#my overwatch drabbles
venture4treasure · 26 days
“Of course I dream of more”
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Words: 952
Premise: Servant!Reader washes Noble!Venture hair. They have a conversation. 
Warnings: A bit of forbidden love and mutual pining, but otherwise nothing! 
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“Lay down,” you instruct, gesturing at the cot – the edge of the bed frame is pressed against a tub of water. 
Venture does as you tell them, tilting their head back into the water. They try to look at you, but you’re a bit too far out of their peripheral vision. 
Pulling over a stool to sit down across from Venture, you dip your hand into the tub of water, it’s a pleasant warm temperature. You splash water onto dry locks of hair before reaching to brush back their bangs, submerging them. You’ve barely done anything and you can see dirt muddying the clear water.
“Thanks for making it warm,” Venture relaxes. 
“As opposed to… cold?” You raise a brow, “why would it be cold”. 
“Some of the other servants don’t bother with warm water,” Venture pouts, “I’m starting to think they hate me”. 
“I’m starting to think I might hate you,” you comment, brushing your hand through their hair and watching debris wash out, “how do you even get so much filth into your hair? Weren’t you supposed to be sword training today?” 
Venture laughs awkwardly. 
“Sloan…” you drawl. 
“Well… I may have been helping out in the mines instead today”. 
“The mines? Isn’t that below your station?” 
“They tell some of the best stories! Besides, father doesn’t need to know”. 
You sigh in disbelief, switching to massaging soap into their hair and head. Venture stops themselves from whatever they were planning to say to lean into your touch. You chase off the silence by humming fragments of a song you heard in passing – it’s not good singing but Venture doesn’t mind, they like to hear your voice. 
“So, do you ever think about doing something different from this?” Venture asks, waving their hand in the air.
“What do you mean?” 
“Like, don’t you ever want to try something different? A different line of work, like being a scholar! God, I wish father would’ve let me just study instead of trying to shape me up into some kind of perfect heir to the family – that’s what Mauga’s gonna be anyways!” Venture groans. 
You chuckle at their whining. 
“No, not really,” you answer, “I don’t think there’s anything else I can do to earn money. I am very lucky and grateful to be doing this in the first place”.
Venture goes quiet, their expression drops into a thoughtful one. They turn over the idea of needing money to live in their mind, it’s a concept so far detached from their day to day life, they don’t really understand it. There was always food if they were hungry, nice clothes for any occasion they could think of, and there was always a roof to go home to. Everything they needed was always there within arms reach.
“If you had the money, what would you do?” Venture wonders, both to you and themselves, “like, a lot of money”.
“I’d find a teacher to show me how to read and write,” you answer without hesitation, “and then… maybe I would travel to different kingdoms. I’d like to dance in those big ballrooms at least once. And… I’d probably find someone who treats me well to settle down with, in a nice and safe house close enough to the city market”. 
Venture glances up at you, taking in your face. Your eyes sparkle dreamily, a soft smile on your lips. Their heart aches at the sight combined with your words. 
You shake yourself out of the fantasy, “but my life now isn’t so bad either, it could be so much worse”. 
“What is your life right now?” 
“Right now, I work for your family, it pays enough to support me. One day, I’ll probably marry someone who’ll want kids, and I’ll try to raise them right…” you slightly cringe at your own reality, “protect them if I have to. I just hope I marry someone decent…” 
“You don’t plan to choose?” 
“I don’t really get a choice,” you shrug, “I have nothing to my name, I’ll probably just marry someone like me. Have kids so there’s someone to support me when I grow old. That’s how it usually goes”.
Venture doesn’t like your answers, they want to see you as happy as you were to share your dream. 
“Sit up a bit please,” you nudge them forward, and Venture pulls their hair from the dirty water so you can rinse out the soap. You comb their hair and lightly scratch their scalp as you clean away the soap. 
“Mann, that feels so nice”.
You make a noise of acknowledgement. 
Finally you’re done with their hair – you always forget how much of a pain it is when it gets dirt tangled in it. You wrap a towel over it so it doesn’t drip onto their clothes. 
“Okay, I’m done”, you announce, getting up to stretch. 
 Venture almost makes a noise of disappointment.
“Hey,” Venture calls out your name lightly, “would you like it if I taught you how to read and write?” 
You turn to face them, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “why?” 
They walk over to you, taking your hands into theirs. 
“Because I think you deserve to have a chance at happiness,” they smile, and there’s so much more they want to say, but they keep it to themselves. 
Your face heats up from the touch.
“Ah-” you stammer, “that would be nice, I’d really like that. Thank you”. 
Venture glows at your reaction, smiling wide. 
“Okay, now help me dry my hair, pleaseee,” they beg. 
“You can do that yourself”.
“I’m going to shake”.
“Do not threaten me,” you shoot back.
Venture holds your stare with determination in their eyes and you falter. 
“Okay, fine!” 
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Author’s Note: I realized afterward that this setup doesn’t make sense at all and there’s so many logical issues with the concept but I really wanted to write it anyways. Spare me :( 
Mauga is Venture’s older brother in this. 
I just wanted an excuse to write about Venture’s hair. It’s so fluffy and needs to be appreciated. And they most definitely would shake to dry themselves and splash water everywhere. 
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ya-zz · 16 days
It Has to End - It Will End
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Ramattra x Reader
!! sa r/pe warning !! A/N: I am fairly open about my experience, having written about it in the past with a character from a different fandom. What is written below from the readers POV is what happened to me back in 2018. Some of you may ask or have wondered why I'm comfortable in writing r/pe, and this is why - I have been through it. If this helps even one person, then I have done something right... Also don't ask about word count I did this here and not in a doc-
Something had been off with you for awhile but the omnic couldn't place it. The distant stares, vacant eyes and shaky hands were anything but normal. He ruled it down to the nightmare you recently had, it was still eating away at you, he thought.
One night, when the two of you were seated on the balcony to watch the meteor shower that was supposedly happening, he figured that it was the right time to ask.
"Is everything okay? You have not been yourself recently." His head tilts to the side, optics glancing over at you.
Ramattra notices the hesitation before you peel your eyes away from the night sky. "Yeah. Suppose I'm just on edge."
"We have time-"
"I don't want to ruin the mood." You half smile at him.
