#my name thats fine ill respond to that
alphaketoglutaricacid · 2 months
The bell shuro gives laios is such an elegant piece of symbolism. Laios immediatly stows it away but it's jingling at the bottom of his bag (and mind) the whole time as the crew enters the most isolated section of the story.
Rescuing Falin was the first thing shuros ever wanted or asked for and Laios return pushes him to be more and more proactive abt his desires. On Shuros side, its constantly ringing, out of his control, and annoying to him and everyone around him. Despite being mortified w intruding on other people, he keeps it on him even when he sleeps. They both almost throw it away several times.
Thru the story its a little ambiguous what shuro feels about laios. IMO the dead giveaway is where he puts that bell:
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At his heart!
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chisungie · 8 months
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strawberrystealer · 1 year
Bungo Stray Dogs- What I think they’d do if someone kidnapped you
Characters: Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma, and Akutagawa
For some reason I think about this a lot sooo why not write about it!
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Angry, upset, annoyed, all of those would be understatements
The pure rage that would fill this mans body once he gets the news-
If he saw like a letter or something thats like “Ayo we got ur bae come get them or they die lmaooo #livelaughlove” But a lot more sinister and stuff he’d go straight there and uhhh
Basically kill everyone there using his ability of course
He’d be so quick about it too, like drop everything he was doing and go straight there
Once he’s at the place in like the span of a few seconds everyone’s already dead and he goes over to you and idk takes off your blind fold or whatever they have on you
He becomes the softest man you’ve ever seen just for that moment cuz he doesn’t know what you’ve been through and he doesn’t want to cause you anymore pain
Once you two get home he’ll run a bath for you or something and stay by your side
He’ll make sure no one ever touches you again, he can’t ever risk losing you.
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I bet he’d be like coming home all cheerful, ready to come mess with you or something and... you’re not on the couch.
Not in your room, the bathroom, anywhere
The smile immediately drops from his face and he gets worried
But then again he probably does this all the time so he texts you and you don’t respond??
Now he’s 10 times more worried than he was before!
Probably not a lot tho cuz he probably knows where you are
If thats the case then he just goes the the location and pays you a lil visit
Knocks on the door like a gentleman ofc 
But when they open it-
“QUIZ TIME!!! Where’s my lovely little s/o?? Can you guess??” And he looks over and sees you inside the house.
Then he’d immediately kill move the kind gentleman into a burning fire! So sweet ik
He’d get to you and ofc be worried but once he finds out you’re okay he’ll be fine and back to his normal goofy self 
Unless you want the more realistic take where he cant stop thinking about it and thinks its his fault for weeks but is also trying to rid himself of emotions so ofc he cant be scared or guilty so he’s constantly battling himself on whether or not its his fault and if you still even like you because he might not have been there just in time to save you.
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He’d be so unbelievably worried 
He wouldn’t know who did it, why, how, or anything and he’d be just as confused as you probably are 
He’d probably have to ask for help, contemplate calling the cops but then realizes hes fr a terrorist he cant do that-
So he asks Fyodor for help and after a bit of pleading Fyodor gives him the location of where you and your abductor are
Once Sigma gets there, with some guns he’s probably scared to use, he sees the man that kidnapped you
Its gonna be like “if you give me ur casino ill give u your s/o” type of shit (super unrealistic but its all I can think of rn)
So obviously ur man isnt having that and shoots him
I mean he had no problem shooting that red haired girl (whatever her name is in the hunting dogs) so he probably wouldn’t have a problem killing some weak guy to get his lover back
Once he gets you safe he’ll keep asking if you’re okay alllll the time just because he’s so scared
“Darling are you sure you’re okay?? He seemed really scary... he didn’t hurt you did he? Do you need any bandages?”
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He looks completely unfazed
Like he’ll read some letter telling him to come get you or you die and be like “...Ugh not this again” 
He will get you though
And he is slightly scared but not really because he knows you’ll be fine once he gets you
When he gets to the place he doesn’t even knock on the door
He just punches a big ass hole in it with his ability and goes through it 
Also kills your abductor<3
Once he gets you he’s quiet
He’ll lightly hug you, glad your alive and the drive home will be silent
He’s considering weather he should be all “you’re so weak how’d you even get kidnapped” or “are you okay? ... He didn’t do any physical abuse to you, correct?” But both of them sound weird to him so he’s silent
When you get home he’ll prepare anything you wish
Tea? Dinner? Blankets? Anything, he’ll do for you
He does love you and he was very worried its just he has a poor way of showing it, thats all :)
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strangerhottotties · 2 years
hi i have an eddie request but ill understand if you arent comfortable writing it, its a fluff piece where the reader gets their period in the middle of school at the hellfire lunch tabel and the whole time they seem uncomfortable and everyone is asking if they feel okay but they insist they are fine, then when its time to go to class everyone gets up and leaves besides eddie who notices the reader stays seated and then he tries to get her to tell him whats wrong
if you dont want to thats totally okay just respond so i dont spam you with the same request thinking you havent seen it <333
Haha, I get used to get pissed on for a living. A little fictitious period blood doesn't bother me. On that note, I made this a little gross cause why not soooo sorry? Thank you for the adorable ask! I had fun with this!
Also I apologize in advance I was fighting my trazadone writing this so its just a little unedited drabble that might not make sense to me in the morning. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk
Warnings: Fluff, periods, period blood, Eddie is first and foremost a gentleman.
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The cafeteria was too loud, laughter and chatter and bright lights making your head pound. You sink deeper into your sweatshirt, it already zipped up as high as it can go as the group of Hellfire nerds you'd long acquainted yourself with clamour around you. The room felt colder to you than normal - your body curling in to preserve as much of your body heat as you could.
Normally, your involved heavily in the rowdy antics of your geek squad. Normally, you'd have picked your way through most of your mediocre lunch tray. Especially, on pizza day. But the orange grease stains the half melted cheese and your napkin. You've barely taken more than two bites in the last fifteen minutes. The imagery making your stomach curdle just a bit isn't normal for you. You know that.
Your name being called by one of the freshman has you glancing up into Dustin's frowning face. "You feeling okay? You've barely touched your lunch."
You're heart flutters nervously when the table is silenced and all of them turn towards you. Your friends had the worst timing.
