#my current idea is clara just like well I can do whatever I want. hello tardis database. what happened to my friend I haven’t seen
dykebeckett · 5 months
going to listen to lucie audios at work 2day ❤️
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mari-delia · 1 year
Request Guidelines
Last Edited: May 13, 2023
Hello! My name is Mari Delia. I have been writing stories recreationally for four years now. I have recently started posting my stories since this year's March. I recently made this tumblr so that I have a place to post one-shots, headcanons, mini-series, and more. Now, my full series is over on Wattpad. Currently, I am making slow updates to that story since I am sick. We don’t exactly know what I am sick with, but it’s been going on for three years, which is why I am slow at writing. It’s why I started to post my writings, because there isn’t much I can do anymore. This at least gives me a sense of productivity through it all. In this post, I will go over the rules I have for requesting stories. I must say that I am very strict about these rules. I will also be going over which fandoms I write for. I will only accept requests for one-shots and headcanons.
My Rules
Rule #1: Understand that I have my own private life. I have a family to care for, a job to do, and, as previously stated, I am sick as well. I need to care for myself too, which is why I am slow at writing stories.
 Rule #2: I will not write about real people. As lovely as I think Pedro Pascal and Tom Hiddleston are, I don’t want to be writing about them. They’re real people with real lives, and some of those people aren’t comfortable with fanfiction being written about them. I feel like I would be speculating about their lives, invading their privacy, and we don’t always know if they’re comfortable with that. A character is one thing; a real person is another.
 Rule #3: I don’t really feel comfortable writing smut one-shots. Well, it’s not that I'm personally uncomfortable with it; I just don’t like writing smut one-shots. If I do post one, it was on my own account.
 Rule #4: I am more than fine with writing any pairing, although I will not write a trans character as my main character. I myself am not a transgender person, so I will not be able to truly understand their struggles. I do not want to offend anybody with that, but a lot of the stories I have written have had transgender characters in them; they're just not main characters. I don’t want to portray their struggles incorrectly or write falsely about those absolutely lovely people.
 Rule #5: You can use my ask box to send in requests because I’m pretty sure that it’s open. Make sure to specify which character from the list I have, what idea you have, and whatever else you think I should know about it. Whether it’s a ship or a reader insert
 Rule #6: I am open to trying basically any character pairing as long as it does not involve incest, minor, or adult relationships and follows my rules.
 Rule #7: I refuse to write scenes about the topics of rape, suicide, eating disorders, self-harm, heart attacks, strokes, or CPR. I am willing to write about these topics.
Fandoms and Characters
Simon Basset
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Penelope Featherington
Prince Friedrich 
Edwina Sharma
Kate Sharma
Derry Girls
Claire Devlin
James Maguire
Michelle Mallon
Orla McCool
Father Peter
Erin Quinn
Doctor Who
9th Doctor
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
12th Doctor
13th Doctor
Jenny Flint
Captain Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Yasmin Khan
Donna Noble
Clara Oswald
Amy Pond
Bill Potts
Ryan Sinclair
Sarah-Jane Smith
River Song
Rose Tyler
Madame Vastra
Rory Williams
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Lord Tewkesbury
Gilmore Girls
Luke Danes
Dean Forester
Paris Geller
Lorelai Gilmore
Rory Gilmore
Logan Huntzberger
Lane Kim
Jess Mariano
Harvey Bullock
Oswald Cobblepot
Tabitha Galavan
Butch Gilzean
James Gordan
Fish Mooney
Edward Nygma
Lee Tompkins
Jeremiah Valeska
Jerome Valeska
Victor Zsasz
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Hermione Granger
Barty Crouch Jr.
Neville Longbottom
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Lily Potter
Harry Potter
James Potter
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Horacio Carrillo
Steve Murphy
Javier Peña
Outer Banks
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Kiara Carrera
Pope Heyward
JJ Maybank
John B Routledge
Peaky Blinders
Grace Burgess
Luca Changretta
Johnny Dogs
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Ada Shelby
Arthur Shelby
Finn Shelby
John Shelby
Thomas Shelby
Alfie Solomons
 Fjor Jutul
Vida Jutul
Ran Jutul
Saxa Jutul
Laurits Seier
Magne Seier
Shadow and Bone
Kaz Brekker
Wylan Van Eck
Jesper Fahey
Inej Gafa
Matthias Hevlar
Tamar Kir-Bataar
Aleksander Kirigan/Aleksander Morozova
Nikolai Lantsov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Malyen Orestev
Genya Safin
Alina Starkov
Tolya Yul-Bataar
Nina Zenik
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
Joyce Byers
Johnathan Byers
Will Byers
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Dustin Henderson
Jim Hopper
Max Mayfield
Eddie Munson
Lucas Sinclair
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Gwen Cooper
Captain Jack Harkness
Owen Harper
Ianto Jones
Toshiko Sato
I will be editing this list on occasion. Whenever I do I will make a blog post to notify people about it. Now, have a good night.
~ M.D. on May 13, 2023
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justalilmc · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a doctor who and game of thrones matchup? I’m 20, she/her pronouns and bisexual. For personality I’m creative, introverted, structured, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends I can be quite talkative, humorous and outgoing. Though I do get snappy if I’m forced to socialize. I love and treasure my alone time in the bat cave of my room the most. I’m currently in art school working with technology mediums. I love my practice and everything from digital illustration to creative coding. Im currently trying to figure out 3D modeling and printing! Once I get in the zone, there’s no stopping me on an art or design idea. As for hobbies, i love escaping to new worlds while reading books and comics, watching movies, and playing video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I have a tendency to read novels and watch their adaptations at the same time analyzing the differences. I also start multiple books at the same time oops. These stories are definitely inspirations of my art as well. Apart from that, I do love working out and weight lifting. I used to also kickbox a lot and definitely want to get back to it sometime. Thank You!
Hey!!! So glad someone finally picked Doctor Who, it is simply my favorite show in existence. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy!
1.) Doctor Who
I ship you with Clara Oswald!
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- y’all would be so cute together omg
- She is an extremely loyal partner, like she will be there for you no matter what, she’d literally die for u
- She’d want to show you how beautiful the world can be outside of your mind
- She’ll definitely be your personal extrovert, like when y’all are out together she can do all the talking for you
- She’d absolutely insist on seeing everything you create, she wants to be able to see the world through your eyes
- If you travel together in the TARDIS, y’all are always going off and exploring together, taking in the sights
- Y’all would go on lil dates on alien planets, taking in the scenery, looking for places that inspire you
- Together, you could make any place your own, cuddling up in foreign forests, reading, creating art, doing whatever your heart desires at the moment
- You’d also have top tier banter, u know Clara’s a massive flirt
- But she’d only have eyes for you, she’d love you as long as she can
2.) Game of Thrones
I ship you with Podrick Payne!
