#nat x daughter
emmlovesmarvel · 2 years
Our Heart | WandaNat x Daughter (Masterlist)
Max has the most amazing moms. They are loving, compassionate, empathetic, selfless, and affectionate. When Max meets Jay, she falls in love. Jay is not what he seems. Max needs to find the courage to ask her moms for help. But she doesn't want to burden them. Maybe one cry for help will let them know that their sweet girl is hurting.
This story speaks on domestic violence and my own take on it. It will be referenced throughout the story. I'm new to fanfic and love reading it. I thought the best way to read what I want was to write it! Thanks for reading! I hope you like it.
This is also on Wattpad under my username emlovesmarvel.
This series is ONGOING.
Chapter 1 - Fall. Favorite Season?
Chapter 2 - Let’s Back Up
Chapter 3 - Back to It
Chapter 4 - Pumpkin Patch
Chapter 5 - Halloween Night
Chapter 6 - Nightmare
Chapter 7 - Upward & Onward
Chapter 8 - Pain, Pain, & More Pain
Chapter 9 - Hot dogs, Lucky & Kate?
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
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rxmqnova · 2 months
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Y/N: 4 years old Billy and Tommy: 6 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Y/N shuffles into the living room with a huge pout on her face, holding a teddy bear in her hand and dragging her legs towards the redhead who's sitting on the couch.
Natasha doesn't notice the tiny body and keeps her gaze on the TV. The moment she realizes is when Y/N buries her face into the redhead's thighs.
"Детка, what are you doing?" Natasha chuckles, hooking her hands under Y/N's armpits and sitting the tiny one on her lap. (baby)
Y/N looks at her, pout still present on her face on which Natasha playfully pouts back. And on that Y/N wraps her tiny arms around the redhead's neck and buries her face there.
"What got you so upset, baby?" Natasha asks softly, rubbing the little girl's back and holding her close.
"Mommy" Y/N mumble out.
"Mommy made you upset? What did she do to you?" Natasha asks playfully, an amusing smile playing on her lips.
"Mommy said: 'no, Y/N/N, I have to cook, go play with Billy and Tommy'" Y/N explains, pulling out her best acting skills. "But Billy and Tommy don't want to play with me" She sighs dramatically and drops her tiny hands on her lap.
"Well, but you haven't asked me, have you?" Natasha raises an eyebrow with a smile, making the little girl smile back.
"Will you play with me, mama?" Y/N asks with the sweetest smile, making Natasha let out a small gasp.
This is the first time Y/N's ever called her that, the first time anyone has ever called her that. Her and Wanda are dating for 2 years and she wouldn't expect any of Wanda's children to see her as a parent.
Billy and Tommy are older and even before Y/N was born, Wanda was thinking about eventually leaving Vision. To be honest, a robot who has no idea about human emotions is not a good partner.
But Wanda found out she was going to have another baby and tried to save her relationship with the robot, but it just didn't work, so they broke up. Well, and 2 years ago she got together with Natasha and she couldn't be more happy.
The fact is that Y/N is actually the first one who accepted Natasha when Wanda announced their relationship. She only just turned 2 back then, but that doesn't change the fact that Natasha was and is one of her favorite people.
Not like the twins… Vision seems to have quite an influence on them, so liking Natasha definitely isn't even close to how they feel about her. But Natasha keeps trying and hoping that some day it'll get better.
"Of course, I'll play with you, sweetheart" Natasha smiles, giving the tiny girl a little cuddle, and presses a kiss to the top of Y/N's head. "Let's find some toys"
Natasha stands up, sitting Y/N on her hip, and starts to walk to Y/N and the boys' playroom.
"Mama, you and mommy are my favorite, FAVORITE ever" Y/N says enthusiastically, making sure the word 'favorite' is loud enough while kicking her small legs happily.
"Yeah?" Natasha smiles as the little one nods. "Well, you are my favorite, favorite too, детка" She tells Y/N back which immediately brings a smile to Y/N's face as she cuddles up to the redhead. (baby)
"What troubles are my favorite girls causing?" Wanda teases, spotting the pair walking around the kitchen.
That's enough for Y/N to bring back the pout she had previously on her lips while Natasha just chuckles at the sight of Y/N's cute little face.
"Aw, what's wrong, my little monkey?" Wanda pouts back playfully, giving her daughter's tummy a little tickle.
"Well, I've heard that mommy upset her. Am I right, детка?" Natasha says, letting out a little chuckle as Y/N nods her head with the pout still present on her lips. (baby)
"What did mommy do to you, malysh?" Wanda asks playfully.
"Mommy didn't want to play with me and said: 'no, Y/N/N, I have to cook, go play with Billy and Tommy'. But Billy and Tommy don't want to play with me too, mommy" Y/N explains dramatically.
"Well, someone needs to cook the dinner, baby. What would we eat then?" Wanda asks softly with a smile before pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead.
"That's okay, mommy. Mama will play with me" Y/N's pout gets replaced by a sweet smile immediately.
"I need to cook, bubs, remember?" Wanda repeats, giving her daughter an apologetic look, but Y/N just shakes her head.
"Not you, mommy. Mama" The little one explains like it was the most obvious thing ever, pointing at Natasha and swinging her legs happily.
"Oh, mama will. I see" Wanda smiles warmly, locking her eyes with Natasha's who smiles widely back and rests her head against Y/N's before pressing a kiss to the tiny one's head.
"Have fun, you two. I'll call you on dinner" Wanda smiles, placing a kiss on her daughter's small nose that looks exactly like hers before pecking her girlfriend's lips.
Natasha just smiles back and carries Y/N away, so they could play like Y/N wanted. She's definitely excited about having a playdate with the tiny troublemaker, even more so to be her mother, help Wanda with raising her and see her grow up.
Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was so tired xd
Anyway, it's MY BIRTHDAY!
I'M 20 TODAYYY!! <33
WandaNat masterlist
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natashaslesbian · 18 days
For You
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Summary: You’ve been going through a rough patch with your moms for a while, after a big argument you finally tell them how you feel.
Word Count: 1.2k
Parings: (Wandanat x Daughter!Reader)
Warnings: none I believe :)
The walls shook as you slammed your bedroom door shut, the tell tale sign of another fight with your moms. Most teenagers have arguments with their parents, who usually have high expectations of them. But being the daughter of the Black Widow and the Scarlett Witch meant that your expectations were set much higher. Growing up your moms were your best friends, you spent every second with them, it was the three of you against the world. You had a magical childhood and all your school friends were jealous of your home life, however after your 13th birthday Natasha and Wanda decided that it was time for you to start training alongside Peter. It was nothing extreme, a few hours a week in the gym and some basic self defence. As Peter progressed you soon fell behind, not only disappointing your teammates but also your mothers.
You let out a sigh as you slumped down onto your bed, rolling over to face the wall incase of any unwelcome visitors. You replayed the row in your head, Natasha’s words loud and clear in your mind. “Why can’t you be more like Peter, he’s doing so well, he puts so much work into his training, he’s not lazy like you!” She had shouted across the room. That was your final straw. If only they knew the effort you held within you, they just didn’t care about it as it had nothing to do with being an avenger. As a kid you loved to draw and paint, and as you got older it became a favourite hobby. At first your moms would take your cute little drawings and put them around the compound to be admired but as they transitioned back into work and long missions they didn’t really have the time to appreciate your art anymore and very quickly they forgot about your favourite activity.
A knock at the door arrived as another tear slipped down your cheek. “Go away” you huffed. Shortly after came a gentle click of your door. “Who said you could come in?” You asked. Your mom didn’t say anything just yet, she simply walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you. “Y/n” Wanda said “I- I’m sorry. I hate when we fight kiddo” she said as she reached for your hair. “Mama started it” you replied as you pushed away her touch. “Baby mama didn’t mean what she said. We had words after you left and she knows she was wrong, she’s gone for a walk to calm down” your mom said as she shuffled closer. “And I know that I was wrong too” she said, causing you to look up at her. “I shouldn’t have shouted like I did” Wanda said with a hint of guilt in her eyes. Your mom never usually shouted at you, she was normally the calm one although still echoing everything your mama was saying.
Wanda’s vulnerability made you think for a moment. You had always hidden how you truly felt, putting on a tough act so you didn’t disappoint your moms even further. When Wanda had come to see you, you were prepared for round two with her. But the delicacy she had entered the room with caused something in you to shift. “Why am I not good enough for you and mama?” You cried out, the sight breaking Wanda’s heart. “Baby don’t say that!” Your mom cooed as she pulled you up into her embrace “you are good enough for us darling” she said. “You just want me to be like Peter” you sobbed “you’d rather him be your kid” you tried to push away from Wanda’s hold, but she tightened her grip around you, “we don’t think that y/n” she said. “I know I’m not as good as him at combat and weapons and stuff but I am good at other things! Why can’t you see that? I’m trying so hard to make you proud of me but nothing I ever do is good enough!” You cried.
Without realising, a second pair of arms had been wrapped around you, a steady hand was trailing through your hair. “Mama?” You mumbled as you looked up to see her green eyes. “I’m never gonna be good enough for you am I?” You said as you melted into her arms. Natasha had been stood outside your room for a few minuets listing to yours and Wanda’s conversation. She felt so guilty when she heard what you said and came running to your side, crying along with you. “Oh my little spider, look at me” Nat said as she cupped your cheeks, bringing your gaze towards her. “I promise you’re enough baby girl, I’m so sorry I made you feel like you weren’t. Your mom and I are so proud of you but we’ve been blinded by our own want for you to become an agent. But it’s not what you want is it?” She asked. You looked at her confused for a moment, finally starting to calm down again. “Your artwork” Natasha whispered.
“Mama you remembered?” You asked. “Of course we did sweetie” Natasha said “baby you’re a fantastic little artist we loved when you used to bring us all your drawings” Wanda said as she brushed your hair back from your face. “But I thought you didn’t care anymore, you just wanted me to focus on being an avenger” you cried “you never had any time for me” you mumbled as you laid in your moms arms. “You’re right baby girl and mama and I are so sorry” Wanda said as she kissed your forehead. “Y/n being an agent and an anger is all your mom and I have ever known” Natasha said “we’ve not put being mothers first and we know that now. We thought we were putting you first by pushing you into training but we weren’t and we are so sorry” she finished. You sat up so both your moms could see you, you took a deep breath as you prepared to tell them the truth “mom, mama” you whispered “I don’t wanna be an avenger” you cried out “I’m sorry” your moms both scooped you up immediately, both now crying with you.
“We know that now sweetie” Wanda calmly said “you don’t have to be sorry” she said. “I don’t wanna disappoint you” you mumbled as you wiped your nose “dekta you could never disappoint us” Natasha said “this is your life and you’re old enough now to decide how you want to live it, all we want is for you to be happy” your mama said. It was like a breath of fresh air had hit your bedroom, everything you had wanted to say was finally out in the open. “I think I know what I wanna do” you said looking up at your moms “what is it darling?” Wanda asked “after I finish school, I wanna go to college, to study art. Is that ok?” You sheepishly asked. “Oh y/n of course it is” Natasha said “it might be expensive though” you frowned “well that’s what uncle Tony is for” Your mama giggled “and besides we’ve got some money put away from you, it’s plenty enough to get you where you need to be” Wanda said “really?” You asked, trying hard to hide your excitement. “Really baby” Natasha said “whatever you need, we’ll sort, we’re your moms and that’s our job” Wanda said as she ran her hand under your chin. “I love you mom” you said to Wanda “I love you mama” you said to Natasha.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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darkstar225 · 7 months
Spider-Girl gets heatstroke ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff
The sun bore down mercilessly on the city, amplifying the already stifling heat. Y/N Parker, also known as Spider-Girl, swung through the crowded urban landscape, her agile form navigating effortlessly between towering buildings. The snug superhero suit clung to her like a second skin, offering little reprieve from the oppressive warmth.
Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, and Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, followed closely behind. The three made an unlikely but formidable team, each contributing their unique skills to the cause. Today's mission had brought them into the heart of the city, where the scorching heat seemed to amplify with every passing minute.
As they reached the rooftop where their target was supposed to be, Y/N's movements started to slow. The heat had become an almost tangible force, sapping her strength and leaving her feeling sluggish. Wanda exchanged a concerned look with Natasha, both recognizing the toll the weather was taking on their youngest teammate. Natasha was the first to say something about it over the comms.
Natasha - Kiddo, we need to take a break. It's too hot up here.
Y/N hesitated, her hand gripping the edge of the building for support. 
Y/N - I'm fine! 
Insisted the adolescent as her voice strained.
Wanda moved closer, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder.
Wanda - You need to take care of yourself. This heat is dangerous. *frowns*
But Y/N, ever the stubborn teenager, shook her head. 
Y/N - I can handle it. Let's finish this.
Natasha sighed, sharing a worried glance with Wanda. They pressed on, but it wasn't long before Y/N's movements became more laboured. Sweat dripped down her forehead, and her breaths were audible over the comms.
Wanda - We need to get her out of here.
The Scarlet Witch urged, her concern deepening.
Natasha grabbed Y/N's arm. 
Natasha - Come on, baby. We're calling it a day.
Y/N resisted. 
Y/N - No, I can't let them—
Wanda cut in, her voice firm. 
Wanda - Your health is more important. The mission can wait.
Reluctantly, Y/N allowed herself to be guided away from the edge of the building. The trio found a shaded spot, but Y/N was insistent on finishing the mission even if she was already swaying slightly.
Y/N - I just need a moment... 
Natasha - You need more than a moment. You need water and rest. *crosses her arms*
Y/N's stubbornness flared, and she pushed herself up. 
Y/N - I can't let them get away. I can—
Her words were slurred, and her vision blurred. The next thing she knew, she was on her knees, the world spinning around her. Wanda and Natasha exchanged alarmed glances.
Wanda - Y/N! 
Wanda cried out, rushing to her side.
Natasha activated her comm. 
Natasha - We need an evac. Now.
Y/N tried to push herself up, but her limbs felt like lead. The last thing she heard before darkness claimed her was Wanda's worried voice calling her name.
When Y/N opened her eyes, the world was a blur of white. She blinked, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The low hum of the quinjet's engines filled the air. She was lying on one of the benches, and her suit had been partially removed.
Y/N - Wanda? Natasha?
She croaked.
The two women appeared at her side, relief was evident in their eyes. 
Natasha - You fainted detka, heatstroke.
Explained the Black Widow, her voice a mix of sternness and concern.
Y/N groaned, remembering the mission. 
Y/N - Did we catch them?
Wanda smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair from Y/N's face. 
Wanda - Yes, we did. But you scared us. You need to take better care of yourself, honey.
Y/N mumbled an apology, attempting to sit up. Natasha pressed her back down as she spoke firmly about their order. 
Natasha - Rest, we'll be back at headquarters soon.
Wanda held a bottle of water to Y/N's lips, urging her to drink. The cool liquid was a balm for her parched throat. As Y/N sipped the water, Natasha began removing the rest of her suit to help her cool down.
Y/N - I can do that myself. 
Protested the youngest weakly. 
Wanda - You're in no condition to argue, my dear. *chuckles*
They worked efficiently, and the atmosphere was a mix of professionalism and genuine concern. Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the two women who had become her teammates and, in many ways, her surrogate family and mothers, in their own way.
Once out of the stifling suit, Y/N felt a wave of relief. The cool air of the quinjet was a welcome contrast to the oppressive heat outside. Wanda conjured a soft breeze, further easing Y/N's discomfort.
Natasha - You scared us back there, sweetheart. 
Natasha admitted, her eyes intense.
Y/N - I'm sorry. I just wanted to finish the mission. *sighs*
Wanda placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder. 
Wanda - There will always be another mission. But you only have one health and body for us to kiss, hug and give tickles. Don't jeopardize it for the sake of a mission. *tickles Y/N*
Y/N - Stopp- *giggling*
Natasha - Let her rest Wanda. It's okay lovebug *kisses forehead*
They lapsed into a comfortable silence, the hum of the quinjet providing a backdrop to their thoughts. Y/N closed her eyes, allowing herself to rest, knowing that she was in capable hands.
As the quinjet touched down at headquarters, Natasha and Wanda helped Y/N to her feet. She felt a little unsteady, but the support from her motherly teammates kept her upright.
Natasha - Promise us you'll take better care of yourself, babygirl. 
Natasha said with her tone meaning business.
Y/N nodded, a genuine smile playing on her lips. 
Y/N -  I promise, moms.
Wanda grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
Wanda - And if you don't, we might have to resort to more drastic measures. 
Y/N - Like what? *raises an eyebrow*
Wanda and Natasha exchanged a knowing look before simultaneously saying: Mama bear's voice, the head-tilt and the raised eyebrow.
Y/N burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the quinjet. As they exited the aircraft, a trio of superheroes ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds forged not just in battle but in the quiet moments of care and concern.
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griffin-girl-r · 7 months
You're not mine (Part 2)
Created: 10.10.2023
Finished: 15.11.2023
Edited: 15.11.2023
Age: 15
Word count: 2,793
Warnings: Abandonment, Pain
Request: Yes (Wattpad user)
Pairing: WinterWidow
Soldat = Soldier
Part 1 , Part 3
"Very good, soldier." A voice interrupted the brief silence that had fallen over the room "You have finally completed your training and you're now ready for a very special mission."
The man stepped forward, allowing himself to get a better view of the subject in front of him in the dimness of the room.
You lift your head, every breath coming out in labored breaths, as you took in the sight of the agent in front of you.
Today's training session has been more intense than any other one, demanding you to overuse your powers.
"And what that might be?" You breathed out, straightening your back
The agent smirked "Oh, I can guarantee that you'll love this mission." He sang
"Then I am ready for any mission the organization has for me." You replied, intrigued by all the mystery of this upcoming mission
"That's what we love to hear." The man declared "Then it's time for you to know the target of your mission."
The agent lifted his hand and held a file up, extending it for you to grab.
"You have all the details here." He declared
You curiously opened the file and peeked at the first page inside of it.
You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat unexpectedly but you tried to maintain your composure as the reality of your actions and the identity of your supposed target settled in.
"I can't." You mumbled, your voice betraying your inner turmoil, as you quickly passed the file back to your boss "This wasn't the deal."
The agent chuckled.
"This was very much the deal, young soldier." He coldly replied "As I can remember, this was the plan you asked our help for."
A shiver ran down your spine and the rhythm of your heartbeat quickened its pace.
"No." You hesitantly shook your head "I said I needed help to take my revenge on her." You explained "Not on all of them. Not on him."
"But why stop there?" The agent raised his eyebrow "Why would you want to take your revenge on just one person when you can take it on all of them?"
"Even if it was true, the others are still my family." You reasoned
"Your family?!" The agent shouted, immediately silencing you "Must I remind you that this so-called family of yours abandoned you, that they threw you away as if you were mere trash?"
"It doesn't matter, Sir." You held your ground "I am not going to kill the Avengers."
You blinked.
The agent grabbed you by your vest with such force that, for a second, you weren't able to process what was happening.
"Listen here, Y/N." The agent mockingly whispered your name "This is HYDRA, not that joke of an agency called S.H.I.E.L.D. you grew up in. Your mission is to kill all of the Avengers, starting with those traitors who are now called Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes. Am I clear?"
"Sir..." You tried to conceal the fear you were feeling, failing miserably "Sir, this went too far. I'm sorry but I can't." You shook your head
A shout was heard and your body collided with the cold floor as the HYDRA agent pushed you with all his force.
"Y/N Yelena Romanova." The agent shouted "You have been ours long before Natalia Romanova decided to play pretend that she can be something she was never meant to be." He hissed "A mother."
You kept your mouth shut, too afraid of saying something that might anger the agent more as he continued speaking.
"She stole you from us, gave you another name, just for you to return on your own will to us and ask us for help to get your revenge on her." He reminded you "We took you in, trained you, gave you powers, all just so you could make her pay and now you dare to reject the opportunity to kill them?!"
"Sir, I just..." You tried to defend yourself
"Shut up!" He ordered "I am going to give you three hours to think about your answer just to show you that we can have some understanding towards our subjects and when I'll summon you back to me, I hope I won't regret giving you a chance."
You nodded "Yes, Sir!"
"Now disappear." He pointed with his head towards the door
You stood up from the ground and dusted your clothes before making your way to your assigned room.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you sniffled your fear away.
This was what you wanted after all.
This was what you needed.
You needed revenge and this was the only way you could achieve your goal.
Machines hummed and buzzed around you but you tried to not mind their noise as you were keeping your calm demeanor as a façade to protect yourself.
"Alright, subject." A man dressed in a white coat looked at you "Are you ready for this?"
You nodded, determination shining in your tired eyes "As ready as I can be. If this will help me prove to my mother that I can be useful too, then hurry up and do it."
"She's ready." Another man's voice was heard from somewhere inside the room but you couldn't tell exactly who spoke as the restrainents that kept you glued to the cold metallic table stoped you from looking
The man with the white coat pressed a few buttons and in a fraction of a second, pain flooded through your body as waves of electricity swirled around you, sending shocks flooding through your body.
Time seemed to stay still as you screamed out in agony out of pure reflex, your body spasming with each shockwave you received.
In that moment, buried memories resurfaced inside your mind.
You remembered the happier times and a pang of sadness weighed heavy on your heart.
But just as the good memories came to the front of your mind, so did the bad ones, reminding you of the true reason why you came to HYDRA for help.
The Avengers hate HYDRA and HYDRA hates the Avengers.
You hoped that by joining and serving the rival organization, you could make Natasha realize how wrong she was for treating you like she did.
You hoped to make them feel betrayed and rejected.
Just as you felt.
Darkness enveloped you, and your weakened body stopped spasming, but one thing remained clear as daylight to you.
You will take your revenge on your family for their betrayal by serving their greatest enemy, HYDRA.
You stared at the cement ceiling of your cell.
Your thirst for revenge was just as present as it was four months ago when you joined HYDRA.
The agent was right.
You wanted to kill the Avengers and make them pay for all of your suffering.
But still, one thing made you hesitate.
You sighed.
A memory of a smiling Tanya came to your mind and you remembered that she was as innocent as you were in this whole ordeal.
She deserved to grow up surrounded by the love of her parents as she has never done anything else other than loving you like her older sister who you actually were.
Then you thought of Bucky and the last memory you shared with him.
That fateful night, he had bought you a journal, hoping that it would help you manage your feelings better if you wrote them on the paper.
Comparing him to Natasha now, you realize that he was more of a parent to you than Natasha ever was.
How are you supposed to kill him?
Your door burst open and a security agent, who is in charge of maintaining order, walked inside your room.
"The boss calls you to him." He announced in a bored voice
You nodded "Tell him I am coming."
You stepped in the silence of the private office, allowing your senses to highen, as your eyes darted aimlessly around the room.
"I have been waiting for you." The voice of the man who had been in charge of your training was heard "Welcome!"
"I would thank you, Sir." You put your hands behind your back "But here doesn't exist such thing as being welcomed anywhere."
The man laughed.
"I see you learned the lesson." He smiled pleased "I hope you bring good news to me."
