#nct u tarot
k-rising · 1 year
Mark & Haechan dynamic (tarot reading)
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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how's their overall dynamic?
6 of cups + 7 of pentacles (rx) + king of cups + 3 of swords + 10 of pentacles (rx) + 6 of pentacles + the magician + king of wands + page of cups + 7 of cups (rx)
their relationship improved a lot over the years!
mark and haechan appreciate each other very much. the cards also mention that there were very nice memories that both of them treasure. however, one of them puts more effort into improving the relationship than the other... but there's nothing to worry about, since they get along.
a few years ago their relationship was quite tense and one of them may have had a worse time than the other, since he felt alone and hurt. now, however, their relationship is more balanced and both parties have learned to master their emotions and know how to use them at the right time.
in the future, if their relationship remains the same, I feel that they will help each other when working on their solo projects. I also think they can even collaborate on each other's projects. I feel that if nct ever disbands, mark and haechan would still keep in touch.
in order to maintain this relationship, they have to communicate more, avoid confusion and think twice before making a decision.
this has nothing to do with their dynamic, but it seems that neither of them are happy about their work lately. they used to earn more money and now they are not satisfied with how they are being paid and with the few activities they are given these days.
what do they think of each other?
5 of wands + page of swords + ace of pentacles
mark ⇢ he considers haechan to be a very talented person and even sees him as his rival, but in a friendly way! he also thinks that his friend is restless, curious, intelligent and talkative lol. mark considers that haechan is an optimistic and funny person. for him, his friend has luck on his side, since he gets everything that he wants. haechan works very hard and always has very creative ideas to share with his co-workers. I'm visualizing him making some input into the choreography, changing the lyrics of the songs or even playing around a bit with the way a song has to be sung.
high priestess + the empress + queen of wands (rx)
haechan ⇢ he sees mark as a caring, intuitive, harmonious person who always seeks meaning in things. however, he also considers that his friend can be very jealous, selfish and demanding.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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theninthdoor · 2 years
nct || points of attraction; tarot reading
This reading opens up a series that will be done on groups and individual idols. Points of Attraction is meant to tells us what the groups/idols' respective companies wished would attract the public to them, as well as what these individuals themselves have pushed for, and what the public actually considers their points of attraction. (If you wish to request a reading on any other group or idol, feel free to do so ☞ here)
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⭒ What the company intended to be their points of attraction: cards: knight of swords, king of cups (two of swords), six of cups, four of wands SM Ent. always intended for NCT to be a rather unique, impactful and innovative group. They knew it was a risk to go against the grain, but that would have been the whole point of their system/concept: to cause a disruption in the industry. Fans would then be attracted to the confidence in which the members carried this "rebellious" and "deviant" trademark. On top of that, it feels like they also hoped NCT (as a whole) would be seen as a more emotionally mature, balanced and stable group, which would then allow them to freely explore their ever-changing concepts. On the other hand, an innocent or an overly-polished image might have restricted their abilities to jump from unit to unit or concept to concept. Finally, the brotherhood between the members was always meant to be one of their biggest attraction points. The large numbers of members (as well as their age differences) would allow for NCT to create a family-like environment, where they all took care of each other and kept on creating joyful memories to later reminisce on with the fans.
⭒ What the members have aimed to be their points of attraction: cards: two of pentacles, strength, ace of swords
I do get the sense that the members enjoy the dynamic and changeable aspects of the group - not just in terms of units or concepts, but also in terms of the members themselves (specially language, nationality and personality wise). Playing on these differences have allowed them attract many different types of people, with the most divergent tastes and passions, and so add on to the diversity associated with the group. Next would be their bravery, compassion and self-confidence. They aim to be seen as professional individuals, good natured and fearless. On their own they are brave and determined people, mastering their craft and always showing up on stage well prepared; as a group they are a strong unit, caring and compassionate, always ready to dominate any concept thrown their way. The final point of attraction NCT have pushed for themselves has been their clear and constant communication with the fans. Not only do they want the public to understand where they are coming from with their projects, they also would like for them to value their ideas and thoughts. By keeping a good channel of communication with the fans, they have been able to keep up with the fans' opinions on the group and the industry, as well as speak their own minds (which is a good thing, specially if their thoughts differ from what the company says or tries to push them to say).
⭒ Their real points of attraction (from the public p.o.v.):
cards: ten of wands, ten of cups, knight of pentacles, king of pentacles
First and foremost, the public definitely recognizes how hard working the NCT members are. Despite carrying the burden of their unusual concepts and the large numbers of members (which, of course, makes for a though process of organizing and rehearsing for their performances), they still manage to shine through with their skills and passion. On top of that, the public does feel rather attracted to the complexity of the group. It's a lot of work for a new fan to get to know each and every member, and understand the system they have going on; but, at the same time, it's incredibly exciting. The family and compassionate environment they have built then keeps the interest of the public locked in, by feeding them with comforting and joyful content, and, in the end, if feels as if it's not just NCT that's a big little family, but so is the whole fanbase. Finally, the effort and money that goes into their concepts and content is also very appealing, because since they are under a big company like SM Ent., it's expected for it to always be of the highest quality. Even if people's expectations aren't always fulfilled, just the thought of the group coming from a place of money and status makes for a rise in people's curiosity towards the stuff they put out (⚠ not because the public thinks they are better than the groups that don't come from big companies, but because they have a bigger budget and their big company is expected to use it to create good quality content for them).