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- I absolutely believe that Podrick would be a top tier bf
- He’s gonna know you so well, like he’ll never ever force you out of your comfort zone
- But like if you wanna try something new he’s not gonna say no
- He’d be so supportive of you and your art
- If you ever drew him he’d get so freaking flustered omg
- I feel like y’all could train together, he’d make sure you’re able to defend yourself
- Like he’d wanna respect you as an independent woman, but if anyone messes with you, he’s throwin hands
- He’s literally chivalrous af just because that’s how he is
- He’d absolutely love to listen to you talk or watch you draw, or if you don’t like to be watched, he’d just sit with you
- This man is truly a simp for u
- Y’all r the type of couple to just be able to be together, without even having to talk or anything, it’s just comfy and safe
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mcheang · 3 years
Too much kindness
Watching Chinese dramas made me angry because the villains were forgotten/forgiven and practically came back to harm the heroine.
Marinette had been watching Chinese dramas with her mother and recently, she realized something. The heroines were kind and decided to move on from the hurts their enemies gave them, before being pretty much taken offguard when their enemy striked again.
Marinette thought about her past situations. She agreed to ignore Lila and her declaration of war after Adrien’s advice. The next thing she knew, she got expelled. Even after she was readmitted, Lila practically warned her that their enmity was still there.
And no matter how much Ladybug scolded or gave Chloé second chances, the bully was as vain and mean as ever. I mean, come on, she sided with Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth!
Marinette didn’t want to be taken offguard again, of having to deal with another one of their dramas.
It was time to end their influence and power once and for all.
What were her obstacles?
Lack of influence: Damocles was weak when Chloé threatened to sic the mayor on him or Lila warned that disturbing a diplomat at the embassy was a bad idea.
Solution: Hello, she’s Ladybug. Paris’ beloved heroine. If it came to a public showdown between her and the mayor, given Chloe’s infamy, the public would side with her. And as Lila’s so-called BFF, Ladybug can easily shut down that nonsense with a little help from some celebrities who would be glad to help her. Jagged and Clara are fans of hers.
Then there was Adrien. Marinette quailed at the idea of disappointing him. She hated to do that. But if it was between his disapproval (Tikki reminded Marinette that he is still friends with the class after they celebrated Chloé moving to New York, so he’ll be fine) or another impending incident where Marinette is in trouble....ok it took a while for her to settle on the second option. But she’s crazy when it comes to Adrien.
Besides, her priority is that he like Marinette, not Ladybug. Even though she really wants him to like both aspects of her.
So even if he disapproves of Ladybug, at least he’ll still be Marinette’s friend.
And who knows, if Lila or Chloé succeed at their next round, he might hate her too! So really, the second option is better, right? (Tikki: right!)
When all the public exposure was over (basically Alya live-streamed Ladybug demanding Damocles be a proper principal and stop letting Chloé off the hook or blindly believing Lila)
Surprisingly Chat Noir was fine with Lila’s exposure and admitted he found out she faked an injury during Onii Chan’s attack.
Ladybug stared at her partner. “And you just left me with her?”
Chat’s upcoming lecture about how Chloé should be given another chance was halted at the accusation in her eyes. “It’s not like she could hurt you.”
Ladybug: she can still try to steal my earrings if I actually had to send her home. What the hell, Chat? Why didn’t you tell me this?
Chat: i didn’t want you to get any angrier with her.
Ladybug: so you’d rather I believe Lila had forgiven me when she really rather I get impaled by a sword?
Chat: i...i...
Ladybug: you know what, don’t talk to me again until you can prove you actually have my back. I don’t need a partner like you. I need someone I can actually count on.
Chat flinched.
Ladybug swung away angrily.
While Tikki tried to get Marinette to calm down and forgive Chat, she replied, “I could have died Tikki. Died. Like Joan did.”
Tikki stopped. Ok, so maybe Chat did need to think things through.
Adrien asked Plagg what he should do.
Plagg yawned. “Quit being so wishy washy. You need to pick a side and stay there.”
Adrien: but I don’t want to hurt anyone
Plagg: you think Ladybug wanted to humiliate others? She gave Chloé and Lila another chance and apologized or whatever. They didn’t learn. So she finally put her foot down.
Adrien: they would have learned, in time
Plagg: but we are at war with Hawkmoth. Chloé creating more negative emotions is not good. And neither is letting Lila grow in influence. Better to stop a problem now before it grows worse.
Adrien: there had to have been a better way.
Plagg: well, it certainly wasn’t your way. Chloé is still mean to your friends and even worked with Hawkmoth! and Lila got pigtails expelled. Do you honestly still think your way is the best way?
Adrien:...it wasn’t the right answer. But neither is Ladybug’s.
Plagg: well, we gave your way a shot. Let’s see if the bug’s way is the right answer.
Chloé had been sentenced for allying with a terrorist. She was sent to a correctional facility due to her age, but she was banned from Paris. What a scandal this caused the mayor.
Lila had been discredited and was currently grounded by her furious mother. Everyone knew her now, just not in the way she wished. She had been fired by Gabriel. And since Ladybug learned the truth from Chat, she was insistent Lila go away because she won’t risk another Chloé incident with her.
With Chloé gone, the class certainly was happier. Adrien was the exception, but Marinette reminded him he could visit Chloé. The latter asked for Adrien to help bail her out. Gabriel forbade it since associating with Chloé would ruin his image. And Chloé doesn’t help from a mangy cat.
With Lila exposed, eh life went on as normal and Adrien wasn’t sorry for her.
Akumas came and went but Ladybug treated Chat professionally.
Chat wanted her to talk to him but he was still unhappy about the Chloé situation. Plagg told him to just choose a side already. He was miserable when all his friends were happy.
Plagg: why do you care about Chloé anyway? If you were just a normal boy, she wouldn’t even look at you. She only befriended you because of your father, hence why you were worthy of her friendship.
It struck home. After all the insults Chloé threw Chat’s way, this question finally hit true.
Adrien began to doubt his friendship with Chloé. And it was enough for him to choose a side.
Chat called Ladybug and explained that he was upset with her charges against Chloé but he trusted her and will support her even if he doesn’t agree entirely with her decision.
Ladybug raised a brow. “It’s a start.”
And Ladybug’s plan was a success. Chloé and Lila were no longer around to cause trouble for her. They were being punished until they learned to correct their ways.
When Gabriel was suspected after the theory of “what if Hawkmoth can akumatize himself?” came up, Plagg reminded Adrien to choose a side. If his father is really Hawkmoth, can Ladybug count on him?
When faced with this fact, Adrien admitted he could not. He has personal feelings about this and he can’t be biased.
Plagg: does that mean you’ll hinder her investigation?
Adrien paused. If he did, and if his father was Hawkmoth, would he be aiding a terrorist?
Personal feelings aside, Adrien does have morals. He cannot condone what Hawkmoth has done.
Conviction renewed, Chat joins Ladybug’s investigation with zeal. He wants to put his all into this investigation because if his father is really Hawkmoth, Adrien hopes to stop him from committing any more heinous acts, and save his father from himself.