You kept quiet for a few moments, searching for a way to put your decision into words in such a way that HYDRA wouldn't decapitate you in a matter of seconds.
"So?" The man asked again, impatient
"Sir..." You began, taking your time to form every word that came out of your mouth "I am forever grateful for the chance you offered me and the resources you put at my disposal to achieve my ambitions."
The man slightly smiled, knowing that he had won.
"The Avengers have done me so many wrongdoings that I lost count of them." You continued "And after the time I have been granted to carefully choose the course I want for the next events to take, I came with the answer."
The man in front of you leaned backward in his chair, his body visibly relaxed as he waited for your final decision.
"I will..." You took a deep breath, steeling yourself "Not kill the Avengers, Sir. I am sorry, but I can't. They're my family no matter what."
The HYDRA agent shot up from his chair as his eyes went wide with shock.
"What did you say?!" He shouted, completely taken by surprise by your decision
"I said that I will not kill the Avengers." You repeated "I meant it when I said that everything has gone too far, Sir. Yes, I did want to take revenge on them, specifically my mother, but killing them was never my intention. All I wanted was to make them feel betrayed and hurt by becoming a HYDRA agent. Nothing more, nothing less."
"You foolish, lab rat!" The man sneered and pointed his finger at you "We created you! If you're here today it is all thanks to us! Our scientists were the ones who were in charge of creating you out of almost nothing! Now you dare defy us? You have the audacity to bite the hand that fed you?"
You looked around the room, trying to avoid the man's furious gaze.
"Please understand, Sir." You tried to reason "My heart and conscience don't let me murder the persons that saved me from hell and I realized that I made a mistake to return to the hell from where I've been rescued all these years ago."
The man calmly hummed "Hmm, so that's what you call it? A mistake?"
You braced yourself for what could happen next as you watched the man wave his hand at the shadows behind his back.
"I would call it a blessing." He said "You returned where you belong. To your true family and if your feelings stop you from taking action against your kidnappers, then we will help you gather the courage you need."
You shook your head, understanding what the agent's words meant.
"No..." You breathed out fearfully
But it was already too late.
Tanya sat on the carpet placed in the middle of the living room, playing with her toys, as she tried to distract herself from all the yelling that was happening in her surroundings.
"I am tired of your ignorance!" Bucky shouted at his wife, after he came back from another failed search mission where he tried to find you
"I haven't done anything wrong!" Natasha yelled back, her brain blocked in a phase of denial
"You did!" Bucky shouted "You did! You drove our child away! How could you do something like this, Natasha?!"
Natasha froze in place as her shoulders fell down.
She couldn't believe what she just heard Bucky say.
She refused to believe it.
"Natasha?" The woman asked hurt "Since when I am 'Natasha' for you?"
"Ever since Y/N went missing because of your recklessness and pride." Bucky shouted "My Natalia would have never done that to her own child. So, therefore, you are not my Natalia. You are not that girl I dreamed of having a family with."
"James, please." Natasha whispered, tears forming in her eyes "I am still the same Natalia you met so long ago."
Natasha reached to grab Bucky's hand but he pulled it away.
"Don't touch me." He said in a raised tone
Natasha sighed disappointed and nodded, pulling her hands back.
"You're mad." Natasha said "I get it."
"Mad is far from how I feel right now, Natasha." Bucky lowered his tone "I feel desperate because I am unable to find the child that has been entrusted in my protection and who knows where she is right now and what happened to her. She's just a child. You are the only one who failed to see this."
"James, just give me the chance to explain myself." Natasha pleaded "I beg you."
Bucky shook his head.
"I don't know what you have done to my Natalia but you are not the girl that made me remember how it feels to be human again." The man took a few steps backward before rushing out of the room, leaving his wife behind
Natasha fell on the couch, letting out a deep sigh, as she placed her head in her hands.
Tanya, that have been silently observing the argument between her parents, stood up, her toys forgotten on the soft carpet as she walked towards her mother.
"Mama?" Tanya cautiously called her mother
"What is it, baby?" Natasha sniffed, raising her head to look at her daughter
"Why hasn't Y/N come back yet?" Tanya innocently asked, still struggling to grasp the complexity of the situation "Is she still mad at us?"
Natasha thought about how to explain to a 5-year-old what was happening.
"I think she still is, Tatiana." Natasha lifted Tanya and sat her on her lap
"And Papa is sad because he couldn't find my sister, isn't he?" The little girl questioned sadly
Natasha guiltly nodded "Yes, sweetheart. That's why Mama and Papa are fighting."
Little Tanya looked down at her lap, her tiny eyebrows furrowing, as her mind tried to put her feelings into words.
Natasha gave Tanya time to speak at her own pace, not rushing her.
After a few minutes, Tanya looked up again at Natasha with eyes filled with tears.
"But Mama..." Tanya's high-pitched voice trembled "Why did you make Y/N go away? She is my sister. You never get mad at me cause I am your baby but Y/N is your baby too and you made her feel very sad. You always made her cry and I miss playing with her. She's the best big sister in the whole world."
A stray tear fell down Natasha's left cheek.
"Can you bring Y/N back home, Mama?" Tanya sniffed "Can you not get mad at her always? If Tanya is Mama's baby, then Y/N is Mama's baby too."
"I'm not sure, baby girl." Natasha let out a shaky breath, realizing her mistake "Mama messed up big time when she scolded Y/N/N."
"I know that Mama did bad." Tanya said "But Y/N is ours and she's my sister. She needs to live here with us."
"And she will, baby." Natasha said determined "I promise she will."
Tanya snuggled closer to Natasha's chest and sighed contently.
"I love you, Tanya." Natasha quietly declared
Tanya kissed Natasha's cheek before she quickly stood up and ran upstairs to her room.
Natasha stared at the open door that Tanya just walked out through, deeply lost in thoughts.
Her talk with Tanya had helped Natasha realize one important thing.
That Y/N was her baby no matter what and that she had made the biggest mistake in her life by doing what she did to Y/N.
And yet one question remains.
Where is Y/N?
"Soldat!" A voice said "Your orders are to kill the Avengers, our greatest enemies, and I want the heads of the traitors known as Natasha Romanoff and Bucky Barnes."
The man looked at the masked soldier he had created with pride, knowing that now, they would be invincible.
"Do you understand the command?" He asked sternly
"I am ready to comply." An emotionless voice replied
You stood tall, the black suit and gray vest you were wearing appeared even darker in the shadows of the private office as the mask that covered more than half of your face, perfectly concealed your identity.
The man smirked and pointed with his head towards the door.
You turned around and started walking.
Your mission?
To kill the Avengers.
Permanent taglist: @lizlil , @natsxwife , @froufrousnowman , @dannipotatoo , @ravensinthedaylight , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @theunchosenonee , @lovelyy-moonlight , @circe143 , @observeowl , @darkstar225 , @mmmmokdok , @halstead-severide-fan , @daggersquadphantom , @cherlenovix , @youralphawolf72
Story taglist: @graciegoeskrazy , @superforgottensoul , @marvels--slut , @louxbloom , @aubs444 , @notmeellaannyy , @amxrist , @k4t13l0u1s3 , @easybakeoven7 , @jackiehollanderr , @kaylaromanoff17 , @alldaysdreamers , @leoniaaasworld , @finleyfray , @almosttoopizza ,
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natsglorifiedsimp · 9 months
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Grew up and fade away
- here's the last request of all time :)) I'll miss writing fics ig but the good news is I'll probably just delete the app so you guys can still enjoy my fics!! It's been a great year and a half with this app :3
"She's never gonna understand, Nat" Wanda spoke in a hushed tone.
A furrowed eyebrow and worried looks have been shared all night. Never in a million years, had they thought this could happen. You are so precious and sweet.
They immediately put a smile on their faces. Trying to get rid of the frown and act like everything is fine.
"Yes, honey?" Wanda answered.
"Where are we going?" you questioned. "And why do I need to bring Mrs. Widow?" you were referring to the plushie they gave you on your 5th birthday.
Wanda looked at Natasha sending a signal to help her out because she couldn't act normal and tears were starting to build up in her eyes.
"Well, honey." Nat pondered. "Your mama and I thought we could hang out with Mrs. Widow today" she lied.
"But I only bring Mrs. Widow when you and Mama are not around" you pouted. "Are you gonna go on another trip?" you asked. Usually, they'd bring Mrs. Widow with you to Tony's to look out for you when they were on their mission.
"Oh no baby" Wanda butted in. "We're just gonna have a little get-together" she bitterly smiled. "Like a tea party"
"Okay!!" you giggled.
Oh, how innocent you were, Natasha thought. How could they leave someone like you?
On the way to your destination, you recognize the streets. You know where the car was going. And you prayed you guys were just gonna pass there.
As the car stopped your heart dropped. "Mommy? Why are we here?" Natasha looked at you and just smiled. You got out of the car confused about what was going on. You can hear Wanda's silent cry and you can get rid of the pounding in your chest.
"I don't wanna go in there" you murmured seeking comfort from your mommy by holding your arms up to get carried.
Your parents greeted the people there until they got into an office. You guys sat in silence and your grip on your mom grew stronger. You didn't want to let go.
"Mrs. and Mrs. Romanoff?" a lady with formal attire asked. Your parents simply nodded.
"She's ready for her" she ushered.
For her? Does she mean me? you thought.
When Natasha carried you to another room a person was waiting. She had the same hair as you, the same eyes, and the same nose.
"Is that my daughter?" the lady asked.
Your grip tightens more than ever. Natasha was trying to pry off your arms so the lady could have a look at you. But the more she tried the more you clung to her.
"It's okay, honey" Wanda assured.
"No!" you bite.
"It's okay, someone just wants to meet you" Wanda assured again but you weren't dumb you know where this is going.
"No, mama!" you insisted.
Natasha desperately pried you off her until your grip grew weak. She passed you to the lady like a piece of toy. You trashed around not caring who you hit.
"It's okay I'm your real mother," the lady said but you didn't care.
"NO!" you shouted. "Mama help!" you desperately cried.
Wanda cried seeing you like this. They never knew a day could come that you were gonna leave their side. Getting you from foster care when you were only 7 months old brought them joy and now that you're seven the real mother wants to take you back.
"Mama!!!! Mommy!!!!" you sobbed. They never moved and never tried to interfere. It was getting on your nerves. "MAMA!!!!"
They hadn't heard you cry like this in a while. Your cry shattered their hearts into pieces.
"Maybe it's better if you guys head out" the lady with a formal attire said.
"NO!" you insisted. "Mommy don't leave me" you wailed.
Oh, how Wanda wanted to take you and run miles from here. How desperate she was to not bring you back here. But still, they slowly went out the door.
"MAMA!!!" you wailed again trying to pry your hands out of the random lady who claims to be your mother.
"I don't want to be here!" you shouted.
"Mama, Mommy please don't leave me" you sobbed.
But all they did was smile.
P.s i dont really know how foster care works😭 bare with me for the sake of angst
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yours-mythically · 6 months
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[ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜʀᴏɴɪᴄʟᴇs ᴏғ ᴄʜᴀᴏs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇs ɪs ᴀ sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏғ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛs ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴀᴛᴀsʜᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀɴᴅᴀ ᴀs ʏ/ɴ's ᴍᴏᴍs. ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ sɪɴɢʟᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ɪs ᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ғɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇs ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀᴏs (ᴏʀ ʙᴏᴛʜ), ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ's ᴏɴᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇ; ɴᴏ ᴀɴɢsᴛ. sᴏ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs sᴇʀɪᴇs, ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ɪᴛ ғʟᴜғғʏ. ᴀʟsᴏ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ, ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴘᴇᴄɪғʏ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ɪᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛ, ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.]
