#museum dehumidifier
ctrltech · 2 months
The Role of Industrial Dehumidifiers in Preserving Historical Archives and Artifacts.
In efforts to preserve historical archives and artifacts, this endeavor is noble and essential because it can let future generations touch and analyze the tangible remnants of the past. An industrial dehumidifier will undoubtedly help in this mammal task. Artifacts let us peek at the lives, mindsets, and worlds of those who lived before us; they are essential. Yet, the path to preserving these…
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
Writing Modern Steve Roger's Health Issues: A compendium
AKA How do Steve Rogers' MCU canon illnesses hold up in a modern setting?  
I am writing something that is SO NICHE and so NERDY I feel absolutely, positively deviant about it. Who knew you could have this much fun while eating a burrito and sitting in the sun on your back porch? 
OKAY! This one goes out to all of you writing modern AU's with a modern Steve Rogers. (There are literally dozens of us!). Let's go.
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So, I find it somewhat problematic when people write disabled or otherwise medically complicated characters and are wishy-washy about the diagnosis they have. In real life, everyone I know with ongoing medical issues is a fucking expert on their exact shit. A great tumblr reference for disabled characters is Cripple Characters, but I also use reddit threads to read about people’s day to day experiences with different issues in their own words. If nothing else, just decide what your character has and take ten minutes and read through a basic website article about it. 
So let's walk through what modern Steve's medical history and diagnoses might be. If you feel like I missed any details or got things wrong, happy to have comments to that end.
We'll start with the list of “ailments,” going with the MCU canon and combining the images from the museum exhibit and screen shots of Steve’s enlistment forms:
Fallen arches
Partial deafness
Scarlet Fever, Rheumatic Fever
Heart arrhythmia
High blood pressure
Palpitation or pounding in heart
Easy fatigability
Stomach ulcers
Pernicious anemia
Nervous trouble of any sort
Chronic or frequent colds
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Caveat: I am not a doctor, but I am a person who enjoys reading medical journal articles about illnesses I do and don’t have. The human body is a fascinating and terrible place to live. Talk to me about your medical complications - I will always find them interesting. I love small talk about Crohn’s disease and/or extremely graphic details about the time you had surgery because one of your wrist bones was the wrong length. 
Sucks To Your Assmar: Asthma! How has asthma changed? 
Kids who have their asthma well managed at a young age are going to have less scarring and lung damage (this is called airway remodeling). Thus a modern kid will likely have less severe asthma than a kid born in Steve’s time. Further, allergy medicines got way better from the 1990s, so kids with allergy induced asthma would have had fewer attacks. Fewer attacks as kids = less severe asthma as they age. 
I would also note that asthma is highly connected to environmental issues. If Steve grew up in a house with cigarette smoke, cockroaches, rats, or mold present, as is fairly easy to imagine, especially without dehumidifiers in a swampy Brooklyn summer, those are environmental factors that would have made his asthma much worse. 
They are also all factors that kids today certainly face, depending on how you write your modern Steve’s childhood. While people today certainly can have very severe asthma, it’s also entirely possible that modern Steve’s relationship to his asthma is pretty chill and easy to manage. (My partner has relatively severe asthma with a lot of environmental triggers; modern allergy medicine was a big game changer.)
Let’s talk about scoliosis ~~
There are a lot of variations to how scoliosis impacts people. I have very minor scoliosis and it's barely a thing in my life. I’m not trying to speak for everyone, but for what it’s worth, there are professional athletes with spinal fusion. I used Kyra Condie as my justification for writing climbing coach post-spinal fusion small Steve Rogers in one fic. My younger brother and best friend in high school both had spinal fusions. 
In reality the athletic and physical abilities of people with spinal fusion vary pretty much exactly as much as people without spinal fusion, so you have a lot of leeway for how you decide to write a character with scoliosis. I recommend reddit threads to read about people talking about how their bodies felt before and after spinal fusion, or why they decided not to have the surgery, if you want to get a sense of how it might affect your character’s day to day life.
Wait, so how tall is modern small Steve Rogers? 
You can see in this article that gains in height post scoliosis corrective surgery/spinal fusion varies, but the mean was 27 mm (1 inch) and the maximum was 66 mm (2.5 inches). 
The more severe the curve in the spine, the more height gained with surgery. 
We know Steve had scoliosis, we don’t know how severe it was (do we?). But if he was 5’4” without spinal fusion, and with all of his childhood fevers, and possible poor nutrition due to the Great Depression and untreated stomach ulcers, then it’s very reasonable that a modern Steve raised with proper nutrition and his gastrointestinal issues (see below!) properly treated and a spinal fusion could be easily 1-10 inches taller. 
I think it’s great if you want to write modern Small Steve as 5’4” - but I tend to write him as 5’7” or so. 
I think it is entirely likely that a modern Steve Rogers could end up being 6 feet tall given modern medical intervention and a healthy digestive system and adequate nutrition. As an example of how people with more or less the same genetics having different heights due to environmental factors, I know of one family of four brothers that immigrated from Italy in the 40s. Their height was 100% correlated to their age when they moved to the US/started having access to food: the oldest brother was around 5’4” and the youngest around 6 feet. The oldest was also a chain smoker and worked full time from around age 8, so you know, he was a fucking badass 5'4" Italian guy, if that's not clear.
What about fallen arches? 
Fun story, but I have fallen arches/flat feet and had a lot of foot pain as a kid, but I thought it was normal. I wear custom orthotics and/or birkenstocks and do exercises to strengthen my feet muscles and it's fine now as long as I remember to do the things I just mentioned. My dad had to have multiple surgeries on his feet, so I think it helped that they caught it earlier in me. 
Should I write modern non-serum Steve as deaf? 
Maybe! I think it’s lovely when people write characters with hearing issues. There are great blogs that cover ways to do that well (a good link, another one, and another one and I think this one on hearing aids is particularly good if you are trying to bring in subtle day to day routine differences a character that wears hearing aids may have. Another great option is, again, reddit, especially for questions around how sexual intimacy might vary in small ways that can be nice to bring in. (I am working on a fic with a seeing character whose ex is blind and also read a lot of couples first hand experience with sexual intimacy around that dynamic on reddit). 