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the-darklings · 4 years
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Hello, everyone! So with COA being such a long-running series and new readers finding it constantly, I have come to realise that a lot of questions I get often repeat. So to keep everything easy and clear and friendly for everyone regardless of whether you started COA at the very beginning of the story or just recently found it, I have spent the day relaxing, eating junk food, and compiling this FAQ. Please read through it because chances are the answers are here somewhere. I have sectioned the guide into following: general, story, ships, original squad (OCs), AUS, OC!V and tips/advice. If the answer to your question is not here, please feel free to send me a message and have a wonderful day! <33 - kat.
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when does this story update?
I try to keep a bi-weekly schedule (now usually Sunday updates). But I always let you know when the chapter is done by making a final word count post (pre edits). 
do you have a masterlist?
yes, you can find it here.
do you have a tag list?
not for COA. they’re very time consuming and I’m already really busy sorry :(
are your requests open?
I rarely open my inbox for requests. the only exception being the monthly blurb nights. then I reblog a prompt list and let people send some requests in for any fandom/ship. however, usually due to how many I get, it only happens every few months. that being said, you can still send me ideas/suggestions and if it inspires me, I will write it. that’s how the majority of the AUs have come about. but i’m also a very busy person so sorry if I can’t. 
can I make X or Y for COA and tag you?
yes. yes. yes. please, please, feel free to create whatever for COA (no matter how small or silly) because I consider it a great honour that I’ve been able to inspire someone else. whatever it is, please tag me. I wanna see.
okay, I made a thing and tagged you but you didn’t respond :(
Tumblr is notorious for eating my notifs. whatever it is (art/post/etc) if I don’t respond to it in a day or two, please give me a nudge. you’re not being annoying, I promise. chances are I missed it/tumblr ate it. 
I wanna scream/discuss/theorise about COA with others, is there any way for me to do that?
my amazing readers have set up this reddit page that is full of lovely people, theories, and memes etc. I check it often and interact on there, too, so feel free to drop by.
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how many chapters will COA be?
25. the last one being a very long epilogue.
have you decided on the ending yet?
yes. from as early as part 2. it's barely changed since. 
will we ever see more of Prague/Naples? hoe, please say yes.
yes. I plan to write both as COA bonus stories after the main story-line concludes.
will there be a sequel? 
depends. on two things: 1) if anyone will even care by that point 2) time. this story has consumed 5 months of my life entirely. i’ve been incredibly strict with myself when it comes to writing it (in a good way) but at best it won’t be finished till the end of august/beginning of september. so likely even if I do, there will be a break for a few months at least. I do have ideas though.
you promised us smut. where is it?
patience is a virtue. ;)
happy ending or tragedy? (please don’t say tragedy, you monster)
I would describe it more as “bittersweet” but whether it leans more towards bitter or sweet you’ll have to see.   
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any endgame hints?
you know more about the ending than you probably realise
can v/s finally go to Paris? for the love of GOD? pLEASE?
hector + v? powerful. will there be more of them in the future? 
agreed & yes. hector and v have their own arc to go on. it’s actually one of my favourites in this story. I don’t want to say more than that right now because I have plans for their dynamic so no spoilers. :)
please stop bullying john. give us some j/v content please? 
i, for one, adore john. it’s team S that’s bullying him lol. but wait till parabellum. i’ve always referred to that portion of the story as the second coming of j/v.
does lucien actually have a thing for v or is it a creepy obsession? 
it’s both.
I ship v with everyone :/ is that bad?
the sky is the limit. ship all the things proudly (but seriously, no, it isn’t. I ship all the ships, too, and that’s the fun of it) 
v/elder tho? 👀
j/v or s/v? be honest.
you fool,,,, you buffoon. ot3 j/v/s is where it’s really at. imagine their POWER.   
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what do the Elites/Lovers look like/how old are they?
please refer to this
will there be more step??
of course. he’s my baby. :)
will we see more of camorra/learn more about the elite’s and their backstories?
while I would love to take the time and flesh them all out with full backstories, only hector will be getting his backstory explored in the main canon because plot.
does lucien care for mika anymore or has he replaced her with v?
lucien is a messy hoe. mika is his subject of “affection” but v is his foil and equal. he recognises the same hurt in her that he has gone through himself so it’s more of a fixation. with time, lucien would likely destroy v so no bueno. 
I ship our OCs.
I do, too.
can we write about your OCs/V?
so you would have to come to me and discuss this more in private but I’m fine with this sort of thing usually. in fact, a prequel hector story already exists so you’re likely good but please contact me first. 
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when/how often do you update the vampire!au?
whenever I have time/inspo. mainly time. so this means you can get it daily or not get it for several weeks because COA is priority. I keep you all updated on when I have something cooking tho.
what is the actual pairing for vamp!au?
undecided as of yet. i’m leaning more towards ot3 right now but we shall see.
how often do you update flowing in me?
same as the above. whenever I have the time but I will keep you updated.
how many parts will flowing in me be?
I have 5 parts(ish) planned.
do you have a tag list for flowing in me?
I will. please leave a comment on the story if you want to be tagged in future parts!
will flowing in me feature other characters (john, winston etc.)?
this story is mainly camorra-centric but I do plan for John to appear at some point.
how did you come up with your lore in vamp!au?
to be completely honest....I just wrote a bunch of stuff down and used what stuck. mostly the ideas were pulled out of thin air while still trying to keep within the spirit of the canon material (the high priest, the holy church, the twelve priests, john being the boogeyman etc). camorra as the natural enemy seemed fitting and santino as a vampire prince even more so.
can we send you new au ideas/expand on old ones (manager!V etc)?
yes, always. I always try my hardest to reply but ofc I can’t promise I’ll be able to use them all but thank you in advance.
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who is the face claim for OC!V?
weronika spyrka
what is her real name?
how old is she at the beginning of the story and now?
23 beginning of chapter 1, 30 beginning of chapter 4 (current timeline)
will/would you ever write an original story about her?
I have considered creating something original out of COA itself or one of its sister series/concepts (like FIM). since I really started working on COA during last year’s NaNo, that might be the time I create something original this year. 
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how do you write so much, so quickly?
I don’t think that word count is really reflective of the quality work itself. I don’t think you should worry how much you write, either. 100 words can be just as valuable as 1k. most of them time I have a deadline breathing down my neck and I do work well under pressure so that inspires me to force the chapters out. I also do very long days because despite what it might look like I’m not a fast writer.
how can I improve my writing?
read and practice. I know it’s dumb and overused advice but it’s how I learned english and found my style (still a mess and WIP) but still this advice does help. 
how do you keep motivated?
spite, your support, genuine adoration for these characters/word, a lot of spite. 
do you plan? outline?
I have a vague story outline with specific scenes in mind as I go along (helps to set up foreshadowing, twists, and those ‘full circle’ moments). I also plan each chapter scene by scene and know what each chapter is meant to accomplish. So yeah in a sense. 
