#my life just turned upside down
hedgiestail · 1 year
❗If you're interested in my Invader Zim comics please read this❗
First of all - my house burned down. Like all of it. All of mine and my family belongings. Parents fighting each other and, most likely, will file for divorce. So as only responsible and mentally stable adult in family right now - I'm taking care of all our animals (4 dogs, 3 cats, all were stray before we adopted them) and my youngest brother. Also I do have full-time work .
So, as you can see - I do not have time for the next part. Or mental health capacity for it either.
However! I do plan at least finish the third part.
I guess stay tuned? _(:3 」∠)_
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serpenteve · 1 year
do you guys ever think about how aleksander's whole life derailed after he met alina??? ☠️ like i know we always talk about how sad and tragic it is, but it's also just so fucking hilarious?? like local dark lord was just living his life as a normal military general and then he meets alina and has a fucking mental breakdown
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stardustvanfleet · 3 months
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he’s heavy on my mind today… 🥺🥰❤️
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youuuimeanmee · 3 months
I read your post on Arnold & Aleister Crowley along with Covenia being the SxF equivalent of Romania. I looked up some Romanian folklore & found something called the Solomonari/Solomonars which are dragon-riding wizards said to control the weather. Not only that, but they're also stated to be red-headed. Aside from Handler, Anya is the only one we've seen with red (or in this case pink) hair.
Plus the name Covenia sounds pretty similar to "Coven" which is a group of witches & one of the names that people in Anya's past called her was a witch. Could Arnold be under the belief that Anya is a Solomonar (or in training) not just for her Classical Language skills but also for her hair color?
👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
While I do think this is certainly a very interesting finding, I'm currently debating whether I should expand my "Covenia=irlRomania" theory or not. (maybe i shouldnt, cus im not a romanian)
Maybe because I just stumbled on florida.florian on Youtube — in which, he debunks plenty of Romanian misrepresentation in the media — that I realized, maybe this whole "Gypsies/Witchcraft's History in Romani" might be a sensitive topic afterall? Or not? Especially when we also know that Endo is using IRL cold war references for the cold war that happen in Spy x Family; combine the two topics together, and... yeah, it doesn't sit well with me.
I mean, The Solomonar idea itself is very interesting; I like how Anya being a solomonar would allign nicely with her red hair, her hair cones, and her classical language skill. (I know Anya's design is based off Endo's previous oneshot, but it's a story revolving around the age of witch hunt, so I guess it's not surprising he'd be knowledgable about witches?). I'm also very surprised with the word "Coven" (I've been wondering about it). But implying that Anya's heritage is the reason why she was taken to the facility to see if the folklore has scientific explanation to it so they can utilize it for cold war? It's not unheard of IRL, but it still doesn't sit right with me. Or maybe it's just me jumping into ideas where I shouldn't.
Any Romanian users out here? Maybe @liddlecreachur ? South-eastern Europe people? Heck, Historians? I'm not a Romani, so I'd love to hear your input on this :")
Great findings though, @monsoonceroom !
*Edit: Guys check out the additions from @liddlecreachur here and @monsoonceroom here! Super interesting stuffs about the lore!
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vladdyissues · 5 months
How long have you written/drawn for in the Phandom?
Just a little over a year. I saw some incredible fanart by @the-stove-is-on-fire in December of 2022 and then I went hunting for more, which led me from Tumblr to AO3, which led to me reading a couple fics, which led me to beginning my own fic, which led to me drawing some art, which led to me watching the series, which led to me downloading the series and making gifs, which led me to joining a Discord, which led to me making this blog, which led to me writing meta, which led to me buying the graphic novel last July, which led to—
Anyway. How 'bout them Packers ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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jorvikzelda · 8 months
….Okay but what if I cut my hair off though
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nyan-koii · 5 months
Everyday i think about alternate universe coquette seb with michael who pampers him like theres no tomorrow. Michael would absolutely be head over heels because of how seb looks at him with that flushed cheeks and beautiful blue eyes.
