next month, I guess.”
You hum at his answer, “You still practice a lot, even on your holidays.”
“Ah, well. That’s just..” He blushes, feeling a bit shy that you’ve noticed his passionate attitude towards football.
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” You laugh at his embarrassment, “You love football. That much I know of.”
Isagi feels his heart flutter at that. God, you remind him of how much he loves you every time without fail. Doing so much to him while you haven’t even started on pampering him with kisses and sweet words.
He swears you’re perfect- just for him. You fit perfectly, providing all kinds of comfort and support that he never knew he needed. All on your own accord.
You love, care and recognize his dreams. What more could a man ask for?
The world's best lover for the world's best striker. (an overkill but he's delulu like that)
He swallows hard, wanting to let all the bottled up giddy feelings burst out and embrace you. He wants to make sure you know how much he loves and appreciates you.
Maybe he’s not the best with words. The peak of his creativity with verbal finesse is really just spitting flame on the field- something that he secretly hopes you’ll never get to witness.
Most he can do now is to paint what he loves the most- you, and his football of course, onto the mug.
With each delicate stroke of his brush, he carefully fills in the colours with love. Painting a simplified version of your general features, he then adds the football next to you. Ending the piece by tracing a giant frame of heart around both you and the ball.
He checks his work, scanning for any small mistakes then carefully writes ‘World’s #1 Striker’ onto the free space next to his painting.
He smirks proudly at that.
You send him a side-eye then chuckle at his satisfied look, touching up on the details and colours of your own piece of art.
Seems like you both share very similar sentiments in your paintings. You opt to paint what you love the most- your cats, with your lovely boyfriend in between.
Instead of acting up on your ego like him, though, you settled on painting mini hearts to fill out the free space.
Give it a week, and your mugs will be delivered back to you. The previously plain ceramics painted over with a sheen of love, reflecting the experience you both created and the bond you’ve both strengthened over the date.
Alexis runs up to you the moment you enter the door. Eagerly pawing up at your legs.
You notice his faded magenta is re-dyed, and his usual pressed down fur is now more fluffed up. The natural caramel brown is now more contrasting with the bright magenta.
“Hi, ‘Lexis. Did you have a good time?” You pick him up and start to kiss him all over his now very soft and fluffy fur. “I missed you too, baby. You look so pretty. Do you feel pretty?”
The now fluffier (re-dyed) magenta cat basks in your attention, lapping his tongue at your chin while purring happily.
The old man walks up to you with Michael strutting along next to him.
“I’ve given this one a whole makeover,” He muses, “Alexis was the one who chose that colour for him.”
Michael glances up at you proudly with his pretty blue eyes- now matching with the new dye he wears on his blond fur: on the top of his ears and the ends of his tail. His fur is noticeably shorter, and a little choppy around his head, framing his usual fluffy face.
It makes him look so silly, to be honest. But he’s so satisfied with it, you decide to not comment on the choppy part.
You do, however, comment on his new dye job.
“What a beautiful shade of blue,” You coo at him, giving into his attempt at flaunting for compliments. “Look at you, my little emperor. So royal.” His fluffy tail stands up high, and wags in approval.
Returning your attention to the old manager, you teasingly ask, “Were they on their best behaviour, old man?”
He chuckles and nods at the two cats now staring at him, “Yup. They’re good alright. I’d say they deserve some new toys and some premium kibbles.”
You smile, satisfied hearing his response. “Well, I did promise to restock Alexis’ favourite kibble.” You pick Michael up along with Alexis, then place them on the seat of a trolley nearby.
Turning to your idle boyfriend (who has been nervously eyeing a certain magenta cat), you ask, “Could you help me get the premium kibbles, ‘Ichi? I’ll bring these two around for them to pick their new toys.”
Isagi smiles crookedly, “Sure, honey.” He tries to shrug off the way the blond cat is narrowing his eyes at him, but mostly at the ominous smile the magenta one is sending him. “Take your time.”
He’ll just have to find a way to counter the two jealous kitties soon.
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© littlemissferret 2024 ✦ do not repost, translate or modify .
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a barking cat video made me write allat
- im ngl i feel kinda shy writing lovey dovey romance, u can tell its really stiff - probably will resort back to chaos dumping or maybe will try to put myself out there
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very-lonely-ghost · 6 months
So I had an idea for a mizu x reader where the readers similar to mizu. She has something called polychromia where one of her eyes ends up having 2 pupils and irises in one eye. So she wears the same type of glasses mizu does they're just black out so you can't actually see through them. I just thought it was a cool idea! 😄
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Parring: Mizu x reader
Warning: Swearing, gore, insults, slight thoughts of self-harm, Not proof read
About: You were different you were a monster. You had Polycoria which is where you have 2 pupils in one iris. so, you dedicated your life to protect those who were made fun of and different from 'normal' people.
(Let me know if you want a part 2)
word count: 1.9K
A/N: Hi sorry it has been a bit I was busy, and things were. going on. Though here is a story also sorry I do not know much about this but i tried my best but do tell me if I can fix anything. Thank you! <3
‘Different’ That is what you were. You were an unknown creature that was a ‘disgrace’ to everyone around you. 
To clear things up you have Polycoria. That means you have pupils in one iris. You mainly had it in one eye, your left eye. You wore a special type of glasses. They were mostly normal but on the left side it was blacked out to hide your ‘hidies’ eye. 