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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oraclemoontarot · 5 months
could i ask for nct mark's green and red flags? thank you so much! so far your readings have been really accurate too i think :)
i had a lot of fun doing a reading on this so tysm for your question!! here's the reading you requested ♡
mark's green and red flags - tarot reading ★
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disclaimer - for these readings i only look at current energies, take these as a grain of salt too as they are for entertainment purposes only!!
green flags ★
mark is someone who learns from his mistakes, the challenges he has gone through and his experiences. he is resilient and determined in his career, as well as in other aspects of his life.
people see him as the page of cups - he is playful, fun, and extremely creative. he expresses himself through creative means the best. he's curious and often sees the world differently to most - he may notice the little things in life before anyone else and he appreciates the arts and the good times he spends with people.
mark is someone who is grateful for life and for what he has achieved. within his friendships or romantic relationships, he would be really thoughtful - he may remember something someone had mentioned where everyone else might have forgotten or he may present them with meaningful gifts, where someone would say 'how did you know i wanted this?' or 'how did you remember that?'
mark is confident, charismatic and full of enthusiasm. he is warm, generous but also independent. he knows himself well and constantly works on becoming a better version of himself. he may also have leadership qualities because of this.
mark is someone who can forgive easily. he has a deep understanding of himself but he also pays close attention to others around him. he is intuitive and a great listener, simply because he has a lot of care and interest in others.
red flags ★
mark might either have difficulty in trusting others or letting go of the past, this could lead him to sometimes ignore reality and his negative emotions - instead he may depend on presenting an ideal version of himself/happiness to others - this can be due to him being both a perfectionist and a stubborn person at times.
mark might find it hard to express his emotions well. as someone who wants to be constantly happy and positive - being vulnerable may be hard. he may also have a fear of the unknown - change. he likes when things are stable and he wants to have at least some control over his life.
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truecrimefan7161 · 6 months
MTL easiest to date NCT 127
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1. Doyoung
Once doyoung gets to know you and opens up he is extremely warm and loving he will make it known to you that you are his one and only and will do his best yo take care of you. Very loyal.
2. Jungwoo
Jungwoo has a lot of faith in his partners and relationships and doesn’t mind putting his all into love. His main goal is to date to marry but sometimes jungwoo has extremely high expectations which causes him to leave relationships often.
3. Taeil
Taeil is the type to value his woman’s independence, confidence, and expression he will make you feel like the most sexiest woman in the world. Hes also really fun and romantic and the type to show it through dates and other cliche cringe stuff but I feel like he could easily discouraged when his partners become too confident and has a strong ego over time his insecurities will show.
4. Johnny
like Taeil he values his partners confidences and is the type to make you feel like you are the sexiest woman in the world, h also values women being empathetic so will be very comforting and allows you to be very feminine. I think over time once Johnnys cops a feel of the relationship and partner he starts to overthink and push his partners out he gets burntout really easily (commitment issues)
5. Yuta
Yuta is really honest about his intentions and once he finds someone he likes he will offer them something serious overtime he will start to feel really unhappy and annoyed he doesn’t really value what his partner has to say unless its something that suits his needs. Will deal with you but secretly unhappy. (I would personally stay friends😭)
6. Mark
Mark is really confusing he pushes all of his partners out but is really sweet and caring towards them it will leave you feel betrayed and defeated. He is most defiantly the type to come back and flirts with you out of no where because he knows you love him. He wouldn’t cheat but goes on a lot of breaks and talks to other people, he gets around a lot.
7. Jaehyun
jaehyun is extremely insecure. He will feel pressured to control the relationship out of fear it will fail. He is extremely sweet and tries to make up for it but is extremely insecure,controlling, and unfair.
8. Taeyong taeyong will put up the illusion that he is really sweet and he is the one for you. when in reality he is not that empathetic he can be quite emotionally unavailable out of fear. He is also quite a player
9. Haechan
unlike taeyong haechan doesnt care at all. Doesn’t have empathy for his partners can be nice but would never out a label, would fuck multiple people at once and will exit your life whenever he pleases. Has no loyalty whatsoever.
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icanseethefuture333 · 9 months
Can I have an post about NCT Mark's reputation in the industry or his ideal type? P.S You're legit look like a 90s superstar💌💖💖 don't be shy and drop your skincare routine please 🙏
WHY ARE NCTZENS BEING SO NICE TO MEEEE, THIS IS LIKE THE 2ND COMPLIMENT I'VE GOTTEN THANK YOUUU 😭💚 Ofc since we did TY Track I don't see why I can't do one for Mark 🦁
Mark from NCT's ideal type:
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I channeled: "Hmm... What do I like in a partner?" I think Mark hasn't really thought about what important qualities a partner should have and more so has thoughts about appearance or personality.
Mark would be interested in someone similar to him or someone with similar values, habits, or behavior as him, but with a more elevated mindset.
