#my coworker found this on insta
thebirdtatts · 5 months
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His hair is growing back 😍
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tariah23 · 4 months
Omgggg I rly did work with sm beautiful girls….
#miss cece I miss Steff I miss jade ahhh all of the girls from the spa looked like models I’m just 🧍🏾‍♀️ but I appreciated them all omg#still need to hang out with cece one of these days#she looks like a model but she’s not stuck up about it and is a girls girl like to the truest form I should text her#when I get some money my sis and cece gotta hang out for sure steff needs to be there omg I’ll rly have to dress up then they both look#like models skjssjs#I used to like riding the train back home from work with steff especially since the redline is so unpredictable and dangerous#cece mentioned that she wanted my sis and I to meet her sister… I just found Cece’s insta and her sister is so cute awww#I remember her talking about her sister and where she came from and getting emotional because of her being Syrian and how her family had to#leave there to come to America… and she rec me a movie called ‘swimmers’ or something like that#I’m trying to remember but ah man#rambling#she was so sweet! I know that she’s planning on going to med school and that she has a millionaire bf (we met him at a work party and#played ping pong with his white ass) he was rly nice even tho I got told some… things about him from another coworker… it’s a lot omg…#cece is one of the nicest ppl that you’ll ever meet in rl tho like she’s extremely friendly and funny too#like she looks very sophisticated and like a millionaires model wife is the best way that I Can describe her lol#edit: the movie is called ‘the swimmers’#I still want to watch it
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eyesopentv · 6 months
i accidentally told my coworker i’m trans today and he just said “yeah i know it’s on your instagram” 🤦
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grrrlsinner · 6 months
and the best part is that his wife is friends with a lot of the girls who run Fat Babes of Columbus which was one of the most exciting parts of moving here for me and now feeling like I can’t go to any of the events and make cool new girl friends breaks my fucking heart to no end like wtf why did this have to happen like this????
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axolotlclown · 9 months
the craziest part about being a man is that you could have a super chill relationship with another male coworker like absolutely zero problems and then bring them up with a female coworker and hear crazy shit like "that guy? he keeps trying to send me dick pics on instagram so that ill join his thruple or whatever"
and youre standing there like 🧍
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irisinluv · 3 months
Yandere Stardew Valley- Sebastian
I've been playing some Yandere Stardew mods recently. While I love them..... I feel like they do my husband (Sebastian) wrong. The citizens of Pelican Town are telling me that they can't hang out with me because Sebstian threatened them. That they've noticed some weird behavior. That he's physically violent. I disagree with all of these for Sebby.
He's our hot programmer boyfriend who lives in his basement bedroom, and only emerges to enjoy a smoke break, or to go see his friends. Now, while again, I do enjoy playing the mods...... I think his cannon behavior sets him up to be the perfect chronically online yandere. Pelican Town isn't exactly the most connected (6 out of the 11 rivals have access to a computer), but there's still potential. Obviously they're gonners if they have a computer. Sam finds himself doxed after making a comment about the gifts you gave him this week, and poor Haley's socials are blowing up with hate comments- from her personal insta to her photography blog.
But what about the other 5? The ones who are more disconnected? Well. It's easy enough to get Shane fired from joja. A little email to Morris from "HQ" saying he either fires Shane or his own pay gets docked..... well. Suddenly, everyone's favorite alcoholic doesn't even have a job anymore. Elliott suddenly has all these taxes he hasn't paid on his little shack..... beachfront properties cost a lot, you know. The parents stop letting Penny watch their kids after some..... explicit photos get leaked. It doesn't matter that they're edited. These people don't know about Photoshop. All they know is apparently Penny's making ends meet to support her mother..... and there's a new favorite subject to gossip on between all the older women. The other rivals are equally taken care of. All you need to focus on now is how Sebastian is the only reliable option in the whole damn town.
And he knows you so well, doesn't he? You, who lived away from it all until now. You, who WAS connected to the internet. Who had their entire life detailed through Facebook updates and Instagram posts. Honestly, Sebastian thinks that maybe he DOESN'T need to leave Pelican town... looking at the life you lived before coming to the valley, he thinks its much easier to keep you safe when he can control everything that goes on. There were too many factors to your old life. Too many parties to go to, coworkers to talk to, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends worry about. No. Sebastian thinks that city life isn't fit for the two of you to start you life together.
While he enjoyed seeing the trip down memory lane of who you were before becoming the farmer, and learning more about your likes and dislikes, he much prefers this version of you. The version of you who he found bouncing on their toes outside his door, excitedly shoving a frozen tear at him. Who eventually became the only person he was genuinely excited to have come barging into his room unannounced. And the thought of moving into the farm with you was all together far too tempting. He can picture it already. He'd set up a little area to work on his bike, he'd help out around the farm for you (he saw your hands covered in scrapes and splinters one day, and you sheepishly told him your fences had started wearing down.... but fixing a fence was another first for you. So you ended up scraping yourself up a bit on the old wood. Now, Sebastain, who, while he doesn't enjoy it, grew up with a carpenter mother..... well. He's going to make sure you never have that many splinters again.) Oh and he can already imagine it. The two of you, far away from the rest of the town, from prying eyes, no one to hear what you two would get up to as he helped you relax after a long day of working the feilds.....
