#moon knight is great
moonknightblog · 1 year
Decide to write some Moon Knight angst, because why not!
(This takes place when Marc was kid, after he escape the cave where he and his brother got trapped in by the rain.)
After he managed to get out the cave, oh that cave where he used play all time with his brother has now turned into a nightmare. Marc started to run back home, tears in his eyes, the only thing he could think of, was go back home but every step he took almost tripping in the mud, he knew his brother was not behind him. He just knows that when gets home, he tell his parents and they go find his brother and everything will be fine right? When he rushes inside his mom and dad both look him, his dad saying “Oh, your back we getting kinda of worried since it was raining hard.” His mom look around and then spoke “Where’s RoRo, Marc?” Marc had a sad and scared expression on his face. His father ask “What’s wrong Marc?” Marc was scared to answer, he knew he would be in big trouble and that his brother could be no he can’t be. Marc answered anyways his brother’s life is on the line. After he spoke his father soon rushed out, while Marc started to shake, his mother could only stare out the window, worried for her son. She wished to she go look for RoRo, and not stay with Marc. Few hours later, the rain went away. His father came back empty handed, the cave still was flooded and have they wait a day see if RoRo was there or not. His mother cried that night, and Marc couldn’t sleep. His thoughts keep him up. When cave empty out it was noon, the police called, when his dad found RoRo’s dead body. Marc felt shocked and in denial, but did not express his sadness around others. To say for sure his mom was badly affected, he could hear her mumble a lot when he was around, she couldn’t look at him and if she did it was full of hate. Times he tried to talk her and say sorry. She would never reply. All this before the Shiva ever happened. Marc never could known that after Shiva it become a lot worse, at least he is still alive right, why is she so sad, why does she hate him. Marc is her son right?
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hhhhleb · 3 months
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sleep tight, my little knight
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pinkd3mon · 8 months
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Dedede at the end of revenge of the king
Day 4 of drawing random kirby shitpost for every day of October
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soft-girl-musings · 4 months
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What do we think jake thinks about Valentine's day?
hope you had a good one!
ohhhh man, what does Jake Lockley think of Valentine's Day? It depends.
I could see him keeping busy, mostly driving around all day. He'll see couple after couple to their Valentine's plans: college sweethearts, parents taking the night off, older couples still exchanging whispers and stolen kisses like they're new in love: all kinds of lovers come and go to their festivities, morning to night. Jake keeps a cool head when he's on the clock, but sneaking a look at his backseat tugs at his heartstrings sometimes. It's sweet.
-until it's not.
Because nobody buys flowers for their cab driver. Nobody leaves a handwritten card, or serenades the middleman. Some people tip a bit more generously, but seeing couple after couple stumble into each other's arms while he drives away with an empty car can tug his heart the other way if he's not careful. Going unseen is fine the other 364 days of the year; why should today be any different?
Maybe one year he's ruminating on this reality between passengers. Maybe it's one of those hard years where he's one off-key ballad in the backseat away from kicking the next drunken couple to the curb. But the rent's due and he can't keep dipping into Marc's savings. So he stays out despite wanting to go home, turn on a sad movie, and destroy a pint of ice cream (it's only a guilty pleasure if you let it be).
Maybe this time someone enters his backseat alone. It's an unusual silence on the 14th, and Jake spies a pair of empty hands: no roses, no chocolates, no partner. And maybe this person asks him to just drive around for a while, doesn’t matter how high the meter runs because they're good for it, but please just drive. And he does. Maybe he asks how their day's been- standard smalltalk- and they laugh bitterly before unloading their Valentine's woes on their unsuspecting driver. Long story short, they can't wait for this holiday to be over.
And maybe Jake just... lets them talk. For as long as they want, because this is the first time someone has said more than their address or if he can break a $20 (he can but he won't). Maybe he turns the meter off and they stay like this for a couple of hours, taking turns with the music and airing their grievances. Jake hasn't laughed this hard on the job in... well, ever. It's a delightful change of pace.