"Your health and feelings are more important than some balls of dust falling from the atmosphere." He states, turning his entire body to face you. "Talk to me. Please."
You can hear the desperation in his voice as you follow suit, turning your body to sit in front of his. A shaky sigh escapes you as you look down at your hands resting on your lap.
"I can't forget what happened to me." You start, not wanting to look up at the omnic before you. "It happened so long ago but it still feels recent."
Ramattra stays silent, the only noise coming from him was his inner workings, the soft hum of his fans against the cool night time wind.
"It took me so long, no, too long, to realise what had happened to me. The way his hands grabbed my body. I can still feel them on my sides, my hips; the bruises from how tight he held me." Closing your eyes, you try to dismiss the scene, but it replays. A constant, torturous loop that never seemed to end. "He pushed himself inside of me… I was screaming, shouting at him to stop, but he didn’t, no matter how loud I cried… It felt like glass being dragged back and forth. After he… After he had finished, he just cleaned himself up, leaving me bent over his bed trying to collect myself."
The next sentence that leaves your mouth hits the omnic like a brick.
"He was a friend, Rama... Someone I trusted. Someone I knew for years and he did this to me." It was hard to hold back the tears that started falling down your cheeks. "It took me so long to realise what had happened, but by that point it was too late. I have to live with the fact that I was raped and there is no justice."
Ramattra freezes, hands tightly gripping the cloth around his thighs.
"He's out there living life as if nothing happened, and the worst part about it all?" You look up at the omnic as you wipe away the tear on your cheek. "I still had to see him."
The silence rings loud before being broken by the passing chilly wind. Ramattra goes to speak but nothing comes out. He couldn't believe what he was hearing; all this time, the anxiety, the flinching, the nightmares... You snap him out of his thoughts by continuing to speak.
"We had the same friend group. I avoided him as much as I could when I realised what happened, but nobody believed me when I finally said something... If they didn't believe me, why should anyone else?"
"You have the worst friends." Ramattra chimes in.
"I'm no longer friends with any of them." You laugh awkwardly. "I cut them off soon after."
"That does not change anything." He wants to lean forward, to hold you close, but your body language says otherwise - stiff, ready to push back.
You manage a half smile before continuing. "It comes back every now and then. I'll be having a good day and then it gets ruined by that... I want to it end."
"You have come far already. Opening up to me is the first step. You are holding on to it for what reason? You do not need to relive that moment anymore." Ramattra finally takes that leap and takes your hand in his.
You shrug, taking a moment to think as you watch his thumb smooth over your knuckles. "It's hard to let go of something so traumatic. I can't just snap my fingers and forget it. Something will trigger it and I go back to that isolated state."
"You have thought about different outcomes, yes?" Ramattra asks with a firm tone.
"Too many times." You breathe deeply. "I should've left or I should've fought back. I should've realised what had happened at that moment and gone to the police-"
"Does it make you feel better?"
"No. Worse. It makes me feel weak."
Ramattra hums and nods. "Then why do you keep doing it?"
You stutter when trying to come up with a response. "I suppose it made me feel better for a moment before it made me feel like shit."
"Perhaps you should try a different approach. Yes, it happened and no, you cannot change the past, but you are still here. You are living your life despite the event holding you back in some aspects. It does not make you weak. You are strong." Ramattra speaks softly. "You are stronger because of that."
You smile softly at his words but it quickly fades.
"You are not weak, [y/n]." He reiterates as he squeezes your hand. "Should I ever see this particular individual, I will make sure you have justice."
You couldn't help but laugh at his threat as you wipe away the remaining tears. "You are like a guard dog, you know that?"
"A very good one, no?" Ramattra shuffles closer to you, letting you lean your weight on him. "You deserve closure, to be free from that nightmare."
"One day..."
He keeps his optics on you for a moment longer, your heartbeat had slowed and you seemed more relaxed than before. There was a twinkle in your eyes as they widen, your body shifting forward as you point out a falling star.
"Rama, look!"
Though, he doesn't. His optics were still on you. Admiring you. He brings his head down, resting on the side of your neck. A soft buzzing, a kiss, is felt before he speaks.
"I am proud of you and how far you have come. Do not let this hold you back. You deserve the happiness and you are worthy of love. I am here each and every step of the way, no matter what comes your way. I have you, now and forever."
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colemorrison · 2 months
It was all a game, of course it was though, he loved seeing you like this, he’d get off to it every time if he could.
“How desperate are you?”
A small whimper escaped your lips, which got you a firm shake of his head.
“Tsk, Tsk. You know better, do you not? Is there another lesson I need to teach a pathetic toy like you?”
Ramattra’s voice had dropped from the usual tone, it was firm, mean.
“Sorry sir, very desperate. I’m very desperate.”
“Mm, that is an acceptable answer. Good girl.”
That was new? He hadn’t said that before, how did he know about that phrase? Those two words that sent sparks through your body, two words that made you even more needy.
“Oh? Did you like that?”
Ramattra moved to the edge of the bed where you kneeled, his hands moving to dig into your thighs, soft flesh surrounded his finger tips.
“Look at the way you melt at my words, at my touch. It’s pathetic really, you are pathetic.”
The omnic watched you nod and try to close your legs, he adored how hard you tried but your strength was no match for his. He had no trouble spreading them, chuckling at the wet patch in your clothing.
“All of this teasing has really gotten to you hm?”
“Yes sir.”
“Too fucking bad pet.”
He walked out of the room after that, no hesitation, not even a look behind, he simply walked out. Leaving you to suffer, he knew you wouldn’t touch without permission which just made it even cuter.
Surprise, enjoy this on the way to work darling. @ya-zz
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bumblebeeig · 20 days
i need venture to be real NOW so we can info dump about our special interests with eachother.
i have a NEEEED to rant to them about how genuinely horrifying all tomorrows is and how much i love i have no mouth and i must scream
i wanna cuddle with them while they rant to me about different historical figures they’ve been researching and about all the neat artifacts they have and all the cool facts and things ab them,,,
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badyan · 1 day
Thought onslaught
"I just!…don’t know…"
"Why are you even questioning this?" his voice was cold and unaffected, but you know he doesn’t mean to be so harsh with you. It’s just his usual state. You still feel like you’re interrupting him though…
"It is your birthday. You humans love your celebrations…sometimes even too much," he adds in a lower tone, scrolling for something in his holopad. "So why should no one care this time?"
