#my video editing skills suck i know
This was a livestream Rob had with different cast members during the pandemic in 2020, which was hosted on the*gameHERs IG page, they're were talking about how everyone was handling the situation at the time.
The animation was not part of the livestream 😂, this was done separately and I hastily pierced it together.
You can check out the whole livestream on YouTube in the link below.
Left: Original Arthur & John animation by orphan_from_the_great_plains (IG)
Right: Roger & Rob livestream from the*gameHERs, captured by yana (YT)
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pharawee · 6 months
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"You told me to think carefully, didn't you?"
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punkitt-is-here · 11 months
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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mistydeyes · 9 months
hey, can i please request headcanons of 141 boys with reader that is a youtuber?
omg yes ofc! i used to (and still am) a HUGE YOUTUBE WATCHER so this was so fun to do :) thank you again for requesting!
vidcon but the uk version
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summary: You're not any regular civilian, you're a Youtuber ;) In all seriousness, here's some headcanons of how the boys interact with your channel and support you!
pairing: 141 x YouTuber!Reader
warnings: swearing
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price - beauty and skincare
you were already big on YouTube when you met John
he can't go into a Sephora without someone mentioning your latest video or TikTok
someone would assume you were an employee based on how you were able to help the fan pick out the best skincare and makeup
he was shocked at the sheer number of brand deals you participate in
he also is in awe at the corner you had dedicated to your ring light and makeup desk with a nice camera set-up
when you eventually move in together, he's just used to the number of parcels you get daily
he will insist on at least giving you some money when you do a beauty haul (even though you tell him you don't need it)
one time he tried to surprise you by picking out some things that you mentioned
now your most popular video is “trying out makeup that my boyfriend picked out”
his only annoyance is when you accidentally stain one of the face towels
eventually just buys a new set meant specifically for you when you wash off a look
you're planning on having a new video where you do skincare on him and finally get at some of his blackheads
soap - gaming
prior to meeting Johnny, you already had a sizable channel
you primarily did long lets plays and the occasional stream
your setup is absolutely gorgeous -i'm talking led lights, two monitors that have the best processing power, pro gaming chair, and posters
it took awhile to curate but it's your baby and you make sure he knows that
loves watching you game and will occasionally keep you company for those long streams
it reminds him of when his younger siblings would watch him game on their early Playstation and X-Box consoles
your subscribers love when he's there though because he has the best reactions
your most popular video? "my boyfriend plays five nights at freddy's ⚠️headphone warning⚠️"
despite having amazing technical skills on the field, his multitasking sucked and he would always forget to check on foxy or overuse the battery
you had a great time editing the video after and emphasizing the jumpscares
he won't subject you to rewatching your videos with him but he likes watching other channels or collars you've done
"This guy is absolute shite" "I know, that's why I don't play multiplayer with him anymore"
he'll be so excited if you ever get invited to a big event like Pax, E3, or Gamescom
you basically have to keep him on track as he loves stopping in artist's alley and looking at all the trinkets and merch people are selling
make sure to bring a huge suitcase because your game room is getting a few new additions
gaz - internet documentaries
think of Internet Historian or Down the Rabbit Hole vibe
your channel is dedicated to internet phenomena like Florida Man or the movement to Storm Area 51
you'd tell the facts of the trend and then add a few funny commentary pieces
usually your videos are 45 min to an 1 hr long so a lot of work goes into it
it's more of a hobby than anything but Kyle always thinks the amount of research you do for it is insane
"Babe I think you need a new laptop" "Why?" "I always know you're about to make a new docu-series because it sounds like a fucking airplane takin off"
once your laptop doesn't sound like its going to blow up, he'll be sure to keep you company as you write down your script
"Did you know that there was a convention for X or X happened?" is how most of your conversations go
he'll always smile and let you give him a spark notes version of what happened
will be the one telling you too sleep and that you can continue editing tomorrow
loves when companies send you things for ad reads
hoards all of the items from Dollar Shave Club and Raycon (his absolute favorite sponsor of yours)
he'll occasionally watch your videos while he's cooking or at the gym
always loves learning something new even if its about a failed furry convention
"I liked your latest video" is such a huge compliment from him because he knows how much effort you put into it
he'll occasionally feed you ideas that he sees while he's scrolling through social media
"You should do something on Hat Man" "WHO??" "Yk the guy you see when you take too much Benadryl, apparently Soap sees him too"
ghost - asmr
tbh doesn’t think much about your channel
you’ll just occasionally leave the room to record or crack some slime in front of a camera
however when your channel is mentioned in conversation, he considers revisiting
“have you heard about this asmr thing?” Gaz asked the group and Soap immediately interjected
“OH YEAH some of them are amazing to watch alone,” he said with a wink
“Like this account-“ Soap wasn’t able to finish his sentence before Ghost snatched the phone out of his hand
“Sorry just couldn’t see it” he apologized and he tried to suppress his disgust that someone else was listening to you at night like that
after that, he takes another look and watches a few of your more popular videos
ofc its your series roleplaying as a nurse or doctor taking care of someone
as well as one where you act like a sleepy girlfriend waking up next to their significant other
he will never say that he watches your videos but you do notice the uptick in views and likes (it's a cute little secret of his)
one time you attempted to ask all these questions about being in the military to help you write dialogue for your latest combat medic series
"People seriously want stuff like that?" "You'll be surprised, not tell me what you usually have in your pack"
he will cringe when you pull your asmr voice on him and whisper in your ear
"Cut that shit out."
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toomanywatchers · 2 months
My Thoughts on WatcherTV
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Hi, I am here to put away my meme-making skills to express my genuine thoughts on Watcher’s announcement; WatcherTV. Before I get into it, this is for any of those at Team Watcher who might be seeing this message: Just know we love and support everything you do for us. Y’all truly do not get the credit you rightfully deserve. I hope with this change to a separate streaming platform you guys can create the content you want to make, pull in creators that you’ve always wanted to work with, and share voices/topics that may have not had the chance to shine because of YouTube’s heinous algorithm. I know myself, and many others, are excited to see what WatcherTV brings. For instance, I already watched Road Files and the trailer for Travel Season on the new platform. And guess what? I love it! I just love BTS-centric shows and seeing the vibes established on Travel Season. Along with more Lizzie/possibly-more-sightings-of-other-Team-Watcher-peeps content?!? If this is what holds for the future of WatcherTV- oh boy, do you already have me more on board than I already was.
