#my orange came out a lot brighter and my purple came out a lot darker lol
crybaby-bkg · 11 months
finally got my hair fried dyed and laid to the side today 😝😝😝😝 IT LOOKS SO GOOD I’m so happy!!!! I can’t stop staring at it 🥲
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sojrner-fishsticcc · 1 month
I love ur work so much omg
I just came across ur stuff on my dash
How do you practice pixel art? I have tried makin fur on my mc skin but it never works well
oh hi!!! first of all, a lot of my work is through just... doin it a lot. i've been doing modeling n texturing for a lil over a year now so i have a lot of practice with it. but i can give you a few lil tips! there's basically 2 mistakes i see a lot of beginners make, and that's using noise and not hue-shifting their palettes.
noise is a way to add randomness to textures by randomly makin pixels darker and lighter. uhh... do not do this. noise tends to look messy and disorganized, i'd *highly* recommend you do your coloring by hand/paw (whichever you have!) with your own color palette. below is two versions of a basic skin, just the front of a torso with grey fur and a white chest. the left version is done with noise, the second is done manually.
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doin things manually adds SO much detail to your texturing. it helps things feel more cohesive by giving it order. there are a lot of lil things i've picked up with how i texture that are just things i've learned through practice. try this out! try different patterns and see if you like how they look. if you look closely at my texturing you can see a *lot* of little repeats with how things are textured.
hue-shifting is basically addin some color - or 'hue' - to your palettes! this is another thing noise does poorly- noise tools usually just make things straight up darker or lighter which looks really boring! here's an example with the palettes i just used. my palettes use 5 colors, but you can use as many as you like. on the left are the ones the skin already used, they just get directly darker or lighter. the ones on the right add some hue in there! the creamy tones for the chest use start dark with an orange hue but shift towards yellow as they get brighter, and the darker fur goes from almost purple light blue. hue shifting adds a LOT of flavor to texturing, add a lil more than you think you need- you can always tone it down later.
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and here's how those colors work on that example from earlier!
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mwah! this isn't perfect, it's just a quick example i threw together for a test, but it's a big improvement! as one last lil tip specifically for mc skins- USE DETAIL LAYERS!!! those are the layers that hover just above the skin. they can add a wonderful amount of depth to your texture work. avoid using them in little random dots because it can make the texture look messy- try grouping them together in patches to make things feel more connected. as for other stuff- follow tutorials! this is a very brief lil explanation of some of the biggest mistakes i see, but there's so much more material online! one of my fav texture artists Jingles makes really wonderful vanilla skin stuff, and teaches a lot of similar stuff to this! the biggest thing you can do to improve your art, no matter the medium, is to practice!!! do it a lot!!! i have a lot of experience with this because i do it a lot, and i've picked up a lot of lil things with time. awawa apologies for this being sorta scattered n all over the place! in the future i ought to make some proper tutorials to direct people too, but i hope this helps for now! i wish you a lot of luck on your modeling journey!!! awooo!!!
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hollyorwin · 4 months
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‘Heart’ Illustration workshop sample 
With the second development piece, I knew exactly how I wanted it to look.
I started the same with editing the piece on photoshop, moving it to IBISpaint. 
Although for this piece I added text relating to the theme to make the figure look busier.
For the shading and colouring style I was working with, I decided I wanted my lineart to be bold and contrast with the image.
I started outlining every detail I felt most important, still wanting to keep to that simple aesthetic. 
Once I'd had everything outlined and I was pleased, I focused my attention onto the colouring. I had a lot of fun with this part, I started with the simple colours that stood out the most and put them where they belonged. 
As soon as a I had a rough plan of the colours I began shading, I wanted to be able to have a lot of fun while working on these pieces and so when it came to the shadows and highlights, I used bold shapes to make the piece look brighter and more noticeable. 
It added a cartoony charm that contrasted with the imagery that I quite liked.
For the background of the piece, i used the same approach, yet for the shading I used a clipping layer, lowered the opacity and layered different shades of orange and purple were I felt needed it.
I'm really happy with this sample, I feel like the figure is this bright, kind person and yet they are trapped and surrounded in this much darker, gloomier warehouse, mirroring the idea of someone being trapped within a destructive relationship. I nothing I would want to be different about this piece.
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mxthtea · 3 years
@booredx psps here ya go :)
lil new thing here!! this is written more from baal's pov (hence y/n being used more). originally, this was written as an assignment for english class. after editing my writing for once, here you guys go :). if anyone wants more stories of baal x reader i can offer assistance!! (i can do fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, anything but smut really)
i recommend using interactivefics for this! since there's use of y/n a lot n you can change it to your name. (as in, your preferred name) firefox, chrome (available on edge i believe but i dont have the link, apologies for my edge readers!)
baal x gn!reader warnings: very ooc baal, physical contact (hand holding, lil kithkith), baal refers to reader as 'darling', author can't describe clothing, use of y/n, written way before baal's release, grammar + spelling mistakes, lowercase writing, let me know if i forgot any description: you go onto your girlfriend's (baal's) roof as the sun starts to set! then you hold hands n kith :) word count: 1.2k
as the day was approaching evening and the sun was about to set, the weather started to get slightly cooler. baal looked up from her computer screen and at the clock across the room, well, at least she know how long she’d been working. sighing and shutting down her laptop. only an hour before they would arrive. she stood and walked up from the living room to her bedroom.
it was slightly messy, a few papers from her job scattered around here and there. nothing she couldn't pick up in just a few minutes. it's not like either one of them expected a clean house or apartment either way.
after looking twice, baal decided to choose a more simple outfit. a black turtleneck without any shoulder or sleeves and a darker purple sweater over it. including a pair of dark grey shorts and thigh high socks. the socks had purple stripes on it as well. compared to other outfits she had, this was more simple to baal. she tied her long hair back into a ponytail. the mass of hair still reached close to her knees but it worked at least.
finishing with some red eye makeup, baal decided she was ready.
on cue there was a knock at the door below.
walking down and answering the door, she was met with her significant other themself, y/n.
"good afternoon, baal," they greeted.
"good afternoon, darling. how was the drive here?" baal asked, letting y/n inside.
"mm, some jerks in traffic but other than that, it was fine."
“did you have any plans?” straight and to the point, baal was never a super big fan of small talk. no matter the person.
y/n smiled to themself before saying, “juuust gimme a second, need to bring in a few things.”
baal looked at them slightly confused. what would they need for today? “alright, can i help you at all?” she asked.
“i- yes please..”
they grabbed baal's hand and lead her outside to their car. opening the trunk, it revealed a red blanket and a cooler.
“by the by,” y/n said, “you wouldn’t happen to have a way to get to the roof of your house, right? because if not then my entire plan is ruined and we have to eat in the grass.”
“so that’s what you’ve been planning,” baal muttered.
she gave a quick nod to y/n, who smiled at the silent reply. handing baal the cooler and taking the blanket themself, they both started walking indoors and to the upstairs.
once upstairs, baal lead them both into her room and opened the window inside of it. y/n stepped out first and scouted a good place to sit at. deciding to stay close to the window but a bit more to the left. they set up everything in silence. y/n placed the blanket down and baal set the cooler down beside them but not entirely on the blanket.
the sun started to set, giving to a beautiful scene of the sky turning to an orange color. turning to y/n, baal smiled softly. they had their knees tucked to their chest and leaned their head onto their knees. y/n’s eyes were bright and their smile even brighter. somehow, even the smallest of smiles made them look radiant.
y/n turned to baal before pulling a soda out of the cooler, “want one? packed sandwiches too in case we, well i, got hungry.”
“i wouldn’t mind a soda and sandwich.”
“great, took me a while to make all the sandwiches.” y/n somehow smiled even brighter.
they handed baal a soda and a sandwich in a bag, y/n even grabbed themself one and started to chew on it. “so, you planned this all out?” baal asked.
"from the time to the bread, had it all in my head. wanted the best for my girlfriend after all,” y/n answered, girlfriend part even said in a sing-song voice.
as baal started chewing her sandwich as well she asked, “how come?”
“how come?” y/n asked back.
“yeah, why put in the effort for this? we could’ve just stayed inside and made dinner together.”
“hmm.. dunno! just wanted to watch the sunset with you.”
“did you put cheese in this sandwich? That explanation was kind of cheesy,” baal joked.
“says the one who used a dad joke!”
baal chuckled to herself and continued watching the sunset while eating. y/n already finished theirs and had their hands at their side. their legs were now pushed out, dangling more off the blanket again. they had a peaceful face, eyes now bright and a soft smile on their face. once again, somehow the smallest smile made them radiate brighter than the sun itself.
baal set down her sandwich beside her on its bag. slowly, she started to reach for y/n’s hand. she didn’t want it to be obvious but she was tempted to let them get the hint and do it for her. baal wasn’t shy, not at all, she was the first to confess to them after all. leaving the latter a flustered mess, almost too flustered to say yes. when it came to physical contact though, that was a job for y/n.
she continued reaching her hand, the further she went it looked like the farther y/n’s went. It felt like a loop. was she allowed to do this? did y/n want to be held? did they just want to lo-
baal’s thoughts were cut off as she came in contact with y/n’s hand. ger fingers lightly brushed over theirs. y/n looked down in slight shock before taking baal’s hand in theirs. they brought their thumb up and brushed over baal’s knuckles.
“panic over holding my hand? you’re too sweet.”
“i’m not the one who initiates all the cuddling.”
"i never said it was a bad thing. i enjoy cuddling with you," baal reassured them.
the two continued to sit in silence. y/n moved towards baal more, gently laying their head onto her shoulder. “how cute can you possibly be?” baal asked.
they let out a weird noise, a ‘y/n-noise’ as ayaka had called it. something they made when they were embarrassed by something.
quickly, y/n sat up and put their hands on baal’s cheeks, pulling her to look at them. she looked down at them confused before they brought both of their faces together, giving baal a kiss to make her as flustered as them. as quickly as it happened, they pulled away and gave a smug smirk to baal as she collected her thoughts again.
baal sat for a few seconds finally starting to get flustered herself from the quick kiss. after taking a few seconds to recover she took y/n’s face into her hands, baal brought their faces together. baal gave the final push and returned the kiss back to them. they clutched onto her sleeves as their face turned bright from it all. seems baal unintentionally got revenge as well.
she moved away, y/n still clutching onto her sleeves in their shock.
“i- i-,” they stuttered.
“are you not happy?” baal asked, slightly scared and embarrassed.
“no! just, didn’t expect it,” they mumbled.
“that was revenge.”
“w- hey! baal!”
y/n reached out and grabbed baal’s hand with both of theirs. they ran their thumbs over her knuckles once again. “thank you,” they mumbled.
“for what?”
“for watching the sunset with my. i love you, a lot.”
baal chuckled to herself again and reached over, quickly giving her s/o a kiss on their cheek.
“oh! i also have a question!”
“hm? what is it?”
“can I stay here with you for tonight?”
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Oooo maybe some real life plants! but they are .. off somehow, I think that the end should mostly keep its dull very color drained vibes so the colorful things just seem more. So the greens are so gray you could barely call it green, and for subsitute water? Maybe liquid magic. Becasue this place has to run off of magic, they are floating over a void...
SPACE WHALES! Flying Rays, JellyFish! A lot of deep sea horrors fit very nicely into space horrors (and wonders bc I'll cry if the whales are mean :( ) and would do nicely to fill the endless stretches of just void with no land in sight. and Anglerfish... maybe not a fish, or floating in the void like the others but something land bound that uses a hypnotic lure? It lures you in with the feeling of safety and home. There is a reason that the abandoned cities where off the ground :)
Anyways floating over a void, the end (in my head canon) is the source of all magics in Mc (all the planes are connected and it diffuses into the other dimensions, but it is SATURATED in everything in the end, the dragon is pure magic, a manifestation of the end itself, so a lot of things there are magic or sustain themselves on magic (things that stay there (live over generations n stuff our group is fine) get warped by it which could be how over world plants got in there and established themselves, they would not survive in the over world any longer, the sun would kill them, their roots would thirst to death on water. they have magical properties, some of them glow. ) Though there are a lot of End Native plants too (the trees that are only trees when you stretch the definition, that thing that Moves, and has what you could only call teeth but it is not an animal, so it must be a plant) Oooooo maybe the warped fungus ;) I mean everything in the nether is terrified of it, so maybe it doesnt really belong there, and hitched a ride on fleeing endermen
A lot of things glow, (its how we have those stars in the end, they are creatures off in the distance, and whenever the wastelands that stretch on for miles give way to not-trees or shrub-lands, something is gonna glow, which gives the areas eerie shadows that make the wide vulnerable wastelands they came from seem safer than whatever is found in there. The magic running in the rivers sometimes spill out into the abyss and dissipates to start the cycle anew. Things lurk everywhere and kind things are few and far between. The End is full of Life, and That Is Horrifying
Endermen are nomadic and travel in haunts (Im taking this from Human Error :D), and are generally friendly until you look into their eyes (Eyes are windows to the soul, how can they bear to look at you? You are so bright, so Warm. It Sears their eyes, It Burns their very being. Stop looking, It Hurts. Stop Stop Stop-) They are willing to trade and talk Enchanting (So All 3 Dimensions have a Sentient Race :DD) and are very magically inclinded. A lot of mages are endermen or have ender blood in them. The end is very deadly, and Haunts keep eachother alive because their death could mean death of the group (they are very close knit and that leads to very protective (what Im saying is when Tubbo gets back his Husband is going to smother him and fret over one of the 3 members of his Haunt (Tubbo, Michael, and Tommy :) )) when One finds themself without a haunt, many try and find safety in the other dimensions as they will not survive alone in the end.
( I Have more ideas, but the more I think the more I make more and I already think im dumping a lot, so sorry if I wrote too much. I tried to break up the text wall to to make it easier)
Oh, that's a good idea! Mainly dull colors-especially for the more dangerous plants, they'd need to blend in to catch their food. I feel like there'd be some more colorful ones though-the chorus fruits are pretty saturated, after all. Maybe purple colors are brighter, and others are more dull? Or no?
So many space creatures, oh gosh. There'd be very few grounded ones, with so much of the End being void, so sea-based creatures are definitely a good call. That'd be so pretty too?? And we've gotta blur the line between space wonder and eldritch horror for at least a few of them, of course!
The jelly fish are absolutely huge! Massive and glowing through transparent skin, they mainly hang out far from the islands, being mistaken as stars, and their tendrils glow so faintly you can only see them up close. From a distance, they're beautiful, but up close they're terrifying.