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Worried Moms
a/n: hey it's my first request, i hope you'll like it. I loved to write it.
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*not my GIFs*
WandaNat x adoptive!daughter!reader; Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff; Avengers x teen!f!reader
Request: And I do have something to request if you feel comfy doing it. Mom!Wanda and Mama!Nat with the reader as their daughter. Reader gets sick and tries to hide it and push through it but they end up fainting or something like that, cue to mama bears mothering her to health. (Idk if fainting can be considered a trigger but if it's for you, I'd gladly read the fic with whatever you have in mind.). [Request by @darkstar225]
Summary: You're sick but you have to hid it from your moms because you want to go in mission, unfortunatly for you and Sam everything don't go well.
Type: Fluff
Warning: maybe 'fucked up' use three time
word count: 1319
You awoke with a headache; it was unusual for you to become ill since gaining your powers. You didn't know if it was a bad thing, but you had to hide it; the next week, you'll go on a mission, but first you have to get your moms' approval. They said they would think about it if you managed to survive your training session. Easy, no? The rest of the day, your state was getting worse, but because you successfully hid it from an ex-assassin and a witch who could read your mind (even if she didn't do it without your consent), you could handle it a little longer.
The next day, otherwise, at the time you woke up, you thought you could die; if it was a cold, it was the worst you ever had. But you didn't really have the time to think about it; you checked your clock: 9 a.m., which meant you had one hour before the start of your training session. You decided to take a hot shower; it was helpful for the next 40 minutes. Today you were paired with Sam to upgrade your hand-to-hand combat skill. At first it was like usual, but suddenly your breath hurt your lungs. You stopped and tried to process what was happening, but Sam punched you in the face. It wasn't a strong punch; he restrained himself, but due to your poor condition, you fell on the training ground with your eyes closed; you were knocked out. When your body hit the ground, everyone in the room froze. There was silence until Sam kneeled next to you and asked, "Y/n? Y/n, are you all right?"
Obviously not, but you didn't mind that he couldn't think clearly. To be honest, no one could; the Falcon picked you up from the floor and ran to the med bay, followed by all the rest of the team.
"You're fucked up, Sam." Bucky said,
"I didn't do anything; we were training, and I just tried to punch her. "Usually, she'd dodge and hit me back," he defended himself.
"But now she's knocked out, and the only person with her was you. FRIDAY, could you please call doctor Cho?" Steve asked the A.I.
"It's done, Mr. Roger," the IA confirmed, but the hero couldn't respond before FRIDAY spoke again. "Mrs. Romanoff and Mrs. Maximoff are back."
There; he was fucked up. On their way to the kitchen, the two redheads found Helene, who was in a hurry and bumped into the shorter woman. "Sorry Natasha, I didn’t look where I was walking,” she apologized, and the Russian nodded.
“It’s okay, don’t worry, but you seem in a hurry, so we will not restrain you more.” She said and stepped aside to let the doctor resume her course. Wanda just had the time to put the bags on the counter when FRIDAY spoke.
“Mrs. Maximoff, Mrs. Romanoff, the doctor needs you in the infirmary right now.” The two women exchange a confused look before heading to where they were called. In front of the room, the witch felt a wave of fear and sadness, and she started to worry. Of course, Nat noticed and grabbed her hand before they walked into the room.
Their eyes widened when they saw you in the bed; they rushed to you before any of them could say anything Sam explained what’s happened. “How couldn’t you notice she was not like usual?” the Russian yelled at him, and nobody found the courage to defend him.
Wanda approached you and cupped your cheek. "Don't worry, dragă (darling), she's fine," the Sokovian assured her, and Helen spoke up.
"Don’t worry, Natasha I just got the results from the test, and it seems she just has a cold.” The doctor reassured her, and the ex-assassin seemed to be more calm. “She just needs to rest for a week. I’ll give you some medicine in case she needs it after she wakes up.” Everyone except your mothers left you after your mothers nodded.
After two hours, you awoke. You were surrounded by two worried redheads. “Hey, you.” you said softly.
“Hey, you.” Wanda said, and Natasha gave you a soft smile. “How are you feeling?” the witch asked you.
“Like I collided with a bus, but he was moving. But I think I'm okay," you said, looking around and raising your brows. "Where am I?" you inquired.
“In the infirmary,” the Black Widow said this time, “we were really worried about you when Sam told us what’s happened.”
You sighed “I’m sorry,” you said quietly.
“Since when?” Wanda asked, and her wife looked at her confused. “Since when have you been like this?” she added.
“Yesterday.” You admitted it shyly.
“Yesterday!?” the older woman loudly repeated, and you nodded. “Why did you hide it from us?” She inquired, a little concerned about her failure to notice it earlier.
You played with your fingers to try to erase your anxiety, “because you said you’d let me go with you if I finished the training session. And I wanted to make you proud of me, and show you I was ready. So, I forced myself to not let you know and not think about it when I was near Mama.” You paused a moment, saying, "I'm sorry if it makes you worry," and some tears found their way into the corner of your eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Nat cupped your cheek and brushed your tears with her thumb. “It’s okay; we’re a little worried, but it’s okay; we’re not mad or anything. You don’t have to cry, malyshka (baby girl)” their eyes were wet too.
You were about to speak again when a red whip lifted you. The scarlet magic tickled you “We can’t stay here, and you have to rest.” The witch said, and you laughed, “What is so funny?” She gave you a falsely curious look.
“It-haha…it’s tickling me.” You barely said and before you could notice she lend you on your bed. ‘Thank you,” you said, and they gave you a kiss on both cheeks before heading to the door. “Where are you going?’ you asked.
“We must cook you something. We’ll not let you like that.” Wanda said before they left the room. In the kitchen, everybody was waiting for the two women to give an update.
“How is our little fireball?” Tony asked.
“Much better,” Wanda replied, “she just needs rest. We put her in her bed, and we’ll cook something, so she’ll eat before sleeping again.” She explained, and after that, Natasha hit Sam’s head.
“What was that for?” he asked, a little scared.
“You hit our baby girl.” the Russian replied; “you’re lucky Wanda didn’t throw you away earlier,” she added, and the atmosphere changed. “And for the mission, I think we will let you go. We will stay with Y/n. I’ll text Fury.” She explained, nobody found any reason to argue; they know how much they love you, so it's obvious they���ll never let you alone in this condition.
You spent the next week in your bedroom, surrounded by your moms’ love; you couldn’t leave your bed without one of them following and making sure you were okay. Sam was not allowed to approach you for a month. It was pretty funny, and after that, he spent two months making sure you forgave him, even if you assured him it was not his fault.
This little incident proved how much they loved you, and of course you were glad even if you already knew that. You adored them just as much as they do.The world knew how scary the Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch were, and Sam could approve. But the world didn’t know how lovely and careful they could be, between them, of course, but twice as much with you.
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marvelflame2010 · 1 year
Natasha x daughter
"Mom, I'm home from school!", introduced Y/n as she entered the empty apartment. She walked into the kitchen and noticed a note on the fridge. 
 The note read, "Y/n, I was called on a mission. I'll be back late again. Don't burn the kitchen down making pasta. (JK, I know you are better than that ;) ). See you soon, love. -Mom."
Y/n smiled at the note and sat down to start her homework.
*Time skip*
Y/n was just getting ready to start dinner when her phone rang. The contact read, "UNKNOWN."
Rolling her eyes, knowing what's about to happen, Y/n answered the phone. "Y/n here, no I will not give you the homework answers. Look it up."
"Miss Y/n", a gravely voice rang, "I have kidnapped your mother."
"Who?", Y/n taunted the man.
"Your mother. Natasha Romanoff. Black Widow", the man answered, raising his eyebrow.
"Oh, that mom! Yeah, can you put her on the phone please?", Y/n asked.
The man was confused and looked at his friend for backup, to which he shrugged.
"Ok", the man said, giving the phone to Natasha, who was tied up in a chair.
She positioned the phone under her neck. "Hi, hon", she greeted her daughter.
"Hi, Mom. Quick question. If you got stabbed in between your 4th and 5th ribs, would you cough up blood?"
"...Probably. Why, were you stabbed?", asked Natasha.
"No, I was just curious because we need to write a short story for English class that is due in 2 weeks and I want to write about this woman who has continued to kill her soulmate to stay alive because if you meet your soulmate, you grow old. But she doesn't want to grow old and kills her soulmate, but he just keeps coming back to live over and over", Y/n explained.
"That is a really good idea, and I would be like to read it when you are done", Natasha answered, interested.
"Cool beans. Anyway, I'm just about to make dinner and re-watch 'Moana'. I'll let you get back to kicking butt", Y/n said.
"Alright. Love you", Natasha said.
"Love you more Mom. Stay safe! Don't get stabbed", Y/n warned, before hanging up.
The kidnapper took the phone, and processed to get head-butted by the infamous Black Widow.
*Time skip*
Natasha walked inside the apartment to darkness. She saw a note on the table along with a plate of pasta.
The note read, "Hey Mom. Made dinner and saved you a plate. Went to bed at 9 and maybe stole one of your shirts again. Tony called and said something about an update for your widow bite things. Chat tomorrow. Love you. -Y/n"
Natasha smiled walked to Y/n's room to see a sleeping Y/n, with a shirt on that Natasha stole from Clint in her early S.H.I.E.L.D. days. She walked over and kissed Y/n on the head.
"Sweet dreams, detka", Natasha whispered before she walked back to the kitchen for food.
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i-writes-things · 8 months
HI! I want to say that I love you writing a lot, It's so good💖.
I was wondering if you could write (is you don't want to it's fine) Natasha x Teen!daughter reader where reader goes on a mission with Steve, but she doesn't come back and everyone is doing everything to find her but it's like only a few days later that they find her injured. (you can choose what happened and where they find and rescue her) and can you do it as a reader insert (if you don't want to that's totally fine.)
Thank you :) keep up the good work!💜
Aw thank you!
I haven't posted in a while.
So Mama!Nat seems like a good reboot to start with.
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"Hey, mom."
"What the hell were you thinking." Natasha growls at Steve before glancing at you.
"I wasn't." Steve starts, "I was unconscious. Y/n saved us. Me, really."
"That I did." Y/n is laying uncomfortably in the grass, her leg propped up. "Barely."
"Steve, I told you to keep her in your sights."
"I did-"
"He was, Mom!"
"Y/n, this isn't your mess." She turned back to scold Steve, but Y/n wasn't having it.
"Not my mess. I'm the one who cleaned the whole damn thing up!" Steve mumbled something with his head down as Natasha turned back toward her daughter. "I dragged Steve out. I cleared the building, I got the hard drive, I was the one who contacted you! Steve was out cold up until 10 hours ago!" Wishing she could stomp away right about now, Y/n huffed and worked on moving herself to a better position. Natasha was silent, tapped her shoe on the ground. Steve walked away.
"Bruce!" He went looking for the little green man.
"I'm sorry."
"For forgetting you're not my 8 year old babygirl, who accidentally lit fireworks in the Compound, anymore." She lowered herself to meet Y/n. "You're now," She pulled your chin back towards her "my brave, ambitious and amazing young woman." Taking a glance at your swollen knee, she whispers, "I'm so proud of you."
"I tripped an alarm." You began, "Steve was sitting out in the hall and I thought," Steve and Bruce's footsteps could be heard.
"I thought I was gonna be attacked!" Y/n voice totally changes, leaving Natasha suspicious and Steve told Bruce to listen in. "I mean he was coming for me, Steve," She gestured to him "out in the wall and they gotten me and silly unconscious Steve cornered, quite easily actually." Natasha stared at Y/n trying to get the whole story. She couldn't find a reason. "I had him in choke hold-" Steve threw his hand in the air and Bruce took Steve over to a makeshift table to look "I just tripped." Y/n looked down at her stupid swollen knee.