You go quiet. The thought about you being the most annoying mopping goof floods your mind again. Second day straight. You know too well he has no intention to sound so cold. But two days with these anxious thoughts boiling up within your head…You don’t even have any strength left to pour him your whole heart out. Especially when he’s like this, all in accordance with his role. Right…You should not try to get in touch with him when he’s working. It’s not about personal, you’ve discussed it already — it’s just like his mind switches into the commander mode. And you’ve lost him till the dead of the night.
"Should’ve known better…" you think to yourself, standing up and leaving him alone. Maybe you’re just too tired. Exhausted, actually. Sleep would be great — especially the part when you can have your mind turned off.
You fall flat, huge pillow embracing your face, soft cool darkness soothing your heated watery eyes. You need to take a time-out of this endless thought onslaught. And you can. But right before your mind completely blurs to sleep, you hear him calling you from the other room.
"Where are you?"
"I’ll nap…a bit…" you only mumble in the dark, voice so small in this yearning silence. You know he heard you. You simply try to brush off new wave of trembling overthoughts and force your mind blank, letting the slumber consume you. You don’t want to mull it all over anymore.
The last thing that came to your mind was Ram as you hear some distant clicking of his vents opening in a sigh. Maybe it would have been much easier if you were an omnic like him, able to switch your dumb fucking anxious head off…That would be awesome, even for a bit…
You dissolve into the sweet oblivion of your dreams, now blank, peaceful. Perfect void for your disheartened heart to hide…
…that was until you got scared awake by the sudden noise of fire alarm. Annoying loud beeping was coming from the kitchen, where you immedeately rushed, almost falling because your socks slipped on the smooth floor tiles. You even felt your spine crack from how awkwardly you moved, catching your balance back — but the sight in front of you was worthy of that.
You arrived at the same moment his hand teared the fire alarm detector off the ceiling, crushing it to crunch straight away just to shut the damn thing. He moves frantically, aggressively even, as if this poor alarm could pose a danger to him and all his beloved ones.
Ramattra stands beside the stove awkwardly, oddly slouching and staring at you back silently. The whole scene was so chaotic and so sudden that it makes you both just freeze on the spot, taking a second to comprehend the what-tha-fuck moment. You blink sleepily, taking in the way he stands strangely in the middle of house equipment’s murder scene. He was never jealous of other machines that surround you daily…
Although his pose deceives him badly. Yes, of course it’s usual for him to lower his head like this indoors since he is too large for your cute little kitchen ( or better say, your cute litte kitchen is too small for his full-height posture ) — but right now you sense something off in the way he clumsily stand there, gripping the edge of the countertop, watching you intently with a hint of…guilt?
A deer in the headlights, a little boy who goofed around too much and is now trying to escape getting grounded, quickly eliminating all the evidence of his goofball deeds — that’s what you see in the kitchen instead of your lovely ravager boy. This confounded pose and the way he don’t know where to look to escape your shoked gaze, letting the awfully long foolish pause give him away even more…it’s so obvious that he’s hiding something from you, it makes him sick with embarrassment.
And the more he tries to cover it up, the more it makes your lips curl into a silly smirk. You already know what’s going on — but the view…is charming.
"What?…" was all you can mutter carefully, tone already mischievous.
"Nothing." even his own vocaliser deceives him, pure confusion is evident in his tone. He can only thank the Iris that his faceplate can’t blush, otherwise he would be all red at the moment.
"Why?" your cheeks start to hurt from how big of a smile you have as you point at the poor fire alarm debris in his fist.
"It…it could have waked you up. It did." he objects, though knowing that his arguments sound lame.
"It was doing its job!" you chuckle "It’s the least it could do since big boy commander can’t deal with some mundane human cooking…" you taunt and he lowers his head in shame. He had no time to get rid of the smell of burned food before you rushed over…
You can’t resist this adorable goof. Giggling heartedly, you gesture him to move out of the way. He hesitated for a moment, before he slowly steps to the side, letting you to the stove. There it is — a whole pan of veggies and burned down tomato sause, seasoned with your favourite herbs. All burned, too. You hear his back vents clicking open as he watches you examining the remains of what meant to be your own specialty pasta…
But oh, how his circuitry melts when he’s met with your smile, pure joy shining in your sleepy eyes despite the meal being totally ruined. He freezes, afraid to scare off the moment, finding himself forgetting how to pronounce words. Instead he just stares at you, hoping you’ll read straight from his eyes all the things his soul speaks but his vocaliser can’t yet. At the back of his mind, he sometimes wishes he could have the same deep, gorgeous eyes, just like you, as a human, have…Eyes that can talk louder than any voice or gesture or body language could muster. That would be wonderful, just a bit of this charm any human was born with…
"You sweetheart…" you murmur, gently leaning on him, hugging, snuggling, feeling how his hands wrap around your whole body in his big bear’s embrace, incredibly soft and careful for a creature of steel…your head cradled against his chest and he is nuzzling your hair from up above, planting a silent omnicode kiss.
"You remembered my pasta…"
"Of course I have…I wanted to make you your favourite"
"You remembered my comfort food recipe…to make it for me…"
"… and I burnt the whole meal."
"You! remembered!! and wanted to make!!! for me!!!! and almost cooked!!!!!" you laugh and it fills him with the warmth he has never known.
Perhaps, this is what home feels like…
"So…you’re not mad? Even though I totally screwed it up?"
"Not at all, hun. But I would if we won’t cook it together now." your mischievous smirk is making him thank the Iris again for not being able to blush.
He is enamoured.
@statuetochka, @t3chborb silly Rama food is ready!!! fluff flavoured, because my birthday is coming next wednesday, anxiety is getting me and Rama is my babe therapy
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mavia-anon · 1 year
Into The Shadows
(this one-shot is Overwatch inspired so for reference here is a character list:
Techno - Reaper
Wilbur - Widowmaker
Phil - Moira)
CW: kidnapping and mentions of being drugged.
Tommy's heard of Talon before. Of fucking course he has. Even if he wasn't the son of two Overwatch agents he would have heard of Talon.