Flying rays the size of horses that can be used to cross the void between islands like striders for lava?? Flying rays that's tips fade into an abyssal black so deep it looks they merge into the void? Flying rays with a possible relation to phantoms? Seeking out the sleepless, but only watching, merely drawn to lure them to sleep with the mesmerizing patterns that run along their bodies.
Space whales!!!! Titans so ancient and old, parts of their bodies are overgrown by End islands and forest, making them for all purposes, living, breathing islands. Magic so deeply tied to them that even when they pass, they remain afloat, creating graveyards of still islands, that even still seem to breath when stepped upon. Gentle giants in that they are untouched by anything, and so curious of the new wonders the void welcomes.
A thing that stalks the islands it inhabits, singing out a call that seems ripple across the starry expanse-it sounds like love and warmth and understanding, and it says i love you, the universe loves you, in the same way the poem must rung in your ears, must nestle under your ribs. Love, love, love, it croons. Except then you get too close, and it catches you, and the sound is empty and hollow, and it's grip is tight, and nothing leaves it's arms or island alive, drained of life and magic.
Safety is only in that it is bound to the land, and no creature dares approach it, instinctively knowing of the danger. The islands that even the stars avoid...
Magic dragon?? Yes! Manifestation of the End?? That means it must somehow know how to take the appearance of one. Maybe smaller little space dragons, that play among the bones of the long-gone giant ones. The Ender Dragon isn't as large as they might've been, but it mimics the appearance as best it can-I wonder why. How long has it had that egg, again? How long has it waited for it to hatch?
So we can totally have some of the minecraft plants end-ified! Ooh, and since some adventurers probably brought them there to maybe try surviving in the End, there'd be things like crops and weeds and grass, long mutated as they grow along the ruins of what might've been a home once. E N D M O S S. It glow.
Warped fungus!! But more! Because this one wouldn't have ever been to the Nether, never mutated in such a way. It's home, but somehow, it still feels so very alien to those that look upon it. Maybe no orange?? Orange is Nether-color. Darker blue, or more purple-ish, possibly.
Everything is luminescent. The things that aren't are much more dangerous than the things at are, don't stare into the dark for too long-it might start looking back, and trust me, you don't want that :).
The Endermen Know they are not supposed to be here, even if the newcomers do not Stare with all of the heat and warmth and burn. One may bear the Wings, and two may speak their language, but they are too soft, and colorful, and bright, but not glowing. They are Outsiders, and Outsiders must go home.
Because nothing good comes from those that stay-how do you think that thing knows the universe's lullaby?
They ally with the four, if only to save themselves, but the Outsiders grow on them. Maybe they will visit, but the Outsiders must stay out.
(Ranboo does not let his Haunting out of his sight for awhile. Tommy and Michael too yes, but mainly Tubbo and Phil. They could have strayed too far, they could have not come back. He doesn't Know in the same way the others do, but even he is aware of what he could lose, and what could become)
(Tell me A L L of them, I beg of you)
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creepyalienghost · 3 years
The “Other” world
Sammy stared out the car window watching the city they use to live slowly disappear. The tall skyscrapers he knew we’re getting smaller and smaller as they grew further and further away. His father had found a new and better job out in the country and Sammy was forced to leave everything he had behind. His Friends. His music teacher. His safety.
Sammy laid his head on the window, peering out, he watched the smaller buildings and older apartments go by. He saw the few poorer people walking to their destinations and he noticed the homeless ones on the sidewalks. It wasn’t long after when he saw the now leaving New York City sign. There were out of his home city. There was were now nothing but trees everywhere you look and gas stations every few miles. Sammy decided to escape this world for a bit and go into one of his books. He pulled out Charlottes web from his bag and starts to read. He loved the family in here. They stuck by and supported each other no matter what. Sammy would have given anything for it. Anything.
His father was the worst of the three. He would often get drunk and beat on his wife or him. His brother was the just like their father, Always drunk and always violent. His mother was different though. Though she never beats him, she never defends him ether. She doesn’t do anything to him. Doesn’t talk, doesn’t feed, doesn’t teach. She completely ignores him.
By late afternoon they arrived to their new house, 3 miles away from the small town. Sammy closed his book and got out of the car, looking around. There new house compared to the one back in the city was huge and a two story house with lots of space in the rooms it seemed. Sammy remembered it actually had like five rooms here so maybe his father would let him have a decent room. The house was on eight acres of land with a barn and a chicken coop in the distance and surrounding the farms was Miles and miles of woods in most directions, only stopping beside the sides of the road leading out.
Sammy gave the others time to explore the house on there own, picking out their rooms first and calling dibs on it. After around then minutes he went and search for the room that was available. One was obviously the parents room. Michael of course took the biggest room. And most of the others were for there crap. They we’re going to turn one room into in office area and last good one another room for his spoiled brother. There was one room left, a vary tiny small one that was covered in dust. It had only a small window to the outside and a closet. He looked around it and noticed it was slightly smaller then his last room.
Sammy sighs and dropped his bag on the floor, claiming it his. Before he made his room he cleaned it first dusting the walls and windows and sweeping the floors. Then went to gather the rest of what he had. He made it work out for him. He placed his mattress next to the window and stacked his books neatly in the corner. Next to them he leaned his guitar and violin on the wall. And hung his clothes in the small closet. He put his lantern and phone on window sell and make his bed. Everything only took him an hour him to do and he could hear the others still working on there’s.
He chose to stay in and read more of his book until his father started to scream at his mother. He hated it when his father got this way and didn’t want to be near him. Lucky for Sammy he now had new things for him to explore like the little town and the woods. He decided to go explore the woods for today. He quickly and quietly snuck out of the house and headed for the first trail he spotted.
The woods were nice. The sun hidden away behind the branches of the tall trees above him, Making things cooler. There were deer around here. He saw some earlier on the path as well as some rabbits and snakes. He went father up and came into a clearing in the woods with a little well there. But that wasn’t what spoked him. It was the doll perched up next to the well that spoked him. The doll looked like him. Just like him.
It’s hair was the same blond as his. The link was short as his was. It’s eyes were the same shade of blue. It’s clothes were even like his, Jeans and a t-shirt. Sammy picked it up and examine it closer. Now he could see the detail of his freckles on his face. It made him shiver a bit. Why would there be a Doll that looked like him here?
A sound of thunder broke his thoughts on it. He looked up and saw a storm was on the way. He would have to explore more another day, now it was time to head in. Sammy turned away from the well and ran home, taking the doll with.
He almost beat the rain but it came down quick and hard. When he got home his father’s truck was gone and Sammy took this chance to get cleaned up for the night. He put the doll on his windowsill then went to take a quick shower. When he was finished he make himself some dinner and went into his new room, closing the door and calling his friends from the city.
That night as he was laying in his mattress staring up at ceiling while thinking about the doll. He couldn’t sleep with all the questions floating around in his head about it. Why was it there? why did it look just like him? And what does this mean. He told one of his friends form the city about it and he said it could be a voodoo doll or something good like a good luck charm. Whatever it was it gave him a weird feeling. Not Sammy though. Not anymore. It gave him a warm fuzzy feeling that he never felt.
A tiny squeak next to him caught his attention, braking his thoughts. He turned his head and saw a large fat rat with beady red eyes starting back at him. He wasn’t afraid of it though. He was happy to have a little friend there. “Hello little guy.” He said in a soft voice sitting up. But it made the rat scatter away. Sammy watched it under the light of the moon run away and though a hole in the water. He then noticed that part of the wall was a shade darker then the rest of it.
Sammy got up and flicked on the light to have a look. He went to that part of the wall and had a closer look. It seem to to be a fake wall with only the bottom sticking out. Sammy wondered if he could get it open. He gripped the edge where the hole is and begins pulling. In no time Sammy pulled the fake wall off to reveal a small door. He was really curious now and went to open it only to be locked.
He sighed and sat back to figure out how to open it. Then he remembered the guy that sold them the house gave them an old looking key. He remembered seeing it on there kitchen table in the city house. He bet it was the key for this door. Unfortunately he would have to wait in the morning to take it. Sleep would not come sooner for this excited boy.
Morning came much to slow but it came eventually. Sammy waited in his room for another hour listening to the sounds of his family arguing at breakfast before they finally left the house. This was his chance.
He slipped out of his room and headed for his parents room down the hall. Once there the search began. He looked though boxes and drawers, looked though shelves and suitcases. He searched around everywhere else he could think before giving up and headed for the kitchen. Sammy spotted it immediately after opening one drawer and snatched it before running upstairs to the secret door.
Sammy knelt down to the small door and stuck the old-looking key in, turning it. With a click it opened up a bit. A bright blue glow shinning in leading Sammy to be memorized. He opened the door all the way and his eyes went wide in amazement. There was a tunnel with purple and blue light that seem to draw him in.
Sammy began crawling though it without really knowing. It only took a minute before he got to the door on the other side. He pushed that door opened to his house. But it was different. The world seem brighter and the atmosphere seemed confirming. There was music coming from the kitchen as well as a wonderful sweet smell. When he went in he was vary surprised by what he found.
His family, All of them. But again they were different. His mother was happy making chocolate chip pancakes and humming. His father frying some bacon and his brother settling the table up for the four of them. “M-mom?” He said. They all turned to him with big friendly smiles. Each one looks just like his family with the exception of the eyes. They didn’t have any. Just big black buttons.
Sammy backed away a bit. “Y-your not my family. T-they don’t have those b-b-b”
“Buttons?” The one that looked like his mother finished for him with a giggle. “I’m
Your other mom silly. And this is your other family.” She motions to the other two.
“Other family?” He ask.
The one who looks like his father nodded as he came over and kelt down. “Yes sam. Other family. Now why don’t you go sit at the table. Breakfast is nearly ready.”
Sammy wasn’t to sure of trusting them but his belly said otherwise. He sat down next to Michael just as the other mother came over with a huge stack of pancakes and filled his glass with orange juice. “Enjoy your breakfast Sammy.” She smiled.
Sammy looks down the delicious looking food and cut a small bite. If it was poison it wouldn’t effect him if it was a small bite. But when he ate it the flavor exploded. This was the best thing Sammy had ever tasted. “This is so delicious!” He couldn’t help to say.
“Well I’m glad you like it my dear.” Other mother replied as she and other father sat at the table. All four of them ate at the table together and other mother explain more of what was going on to Sammy. His real family wouldn’t ever have a family meal. There was only fighting and abuse back home with little to no food. Sammy was already starting to love the other world.
By the fifth pancake Sammy was full and leaned back with a burp, causing Michael to crack up next to him. “You done Sam?” Other mother ask. “You and Michael can go play video games if you want.”
Sammy was shocked. His real brother would never let him play video games with him. “Really? Your letting me play your games to?”
“Of course bro.” Other Michael replied. ��Your my little brother. Why wouldn’t I?” He ask getting out of the chair. “Let’s go”
With that Sammy got up and followed his other brother into his room as his other parents cleaned the table. Other Michael sat up the game and soon they were enjoying a shooting game together with laughter and challenges for each other. Sammy was enjoying his time for once and was winning the game.
It wasn’t until lunch that it dawn on him that he had been missing from his own world for hours. He didn’t want to leave this world but knew he had to go back so he doesn’t get in trouble with his real father. Other Michael most of seen Sammy sad expression because he ask a question. “Hey. What’s wrong? Arnt you enjoying it here?”
Sammy nodded. “Of course I am! But I have to go back now. And I’m scared i won’t get to come back.
“nonsense.” Other Michael replied. “Where be here when you want to return. Well always be here for you Sammy.”
Sammy smiled and give his other brother a hug. “That’s great to here! I’ll be back tomorrow.”
He got up and told his other parents he would come back tomorrow, before crawling back though the tunnel. Back in his world it seem grayer, more sad. There was no music to greet him. There was no sweet delicious smell of pancakes or bacon and there was no family waiting for him with lunch. Once in the kitchen he notice the new dishes in the sick as he pass by them. They had eaten without him. He signed and quickly made himself a Turkey sandwich before sitting at the empty table. For the first time he was lonely eating by himself there.
Sammy slept all though breakfast this morning. Mainly do to not wanting to be around his father or brother but also because It was raining and Sammy loved hearing the rain taping on the window while he rested. He finally arose around the time for lunch and decided to spend it with his other family.
He crawled though the magical blueish Portal to the other world, this time smelling the scent of chicken pot pie and the sound of jazz playing in the kitchen. He ran there excited to see his other family waiting for him. “Other mom! I’m back!” He called out as he swings open the door.
They all turn to him with loving expressions. “Welcome back Sammy!” Other mother replied giving him a tight hug. “We got a fun day plan for you!”
Sammy wasted no time hugging other mother back and glancing up. “Really?! What are we going to do?” He ask.
Other mother smiled and lead him to the table. “I was thinking we go for some ice cream.” Followed by shopping for some books and Instruments and ended in seeing the Orchestra.” Other mother replied putting a plate in front of him.
Sammy was really excited with the plans for today. “That sounds really great!”
Other mother smiles and ruffled Sammy’s hair. “Alright. Eat up first.”
The day was indeed a great day. At the ice cream shop Sammy had a whole new flavor that never existed in his world. It was the best ice cream he ever had plus here it never melted. When they finished there they went to music store. There were Instruments Sammy never send there but when he tried them he was a pro at it. He had fun trying each of the weird looking Instruments and got one that looked close to a violin. Once at the book store Sammy noticed that it went on for miles and mile. He was amazed at how huge this was. Especially since on the outside it looked like a Normal little shop. He spent hours upon hours looking at the books In the different sections. Some he recognize from his world and some that he didn’t from this one. Each book there was a beautiful non damaged copy and Sammy couldn’t help running his fingers down the spins. He pulled one book out and read the first page and would immediately want to read it then he would do the same to the next one and the next. He only got though one section before other Michael came to get him for the Orchestra. Sammy got to take ten books with him. Not bought. Take. There was no buying in this world other mother had told him.
At the Orchestra Sammy and his other family were the only ones there. But Sammy didn’t really noticed. Especially when it started. The music had drawn him in from the start. It was like magic to his ears. Like hearing something so familiar yet something other worldly. It was all so beautiful to watched and listen to.
The day went by so fast but it was one Sammy would never forget. Sammy was beginning to grow sleepy as they headed home. Other mother noticed and bought Sammy closer. When they we’re home she tucked Sammy in his king size bed and sang to him. The soft lullaby instantly put the tired boy to deep sleep.
Sammy woke up the next morning with his door being kicked open by his father. He sat up quickly in fear by his father’s angered expression. “You!!” His father shouted with a point of his fat finger. “Where the fuck were you yesterday!!?”