"We weren't cornered, I only had to take down maybe 3 guys. Be that was way before this. I thought I could be cool and do a flip off the wall. Try to at least, I was feeling it and I tripped as I ran to the wall."
"Thank god." Natasha closes her eyes in thanks.
"What? That I fell? Thanks mom. Love you too."
"Young lady, we both know you would have needed stitches if you tried that." Y/n huffed feeling defenseless.
"So you tried to tell Steve a cooler story." She cocked an eyebrow.
"Tried? I did tell him a way cooler story. Now he thinks more of me! Goal Accomplished!" Y/n smiled, pumping a fist in the air.
"Oh. my. god. Your gonna have to tell him."
"Mom, no." You dreaded this.
"Y/n, yes!" She booped your nose. "You tell him or I do!" She said in a sing song voice. Y/n groans and stands with Natasha's help, wobbling back to the Quin jet.
"I hate Steve sometimes you know that. Why can't he just be oblivious? Mom pleeasse!"
"Okay baby, I'll tell him."
"No no. I will fine fine, you've convinced me. You're so mean." Y/n and Natasha continued to hobble along on the grass.
"Love you too." Natasha waves Steve and Bruce back and they all ride home together.
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youre-a-total--poser · 3 months
Hi there
Can I please request a WandaNat and reader daughter please?
Natasha is our mum and is worried about us at school when we show up with a black eye.
Natasha's girlfriend Wanda is a teacher at a private school and gets us in. But finds out we have dyslexia and both women work hard to help us get up to the right reading level.
Or something. I'm not really sure, but anything you come up with will be amazing I'm sure 😉
Love your work ..... Happy thanksgiving !
Warnings: mentions of bullying and some other stuff.
Age: 15
Word Count: 1,133
Requests: Open
Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything
Requested by: @m0use123
Date: 23/02/2024
paring: Natasha and Wanda
A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it even though it's not great but it just be like that sometimes.
Also Happy very very late Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and whatever other holidays have passed since you sent in your request.
There used to be a time, believe it or not when you loved going to school but ever since you started high school everything changed.
You somehow managed to find yourself being the main target for the bullies in your year. Maybe it was because they found out that you were an Avenger's daughter who had no special abilities or that there was something wrong with your brain that constantly made you mess up on words when you had to read aloud in class.
They convinced you that you were worthless and that you would never achieve anything in life.
It was the last class of the day which happened to be gym and of course, your gym teacher thought it was a brilliant idea to have a game of dodgeball.
It was a disaster from the moment the game started. The bullies seemed to only be throwing the balls at you and either the teacher didn't notice or just didn't care but he didn't interfere once that was until one of them threw the ball right at your eye and you spent the rest of the class sitting on the bench holding an ice pack to your eye.
Finally, the torture ended and you made it home without any other injuries apart from the very swollen soon-to-be black eye.
You stood outside the door with the key in your hand hoping that your mom wouldn't be there. You knew that she was going to see it eventually it's not like that you just avoid her completely for the next week or so while it healed.
Just in case she was in there you put up your hood and then unlocked the door.
You walked into the apartment and of course, your mom was sitting on the couch but she was on her laptop hopefully she's distracted enough for you to quickly get past her without her saying anything.
"How was school baby?" Natasha asked.
"Fine." You responded continuing to walk to your room.
You had done it you managed to get past her without her saying anything.
"Stop right there Y/N," Natasha said standing up and walking over to you.
Well, you got away with it for a while 10 seconds.
You still had your back towards her. She pulled down your hood then gently placed her hands on your shoulders and turned you around to face her.
Natasha let out a sharp gasp when she saw the bruised eye. She put her finger under your chin and lifted your head to get a better look
"What happened? Who did this?" she asked with a mix of anger and worry in her voice.
"It's fine mama." You said pushing her hand away. "It was just a dodgeball accident."
"Was it the same kids who have been bullying you?" Natasha asked.
You responded by nodding your head.
"Unbelievable," Natasha mumbled. "Give me their names I'm going to call the school again in the morning."
While you were giving Natasha the names of the kids. The front door opened and Natasha's girlfriend Wanda walked in. "What's going on?" She asked.
"See for yourself," Natasha said moving out of the way.
Wanda walked over to you “Oh my god… are you okay?” She asked.
You nodded your head as Wanda put her arm around you and rubbed your arm gently.
“It really was just an accident. I should have been paying more attention or something.” You said trying to downplay what happened.
"No Y/N, this isn't your fault they were purposely aiming at you," Natasha said putting a bag of something very close to your face.
You moved your head away unaware of what she was doing.
"It's just a bag of frozen peas for your eye Y/N," Natasha said
"Oh, okay." You said as Natasha gently pressed the bag onto your eye.
You didn't even notice her going into the kitchen to get them so she must have used her mom's powers to magically summon them.
"Since you're already in a bad mood, I think that it's now a good time to show you something."
"Show me what?" Natasha asked.
You put the bag of frozen peas on the unit, picked up your bag took out your most recent English test paper and handed it to your mom with the score facing down.
She looked at the paper and let out a loud sigh. "Really Y/N 12 out of 45 that's not good enough.
"Honestly I'm surprised that I even got that much right."
You looked at your mom and she looked back at you with that unamused look that she does.
"Wow, tough crowd." You mumbled.
"This is the third test in test in the past week that you have failed Y/N what am I going to do with you."
"It's not my fault that the bullying is causing me so much stress that I can't concentrate and I couldn't remember anything that I was reading." You said picking up the bag of frozen peas and holding it against your eye.
"I know honey but it's the only school that's close enough. The next public school is 2 hours away and I don't have time to drive you there and back every day." Natasha said.
"What about the private school that I work at?" Wanda chimed in. "I can ask the principal if there is a space available."
"I was thinking more of homeschooling but I guess that works too." You said removing the bag of peas away from your eye.
"Well, it better be since I'm not homeschooling you," Natasha said as she took the bag from you and walked into the kitchen.
"Don't worry Y/N there is zero tolerance for bullying so that's one less thing to worry about," Wanda told you.
"I hope so." You mumbled.
It took three months of waiting and suffering at the public school then a space became available for you. The school even had a policy that children of the facility got in for free but even though you weren't related to Wanda the principal made an exception just for you.
Your grades started to improve after a week of being at the new school but not as good as what everyone would have liked them to be.
You were still finding reading and spelling difficult so you were given an appointment to speak to the student support teacher and after lots of different types of tests, it suddenly became clear as to why you were struggling so much. You were diagnosed with dyslexia.
The student support teacher provided you with different types of materials to help you improve and you were given more time, a reader and a scribe during tests to give you that extra support to help you succeed.
@knox145 // @dogtamer415 // @romanoffliviv
Go HERE to be added to the taglist
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emmlovesmarvel · 2 months
Chapter 10 - Stitches in Wanda’s Kitchen
Yelena POV
"God, I'm nervous." I shakily say putting my hand to my forehead, nervously smiling. I can't even make eye contact with her.
"Take as long as you need." Kate says to me.
"So I see you never stopped being the most perfect woman I've ever met."
"Hardly." She laughs tilting her head back.
"Kate, I'm truly sorry for what I did. It wasn't fair of me to bring up your past issues with your mom and use it against you. I didn't mean it. I was so angry with myself and I took it out on you. I realize I had been using your trauma against you. It became a pattern. I became a monster. I became just like Dreykov." I say with a quiver in my voice. Kate puts her hand on my cheek with tears in her eyes.
"I don't know how to show you how sorry I am. It wasn't fair of me. This whole time I've been out of the state, just me and Fanny. I've been going to therapy. I realize how it became a pattern and I learned how to break it." I pause and look up in her bright blue eyes.
"This isn't to manipulate or control the situation. This is truly how I feel." I take a deep, shaky inhale. "I'm still so madly in love with you Kate. You are the person that is meant for me. By letting me say this and you actively listening just shows me that you are the best person I've ever known and will ever know. I'm not going to try to convince you to get back together with me. I just ask that you try to understand that I'm better now. I'm a good person. I am a good person." I break down into a sob and fall on my knees in tears.
I blearily see her kneel down in front of me crying just as hard. She takes me into her arms tightly and holds me for a while.
"I see the change, Lena. I do. I forgive you. Thank you for your apology." She says pulling away, taking my face into her hands.
"What you did, really hurt me. But I know that it was a trauma response too. You have always been a good person, Yelena Belova. You have been through so much shit that no one should ever have to go through. I am still mad, to this day, that you were ever led to believe that you had no place in the world and that you aren't a good person. This just shows me how wrong those awful people were. You are so good, Lena. So good." She tearily says.
"I still love you, Yelena. I've always loved you. It broke me to leave and say goodbye. I had to in order to protect myself and my peace. I knew you would make the decision to recognize your behavior and change because that's the type of person you are. I'm glad you're in therapy. I want us to be the best people we can be. Separate and together." She smiles and hugs me again.
I pull back and take her face in my hands. She leans in and our lips meet like they have so many other times before. This time is much more passionate and full of love. This kiss is a new beginning.
"We should probably stand. My knees aren't what they used to be." I laugh, standing up.
"I would kneel in lava if it meant we could stay together." She says putting her forehead against mine.
"We'll I don't plan on going to any volcanos anytime soon." God I missed her laugh.
Next thing I feel is someone harshly bumping into my shoulder.
"Excuse you, asshole." I say as he keeps walking.
"Fuck you, fucking dykes." He mutters.
Now that I think about it, I've noticed him circling this block the whole time Kate and I have been out here.
"Hey wait. Why have you been stalking us?" He looks at me and I see his face under the hat he's wearing.
He starts running.
I chase him down to the end of the block with Kate hot on my heels. To our luck, he bumps hard into a random man and falls. I force him up and put him against the wall.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask lowly, breathing hard in his face.
"I came to teach that gay bitch a lesson. She belongs to me." He says.
I let go of him and go to hold my stomach where the dagger is sticking out of me. I fall to my knees and Kate sees what's wrong.
"Oh my god. Yelena don't move okay we're gonna get help."
"No. Go get that motherfucker. I'll be okay." I say.
"Yelena I'm not leaving you. Please." She says with tears welling.
"Kate, that's Jay. That's who hurt Max. Please you have to get him. He can't hurt her again. I promised I would protect her."
"I'll be okay, I promise. I'll call Nat." I say as she nods and sprints after Jay.
I wake up on the couch, hearing my phone ring.
"Hello?" I say tiredly.
"Nat. It's Jay. He was stalking the house. Kate and I chased him down. Kate's still after him."
I sit up immediately putting my shoes on.
"Where are you, what happened?"
"The bastard stabbed me. I'm in the alley on 7th."
"I'm coming."
"Hurry. I love you."
"I love you too, Lena. Hold on okay? I'll be right there." I hang up the phone.
"Wanda. Wanda, honey wake up." I shake my wife's shoulders.
"What? What is it?" She sits up trying to read my face.
"Yelena was just stabbed by Jay."
She stands up quickly.
"Where is he? How the fuck did he get out?" She says going towards her shoes.
"I don't know, my love. But you have to stay here with Max. Don't let her know just yet okay, she needs to sleep. I'm going to pick Yelena up and bring her back here okay? Lena said Kate was chasing after Jay. Kate is very fast okay? I'm going to call Fury on the way. Can you get the table ready?"
Wanda and I have a homemade crash cart in our storage closet for situations like this. Thank the lord for Cho. Being retired avengers means having fast and reliable resources.
