#naga oc prince
blindwildnoise · 1 year
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Power exchanges in Arbiters of Taste
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ariellewm · 8 months
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Prince Czar Agskaga: Hypnosis Headcanon
Authors Note:
!! Warning !! If you are uncomfortable with Naga's, snakes, hypnosis, coiling, etc this may not be for you.
My Naga character is also consensual when it comes to using his ability. I figured I would try out showcasing what his hypnosis is like as I've never written anything like this out before.
Prince Czar Agskaga profile can be found HERE for a more descriptive idea of what he looks like.
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Czar is the kind of Naga that does not overwhelm those he puts under his hypnotic gaze. He is consensual on the matter in helping others with sleeping, stress, anxiety, etc. He isn't like the other Naga's/Nagi's that possess the person as Czar is uncomfortable doing such a thing.
He likes to get to know the female sapien (human) he finds he fancies. Czar will bring them his special Amber Lily tea, serve them like the gentleman (or gentle serpent) he is.
He'll give you nicknames, ones that will keep you blushing. Dear, darling, sweet thing, angel, precious, vixen, princess (even if they aren't one), etc. Czar amuses himself by your cute expressions as he teases you by those names.
He understands there are some that are uneasy about their kind. He'll try his best to make them comfortable around him.
And he can definitely tell when someone is in distress or exhausted. Dark circles under their eyes, unbalanced stance, the dizziness. He'll call you out (not in a rude way of course).
"My dear, you look ssso tired. Have you been getting enough sssleep?"
That deep, sultry voice of his along with his charms can easily get to you. The topic in helping you bring solace to your troubles with the power of a Naga's hypnosis comes up. He'll ask, consensually, if you're willing to try it to help you relax and give you the rest you need.
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If you aren't afraid of his black and red, golden saddle pattern coils, he will definitely use them. Naga's have heavy coils, therefore, he tries to limit how much of his body to put on you.
He'll start from the bottom. Sliding over your legs, gently coiling around the calves, thighs, hips and waist. Your arms are free, but he'll ask if you want to be completely coiled. If so, the arms are tucked in, his tail gliding over your chest and shoulders. The end of his tail will either rest loosely around the neck or perhaps pet/brush your hair back.
The coolness of his scales relaxes the body, tingling your stiff muscles. He doesn't like coiling too tightly. Just lightly squeezing and releasing, enabling you to still breathe properly.
Sometimes the Naga Prince will massage their shoulders, neck, and especially the temples. It's the easiest way to get anyone to deeply relax. He'll chuckle at your dazed expression as he massages your temples and cheeks.
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His eyes will slowly become aglow as he continues to coil you. You look deeply into his lovely crimson, ruby like eyes. You see fire. A gentle roaring fire dances before you...
"That'sss it...look deeper into the fire. Relaxxx, let your mind become blank." He purrs, brushing a strain of your hair behind your ear.
Shyly you attempt to turn away to only have him bring your attention back to his gaze. "My dear, don't look away from me now *chuckles with a hiss*."
Czar will continue to massage that stiff shoulder of yours, rub your temples in pleasant soothing circles. He'll softly squeeze you, bringing his hands (or the tip of his tail) to lift that sweet chin of yours, preventing you from looking away.
He'll tease you with words, hissing into your ears. "Awww, how adorable. Wasss that a yawn just now? *Chuckle* Sssuch lovely eyesss you have."
Your mind will start to become blank. Your body is more relaxed than it's ever been. You can't look away from the dancing glowing fire before you. A satisfying sigh escapes as you melt into his comforting coils of his.
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He won't leave you alone once you're completely under the hypnosis. Oh no he absolutely would hate that. Leaving such a beautiful angel in the coils of a Naga dazed and alone...no that won't do.
Czar will tell you stories, stories of old and myth. He has much knowledge about Zarth and his ancestors he'll gladly tell. Perhaps Czar will continue with his studies about The Crystals of Peace or read a book. Looking over the Naga will check on you, squeeze you in a tender manner while you remain hypnotized and comfortable.
At random times Czar will ask his relaxed angel a favor. Maybe he'll make you grab a book he's been seeking from the grand library, bring him sweets (he did this quite a bit as a teen back at the Amber Palace), or bring forth a person of interest.
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If he is helping someone fall asleep, his hypnosis will go even deeper.
