#my three biggest contenders are
whos-hotter-jjba · 3 months
The JoJoStands Matchup
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neteyamswifee · 1 year
ᴄʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴍᴇ; Jake Sully x Omaticaya! Reader
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Warnings; Smut, Oral-Sex, Kissing, soft!dom Jake Sully, arranged marriage mentioned (i guess somehow??) silly grammar lol. Praise maybe? Mention of death
Half an hour ago twilight set in and Pandora became a single bundle of colors. After Jake proved himself worthy of the Omaticaya Clan, I wanted to reward him with something. Something my sister Neytiri would have liked too. I swallow hard at the thought of her.
Where I'm leading Jake right now, Neytiri and I have always tried to keep the bad away.I didn't want to break that habit by thinking about her death over and over again. "where are you taking me beauty." he gasps as he tries to keep up with me. "Hurry up, he's always at his prettiest this time," I explain, grabbing Jake's hand, pulling him behind me down the long path to the clearing. He almost trips over his own feet because he only has eyes for Pandora's flora and fauna.
When I stop at a small field, we see a landscape surrounded by trees, full of bright mushrooms, soft grass and directly above the huge panorama of polyphemus. The planet that Pandora orbits and one of the largest in the entire Alpha Centauri solar system. Jake is amazed when we settle down in the middle of the field. "He looks kind of.... so much bigger than usual from here."
I have to grin because Neytiri always said the same thing. "In fact, it looks the biggest from the Hallelujah Mountains. There's even more space there. Sometimes you can even see its craters from there." Fascinated, he observes every meter of the purple planet. It looks incredibly cute, almost like a little kid. I bring myself to say something. "Neytiri said I should show you this if you've had at least three fights with someone. I think it's about time." I rub my eyes laughing. Jake laughs too. "I also won three times, you have to say that." He was right ,and more than anyone else he deserved to be part of the clan.
Out of nowhere, silence fell across the field. "I'm sorry about what happened to your sister." I sighed. "its okay." is the only thing i get out because i know that i start to cry with every further word. I start playing with the weed to distract myself somehow. Jake leans back in the grass and from a lying position, reaches out and strokes my hand. "How does Tsutey deal with that?" Rolling my eyes, I also fall backwards. "Of course he's sad but I'm the next contender for the mate's pact so he's not completely lost." He sits up confused. "what do you mean by mate pact?"
I stare at him in disbelief. "That with Neytiri and Tsutey wasn't out of love, for Eywa's sake. But father is getting weaker and weaker, it's important to take care of successors." Jake looks at me like I've gone completely insane. "You don't want that, I mean... do you like Tsutey?"Amusingly I pushed him away. "Absolutely not, but how seldom does that happen?" Still disbelief in his eyes. "what is wrong?" he looks like he saw something die before his eyes. and with that „something“ the shimmer in them died too.
"I'm just saying you don't want him so why don't you just drop it and refuse." Now the question had become a personal attack. "Jake...a whole clan, a family, a people cling to it. How selfish I would be if I renounced the goodwill of my people." And when I said those words, I knew what he meant. My face sagged no matter how hard I try to turn my face to stone.
Jake sighs heavily. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to attack you."
I say nothing and just turn back to Polyphemus."Let's just enjoy this okay?" Jake nods and we sit cross-legged next to each other. But no matter how hard he tries I can see the disappointment on his face.
We stay like this for a while . Both sit on this field and are silent while the Poyphemus passes us. After much deliberation, I just grab Jake's hand and without a word he locks our fingers together.
"If I could, I would have chosen differently." I whisper. Jake's gaze is still in the sky. "Who would you have chosen." he asks. I turn my head towards him, looking into his eyes while he still holds my hand.
"you" I breathe.
The moment feels honest, sincere, real. I think so far nothing has cost me more willpower than the second Jake kissed me. Not because I didn't want it, no, but because I knew that anyone else wouldn't have wanted it but me. If I imagine Neytiri could see us right now, I don't know if she would be proud or disappointed.
Jake kisses with a passion that ignites something inside me that cries out for more. His tongue asks to be let in and I hardly feel his warmth before he pulls me onto his lap. "This is what I dreamed of when I wasn't with you." he gasps.
Our kiss is hot, demanding, and has been postponed for so long I'm almost sorry for how he must have felt. And somehow I'm also sorry for what's going to happen now, for what might disappoint my father. Jake's hands roam from my neck down to my ass, he hugs me tighter as if nothing would fit between us anyway.
As he pulls my top off, he doesn't break the kiss for a second. We turn around, now I'm lying under him, my hands on his chest, wandering down to get rid of the last piece of cloth. I moan as Jake presses his mouth against my wet center and licks me until my legs tremble. His one hand rests between my breasts on my stomach to hold me down as often as my back arches with impulse.
Instead, I fumble in the grass with my hands that I can't find, and they land on Jake's shoulders, clawing at the streaks of blue skin. "Shit." I keep moaning.
Jake takes this as an incentive to stick two fingers inside me and the urge to let the whole planet know how well Jake Sully makes me cum is too great. I'm so close to climaxing when Jake grabs my thighs and rolls me onto my stomach.
I moan and all I feel is his hand on my butt and his warm cock at my entrance. I was greedy and sat up a bit. His hand pushed through my back just before he entered me. I bit my lip almost bloody trying to keep my mouth shut.
Jake bends one of my legs slightly to get me back onto my back, his cock not leaving its place.
"Oh my fucking-" a finger brushing my lips stops me.
"It's not your god who fucks you, I do. Say my name for his." Jake's thumb is wet with my lips and he's massaging my clit with it.
"so who fucks you my sweetie?"
„you“ I gasp and groan loudly as Jake slides his entire length into me.
He carefully holds one of my legs, the other hand rests on my lower abdomen where the imprint of his cock is reflected. This whole scenario drives me crazy. Jake keeps thrusting into me, holding my breasts or stomach, but his hands never leave my body. Much like his cock, even as he moans after my yeasty orgasm, he doesn't pull it out but remains in position.
Behind him I see Polyphemus in all his splendor and stars, which I imagine from the sheer effort. His thing is still inside me as he checks on me to make sure everything is alright.
He caresses my face, my arms, my belly. "Did I hurt you?" he carefully wants to pull himself out of me, but I wrap my legs around him so that he bends over me. I just shake my head in a daze and kiss him. "mhh-mhh."
Jake smiles and kisses my forehead. "You seduced me." he jokes and slowly falls down next to me. I move closer to him and lay my head on his chest. "Liar. That the guy from the other planet wants something from the daughter of the clan leader sounds much more believable." I only swear. "I’m a fool for you." he whispers.
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
Oh my goodness I just read your Iida family HC and my heart erupted!!! I'd love to see what you come up with for Kirishima or Bakugou!
I literally got this request two years ago I am so sorry.
But bestie I am so glad you asked because I have so many thoughts. I think about them a lot.
Family Headcanons for Kirishima + Bakugou
! implied fem reader !
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Kirishima Eijirou
Kirishima definitely has at least one older sister. Probably a very close relationship with his mom as well. The women in his life played such a huge role in making him the person that he is today.
Having said that, I can only see Kirishima as a girl dad.
He radiates huge "girl dad" energy. And he's so proud about it too. Having girls is his favorite thing ever.
I can see you and him with three girls, each of them are 2 or 3 years apart, and they all have red eyes and black hair.
Not a single one of your daughters looks like you, I'm sorry. He insists that they all have your smile, though.
He's super involved from the minute you tell him you're pregnant. Taking you to every doctor's appointment, helping you with whatever you need, designing the nursery.
Once he found out he was having a girl, he made you sit down with him every night while he learned how to do your hair. It was so important to him for him to know how to comb and style hair so he could help get them ready for school in the future.
One aspect of fatherhood he's surprisingly hands-off about is picking a name. He wants you to do it and he's completely happy with whatever you pick.
A name is just not that important to him. Whatever you want your girl's names to be will be special to him. Not because he carefully chose a name with a special meaning, but because it's his daughter's name and she is special to him.
Although his disinterest in helping you pick a name definitely started a fight between the two of you when you were pregnant with your first, because it felt like he didn't care enough to help you pick.
He's super involved after the kids are born too.
Strongly encourages them to get into something physical. Ballet, soccer, gymnastics, baseball, volleyball. He doesn't care. He'll let them do anything that they want so long as it gets them moving.
And he goes to every performance and every game. He's in the front row of every school play with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He's your girls' biggest cheerleader.
Your girls would tell him everything too. He's surprisingly good at keeping up with stories of teenage girl drama and gives them his full attention any time there's an update.
I can see Kirishima with a TV Sitcom ass family that other kids in the neighborhood would come to for advice or a safe space to hang out.
Kirishima cries at everything. Cried when he learned you were pregnant. Cried when each one of your daughters was born. He cries at birthdays, at graduations, at holidays, at performances, at major milestones.
