#my gorgeous pumpkin seed
deepcreekvulture · 28 days
Spencer Reid thought of the day:
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landofgay · 10 months
we're going to have GROWN UP DINNER. I am making a SALAD. there will be CHAMPAGNE. it will be FANCY. we will be smoking WEED.
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nn-ee-zz · 1 year
Your art is so gorgeous and inspirational!
Do you have any tips on drawing body horror and character design? When I've tried to design some characters with body horror they all end up looking rather friendly 😅
Hope you have a lovely day and thanks in advance!
Thank you! I'm happy to hear that! Here goes!
(Disclaimer; this is my advice, not rules. Break them as you wish)
Despite not doing it on purpose, a lot of my art is tagged as body-horror. I've embraced it. Here are my 3 pillars for frightening art. I don't have to follow them all at once, at least one is enough.
Get inspired by nature. Not necessarily by gore and wounds, but by things that look normal in one context but might appear unsettling in another. A great example is my pumpkin creature; everyone has seen the insides of a pumpkin but adding that texture to a living body made everyone react more strongly to it. I highly recommend natural things with strange textures and patterns (especially seeds)
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Book Recommendation; The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel
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I recently bought this for all the gorgeous pattern and creature drawings. It's a beautiful book for those who want to draw horror based on nature. Careful if you have tyrophobia, this has some INTENSE patterns.
In either execution or concept.
In execution; give the drawing other recognizable characteristics. The gore is NOT them, it's just part of them. An example would be my cowboy creature. They have the coat, the hat, the boots, the smile...and then you notice the heads. Give your character more than their frightening parts.
In concept; If you want the bright reds and obvious gore, follow one simple concept. In the example below, the concept was a wound surrounded by mushrooms. That is all. If I were to add 'but also mushrooms leave their eyes, and bloody tears fall from them, and they have gashes in their skin, and'' it would have made the impact of all of those concepts collapse. Like a bed of nails. The more nails you add, the less a single individual nail will hurt.
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It follows the theme above. I noticed horror works better when it's not an abudance but also when it's relatable. I've seen people react more intensely to an animated character brushing a line of yarn against their eyeball than an animated character having their head explode in blood, brains, and bone. You can draw from emotional feelings as well, turning your mental pain into a physical manifestation of it.
This is not a must follow because I do plenty horror art without being vulnerable nor making myself uncomfortable, I just notice people react when they can relate and feel it too.
I hope it helps anon!
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sterekbros · 8 months
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tiny pumpkins (2125 words) by Winchesterek Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Original Hale Character(s) Additional Tags: Everyone Is Alive, Farmer Stiles Stilinski, Park Ranger Derek Hale, Autumn, Pumpkins, pumpkin patch, Fluff, Meet-Cute, First Meetings, Kid Fic, Slice of Life, Uncle Derek Hale Written for: @sterekfests pumpkin patch, @sterekweekly wonder, and @warmandfluffybingocards visit to a pumpkin patch.
Stiles moved another pumpkin from the cart and into the stack of pumpkins in front of a sign that read Stilinski Pumpkin Patch.
But it really wasn't a Stilinski thing. It was something that his mom’s family always did and they started as a family when he was old enough to walk. Stiles had a few memories from that time, especially since he was so young, but as he always enjoyed looking at their family photos of him sitting amongst the pumpkins during the Fall season.
What he really enjoyed was the chilly air, the bright, warm colors and the warmth that the season brought to everyone’s lives. People were happy and bundled up, always visiting their seasonal pumpkin patch with friends or family.
And the kids, there were always tons of kids with someone or another, ecstatic about the pumpkins. People purchased pumpkins for decorations, to carve, to bake and whatever else they fancied.
Stiles just loved it all. And someday he hoped he’d be able to bring someone to the patch with him too. Maybe even he’d have a kid of his own, or he’d be an Uncle. Well, at least an Uncle to his friend's kids since he had no siblings.
Once he placed the last pumpkin into the pile, Stiles moved the cart to the side and cleaned his hands. He checked a few people out via the app on his phone for their pumpkin selections and a few treats that his best friends sold at a booth on their farm during their fall fest season.
Stiles then busied himself helping a few others take several pumpkins to their cars before he sat down on a stack of hay bales. That’s when he saw him.
The hottest guy that Stiles had ever laid eyes on was trailing behind two adorable kids who were practically frolicking through the patch. They were excited and giddy and Stiles heard their glee and wonder as they looked at all the different sizes and colors of pumpkins. Some huge, some tiny, and others that were perhaps the right size for their little hands.
The dude looked happy as he watched the two kids, who looked strikingly similar to him. They were either his kids or related to him in some way. Either way, the family genetics were strong. Stiles didn't see anyone else with him as he scanned the crowd, wondering if the children’s mother was somewhere close.
There was no way that a guy like that was single.
When no one else joined them, Stiles wiped his hands on his jeans and stood, heading over toward them awkwardly.
“Anything I can help you with?” Stiles asked, his eyes bouncing from the kids touching all the pumpkins and back to the guy who was staring at him when his gaze returned to him.
And god, his eyes were a gorgeous kaleidoscope of colors that Stiles couldn't describe.
“I’m sorry—” Stiles knew that he was saying something, probably talking about the pumpkins for the kids, but Stiles had been too lost in his eyes to actually hear what he was saying.
The guy laughed softly. “It’s okay…we’re actually looking for a few pumpkins to take home. In a variety of sizes. My family usually has a carving competition and we bake all the seeds.”
Right. Pumpkins. Stiles nodded and replied, “Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sure! I can get some together for you if you want.”
“Great.” The guy gave Stiles a warm smile just as one of the kids came over and hugged the guy’s leg and he wrapped an arm around them. “This is Avery and this is,” he paused, hugging the other kid. “Jack.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Avery and Jack.” Stiles smiled, squatting down to their level. “I’m Stiles.”
“What’s a Stiles?” Avery asked, looking up with a frown.
“That’s not nice!” Jack replied and glared at Avery. “He’s a Stiles!”
Stiles laughed and so did hot-guy-with-kids.
“And I’m a Derek. Now that we all know each other’s names,” Derek added, smoothing his hands over the kids’ heads. “How about you two go pick out some pumpkins while Stiles helps me get the rest into the car?”
Avery and Jack nodded and ran off into the pumpkin patch, scrutinizing all the pumpkins they came across, which made Stiles laugh again.
“So, pumpkins,” Stiles started. “Cute kids.”
“Yeah, they’re a handful. Thankfully I get to return them to my sister at the end of the day, or they might give me gray hair.” Derek shrugged, watching after the kids before his gaze returned to Stiles.
So then, they weren't his kids. They were his sisters' kids. Which meant that he might actually be single. Stiles glanced at Derek’s fingers and didn't see a ring there, either. So maybe it was his lucky day. But he still didn't know if Derek liked guys. He could have a girlfriend and just not be married.
Stiles really hoped that wasn't the case.
Derek pushed his hands into his pockets, his eyes trailing up and down Stiles, which made Stiles’ heart flutter. “So, Stiles?”
“It’s a family nickname. Sorry. I, uh—yeah I got distracted a little bit.” Stiles could feel his skin turn blotchy as he flushed, walking along with Derek through the pumpkins.
“By?” Derek seemed curious, like he was ready to listen to whatever Stiles had to say.
It was the first time anyone had really paid Stiles that kind of attention, so he took a chance and replied, “Your eyes are really pretty…”
Derek’s smile was warm and inviting, making something in Stiles’ chest flutter.
“I get that sometimes.” Derek stopped next to Stiles, looking around for presumably the kids before his attention returned. “So you work here?”
“Also a family thing,” Stiles offered. “The farm has been in my mom’s family for a long time so we kinda took over the seasonal side of things. I really like the pumpkins, especially watching them grow.”