I also send my sincerest regards too. We all know that the internet can be a negative space with many sharing their uncensored thoughts, and I hope none of you take the hate to heart. I also hope you can take the weekend to breathe, drink some water, spend time with loved ones, and celebrate this huge step you all are embarking on. I am truly excited to see what is to come on WatcherTV will be there with each step to support.
Now to my fellow fans of Watcher. I understand the concern and it is okay to have concerns. It shows that you truly care for Watcher as a company and don’t want anything negative to come about with this decision. BUT on the other hand, spreading hateful messages? Not. Fucking. Cool. It is quite simple to express concern in an appropriate/respectful manner. Remember, this is a company full of living and breathing human beings. Trying to justify “who is to blame” and pointing fingers is just childish. Guess what? No one is to blame, it was a company-wide decision that they all made and spent months upon months to create.
Yes, it does suck to see content that was free for years be moved to a paywall, but remember they are independent artists that have to pay employees, freelancers, locations, and themselves! Have we not been advocating for fair pay among creative individuals when it comes to WGA/SAG-AFTRA strikes and then AI art taking jobs away from artists? If this is what the company needs to do to survive while not sacrificing the high-quality content they make for us, then we should give it a shot! Plus with the current discount available, the subscription is not that pricey for the amount of shows they produce! Literally for January and a bit of February, they were uploading 2 podcasts and 2 separate shows… that’s a lot of content! If you have never sat down to produce, direct, write, perform, edit, and all other aspects it takes to make a fine-polished YouTube video, it takes a lot of work!
To add to this, Watcher already makes content that far expands past what is recognized as normal for YouTube. They build individual sets for each show that is produced, and they travel all over the place for Ghost Files and soon-to-be Travel Season. It costs money to produce content and YouTube?- It’s just not how it was years and years ago. Views on long-form content have been dipping and with the over-saturation of sponsorships, I am assuming they are not making enough profit to sustain the business on the current platform. Also, monetization on YouTube has been a killer for many channels because of vulgar language issues and just being demonetized for no rhyme or reason. By moving over to a streaming platform of their own they can continue to create what they want to create, and make it without any restrictions or rules holding them back. Too pricey? Find some friends who also like the content and split the pricing evenly. Only want to watch certain shows? Then make a monthly subscription for the time that show airs. There are many solutions that you guys see as a huge problem, and don’t get me wrong I have my concerns. I shared those concerns briefly in my theory post about them still being a young channel, but I’m also unaware of the actual analytics and revenue that is currently being brought in currently to the company from YouTube alone. 
It’s a huge step that has garnered negative feedback from those spreading hateful messages about the company and to other individuals for supporting the boys *cough cough I see your messages and comments cough cough* is truly uncalled for. I will be taking a bit of a break from my socials as I wait out the storm though if I have the energy, I might stream on Twitch again and talk through this with y’all if you can sit down and have a civil discussion. As for now, it’s your choice if you continue to support. My goal is to continue to make funny little memes, and if I am allowed to I will be working on a crack video pt.2 after Travel Season premieres. Remember to be kind and to put yourselves in their shows. Just the boys even though they are receiving the brunt of the hate, but for everyone at the company.
Your local memester watcherina - Fritz.
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v3nusxsky · 9 months
hi love i hope you are doing well!!
can you do a sub rissa x r where rissa is sitting on r’s face and r just keeps eating her until she so overstimulated with aftercare and CUDDLES ☺️☺️☺️
Queen of the show 18+
*Authors note~ kinda ran wild with this one, I hope that's okay. I'm also hella obsessed with like cam girl Larissa for some reason.*
Trigger warnings~porn stars sub Larissa dom r oral sex overstimulation kink, praise kink, degrading kink, edging, bondage blindfold kink small vibe
Prompt~see ask^^^^
You have always been a fan of not a secret but private, after all what happened between you and your girlfriend was for the two of you to know and he rest to wonder. However, that wasn't completely true  but no one else knew that. When you first mentioned the cam recordings you engaged in, you expected Larissa to run a mile. But instead, she asked to sit in the background, out of shot, as she watched you work. A slight pang of jealousy ran through the blonde as you read out the comments to your watchers. The way your words could rile up strangers had her desperately needing to show them she was yours. Not there's.
From that day on you both decided to do the cams together, faceless of course, after all Larissa had a reputation to uphold. You understood her wishes and you were already use to blurring your own face so your editing skills would definitely be adequate. Knowing how busy your submissive lover is, your decided to happily take over planning and editing, all Larissa would have to do is relax. You knew each others limits and kinks, and with a simple chat you had your own set of rules for the cam, you explained how everything would work and reminded her she didn't have to do this if she didn't want to.  On the day of your first couple video, you spent all day teasing the blonde, flirty text messages and lingering touches had the woman driven insane with need for you. That was just how you wanted her for tonight.
You set the camera up with the desired angles and managed to secure the ties to the bed frame all in preparation for her arrival, the lights down low ready for you both to get naughty. "Come to our room my sweet" you shot the text off and knew she would instantly follow the instruction. With the gravity of the situation you made sure to shower her in kisses and praise. Slowly, you stripped clothing from the woman until she was left in a beautiful lacy deep crimson set, covering just the right amount to be teasing yet classy. Simply Larissa Weems.
"Ready Ris?" You murmured to the blonde, as you helped her get into the position you truly wanted her in. "Please, I don't care if they see, I want to be yours" she whined testing the restraints. "Oh they well Ris, my sweet girl aren't you?" You teased causing her to nod enthusiastically. "Hey guys, todays stream is going to be different, as you can see we have a guest of honour here tonight" you we're addressing the people that were flooding in and completely ignoring the principal who was spread out on the bed.  "Behave princess, and maybe just maybe I'll let you show all my friends how pretty you are when you cum all over my face, you'd like that right? Of course you would because your a dirty girl who would love that."