This fantasy would sustain him until you eventually asked him to marry you. I don't think he would rush anything. To you, and the rest of the citizens, he was just normal Sebastian. Showing up for band practice, playing pool at the bar (although he seemed to play much better when a certain farmer came to watch). He just realized that the best way to control all the factors in town would be to remain anonymous. Avoid suspicion. After all. In a small town like that, it would be all too easy to turn against him if he decided to publicly threaten someone. And how would you react if you came to drop off some fresh sashimi to your boyfriend, only to find him being dragged out of his house by Clint, with Marlon standing nearby, ready to ship him off to face justice in the adventurers guild? No. That wouldn't do. He can't add any more stress to you like that. He'd remain the puppeteer, pulling the strings of the valley.
This isn't to say Sebastian never stalks you in person or anything like that. He can't help himself. He's a night owl. He knows the villagers schedules, has since before you even came to town. So, he knows he can get away with digging in the trash to find the straw you threw away at the bar. And if someone does hear him.... well. Linus is going to be everyone's first thought. He does, however, start adopting a stricter routine as far as monitoring your house after you mention how you sell your produce.
Sebastian was rightfully horrified when you explained that Mayor Lewis comes by your farm at night to collect anything you wish to sell. How it's such a relief to be able to just chuck things in the the bin as you're rushing to bed at 1:50 in the morning, only to get up first thing and start your day again, and not have to worry about lugging all your goods to the store. Sebastian won't criticize you for the lack of sleep..... no. That's not what's worrying. What's worrying is that this old man who has a gold statue of himself and who gets it on in the bushes with his secret girlfriend (of course Sebastian knows about that) is showing up to your house sometime after 2 am. His mind flashes back to his fantasy of the two of you, completely alone on the farm.... and then is mortified as this fantasy morphs into a nightmare where he looks up from bed with you, and sees Lewis' wrinkled face peering through the window. Yea. No. Sebastain installs some hidden cameras to make sure Lewis doesn't get up to anything funny while you're defenseless, asleep, alone..... ok he might need to get a new mayor elected. The old man might just have to go. Perhaps to a home outside the town. Regardless, he makes sure Lewis stops coming by as frequently. Frustratingly, he isn't able to completely stop it, but that'll be an easy fix once the two of you are married. He'll act surprised, "wow Lewis, that's so kind of you to help out the farmer all this time. But hey, don't worry, I'll take over. I'm up late anyways, and it's the least I can do!" But Sebastian still wakes up in a cold sweat and frantically rushes to check the cameras, making sure you're OK. That Lewis really is just checking the shipping bin.
Once y'all get married, he shows a bit more of that possessive side to you. But you chalk it up to just bedroom spicy time, and honestly find his hand tightening on your waist as Elliot asks you to read his latest poem hot.
Just. Yandere Sebastian brain rot.
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
Yaaaas to the photographer blurb!!
here it is ! photographer!yn and harry’s first meeting <3 this is also my entry for @harry-on-broadway’s writing challenge !! the dialogue i picked is in bold 💖💖 hope you like this
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated ! | SUBSCRIBE TO MY PATREON
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Life could take crazy turns sometimes.
And as YN arrived to the location where she was going to shoot the latest cover for Rolling Stone magazine, the only thing she could think about was how her life was about to change forever.
It wasn't just any magazine cover, it was Rolling Stone's first ever global cover, and the person on it was no other than the world's most wanted man, Harry Styles.
It was safe to say that she was very shocked when she got the email inviting her to be the person behind the camera for the occasion, and she was even more gobsmacked when she found out that Harry himself suggested that she was the ideal person to shoot his cover.
Turns out, Harry found out about her through his photographer and friend Anthony Pham, and ever since he saw her pictures he knew he needed to work with her.
And he didn't want to admit it yet, but he thought she was absolutely gorgeous.
Taking a deep breath and with her camera gear in hand, YN approached the group of people gathered in the location getting everything ready for the shoot, and she felt a bit of relief when she spotted Harry Lambert, someone who she knew and had worked with in the past.
"YN, you're here ! I was waiting for you." Lambert said as he bend down a little to give her a hug as a greeting, YN hugging him back and her nerves calming down a bit already.
"It's so good to see you again, Lambert. But I'm not late am I?" being late was one of YN's biggest pet peeves and the mention of Lambert waiting for her sent alarms to her brain.