“So you’re a pumpkin farmer. That’s…interesting.” Derek chuckled and Stiles picked up a medium-sized pumpkin.
“Maybe a part-time pumpkin farmer. I’m actually taking a break from school. I was going to go into local law enforcement, but I’ve always really wanted to be a detective or to work for the FBI.” Stiles handed Derek the pumpkin, his breath catching as his fingers brushed Derek’s when Derek took it from him.
“Really? FBI?” Derek asked, looking at the pumpkin and sounding surprised. “I guess it’s always hard to tell what kind of work people get into.”
“What do you do?” Stiles asked, turning his focus to the pumpkins, picking out various sizes and putting them into a pile. He could feel Derek’s eyes on him and he wondered if Derek liked what he saw or if he was just as confused as everyone else was about him.
“Well, my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a professor…and I think they always wanted me to go into one of those areas.” Derek smirked and shrugged, still holding the pumpkin Stiles had given him.
“But you sound like you don't want to do that…” Stiles straightened and took the pumpkin from Derek, setting it aside in the pile. “How many do you want?”
“About ten…or fifteen. Just in case the kids mess one up and want to start over,” Derek replied, not missing a beat. “And I wanted to do something else. I ended up being a park ranger.” When Stiles frowned at him, Derek continued, “I studied biology and wildlife science in college.”
“Oh. Wow. Color me surprised. I just never saw park ranger as a profession for you.” Stiles’ tone was teasing, but he meant every word. He could totally see Derek as a lawyer though, or a professor. At least from what little he knew about him. Especially because he looked so cozy in that sweater and scarf he was rocking with the Autumn weather making Stiles’ skin prickle.
Avery and Jack took that moment to run back over to them, squealing and holding up tiny miniature pumpkins and thrusting them at Derek. “Look what we found! Baby pumpkins!”
Derek laughed and took one and then the other, looking them over and handing them back. “Go get a few more of those and we’ll add them to the pile.”
Jack and Avery ran off to gather more pumpkins and Stiles laughed, watching after them. “Those tiny pumpkins always do really well with the kids. But they usually paint them instead of carve them.”
“Then maybe we’ll have a painting party too… I’m sure whatever we’ll do, they’ll love it. It’s more about the family thing than the pumpkins…” Derek moved to pick up a pumpkin and handed it to Stiles, his heart skipping another beat as he took it from Derek.
“What do you think about these? We can always add whatever the kids pick out once we get them into your vehicle.” And Stiles could already see the kids gathering many tiny pumpkins.
“Those look great,” Derek replied and when he turned back to Stiles, he added, “I always wanted to get into conservation for endangered species. I guess it’s one way I can get closer to my goals for that.”
Derek shrugged. “We also do community outreach and lessons for kids, so I get to travel to schools and teach them about different animals we have in our state parks.”
Stiles found that more attractive than he probably should. Not only was Derek smart, he cared. He had interests beyond just himself or working out like most dudes he knew. Derek was obviously older, but Stiles didn't think he was too much older.
“Do you want to go out sometime?” Stiles blurted and then stared like a deer in headlights. Oh, god. “I—uh, I’m sorry—I—“
Derek was staring at him like he was intrigued and confused. Before Stiles could say anything else, Derek answered, “I’d love to.”
“Oh.” Stiles couldn’t stop himself from staring. Derek saying yes was the last thing he thought he’d get as an answer. “Wow. Okay, yeah—that would be great.”
“How about I pick you up tomorrow at seven and you choose the place. That way we’re both surprised,” Derek added with a grin, taking his phone out of his pocket and handing it to Stiles. “If you put your number in my phone I’ll text you so you can have mine.”
Stiles almost fumbled Derek’s phone like the worst kinda football pass there ever was, but he managed not to drop it with a sigh of relief. He punched his number in and saved his name as a contact, then handed Derek’s phone back.
“I await your text with bated breath,” Stiles teased with a smile that was more shy than he felt.
“Well, let’s not keep you waiting, then,” Derek replied with a chuckle and texted Stiles. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and it sent a rush of excitement through him.
The kids returned then with several more tiny pumpkins, “Look, Uncle Derek!”
They had Derek’s attention again as Stiles loaded up the pumpkins he’d picked out into a cart, along with the tiny pumpkins the kids put into it. Before long they were headed toward Derek’s vehicle, which was a sleek black Camaro that had Stiles warm in all the right places.
He couldn't believe that Derek was about to put all these pumpkins into his trunk. Nevertheless, they loaded them in and then Derek helped the kids into the back seat. It didn't look comfortable at all from what Stiles could see, but the kids didn't seem to care as they buckled themselves in.
“So, what’s the damage?” Derek asked, turning back to Stiles.
Stiles pulled out his phone and card reader. “Well, you’re set back $115 for the pumpkins.”
Derek handed Stiles his card, still smiling. “I’m sure they’ll love them. So it’s worth it.”
Stiles charged Derek’s card and sent him a digital receipt before handing it back to him. “I guess I'll see you tomorrow?”
“At seven.” Derek agreed, nodding. “I’ll make sure to wear something nice since you’re picking the place and it’s going to be a surprise.”
Stiles flushed and his mind went straight into the gutter with no needed help. “Seven it is.”
Derek flashed him one of those smiles again that had Stiles’ knees wanting to buckle as Derek’s eyes crinkled at the corners. Derek waved at Stiles almost shyly before slipping into the Camaro and closing the door.
The car was gone before Stiles shook himself from his shock. He was going on a date with a hot dude tomorrow.
What the hell was he going to wear?
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
martin whitley is my cuddly wuddly sweetie pie teddy bear angel face pumpkin my silly guy who has done nothing wrong ever my beautiful husband whom i will cook a delicious dinner for and then give him the sloppiest blowjob he’s ever had in his life
I like the way you think!
Here's some hcs dearest!
Martin Whitly x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY
Prodigal Son: @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
If you cook him a well-cooked steak? He's yours. With cheesy mash potatoes and steamed carrots? Oh, to die for.
He will take your cooking over a restaurant meal anytime.
Then, after he's eaten and full and undoing the button on his slacks because he's full, you take that as your chance.
You shimmy under the table to crawl your way over and undo his pants the rest of the way.
He'd make a sound of surprise but wouldn't discourage you.
He’d push his chair away from the table just so that he’d be able to look down at you.
And as soon as you take him into your mouth and make eye contact with him?
He’s swooning. His eyes darken and his cock twitches in your mouth.
“Oh, now there’s my little pet. You’re so good, darling.”
He would put his hand in your hair but wouldn’t force your head. He’s respectful that you’re leading this. He will have his time in charge later, he knows.
He lets you give him the sloppiest head he’s ever had and enjoys every second.
He gets a lot more vocal the closer he gets to cumming, and his hand tightens in your hair for want of something to hold onto.
“Oh, fuck- that’s it- come on. Let me cum down that gorgeous throat of yours.”
He gives you plenty of warning and practically swoons if you swallow his seed. It’s his favourite thing. Particularly if there’s some he can sweep up with his finger off your lip and lick clean himself.
He loves to kiss the traces of cum off your lips. Man’s is filthy.
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breelandwalker · 2 months
hi, i'm currently potted plant witching as well (just planted my first crop of veggie/herb/flower seeds & got some more containers & soil today for more planting this weekend) and i would love to know more about your garden this year; would you be willing to outline your plans? any special herbs or projects? Thanks!! <3 love your blog!
This is the first year that Ragnar and I are doing actual work and sweat equity with the yard at our new place. Last year things were just too chaotic and we didn't have the time or the energy to do much of anything. We trimmed occasionally and I harvest some wild plants, but that was about it.
This year, it's Go Time.