You lifted your lovers head up to tie the blindfold securely around her head, "much better, so fucking pretty like this" you murmured before attacking the tall woman's neck, the camera having a perfect view as you sucked purple bruises onto her neck. Larissa couldn't help but whine pathetically for you and attempt to arch her back into your lips. "Please" she mewled hoping to plead with you, only to be ignored. "Guys, shall we play with her beautiful boobs here? Or delve right into her slutty cunt? Let me tell you she smelled Devine."
Comments flew in about your mysterious guest and how lucky she is, more votes to eating Larissa out had you stripping the woman of her lacy underwear before finding the little vibe you hid in your pocket. Ever so gently stroking it over her throbbing clit as she attempted to wither underneath you. You decided to share the holy sight with your viewers, reaching round to move the camera so her sopping pussy would be on full display. From there, your viewers had the perfect view to see how her cunt quivered with need. "Such a responsive thing for me, so pretty too. Tell me, does it turn you on knowing all these people see how much of a whore you are for me? Slut, stop bucking your hips, you no better than to be so greedy!"
"BlackWiddow01~ taste her already! She's absolutely dripping, such a pretty whore"
"lizb00b03~ I wish I was her, want you so bad"
"User018379~ I bet she's so pretty, show her face!"
"No guys, we will not be showing our faces, but feel free to keep gifting your tips, they are all greatly appreciated" you addressed the camera before turning back to the blonde. The notifications going wild as donations and tips flooded in. "Pretty girl, I've been cruel to my sweet girl haven't I? Shall I be nice now? Or shall I edge you more?" It was mainly rhetorical but the audience were on the same page as you. "Please I'll be good" the blonde whimpered.
"Witchy3940 ~ donated £50"
"Simpforwoman74902 ~ donated £10"
"Pretty pup899 ~ donated £15"
"Lesbinerd6456 ~ tipped £100 for you to overstimulate her like a bitch in heat"
"Now that's an excellent idea" you murmured before kissing all over her plush thighs, only when you had successfully kissed every inch of her thighs did you finally bring your mouth to her core, the heat radiating from it. Eating Larissa out was probably one of your favourite things in the world, she always tasted like a mix of strawberries and oranges. Addictive and delicious. With every swipe of your tongue, or harsh suck on her sensitive bud Larissa was reacting more vocally than ever before, that's why it was no surprise when she came violently over your long wet muscle that was being plunged into her quivering hole.
But you didn't stop there, you couldn't. And your viewers were more than happy to encourage you to overstimulate your guests as donations became higher and quicker. Larissa being thrown from one orgasm to have the next built up so quickly she had no clue when one ended and a new one began. "Please please more please" she whined causing you to bring her pearly bud between your lips and plunge two fingers into her now gushing cunt. "Yes fuck there! Wish it was your cock" the blonde mewled after letting out a near enough pornographic moan.
Time after time again, she was thrown to new highs of pleasure until she had tears soaking through the blindfold and please to stop, she couldn't handle more, but you didn't care. "One more pretty girl, just one more for me. Doing so good baby. Cum for me sweet girl, just let go" you murmured as your fingers repeatedly hit her sweet spot causing her to cry out as her vision blurred to white, and an unmatched pleasure coursed through her veins. As diligent as ever you worked the woman back from the highs, noticing how fucked out she truly was before closing your cams, with the prospect of Larissa's return.
Once the cam was off you immediately set to undoing her bindings and taking her blindfold off before moving to get her water with ice cubes, you knew it was her favourite way to cool down, and items to clean the blondes sensitive cunt. When the warm wash cloth hit her core, all she could do is whimper and plead for you to stop, too much pleasure. "Shhh darling, I'm just cleaning you up my love" you murmured lovingly before pressing sweet kisses all over her face, "you did so good sweet girl, they loved you. How do you feel my darling?"
"Like I want to do that again. Show them your my dom" she purred before coming to nuzzle into your neck. "Hold me?" She whispered and you instantly complied, threading your fingers from her blonde curls. "Sleep darling, it's all going to be okay my love, you're such a good girl."
Word count~ 1433
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duhragonball · 6 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga ch.91-93
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Last time, we covered the "prequel" story of Goten and Trunks adopting superhero identities and capturing Dr. Hedo. Now we get into the events of the DBS: Super Hero movie itself. I already liveblogged the movie extensively in September (here, here, here, here, and here), so for the manga adaptation I'll be focusing mainly on whatever changes Toyotaro made to the story.
First off, Chapter 91 opens with Piccolo picking up Pan from school, and when she talks about wanting to be a superhero like Goten and Trunks have been doing recently, Piccolo offers to train her just like he trained Gohan in Dragon Ball Z.
Unfortunately, this is the sort of thing we can expect from this adaptation. It's mostly a straight retelling of the movie, and the little extras that get added in don't really add much to the story. I mean, the movie established that Piccolo has picked up Pan from school in the past, but there was no need to show it. Also, the movie didn't really explain why Piccolo started training Pan, probably because it didn't need to. I think the manga pretty much proves my point, because it attempts to tackle the question, but only comes up with a fairly pat answer. She wanted to fly and shoot hand energy like Goten and Trunks, and so Piccolo offered to teach her and she said yes.
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Then we get to this scene, where Krillin's boss in the West City P.D. holds a briefing on the Red Ribbon Army and their plans to recruit Dr. Hedo. This takes the place of the flashback montage that opened the movie, and it sucks.
That montage was awesome, and Toyotaro could have drawn his own version of it here, but instead he did this. We could be looking a Goku punching Tao Pai Pai, or 17 killing Dr. Gero, or Cell smirking like a boss, but instead we're in a boring conference room reading walls of text.
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Look at this fucking page! It's awful! A lot of this one serves as a stand-in for Carmine's report to Magenta about Dr. Hedo. I get it, this is a lot of information to go through, and Toyotaro probably wanted to move on as quickly as possible, but part of what I loved about the movie was the way they showcased the characters and visuals during the infodumping. Carmine's report is pretty dry in the movie, but Magenta's office is interesting to look at, and Carmine and Magenta themselves are visually compelling characters. While they talk about Hedo, Carmine shows off his video editing skills and Magenta keeps screwing up his snacks
This police briefing, however, sucks all the fun out of it. This place looks like a hotel conference room with hardwood floors. All of the cops look exactly the same, and why the hell are they wearing helmets and sunglasses indoors, anyway? Krillin's boss, Sergeant Nutz, has some potential, but she has nothing to do with this story, so featuring her so prominently here is just a waste of time.