He could want to do date someone who is also a musician or a writer. I feel like Mark is curious about the twin flame dynamic? He could want to feel a connection with someone on a deeper level. Telepathy? Mark is wanting a partner who could read his mind and emotions so that way he doesn't always have to explain himself. Someone who is very aware and observant. A partner that eases his anxiety or relieves him of his everyday stress. He could also like if his partner was more optimistic and looked on the bright side of things because Mark can have a more "realistic" outlook on life.
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I'm ngl... Mark has a toxic taste in partners LMAO 💀 I just feel that he wants someone who keeps him on his toes and he hates predictability. Like if his partner was too "normal" or too "stable", he's gonna hate that, he's gonna feel like he's the partner with the issues, so he wants someone that can be as imperfect as him. "It's more fun that way, no?"
I'm laughing pls 😭- "I'm not saying I want my heart broken, but if she's bad then she can take it [his heart]."
Mark really does not give a fuck 😂 (btw this is the first reading I've done for a celebrity where I cannot stop giggling??? He's so funny). He also wants someone who would like call him out on his bullshit. Mark doesn't want someone who's submissive or a pushover, "😁Feistyyy." It's giving: "I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me"
Intuitively, I feel like Mark also has a lot of insecurity in his relationships as well. The partners who are healthier for him, he feels like he's not good enough for them, so instead he dates partners who are often unstable. It's okay to date someone who's more outspoken and dominant, but it seems like he's constantly attracted to partners who are too controlling towards him.
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Physical traits
"Honestly I have a type. I'm not the tallest so I don't wanna date anyone who's like too tall but I don't mind the height too much. I like hair, the people I've dated their hair is pretty long and if they have short hair, it's gotta be like fluffy (voluminous is the word he was looking for)." Channeled songs: Trap Queen, 679, & Again by Fetty Wap
"I'm like "Hey, what's up? Hello" (Ayy)
Seen yo pretty ass soon as you came in the door
I just wanna chill, got a sack for us to roll
Married to the money, introduced her to my stove
Showed her how to whip it, now she remixin' for low
She my trap queen, let her hit the bando
We be countin' up, watch how far them bands go"
"Baby girl, you're so damn fine, though
I'm tryna know if I could hit it from behind, though
I'm sipping on you like some fine wine, though
And when it's over, I press rewind though, ayy
You talking bands, girl, I got it
Benjamins all in my pocket
I traded in my Trues for some Robins
He playing Batman, Fetty's gon' rob him, ayy
I got a Glock in my 'Rari, ayy
17 shots, no .38"
"I want you to be mine again, baby, ayy
I know my lifestyle is driving you crazy, ayy
But I cannot see myself without you
We call them fans, though, girl, you know how we do
I go out of my way to please you
I go out of the way to see you
I ain't playing no games, I need you"
Oh he's a giverrr 😝. Mark wants for his partner to look good, so he'd go out of his way to pamper them and spoil them. Like "oh baby you want your nails done? I got youuu 😌". He likes to show off his partner. I heard "I want that Beyoncé and Jay Z love." (😭💀 Mark go sit tf down please). I love the energy tho fr.
He's mentioned girls a lot + all 4 cards are women, so he has a obvious preference towards the female gender.
Long hair
Thick, voluminous hair
All hair textures (straight, wavy, curly, etc).
Varies from pale, medium, deep, or brown skin tones.
Girls with a "mean" expression or resting bitch face (🤨😠😒)
Feline beauty
Arched eyebrows
Horizontally wider eyes
Prominent features (big nose and big lips)
Likes lipstick or lip gloss ("Juicy lips")
Someone who plays hard to get (as in a tsundere, basically acts like they don't want him but secretly does)
Shoulders and collarbones
Pretty hands
Nice ass
Likes jewelry? Rings and earrings to be specific.
Something about fabrics is coming up, so Mark could like when women wear flowy dresses or like those sheer beach cover ups.
Instagram baddie style is very apparent here.
Soft glam makeup (U.K? Black London baddie makeup. Latina makeup coming up as well.)
Mixes luxury with casual
Long acrylic nails
High heels
Painted toes
I am being reminded of that song that goes "Ion want no barbie, I want me a bratz doll "
Bratz doll type of beauty
Celebrities/influencers who are similar to his ideal type:
Juliana Nalu, Ashley Nicole King, Kali Uchís, Camo, Jordyn Woods, Yarastargal, Mia Owens, lisajn37, amandaa_solis, Cindy Kimberly, asiaeros, bbv_g6rl, 200120_01, & bybrokelle
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k-tarotz · 6 months
Hi! Can you do chenle’s ideal type💕
Thank you for requesting and being patient! <3
King of wands, justice, 4 of wands
Chenle's ideal type:
His ideal type is someone who is friendly and warm, someone who can be energetic but not necessarily extroverted. Someone optimistic yet realistic. Someone funny and naturally charming, someone with a similar humor to his because he would enjoy both; making them laugh with his jokes and laughing at funny jokes of his ideal type as well. Someone who isn't afraid to take action, like for example confessing. Someone passionate and caring, also someone loyal. Someone who is honest. Also someone who is fair and likes fairness in general, someone with good morals. Someone helpful with a good heart, good personality. I think personality is more important to him than looks also. Someone who stands up for themselves or their beloved ones. Someone who is into commitment, maybe even into marriage. Also possibly someone who is spiritual.