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indecipherables · 4 years
💀  * [ maya hawke + cis female + she/her ] —— have you met clara elderton? they are a twenty-two year old first year postgraduate currently studying medicine. they live on farrow, and word around campus is that this gemini is incisive + observant, as well as callous + sardonic. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. a boat club scarf in deep maroon tied tightly around a pale neck (forced back across the collar of a grey checked wool coat by a brisk early morning breeze), indecipherable notes written in easily smudged black ink, eyes like unfamiliar and uninviting deep waters. 
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hello! i’m jess and this is my grumpy med student/river girl clara – more info beneath the cut (not particularly coherent)! this got accidentally long and rambly but tl;dr is: useless lesbian ice princess gets considerably more frosty when she returns back to holloway to find her best friend (who she was totally in love with for four years) has transferred out without telling her, leaving her alone to a) captain the rowing team her friend started and b) sulk herself to death. 
like this for plots and i will come bother you or feel free to drop me a message (i’m southern gothics#8995 on discord) if you have an idea or just want to vibe! 
𝐢. 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧?
     holloway’s rowing teams haven’t historically done very well in inter-collegiate competitions, your guide explains, trotting cheerfully along the paths down to the boat house. it’s the first week of a new school year and this poor soul has been tasked with giving you the lowdown on clubs and activities –– of which there seem to be an endless variety. 
your guide’s voice takes on a conspiratorial tone as he grinds to a halt just before the boat house. the boat club never did well UNTIL emma miralles and her friend clara elderton arrived at holloway about four years ago. by their junior year, the girls had completely revamped the women’s first boat and for the first time in decades holloway was holding its own in national competitions. emma should have been captain again this year - she was pre-med, y’know, they both were. they were going to stay here forever, because those courses take so many years, right? but something happened between them in spring. 
     so emma didn’t come back at the end of summer and now clara is here on her own –– captain of the women’s boat, even though she’s half the rower and half the captain emma was. i heard that she doesn’t even like rowing that much –– she was just doing it for emma all along. 
             it would be kind of sad if clara wasn’t so awful. 
the girl in question emerges at the door, engulfed in an enormous blue jumper. she doesn’t look AWFUL but her grim expression starkly contrasts with the warm glow of her appearance - gently tanned, golden-haired and spattered with freckles.  
anyway–– your guide whispers, though clara is clearly out of earshot –– all this to say don’t bother trying to join the women’s first boat. she’s made three girls cry already and there has only been one training session.  
𝐢𝐢. 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞?
❈  clara has always had a starkly unromantic view of the world. she does not believe in fate or in luck. the only time she has even considered the existence of destiny or a higher power is when the universe dropped emma miralles (quite literally) at her feet on her first day at holloway. 
❈ from the first flash of that enigmatic smile it became clear that the half-italian girl was everything clara was not - excitable, easy-going, effortlessly cool and yet welcoming and warm. somehow, despite the disparity in their upbringing and personalities, the two girls would be joint at the hip from then onwards. 
❈ clara was from some nowhere town just outside of boston. her parents were not especially rich themselves, but a distant relative and good samaritan had left a considerable sum in her will to allow the female line of eldertons to be educated wherever they chose, for as long as they wanted. clara, who had excellent grades and a desperation to get out of her dead-end town, found the longest course of study there was on offer –– a guarantee to keep her away from a town and a household that had never really been interested in her.
❈ emma was passionate about a lot of things - becoming a doctor fell just short of her love for rowing. clara was passionate about only one thing - emma - so whatever the other girl threw herself into, clara followed. she hoped that on the banks of the river, 5am, the sun creeping out over the frosty, dew-decorated grass, the light might hit her face in a certain way, that seeing clara in all the things she loved might one day allow emma to add clara to that list. clara threw herself into the work and into the sport, mustered a smile for all the people that fawned after emma. 
❈ the argument came out of nowhere, but at the same time seemed to have been brewing since they’d first met. as if they were always hurtling towards the same point, to the riverside on that balmy may evening. on campus clara was known for her sharp tongue, her biting remarks. few people knew that emma, away from the crowds of adoring freshman, the dumb blazered boys, the party-girls and doting tutors, was capable of quite equal malice. 
❈ perhaps, as had been suggested that night, emma had always known how clara felt about her - revelled in it slightly, enjoyed being worshipped. clara spent the whole summer holed up in a research lab on an internship in washington trying to find out. emma didn’t respond to any of her calls, not a single text. 
❈ but - this would be fine. there would be time in the fall to repair their friendship, right? wrong. emma didn’t return to holloway, leaving clara and the boat club completely in the lurch. 
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
[ ON THE SURFACE ––– she’s cold and abrasive, keen to let you know that she’d rather not participate in small talk and sees it as a waste of her time. in class she is attentive and bristles with do-not-sit-with-me energy, she has been likened to a robot and often gets comments on her need to improve her bedside manner if she ever hopes to be a surgeon. in the corridors she glowers - a warning to keep a wide berth. at training she is a machine, relentless in her criticisms even as she appears aimless, even despondent. she cannot trick anyone into thinking she cares as much as emma did.] 
[ BEHIND CLOSED DOORS ––– she softens noticeably, but is still made up of sharp corners. her words are still cutting, but more obviously said in essentially good-natured jest. she will lounge on furniture, sitting in imaginative ways to study and work on her notes. she isn’t easy and open with her affections, instead approval is shown in a series of quiet gestures: a cup of coffee appears unprompted, she reaches across you to tuck the label in your sweatshirt, she offers up her scarf without question, she lingers outside your final class of the day.]
𝐢𝐯. 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
i don’t have any specific wcs because i love to bounce off other characters with a bit more flexibility but please do let me know if you are looking to fill anything that you think clara might work for or we can muddle through something between us! 
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goldxnclara-blog · 5 years
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[ ELIZABETH GILLIES, female, she/her ] //:…loading vibe. CLARA BLYTH ALDRIDGE-WEST just joined vibe. their profile shows they’re a TWENTY-EIGHT year old EDITOR from LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. it’s nice to see some new faces around here. the vibe they put out is AMBITIOUS, but also MISTRUSTFUL and i hope that doesn’t stop their search. they have been on FOUR vibe dates in GENERATION ONE.
hello everyone! Damon here. i’m 18 and use they/them pronouns. i’m in gmt+0800, so i’ll tend to be a little late to events. being in the future, though, i can say with some confidence that you’re looking at a nice cloudy day. i’m currently on break after having completed my gce a levels, and am applying to university as well as part time jobs, so i’m just taking advantage of these few months of freedom to venture into the rp community. i’ve been rping for about six years and writing for about eight, but i’m always interested to learn and experience more. you can find my indie & musing blog here, and my rph blog here; my Discord is @agentn0vak#2056 feel free to hmu. on to Clara!
some things about my girl:
she certainly looks friendly enough at first glance, but she’s in professional mode most of the time and... isn’t really personally interested in many people
she’s a good boss, she’ll treat the people who work for her well - most of them actually like her, because she knows the value of appreciating your employees
she’s bi. but also have fun finding someone she likes enough to set her work aside for.