What really irks me is that the next scene shows Carmine and Magenta talking about Dr. Hedo, just like in the movie, except there's not much for them to say because Krillin and Nutz already covered it all! That's really dumb! We have two scenes designed to set up the plot of the movie, and one of them was in the movie, and actually features the main antagonists. But Toyotaro chose to emphasize the other scene instead.
So the idea here is that the police are already aware of Magenta's scheme to revive the Red Ribbon Army, and they know he plans to recruit Dr. Hedo once he gets out of prison. They also know that Hedo had that disc containing data on Dr. Gero's bioweapon, although I don't see how they could know that, since Trunks couldn't access the data on the disc and it was destroyed before anyone else could try. Hedo told Krillin in Chapter 90 that he memorized the contents of the disc, but he never said what it was that he memorized. This also goes against the storyline in the movie. In the film, Magenta had Gero's data on Cell, and the reason he wanted Hedo was because his own scientists couldn't do anything with it.
Anyway, the police seem to know everything about the Red Ribbon Army already. The only thing they don't know is where the Red Ribbon base is, so they send Krillin to follow Magenta's limo and spy on him. So we get the limo scene from the movie, except Krillin's clinging to the side of the car the whole trip, and then Hedo spots him and sends his cyborg bee, Hatchimaru, to attack him.
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The gag here is that Magenta and Carmine don't even know Krillin is out there, and Hedo doesn't particularly care. The scene plays out almost exactly like it does in the movie, but with Krillin spliced in like Jabba the Hut in the Star Wars Special Edition.
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Of course, Krillin gets shaken off so the base's location remains a secret, so this whole bit is completely pointless. It's just so dumb. I assume Toyotaro needed to pad out the story for one reason or another, or maybe he just wanted to add some new details so he wouldn't get bored retelling a movie like this. But if this is the best he can come up with, why bother? So far, this manga keeps "expanding" on the movie by answering questions nobody asked, like "Why did Piccolo start training Pan?" or "Why didn't the authorities stop the Red Ribbon Army?" or "Why is Gamma 1's cape red?"
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From here, it's a pretty faithful retelling of the movie, which kind of makes the "filler" scenes even more conspicuous. It's refreshing to see the actual story move along without all these pointless diversions. On the other hand, it's kind of dull, because I already covered the movie and there's nothing else to talk about here.
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There is some extra stuff in the Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo fight. Piccolo loses an arm, but then he grows a new one and makes it all long to catch Gamma 2 off guard. It doesn't slow him down much, but it's something we didn't get in the movie. I do find it a bit strange how Gamma 2 notes Piccolo's regeneration ability like it's this new data to add to his files. Shouldn't the Red Ribbon Army have all of this intel programmed into Gamma 2 by now?
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Moving on, when Piccolo infiltrates the Red Ribbon base, he gets stopped by his superiors, who remind "94" that he isn't assigned to this area, but another soldier offers to switch assignments so "94" can gain some valuable experience watching Hedo eat cookies.
Again, what is the point of this? We're just derailing the story so Toyotaro can waste a page explaining how Piccolo managed to get this far into the base. In the movie, nobody notices or cares that "94" is in the command center instead of the hangar. That's because they're all faceless, interchangeable henchmen. They wear masks and refer to each other by numbers, for crying out loud! This is why Piccolo disguised himself in the first place! If Toyotaro wrote Star Wars, he'd do a whole scene where Luke Skywalker has to rewrite the Death Star's duty roster just so "TK-421" can get reassigned to prison detail. Nobody cares!
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Okay now this is more like it. We get to the part where no one can reach Goku and Vegeta because they're training on Beerus' planet, and so Toyotaro gives us a little more of the sparring match Goku and Broly had in the movie. It's not a lot, but this is the sort of thing filler is good for. Toyo also does a whole montage recap of the DBS: Broly film, which is perfectly serviceable, but it annoys me because it demonstrates that he could have done the same thing with the Red Ribbon Army flashback in Chapter 91, but instead he did the briefing scene with Sgt. Nutz. Ugh.
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We see the same scene where Vegeta explains the importance of mental training, although when he talks about all of their recent opponents, he adds manga-only characters like Moro, Gas, and Black Frieza. And that's fine, although it's strange when he talks about Jiren and Black Frieza in the same breath like this. In the manga, Vegeta has gotten pretty good at "Ultra Ego", his answer to Goku's Ultra Instinct. And Goku's learned to tap into UI at will. So I'm pretty sure Jiren and Moro aren't really an issue for either of them anymore. I mean, the only reason Goku couldn't defeat Jiren by himself at the Tournament of Power was because he lacked experience using UI, and now he's much better at it.
The point I'm getting at is that in the manga, Vegeta doesn't need to do "mental training" to defeat Jiren because he's already surpassed him. And he might need it to surpass Broly and Black Frieza, but he speaks as though that's their secret, and he needs to learn how to do it himself. I'm pretty sure Broly isn't "relaxed" between attacks when he's using his full power. He was kind of freaking the fuck out back then. Black Frieza might have been doing something like that, but he only hit Vegeta once, so I'm not sure how he could be certain.
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So then we move on to the part where Piccolo wishes for a power-up from Shenron, and we just skip the part where Dende upgrades Shenron to do that. The implication here is that DBS-manga Shenron always had the ability to make Orange Piccolo, and no one bothered to ask before. Kind of annoying.
Anyway, while Piccolo and Bulma are getting their...ahem... enhancements, Trunks sees them and calls Goten. They make plans to sneak out and play superheroes again, even though Goten's grounded and he really doesn't need to run up a bigger bill with his mom. I guess this is the throughline for Goten and Trunks in Dragon Ball Super. No matter what happens, Dragon Team tries to keep the boys out of it. It's not just Chi-Chi wanting Goten to study. Back in Resurrection F, Bulma tells the others that she doesn't want them fucking around during the battle with Frieza. And Vegeta ices them out of the tournaments with the other universes because he doesn't want them turning into Gotenks and being dorks the whole time. The Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 caper probably didn't do much to convince anyone that Goten and Trunks have matured.