"Oh, I'm fine. Just not real hungry today. Do you guys want it?" You urge, pushing your tray further into the middle of the table.
"Are you sure?" Gareth offers up.
Your cheeks burn with hot embarrassment because you can see Eddie's intense gaze settled on you from the head of the table. The Hellfire King's eyes steeling you in place as you pretend it's not.
"Yeah, you should eat more than that, at least," Mike starts. "Unless your sick."
"Just kind of queezy," your admission comes quietly. "This is too greasy. I really don't want to make it worse." Your answer seems to appease most of them in the way you hope it does. The slice goes to Dustin. The milk to Gareth. And the rest is followed quickly by the rest of them. Hungry teenage boys never turned down offered food.
It's several minutes later when a gooey gush occurs that you realize exactly why you're feeling this way.
"What's with that face?" It's Eddie who commands your attention, obviously noticing the paling of your completion or the widening of your eyes.
"Nothing." You cover quickly. He lifts his brows in questioning. You pray he reads the expression you shoot back as "I'm fine, really!" And not constipated. He gives you a single nod as you cross your legs.
You cursed yourself for wearing a skirt today. The only barrier between you and the seat being your underwear. You'd just wait for everyone to leave before checking to see if you bled through the fabric and onto the rouch textured chair.
You plead the bell will ring faster, watching the clock nervously as it ticks closer to lunch being over.
When it finally does, you wave your friends off as they shuffle off. You're too busy watching people float past to notice someone pulling up the chair next to you. You jump when you turn and find Eddie's face inches from yours.
"Eddie, what are you doing?" You squeak at him.
"Seriously, what's wrong? Are you avoiding someone? Is Tommy bothering you again?"
"No," you promise as the last of the students exit the cafeteria. Your voice sounds nearly too loud in the echoing room.
"You can tell me, you know." You wanna melt against him.
"It's just embarrassing is all," you tell him, hoping to deter him from further questioning. Really you just wanted your crush to stop coincidentally inquiring about you leaking blood beneath you.
"Nothing is embarrassing to me. I promise. Are you sick? Do you need me to drive you home?" He insists. It makes you want to pull you hair out - you settle for running your hand through it in frustration.
"No," you repeat. "It's nothing. Just go to cl-" you stop talking when his hand lands on your knee.
"Don't lie. You're a bad liar."
You bite your lip, tears welling against your will as you break. In a tiny voice, you finally mutter out, "Eddie, I think I just blend through everything..."
To your surprise, his face summons sympathy rather than disgust. "Oh, okay," he takes a deep breath as he glances around the room at the lunch ladies clearing the tables. "Do you have the stuff you need? The offer still stands to drive you home.
"I'll get blood on your seat," you whimper. Eddie snorts at that.
"Wouldn't be the first time. Come on. Let's go." He stands, holding a hand out to you. Your eyes widen for a moment.
"Hold on," you promise and reluctantly shed your sweatshirt to tie around your waist until you stand. You want to cry when you stand and spot the red stain on your chair. "Dammit!" You breath and go reaching for your discarded napkins from earlier. When you turn back to wipe it up, however, your eyes widen with horror.
Eddie is leaned over your chair, casually using his hanky to wipe away the blood before you can. He straightens when he's finished, casually tucking it in his back pocket.
"Ready?" He hums, like he'd just plucked a hair away, instead of the shedding lining of your uterus.
You sputter at him. "That... you didn't have to -"
He grasps your arms, pulling you close with that sweet expression all over again. "It'll wash out." Then he frowns and rubs his hands over your arms. "You cold?" He hums, as he finds your goosebumps.
"A... a little?" You offer, still too stunned. In a little shimmy that brings him into your space even more than before, he's shrugging out of both his jacket and his 'Dio' vest together. He doesn't even stop there as he helps you into it instead. "Eddie," you murmur without further words.
His smile down at you is stunning, warm and proud. "Don't worry about it," he encourages. "I can't tell you how long I've wanted to see you in it." You nearly faint at the words as he slings and arm over your shoulder and tugs you into his side. You can't imagine what the two of you look like. Not until he waltzes you through the hallways, slowly approaching the up coming crowds of other students. You flush when Mike and Dustin cheer at the sight.
"Eddie," you chirp, leaning closer to whisper this to him, "It's gonna start a rumor about us." It earns you a grin.
"I can think of worse rumors, can't you?"
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, cats, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
basic questions that i love answering
“hey what should i call you” good question. i dont really care, most of my mutuals call me arson. thats cool. bc i love arson. (clearly) but you can call me really whatever. planet names are dope as shit, but only @marcysbear gets to call me neptune. also enthu is off limits, only @terrifying-acceptance gets to call me that.
for the record: if you call me either of those names and are not either of them, that is crossing a genuine boundary of mine. you ARE NOT allowed to call me those names if you are not the designated person for that.
“ur gay” woah really i didnt know that ur like the first person ever to notice that!! (no ur not, ive known that for years)
“what type of gay” yes. the easiest way to explain it is bisexual. that being said: i use bisexual surprizingly little. i call myself lesbian and gay all the time (as in wlw and mlm).i’m polyamorous and arospec. month three of my identity crisis: uh i think the term arospec works well bc idk where the fuck i am on it but i’m definetly on this spectrum! grayromantic also works i think.
“gender????” im genderfluid. which explains the pronoun changes. im also trans, nb, genderqueer, and any of the genders and terms i need to articulate what the silly lil dudes in my head make me feel.
AUDHD :D explains why i am obsessed with space (going back to names planet names are cool and epic btw)
“do u horny post on main???” i reblog horny posts to my main but i dont normally do the original horny posting. tell me if i need to tw that btw :3
my cool and epic tags
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
the beloved - my beautiful beautiful queer platonic partner @terrifying-acceptance who i tag in a lot of shit :]
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
the last section that is mostly important for followers :]
if u wanna follow me it’d be cool if you have a banner and pfp but as long as ur like not a bot ur good.
feel free to ask questions :) this is the point at which i tell you that i love getting asks and dms. my dms are always open unless i am dead. (current status: alive at very least.) also i am in school so you are practically guaranteed to get a response not immediately. give me 12-24 hours to respond before being offended. after that it’s fair game.