Last weekend, I finally busted out the gorgeous barrel pots we got for Christmas and spent my April market earnings on potting soil, garden tools, and seedlings. When we lived in the apartment, I had a pretty hefty window garden with herbs and flowers and a few vegetables, so I'm eager to recreate that in an outdoor space where the plants can really thrive. (I mean, I grew cherry tomatoes and three kinds of peppers in 10" pots indoors and they got pretty big, so I can only imagine being outdoors will go even better with fresh air and rain and pollinators.)
The potted garden has Napoli tomatoes, poblano and cayenne peppers, green sage, and rosemary, along with something I've never tried growing before - blueberries! I'm planning to add additional pots and more herbs later on, but I felt like this was a really good start. If I can manage it, I want to grow a huge planter of nothing but spinach and sweet basil so I can make pesto this summer.
We've also started clearing and tilling a space out in the yard proper for a raised-bed garden. Nothing too big or ambitious, just something we can try some larger veggies in. We're hoping to try the Three Sisters model with hybrid corn, snap peas, green beans, and kabocha pumpkins. I was also hoping to put in napa cabbage, but there are quite a lot of slugs in the yard when it rains, so perhaps not. I'm toying with the idea of planting some late crops for fall and winter harvests as well. I have sugarplum visions of strings of peppers and braids of garlic hanging in our kitchen with many jars of preserves and sauce in the pantry.
We might also try some other fruits if things go well, maybe raspberries or grapes, but that's more of a Next Summer project. The fence and the ground around it needs some work first and we don't want to overdo things the first year. (I'd really love to put in a little serviceberry tree, but that might be pushing things a bit with regard to space.)
There's also a side garden that's in need of some TLC where I'm vaguely tossing around the idea of climbing flower vines (clematis or morning glory or trumpet flower maybe? something local) and maybe some ground cover in the form of periwinkle. There's also a downspout that really needs a rain barrel, so that's next on the list.
There are sections of the yard that we've deliberately left wild as well, hoping to encourage native plants and pollinators. The clover patches are massive and produce lots of four-leafers and blossoms, so the bees are having a field day. There's also wild dogbane sprouting up now that the vetchweed is cleared and wild plantain (aka white man's foot) starting to come in along the walkway. If I have my druthers, I'll be planting more wildflowers this summer.
Have some pictures and tell me about your garden!
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balkanradfem · 8 months
It's Halloween!
Today is the exact midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice, making it the first day of the darker half of the year. It's celebrated as Samhain, or the end of the harvest season by the Celts; and they held rich celebrations and rituals for it, because they were in a season of abundance.
Because this date starts the era of darkness, and it's noticeable how much shorter the days are and also very foggy and ominous, it's believed that the barrier between the our world and the spirit world is at it's weakest, and the spirits are able to enter our world, so it's the ideal time to contact a ghost, befriend a spirit, or get possessed by a ghost. People will put on masks to make themselves friendly to the spirits.
For me, a big lover of whimsy and witches, Halloween is a sign of power, storytelling, gorgeous sights in nature, yelling at the dead, rest from harvesting, storing food, and the sign to engage in spooky and pumpkin-based activities. It also means I'm not supposed to sow any seeds inside - they're not going to have enough light to grow. However, it's a good time to plant onion and garlic outside, because they love growing their roots during the winter cold, and they appreciate this weather.
I also decided to do a little test; I've often tried to grow seeds that require being in a fridge for 5 months in order to germinate, and it never ended well (I'd forget or the plants would die after being planted). So this year I took apple seeds, mulberry seeds, acorns and chestnuts, and planted them in containers on my balcony, leaving them out for the cold winter. I have to assume that this way they'll get enough cold from being outside, and when they do germinate, they'll already be in the soil and won't have to count on my ability to remember them; I'll see them poking out!
Hopefully I manage to grow some trees.
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
jack-o-lantern smile - eddie munson x fem!reader
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summary: eddie invites you over for some halloween fun.
warnings: in a shocking twist, EXPOSITION, canon-deviation (eddie survives), vague mentions of the ST season 4 plot, mentions of small injuries/blood, fEeLiNgS, unprotected p-in-v (wrap ur shit folks), I love eddie munson
a/n: OKAY full disclosure I thought this one was gonna go in a COMPLETELY different direction (mostly without as many feelings) but here we are. enjoy!
����kay’s autumn adventures🍂
It had started so innocent.
Really, it had. Right from the moment he asked you to come over on Saturday, that he wanted to do something he hadn’t done since he was a kid. You were ready to agree the moment he started asking, but you let Eddie explain himself.
“I dunno,” he smiled, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “I thought it might be fun. We could go to the pumpkin patch across town, find some really good-looking ones. I got a few ideas I wanna try and carve, and I thought maybe we could roast the seeds, too. My mom used to do ’em with salt and—” He stopped himself, blushing a brighter red than you’d ever seen rise in his face before. “I’m rambling.”
“You are,” you agreed, but reached out and curled a hand around his forearm, pulling him down slightly. You leaned up on your toes to peck his cheek, revelling in the tiny noise he made, those gorgeous brown eyes full of stars as he watched you lean back. “But it’s cute, Eds. You’re cute.”
He sank his teeth into his bottom lip, his other hand moving to cover yours on his arm. “Is that a yes?”
“Pick me up Saturday,” you replied, winking at him. “Noon, sharp. Don’t be late.” The last command was delivered with a joking finger in his face, and Eddie pretended to bite at it, teeth snapping.
“Yes ma’am,” he crooned. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
You felt his eyes on you as you walked away, the bell above the door of the record store announcing your departure. As you slid back into your car, you chanced a glance back through the front window. He was still standing at the register, hands curled into fists and tongue stuck between his teeth. He punched the air in celebration, and you giggled, starting your engine and pulling out of the lot.
He wasn’t late. Noon on the dot and there was a knock at your door, yanked open to reveal a giddy-looking Eddie Munson leaned against the frame. He looked shockingly out of character, his hair tied back in a loose bun at the nape of his neck, dark jeans tucked into combat boots, and a giant white sweatshirt that was littered with patches, not unlike the denim vest you so rarely saw him without.
He gave you a toothy grin when you stepped through the door and into the hallway of the apartment, yanking the door behind you before your roommate could catch up and try to interrogate you. You bit into your bottom lip as he pulled you under his arm, slinging it around your neck, hand curled around your flannel-covered shoulder.
“You look good,” he mumbled, leading you down the hall.
Grinning up at him, you leaned up on your toes and pecked his cheek, same as you had in the record store. “So do you.”
The day was perfect. Metallic blaring from his van’s speakers, the two of you shouting lyrics as you drove towards the only pumpkin patch in Hawkins. It was bustling with people, and you felt strangely proud as Eddie lead you towards the barn, paid for your pumpkins with a few crumpled bills, carried them back to the van once you’d picked the perfect ones. It was nice being around him — just him — for a change.
Your friendship had been an easy one, blossoming way back in freshman year when Jason Carver had cornered Eddie in the middle of the cafeteria and poured a carton of milk on his head, snarling at him and calling him freak! You’d decked the stupid blonde right then and there, dumping your fruit punch all over his pristine white polo shirt. 
You split your knuckles punching Jason, and Eddie took you to the nurse, holding an ice pack to your broken skin while you waited. Once your hand was dealt with, you snuck him into the girls’ bathroom and locked the door, and helped him wash the milk from his hair. It was a bit shorter back then, not the long mop you’ve grown used to, and it took ages, but you didn’t mind.
High school was a little easier once you had a spot at Eddie’s table. Dungeons and Dragons wasn’t really your thing, but you guest-starred at Eddie’s behest every once in a while. You graduated and reluctantly left Eddie and Hawkins behind, but it didn’t last long, and before you knew it, you were back, a college dropout working two jobs at the mall, living in a tiny apartment with an old friend.