that’s why she joined Vibe! she’s not really looking for a long term relationship but she wants to get to know people outside of her work
she likes people that can help her to relax, but also have their shit together
if she doesn’t care for them she’ll drop them pretty quickly though. that’s why she’s only been on four dates that haven’t been all that successful lol
she can hold her alcohol, but she doesn’t like one night stands - you gotta earn it from her, honey
she doesn’t like her siblings, talking about them in front of her is an instant dealbreaker
since her family’s pretty influential you’d have to be living under a rock to not know her last name. as a result she likes to introduce herself with her middle name, going by Clara Blyth so people won’t try to use her for her power. she’ll only let you know her last name if she thinks you’re trustworthy
she’s been terrified ever since the visions started - although of course she hasn’t told anyone. she’s worried that there’s something wrong with her, like a brain tumour or something, and she’s gotten it checked but the doctors couldn’t find anything. she’s in control of herself 24/7 but these visions are something she can’t understand and they have her genuinely fearful for her life
plots/connections i’d like to see:
okay so this girl has definitely toppled her fair share of famous people, so i’d love someone whose life has been affected by her journalism - maybe you’ve got an uncle who went broke because she exposed him for exploiting foreign labour or whatever - not that she cares about ruining people’s lives because she thinks they deserve it, but it’d be fun for her to run into people like that sometimes
maybe someone she used to know when she was younger! she’s been all over the world, even spent a few years living abroad, so she might have met your character when she was a little younger
someone she’s met through her work? there's always interns or part timers or even... informants?
some friends from her college days, or even past Vibe dates??
there is so much we could do, i’ll be messaging people with ideas soon enough but if you have your own feel free to let me know!!
a quick breakdown of her history (this is so long honestly only the first and last bits are really important but i couldn’t help myself sorry):
Clara was born to Leopold Aldridge-West, a business mogul, and Portia Emerson, a socialite whose family broke into the hotel industry. she has two older siblings, Isla (34), and Cedric (32). Leopold’s name has been linked to various investment projects, financial services, and the entertainment industry.
Isla is her father’s right hand man, and is expected to take full command over all his companies as he prepares for retirement. at present she is already in control of his South American branches. Cedric, on the other hand, is more interested in politics, and works for the Attorney General of California.
while her family has a number of living estates in select countries, they currently reside in different states, with Clara having moved out into her own townhouse.
right from the start Clara was viewed as a backup to her siblings. while they were groomed to take over the Aldridge-West legacy (if not the companies, as was in Cedric’s case), Clara was set on a path to financial management in support of Isla.
she didn’t like it, but when your father has his fingers in half the businesses in California and is extending his reach into East Asia and South America what is a little teenage rebellion worth? so she kept her head down and followed her parents’ instructions dutifully.
in college, she took a journalism course as a bonus, and it changed her worldview for good; she realised she wanted to be part of the truth, speaking up on behalf of the people who didn’t have a voice themselves.
now that she’d found a purpose in life it was like she was a changed person. against her parents’ wishes she switched majors to journalism, and when she returned she joined the ranks of a fairly well-known investigative news site, the LA Inquirer. she started from the bottom as a journalist, but utilised her connections to chase down leads. in just three years she’d already written a number of successful articles that toppled her father’s business rivals.
she rose through the ranks quickly, where she met her mentor - Marek Czajka. he was tough and didn’t care that her family was powerful; he mentored her all the same, opening her eyes to the shit that goes on behind the scenes. things like corruption, exploitation, if it was a white collar crime he’d seen it. and the more he showed Clara the more she realised just how much she could change through her journalism.
Marek ultimately welcomed Clara to an anonymous network of whistleblowers that got their information just as illegally, and retired to leave her his legacy. with all the power Clara had, she grew ambitious and controlling, utilising various methods to gain information under her family’s noses. now editor at the LA Inquirer, she’s aware of just how much power she has, and the people she could destroy with what she knows.
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Mary Poppins Diary 2018
well hello There, I had diary of the show last year, so I'm making one this year, or at least I'm starting it, I won't continue it until we get into the opera house on Thursday, so in 4 days, also I don't have much down time in the show, so idk if it'll be longer or not, and similar to last time there's a hurricane a-comin, hurricane Florence is apparently going to hit North Carolina hard, it won't be as close to us as irma, but we will probably get some bad weather, oh also, do you remember noah from the last show, he is playing Bert in this show. Welp that is enough introduction so... se ya Thursday!
  Surprise I'm back, they are reworking step in time... a week and a half before the show..... UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!
In other news, there is a big group chat (like last time) and it's a bit bigger now, there is: holden, caraline, Lillian, savanna, cadence, noah, lolly, kane, Damaris, Bethany, mary grace, Clara grace, Brenley, kasha*, Lydia*, Cassie*, hope*, caleb* and Zoë* (* means they are new)
ALSO we have 2 sets of Janes and Michaels. So that's a little bit of an introduction, so ye, NOW I WILL SEE YOU AT THE OPERA HOUSE.
  Hi, it's the next day, I've decided that Imma still update it a little before we get to the opera house. Hurricane Florence is now a category 4, and South Carolina has evacuated its coast, o boi. Also we aren't moving into the opera house on Thursday like I thought, we move in on Saturday.
  Im at rehearsal right now, they are about to start practically perfect. Clara grace isn't here so margo is having to say her lines from the audience. Mortimer and I had a long conversation about video games; his favorite is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, mine is Super Paper Mario. Winston and Holly are playing Jane and Michael Oh shoot, gotta be on stage, I'll be back.
 Im back, hi. The bank scene is next and i have to be in that, they are doing spoonful of sugar now, holden is KILLING it as Robertson Ay so that's good, aight gotta go
 Im back again, it's feed the birds right now, and I think I'm going to finish with the diary for today. So see ya tomorrow.
 Hi actually another thing happened, someone is filling in for Clara Grace, she is doing ok surprisingly (considering she hasn't done this for 2 months like CG, and that she is a fair bit younger, so I am pleasantly surprised) ok NOW im gonna end it here, today was a lot.
   Hi, I'm back at rehearsal, we are about to run the show. The talking is way worse than normal, and I'm not feeling well; so rip today. The new Nintendo direct is hopefully coming out on Thursday, last week a huge earthquake hit Japan so they had to cancel it, which was the best thing to do in that situation. Either way, they are doing jolly Holiday, so ye.