- Hun
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can you do an overall energy check on nct? not on each member but the group seems to be suffering a lot bc of social media and starbucks collaboration then the recent supposed sightings of two members hooking up? idk why these things have to spoil the groups chances of success or impact their social media accounts, it just seems like someone has it out to get nct in any direction they can
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I’m getting that NCT are making a lot of plans and decisions right now on how to move forward career-wise. There’s a lot of wondering if continuing will be worth it with both the group and the company. But there’s still a lot of things for them to achieve.
SM is probably pushing NCT to make these choices on their own. So they suddenly go from being under lock and key to having an almost dizzying freedom to figure it out. And they don’t know what to do, or even what NCT’s purpose is.
They have two paths to choose and one will be catastrophic and the other will lead to success. But they may procrastinate and daydream to avoid the work of having to figure themselves out in the process.
This part was rather forward. The tower to represent the career future. If they continue down the path they’re going, they’ll end up with disaster, upheaval, and broken pride. Something is being challenged and broken, and they’ll break with it.
When they fall, they may suffer from it, but they’ll be reminded that they’re fragile. That they’re not as untouchable as they believed they were. And that’ll scare them more than anything else.
However, that’s only if they continue on the path they’re going. If they do not, then they may be able to save their career.
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prettyrealm · 1 year
nct taeyong’s reputation within the industry
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disclaimer: this is not a personality reading so it isn’t necessarily saying this is who he is, just what others think of him. this is a general reading that extends to idols within his same group and idols who have never even met him. thank you for the request!
how do idols view taeyong?
Some may seem him as restless and all over the place, in a sense that he just can’t seem to sit down. Even when he’s not working he seems to always be doing something. They also may perceive him as having a fair yet strict personality and to be someone that represents his group well. He gives level headed vibes or he just is. Some idols may even hold the belief that NCT would be more well liked and even more successful if the members were more like him. People seem to know not to mess with him, or are just too intimidated to do so. He may be pretty cutting with his words. He appears to be pretty independent for the most part and does his own thing. He may come off as super mysterious to those that don’t know him and they may just assume he’s super selfish and entitled and that he would have no interest in interacting with them anyway. But overall, idols that don’t know him seem to see him as being super successful due to his patience, persistence, hard work and having mostly good will towards others. While those close to him seem to see him as someone with strong will, confidence, highly skilled and very smart/cunning, but they also see him as hard to trust and maybe even a bit deceptive and a liar & wounded over something and stuck in the past about it. In general he’s seen as someone who passionate about what he does and is constantly trying to improve himself in that sense.
how does staff view taeyong?
They see him as someone calculated and slow-moving that takes action at his own pace, but is overall effective (let’s say he has a scandal, instead of instantly damage controlling and going into panic mode he’ll make an effort to change small things about himself or his approach to show over time that’s not who he is) they may see him as someone easy to work with in this sense because he listens and doesn’t make things harder for himself (or others) and also that he’s really talented and creative, like he’s the one you can’t wait to take photos of, or do his makeup, or shoot his scene because they know he’ll bring exactly what they needed. I even hear Tinashe’s Bouncin playing in my head specifically the part where she says “got the magic touch, you can call me Midas.” They also see him as some one who is in touch with their inner child and isn’t afraid to let loose and get silly. But on the other hand, they also see him as mean, and someone that uses his words to get what he wants and they may be used to him lying quite often.
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outsidereveries · 9 months
welcome to
murmur journal
“a type of series that either will combine a random number of requests from curiouscat/tumblr(“barzhi ogan”) or will contain questions that i’ve (always) wanted to ask without specific topic”
issue no. 1, 07.09.2023
in this issue there will be readings of..
name ….…..……………….………..…….………….………….. amount
— RM (BTS) …………….…….………………..………….…………..…………… 2
— ryujin (itzy) ………………..………………..………………….………………... 1
— newjeans ………..……………….………………..………….…………….. 1 (4)
— nayeon, jihyo (twice) ……………….………………..………….………….. 1
— seventeen .……………….………………..………….…………………………. 1
— æspa+jeon somi …..……………….………………..………….……………. 8
— YGE ……….……………….………………..………….……………..…………… 3
— chanelle (r u next) ……………….………………..…………………..……… 1
— spanish football/soccer federation ……………….……………….…. 1
— JYPE’s CEO (jung wook) ……………….……….……………………….. 1
— troye sivan, skz hyunjin ……………….……………….………………….. 2
— nct u ……………….………………..…………..…………………………….……. 1
— blackpink ……………….………………..…………..………………………….. 1
— seventeen, bts ……………….………………..…………..…………………… 1
— rachel zegler ……………….………………..…………..………..……………. 1
— taylor swift, sabrina carpenter ……………….…………………..…..... 1
— bts ……………….………………..…………………….…………….………..…... 1
— taylor swift, olivia rodrigo ……………….………………………………… 1
— jype's founder, nmixx sullyoon ……………….……………………..…. 1
— got7's bambam, zb1's jiwoong ……………….……………………..….. 1
starting … now!