But how likely is it that modern Steve would be deaf? 
I think that it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s hearing issues were a result of Scarlet Fever, which is a bacterial infection that can result in rheumatic fever, an inflammatory condition that develops in more severe cases of scarlet fever. 
Scarlet fever caused deafness - in fact, both Helen Keller and Thomas Edison had hearing loss due to scarlet fever infections. Further, sustained fevers of over 104 degrees can also cause hearing loss, so there is a reasonable chance that some other fever caused Steve’s hearing issues. 
Today, the kind of hearing loss caused by fevers and infections can usually be surgically repaired or never occur because we have better antibiotics and better medicines to treat fevers. However, I have a friend who has partial hearing loss and lots of other life long nervous system and fatigue issues due to complications from childhood chicken pox in the 80s (this vaccine came around in 1995).
I don’t know if it’s canon or fanfiction, but I often see Steve as having one bad ear. For what it’s worth, hearing loss in one ear is much less common than hearing loss in both ears. 
However, potential causes of hearing loss in one ear are infections that result in a high fever and some kind of head trauma, both of which are easy to imagine would have affected a Steve born in 1918, and while possible in a modern Steve, also easier to avoid. 
Heart Stuff: Heart arrhythmia, High blood pressure, Palpitation of pounding in heart, Easy fatigability
The aforementioned fevers that can cause hearing loss can also cause heart issues. I think it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s heart issues were from his fevers as a young kid, but I often write him with a congenital heart defect, because why not? 
These days, most of the time, such issues are detected at or before birth and fixed when the person is a baby, but there are plenty of heart issues that can require multiple heart surgeries at various points. Regardless, a modern Steve would most likely either have had access to corrective surgery or medication to manage these heart conditions. Which is not to say that he wouldn’t suffer mental and physical trauma from this medical complication. 
There are plenty of professional athletes you can find who have all of the above heart issues. And plenty of people with heart issues who have no interest in being professional athletes, so like, follow your bliss. 
Digestive System Stuff: Easy fatigability, Stomach ulcers, Pernicious anemia
I have easy fatigability under heart stuff too, because lots of shit can make you tired. 
My personal head canon is that Steve Rogers has celiac disease and/or lactose intolerance, it would cause all of the above. Both can also lead to poor growth - in fact falling off growth charts is one of the most common symptoms of celiac disease in children. 
While people have been aware of celiac disease since there were people, gluten wasn’t identified as the clear cause till the 50s. 
I typically write modern Steve with some kind of food allergy, and I think that addresses quite a few of his canon medical complications. 
Because so many causes of this category of symptoms are relatively easily solved with modern medical intervention/avoiding the problem, I would point folks towards Crohn’s disease if you are looking to write a modern character with medical issue that is more likely to be an ongoing source of similar medical complications today.
(Also, kids with Crohn’s are likely to have reduced height. I have a friend who has Crohn's whose 3 siblings are well over 6 feet and he is around 5'8" (so 4-6 inches aka 11+ cm shorter due to his severe childhood illness).)
Nervous trouble of any sort
Kids with medical complications and food allergies are much more likely to have anxiety. I’m so proud of all the kids making it through the day with anxiety. Luff you anxiety kids, I see you working twice as hard to be present as the non-anxious kids. Tough as hell. Give yourself a high five. I’m so damn proud of you.
Sinusitis and Frequent colds
I mean, god bless modern decongestants and allergy meds. Celiac disease and lactose intolerance can both cause sinus issues, so here is another one of Steve's ailments that can be "cured" through that diagnosis.
Other stuff
When you look at the above, you can see a lot of scenarios where modern era Steve, like many children/adults today, had multiple surgeries and serious and scary health complications as a child, but as an adult would appear as a relatively healthy able bodied person, with the possibility of even becoming a top athlete if he was so inclined.  It’s also likely that some issues like chronic fatigue etc, might linger into adulthood as relatively invisible illnesses that nonetheless affect his everyday. 
In some ways his character arc given the advances of modern medicine could mimic his arc due to the serum. 
Being medically complicated as a kid sucks. Even if you have surgeries to treat and/or learn how to live with things like Crohn’s and celiac and reduce flare ups, lingering mental health trauma can have an impact. 
Lastly and most importantly, I have a personal headcanon that young Steve Rogers of any era spent a lot of time sick in bed and staring into a mirror learning how to raise one eyebrow and perform other eyebrow gymnastics so he could more effectively sass his nurses. 
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I think it's actually reasonable for an author to say, "My modern Steve never had any fevers, and got his severe lactose intolerance diagnosed as a baby, and had good nutrition, had medications/clean environment that prevented his asthma."
So this Steve is 6 feet tall and healthy as long as he doesn't eat dairy and takes his daily zyrtec (cetirizine - it's an allergy med). The only medical issue he has from canon left is scoliosis, flat feet, and an astigmatism.
You can also choose to write a Steve with more complex medical issues, and there are lots of things that can be good and interesting and value about that. I think the main thing is to pick a diagnosis and write it realistically, hopefully this helps some with that!
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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After setting a transcontinental record of 1:08:17 with pilot Col. Ed Yeilding and RSO Col. J.T. Vida, SR-71 #972 was donated to the Smithsonian Institution at this post-flight ceremony at Dulles International Airport on Tuesday, March 6, 1990. This SR 71 is fully intact with its engines it would take a miracle, but it is possible for this Blackbird to fly again. ( I am in this picture long black coat and blonde hair to my shoulders middle back row.) 😊
972 spent about ten years being housed in a temporary hangar while the Udvar-Hazy Museum at Dulles Airport Dulles was being built.
They took care of this SR 71 while it was waiting for a home
Ed Marshall of the National Air & Space Museum logs the levels on the dehumidifier attached to 972.  The humidity is adjusted 2 to 4 times a week to ensure the aircraft is preserved in the best possible condition.  
Dedication like this from Ed and others like him will allow our grandchildren to marvel at this engineering milestone just like we do today.
Source www habu.org
Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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euroblastme01 · 2 months
Commercial Applications of Dehumidifiers
Dehumidifiers are used in food processing, medicines, warehouses, and museums. Dehumidifiers maintain ideal humidity levels to retain product quality, prevent mold growth, protect equipment, and keep employees and visitors safe and comfortable. Commercial dehumidifiers are essential for optimizing operations and protecting assets by managing moisture in storage facilities and generating appropriate manufacturing conditions.