 I just did the scene where I yell at the kids, the anger in it skyrocketed, and the book slamming perfectly only multiplied that anger, which sounds bad, but it was actually really good; I actually think I scared Everyone on stage
  Hiya, it's Wednesday now, not much has happened today, there wasn't a rehearsal today, so tomorrow is our last day before we get to the opera house
  Today is the last day before we move into the opera house, they are doing a flying rehearsal tomorrow but I don't fly so I want be able to tell how that will go, there is normal rehearsal tonight, we have 5 days until media night and 6 days until the show, so hell week (tech week) has officially started
 Im at rehearsal now, the fly guy, Marquee, is here and all of the props and set have been moved to opera house. I'm STRUGGLING without my umbrella. Oh also the Nintendo direct came out today and Isabelle from animal crossing is in smash bros so I'm HYPED. They are about to do jolly holiday. We haven't been able to condense the show into an hour and 15 minutes yet, and that is our max time for the school shows, so that is extremely stressful. Amelia is being adorable as ever, god I love her, we haven't gone on another date in a few weeks so we need to do that after the show is over
 Marquee seems impressed so far, we are at supercalifragilisticexpialidocious now, the show is going well so far
 I just did the yelling scene, Marquee is taking notes, that's both good and stressful.
 Mrs Andrew is singing her song now, Marquee was really impressed with the last note, we are about to start fly a kite, trisha is doing better as Jane, ok I gotta go on stage soon
 Ok, rehearsal is over and the next is gonna be in the opera house, I got sauce containers for my accio sauce; I will be eating in my dressing room a lot and ranch gets everywhere so Imma just bring the  accio (also noah may want to try some). Hurricane Florence is hitting land now, North Carolina has declared a state of emergency, I hope Abbie doesn't get too bad of weather.
    Well hi, so today was stressful. Imma get all the good stuff out of the way first, so, amelia and I went on a date today so that was good. And that's all the good stuff done, NOW THE STRESSFUL STUFF.
          ༼strong language is used here༽
 Today was a cluster fuck. The new staff at the opera house has no clue what they are doing and can't think ahead far enough for anything to get done. So for starters the stage left stairwell is being remodeled, and the ensemble dressing rooms are under the stage, that means that anyone who is in show that enters from stage left has to walk behind the god damn psych. And in the event of a fire, they won't have an easy exit, because the pit doors are usually locked during shows, and the stage right staircase is a spiral. And what is the opera house doing about this? Jack fucking shit. Also the school shows are being fucked up too, some idiot thought it would be a fucking brilliant idea to have the school buses park 2 blocks north of the actual opera house on an unpaved road. That means that 1000 elementary school children will be walking in a line to and from the buses for 30 minutes before and after the show FOR 2 BLOCKS DOWNTOWN, and we don't even know if the weather will be good or not, if it rains then to fucking bad, those kids have to walk in the rain. Because why not, it's not like there is a HUGE parking lot for the civic center across the street that has been more than welcome to hold the busses OH FUCKING WAIT THERE IS. The fire Chief almost had to cancel the show because the opera house crew can't actually finish the INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT FIXES before the show. NOT TO MENTION THE HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE IS ACTUALLY BLOCKED OFF BY THE CONSTRUCTION. AND NO ONE THOUGH THIS WAS POSSIBLY A BAD IDEA. The city isn't doing anything about it either, what can they do, none of the new opera house staff will respond to their calls. And I get that they are busy but the previous staff had all the work done for them, they've just been sitting there with their thumbs up there asses for A MONTH finishing none of the work and only making their jobs HARDER. I just don't understand how a group of adults can fuck up so badly to endanger the lives of not only all of the 88 kids in the cast, but the 1000 that are going to just be walking the streets during school shows and not have one person, just one person, say "hey what if instead... we didn't" also the renovation to the stage left stairwell is purely to make a new room, there are no structural readjustments or improvements being made.
     ༼ok im done yelling and cussing now༽
   So yeah, today sucked, I have my first rehearsal in the opera house in over a year tomorrow, so YEET
    So today is my first rehearsal in the opera house, im getting ready to leave soon.
 Cherry tree lane just ended, we are now working with flight so that is fun, we are having to re block some scenes to work around it. Holden actually hit his head on the desk this time so that ain't good they are working a scene change right now. The curse of the opera house, everything that seems to be going well suddenly isn't and has to be changed. They are about to start jolly holiday, I gotta get to stage left now
 Ok so it's spoonful of sugar right now and the moving around is stressful,
  ok so they are doing feed the birds and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious now, next is intermission, this show is extremely stressful, and having no stage left is... oh boy. We haven't even gotten to intermission yet and we've been rehearsal for an hour and a half
  rehearsal is almost over, they are working on the flying parts
  Im heading to rehearsal now, we are doing act 2 and whatever else we can today. The stress is really getting to everyone, Lillian almost had an emotional breakdown all throughout yesterday.
Both holden and I actually did have an emotional breakdown, we hugged and both almost cried. It's gonna get better though, tech week is always the most stressful. I have a lot to do when I get there, I have to get my makeup on, then my costume, then my mic, then who knows what else .
  Hi im at rehearsal, in costume.
 Ok so we just finished the show and are doing it again, Winston and Holly are now Jane and Michael. Ok imma check and see if im needed
   Im back home, and a FRIPP ton of stuff has happened; for starters, Carrie Elaine almost died, not exaggerating either, her flight was horrible, she was sideways and nearly slammed her head on the balcony. Noah was basically drunk after the run through due to his harness being so incredibly painful.
  It's spoonful currently, Andrew is changing right now next is the bank scene, Andrew looks like a freaking albino raccoon because of the makeup.
 I just did the bank scene and Andrew is still getting his makeup off. im sitting in my dressing room for the next few scenes and intermission. They recording aswell, also I just learned that a piano is a percussion instrument and I don't know how I feel about that. But now my question is, what type of instrument is an electric keyboard, like is it wind, string, or percussion, I know that there is brass, woodwind and keyboard, but like the three basic types. Also I hate the fact that there is a "keyboard" type I mean like all of the keyed instruments can be placed into other categories other than the electronic keyboard, organs are wind, pianos are apparently percussion, accordions are wind, so why make a specific type?
  Act 2 has started, and there have been a few hiccups here and there but so far, it's good. The audience is enjoying it too. My feet are killing me.
  Today is media night, oh boi. Media night is always cursed, and we open on Wednesday, another cursed day
 Im in costume the entire main cast is jamming out to Africa, take on me, boogie wonderland, and we're not gonna take it. We were gonna listen to jimmy buffet but other people had to change so rip. A PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL CONTACTED AMELIA, IM SO HAPPY!
 Ok house is about to open.
 I'll update the journal later, my phone is at 6 percent
 I ran directly into a wall.
 I'm heading to the opera house now, amelia is gonna watch it tonight, and considering that until recently she didn't even know that people could fly on stage, she will LOVE it.
 I just carried Winston, also we can't have our phones on during the show, it's interfering with the mics.
 Act 2 just started and a cable has broken, marry and mrs Andrew can't fly for the rest of the night, bert still can but still.
 Other than the lack of flying the show went very well.
 Hi it's 2 days later, flying is working again, we have already done 2 shows today, and are about to do a 3rd one, someone is stealing some of the costume pieces, Lillian's apron and gloves are missing and hope's apron was found in someone else's dressing room. Lillian had to take all of her clothes with her when she left so it won't get stolen.