I genuinely do not care and give no fucks about what you believe and how you live your life as long as you dont hurt yourself or others, you are not offended by me being very not religious/spiritual and you do not shove it down anyones throat.
I mostly do reblogs and tag them as such half the time
lastly if you interact with this post it lets me know that you read it but i’m gonna look at your profile anyway if u follow me so you don’t have to.
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
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credit to @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
(order of the banners are “exclusionists fuck off”, then this user loves being a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, genderfluid, then non binary)
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mintythecup · 4 months
Heya there!
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here's a post ab me and my boundaries that you should follow or i will be having a problem with.
My dicord link bc It somehow deleted itself:
My pronouns page!
(First time making this lmao)
First thing will be about me
My name is minty, known as mintythecup or cuphead_0 on discord!
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Here are my socials:
tumblr: mintythecup
Insta: _minty_the_cup_
Twitter: mintythecup
Tiktok: _cuphead.__
Discord: cuphead_0
Im also known as
Two of my aus! I'm part of the better casino
My favorite characters
Boris, mugman, felix, surge, shadow, angel dust, blitzo, moxxie, husker, chips bettigan, striker, jax, zooble.
I am 15 years old, my birthday is in july 18th.
I an nonbinary, I'm currently taken by my girlfriend irl. 1 year now
I go by they/them and not she/her. Me and mintys pronouns are NOT the fucking same. Stop addressing my pronouns as her please.
I am an atheist and I will not accept being forced religion. That is a sin btw
Im an artist of 10 years and growing
My favorite colors are red. Blue, forest green, black, and wine red
My aesthetic is grudge and black royal type
I love talking but I am kind of closed off so don't force it.
Dont spam me. I will block you.
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I will not be tolerating any bullying or untrue rumors here. I will be blocking and ignoring you completely if I find out it's untrue.
I'm fine with any ship and any thing js along it isn't causing harm or problematic
No incest or shit like that, I will NOT tolerate it. This is a safe place for everything and everyone
Lgbtq. Therian, furry, religious, poc. Anything. You are welcome here and if anyone says otherwise blocked. Womp womp.
I accept fanarts, doesn't natter if your art is bad to you ill love it either way :] js along as it isn't uncomfortable art like unconsented nsfw.
no sa, or abuse mentions or jokes. Do not joke about my situation or try make it seem like I was the problem. Also don't make fun of sa around me either. I am a victim of online and irl assault, I will not tolerate it
Please be mindful about your words, they can affect some people.
If you don't like my art or my au, leave and don't make a problem about it and we will be good. I do not wanna go on rough terms on getting into a meaningless argument when you could of js left instead of complaining
Hate comments. I will get rude about it, it may come off as immature slightly but I do have a right to defend myself, I won't respond to most of thrm but if it involves something serious, I will do something ab it
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Over all, js have fun and chill! Be free to send requests or something, I won't mind the slightest!
It took abit to write but i needed to let this out ^^♡
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
When you're walking down the street to go home you bump into something or someone a silver headed mutant and when you guys become best friends and you go over to his house his mom loves you and as you're about to beat his high score on his arcade game he tries to stop you but you have an idea..
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I walk down the street my backpack on my back going home from school when suddenly i bump into something i fall and land on my butt but my hands cushioned my fall i look up too see a silver headed actually really cute boy
He has dimples you can barley see when hes not smiling perfect lips a silver jacket a pink Floyd shirt and black jeans i thought i was the clumsy one it was almost like he appeared out of no where well maybe hes a mutant since his hair is literally silver
We look at each other for a moment before he quickly stands up and puts a hand out for me which i gladly take "sorry for running into you" he says and i shrug my shoulders a bit "its whatever at least you aren't a asshole" i say and he smiles his dimples more defiant
"And at least you didnt use your backpack to hit me a whole bunch of times" he says and a laugh escapes my lips and he looks down at my lips almost thinking of something but i just met him i dont wanna push him already "you're really pretty" he mutters out regret filling his face after but a blush just appears on my cheeks making butterflies in my stomach erupt
"Thank you" i mutter softly and nervously if theres one thing i hate about myself is my anxiety and nervousness i clear my throat trying to look more confident and put my hand out "my names y/n" i say and i see his eyes light up a bit "peter" he says taking my hand in his, his hand engulfing mine thats so attractive holy shit
I shake his hand our handshake lasting longer then it shouldve but im not complaining "can i uh maybe have your number? If you dont wanna give me it its fine I've gone through that before and stuff you know like really its fine" peter starts rambling and i laugh again softly before i grab his phone and put my number in it putting my name and a heart next to it
I pass the phone back to him and he looks down at the contact almost in disbelief before he looks back at me a smile going back on his face "thanks" he says and i nod softly "text me later handsome" i say before i breeze past him my arm touching his before i start walking home thinking of peter the entire time when i finally get home i put my backpack down and change before flopping onto my bed and i feel a vibration from my pocket i pull out my phone and see a random number texted me and i open it
'hey sweetheart its peter or should i say handsome?' he teases making me blush even more damn it i barley met him and i get butterflies when i even so much as think about him 'oh yeah? Okay babe i need to go to bed ill text you tomorrow?' i send and wait a moment before he responds 'yeah text me when you're free my love' he says and i squeal covering my face with my hands we barley met what the fuck but he's really cool i mean he listens to pink floyd i think i might really get along with him
I close my eyes pulling the blanket closer to me as i fall asleep peter stuck in my mind all night
The next day after school i walk down the same path where i met peter i would be lying if i said I didn't hope i saw peter when i feel a gust of wind infront of me i look up and am met with the eyes of speak of the devil, peter.