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risensg · 3 months
Budget-Friendly Moisture Management Exploring Cheap Desiccant Dehumidifiers
In commercial settings, maintaining optimal humidity levels is crucial for the comfort of occupants, preservation of goods, and efficiency of operations. With a plethora of options available, including commercial, cheap desiccant, ducted, and ceiling dehumidifiers, choosing the right solution can be overwhelming. In this blog, we'll dissect each type to help you navigate through the maze and find the perfect dehumidification solution for your commercial space.
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Commercial Dehumidifier: Commercial dehumidifier is heavy-duty machines designed to tackle moisture issues in large-scale environments such as warehouses, factories, and sports facilities. These robust units are equipped with high-capacity moisture removal systems, capable of maintaining optimal humidity levels even in the most challenging conditions. While they may come with a higher upfront cost, their efficiency and reliability make them indispensable investments for businesses aiming to safeguard their assets and ensure the well-being of their employees.
Cheap Desiccant Dehumidifier: For businesses on a tight budget, cheap desiccant dehumidifiers offer a cost-effective solution without compromising on performance. These compact units utilize desiccant technology to extract moisture from the air efficiently, making them suitable for small to medium-sized commercial spaces such as offices, retail stores, and server rooms. Despite their affordability, cheap desiccant dehumidifiers deliver reliable moisture control, helping to prevent mold growth, corrosion, and other moisture-related issues.
Ducted Dehumidifier: Ducted dehumidifiers integrate seamlessly into the HVAC system, providing comprehensive moisture control throughout the entire commercial space. These sophisticated units are installed directly into the ductwork, allowing them to remove excess moisture before it circulates through the building. Ducted dehumidifiers are ideal for large commercial buildings, hotels, and shopping malls, where maintaining consistent humidity levels is essential for occupant comfort and indoor air quality. While they may require a higher initial investment, their energy efficiency and performance make them a worthwhile long-term solution.
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Ceiling Dehumidifier: Ceiling dehumidifiers are discreetly mounted in the ceiling space, making them an excellent choice for commercial environments where aesthetics are paramount. These sleek units blend seamlessly into the ceiling architecture while effectively removing moisture from the air. Ceiling dehumidifier is commonly used in restaurants, museums, and theaters, where maintaining a comfortable and inviting atmosphere is crucial. Despite their unobtrusive design, ceiling dehumidifiers deliver powerful moisture control, ensuring a pleasant environment for customers and employees alike.
Conclusion: In the realm of commercial dehumidification, the options are vast and varied. Whether you opt for a heavy-duty commercial unit, a budget-friendly desiccant dehumidifier, a sophisticated ducted system, or a discreet ceiling-mounted model, each type offers unique benefits tailored to specific commercial needs. By understanding the features and capabilities of each type of dehumidifier, you can make an informed decision and take proactive steps towards creating a comfortable, healthy, and productive environment for your business.
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fitjourneydaily · 3 months
The Importance of Environmental Factors and Humidity Control in Ensuring Clean and Dry Conditions
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Environmental factors play a crucial role in maintaining optimal conditions for various applications, industries, and everyday life. Humidity control, cleanliness, and dry conditions are key aspects of creating a conducive environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the significance of environmental factors, explore the need for humidity control, highlight the importance of cleanliness, and discuss the advantages of maintaining dry conditions. Let's explore these factors and discover how they contribute to a comfortable and healthy environment. I. Environmental Factors and their Influence: 1. Temperature Regulation: - Discuss the importance of temperature control in creating a comfortable environment. - Explain how temperature affects productivity, health, and overall well-being. - Highlight the negative impact of extreme temperatures on sensitive equipment. 2. Humidity Control: - Explore the definition and importance of humidity control in various environments. - Discuss the impact of high humidity levels on health, materials, and equipment. - Emphasize the need for efficient humidity control systems to maintain desired humidity levels. - Highlight specific industries such as museums, data centers, and manufacturing plants that rely heavily on humidity control. 3. Cleanliness and Hygiene: - Explain the significance of cleanliness in different settings, such as hospitals, laboratories, and food processing units. - Discuss the health risks associated with poor cleanliness standards. - Highlight the role of cleanliness in preventing the spread of diseases and maintaining a healthy environment. - Emphasize the need for regular cleaning and disinfection practices. 4. Dry Conditions: - Elaborate on the advantages of maintaining dry conditions in various scenarios, such as construction sites, warehouses, and archives. - Discuss the negative effects of high moisture levels on materials, structural integrity, and the growth of mold and mildew. - Explain the benefits of dehumidification for preserving artifacts, storing goods, and preventing damage to infrastructure. II. Implementing Humidity Control Solutions: 1. Dehumidifiers: - Discuss different types of dehumidifiers available in the market. - Highlight the key features and advantages of each type. - Offer guidance on choosing the right dehumidifier based on specific requirements. 2. Humidifiers: - Briefly mention the relevance of humidity control in low-humidity environments. - Provide an overview of humidifiers and their functioning. - Explain the importance of maintaining optimal humidity levels in specific situations, such as in dry climates or during the winter months. III. Best Practices for Ensuring Clean and Dry Conditions: 1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: - Highlight the importance of routine cleaning and maintenance practices. - Provide a checklist of tasks to be performed to ensure cleanliness and hygiene. - Offer suggestions on cleaning agents, techniques, and frequency of cleaning. 2. Moisture Prevention Techniques: - Discuss practical measures to prevent moisture buildup in different settings. - Provide tips for effective ventilation, insulation, and waterproofing strategies. - Explain the significance of moisture barriers and their role in maintaining dry conditions. 3. Monitoring and Control Systems: - Explain the significance of monitoring humidity levels in real-time. - Discuss the benefits of automated control systems for efficient humidity regulation. - Highlight the latest advancements in monitoring and control technologies. Conclusion: Understanding the impact of environmental factors on our surroundings is essential in creating a safe, healthy, and productive environment. By implementing humidity control systems, maintaining cleanliness, and striving for dry conditions, we can enhance our well-being, protect valuable assets, and ensure the longevity of materials and infrastructure. By following the best practices discussed in this guide, individuals and industries can pave the way towards a cleaner, drier, and more sustainable future. Tags: 1. Environmental factors 2. Humidity control 3. Cleanliness standards 4. Dry condition Revolutionize your approach to fungal health with Kerassentials, the Ultimate Fungal Defense System. Expertly crafted to combat and prevent common fungal issues, Kerassentials is your go-to solution for maintaining optimal fungal health. Whether you're dealing with athlete's foot, nail fungus, or seeking to enhance your skin and gut health, Kerassentials offers targeted support. 