Definitely calls his daughters "manly" as a compliment.
It's really important to him that his kids get along with each other and always have each other's backs. Your kids aren't allowed to fight in your house. If they do start fighting he takes them aside and makes them work it out.
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Bakugou Katsuki
When he was a teenager he had a complicated relationship with his parents, specifically with his mom. But as he gets older he starts to understand them more and they get along better.
His parents never really told him they were proud of him or praised him because Mitsuki was worried it would go to his head.
He also felt like his parents were embarrassed by him because of the way he acted. (They were)
When you met him, he insisted that he never wanted kids.
It took him a long time but he eventually changed his mind. He had a lot of growing and changing to do before thinking about starting a family.
A huge part of his hesitation came from the difficult task of contending with his past. He was cruel and abusive as a kid and became so worried about his kid turning out like him at that age. And if they did, he wouldn't know what to do to stop it, just like his parents didn't with him.
A lot of his parenting is modeled after his parents. Not only what they did right, but what he thinks they did wrong as well. He wants to learn from his parents' mistakes and do better than they did.
Bakugou may not be the best dad but he'll always stand by his kid and support them them regardless of the circumstance.
He's never been very articulate or very in-touch with his emotions. He struggles to tell his loved ones that he loves them, your kid included. Because of this, he makes sure to show them that he loves them.
When you tell him you're pregnant, he doesn't really react. He doesn't even stop watching the news to look you in the eye. You're worried that he doesn't care but internally he's so happy. He doesn't say so. Doesn't even smile. His way of reassuring you that he wants this is by asking you what you want the nursery to look like, and getting to work moving all the furniture out of the guest room to turn it into the baby's room as soon as he wakes up the next day.
He doesn't care about the sex of the baby. He just wants it to be happy and healthy.
Very involved in the process of picking a name, though.
He suggests a bunch of names that he thinks sound strong and powerful but are actually really stupid.
I also see Bakugou with a little girl. Just one, though.
He feels bad that he can't be more involved in his kid's life because of his job, so he only wants one child. He thinks he'll do his best as a parent when all of his free time can be devoted to her.
He also spoils her rotten and justifies it because she's his only kid.
Any fear that he has about his kid being mean like he was completely disappears when he holds her in his arms for the first time and sees that she has kind eyes just like yours.
Having a kid forces him to become a lot more level-headed. He refuses to argue with his baby girl like he used to argue with his mom, no matter how much she tries to provoke him. As much as he loves his mom, the constant push and pull between them is not an aspect of her parenting he wants to carry over.
I feel like he's great when your kid is still a kid, but really struggles with the teenage years. No matter how many times you tell him it's normal, he doesn't understand why she doesn't tell him everything anymore or why she thinks she's too cool to spend time with him.
The type of parent to yell at your daughter to get out of her room and go outside.
Your daughter wants to be a hero just like her daddy. I think a lot of the strain that was put in the relationship when she was a teenager is repaired when she becomes an adult and they start working together.
Bakugou is her favorite parent and neither of you understand why.
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snows-2am-thoughts · 9 months
PM and ADA deal Theory
Hey guys, friendly reminder that Mori is likely still gonna ask for someone from the ADA to join the PM. It honestly hurts my soul to think that the ADA will lose someone this soon after all the shit in this arc went down but Mori isn’t one to care about that kind of stuff. 
This is about 1.7k words so be warned
I know a lot of people are sold on the theory that it’ll probably be Tanizaki since Asagiri is big on foreshadowing and Tanizaki does have a homicidal side but I don’t think he’d let himself be put in a position to where his sister might be in danger or get a target on her back. He’d probably run away or kill the people in question before that happened. Not to mention since his run in with Akutagawa and the black lizard that he sort of hates most if not all of the mafia members. He was so ready to go to war with the PM to defend the agency and someone like this would be super hard to control, deal with the ADA or not.
Mori isn’t stupid, in fact he’s very calculating and very cunning and who are his biggest obsessions? He’s always so focused on Dazai and Yosano but both of these are off limits in his eyes. Yosano is off limits because of the terms of the deal with Fukuzawa and Dazai is off because Mori wants him to come back on his own. Now we have Kyouka, Atsushi, Kenji, Ranpo  and Kunikida left to choose from. 
Kunikida is off the table I think because he’s a child bombing away from just completely breaking. There is a part of me that believes Mori could pick Kunikida solely to break him and watch Fukuzawa and Dazai suffer but Mori is also the type of boss that doesn’t want to waste powerful allies if he doesn’t need to. I mean, he’s literally letting Tachihara choose his loyalties, he’ll probably still get punished severely but Mori isn’t one to just waste men unless it’s for good reason or worth the risks. Also Kunikida is Fukuzawa’s successor and something tells me that Mori doesn’t wanna deal with the strict moral types. 
Ranpo is definitely off the table. Fukuzawa would go batshit if Mori picked him. He just lost his childhood best friend. Do you think he’s gonna let Mori take his son next? No he will not. Also Ranpo would blatantly refuse to work with him. He’s smart enough to survive but Ranpo is disinterested in most things and Fukuzawa is really the only one who can make him do something. I don’t think Mori would want to deal with that either. 
Now we have Atsushi, Kenji and Kyouka. Mori usually chooses children to take under his wing because they’re easy to manipulate and easy to mold into his ideal subordinates. However Kyouka was already in the mafia once and Kouyou even used up her slight favor with Mori to let her leave the mafia with no consequences. I don’t think he’d want to deal with the hassle of internal conflict since Kouyou would be pissed if he took Kyouka away from the light that she enjoys so much. However much Kouyou wants to deny that she can’t help Kyouka anymore, she’s only human and she’s very much attached to the Kyouka who shares a similar past and ability. 
Kenji’s situation is kind of hard to determine. As stated, Mori does prefer to mold and manipulate children rather than adults but Kenji is kind of an oddity among humans. Not because of his ability but because of his personality. He’s very much a “you fuck around and find out” type of guy is willing to believe the best in people despite what they may do or have done. I don’t see many reasons why Mori wouldn’t choose him other than there are better options than Kenji. Sure Kenji is super powerful with a very useful gift but there are other members that would fit his goals better. 
Now Atsushi, he’s the biggest contender for the mafia recruit in my mind for a few reasons. Now we saw in the series that there were gonna be three main villains (The Guild, the Decay of Angels and the Order of the Clock Tower) and now we have finished out with two of them. This means that we’re possibly getting into the last major arc or two of the main plot of the story and there are still so many unanswered questions about Atsushi. 
Atsushi was deemed the envy of all ability users by Fyodor which was why Shibusawa originally held an interest in him. My question is why Fyodor was interested enough in Atsushi to know of him and what is their connection that Fyodor was even able to know of him. Fyodor is a genius but the orphanage headmaster said that he was a randomly dumped toddler and he lived most of his life in a cage in the orphanage. This in itself is fishy but I’ll get to that in a second. Moreover, Atsushi’s ability seems like it just resists almost all other abilities with the ability to cut through space itself and high regeneration abilities that causes most wounds to go away instantly when he’s in his full tiger form, most other abilities don’t affect him when he’s fully a tiger. 
Who is called the most powerful ability user? Natsume is, and he is able to turn into a cat. Seeing the pattern here? When did the headmaster die? When he was trying to find Atsushi and talk to him again. It’s very suspicious timing and I wholeheartedly believe that he was silenced by someone who didn’t want Atsushi knowing something important about himself. And then we have the seven billion bounty that was put on his head because of his ability. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that Fitzgerald, who wanted to find The Book, wanted the tiger so badly that he was willing to spend that much. 
Asagiri is a beast at foreshadowing and he doesn’t do anything for kicks, all of his moves are deliberate. There is something about Atsushi that we’re missing and I’m willing to bet that Mori, who was going to accept the bounty, wants to know what it is as much as we do. Atsushi’s strange ability, the holes in his past from before the orphanage, Fyodor and Shibusawa’s interest in him, his correlation to Natsume, his probable connections to locating the book and the fact that Dazai was coincidentally there to save him when he came to Yokohama? Yeah, there’s definitely something up with Atsushi and the poor kid doesn’t even realize it. 
So yes, I do think that Mori either a) wants to figure out Atsushi’s situation in relation to everything or b) he knows something and wants to exploit it out of him. My second point is that Mori wants to break Dazai down and build him up as the perfect PM boss. Mori is someone who manipulates and breaks from the sidelines then watches conflict and in the aftermath, glues the pieces of what once was back together in a collage of his own liking. He knows he can’t beat Dazai but he can make him suffer. Who is Dazai the closest to at the agency? Atsushi. 