"Hey sweetheart" he says and i roll my eyes playfully "hey handsome" i say and i see a smile appear on his face "where ya headed off too?" He asks and i shrug "i might actually go to the store i needa pick up some things" i say and he nods "well can i go with you?" He asks and i look up at him before nodding and we start heading to the store
We get to the store and we walk inside going to get bread and milk and just the essentials and all that and before i could walk up to pay and scan my stuff i end up in the blink of an eye in the cart moving fastly for a split second and were outside i look around and see peter pushing the cart "what the hell was that for pete?" I ask and he shrugs a smug grin on his face "well with my mutation lets just say i don't really pay for a lot of stuff i cant resist it" he says "kleptomaniac" i murmur under my breath playfully and he nudges me with his elbow "exactly" he says making me smile
"Okay now i have to walk all the way to my house while holding these bags" i whine resting my hands on the cart and resting my head onto my hands covering my face "who says you alone?" He says and i smile lifting my head up "okay here's how its gonna work you grab the bags and put them on your wrists and hands and stuff and ill carry you to your house" he says and i look at him in disbelief
"What you dont believe me or somethin?" He asks and i shake my head "okay fine grab the bags" he says and i grab them putting my arm through the holes in the bag and peter walks over to me and picks me up bridal style making me squeal "omg peter please dont drop me" i say "im not that weak you know" he says rolling his eyes playfully making me smile "okay lay your head against my chest" he says and i look up at him confused "so you dont get whiplash" he says like it was obvious "oh" i mutter softly and rest the side of my head and face against his chest. Totally not enjoying this
In a flash we end up at the corner of the store and i give peter directions every time we stop and we make it to my house way quicker than if we walked i turn to peter "stay right here i havent said bye yet" i say and he smiles slightly as i go inside and set the bags onto the counter and walk back outside i go over to peter and pull him into a hug which he surprizingly accepts
My arms wrapped around his neck my head on his shoulder his arms wrapped around my waist securely i smile and give peter a peck on the cheek lingering it a bit "thank you handsome" i say softly "no problem sweetheart" he says and we finally pull away from each other despite my body and mind and heart yearning to hold him close to me again "ill text you later" i say and he nods "okay talk to you later" he says and i send him a wink before walking into my house and i start putting groceries away
After a while i end up finishing and i go to bed peter stuck in my mind like everytime
It has been a couple weeks now maybe a month and a half since me and peter met and started flirting and my feelings for him have sky rocketed i talk to him every day and night i think about him i even have dreams about him
Today i actually dont have school its the weekend and i really wanna see peter i dont know he just makes me so happy and we really get along hes so sweet to me i pick up my phone and press his contact 'hey handsomeee i dont have school today what ya doin?' i text him and wait for an answer which comes quick (pun intended) (get it cs hes fast? No? Okay my bad😭)
'hey sweetheart im really just bored you wanna hang out?' he sends and i smile 'of course i always wanna hang out with my favorite person' i say 'awe ur so sweet ill meet you at the same meet up spot' he says 'okay im heading out now see you in a bit' i send and i turn off my phone before putting it in my pocket and i start heading out the front door
I walk to go down the same trail where me and peter met that day and look around for peter when someone grabs my shoulders from the back and shakes me a bit "boo!" Peter says making me jump "god peter you scared the fuck out of me" i say raising my hand to hit him on his arm he saw this hit from miles away but let my hand come in contact with his arm (cs hes such a sweetheart)(god i love him)
"I had to do it" he says shrugging his shoulders and i roll my eyes playfully "what do you wanna do?" I ask as we start walking "okay dont make this seem weird but do u maybe wanna come over to my place?" He says and i immediately nod "of course i dont mind you're my bestfriend after all" why did i say that no i wanna be more than friends peter god im so stupid
Peter walks behind me making me confused before he bends down and picks me up bridal style again making me smile and i lay my head against his chest again and in a flash were infront of a pretty good looking house and peter slowly sets me down "thank you" i say softly "your welcome" he says smiling at me before we start heading to the front door
He opens it and we walk in "ma im home i have a friend" he yells "im in the kitchen" someone responds im guessing his mom since he called her ma we walk down to the kitchen where im met with a lady with brown almost blond hair in a ponytail to the side she seems sweet hopefully shes as sweet as peter is?
"Hi ms maximoff" i say putting my hand out and the lady seems taken back she smiles and takes my hand in hers "nice to meet you.."
"Y/n" i say "oh nice to meet you y/n you seem like a sweetheart, you and pete a thing or what cause she isnt that bad and i wouldnt mind" she says making a blush appear on my face a small laugh building inside of me "unfortunately me and peter are just friends, even if i wish we were together" i mumble the last part thinking she didnt hear it but oh she did "and she is a sweetheart thats what i call her" peter says and i have to look away to not show myself flustered
"Well me and y/n are gonna hang out downstairs" peter says as were about to start walking when his mom stops me she pulls me close to her and puts her mouth close to my ear "peters been gushing about a girl recently and i heard him say her name and it sounds like yours if you wish you guys were together then maybe go for it you only meet someone once and you seem like you would take care of pete and keep him in line" she says and i nod "and if he does like me i will ill treat him so well ill keep him off your shoulders i know how much energy he could have" i say and she smiles before i head back towards peter and we head down the steps to the house basement guess he lives down here its fine it looks actually kinda cool
"What did my mom say to you" peter asks as i look around and start to walk to a arcade machine peter has wow i want one of these "nothing important" i lie starting a game moving the joystick peter stands up and walks over to me standing next to me watching the screen as well after a couple moments im almost about to beat peters high score when he starts trying to take my hand off the joystick
Without thinking i grab peters collar and pull him close to me and place a quick kiss on his lips making him pause and look at me confused after a second i keep going and then i finally die i excitedly jump up and down "i won! I beat you peter!" I taunt starting to turn towards him when my lower back is pushed into the game peters hands on my waist my arms reach up to wrap around peters neck he looks down at me with doeful eyes
He starts to lean down our lips teasing each other as we barely touch then finally our lips connect we move our lips against one another my hands pulling him impossibly closer by his neck his arms wrap around my waist pulling me flat against him before he lets one arm go and gently puts his hand on my cheek as we kiss softly not wanting to let each other go our lips finally separate and he looks down at me while i look up at him looking into his beautiful brown eyes i dream of
"So uh you have a boyfriend?" He jokes nervously "yeah his names peter" i say before i grab his face with my hands and lay more kisses to his soft lips which he gratefully accepts kissing me back more relaxed and freely than the first time making me smile into the kiss causing him to smile as well
We pull away and i turn back to the game peters arm wraps around my waist as he watches me playing the game i couldnt be happier....