"Oh no dear, you're not, I was just eager to show you the looks we picked for the shoot. Who's actually quite late is our boy Harry, which is rare for him." and before you could reply, a voice made both of you turn around.
"Come on Lamby, don't go around putting on a bad word for me." Harry said as he walked in, wearing comfortable clothes and with a cup of coffee in hand, his manager Jeffrey following behind.
"What can I say sue, the first impression is the one that matters." they joked around and YN coulnd't help but smile a bit, she could tell they were a great group of friends and not just coworkers.
However, YN's smile turned into a nervous expression when she noticed Harry approaching her.
"Hello, I'm Harry, It's so nice to finally meet you." YN thought it was quite endearing how he introduced himself by name even thought she was pretty sure everyone in the world knew it, and she allowed herself to stare at his eyes for a second before introducing herself.
"I'm YN, and It's really nice to meet you too, I was so eager to work with you." she said and a smile made its way to both of their faces. YN had worked with celebrities in the past and most of them were entitled, with a preppy attitude and overall rude for no reason, Harry however, gave her a warm and friendly vibe, he was someone down to earth and that was easy to tell.
"Harry! Time for clothes and makeup!" his manager called out for him and that was their cue to go their own ways, YN knew already this was going to be her best shooting.
A couple hours had passed and the shooting was going smoothly, they had moved to different locations and Harry had changed clothes multiple times.
YN found out that Harry was a great person to work with and he was easy to direct, on top of that he was really friendly and kept making conversation all the time.
Or more like, he kept teasing YN because according to him "she is really tiny and It's adorable how she carries her big cameras around", it was safe to say that YN's cheeks were constantly blushing.
"You know, I feel like I'm going to love this photoshoot so much to the point it will become my favorite." Harry said after a couple of flashes were snapped, a red and white jumpsuit whit a yellow cardigan adorning his body, he picked a flower that was laying around and decided to use it as a prob for the pictures.
"I mean, that would make me feel really accomplished" YN snapped a couple more pictures, she enjoyed capturing spontaneous moments when people in front of the camera where being their natural selves.
"You don't need my validation to feel proud of yourself though, you're an amazing photographer" he said as he posed of YN's camera, and she was glad the device was covering her face and he couldn't see her cheeks blushing once again.
"Thank you Harry, that's very nice of you" YN told him sincerely, and when she caught a glimpse of his eyes, she knew he had something on his mind that he was yet to tell her.
"You know, my current tour photographer needs to take a break to take care of some family stuff," he cautiously began, "And I'm going to need someone who can take his place, I know you did some tour photography before the pandemic, if you don't have any upcoming projects scheduled, I would be thrilled to have you on the road" and YN was completely taken back by the offer, not expecting to end the day with a new job opportunity, and a huge one.
Even though YN knew taking this opportunity would be life changing for her, she couldn't help but let intrusive thoughts cloud her head, "I mean, I'm really flattered for the offer, but I'm not sure if I'm the ideal person for the job," she hid behind her camera again, feeling slightly embarrassed all of the sudden.
"Of course you are, I wouldn't be offering you the job if I didn't think you were," he said and before the photographer could protest, he spoke again, "Besides, if you're not sure about all the traveling, we're doing residencies this time," YN could tell that he really wanted her to take the offer, and she knew she wanted too, but the little voice on his head was not on her side as usual.
"Look Harry, I'm really grateful for the offer and I know it'll be a great opportunity for me, but I need to meditate it a bit before I make a decision, okay?" and YN could see a small smile on his face caused by her response.
"Okay, but I'm not going down without a fight, just so you know!" he pointed the flower on his hand at her before, causing both to laugh before YN focused on photographing him again.
Another hour had passed and the photoshoot was successfully wrapped up, many crew members had said their goodbyes already and YN was putting away her camera equipment when Harry approached her again.
"So, have you made your mind up about the tour photographer position?" he told her with a mischievous expression, he wasn't lying with his previous statement about not going down without a fight, he had been mentioning the wonders about the job and persuading YN to take it at least every 15 minutes.
"You're really persistent, aren't you?" YN said as she put her backpack on her shoulder, a small smile on her own appearing on her face.
“I’ll take that as a compliment” and even thought YN completely missed the flirtatious tone on his voice, Harry definitely noticed how flustered she suddenly got.
"Look, I'll think about it," and that was enough for Harry to get giddy and excited already, "And I'll give you a reply by the end of the week, okay?" she said as they began to walk together towards where their cars were parked.
"That's wonderful, I can't wait to be tourmates with you, tiny."