Sammy tried to think of something to say but he couldn’t nor could he even speak if he wanted to. His voice was gone from the fear he felt. His father didn’t like this and charged at him swinging his first for what felt like hours. Sammy managed to craw under his bed after being hit several times. Eventually his father got bored and stopped out of the room.
Sammy took this time to run. He clawed into the other world and ran right to other mother and wrapped his arms around, barring his face in her shirt.
“Oh Sammy.” She said wrapping him in her arms. “I’m so sorry he hurt you my dear.” She spoke softly. “I’m so very sorry.”
Sammy said nothing. All her could do is sob in his other mothers shirt. He was glad he didn’t have to explain anything to her. He was glad she already knew what had happened. How? He didn’t know but that was a question for another day. For now all he needed was this. A caring loving mother.
Once Sammy was calm, other mother knelt down to his level and clean his sticky cheeks with a warm wag. “I know what will cheer you up.” She smiled. “Go find your other father. He has a surprise for you. I’ll make you some cookies while you there”
Sammy nodded and went to find other father. He found him in the home office but instead of a desk there was a brand new grand piano. “Wow!” Sammy shouted in excitement.
Other father turned around to him. “Neat huh?” He smiled.
Sammy plopped next to him at the piano. “Neat is an understatement! This is...amazing!”
Other father chuckled. “Do you want to play some songs together?”
Sammy nodded. “Heck ya!”
Sammy and other father begins to play the first song together. Sammy at the right playing the high notes. Other father on the left playing the low nights. They played for half an hour before other mother called them for cookies. “Let’s go get some cookie.” Other father suggested.
Sammy nodded and followed him into the kitchen. On the table there was a big stack of cookies on the table with other mother and other Michael waiting at the table. “Come sit Sammy.” Other mother announced. “We have a another surprise.”
Sammy sat beside other mother as other father sat down. “What other surprise?” He ask eaten a cookie.
Other mother placed a big blue present in front of him. A big white bow tied around its lid. Sammy thought it was a gorgeous box. “Go on dear. Open it.” Other mother smiled.
Sammy reached for the bow and untied it, letting the ribbon majestically fell to the floor before he pulled off the lid. He peaked in and was confused. There was two big black buttons in the middle and a needle next to thread. He glanced at other mother with confusion.
Other mother picked a button up and held it out. “You could stay here if you want Sam. But you have to have buttons sewed in your eyes. That’s the only catch.”
Sammy frowns. “I-I what?...” he ask.
“Don’t worry Sammy.” Other father said. “So sharp you can’t feel a thing.” He encourage and other Michael nodded.
Sammy looked down in thought. He didn’t want this but one time of pain for forever of happiness is better then getting abuse by his real family. “...yes.” He answered. “I’ll do it.”
“Excellent” other mother replied.
Other Michael came behind Sammy and held him to the chair and other mother began ripping Sammy’s eyes out. He screamed and thresh, cried out in pain as it was happening. The first eye goes after five minutes then the second after ten minutes. The sewing was next and was indeed painful. There was no screaming now. No threshing. No crying. There was pain, lots of it but Sammy could no longer react. He had lost his soul from this. He realized now this was all an illusion. All of it. From the food to the care of the other family. He now sees what she truly is. But it’s far to late for him. He belongs to her now.
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Thera’s Journal Entry #48
I placed the final box outside my door.
I had been going through a lot of Zane and Sora’s things lately. I had kept only two boxes on a shelf in my closet. But there was a small storage room where the rest of their things were kept. I had gone through those as well, and had found that I lacked room for some of these new things.
So today I was going through things I didn’t need. I’d put them in boxes, and Ann was going back and forth with them on a cart like thing to put them away in the storage room. There they would stay until I started up a garage sale (I believe that’s what Poppy had called it when she suggested the idea) to get rid of the unwanted or unneeded items. I had to admit, it was harder to get rid of things than I thought.
I turned and looked back inside my room, which looked a lot better now. After Ann came back and took care of the final three boxes which lay outside, we would begin on cleaning up a bit more. The two desks in my room were cluttered with recent reports, that would need to be put in the filing room soon, along with books and other trinkets.
“I wonder if I should get another bookshelf.” I muttered to myself as I looked at Sora’s old books, which were in a stack on the floor.
“What’s going on here?”
I recognized the voice and turned to see Crow looking in behind me.
“Cleaning.” I stated. “Come on in. And try not to step on anything.”
I walked to the back of the room and began to move around trinkets on one of the shelves of my bookshelf, to make room for a few more.
Crow stepped in behind me. “Need help. I don’t have any more work to do. At least, not right now.”
“I don’t need any. Ann’s helping out right now. Once she comes back and makes another trip to put the last few boxes in storage, we’ll work on tidying this place up.”
Crow looked around the room. “You could use some brighter stuff, don’t you think?”
Most of my room was darker and cooler colors. The bedsheets were a dark purple, so were the rugs, and the wooden floors and furniture were all a dark brown. So was the small kitchenette with granite counters. The lightest thing in the room was the light gray wall.
“I suppose so.” I said, looking around as well, hands on my hips. “But it wouldn’t go with the aesthetic.”
“I’m going to pick up lunch. Want anything?”
“Yeah. Go to that Chinese place. Get me and Ann each a plate of orange chicken and rice.”
“Uh, vodka.” I said jokingly.
“Non-alcoholic drinks?”
“I don’t know. Uh, just surprise Ann and I with some sort of soda. Make them both large.”
“Got it.” He left and I continued to tidy up.
When he came back things were already looking better. Ann had had to stop down at a store in the city to buy a wall shelf, since I needed a bit more space for books. The dresser in the back of the room was now lined with a lot of Zane’s things, including his old cowboy hat on a stand. I might wear it someday.
“Food’s here.” Crow announced, coming in. I had set him up where he could come in as he pleases as well, though he still knocked, unlike Ann.
Crow handed the to-go plates to us both. Ann sat on the bed and began to dig in. Crow set his mask on the table and I noticed that he had a box in his hands.
“What’s that?”
He brought it out, showing that it was a plant in a light purple pot.
“It’s called a zz plant I believe. This should brighten up your room and still fit the ‘aesthetic’ as you said. They’re also easy to take care of. At least, that’s what the lady said.”
He handed it to me and I took it. “I know just the spot.” I moved it to my now clean work desk in the back of the room. “Perfect.” Then I went over to the table to enjoy my food. Crow joined me.
“You two are adorable.” Poppy gushed, floating around beside us.
I rolled my eyes, fighting the heat rising to my cheeks. Crow smiled at her and took a bite of his food. Glint appeared, and our Ghosts headed to my work table where they usually went to talk and gossip. The three got along quite well.
Crow looked around. “The place looks nice.”
“Yeah, it looks a lot better.”
“Any missions for either of you today?” Crow asked Ann and I.
“I had a lot of patrols on the EDZ, headed to the Cosmodrome to talk to Shaw, see if he needed help with anything, then did a quick surveillance mission on Nessus. Commander Zavala wanted me to see if the Cabal were up to anything. They weren’t.” Ann answered.
I shrugged. “Nothing too interesting for me. Fought against more Cabal, did two patrols on Europa, and finished up some Crucible bounties.” I took a big bite of food.
Ann put her plate to the side, already finished, and stood up. “Alright, I’d hate to be a third wheel, ya know, so I’m gonna head out. Got to check on Barney.” She turned. “Poppy, let’s go!” And she left.
“Barney?” Crow asked.
“Oh, yeah, that’s her dog. We think he’s a lab, or at least has some lab in him.”
“I wasn’t aware that Guardians were aloud to keep pets.”
“I asked Ikora, and she said there wasn’t a rule on it so Ann got to keep him. I’d get a cat if I wasn’t caught up with missions all the time.”
“I think you could take care of one.”
“I don’t think so. There are some days when I’d have a lot of work to do on the field, so I’ll just stay in my ship and sleep there, sometimes for days at a time. With the Cabal problem, I have a feeling that that’ll happen a lot sometime soon.”
“I’m at the Tower almost all day. I think I’d be able to leave my spot and go feed it a few times, make sure it has water.”
“Maybe I’ll get one someday, probably when things calm down.”
The door opened again, startling me. Ann was in the doorway, grinning.
“It’s snowing!” She exclaimed.
I took my final bite and stood up, then walked outside. Sure enough, snowflakes were falling to the ground.
“Huh, it usually doesn’t snow at the beginning of the year like this. Not saying it isn’t welcome.”
Crow stepped up beside me and leaned over the railing, looking up at the sky. Ann joined him, but stuck her tongue out to catch a snowflake or two.
“It looks like it’ll be coming down harder soon.” Scout said, flying up beside us with Glint.
The sun was starting to go down and it was starting to get colder.
“I’m gonna keep heading home.” Said Ann. “See you both tomorrow!” She bounded off with a wave.
“You should probably go too before the snow picks up.”
“Nah, I think I’ll be fine if I stay here for a bit. I want to watch one of those movies you’re always talking about.”
“Which one?” Asked Scout, knowing that I talked about many.
“Uh, that one with the pirates.” He snapped his fingers, trying to come up with the name.
“Pirates of the Caribbean?” I asked.
“Yes, that one!” He said nodding. “It sounds very interesting.”
“Alright, well come on in.”
I just barely heard Scout say to Glint, “How much you want to bet that he’s hoping they get snowed in so he can hang out with her for the rest of the night?”
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many-gay-magpies · 4 years
Making that I-Land as colors post now because I feel like I spoiled it a little so i gotta do it now :P
(In no particular order because I don't know if there IS an order and frankly I couldn't care less) (actually kind of in an order from which member's color is easiest for me to pick out to the least-easy) (honestly the order and everything about this is just hella randomized bcs whereas i would LIKE to do the colors for all 23 applicants, there's just some grounders that never got enough screen time for me to get to know well enough to pick out their colors) (ANYWAYS I've drawn this out long enough here we goooo~)
SEON : everything about him is like. really distinct and defined? the same goes for his color— it's a kinda darker, slightly duller blue/green color that leans more towards the green side
K : already said this, but he's a medium-toned pinkey-purple color ! and this isnt really helpful but its a color that as a kid i used to VERY SPECIFICALLY call 'pinkle', so. K's pinkle lmao
JAY : really orangey red! kinda like the scarlet crayola crayon but a lil more orange
HANBIN : also very orange, he's more like. almost sunsetty orange but not quite pink enough? like overall its a really soft, soothing, medium-toned orange that's kinda like a pumpkin!
HEESEUNG : kind of a darker ultramarine blue mixed in with some really light aqua/mint? like its mostly that deep blue color but some of the mint is swirled in there, maybe some darker navy blue on the edges too !
SUNGHOON : raspberry !! like a vibrant but also kinda soft pinkey-red, more mid-toned. which is weird because i lowkey expected him to be some flavor of blue but apparently not
SUNOO : yellow! real soft yellow tho, not like neon or anything, more like. a banana. also maybe sometimes has a little tangerine orange in it !
NIKI : darker burgundy but not like almost black-dark or anything; also more on the cool side of the overal burgundy spectrum
JAKE : like Niki, he's burgundy, but more red/orange and less pink? like lowkey it's blood red but that sounds a lot more threatening than it looks in my head SDSDSJDSJ he kinda looks like red velvet cake if it were sliiightly more orange
JUNGWON : he's like. mostly really pale pink, like a pale pink base if that makes sense? and he has little bits of slightly darker pink and some pastel red, too !
TAKI : kind of a mix of yellow, orange, and gold that's more gold than anything else
KYUNGMIN : sunsetty orange, but unlike Hanbin his very definitely has a bit of pink in there ! just a little bit tho. it's just really nice
NICHOLAS : green ! which is fun because he's like the only trainee that came off as green to me lmao. it's like a deeper forestry green and it's just really nice :3
DANIEL : pink! but also kind of orangey (its kinda funny, because kyungmin is orange with a little pink and daniel is pink with a little orange)
YOUNGBIN : hhh i feel bad because we actually saw a good bit of youngbin content but i cant really identify his color super well,, he's also kinda gold? but darker and less orangey than taki
EJ : this is fun because of how close he n daniel are but he's also an orangey-pink color! but he's brighter than both daniel and kyungmin, lighter too- he's. pastel!
GEONU : like red? but pastel red, also kind of copper
I think that's it hhh-- if another member's color jumps out at me at all as i work my way thru the rest of the show I'll try and add them !!
So in conclusion this is literally one of the most red/orange/pink-based groups of people I've ever come across, hot damn-- like there's. What. 23 people (22 after yoonwon left) and only three of them are distinctly blue or green?? Dang. Anyways yeah I hoped you eggies (hyphens? highlighters? can I still call us eggies since this post is abt all the i-land trainees and not just the final debut group?) liked this random post about colors !!
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Virgil, Gordon, Scott, John, Jeff, Lucille
And another fic for @gumnut-logic‘s #irrelief!  Two prompts for this one: “Little Virgil & Gordon” from @weirdburketeer and “Virgil trying to teach a brother how to art” from @melmac78
Scott was going to regret leaving him to handle Gordon alone, especially when paint got involved.
Nine year old Virgil eyed the paper in front of him critically.  It was almost done, almost perfect.  Just one more dab of paint… there.  His hand retreated and he nodded, satisfied, before movement caught his eye and reflexes honed by necessity caught questing, paint-covered, fingers as his menace of a younger brother reached out to deface his newly completed art.
“Gordon!” he complained at the five year old, who grinned back at him mischievously.  “What are you doing?”
“Painting!” he said gleefully, holding up two hands covered completely in a rainbow of colours.  With some despair, Virgil could see that damage had already been done – unsupervised, Gordon had managed quite an impressive array of handprints along the furniture and newly wallpapered walls.
Why was their demon brother unsupervised?
“Scott!” he hollered up at the ceiling.
“Scott’s busy!” Gordon chirped, smearing his paint-smothered hands on the table and narrowly missing Virgil’s completed artwork.  It was still too wet to move, and Virgil’s own fingers were paint-smeared and needed a wash before he touched it again anyway, therefore it was – somewhat – simpler to instead relocate the slippery creature he was apparently related to.
“Why is Scott busy?” he asked, hoping said brother would appear and take the five year old away before any more paint ended up where it shouldn’t.
“Homework!” Gordon grinned, flailing his hands around.  Globs of paint flew through the air, one landing squarely on Virgil’s nose.  He swiped it away irritably, only for Gordon to point and laugh.
He still had paint on his fingers.  And now on his face.
“SCOTT!” he yelled, as Gordon giggled insistently.  “JOHN!”