Dazai always says, “Atsushi and the others” while making sure Atsushi makes it out alive in any situation that he is in. Dazai has a big soft spot for Atsushi, the kid he took in as a mentor and the kid who wholeheartedly believes without any hesitation that he is a good person. He brought his own chair and made a home in Dazai’s heart without his permission. Atsushi knows he was in the PM, knows he’s the reason for a lot of Akutagwa’s issues, knows about some of the atrocities he’s committed but still smiles genuinely at him. Of course he doesn’t know everything but Atsushi is probably Dazai’s biggest apologist (It’s not Akutagawa but that's for a different post). Atsushi is the personification of Oda’s last wish to Dazai and Mori definitely knows that he can hurt Dazai by hurting his beloved mentee.
Mori is also very aware of the new generation of soukoku. If he’s able to wrangle and manage Akutagawa (he’s alive shut up) a little more because Atsushi is his partner then all the more reason to choose him. Atsushi covers all the bases, a mysterious power that could make his organization that much more untouchable, mess with Dazai, mess with the agency and manage his own employees better. It doesn’t help that Atsushi’s mental state isn’t the best. He’s not a kid but he’s traumatized and doesn’t have the same development other 18 year olds do, and that can be just as easily to manipulate as a child. It would be difficult because Atsushi genuinely believes in Dazai with everything he is but every person is able to break and Mori is especially good at that. 
I know that Fukuzawa’s ability is the reason we don’t see any more late night weretiger situations but Atsushi has so much more control now than when he did at the beginning of the series. It’s also very much possible that Mori is looking for a degree of uncontrollable tiger to help him with his goals. It’s also been confirmed that pain can manage his transformations as seen with his collar in BSD BEAST. 
It also doesn’t help that Asagiri tends to go through the trauma route to have his characters develop and experiencing the “darkside” of Yokohama just may be what he thinks Atsushi needs to develop more. 
So yeah, I think Mori may choose Atsushi as the new PM member but don’t quote me on this if I’m wrong, it’ll be embarrassing. They also may just throw this plotline out the window since both sides suffered this past arc, they may find it illogical to go through with the deal when the truce between the PM and ADA is still sensitive but I doubt it. Mori isn’t one to care for those things. 
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stevetonyweekly · 9 months
SteveTony Weekly - September 10th
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 Hey, friends!! Short and dirty this week, I’m on a whirlwind trip to help my bestie paint her house so--enjoy and be sure to leave comments/kudos! 
Ain't It A Shame, Too Bad? by Carsonian
On his twenty-fourth birthday, Tony was saved from drowning by a man he has yet to find. In other news, Tony's fallen hard for the mute, scrawny blond that washed up on his kingdom's shoreline two-and-a-half days ago. These two things can't possibly be related, can they?
A Gentle Lullaby by navaan
They, all of them, are mortal and sometimes their brushes with death bring them closer to it than other people ever get. Fighting is what they do. But fighting for other people's survival without a thought to your own safety is easy when you're not leaving someone behind. Good then, that they don't have any families left... Until Hydra drops a new bundle of responsibility right in their laps. But that might not even be their biggest problem.
Crash Love by S_Hylor
It’s just sex. Just sex between two consenting adults who don’t have feelings for each other beyond the camaraderie that comes from being on the same team.
It’s just sex. Until it isn’t. It’s not love. Until it is.
To Liars and Saving the World by magicasen 
When Tony's life is in danger, Steve does the only thing he can do to save his teammate: he makes an honest man out of him. Steve and Tony's sham marriage is only supposed to be a blip in their history that no one has to know about. But when they're outed to the press, and with ghosts from his past coming to haunt him, Steve must come to terms with the idea that his own feelings for Tony might not be a lie.
Wrapped Up in Your Love by iam93percentstardust 
Tony has a bad day, so Steve takes care of him.
america's pastime by JenTheSweetie
The thing about the Annual Intra-Avengers Baseball Game was that it was always a little... contentious.
nothing left but scars by SailorChibi
Steve wakes up to the fact that no one ever compliments or even says thank you to Tony, and that he has fallen into the same trap of painting Tony with a specific paintbrush.
This is how he showers a very confused Tony with praise to make up for it.
a slow ticking wildness by starvels (dinosaur) 
Three weeks ago, Tony burned his hands in his forge. Since then, he's been unable to use them, useless and listless.
Relying on the kindness of strangers ain't exactly his expertise. Luckily, Sheriff Steve Rogers has good hands and a heart hale enough to keep offering bits of help and hope to Tony, no matter that he ain't all that good at accepting them.
when it feels right by complicationstoo 
“You’re actually hiring me after that?” Tony asks, the disbelief clear in his watery brown eyes.
Steve shrugs, “Gotta start somewhere, right? And if you’re terrible, it’s not like I can’t fire you.”
  Or, the one where Steve owns a bakery and Tony needs a job.
Diamonds Or Twine by complicationstoo 
A hand on his shoulder grabs his attention, and Steve realizes he’s been staring off into space as Bucky says, “Hey, man. You good?”
“I’m going to propose to Tony.”
So Little Left to Give by Sineala 
Steve's alive again... but Tony isn't anywhere to be found. Steve knows what to do about that. His quest to find Tony takes him to the frozen depths of Russia, to rescue Tony from one of his greatest foes. But that's not all he has to contend with. Tony's in the process of deleting his own brain, and Steve doesn't know if the man he finds will still remember him.
the hedgehog (and one million blue whales) by soliloquent 
“Hm. But, how hard?” Tony challenges.
Steve ponders for a second. “As hard as one million blue whales sitting on you.”
“One million?” Tony looks genuinely in awe. “I reckon that would crush one tiny hedgehog, don’t you think?”
“Nah. You're all spiky. Small, but feisty. The whales wouldn't stand a chance.”
or: Steve and Tony's love story unfolding through a series of everyday moments in the span of two years, pieced together to paint the canvas of their intertwined lives — a precious portrait woven with quirky whale-themed endearments, meaningful acts of service, soothing showers, cherished gifts, and one adorable hedgehog. 🦔
Hold Me Down by tinystark616
Steve asks Tony to wear one of his iron man suits and hold his wrists down during sex.
Tony gives Steve what he wants, and more.
Teacher, Teacher, Can You Reach Me? by Politzania
After spotting a flyer at a new coffee shop, Rhodey dares Tony to attend a Sip and Sketch class; turns out the twinky blond barista is also the class instructor.
Stony AUniverse Bingo - AU: Teacher -- Tony Stark Bingo - Dares/Bets -- Tony Stark This or That - Best Friend -- July Break Bingo - Location: Art Studio
To Make Flowers Grow (In This Barren Heart) by KakushiMiko, SoldiersShield
“You hide yourself away in your technology, but you are just as human as the rest of them. Your heart betrays your desire to possess.” Her gaze falls to the arc reactor, and Tony's blood runs cold in his veins.
“The Earth will reclaim what we have lost,” she says, dragging a hand over the chestplate of the armor. “It is you, and your kind-- your greed that pulls life from the soil as if it were nothing. You will reap what you have sown, Stark. The avarice in your heart will strangle the very life out of you.” Arna meets his eyes once more, a serene smile on her face as she leans forward.
“I hope he is worth dying for,” she murmurs, before digging her hand into his ribcage.
 (Tony Stark falls in love with Steve Rogers. A rogue enchantress ensures he pays for it.)
A Guiding Hand by KandiSheek
Tony is perpetually stressed. His job, his divorce and his insomnia are making his life a living hell. He just can't seem to catch a break.
That is until his boss Steve inadvertently gives him exactly what Tony needs - a firm hand. Tony hasn't played with his submissive tendencies in years, but he knows an opportunity when he sees one. And as it turns out, Steve is more than happy to give him the guidance he craves.
Made of Stars by KagekaNecavi
Deep in the heart of World War II, Steve, Bucky, the Invaders, and the Howling Commandos are getting close to finding the portion of Hydra controlled by the Red Skull and defeating him. As they close in, they receive intelligence that he has am unusual escape method - a machine powered by a mysterious gem that might give Skull the ability to move through time. This seems like a red herring to them, but when Steve and Bucky corner Skull, he uses it.
Steve and Bucky follow Skull and the next thing Steve knows, he’s waking up on a spaceship called the Avenger and the Red Skull - who went back in time, not forward - has ruled the known galaxy for the last several hundred years. Now he’s working with the rebels to usurp the Red Skull and trying to navigate this strange, amazing new world with his new friends and companions at his side.
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oiwxa · 1 year
UMAZANE MISLI (teaser) | c.bg
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or, the one where beomgyu hates that he's your biggest fan.
STARRING: choi beomgyu x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: Beomgyu thought that a life of academic excellence, popularity contests, and ego trips were left behind the moment he graduated from a prestigious private school. However, he found himself locked in an intense, three-year rivalry with you. He always had to be number one in everything that the two of you were involved in, but god damn, your band makes incredible music. Lord knows what would happen if one day, you find him moshing to one of your basement shows. Alas, you were oblivious, and he managed to convince himself that an oversized hoodie immediately transformed him into a spy that infiltrated your band's smelly, sweat-infused, beer-rotting basement.