what outsiders think of rm’s recent controversy (about one of frank ocean’s songs)? ↠ the opinions are quite mixed. despite of them being honest, one part of the outsiders really wanted rm to apologize and perhaps change while the other doesn't care and/or are quite confused. i sense mixed information and perhaps possible lying for some reason from the people who wanted rm to apologise. i feel they believe lies.
what muslim armies think of rm’s recent controversy? (possibly) ↠ they lacked common sense and wanted to fuel this into a mistake rm did. this time i felt that the muslim armies were aware that he didn't do anything wrong but wanted to lie. this happened due to them being overemotional, like i said they lacked common sense and they felt too overwhelmed. that might be the way they wanted to release their feelings which is understandable nowadays but senseless.
what ryujin feels about her lack of individual activities? ↠ she's really sad but is also aware that she cannot do anything. she's quite chill and patient, so she will wait for any solo activities despite of her mistreatment.
how newjeans feels about their future first tour (if there are talks about it in the company)? ↠ overall, minji feels the worst out of all. she's anxious she'll fail but is also very excited for that to happen. hanni and hyein are also very determinated to work harder for the bunnies. danielle is excited to see them too. haerin is also excited but is patient to see them too as much as she can.
what nayeon thinks of jihyo’s solo debut’s success? ↠ nayeon sees jihyo's solo debut as very successful release (with the leader's relevance in mind ofc) as she thinks that the doors is finally opening towards her. however, she doesn't want to share the whole opinion on it, i see nayeon doesn't want to share everything.
how the rest of seventeen views joshua? ↠ they are attached to him in a good way. they see joshua as someone who has his own freedom with his career, who is also very balanced, who is working a lot.. only good things/
what does aespa (all members) thinks of jeon somi and viceversa? ↠ all of aespa seem to be honest with me, lol; karina could be dissapointed with somi, however despite of that, karina's very happy when is around her. karina might have on and off friendship with somi :| giselle on the other hand is with the impression that despite somi's emotional side and how somi changed her somehow, she doesn't care of her family that much. winter finds somi hard to communicate with and she is sad because of that + winter also thinks that somi is very strong individual person (overall). ningning seems to not like somi the most as she thinks somi is workaholic and very money-oriented, however ningning sees that somi is very determinated to her work. somi on the other hand seems to think more positively: somi sees karina as someone who's willingly to move on from hard situations the easiest and to somi, karina is willing to try anything that she wants to and balance everything out. somi wants to keep some thoughts on giselle to herself but somi's somehow attached towards giselle and possibly sees herself. giselle also changed somehow somi's life, they possibly have met in another life in the past. somi likes so much winter, she sees her as strong individual who's just so easy to attach, love and appreciate and at the same time is aware of many things. to somi, winter is bright like a star! somi sees ningning as someone who's harder to know better but also very misunderstood/mistreated person who's capable of anything.
what chanelle thinks of her time when she was eliminated? ↠ she wants to move on, chanelle was aware that it will happen sooner or later.
what chanelle thinks of the support she’s receiving from her time when she was eliminated? ↠ "it's fair", however chanelle doesn't want to think anymore about the show, it fucked her mental health.
how yge views treasure? ↠ the company doesn't think it's worth it to spend any money on treasure, yg entertaiment is dissapointed with the group's relevance and would prefer to reform the group in a whole different way. overall, "a compromise" is treasure to the company.
how yge views akmu? ↠ the company thinks maaaainly positive of akmu, they like them, their work pace and their relevance so much to the point it's obsessive.
how yge views winner? ↠ the mindset yg entertaiment and winner have are completely different, i sense that the company is too sad that winner are very, very lazy to work in a way the company would prefer more, because the company KNOWS the worth of winner and what their relevance could actually be but the boys clearly don't want that and because of that yge is losing too much money.. i clearly feel someone saying "how to make them working so that we can win from them"
what the spanish women football/soccer federation think of the recent drama (when that man kissed one of their footballers/soccers)? ↠ the federation want to move on from that situation. nothing else.
what JYPE’s CEO thinks about “chan’s room” shutting down? ↠ honestly, jung wook is aware of the potential of "chan's room". he is unsure if this was the right thing to do but had to take desicion before everything gets worse. it looks like that he didn't take the desicion for real but chan himself. he isn't sure if chan did the right thing, probably because chan (to jung wook) is capable of so much, including in "chan's room".
how skz hyunjin and troye sivan see each other? ↠ hyunjin thinks troye knows how to take care of himself and puts himself in first place before anything else. troye on the other hand is aware of how impactful hyunjin is towards troye's life. he would do anything to protect hyunjin (this is probably related to their careers, didn't felt anything personal).
what nct u (collectively) think of their recent comeback? ↠ the subunit could be treated better according to them. although they're thankful for finally having a comeback together, it could've been always better. personally i doubt that they like how the comeback turned out.
what blackpink (collectively) think of their current almost done world tour? (overall, the request was specifically about the perfomances but i don't think that this was right to ask bc of obvious reasons) ↠ perfomance-wise, they don't care how they did. their mind (when they had the tour) was all about their contracts. although they're very happy and thankful that they saw many blinks, they were aware that the time under yge ... comes to an end? they are all isolated and i do see the same energy all over again..