“What?” Scott’s voice finally floated down to him, sounding distracted.  John, predictably, didn’t answer.  His nose was probably buried in a book, rendering him deaf to the world. It wouldn’t be unusual.
“Gordon’s being a pain!” he complained.  With Mom and Dad taking Alan for a check-up, Scott had been left temporarily in charge and, in Virgil’s opinion, was doing a thoroughly poor job by shutting himself up in his room and letting Gordon run wild.
“I’m doing homework!” Scott shouted back.  “You play with him!”
A door shut upstairs, signalling the end of the conversation.  Virgil fumed silently at him for a moment, before realising that Gordon wasn’t giggling any more.  He looked around frantically, and found him raising a single, colourful, finger immediately above his finished artwork.
“No!” he snapped, leaping at his brother and forcefully dragging him away.  Brown eyes looked up at him hopefully.
“I want to paint!” he declared, emphasising his demand with a sticky finger jabbing at Virgil’s cheek. “Let’s paint!”
Virgil looked at his already paint-covered brother, glared up at the ceiling where his elder brothers had both willingly abandoned him to this fate, and then grinned.
If Scott wanted him to play with Gordon, he would play with Gordon.  After all, Scott was in charge and he was just doing as he was told.
“Okay,” he agreed, picking up his paints and taking them over to the kitchen floor, along with some vaguely paint-free paper.  “I’ll show you how to finger paint.”  Gordon’s ever-present devil’s grin was out in full force.
“I already know how to finger paint!” he declared, splatting his hand down in the vague vicinity of the paper, leaving another colourful mess on the floor.  “See!”
“No,” Virgil corrected him, leading him to the sink and washing the worst of the paint off of his hands as best he could.  Gordon wriggled, not unhappy with the water, but disappointed to see swirls of colour running down the drain.  “First, we need clean hands.”  He washed his own as well, using his bigger size to keep Gordon pinned in place until his hands were also acceptable.  “And dry ones, otherwise the paint will get too runny.”
The towel was accepted with poor grace, Gordon more interested in slapping wet hands on Virgil’s clothes instead.  Virgil persevered, however, and soon had Gordon sat cross legged on the floor, in front of the paper and paint, with clean, dry hands.  He sat down next to him, keeping most of the paint out of reach.
Gordon lunged for the paint in reach, dabbing his fingers in with precision until each finger (and thumb) had a different colour on, before he lurched for the paper and slammed them all down at the same time.  Virgil winced.
“That’s how babies finger paint,” he protested, looking at the hand prints rapidly forming as Gordon mixed the colours on the paper with abandon.  “I’ll show you how to do it properly.”
Gordon looked at the mess on the paper – a purple-brown concoction, for the most part – and then at his fingers.
“Clean your hands again,” Virgil told him, picking up another bit of paper.  Gordon wiped his hands vigorously on his clothes – freshly applied, the paint transferred readily to the fabric.  “Properly, Gordon.  Or no more painting.”  The blond menace pouted, but dutifully scrambled onto the stool to reach the sink again.
As the water gushed out of the taps, Virgil placed his clean paper over the mess Gordon had made, pressing down on it carefully and holding it there until he was satisfied the paint had stained it before pulling it away.
The water was still running.
“Gordon,” he said, and with a giggle the boy finally shut off the tap and hurriedly wiped his hands on the towel again before skidding back to his side on his knees.  “Look.”  He carefully dipped a single finger in the green, before dabbing towards the top of the area.  “Leaves!” Gordon’s eyes brightened, and he jabbed a finger in the blue before making swirls at the bottom of the paper.
“Water!” he said.  “Look.”  A wonky circle took up a hand’s-width of the paper, before a single skinny finger trailed a blue line from it all the way to the edge of the paper, and onto the floor. “A lake with a river!”
Virgil grinned.
“You do the water, I’ll do the plants,” he said, and Gordon nodded enthusiastically.  “Look, if you use darker and lighter colours, it looks better.”  Finding a dark green and a yellow paint, he dabbed at his green splotches.  Gordon watched with wide eyes before smearing a finger with the darker blue and slapping it in the middle of his lake.
“It’s deeper in the middle!” he declared.  “Where the fish swim.”
“And brighter at the top, where it sees the sun,” Virgil added, using his yellow to give little highlights to the top of each leaf.  Gordon frowned, looking at the paint colours, before taking a little bit of blue and adding some white to mix it together for a pale blue.  Virgil added a little more, for better contrast, even though his interference was met with blue paint on his shirt as Gordon pouted, and once the blond was satisfied he added the lighter colour to one edge of his lake.
Then he smeared yellow on his finger and added in small blobs with spikes to both the lake and the river.
“Lots of fish!” he said proudly, before using the orange unbidden to give the spikey blobs darker patches, and then the white for whiter patches “on top!”
Virgil laughed and let him be as he focused on his own leaves, adding in a bright red caterpillar to offset all the greens and blues.  Gordon also stole some red for more fish, and green for a frog, and by the time a car could be heard in the driveway, their woodland lake was full of creatures.
At the sound of the car, Gordon froze and looked around, as did Virgil.
The kitchen was a mess, large parts of the floor covered in paint.  It was going to take a lot to clean, and Mom and Dad would not be happy. A lithe, paint-covered hand, found the plastic palette of paint and with a Cheshire cat grin, Gordon flipped it face down.
“Whoops,” he said, gleefully.  Virgil stared at him in horror, knowing that was one more thing that would upset their parents, before remembering why he’d ended up painting with Gordon, of all the messy creatures.
He grinned back at Gordon and gestured up the stairs.  Brown eyes met brown eyes, and a matching look of mischief came over his own face.
“Not our fault,” he whispered.  A devious trouble maker already, it didn’t take Gordon long to catch on.
“Scott!” he giggled quietly, and as voices sounded outside the house, Mom and Dad getting out of the car, they crept upstairs and into their bedroom.  Paint-covered hands muffled giggles as they sat on the floor and waited.
They didn’t have to wait long.
“SCOTT CARPENTER TRACY!” Dad’s voice boomed out.  “GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!”  There was a sudden scuffling from the room next door, sounding suspiciously like a chair falling over, before the door opened.
“What is it, Dad?” Scott called.
“I said GET DOWN HERE!” Dad repeated, and Virgil and Gordon had to hold their breath not to be overheard as their eldest brother tramped down the stairs loudly – before the noise stopped suddenly.
“What-” Scott started, only to be cut off.
“Your mother and I were gone two hours, Scott.  You promised you didn’t need the neighbours to watch you, so why is the house covered in paint?”
“Virgil was the one painting!” Scott protested.  “It’s got nothing to do with me!”
“Not just Virgil, judging by the amount of blue and yellow on the kitchen floor,” Mom interjected.  “You were supposed to keep an eye on your brothers, Scott, not hide from them in your room.”
“I was doing my homework!” Scott protested.
“The same homework you told me you didn’t have so you could definitely watch your brothers?” Mom replied, and there was silence.  Virgil and Gordon stared at each other, wide-eyed, then jumped as their bedroom door opened.
John slipped in, rolled his eyes at the pair of them, then settled on the floor by the window with his book.
“Get paint on me or the book and I will kill you,” he said firmly.  “I am not dealing with Storm Scott.”
Virgil nodded, although wondered why John would come here to escape, then turned his attention back to the altercation downstairs.
“Now, you are going to go upstairs, change into your painting clothes, and then clean this up,” Dad was saying firmly.
“But I didn’t do it!” Scott protested, loudly and furiously.
“Your responsible brothers will be helping you, don’t worry,” Mom told him.
“But why do I have to clean up their mess?” Scott demanded.
“Because this happened while you were supposed to be supervising them,” Dad said.  “If you want us to leave you without bringing in the neighbours, you need to start taking responsibility.  Now get moving – I can’t start dinner until this kitchen is spotless.”
Heavy footsteps stomped their way up the stairs, and Virgil and Gordon both flinched as their bedroom door slammed open, irate brother glowering at them through puffy red eyes.
Instantly, some of Virgil’s glee at payback for Scott abandoning him to Gordon faded.  Even Gordon seemed a little subdued.
“Sorry, Scott,” Virgil said before his brother could start shouting at them.  “I didn’t think they’d be that mad at you.”
“Have you seen the state you left it in?” Scott demanded furiously.  “I trusted you to keep Gordon busy just while I finished my homework, and then you go and do this?  Mom and Dad will never trust me again!”  The rest of Virgil’s satisfaction fled, and he looked down at his bedroom floor – and the paint that marred it.
“Sorry, Scott,” Gordon echoed, standing and giving his brother a hug, puppy dog eyes in full force. Scott glared down at him, and Gordon started to sniffle, eyes welling with water.
“Well we’re not getting dinner until it’s cleaned up,” John sighed, slotting a bookmark into his book and laying it on the windowsill.  “Yell later, clean now.  I’ll help.” So much for not dealing with Storm Scott, Virgil thought.
Scott snapped from wavering at Gordon’s tears, and shooting death glares at Virgil, to fix John with a surprised look.
“You are my favourite brother,” he said, whole-heartedly.  “Why did Mom and Dad ever give me more?”
That stung, a little, but then Scott ruffled Gordon’s hair, shook his head at Virgil with a small smile, and headed out the door with the blond boy still attached.
Hoping that meant Scott wasn’t too mad, after all, Virgil followed, finding a smile of his own as Scott realised Gordon was still covered in paint… which meant his own clothes were now covered in paint.
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belladoesmakeup · 4 years
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Take 2 💜❤️🧡💛💚💙
Hi guys,
A few weeks ago I did a post trying out the Morphe x James Charles palette and after a failed attempt of using the brighter shades I decided to show you a soft warm toned look. I liked the look I did and was happy to show you all it but it annoyed me that the look I wanted to do didn’t work out. So that being said I decided to try again and luckily this post is a success story this time.
I decided to try out doing a rainbow eye after watching a SophDoesLife video where she did a tutorial showing you how to do it using this very palette. It honestly came at a perfect time and was a lot easier to follow then other tutorials I’d seen before. Doing a look like this there’s a lot of layers to it so I’ve decided to do a little step by step process to chat you through it. But of course I start off by using my Fenty Beauty Pro Filtr Eye Primer which last time I didn’t use so I think that of been a issue I’ve fixed this time. To do this look I decided to work on my crease liner from the outside in and then worked on the lower layer.
1. I first started off by packaging a bright purple to the top left of my crease to deepen the edges of the eye look. I find it’s easier to start off with the darker shades and then move to the lighter tones so it’s easier to build pigment. The I move on the centre of my crease and blend in the bright blue to the centre of my crease. This blue was quiet easy to blend in the with the purple but before blending I packed on the blue with a flat packing brush. To finish off my top crease I added a neon green in to inner corner tying together my crease.
2. Before I add any colour to the bottom part I make a cut crease on my eye lid to make it easier to add colour pigment. Cutting your crease takes a bit of practise but after a while it’s easy to do. I added a bit of concealer on to the back of my hand and used a little brush to essentially cut my eyelid in half and cover the bottom half of my eye lid in blended concealer. This basically acts as new base for the next lot of colours you’ll be adding so they can be pigmented and not get lost in the colours you’ve already applied.
3. Next stage is adding colours to the bottom of my eyelid. This time I decided to start from my inner corner and work outwards since the colours I’ve using for this side are a lot brighter and easier to blend then the darker shades. Underneath where I left the green eyeshadow I start off applying a neon yellow to continue the bright look. In the bottom cente I add a lovely warm orange shade that blend from the yellow to the centre of the lid. This lower look is a lot warmer then the top which is much more cool toned. Lastly I add a hot red to the bottom section of my outer corner. This blended really nicely with the purple showing off both colours but blending together perfectly to tie the look up. To really tie the look up together I decided to do a winged liner but using my favourite bright blue Revolution liner to keep the bright coloured look going.
And there we have it a successful look and tutorial using the Morphe X James Charles, I’m relieved that this look turned out a lot better then the original bright eye look I tried. I guess with this palette you have to play around with eye primers to add what works best with the eyeshadow formulas, luckily my Fenty one did the trick this time. If you want to see more looks with this palette please let me know.
Lots of love
Bella x x
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iridescentides · 4 years
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CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: @crayonstoperfume
Support your local gif makers! In celebration of my one year gif-iversary, I am posting shoutouts to gif makers who have motivated and inspired me with their creativity in the past year. This post is for Tumblr user crayonstoperfume, whose gifs can be found here.
Tumblr user crayonstoperfume prefers not to share her name on Tumblr, so I will be affectionately referring to her as Crayons from this point forward! Her blog is one of my absolute favorites because she manages to capture and preserve every little thing about Glee that makes it special, and she obviously pours a lot of heart and soul into her gifsets. My favorite gif series on this site currently is the one where she ranks every episode of Glee because it gives me a chance to re-experience each episode of the show and get that warm feeling all over again. Her coloring skills are exceptional, and her high-contrast style has influenced me to make my gifs more clearly defined. Crayons can do it all, but her dedication is truly where she shines the most.
Like a Prayer - This gifset is a nice example of Crayons’ deep, solid coloring style; she does an amazing job at grounding her darker colors, like black and blue, so that her brighter colors, like red and yellow, can pop out and shine. This technique makes her a master at giffing shots that involve lots of motion, as shown in the bottom left gif. The stunning red hues in this scene are a testament to Crayons’ skill level as an editor because if you make gifs, you know how hard it can be to edit the color red without interfering with skin tones; the skin tones in this gifset are balanced and natural-looking, while the reds and yellows are the star of the show, impressing us all with their vibrance.
Mattress - This was the first gifset I ever saw by Crayons, and it was the perfect introduction to her Glee episode ranking series. This episode was so quirky and light and fun, and this gifset perfectly captured that feel-good season one essence. Crayons has excellent command over the colors she uses, and the reds and blues play off of each other perfectly in this vibrant display. The second gif in the left column catches the eye immediately, as viewers are drawn by the striking blue background and intense look on Rachel’s face, then stay to read the episode title. The episode ranking series takes the funnest little moments, like Rachel joining every single club in school, and gives us Glee fans a place to remember them.
New Directions - This set beautifully illustrates the playful, loving, energetic nature of the New Directions in every stage of the group. We see some major moments like the pre-show cheer the season 3 group did before winning nationals, and the moment the season 6 group really came together and found themselves; we see the season 1 group bonding, and Finn confidently leading the season 5 group. The way Crayons is able to encapsulate the pure joy of following the New Directions at all points in their journey and bring home that theme of togetherness is unique and special. Crayons knows exactly the right scenes to choose for the best impact, and this set really demonstrates her love and care and attention to detail.