Seb definitely enjoys drowning in michaels attention what more with how the man always have to make a physical contact with him whether it be a simple head pat or a possesive waist grab, everything makes sebastian heart flutters. He dresses up nicely for michael, he puts on a show for him because seb knows michael is tired with all his work and he wanted to be good and help him.
Michael's favourite outfit? Definitely something that accentuates seb's youth especially the fuzzy coats that seb would always wear whenever they go out. Its adorable and he loves it, seb loves it too and oh god michael feels like wanting to carry him to their bedroom and show sebastian how much he loves him. It'll start slow and gentle, michael will always tell seb how perfect he is while slowly pulling and discarding his clothes away. Sebastian would keep a close eye on the man, observing his movement how michael plant trails of kisses on his legs before taking off his shoes, how michael would bury his face on seb's tummy before taking it off and how michael mouths at seb's lace panties, telling him everything about you is so beautiful before ripping it apart knowing well he's going to be spending his money on sebastian again.
Whats there not to love about them?
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inkykeiji · 2 months
*sighs* oh to be high school sweethearts w angsty touya…(omg not in a weird way lol)
wait actually i cannot see it. he would probably get you pregnant n then leave/disappear…
HAHAHAHA yes the closest you’d get to high school sweethearts with him would be being his extremely intense high school fling. you do drugs and hang out illegally on rooftops and stay out all night knotted between the bars of old playgrounds and go to metal shows and raves together where you share joints or shove ecstasy tablets from one tongue onto another—all through airy exhilarated giggles and sweltering breaths—and it’s fun, it’s an adventure, it’s a wild fucking ride, full of ups and downs, twists and turns: laughing so hard your face is streaked with tears and your cheeks and stomach hurt for a full day afterward; screaming matches where he tugs at his hair and sinks dirty fingernails into your biceps and leaves ugly webbed craters in drywall, knuckles oozing scarlet and coated in a fine white dust; bad trips where you cling to each other beneath the steady spray of a shower head, curled into tiny, tangled balls on the floor of the tub, and cry and cry and cry and cry, pretending that the heaving backs and shuddering ribs and fragmented gasps are merely from the acid, that the salty dewdrops you sop up with messy, spit-slicked kisses and trembling tongues is merely shower water, rolling down cheeks and necks, dripping off jaws and pooling in the dips of collarbones.
but it was never a dull moment with him.
and then he leaves, without a trace or a single word of goodbye, and you’re left with nothing but your memories and a few keepsakes—a couple of polaroids, blurred faces and heavy grain; crumpled subway tickets that read 3am; beaded friendship bracelets strung together when you were so high you barely remember making them; and maybe, just maybe, a tiny human growing inside your womb. a small little seed he planted, now rooted within you, that he never knew about, that he’ll never know about.
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aurosoulart · 1 year
decided to make a reel of my augmented reality artworks done over the past few months and MAN, it’s.......... suddenly hitting me just how absolutely nuts all of this is
six years ago, virtual reality was still firmly in the realm of science fiction. but now? not only is it real - but it’s possible to have a career working completely inside a virtual world where you have godlike controls over creation. (editing physics, light, gravity - and spawning things into existence on a whim? mind-mindbogglingly, this is somehow just my average workday)
I regularly spend so much time in-headset that it’s started re-wiring my brain; I think of landscapes and buildings as potential canvases for 3D digital artworks, and I sometimes struggle to differentiate virtual objects from reality. (I’ve tried to place real objects on virtual tables, and I instinctively step over/around virtual objects because of how REAL they appear and behave.)
our brains work by building a picture of reality via our sensory input, but what happens when that input is completely virtual? virtual reality is showing us that not only are our brains easily tricked, but that this is already happening even with the technology in its infancy. people using avatars with full-body tracking report ‘phantom sense’ sensations to virtual touch, heat, and cold - and haptic gloves & suits are in development that blur the lines between realities even further.
what will a world look like where we interact with cyperspace as if it was real? where you can meet with anyone, anywhere, in a virtual world you can both touch, hear, and (probably someday) smell or even taste? where job training, 3d design, therapy, education, etc. are all revolutionized by XR in the same way personal computers revolutionized them already?
what does a future look like where we don’t interact with digital media through a screen?