"Okay yes I can do that. Be careful please. I love you."
I kiss her and hug her quickly.
"I love you."
I get in my car and start driving.
"How the fuck did Jay get out?" I ask angrily.
"What? What are you talking about, I'm not aware of this. The local precinct said they had it under control. A very good friend of mine is the chief."
"Yeah well he didn't do a good job. Yelena was just stabbed by him after chasing him because he was lurking around my house. Kate Bishop is chasing him as we speak." I say.
"I'll handle the rest, get to Yelena okay? I'm sorry about this Romanoff. I'll keep you updated. He won't be getting out again." The line goes flat as I keep speeding down the road.
I get out of the car and see Yelena sitting up against the wall, pain grimaced across her face.
"Why am I always saving your ass?" I smirk as I help her up.
"I am forever your little sestra." She smiles as we walk to the car.
"Have you heard from Kate?"
"Yes, she lost him. She's on her way to the house now."
"Damn. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. I swear I'm going to." I say, white knuckling the steering wheel.
"Can we get this dagger out of me first?" She laughs.
"Yeah, we can do that."
"God, Max is going to be so scared. I can't imagine how she's going to feel. And knowing he's the one that stabbed me. She's going to blame herself."
"I know. I know. We just have to remind her that it isn't. She has us, Lena. We'll continue to protect her, okay? No one else is going to get hurt under my watch." I say as we pull into the driveway.
When we get in, Wanda is prepping the stitch kit. She smiles sadly and kisses Yelena's forehead and then my lips.
"Thank you for protecting us. Let's get this out of you." She says to Yelena as she lays down on the table.
Luckily the stab wasn't too deep but Yelena was one to hide how much pain she was in. He managed to miss the scar right above her belly button from a mission a few years ago. If he had reopened that scar, this would've been a different scenario.
I hear footsteps on the stairs and immediately know it's my daughter.
I see her eyes dart over to Yelena and Wanda at the kitchen table. We then hear the front door open and see Kate, out of breath, walk over to them.
"What happened?!" Max asks about to bolt over to them.
I block her from going over there and just hug her for a minute.
"Mom, please what's going on?"
I take a deep breath, wanting to avoid telling her.
"Yelena was stabbed."
She pulls out of my hold.
"WHAT?! Is she okay. Oh my god, Lena are you okay? Mama is she going to be okay?" She frantically asks.
"It's just a flesh wound my love, I'm okay. Your mama here is an excellent nurse." Lena makes light of the situation.
"What happened?" Max asks softly as her tears start to flow.
Kate takes her in her arms and rubs her back and kisses her head.
She looks up at me and I nod.
Kate POV
"Max, Yelena and I were outside talking when Jay bumped into Yelena. We chased him down the alley and Yelena had him pinned. He stabbed her and ran. I chased after him but I lost him. I'm so sorry baby." I say.
Her whole body tensed in my arms at the mention of her abusers name. I held her tighter as she gasped and cried into me. Seeing her react like this makes me want to shoot a bomb arrow through Jay's chest.
She makes her way to the table and Yelena takes her hand and kisses it.
"This is all my fault." Max says with her head low.
"Absolutely it is not, Maxie. I promise. This is all his fault. He made the stupid decision to mess with this family and he's not going to get away with it, we promise." Yelena says.
"Fury is handling this as we speak. No one can hide from Nick Fury." Nat says, putting her hands on Max's tense shoulders.
"This is my fault. If I had never dated him, if I had never brought him to our home, this never would've happened." Max says sadly, making my heart clench.
"Max, honey. I know you feel like this is your fault, but it's not baby. I promise. Yelena is going to be okay. I'm stitching her up right now. All of us in this room would go to the ends of this Earth to protect you. Especially me and mom. You are a victim, my love. I know what happened is scary but don't let this take control of the amazing progress you've made okay? We will handle Jay and you will never have to see him again. We won't let him hurt anyone else." Wanda says to Max as she puts on new gloves to start stitching Yelena's wound.
"Is there anything I can do?" Max asks looking up with her tear-stained face.
"Max, baby why don't we give your moms and Yelena some space to work, okay? You can come upstairs with me. I need to take a shower and I want to use yours, you have the best shampoo. And the cutest clothes." I say guiding her away from the table.
"Um excuse me, my clothes are cute too and my hair smells the best." Yelena pipes in making us all laugh, except Max, who just barely smiles.
"Thank you." Nat says to me and I nod as we leave to go up the stairs.
When we get to Max's room, I can see from the look on her face that she's shut down. Nothing is going to get through to her at this moment.
"Will you come sit on the toilet while I shower? Just like we used to? I miss having your company." I smile, breaking her from her daze.
"Uh sure, yeah. Let me get you a towel while you get in." She says getting up going to the hall closet.
I let the hot water sooth my muscles. It's been a while since I've had to sprint for that long.
I hear a knock and tell her to come in.
"Thanks, Max. God I love your body wash, I need to get me some." I laugh.
No response. I'm running out of things to say to her. I'm not sure what else to do.
"Thanks for the towel, Max."
"You're welcome." I hear her say quietly.
"I know you're scared right now, babe. But do you wanna know what we were talking about before we saw him?"
"What?" I hear her sniffle.
"We'll let's just say you'll be seeing a lot more of me." I smile and wait for her response.
"Wait, you guys are back together?"
"Yep! We made up. It was so romantic, we were both on the ground crying and hugging. Your auntie is truly the biggest softie I know." I laugh and finally hear Max's raspy laugh.
"Yeah she is. She'd die before she'd admit it."
There's a long pause before she speaks. I turn the water off and she hands me the towel.
"I'm really trying to believe it's not my fault, Kate. I really am."
I step out and take her in my arms.
"I know you are, babe. It's the truth. This is all on him. All we can do now is help Yelena in every way possible even though she will reject everything we try and do to help her." I say stroking her hair.
"Thank you, Kate. For everything. I'm glad you guys are back together. I missed having my sister." She mumbles into my damp chest, making me smile.
"I love you. Now let me choose a sweatshirt, I'm getting cold."
Wanda POV
"Okay last stitch." I tell Lena.
"Thank you, Wands. This didn't even hurt."
"You're welcome. Thank you for protecting our daughter. I'm glad she has you." I say bandaging up her wound.
"It took everything in me to not kill him. I didn't even care who would see." She says pulling her shirt down and sitting up.
"We'll get him." Nat says.
"I noticed you and Kate tonight. Well more like heard her thoughts." I say taking my gloves off and smiling.
"We're back together. We had just made up and Jay bumped into me on purpose. Called us dykes. He also seems to think Max is gay. Do you know anything about that or is he just crazy?" She replies as Nat hands her some water and a cookie.
"No we don't know anything about that. What was he waiting for? For Max to come out of the house What was his plan?" I ask looking at Nat who shares the same question.
"He's a real idiot. He deserves the worst." She says as we hear Kate and Max come back down the stairs.
I get up and take Max into my body, kissing her head and rubbing her back. She seems a little less tense but I can still sense it in her. It's going to take some time for her to emotionally recover. She looks up at me and smiles.
She makes her way over to Yelena and hugs her and starts crying.
"Thank you for chasing him and protecting me. I'm so sorry he hurt you." Max says into Yelena's chest.
"Hey, I'm okay baby. I promise. Your mama is a magician. Literally." She says kissing Max's forehead.
"I am always gonna protect you, Max. I love you so much." Lena finishes.
I turn to Kate who is admiring them. I take her into my arms and thank her.
"I'm glad you're back. We've missed you so much. Our family wasn't complete without you." I say making her smile and tear up.
"I've missed you guys so much too. Thank you for patching her up."
We pull apart and all sit on the couch, waiting for the sun to rise. Everyone but me and Max are asleep.
She leans into me and sighs softly. I stroke her hair and her lower back with my fingers as I feel her try to relax.
We hear a text alert notification on my phone.
Fury: We got him. He's going away for good.
I show Max the text and finally feel her relax in my hold.
As the sun rises, the light hits her face, brightening her beautiful features. I smile as I kiss her forehead as she continues to snore softly.
I look around and bask in this feeling. My family, all together in the same room, in one piece. We are going to be okay.
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rxmqnova · 5 months
Hi!, how are you? So i saw that you have your request open can I request
Mama!Nat x daughter (around 3-4) in where on one of Natasha's missions she lost her memories and her memory stayed around when she left the red room so she doesn't know she has a daughter (duh), when she is told she can't believe it because she never though she would be able to have a child or they take her daughter to see her for when she wakes up and she finds out that she has a daughter that way. she feels insecure about being with her thinking she may hurt her So she avoids her. But reader insist to be with her mama angst with happy ending pls.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas an new year🎉
Btw sorry for the bad grammar/English. it's no my first language
Lost memory
Tumblr media
Y/N: 4 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Please, auntie Wanda, I want to see mommy" Y/N begs, hugging Wanda's legs tightly and looking up at her with the best puppy eyes she can do.
Y/N's been begging every single Avenger, one by one, to take her see her mommy. Natasha's last mission didn't go as planned and she got badly hurt. She even was in coma for the entire 3 weeks, but thankfully she's much better now.
Though there is one problem… Unfortunately, Natasha doesn't remember the last years of her life… more specifically, the last memory she has is from more than ten years ago when she escaped the Red room.
Y/N's been begging and crying everyday, wanting to see her mommy. She knows Natasha's here on the compound as she saw how Steve carried her mama to Bruce after the mission.
"Y/N/N" Wanda sighs, lifting Y/N up and sitting her on her hip. "Honey, I know you do, but your mommy needs to rest" She kisses the little girl's head, receiving a whine as Y/N buries her head into Wanda's neck.
"I want mommy" Y/N cries out into Wanda's neck, making Wanda sigh once again.
"I know, bubs, I know"
It took a few hours of begging, but Bruce and Doctor Cho agreed that they can't go on like this for much longer. Because the only one Natasha briefly remembers is Clint, he agreed that he'd be the one who tells the redhead about Y/N.
"How are you feeling?" Clint smiles at his best friend, sitting down on the bed.
"I'm fine, I don't know why I still have to be here" Natasha sighs, crossing her arms over chest. "Why are you here?"
"Can't I just come to see how's my friend doing?" Cling teases on which Natasha raises an eyebrow. "But yeah, I'm here to tell you something" He looks at the redhead, preparing himself to tell her about Y/N.
"Why are you looking at me like that? What is it? I feel like nothing can be worse than that I forgot the past 14 years of my life" Natasha sighs, waiting for Clint to speak.
"… We haven't really told you everything, Nat. There's something we left out, but we can't keep that from you anymore" Clint starts. "… You saved a little girl on a mission 3 years ago… She's spent here for about… 2 months and you decided to adopt her. She's 4 now and she's been begging us to take her to you. I know it's-"
"Wait. Wait. I adopted a child? Me?" Natasha asks shocked, not believing anything from what Clint has just said.
"Yeah, I-"
"Mama! Mama!" Y/N bursts into the room, Wanda running after her.
"I'm sorry, I turned around for 2 seconds and she was gone" Wanda explains with a sigh.
"Mama, I missed you!" The tiny girl says, attempting to climb the bed. "Mama" A whine escapes Y/N's lips after another failed attempt of climbing the bed as it's too high for her, holding her arms up for Natasha who's just staring at her shocked.
Wanda's quick to lift Y/N up, sitting her on her hip and holding her tightly as Y/N's trying to wiggle out of her arms and reaching her tiny arms for Natasha.
"N-no, no, I can't" Natasha panics, shaking her head.
"Calm down, Nat" Clint moves closer, trying to comfort his best friend. "Take her out, Wanda" He orders, Wanda nodding immediately.