His glowing eyes dance even more. Czar will soothe you, shush you if you try to speak. "No more talk, darling. Only ressst." His cool tail brushes over your dazed face. Teasing words from that deep voice of his. Sometimes he'll even hum you a song, bringing you ever so deeper into slumber.
"Ssso soft and warm under my coilsss. *Chuckles* Oh? *Hiss* Do I see a blusssh forming? Perhapsss I ssshould kisssss it better, my dear?"
Czar will kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your brow (never on the lips) to bring you deeper and deeper.
Your eyes will begin to have a very hard time staying open. His rubbing on those temples of yours, that deep echoey tone in his voice that seemed to surround you.
"Sssleep, my dear. You dessserve thisss ressst. Sssleep, and dream. Sssleep, and ressst. I ssshall wake you in a while."
Your fluttering eyes shut at the sound of his gentle words. Deep sleep taking over you. Sleeping in tranquility and comfort of the Naga Prince.
And again he won't leave you alone as you slumber. Most likely Czar will take a nap next to you as well or perhaps continue reading his books.
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You'll either find yourself back in your quarters or loosely coiled by the Naga Prince. Refreshed, you feel like you can take on the day with the amount of good sleep you've gotten from His Illustrious Eminence.
Czar asks if you've gotten enough sleep or how you are feeling. Czar, being the teasing snake he is, will stop you from leaving...coiling your ankle before letting you go. Or perhaps you'd like to go through the process all over again, which he wouldn't mind (if he didn't have royal duties to perform or study).
Artwork of Czar Agskaga done by @wyyvernn
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discordix1031 · 1 year
Naga in the Jungle 🐍.
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Hello everyone 😄, I have returned with a character that I've wanted to draw for a long time now. Behold the Prince of the Naga Tribe, Prince Severin 👑, the boy who's half green Anaconda. He's an OC I created a long time ago and one I wanted to see again 💖. This character has no ties with my Creepypasta universe, but with a completely different one, and he's not the only one there. More characters from this universe will come, just not soon enough 😅.
Prince Severin of the Naga Tribe 👑🐍.
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lucabite · 1 year
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MYMK characters and Clickhole headlines pt. 1
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escape-cube5 · 1 year
Fulfilling my anon debt
would any of your OCs enjoy herbal teas or coffee?
That one’s kinda just silly tho
A more interesting one might be what they think of pets? Or what kind of pets they’d prefer to have? Or even just sentiments about animals in general. Probably a bit more obvious for some than others XD
The charcuterie board anon is actually me! I thought it was weird and I was too shy to come off anon.
I honestly don't know much about herbal tea or coffee so I'm basing this off vibes. I think Jacinth would prefer herbal tea to coffee. Quartz would drink it too since he's never tried coffee. He isn't allowed to have caffeine.
Matthew prefers coffee but would drink herbal tea on occasion for medicinal benefits. Nephele dislikes both herbal tea and coffee but will guzzle Matthew's coffee since it's warm.
I don't see Ralla drinking either tbh. He's probably tried both drinks at some point in his life though. Mocha drinks herbal tea.
Putting the other question under a cut because I got long winded. (Warning for mentions of animal death)
Mocha actually has pets! They keep axolotls and snails, and they're very devoted to them. The two axolotls are black melanoids. I haven't chosen names for them yet. Aside from their own pets and Ralla's, Mocha doesn't have a strong affection for animals. They frequently eat rats and other stray animals they find in town.
Ralla has two lindworms, Appleblossom and Snowbell. He plays with them sometimes, but the servants mostly take care of them. He's indifferent towards animals.
Matthew probably had dogs when he was younger. He considered adopting another dog as an adult but he was worried Nephele would eat them. Plus he just didn't have time for them so he decided against it. He hunts, but he has a strong respect and appreciation for wildlife.
Nephele views animals as food though they are fond of frogs. They enjoy catching and releasing them.
Due to their size, Jacinth doesn't bother with pets or animals in general. They do like cats though, and when Quartz was younger they took him to adopt kittens. Quartz is pretty fond of small animals but wary of larger ones.
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💚E for Aster and 💙L for Vincent
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((Princey Boy came to mind for this))
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suiana · 1 year
✎ welcome to hell's library . . .
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✎ about the librarian . . .
― soup, she/her, 17, likes cute things and handsome men <3
✎ about the blog . . .
