#gotta stay positive
ash-wolf-runner · 5 months
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Me at work trying very hard to be an emotionally stable adult about the not great feedback.
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hedgiestail · 1 year
❗If you're interested in my Invader Zim comics please read this❗
First of all - my house burned down. Like all of it. All of mine and my family belongings. Parents fighting each other and, most likely, will file for divorce. So as only responsible and mentally stable adult in family right now - I'm taking care of all our animals (4 dogs, 3 cats, all were stray before we adopted them) and my youngest brother. Also I do have full-time work .
So, as you can see - I do not have time for the next part. Or mental health capacity for it either.
However! I do plan at least finish the third part.
I guess stay tuned? _(:3 」∠)_
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mo4anm94 · 9 months
Been a pretty tough couple of weeks… my mind is legit exhausted from not letting go and going madly insane… I can say I’m really proud of myself and how far I’ve come with this self love stuff and training my mind to control myself from self destructing 🥹 yes.. I am still human and today or tomorrow or hell.. next week maybe I might fall short and back slide a bit. But that’s not the point.. the fact that I’ve been thrown with some serious heavy mental shit and I’ve managed to not go my usual route and self destruct to cause everyone else around me harm emotionally and mentally as well… no matter who it is. For once (seriously not bullshitting) I can say that I am proud and happy of this person I have molded and constructed. I know that life isn’t always about good moments and stuff. I know it comes with bad times and severe tribulations. But in my aspect of how I see things. I’ve finally asked God to give me self love to work with and for once… this shit is paying off. Im growing into a even better man that I am today and I give thanks to only one person in my life who’s shown me love that I have never experienced before. A love so pure that it filled my heart completely 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹…. If it wasn’t for my son. I wouldn’t be shit. Speaking 100000000000000000000000 percent facts right here. Everything I do for my life to prosper and be better is for my little dinosaur to have everything I never gotten to have. Even if it’s just me and him. I’ll ride till the wheels fall for him and do anything and everything to make sure I never slip back to the old me. Once again…. I apologize for this interruption. Just needed to vent lmao but have a great day today 🙂
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caxycreations · 10 months
I wrote 235 words today
But that's okay
Because that's 235 words I hadn't written before
And it's 235 words further than I was when I stopped yesterday.
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maaikeatthefullmoon · 10 months
Just had the most heartfelt Ineffable Husbands-related shower-sobbing moment when Ladyhawke’s Wild Things came up on my playlist.
Related it to them & the story but also tried to keep it positive for myself that there’s going to be a happy ending.
Lyrics (pasted rubbishly as I’m new to tumblr posting!)
Your heartache is not forever
It’s another road that we walk together
And our lives become much stronger
As the world goes on much longer
I wandered far to find the answers
What keeps me alive while taking chances
When you’re always almost lonely
You forget to take it slowly
There’s a fire
In the heartland
We dance around it like the wild things in the night
There’s a fire
In the heartland
We dance together like we’re wild things in the night
I met you in the midst of madness
You pulled me out then followed me in
To the night where we both wander
'Til our world goes on much longer
I’m hoping for a light in the dark
It’s getting closer, it’s who we are
When we’re almost always lonely
We forget to take it slowly
There’s a fire
In the heartland
We dance around it like the wild things in the night
There’s a fire
In the heartland
We dance together like we’re wild things in the night
Smoke in the distance
It pulls me inside it
We dance round the fire in time
There’s a fire
In the heartland
We dance around it like the wild things in the night
There’s a fire
In the heartland
We dance together like we’re wild things in the night
Wild things in the night
We dance together like we’re wild things in the night
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peppertaemint · 1 year
I once joked that I would love a permanent Taemin/Jimin subunit but the only way it would ever happen is with a SM/Hybe merger (kind of like Toheart (RIP) and SM/Woollim)… IT WAS JUST A JOKE PLEASE I TAKE IT BACK. IT WAS JUST A JOKE. UNIVERSE ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME
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So it was you? You did this? Loool
Hybe just released a statement saying their aim is partnering and collaboration so I do think people should calm their horses a little. The world isn't ending. I would be shocked if Hybe end up with a full 40% and idk if that would be a good thing but we're along ways from that happening.
Anyway, best to look on the bright side. Jimin and Taemin could do something like Rare Taem now right??
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sleepypuffpastry · 2 years
dream <3 suck my balls <3 scar gets to redo his ace race run <3
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onlineufo · 3 months
im sick yay get to stay home from work
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misty-moth · 8 months
You know, if I just did flat colors I’d probably smile more. Pretty much guaranteed.
I shall try to not mess with it. For now.
Also my first part of my next thingy looks pretty swell methinks.
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stereopticons · 2 years
'cause it's one thing to start with a positive jam
and it's another thing to see it all through
and we couldn't have even done this if it wasn't for you
(also forgot that the cover of this album was the infinity symbol too, that's fun)
send me an infinity symbol and I'll shuffle my music library and send you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up!
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I realized I haven’t posted any pictures of myself here in a while…so hi! I’m Kelley 🥰
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sergle · 7 months
there is something so crazy about the cognitive dissonance between 50% of my online art presence coming from self portraits of my own body in a resting position, where it's received specifically as fat art, people refer to it as body positive / plus sized (or sometimes bbw content. it's whatever), the notes are like yeeesss this made me feel so good abt my body, stretch marks rolls etc fat women are beautiful 🙌🙌 and then I take a picture Standing Upright, and then some of Same people who have literally Seen My Body Before go ummm... what tha hell. you are LITERALLY thin ?! you are literally doing this.