It's hard not to when the terrorist organisation have made it obvious they want to start another Omnic war.
Though, since Tommy is the son of two Overwatch agents, his knowledge of Talon is deeper than most. He knows they sponsor Rammatra and Null Sector and he knew the Widowmaker when he was just the ballerina who taught Tommy a pirouette and not the deadly sniper assassin he is now.
So when Tommy wakes up, head pounding and neck stiff, he recognises the uniform of the guards hiding in the shadows of his dark cell almost instantly.
A cold sweat covers his body as he brings himself to his senses, trying to claw back his awareness that is dulled under whatever drug he's under. Desperately he tries to recall where he was before this, what happened before he got kidnapped.
Winston and the recall and--
A thick smoke fills the room, distracting him enough that he gives up trying to remember. Tommy watches in growing horror as the smoke gets thicker, coalescing into the shape of a man, getting thicker and darker until it is a tangible thing.
A man steps out of the smoke, dressed in heavy black combat gear, the red eyes peeking out behind his boar skull mask make him so terrifying that even his bubblegum pink hair doesn't dull Tommy's fear.
"It's good to finally meet you, Theseus Craft." The man hisses, his voice deep and almost ethereal as it echoes around him.
Tommy's breath bitches at the sound of his name. His real name. Not Tommy Innit, the code name the government gave him when Overwatch disbanded. Theseus Craft, his legal name given to him by parents he hasn't seen since the Swiss Headquarters exploded.
"Who are you?" Tommy manages to ask with a steady voice.
The man stalks around him at a slow pace, like a predator stalking prey-- no, not stalking. Tommy is already caught. This is a predator playing with its food.
"I am the Reaper."
As he says it, he dissolves into smoke, appearing again behind Tommy and grabbing him roughly by his shoulders, the claws of his gloves digging into his skin so hard he knows they're drawing blood.
"But you can call me Technoblade," he whispers lowly into Tommy's ear.
"Or brother." A new voice speaks up.
Tommy gasps, flinching in Technos grasp from the shock as he finally spots the new person in the room. He's tall and pale enough to be mistaken for a dead body, an almost blueish tint to his skin and yellow eyes that glow. Tommy recognises him. Barely.
Wilbur Soot used to be his friend. They would often be stuck on the same bases together as their families were busy on missions. Wilbur was kind to him, someone Tommy trusted dearly.
And then he got kidnapped by Talon and Tommy knew when he came back that he was different.
But no one listened to him until Wilbur's family was found dead and Wilbur himself had vanished again.
So shocked by the sight of his old friend in this living nightmare, Tommy didn't even register what Wilbur said, only coming back to reality as he feels Technos claws fall away.
The Reaper steps away, joining the Widowmaker's side and Tommy can only stare helplessly at them, hands tied behind his back and an unknown drug still in his system.
"What's going on?" He asks, barely hiding how his voice shakes and the tears in his eyes.
This time, when the door opens he hears it, sluggishly moving his eyes to look at the newcomer and immediately the little sanity he had is gone.
Standing tall in the doorway is his father. The dad he hasn't seen in six years suddenly back from the dead and...
Tommy wants to be mad. He wants to be furious and scream and curse and fight but...
Well, he's been alone for a long, long time now.
"Dad?" He asks quietly, almost scared that the sight before him will vanish like a mirage.
"It's so good to see you again, my son."
Philza's smile is wicked, there's nothing warm or comforting about it and yet the familiarity is all Tommy cares about.
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axellis-archv-2 · 1 year
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"You're nervous."
"Yeah." He admits, but even admitting it doesn't alter his tone from sounding bitter.
ok 2 rb s/i on the left uses he/him...maybe click on it if youd like
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bisexual-ashe · 8 days
being an ashe fan is wanting content of her and realizing that hardly anyone makes ashe content so you gotta make it yourself 😔
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scionheart · 1 year
Drabble || What's Needed
Prompt: Hanzo has a near death experience and gets sent to the spirit world temporarily.
Word count: 1670
Background music linked below & optional! I have a track for each part. They may not go 100% with the scene but it's primarily just what I was listening to while writing each respective scene.
Part 1 beginning with "Everything is white."
Part 2 beginning with "Everything is black."
Click the read more to access it and please let me know what you think!
Everything is white.
Colorless and blinding. Yet, it doesn’t hurt. In fact, nothing is felt. It’s as if all senses are dull or simply nonexistent. The blank screen of the male’s vision slowly begins to detect a line in the distance. A horizon, seemingly. It’s hazy and uneven. Transparency varies in the abnormal shapes drawn out in front of him. Slowly, more becomes clear. Senses begin to reset. A breeze caresses his skin, wrapping around every part of him in a soft embrace as if holding him with loving intent, whispering by his ears. A bare foot is brought forward, stepping down. It’s enveloped in the haze. The other foot follows suit, and the pattern continues for what feels like hours on a silent path with no direction.
All sense of being is lost. The knowledge of oneself seemingly vanished, leaving just a shell. However, it’s… strangely peaceful. It feels free. A wave of relief washes over. No air fills his lungs as none seems to be needed anymore. The haze swirls up on his sides as he slowly strides past, sprouting, arching, growing branches, leaves, forming trees floating without roots and others rising from the supposed ground, all creating a pathway for him. Some roots explode from underneath and reach overhead to create white archways with white petals floating down like snow. His pace increases. Arms begin to swing. Fists clench. A soft color washes the sky above him, painting the colorless world with a pop of blue. The scent of fresh sakura fills his nose.
What’s at the end of all this?
Steps slam into the haze, disturbing it as he goes. Life continues to rapidly sprout around him. Keeping his pace, no issue, the lightness of his new body becomes known to him. In the distance, a Tori gate forms from the mist. Closer. Closer. Almost there. Coming to a slow trot as the gate towers above, his run comes to a halt mere feet from its archway. The white poles gleam with golden etched designs of dragons. The sharp points of its top have the haze fogging from the tips. Looking through it, the horizon continues, unchanged. Clouds meet with the sky in an endless field. Barren. Empty. He approaches the gate. He’s drawn to it, as if it’s grasping his very mind and puppeteering him from the inside. His arm lifts, his fingers unfurling to reach out.