― this is a yandere oc/headcanon based blog, usually sfw but can drift to nsfw at times, all characters are above or at least 18, no specific post schedule, requests open, commissions open, anon list, IMPORTANT
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― your librarian, suiana
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fleeting-sanity · 5 months
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Saxan in Coral Island.
Happy New Year to you. My lazy son as NPC and LI. I think this took about a month to make. 70% of that time is taken by the wedding outfit alone. Commentary on each outfits and his personality backstory under Read More if you're interested :)
Your local veterinarian. He was a bratty and wild child, something his parents tried to coach him out of. Instead, he developed into a lazy and apathetic young man, and eventually his parents learned to accept the person he is. However, he sensed that he's the black sheep or "failure" compared to his successful big twin sisters, irregardless of how baseless it is. Cares for animals, not so much for humans. His character arc can go two ways depending on what you chose during the dialogues. His birthday is on 28th Spring.
He's my Star Wars OC actually. He's a Zakuulan Prince, so I incorporated that aspect into his merfolk form. If you don't see him around town, he might be underwater!
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His spring outfit is based on the doodle I have of him from an ask lol. I kinda like the color cyan on him!
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I forgot that Scott has a similar hibiscus shirt so I figured it was too late to modify it... Oh well.
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Not much to say other than I kinda have a hard time deciding what he should wear for autumn.
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He looks super snug. I really gotta learn how to draw coats to make them convicingly thick idk. He lowkey dislikes winter.
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I kinda debated on if I should put body hair on him but I decided not to seeing almost every male NPC has them. I think. Yes, it's the ace flag colors.
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If you marry him he'll appear in Aesan Gede, the South Sumatran (Palembang) traditional wedding attire. I can't really have his hair free because it'll get stuck on all the golden bits but I kinda am not feeling the bun either so back ponytail it is. Debated whether I should draw the Sundanese one (am half-Sundanese) because it's easier but South Sumatra has been under-represented in Indonesian media so my Srivijayan pride kicked in. Also tumblr keeps killing the transparency for some reason >;[
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Does he look Prince-ly enough here? He's based on the barracuda fish. Considered making him a naga like the rest of the in-game merfolk royal family but I've actually drawn him as a merman before so I want to keep him as a... fish. blublubblub.
I'm currently playing his twin sisters and I'm having a hard time choosing the LIs for them helpppp
And no, sadly I'm not a backer on Kickstarter (source: golongan miskin) this is just art.
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wyyvernn · 1 year
𝐎𝐂𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
IMPORTANT: Please do not use my characters for roleplaying. I draw them myself and put so much effort into them. However, I have no problems if you want to write about my ocs.
Do I take written requests for my ocs?: Not right now.
NSFW marked with "18+" Potentially triggering themes marked with an "x"
The Hermit Sorcerer
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Arthael Taelvaan - Mutari
Tags: OC - Arthael Taelvaan
- Yandere!Arthael headcanons + drabble x
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🗡 The Cursed Queen of Bloodlust🗡
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Curse - Wyvern
Tags: OC - Curse
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The Autumn Prince
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Aki - Kitsune
Tags: OC - Aki
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The Hidden Librarian
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Najusyram - Blood Python Naga
Tags: OC - Najusyram
- An Afternoon Struggle
- Nsfw Headcanons 18+
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The Tranquil Mer
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Petrichor - Koi Merman
Tags: OC - Petrichor
The Immortal Lovers
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Cecilia Valeria Bonetti & Aloysius Durand - Vampires
Tags: OC - Cecilia Valeria Bonetti, OC - Aloysius Durand
The Thief of Souls
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Sylus - Dragon
Tags: OC - Sylus
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✦ 𝐌𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝 ✦
- How you first meet them (Aki, Najusyram, Arthael)
- What do they smell like? (Aki, Najusyram, Arthael)
- When they're sick (Aki, Najusyram)
- When their S/O is sick (Aki, Najusyram + Arthael)
- Interrupting them with cuddles while they work (Aki, Najusyram, Arthael)
- When their S/O is sad/When they're sad (Aki, Najusyram, Arthael)
- How they wake up their S/O (Aki, Najusyram, Arthael)
- How they react to their S/O braiding/playing with their hair (Aki, Najusyram, Arthael)
- Yandere Headcanons (Aki, Najusyram, Arthael, Sylus) x
✦ 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ✦
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝓥𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮'𝓼 2023
- Exchanging gifts - Aki, Arthael, Najusyram (1/2)
- SFW Valentine headcanons - Aki, Arthael, Najusyram (2/2)
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ariellewm · 5 months
Czar Agskaga - A Random Snippet Story
Warning: Slightly on a steamy side (nothing too crazy, it's on the light side), naga (half human, half snake beings)
The story I wrote was inspired by a question from @wyyvernn . She asked: If my original character played an instrument, what would it be?