But they still crave the excitement of being in the thick of things. They know the adults are trying to keep them out of it, and that just makes it more exciting. I suppose this is the legacy of the Buu Saga, where they had to get involved because there was no other choice, and they've had the bug for DBZ mayhem ever since, but their parents said no.
And maybe that's why Goku and Vegeta were so determined to train the boys in the End of Z episodes. Sometime after Super Hero, they came back home, heard about the Saiyamen costumes and the battle with Cell Max, and decided that they needed to be toughened up. Like, okay, you want to go fight bad guys like we do? Stop doing the poses and quit relying on fusion and learn how to do it right. And if the sparring sessions are too hard for you, you can always go back to doing your homework like your mom wanted."
That's why Goten's so frustrated in DBZ 289. He just wants to go on dates or screw around, but his only options are a) homework and b) fight for-ev-er *clap clap clap-clap-clap*.
And now that I think about it, this is where GT dropped the ball with Goten, because he doesn't really seem to have gained anything from that. Hitting the books and getting hit by Goku should have made him a bit more serious about his life, but instead he's just constantly talking to girls on the phone, because that was the only thing GT's writers seemed to think of for him to do.
I mean, they kind of got it right with Trunks, who went into GT with a lot of responsibility and skills. He didn't enjoy his position, but you could tell he'd grown a lot as a person since the end of DBZ.
So yeah, maybe I'm beginning to appreciate Big Goten more than I did before, but this newfound perspective still doesn't do much for this part of the manga. There's just a lot of nothing happening here, and throwing more Krillin, Goten, and Trunks at it doesn't help matters.
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waywardmartian · 2 months
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So my Patreon knows that I've been slowly puttering towards this for ... well, I think I've only started telling them in the last several months, but this has its origins back in late 2019.
Castle dell'Artista is a crafts and nature while wearing spooky costumes show that I should hopefully get the first episode posted on Youtube in the next few days. No real schedule yet, making videos ( and editing videos, yikes ) is a new skill for me.
Which is one of the themes of the show - trying new things and starting off by sucking at them because nobody gets it right on the first go.
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
★ Ghost Fandom Fic Rec Tag ★
VERY annoyed about the anon hate I’m seeing in my favorite writers’ ask boxes lately. So! I thought I'd live up to my username. Let’s appreciate some amazing writers and rec some fucking fics.
Rules (re: loose guidelines)
Pick some fics from your AO3 bookmarks or your likes/reblobs here on tumblr, and post them with links and a blurb about it. Maybe a summary or just a reason you liked it. As many or as few as you feel like sharing. Then, as one does, tag your friends.
This is a ZERO pressure tagging situation—if you’re too busy or don’t feel like participating, no biggie at allll. Let’s just spread some love and positivity shall we?
I’ll go first (some slightly spoiler-y descriptions ahead):
[REC] and 1080P by @st-danger We've got some absolutely delicious vulnerable Dew x completely smitten Swiss right here. Long story short, they send a video of Dew in panties to Aether. These are scorchingly hot. Part of Saint’s Kinktober series—which you better subscribe to if you haven’t already.
This Swiss x Aeon stoned hand kink ficlet from @crimsonclergy actually set my brain on fire yesterday. So there’s that.
This fic from @riconas featuring insecure Dew knotting Aether. A little desperate, a little mean, a LOT sexy.
A Touch Too Much by @miasmaghoul Hey have you ever wondered what would happen if Dew went into heat during a ritual? And how he might react to Papa singing about daddies and caressing him during KTGG? Hmm? You ever wonder about that?
It would tear me apart, it would haunt me forever (so much you'd never get to know) by @littlemoon-beam oh boy this is some stunningly good Dew angst. This fic will hurt your feelings and then you’re gonna thank Moon for it. She really blasted into this fandom like the Kool-aid guy and we are honestly so hashtag blessed for it.
Now for some reader-insert if that’s more your style.
Misaimed Desire by @violet-lazer Whoops. You accidentally texted Secondo something saucy and he summons you to his office. Whatever will he do to you? Part of her excellent First Kisses: Papal Edition series. Terzo is next so y'all better subscribe.
Banchetto by @angellayercake This. This right here is the good shit. Terzo is wasting away, not handling life after the Ghost Project well at all. Primo and Secondo enlist your help seeing as you’ve got some serious cooking skills. This is gorgeously written with some god tier slow burn and eventual smut. It’s a WIP but the most recent chapter is super satisfying, don’t you worry.
The Cardinal's Bride by @ramblingoak If you’re not following along with this, you’re REALLY missing out. This is pure bodice-ripper GOLD. Some of the most satisfying slow burn I have EVER read. I reread the whole thing every time Oak drops a new chapter.
The Prince by @kissingghouls Vampire!Terzo x slayer!reader need I say more? I am loving the latest installment of Suck Club (you should really read them all). Terzo is pathetic and wears crop tops and it has me actually kicking my heels and giggling as I read.
Cum Quickly, Now by @gasolineghuleh Basically what it says on the tin, folks. You make Papas II, III, and IV cum quickly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's hot.
One last thing:
Leave a comment on ao3, or reply/reblog (with tags) here on the hellsite anything you enjoyed that someone else recommended. I dare you. The author might even reply and you’ll feel oh so special.
I tag: @littlemoon-beam, @rightintheghoulies, @myghemicalghostmance, @angellayercake, @ramblingoak, @neekocalico, @kissingghouls, @stede-bonnets, @gasolineghuleh and anyone reading this that also enjoys fanfic. Yeah you. I’m so serious. Don't test me, boy.
(Feel free to tag me back because I have soooo many others but this already got way too long.)
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lifblogs · 2 months
Tagged by: @sindar-princeling
Are you named for anyone? Nope, not really. I have a name I might switch to irl, which is my name here, Lif. So really I just named myself after the human woman who survived Ragnarok by sleeping through it.
When was the last time you cried? Last night at midnight. I had to hold in my sobs so hard, and it was literally just over a character death. It really hits me.