Is this…?
His focus is interrupted by a form breaking from underneath the clouds just next to him. Serpentine in form, a soft blue is its color, followed by a second form to his opposite side displaying the same color and traits as they both slither out of sight seconds apart only to reappear in front of and behind him. They disappear for several long moments before wind is blown up from the ground, the blue form exploding from underneath between the male and the gate, soaring up into the air, becoming recognizable.
Scales pattern it’s body, three fingered hands in a pair of four total. Another blasts up from the clouds following suit, bodies twisting in the air. Looping. Swirling. The first one points it’s head towards the man below, leveling out before it slams down behind him, it’s body wrapping a border around, the tail giving almost it’s full weight to the clouds to block the Tori gate. The other serpentine floats down more softly, it’s front talons gripping the top of the gate, the back pair landing to the ground behind it. However, it’s body cannot be seen past the gate’s border.
A deep, airy voice is heard, it’s origin the being behind the male. Hanzo turns, tilting his head upwards to meet the face of a blue dragon looking down at him, its chin tilted down towards its chest so their eyes can meet. Antenna like whiskers flow to the sides of its muzzle. Its mouth had not moved to speak. Its voice is simply heard. Understood. The presence around him has grown a little tense, yet familiar.
“It is not your time.”
Hanzo is silent for a long moment before speaking. “What? Who… Who are you?” The other dragon’s presence is heard from atop the gate. “We are the guardians of Yomi.” Hanzo takes a step back. “Yomi… You called me Hanzo. Who is Hanzo?!” His voice is raised, confusion, yet also slight irritation at being interrupted from his path. Feelings begin to rise in his chest where initially there was a void free of such emotion just moments earlier. The dragon replies in mind, an airy hiss escaping its throat.
“You. Hanzo Shimada. Heir to the Shimada family. You. Our vessel for the land of the living. You must remember!”
The other dragon joins in. “You must remember, Hanzo!”
“You must return.”
“Must return!”
Hanzo yells back at the entities in retaliation, spinning around to face the gate and the twin dragon. If Yomi was his destination, then so be it! This is truly where his path leads, where it will always lead. Do they not understand this? This is what he’s been seeking for so long. Now that he stands at Yomi’s gate, he’s being held back. He can’t. Not now! He’s come this far! If he can just see inside… just to see. Just to see him. To find him and maybe… they can come back. Together.
A small exhale leaves Hanzo’s throat with a quiver. He looks up to the dragon overhead. He speaks, his voice strong and commanding.
“If I truly am your vessel then you must listen to me!” He pauses, the strength in his voice slightly breaking. “I must undo what has been done.”
The dragon upon the gate bares its teeth and growls. Its mouth opens and a roar bellows.
“Then you are lost!”
Hanzo remains planted in his position, keeping his gaze upon the other. Over his shoulder, a soft, yet stern tone pulls his attention.
“There is no undoing what has been done. What you seek does not lie beyond this gate. You must do what is needed. What’s necessary.”
Memories begin to flood Hanzo’s mind. His eyes go blank as images impose themselves upon him. His youth. His experiences. His brother.
His brother.
I’m here…
Frozen in place, he stands as a statue. Brown hues shift to look at the gate and its uncertain portal. The soft deep voice speaks once again, slowly.
“Find a new path. Do what is needed.”
The dragon’s pure white eyes pierce into Hanzo, yet it is not with malice. “You must return.” Hanzo breaks his stillness to glance over his shoulder at the dragon. His eyes filled with regret, almost pleading. He very slightly shakes his head, side to side. The dragon takes a few steps back. The one upon the Torii wraps its body around the gate to block it while the form of the other departs it’s position, tail dragging along the ground to lift into the air as the creature leaps up, swirling above before once again beginning to plumet downwards, this time, directly for Hanzo. The archer looks up, baring his teeth yet has no time to react before the dragon’s mouth opens, snapping shut around him.
Everything is black.
A force strongly grips Hanzo’s chest through his back, dragging him downwards. His breath is stolen from him, ripped right from his lungs as the rest of his body feels as if it’s being dragged through a hard, solid surface. Suddenly, the pressure is released, throwing him back into being.
His mouth gapes and eyes shoot open, air floods his lungs in one long, loud gasp. He struggles to regulate, constantly gasping for air as if he’d been drowning. Pressure is felt on his upper arm, muted voices can be heard all around him. A blue haze lingers above his head before dissipating as soon as his vision comes to. A white veil to both his left and right. Figures he doesn’t recognize surround him. His senses in disarray, he pulls away from whatever is placing pressure on his arm, sending him rolling off the surface he was laid upon, dragging equipment on wheels with him by the small cables attached between them and him on varying areas of his upper body. He grunts as he slams into the solid floor.
A flood of emotions stemming from his stomach coursing through every fiber of his being flow to his chest, then his head, finally, his eyes. His mouth remains open as his face is in pure shock.
Anger. Sadness. Disgust. Regret.
He faces the floor, pushing himself up, the sight of the white ground with his fingers splayed flat, palms down and a small blue glow from the tattoo on his left arm becomes blurry. He releases a short, rough exhale. A quick inhale. A rough exhale again. The blurriness begins to shake, stretch, and finally… drop to the ground. It makes a soft noise as it splats against the tile, leaving a tiny glistening puddle. Another follows. Then another. Then another. With another quivering inhale that gets hitched in his throat, once his breath allows, he lets out a voice cracking wail. It draws out for a long few seconds before morphing into a scream.
A strong, heart-shattering scream.
He fights to drag one of his legs under him yet fails as his strength just isn’t there. Lowering himself down, he flops over on his back, tears rolling down the sides of his face. He goes deathly silent, only his short breaths can be heard now. He shuts his eyes, his head pounding. In his revived state, he can no longer fight. He gives in, unable to do anything about the strangers handling him to replace him upon where he was before. Not long after, his body begins to slip into unconsciousness.
Everything is black.