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci i @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia
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shiveringgroovy · 3 months
bsd social media hcs who uses what/ what do their profiles look like
HELP oh my god. i'm gonna do the ADA and maybe later on the other organizations :3
got really into the internet after being picked up by the ada but lost interest in it after a while
probably browses tumblr casually and likes cat videos or things of that nature
dazai made him a twitter account that he never uses
basic/default account style, he's not flashy about it and doesn't care to personalize his account. if he did, his pfp would probably be a cat or a low quality chazuke pic
inat casual. just there to see cool animals (i headcanon him as a naturalist so hard nobody understands)
twitter user and not ashamed. posts the stupidest shit and has like 20k tweets. probably didn't use socials at all until he left the port mafia but this guy is always tweeting
he's got some stupid ass layout like my priv twitter.
either 3 followers or 5k followers. no in between
has gotten sussed multiple times
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Casual reddit user and once did an "am i the asshole for punching the shit out of my coworker for being suicidal" and got put in one of those subway surfer text to speech things
and dazai found it, IMMEDIATELY recognized who it was, and would not let kunikida live it down
he's afraid to post anything now
same as atsushi, default settings
not a big social media girlie!!
probably has instagram and posts stuff she likes on her story, only two posts on her profile
pfp is a picture of a butterfly with blood on its wings because it goes hard
LOVES the internet. specifically pinterest and the girlie side of tumblr (naomi introduced her)
pins are very aesthetically pleasing, she's got a nice following on pinterest for posting pics of her snacks from outings and such
let her be happy and girlie and full of whimsy she deserves it :3
i'm tired of naomi slander. she's the victim of HORRIBLE writing and i hate asagiri for making a character that's otherwise a sweetheart into one unfunny "joke."
sorry rant over
she introduced kyouka to the internet and helped her set up a pinterest and tumblr (also warned her to stay off tumblr because shit gets icky QUICK)
same sort of stuff as kyouka, but likes posting her fit checks rather than food
has a twitter, doesn't use it often
idk what to say about him i don't think he's into socials all that much
voted for sans
fairly popular on tumblr, has a picture of karl in a chip bag as his pfp
has insta only to follow yosano
pfp on insta is probably a cute picture of him and poe :)
considers the mycelium network a social media
but yeah he has an inaturalist
identification GOD. like holy hell how did you guess the exact species and sex of that spider little farm boy
also another one of my naturalist headcanons except it's like?? basically canon idk
you thought i was gonna forget a woman didn't you. no girlie left behind it's women's month
has the most aesthetically pleasing instagram ever
large following on insta, pinterest, and twitter
she's just a really positive person :)
shares pics from the agency that she thinks are cute
what do i even say here
he has whatsapp that's fucking IT
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linkito · 5 months
HI HELLO HI. dumping these here :3
🎨 favorite piece of fanart? link it!
Oh god. Oh geez. That’s so hard to judge. I’ll just judge it based on what’s saved on my phone.
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Obviously I adore applestruda’s art, it’s always so stunning. This particular piece of Scar from sl has been my phone background since the finale. I absolutely love it.
Next is this piece by skimmeh of stareater au Scar and Grian who I ADORE. I love their Grian he is so creature and pesky. And this specific piece is just so cute. I love the hug under the jacket specifically, the clinginess of it. (it reminds me of how I hug my own bf lol)
And then this particular frame from doody and maruu’s ddvau — I am such a sucker for civilian Grian in this comic. Something about him having a regular, adorable, mundane crush on his coworker Scar amidst a literal superhero chaos au is just… so precious to me?? and this frame of him dreaming of being happy and in love is so— aughhhhh. I use this as my pfp in a few places. I love it.
and then of course general love to some of my other favorite artists like ange whose art always emotionally destroys me and looks so dang soft, plume whose art I just recently found and im obsessed with their expressions, and nox and jas for always spoiling us with desert duo every day and undoubtedly more artists too agdjdhdjfk
🌓 opinions on the watcher lore?
oh I love watcher lore. I specifically love when it’s not overt, when it’s sprinkled in and subtle. but I also love the overt stuff don’t get me wrong.
for personal headcanons, I usually imagine Grian as an escaped watcher-in-training with all of the evo members carrying their own sort of trauma related to watchers. BIG fan of everything Martyn does in the life series too. I literally cheer when the dramatic voice starts playing hehe
🌿 any favorite interpretations?
hmmm this is vague so I’m not sure exactly what it was meant to ask but…
One of my favorite things is the way time is interpreted in @lovesick-x-prince’s Nobody Feels Like You?? if that makes sense??
the fic takes place in third life and I believe it’s written like the events took place over the course of about a year? and the space between places is vast, takes several days to travel across the whole server. and minecraft mechanics are seamlessly worked in, with things like insta-breeding animals and inventory management being minecraft-adjacent but not strange at all. it’s a game but it’s also very realistic and brutal and intense and I seriously love it.
but it’s something about the time specifically, about it being so long, like a lifetime away from home (although they don’t remember home in this fic). I really like that.