Transitioning - This set absolutely blows me away with its brilliant use of yellow to tie the composition together. As someone who shies away from the color yellow, I will never cease to be amazed at how effortlessly Crayons was able to see it, control it, and enhance it in this gorgeous gifset. She clearly put a lot of thought into which scenes from this episode to choose, from Coach Beiste in front of the yellow bus, to the long zoom into Mercedes’ and Roderick’s performance in front of the bright orange backdrop. Pay special attention to the bottom left gif of Unique singing I Know Where I’ve Been, where Crayons creatively kept Unique purple/magenta tinted at the focal point of the gif, then cleverly enhanced the yellows behind her to fit with the overall composition.
Yes/No - This gifset is yet another display of Crayons’ amazing color coordination and composition skills. One of my favorite things about her gifsets is the way she chooses close ups and facial expressions to further the tone of a scene, song, or episode; in this set we see Mercedes’ longing as she sings about Sam, Will’s elation when Emma accepts his proposal, and Becky’s dejection as she walks down the hallway. The colors in this set are balanced beautifully, alternating between bright cyans and reds, and deep blacks and yellows. The more you examine this set, the more there is to admire. The balance in the third row of the square shape of the pool floaty and the square shape of the photograph, and the groupings of 2-3 subjects throughout the set are some next-level components that contribute to the aesthetics of this post.
Crayons has a list of favorites that really show off her diverse and dynamic gif making style:  10 years of glee |  tina in the sky with diamonds |  hairography |  my life would suck without you |  paper rings klaine |  decade of darren
Thank you to Crayons for inspiring me over the past year! Be sure to check out all of her amazing gifsets, reblog them, and leave nice feedback!
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crispychrissy · 5 years
Summary: You spend some time with Castiel enjoying the beauty of nature. Characters: Reader, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Word Count: 1292 Warnings: Fluff, language, and hehe :) A/N: My birthday was yesterday, and I had this WIP in my docs for a long time. I was able to finish it this week thanks to a slow day at work, so I wanted to share it with you. It was looked over by the lovely @dean-winchesters-bacon. Gif made by yours truly.
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The grass was soft under your fingers as you leaned back and stretched your legs out in front of you. There was a light breeze blowing the leaves of the trees around, and you closed your eyes, savoring the way the cool air made goosebumps appear on your skin. The sun was setting in the west, and you had the perfect vantage point from the spot you were in on the hill.
The sound of fabric rustling behind you made your smile grow, and you spoke without turning around. “Hey, Cas.”
A tan trenchcoat came into your peripheral vision as the angel somewhat awkwardly sat down next to you, mirroring your position. “Hello, Y/N.”
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” you asked, jutting your chin toward the horizon and dark pinkish-blue sky surrounding it. Turning to face Castiel, you smiled at the soft look on his face as he took in the scenery. “You’ve been around for a long time, have sunsets always looked this beautiful?”
Castiel nodded minutely. “From what I can remember, yes. The sky was a lot clearer back then, but the few times I visited earth with my brothers and sisters, I was able to watch a sunrise and sunset. The earliest humans believed various Gods were responsible for the sun coming up every morning, and as part of their worship, would bask in the soft light of dawn and dusk.”
You snorted, turning your attention back to the sunset. “Until science came along and ruined it all.”
“Quite the opposite, actually,” Castiel murmured. “With science and technology, humans began to understand the world around them. Elements were found and named, planets were discovered, and most importantly, they learned how and why things occur.” Castiel looked over at you and grinned. “Science allows you to appreciate the natural beauty of nature down to a molecular level. Devoting your life to studying science and developing advancements to help others… that’s a kind of worship all in its own.”
Leveling your eyes on the angel, you raised a brow. “You know, that’s pretty deep for a guy who wears a trench coat in the summer.”
“Angels do not need to regulate the temperature of their vessel. We do not sweat or become cold,” Cas deadpanned.
Rolling your eyes, you crossed your legs and rested your arms on your thighs. The silence between you stretched on for a few minutes, and you appreciated the soft chirping coming from the woods surrounding the clearing you were in. Castiel didn’t speak, only continued to stare out at the sunset, making the blue of his eyes look almost an ethereal purple color.
“What’s it like?” you asked, finally.
“What is what like?” Cas replied, glancing over at you. You pointed a finger straight up at the sky and he raised a brow. “Heaven?” You nodded and he smiled. “Well, for angels it’s a little different. We see the technical and business side of things; counting souls that enter, reading their soul to generate their personal heaven, and making sure there are enough angels staffed to ensure the safety of those souls.”
“So I guess it’s a little more boring for angels than it would for a human.” Chewing your bottom lip, you took a deep breath of the crisp air surrounding you. “Y’ever go peeping Tom and creep on someone’s heaven?” Castiel looked at you and tilted his head, obviously having no idea what you said, making you smile and clarify. “Have you spent time in someone’s heaven because you liked it, not because you were doing maintenance or whatever?”
“Oh,” Castiel nodded, “yes I have. There is the heaven of an autistic boy that I frequented quite a bit. The boy would be flying a kite, and I would spend time appreciating the flowers and trees of the park that surrounded him. It was where I discovered my fondness for bees.”
“He didn’t freak out that there was a strange man in a trench coat walking through his heaven and playing with bees?” you asked, trying not to laugh.
Castiel chuckled quietly. “No, he couldn’t see me. Angels can choose to hide ourselves from humans if we enter someone’s heaven.”
“So you went stealth mode like a spy.” You raised your eyebrows at him and pressed your hands together to form a gun with your fingers. “The name’s Bond. Castiel Bond.”
“I do not have a last name,” Cas informed you before a smile spread across his lips, “but I understand that reference.”
“I think giving you all of that pop culture knowledge was the best thing Metatron ever did.”
The sun was still going down, but a chill had made its way into the wind, sending shivers down your spine. The sky was a myriad of oranges, reds, purples, and deep pinks that all came together in a smooth transition across the sky. The two of you sat in silence until the sun finally dipped below the horizon. There were stars dotting the blueish-black color of the sky above you, and you leaned back, laying down on the grass to watch them twinkle as the sky became darker.
The bottom of a trenchcoat appeared next to your head and you blinked, locking eyes with Castiel as he held out his hand. “It’s time, Y/N.”
Swallowing the sob that tried to burst from your throat, you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet. Silently nodding, you looked back down the hill behind you. Your body was still lying at the bottom of the slope, chest torn open and covered in blood, your salt shotgun still clutched tightly in your hand. You looked almost peaceful laying on your back – aside from the blood and wound – with your eyes open, staring at the sky above you.
Still holding Castiel’s hand, you squeezed it. “How long until they find me?”
The angel closed his eyes momentarily before squeezing your hand back. “Less than ten minutes. Dean found the cabin where the spirit’s bones were buried and is currently salting and burning them.”
Finally allowing the tears to fall from your eyes, you sniffled and looked down at the ground. “They’re gonna be so mad at me. I shouldn’t have gone off on my own.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” Castiel replied, making you glare at him. Why are angels always so honest? “But,” he continued, “there was no way you could have known he was a witch and was able to still use his magic. A spirit using spells to revive himself? It’s unheard of. He must have been very powerful.”
“Yeah,” you scoffed, “powerful enough to phase through my body and rip my heart out.” Looking away from the grotesque sight of your body, you ran a hand soothingly down your chest, reminding yourself it was over.
Castiel tensed slightly next to you and you glanced over at the woods near the bottom of the hill, spotting the light of two flashlights getting brighter as they approached the clearing.
“Y/N?” you heard Sam yell in the distance, their rapid footsteps getting louder as they ran through the underbrush.
“Let’s go. I can’t watch them find my body. Please make sure they don’t go all martyr and sacrifice themselves to get me back, okay?” you requested, turning back toward the horizon, away from your body. “I know where I’m going and I’ll be happy and at peace. Promise me you’ll make sure they know that.”
“I promise,” Castiel whispered, giving you a soft smile.
The last thing you heard before everything went white was a loud shout full of pure anguish, followed by the brothers screaming “no” and yelling your name over and over again.
Forevers [CLOSED]: @katymacsupernatural @queen-of-deans-booty @your-modern-shakespeare @wheresthekillswitch @holyfuckloueh @growningupgeek @jensen-gal @mizzezm @there-must-be-a-lock @atc74 @pilaxia @supernatural-jackles @impala-dreamer @bambi95-blog @wonderfulworldofwinchester @batmmgray @brooke-supernatural16 @dwgrl1903 @hey-bxtch @kittenofdoomage @leanbeankeane @emoryhemsworth @xalgaliareptx @mhnfatima @bi-e-ne @speakinvain @pebblesz892 @lastactiontricia @kassablanca13 @mogaruke @tockettt @imagining-supernatural @wildefire @serienjunkiegirl @mrswhozeewhatsis @stars-and-seas @jaremish @ellen-reincarnated1967 @nyxveracity @andkatiethings @bamby0304 @deathtonormalcy56 @winchesterprincessbride @moonstar86 @missihart23 @mrs-meghan-winchester @miss-rebel-without-applause @dean-winchesters-bacon  @wayward-angelgirl @bojabee @maddiepants
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saundraswriting · 4 years
Hercules Chapter Five
SUMMARY:After a decent night's rest the BAU returns early to another dead teenager and more evidence. J.J. gets her explanation but is not pleased. Spencer pushes himself harder to try to find anything to help solve this case. In a fit of hopelessness Spencer asks Morgan to look at the map. With the breakthrough Spencer has a lot to connect.
WARNINGS: Spencer gets snippy cause he is tired. None really. Abuse of caffeine?
Previous // Next
Spencer woke to the sound of rushing water. He flailed awake and took a moment to get his bearings, he didn't remember falling asleep. He remembered being sent home and Morgan all but dragging him to the car. 'Morgan must be in the shower.' Spencer realized, stretching like a cat making a sinful noise in the back of his throat. 'I must have needed the sleep.' Spencer rolled out of bed and looked in the vanity mirror. His cover-up was still mostly intact, so he began picking out his clothes for the day.
"I'm going to be thinking hard-and pacing and writing. So let's forgo the waistcoat and just wear the purple shirt and black slacks." Spencer muttered to himself.
"You know talking to yourself is sign of insanity." Morgan teased. Spencer turned to reply. and froze. Morgan was wearing a pair of jeans. barefoot and shirtless-Spencer didn't know where to put his eyes.
Spencer didn't have a foot fetish but he couldn't help but drool a little over Morgan's bare feet- they were large and strong looking, like the rest of him-better than drooling over his well developed abs and pecs. Spencer could see a hint of their matching soul-mark and felt a pang in his gut. Spencer looked away to hide any expression on his face. When he looked back to Morgan's face, he'd pulled on a shirt and his cheeks were slightly darker than normal.
"I've never seen you barefoot before. It is a slightly disconcerting sight. Are you done in the bathroom?" Spencer felt a nervous thrumming under his skin, Derek's mark had drawn his gaze almost instantly. Spencer was hoping he hadn't given anything away. He was fidgety from ignoring the urge to touch it, to cross the last few feet of space between them.
"Yeah. I am done. Go ahead." Morgan folded his sleep clothes and put them back in his bag.
Spencer quickly dressed, covered his mark and gathered his things. Spencer handed Morgan's clothes back with a soft thank you. They left and were back at the station quicker than desired. " I'm gonna work with the maps, maybe the pattern deals with a category of places." Spencer made himself a cup of coffee while talking aloud.
Morgan passed him a bag of sugar. "Here, I got you this yesterday. Pass me a mug please?" He made his coffee and they walked into the bullpen.
Spencer made to head into his map room and Morgan followed.
Spencer traced the drawn out lines lightly with his fingers, talking to himself under his breath. "Are these the same? No? How about going in this direction? What made him choose these places to kill and dump?" Spencer stopped to cough. It was deep and thick and long. "Maybe drawing them in a different order? Connecting the dump sites to dump sites..."He trailed off, eyes closed and fingers twitching. Morgan pursed his lips in worry. He could see Spencer driving himself into the ground about this but Morgan knew there was nothing he could do to help. "Morgan! Can you come here?" Gideon waved him over. Morgan pushed off the door frame he was leaning against and walked over.
"Hotch and I are going to hit the field-with the recent body found-We have to dig something up from Blaine. J.J. is handling the press and locals. Morgan, I need you to please keep an eye out for Reid. He is pushing hard. He is going to crash. He needs some food. He isn't sleeping enough either." Gideon said. Morgan nodded. The older agents left with a nod. Morgan pulled a young uniform to the side. He handed him some cash and told him a very specific breakfast order.
“Spence, Breakfast will be here in like 45 minutes. We can look at this better with full bellies and fresh eyes." Morgan looked into the room to see Spencer looking at crime scene photo and locations on his map. Spencer waved at the door absentmindedly. Morgan only huffed in displeasure.
"Hey, Agent Morgan, we just found another body, RR on the right heel." One of the LEO's stood in the doorway.
" So murders on Saturday and Sunday. The end of the week and the start of the next, death and rebirth, old and new. No rhyme or reason to the victims or M.O. No discernible pattern to the locales either....Maybe the pattern is there isn't a pattern at all. This is just his learning stage, but then why sign the heel? This can't be a typical fantasy-satisfying killer. Could it be they all wronged him-is this revenge? Plain and simple? Is he getting back at parents, family?" Reid grabbed Ophelia and closed his eyes.
"Reid, hey, we have another body. I'm going to look at the scene. Forensics is looking for the kill site based off preliminary data. Evidence will be pouring in-can you go through it to find anything relevant" Morgan asked getting ready to go.
"Yes, Morgan. I can handle it." Spencer grinned. Morgan felt his stomach drop, the smile was boxy and strained. Spencer was putting on a façade, a weak one.
"Go, Morgan. You're needed. I'm more help here-me and my big ol' brain." Spencer's joke fell flat. Morgan cupped Spencer's face in his hands, pressing their foreheads together. Spencer could feel Morgan's breath on his lips. His heart pounded and palms grew sweaty at the closeness.
"No. Your brain is not your only good quality. You are so much more than your brain." Morgan practically snarled. Spencer felt his breath catch. Morgan looked ready to go to war, ready to make Spencer believe him. Spencer knew his best friend well enough to know that Morgan wasn't really mad at him but for him. He was angry at all the people that made Spencer feel this way.
"Okay, Morgan, I'm more than my brain." Spencer's grin was brighter than the sun and made Morgan's chest loosen. His stomach returned to its proper placement. "Now, go. I've got this handled."