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twilghtkoo · 10 months
have you seen the tiktok of a girl who made her boyfriend a little sprout to put on his gaming headset ??? its so cute and reminded me of hyuck 🤏🏻
pairings. streamer!haechan x reader (f)
genre. fluff
note. STOP RN ANON i haven’t seen that tiktok but i’ve seen some where ppl make a lil sprout bc a few months ago i crocheted me a sprout for my headphones 😭 but THIS IS SO CUTE BC HAECHAN WOULD LOVE IT thank u for sending me this,,,, here’s another streamer/gamer hyuck drabble
[ haechan masterlist | masterlist ]
“i play val a few times but i prefer overwatch, they’re both enjoyable but overwatch is better in a lot of ways, for me personally. but if i’m in the mood for a tense flick-type game, then i play val.” haechan answers a comment, as he’s waiting in the game queue.
he’s sitting relaxed in his gaming chair as he watches the comments fill in. some disagree with him and some agree.
“which one does yn like? she likes overwatch more, she likes that there’s a more wide range of characters than val. she’s not really into fps games, she says they’re too intense for her.” he chuckles at that. “she only plays overwatch because i do and because she wanted to bond with me since it’s one of my favorite games. she’s cute,” he mumbles the last sentence, grinning as he continues reading numerous comments from his viewers.
chat is going crazy at the mention of you.
he’s about to read another comment before you quietly knock on his door, he whips his head around to see you carefully peeking your head through the crack of the door.
you have a sheepish smile, knowing he’s streaming and you didn’t want to bother him but you also have something you really wanted to show him.
haechan doesn’t seem to be bothered at all, because he smiles at you waving you inside.
“what’s up baby?” he slides one side of his headset off, letting you know he’s listening.
you make sure to stay out of the camera since you’re only wearing a t-shirt, one of his t-shirts to be exact. and the end of the shirt stop just below your butt.
you take your hand out from behind your back to reveal a green crocheted sprout.
“ooo, what’s this?” his eyes widen as he carefully takes it into the palm of his hands to closely examine it. he admires how neatly each chain is and how precise it is to a sprout. the two leaves shaped perfectly.
“i made this for you, it’s a sprout and it’s supposed to go on your headset.” you explain.
he spins his chair around to face you and he slides off his headset. “really? how, put it on for me.”
you lightly giggle as you take the headset from him to slowly loop the sprout around the top.
you squeal out of excitement but also taking pride at how good it came out. “see!”
“woah, baby this is so cute.” he gasps, putting his headset back on and looks at himself on the camera.
“chat, look what yn made me!” he shows off the top of his head, scooting closer to the camera that sits on top of his monitor and scooting back.
“hi chat!” you spoke up, finally greeting yourself to his viewers.
“it looks like a sprout is growing on top of my head,” he expresses. shaking his head left to right watching the sprout wiggle.
he rolls his chair a bit off camera to wrap his arms around your waist, squeezing you. “thank you, i love it. it’s staying on my headset.”
your arms circle around him before your hands curl around the back of his hair, softly tugging it. “you’re welcome, i’m gonna make me one now so we’re matching.”
you pat his back as he unwraps his arms around you and rolls back in front of his desk.
“bye chat!” you say out loud, as you’re at the door, blowing your boyfriend a kiss before leaving.
user i just want what they have
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ya-zz · 7 months
Ramattra Drabble
“Your usual?”
“My… usual?”
The omnic then proceeds to recite your drink order, ingredient by ingredient, size and temperature. Exactly the way you liked it.
He remembered. While yes he knew all the drinks and bakes, everything on the menu, he remembered your order specifically.
“Yes, my usual.”
When the airy laugh escapes you, his circuits warmed and he immediately went to prepare your order. He memorised your schedule too. You’d always be there in the morning and then roughly the same time in the evening.
“There you are.” He hands the cup over to you. “This one is on me.”
“Oh!” The gesture, while sweet, was surprising. “Thank you,” you glance at his name badge, “Ramattra.”
“My pleasure.” His tone was light, friendly. He tilts his head as if to mimic a smile. “Have a good day.”
You nod in response with a gentle smile. “You too!”
Ramattra watches you leave the building, already anticipating your return in the coming hours.
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colemorrison · 1 month
Cassidy's hands smoothed over your now flat chest, he was so unbelievably proud of you for coming out to him, admitting who you are.
"How do you feel darlin'?"
"I feel.. Like me."
He could've teared up from how proud he was of you, so so unbelievably proud of you, his boyfriend.
"Now, you want to wear one of my shirts?"
A fast nod from you made him chuckle, soft red fabric coming over your head to cover your torso. You looked so handsome.
"I will say, I believe red is your colour sugar."
"Thank you."
P.S. I love you Adrien :p @bruhhhh-huhhhhh
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teojira · 12 days
[ᴍᴏɴꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴡʜᴏ ᴀᴛᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴛᴀʀ]
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ᴛᴇᴏᴊɪʀᴀ (ᴇꜱᴛ 2ᴋ24)
My architect ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 @pinecipitation
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《Introduction》 《! Please read me !》
¤ Hi! My name is Teddy and this blog as it says on the tin, is a multifandom blog! I'm into a wide range of characters and interests, so I'm sure I have something that'll strike your fancy!
¤ This is an 18+ blog. This is to keep me and you safe should you be a minor. Please stay away!
¤ I will not deal with discourse here, don't like what i write or who I write for? Block me and move on, I don't care.
¤ I am a woman person of color, no hatred towards ANY group is tolerated here. It will end in an IP address block.
¤ My interests fluctuates alot, I have severe adhd and some characters will get special treatment depending on which mood I am in!
¤ I'm always down to chat and make conversation but please remember I'm human and I have a job outside of tumblr, this is just a hobby for me! Please be kind and understanding.
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¤ Every character I will write romantic ideas for must be of age. Any minor will ONLY be platonic. (Exception being the tmnt brothers, they are aged up accordingly.)
¤I write comfort, fluff, angst, pretty much anything tbh.
¤ My own rule of thumb is that if a furry character is sentient, can consent and is of age, and speaks/thinks/acts like a human, it is akin to monster loving. (Harkness scale pretty much). I don't care for your take on it, block me if you disagree!
¤ I will not write nsfw if you are on anon, your age must be somewhere on your blog. (I'm bad at nsfw anyways lol)
¤ A please and a thank you go a long way! (can you tell I work a customer service job?
¤ I usually write with she/her pronouns or gender neutral pronouns, I am willing to try masc pronouns though!