DIRECTOR'S CUT: please listen to umazane misli by joker out omg that band has a massive chokehold on me since eurovision smh
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The sound of the drums resonated in his ears as he watched you effortlessly strike each component of the kit with what he thought looked like large chopsticks. Yes, those large chopsticks that his grandmother often used to cook meals in the Choi household apparently doubled as a percussive instrument played by some of the greatest musicians alive. It also just so happens that you were on his list of being one of the GOATs—he just refused to say it to your face. He wouldn’t necessarily consider himself a fanboy of you, nor did he want to believe that he had a giant, most likely unrequited crush on the persona you developed as a drummer. He just refused to let you bask in your own ego at the thought that he, Choi Beomgyu, had a hoodie on at the mosh pit to a band you held under wraps as one of your best-kept secrets. If you were to find out that the Choi Beomgyu never missed any of your band’s shows albeit being incognito, he knew you would never let him get away with it.
That was because, on campus, you were his biggest rival in everything. While he was the captain of the school’s well-to-do soccer team, you commanded the once dejected and loss-ridden volleyball team with an iron fist. On every test and assignment that each professor had to offer, the two of you were neck and neck, always first or second, but never third. Sometimes, the two of you felt sorry for every match that the debates club managed to compete in, because the entire competition would consist of you and Beomgyu bickering about whatever topic was assigned—leading both of you to utter controversial and extremely questionable comments about women’s rights, human trafficking, or space exploration. One time, both of you took things too personally at a model UN conference that tackled the gender pay gap. Even if the two of you were chairs that oversaw the entire assembly, there always had to be a competition in who spoke the most or who passed the most resolutions. The quality of these resolutions didn’t even matter when the two of you were constantly arguing about who was the most neutral voice in the room. The worst part about it all? It was a charity conference that your university hosted, with high schoolers as the main participants. Both of you weren’t even the main contenders for the event, and yet Beomgyu still found a way to make it a competition.
For as long as Beomgyu could remember, he always had the deep-seated urge to defeat you in everything—which was why he could never let you know that he was perhaps the biggest fan of your band and the music you produced with them. He contemplated starting his own band ever so often, but to him, the basement was a sanctuary that had to be protected. In these small, cramped, and beer-reeking venues, he could finally be himself, free from the bondage of academic excellence, gym locker insecurities, and the pressures of finding a fruitful and successful career. It was where he could cut his sleeves off and display all of the tattoos he’s poked in his skin with a cheap, 20,000 won tattoo gun that he bought on impulse after losing to you by half a mark on a finance exam. It was the place where he didn’t need to find an enemy in you—a place where he could be in the same room as you without wanting to rip your head off or beat you up into a fine, neat pulp.
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bogleech · 2 years
Kind of a weird ask, but how do you go about narrowing down favorite pokémon? I feel like I have a ton that I really like and a few dozen I adore but picking a number one or even a consistent top ten is really difficult. My friends all seem to have default answers to “What’s your favorite pokémon” but I always freeze up to do a mental checklist of “Do I prefer Sceptile to Mimikyu, and how does either of them match up against Xerneas or Volcarona?”
The absolute madness of this is actually my entire engagement with monster franchises. The entire fun but also frustration of Pokemon for me is in customizing a "perfect" or "final" team, ie the exact party of six Pokemon I'd want representing me if it could only be one party forever.
So call me edgy but ever since I was a little kid I loved body horror monsters, mutants, ghouls, parasites, things people consider "gross," and Pokemon is not known for those motifs, but it still HAS them, and their rarity only makes them more charming to me. So that narrows it down quite a bit already, and of the rare Pokemon emphasizing my kind of themes there are three in particular that speak to me perfectly enough to just have guaranteed spots:
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My perfect team is therefore "half complete" out of over a thousand possible Pokemon. Unfortunately the rest of my top favorites are what's still impossible to narrow down any further, so the remaining three hypothetical slots are still in chaos, though the brand new Toedscruel, Revavroom and Glimmora are already some of the highest in the running. Maybe some day there will be another three Pokemon that just blow all other contenders completely out of the water, and I can die knowing exactly which six Pokemon are my most Pokemon at last??? But it's also possible that even those top three could change, like what if they made a new rotten garbage monster I actually found more interesting than Garbodor!? Oh no! I guess this response was not terribly helpful except that, to narrow down favorites in any game loaded with choices, you just have to first narrow down what you're all about in general. I know people who absolutely only use Pokemon you could fit into a circus motif, or deep sea biology, or ones that remind them of specific toho kaiju because those are just their biggest interests, or at least big interests that happen to have the most interesting selection of matching Pokemon.
I would also like to give credit to Dragon Quest Monsters II, for the fact that they only allowed a party of 3 but my top 3 were settled at first sight and have still never been affected by any newer releases:
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I guess my Pokemon team would be settled if only these same three things were available.
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thebirdarts · 5 months
My 2023 Year in Art
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Because of my sporadic drawing, I just picked 12 pieces of mine, spread out across this year, that i felt had an impact or shows an one on my overall artistic style, from the first time I've experimented with something, and when i solidified it.
i nerd out over my own drawing under the cut!
In chronological order, starting with my portrait of my first WOTR commander, Alaun.
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Original Post!
Not only is this is representation of me getting into WOTR, its one of the first times i did smoother and softer shading, something i haven't really done since. Additional, i can easily see the line between the metals i rendered here and Cecio & Celia's more stylized metallic elements. I miss Alaun, he was ahead of his time as a good kc of mine. its a fairly big full piece, and one I'm still proud and fond of today!
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Original Post!
Estinian! god i miss ffxiv... Here is the root of my bright idea to use pencil brushes for colored shading, to get a textured gradient, and i used it in the metallic golds. its also my biggest art post on this blog! it is a big & detailed piece, and seemed daunting at the time, but i just put in the time, and was rewarded for trying to make sense of the armor [i used my own dragoon as a model for how thing actually interacted & what was what] Im still stupidly proud of it. it was my second piece of FFXIV fanart, and the beginning of many more!
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MURA! original post
Given this is about drawings that have impacted me, i think this one is an easy contender for the one that's done so the most. Drawing Mura reminded me how much i loved fashion & clothing, and drawing it! I've always has a tremendous amount of fun with her drawings, and it all started here!! Mura also was the first time i repeatedly used a colour pallet for a character, with her pinks and purples now ingrained into my mind!
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Original Post
Out of all my drawings, Estinian and Mura are tied for how much ive drawn them, which Estinian has an advantage due to my large bank of FFXIV screenshots & my redraws thereof. This was great fun, not only for understanding the armor better, but having fun experimenting in colour pallets! something i can see has carried on into my non-literaly coloured Celia & Cecio drawings!
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Mura<33 original post [has link to its original art]
My first head only drawing in a long time, and somewhere where i experimented with coloring, as well as the introduction of Muras netted and braided hairstyle! in fact, you can see the visible brush strokes as what would eventually be the stylized shading used in my more recent portraits! The shattered stained glass. looks cool as hell. and was my first time majorly experimenting with layer options, something that would become very common for me.
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Mura again<3 original post
Look narrowing it down to three was hard, i drew her so much, she really re-inspired me to draw. Lighting<33 you can really see here the style i would use on Cecio, just using a pencil brush rather than a roller one. its a piece Im very proud of, and one day i will light everything as consistently as this
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Miss Star-Sailer<33 original
Expanding the working with a limited color pallet from Mura, and once again rendering metals, this piece of my wol has a special place in my heart. just... her<33 She<33 her muted and dark colour pallet, her expression... i love this one<33
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GEORGIE!!! original
my baby boy<33 Im finally drawing curls... and the brightly coloured iris & tiny white pupil may have become a thing of mine.
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Celia<33 original
the limited colour pallet, the non literal colours, the sketch peeking through, the shading on both clothing and skin, the hair? this is like the payoff to all theses previous drawings. i used a different pencil brush, and goodbye 6b and hellooo procto pencil!!!!
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Cecio<3 original
If the previous drawing was the payoff, this is one of the stages of refinement, taking the new stylized skin shading and applying it to a portrait where the face is the focus, and damn!! Cecio<3
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A compositional outlier, this piece earned its place for me revising what has to be one of the most drawn compositions of mine - the eye. In many ways its the closing loop of a full circle, the brushstrokes exactly how i would shade with my pencil on paper, the lines and movements coming naturally to me, in an entirely different medium. the main difference is colour, while my pencil drawings were firmly grayscale and i resisted all attempts to get me to use colour, this is practically a sunset, using my knowledge of not just colour but layer filters to create bright and overly saturated variations. full circle, just add colour.