And then on a completely unrelated note, I just generally love the headcanon of Grian, Pearl, and Jimmy being siblings. Not even necessarily blood-related, but found family, found flock. It fits them all really well.
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between the lines | prologue
rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: isabella is a sports journalist covering the premier league. she has sworn to never get involved with a football player. that is, until she meets a handsome portuguese defender. warnings: incorrect journalism references; timeline of events are not faithful to real life; i have never been to england; mutual pining; romantic comedy;  minors dni.
masterlist | next chapter
“You were at Wembley yesterday?”
“Yep. And I’ll be covering the final as well. Manchester derby!” Victor raises his pint glass in my direction as I sit down. Victor, Sebastian – our other friend at the pub table – and I were ESPN spanish correspondents, covering the Premier League. This has been my first season in England; After leaving Spain a few years ago, right after college, I worked practically everywhere that matters: Italy, France, Germany. Coming to England was bound to happen eventually.
“Well, I’m kinda covering a final too. I’ll be at the Etihad on Wednesday.” I brag to my fellow coworkers. Manchester City will be playing Arsenal in what is the most anticipated game in the Prem this season, it’s a head-to-head, title decider kind of match. And I’m lucky enough to be working in it.
“Damn, I wish I got that game.” Victor whistles.
The beautiful coincidence of it all is that my older brother, Carlos, has been living in Manchester with his wife Sienna for the past 3 years, and last year they welcomed into the world my first niece, Lucía. I don’t have a big family, in fact, it’s just Carlos and I now. So, when I heard that I was going to be an aunt, the move to England felt more like a blessing and less like my bosses back in Spain cutting costs on reporters.
“Honestly I can’t wait to use the term ‘bottled’.” Sebastian says grinning and I immediately answer, throwing a french fry at his overall direction.
“You’re a Tottenham supporter, Seb, shut the fuck up.”
“Alright, no need to get personal, let’s all calm down.”
After spending monday night at the pub, as usual, I go back to my – mind you – charmingly decorated studio apartment. That’s my favorite part about constantly moving, getting a new place in a new country turns my life into a blank canva. I can be a totally new person every time. This time I went with a ‘earth tones’ palette for the decor. I’m an earth tone apartment type of woman now. It 's exciting. 
As I lay in bed, I found myself unable to sleep. The problem is that the cause of my insomnia has an Instagram profile. In all of my years working with football I have never been so attracted to a player like this. It 's revolting. It 's humiliating. I’ve lost count of how many times I had to interview him this season, and every single time I was blushing like a complete idiot. And it keeps getting worse. Rúben Dias has made me lose sleep for weeks in a row now. So I open the Insta app once again and stare at his ridiculous topless pictures for way too long trying to calm myself down. I tap my own belly, now filled with beer and french fries, and laugh at myself. It’s never ever going to happen, I really need to get over myself.
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yermes · 9 months
PAC: 🍁
School started for me and starbies just came out with their seasonal fall flavors so even though I am a victim of broke college student fevar I went to starbs bc whats $15 when yr already in a fuck ton of debt. So I went to starbs with my roomie to get some PSLs. But while we were there one of the baristas was just losing their absolute fucking mind at another barista who was just trying to help these young highschoolers not be late. Like???? Screaming at her not to touch anything and she can’t fucking jump the line my heart literally broke. If I had any money like fucking dollar bills I would have given them to her. Like so fucking awful. But honestly so many people are under appreciated. I literally spend my life taking care of people who claim that. “They only think of others, and they never put themselves first, or I am JUST SUCH A CARE TAKER.” But when push comes to shove they’re no where to be found. A READING FOR MY UNDER APPRECIATED MOTHER FUCKERS SO YOU KNOW HOW LOVED AND VALUED YOU AREEEE.
(I know most of you are mystics who wish to be the most esoteric babe in the mystic forest, who has to work a 9-5 so this is for youu)
Pick a meme
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The cards
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Nine of Wands (Reversed) 🧸
Yesod, Lord of Great Strength, Moon in Sagittarius, 10°–20°. Angels Yirthiel and Sahiah
You are putting something off in so you can help others. Something is being delayed. You are intentionally abstaining from something which in turn is causing you to spiral. Maybe your ass is working the rush shift everyday and your coworkers are assholes and you cannot bare to leave that anxious toxic ass mess. However, you owe it to yourself to find a better environment. People don’t leave because the security of which is offered but are you actually secure or are you comfortable in your mistreatment?
find people who will do better and will work with you and match your energy.
Futility 🪒
Moon 3. In Aquarius, Netzach in Air, seven of swords
The seventh suit. A notably unlucky suit. You have been backed into a corner and you need to get your way out. Now this isn’t a gun fight its a fight of wits. You need to use your cleverness to escape. Honestly, maybe a toxic friend or person you know led you down a dark path? Maybe you got love bombed so hard and led with the promise of love and compromise you fell so hard and breaking every bone on the way down. Be safe. Get out of there
Back rooms level RUN!