I imagine him playing the dudek flute or any sort of flute. Remember the Narnia Lullaby that Mr. Tumnus plays? That's the exact song that came to mind that Czar would play. The dudek flute is also what was used for the recording of the song.
Enjoy the story down below!
**Play the Narnia Lullaby in the link above for added ambience to the story if you wish!**
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It was a quiet evening within the Amber Palace. Waves crashing along the shore, the smell of incenses of rose and lavender filling the naga prince's chamber. 
"Your Highness," the maiden called out behind the silken drapes, "I have the fruits you've asked for."
"You may enter." The prince said, inviting her into the chamber.
Walking in, she carried a woven tray. It was filled with all sorts of freshly picked fruit. Apples of jade, violet ripe berries. She made her way to Czar, careful not to step on his glossy onyx, red and gold pattern coils. The tray was placed upon a table beside the prince.
She stepped back, lowering her head, "Is there anything else you need, your highness?" 
His upper tanned body slightly turned. Crimson eyes fell upon the maiden. He notice her shouched shoulders, unbalanced posture. Czar emitted a soft hiss as the end of his black tail reached toward her. Delicately, his tail tilted her head upward to face the handsome prince.
"S-sire?" Shyly she gasped from the cold touch. Her freckled cheeks blushed a delicate shade of plum. 
Oh yes, indeed, her eyes lacked of sparkle. Dark circles beneath those beautiful, soft eyes.
The cool touch of his tail moved away.
Czar's hand reached toward one of the apples on the tray. "I noticcced your a bit exhausssted. Here," he tossed the apple to her, "you dessserve a break."
"But...but your--" 
"Pleassse dear, call me Czar." 
"Czar, what of my duties?" Confusion appeared on her face.
He slithered toward the cozy floor cushions, "Relaxxx my lovely girl. You've been hard at work all day, ssserving me and my uncle." His coils twisted and wrapped around the pillows and low table. He gestured a spot across from the table, "Pleassse, won't you join me?"
I guess it wouldn't hurt to sit for a while, she thought to herself. With a small smile she eased herself onto the large floor pillow. The maiden savored the crisp apple offered by the prince. She relished the taste with every bite. 
"Ssshall I play sssomething for you darling?" His faded inked arm reaches over behind him. A beautifully carved wooden flute appeared. 
"I found thisss the other day. Perhapsss you'd like to hear a sssong or two?"
The maiden swallowed before answering, "I would very much like to hear."
The naga smiled, placing his lips around the mouthpiece. Eyes closed, he began to play.
It was ethereal. Soothing to the ears. His fingers delicately danced upon the holes as he played. Otherworldly, almost as if she was transported back to the ancient city of Draca Isla, the once home of naga's and dragon's. She could smell the earthy damp rock, the sweet fragrance of amber lilies growing in the wild. 
The pillow underneath the maiden began to sink. Or was it just her imagination?
Czar's ruby eyes opened to only darken as he took notice of the maiden's dreamy eyes. The half eaten apple dropped to her side. He smiled as he played, continuing his enchanting melody.
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Want to learn more about His Illustrious Eminence?
Here are some links:
Information + Concept Artwork on Czar Agskaga
"Coils of the Naga" & "Coiled by the Naga" Written by Arielle W.M. ( @ariellewm ) & Produced/Voiced by Ycey Narrates
SFW Hypnosis Headcanon Story
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recomendandburn · 9 months
Adressing the removal of Cocooned by GamerBearMira from my recommendations
The following types of ficts will never EVER appear in this blog as i don't agree with the writers attitudes and/or opinions, just flat out don't enjoy the tropes/ships used in them or (in the case of number 36) left the fadom for good and refuse to dip my toes into it again for reasons i will not elaborate on:
Ficts containing Severus Snape bashing or just writen by someone who hates him.