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And the final piece! a portrait of Cecio, showing off all i have developed, from the metallics, to the stylized shading, colour pallets, the use of filters for alternate versions, the hair, the face, the new brush!!! its not my last drawing of 2023, but its a fitting end.
- end note.
if you will permit me to get sappy, 2023 has been hell of a year, but damn if it hasn't been pointing upwards. in 2023 i came to understand i was disabled, and my whole life changed course. My art became not just a hobby or skill of mine, but will be my main source of income once i graduate. my existing friendships have strengthened, and so have my online ones, ive met so many new and awesome people. seeing everyone's tags, comments and reactions to my art has been amazing, and thank you all for that. i have seen so many amazing artists and writers who inspired me to better myself, and also to focus on what makes me unique.
2023 has been a hell of a year, but thanks in no small part to some of the most amazing people i've had the privilege of knowing, it been a damn good one.
its been tough, coming to realize your physically disabled and having to rewrite your life plan was hard. its been overall up, but there have been some spikes down. im aware, that every year i say i cant get happier, and then i do, i break though another barrier, reach another high.
im not saying that this year, because i know next year will be better, and the year after that, as i have the opportunity to steer my own life, it will improve in ways i cant even think of now.
Thank you, all.
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khepiari · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1081 [Spoilers] Reminder-Law has cheated Death and Lost his home: Thrice!
I knew it was coming; I was hoping for a miracle. But this is the finale, we are going to lose more people! The stakes are high, our final contenders to One Piece are moving closer to their goal! But as Trafalgar Law fan, I was not ready to see him lose!
Paulo Coelho had warned me, Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time, yet I was not ready!
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True, “The weak don’t get to choose how they die”! And Bepo made sure that Law didn’t get to die today. Bepo bet his life and went on to challenge Blackbeard! I respect him and again it set’s another example how each and every first mate has been loyal and that’s how they saved their captains! Zoro on Thriller Bark, Killer on Elbaf, and Bepo on Winner Island! A captain will survive when it’s crew will sacrifice itself!
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Law will hate this; he has the captain’s burden to bare, pride of his crew on his shoulders and honour of the dead to carry! And yes, weak as he may be right now, he really didn’t get to choose his death. Trafalgar D Water Law will not die today, but for now he has been eliminated like Kid from the final race to One Piece.
Law lost his home! For the third time! His island and family are gone, Corazon and foster Doffy family is gone. His crew and ship was a family and home he built over 13 years! A ship which was a gift to him from a friend. He lost it all!
Losing a ship means you have been defeated and your spine cracked! What’s a pirate without a ship? After Merry Go and Thousand Sunny, Polar Tang was my favourite ship. I loved it for it’s cool design, utility, and absolutely fun colour. Law has a career ending blow, but he will survive.
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Law will survive, he will be depressed again, he will hate himself again, but he will come back, he might not get the opportunity to avenge his crew the way he will want too! But he will survive, and he will get his answers to the questions he carries!
There is a purpose he has to serve, and my fears for his future is worse. That devil fruit he carries; it definitely offers something more than eternal youth. If it can cure an incurable disease like Amber Lead Syndrome, that means it can cure other things too. And a certain someone has already lost twenty years to a drug when he tried to save his brother.
I just can’t help but notice how Law has cheated Death thrice! If Law was a cat; he would have six more lives to spend! And out of which their is a high possibility the last life might get spent on saving the only D that matters in this universe. But for now that’s a thought I hope doesn’t come to fruition!
Why am I so sympathetic to Law but not Kid?
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I think why my reaction to Kid getting pulverised and Law getting butchered are so different, is because it’s very simple!
Rule of familiarity.
We have known Shanks since day one of One Piece! Shanks has always been the reliable guy and Kid was introduced to us as being reckless killer. Blackbeard too has been the bad guy since his introduction while we as readers have spent a decade with Law!
I am more invested in Law! I have seen his struggles, ups and downs and what he is capable off!
With Kid it has always been a distanced and tinted pov. Shakky introduced him to Strawhat as a worst generation who killed people to have higher bounty than Luffy. Then when three of them met, Kid picked fight with Law and Lu!
It was fun watching Kid get beaten up by Shanks! But obviously with Law it was different emotions; because we know him better!
Let it be a reminder!
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Defeating Blackbeard and Shanks is not going to be easy! Kaido was the trial round for Luffy, and it took him 5 battles! And the biggest issue with Luffy’s future opponents Blackboard and Shanks is not the difference of power but the difference of planning. Luffy though he has matured a bit; is still a punch first talk later boy. As for Blackbeard and Shanks, they have been playing chess of survival for all these years!
Kaido, Big Mom, Doffy, or anyone Luffy has fought previously has always underestimated him; until Charlotte Katkuri! Luffy is an Emperor of the Sea! Neither Blackbeard or Shanks will give him the half-hearted treatment of toying with a rookie!
Yes Lu is a God, but still a rookie! And next two opponents are people who don’t always rely on strength but brains all the time! They both have planned and plotted to reach this far! It will not be easy!
I think chapter 1081 establishes the final journey to One Piece for Luffy has begun.
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freshie44 · 26 days
Episode 9 Spoilers
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So I sat on this one because I need to sort some thoughts and cool off some emotions. Let Start from the top
Ashley - So far the most consistently written. She filling that heroic role. She is making friends, keeping the peace and is the leader of her team. We should be hitting the merge soon. If she can avoid losing to the "too big of a target" trope. She should in theory make it to finals as the Heroic finalist. Let's just hope we stick to we have written already.
Alec - Alright I'm going to get a bit heated here, alright? Alright! So writers, I'm going to be talking to you directly. I'm not blaming anyone specifically, it takes a village and I understand that! But, lets not lose to flanderization. Benefit of the doubt the book thing was a poor joke trying to interject some humor into the scene. But you have written Alec so far as being very intelligent. Intelligent enough to realize shit like that make him look like a bad dad. Obviously, he isn't great since that is the crux of his divorce. But season 1 showed he was at least TRYING! With the Season 3 version showing a post divorce Alec trying to put himself back together. SO LETS NOT FUCK THIS UP! As well as using his intelligence to run the game. SO keep with the earlier writing. If he going to lose, make sure the character that beat him rise to his level, not bring Alec down to their level. But if we are going to make him win, let keep up with writing and not rest on our laurels. You several good options here, either keeping heel, making him tweener, I'm trusting you all to not mess this up. I know I'm coming in hot but I want to show that this matter to me, and hey I'm just one person and you are writing for more than one. But I just had to say my peace.
Aiden - Maybe I'm just trans bias. But like he has people to feud with. Let's pull the trigger and seem some moves already! He an underdog let him go nuts trust me it do well.
Grett - I'm warming up to her. Maybe I was wrong, maybe the Yul feud will be enough for her to win some real momentum. She very smart and if she can focus on the game and play her card right. She could be a big contender and become a tweener that people can get behind.
Gabby - Oh Gabby, Gabby, Gabby. Embracing the heel life will be fun. But to me, Gabby's biggest issue is that she can't see the big picture. She a fan favorite and she going to give some good moments. But she an attack dog being released on whoever pisses her off. Eventually she'll get routed and if she wins just with wild abandon as strategy, eh I'll be miffed that why she is here.
Riya & Yul: You know the drill
Elimination - Tess, was a choice. I think she is going to revive and be the one that resolves a few open plotlines. She at least is the person here with the most emotional awareness. Now it's just a question, when do you throw the revival in.
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fantazulio · 8 months
i haven’t made a proper toh text post in a while but i was going off about this on discord and twitter so now i am bringing it here:
What the hell happened with Luz’s cape?
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Just like. everything involving it. It was heavily underused in the series (Luz herself only wore it in four episodes, three of them being in Season 2A) despite its importance as a representation of Luz’s connection to Eda (and in my opinion, the demon realm as a whole), and was later passed down to King, only for it to inexplicably disappear anyways.
So under the cut, I’m gonna provide a detailed history of the cape and every instance in which it was used, to try and make any sense of what happened to it.
Starting with Agony of a Witch, Eda is first seen preparing witch’s wool to knit a cloak out of. According to her, it “repels powerful spells”, so it apparently has actual function aside from looking cool as shit. Luz wants the cloak, but Eda insists that she herself needs it to ward off the increased attacks from the Emperor’s Coven. However, later thinking of Luz’s kindness and devotion to her wellness, Eda decides to make the cloak for Luz instead, as a gift.
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Next is Young Blood Old Souls, where Eda is currently captured. Finding the finished cape (I’m gonna call it a cape from now on), Luz is inspired by Eda’s gift and their bond to go on a rescue mission to get Eda back. This is the first episode where Luz herself wears the cape, but it’s also this episode where there’s a noticable flaw; the cape just looks cool.