You were ashamed of you and yourself. Many nights you stayed up late crying looking at your reflection in the water of a hot spring or river. You also had many thoughts of cutting or goulding your eye out but you could never bring yourself to do it. 
You had to learn to live with it. It was who you were and you had to deal with it. You learned to forget thoughts who made fun of you and trust no one with your trust. You grew to learn how cruel the word was and how people that were just a little different would be treated like they weren’t even human. 
This rage and anger lead you to pick up the blade to slay those who brought har to the different.
—--------------- (time skip) 
You became a great samurai. Though you were female you hid yourself. For some reason this felt normal like how you were meant to be so it wasn’t truly difficult. You never coerced people with any pronouns they used, you honestly didn’t care. Though as long as they didn;t see your left eye. 
No one who truly lived to tell the tale if they saw your left eye. 
Though one day that all changed. 
—------------------(time skip)
You wandered through the town moving with ease through the busy streets.  You wore your glasses close to your face and  hat drawn low, to make sure no one saw how ‘hidese’ you truly were. 
You were hungry and had a good amount of money so you decided to get some noodles at a small shop that was in the town. I didn’t seem like much but not many people so its good. 
You walked through the door a small chime of a small sleigh bell. You smirked at the sound of the ring.
You tilted your head up to look around to find a place to sit. You ended up sitting at a small table near the corner of the small shop. 
Eventually a person walked up to you and handed you a bowl of noodles. You looked at the person to notice they do not have hands. 
They were different like you. In that moment you made a promise to protect this person you knew nothing about. 
Remembering your hunger you picked up the bowl teasing the noodles. They were quite good, you have to admit. After that you downed the bowl and looked at the man and nodded as you squeaked out a soft thanks. 
You sat in this small shop taking a breath from all that had happened in your day. That was till the bell of the door rang with hash-ness. 
You kept your cool not wanting to cause more harm than was needed.
“Give us everything you have, you no handed freck!!” One of the men that ran in spoke.
Within a blink of an eye you stood between the men and some of his gons and the kind person working the shop. Your blade was drawn pointing it at the men making fun of the kind person. You tiled your face up to look at the men, with a pissed off expression. 
“What did you just say..” You said in a calm voice. You could hear the nose of some of the few people that were in the shop leaving from the back. ‘Good’ you though not wanting them to see what goes on. 
“What the fuck are you gonna do One Eye” They said teasingly. You frowned and looked at the men. 
“How about you get out of the way, and we won't take that other eye of yours.” One of the other men laughed as if he was so funny. 
“So you know i do have to eyes, you pieces of shit” You spat the last part.
“Go on now, don't be afraid.” The main man sped forward, tempting you. 
You looked at the side revving your glasses and then gazed at the men. Their faces turned pale as if they had seen a ghost. 
The main man of them tried to run from you but you swiftly cut his neck trying your best to not get blood all over the nice shop. The rest of them tried to do the same but were met with the same fate. 
It was then when you hear the door in the back close again. You swiftly put your glasses back on and looked at the dead men in front of you.
___________Pov shift 
Ringo came running to Mizu. At first she was confused but then he explained about the men and the other person that was there and everything. It all kinda jumped but she understood that something not the best was happening. 
She took off running to the shop. She ran through the back door and into the main area to see a person standing back facing them putting glasses on their face. There were also 3 dead men on the floor in front of them.
“I’m sorry for the mess” The person spoke with genuine sorrow in their voice.  They seemed to take a breath and then turned to look at her.
They seem to be the person Ringo was talking about. They were also samurai based on the blade held on their side. They looked into her eyes but she was confused when only met with one. 
They had glasses sort of like her but the left side was blacked out not to be seen. 
“I can clean it just give me a second” They breathed out as if very tired. 
Mizu took a second to truly take in the person's attire. They kinda dressed like her self but instead it was y/c (your color). She couldn’t help the random thought that you looked good pass though her mind. 
____________Pov shift
You were face to face with a stranger. They were samurai like yourself. It was strange you kinda wore the same thing though hers was navy blue and her cap wasn’t as tattered as yours was. He was a lot more cleaned up then you were. Also they had glasses but they were normally other than the orange tint. 
You took another breath looking back to the bodies. 
You then reached down and picked up on the limp bodies. 
“You don’t need to do that” Spoked a low but slightly feminine voice. You looked over your shoulders to see that it was the other samurai who had spoken. 
You still ended up picking the body up and walking past them and out the shop and down and down daily a bit and dropping it to not be near the nice show. You the way back. The samurai was still standing in the same spot that he was in. You walked past him again to grab another one. 
“It’s the least I can do. Also the shop is nice. I don't want to mess it up.” You said grabbing another one of the dead men, but this time the samurai came and grabbed the other one helping you to get rid of them. 
“Why did you do that?” They spoke.
“I wanted to help them. '' You responded to the question by placing down the body where you had placed the other one. 
“But why?” The samurai used it again, though this time you looked at them.
“I just did ok.” You spoke a bit irritated not wanting to have to explain everything to this random person you don't even know. 
You both had walked back to the shop. When you entered you saw the kind shopkeeper standing there.
“Thank you” They said bowing to you. You nodded in acknowledgement. 
“How could I repay you for your kindness?” They asked wanting to repay you
You thought for a second then remembering your hunger.
“Could I get some more of those noodles please?” You asked, looking at the man with kind eyes. He nodded his head and got straight to work.