2. Fics containing Sirius Black bashing or just writen by someone who hates him (though i may make an exception for a particular Prince Chaser fic)
3. Fics containing Remus Lupin bashing or just writen by someone who hates him
4. magical Dudley Dursley and/or magical Petunia Dursley fics
5. Albus Dumbledore centric fics
6. Ron Weasley centric fics
7. Peter Pettigrew centric fics
8. Petunia Dursley centric fics
9. Reader insert fics
10. Fics were Regulus Black is in a monogamous relationship with a girl or a woman or in a polyamourus relationship where they don't just share the other man
11. Fics where Albus Dumbledore is shipped with anyone besides Grindelwald
12. Fics that have Romione as its main or sole ship
13. Fics That contain spanking
14. Fics that contain piss or belly kink
15. Fics where sentient animal characters from Disney get turned into humans just so that the author can make human ocs to be their kids
16. Fics were Rubeus Hagrid is shipped with anyone besides Madame Maxine
17. Rubeus Hagrid centric fics
18. desi, Black or Indian Potter Family, Harry Potter and/or James Potter (sorry but i headcanon James and by proxy Harry as being half Japanese from Euphemia's side so i can't picture either of them as having dark skin)
19. Black Hermione granger ( i can agree with her being mixed race due to her parents' ancestry but i personally don't think either her or her either parents as being black themselves)
20. Mal Bertha bashing fics or fics wrote by someone who hates her
21. Fics containing monogamus Jaylos as its main or sole ship (sorry but a spanish fic ruined them for me)
22. Fics containing monogamous Benlos as its main or sole ship
23. Alma Madrigal centric fics
24. Fics under the tag Extremely underage and/or shotacon
25. Fics where Petunia is shipped with anyone from Lily Evans Potter's imediate social cicle (ie Severus Snape or any of the marauders) or with anyone born during the golden trio era
26. Fics with Julieta Madrigal/Agustín Madrigal as it's main or sole ship
27. Fics where Antonio Madrigal is shipped with Pumped Up Juancho or anyone older than him
28. Fics containing parent/incest being shown in a positive light
29. Fics where Harry Potter is a Elf or a naga
30. Fics centered on non pagan religions of any kind, have those religions as vital plot points or reference the holy texts of those religions
31. Fics with Bad Spelling and/or grammar
32. Fics where cisgender male characters are feminized forcebly or not
33. Fics with monogamous Bal as its main or sole ship
34. Fics with Devie as its main or sole ship
35. Fics about or featuring Bellamione as an endgame ship
36. Fics from the Total Drama and/or Total Dramarama fandoms
37. Fics about or featuring Ronarry
38. Fics about or featuring Harmony
39. Fics about or featuring Neville Longbottom /Harry Potter
40. Fics about or featuring Ginny Weasley/Draco Malfoy
41. Fics about or featuring Draco Malfoy/Lord Voldemort as an endgame ship
42. Fics about or featuring Gruvia as its endgame ship
43. Fics about or featuring monogamus Style as it's endgame ship
44. Wendy Testaburguer centric fics
45. Fics where Wendy Testaburguer is shipped with anyone besides Bebe
46. Fics where the relationship between Max and David (from camp camp) is more than platonic
47. Fics where the relationship between Minerva McGonagall and any of her students is more than platonic
48. Fics where Alastor Moody is shipped with anyone (though i will make an exception for a particular Jamione fic)
49. Fics where Amelia Bones is shipped with any canonically established character besides Minerva.
50. Fics where Kingsley Shacklebolt is shipped with any canonically established character
51. Fics where Dobby is shipped with any human character
52. Fics about or featuring creatures, cargo or animals being shipped with any human characters
53. Fics about or featuring Harry Potter being paired with either Susan or Amelia Bones
54. Fics about or featuring not one-sided Colin Creevey/Harry Potter
55. Bella Swan centric fics
56. Philosophy centric fics
57. Juvia lockser centric fics
58. Molly Weasley centric fics
59. Fics were Peter Pettigrew is shipped with Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Barty crouch Jr, Severus Snape or any of the people the rat animagus canonically betrayed.