what seventeen (collectively) think of bts (collectively)? ↠ seventeen see bts as very powerful people (in good meaning) who know what they want. although quite confusing (which can be due to the boys' point of view about anything) they balance their fame and job with their personal life.
what outsiders think of rachel zegler? ↠ overall, they all admire her, love her i would say too, they see her as a breath of fresh air who can achieve many things. they're very positive.
how taylor swift and sabrina carpenter see each other? ↠ taylor sees sabrina as someone who.. i don't know, who's on her side now? it looks like sabrina or her team did some things, and when sabrina herself realised what the hell happened, apologised to taylor for all this shit. it also makes sense that taylor acknoweledges that she has some issues with sabrina but wouldn't do the firrst step. tbh there might be some other issues but as of now, i'd say neutral. sabrina on the other hand thinks taylor is communicative but for things that aren't relevant for the topic in question, ex. sabrina would talk for a stage, taylor would talk for a song that's not on that stage. sabrina might think that they're on different vibrations however she has to deal with it because of taylor's relevance.
what does bts think of their current group hiatus? ↠ the boys feel free and happier. i wouldn't be suprised if bts happen to be on actual indefinite hiatus...
has taylor swift changed her opinion on olivia rodrigo? ↠ personally, i doubt it. she seems to have added something else about how she sees olivia though, but i don't have the permission to ever see it. taylor (despite her or her guides) restricted me to see it.
what jype's founder think of nmixx's sullyoon, especially about her potential as a soloist (career-wise, not specifically towards solo idol)? ↠ he is aware of sullyoon's individual potential and whem the time comes, he'll support her wholeheartely.
how bambam sees jiwoong? ↠ overall, a breath of fresh air. bambam acknoweledges their communication, he thinks that jiwoong knows how to communicate without being awkward and for once, he acknoweleges that? (could be behind the scenes related idqk) also, very openminded person who listens a lot but also someone who overthinks a lot.
inspired by some tarot readers who combine their readings in 1 post, i forgot their usernames here, i’m sorry
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yourbittertarottruth · 2 months
Hiii, my beautiful Freya, nice to see you here 😭 I miss you so much, I hope you are resting, eating, and doing well! And, don't worry if the ask games are answered till July hahaha, remember to put yourself first.
Love you, sweetheart <3
Hello! Thank you for checking in. I've missed you guys too; I've been eating and resting a lot, don't worry! I appreciate your understanding <3 I suppose I should give you guys an update now, considering how silent I've been recently. So, update time! First of all, I AM BACK !! My main priority from now will be to complete all the game asks before returning to answering regular asks I have gotten. Aside from that, I'll give you guys a bit of insight into my hiatus. During this time, I've worked more on a business I'm doing with someone and I can't say too much but it is going INCREDIBLY well ! I don't want to jinx it, so I'll refrain from saying too much but it has been going well and hopefully will continue to do so. It will remain my priority above tarot, however, I have been able to still do readings for myself, the business and close friends during this break in order to continue practicing. I had a bit of conflict with some friends recently, but I think returning to Tumblr will help distract me from it as I am already healing, it was for the greater good and I'm quite thankful for what that friendship taught me - even though it was quite short-lived. I have other plans I intend to do this year, but I promise that it'll be a while till I suddenly go on hiatus again (unless the business gets super busy in which I will need to). Aside from that, my father's health seems to have gone down, too which did cause some stress for a bit but thankfully the doctors have clarified that he should be alright. I've been focusing a lot on self-care and taking care of myself, I hope you guys have been doing the same !! I missed you all and I'm glad to - finally - be back to Tumblr tarot :] <33
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k-rising · 2 years
Taeyong & Yuta dynamic/compatibility (tarot reading)
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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how's their dynamic together?
temperance (rx) + judgment + ace of wands + knight of pentacles + 7 of swords + page of wands + strength + 2 of wands + king of cups + 4 of swords
when they first met they were very different, so they had no choice but to start trying to understand and respect each other. I feel like the two of them began to understand each other better once they talked about their goals. there was willpower from both parties to get along and I also feel like they went through a lot together during their trainee days; they worked very hard to get to debut. however, something happened when they were about to make their debut that made them feel betrayed in some way... it strikes me how this "betrayal" thing keeps coming up in some nct readings. when yuta and taeyong debuted together they were so happy and excited. throughout all these years, their relationship has always been very good. there was always willpower on both sides when it comes to working and I also feel that they love and appreciate each other very much. I also have the impression that they always learn new things from each other and they work really well together. they both feel comfortable with one another and I feel like they've reached a stage on their friendship where there's a lot of trust between them. I just heard "we're like a family" <3
what do they think of each other?
9 of wands (rx) + knight of swords + 4 of wands
taeyong ⇢ at first, he thought that it was going to be difficult to get close to yuta, since they were so different, but, as I said before, thanks to the willpower they had, they were able to understand each other and get along. taeyong feels comfortable when he's with yuta. as I said before, he considers him as part of his family. I also feel that he's proud of everything yuta has improved over the years :')
queen of wands + 9 of pentacles + 2 of wands (rx)
yuta ⇢ he wanted to get along with taeyong from the very beginning, since he began to admire him. I just heard "he's very talented". yuta is satisfied with everything they achieved together... however, he seems to be feeling a bit lost lately. I feel like this happens because they're not working as hard as they used to, which makes him fear for the future of the group. I feel like he also thinks taeyong can do a better job as a leader.