You took that time to grab a rag to clean some of the blood that had gotten on the walls and floors. 
 _______Pov Shift
Mizu looked at them. ‘They seem kind’ she thought.
“Master, do you wish for some too?” Ringo asked her. She took a breath and nodded her head then went to you. 
She looked around seeing that the blood was cleaned up. She eventually found them in the corner sitting. She sat across from the person.
“Impressive skills you have.” She crooked out to you. 
“Thank you,” They looked at her and a soft and tiny smile grasped their face. Ringo then came carrying 3 bowls of noodles on a tray. He set them down and sat Mizu.
The stranger grabbed one of the bowls and golfed down the noodles in a heartbeat. They smiled softly again and looked to ringo.
“You're a really good cook and make really good noodles.” They said, closing their eye, smiling. 
_________Pov Shift
You smiled at the kind person and thanked them. You then sat in silence as the other two ate their food. You spaced out till you saw the other samurai taking off their glasses. You looked and saw the most vibrant blue eyes. You couldn't help your gaze linger a little too long on their eyes. 
“Yeah I know I’m a demon” They spat at you with gritted teeth.
You were taken aback at their out radge shaking your head.
“No, no, no, I don't think you are a demon. It’s just-” You passed for a second trying to find the right words. “Your eyes are just very fascinating and beautiful” The tips of your ears turned a light shade of red and you saw a light pink spread across the samurai’s face. They then moved something you didn’t catch and they went back to their food. 
___________Pov Shift
Mizu wasn’t expecting your complaint. To be honest with herself it felt nice and made her blush a little. 
She ate her food while the stranger and Ringo talked since ringo had finished his food too.
“So what's your name?” Ringo asked the person.
“y/n, how about yours?” They asked.
“My name is Ringo, and this is my master, Mizu” He said so cheerfully  
Y/n then nodded their head learning tier names. 
—-------(small time skip)
It was later in the night and it was time to depart. You all had to get up and gather your own things. Though Mizu noticed the slight frown on your face. As you were saying your goodbyes and about to walk out the door she called out.
“Wait-” they looked at her “Do you have anywhere to do, or people to be with” they seemed to have paused for a moment. Mizu got nervous when she said something wrong. 
Though they looked at her and shook their heads ‘no’. They turned their body to her and looked down to the ground. 
“You could stay with us if you want,” Mizu offered, though it was never something she really did. 
They smiled at them then nodding their head ‘yes’.  From there the three of you travel together creating bonds though what would happen if they ever found out.
Thank you all so much and please if you want a part 2 tell me or if you have any ideas. So yeeeeeeee Thank you so much. ^-^
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onceuponapuffin · 1 month
Fanatic Intervention Part 5!!
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Hiya! Sorry about the delay! Life got in the way there for a bit ^_^" But I am here! With Part 5!!
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Crowley had liked Hozier (although Take Me To Church, predictably, wasn’t his favourite), and after whining at Aziraphale that it’s nooooooot ‘bebop,’ you finally managed to get an admission that all right, it wasn’t all that terrible. You took the win.
But the dance party couldn’t last forever. There’s still a world to save, after all.
And so, all of you sat, thumbing through Revelations. Well, Aziraphale and Muriel were. You and Crowley had given up on the fancy Bible-ness of it and googled the Cliff Notes version.
“Ugh,” You say, “John really hated the Romans.”
“Well, yes,” says Aziraphale, “He had decent enough reason, though, as far as humans go.”
“What, he hated indoor plumbing and heated floors?”
“Actually, he hated people of the Christian faith being arrested, tortured, and killed for their beliefs.”
“Oh….yeah that makes sense,” You say, and after a moment you add “...Sorry.”
“That’s quite alright,” Aziraphale replies kindly, “He wrote Revelation as a way to reassure Christians that all of their suffering would mean something in the end. That it must be part of the Great Plan.”
“The Ineffable Plan, you mean,” chimes in Crowley with a smirk. Aziraphale rolls his eyes.
“Yes, that one,” he replies. You notice the microscopic-Michael-Sheen-ian smile on his face as he says it. Honestly, the resemblance is uncanny. Aziraphale continues. “He wanted Christians to feel heard, and to encourage them to hold fast to their faith.”
You pause for a minute before saying anything. Then you remember a tumblr post or something from forever ago.
“Santa Claus,” You finally say. Crowley spurts wine from his nose, and begins to laugh. Aziraphale is confused.
“I beg your pardon?”
“It’s like Santa Claus,” You say again, “Like ‘be good, and you’ll get presents! it’s almost Christmas Eve! Santa’s watching!’ You know?” You look at Aziraphale imploringly. Crowley is still laughing. Aziraphale doesn’t look impressed.
“I think that’s rather an over-simplification.”
“Am I wrong?”
“…..It’s...it’s not...That’s not how it works!”
“Oh, okay, so I’m wrong then.”
“Sounds about right to me!” Crowley calls with glee from the other side of the room. Aziraphale looks all flustered, his face beginning to go red. Crowley hands him a glass of wine and Aziraphale downs it in one go.
Okay, winding him up is a great deal of fun, and so easy, but I’m guessing, dear Reader, that you love Aziraphale just as much as I do. You don’t actually want to hurt his feelings. Thus you decide to concede the point.
“So,” You say, “He said he had a dream about things getting really bad and then Jesus coming back and saving everyone.”