This is the cutest thing I've ever seen omg i love this with my whole heart i love peter so much hes such a sweetheart hes a lover boy god i wish this was real😭 anyways i love you a lot as well you mean so much to me you dont even understand *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 year
Backrooms POI: Finley and Funny
Name(s): Finley and Funny
Aliases: "the Friendly Partygoer"(Funny) Team BoredFun, Fin+Fun
Dummy grumpy pants (Finley) =)
Funny dont add that in =(
You can't tell me what to do! XD
A stupid annoying idiot (Funny) =(
Hey! thats meeeeaaaaan >=(
Shut up =(
Last known location(s): Level 1, Level 5, Level 2, Level 11,
Known Affiliations: The Pity Partiers are the best and you should visit them =)
look I know they sound suspicious but you should listen to them =(
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(Funny and Finley running from a smiler and a more clear, edited version of the smae photo)
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Description: Finley and Funny are a unlikely duo of two eneties. (A rouge partygoer and a thought to be extinct partypooper) they have been seen wanderering Levels in deep conversation with one another, running from other entities
We dont do that! >=(
yeah we do actually =(
they seem to have a interest in guns and weapons as they have been seen carring many swords, guns and bazookas and making them as well
YEAH! THEIR AWESOME! right Fin? =)
Yeah i guess their cool =|
they love it =)
They both seem to be neutral on humans, they have been only seen killing them when negatively provoked
Uh YEAH? of course we respond violently to dumb, rude people! thats how it works dummy! =)
I think they're talking about how you clawed someones eye out when they accidentally bumped into you =(
It was level 201! I was on edge! >=(
Level 201 isn't that dangerous dumbass =(
you know why I didn't feel safe... Im not usually like that, honest! you can be a funny joke if you change your perspective! =)
Despite Funny being a partygoer, they have never been seen Hunting or eating wanderers but have been seen eating a prompus amount of Cannibal Cusinie.
Honestly cannbial cusinie so much more tastier =)
Im surprised you haven't gotten fat with how you eat that shit =(
Youda mean? =|
I'm just sayin its not good for you =(
WELL the more I eat, the less their is for the humans, DUH! =)
Finley has been known to be very cold and somewhat hostile to wanders, often pointing guns at wnaders but often never shooting
Don't worry, they only pull guns when they are just when They're grumpy, YOU SHOULD SEE WHEN THEY'RE MAD! HAHAHA! =)
Partygoers and PartyPoopers are infamous for being natural mortal enemies, but Finley and Funny have been seen either neutral or Straight-up romantic with eachother wait, wait, wait, WAIT. what do you mean by romantic? =(
uh fin we've been dating forever you stupid ass =)
Don't tell them that! >=(
Awwww! are you embarrassed?~ =)
im kicking you out of the room =(
Behaviors: Funny Has been known to be friendly albeit very malicious and dark regarding to their sense of humor, often making jokes about murder, missing family members, self harm, destruction, mental illness, or just straight up being rude piece of shit
You just gotta have the right mind set to get my jokes, Or at least a Mind at all! =)
as stated before Finley has been known being, cold, crass, rude, cynical but still helpful even if it doesn't effect them positivly. they have also been known to make edgy remarks reminiscent of that of a middle schooler who thinks they're depressed.
The following Is a interview log with The two eneties and dehila of the m.e.g in hopes to understand their odd situation better
Dehila: *Calmly walks over to Finley and Funny* Um excuse me-
-the tape cuts out for 20 minutes-
Finley: sorry about Asshole overthere *they point to Finny* they can't tell a clicker from a skin stealer
Funny: OH well excuuuuusse me for being jumpy in a plane of existence with cosmic entity cakes and hivemind cults following a dumb bluebird!
Dehila: oh it's quite alrig-
-the tape cuts out again
Dehila: so how did you two meet?
Finley: long story, but after the fun war PartyPoopers decided to stay in the promised land for "preservation of out species" or some dumb shit like that, but I left caused that Was the stupidest thing ive ever heard-
Funny: HA! not as dumb as you wanderering the halls alo-
-The tape cuts out again-
Dehlia: so you two have a bit of a enemies to lovers thing going on huh?
Funny: Eh, I guess, i mean we still fight ALL the time, and they're Super boring if that wasn't obvious! but.. i dunno They're a boring person, but Super fun to be around with! They taught me how to shoot a railgun, We made a bazooka that fires chainsaws, we smoke MJ together, They tell the best jokes! they've kinda become my muse!
Dehila: Aww thats so sweet- wait What about memory-
Funny: Nothing.
Finley: Yeah Funnys alright, Its nice to have someone who gets me, or Not takeing literally everything thing I say personally
Dehila: so funny, what separates you from the rest of the Partygoer?
Funny: Well I hate killing humans for starters, You guys are a alot funner alive, And Also Cannibal Cusinie Just tatses better, oh and also Being unwittingly controled by a giant birthday cake is super lame honestly, plus I'm having so much Fun With Finley!.... but I do miss friends back in level fun...
Finely: *sighs* ..yeah thats the hardest part about leaving..
Dehlia: so I've heard alot about "The pity Partiers" what is that exactly?
Finley: *akward silence*
Funny: Uhh.. well.. Uhhh
Funny: you see when you love someone very much-
Finley: they're our kids
Dehlia: All of them?!?! they're like 50 of them!
Finley: 160 actually, Partypeople usally have 40 per litter
Funny: Yeah, why do you think were everywhere?
Finley: Anyways don't worry about them, their (mostly) harmless, right fun?
Funny: I think I have something in my teeth
Finley: yeah just don't hurt them alright?
log ends
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lashiitailss · 9 months
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Billy loomis <3 Pt 2
. (By the way, yes they have jobs while still in school)
The next day you were riding the bus to school and as you got there the night of what happend to you played in your head you wondered if they were actually going to kill you.
You then bump into randy. “oh hi randy” you said with a fake blunt smile. “hey i heard what happened.. are you okay?” randy said as he seen u clutching your side. your eyes then widen then falters to a smile as u slowly let go of your side wincing as u stood up straight.
“s..see? im fine.” you said as you started walking up the side walk as randy walked beside you. “here, let me carry you.” randy offered. “n-no im fine.” you said as you continued walking. u felt a bit tired as u continued to walk.