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Doyoung- Nct....Red + Green Flags
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Okay.........Wasn't expecting this from Doyoung but he has HIGH sexual needs and desires, and may go about expressing this inappropriately. He could lust after women's bodies often, and slickly (like I could even see him doing it on camera to other female kpop idols, watch him guys and you might see this behavior). The thing is hes soo inconspicuous when hes being a pervert (I say this somewhat lightly), that friends and the object of his lust would never know hes desires/intentions.
There's a reason these cards are falling out when I ask about his red flags, so i think this behavior is extreme and may even be creepy.
He could be a man that lacks restraint or just does not know when to stop (especially when his mind is already set). He really does take things to the extreme (I wonder if hes a munch as well)
Even with his jokes/roast, he could take them to the extreme and really hurt someone. He can be petty as well, like embarrassing someone in public with his hurtful jokes to get back at them for something. (Don't make Doyoung your enemy, he gets his revenge one way or another. By the time he strikes, his victim is none the wiser of what Doyoubg may even be planning)
Doyoung is quite stuffy, uptight a d conventional. I sense he can't take jokes about very well and (once again) can say extreme rebuttals to jokes at his expense. For an example: let's say a member was jokingly calling Doyoung a fool/ stupid in front of other ppl " Ah Doyoung your a babo", he could respond offended, " How am I the babo when you shitted on yourself after the concert a week ago" . Like you guys see how extreme he could take jokes, to where he reveals really personal/embarrassing things. (I'm sure members know to be careful with how they joke with Doyoung)
Hes a very old fashioned, out of date guy. He doesn't know how to talk or interact with women, hes no charmer and he may know that. He could be insecure at his lack of charming abilities and try to make up for it by like buying women's affection or throwing around his wealth, prestige and educatedness to seem more charming(but most women would just see him as arrogant, and honestly he is).
Hes quite romantic and have a lot of romantic fantasies that he wishes to act on (lacks confidence due to lack of charm). But he does hold a lot of chivalry and gentleman behavior that he does, like he may have a rules for himself about his behavior in front of others. So generally, he always appears respectful to others
He knows his faults well, not only in the romance department but even in his career. He may know he lack, let's say in the looks department compared to some other members or that he doesn't dance as well as others so he would try to make up for that with having amazing singing abilities (you guys may not agree but this is his mindset and honestly, it will bring him a lot of success to be realistic with himself, it's also why hes one of the favorites of his company).
He knows how to relay hard truths to himself but to others as well, whether or not their feelings get hurt in the process, they still get the truth from Doyoung. (Hes probably the go to member for when others need hard-hitting, cold, true advice)
He could be quite warm and caring of others, he reads others wants quite well, so hes the type to take care of you without even being told to. He could hold a femininity to him as well, like wanting to be a pleaser (now I definitely think hes a munch). He holds an innocence to him, that also makes others want to care for him and protect him
He is dealt a great deal of respect and most colleagues of his are assured hes capable of doing a job properly. He knows how to give and command respect, he also holds a lot of love, care and respect for older women in his life (like his mom, grandma etc...)
Munch by Ice Spice is a song that fits this readings energy
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theninthdoor · 1 year
jaehyun || a look into 2023 (part II); tarot reading
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(In Part I: General View of His 2023 ⭒ His Role/Attitude  ⭒ Swords || Mental State.)
⭒ Cups || Emotional State: cards: three of cups, two of cups
This is wonderful! Jaehyun's 2023 will be filled with great friendships and closer relationships. He'll rely heavily on his loved ones, specially his friends and significant other (if he has one; if he doesn't, he might now be more open to falling in love and starting a new relationship). Although we saw that he'll spend a lot of time by himself, he will never be alone. His year is filled with loving and caring exchanges, so he won't ever feel lonely. Refering back to his Mental State spread, he could also be healing a lot of wounds in regards to his friendships/relationships. From that point onwards, with better communication and a clearer understanding of where he and everybody else involved stands, they can all move forward towards a happier and more harmonious future.
⭒ Pentacles || Career/Financial State: cards: three of pentacles reversed, four of pentacles
Now back to what he saw in the beginning… Jaehyun's career will, for sure, suffer some delays. He won't be able to work with his usual team of people or do things as they all are used to (system, routine or timing wise). Goals can't be completed and no one knows exactly what to do. There isn't a clear plan for how things will move forward, so it just feels like everybody is working against each other because they can't come to an understanding. Another possibility is that Jaehyun will decide to take a step back and not participate as much, and instead watch from the sidelines. Money wise, though, there will still be stability and enough to get him going and living comfortably. He's not too worried about that. However, he might not be spending as much as before, so to make sure he can save some for the future. A more realistic and careful approach to his finances is very much possible.