Maybe they pull over for a cheap bite. And being face to face makes Jake reconsider his stance on meet-cute clichés. And the whole notion of "moving too fast". And making a near stranger breakfast in the morning.
Maybe Valentine's Day isn't so bad.
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sadwetcatmk · 11 months
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Moon Knight system live reaction to Miguel O'Hara(s ass Jake only sees ass)
No idea what the situation is but Marc just wants to leave, poor guy </3
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oonajaeadira · 6 months
For the Love of Fic: December 9
I'm doing my best to get through my massive reading list by the end of the year, so buckle up, fam, you're about to get served a buffet of fic. There's so many tasty morsels here, even Mama Flores has to appreciate this feast.
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creation Fics!
Sheer Desire by @the-blind-assassin-12 Okay so imagine you're Frankie's +1 to a Millerboy wedding. And there's dancing and yearning and flirting involved. And the knowledge that after the reception, you're going to have him all to yourself. Now add in black thigh-high nylons. And the desire to see them in his hands. And his desire to have those lacy tops pressed against his ears.... IT'S HOT LIKE FIRE. DID YOU THINK IT WOULD NOT BE. GO GET IT.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #2: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Hammock by @something-tofightfor I mean, who doesn't want to be cuddled up in a hammock with Frankie? Who doesn't want those soft curls and soft lips and warm arms all pressed up against you?
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #12: Frankie Morales - Kiss in the Dark / Break Up Kiss by @something-tofightfor A little angst and a lot of love are on display here. Frankie's here to show his responsible and protective side, and while there's plenty of hurt, he does it oh so softly and I'm just glad we are left with hope.
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #14: Frankie Morales - “I miss you” Kiss / Angry Kiss by @something-tofightfor So remember that hope I just mentioned up there? Same pairing here, and the hope pays off. It's not without some real talk, but perhaps that's what makes the love even more deliciously sincere.
The day Frankie both loves and loathes the kitchen counter by @undercoverpena This is such a wonderful domestic Frankie POV piece. The way he wants to be better for reader, to provide more, to keep promises...the way he adores everything about her, including how she loves to bundle up in his clothes... Getting a peek inside a man who is sweet and loving and seeing the motivations there is such a treat. I really got swept up in this one.
The Thing About Second Chances by @artemiseamoon 🪐 This is exquisite. The pain of walking away really hurt. But then, when they met again it is so masterfully done...there are all these little impulses of his, wanting to do everything for her that could easily be overbearing except that he's just so damn loveable and it's hard to watch two people who clearly live each other be denied. I'm not sure he can really change all that much, but I am really pulling for them. Sometimes a little time apart can really drive home how much you can miss someone. Beautiful.
The Moon in May - Full Moon by @hopeamarsu Alpha Marcus. and. sitting on lap. purring and. teasing and soft and spreading you open but requiring go slow. is a tasty treat. brain mush. purring chest at my back. yes please.
Something Wild and Unruly by @ezrasbirdie Okay, remember when I said that there was a fic that was so beautiful it made me want to quit writing? This is it, and I mean that as a high compliment. Like, I finished it and just put my head in my hands and stared out the window with a big smile on my face. It's outlaw!Joel and old west sex worker!reader with a heart of gold and a good attitude about what she does. It's got so so so much feels and yearning and softness and bathing and the ending is beautiful and full of hope...this fic is up all of my alleys and making all of my jams and is my entire life mood. It is my new official Fave Birdie Fic™️ and I need to sing that to the world.
Small Joys: Wheelbug by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 The whole point of Lyr's Small Joys series is just that--joys. So it seems antithetical for Ellie to have found a bug that's big and bitey and for Joel to freak out about and try to bat it away. But the joy part of it comes from reader's reaction--to the wonder at finding a wheelbug in nature where it wasn't expected--and Ellie's, who of course will always find wonder in something new. Simple and beautifully done.