"Want mommy! Mama!" Y/N cries loudly, kicking her legs and trying to wiggle out of Wanda's arms while the witch is carrying her out of the room again.
A few days have passed since Natasha found out about Y/N and she still doesn't know how to feel about that. And now when she's finally allowed to leave the bed and get back to normal life, it seems even scarier.
Y/N, on the other hand, has been crying nonstop through the days. She just wants her mommy and everyone's been keeping her away again.
"Mama!" Y/N grins once she sees Natasha step into the kitchen, immediately jumping off of the chair and running to the redhead, crashing her little body into Natasha's legs.
"Oh, hi" Natasha says akwardly, carefully peeling the little girl off of herself.
It's not like she wouldn't want a child, but she just doesn't know how to take care of one. After all, she's never taken care of a child before… well, she doesn't remember it… so it's understandable that she's scared of it.
"Mama, I drew you lots of pictures. I'm gonna show you" Y/N informs, already running away for her drawings which makes Natasha let out a sigh of relief and she quickly makes herself something for breakfast.
"Hey, hm. You're Wanda, right?" Natasha asks, sitting down opposite the brunette who smiles and nods in response, so Natasha takes a deep breath before speaking again. "Clint told me you were the one who mostly took care of Y/N. I just… I just wanted to ask you if you could maybe take care of her for a bit more? At least a few more days please?" She asks, hoping to get a yes from the witch.
"Oh, of course. Y/N's such a sweetheart. If you need any help with her, I'll be happy to help you" Wanda smiles warmly on which Natasha lets out a sigh of relief, though the tiny footsteps that are approaching stress her out immediately.
"Look, mama! I have so many pictures for you!" Y/N informs, crawling on Natasha's lap which only makes Natasha panic. She has no idea how to hold the little girl, scared that if she wrapped her arms around her, her hold could be too strong and she'd hurt her. "This is you and me playing soccer, mama!" Y/N grins, pointing at the two figures on her picture before looking up at Natasha who only hums in response and gives the tiny girl an akward smile. "And this is us building a snowman!"
Of course Wanda senses Natasha's discomfort and calls her little niece to come sit back to her and to finish her breakfast which she's been eating before Natasha came in. Natasha mouths a 'thank you', shooting Wanda a smile before quickly finishing her own breakfast, disappearing into the gym without Y/N noticing.
"Where did mommy go, auntie Wanda?" Y/N asks after a while, looking around to find her mother.
"She needs to rest a lot, honey. We should leave her alone for a little bit" Wanda says with a sigh, already knowing this won't satisfy the tiny one.
Y/N pouts, jumping off of her chair, taking her drawings and running away, ignoring Wanda who's calling after her. She hasn't seen her mommy for weeks, she just wants to be with her. Why nobody understands?
The little girl enters Natasha's bedroom only to find it empty. There are ony two more places on the compound Natasha could be, so Y/N decides to check.
After not finding her mother in her office, Y/N ends up in the gym, smiling when she sees Natasha there.
"Mommy, you forgot the pictures!" Y/N informs, running to Natasha with her arms up. "Up! Mama! Up! Please!" The tiny girl pleads, jumping up and down in front of the redhead.
"Y/N, I… just put those drawings on the bench over there. I'll take them later, yeah?" Natasha says, trying her best to not hurt the little one's feelings.
Y/N nods, running away to put her drawings on the bench like Natasha wanted and then running back to her mama.
"Mommy, up please" Y/N requests, pulling out her best puppy eyes in hope to get some cuddles from the redhead.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I can't" Natasha nearly whispers, hoping the little girl would just go away.
"But mama please. I want some cuddles" Y/N repeats again, tears filling her little eyes.
"Y/N, I said no. Please go away" Natasha sighs, slowly losing her patience as the little child is still standing in front of her with her arms up.
"Mama, please" Y/N pleads.
"What is so hard to understand? I said no. Go away" Natasha orders sternly, her voice raised a little bit which makes Y/N run away and cry loudly.
Natasha lets out a sigh after Y/N's cries die down, squeezing her eyes shut. She didn't want to make Y/N cry.
About an hour later Natasha leaves the gym, picking up the drawings from Y/N on the way. She throws them on her bed as soon as she enters her room, deciding to look at them after a shower. She really feels bad for making the tiny one cry.
Fresh out of the shower Natasha sits on her bed, taking all of the papers Y/N gave her and looking at all of them. She can't help the smile that forms on her face while looking at those drawings.
She spots a few more pictures hanging her closet, so she stands up and goes to look. She hasn't noticed them before as Clint only showed her where her room is this morning.
Now feeling even worse Natasha walks around the compound with hope to find the little girl somewhere. And after what feels like stepping into 100 different rooms Natasha finally finds the tiny girl in what seems to be her bedroom, laying on her bed and cuddling to her teddy bear while sobbing.
"Hi there" Natasha says quietly, sitting down on the bed on which Y/N just turns around and buries her head into her pillow. "Can we talk?" "Hm-hm" Y/N shakes her head.
"… Are you mad at me?" Natasha asks, gently placing her hand on Y/N's back and giving it a rub.
"Yes, because you're being mean and don't want to give me cuddles" Y/N mumbles out with a pout, finally looking at her mother with her puffy eyes.
"Y/N, I… I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want to be mean to you, but I just don't remember you" Natasha sighs, tears forming in Y/N's eyes again at the not very nice tone Natasha used. "No, please don't cry. I'm sorry"
"But I want you to give me lots of cuddles and be nice to me, because you're my mama" Y/N cries out, burying her head into her pillow again which makes Natasha think about whether should she leave or not. She's never been in a situation like this. What should she do?
"I'm sorry, please just stop crying" Deciding to stay, Natasha desperately tries to calm down the little girl somehow, but rubbing her back just doesn't seem to be enough.
Though Y/N's tears don't stop. She just wants more comfort from her mommy, so she crawls over to Natasha, sitting on her lap, wrapping her tiny arms around her and burying her face into her mother's chest.
"I… okay" Natasha carefully wraps her arms around the tiny girl which finally makes Y/N calm down and the redhead smile as Y/N's hug brings her this really nice feeling she doesn't remember feeling before.
"Mama?" Y/N questions, lifting her head to look at Natasha who hums in response, smiling a little bit. "Did you look at my pictures?" She continues, finally being in her mommy's arms making her forget everything that happened just a few minutes ago on which Natasha lets out a chuckle.
"I did, they're very pretty, sweetheart" Natasha tells the tiny one, receiving a huge smile from the little girl before she cuddles up to her, making Natasha smile.
It will surely take a while until Natasha learns how to take care of Y/N and it will surely be hard, but now the redhead knows she wants to try and be a mother to the tiny girl. And there was only one thing that made her realize… a hug from her little girl.
I'm sorry it took so long. I hope you had wonderful Christmas and New year as well!! <33
Part 2
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natashaslesbian · 2 months
First Moments
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Summary: Some of your first moments as Wanda and Natasha’s little girl
Word Count: 754
Parings: (Wanda x Nat) (Wandanat x Daughter)
Warnings: none :))
A/N• I’M BAAAACKKKK. So excited to get some new fics out
“Is it the 4th today?” Wanda called to her wife. “No the 3rd” Natasha called back as you continued to rock you in her arms. The witch placed down her pen and gently closed your baby book, she rose from her chair and slowly crept over to wrap her arms around Natasha’s waist. “Our baby girls first smile” the widow whispered as she looked down at you, beaming with pride, then turning her neck to kiss the witch. You babbled softly looking up at your moms “are mommy and mama talking about you baby?” Wanda cooed, reaching her hand out to brush your chubby cheeks. You leant into her touch and a wide smile was drawn across your face. “Well, she’s definitely got the hang of smiling” Natasha said, mirroring your grin. “My beautiful girls” Wanda said “I love it when you both smile” she blushed.
The continued mimicking of a plane was not amusing you anymore, you pushed your hands out in front of you and pushed the spoon away. “Come on baby girl, open up” Natasha pleaded, she had been trying to feed you for over half an hour now, and so far you had only swallowed three mouthfuls. “Want me to try again?” Wanda asked, lightly massaging her wife’s shoulders. “Sure” Natasha sighed in defeat. The readhead took a deflated seat at the kitchen table while Wanda took her attempt to feed you. “Okay sweetheart, open up for mommy” Wanda cooed bringing a large spoonful of mush towards your mouth. Your tiny uncontrolled arms immediately shot out, crashing directly into the spoon and sending the food flying straight into Wanda’s face. Both women froze as you erupted into laughter, highly amused at the mess you had caused. “Was that funny baby?” Natasha giggled, adoring the sound of your first ever laugh. “Natasha can you just get her baby book!” Wanda demanded, wiping the goo from her face to match eyes with her little devil. And she always denied it, but Wanda would relive the moment of your first laugh over again a million times.
You had been crawling for over 5 months now, and your moms were starting to worry that you hadn’t yet figured out how to stand. You had surpassed every milestone so far in your short life, racing through your early development. Even though Nat and Wanda would hold you on your little feet as soon as they let go you traveled straight to the floor. You were currently playing with your mama, stacking up your alphabet blocks and knocking them back down again, it was your favourite game. The door opened with a soft click as Wanda returned from work. The noise caught your attention straight away “is that mommy?” Natasha cooed at you “is mommy home?” She asked. You mumbled in joy when you saw your mom rounding the couch to say her hellos. “Hi baby girl” she waved at you “hello my love” she said as she lend down to give Nat a gentle kiss. You babbled upon seeing the actions of your moms, deciding that you wanted some attention too. You flipped round onto your knees and crawls towards the sofa, carefully missing the fallen blocks. You reached up to grab the cushion of the couch and used it to pull yourself up onto your feet. “Oh my god Wanda look!” Natasha said, both women turning to watch as you found your footing. “Are you standing up all by yourself?” Wanda said brightly, you giggled as you patted your hands along the sofa “I’ll get a pen” Natasha said as she ran her fingers along your head.
Wanda careful closed the book in her lap, reaching up to wipe the fallen tear on her cheek. She had spent the last 2 years filling out this book, how was it already finished? “Babe what’s wrong?” Natasha said from the doorway, wrapped up in a fluffy towel. “Nothing” Wanda lied, “let me get dressed then we’ll talk” Natasha said placing a kiss on the witches forehead. Your baby book was placed on the bedside table as Nat joined Wanda on the bed “talk to me sweetheart” she said. “It seems like yesterday that we bought that book, and now it’s finished. All of our baby girls first moments gone” Wanda sighed. Natasha smiled at her wife’s sensitivity, it was something that she admired so much about her. “Oh Wands” she said “there are so many more firsts to come” Natasha said as she pulled Wanda’s chin to meet her gaze. “We’ve got the whole of eternity left to love y/n. Just because one book is finished doesn’t mean she’s done growing up” she said while rubbing Wanda’s back. “I don’t want her ever to grow up” the witch mumbled. “She’ll always be our little girl Wanda, even when she’s 30 years old. There are so many more firsts too come, her first day of school, her first big bed, her first time on a plane, and one day her first boyfriend or girlfriend” Natasha said, not really wanting to think of you so grown up either. “Well she’s never allowed to date Nat” Wanda joked, she just wanted to protect you from everything. “She will” Nat laughed “and we’ll be here for it all, even her first heartbreak” Wanda looked deeply into the widows eyes “we can’t protect her from the world can we?” She asked. “No. We can’t. But we can walk by her side through it” Nat said.