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I feel bad for Starlo. (pt. 5)
Most see this as a Staroba moment (not saying it's wrong to see it that way), but I'm like: why is Star’s first thought after he is brutally kicked to casually admit how he deserved to be hurt that much? He could have fallen to his death! Like, dude, stop. You're breaking my heart. Just look at how chill he sounds:
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no starlo.. please be more gentle with yourself And then he says how his and Ceroba's mistakes were the same?
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What she did was MUCH MUCH worse. It's like comparing Papyrus to Alphys or Asgore. And I don't even hate Ceroba, or Asgore, or even Alphys. They're all flawed but well-written characters (gonna discuss the fox woman soon) But like… Ceroba not only had time to process things (and plan everything) but got support from Star. He didn't get either. The posse and Ceroba all left him hanging, all because of his enthusiasm and insecurities (that somehow nobody ever picked up on; the struggle of people who always seem happy is real) and good intentions. His entire life fell apart without him expecting it, all at once. Even worse, no one who was supposed to be there WAS there. And when Ceroba finally intervenes she basically reveals to us how North Star was someone no one liked?
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I really hope she meant just who he was while Clover was there. Otherwise….
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She better not be saying that, for the years this persona existed, they all hated it. That they hated this part of Star, the insecure part. They obviously wanted him to go back to being the Nice Guy™ (but like, he was always nice. The only time he was overly enthusiastic was when he met a real human for the 1st time and got to live his dream. Ceroba basically says how, well, the guy’s lived a pretty unfulfilling life before he found out about westerns. They gave his entire life meaning. She should have been more patient with him istg.)
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Ceroba’s actions were manipulative. She never planned to tell anyone the truth. She wouldn't have told anyone the truth, EVER, if Star and Ed hadn't found out about her secret. Starlo on the other hand felt lost, since he got 0 support. Ceroba had Star. He gave her a free home. He was so thoughtful as to think "my childhood friend is currently crying herself to sleep, alone at home, why not give her company and ask her to stay with us?" Ceroba got a hug from Clover, lots of understanding from the kid, Martlet and Starlo. She got easy forgiveness. Star had to make up to his group himself and be the only one who apologizes. Even though they’d been gaslighting him (is that the right word for this situation?) for years apparently, or didn't let him enjoy himself for once in his life (depending on how you choose to interpret it). He even said sorry for forgetting to turn off the rock machines. Yeah, he deff goes back to Nice Guy™ AND does it pretty damn quickly when you think about it, after how much he was forced to deal with all at once ALL BY HIMSELF before Ceroba came and lectured him for the most part. He really is emotionally strong
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yeah, ceroba didn't comfort star like this when he was at his lowest (bonus points for him soothing her all while grieving for the child he clearly saw as his own)
Even though she thought she was doing the right thing, Ceroba was a twist villain. Starlo was no villain. He just really hated himself, was glad to find someone who could understand both his passion and his beliefs (aka Clover), really wanted to finally feel useful and expected others to enjoy his fantasy world as much as he did. As a farmer he felt like he couldn't do anything for himself and his community. He only wanted to help the best he knew and got carried away.
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donutdrawsthings · 4 months
People secretly really do love oddballs and people who do things that are out of the ordinary. There are many who stare but also many who at most are genuinely curious and ask about what you're doing and at least silently walk past you with a smile.
This post was brought on by the people of my neighbourhood, posting a snow sculpture I made on facebook saying it made their day for the 2nd year in a row.
Where I live (🇳🇱) there's very little snow these days, which only pops up around January and February in the form of something that melts instantly or can only he found lingering on cars. The people here don't really bother to build anything with that, but I like making snow sculptures so I take what I can get. As I'm making these though, I get weird looks from the people around me. They'll walk with a big bow around me, stare and make their car light up from a distance, because with a 24 year old near their car, the only reason they could think of for me being there is that I'm obviously out to steal it.
When you do something out of the ordinary, people these days are quick be wary of you. It's just how things are over here now. I once had cops approach me because I was picnicking alone and away from the more populated Picnic Place at the park!
But there are also people who really like what you do or who you unapologetically are! They'll approach you with genuine curiosity, ask what you're doing and will make some small talk! Some people are more shy with their appreciation and just walk on talking to their friend about it.
And that's when you get online and see people take a picture of their kid next to your silly little sculpture or write a heartfelt post about how despite all their frustrations such a tiny thing managed to make their day.
In the end that's what I do it for anyways :o] making something to talk and smile about
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strwverryluvr · 1 month
despite feeling very sad and overall disappointed that we didn’t make it to the semis, i’m still very proud of this club. making it past the group stage and ro16 after 2-3 years (sorry i can’t remember rn 😭) was huge thing. sure this defeat is upsetting, every defeat this season has been, but we have to remember that the future is bright, we have so much unbelievably young and amazing talent on this team (pedri, gavi, lamine, cubarsí, fermín, balde, hector, guiu, mikayil, and so many more to come), and i know that with all this amazing and young talent, we will accomplish so much in the future 💙❤️
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zer0point5ive · 4 months
guy who uses his most friendly customer service voice to record tapes for saw traps
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