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We skip to Lilith and King getting captured and the “fight” between Luz and Belos, and he opens by teleporting behind Luz and flinging her against the wall with magic of his own. The cape seemingly does nothing to hinder this.
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Here, you could probably chalk it up to Belos’ red magic being artificial (since he’s a human and all), which is why it was able to pierce through the cape that was made to counter magic. Fine. So Luz rescues Eda, King, and Lilith and that wraps up Season 1.
Fast forward to Echoes of the Past, the third episode of Season 2 and the first one of the season in which Luz wears the cape. She goes to King’s old island along with Lilith and Hooty to find out about King’s past and stuff. The biggest threat of danger they face there is Jean-Luc, who attacks not with magic, but with polymorphism by shifting into various shapes to attack. No magic involved means no chance for the cape to do its thing.
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Fast forward again to our next episode, Hunting Palismans (or Palismen, whatever). In this one, Luz goes out at night in her cape and pajamas with Flapjack and later gets scooped up by Hunter along with the rest of the palismen. Once again, the wonkass red magic that Hunter also uses pierces through Luz's cape. The later fight with Kikimora (who uses actual magic) doesn't count, as Luz had put her cape away.
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Fast forward yet again to our next episode: Yesterday's Lie, the last episode of Season 2A and the very last episode that features Luz wearing the cape. In this one, Luz is in no inherent danger, as she spends almost the entire episode in the Realm of Inbetween while Vee and Camila must contend with Jacob’s nonsense. Sometime during Luz’s final conversation with Camila before being pulled back, though, the cape itself gets stained and torn with several holes in it.
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And such is the last time we see Luz wear the Witch’s Wool cape. It had a good run of four episodes spaced out from eachother, but you may be wondering, “What happened after this?” That is where things get… ehhhhhh.
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The next appearance of the cape is about halfway through Season 2B, in Hollow Mind. Near the beginning of the episode, Luz, Eda, and King go out to the Night Market to buy some Witch’s Wool to repair the cape. Unfortunately, Prim the shopkeeper closed up to join the Oracle Coven. Oopsie poopsie.
That’s all we see from the cape this episode. Which brings us to the very last episode that the cape appears in, in the strangest situation possible: Clouds on the Horizon.
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In their last moments all together for a long time, it is shown that Eda fixed up the cape herself by shortening the cape to remove the torn bits. It’s also here where the cape goes to its final owner: King. Everything looks spelled out clearly; the cape is now too short for Luz to wear ( D: ), so it goes to King. Simple right? Surely it will come up later as a plot point. King will at least be shown wearing it throughout the episode, right?
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Not even a minute after King is given the cape, it completely, inexplicably disappears during the commercial break. When we cut to Luz, King, and Katya descending into the forest, the cape is literally nowhere to be seen. Actual video proof.
And this is the last time we ever see the cape. No seriously, it never shows up again. Not with King during his stay with the Collector. Not with Eda as she hides out with Lilith in the Archive House up in the sky. Not even four years later, when Luz is seen packing up her closest belongings as she prepares to attend the University of Wild Magic, does it even make a cameo.
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I think this might be the owl house equivalent of Araki Forgot Syndrome. How the hell does one introduce a physical attribute of Luz's character that represent not only her ties to the Demon Realm, but her bond with Eda, the witch who guided her through this new world, only to severely underuse it, show nothing of its function, write it off as broken, and then have it disappear from existence. We had a good thing. We had a badass cape, it had meaning, we had everything we needed and it all ran like clockwork.
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And it was hyped up, too. The original poster for Season 2 of the show had Luz front and center wearing the cape, and it was even included in the brand new animation provided for the same season's opening sequence.
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Alas, the show has been over for a long time now, so there's not a lot that can happen now. We can only hope that in some post-canon spinoff/continuation or another Reddit AMA the whereabouts of this marvelous piece of fabric are addressed, because I will continue to rag about this at any given chance. Be thankful that I don't use the rest of this post to rag about what happened to any part of Luz's original outfit to begin with.
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foibles-fables · 1 year
Wouldn’t it be so deliciously painful if Guerilla go the route of Nemesis somehow have access to Elisabet’s image and using that against Aloy in HZ3? I don’t know how they could pull it off, but I would literally explode and die at the idea of Aloy breaking down bc Nemesis has used her idolisation of Lis to undermine her and expose insecurities she definitely has. Also so hype for your Seyloy piece!!
Have a good one pal! :)
Honestly this is my biggest theory for Horizon Three Dawns, for sure. Give Ashly Burch that quad credit (Aloy, Beta, Elisabet, the Nemesis Voice of Legion). If we're keeping on with the Mass Effect 3 parallels, NemeLis would be a fantastic and emotionally-compelling Catalyst analogue before/throughout the battle. Especially since Aloy--IMO--still hasn't really contended and wrestled with the Elisabet thing, even post-HFW.
Working on the Seyloy piece now and appreciate your encouragement!!! You have a great one as well! <3 <3 <3
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
hey Sid! any thoughts on the “jill physically ages slower because of her t virus infection” stunt that capcom has decided to pull?
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Angels, the lot of you <3
Yes the most recent stunt with Jill is infuriating, we all agree with this. The reason for it, at least in my opinion, is that this is a mix of several individually infuriating things culminating in a mistreatment of one of Capcom’s most popular characters for, conceivably, no reason
Reason number 1 why it sucks: It’s laziness. Instead of modeling a new version of Jill from a face model or even from her preexisting design, they decided to use the Jill that was made for r3make. Timeline-wise, they are using a version of Jill Valentine from 17 years ago. Jill is 41 now. She would not look identical to her 24 year old self. But because the people making this movie didn’t feel like putting in the effort for a new design, they decided to reuse this asset and call it a day
However this isn’t the first time Capcom (and its associates since apparently people get mad when I say “Capcom” as if this project is completely separate from the company that the IP belongs to) has reused assets in a lazy way. I have bitched about it a lot, and I will continue to, but the heavily anticipated DLC to Resident Evil: Village is 90% premade assets. Two, maybe three enemies are original? All sets and character models and outfits and props and weapons are things that have been in other games (mostly Village) though. So is this behavior of reusing models and that being deemed a job well done disappointing? Yes. But it isn’t surprising.
Reason number 2 why it sucks: The nonchalant excuse as to why Jill does not age shows a lack of care for canon on the part of whoever decided this lore addition was in any way appropriate, consistent, or hell even coherent in any way. The explanation goes “Jill has always harbored a sense of justice and responsibility, but when she was captured by an enemy during the incident at the Spencer residence, she was subjected to T-virus infection and mind control, causing her to instead aide in the act of bioterrorism. Even after Jill was rescued by Chris, the viral side effects lingered, affecting her body's cell division, and while this suppressed her aging, she also had to contend with the mental after-effects.” Which is fucking bullshit. The T-virus has no side effects that would lead to anything like this. The purpose of the T-virus is to be infectious and to give its host extreme durability and strength. None of that correlates to the physical halt of aging. Not only that, but Jill wasn’t even subjected to T-virus infection WHEN Wesker kidnapped her. She was subjected to a mind control drug. The T-virus was dormant in her system since her infection and curing in Raccoon City in 1998
However once again this is nothing new. Rewriting canon/not understanding canon is something RE has done before. I could go into depth about ALLLLL the things Shadows of Rose did that contradicted a lot of pre-established ideas (rapid fire: HWS still operating under the same name 16 years later, Chris legit asking a teenager to be part of a military group, an infected individual getting to attend public school, none of these line up with the already established world we know) but I’ll be more lenient and talk about RE6. Leon calls the President in that game, Adam Benford, his “friend.” However Leon also states that Benford was the one who recruited Leon into US-STRATCOM which, if you’ll recall, is something Leon was blackmailed into when Sherry’s life was threatened. If Benford was the one to do that, how would Leon consider him a friend? How does his blackmail regarding Sherry never come up despite them both being in this game?
Reason number 3 why it’s sucks, and the biggest one: Women aren’t allowed to age. Plain and simple. Men are, women aren’t. Women are supposed to be young, always, and we’re just supposed to accept that.
Okay okay I’ll elaborate. With a list of RE women and how I think literally every single one falls victim to this
Rebecca is the youngest member of S.T.A.R.S. when we first meet her, in fact she’s so young she just became a legal adult (which makes 26 year old Billy hitting on her 100x creepier) and before Vendetta, 0 and 1 were her only appearances, this kid-aged girl. I won’t get into how misogynistic her treatment in Vendetta is btw but that’s also there
Claire Redfield is a staple of this series but she does not age much. We see her last (in game form not manga form although the manga made Claire look stupidly young there too) in Revelations 2 where she seems to have grown up, but with 2, CV, Degeneration, and ID, she’s always got a very youthful appearance and almost always a red jacket because y’know this is that young girl from the first game. The cool, hot red jacket and her high ponytail (that’s kind of a “young” look imo) is frustrating
Sherry Birkin stopped aging at 20 for no reason other than to look young and hot yet still at a legal age for all male players playing this game (and possibly so she looks Jake’s age? Which makes no sense because they could’ve made Jake any age but w/e)
Sheva Alomar, Chris’ partner in 5, is Sherry’s age. Even when this woman is meant to be Chris’ equal, she’s still young and attractive
Helena is even younger than Sherry, by I believe 5 years, and she’s Leon’s partner for 6.