“hmm.. maybe you can carry me.” you said.
Randy then smiled and put you on his back as he carried you. you then soon fell asleep on his back, he carried you to the cafeteria where breakfast was being held and there was stu, tatum, billy , and Sidney well Sidney was somewhere near the table
“Hey guys sorry were late.” randy spoke to the group. “we?” billy and stu asked. randy then sat you down next to him as you woke up and sat up wincing a bit holding your side as randy pulled you back down to lay on his shoulder.
“Thank you randy” you said as u layed on his shoulder. he then smiled. “what happened to tatum?” randy asked. “some psycho tried to kill me and stabbed me in my arm.” she said as she was sitting on stus lap.
Meanwhile… billy was glaring at randy.. he had so many thoughts going on in his head he was wondering why you two were together? and why were u laying your head on his shoulder? was it because of the stab wound? did he really need to stop killing?
“billy?… billy!… BILLY!!” stu yelled as he was trying to get his attention. “uh yea..?” he answered. “[Name] was talking to you”. stu had said.
“nevermind stu, its fine. he looks like hes deep in thought.” you then tell stu. billy shoots a glance at you and his gaze softens as he wasnt able to respond to you when you needed his attention.
you then tried to sit up but randy kept pulling you down. “r-randy i want to sit up.” you said calmly. “no, you need rest.”
“Let her up dude.” stu had said as everyone at the table started looking. “shes hurt and needs rest or she might re open her wound” randy said as his eyes never left his book.
what the hell was wrong with him? you thought as you struggled against him. “randy let me the fuck go” you said as you frowned. billy then clenched his fists as his face darkend. you knew that look. that was the look he always made when he was angry or pissed. “Randy get the fuck off of her.” billy said.
Thats the only time randy looked up from his book. he then looked back at you then moved and let u sit up as u started breathing rapidly. “ow..” you said as you felt your neck redden, you had a red mark on your neck and it was irritated. “baby come here, let me see.” billy said as he was looking at you scratching your neck repeatedly.
“uh no its fine.” you said instantly. billy then glared at you. “uh, okay.” u said after he glared at you. you slowly got up and went over and sat next to him. you looked at the clock. breakfast was only for another 7 minutes.
“Let me see. turn around.” billy said. you then shifted in your seat so billy could see your neck. he then sighed as he mumbled something under his breath, the only word you heard was beat. billy then took a glance at stu and you immediately knew what he was thinking.
you then shifted back around in your seat and looked at billy with pleading eyes. “please…no.” you whispered to him. knowing he was probably planning on hurting or killing randy. “whynot?” billy answered.
“it was on mistake he was just looking out for me thats all bill, ill give u cuddles when we get back home.”
billy then smirked but it quickly went away as he nodded his head and pulled you onto his lap and peppered kisses on your neck. you then hummed as you leaned into his touch.
The bell then rang and you sat up grabbing your backpack as you waited for everyone else to pack up.
“welp ill see you guys later, i dont wanna be late to math.” randy said as you stood up.
“wait, randy!” you called out to him, he looked angry and you wanted to talk to him.
“wow, wonder whats his problem?” Tatum said as she walked over to you.
“im sure its nothing.” billy said as he gave you a kiss on the forehead. “see you after class.” billy added, you and tatum walked to the bathroom first because you to really needed to talk. you two literally had almost every class together.
“hey uh [Name] we need to talk.” tatum said as she was looking up at you.
you then sighed. “sure, what is it.” u asked as you looked at her.
“the night when i got attacked… i was in you and billys house… i had came over to drop off your homework papers that you left over, and a ghostfaced looking man sliced up my arm…” she said as she looked at her arm.
“i-im really sorry that happened to you.” you told her in complete aw and sincere.
“w-were you or billy the ones that chased me..?” you then widen your eyes at her question you then started to think about how billy and stu… her boyfriend. you didnt want to tell her because you were afraid that he might’ve hurt you or maybe even kill you.
“no, billy wasnt there at the time and that same ghostface came after me aswell!”
you said as you started to feel peer pressured.
“how did you know it was the same one?”
“how did you know it was the same one [Name]”
you then startee heavily breathing as you looked for an explanation. “i..i uh.. i assumed! yea i assumed its the same one because if they were in my house as u got away they were still in there…?” that made no sense.
she then squinted her eyes as to seeing if she believes you.
“okay! i guess your right, welp! lets get to class shall we?” tatum said as she patted your back.
“uh.. yea! lets go.” you said as you gathered your things and went to your first class.
you were super late .
“Mrs riley and [Last Name] you are late.”
Mrs Tate looked at the both of you with a glare. “be glad we showed up.” you told her as u went to go sit down. tatum laughed and sat next to you as class continued.
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Thank you for reading, im very sorry its short i got bored and ran out of ideas. <3
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emilyelizabethfowl · 4 months
ive learned im not friendly, actually
unless the social interaction has been initiated by me - in which case i go out the gate with a "hi im emily, this is how we know each other, this is what im hoping to achieve through this convo" - im suspicious as fuck lol
someone requested a dm on discord. i accepted bc of course i did, im nosy af. usually those end up in unsolicited advertisement or some scam attempt but one time someone was very entertaining in demanding i buy them nitro, so thats up on the table
theyre from a server i never talk in but i figured they might have a valid reason for contacting me - its a writing server and i am a writer, so maybe thats how they know me?
but they. refuse to state their goal? "r u up for a lil chat" well that tells me nothing? whats the topic? "hru" mate i barely exchange pleasantries for the sake of my family, just get to the point already?
"what are you doing" - see, i answer this question differently based on who asks. i tailor the response to what i think would interest my friends the most. i do a ton of shit, always flitting from one activity to another, so i cater my response based on which activities and fandoms i share with the person in question
but i have no idea who you are, so how do you expect me to be able to answer?
ive asked them straight up if they had any particular reason for dming me or if theyve just gone down the users list in the server. 20 minutes ago, actually. theyve yet to respond, when all their previous messages were sent in a matter of seconds lol
ill give them until i come back from the grocery run and then im closing the dm and forgetting that ever happened
so yeah unless i know 1. who you are (just name is fine) 2. how you know me (there's gotta be some reason why ur in my dms) and 3. what your end goal is (shared fandom? just friends? want a favor?), im not wasting my Being Nice energy on ur ass akjsdghkjafshjka
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Hey guys i've found myself defending America and it feels weird but can yall tell me if I'm in the wrong here?