And Eddie, now working at the record store that just happened to be on your way home. He was different now, after everything that had happened in your absence. He was stingy with the details, and you’d collected more than enough information to puzzle it all together, but you knew one thing for sure: Eddie Munson was a hero.
You’ve only seen the scars twice now. Once when he reached up high to get you a glass in the trailer he still shared with his uncle, and the other when he’d spent the night at your place after a few too many drinks and took a shower in the morning. He’d stripped his t-shirt off as he went, and you saw the pinked skin along his side, the claw and teeth marks under his ribs. With the cooler weather encroaching, he’s swapped his band tees for flannels and sweatshirts, and you don’t think you’ll catch another glimpse anytime soon.
Things are different now than they were in school, you know that much. Eddie’s different; you’re different. There’s a…humming that wasn’t there before, something magnetic that pulls you towards him. Once you came back to Hawkins, you felt it almost immediately, and something told you that Eddie felt it too, with the way you caught him staring when he thought you weren’t looking, the more-than-friends affection he doled out in the form of forehead kisses and linked pinkies. And when he showered at your place, maybe you let your eyes linger before he closed the door, and maybe, just maybe, you heard him moaning your name under the spray. 
The tape was switched from Metallica to Queen on the way home, Eddie tapping along on the steering wheel, you with the funky white pumpkin you’d picked out in your lap. “What are you gonna carve on yours?” you asked, leaning your head back against the headrest and looking at him. It was later in the day, the sun starting to set, and Eddie was backlit by it, the sunlight pouring through the window. He looked…magical. Handsome. Well, more handsome than usual.
“Eddie,” he laughed, a cheesy grin on his face, tongue stuck between his teeth, “like Iron Maiden’s Eddie. I’ve been doodling on my breaks at the record store; I think I could pull it off.”
“I’m sure you can,” you replied, and after a moment, let your hand loll over the armrest, hanging in the empty space between your seat and his. “I bet it’ll look awesome, babe.”
You heard his sharp inhale, saw the way his hand flexed on the steering wheel before it dropped towards yours. Another moment passed, and his fingers wove through yours, squeezing lightly.
The trailer was dark when you arrived, Wayne still carrying on his night shift tradition, and you giggled when you saw the little ghost hanging in the window. “Cute.”
“Just tryna get into the holiday spirit,” Eddie replied, sliding open the door to retrieve his larger pumpkin from the back. “You okay carrying yours in?”
“Yeah, I got it.”
Once inside, you set to work immediately. Eddie wasted no time covering the kitchen counter with plastic bags, fishing all manner of knives and sharp utensils from the drawers, producing a pair of sharpies for you to sketch out your designs. You made a face when he started to scoop out the pumpkin guts, something about the combined texture and smell getting to you, and he chuckled. “Gimme yours,” he said, gesturing towards your pumpkin once his own was empty. “I’ll do it.”
He leaned over to take it from you, tongue poking endearingly between his teeth, and you saw an opening.
So you took it.
You clearly startled him, with the way his entire body flinched, knife clattering onto the counter, but his mouth reacted faster, moulding against yours as you kissed him. It was light and sweet and innocent, the soft press of lips, the gentle way your fingers brushed under his chin, feeling the faintest prick of five o’clock shadow along his jaw. You leaned back after a moment, heels sinking back into the carpet, but Eddie didn’t move, frozen in place, his lips pursed like he was still kissing you.
“What was that for?” he asked, eyes fluttering back open.
“Dunno,” you mumbled, staring down at the countertop, fiddling with your fingers. Your cheeks were on fire. “Just…wanted to, I guess.” You swallowed hard, tried to find the courage to look back up at him. When you did, butterflies exploded in your gut at the expression on his face, the giant grin and shiny eyes. “Is that okay?”
Eddie reached across, hooking his pinky (the only part of his hand not covered in pumpkin) in the front of your flannel and dragging you close. The second kiss was slightly less innocent than the first, the added touches of teeth and tongue setting your blood on fire. You had half a mind to sweep everything off the counter and climb towards him, but then he pulled back, inhaling deeply, his other hand curled in a fist banging against the countertop.
“More than okay.”
You made your way around to his side of the counter, your hip bumping his as you reached for the sharpie. Most of the pumpkin innards had been cleaned away, the bowl on the far side of the counter, far enough away that the weird scent wasn’t invading your nose anymore. Instead, it was replaced with something familiar, strong and deep, pine and vanilla and something that made your insides twist. Eddie.
You felt like you were tiptoeing through a minefield. Both of you quiet, standing there in the kitchen, drawing faces on pumpkins. You had opted for a simpler, classic jack-o-lantern smile while Eddie was intent on carving Eddie into his pumpkin. The knife in your hand made quick work of the mouth, and you’d moved onto the eyes when you saw Eddie turn his head out of the corner of his eye, felt the glance of his lips across your hair.
The thick smell of the sharpie made your brain buzz, and you leaned closer to him, pressing your chin into his bicep, feeling the muscle flex and move as he sketched. You were distracted, eyes catching on the precise movements of his hand, the way the fingers not holding the pen spanned nearly the entire curve of the pumpkin. Your mind wandered, staring at his hands, thinking about how big they were, how perfectly thick his fingers were, how they might feel on your—
“Shit!” you yelped, pain erupting from your hand. You blinked blearily, stumbling back, and your heart leapt into your throat when you saw spatters of red on your pumpkin, your knife clattering to the floor, and blood running down your knuckles and palm. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.”
You let out a little whimper as Eddie dropped his sharpie, kneeling to pick up the fallen knife before sidestepping to the sink and taking you with him. He turned on the faucet, the water splashing as he grabbed your hand and stuck it under the flow. You squeaked and he put his other hand on your back.
“You’re okay,” he promised, rubbing a slow circle as the water was tainted red. He pulled a paper towel off the roll and wrapped your damp hand in it. “Just a scratch. C’mon, let’s get you fixed up.”
You nearly stumbled over your own feet following him down the hall to the bathroom. He sat you down on the closed toilet, fishing a first aid kit out of the cupboard before kneeling between your thighs and taking your injured hand in his. He made quick work of it, dabbing at the slice with an alcohol wipe and making you hiss. He rubbed your knee sympathetically. “Sorry.”
You shook your head, reaching out with your free hand, tucking a stray curl behind his ear. “Don’t be.”
A blush rose in his cheeks and he gave you a little half-skirt. “This isn’t how I imagined things going.”
“What,” you replied, chuckling, “our first kiss and a knife wound? Quite the combo.”
“The kiss was good,” he said, eyes dropping to you hand still wrapped in his. “I was gonna kiss you first but…” He leaned up slightly, lips just grazing over yours. It sent a chill down your spine. “This is good.”
“Good,” you mumbled into his mouth, leaning forward, chasing him. “That’s good.”
“Very good,” he laughed, giving you a light kiss, catching your bottom lip between his. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, y’know.”
“Oh?” you breathed. You felt lightheaded, drunk off his gentle kisses and soft touch, the pain in your hand nearly negligible. “Do tell.”
“It’s silly,” he muttered, shaking his head, eyes turning back to your injury. He fished gauze out of the kit, started to wrap your hand in it. “Just keep thinkin’ about high school, about how I should have asked you out years ago. Before you left, before I…” He trailed off, gaze going far away, and you put your hand under his chin, pulling his eyes back up to yours.
“It doesn’t matter what happened, Eds,” you said, your thumb swiping over his jaw. “It doesn’t.”
He smirked. “You’re the only one who calls me that, y’know.” You just shrugged, and Eddie laughed, tying off the gauze and inspecting his work. “Looks good, I don’t see anymore blood.” He turned your hand over, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. “How does it feel?”
“Good,” you repeated, your voice nearly cracking as he reached for your other hand, pulling your fingers up to his mouth.
“What about this one?” he asked, kissing along your knuckles. Something about it sent a shock of heat straight to your core, your thighs tensing. “This okay?” His other hand dropped to your thigh, palm skimming along your jeans.