Do you have kids? Does a very needy kitty boy count? I'm on mom duty with him for hours every day, and I lost sleep in high school doing all the mom stuff: feeding him, burping him, giving him medicine, giving him baths, reading to him so he could sleep okay, singing him to sleep (these were all vet recommended, and they helped his temperament a lot [he's mentally ill]). I do want kids someday. Almost had one in 2020. I still think about her, especially as May is coming up, and she was supposed to be born then. I don't bring this up to make anyone sad, or feel pity. It's just, part of my life, you know?
What sports do/have you played? Archery!! I haven't been able to do it since an injury in 2013 (yes, I realize this happened forever ago at this point), but it was fun. I should maybe try getting back into it. The lanes are expensive though, and I would need a lot of good places to sit down in between shooting.
Do you use sarcasm? That I do.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Same as sindar-princeling, I think. Probably the facial expressions. Next I look for something to compliment them on.
What's your eye colour? Really dark brown.
Scary movies or Happy endings? I feel like these are not opposite ends of a spectrum or anything. I want to say happy endings, but my favorite Star Wars movies are the tragedies: Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, The Siege of Mandalore.
Any talents? Oh heck yes! I can play the clarinet, sing, compose, act, write, cat photography (trust me, it is a talent and a skill), edit pictures, and bake (I'm better than average at decorating though, but still kinda suck at it).
Where were you born? New England, USA.
What are your hobbies? Right now it's mostly reading, watching TV and movies, listening to music, playing video games, and writing.
Do you have any pets? I have 2! A maine coon girl named Alley Cat who will be turning 17 this Saturday! She's so silly, and a sweetie, and just full of love. Sometimes she annoys me because she thinks I'm her littermate (we were kids at the same time). She also still snurgles (suckling while kneading at the same time)!! And she loves food. She’s just so stunning and adorable. And then there's Loki! That's my baby boy. He picked me to be his mommy when I was 15. I've been there for him through almost everything (sadly couldn't be there for a scary hospitalization when I was in college a few states over). He's silly, he's lovable and loves giving love, he loves kissies, he likes to be brushed, he loves making biscuits. He loves playtime, and he loves getting into trouble. I have the best kitties.
How tall are you? 5'4 (I still want to cry about somehow growing an inch in my early twenties)
Favourite subject in school? PHYSICS AND BAND!!!
Dream job? I really don't know anymore. I wanted to be a professional clarinet player, but that couldn't happen, I wanted to be an actor, but that wasn't able to happen, I wanted to be an editor: again, nope. Screenwriter? Maybe? Author? I don't know anymore.
And here are my kitties!
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Alley is on the left, and Loki is on the right. I forgot to mention that he’s an American Ringtail.
Tagging: @miss-mouse99, @feeling-uncomfy, @evilwriter37, @cascigarette, @knowerofuselessfacts, @err404r, @poisonedyouth, and @vanillachip101.
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duckapus · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes (ssenmodnaR Edition)
Now that it's been a while since "It's Gotta Be Perfect," SMG4's once again feeling comfortable with the idea of being more ambitious with his videos. Thankfully he has learned his lesson and won't be striving for perfection, and he also won't be trying to go it alone. Instead, he's taking inspiration from the man he was designed as a self-insert of and putting together a production crew (of actual employees, not enslaved Toads. That's another low point he doesn't want to go back to.
Next up on the applicant list is Baljeet, for some reason, who's been asked to put together a meme compilation as a test of his editing skills.
"Alright kid, show me what you got."
"Of course," he moves to hit the play button, but pauses to add, "I should warn you, however, that it is a bit... strange, at certain points." He hits the button before 4 can ask what he means.
FM: *gestures incredulously at a car* Who parked their car...
*the view shifts slightly to reveal a jpeg of a BLT under one of the tires*
FM: On my sandwich!?
Steve: I did!
FM: *gets so angry he explodes into a coin*
*MarioMario54321 and Tari face each other on a version of final destination, with MM wearing a Duel Disk and Clench transformed to fulfil the functions of one*
MM: You ready?
Tari: *grins* Born ready.
MM: Well then... *starts using the Yu-Gi-Oh! intro Yami voiceclip* It's Time to D-D, DD-D-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *D-ing continues as he starts spazzing out*
Clench: 'da fuk?
Elanore: *runs around in an office building, throwing raisins around like confetti* RAISINS! RAISINS! THEY USED TO BE GRAPES!
Meggy: *wandering through what's clearly a Zelda dungeon for some reason*
Random Evil Wizard Dude: *appears from the shadows, pointing menacingly with a staff* Stop right where you are, Maddy.
Meggy: *gasps* How did you almost know my name?
Wizard Dude: I have approximate knowledge of many things.
Desmond: *sitting on a bench, minding his own business*
Franky: *rises up behind him* I can smell you.
Desmond: *jumps up in shock while yelling in Homer Simpson's voice*
Perry: *assumes a fighting stance in the middle of a warehouse while Doof does an evil laugh off-screen*
Doof: You are too late, Perry the Platypus! I am now... *drives on-screen in a forklift* FORKLIFT CERTIFIED!
*this would work better in a visual format, just picture Paige doing the same actions as the music video while Crabcake keeps showing up in the areas they point out in funny poses*
Paige: Now everything smells like salmon!
My shirts!
My couch!
My sheets!
If I had a couple more square feet,
I imagine this would not happen!
Everything smells like salmon!
Straight-up salmon.
Smell it from the bed to the door,
when you're living in a space that's not much more than a cabin,
well sometimes this happens
Everything smells like salmon.
Andi: *epic keyboard solo*
Avatar Kirby: *reenacting Speed of Kirb...through the Showgrounds, while the SMGs watch him through the coffee shop's window with resigned annoyance*
SMG3: I'm not helping him if he pisses off Marty.
*back at the Yu-Gi-Oh! duel, Tari and Clench have resorted to playing against each-other while they wait for MM to hopefully pull himself together*
Clench: ...Well this sucks.
*The Abyss and Juliano are in the middle of a fancy restaurant...for some reason*
The Abyss: I poisoned one of our glasses, but I can't remember which.
Juliano: The way this dinner is going I hope it's mine.
Mario: Fuck you, Baltimore!
Bob: If you're dumb enough to buy a new car this weekend,
Mario: You're a big enough schmuck to come to Big Bill Hells Cars!
Bob: Bad deals!
Mario: Cars that break down!
Bob: Thieves!