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Experience the transformative effects of our unique nutrient blend on your oral wellness. Learn more about how DentaFend can revolutionize your dental care routine. Visit the DentaFend Essential Nutrient Formula Product Page. Transform your blood sugar management with Vivotonic, the Advanced Blood Sugar Support Formula. Tailored for those striving to maintain healthy glucose levels, Vivotonic is your ideal partner in your wellness journey. Our expertly crafted formula provides a harmonious blend of natural ingredients known for supporting blood sugar regulation, enhancing your body's ability to manage glucose efficiently. Whether you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or simply mindful about maintaining balanced blood sugar levels, Vivotonic offers the nutritional support you need. Embrace the path to stable glucose levels and improved overall health with Vivotonic. Discover how our specialized formula can aid in your blood sugar control efforts. 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attachtaxi · 1 year
Car hire in Surat at discounted rates
Surat is a city in the state of Gujarat, India, known for its textile and diamond industries, as well as its historical landmarks and scenic spots. If you’re planning to visit Surat and explore the city, you can consider car hire in Surat with Chiku Cab for your transportation needs. Chiku Cab has budget-friendly options to luxury cars, depending on your preference and budget. Car hire in Surat with us can be a convenient and cost-effective way to explore the city and its surroundings. Do check our clients' reviews and compare our prices with others before finalizing your booking. We can assure you of the best deals and discounts for your ride.
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Booking a cab in Surat with Chiku Cab, can be a convenient and hassle-free way to get around the city, as you don’t have to worry about driving or navigating through unfamiliar roads or traffic.
Depending on your travel plans and itinerary, booking a cab in Surat can be more cost-effective than owning or renting a car. You only pay for the ride or distance you cover, without having to worry about parking, fuel costs, or maintenance.
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Our air-conditioned cabs are vehicles that are equipped with an air conditioning system that can cool and dehumidify the air inside the car, providing a comfortable and pleasant ride, especially in hot and humid weather conditions. Air-conditioned cabs are also a popular choice for travelers who want to avoid the heat and pollution of the outdoors, or who have medical conditions that require a cool and clean environment. Most air-conditioned cabs are equipped with modern and efficient cooling systems that can adjust the temperature and humidity levels inside the car based on the passenger’s preference or weather conditions.
Explore nearby places with outstation cabs
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Vadodara: Vadodara, also known as Baroda, is a city located about 150 km from Surat. It is known for its rich cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and museums.
Daman: Daman is a city located about 110 km from Surat and is known for its scenic beaches, Portuguese architecture, and seafood.
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Nashik: Nashik is a city located about 250 km from Surat and is known for its vineyards, temples, and picturesque landscapes.
Ahmedabad: Ahmedabad is a city located about 260 km from Surat and is known for its rich history, culture, and cuisine.
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Mumbai: Mumbai, also known as the “City of Dreams,” is a bustling metropolis located about 280 km from Surat. It is known for its vibrant culture, historical landmarks, and entertainment industry.
Smart city Surat
Surat is one of the fastest-growing cities in India and has been selected as one of the Smart Cities under the Indian Government’s Smart Cities Mission. The Smart Cities Mission is a nationwide program aimed at developing 100 cities in India into smart and sustainable cities, using technology and innovation to improve the quality of life of citizens. Today, Surat is a modern and cosmopolitan city that is home to a diverse population of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Surat is known for its vibrant street food culture, with a wide variety of delicious and affordable food options available throughout the city. Car on rent in Surat with Chiku Cab will help you to explore this smart city in a better way.
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sciencespies · 1 year
As Energy Costs Bite, Museums Rethink a Conservation Credo
As Energy Costs Bite, Museums Rethink a Conservation Credo
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Tight climate controls have become the norm to protect artworks and artifacts. But as heating and electricity prices soar, Europe’s museums administrators are wondering whether the rules need to be so strict.
Since the first public museums were founded in the 18th century, one of their main roles has been to protect the artworks and artifacts they display. More recently, many of these institutions have employed teams of highly trained conservators to ensure their old master paintings don’t crack, their metal sculptures don’t rust and their wooden artifacts don’t get moldy.
Most Western museums have also installed expensive and complex climate control systems to help preserve the works in their care. Those energy-guzzling technologies, including climate monitors, air conditioning units and dehumidifiers, normally whir away unnoticed, 24 hours a day.
But now, a growing awareness of the impact of those systems on the climate has led a number of major institutions to rethink their most fundamental conservation orthodoxies. And since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year sent gas and electricity prices in Europe sky high, turning what seemed like a far-off problem into an immediate danger to museum finances, some of the continent’s biggest museums are beginning to act.
The Guggenheim Bilbao predicts it will save about $21,800 a month, since it decided to allow a slightly wider range of temperatures and humidity levels.Sergi Reboredo/VW Pics, via Getty Images
Over the past year, major museums including the Guggenheim Bilbao, in Spain, and the Rijksmuseum, in the Netherlands, have relaxed their standards and recalibrated their systems to allow a wider range of temperatures and humidity levels in some galleries, saving them thousands of dollars a month. These museums have conducted months of trials that they say prove the changes don’t endanger items in their care.
Yet in the rooms where borrowed items are on show, the old, strict standards still apply. Loan agreements with other museums and private collectors mean those galleries must remain tightly climate controlled, hampering institutions in their quest to drive down energy bills and emissions.
Caitlin Southwick, the founder of Ki Culture, a sustainability consultancy for museums, said that lenders were simply following rules required by risk-averse conservators and insurance companies.