“In a nutshell, yes,” Aziraphale sighs, clearly relieved to be back on topic. You think back to old interviews with Neil and Terry about their back-then-hypothetical sequel would look like.
“Okay, well the only thing I know about it was something about it taking place in America. I read in an old interview somewhere that Jesus was meant to descend from the heavens in a private jet with a bunch of like...bodyguard angels or something.”
“America? Again? I mean really.”
You shrug. “Neil Gaiman really likes America.”
“But it doesn’t have to be,” says Muriel now, flipping back through their notes, “You said that the sequel was never written, and the third...season?was still being written too when you left. And you said that book isn’t the same as what happened in the tv show, or the radio show, or the musical. So how do we know it would be the same here?”
They make a good point.
“Maybe ask that author of yours,” says Crowley, looking over from his drink, “You said he answers questions sometimes. Who would he be to deny,” he swishes his glass around with what you suppose is meant to be grandeur, “The Famous Crowley and Aziraphale?” He empties his glass.
“Anathema might be able to find him,” You say after a while, “Jesus, I mean. She did a good job finding everything in Armageddon Part 1. Or Adam. I mean, Jesus is supposed to be all about love, right? Maybe we can convince him not to, you know, end the world.”
Aziraphale hums to himself. “Revelations states that Armageddon is meant to be started by the seven angels of the church, bringing together seven keys. I mean, John could be wrong of course, but I wonder...Could one of you find me a map and search these names? I might have an idea why Mr. Gaiman wanted to set The Second Coming in America.”
Good Reader, guess which country contains cities named after 5 of these 7 angels. I’ll give you three guesses, but you’ll only need one.
And so now we have three directions we can take this story in.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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galechimes · 1 year
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Thoughts while watching the TSWL final episode
I thought I would be able to hold back my tears till I finished watching TSWL ep 17 but Tian's father placing the best piece of fish, the fish cheeks on top of the rice in Jiu's bowl was it for me.
Having seen both sides of the phrase 'actions speak louder than words', I give equal importance to both words and actions.
Now that both Tian's parents have spoken out loud about their support for their son being gay, I wondered that if that was all we would get to see after the storm had passed; only words of support. No actions to back it up.
Later in the episode, I was overjoyed (to the point of tears hahaha) to see that my fears were all for naught. One major aspect I loved about this show is how deep-rooted traditions can be adapted to break down the toxic mindsets.
Beautiful, beautiful metaphor to show that traditions are not always bad as long as it is not hindering one's growth and happiness. One must always keep a curious outlook while following traditions of their culture; one mustn't follow them out of fear or without understanding the roots of the tradition. And most importantly, it's always a choice to follow them, never a need. Choosing to not follow an outdated tradition does not mean that they are rejecting their entire culture.
In the previous episode, Li served tea to Jiu in one of the better looking cups and took the cup that appeared the cheapest for herself, thus making a statement of acceptance to Jiu who of course, was beyond shocked and overwhelmed that someone of Li's status and background accepted someone like him as part of her own.
In this episode, Song made a similar statement of acceptance to Jiu by giving him the best piece from the entire fish to him, something that people would only tend to do for their children or loved ones, in a subtle way indicating to Jiu and everyone else that he too had accepted Jiu as one of his own.
Small and subtle actions speak louder than grand gestures.
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goldenempyrean · 10 months
hello! love ur prompts. could u write something for natasha with "your sneezes are still adorable. just saying" and “why are you laughing at my misery?” in my hc she sneezes like a little kitten and all the avengers make fun of it hahah
Kitten Or Widow?
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〚 Notes - Anon, your headcanon is just so cute! Hopefully this is sorta what you were imagining :) 〛
〚 Pairing - Natasha Romanoff x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - The Avengers finally hear just how un-widow-like Nat can be. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 540 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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The room was filled with laughter, food and smiles all round as the Avengers sat in one of compound’s living rooms stuffing their faces with numerous different types of takeout. It had been a long week for everyone, and they all needed a break from their crime-fighting duties. Well, all except for Nat she’d spent most of the week inside (much to her annoyance) as she got over a cold.
The two of you shared a blanket as you sat huddled up on a sofa, giggling along with the constant jokes being cracked as you both sipped on a cold cider.
As the laughter and chatter continued, suddenly, Nat felt a tickle in her nose, and before she could reach for a tissue, she let out the cutest, most unexpected sneeze that sounded exactly like a tiny kitten. "Hh’shu!” Everyone turned their heads towards her in surprise, their eyes wide and jaws dropping before descending into more laughter.
Thor, known for his mighty warrior persona, burst out laughing with a thunderous voice that shook the room. "By Odin's beard! Nat, that was positively adorable!"
Even Tony Stark, who was usually quick with witty remarks, was left momentarily speechless, staring at Nat in amazement. Tony, ever quick to react, burst into laughter and exclaimed, "Nat, you've got to be kitten me right now! Did you just sneeze like a cat?"
There was a collective groan at his awful pun, “Oh shush, no I do not.” She defended, hiding her embarrassed flushed face into your shoulder.”
"I always knew Nat had a soft spot for animals, but this is taking it to a whole new level," Steve teased as he helped himself to another slice of pizza which earnt him a playful punch on the arm from Natasha.
Amidst the banter, you couldn't help but chime in with your own comment. "Well, I must say love, that sneeze was definitely purr-fectly adorable!"