[Check Chenle's reading for some further clarification on this ☞ here]
⭒ Wands || Energy/Creative State: cards: four of wands reversed, eight of wands reversed
Once more: stagnation, frustration, isolation. Things aren't moving the way he wants them to. He's either not capable of being out and about the same way as before, or nothing goes as planned. Many things are left unfinished from before the delays, and he can't join others to finished them. Overall, there's a lot of instability and conflict. Mind you, it's not necessarily a case of there being lots of disputes, but it's simply that these people are now facing with some major setbacks and no one knows what to do. Energy and time are being wasted, but nothing is being accomplished. Regarding Jaehyun, he's also moving at a much slower pace. His energy levels are low; creative ideas don't come as easy as before; he can't/won't travel/move around as much. So, he will certainly become impatient and frustrated due to all of this, but things must be done carefully and slowly if he wants to get good results by the end.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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oraclemoontarot · 21 days
haechan’s green and red flags - tarot reading ★
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green flags ★
cards pulled: ace of pentacles, hermit, two of wands, page of wands, three of swords, five of pentacles, six of swords, magician, nine of cups
haechan's green flags are that he is able to seize opportunities that are presented to him without hesitation, he is someone who is able to turn his dreams or goals into reality. with the hermit, haechan also has a sense of depth to him, even if he may present himself immaturely at times, there's a wisdom and intelligence to him, and a thoughtful nature - he may spend time alone with his thoughts to work on what he has to improve within himself, his situation and his relationships. he may also have a great understanding of himself because of this.
with the page of wands (it's funny as that's the one card i associate with him and it fell out just as i was thinking about it 😭), he is incredibly passionate, creative and confident. he has a sense of adventure to him, enthusiasm and energy. he is open to change and therefore growth - he is also able to adapt and change during difficult events.
with the three of swords and five of pentacles, haechan's green flags are his abilities to overcome his struggles or challenges presented to him, he is also stronger because of them. it could be that, because of such hardships, it aided in strengthening his empathy for those who are also struggling, he is someone who wouldn't hesitate to support or encourage others, he is overall a kind and generous person - he may even support causes/charities or help his close friends/family.
overall, with the nine of cups, haechan is fulfilled at the moment, both in his life and emotionally. he is humble, grateful for what he has and what he has achieved, and is now content and at peace with his life.
red flags ★
cards pulled: strength, eight of wands, two of wands, knight of wands, four of wands, hanged man, lovers, nine of cups, knight of cups
haechan's red flags are that he's conflict-prone at times, which could cause trouble in relationships with others. he's is also impulsive and lacks patience with the eight of wands, it's as though he may move too quickly or act hastily without thinking of the consequences. this could be control issues, which could be an issue when working in group settings, and the need to let go of control.
paired with the eight of wands, the knight of wands really just doubles down on his impulsiveness and recklessness. he could take risks that aren't needed, which could lead to consequences that may mostly affect him - this could mean putting his career above his health or relationships for example.
with the hanged man, even if haechan does read a lot or is open to change, he may not be that way with his beliefs or perspectives - he may believe in things others may not agree with, such as out-dated beliefs, or refuse to see things from others perspectives.
the lovers card was under the two of wands, so it may be that haechan could struggle with making his mind up in terms of relationships, which could lead to conflicts or relationships not lasting long - it could be that he can't fully commit because of that indecisiveness.
just as the nine of cups was his green flag, it's also his red flag. he may have quite the ego and put himself above others, there's a selfish tendency and he may seek superficial gratification, like fishing for compliments which may or may not lead to shallow relationships depending on how far he takes it.
overall, with the knight of cups, his red flag is that he is emotionally manipulative - this could stem from him being emotionally intelligent, or just intelligent in general - he may use his charm or words to manipulate others to get what he wants. this could even be something he does without really realising.
he may be a red flag, but i'm colourblind
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icanseethefuture333 · 9 months
Do u think itzy ryujin pass as marks ideal type guess some of the description describes her ...
At this point I am just going to channel messages from Mark himself and give the people what they want 😂.
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"They're not hearing me fr."
"I don't know why everybody keeps asking me who I like, is it that interesting?"
"If they're asking me about a idol they're tryna get me caught up" (as in potentially involving him in a dating rumor)
"That's really random. No? She's really pretty, but no (referring to Ryunjin)."
"I don't feel like any kpop female idol is going to fit the baddie image. It's not that they're not "baddies" it's just that there's the girl crush concept and that style is very different from like a instagram model." (TELL EM MARK!)
"I want like a girl that's not in the spotlight, she can be popular or famous on social media but I'm not trying to be with another kpop idol I don't like having that attention on me."
"Camo and the other women listed fit my ideal type exactly, nobody else."
"I'd date a rapper or a singer before I date another kpop idol."
Also in case the audience thinks I'm lying 🤧
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k-tarotz · 5 months
hello hun and candy! i hope you two are faring well! <3
i have a cancer sun [16 degrees], a cancer moon[22 degrees] and leo venus [0 degrees] ! and my life path no is 2.
may i request my compatibility with the idols- lee haechan of NCT DREAM and nakamoto yuta of NCT 127?
thank you for this event! have a nice day <3
Haechan: 3 of swords = bad compatibility, unfortunately you two would just clash and things wouldn't work out, especially romantically not
Yuta: ace of swords = very good compatibility, you two could form a strong bond, a caring loving long lasting friendship!
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