Morgan left and shortly after the food he'd ordered arrived. "Agent Dr. Reid? Agent Morgan had me deliver this for the two of you, but he left...?" The LEO held up two bags. Spencer sighed and grabbed the bags thanking him. He opened them and gave a solitary chuckle. A Eggs Benedict and Banana Nut Muffin with a side of blueberries was in one of the bags for Spencer and the other held pancakes and omelet for Morgan. Spencer placed the second bag in the fridge and settle down to eat his food. The LEO came back with a carton in his hand. "Doctor! This too." It was a mix of orange and tropical fruit juice.
'Derek Morgan, I don't deserve you as a friend, let alone a soulmate.' He thought solemnly. He was eating his breakfast alone when a familiar voice interrupted him.
"Oh, does that look good or what! How did you get it?" J.J sat down graceful as always throwing Reid the stink eye. "Morgan arranged it. He left to do a body thing." Reid said fiddling with his half-empty glass of juice.
"Come on, Spence, let's go talk. I know your itching to get to your map." J.J pulled him along to his map room. "Okay, Doctor Reid, Mr. Genius, tell me your woes." J.J toed off her heels, sighing as she sat in an empty chair. Spencer sighed and leaned against the table.
"I found out 9 months ago that Derek was my match. I saw it when he was changing the bandage on the cut on his cheek from that Pedophile case. He had tilted his head and his mark was there-barely hidden by his shirt. I panicked and left for two days. I had arrangements made to leave, permanently. I didn't know what to do. We'd been best friends for years! How was I supposed to act? How was I supposed to feel?" Spencer took a breath, fingers pressed into his temples. "I'd fallen in love with him over the years. He sees me, not only my brain, not only my degrees, not only my quirks, but me. He accepts me and my brain and my degrees and my quirks. He has saved me, he has protected me he has rescued me. He cares for me. Derek Morgan is my best friend. My. Best. Friend. I knew seeing his mark that I loved my soulmate for him, not just as my match but my soulmate. But Morgan doesn't." Spencer wrapped his arms around himself. "I refuse to reveal this and have him feel obligated to me. Morgan would give up his future happiness to be with me, he is too good. He is straight, let him find someone he loves, someone who doesn't remind of the horrors we live through. Let him find someone who loves hi,, someone who makes him happy and someone he can make happy. Someone who can help the memories fade away. Not me-I'm not what he deserves." Spencer paced the length of the room breathing quickly.
"Spencer Reid! How dare you take that choice away from him. He is your soulmate! You are his too! How dare you choose who will bring him happiness for him!" J.J. demanded.
"J.J, I am giving him an out, a choice, to find someone he loves and deserves. Someone who brings him happiness, peace, safety, when he walks through the door. Someone for who Morgan wouldn't have to change for. I AM NOT THAT PERSON J.J.!" Spencer yelled. He froze instantly. "I'm-I'm sorry, J.J. I just... I am not that someone and I never will be." He finished quietly.
J.J stood  silent as a mouse, tears brimming in her eyes. She couldn't imagine the pain Spencer was putting himself through. "You are wrong. For once in your life. You. Are. Wrong...  You both deserve this and everything that comes with finding you soulmate." J.J. said vehemently. She left in a swish off her skirt and flash off blonde hair, leaving her shoes behind.
Spencer sighed and leaned back against a wall, thumping his head several times.
When Morgan returned from the crime scene several hours later, Gideon and Hotchner were still out interviewing suspects and families, it was to absolute silence. His breakfast was in the fridge, J.J.'s heels were outside the door to Spencer's room, and a few tables covered in bagged evidence.
"Hey! Someone want to fill me in, now, please?" Derek demanded. He glared at the loitering uniforms who were actively avoiding his gaze.
Matthew stepped forward . "I can. Dr. Reid and Agent Jareau sat down to talk in the map room but by the end they were yelling at each other, or rather talking loudly. Agent Jareau must have left her shoes there when she left the room. They were arguing about a 'him' and soulmarks. Since this morning about half an hour after you left, Dr. Reid has been cooped up pardon the few minutes he took to glance through the evidence. and get coffee. Agent Jareau has ben entertaining the press most of the day." Matthew was chewing his lip. "That is everything I know, agent Morgan." Morgan thanked Matthew even though he didn't particularly like him and sent him off. Morgan glanced back at the door and sighed staring intently.
"Do we have a master key?  Or a key to this room specifically?" Morgan's questioning tone didn't hold room for refusal. A moment later a single golden key sat in Morgan's palm. He unlocked the door a trickle of apprehension running down his spine. A angry Spencer wasn't something to be trifled with, or an upset one, but can't be left alone either. He entered quietly but saw his caution was unnecessary because Spencer was too bus sucking down coffee and glaring at the walls.
"God damn it. How am I missing this? I need more coffee. Garcia! Do you have anything?" Spencer barked. His hair was a mess and his shirt was wrinkled.
"No, not yet. I'm trying Spencer. Calm down. Look at the big picture not the little details. We want to see not immediate family and jail time. How far are we going, Spencer?" Garcia sounded frantic-keystrokes coming through the speaker, sounding like gunshots.
"Aunts, Uncles, and first cousins to maybe third. Let me know, as soon as you get a hit." Spencer made to hang up but paused. "Garcia. Thank you." Spencer apologized.
"Anything for you, boy genius. Not a problem. Talk later." Garcia hung up. Spencer ran his hands through his hair a few times mussing it even further.
Morgan gave him a second to put himself back together again. "Pretty Boy!" Derek growled from behind gritted teeth.
Spencer froze instantly. He turned to face Morgan and shrunk in on himself. He took a few steps back, eyes wide and bouncing from Morgan and back again, chest rising and falling faster than a hummingbird's. "M-M-Morgan! What are you doing back so soon?" Spencer voice trailed off hearing the absurdity of his statement.  He was trembling whether from exhaustion or panic Morgan wasn't sure.
"I am trying to help you. But every time I turn around your pushing harder and harder without caution for your own wellbeing." Morgan gesture encompassed the whole room. "Let me help you. What do you need from me?"
"Morgan, I think I am missing a key point but I don't know. Maybe with one more victim...but I don't want one more victim. There is no way these murders are impulsive. I need to decode the messages and journal from Blaine if he has one. Your fresher eyes on the map might be helpful." Spencer waved at it absentmindedly searching for the coded messages coughing into his elbow.
"Okay, kid. I'll take a look." Morgan looked at the key and then the map. It just looked like a mash of lines. Morgan squinted and purposefully unfocused his eyes. The dump sites formed the outline of a man almost. The lines formed a triangle and two lines continued to the left and right to form almost right angles. The head and shoulders of a man.
"It's the same code. He has a date and a place in here. Thursday the 5th at 6:45pm warehouse 13 off Constantine St. So we have the newest meeting date for the Religious Revolutions." Spencer bounded excitedly on the balls of his feet. He spoke a tad faster than Morgan could keep up so he patiently waited.
"Do you see the image on the map? The dump sites almost for the head and shoulders of a man? The gatherings are about Greek Gods and Goddesses? Is there a myth-?" Spencer loud curse broke his train of thought. Morgan stopped again.
"What. The. Fuck. Are you saying? Wait...Leonard means Lion, Ophelia means Serpent, Tabitha was Gazelle and Everette is Boar...Morgan!1 Morgan! The fantasy is he is playing Hercules. Hercules was the illegitimate son of Zeus and a mortal woman. Hera grew jealous and cursed the son to kill his wife and children. To appease the gods and earn back their favor to avoid Tartarus, Hercules had to complete the 12 labors of Hercules. Our usub was born of an affair and some how was the cause of the death of his wife and kids. In the chaos of putting his life back together he was 'told' to atone of his sins he must complete the 12 greatest labors?" Spencer was talking so fast his words they were almost unintelligible pacing just as fast.  "I need records of marriages 25-30 years ag and birth certificates. And incidents involving husbands, wives and children. I should be able to match them some way. How do we do this, Morgan?" Spencer stopped pacing facing Morgan.
"I'm not sure. But we can do it. You and me and the others. WE are the Behavioral Analysis Unit. We'll get him one way or another. When Hotch and Gideon come back we can regroup and go from there. Why don't you go take a nap somewhere? We had an early start and you had a intense day. Chief Yates said there was couch we could use in the lounge." Morgan grabbed Spencer elbow and guided him the aforementioned couch.
Spencer wanted to protest but was cut off by several sneezes and a coughing fit. 'I can't be sick. Maybe a nap will put me back to sorts.' Spencer laid down and Morgan threw a blanket over him. Spencer settled in a second.
"Sleep well, Pretty Boy." Morgan murmured in his ear, dropping a light kiss on his temple. Spencer shifted deeper into the couch and Morgan noticed his breathing was already slow and rhythmic.
Morgan headed to the bullpen and grabbed J.J's shoes. He then went and found the woman in question. "Hey, J.J. You're gonna need these. Spencer had a massive breakthrough. We have more to work with and more to add to the profile. What about Gideon and Hotch?" Morgan  handed over the heels.
"He finally did huh? Good. We can get this case done. They should be here soon. I think Hotch said Blaine was emancipated at 15. What about you?" J.J. put her shoes on and pulled her hair up into a professional looking clip.
"She was hacked to death. Not much to go on. The dump site was near a stabling office." Morgan said. "They stable horses for those without the space but have money to own one. They take care of feeding and sheltering the horse but it is legally yours. This was just the office, the property is outside the city a bit." Morgan further explained at her confused look.
"Hey, we're back. Fill us in,k Reid." Hotch said as he entered.
"He is taking a nap, Hotch. He needed some sleep." Morgan started with nodding towards the map room. The went in and Morgan explained everything since this morning. The breakdown and breakthrough.
"Okay, Morgan, sounds good. we can release all this in the morning. Let Spencer sleep like another hour and then we can go through some of the evidence and redo the profile and go through the necessary files. I'll call Garcia and see if she can help, and ask a few techies here too." Hotch  said. Gideon told the desk Sargent to tell everyone to start their next shift at the barracks to get updated. Morgan stole a desk and propped up his feet to catch a cat-nap.
Morgan stirred awake 45 minutes later-feeling refreshed and energized-unsure of what woke him. A noise interrupted his searching, stifled laughter of several people, the noise was what woke him. It was coming from the lounge. 'Where Reid was sleeping.' Morgan realized. He hurried over and saw Thomas and his buddies standing around Reid on the couch trying not to laugh too hard. Morgan crept closer, quiet as a panther. He tapped Thomas' arm relishing in the scared flinch when he saw the murderous intent in Morgan's eyes.
"A-ag-Agent Morgan! What brings you here? Thomas smirked, trying to look like the cat who ate the canary but falling a little short.
"The fact that you are tormenting my teammate and best friend by writing on his face in sharpie. Come on you three before I lose my temper. You are going home." Morgan said fiercely.
"You don't have the authority to send us home. You aren't our boss. We don't have to listen to you." Thomas said smirk growing. "Besides, you of everyone in the BAU should understand. You're the jock, the Alpha, the ladies' man, it should be written into your DNA to pick on him."
"No. Spencer is amazing. He has a bigger brain but a bigger heart and he has done things that I would hesitate to do. He took down 2 armed unsubs and faced a man with a dead-man's switch. Spencer puts himself last because he was wrongly treated that way. He went through high school at the age of 12, facing people like you with no help. Do I feel the desire to remind him of what he has overcame? No, because friends don't do that. If anything, I respect Spencer. I wish I could be more like him-brave, honest, loving. Now, go home before I make you.
"You can't." Thomas finally lost his smirk.
"No. But I can. 3 of you, no pay, two weeks." Chief Yates ordered. The volume of his voice woke Spencer-who jolted awake, yelping when his hand hit the back of the couch. The terrible trio shot Derek a glare and stormed off. Yates followed them. 
"Come on, lets get you cleaned up." Morgan helped him off the couch but Spencer shook his head. "No thanks, Morgan. I can get it by myself. Can you see if there is any progress on the stuff I need? And a coffee, please?" Spencer looked up at Morgan from under his eyelashes. With his clothes rumpled, bed-head and a sleep drenched voice Morgan could only nod his head and watch as Spencer walked off. Morgan was forced to think of dead puppies to stop the rush of blood heading south.
When calm again Morgan talked to Gideon and Hotch about what happened and Reid's stuff, starting coffee too. Hotch motioned to the pile of boxes where the bagged evidence was and Morgan groaned.
Spencer came out of the bathroom face cleaned and clothes straightened. He made a cup of coffee and came over to the table. "Thanks for the nap. I'm going to start reading these. You guys should head to the hotel and sleep. I can handle this." Spencer said.
"Nope, I am helping you or we start tomorrow. I know you read the fastest but you need some help. J.J. has a press conference on for tomorrow. We got this. Together." Morgan looked Spencer in eye and he was comforted by the confidence in the stare. Spencer closed his eyes and Morgan was stunned by the determination and passion that lit them up.
"I am very ready. Let's read, and find this guy." Morgan nodded and ripped open a box.
Previous // Next
Chapter 5 is up and running. Spencer and Derek are getting heated. The next chapter is a personal favorite. 
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the209social · 4 years
Julian and I
2:14pm 05.14.2020 
(For a better reference on who Julian is please read my memoir called “Ten Years Older”)
It was a full moon night filled with dazzling starts that shone like diamonds in the sky. The light that radiated from the moon was so bright that you could see pretty clear in the darkness. Julian had told me to be ready by midnight. He wanted to surprise me and take me to his special spot. The night was warm because of the hot summer nights that we have here in California. I was nervous. Julian made me nervous all the time, but in a good way. I waited for him on my friends porch, whom i was suppose to be spending the weekend with, at least thats what i told my mom. My mother was very strict growing up and i was not allowed to go out late at night. The year was 2000 and i was only seventeen at the time. Julian, who was twenty-seven; ten years my senior, was my first serious boyfriend. Now that i look back and think about it, Julian was my only serious boyfriend. He’s the only guy who ever formally asked me to date him. Everyone else after him fell more into the category of meeting, starting a friendship, then fucking, and drama.
I sat there in the dark on my friends porch waiting. Julian drove up in his double cab, burgundy, Chevrolet Silverado that purred like a tigger. I use to love his truck, it fit the type of man he was so well. “Lets go beautiful!” i heard him shout out to me and I jumped into the front seat. “Where are we going?” i asked with excitement. “Just trust me, I hope you like long car rides,” Julian said as he pulled me close to his side, wrap his arm around me and leaned in to kiss me softly with his plumb lips before taking off. “You’re going to love this place,” he said. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and smirked as Julian reached over to grab my hand. We drove for what felt like a lifetime. I fell asleep on my way there but when i woke i noticed that Julian had brought me high into some forest mountain region. The light from the moon and stars shone even brighter here, i’m assuming because there was less pollution. He drove off the roadway and into a dirt road. It suddenly got darker as we drove through the tall trees.