“Uh-huh,” you spilled out, and the coil in you snapped.
It had started innocent.
It snaps. And whatever snaps in you, seems to snap in Eddie at the same time. He leans up high on his knees, hands moving to your hips as you bury yours in his hair. The third kiss is far from innocent, double what the second had been. He bites into your lip hard, enough that you whimper into his mouth. His tongue tastes like the cigarette you’d shared on the drive to the pumpkin patch, the mint gum you’d offered afterward, and something sweet that makes your senses go wild.
Eddie pulls you to your feet, keeping your arms around his neck as he reaches down, scoops his hands over the curve of your ass and down, grabbing your thighs tight enough you can feel the indents of the rings on his fingers. “I got you,” he murmurs into your mouth, and lifts you swiftly, making you squeak. Your legs lock around his narrow hips instantly, ankles hooked at the small of his back.
He carries you easily, careful not to knock you against the doorway in the quick shuffle from the bathroom to his bedroom. You’ve seen it before, there’s nothing new to see, his acoustic guitar laying on his bed, along with a few Dungeons and Dragons books. This Machine Slays Dragons. You smile.
“Shit, wait,” Eddie mumbles, setting you back on your feet. “Shit, shit, sorry.” He stumbles towards the bed, grabbing the guitar and sticking it carefully back on its stand, sweeping the books off the bed unceremoniously. You almost laugh, but he’s back on you in an instant, your face between his palms, turned up towards his. He kisses you hard, walks you back towards the bed until your knees hit the mattress. “This okay?” he asks again, and you just grin.
“Yes, Eddie.”
“Good,” he mumbles, and his mouth moves from yours, lips roving down your neck, sucking love bites into your skin. He pushes at you slightly, leaning over you until you fall back on the bed, sprawled against his pillows. His tongue rides along your collarbone, every kiss he offers making the heat between your legs surge hotter.
His hand glances down the front of your shirt, fingers catching on the buttons. “You can take it off,” you whisper. Eddie makes a noise somewhere between a choke and a gasp, and his mouth covers yours again, fingers working the buttons open until your chest and bra are exposed. Then his lips drop further, open-mouthed kisses pressed to the curve of your tits and you whine, one hand locking in the back of his hair. 
“Sit up,” he requests, leaning up again, sitting back on his knees. “I don’t wanna rip your shirt.”
“How courteous,” you laugh, shrugging out of the flannel. You toss it to the side, forgetting your bandaged hand, and the pain flares slightly, but quickly ebbs as your eyes move back to Eddie. You’re staring, blatantly, but you don’t care, too preoccupied with the way he’s wrenching his sweatshirt over his head. You can see everything. All the scars, the black-ink tattoos, the light dust of hair beneath his belly button, leading to something more. Something you’re craving.
Something you’ve been craving for a while now, if you’re being honest.
There’s something about it, the soft sheen to the scars covering his side, the way the ink that wrapped around his ribs is slightly marred on one side, half the design twisted and misshapen. He’s kicking off his jeans, and you’re staring, eyes raking over every inch of his body as you reach for the button on your own pants, lifting your hips to peel them off, letting them join the slowly growing pile of clothes on his floor. 
Now only in your underwear, you shuffle closer to him as he sits back on the mattress. There’s an obvious tent to his boxers, and your mouth pools with saliva just at the sight. Your uninjured hand lifts, and you can feel him watching you, watching the path your hand makes in the air. “Baby—” he starts, but it chokes off when your fingers land on the scars on his side, tracing out the pinked skin. “What’re you…?”
You lean your mouth into his shoulder, humming against his warm skin. He turns his head towards you, lips moving over your forehead. You drag your knuckles lightly over his scars. It makes him shiver. “Eddie the Hero,” you murmur.
His head snaps up and you flinch back, lifting your head from his shoulder. “What?”
“It’s what that kid Dustin calls you,” you chuckle, leaning in to press a kiss to his jaw. Something passes over his face, something almost dark that you don’t recognize, but then he blinks it away, and his eyes are shiny. “I think it’s fitting. Eddie the Hero. My hero.”
He catches your jaw with two fingers, turning your face towards him. “Come here, babe.”
Eddie gathers you into his arms, sliding you into his lap, your knees bracketing his hips. He moves slow, burying one hand in your hair, the other arm winding around your waist. You dig your hands into his bare shoulders, your nails biting into his skin. He tilts his face up to yours, kisses you sweetly, then not so sweet, his tongue pushing past your teeth. You snake one hand down between your bodies, diving right beneath the waistband of his boxers, fingers wrapping around his thick cock.
He gasps into your mouth, hips lifting to chase your touch as you stroke him. And he touches you in kind, the hand not in your hair sliding into your panties, dragged along his tongue on the way down. You moan his name when he rubs a circle around your clit, dips deeper, curls his knuckles up into your pussy, groaning back when he feels how wet you are.
“Gotta open you up, baby,” he murmurs, kisses you again, crooks his fingers deeper. “God, I’ve been fuckin’ dreaming about this, y’know?”
“I know,” you squeak out, hips lifting, rolling into his with every drag of his fingers, your hands trapped between your bodies. Your thumb swipes over the tip of his cock, precum wetting your skin, and your lips part, hot breath panted between you. “I have too.”
It moves fast, for a moment. You’re both breathing the same air, kissing every scrap of skin you can reach. His fingers curl against something devastating inside you and you keen up into the feeling, your head fitting into the crook of his neck, squeezing his cock tight. “C’mere, baby,” he says again, his voice almost slurred. You whine when he drags his fingers from you, but it doesn’t last long, because then he’s dragging your panties to the side, freeing his cock from his boxers. He lines himself up, and gripping your hip, sinks you down on his cock.
Drawn-out moans fall from both pairs of lips, the noise echoing through his bedroom as you bury him in you completely. It’s overwhelming in the best way, the way he fills you to the brim. The perfect fit, your knees digging into the mattress on either side of him, both hands curled around his shoulders again.
“Yeah, baby?” he croons, lifting one hand to peel the damp hair from your neck, leaning in to lick a stripe up your skin. “Tell me how it feels.”
“Good,” you groan out, starting to roll your hips into his, gasping when he thrusts up into you. “So good.”
“That’s good,” he replies, and you both start to giggle, mouths slotting against each other, grinning broadly until the pleasure spikes again, making your breath come faster. You blink and the world goes sideways, pitched at an angle as he tips you back and to the side, laying you out on his pillow again and leaning up over you. It changes the angle, pushing him impossibly deeper as he thrusts into you, one hand curling around your thigh and hitching it over his hip. “God, you feel so good.”
You start to laugh again, but it doesn’t last, replaced with a loud moan as he drives into you hard, the ridge of his pelvis catching along your clit. “Eddie, I—”
“Cum for me, baby,” he drawls in your ear, kissing your cheek, your jaw, your throat, your collar. “Let me feel it, please?”
It’s the please? that gets you, the snap in his voice that sends you tumbling over the edge. Your back arches against the mattress, chest pressed to his, breath catching in your throat. He doesn’t last much longer, pulling himself from you abruptly, stroking his cock once and spilling across your stomach. His head hangs limp between his shoulders, eyes screwed shut as the pleasure wracks his frame, and you put a hand in his hair, brushing it away from his face.
“Holy shit,” he huffs, falling onto the mattress beside you, his cheeks flushed. “That was…holy shit.”
“Very articulate, Eds,” you laugh, turning your head towards him, giving him a cheeky smile. He crinkles his nose at you. “That was amazing.”
“Amazing is better than good,” he quips, pecking your lips, and you bark a laugh.
“You wanna do it again?”
He kisses you hard. “Damn right.”