Natasha rolled her eyes at your pun but couldn't suppress her smile. "Alright, enough with the cat puns, you guys. I'm still a deadly spy, you know," she said, feigning seriousness, but the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her amusement. The whole thing might’ve been dropped soon if only-
Another sneeze erupted from Natasha, and this time it sounded even more like a little kitten, prompting another round of laughter from the Avengers.
"Oh, my goodness, Nat, you're just too cute!" Bruce Banner chuckled, trying to stifle his laughter.
"Why are you laughing at my misery?" Natasha said, half-jokingly, half-seriously, though her attempt at seriousness was undermined by the fact that she was still smiling.
"Sorry, Nat, but it's just too funny," Clint Barton said, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye before getting up to grab himself another drink.
"You know," Vision chimed in, "I once observed a cat sneezing on the internet, and I must say, your rendition is remarkably accurate."
Natasha shot him a playful glare “I can still outmatch any of you, come on.” She said, holding up her fists in mock serious-ness before descending into laughter – maybe she’d had one too many drinks.
“Come on kitty, put away the claws.” You laughed as you kissed her cheek lightly, “"Your sneezes are still adorable though. Just saying.”
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remedyturtles · 6 months
dw x 2al ficlet
for @intotheelliwoods here ya go...
“Did you make a tree?”
Sprout turned towards the sound of Poptart’s voice, finding the little guy staring upwards. He followed his sightline and found, instead of his cozy expected mindscape, a bigass tree in the middle of everything. The branches extended out with reaching arms, cross-cutting a map of sparkling stars and a rough root system underneath his feet. 
“I did not make a tree.” Sprout replied, approaching fearlessly to press his flesh fingers against the thick trunk. “This is new.” 
A little push did not make it vanish. It stayed firm, solidly rooted into the ephemeral soil. He had a moment of mystified confusion, turning back to look at Poptart. 
“Huh.” Sprout said, unsure. 
“Don’t say it like that.” Poptart complained, striding over to give the trunk a poke as well. “You’re gonna make me think something’s wrong. You told me this place was cool.”
“It is cool. I just think that’s not where we are right now.” Sprout said, uncertain. 
“Hands off the merchandise, dude, that tickles.”
Sprout removed his hand in surprise, turning towards the familiar voice – familiar as his own, which was not a new experience, but still. Another Leo?
About the same age as Poptart, missing arm and all, hand on his hip and giving the two a very unimpressed look. 
“Woah!” Poptart said. “You didn’t tell me there was another one of us!”
“I have had enough multi-verse shenanigans.” Leo sighed. “I had a ghostly one of us here earlier. What are you? Me and Sensei in a funhouse mirror or something?”
“Multi-verse.” Sprout said, enlightened. “That makes more sense. Why does your mindscape have a tree in it?”
“That’s Sensei.” Leo pointed at the tree. “He’s trying a new foundation, really brings out his eyes.”
“Smartass.” Another joined their little group, stepping behind Leo and putting a huge hand on his shoulder, to which the smaller Leo threw an easy grin up at him.
Sprout’s heart skipped a beat, breath stolen directly from his throat. The new Leo was… he was… 
Unmistakably from the future, that same ‘big’-ness, missing arm and tired eyes. But when he looked at Sprout and Poptart, he smiled, and … 
Fuck, it hurt. Sprout took a step back, off balance, staring with wide eyes. 
“Woah.” Poptart caught his arm, looking up with a flicker of worry. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Sprout rasped, immediate, not wanting the littler turtle to worry, shaking his head and trying to shake off the fog of grief that soaked his mind and fumbled all his faculties. “I’m fine, it’s fine.”
Poptart glanced back over at the two mirror’ed Leo’s, visibly thinking, and asked hesitantly, “Are you Big Leo?”
The undeniably bigger turtle snorted. “Is that a nice way of calling me old? Leo usually goes with oyaji for that. Otherwise I go by Sensei.”
“That’s because you are old.” Leo chimed in, obnoxious. “Is your guy okay? He looks pale as hell.”
“I’m fine.” Sprout repeated louder, for the room to hear, catching exactly how unconvincing it sounded. “I just… Sorry. You reminded me of someone.”
“I am a one of a kind.” Sensei laughed, squeezing Leo’s shoulder and stepping around him to approach the two by the tree.
“There’s four of you here, actually.” Poptart said, helpfully. 
“Aren’t you just a joy.” Sensei stopped directly in front of Poptart, dropping to a crouch to see him better and offering a smile with crinkled eyes. “I can tell you’re taking very good care of your Leo. Good job, kid.”
“Thank you!” Poptart said, beaming. 
Sprout, meanwhile, had a rock jammed in his throat and it was prickling his eyes. He wasn’t sure what was more overwhelming – seeing someone that looked like Big Leo again, or imagining that it would be the words he’d say if he was there. He’d never know. But in this moment, he could pretend. 
Then Sensei glanced up at Sprout from his crouch. “How’d you get here? You’re not my age, yet you’ve managed to get your own little Leo.”
“It’s complicated.” Sprout said, glad his voice didn’t sound as wrecked as his mind was. That fabricated control. He tried to tuck his shaking hand behind his back but Poptart caught it, holding tight.
“I bet it is.” Sensei’s tone was nothing but fond and it could seriously stop hurting so much any damn second now. The rock tore up his throat and left no capability of reply.
“Come on, leave him alone.” Leo came up from behind and dragged on Sensei’s bigger arm. “How many times have I told you to stop poking people in sore spots? Look at the poor dude.”