Mia Winters is a beautiful young woman who’s being contrasted against the horrors of RE7 and gets a cute domestic housewife role in RE8, where she is shoved aside, given blue eyes (to make her look prettier I assume since her eyes were brown before) and quietly never mentioned again after the ending despite her daughter being a protagonist for the DLC
Oh yeah and Rose Winters is 16 when she goes on her journey because yeah women have to be young this is the standard.
Even as much as I hate the Lords in RE8, Miranda is still a woman over 200 years old who is youthful and beautiful, along with Lady D despite presumably also being very old.
The only “old” women in this series who actually appear that way that I could think of off the top of my head were “the hag” from 8, who is supposed to be unsettling, and Marguerite Baker from 7 (Eveline’s “grandma” form doesn’t count) who again is supposed to freak you out in her appearance and demeanor.
Jill fucking Valentine is now the latest in this list of character assassinations. My biggest, and I really mean biggest this time, problem is that all of this is fine. Capcom signs off on these lore-breaking explanations and half-assed projects because it doesn’t matter to them. Because they know we’re gonna check this out no matter what. It’s Resident Evil! It’s really big stuff for this series! Why wouldn’t you watch it? You can overlook something as simple as Jill’s appearance, right?
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misssleepless12 · 5 months
A03 Wrapped 2023 Edition
This is technically an ask game but I'm just gonna answer some of these here bc 2023 was a super big year for me in terms of how much I wrote!! And I'm just kinda proud of my silly self hehehe <3
How many works did you publish this year? 14! I wrote for four different fandoms! Blue Lock, Persona 3, PKMN Black and White, and PKMN Scarlet and Violet.
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I've written so many things I'm proud of this year, but I'm gonna have to say riptide ! rnis in Rin's hometown of Kamakura, but I did sooo much research for it and put so much effort into it and then wrote it all in a three weeks in a massive brainrot streak hahah.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Ohhh god time to embarrass myself again but the Chainsmokers was my top artist of 2023 and I also used so many of their lyrics and songs for inspiration. As evidence above hahaha~
Pairing you wrote the most for this year? In terms of number of fics, it's rnis/rinsagi at 4! But in terms of word count, otkr/tabieita came from the back with the surprise win!
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? The surprise contender that was tabieita hahah
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? Haha, haha.... ha. I'm sitting at five fully started/outlined ones already... oh boy XD
What work was the quickest to write? Gold Star for Effort which took me like four hours djfndkj
What work took you the longest to write? Pull in Case of Bisexual Awakening at five and a half months!
Your favorite character to write this year? Otoya Eita, my beloved womanizing green noodle ninja hahah
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Bris/ barousagi bug bit me recently so I know that wave of brainrot is coming!
Which work of yours have you reread the most? let's admit, without apology, what we do to each other .... my comfort fic
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2,096! The most I've ever gotten in a single year and nearly half of what I've gotten altogether!
What do you listen to while writing? I have a bunch of character or ship playlists I made that I like to listen to! I also sometimes just throw rain sounds in the background too pfft.
Favorite work you wrote this year? Once again... Pull in Case of Bisexual Awakening! Literally changed the course of my year both in terms of my real life and my creative one writing that bad boy!
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? He is rawer, nowadays, somewhat like when Sae first rejected him but also not. ‘Somewhat’ because he still aches all the time, ‘not’ because he embraces it. All wound. No boy. No need for anyone to stem his bleeding because Rin’s at his best when he’s bleeding, when he can be obscene, when he can destroy. - from final boys
Biggest surprise while writing this year? That once I figured out a good process for going from idea-outline-actual writing to finished product, I was so impressed with the amount of writing I was actually capable of! I've always been a notoriously slow writer, which led to me not being able to post super often prior to 2023 But I really hammered out a writing process that works for me and I did the best I could with it I think! I hope to improve upon it this year and hopefully get a better handle of keeping my word counts in check too (chronic over-writer here dkjfndjk).
2023 was such a big wild year for my writing and I can only hope I keep up the energy in 2024. It was such a blast and I appreciate everyone who supported me through all the ups and downs!! <3
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bisexualbaker · 5 months
Dreamwidth Alternatives to Talking in the Tags
(Originally posted on Dreamwidth so I would have less editing to do when cross-posting.)
There's a number of technological and cultural shifts Tumblr users would have to make when switching to Dreamwidth; image hosting (and the lack thereof) is probably the biggest technological switch, but the one I anticipate giving people the most trouble is tagging.
On Tumblr, you can add pretty much whatever you want to the tags, in any order you want; there is no limit to them, and they're essentially used as a secondary comment system.
Not so for Dreamwidth! Dreamwidth has a hard limit on the number of tags any journal or community can register; it's 1,000 for free users, 1,500 for basic paid accounts, and 2,000 for premium paid accounts, and they're basically entirely for organizational purposes. One of the ways that Dreamwidth's code reflects this is that it lists tags alphabetically in posts, not in the order that they were written or added. If you want to include a stream of consciousness in your tags and have them make sense, your best bet is to find a way to make them alphabetical. There's also a hard limit of 40 characters per tag for everyone, regardless of account type (paid or free).
There are other organizational options, Memories chief among them, but it's not really possible to opt out of tags being organizational and switch them to being communication. So what, if anything, can you do instead?
(Here's where the post gets long.)
The first option, and most popular all the way back to Dreamwidth's predecessor, is icons! Free accounts get 15 icon slots for images of up to 100x100 pixels, and up to (IIRC) 60kb in size. Supported file types are .jpg, .png, and .gif—so yes, this means your icons can be animated! If you have the perfect reaction gif to go with a post or comment you want to make, as long as it's the right size, you can include a tiny version of it with your post or comment!
Icons also come with an extra nifty feature: Keywords. While this is, in part, to help you select which icon you want to use from your drop-down menu, the keywords are also visible as alt text, and you can have multiple keyword options for the same icon. So if you want to add a little bit of subtext to what you're saying, you can have some additional interesting content for those who go looking.
For example, you can replicate the very popular Supernatural Current Events meme via icon form: Make a gif where the first part is Castiel confessing his love, and the second part is Dean looking constipated and saying, for example, "Today's top headlines are..." Then for keywords you can use "Supernatural", "Queerbaiting", and "Current Events". You can then choose whichever keywords you want to use for the post or comment that you're making. Just talking about Supernatural stuff? "Supernatural" is a fine keyword. Complaining about media dangling representation in front of fans only to yank it away and go No Homo (etc)? "Queerbaiting" is a fantastic choice. Want to announce some breaking news? "Current Events" is your contender. And all three of those keywords will show the same icon.
Each of these options add a little bit more nuance and subtext to the icon you're using, and, in my opinion, increase the fun factor accordingly.
Another fun thing to do is play with titles. While titles can be used straightforwardly, as they are in this post, they can also be used to add a little bit of off-the-wall commentary. Want to include a note that is relevant to the post but doesn't quite fit in the body? Is it something you might put in the tags on Tumblr? Consider putting it in the title!
This works both for posts and for comments. Doubly for comments in fact, aside from contexts where the field is used for organizational purposes, such as fic memes and the like; mostly because the title field is so rarely used otherwise in comments. People do use it on Dreamwidth, and some people do so often, but the majority of Dreamwidth users leave the title field blank most of the time. If you've got something to say that is really more on the margins of the rest of the comment, the subject line is somewhere you can consider putting it.
One final option that I can't say I've seen people using, but is certainly possible: The edit field. When you edit a comment, you can type in the reason you're editing it in a field that shows up at the bottom. Mostly it's reasons like "I forgot to close a tag" or "I thought of something else to add to the comment" or "I found that link I was talking about", but you could use it to add Tumblr-tag-like commentary to your own comments. Caveats that this is only an option for comments (editing posts doesn't have that same field) and that you can't edit a comment that someone has replied to. The latter portion is to try and keep communication honest and clear, though there might also be technological reasons for it.
The final option is post-specific (can't be done with comments) and are what Dreamwidth refers to as "Currents": Your Current Mood, Music, and Location.
Mood has a drop-down list of pre-selected mood options, some of which make more sense than others (how is "recumbent" a mood?). If you pick one of those moods, you may also get an associated image from one of Dreamwidth's provided/server supported Mood Themes; these are small and simple, and can be animated, but frequently aren't. You can check the available ones out here. If you have a paid account, you can also upload a custom mood theme, which you can make yourself or may be able to find made by someone else. Making them can take a while, but it can also be very rewarding to find or create just the right image for every mood in the menu.