Fortitude (Reversed) 🫁
Daughter of the Flaming Sword, Teth, Serpent
Damn bitch you gave so much of yourself you became ill and have been weakened SEVERELY. You are also getting resentful which is hard. Like you said you were this strong ass bitch who could do anything. So you did everything and now you have egg on your face. Some athletes get trained so hard and so extreme they die. You’ve been giving so much mentally and emotionally you weakened yourself. You wouldn’t workout till death why would you give so much till failure?
Make room for yourself and forgive yourself.
The Star 💫
Jupiter in Aquarius, Chokmah to Tiphareth, Air
Its the hope that guides us all. You have such a deep well of love in that little heart of yours. The way its telling you to go is the right one. However, an off putting aspect is there may be part of the code thats got a bug, which makes your hopeful manifestations plagued by illusions. Live in the moment. Be confident of nature and your gut. Somethings may not be clear now but day by day and little by little you will find out more and more.
Take care of yourself and protect your peace
Story/vent: once again athlete student life os difficult and I am shoving this reading in so that I can feel productive. Plus I love yo do it!
Tip Jar
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papermccn · 8 months
Finally I make a starter & plot call! Anyways you can find all my muses down below ; and whether they chose to come or not.. and if they're open to some not aliving. Also limit is 3 per mun, and 5 starters per muse ! 🖤🧡 I'll probably drop all pre event replies when it comes to the event starting BTW!!
elena gilbert- went willing, probably curious. - open to death that doesnt alter her memory. -4/5 hope, stefan, katherine, elijah
Eric Northman- went, finally something interesting - not open to death; open to get hurt if u can - it helps he's 1000+ and immortal. 1/5 faye
homura akemi - can't see her willing to go, unless she knew madoka went and ofc she has to protect her gf. - open to non memory altering death- 0/5
jinx, - went 100 percent , she loves chaos. - open to not memory altering death; she just remembered. -3/5 freddie, silco, judith
Nami- 100 percent is too much of a scaredy cat to go- is horrified she appeared there anyways. - willing for some death- no altering her memory -3/5. zhuyin, molly, zoro
richard gecko - didn't care to go- pissed he wound up anyways - - open to death, 1/5 seth
tifa lockhart- she's too smart to willing want to go- is now being super protective of people she cares for. - not open for death, 1/5 aerith
lip gallagher- didn't wanna go, gimme death. 1/5 fiona, rikki
veronica sawyer,- heard cornmaze and figured it'd be stupid - boy was she wrong.. open to death, 0/5
finn the human,- 100 percent wanted to go, loves an adventure.. open to not memory altering death, 0/5
princess peach - didn't wanna go. Now is worried about shego, keeping herself on guard. -1/5 jasmine
Tamora mitchell, she went, was curious.. anything over homework right ?? - open to memory altering death, 2/5 peyton, kat
teucer- curiosity might kill this dude, wanted to go and check it out- big mistake.. open to death, give childe some character development aksl jk jk, 2/5 childe, yoon chi woo,
isabelle - was too busy working to go!! Grind is 24/7-- is scared but will glue themselves to mika. 1/5 mika
nezuko kamado- she willing went - she wanted to see something new - now she's scared >:[ will protect people if needed . - open to non memory altering death, 0/5
harriet hufflepuff- went with lily for a date- kind of a big mistake but she's happy to be with their cute coworker. - no death, 5/5 salazar, godric, gregoria, hadley, harvey
amber freeman - willing went , why not have an opportunity to potentially attack someone- I mean why who she went for fun-- open for death. 2/5 jill, billy
Tina belcher- lbr just found herself there.. is confused but it's exciting. - no death, 2/5 bob, louise
misa amane - went to get some good pics for insta- now regrets it. - open to non memory altering death. 0/5
gwen stacy - didn't want to go, open for death, 1/5 peter
erica reyes,- went for some fun, open to death, 1/5 peter
dinah laurel lance,- didn't go willing, open to death, 0/5
bond - was trying to get out of his comfort zone, big mistake. , no death, 1/5 pei ming
Mary- went for the heck of it, no memory altering death, 2/5. Heidi, noela
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foervraengd · 7 months
Mental health ramblings
I guess im glad that im experiencing depression now at 34 and not when i was a teenager.
Or at least i think its depression? More than once a day do i feel this heavy hopelessness in my chest. Work is going to have a christmas dinner next month thats going to be a whole day event and my gut response to it is just id rather stare into a corner. I wanna try to reach out to my irl friends but it is so hard because my mind keeps expecting that no one will have time to meet anyway so why even bother. Everyone is busy. Every time.