Mario: If you think you're gonna find a bargain at Big Bill's,
Bob: You can kiss my ass!
Mario: It's our belief that you're such a stupid motherfucker-
Bob: You'll fall for this bullshit!
Mario: Guaranteed!
Bob: If you find a better deal,
Mario: Shove it up your ugly ass!
Bob: You heard us right!
Mario: Shove it up your ugly ass.
Bob: Bring your trade!
Mario: Bring your title!
Bob: Bring your wife!
Mario: We'll fuck her!
Bob: That's right! We'll fuck your wife!
Mario: Because at Big Bill Hells,
Bob: You're fucked six ways from Sunday!
Mario: Take a hike!
Bob: To Big Bill Hells!
Mario: Home of Challenge Pissing!
Bob: That's right!
Bob: How does it work?
Mario: If you can piss six feet in the air straight up-
Bob: -and not get wet-
Mario: You get no down payment!
Bob: Don't wait! Don't delay,
Mario: Don't fuck with us, or we'll rip your nuts off!
Bob: Only at Big Bill Hells!
Mario: The only dealer that tells you to FUCK OFF!
Bob: Hurry up, asshole!
Mario: This event ends the minute after you write us a check!
Bob: And it better not bounce or you're a dead motherfucker!
Mario: Go to hell!
Bob: Big Bill Hells Cars!
Mario: Baltimore's filthiest,
Bob: And exclusive home to the meanest sons of bitches in the state of Maryland!
Mario: Guaranteed!
*several robed figures stand in a circle around a chained up Teletubby*
Robed figures: Chanting in unison, chanting in unison, chanting in unison... (yes, they are actually chanting the words "chanting in unison" in unison. it's even an actual voice clip from the Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.)
Luigi: *opens a door to whatever room these guys are in, sees what's happening, and swiftly backs out the way he came*
Hex: *dancing to Buck Bumble's theme music*
fucking Jerry the Goomba kid: Buck Bumble sucks, ya dumbass!
Hex: *the music stops with a record scratch and she slowly turns her head to look at him with a vacant expression*
A Few Seconds Later
Hex: *back to dancing, now with Jerry's burning corpse off to the side*
MM: DDDDDD-DUEL! *finally done, he looks up to see that Tari got tired of waiting and left* Ah, crap.
"...The hell was that?"
"That is what I said! Oh sure, give all the weird stuff to Baljeet! It definitely will not make no sense without context! I do not think some of them are even from our universe, and I am not sure how that is even possible!"
"Well...it's at least well-edited? Might work as part of a "Ssenmodnar" video or something, we haven't had one of those in a while. I'll, uh, I'll get back to you later, alright?"
After he leaves, Baljeet sighs and looks back at the monitor, "I need better clips."
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cloudycleric · 5 months
First of all, i love your videos
You’re really funny and your videos make me laugh every time i watch them :)
Second, do you think that in S5 Will will use a gun?
in S1 Will tried to use a gun to protect himself, and i thought that in S5 he could use a gun, it will make him look badass (he’s already badass but he will be more badass with a gun)
Last of all, if Will use a gun, do you think that he will help Mike using it? Like, he would help him train his aim
Sorry if my English is bad, my first language isn’t english, so i’m really sorry if i make some mistake
Love youu <3
omg thank you so much!!!!! for a really long time i thought that i was really the only person who found myself funny so it's crazy to think that other people out there that i don't even know think that too, im just happy i can make people laugh haha
as for your questions, yes i definitely thing s5 will is going to have a gun, at least at some point in time!! in the st dark horse comic "the other side" (can be found in the stranger things comics library edition volume 1) will actually is able to use the shotgun at points in the upside down so i definitely think that is going to come back in s5 somehow.
also i wanted to say he is SO real for using a shotgun, because whenever i play shooter games i always use a shotgun & i can already hear the masses going "shotguns suck" okay to you, skill issue if you can't use them correctly. give me a shotgun in cod & i will fucking slay. & SO DOES WILL BYERS
& then i really really hope that there is a scene in st5 where (oh my god freaking out about it already) mike goes to hold the shotgun or whatever gun he has, & will does the arm wrap around thing from behind with their hands on top of each others AHHHH its so PERSONAL to me & this needs to happen.
thank you for your ask!!! have a lovely day <33
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 month
not fic related but i know you are an editor (i follo you on insta!!) but i wanted to ask you how did you start editing and most importantly how did you learn? i’ve always wanted to start editing bc i just have sooo many ideas but i can never figure out where to start and what programs to use. what would you recommend?
ahh omg yes!!! AN EDITING QUESTION god i havent talked about editing in so long even tho im trying to get back into itskldjf
(for those who don't know, i do have an editing insta and tt acc (though i'm not active on tt)!!! @/thae.rchxr on insta and thaerchxr on tt)
i started editing in 2020 during quarantine, and on capcut! i think that it's a pretty good starting spot, especially because it's free and it allows you to understand what you really want to make with your edits/what kinds of edits you want to make - velocities, lyric edits, transition ones, etc
i have to say i wouldn't recommend templates and i'm really not a fan of them. that's my only neg abt capcut now, even though i don't use it... yea i've seen too much of these template apps literally stealing the hard work of editors and it sucks
but anyway!! i currently use after effects, and have used it since early 2022, however it's a computer program, and - though you can pirate it and there are lots of videos online on how to do that - it also costs money if you don't wanna pirate (i got it as a christmas gift so i have the paid version but there's really no difference)
no matter what program you use, TUTORIALS!! youtube is your best friend. i have a youtube channel actually but i mainly post transition inspo instead of tutorials, however if you want some recs (for ae, i unfortunately don't know a lot of tutorial channels for other apps), i learned so much from klqvsluv, ae.chambb, and clewxdre on youtube! and, of course, lauren. she's kind of a mini celebrity in the editing communitysdklf - and there are so many more as well
if it's transition edits you're specifically trying to get into, def try and master the basics - zoom in's, out's, slide left/right, shakes and turbs if that's the kind of edit you wanna make. but honestly, the entire thing is just practice practice practice!! even though i only started editing on ae 2 years ago, i used to make edits, like, every day. i was obsessed. i would wake up and spend hours on edits, trying new transitions and new plugins and effects, and i think it really paid off :)
another thing you can do is attempt to remake edits! most editors will be completely alright with it (as long as you don't steal, ofc) and many even put out project files (i do have a few on my payhip- linked in my insta lmfaodjsf shameless self promo) that you can look at to see how they did certain transitions. remakes are good because it takes out the factor of having to figure out what transitions you want to make and lets you focus entirely on the technical aspect - which will then make it easier for you to pull off the transitions you think of yourself!