(its long im sorry)
TLDR: My friend is an international student, we got in a joking argument about soccer vs football that ended in accusations of racism and McCarthyism. Did I take it too far?
I go to a private college in America (in the south) that I have worked hard to get a full tuition scholarship so I can afford to attend. I have a friend who also goes here that is an international student from New Delhi. I'll call her N.
N is very sweet, but she has the tendency to get very peeved about the culture differences between India and America. I have met plenty of other international students who are also from India (there are a LOT of international students this year) and most of them are very chill and embrace the multicultural area that the school is located in.
I am also, as we may know, an avid arguer. I'm a philosopher at heart. I think disagreements let me get to know people better through how they argue (which helps me know if they'd be a good friend. idk its the tism ig).
So N and I were chilling and out of the blue they send me a reel about how non-americans get mad when americans say soccer and not football. I sent back "its true cuz we're fine with them calling it football but they pop off whenever we say soccer" and she responds with "Because you're saying it wrong."
We've had convos like this and I normally assume they're being light hearted and pretending like its a big thing, so I responded kinda sarcastically "damn learn how to accept peoples differences" and she said "not if theyre american"
Like ok shes being sarcastic back but it feels weird. I started bantering about how other countries also say soccer (australia, south africa, new guinea) and she says "yes but only in the US and canada you haveto clarify what you mean when you say football because yall stole the name."
This confused me cuz tf you mean "you stole the name." First off I didn't do shit, second off how the fuck do you steal a sport? I said exactly that and she replies with "Nothing in america is your own" and holy shit im actually defending america wtf. This is not like me. But im not defending its history or its government, im defending the culture of it cus thats honestly the only good part of it. So respond with a cheeky lil "and isnt that beautiful" and she says "its yall being stupid."
I say "its a melting pot" and she says "a melting pot takes inspiration." I got a lil pissed at this because ok so did immigrants and enslaved people just spawn here? Did they steal their own cultures from their home countries?
They went on for a bit about how america is built off of appropriation, which it is fair that cultures are constantly being appropriated, but there are also cultures constantly being celebrated and fused, and that fusion and appreciation is what has the lasting impact.
I say this and she says "whatever im not arguing with an American" which of course I have to shit headedly respond with "imagine being reductive sorry I'm different than you"
She then responds with "bitch ur white" which yes. But does that mean I dont come from a diverse background and dont have culture? I respond "Yes and I live in a wonderfully diverse city of people who come from different cultures that I learn about and respect and love" and girl goes "those places dont exist in america" THEN WHERE AM I??? SPAIN???
We are literally in one of the most diverse and culture-rich cities in the south (ill give you 3 guesses) and she is saying that there isnt diversity and respect anywhere in america.
Skip forward a bit, she says that america has no culture, then corrects that to say "white america has no culture." That fucked with me a bit because its sus as shit to use the idea of "white america" and "poc america" in an argument. I said that and said that you can't give a concrete definition to "white culture" or "black culture" or "latine culture" cuz thats literally stereotyping
She said that prayer is a big part of indian culture, but isnt necessarily an overall truth for every person, which is fair. So I said then wouldn't American culture be like the national anthem. She said no because every country had a national anthem. I said that prayers are part of other cultures too, but that doesnt take away from the fact that theyre parts of other cultures too.
She then said that the national anthem isnt culture because "thats only for white people" and "a lot of america is only for white people (meaning its been used to disenfranchise poc people but she worded it in a way that sounded a smidge racist but no shade) And I said yea it fucking sucks and its forced upon us but its still well known. Theres no way that prayer isn't used to disenfranchise religious minorities in India, but its still culture.
She then said that white culture and american culture isnt a thing but black and latine culture is, (which tbh neither of us can really speak on, I was mainly discussing the american and latine element cuz I can speak on those) and I said that denying that american culture is just a mix of cultures evolving parallel over time simply because a bunch of shitty white guys founded the country is ignoring the people who have worked hard to make america their home and to carve out a spot for their own culture in this country. Just because people fucking sucked (like they have in the history of every fucking country ever) doesn't mean that people arent working to make the world better in their wake.
She said that poc culture in america stems from years of oppression. I agreed, but I said that racism and oppression isnt an America-exclusive thing. She then said, pretty out of the blue, that " for you to deny that their culture stems from oppression is racist." I said "when did I deny that." She said "you said you dont deny that what youre denying is racist. So that means you're being racist."
This confused me, so I asked "where did I deny that something was racist." Also I'm pre law, so I started getting a lil pre-law-y here. Don't judge me its a survival instinct I got from my parents lmao. She said "I said if you refuse to accept that black and brown cultures are real youre being racist." I said "show me what message I said that."
She said "chill babe theres no need to get defensive" which is literally the worst thing to say to me because boom youve made me into a defense attorney. I hate being patronized. I said "I am not being defensive, you are making accusations with no regard for evidence." (my profs would like that line)
She goes "this isnt a court of law girl" ok girl you act like youre gonna say that america doesnt have culture and then call me racist? I really just wanted this to end so I pulled out the mccartheyism card and said "you cant red scare roundabout logic your way out of being reductive and oversimplifying an enormously widespread country." and we were done. I know I ended it on an accusatory note which I hate, but I feel like shes ignoring so much thats literally going on in front of her face. Did I go too far? I know that I did and I shouldn'tve started the "youre being reductive" circle, but genuinely, the cure to culture shock isnt to be indignant about every difference you see, its to accept it. Its the same in literally every country. You cant just say "no I dont want to."