Along with museum administrators, they were passing the buck over who should act first, she added, and this had resulted in a deadlock. “You don’t want to be the conservator who says it’s OK to flip the switch, and all of a sudden your Picassos are melting,” Southwick said.
In 2021, the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, the organization that runs many of Berlin’s major museums, announced a goal to become carbon neutral by 2035 — meaning its museums would need to slash their carbon dioxide emissions, including from air-conditioning systems. Gero Dimter, the foundation’s vice president, said that as energy prices soared in Germany last summer, his museums turned down their thermostats to around 66.2 degrees Fahrenheit (19 degrees Celsius). But the foundation’s museums were unable to make that temperature adjustment in some galleries containing loan items, Dimter said. Last year, the city’s Gemäldegalerie museum could not lower temperatures in an exhibition of works by Donatello because of loan contracts, which meant that it was warmer inside that show’s halls than in its big entrance hall. The museum was also having to maintain cozier temperatures for a forthcoming show of work by the 15th-century painter Hugo van der Goes, Dimter added.
The idea that art must be displayed in a climate-controlled environment is relatively new, said Southwick, a former stone conservator at the Vatican Museums. Masterpieces used to hang in unheated churches or palaces, she said. Some of the first museums to adopt climate-control technologies were in the United States, with the Yale University Art Gallery installing a steam-powered heating system in 1874.
Temperature and humidity controls became commonplace after World War II, Southwick added, especially after conservators at the British Museum and the National Gallery, in London, published a series of influential books prescribing the conditions to protect masterpieces in that chilly, damp city. Soon, those ideals “were taken out of context and applied everywhere,” Southwick said, adding that they eventually became the standard for museum loans.
Now, museums in Australia and Nigeria need to meet the same standards as museums in London and Pittsburgh to borrow works, Southwick said, even though the climates in those places are totally different.
Andreas Burmester, a retired director of the Doerner Institute, a scientific organization that conserves paintings owned by the state of Bavaria, in Germany, said that scientists and conservators had been debating for decades whether climate standards in museums could be safely loosened. Ten years ago, there was resistance to change, he said — including from himself. “My motto was ‘stable is safe,’” Burmester said. Today, he added, “the world’s changed” and conservators recognize that museums need to save money to cope with high energy prices.
“The Matter of Time” by Richard Serra, on display in an exhibition celebrating the Guggenheim Bilbao’s 25th anniversary.Ander Gillenea/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The Guggenheim Bilbao is on track to save 20,000 euros (or about $21,800) a month, since it decided to allow a slightly wider range of temperatures and humidity levels, said Daniel Vega, one of the museum’s deputy directors. Since October, the Guggenheim has been celebrating its 25th anniversary with an exhibition of works from its own collection — meaning its galleries are now free from loan items. It took the opportunity to roll out the new standards in every gallery in the museum.
Those new standards will remain for future shows, Vega said: Lenders can take them, or leave them. All of the lenders for a forthcoming Joan Miró exhibition said they were happy with the changes, Vega said. But one European museum that had been lined up to send an Oskar Kokoschka painting for an upcoming retrospective was insisting on tighter climate controls. If that museum, which Vega declined to name, did not change its position soon, the Guggenheim would leave the work out of the show, he said.
“We are not going to go back on this strong statement,” Vega said.
Some museum organizations and governments are starting to act, too. In December, the British government, which sometimes acts as the insurer for state-funded museums, suspended minimum temperature requirements for works covered by its art insurance program, to help cash-strapped institutions save money during a cold winter. The suspension, which runs until Mar. 31, was “not expected to produce a negative impact on collections and loan items,” a government spokesman said in a statement. The German Museums Association last year also urged its members to use less air conditioning while energy prices remained high.
Southwick said that if electricity and gas bills stayed elevated, more insurers and museums would follow these moves. Five years ago, Southwick added, she was hopeful that museums would change their stringent climate standards “for the sake of the planet.” Now, she said, they’ve got to change them “for the sake of themselves, too.”
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blackestmist · 1 year
Every night you dream that you talk to a genie, when you wake up you can't remember what you wished for. One morning you wake up with a giant crab pincer replacing your right arm. What do you do?
Step.1 screaming
I can't imagine anything else coming to mind before this very crucial step. It's less so about the actual replacement and more about The how...
Step.2 call out of work
No, I'm not entirely sure what the rest of y'all do for your work but having a giant crab pincer as a right arm is not going to increase productivity by any stretch of the imagination, but seeing as tomorrow is Friday, I feel like I might have a little extra time to figure out why on this beautiful blue marble. I would voluntarily replace a perfectly good working human right arm with a monstrosity.
Step.3 pop culture references
Now that I've called out of work and I'm probably going to draw the ire of the manager, it's time to look deeply within my mind and figure out whether or not there is anything in the many, many years of watching too many movies, reading too many comic books and playing too many video games that might actually be useful in some way, shape or form.
Step.4 isolation
Without much else to lean on. The only way I can see at the moment to get any sort of normalcy back is maintaining distance from everyone else who would likely cause a great disturbance. Luckily, by this point in our world history, not only have I mapped my smartphone to react to my left hand thumbprint, but we also have such wonderful apps as Uber eats and DoorDash. Not only will I be able to eat and look claw won't be getting in the way of cooking, but I also get a chance to collect my thoughts without too many other distractions.
Step.5 from a hypothesis
Okay, so by this point I'm fairly certain that there is no other way to explain the sudden change from one day to a next, but through magic or some kind of reality warping space anomaly. Seeing as I haven't heard anything else, go wildly different from normalcy. I imagine the latter is the better explanation for my current predicament. The only step now is to find a way to dispel this magic before I make any more stupid mistakes.
Final Step. Go back to sleep
Whether or not it's a far-fetched idea. The only thing that I can firmly conclude is that ,however I ended up in this mess it has something to do with whatever! I ended up dreaming about the night before somehow. With this in mind, I decide to head to my bed and attempt to return to sleep.an ASMR video, White noise machines, CBD gummies, sleepy time tea, and a hot shower followed by a dehumidifier with relaxing scents later I'm more than likely fast asleep at this point.