“Sorry.” Sensei’s smile went wry, and allowed his little Leo to pull him back a few paces. “Welcome to our humble abode. This tree is a representation of my being rooted in Leo’s mind or something, you know how it is when Barry talks, it’s all blah blah blah whatever.”
“Rooted?” Poptart poked the intertwined roots with his foot and the two Leo’s in front of them shivered in perfect unison. 
“Careful.” Sprout squeezed Poptart’s hand, clearing his throat and struggling through this situation as best he could. “It tickles, they said.”
“That’s fun.” Poptart laughed, but at least didn’t kick the roots again. “But what do you mean, rooted?” 
“He’s actually dead.” Leo jerked a casual thumb at Sensei. “And his ghost is possessing me. We share a body.”
There was a small, incredulous beat. Sprout felt a wave of hysterical dizziness, and figured. Okay, why not. And maybe a little bit of longing. He was not going to dwell on that, thank you very much. 
“Cool.” Poptart said, a little more awkward. “We don’t have that. We have our own bodies.” 
“Lucky. I hope you bother him as much as you can, then. It never works for me because it just comes back to bite me in the end.” Leo gave a weird laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Oh yeah.” Poptart grinned at him, that faltered a little. “Does that mean you guys can’t hug?”
Sprout glanced at his little Leo, surprised that was the first thing on his mind. Or maybe not that surprised. 
“We can in here.” Leo tucked himself into Sensei’s side thudding his head against the bigger plastron. Sensei automatically squeezed him close. 
“Why don’t you do something other than a tree for your mindscape, then?” Sprout suggested. As pretty as the landscape was, there were so many infinite possibilities. 
“Because my mind is stupid and – ow. Sorry. Labelling. Because we can’t control it?” Leo said, interrupted for a moment in the middle from Sensei smacking his arm gently. 
“That sucks. That’s the best part of the mindscape.” Sprout told him. “Me and – um. We can control ours to show memories and play games, like make a giant Jenga, or whatever.” 
“Dude.” Leo said, full of jealousy. At least that emotion was shared, Sprout watching him hug his bigger Leo close. Once a little Leo, always a little Leo. Sprout wouldn’t trade Poptart for the world, he made him feel strong, but … he missed being small. Feeling small next to his broad protection. Feeling safe.
“We do share memories.” Sensei said, dry. “But more often than not it’s not on purpose. Your mindscape does sound cool, hopefully one day we can be the ones travelling and maybe I can kick your ass at Jenga.”
“Bring it on, old man.” Sprout said, and his voice cracked damningly. 
Something cleared on Sensei’s face. He squished his Leo and said, “Hey, why don’t you go show the new kid around?”
Leo glanced up, a moment of thought, then caved from whatever he saw on Sensei’s face. “Whatever, you two can chat about old people stuff. Come on, obviously-superior-Leo. If we go far enough out you can really see the stars.”
“I’m not that old.” Sprout said, weakly. 
Poptart laughed. He didn’t step away immediately, glancing nervously up at Sprout. It took a moment for Sprout to realize he was doing the same thing the other two had done – silently asking if it was what he wanted. 
“Go play.” Sprout dunked his head affectionately. “I’m fine.”
Poptart batted his hands away with another laugh. “Okay, okay!”
The two little Leo’s left. Sprout couldn’t meet Sensei’s eyes. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Sensei offered, once the sparkling laughter disappeared into the fading pollen-hung air.
“Hell no.” Sprout scoffed, turned away, rubbing the back of his neck. Inexplicably nervous. It was Big Leo. They didn’t have the same history. It wasn’t the same.
The emotion crowding in his throat said it might be nice anyway. 
“Do you want a hug?” Sensei said, because he could read his mind or something. Jerk. 
Sprout didn’t know how to answer. He was polarized in either direction. It wouldn’t be the same. What if it felt like a mockery to his memory? What if – 
“I can hear you thinking from here, kid. Relax.” Sensei said. “Just an offer, if you wanted. No strings.” 
“Not a kid.” Sprout said, rough.
“Not old, not a kid.” Sensei mused. “What an anomaly you are.”
“That’s me.” Sprout couldn’t do this. He still couldn’t even look at him, trying to spot the specks of the little Leo’s across the horizon. He was pretty sure they were hugging, actually. Poptart had been raised on hugs practically, it was as easy as breathing. 
Sprout had raised him on it, so why was it hard for him in this moment? He took a deep breath, refusing to outdone by his kid, and said, “Yeah, okay, come here.”
Sensei approached, and stopped before actually touching him. Sprout was forced to look up and meet his eye, the spots of tears stinging at the precipice of falling. 
“Everything I’ve said just seems to make you more upset.” Sensei said, wondering. 
“Not your fault.” Sprout told him, and it just. Hurt. 
“I don’t know what happened to you, but I know a hurting Leo when I see one.” Sensei opened his arm and slowly and with such intent care tucked Sprout against him. It trembled something weak in his knees, a wash of sudden emotion overwhelming and strong. “And you are doing so, so, so good. Just keep going and you’ll get there. Okay?”
Sprout was too busy choking on tears to reply. He nodded damply against the bigger Leo hugging him. He felt small. He felt safe.
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milaisreading · 3 months
Karasu gave toddler cd!yn a crow plushie that she will. NOT. LET. GO OF. The rest of the players are having a stare down with the crow.
Crossdresser!Yn crying for 20 minutes.