That's not all, though! An important thing about Mood is that you can also input a custom mood. Not to be confused with a custom mood theme, a custom mood is an area where you can ignore the pre-selected drop-down menu of moods and fill in your own, such as "over the moon", "sick of this shit", or "what the actual fuck". (Like Tumblr tags, moods are typically not capitalized.) Just using the Custom Mood field will not give you an extra image to use for your mood, but it can be combined with the Mood drop-down menu to display alternate text for the selected mood. For example, you can select "ecstatic" as your mood and input "over the moon" as your custom mood text, and the "ecstatic" image will show up with fresh text.
The Custom Mood field only allows up to 30 characters, but there's still a lot of potential for fun combinations.
The second "Currents" field is Music, but honestly it can just be whatever you're listening to. Your teeth grinding as the government makes yet another ill-informed decision? Your cat purring and taking away your worries? Your heartbeat going a mile a minute in the middle of a horror movie? The rain outside? You can even go abstract and claim to hear the sound of silence, and not in a Simon and Garfunkel way. Or the whooshing of a point as it sails past the heads of people who willfully misunderstand.
You don't even have to limit yourself to sounds, real or imaginary, you can just put text; same way with Mood and Location (next). Whatever you put in that field will be listed as Music in your post, but that doesn't mean it is.
The Music field has room for 74 characters.
Last is the Location field. There's some pretty important stuff to know about this one, so I'll just copy-paste from Dreamwidth's FAQ about Currents:
The location text area is linked to Google Maps. Whatever you fill in here will appear as a link to a map of that location when viewed on the entry. The field does not auto-detect your location: you must make a deliberate choice to type it in. If you add a ZIP code or street address the map link may pinpoint your location to others, so think carefully about your privacy and comfort level before specifying a physical location. You can also choose a non-specific location such as a city or country, or a descriptive phrase like "at home" or "in the library".
So yes, you can put your literal GPS location in the Location section! I don't personally recommend it for safety reasons, but it's an option.
You can also lie about your location and input the coordinates for anywhere in the world. You can go fantastical and claim to be in Narnia or in a galaxy far, far away, or you can say that you're surfing the waves of your own imagination. You can say that you're lost in grief or drowning in cookies. Or you can just continue whatever train of thought you were going with from Mood and Music. Just know that it can and will attempt to connect with an actual real-world location if you input one.
As with the other two fields in "Currents", it's up to you what you put there, but the Location field allows you a whole 80 characters to do is.
Also, despite the order they're listed in the post window, they show up in the order of Mood, Location, Music in your actual post, so keep that in mind as well!
So there you have it. Dreamwidth may not have "talking in the tags" the way Tumblr does, but it does have some other forms of communication that you can still have fun with.
(Side note: You might also be able to do fun stuff similar to the "Currents" options with the Age Restriction section, but I haven't tried that one, and honestly it might be heavily dependent on the registered age of who's viewing it. If you're making a fun joke that you don't want people to miss out on, maybe stick to the other options.)
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boysplanetrecaps · 3 months
The BUILD UP BRAPPIES, 3x3 Death Match edition
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Time to take a another brief break from my MNET Build Up Recap Project to hand out some BRAPPY Awards for Excellence in the Field of Excellence! In this post, I’ll be giving out BRAPPIES based on how everyone did in the 3x3 Death Match Mission. Let’s go!
Before we dive in to the BRAPPIES, I just want to say thanks again for being part of this! I enjoy shows like this more if I spend time on them, because otherwise they just sort of go in one eye and out the other, so thanks for hanging out with me while I do.
Favorite Performance Overall
And the BRAPPY goes to...
Bad News!
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I mean, my overall favorite (Bain) on a team with two other favorites, performing a great song by my favorite rookie group…? And doing well? And all three of them surviving? YES! 
Favorite Song Discovery
This was tough because there were two really sharp contenders -- Nakka by Akmu, which I have had stuck in my head since I watched the show, and Enough by Hoppipolla, which I listened to in a one-hour loop twice through while working online. 
And the BRAPPY goes to…
Nakka by Akmu!
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“Wow, BPR-Noona chose our song as the one she was happiest to find out about via watching Build Up! That’s such a surprise because I’ve never heard of Build Up or BPR Noona! But I guess it’s nice to win another award. We’ll put it on the shelf with the others and then eventually turn it into a cat toy. We’ll get a cat just so we can make it a cat toy. Thanks!” 
Favorite Performance of a Song I Don’t Like:
I’m going to give this one to Pray. I find the song itself a bit meh, but their performance was impeccable. 
Honorable mention: Fever 
Best stage outfits:
And the BRAPPY goes to…
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Jeup’s team, specifically, Jeup! 
Jeup, would you like to accept the award?
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Oh, you don’t want it?
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That’s cool, it’s just an AI generated image anyway. See you later! 
Worst Stage Outfits:
Team Sweeties, with their paper towel blazers. 
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I just don’t understand the thinking. There had to be other white outfits that wouldn’t have looked quite so… absorbent. 
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Oh no, Sunyoul, don’t look at me like that!
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Ok, I’m sorry. I’ll give it to Neon’s team instead. Neon’s sweater was inexplicable, and they all just sort of look like they’re wearing whatever they happened to be wearing today. 
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Oh no, they’re sad now.
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Well as long as Sunyoul is happy, I’m happy. 
Performance Helped Most By Song Choice:
And the BRAPPY goes to….
Team Underestimated for Enough.
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I think these are all really great singers, and I also know they didn’t even win, but I think that this song is part of what helped them almost make it, and what weighed in to the judges’ decision to save Woong. 
Performance Hindered Most By Song Choice:
And the BRAPPY goes to: Team Forest! It seems obvious that the song was a bad choice overall and allowed only Sanghyun to really sing well, which was bad for the team as a whole. But hold on, team Forest -- there’s another Brappy coming your way….
Teammate Most Screwed Over By a Teammate:
And the BRAPPY goes to: Neon and Taewoo! They were both royally screwed over by Sanghyun, who would not go out of his extremely limited comfort zone and then managed to get all three of them eliminated. Thanks, Sanghyun! Thanghyun. 
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Don’t worry, I’ll mail those Brappies out to you soon. 
Team Most Screwed Over By The Team Itself:
And the BRAPPY goes to...
Team Maknae!
Don’t get me wrong -- I think this was a great team. All three of them are great singers and their voices blend well. I just think judges are biased against young members and automatically discount them. If they had been split up amongst different teams, I think they would have had better outcomes, and we might have able to keep Joohee somehow. 
Biggest Glow Up from Previous Round:
And the BRAPPY goes to…. Seunghun!
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Seunghun looks great in a suit and that shade of ash-blonde suits him pretty well. (I think he looks even better with his original dark hair, but still, he is just looking great over all!) 
Honorable mention: Bain
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I think this is the best he’s looked this whole series. As his hair gets less orange, he gets more handsome. 
Best judging face
So many great nominees for this one! 
Wendy during Fever
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Solar during Pray
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VCG during Bad News
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Eunkwang during Forest
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Baekho watching Geonu dance:
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And the BRAPPY goes to…
This was tough, you guys, but I had to give it to Baekho for just… expressing the truth about Geonu’s dancing. 
Hey, how do you feel about this blog, Baekho?
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Aww, you’re so welcome! Anything else?
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Oh, if you have to go, you have to go. Sorry your shirt fell off. See you later!
Most Irritating Judging Moment:
It’s a tie: (1) when they gave the win to Team Taco over Team Maknae, and (2) when they decided not to save Neon. Fuck that shit. 
Honorable mentions: Not saving Park Joohee.
Best Sweater:
And the BRAPPY goes to…
This fuzzy delight, worn by Jeon Woong! 
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Honorable mention for obvious reasons:
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Team That Seemed To Have the Most Fun:
Obviously, Team Taco. 
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Team That Probably Cried The Most:
The BRAPPY goes to Sunyoul’s team, since they had to change from Piano Man to Drawing Our Moments at the last minute.
Biggest Coat-tail Rider:
Geonu again. 
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Baekho, what do you think?
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Yeah. Yeah, I know. 
Funniest judging moment:
And the BRAPPY goes to…
When Baekho told Jeup he’ll “lose his muscles” if he keeps crying. 
I feel like there’s a certain… theme to my BRAPPY awards? But I can’t quite put a finger on what it is. 
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Oh, Jeup put a finger on it. Thanks, buddy. 
Best Dahee moment:
The moment she decided to wear this. Whatever this is. 
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I love her. 
But also when she was so happy for Team Badnews when they got so much praise from the judges:
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Ok, that’s it for the BRAPPIES for this round!
See you soon! <3 Click here for the next one: Drowning.
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