60. Fics about or featuring Klaine as its endgame ship
61. Fics about or featuring Druna (sorry but even if i was a fan, AVPS would have ruined them for me)
62. Fics where Amelia Bonee is paired with any of The Marauders or Severus Snape
63. Fics about or featuring Drinny.
64. Fics where Sirius Black identifies as Genderfluid or in any way partially with female oriented genders (i'm sorry but he is one of those characters that i picture as either identifying themselves as 100% female or not female at all. No in between)
65. Ficts were every single character is Aroace or the author just plans for everyone to die single (look, its fine if you want your fict to no be centered on the romance but at least add in some mention of romance for God's sake. Don't be like corncarrotpineappletuna who oh so desperately NEEDS you to remember that at least in their fics, NOT A SIGLE NEXT GEN CHARACTER WILL BE BORN cause they made it a point to sigle handedly destroy every single canonically established couple without presenting us with new ones. Cause their ficts are NOT ROMANCE Centric)
66.Fics writen by Antis
... And if you go to my other blog (@sendandburn) and check the list of Encanto Antis to block/follow you'll see that GamerBearMira appears on it so their fics will NEVER under any circumstances be recommended by me ever again.
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feralkat · 2 years
Blog Info
***this is a pregnancy & birth fetish blog - if you are under the age of 18 do not interact***
Requests: Closed Prompt Suggestions: Open General Questions: Open (feel free to ask me or my OCs anything)
Ko-fi: feralkat25
About Me
You can call me Feral (...have legit been loving it since I was addressed that way in an ask) or Kat - either is fine. I use all pronouns but primarily prefer they/it ones. I'm in a very loving closed poly triad with two transmascs.
Things I Will NOT Write
Infant death, extreme g0re, torture, r@pe, ince$t, bea$tiality, v0re, emet0philia, sc@t, cis men being pregnant, hyperpregnancy (more than 4 babies at once is generally a no-go for me)
Completed Fics
Erotic public birth on a train (Omegaverse, transmasc pregnancy)
Thigh-grinding during an orgasmic homebirth (fpreg)
Unexpected car birth on Thanksgiving (transmasc pregnancy)
A human finding out she's pregnant with her vampire partner's baby
Erotic public birth on a bus - part one (nonbinary pregnancy)
The Rule of Three (transmasc rapid pregnancy w triplets & an orgasmic birth) - tumblr - AO3
Fics in Progress
Transmasc I didn't know I was pregnant-style public birth
Soft orgasmic homebirth feat. a nonbinary witch
Trans midwife that didn't know he was pregnant until he's in labor
Runaway Omega prince that goes into labor with no way to contact anyone for help
Vampire having to deal with feeling more human again while pregnant with his human boyfriend's baby
An elf having a very long, but also very peaceful and calm birth
A freshly turned werewolf assuming the nausea, cravings, weight gain etc. are part of the process but is actually pregnant with his first litter
A couple hiring a surrogate but then they all end up falling in love with each other and start a poly relationship
OCs (the breedable ones, at least)
Atlas (they/them, human)
Faith (she/her, bird hybrid)
Lark (she/her, catgirl)
Chase (he/him, Omega)
Adriel (he/him, human)
Reign (he/they, elf)
Gemini (she/her, naga)
Scout (he/they, Omega)
Dakota (he/him, werewolf)
Vale (he/they/it, vampire)
Shiloh (she/they, human)
Kimber (she/they, werewolf)
Casey (he/they, human)
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escape-cube5 · 1 year
🥰 ? Pet names maaaaybee?
For the prince and the Naga: The prince is more prone to using pet names. Things like sweetheart, dear, dearest, love, honeybunch. In the beginning it was sarcastic and mocking, but in the later, loving stages of their relationship he started using all of those terms in genuine affection. He uses honey or honeybunch the most. In certain situations it can make the Naga melt.
The Naga doesn't speak very much (social anxiety combined with selective mutism) but they affectionately call him buttercup. The man gets juuuust a little flustered by it. He rarely shows it though.
The Naga also has other partners (they're in an open relationship), and for Lloyd they will use sugar plum or sweet pea. They don't use pet names for Zach.
For Nephele and Matthew: Neither of them really use pet names for each other. Nephele will call him Matty or Morsel sometimes though.
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nesssblog · 2 years
(feel free to add ocs!) halloween party with ocs and boxers.... yes... also this isn’t serious like.. at all HAHAH sorry for bein cringeee
funny moments (feel free to add some :) ): yuzuru spills drinks on celeste at random intervals of the party HSHSHSH
costumes ?? probably:
OCS: Adarna: pretty bird witch, or harpy- changed into Banica, but ended up getting “too in character”
Kaya: Princess Kaguya < 3 or Nezuko !! Heike helped her out with both costumes :) so you KNOW it’s gonna be good
Yuzuru: A samurai (how typical of him shhs) but changes into Gakupo later, to match with Ishi
Ishigami: Middle Counselor Isonokami (Heian Noble yk) but changes into Kaito later because.. yeah
Viola: Her normal get-up is a costume already tbh- But werewolf 👍 OH or The Mangle fnaf !!