 We are heading to the show, dancing queen just came on the radio so yEET. During the break between shows today, Andrew and I listened to music in our dressing room, he tried to squat on top of the trashcan.
 School shows were fun today, we had to cut jolly holiday because of time.
  Hey so is the final day and there were two shows today and both were really good, noah didn't knock over the vase in the second show and I played it off and he did too and the scene continued and it was AMAZING. Also in the first show the flying kite didn't work. Abbie was here for them and really liked the shows, ALSO ALSO tate and trisha really stepped up their game for the last show, and it really worked. IN THE FINALE HOLDEN KISSED HOPE ON THE CHEEK AND I FREAKING LOVED IT. Andrew strapped a bunch of wire hangers to himself to try and conduct electricity. Lillian was bawling and it was really sad, she was literally born to play mary poppins, and now it's over. But like actually though, Lillian just actually looks like Julie Andrews, the hair, the face, the VOICE, etc. It's gonna be hard to not do this show anymore but not as hard as others. But I'll make another diary soon, for next show. I guess you can say "the showS must go on". Also my favorite part of this was watching noah walk up the opera house proscenium during step in time.
  and now i guess it's over, this show was incredibly fun, but incredibly stressful, from the opera house construction, to the rivaling theater companies, to the costumes being stolen. All in all, I don't want to start the show over, nor do I want to do one more show, I want to be done and be ready to move forward, and to remember this show as a good memory, not a bad one. So that's what I'm gonna do.
 I'll make more diaries soon.
                        -Gorge Banks
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Unexpected -- {16}
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You stood in the doorway and watched as Yoongi sat on Lily’s bed and read her a story.  Lily was laying down, her head slightly resting on Yoongi’s shoulder.  You watched almost in a trance as your daughter calmed down little by little, until her tired eyes closed, head still resting on Yoongi’s shoulder.
It took every ounce of willpower you had not to cry at the sight.
You walked out into the living room to try and control your emotions.  You heard Yoongi’s footsteps coming from Lily’s room, but didn’t look towards him yet.
“I better get going. Thanks for letting me read to her. It was really fun.”
“She really likes you, ya know.” you pointed out.
“It’s good that the feeling is mutual then.  You’ve raised a great little girl.”
Yoongi didn’t hesitate this time when he gave you a small hug before leaving.
The next morning you were woken up by your phone ringing.
“Hello?” you answered, hoping it came out legible.
“Still sleeping? It’s past 9.” Namjoon said.
“Yeah, it was a rough day and night so I was just really tired I think. What’s up?” you asked.
“We were wondering if you and Lily wanted to come and spend the day here with us? I know it’s Lily’s surprise day, but if you don’t have any other plans we’d love to have you guys.  We start schedules tomorrow so we’re going to be really busy.”
“We didn’t have anything planned since I was so busy with the showcase. I think that’s a great idea.  I’ll go get Lily up and we’ll see you guys in a bit.”
When you walked into Lily’s room you found her laying awake on her bed.
“How come you didn’t come and wake me up?” you asked her, sitting next to her on the bed.
“I didn’t wanna bother you.” she said.
“Oh baby, you never bother me.  Can we talk?” you asked her.
“Can we do it later?” she asked.
“Of course. But only if you promise to talk to me.” you said, holding out your pinky to her.
“I promise.” she said, wrapping her tiny finger around yours.
“Alright munchkin, gotta get up and get ready.” you told her.
“It’s Lily’s surprise day!!” you said, hoping your voice sounded excited.  It wasn’t that you weren’t excited, you just hated when Lily was mad at you because it didn’t happen often.
“Really? We’re going to do surprise day?” Lily asked, a little light coming back into her eyes.
“Yep, but only if you get up and get ready.  I’ll even let you eat poptarts in my car on the way.”
“Whoa. You never let me eat in your car!” Lily said, jumping out of bed and going over to her dresser.
“Well it’s a special day! I’m going to go get dressed too. Come get me if you need any help.”
“Momma, I’ve been dressing myself for a long time.” Lily pouted.
“Yeah well, that doesn’t always work out.  You don’t always wear matching clothes baby.” you laughed.
“Neither do you, but I’m only almost 5.” Lily said, sass coming back tenfold.
“Ya know what kid, just for that, I’m gonna wear mismatched clothes today.”
“Oh momma, please don’t. I was just kidding!” Lily begged.
“Okay okay, you win. Get ready.” you said before closing her door and go back to your own room.
“Why is we at a hotel momma?” Lily asked.  You thought she would remember the guys were staying here, but the one time you dropped Yoongi off she had been fast asleep in the back seat.
“Well baby it’s a surprise.” you said.
You took the elevator to the floor Namjoon had said they were staying on and found their room door.
“Why don’t you know Lily?” you said, prompting her to knock on the door.
She looked up at you a little apprehensively, but once she saw your encouraging smile she knocked on the door.
You don’t think it even took five seconds for someone on the other side to open it.
“Kookie! Hi! What are you doing here?” Lily asked.  “Are you here for my surprise day too?!”
“This is your surprise! You guys get to hang out here with us.” Jungkook said as the two of you walked into the hotel room.
“That sounds fun, but what are we going to do in a hotel?” Lily asked.
You had wondered the same thing.  But you didn’t need to wonder long.
Twenty minute later found Jin and Lily jumping on one of the beds in the room.  You wanted to tell her to stop, it was rude.  But she was having so much fun, and you were still feeling really guilty about last night.
“Jin, stop.  It’s dangerous.” You heard Yoongi say from across the room.  You knew it was for Lily’s sake and not for Jin’s. At that you had to smile.
“It’s okay, I’m tired anyway” Lily said, hopping off the bed.
“I’m hungry.” she said as she came to sit with you on the couch.
“What are you hungry for? We can call room service, or have something delivered.  Whatever you want.” Yoongi said, bringing over a menu from the restaurant in the hotel.
“Oh, do they have cheeseballs? I love cheeseballs.” Lily said.  You had to laugh because Lily got her love of fried cheese from you.
“If they don’t I’m sure we can find a place close by that does.”
All of you took your time looking over the menu before decided to order room service.  Lily had gone with breakfast foods with a side of cheeseballs, and you ordered the same thing.
As you waited on the food you were looking around the suite the guys were staying in.
Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting on opposite beds in one room, laptops in front of them, playing video games.  Jimin and Hoseok were in one corner of the living room and they looked like they were talking about choreography because every once in awhile one of them would break out in a random dance room.  Namjoon was sitting in a chair with a notepad in front of him, pen in his mouth.  Jin was looking over the menu again.  Your best guess was he was contemplating ordering more food.  And Yoongi was sitting on the couch with you, Lily squished between the two of you as the two of them played a game on his phone.
It was weird seeing them in their own environment.  It seemed as though they were all comfortable being together, but doing their own thing.  It was also nice that they felt comfortable enough to do what they wanted with you and Lily there.  You didn’t feel like an intruder, or an outsider.  Looking around it felt comfortable, and normal even.
“So how’s the writing for the album coming along?” you asked Yoongi.