so, to conclude this ramble bc i can never shut up - i think i would definitely recommend ae if you have a computer/laptop. but i also think that other editing apps (the ones i see most often are videostar, alight motion, and capcut - all of which are mobile apps) can make absolutely incredible edits. i have friends who use each of these different editing apps and i know they can make some of the most mindblowing edits, even though i personally have no idea how to use vs or am lmaodsjf
so it's up to you! look at some tutorials, don't feel too intimidated, and go with the layout that makes the most sense to you. then just don't be afraid of making a "bad" edit bc let's be real the first edits are alwaysss shitty. i cringe when looking back at the edits all the way to last summer. but that's the beauty of it, because you can see your editing style and skill grow over time, and then you can eventually make edits that you'll be really proud of <3 i wish you the best of luck on your editing journey!! it's honestly so fun once you get into the swing of it :)
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coldarg · 6 months
I’d like to clear the air here.
No, I was NEVER involved in some “editor arg” and have no association with a man named “jack sucks at life”. I wouldn’t associate with anyone who sucks at life because i’m so good at life.
Just because i have superior editing skills doesn’t mean i went begging for an editing job. I didn’t. I don’t know who “Kai” is. Isn’t he that one lego guy or something??
My profile picture is not the man in the “arg”. It’s me, and we aren’t that similar, especially now. I look nothing like that man.
I never made people look for clues or leave vague videos, I WAS NEVER INVOLVED IN AN ARG!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!
I will no longer tolerate this libel and slander. i am simply a man who loves editing and birds.
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mat-a-mat · 4 months
some thoughts on my mind, long text below
what's beautiful to me is when people create things. anything. little ditties on a website's barebones music track creator. or that website itself made by people. or grand murals on city walls, using spray paints, brushes, stencils and drafts. little notepad scribbles of story ideas. steps of feet that turn to dances. dishes made with . creation of anything regardless of size and effort. creation itself. because that's what humanity is about.
i see no difference in beauty between someone that spends a few minutes in mspaint and someone who spends hours in clip studio. i love seeing everything made. because people want to put stuff out there. there's millions of creations in the world. possibly billions. requiring human imagination which is something everyone has.
everything was made by someone. anything can be enjoyed by anyone. people just starting out, people with nearly a decade of experience, people burning out or quitting. people struggling. people thriving. beautiful. not to say that i enjoy suffering. but the nature of humanity and the desire to create. the very essence of substance, to consume and to be consumed.
and i most realize that when i see stuff made by people starting out. when i see small channels record videos with a cheap mic, basic editing skills, and so on and so forth. when i see someone out there posting their fan art where it's obvious they have neither technical know-how nor theory. they suck, but i dont mean that to tell them to give up and quit. i mean that in they're just like everyone else who started. sucking at it. that's stage 1, isn't it? being terrible. but they want to create.
and to create is beautiful
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this2penguin2floats · 8 months
happy 4th anniversary to Rikka!
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October 20th is Rikka’s anniversary. Because he is one of my favorite vtubers, I thought I could share some trivia about him here!
Holostars official site:
A "high-tech" robot called a holoroid. It turns out that his memory capacity is only 2 GB, so he is a bit of an airhead.  The gap between his soft talking voice and singing voice is quite charming. He is working hard to share his songs around the world.
Rikka is known for his singing skills. He currently has 6 original songs and 34 covers.
He also does many acoustic singing streams while playing his guitar.
(I recommend this stream)
Like what the stars website says, he has a capacity of 2gb, which can result in 2gb moments happening on stream
Even though he can be an airhead sometimes, he is also very skilled at gaming, especially platfomers. Alongside playing previously platformers such as hollow knight, Celeste, super Mario 3D world, he occasionally streams Mario maker every now and then, and plays levels with a less than 1% clear rate.
Besides platform games, he is holostar’s Tetris player and sometimes streams Tetris 99. He also plays a lot of horror games. You might have also seen him play Apex. His highest rank is masters and he occasionally shows up in other vtuber’s Apex streams to play with them. He mains Loba.
Currently, he is into street fighter 6 and mains Luke. He just recently got master rank.
Since his 3rd year in holostars, he has published 3 new original songs, ranked 2nd place in Shibuya Hal’s Apex tournament vsaikyo season 5, ranked 1st in Apex Matsuri, participated in street fighter tournament Reject Fight Night, sung for 10 cover songs, became a voice actor for a character in a multimedia project, debuted in the unit Unplan with Miyabi, Aruran, and Shien which also has an original song sung by the four of them, and just recently hosted a vtuber singing tournament ( vtuber singing king, also co hosted with Suisei). 
Make sure to send him a congratulations on his tweet, and check out his anniversary stream today ( or tomorrow depending on where you live). Let’s look forward to what he has planned in his 4th year, and something is already coming up, which is a holostars street fighter tournament in November hosted by him.
Thanks for reading 
Stuff you might want to check out:
Rikka’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9mf_ZVpouoILRY9NUIaK-w
Song list: https://m.youtube.com/@rikka/releases
Cover list: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVwGx6gOvSYBkvhr2Ixynm9towkN47xD3
Polaporiposupo So character introduction (eng subs available)(So is voiced by Rikka): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF0jDbwnbgY
Tetris playlist: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVwGx6gOvSYAsF3Suj4Z158_s0bpnPH1p
Channel that clips Rikka: https://m.youtube.com/@Reiganstars
(Reigan is the only one I know that frequently clips Rikka on YouTube. If anyone knows any other channel, please share in the comments 😭)
anniversary stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7tEId3okP4U
Random facts:
he is left handed
his mascot is a pink teddy bear named Spanner
I made a short video that’s a montage of stuff he streams.(basically a video version of what I said. Check it out if you’d like)(the editing kinda sucks 🫣)
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