¤ I am not looking for critique, this is all for fun. This is a heavy boundary, I will block if you do this.
¤ NSFW will be tagged accordingly so you can black list, if I forget to tag something, kindly let me know. I am not responsible for your experience beyond that, act accordingly if i write something you don't like.
¤ Please include some details with your requests, such as character and a general idea on what you'd like me to write, as well as it be headcanons or small drabbles. (Headcanon character limit is 4.)
(Drabble character limit is 2.)
¤ Things I will not write: Pregnancy, Underage, harder kinks (Scat/Noncon/vore/piss), Character harming reader physically, Parenthood, character x character. Not sure if I write something? Just shoot me a text!
¤ Do NOT share my writing anywhere else (Quotev, Ao3, wattpad, Tiktok). A Simple reblog is appreciated here and only on tumblr.
¤ Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! It's nice to know something I wrote was loved!
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And finally what we've all been waiting for, put your hands together for the :
《 Fandoms I write for》
Genshin impact
Honkai Star rail
Monsterverse (platonic only for the Kaijus)
Planet of the apes (remake) (NO nsfw)
My hero academia (Dabi and Tomura only)
Demon slayer
Twisted wonderland
Devil may cry
Apex legends (Revenant only)
Fire emblem three houses
Puss in boots: the last wish (Death only)
Stranger things (Eddie Munson only)
Red dead redemption 2
The Wolf among us
Five nights at freddys: Security Breach
Sonic (platonic for everyone except Shadow)
Hazbin hotel
DC comics/ DCEU
Horror icons/slashers
Mortal Kombat
Wuthering Waves !newly added!
Countless other video game characters probably lmao.
Though I write for many fandoms, I'm more comfortable with specific characters so I'll let you know if I'm comfortable enough to write for them!
Don't see a character you're sweet on? No worries, shoot me a text and I'll see if I know anything about them to whip something up for ya!
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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yawnderu · 2 months
With part II of Angel finally done and ending as my longest piece ever with 6000 words, I'm leaving that as my last contribution to the COD MW fandom.
Thank you so much for giving me a platform, it's absolutely insane how much I've had fun in the past 6 months since I created this account, and it's even more insane that I almost have 10.000 followers from my silly little writing. I've met so many cool people that are now important parts of my life, and I keep all of you very dearly in my heart no matter what. If you have ever interacted with my content, I hope you know from the bottom of my heart that I truly appreciate and love you.
I'm ready to move on to new things and fandoms, though it's possible that I will come back to finish my ongoing series or sometimes post random drabbles about things I have in mind related to COD. At the end of the day, I play MW3 almost daily, I'm simply not hyperfixated with the characters enough anymore. I'll still be writing and interacting with people, though my new fics are going to be about other fandoms such as Resident Evil, Overwatch, and Baldur's Gate 3.
Whether you decide to stop following me or stay here, thank you so much for being a part of this journey. I hadn't written in years before I created this account, so it's absolutely insane to have gained such a big following in a short time. Thank you so much for everything!!💗
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starneteyam · 1 year
hiii, luv <3 hru?
i saw that your requests were open and i have a scenario that has been living in my head rent free. i will totally understand if you don't like it or it's not your style of writing, so please take it more as a suggestion!
you know that moment in the beginning of avatar 2 where neteyam gets injured after following lo'ak into the middle of the attack and it makes jake super worried? can you write a drabble of something like, after neteyam gets his injuries treated, he goes after reader who was also on the mission, but in a different area, so she doesn't know what happened to him to check up on her and then the moment she sees him hurt she gets super troubled and distressed, but he calms her up and they have a super cute moment after. pure fluff: just him venting about the pressure of being the perfect son, his worries towards his family and she reassuring him that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time and that he’ll always be safe with her… that kind of thing. maybe that’s the first time they ever said ‘i see you’ to each other ? idk, it’s up to you <3
i’ve been missing my baby boy sm lately so i’ve been daydreaming a lot :( thank you in advance and i hope you have a great day !! i love your content <3
🖇️ char. Neteyam x fem! Omaticaya! reader
🖇️ warn. None, best friends to lovers
🎥 In which Neteyam gets injured during an attack on the Sky people, and you worry about him
A/N Tysm for requesting!! I love this scenario it’s so cute :( I kind of ate this oneshot ngl 😜
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Even though Neteyam was your best friend, he was very affectionate with you. He liked resting his head on your shoulder, and he loved the way you comforted him. Something about you made him so calm, and you made all his worries go away with a single smile. He was basically glued to your hip, and nobody would see you without the other.
But as you grew, the Sky People started becoming more aggressive and frequent with their attacks, and Neteyam was becoming older, which meant he would start going out into battle with his father, along with Lo’ak. You would be situated in a different group, in charge of grabbing any medicine you could loot from the cargo. You hated the fact that you had to wish Neteyam safety as you watched him fly into danger and possible death, but you knew he was only doing overwatch work, which meant he wouldn’t be in the battle field. He would come back without a scratch, every single time.
That was, until today. Lo’ak decided it would be a great idea to go down to ground and “help out”, and being his older brother, Neteyam followed. After a missile striked near where the two of them were, he got blown back and injured, getting cuts and bruises scattered all over his body, losing consciousness for a few seconds. You had seen the missile, furrowing your eyebrows as you watched it hit the ground. Your heart burned anytime any of your people got hurt, and you just hoped nobody who you knew had gotten hurt, or worse.
After flying back to the caves, of course, he got an earful from his father, who was very clearly disappointed in him. ‘I tried to stop him,’ Neteyam wanted to argue, but he bit his tongue and stayed quiet. His father dismissed him with a huff, and Kiri led Neteyam to her grandmother to get himself treated. You, on the other hand, was still at the train tracks, looking carefully for any medicine or herbs you could fine, taking hours.
You finally flew back to the caves, groaning, as your legs were sore and your feet were scratched. You turned your head, cracking some joints as you entered the first aid tent, seeing nobody inside. It was already dark out, and you could hear nothing but the sound of ikrans crying around you. You sat on the floor, unpacking your looted items, drained. “You’re back.” You heard a voice from behind you, and it was as if all the tiredness just suddenly went away, a smile creeping onto your face as you immediately recognized the voice, your heart skipping a beat.