Sleep being in place of imagination and memory and do my very best to try and conjure up whatever the last memory before my last dream ended might have been. My experience there's always been at least one, particularly poignant piece of a dream that sticks with me throughout the day. In this particular case, I imagine a man with blue skin with crossed arms seemingly hovering in midair with a self-satisfied look on his face. Without any memory of what transpired before this smug look of victory crossed his face. It does seem fairly difficult to figure out what in particular went wrong but it does seem like there is one particular character that might be responsible for the state of my right arm.
For all of the stress that this new appendage has brought me, it seems like possibly through the magic itself. I found my way back to what feels like the source of what ails me. As if by a bluish teal whisp of shimmering light made a path straight to whomever I have to think for this little adventure. Nonsense, cities and towns pass by as my mind apparently decides that it might be a good idea to wander down memory lane and recreate certain memories in the form of quick vignettes and dioramas of highly personal scenes of my life.
Like an indie museum of my greatest failures, Embarrassments, and intimate moments on display for me, currently playing an actor in some sort of supernatural being's Little play about a guy who wakes up with a crab arm and proceeds to be very confused and upset much to nobody's surprise.
As you might expect, I did my best to move quickly through what is undoubtedly the most awkward art gallery I have ever found myself walking through as of now. Before I knew it, I found myself standing before work could only be described as the most generic looking suburban home in the history of anything. Unshaken by the peculiarity of this seemingly mundane home. I make my way to the door and I raise my claw to knock...
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cixixifolaw · 2 years
Stihl hs 75 bedienungsanleitung deutsch jbl
                    Hallo, ich verkaufe meine JBL Partybox 310. Stihl MS 261 C-M Motorsäge mit Griff- und Vergaserheizung. Preise von 75 € bis 625 €.77, Electronics, Headphones, B07N9DNJ5X, 6925281940293, JBL LIVE 400BT – Casque audio supra-auriculaire sans fil – Écouteurs Bluetooth avec commande pour 0«^ n Offizieller Katalog und Führer Für die Deutsche Armee-,Marine- und Bcdfn H. V. SckfllJC, lljnnnwr Simon'» Apolheke, Berlin Wllh. Stihl. Hon. Gibt es eine Bedienungsanleitung für Technoline WT 529 in deutsch? Der Transmitter verbindet sich nicht mehr. Ulmberni vor einer Woche TechnoLine WT 529 Kunsthandbu Deutschland Königliche iVluseen zu Berlin HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY or THE FOGG ART MUSEUM KÖNIGLICHE MUSEEN ZU BERLIN KUNSTHANDBUCH FÜR
https://cixixifolaw.tumblr.com/post/692094864367763456/gigaset-c385-duo-bedienungsanleitung-pdf-to-jpg, https://cixixifolaw.tumblr.com/post/692094749095690240/proklima-dehumidifier-bedienungsanleitung-hp, https://qenipelamus.tumblr.com/post/692094600530280448/vn-7000pc-bedienungsanleitung-galaxy, https://qenipelamus.tumblr.com/post/692094600530280448/vn-7000pc-bedienungsanleitung-galaxy, https://koduparomor.tumblr.com/post/692094802415812608/canton-powered-subwoofer-as-10-bedienungsanleitung.
0 notes
ctrltech · 3 months
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A dehumidification system is crucial in removing excess humidity, keeping your environment dry and conducive to preserving sensitive items such as medicine, food, and cultural artifacts. By controlling moisture levels, a dehumidifier helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can damage these valuable items. Whether in an indoor swimming pool, museum, storage facility, or production area, employing a dehumidifier ensures the longevity and integrity of items requiring specific climate conditions for preservation.
Protect your valuable medicines, food, and artifacts from moisture. Control it effortlessly with a dehumidifier.
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dehumau · 2 years
Best Residential and Commercial Dehumidifier Australia
Dehum has been providing homes and businesses air solutions for over 2 decades. Supplying the best units from around the globe with dehumidifiers for indoor pools, homes, museums, data storage facilities, man caves, wine cellars, industrial spaces and more. We are proud to be the only Dantherm supplier in Australia. Dantherm have the most advanced dehumidification solutions on the market today. Contact us for the right Solution!
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micewithknives · 2 years
This is nowhere near a recent article but its still one of my favourites about the intersections between museums, Indigenous peoples, and items that arent repatriated
Without connection to the community, our objects lay silent but our identity and culture are inherently linked to these objects that are very much alive. They are a tangible connection to our ancestor and embody the cultural connection we have to our history and to our living culture and without us being present with them, they stay asleep. (Kimberley Moulton, Yorta Yorta woman and senior curator of the South Eastern Aboriginal Collections at Museum Victoria)
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
Summer Photography (aka the thirst trap)
Summary: Marinette is forced to take pictures for Gabriel in order to pay for her summer graduation trip with her best friends from lycee. Adrien, her primary model, wants to avoid the summer heat and pulls in one very attractive bad-boy motorcycle man to be his replacement.
July in Gotham comes with an almost rancid kind of heat.
The kind of heat that is impossible to banish unless the air conditioning is set to 65 degrees and there’s a dehumidifier in the room. The kind of heat that makes babies cry with discomfort and adults curse whenever they have to take a foot outside. The only age population that enjoys it are the teens. More precisely, the teens are more fans of being on summer vacation, rather than the sticky warmth, but they find ways to work with the heat, rather than against it. Some teens gather on apartment rooftops, taking in the rare, smoggy breeze with pleasure. Others frequent their local swimming pool, an ice cream parlor or convenience store. If they get really desperate, they take shelter in the library.
Should a teen be forced out onto the muggy sidewalks full of sweaty bodies, they drift towards parks or areas of ‘city beautification’ and find a tree to rest their weary bodies under. 
Of course, there are always exceptions to these norms. 
“Marinette,” Adrien groans, sweat on his brow. “Can we please do this not during peak heat?”
“No,” Marinette says. “Your father insisted on having pictures of a male model at precisely two in the afternoon, and it took me months to convince him to let us come on this trip, so we’re not going to do anything to jeopardize it.”
“It’s not like he can do anything now. We’re literally an ocean away.”