You wake the next day in his bed, and it’s early afternoon. Eddie is sprawled at your side, fingers tapping out a tune along your spine. When he sees your eyes blink open, he leans in and kisses you awake. “Mornin’.”
After you had dinner, rest of the night was filled with more sex, the two of you exploring each other in new kinds of ways. You ordered pizza and finished the pumpkins, setting the jack-o-lanterns out on the front porch, and roasted the seeds just like Eddie had wanted.
After you fell back into his bed and stayed there, you lost count of the rounds, the orgasms, but by the time you closed your eyes, you had every inch of Eddie Munson committed to memory. He had invaded your dreams in the best way, and waking up beside him just makes everything feel that much more real.
“I wanted to ask you something,” he murmurs. “Been kinda practicing it since I woke up.”
He swallows hard, enough that you can see his adam’s apple bob. You reach out a hand, brush a stray curl from his face. “Would you wanna, maybe, go out with me again sometime?”
You nearly choke on your laugher, a high-pitched giggle making your clap your hand over your mouth. “Eddie Munson, are you asking me out?”
“Again,” he clarifies, blushing bright red, pointing a finger in the air. “I’m asking you out again. Last night, that was the—”
You silence him with a kiss, rolling towards him on the bed, planting your hands on either side of his head, leaning down to drag the tip of your nose along his. “Yes, Eddie,” you murmur, kissing his bottom lip, then his top one. “It’s a yes. It’s always a yes.”
“Good,” he grins, hands roaming your body, squeezing your curves, holding you close. “That’s good.”
I have a taglist! if you’d like to be tagged in future works, please fill out this form!💕
eddie munson tags: @steadyasthe-flowers @trickstersp8 @nightthou @bluestuesday @a-hopeless-fan @billyhargrovesprincess @h-ness1944 @princessbby3002 @detectivecarisi-1 @kbakery @hannyhoe @murnsondock @dixontardis @tsismymother @dnxgma @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @trappedinlimbo15 @ryethebrokengae @myguiltypleasures21 @alexxavicry @s1errasposts @amneris21 @multibishh @thirddeadlysin @lizzziekatt
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
You don't know what you did to me by linking that TikTok sound. I've got that song now stuck in my head.
Especially the end portion with the 'it made me think of you' made me immediately think of the moment Lloyd and Pumpkin get to meet their rainbow baby for the first time after they lost their first one. Because welcoming their miracle baby into the world is pure happiness but also makes them think of the baby they lost before.
“Congratulations,” tears rolled down your cheeks into your ears, a quiet sob falling from your lips as the doctor handed the bundle to you into your arms, “you have a beautiful baby girl.”
Lloyd was standing next to you, just as amazed as you were by the sleeping babe. She was perfect, 9lbs 5oz with a set of lungs of her that was imminently displayed when was born. The cry of your baby had brought an immediate influx of tears to your eyes.
The heartache of a miscarriage, and the joy of your rainbow baby was coming to you all at once. The pain from your miscarriage, from the loss of your baby, had cut a hole into you that was sharp and deep. The second time you’d got pregnant, you were worried you would have the same great loss.
it made me think of you
it made me think of you
“She’s beautiful,” your voice trembled, you tilted your head to look at Lloyd when he had brushed away your tears and kissed the top of your head, “Lloyd…she’s beautiful.”
“She’s healthy.” The doctor confirmed, moving toward the door of the room to give you our act. “We’ll be back in a while to check in. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen.”
The door opened and shut, the doctors and nurses leaving you three alone. When you were given privacy, Lloyd had joined you on the bed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders to kiss into your hair. He was protectively embracing the two of you, turning against you as he laid with you on the bed.
“She makes me think of him,” you whispered, holding your entire world in your arms, “I think…our first would’ve been a boy.”
“She’s gorgeous,” Lloyd praised her, he drew his fingers down the expanse of her cheek, slowly and softly feeling her beneath his hands, “she’s perfect in every way.”
“Our rainbow baby,” you pulled her tightly to her chest, closing your eyes as you breathed in slowly, almost as if you couldn’t believe it was real, “our beautiful girl.”
“My girls,” Lloyd spoke, unwavering softness in his voice, “my Pumpkin and Pumpkin seed….perfect.”
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auntiepasto · 8 months
It’s Winter Squash Time!
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Now is a great time of year to stock up on pumpkins and winter squash. They’re everywhere, they’re inexpensive, and did I mention that they’re absolutely beautiful? Who could ask for more?
There’s more!
Winter squash — Cinderella and pie pumpkins, kuri, delicata, butternut, buttercup, acorn, kabocha, turban — are all edible, and excellent keepers. You can store them at room temperature, and use them for pretty decorations all through the fall and winter season, choosing one or two to eat as the mood strikes.
This bounty of squash should carry myself and my husband through most of fall and winter, even eating it weekly.
Be absolutely thorough about checking your squash before you buy it for any bumps, bruises, scratches, nicks, or dings. Dirt is fine, it washes off, and sealed scratches are okay. Fresh scratches may or may not heal up and your squash may rot. If you're planning to cook it within a week, a scratch or two is probably okay, but not if you're planning to use them over the course of several months.
The easiest way to prep most winter squash (excepting the gigantic pumpkins) is to cut off the stem and the base if necessary so that the squash will sit flat, then split it in half from top to bottom. Scrape out the seeds with a large metal spoon or ice-cream scoop, and scrape out as much of the stringy goop as you can manage. Typically, at this point, I will oil the squash’s interior with olive oil (use whatever oil you like, roasted walnut or pecan oil is terrific) and sprinkle with seasonings (pie spices are great, but chipotle can be fun, as can sage or poultry seasonings), and roast at 350°F / 175°C until a paring knife will penetrate the skin and flesh easily. That’ll take about 45 minutes for most squashes.
You can roast the seeds of any winter squash as an additional snack, once you clean them up. More about that in another post.
Some notes:
Delicata: Capsule-shaped, yellow striped with green, sometimes blushed orange. It has a unique and delightful squash-sweet corn flavor. The skin is thin and can be left on. In my experience, delicata is the shortest-lasting of the bunch. Eat them first.
Kuri: Top-shaped and a gorgeous burnt-orange color. Kuri squash has a sweet, rich flavor. Again, one of the squashes that has good skin for eating.
Butternut: Columnar neck, with a bulb on the bottom, tan skin with orange flesh. One of the most accessible squashes — widely available and inexpensive, as well as delicious. Many of the so-called “pumpkin pie” canned fillings are actually made of butternut squash. It keeps very well and for a long time — four to five months — as long as you’re meticulous about choosing squash with undamaged skin. It’s also one of the easiest to peel. For dishes where you want peeled squash, choose butternut and use only the neck, and cook the bulb another time. Butternut skin tends to be tough, so you'll probably want to avoid eating it.
Buttercup: Deep green with a small, light green "cup" on the bottom. Delicious. Doesn't seem to hold as well as some of the others -- use it sooner rather than later. The skin on these is soft and fine for eating.
Acorn: Acorn-shaped, heavily ridged. Colors can range from green to orange. They do come in white, but white squash are usually pretty bland. Thin-skinned, so you can eat the whole thing comfortably. Great for soups and stews -- just clean it out and chop it into bits to throw into your soup. More of a savory squash than a sweet one. Conventional wisdom is that they're shorter keepers, but I've found that they keep very well for me, and have held them successfully for up to four months.
Kabocha: A deep-green flattened sphere. Sometimes they've got a smattering of orange. It's fine to leave the skin on these, and you've probably seen it left on in your tempura. Kabocha is more floury, less squishy when cooked, and reminds me a bit of sweet potato. Also one of the shorter keepers; try to get to it within a couple months of purchase.