“It’s mostly done.  There’s a few tweaks we have to make, but those usually happen during the recording process.” He said, looking up form the game him and Lily were playing.
“How long will you guys record?” you asked.
“It just depends on how many changes we make along the way.  The album release date iss set for October 10th so we have a few months, and it won’t take that long.”
It was currently the middle of July.  That meant it was only a couple of weeks from Lily’s 5th birthday and six weeks until she started school again.
“Hey, I’ll be right back.” you said suddenly, getting an idea.
You walked into the room Taehyung and Jungkook were in, pulling Jimin and Hoseok in with you.
“Got a minute?” you asked.
“Well we do now.” Jimin shot back. “What’s up?”
“I was just thinking about it and Lily’s birthday is in two weeks, the last day of July.  We usually just have a little party with Miss Clara and us since it’s summer and it’s hard to get in touch with kids from her school. Do you guys want to celebrate with us this year? I know you guys are going to be really busy, but if you have a free day I think Lily would love that.”
“As long as we don’t have any meetings scheduled we can make the time. Do you know what day it falls on?” Hoseok asked.
“Yeah it’s two weeks from today so Sunday.”
“Oh, then we can for sure make it. Do we get to bring gifts?!” Hoseok asked. Jungkook and Taehyung both shot their heads up at the question.
“Oh no please don’t worry about that. She’ll get gifts from Clara and I, just bring yourselves.”
“Who shows up at a kids birthday party without a gift? That’s just mean.” Taehyung said.
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weneedtherooks · 7 years
War Letters AU: Introductions
Wow, this one is my longest yet!
Okay, so this is an AU in which Clara never actually got sent back in time. Here, she’s still April Hughes. It’s the year 2000 and she’s 17 years old.  With this AU comes some new tags! I’ll still be using #my ocs and #shitty dialogue, but in this case you’ll see #april and friedrich as well as #april hughes. I’ll also be tagging this as #war letters au.
Since they aren’t actually speaking, this is just the conversation in German. Thinking to themselves is still the same. 
“April Hughes: World War One, Germany.”
April blinked a couple times. “Germany…? Really? So I have to write to the bad guys?”
The teacher got a chuckle out of that. “Well, it’s not often that someone in this class is able to handle a second language. And, as it just so happens, you’re that person.” April shrugged. “Alrighty then. Well, I hope they’re ready to get the best letter EVER.”
Ever since the Voyager Project started, tons of people had been writing letters to people in the past. They still weren’t super comfortable with the idea of sending whole groups back, but letters and presents seemed to be okay. April’s school just happened to be one of the lucky picks for a special program they were doing: War Letters. A few schools were given a different war and a side with which to write to. Apparently, they managed to convince each country that they had a special delivery system approved by the government so that they could send letters back and forth every day, if they chose. April scoffed to herself quietly. Government approved. What kind of money do you gotta have to pull off just saying “government approved”?
“So, what’re you gonna write?”
April looked over to see the overly curious face of her best friend, Nancy Rogers. “I don’t know. I’m not entirely sure some soldier in 1916 Germany wants to be talking to a random seventeen year old kid. Nancy rolled her eyes. “Well, then write something that will make them want to! You’re a creative kid, and if anyone can pull it off…”
She sighed. “Alright, lemme see what I can do…”
“Here. Letter for you.”
The soldier sat up, bunching his eyebrows in confusion. “I have not sent any letters. How could I possibly have one addressed to me?” “It is not addressed to anyone, sir. They simply said to give it to you.”
He sighed. Of course. Why not give it to me? I have nothing better to do but answer some anonymous…
He opened the letter.
I was wondering if maybe you and I could write to each other? After all, I am sure a little friendly conversation will help to pass the time! How are you doing? Are the days very difficult for you right now? I hope you are doing well, even under the current circumstances.
I am looking forward to your reply,
A. H.”
“A. H.?” he muttered out loud. He scratched the back of his neck. Oh, why not? He grabbed his writing supplies. “Let us see what sort of person you are, A. H.” 
“I’m fine. I don’t see how small talk could hurt. If you want to continue, please send me a clipping of your hair, what color lipstick you wear, and whatever else you feel like. Just to get to know you, of course. Signed, F.R.” April stared at the reply letter. What the hell kind of response is that?
“He has to be joking, right?” Nancy asked, looking somewhat annoyed at the written request. April tapped the table she was sitting at, contemplating.
Alright then. I’ll play along.
“Nancy, I need you to come with me!” Her friend stuttered. “Where are we going?” “Cafeteria! I need to use the shop for some things!”
Inside the cafeteria was a small shop of sorts. It could get you whatever little odds and ends you wanted, no matter what time period you asked for. Even pictures, should you need or want one...and April was in need of one.
“I want to take a picture with you! And I’ll also need to grab a couple of my flowers from Mrs. Baker’s classroom...and I need you to cut my hair a bit.” Nancy looked at her, a little shocked. “You’re really gonna go through with it?” April put her hands on her hips. “Who says I’m not gonna ask for the same in return?”
After running about the school for ten minutes, she scribbled down a reply and put the items she’d gathered into the envelope. Okay, F.R. Your move. 
He chuckled, holding the lock of wavy blonde hair in front of him. She actually did it…
“Dear F. R.,
I do not like wearing lipstick all that much, and I hope his lock of hair is to your satisfaction. The flowers inside are clover and lilac. They are my favorites! I also left a paint smear on this, in case you wanted to know my favorite color was purple-like the lilacs. I like Hershey’s chocolate kisses and Chiclets! I enjoy listening to the rain and running outside with no shoes on!
What about you? Do you think you could send me a few things in return?
April Hughes, age 17”
“April, huh…?” He smiled. Such a simple girl. He called one of the other soldiers over. Well, let’s give the young lady what she asked for. 
She took the letter from her teacher, walking over to her desk. It seemed a little bulky...Did he really send me stuff as well? When she opened the envelope, she noticed the lock of dirty blond hair sitting at the bottom. There was also a dirt-covered playing card, a couple small poppies, and a single bullet casing.
“Miss April Hughes, age 17,
Thank you for the items in your previous letter. They did brighten my day a bit. I was not expecting you to actually send me your hair, so I applaud you for that. It only seems fair that I send my own, if you can pardon how dirty it is. It is nice to see flowers other than the poppies, but I imagined you would like to see them, so I sent a couple. I do not have any kind of paint with me, but I rather like the color copper. You had asked how my days were a couple letters back, and the only way I could describe that was to send the casing. It is dull usually, an endless loop of cleaning guns and shooting them. I do not really like candies, but I am fond of desserts. Rote grütze is a particular favorite. I enjoy listening to the rain as well, but in my position, it is better to keep my footwear on.
Until your next letter,
Friedrich Rosenthal, age 20”
April smiled. Nancy scooted her chair closer, peeking at the letter. “So, his name is Friedrich, huh? Sounds pretty interesting. You gonna keep writing to him?”
“You know...I think I will.”
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