“Suck it up, sunshine,” Marinette swats her hand at a lazy fly, not bothering to look up from changing the lens on her camera. “Maybe I’d let you get away with a substitution. Gabriel didn’t specify that the person in the pictures had to be you, but we don’t know anyone in Gotham, and everyone we’ve come across so far isn’t exactly the friendly sort.”
Adrien flicks the collar of his t-shirt, desperately trying to generate some sort of a breeze so he doesn’t melt. “This is all Nino’s fault. He and Alya insisted on going to that couple’s show when he could have been out here, taking my place. If Luka were here, he wouldn’t have deserted me like that.”
“We all know of your and Luka’s undying love for one another, but he is busy touring. He’ll meet up with us in New York, though, and you can have your disgustingly sweet love-fest over there. Meanwhile, I’ll be forever alone.”
“Don’t put yourself down like that, Marinette. At least five people in each city we’ve gone to so far have tried to go on dates with you.”
She crinkles her nose and does a test shot, making sure the light setting works out. “Yeah, but they all reeked of desperation and alcohol. Plus, at least two of them were just looking for a person to cheat with.”
“No good,” Marinette says, frowning at the shadows the tree cast. “Gabriel won’t be happy with these kinds of photos. You’re going to have to move out of the shade.”
“No!” Adrien wails. “I refuse! It’s bad enough that you dragged me out here, but to make me go in the sun? You know I burn easily.”
“Yeah, yeah drama queen, but these photos aren’t going to take themselves, and I’m one hundred percent sure that you don’t want to have to do this twice. Which is what we’ll end up having to do if you don’t get your little butt out into the sun so we can take quality shots.”
Adrien whines before a motorcycle revs in the not so far distance. A very Chat Noir smile creeps onto his face. “I don’t think I will. I’ve just found my substitute.”
Marinette follows his gaze, then shrugs. “If you think you can convince him to substitute in, you’re free to go. But remember, it’s Gotham, and if you get jumped, I’m not going to help. It’s too hot for a fight.”
“You underestimate my charm.” Adrien says, already triumphant.
True to form, Adrien somehow manages to get motorcycle man over to her. 
“Not sure how Adrien convinced you to do this, but I guess he gets a free pass.” Marinette knows exactly what Adrien’s going to do with his free time. He’s gone on and on about Gotham’s Museum of Vigilantes, and to be quite frank, Marinette doesn’t want to get caught up in another one of Adrien’s rant sessions on the Bat Family. “Anyways, nice to meet you. I’m Marinette, and my awful boss has come of with the wonderfully creative idea of Summer Heat for a photoshoot in the summer.”
She has a bone to pick with Gabriel Agreste. More than one, actually. In fact, she’d say that out of the 206 (well, 207, if she counts the fracture she got in her left pinky toe after that last akuma battle that weirdly, still hasn’t healed) bones in her body, she’d pick a fight with Gabriel over at least 200 of them. The lack of originality is one thing, but she’s not sure how she feels about his blatant attempts to set her up with her son during this trip. Somehow, he still hasn’t grasped the fact that his son doesn’t swing her way despite having hundreds of pictures of being lovey-dovey with Luka all over the internet. In fact, maybe it’s because Adrien and Luka have that many pictures that Gabriel is trying to push for a heterosexual relationship. A lack of vision both for his photo shoots and for his company. Marinette doesn’t understand how she once looked up to this man.
“It’s no problem. I’ve got nothing better to do, anyways.” 
Marinette blinks, then reassesses the man in front of her. Not only does he have a sinfully attractive voice, but his visual appeal isn’t that bad, either. “It’s still nice of you to do this. Should be a pretty quick shoot. Five outfit changes and a few poses in each-- shouldn’t take any longer than an hour, hour and a half.”
She rummages through her bag, fishing out a stack of paper. “You’ll get paid for your time. $250 for the whole shoot, and if you want to keep one of the outfits, feel free.”
If she’s being completely honest, she thinks that Gabriel’s summer collection is a hot mess, and she doesn’t particularly want the burden of bringing back the disgusting articles of clothes back with her in her suitcase. Should motorcycle man not want any of them, she’ll send them back via express mail.
“Don’t need the money, but I’m trying to stay out for as long as I can. Any way you could make the shoot go on longer?”
“You want to stay out in this heat?” Marinette asks in disbelief, taking out a small bag of makeup to apply to his face. She motions for him to sit in the shade of the tree while she sees what she needs to cover up. 
“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Motorcycle man says.
“Like the owner of a custom Harley-Davidson is poor,” Marinette quips. Humming in approval after giving his features once over, she decides that foundation isn’t necessary, only concealer to cover up the dark circles and some old scars.“You have great skin.”
During their summer trip, Marinette has become makeup artist, photographer, public relations manager, and trip advisor. It’s a taxing job, but well worth the reward, which is an all-expense-paid graduation trip with her friends from lycee. Well, Nino and Alya had to pay, but between Nino’s part time DJ gigs and Alya’s ad revenue on the Ladyblog, it wasn’t hard for them to raise enough for the two month long, seven city, four country trip. 
“One of my siblings is insistent that we do our best to minimize the scarring. Don’t know what his deal is, it’s not like our faces are sellable commodities.”
“That’s where you’re wrong-- you’re pretty good looking and could easily go into modelling or acting if you wanted. So props to whoever your sibling is. And thank your genetics too.”
Motorcycle man snorts. “Not cut out for that lifestyle. I like more… adrenaline inducing jobs.”
Marinette almost-- almost laughs. The placement of the scars on his face do imply that he’s gotten in at least one or two knife fights before, and there’s a thin line on his neck that definitely looks like it hurt. Motorcycle man has definitely been in trouble before, but he’s also good enough to get himself out of it. She’s not going to bother asking what his job is. She doesn’t want to be an accessory to any of his crimes. “Action movies, then?” 
“Oh sweetheart, I make action movies look like a kid’s fist fight.”
“Wow, we have a bad boy on our hands, ladies and gentleman.” She finishes applying highlighter and sits back to admire her work. His jaw can cut glass. “Okay, Motorcycle Man, it’s time to take pictures. If you’re good, maybe I’ll draw the shoot out-- I’m not a fan of this humidity.”
Summer is better than winter, if only because she’s acquired a weird habit to almost hibernate when the temperature gets too cold. It’s easy for Marinette to shrug off the heat most days, even when her friends complain constantly.