“Julian where are we going?” i asked as we bounced up and down through the uneven road we were on. “We’re almost there,” he answered keeping this eyes fixed on the path in front of him that was only visible because of the trucks bright headlights. The truck suddenly stopped, “We’re here,” Julian exclaimed. “Where is here Julian?” i said puzzled as to what we were doing in the middle of the forest up high on a mountain. Julian jumped out of the truck and slammed the door behind him. His windows were tinted so i could not see where he was. All of a sudden my door flew open and there he was standing beside me with a big smile on his face. “Come on help me get the stuff out of the back of the truck,” he said as he walked away. I jumped out of the truck and walked to the rear of the truck and looked into the cargo bed where Julian had packed a ton of things. There were small bags an ice chest, water bottles, bags of food. “what is all this?” i asked a bit dumbfound. “You once told me you like camping, but you rarely get to do it, so i decided to bring you to my favorite camping spot for the weekend.” Julian grabbed two bags and tossed one at me, then jumped off the cargo bed and walked to the front of the truck. After getting over the initial shock and quickly thinking of what fucken excuse i was going to tell my mom if she found out, i began to walk to the front to look for Julian. As i made my way past the headlight and walked away from the tress, i noticed there was a small, open, grassy, field area followed by darkness. The lights from the truck interfered with the light from the moon so i couldn’t make out my surroundings farther into what i thought was a large field. “Don’t walk too far out, there’s a cliff,” Julian shouted. I stopped in my tracks, turned around a bit shocked and went back to the truck for the rest of the stuff Julian brought with him.
I unfolded a lawn chair as Julian began to set up a small camping tent just big enough for the both of us. He also found some big rocks that he placed in a circle and made a campfire. Truth be told the night was cold. Julian pulled some blankets from the rear seat of his truck and set them inside of the tent. “Done!” he exclaimed as he turned to look at me. He was sweating and took off his large jacket and put it over my shoulders. He sat on the floor in between my legs, directly in front of me and opened a cold beer. “So was this your surprise?” I asked with a sarcastic tone in my voice and smirk on my face. “Nope, the surprise is tomorrow night.” “Tell me, please.” “You’re going to love it, i promise” he answered. I leaned forward and gently placed the tips of my fingers on his chin. I tilted his head up towards me and kissed him ever so softly on the lips, then let my hand run down his neck, down his chest, down his stomach, until i reached his dick. “You read my mind,” Julian said with a smile as i was still kissing him. He pulled me down on the ground and began to dry hump me. I could feel his dick get harder and harder the more i rubbed it. We ended up going into the tent and i gave him a pretty good blow job. I remember thinking that night at my short 17 years of age, that i would be in love forever. I thought that this event that was happening was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me. As Julian slept i made my way to the camp fire that was now just a little flame and made myself a nice hot cup of coffee. I sat there in the dark enjoying the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and night life. As i sat there drinking my coffee i said to myself that even the wind sounded a lot louder, but as the fire burned out my eyes adjusted to the dark of the night and i finally saw it. Out over the cliff was a large body of water. Thats when it hit me. We were out by the ocean. 
Side note: Little did i know there would be other men that would come along later in life that would do so little for me and i would have to be content with what they offered. Now that i look back on this beautiful experience i wish i would have valued it more. 
The intensity of the morning light woke me up. I looked over but Julian was not next to me. I walked out of the tent and there it was. The beautiful ocean in front of me and nothing but lush green forest behind me. I could smell the saltiness of the sea and musk of the pines mixing together and taking over my senses. “You hungry?” my concentration broke as i heard Julians voice. I looked over and Julian was holding a plate of food for me. I don’t know about you, but food taste extra delicious when you’re camping. “Thank you amor,” i said as i took the plate from his hands and he kissed me on the cheek. We had small talk over breakfast. He prepared a classic camping breakfast. We ate eggs, bacon, and country style potatoes. All that was missing was the pancakes with some warm syrup and it would have been perfect. Later that day he took me down to the beach. We jumped into his truck and drove down a winding road with the windows rolled down allowing the air to flow through our hair. No fucks were given about how i looked. I knew that in Julians eyes i was the only person he wanted to be with and at the time i felt the same for him. I don’t remember seeing anyone else on the beach, or maybe i was in such a happy place that i just didn’t notice. What i do remember is swimming all day, chasing each other, trying to push one another into the water and simply playing around. I also remember watching the sun set and disappear over the mountains that outlined the coast of beach. There, under the twilight orange and purple sky, as i sat in between Julians legs and leaned back to rest on his chest Julian said something that i never forgot. “I’m never going to let anyone take you away from me,” he said with a serious tone in his voice. I leaned forward and looked back. I gazed into Julians dark brown eyes and said, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Julian was not open about his sexuality and deep down i knew that if it came between me and his secret coming out, he would never choose me. I got up and started walking to his truck. “Where are you going?” Julian shouted. Back to the truck, let’s go, it’s getting late.” As i walked to the truck his words repeated in my head, over and over again. Little did i know that those words were beginning to create a scar that would rip open about a year and half from that day.
When we arrived at the campsite i went into the tent to change and Julian put some water to boil so we could have a hot cup of chocolate. I took a thin blanket and a lawn chair and sat as close to the cliff as i dared and just looked out in amazement. The night again was bright but when i looked up i could not see where the moon was located. “Lets go,” Julian said as i felt a tap on my shoulder and he walked passed me with a little red backpack hanging off one of his shoulders. “Where are you going?” i said as he stopped and looked over his shoulder. “To give you your surprise,” and he turned around and kept walking slowly. “I don’t even have my shoes on Julian!” i exclaimed as i ran into the tent to put on socks and shoes. “Grab a blanket,” he shouted as he kept walking. When i finally caught up to him i felt so out of breath that i grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. “Give me a moment, i’m dying here.” Julian waited and then after about a minute he proceeded to continue. We walked deep into the forest following a small path on the floor. We arrived at the base of a small hill with large rocks amongst its base and other rocks scattered everywhere all over the hill. “We’re here,” Julian said with a smile. “Where is here?” i said a bit dumbfound. Julian looked up to the top of the rocky hill. “You got me fucked up,” i said out loud. “You’ll be fine Sayd.” “I’m scared, what if i fall off?” i said with fear in my voice. “As long as you’re with me i will never let anything bad happen to you, i promise, now can you please trust me?” I looked deep into his eyes, but all that i could think about falling down to my death. “Sayd, take my hand and trust me.” At that moment all my fears vanished and i put all my trust in him, simply because he was the person i was in love with at the time and he asked me to trust him, so i did.
We made it to the top of the hill. It was larger than what i thought. The surface area was flat and we were high enough that you could see above all the trees that surrounded us. Our camp site only visible by what looked like a small twinkling light from our campfire. “Look,” Julian said as he pointed up to the sky. There was the moon in all its splendor, full and bright. Julian then came close and took both my hands and said, “This is what i wanted you to see, this is your surprise.” “I can’t bring the moon down for you, but i got you as close to it as possible,” Julian said with a loving tone in his voice and then leaned in and kissed me gently on one of my hands. Before that moment no one had ever done such a beautiful gesture for me. Of course i was also only seventeen years young. We sat up there for about an hour and took in how the moon reflected on the ocean water, something that was not visible from the campsite due to the trees and how much lower in altitude we were. Julian packed the hot chocolate in a thermos and we drank it as we gazed at the moon and at the beauty of what nature offered. We sat there in silence, two people who loved each other making a memory. The climb back down was the longest one i had ever taken in my life, but Julian kept his promise and nothing serious happened to me.
When we got back to our campsite the fire was almost out. We decided to call it a night. There, in our tent, under the bright starry sky Julian made passionate love to me several times that night. I always knew that Julian loved me very much, but that night there was no doubt in my mind that he would go to the end of the world for me and back, or so i thought. In the morning we packed up and made sure the fire was completely out and drove home. I was tired from the night before and the lack of sleep i had that night. I fell asleep on the way home. I laid my head down on his lap and Julian played with my hair until i loss consciousness. I woke up as we were arriving into town. “We’re almost home,” Julian said in a soft voice. I turned to him and gave him a big goofy smile. We pulled up to my friends driveway and Julian leaned over. I also leaned in and Julian took me by my chin and kissed me passionately with his plump lips. “I wish we could always be like this,” He said. “Me too.” i replied. I jumped out of his truck and made my way to my friends front door. Julian pulled out of the driveway but before taking off he stopped. I looked back to take another look at the man i was in love with at the time. He pursed his lips together and made a kiss face which made me blush and caused me to smile so hard. Julian gave me a big smile and drove off. 
Side not: That trip would be the only trip that Julian and i ever took where we found each other alone and free to love one another. Years later when i was in my early thirties we somehow were at the same place, at the same time and he told me how unhappy he was in his marriage. He married a woman and had children. He confided in me and told me that the thought of being with another man scared him. He now knows that he should have manned up and allowed himself to feel and not care what others would think of him. He told me that he knew he would have been a happy man if he would have stayed by my side. “There is never a day that goes by that i don’t think of you.” -Julian
I guess sometimes we make decisions in life that can alter not only our path, but our happiness. Moral of the story is, don’t be scared to be who you feel you truly are. Nothing in this world is worth losing your true self for fear of what others may think.
05.15.2020 1:04pm
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MLC Ch: 2
A standard day for Emilia Wine involved with getting up at 7:30 am during the weekdays, throwing on her leggings and slipping a bra on under her t-shirt, yawning as she made a smoothie and squinted against the bright light and white kitchen décor. It usually involved a thought along the lines of “I really need to redecorate,” sipping a bit of the smoothie as she stretched listening to the news, before slipping on her tennis shoes and grabbing her phone with some earbuds, finally jogging out the door. 
Emilia’s first thing in the morning jog was usually the worst part of her day, mainly just because of how early she forced herself to get up. Though it was only an hour and she ran a few miles all together from her apartment down the few blocks to the main park in the center of the city, around that track a few times, then down to the coffee shop that she worked at in the afternoons, and back home-- it was still about 9 miles a day give or take. 
It wasn’t a fun experience, especially since she never really enjoyed running in the first place-- though all the years she spent chasing after Sonic toned her for the endeavor, also it was a decent way to stay in shape and up her endurance. 
Though, she was doing a bit more these days to stay in shape as well, running was just the easiest to accomplish with her busy schedule. 
Today was only slightly different though compared to the rest of her days. The coffee shop was a little busier than normal, but that wasn’t too much of a unique thing. No, it was as Amy was leaving, waving her goodbyes to the sweet Badger girl named Sticks who always worked the early morning shift that while she was pushing the door open she accidentally ran into another body. 
See, even though Emilia didn’t look like she had a lot of muscle-- she was still very strong. She ran nearly full force into the other person, heard a grunt and slam from their side of the glass door. 
They were a hedgehog like herself, but he had unique coloring (like she did too but that isn’t important); he held his head where she assumed she smacked him in the face with it, and also noticed the coffee cup in his hand. 
Her eyes widened as an apology was on her lips, but the sharp look he gave her had her pause. His eyes were a sharp, vivid red, brighter than anything she had ever seen… set against his coal black fur they glowed like embers. 
His mouth opened to say or yell or shout or curse or something but she beat him to it. “I’ll pay for your dry cleaning!” 
She closed the door behind her as they moved farther from the entrance, he huffed and looked at the blue button down shirt he had. Emilia looked him over, noticing a little swelling developing on his temple but nothing else. 
“Here, look at me.” She held her finger up at him and slowly moved it in front of his face. His eyebrows pinched as he looked at her finger than at her. 
“What the hell are you doing?” He demanded, his voice deep with a slight baritone to it. Emilia placed a hand on her hip and blew her bangs out of her face. 
“Checking to make sure you don’t have a concussion. Now, watch my finger.” He was taken aback, eyes widened as he started following her finger. “I’ve got painkillers with me if you need them.” He shook his head after a moment and looked down at his phone. 
“Gah, I don’t have time for this. Don’t bother.” He threw away the rest of his coffee in the garbage outside the café, casting one last glance at her. “Don’t worry about the shirt.” 
He moved past her, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he was striding down the sidewalk. 
“I’m sorry!” She called to him, his ear twitched so she knew he heard her. Emilia placed her hands on her hips for a moment before putting her earbuds back in, checking the time along with picking a new song, and getting back to the day ahead of her. 
It was a big city after all, what are the chances she would run into him again, anyways? 
She made it back to her apartment at nearly 9:00, which is a little too late for her comfort but there wasn’t much she could do about the situation. Instead she hoped in the shower for a quick wash, downed the rest of her smoothie from earlier with some toast to accommodate it, and then went to revising one of her papers that was due at 2:59 pm at the end of class that day. 
Emilia Wine was a senior in college in her last year of a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences; the subject of which she found utterly fascinating and had tried to decide whether or not she was going to follow her studies further.
Though, at the moment, she was happy. 
Yes, when she was still known as Amy Rose she threw herself into her studies immediately, immensely, and got one of the highest grades-- much to Tails delight (seeing as he already finished all of his schooling by the time he was 12, but… whatever.) Getting to be Emilia Wine wasn’t just an overnight decision, though. It took months of planning, and a lot of strings to be pulled by government officials, even the Royal Family themselves had to be involved in the process to allow Amy to change her name and move away. 
But it was done, in the city of Empire Amy Rose was officially, and legally, Emilia Wine. 
Who was a top student at ECU in her program, which she was very proud to report back to her friends at home. 
Though, there were plenty of friends she made here, like…
“Emiliaaaaaa,” there was a singing voice as it bounded down the tiled hallways. Little heels clipping along the hallway as Emilia turned around to watch with a small smile as her best friend came up to her. 
“Hey Cream,” Cream the Rabbit wasn’t quite as tall as Emilia was now, though they were about the same age (Emilia was just only slightly older) even with her heels on. Cream and her had been friends since the beginning of school when they were put together as roommates in their first year together. 
“You Bitch!” She yelled at Emilia after catching her breath for a moment. Her orange sweater was bunched around her waist where a pastel blue skirt was ruffled from her “run”. “You said you were going to wait!” Cream mock hit Emilia, pouting the entire time. 
Emilia laughed, grabbing Cream’s hand as she pulled the other girl outside. “Cream you’re gonna get us kicked out if you keep yelling Bitch at me.” 
“Well then stop being one!” 
Emilia tapped her cheek for a moment, giving a sly smile to Cream as she patted the other girls head. “Then I wouldn’t be me, would I?”