Your moms loved you more than you would ever know. The nights they had dreamed of you were now the reality, you were everything to them and they would continue to be everything to you.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean (?) / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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darkstar225 · 5 months
Kid Y/N feels under the weather, what is gonna happen? ft Wanda and Natasha 
Rain pelted against the large windows of the Avengers compound, a symphony of nature's melancholy to accompany the drama unfolding within. Y/N, a young child with an inclination for mischief, which made her seem like Loki's daughter sometimes (she may be...), and two extraordinary guardians: Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff, found herself feeling under the weather. The cold had crept into her small frame, bringing with it a storm of sneezes and sniffles.
In the heart of the Avengers' home, the living room was a battleground. Y/N lay on the couch, surrounded by a fortress of plush toys. The television played some animated movie, forgotten in the background. Natasha was still donned in her Black Widow uniform after returning from a mission with Wanda, her fiery red hair cascading in waves, was the epitome of calm. She knelt beside the couch, worry etching lines on her face as she touched Y/N's forehead with the back of her hand.
Y/N - Mama, I don't wanna take those yucky medicines! 
Whined the little girl as her raspy voice showed her clear discomfort.
Wanda, also in her Scarlet Witch attire, floated into the room with a tray of steaming soup and a small bottle of medicine. Her expressive eyes softened as they met Y/N's defiant gaze. 
Wanda - Sweetheart, it'll make you feel better. Just a spoonful, okay? *frowns*
The girl's eyes narrowed and a pout formed on her lips. 
Y/N - No! It tastes icky.
Natasha sighed, her stern look softened by a smile. 
Natasha - Come on, kiddo. You'll be back to causing chaos in no time.
Y/N's eyes welled up, a mixture of exhaustion and frustration. 
Y/N - I don't wanna be sick, Mommy.
Natasha's heart melted at the word. Y/N had walked into her and Wanda's life like a burst of sunshine, and now, seeing her curled up with illness, it felt like the sun had been clouded over.
Natasha exchanged a glance with Wanda, who was now floating in the air, her green eyes filled with concern. 
Wanda - We just want you to feel better, little one. *soft voice with a motherly smile*
But Y/N was having none of it. With a sudden burst of energy, she sat up, sending the plush toys scattering like leaves in the wind. 
Y/N - I don't want the yucky medicine! I hate it!
Natasha's eyes met Wanda's, both sharing a knowing look. Parenting, even for two superheroes, had its challenges. But they were up for it. Wanda floated down to Y/N's eye level, a playful smile on her face. 
Wanda - How about a deal, little rebel? Take the medicine, and Mama will read you a story. A magical one.
Y/N eyed Wanda suspiciously, her small brain working through the proposal. 
Y/N - A really magical one? *head tilt*
Wanda nodded, her fingers conjuring a spark of Scarlet energy. 
Wanda - The most magical story you've ever heard. 
Y/N contemplated this for a moment before finally nodding with all the seriousness a child could muster. 
Y/N - Okay, but no yucky medicine next time. *scrunches nose*
Natasha handed Wanda the medicine with a smirk. 
Natasha - Of course, princesa.
Wanda poured the medicine into a small spoon, casting a glance at Natasha. Natasha nodded subtly, understanding the silent question. Wanda approached Y/N, who was still eyeing the spoon with scepticism.
Wanda - Open wide, little one. *cooing*.
Y/N opened her mouth reluctantly and Wanda administered the medicine. The kid grimaced at the taste, but she swallowed it down with a determined expression.
Natasha - Good job, honey! 
Natasha praised, ruffling Y/N's hair.
Wanda - Now, for the magical story... 
Wanda settled on the floor near Natasha with Y/N nestled between their chests.
As Wanda began weaving a tale of enchanted forests and talking animals, Y/N's eyes sparkled with wonder. The room echoed with Wanda's melodic voice, each word painting a vivid picture in the child's imagination. Natasha sat back, watching the scene unfold with a smile. The storm outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of the family huddled together.
As the story reached its climax, Y/N's eyelids grew heavy. The pair shared a glance, silently agreeing to transfer the dozing child to her cosy bed. Together, they lifted Y/N, who mumbled something about flying with Mama and Mommy in the magical forest.
In her room, surrounded by plush toys and soft blankets, Y/N slept peacefully. Natasha and Wanda lingered for a moment, marvelling at the small, slumbering figure. Parenthood was an adventure, one they embraced wholeheartedly.
As they tiptoed out of the room, Natasha began to whisper. 
Natasha - We make a good team, don't we? *smirks*
Wanda nodded, her eyes reflecting the love and contentment they both felt. 
Wanda - The best. *winks*
And with that, the two superheroes, mothers to a special little girl, ventured back into the living room. The storm outside had quieted, leaving behind the soft hum of family and the promise of many more magical stories to come.
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griffin-girl-r · 8 months
You're not mine (Part 1)
Created: 08.10.2023
Finished: 08.10.2023
Edited: 08.10.2023
Age: 15
Word count: 1,344
Warnings: Abandonment, Child neglecting, Self harm, Blood, Blade, Arguments, Screaming, Child favoritism
Note: Please proceed with caution if you're triggered by any of the warnings above.
Request: Yes (Wattpad user) (@herospark18)
Pairing: WinterWidow
Summary: Natasha adopted you from the Red Room when you were only a baby, but when she and Bucky had their own child, she started forgetting about you.
Part 2
"I hate you!" You shouted, slamming the door behind you
"Y/N, we're not done!" Natasha, your mother, shouted from downstairs "Get back here!"
This was a daily occurrence by now.
The, once nonexistent, daily arguments between you and Natasha only got worse over the years.
Although Natasha isn't your biological mother, she raised you like her own after she saved you from the Red Room.
You were only 2 months old when she adopted you and everything went well. You both formed a happy little family for a while.
That was until Natasha started dating Bucky a little after your 10th birthday and she slowly started spending less and less time with you.
But not Bucky was the factor that determined your mother-daughter relationship with Natasha to drift apart.
The main reason behind everything was your 5-year-old baby sister, Tanya, who came into the world a few months after Natasha and Bucky started dating, with a little bit of help from Tony and his technology that, nowadays, seems to defy all odds.
Tanya's arrival only strengthened the bond between her parents, who had a romantic history that started years before even you were born, and, at the same time, weakened the bond between you and Natasha.
You knew the drill by now.
'Tanya is perfect.'
'Tanya is ours.'
'Tanya is innocent.'
Their voices echoed in your brain like a broken record.
Tanya knows that she can get away with everything and Tanya does get away with everything.
Since her birth, it was as if Natasha had completely forgotten about your existence.
It began by ignoring you while she focused her attention solely on Tanya.
She wouldn't feed you anymore, wake you up for school, or cuddle you at night.
She didn't even notice that you changed.
But, how could she, when Tanya was everything she noticed?
You stared at yourself in the mirror.
Determination was etched on your pale face as you picked up the blade that was on your sink.
It became a relief for you.
Sliding that blade on your wrist helped you forget about the unbearable pain in your chest.
The crimson blood that was pooling from the cuts held your attention. The pain of being abandoned by two different mothers was momentarily shoved at the back of your mind.
You started harming yourself 2 years ago when you couldn't take Natasha's ignorance any more.
You haven't told anyone and it's not like they would care if they knew anyways. Tanya was the center of their world, not you.
She was the perfect baby, while you were the adopted bastard and a grand mistake that Natasha made.
Natasha never admitted it out loud but you understood the message from the way she was treating you.
The blade fell down from your hand into the sink.
'Is it all because she never gave birth to me?'
And you stared at the trail of blood it left on the white sink.
'Are adopted kids not important, just because they're not blood related?'
You slowly understood.
'Will I ever be treated the same as Tanya?'
The only one left to understand was Natasha.
"Y/N, do you want to play with my dolls later?" Tanya asked you a few hours later, during dinner
You pulled at the sleeves of your hoodie even more, hiding your hands inside of them.
"Sure, Tatu." You gave the small child a shy smile "I think I'd like that."
"Tatiana." Natasha sternly looked at Tanya but the tone of her voice was soft "Remember we have a movie night tonight. You can play with Y/N another time."
"Can Y/N come too?" Tanya's big, innocent eyes sparkled while she asked, as Natasha refilled the girl's glass of orange juice
"I think she has more important things to do." Natasha replied, not even bothering to ask what you want "We're going to have a mother-daughter night. It's going to be just us two, sweetheart. Wouldn't it be fun?"
"Yay!" Tanya cheered, throwing her arms in the air
But as she did, she accidentally knocked over the glass filled with juice.
"Oh oh..." Tanya said, looking at the spilled juice "Sorry, Mama."
"Don't worry, baby girl." Natasha smiled, sitting up to clean the mess "Accidents happen."
"That's not what you said the last time when I accidentally knocked over my glass of water." You bitterly spat out at Natasha
"You have no right to talk, Y/N." Natasha snapped at you "Shut up!"
"Natalia, honey, calm down." Bucky, who was sitting beside Natasha, put his hand on her arm "She didn't do anything wrong. She's just a kid."
"She's not a kid, James." Natasha shouted, turning her head in Bucky's direction "She's a grown-up teenager now."
"Talia, I think you are just overreacting right now." Bucky kept trying to calm his wife, sparing a glance in your direction
He looked down at your plate that was untouched, the effect of your lack of appetite obvious on your skinny and fragile frame.
"I think I'm full." You quickly sat up from the table
"Sit back down, right in this instance, Y/N." Natasha shouted at you "You don't disrespect your mother like that and get away with it."
"Well, lately, you didn't act like a mother at all." You shouted back at Natasha, pain evident in your voice, but Natasha was oblivious to it "All you care about is Tanya."
"Because she's my child!" Natasha screamed offended "It's only normal to care for her."
"I used to be your child as well!" You shouted, tears forming in your eyes "I still am your child."
"You're not mine!" Natasha shouted and you widened your eyes shocked "You're not anything to me! You aren't my child because you don't have my blood. I didn't carry you or feel you grow day by day inside of me. But with Tanya, I did. You are just a mistake, Y/N!"
"You are the mistake here, Mom!" You cried, slightly lifting your sleeves as Bucky's eyebrows shot in his hairline "Look!" You showed your scarred wrists to the woman "This is all because of you! Why can't you love me like any mother should do? Blood shouldn't be important! You raised me, Natasha."
Bucky reached his metal arm slowly towards your extended arms to inspect your wrists but he was pushed aside by Natasha, who blocked out the fact that you were hurting because of her and ignored the truth, her intrusive thoughts winning as she said something she would never be able to take back.
"You were never truly a part of this family, Y/N!" Natasha shouted "Get that in your head. You are not our blood and you will never be. I saved you because I thought that you would change but I see that you didn't. You are the same. But I did change. I am not the same Natasha that I was in the Red Room. I am better."
Shaking your head, you took a few steps backward.
"I can't believe you." You whispered in disbelief
"Y/N..." Bucky breathed out, sitting up from his chair "Don't listen to your mother, she's just tired. She didn't mean what she said."
"She knew damn well what she was saying." You kept shaking your head, a lone tear falling down your cheek
"Then get that in your head once and for all." Natasha shouted once more, stubbornly fixated on her wrong belief that she was right
"I hate you!" You shouted at Natasha "I wish you never rescued me from the Red Room!"
And with that, you stormed out of the house and ran into the veil of darkness provided by the night.
Bucky tried to run after you but it was too late.
He found no sight of you or any clue where you might have run away to.
Bucky walked inside the house and looked at Natasha who was still oblivious to the damage she had done and muttered one question.
"What have you done?!"
Permanent taglist: @lizlil , @lovelyy-moonlight , @theunchosenonee , @ravensinthedaylight , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @youralphawolf72 , @mmmmokdok , @natashasnoodle , @observeowl , @circe143 , @kassies-take , @taliiiaasteria , @sheneonromanoff , @darkstar225
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