Turban: Festively multi-colored in splattered white, orange, yellow, and green. Turban squash has a large "cap" on a smaller, three- or four-lobed base. It has notes of chestnut; it's not as sweet as some of the others but it's definitely distinctive. I'm also of the opinion that turban squash makes the best roasted squash seeds, even better than pumpkin. They are large and wonderfully crunchy when roasted. Turban skin tends to be tougher.
Cinderella pumpkin: Yes, those huge and heavy ribbed pumpkins are edible and quite tasty. They come in all kinds of colors. I find that the traditional peach-to-orange ones usually taste the best. Because they are so large and dense, you may want to roast them whole, then cut them open and scrape out the seeds and strings afterwards. They will take a while. They can also be quite watery, so after you roast them, you may want to drain the liquid out of them, if you're doing pies or custards or other things that want a drier texture. You can use the liquid in soups or in your oatmeal. Pumpkin skin is generally too tough to be pleasant to eat.
Pie pumpkin: Typically a lighter orange than your traditional jack o' lantern pumpkin. A pie pumpkin should be fairly small but not tiny, and heavy for its size. Any pumpkin that is light for its size is mostly cavity and not meat. Pie pumpkins are sweet for pumpkins, but I find they're generally not quite as sweet as butternut squash or kuri.
Speaking of sweet:
Not pictured here, because they are gigantic and typically sold in pieces, if you can find them at all these days, are banana squash. If you have the opportunity to purchase a piece of banana squash, treat it just like any other squash -- season it up and roast it. Banana squash is delicious.
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navar44 · 2 years
Sharing Acorns
A bit of writing based on @aaytaro-gt ‘s Inktober prompt list.
Day 1 - Acorns
“You know, I constantly forget how small things could be until you show me something I can hardly see.”
Jane lay in the clearing, a thick jacket protecting her from the crisp autumn air as she studied the minuscule acorns on her palm. She’d be finding little gold and red leaves in her hair and clothes for the next few days for sure, but that was fine.
It was beautiful out here in the forest, and she could lay down in this clearing just fine. Sure, the trees were small right now, but it was still a gorgeous place to be.
Marigold laughed, a musical sound to Jane’s ears. “Oh please, everything I bring is small to you.” She sat on her friend’s palm with the acorns, dropping a few more into the pile Jane was rolling with her thumb. 
“Well sure, but a lot of the things you show me are very small.” Jane said with a huff, ruffling her friend’s clothes with the breeze. Marigold simply laughed again, dropping the rest of the acorns on her friend’s hand, dusting her own off.
“Oh, like the sunflower seeds I shared with you the other day?”
“Yeah, I could barely tell you’d dropped anything on my tongue: they were so small! I didn’t taste anything till you emptied the bag…”
“The fly I caught in the jar?”
“Nothing could be that small; I couldn’t see anything in there!”
Her tiny friend laughed, and she quickly joined in. How things had changed over the past few years, how strange it was to meet each other still.
Some things just didn’t seem real when they managed to come together in the woods, when the forest blurred enough where they could meet in person. And it was always so lonely after the forest came into focus and they had to go back to their homes until the next time.
The world had a strange way of bringing people together.
“Anyway,” Jane started to say as she shifted, reaching into her jacket pocket. “Here's an acorn from my backyard.” Marigold stood up on Jane’s hand, bouncing on their feet as the much larger acorn came into view.
“Yes yes yes yes- ooooh! It's as big as a pumpkin!” She reached out and pulled the nut from Jane’s fingers, holding it up in her arms as her eyes ran over it.
It was Jane’s turn to chuckle as she watched her friend study the acorn, her attention focused as she spun it around to take in the entirety. It really was quite big to her, but it was only just an acorn. 
“Oh, here!” Marigold finally said, plucking up one of her much smaller acorns in her fingers to compare to Jane’s. “There we go, that's quite the difference! Looks like it's carved out of wood!”
“I can hardly tell, so I’ll have to agree with you this time.” 
“Why didn’t you bring that window you call a magnifying glass? You usually do.”
Jane sighed. “I would have, but I left it in my car after the rain last month. I completely forgot it.”
“Oh, that's too bad.” She paused her study of the acorns to frown. “How long do we have left?” 
They each checked their watches, the wind picking up in the forest as more autumn leaves began to fall around them. The blurring would end soon, if the breeze was any sign.
“Guess that's it for this one.” Marigold sighed, moving to the edge of Jane’s hand before hopping down to the ground.
“Yeah, I hate how short these random ones are, but at least we get some warning.”
They regarded each other with smiles, before Marigold lifted the acorn back up from where she’d left it on Jane’s outstretched hand.
“Well, can I keep the acorn? I think it would look great on my kitchen table!”
Jane laughed. “Mari, it's just an acorn. You don’t have to ask for it!”
Her tiny friend held the acorn to her chest, face flushed red, the wind picking up as the blurring began to fade away. “Well yeah, but…”
“It’s a gift then; I’ll see you soon!” Jane got out, blushing at the happy smile on Marigold’s face as she faded away.
The world turned blurry as the forests came back into focus and Jane was left in a similar clearing to before, golden red trees as tall as normal, the sounds of rustling leaves catching her ears, and a normal sized maple leaf landing in the grass beside her.
Jane pocketed the tiny pile of tiny acorns that had faded into her own world, smiling. She’d add these to her collection of tiny gifts, stored carefully in her room.
They’d meet up again next time the forests merged and, until then, she’d have these gifts to admire.
Of course, when her phone rang in the car and she saw Marigold’s contact info pop up, she didn't let the boundaries between their worlds stop her from talking to her friend. 
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seventeendeer · 6 months
how do you feel about the new chicken smoothie urs :0
I think the new UR's are SO lovely, that dragon is right up my alley!! I have an excuse to go all-in trying to trade for it in the future, as it's technically got enough pink to fit my pink collection and ohh you bet I'm gonna do it, I can already tell it's gonna trade for an arm and a leg since it's 1. a dragon and 2. gorgeous, but I am nothing if not full of hubris
(speaking of which, I just have to brag about the fact that my pink collection is now complete, save for the UR lion and the new UR dragon ... thank you to friends and strangers alike for helping me get my grubby fingies on every pink pet released on the site in less than a year :O )
also, I'm really excited to see what the little box is going to become ... it looks like it contains seeds? I absolutely adore those little silly UR's, like the peach with the caterpillar and the pumpkin pie and all the little guys in that group, so this new little silly is bound to be a winner as well ;w; <33
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Banana and Peanut Butter Toast
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Delicious and a proper reward after an early-morning rugby practise, this Banana and Peanut Butter Toast makes a simple, tasty brekkie! 
Ingredients (serves 1):
1 slice White Bloomer Bread
1 heaped teaspoon natural peanut butter
1/2 banana
1/2 teaspoon pure local honey
a few pumpkin seeds
Toast Bloomer Bread slice. Once toasted, spread generously with peanut butter.
Peel banana, and cut into slices. Arrange banana slices onto the peanut butter. Drizzle with honey, and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds.
Enjoy Banana and Peanut Butter Toast immediately, with a cup of strong coffee, piping hot tea, or a glass of milk. Happy Wednesday!
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This breakfast, and a gorgeous sunrise are worth waking up early to kick my ruby ball on frosty grass!
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laurkamkitchen · 7 months
A new bowl recipe! I thought I'd made this before, but the archive is telling me otherwise. In my defense, it's very typical of a bowl I would make — cauliflower, quinoa, avocado, pumpkin seeds — but I think that gorgeous golden tahini dressing really gives it something a little special.
I halved this to make two servings using 2 smallish carrots. Once the cauliflower and carrot are in the oven, there's really only the quinoa, the dressings, and a couple of toppings to prep, so you're looking at the usual bowl process here.
Because of how straightforward this was, I really don't have many more notes here. As I said above, this is a very typical bowl, but with what I thought was a very distinctive dressing. I'm not usually into roasted carrots, but these definitely went well here, though if I made this again I know I'd be tempted to swap in sweet potato. All in all, though, this was a fantastic, delicious meal, though I never doubted it would be.