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galactinqq · 2 months
(and by a while i mean over a year)
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i have an art blog!!!! you should look at that id appreciate that,,, @cardboardclownery
my name is bo!! or bobo!! hi :]
no pronouns! just name or nickname, title, etc when referring to me, please :P
(if thats difficult for you, im fine with it/its if necessary)
18 y/o (not a mine ore)
aroace (aromantic asexual)
have an anxiety disorder at the least but im sure theres something in there that hasnt been diagnosed-
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currently fixated on Dreams of an Insomniac,,, gwehehehe
OFF (the game yknow)
vocaloid + utau + other voicebanks
lethal company
general interests:
character design
concept art
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MAJOR fear of vomit, dont try to show me anything with that
dont make sexual remarks about me or @ me in suggestive art or anything like that please,, makes me very uncomfortable
basic dni criteria, no homphobes or proship or MAPs or racists or anything like that i dont like you though i doubt youd listen to being told to stay out :'P
i dont use tumblr for messages very often, and have a tendency to forget to use tumblr at all, so im not ignoring you or dead if i dont respond for a long time!! not good at answering messages anyway, rehehe,,,,
that said im always happy to get asks or replies to posts!! might be late to replying but ill get to it i promise >:]
uhhhhhh i think thats everything!! thanks for reading, hope to see you around! :P
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soona-kit · 1 year
(pinned post? kinda short but i might change it in due time)
hi. i make the silly creature art and i like the yeayeayeah guy
call me cheese or cleaner or whatever the fuck
bi + any pronoun (prefer he/they but any other is fine too)
this blogs mainly for my msm art n stuff. my main is @cheeselol9071 (i renamed my old blog by the same name to reclaim it reeheehee) it doesnt have any posts besides its pinned by the time im editing this (6.8.2023) but its definitely gonna fill with new content soon for you fucks to enjoy. so yeah
ill take art requests at certain times (MSM RELATED YOU DORKS!!!) if i dont respond to yours im either procrastinating really hard or just flat out dont feel like doing it for one reason or another. theres no in between
you can find me on twitter at cheeselol9071 (itll have my bear* content there too so BEWARE!!!)
uh thats it :3
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yenqa · 1 year
˗ˏˋ BLOG RULEZ! ´ˎ˗
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general *·˚
do NOT spam like, or else ill block
talk/interact with me anytime youd like! ill do my best to respond everytime 🫶 but im really bad a reaching out so please be patient with me!
-13 20+ please don’t try to become moots with me (does not apply to ppl im already mutuals w/!)
please don’t ask about anything too personal!
i am a minor! so please keeps things sfw!
please try not to bring in the topic of politics or religion here
no self promoting ex. sending an ask for people to read your work (not like if i ask for fic recs or a certain trope you CAN say your fic i just want to read a fic)
> this also includes asking me to read your fic, unless its proof reading please don’t ask me ill find it on my own time
no venting without consent! if you need to vent to me, please ask me first.
if i’m using any terms wrong or being offensive please tell me! ill do my best to be better 😓😓
please dni if… ༊*·˚
you actively hate on idols/participate in fan wars
sends hate to blogs
nsfw accounts
homophobic, racist, transphobic etc.
requests/works *·˚
again, please keep things sfw for requests! all my works will be sfw
please don’t pressure me to finish my works, asking is fine though! just not too much..
no spam likes pls
please consider my health and life when waiting for a work! i have a life too and often lose motivation after starting something so please be patient!
yes feedback is appreciated, but not hate comments or plain our rude things. try to be respectful as possible when giving criticism bc im a lil sensitive 😣
please. tell me of any mistakes in my works im fr begging i get so embarrassed when there are.
asks *·˚
always are open for anything (includes talking about anything or a certain topic just tell me anything youd like)! other than venting ofc or they’re closed
please don’t send anything weird!
pet names are fine
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thats all for now! more might be added!
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ask-the-ancient-runes · 8 months
is there a universe where robots take over the world? :0
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R: Hey guys! Ruu here to respond to this one! Vivi said she didnt want to respond to this one, i don't know why, but hey, thats fine! ANYWAY, no, we havent gone to a universe run over by robots, however we HAVE met quite a bunch!! My favourite robots i've become friends with are GIR, the one and only MTT, and with me android boy named 3DW4RD, But I just call him Eddie!! He's super sweet, this one time Vivi and I went to his house and he made a whole FEAST for us!! Too bad Vivi said she felt ill and had to go home...She always seems to feel ill around him... OHMYGOSH WHAT IF SHE HAS A CRUSH ON HIM !!!! AHHHHHH THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH!!! THATS WHY SHE ALWAYS ACTS OFF WHEN HE'S AROUND!!!!
@sammyliscious is he creator and owner of 3DW4RD, he is NOT my character!! I have been given permission to use him for this blog, however all credits to him goes to his rightful creator!!!
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dumyhead · 1 year
anyways erm heres a humongous intro post to my account for 2023!!
my (host) name is sunny, im a white teen from funny upside-down country and im sooo silly and. Cool and amazing😼
more details :
+.* im autistic w anxiety and ocd (and possible adhd)
+.* self-diagnosed-ish osdd-1 system (alter carrd coming soon 😋)
+.* i post art and funny text posts
+.* soo many labels but as of right now i mainly identify as a queer trans/nonbinary/genderqueer gnc person
boundaries/stuff u should know !!
≈ pls dont talk to me abt nsfw stuff unless we're close friends/mutuals and have talked about our boundaries with said content (will get blocked otherwise)
≈ i get anxious in conversations very easily so sorry if i dont respond for a while to certain messages !!
≈ im fine with being tagged in some silly little things and receiving asks, just dont get too personal :3
≈ dont ask for my location or anything alike, that stuff is for extra-close friends
≈ i procrastinate and forget a lot so sometimes ill cancel plans or give up on projects out of nowhere, so dont expect too many big things from this blog
interests !!
bold = hyperfix
italics = special interest
mortal kombat
madness combat
the owl house
the walten files
the mandela catalogue
plague doctors
torture devices/methods
sea creatures
horror in general
dni !!
× proshippers, comshippers, profic, whatever term you guys use nowadays
× exclus
× stans of real-life serial killers and criminals
× zoophiles/feral nsfw enjoyers
× l0li/sh0ta/cub nsfw likers
× bigots in general
× terfs / radfems
× people against sex workers. i mean come on they're just doing their jobs
× people that want to get mental disorders?? like no subliminals arent gonna give you depression man why do you want that 😭😭
× people that believe in cringe culture and cancel culture
ermm i think thats it :3c
have a nice day n take care of urself ‼️💯💪👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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