Tokimitsu: What are we supposed to do?!
Bachira, making funny faces along with Charles and Chigiri: Look here, Y/n!
Chigiri: Bwah! I am not here anymore! *covers his eyes* and I am back *uncovers them*
Charles: Look at me, Y/n! I am a lion!
CD!Yn starts crying more because they are too loud. Karasu then runs in with a crow plushie in hand.
Karasu:Here you go~
CD!Yn stops crying and blinks at it a few times before grabbing it.
CD!Yn: Waahh! :D
Karasu, proud of himself as he picks up the toddler: Looks like he likes crow, and guess who has crow in his name?~
Charles, pissed off as ge tries to grab the toddler: Give him back! You will like a cat more, Y/n!
Bachira chimes in: Yeah! Let me give you a cat instead!
Chigiri: I will buy you any other toy you want. Let go of him, Karasu.
Tokimitsu, noticing Y/n fell asleep: Leave him alone. He is sleeping. All that crying tired him out.
Bachira/Chigiri/Charles, shutting up and glaring at the crow plushie: This isn't over.
Karasu is just happy his toy was picked as the favorite.
Isagi, sighing in defeat as he puts away a bunny toy: He doesn't want my toy either.
Kurona, sighs in defeat as Yn happily plays with her crow: My shark wasn't a favorite either.
Hiori: I think it's important that he is happy. Although, I am disappointed my lamb wasn't picked.
Yukimiya and Gagamaru pouting in the corner as Yn didn't pay attention to anyone or anything ever since she got the plushie.
Kunigami: Ahh... He will get bored of it... He is a toddler, after all
Rin, sighs as he is irritated that he can't snatch the plushie away: Karasu will pay for this
Meanwhile, Yn is happily having a tea party with the plushie.
Barou: That thing pisses me off *watches as Yn kisses the crow plushie's head*
Aryu, frowns in disgust: Why is a stuffed toy getting more attention than me? Y/n, come over here, I want to do your hair!
Niko, trying to take the plushie away while she is distracted, only for Yn to grab it before he could: It was thr perfect chance...
CD!Yn: No >:( Mine!
Otoya: Karasu will pay for this, I swear.
Reo: Yn, just give that toy to your good, old friend Reo. He will buy you a better one.
CD!Yn, tightens her hold on the plushie: No! Mine!
Nagi, frustrated and jealous: We don't want that ugly thing! Just give it to us so we can give you a better one!
CD!Yn as tears gather in her eyes: NOOOOO!
Snuffy and Chris run into the room, the players gulp as they see Yn crying on the floor*
Barou: Listen!
Niko: We didn't do anything.
Otoya: Yeah, it's all Nagi's fault!
Nagi: Mine?!
Reo: You all are too loud.
Chris, taking Yn out of Aryu's hold: All of you, 50 laps around the facility!
Snuffy: I don't want to hear any complaints.
Loki, shielding a sleeping Yn as Lorenzo held her: No. Stay back. This toy is the only thing that keeps him calm
Ness, rolls his eyes: We can do it as well. In fact, we can do a better job than that smelly toy
Lorenzo, laughing silently: You losers are jealous over a toy.
Kaiser, still glaring at the crow plushie: And?
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daresplaining · 3 months
I'm not American but I heard that in the USA you have to finished another college degree before being allowed to start law school. Is it true? Has Marvel ever adressed this whole deal about Matt or they just act like he only studied law?
Great question! I will start by saying that I am not a lawyer, so I'm not the best person to ask about the US law school process. However, I believe I have some lawyers/law students following this blog, so please feel free to chime in with more details or if I get anything wrong here!
To my understanding, yes, you need to have an undergraduate/Bachelor's degree in order to be eligible for law school (in fact, I think you need an undergraduate degree to be eligible for any US graduate school program). Some colleges offer a Pre-Law major for students who know they want to continue on to law school, but I believe this is not a requirement, and that any undergraduate degree will do. In addition to that, aspiring law students also take the LSAT (Law School Admissions Test).
There is a ridiculous lack of continuity surrounding Matt and Foggy's college/law school education (I talked about it a bit in this post), but Matt's lawyer-ness has always been a firmly established part of his character, and so we do know that he (and Foggy) majored in Pre-Law.
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Matt: "Uh, this is for you..." Elektra: "You are the one on the steps..." Matt: "Matthew Murdock. Matt. I'm in Pre-Law..." Elektra: "Elektra Natchios, Political Science." Daredevil vol. 1 #168 by Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Dr. Martin, and Joe Rosen
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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Grass is Greener: Part 1
Green can be a creative color!
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“Watch where you swing that mace!”
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“That bee is strong! I don’t know how long I can continue dodging or blocking it!”
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“At this rate, we’ll all be hurt!”
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“But we can’t attack the forest..what should we do…”
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“Do you have anything better then us becoming crumbs?”
The group of cookies could only deflect or dodge the attacks of the forest monsters for so long before they’re all pushed back into a small circle. Blue Lily didn’t look too bothered from the situation.
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“Actually, we do.”
“Blue Lily Cookie?”
“Well if you have a plan, do it now! They’re getting closer!”
“We’re in their part of the forest, there’s nothing to worry about.”
“Who are you talking about?! SPIT IT OUT!”
The monsters were upon them, ready to strike the cookies down until they’re nothing but crumbs..until they hear the faint sound of a bell chiming
This…stopped the monsters attacking? Almost like in a trance, they stopped whatever they doing, turned and headed towards the direction of the bell chiming. Up upon a tree, was a cookie with a bell in their hand, ringing.