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peauradiantskincare · 9 months
The Best Hair Growth Products
The best hair growth best products can help stimulate follicles, strengthen strands and give you that added volume. These products include scalp treatments, serums and vitamins.
This bestseller is a favorite of Amazon customers and celebrities, with one shopper noting that it "makes my hair super thick." It contains a slew of haircare hero ingredients including saw palmetto, rosemary and biotin.
Hers Triple Threat Shampoo with Saw Palmetto
This shampoo is designed to strengthen hair and add volume, with a formula that contains biotin, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, and glycerin. It also washes away excess sebum, which can shrink hair follicles.
Reviewers love the fact that it hydrates hair, reduces breakage, and helps thicken and re-grow locks. It has a fresh, clean scent that’s a blend of jasmine and bergamot.
Hers offers bundles and systems that combine the shampoo, conditioner, minoxidil drops, and biotin gummies. Their product page claims that these products work together to help you grow your hair and even regrow it if you’re losing it.
Hair Regrowth 2% Topical Minoxidil Solution
If you’re looking for a hair growth solution with the star ingredient minoxidil, you’ll want to try Virtue’s Flourish Minoxidil Hair Regrowth Treatment. It comes in three, six, or 12-month bundles and is cruelty-free and vegan.
This prescription product uses 2% minoxidil to stimulate deadened hair follicles and help stop hair loss and thinning. The formula also includes ginseng, which has been shown to reduce DHT levels and saw palmetto, which works as a DHT blocker.
Apply one mL twice per day and follow the enclosed instructions for use. Keep out of the reach of children.
Pura D’Or Herbal Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo
This sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner set is made with natural ingredients and is formulated to prevent hair loss, improve hair volume, and promote healthy growth. It’s also a cruelty-free product and manufactured at a renewable energy source plant in Southern California.
This shampoo contains ingredients such as saw palmetto (a popular DHT blocker), nettle, and a blend of other herbs that help support hair growth. It also includes niacin, black cumin seed oil, and biotin that strengthen hair follicles, according to the manufacturer’s website.
Customers on Amazon have given this product high marks and rave reviews.
Castor Oil & Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse-Out Conditioner
Apple cider vinegar shampoo is a great way to clarify your scalp, restore balance, and make your hair shine. It can also help with dryness and brittle strands. ACV shampoo comes in classic shampoo form (like the Beauty and the Bees Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo Bar) and in a rinse and scrub, like dpHUE’s Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse or Scalp Scrub.
This bestselling shampoo from WOW Skin Science draws on apple cider vinegar to cleanse and cut down on buildup, while adding emollients like avocado oil and coconut oil to soothe your scalp and lock in moisture. It’s also free from common irritants, so it should be gentle enough for daily use on a range of hair types.
Biotin & Larch Tree Scalp Serum
A favorite of many reviewers, this serum contains a nourishing blend of plant-based ingredients to promote thicker hair growth. It also includes a powerful mix of antioxidants, including camellia and larch tree extracts for hair follicle nourishment, as well as pro-vitamin B5 for hydration.
Designed to work at night, this scalp treatment uses a powerful formula of advanced hair science and natural stimulating ingredients to create the best possible environment for healthy scalp and strands. It features 2% Swiss apple stem cells that have been clinically proven to reduce shedding and elongate the hair’s growth phase.
Grow Gorgeous For Chemically Treated Hair
For those who are battling thin hair due to chemical treatments, Grow Gorgeous has an amazing line of shampoos, conditioners, and treatments that help stimulate growth. These products are infused with natural ingredients that promote healthy hair and scalp, and they are formulated without harmful chemicals.
The brand’s best-selling product is their Hair Density Serum, which is formulated with biotin and caffeine to encourage thicker strands. It also contains ivy, rice and burdock root extract to hydrate the scalp and help boost hair density.
Another must-try is the brand’s Balance Hair Detox trio, which purifies strands to remove product build-up and encourage new growth. The set includes a hair oil, a cleanser and a mask that nourishes curly locks for long-lasting bounce.
Nature’s Bounty Gummy Vitamins
These gummies have 2,500 mcg of biotin and 100 mg of collagen, which promotes healthy hair skin, and nails. The formula also contains Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that supports healthy skin. This supplement is made without gluten, milk, soy, yeast, and salt.
The gummies have a fruity strawberry flavor and contain the right balance of nutrients to support lustrous hair, beautiful nails, and vibrant skin. The gummies include Vitamin C and Vitamin E, which are antioxidants that contribute to healthy skin. Biotin helps thicken hair, prevents thinning, clarifies the complexion, and reduces acne.
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sinisterbug · 1 year
I live in the United States bread basket - the Central Plains, if you will. It's been an unusually cool and wet season so far. This is helpful because my DEPRESH can plague me and the result will be my garden almost dying from lack of care or watering. Which activates MORE DEPRESH.
I am slightly concerned about my vegetables producing with so much lack of sunlight.
Anyway, it's another rainy day and I decided to take some pictures.
It's a nightmare keeping up with all the grass-pulling so its quite obvious I'm behind on that. It's hard to pull grass in the rain, lol. I've also been planting long enough, and been letting enough produce decompose where it falls that things have started just... sprouting up. I decided to let it grow where it may.
First up is this year's nod to Tolkien. I planted none other than... Lobelia! It's quite vibrant and lovely, and pops against all the surround green. The rain has made it look a little droll.
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I am a sucker for calibrachoa:
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My dad's geriatric cat, Oddball, was having none of my shit. Two days ago he came up to where I was squatting and pulling grass, and he rubbed himself along my back and sprayed me. Joy. Some sage and thyme in my pots.
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Sage in a pot in a plastic swimming pool, because.
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Randomly growing mystery squash (probs pumpkin) that grew up in an unexpected location.
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I had allocated all my planter space when Pops brought home a cherry tomato. It almost died before I found a spot. There are tiny nasturtiums from previous years growing up around it.
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Hot peppers (Thai dragon and Armageddon variety) I'm growing for my nephew.
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Behbeh Black-Eyed Susans I'm growing near my grandmother's antique trellises.
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My strawberries, which I need to mow down immediately. They finally produced this year. If I want a good yield next year, I gotta cut this nonsense down.
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My beloved okra plants. SO DELICIOUS. I got the red okra variety this year.
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Some type of sweet pepper, lol.
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My tiny circle wildflower meadow. I have yarrow, echinacea (white and purple), Russian sage (I'm so proud of that little mother fucker), guara, hot lips sage, hollyhock, purple balloon flower, flying cardinal, black-eyed-susans, lamb's ear, milkweed, and amaranth, that I can yet identify. There are a couple mystery plants.
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Rain-bedraggled wave-petunias.
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Tons of seeds dropped from our bird feeders. Probably sunflowers? Just letting them grow to see what happens.
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Ever since Animal Crossing had a whole hydrangea themed thing on the mobile camp game a few years ago, I've been dying to get some. The ones I planted last year - my dear Papa mowed over them TWICE, successfully murdering them. These ones are SO gorgeous and I'm so happy and proud to have them.
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Some clematis next to a trellis. I may never win yard of the month because it's about COMPLIANCE and not beauty, but I sure do have the most gorgeous fucking yard in the neighborhood.
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My cat-toilet/shade garden. The fact that any of this is still alive is miraculous. Yes, my ex is buried under there.
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If I were a herbivorous dinosaur, I would eat the FUCK out of hostas. More of my shade garden.
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Some lysanthus.
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I have two other tomato plants, chives, and carnations as well. I have an orchid inside that is currently DYING because outdoor plants? Sure! I'm golden! Once those poor bastards go inside...
I hope you enjoyed this tour of my garden. Thank you, and good morning.
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