Its like, i know what makes me perk up. Its when my coworkers asks if i wanna eat hotpot or go sing karaoke with them. Its when the newer artist in the graphics team asks for my input on their art, and they appreciate my feedback. Its when i socialize with anyone that isnt family members. But my whole body tells me its too much effort to take the first step, to be the first one to ask. The adhd isnt helping either. Ive been meaning to email an old classmate about an old book i found. I have his email. Ive been meaning to write to him since february. Ive been meaning to write to another friend for over two years. The executive dysfunction is cranked up to 500%.
Its like theres a specific form of energy that ive lost somewhere. Its an energy thats been gradually depleting through the whole year. And ever since i left twitter, there hasnt really been a place where my irl friends can passively check on me via a feed. Because p much most of them except 1-2 ppl still use tumblr. Because they all went to insta or fb. Or bluesky. I told so many ppl where to find me. But most of them arent close enough friends to cross paths w me online anymore.
I really dont know how the therapy is going to help me with this.
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blonkk · 2 months
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i’m getting so close to fucking up my life and posting this on insta. like a lot of people i know are normal but a LOT are trans rights activists, a few are “trans” and one of my jobs is super gendie. like i’m the only one there who refuses to state my pronouns and i can feel the air get heavy and awkward lol…and obv my friends /coworkers and even the owner follows me so like.
like i’m being so serious though there is an actual calculated massacre of palestinians happening. as it has been for decades. no i’m not gonna call it genocide just yet because as i have seen repeatedly using words incorrectly totally erases their meaning. like the trans community! how do you seriously justify using that word to describe what you believe is your experience of oppression? NO ONE is targeting trans people. no one. you have the lowest murder rates. you co opt every single social group and movement and reorient it around yourself and ostracize/vilify those who refuse to comply. not even just those who openly oppose you, but those who won’t follow along.
we see this ongoing brutalization of real actual people who don’t have a strong/effective governing body by a world superpower with military allies and funding around the globe. THAT’s violence. that’s oppression. not being told you’re actually not at the centre of everything that’s ever happened in the world
i really am gonna out myself publicly soon idk idc i can’t take this anymore the silence is actually physically hurting me. i just know i’m gonna lose so many friends even those who don’t gaf about trans shit because they’re scared.
but enough is enough. it’s the most privileged thing in the world to be able to dominate every single issue comfortably from twitter and your crumb filled polycule in your cozy safe western home. i don’t give a fuck about perceived threats to you especially if you’re a tim; no one is hurting you people, it’s actually the other way around. and you’re demonstrating your male socialization and entitlement by making sure that as the world witnesses the devastation of more lives from that same tired region of the world once again, you’re the ones in danger.
shut up about holocaust denial. you have no idea what the holocaust was. you have no idea what it’s actually like to be targeted and persecuted because of how you are born, who you are culturally. jews and cross dressers and disabled people and actual gay people from that time do know. and we all know, as clearly stated in the third reich, that the holocaust was instituted to remove undesirables from society, NAMELY jews.
jk rowling is pointing out that you can’t position trans people at the centre of the holocaust. AND that the concept of “trans” then was not what it is now — people (mostly males) were gay and due to rigid gender roles they may have cross dressed or called themselves some version of a man-lady etc. and that many of the doctors being credited for trans research actually engaged in uhhhh mutilation human experimentation and eugenics. not quite the same as critical life saving research fuckfaces
even by admission from historians touting “queer” theory, trans people did not suffer tremendously at the hands of nazis. please look at the death tolls of the actual persecuted parties. please consider how vain and evil and corrupt it is to rewrite history and appropriate unimaginable suffering for attention and sympathy, to further your own selfish and ill founded agenda.
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idk why the link won’t work but please for the love of christ. good god. read something real for once. not pseudo history
& once again i implore you to really think bout what you’re doing to get another woman with the tits to not comply. look what you did to sinead o’connor and amber heard and brittany spears and all the women in the world who didn’t behave . cowards
like what you’ve done to women; erased our history, erased our experiences and are erasing our right to say who and what we are . a trans woman threw the first stone at stonewall! wrong. that was a gay cross dressing man. you are shitting all over him and his life for taking his right to say who he was from him. trans women are breaking boundaries — woman of the year! fastest swimmer in the world! heavy weight champion! youth basketball prodigy! wrong. you’re excusing male entitlement and theft of womens spaces and accomplishments. you’re celebrating the rollback of sex based rights. you’re dismissing the experiences and dreams and goals and hard work and basic rights to acknowledgement and respect of females.