“Who is that?!”
“That..is Y/N Cookie. The Saint/ness of the Forest, we have known them for a long time!”
“They prefer to stay out here in the forest in case outsiders ever wandered too deep. They help guide them out to safety which is generous of them to do, so treat them with respect.”
“I could’ve taken all of them…”
“They didn’t have to help you, be grateful.”
“Sooo…can they help us reach the tree? They look like they can get us through any obstacle easy-peasy!”
“Hah, they have better things to attend to then come and help outsiders like all of you the whole time
You didn’t mind at all!
You announced as you dropped down from the tree, a final chime from your bell sending the monsters away as they returned into the forest.
“Hmm, their soul shines brightly…”
“Awesome, with Y/N Cookie here, we’ll get to the Millennial Tree in no time!”’
“Please, Y/N Cookie, you shouldn’t let these outsiders take up your time, let us take care of them.”
You’re afraid you can’t do that, you never turn a blind eye to cookies in need, plus Lilybell is clinging to your body.
It then shows Lilybell hugging your waist, clearly happy to see you!
“Y/N Cookie, please come with us! It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other!”
“Lilybell, not like this in front of outsiders…”
Oh please, Blue Lily. She also acted like this when no one was around.
“Y/N Cookie!”
Blue Lily’s face turned a complete red.
Haha! You were only teasing her. Now what was it again? These cookies needed to get to the tree?
“Yes, we do! We need to talk to them about Longan Dragon Cookie turning cookies to stone!”
Longan Dragon Cookie…you knew you’d hear about them again…
That sounds horrible, if that’s what is going on, then you’ll help them towards the tree. Perhaps he could have a solution.
Pomegranate bowed her head, surprising Licorice.
“It would be an honor to have a cookie worthy of the branches guiding us. If you could help us reach the tree, we shall achieve our wishes…together.”
“Pomegranate, are you okay?”
“I sense their energy…it’s..genuine and authentic. It’s of the most importance that we go along with them.”
“If you say so, whatever gets us to the tree faster! I still think you’re going too easy on this Y/N Cookie.”
“In due time, you’ll see it too…”
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Ethan Landry x Reader
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You giggled alongside your friends, Tara, Sam, Mindy and Anika as you made your way to Ethan and Chad’s dorm. You girls were teasing Tara about her and Chad. “Guys! Trust me, there is nothing going on between us.” You all glanced at each other due to the lack of believability behind her words. “Whatever you say,” You said unconvinced. “Y’know, it’s funny that you say that especially with what’s been going on between you and Ethan.” You eyes widened and your cheeks went slightly red. “Those are not even comparable,” you say defensively. “Also, I just ended things with Alex yesterday!” Mindy chimed in, “And does Ethan know?” You looked over at her. “I haven’t told him yet, no.” The rest of the girls share a familiar glance as you approach the boy’s dorm. You were met to Ethan and Chad chilling on the couch waiting for your arrival. You made your way over to the couch next to your best friend. “Hey,” you said as he made room for you. “Hey, how was your day.” You plopped down next to him. “Usual. You?” He looked down as he contemplated something. “Um,” he hesitated, “same here.” You were slightly concerned over his cagey-ness but decided to refrain from pushing. The movie started after that and a silence fell over the rest of the group. You and Ethan’s legs were touching and whatever space between the two of you was soon gone as you settled into his chest. This was anything but unusual for the two of you but you noticed something almost immediately, Ethan’s heart was beating the crazy. You placed your hand on his chest as you sat up kind of concerned. “Hey, is everything okay, E?” His heart fluttered at the nickname. “No, yeah I’m fine.” He lied. He found out that you and your now ex-boyfriend broke up and a part of him has his hopes up that maybe the reason you ended things had something to do with him. He knows it’s selfish but, trust is, he’s been waiting for you to end things with that ass hole for ages and now he finally felt like he had a chance. However, he promised not to get his hopes up. You returned you head the his chest as his strong arm held you close to him. Ethan’s heart was racing as he tired to study your face. You had done this tons of times but, he couldn’t help but wonder if things would be any different now. Ethan was only one awake by the end of the movie. It was about 2AM and he looked down and saw you cuddled up against him. A smile appeared on his face as you looked adorable. He gently picked you up bridal style and carefully carried you into his bedroom. With you still dead asleep, he tucked you into his comfy bed. He glanced down at you and couldn’t help the butterflies that flooded his stomach. You looked beautiful and couldn’t help but brush a soft strand of hair behind your ear. He bent down and laid a gentle kiss on your forehead before beginning to exit his room. “Hey, E?” He quickly averted his attention back to you. “Yeah?” He said. “Could you stay in here with me tonight?” His heart fluttered at those words. “Are you sure?” You nodded. He climbed into his full sized bed and nestled him self next to you. You both turned your bodies so you were facing each other. His eyes gazed over your face studying each one of your features. He couldn’t get over your natural beauty. “You’re beautiful, Y/N.” Your eyes widen slightly as your face gets flushed. You reach out your hand to stroke his soft cheek. You notice the light freckles that coat his cheeks and nose. Your gaze than falls into his head of curls and then finally down to his full lips. You both shift slightly closer to each other, shrinking the gap between each other. The second his eyes fall into your own you close the gap completely by connecting your lips.
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