I don’t have the answers, but I think change is encroaching rapidly upon us all - and I think it’s gonna hit us faster than any of us can realize.
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itsbrucey · 6 months
Normal Oak-Swallows-Garcia song
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schmweed · 11 months
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not me actually writing the saddest BODY BACK excerpt for tonight's writing session oh my god:
“Why are you upset?” Harrison asks, drumming his ringed finger against the counter’s lip. What does Suzanna see when she looks at him? A miniature version of her wearing a jacket that once belonged to her at his age, and an earring that once belonged to another mother? Or is he a stranger? They know each other best by genetics. If she asked Harrison what he thought her favourite colour was, he’d have no idea. “This isn’t a big deal.” “Oh, please,” Suz says, teary like the actresses on her favourite Portuguese soaps. Sure, Harrison doesn’t know his mother’s favourite colour, if in childhood she was the type of girl to make rings out of peach pits, if she was the type of girl to rip worms bare-handed, if she’d eat cottage cheese with cantaloupe, if she thought about enrolling in a life drawing class before she got pregnant, if her idols are pop icons of the 80s like his are, her favourite way to fold a paper airplane, when her birthday is. But he does know she does not cry. When young Jesus stayed in Jerusalem unbeknownst to his mother, what did Mary do? Perhaps she stared at her hands, thought of the last time she touched him. Perhaps she wept. Or perhaps she found the closest mirror, wiped her sleeve against the glass until it glossed, and tried to find her son in her own reflection.
this is... an underrated relationship in my books LOL
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elenadoeslife · 9 months
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Johnny’s Random Knowledge
Johnny, sliding into Ash’s room where the teens are: Welcome to today's episode of Johnny “knows-too-much-about-one-thing-and-one-thing-only-today”! 
Porsha, excitedly: Oo, what is it?
Meena, putting down her phone: Is it a piano demonstration? 
Johnny, sadly: no 
Meena: Oh it's a lecture on the history of music in London? 
Ash, now looking curious: It's a list of all the best places for skating in order of preferance ? 
Ryan, who saw him make the presentation but is playing along: Is it a presentation on famous LGBTQIA+ musicians? 
Nooshy, still playing Temple Run on their phone: Is it a claymation movie conspiracy? 
Ryan: Is it a presentation of Majestic Theatre’s security system’s weaknesses again? 
Porsha: Is it a presentation on the best Hindi learning books? 
Johnny, holding back pained laughter: It's ...... ✨ Random Automotive Mechanic Knowledge✨!!!!
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mejomonster · 5 months
Coming up with ideas for writing 💜💜💜
Actually writing ;-;
#rant#ToT#upside is i have solved some lore loopholes which. if u know me u know how rare i actually didnt alreayd have way too much worldbuilding#decided on. but finally nailed down a bit of worldbuilding i was foggy on.#also i am SO hype for magic to come into the story#downside: i have 40k words to write before i get to be writing that part ;-;#also? idk if yall are like this. but like whatever i Actually write always comes out significantly different than The Plan#like. fact: i have every single major scene in my summary to write.#reality: at least 70% of those scenes will likely be different than the summary once i actually write them out.#leading to possible new avenues ill utilize vause they work better/more theme cohesive/more in character#so like. i love my summary abd im clinging to it for dear life#but also terrified in the knowledge reality will be way more complex#like. i wrote this week what SHOULDVE been a simple scene#but upon actually making it. the characters chemistry was so AMPED up i feel i pretty much need Some relationship development in the scene#even tho i didnt plan that in my summary. but even if irs just AWARENESS OF LUST these bitches are dripping chemistry#also the scene turned out way fucking funnier than i planned. so like. to not fully utilize the comedic execution would be#throwing a gift away.#so im now stuck tryjng to Add Onto the intended summarized scene. since i didnt plan#to write 1 an almost kiss/desire to kiss 2 embarassment the likes of which only this dork couldve created for himself
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hairtusk · 1 year
maybe my period hormones are making me insane but i'm so stressed about my scholarship application that i'm walking around with a constant tension headache. i feel like shit and there's nothing i can do but wait.
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