You turned around, and your smile soon disappeared as quick as it came. “Neteyam!” You gasped, looking at his body full of cuts and scratches, his ribs covered with bruises. You stepped forward, your hand hovering his injuries as the other cupped your open mouth. “What happened?” You asked, your hand grabbing his wrist as you looked up at him. He looked down at your worried expression and frowned.
“Lo’ak.” He replied shortly, his voice soft and quiet. Your ears turned downwards as you heard his voice full of hurt. “You need to be more careful, Neteyam. Are you alright?” You rambled, not knowing wether to be angry or concerned. “What if you had gotten killed? I would’ve- I…” Your breaths were patterned, and he immediately reassured you by cupping the side of your face with his palm, forcing you to look at him. “I’m alright.” He told you sternly, and you let out a shaky breath, closing your mouth and nodding firmly.
He sighed as he leaned into the crook of your neck, arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he fit you like a puzzle piece, melting into you. This is what Neteyam had been longing for. You hugged him back, one hand on the back of his head as you lightly pet him. “It was that missile, no?” You asked quietly in his ear, and he said nothing but nodded.
You stayed silent for a few heartbeats, letting him relax into your touch. “It wasn’t your fault.” You told him, knowing he needed to hear it. He pulled away, scoffing as he walked past you. “Tell that to my father.” He mumbled, plopping onto the floor. You let out a tiny sigh. Jake was too harsh on Neteyam, everybody knew that. You couldn’t imagine the pressure Neteyam held. If Lo’ak, or even his other siblings were to get themselves killed, you knew Neteyam would blame himself—and you feared that the most.
You sat on the floor next to him, and as if you were a magnet, he leaned into you, resting his head on your shoulder. “It is Lo’ak’s fault, I told him to stop, to come back! He never listens, and he never apologizes.” He complained, looking at the floor as he played with his fingers, frustrated. You stayed quiet as you listened to him ramble, knowing he just needed to rant. He talked on and on for what felt like hours, and you just sat there, listening, playing with his fingers and hair as you did. You would do anything for him.
“Neteyam.” You called to him, interrupting him as you scooted in front of him, grabbing both his hands. “It was not your fault.” You pronounced each word carefully as you shook both hands, and he frowned, looking away as he shrugged his shoulders. “I know, but-”
You interrupted him again, this time, hand on his jaw so he would stop looking away, and look at you and you only. “Not but, Neteyam. It was not your fault Lo’ak decided to wander off, and I’m more worried about you!” You huffed, frustrated. “You’re terribly injured and you nearly got killed!” You brought your hands to his face, softly brushing your thumbs across his cheeks as your searched his face. “I worry for you, Neteyam. I care for you.” Your words got quieter as the words you always wanted to say now sat on the tip of your tongue.
You closed your mouth, sighing through your nose before opening your mouth to speak again. “Your father may not see it, but I do.” Your mouth opened and closed as you hesitated to say the words. He looked at you expectantly, leaning into your palm. “I see you, Neteyam.” You said quietly and slowly, making sure the words sunk into his heart.
The words flowed out of your mouth, and you saw Neteyam’s expression change to a relieved one. Without warning, he leaned in, eyes fluttering shut as he pushed his lips against yours, a hand on the ground as he did so. It was a deep, slow kiss, your breath getting lost in his mouth as he moved his lips rhythmically, moving in sync with yours. It was as if a dam had been broken, all of your feelings flowing into that one kiss. He pushed against you eagerly, almost knocking you back.
You longed for this moment since forever, and so has he. All the days you had spent, hugging each other with care or looking at each other with eyes that would never look at anybody else the same — all of it being released. After one final, deep kiss, he pulled away, eyes flickering from your lips to your doe eyes, still feeling the ghost of his lips on yours. Your breath tickled his skin, a shiver being sent down his spine. He let out a small laugh, as if only now realizing he had finally kissed you, and you smiled back. “And I see you—only you.” He told you.
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lovedrruunk · 2 months
i love love your work!! im literally obsessed with venture like its actually crazy 😭😭 but anyways i was wondering if i can request venture teaching us how to use their drill? you dont have to do this but i think its a cute idea :3 also is it okay to reblog your work?? thank you have a nice day!!! <3
'Drill tutorial! (Gone wrong)(Gone gay) (dont try at home)
Venture (Overwatch x reader) omfg...
[Established relationship!]
Authors note [ ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ ]✧!!! SO INCREDIBLY REALLLLL like ive been playing JUST to see and hear their voice... ALSO ik i said i was gonna focus on my schoolwork but this request was actually just so cute i ignored everything to write this... TYSM for it!!! oh also ofc its okay to reblog!! i rlly appreciate it !!! <33333 ALSO ALSOOO I think ill just gonna stick to making drabbles ! if its not enough u could ask for a pt 2 tho!
You and Venture had been hanging out as they were back home for the week when they noticed you eyeing their drill. They didn’t say anything about it until the third time they caught you looking at it curiously. That’s when they flat out asked you if you wanted to try holding it. Even though you really wanted to, you denied their offer, scared something could go wrong. But with a bit of convincing, you agreed.
“It’s completely safe, you have nothing to worry about, trust me!!”
“There’s like... three warning stickers…”
“For decoration! ദ്ദി(>ᴗ•)”
So now here you were in the middle of the living room with Venture hovering behind you, helping you get the hang of it. The drill felt heavy in your hands, making you wonder how they used it so effortlessly when on missions.
“And then you put your other hand over here…” Their hands rested against yours, guiding them to the handles.
“Yeah, that's right! You’re a natural!” They exclaimed, leaning over your shoulder to look you in the eyes. Your eyes met, and just as you were about to smile back, the drill suddenly jerks forward, pulling you both with it as you were still holding on. The whirring noise turned into a high-pitched screech as it spun out of control. It flew straight into the glass coffee table, shattering it completely. On instinct, you let go, making it fall to the ground, creating a dent in the wooden floor.
The room fell silent as you and Venture froze in place staring at the mess. Slowly, you both snap out of it, looking at each other before bursting into little giggles that quickly evolved into full-blown laughter.
“Well... safe enough,” Venture says after catching their breath. Trying to suppress a laugh, they glance at you, placing a kiss on your cheek.
"I'll get the broom!”
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