Celeste: a very pretty Ice witch, or pirate (Forced by Sylvain)
Sylvain: Matching with Celeste, so Pirate.
Canon characters:
Glass Joe: Probably like a skeleton.. or a mummy !!
Kaiser: Frankenstein’s Monster, actually pretty good costume :)
Disco: hm.. maybe a zombie ? “Hey, look at me! It’s Thriller Night !!”
King Hippo: Dresses up as a vampire :)
Hondo: Oni, but samurai (yeah yuzu was mad hshsh)
Hugger: BEAR !! or just came in his regular wear and was called a lumberjack lol
Tiger: Very intricate costume, he dressed up as a Naga. Movable tail and all-
Don: Matching with Carmen, probably a couple costume and they go ALL out. Like King and Queen shit ❤️
Aran: Got no costume, eveyrone just assumed he was a rat /j idk but probably a Joker costume-
Soda: Dressed up as a Polar bear :) He and Hugger talked for the entire party :D
Bull: Originally didn’t want to go, but was forced by Macho HSHSH dressed up as a minotaur :)
Macho: Went as a Merman, had the scales painted on, complete with a tail. But had a Beast costume on standby, in case anyone wants to be Belle HSHSH
Sandman: was forced to wear a sandman costume, teehee- he went as the sandman from rise of the guardians (though he would look good as pitch-)
Gabby: Went as a zombie waiter, Heike helped him with the makeup and he was satisfied with the outcome :] “Ah, this is good.”
Piston Hurricane: Went as a swamp monster and ended up scaring the rest- but Bobby helped him out with the get-up !! “Oy! Hey, it’s me, Hurricane! cabrons..”
Bob: went as the Grim Reaper, and just kept making jokes about how the others are next- “Aha, you’re next on the list, mon. KIDDING-!”
Dragon: Originally was going to go as Young Cricket for the lolz, but ended up being forced into a dragon costume- “... I look ridiculous.”
Muscle: Went as Zorro, and kept poking the others HSHS- “Aha! Gotcha, muchacho!”
Heike: Went as Kuchisake-onna, and SLAYED !! The makeup looked very realistic that even the others were concerned- but also went as Tanjiro to carry Kaya around :>
Mad Clown: went as a monochrome version of himself, okay goodnight
Narcis: Forced to be Senpai from FNF, to his chagrin- but was going to go as a prince. “Eugh.. I suppose this is.. alright.”
Hoy: Went as a jiangshi, and kept popping out of nowhere to startle the others. “Ho ho! someone’s a lil jittery today!”
Rick and Nick: both went as Ogres, with a lot of Shrek jokes thrown at them- “SHUT UP ABOUT MY SWAMP-!”
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shaygoyle · 10 months
Tumblr media
Original art ref of my naga prince oc, Drake (2016) OC and Art by @shaygoyle
Shaygoyle Art Shop // Etsy Shop // Patreon // Instagram // Deviantart
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ticklish-touch · 1 year
Haadi? Are you okay? I haven't had anything for a very, very Haven't heard from you for a long time. You clearly deserve more love. 🥺
Haadi: Aww, that's very thoughtful of you. Yes, I'm perfectly fine~! I still meet many curious explorers in my side of the rainforest. I also guard the temple that leads to my kingdom, but I visit my people far more frequently now that I've reconciled with my father. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Truthfully, part of the reason I haven't really done anything with him is because I've been planning on revamping his background. Right now it's... kind of convoluted? The idea is that, somewhere along his lineage, a prince of the Eastern kingdom (inspired by Southeast Asian culture, because Naga myths originate from Hinduism) traveled to the Northern kingdoms as part of a peace alliance. He ended up falling in love with the princess of the kingdom, and they had two children together. However, one child received the majority of genes that required him to be in warmer temperatures, and had to be brought back to the Eastern kingdom or he would either die or just, live his life suffering For the most part, I still want to keep him Nordic, or at least part-Nordic. But idk. But also, my focus has been more on 1.) Rags and my fanfic of him, 2.) my clown OCs. 😛)
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