trans women have no representation! wrong. every where you go, everything i watch i’m bombarded with trans women being forced in, added like they’re an organic part of social groups, particularly female ones. i remember back in 2020 watching euphoria and realizing that schaeffer has a duck and my initial disgust and discomfort that it had been so sneakily spring on me; it’s so innocent, two sad lonely teen girls lying in bed, harmless. and then you’re supposed to not react when you see this grotesque bulge in pink frilly girl panties. you’re supposed to not show revulsion at that. or wonder why a young lesbian girl is shown to be attracted to a male. shown to not have any problem with a penis. even if rue was straight it would be disturbing and inappropriate. stop trying to force your dicks into everything. shock people into submission. fucking freaks
jk rowling will not stop and no amount of this dishonesty and bandwagoning will make her. i honestly don’t know if people will feel shame for doing this to her, i have my doubts seeing how things have gone. but this is wrong over right that’s happening right now, and everyone too stupid and cowardly to realize it or say something is complicit. congrats! you’re a woman hating, woman fearing witch hunter
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megbonney · 5 months
this year has felt way too fast because i realise for 80% of it i was getting mentally rotted by men. let's do a wrapped (of the ones i haven't forgotten).
EBF: first bf for like 2 years. i cut off my best friend under his influence. tried to convince me they were grooming me. tried to convince me i wasn't genderfluid. tried to get his therapist to therapise me. tried to get me to see a therapist. dropped out of school and had virtually no ambition. i had to pretend to be straight infront of his friends. accused me of cheating on him with one of said friends. i felt like he was cheating on me with my "friend" at the time. i had no one besides him. he was attached to me like a parasite and i hated it. dumped him. couldn't handle just staying friends. also killed my self image. went celibate after. oh and he went thru my dms bc that's totally normal. cancer man. 2. RICHIE RICH: was into him during "friends" stage with EBF. met on ow but never really played together. went to a private roman catholic school. led me on. sent me music recs but they were too indie for my teen angst at the time. "friend" made me let her follow him bc she's weird. he didn't see anything wrong with it despite my discomfort. got sick of it bc he was stringing me on and blocked me for being upset. also was confused as to why i wasn't able to go shopping every wknd and didn't understand why i wanted a job bc he was privileged and had an allowance. i tried to meet up but he folded. followed me back on insta 2 or so weeks ago. we haven't spoken. goofy 3. COWORKER: met at first shift. i called him pretty bc that's the only word to rlly describe him and he told other coworkers i tried to ask him out. shorter than me. played war thunder. was really sweet at first. suddenly had coworkers asking if i'd date him. realised he was running his mouth. we watched fury and bladerunner 2077 together. began going dry after i told him i was moving. started being a dickhead. started telling coworkers i was a lesbian. i tried to sort it out but he tried to gaslight me about it. i think he quit atp. good riddance 3. NARC: 23 or 21 yr old man idk. bastion main. had a gf i didn't know abt. treated me like a gf. had an entire fake life. claimed to be a "narcissist and compulsive liar." talked abt his ex the entire time. very degrading. i found his ig and he was actually ugly af. only good thing was that he wasn't codependent. ghosted him after he went dry on me when i got my period. msged his gf and it's been like a month or two without a response. he bought me nitro tho so that was sick. 4. FURRY: was friends with him at the same time as NARC. he also knew about COWORKER because it was roughly right as we met. wanted to be a musician and twitch streamer. 19. balding. had a mommy kink but tried to make me sub. gained feelings for me. i friendzoned him. then he tried to say he was in love a week later. he was parasite #2. friends with MANCHILD. double texted all the time. gooner. cut him off. tried to create tension between fig and i. into the weirdest shit i've ever seen. objectified me. genuinely liked oliver tree. also bought me nitro. 5. MANCHILD: turned 20 like last week. had a gf. never hung out with her. spent everyday hanging out with fig and i. was too stupid so him and fig argued often. tried to make me mediate. most stressful time of yr. i bought him 2 games and he lied to his gf about where he got them from. he also lied about why he got rdr2. backseat gamed everything. whiny. asked me how many fingers i could fit on vc at 2am. also asked me if i'd ever have a 4sum with fig . is now insisting i trapped him because i told people about what happened. 6. CURRENTLY: nothing! i probs forgot some things but a funny thing to note was that i know every guy on this lists' names and most info about them. it was also hard because i wanted to keep all of them approx the same length. happy 2023 ?
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jacqcrisis · 2 years
just learned military fuckboy extraordinaire, the reason i transferred branches to get away from him, the man who took women’s info from their bank accounts to stalk and message them on insta, who muttered about having an ar-15 (which he often kept in his car) under his breath when he got mad, who constantly cheated on his girlfriend until she found out and publicly dumped him by hacking his socials, who couldn’t wait to get deployed to go kill people legally in foreign countries, who joked about turning my pets into belts, who also made rape jokes and suicide jokes and who couldn’t be trained even by ME and called a coworker a bitch in front of customers and got constant complaints from customers, etc. etc. ETC:
Has finally been fired and I will be requesting a transfer back to that branch as soon as possible if my old manager hasn’t already done so. 
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