“That’s the point.” Cream pouted, crossing her arms as the two walked towards the library. 
“But then you wouldn’t love me.” Emilia batted her eyelashes at Cream, who scoffed and rolled her honey yellow eyes. 
“Sounds like your loss.” Cream put her nose in the air, stuffing her hands in her sweatshirt pockets. 
Emilia lurked behind Cream at that point, giving a sickly sweet smile from over the girls shoulder. 
“But what if… I make you cookies?” 
“Mmmm…” Cream looked at Emilia for a moment, before shaking her head. “Sorry, you gotta try a bit harder.” 
“I’m not a “try hard” like you are,” Emilia flipped her quills over her shoulder, now significantly longer and pulled into a high ponytail to keep them manageable. 
Cream gasped at her, throwing her book bag at Emilia. 
“Emi!” Emilia laughed as she ran, Cream grabbing her bag from the ground and running after the peach hedgehog. “You whore!” 
“Stop talking about yourself like that.” Emilia called over her shoulder, ducking from the bag Cream threw at her again. 
Emilia finally made it into the library, flashing a guilty smile to the librarian at the front desk as she skipped the elevator and ran up the spiral staircase, going rather quickly as she made it to the third floor by the time that Cream got to the entryway. 
Emilia could tell because of the clicking of Cream’s heels on the flooring. 
Emilia stifled a laugh, holding her hand over her mouth as she moved deeper into the bookshelves towards a slightly darker part of the library. She turned around, walking backwards among the shelves as she watched with excitement for Cream. 
Hands suddenly touched her arms, and made Emilia squeal. She turned around quickly, ready to see Cream there but-- there was empty air. 
Emilia could still feel the hands on her arms though, and the grip slowly loosened. There was stillness for a moment before the world in front of her moved. Purple manifested where there was open air just a moment before. 
“Sorry,” a voice said, a calming rumble like thunder. “You were backing up so quickly and then I realized that you probably didn’t see me.” A chameleon stood in front of her rather suddenly, and Emilia blinked in surprise. 
“Oh, I should’ve been paying more attention. I’m sorry for almost running you over.” Emilia shifted her bag over her shoulder to sit more comfortably. 
“Why were you running anyways?” he asked her, and she felt rather embarrassed to say she was playing an impromptu game with her friend.
“I, umm…” she rubbed her arm then. “Well, it’s going to sound kind of silly, but I’m hiding from my friend.” 
The chameleon smiled then, nodding. “As long as you’re not in trouble.” There was silence for a moment. 
“I’m Espio by the way, I’m a student teacher here for the time being.” He held his hand out to her. Emilia smiled easily and took it in her own to shake. 
“Emilia, I’m finishing up my last year for my bachelor’s degree. I’ve gotta say you don’t look like a student teacher.”
Espio gave a light hearted chuckle at that. “Yeah, I’m not much older than the majority of students here. I just finished most of my schooling early.” 
“Ah, one of my best friends is like that.” Emilia nodded. Though the conversation didn’t go much farther than that when Cream barreled down the row of books and tackled Amy to the ground. 
Thankfully Espio was faster than either of them, as he moved out of the way before Emilia and Cream flew by him and into the floor. 
“I found you!” Cream hissed in triumph, sitting on top of her friend with arms crossed. Espio looked between the two of them before hiding his laughter behind his hand. 
“It was great to meet you Emilia.” Espio said eventually, Emilia gave him a weak thumbs up from the ground. Stuffing his hands in his pockets he wandered down the rows of books before turning invisible again. 
“Who was that?” Cream asked once she decided to let Emilia up. Emilia brushed herself off and shouldered her bag. 
“His name is Espio, apparently he’s a student teacher here.”
“Weird, who for?” Emilia shrugged. Cream tapped her chin. 
“Well, I haven’t seen him before.” 
Emilia gave a sly smile to Cream once again. 
“I’m surprised actually, with how many people you’ve slept with around campus you know everyone by proxy.” 
Cream hit Emilia on the arm with an encyclopedia from the book shelves.  Emilia laughed and then softly cried out “Owww I have to use this arm tonight.” 
Cream’s cheeks were blazing red. “At least I’m classy enough to not try to seduce my teachers.” She sniffed. 
Emilia blushed crimson. 
“It was a completely accidental and giant misunderstanding!”
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zallano · 5 years
The HereAfter, Chapter 2
Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, read on AO3!
Entire fic under the cut!
It didn’t take very long for the hermits to make it to the ‘Shopping district’. Mumbo stayed mostly silent and kept to himself. He didn’t reply when the three would ask him questions unless it was about his home.
“So do you know where you live?” Xisuma asked. “I live past the hill at my spawn and a few hundred blocks out from there,” Mumbo responded, his words seemed distant as if they weren’t his own. He never got tired before, but in this place, he felt like he was going to collapse.
Occasionally Mumbo would catch the hermits staring at him oddly. He didn’t know why. Was there something on his face? He frowned slightly and fiddled with his thumbs and kept his eyes on the ground. False and Joe eventually had to go, they had their own projects to work on. This left Mumbo and Xisuma standing in a small field of grass together.
Mumbo watched the sun inching closer to the horizon line. He tensed. “Oh no, it’s going to be dark soon- I don’t want to run into any more monsters.” He ran a hand through his hair, nervous.
Xisuma looked up at the sky. He looked over at Mumbo and clapped his hands together. “Right, of course. The night isn’t good, especially when you don’t have anything,” he looked around at all the different shops around them. “We can explore the world someday soon and try to find your spawn. In the meantime, I suggest getting yourself a bed and building a starter house in the morning? I don’t have much on me at the moment, so I can’t give you anything to start off with,”
Mumbo looked up at Xisuma, perplexed. “A bed?” His eyes landed on an odd-looking blue flower. ”Uhm, yes, a bed- to sleep in.” X replied. Mumbo didn’t say anything in response. Xisuma blinked twice, “You do sleep, right?” He asked.
“I always wait out the night,” Mumbo replied shortly. He dreaded night. “Well I mean, you do that here, but I advise you to sleep every once in a while. The Phantoms get pretty bad here. When was the last time you slept?”
After thinking for a few moments, Mumbo finally answered “I don’t think I’ve ever slept,” he frowned ever so slightly. Xisuma looked at him like he was insane. ‘Great,’ he thought, ‘another odd look,’
“Never sleeping at all? How have you not died to the Phantoms?” The other asked. “What even are Phantoms?” Mumbo questioned and Xisuma only shook his head. “Okay, I see you don’t really know anything at all about this decade... I’ll talk with all the other hermits tomorrow morning. Think you can survive the night?”
Mumbo nodded. “That’s all I do at this point.” He shrugged. Xisuma made one last glance up at the sun, watching it sink behind the trees in the distance. “Okay great. Make sure to stay inside the shopping district and around torches. Probably stay inside the shops. Phantoms can’t get you if you’re not in the open.”
With that, Xisuma grabbed a rocket and double checked to see if his elytra had enough durability before getting ready to take off. “I’ll see you in the morning, Mumbo! Unfortunately… I have- something to deal with at the moment..” he waved goodbye and then shot up into the air. Mumbo was left there in a cloud of white sparks, astonished. Some guy just took to the sky right before his eyes so nonchalantly as if it wasn’t a big deal.
His hands were trembling, though that most likely due to his severe sleep deprivation. His head hurt, and his clock around his neck ticked annoyingly as if it was taunting him. Mumbo’s nervous red eyes glanced around him. He was completely alone in an area he has never been to and it was getting darker - was it?
Mumbo failed to realize that the sun had fully set. He was so used to complete and utter darkness that he assumed the current state of the night was just the beginning, but the moon was already creeping its way into the sky.
A torch and a cleverly hidden sea lantern flickered and glowed on the ground beneath his feet. Everything was quiet, a tad bit too quiet.
Although, that was before Mumbo heard a hiss, but not a familiar hiss.
A loud cry, almost like a shriek came from above him. In a panic, Mumbo looked up to see around seven large purple-ish-blue flying creatures. Their numbers soon doubled, now fourteen creatures screamed and yelled at Mumbo from above. These must have been the Phantoms Xisuma was talking about.
Mumbo quickly tightened his jacket around his waist tighter and began to speed walk wherever his feet may take him. A particularly large Phantom swooped down at him and attacked him. He lost many hearts. Mumbo watched in horror and the other Phantoms followed the lead and tried to kill him.
He jumped, trying to avoid the menacing teeth that were attempting to bite off his head. A small wooden wagon, or cart, was a few blocks ahead of him and he dived underneath it to take cover.
Phantoms cried and screeched at him to come out. The ticking and whirs of the clock became louder and more prominent. His own heartbeat thumped in his ears at an irregular speed. The usual quiet ambient sounds could be heard much clearer now.
The clock, the sounds, everything. It was all too much.
The noise and insanity of the lack of sleep we're getting to him.
Mumbo covered his ears.
He breathed in. He hadn’t realized how intensively he was breathing. This new place was insane. It was utterly mad. Mumbo focused on his breathing. Maybe the Phantoms would leave him alone once they realized they couldn’t get him. Although something told him that they wouldn’t leave until morning. He sighed, breathing in, and out. Slowly, Mumbo lowered his hands and all the sounds were back to normal, apart from the screaming sky-demons of course.
The clock silenced, it had stopped ticking entirely. It stayed like that for a few seconds until it must have somehow realized Mumbo was paying attention to it and it began ticking away again.
Mumbo inhaled and exhaled slowly once more before breathing regularly. He leaned against one of the cart’s back wheels and closed his eyes. For the first time in twenty-three years, Mumbo fell asleep.
“Mumbo? That’s his name? Mumbo!”
Mumbo slowly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and opened them to see Joe from yesterday, and a guy with a cowboy hat. “Uh-“ Mumbo didn’t want to get up, he didn’t even want to wake up at all.
“Why was he sleeping under Grian’s cart?” The man with the hat asked. “I don’t know,” Joe replied. “Mumbo, it’s morning now. Xisuma wants you to meet everyone- oh speaking of, this is Scar,” Joe pointed to the man in the hat. He waved. “Hello fellow Hermit,” he laughed.
Mumbo slowly crawled out from under the cart and stretched. He was taller than the both of them and it seemed to have surprised Scar slightly. “Must've had a really comfortable sleep underneath this here cart.” He grinned. Mumbo blinked, still not fully aware of his surroundings. “Yeah,” he finally spoke.
“We don’t really have a proper meeting place, so we’re going to meet outside iTrade,” Joe gestured Mumbo to follow, which he did.
They arrived at a pale yellow and white building. A bunch of people was standing outside, chatting and joking around. Mumbo recognized False from the day before. “Hm, I thought everyone was going to be here today,” Scar commented. “I’m guessing some really are dedicating a lot of time into their projects,” Joe turned to Mumbo. “But I’m sure you’ll meet everyone eventually,”
Mumbo nodded slightly. He no longer felt tired, but the large crowd of people made him nervous. He had never seen so many people before, and this wasn’t apparently everyone.
Joe and Scar led Mumbo to the group. A few Hermits introduced themselves. Doc, Stress, Cub, Impulse, Ren, and quite a few others.
“Where’s Grian and Xisuma? Weren’t they here when we left to get Mumbo?” Scar asked the others. “Xisuma had to show Grian something. I’m sure they’ll be back soon though,” Iskall walked over.
“Hey Mumbo, if you need any help getting started, I have a few extra things. That is if you plan on staying here very long.” Iskall placed a light purple block on the ground. “I’m happy to take whatever you’re willing to give,” Mumbo sat down on a makeshift chair, which was really just stairs and a couple of signs. The purple block opened revealing items inside. “What is that—?!” He immediately stood up. Iskall put his hands up. “Oh no worries, it’s just a shulker box. It’s not going to hurt you,” Iskall laughed and Mumbo relaxed. “Oh- I didn’t know,”
“Speaking of you not knowing stuff,” a voice appeared from behind the crowd. It was Xisuma. “You don’t seem to know much about this world. You act as if you’ve never seen a flower before. You’re not from here, are you Mumbo?” He asked.
Mumbo shook his head hesitantly. “No- I’m from my world. This place is so different than mine.” He replied. “Where’s Grian?” Iskall asked. “He had to stay behind and work on something..” Xisuma replied. “Mumbo, can you tell us all about your world?” He continued.
Mumbo slowly sat back down in the chair. Everyone’s eyes were glued onto him now. The clock was ticking louder. “Well, to start off, everything’s a lot brighter. The trees, the grass, the water- although, the night is pitch black. I could barely see a thing,” he began. “My world.. it’s like this one, just- it doesn’t have as many things. It doesn’t have this tall grass,” he picked at the grass that went to his knees. “It doesn’t have these flowers,” he pointed to an orange tulip. “And it most certainly doesn’t have Phantoms or Shulkerboxes-,”
Xisuma hummed. “I figured... Mumbo, I believe you may be from the past.” He stated. A few hermits choked. “What? From the past? Xisuma are you okay?” Someone asked.
“The past? How can I be from the past?” Mumbo asked. “There’s no way- that’s impossible. Does this place have time machines here as well as all this other weird stuff?” He asked. Everyone shook their heads. “Not that I know of,” Ren said.
“I’m sorry, Mumbo, but I don’t think we’ll be able to get you back home. The stuff you’re describing about your world is how the world used to be years ago, nearly a century ago.” Xisuma explained. Mumbo frowned. “I can’t get home-?” He spoke quietly to himself.
What was even waiting for him at home? More creepers? Terrible nature scenery? A horrible house he spent so long on and still managed to make it look bad? The more he thought of it, the more Mumbo realized that there was no point in trying to get back home when he could start a new life here.
“You’re welcome to stay here and join in the community,” X went on. “There are a few islands that haven’t gotten claimed that I’m sure no one minds you taking.”
Mumbo stared at the grassy ground. The clock was still getting gradually louder. “Okay,” he finally said. “I’ll stay here. I have nothing left to lose anyway,” he shrugged slightly with a smile. “I’m sure I have a lot to learn though..” his smile faltered a bit. “For starts, what in the world is that—?” He pointed off to something small and white behind a tree. The hermits turned around to see a chicken pecking at the ground, inspecting the dirt for seeds.
“That’s- uh- a chicken.” Stress laughed. Others joined in on the laughter. “Chickens. Wow. This the world has everything,” Mumbo chuckled with the others. Sure, he barely knew anything from this new world- the future- but, he at least got an opportunity to start over and a reason to laugh. Two things Mumbo didn’t think would ever happen.
Please let me know how you’re liking this fic and au! :D Got any headcanons or theories? Please tell me! ^^
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