“The name’s Jason.”
“I think I’ll stick with Motorcycle Man. Alliteration, you know? Now, one hand in your pocket, the other at your collar. Left leg out a little, like you’re ready to take a step-- perfect. Walk forwards a little, yeah, just like that.”
Jason is Adonis personified. The perfect package of cocky, arrogant, and bad boy. It doesn’t hurt that he’s well muscled either-- even Adrien doesn’t have thighs like that, and he spends hours as Chat Noir jumping from rooftop to rooftop. 
“You’re a natural,” Marinette praises. “Have you ever modeled before?”
“Not like this, but I’ve got my fair share of pictures on the internet.”
She’s going to regret asking this. But curiosity killed the cat, not the ladybug. “If not for modelling, then what for?”
“Oh, you know. This and that. A few odd jobs here and there.”
And if that doesn’t make Jason sound more like a criminal, she doesn’t know what will. Marinette decides that she definitely won’t bring up a day job, let alone a night job. 
“All right, next outfit.” She pushes a muscle tank top and light, ripped jeans into his hands.  “You can change in the public restroom, and if anything doesn’t fit, just let me know.”
He takes the outfit, but pauses at one of the other outfits she has in her bag. “Is that… leather and fur? For a shoot with the theme of summer heat?”
“I don’t call the shots, I’m just the poor lackey who has to make them look good. Trust me, if I were in charge of design, the only outfit that might still be in the bag is the one you’re holding right now.” Gabriel is definitely losing his touch. But hey, doing this weird intern summer program for him isn’t the worst thing she’s had to do in her life. It’s good to learn from other people’s mistakes, rather than making them herself. 
“Don’t worry. Crappy fashion isn’t going to scare me away. Have you seen some of Gotham’s villains?”
At that, she couldn’t suppress a laugh. “You’re talking Gotham villains? How about Paris?”
“Paris is some weird alternate dimension. It doesn’t count,” Jason protests. 
“I could say the same for Gotham. Really, why are there so many Robins? Can’t they come up with another name?”
“I almost wish I could argue with that.”
He comes out of the stall, and Marinette feels the summer heat. Jason, Motorcycle Man is ripped. Yeah, his thighs are probably some of the thickest she’s seen, but his biceps are to die for. She’s half tempted to ask for his workout regime, but she’s sure that somewhere he’ll casually throw in ‘beating up random people on the street’ or ‘punching people who piss him off.’ Those are just the kind of vibes that Jason gives off. 
“The arm holes are kinda tight.”
“I’m sure they are,” Marinette breathes, chest tight. Jason’s eyes smoulder. He knows exactly what he’s doing as he places an arm on the door frame and flexes. She thinks she can die happy, now.
They wrap up the shoot quickly. All of the clothes are promptly packaged up except for the tanktop and jeans.  
For the other jasonette prompts i’ve written for so far, i think i’ll probably continue them eventually, so lmk if you want to be added to the tag list for that. pretty surprised these are getting such a good reception thank you guys for that ;)
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got tagged by @shortforesmerelda, thanks! :D
nickname: I don't really have one? zodiac: scorp height: 5ft5 last movie I saw: I honestly do not remember if I've watched a movie since I saw the terrible Tim Curry one I mentioned in the last meme like this. last thing I googled: dehumidifiers favourite musician: Bob Dylan maybe? or Hozier song stuck in my head: If you take Stacy's Mom and swap out that part for the name "Genghis Khan" has been in the back of my mind for like half this week other blogs: I used to run textsfromhistory & fuckyeahpeterdavison, I also had an rp blog for Queen Elizabeth I from back in the HHRP days but that only lasted about a minute b/c I'm bad at rp lmao blogs following: 417 but idk how many of those are still active amount of sleep: ideal? like 9 but I take what I can get. lucky number: 37 (also 18 sometimes) what am I wearing: old t-shirt from the beach & shorts dream job: archivist (lmao not Like That)/care of collections for either a very specific weird museum, or something big like the Met dream trip: uhhh idk, there's a lot of places I haven't been. maybe Italy? favourite food: ooh idk, at risk of turning into my dad I'm gonna say eastern style barbecue play an instrument: I used to play ukulele but haven't in like a year languages: english, a teeny bit of spanish and even less french, can do most of the ASL alphabet but always forget like p, q, & x random fact: I think I've told this before but like until I was like in my twenties, I thought Hawaiian bread was pineapple flavored and hadn't eaten it before that because I don't like pineapple describe yourself as aesthetic things: peregrine fisher's house, raccoons, that specific ~vintage combo of brown/orange/harvest gold/avocado green, the laugh-in joke wall, edward gorey illustrations, the world's fair home of tomorrow/any retrofuture robot house from pre-1970
I think most of the people I would tag have done this already? if you see this and want to tho, pls consider urself tagged! <3
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wordsandmorewords · 3 years
My bed is empty (free in loss)
My bed is empty I stand, looking down from above There is no breath in this room but mine The plants do not talk to me
I hear the dehumidifier It runs, a loud whirr from a motor in a plastic shell Only inanimates competing for the space No need to close doors
A daily unease I fall into routine, no one to break the spell No maps laid upon tables for me to see No call or pull to parts unknown
This is mediocre The excitement and drama left long, long ago A staid desolation has been injected into me I suffer both confusion and knowing
I have it reasonably well The heat is on, the rent fully paid And yet, I feel no riches, no kingdom to run No family; nothing heraldic
Welcome to modernity Connections are made through backlit pixels There is no need to manifest physically But I want to more than screens
I am no solution I keep my head down in the halls I stare at the phone when someone calls All I feel is anxiety
I've written a list All the everythings I want to someday achieve But I have no one to hold me to account And the paper piles high
Not all is lost I have time, and nothing holding me down Cash to set alight; warmth and show I shall burn, no debts owed
I am humble I just want to visit each nearby local green Like the skin of a rattler, leave some of me Abandoned, needing evidence of being
I will take a photo And that photo will be found by archivists  A postcard printed on stock A museum exhibit
Unknown visitor Date unknown, estimated circa 2022 Former site of a certain monument They can see me
My bed is empty But I am seen History Me  
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