Small Joys: Leaf Pile by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 Yes, the joy here is jumping in a leaf pile, but the joy I got from it was being able to hear Joel and Ellie perfectly in this. I also love the process Ellie gets to have in collecting the leaves and talking to a neighbor. It's really delightful.
The Sun Will Shine Again by @foli-vora I can't imagine dealing with crippling depression during the years after the outbreak, how hard and crippling it would be. And yet, I think I'd be able to manage if Joel was on my side, telling me he'd carry me as long as he could just to make sure I made it through. This is just such a beautiful piece. I want to curl up in it like a blanket.
Tangled Triumphs by @planet-marz1 I think my blood sugar levels hit an all-time high with this one and I ascended into the heavens. Joel learns to do Sarah's hair and it's so sweet and precious and I love them. Please read this. I need other people to share my squeals.
Cast Iron Sunshine part 1: Think I'll Call You Sunshine and part 2: Daisy by @blueeyesatnight Color me intrigued. We got ourselves a cocky cowboy in the wild west and a female doctor reader with some determination, sass, and willingness to sport a revolver, and I want more of that push and pull I'm sure is coming. The first meeting is just enough tingle to rub my hands together with glee. HE'S SUCH A SHIT. But then comes Daisy and she's here to lay some hearts open...
What Happens in Vegas.., ...Never Really Ends in Vegas, and Forever by @wildemaven A beautiful drabble trio that encompasses the realization that you've accidentally-in-Vegas married Jack, trying to quit him, and being unable to do so. Do yourself a favor, don't think about it too hard, and give into your cowboy.
Remember Me by @toomanystoriessolittletime This twisted my little heart and melted me in so many ways. When Jack is brought back and can't remember his girlfriend? Can I just cry a river? No worries though, the ending's a happy, hopeful one.
Thought That I Was Dreaming by @haylzcyon Salty, spicy, and sweet all at once...this may just be my dream Dieter smut. I very much love a "did he really say???" but then the reason for her not asking was perfect. How does Haylz make the very filthiest filth the sweetest sweet?
Sleazy Santa by @morallyinept This what happens when Dieter's not an actor, just a tremendous sleezebag working as a mall Santa (he's respectful to the kids) and you can't stop wanting that scummy D and go bang dirty in the Grotto. There's candy cane action. It's real nasty. And written like a fkn gourmet meal. The sweatier Jett writes this slimeball, the more I want. I don't know how. It's like Christmas magic. Delicious.
Crawling Back to You by @prolix-yuy This fic is a feast and all of my favorite dishes are on the table. Monsterfkn. Demons. Blasphemy. Sexy contracts. Dieter being a menace. And softness????? This is smut and it is hot hot hot, but there's enough here that's sweetness and fondness that it's going straight to my forever faves list. HE RUINS HER SO NICELY. UGH!
Rendezvous in Reno by @theywhowriteandknowthings A Dieter with small-dick insecurities? Please and thank you, this is super cute. I'd love to get called out for describing his junk wrong in my fics and get a personal correction.
It's Never Over by @pennyserenade We don't get enough exes-to-friends fic around here, and this one is really nice. As much as I hope for them to connect again, I respect their love for each other and their need to just let themselves be special to each other. There were moments here that were bittersweet, but I really loved that about it.
Birfday--Din by @writeforfandoms Listen. Is it so wrong that I want to cook a nice breakyfast to show Din how much he's loved? Is that too much to ask? Thanks, Jen, for something soft and sweet.
Then We'll Find Out Together by @missredherring A lovely little drabble about settling down in a new home with Din, getting used to the slowness and softness and niceness of everything. And when reader can't sleep, the one thing that's familiar--Din himself--is what calms her down. A lovely little drabble that I would like to live in.
Bounty and Hunter by @never--doubt 🪐 A soulmate fic wherein soulmates can't hurt each other. How interesting then that one of you is being hunted...and makes quite a game out of it?
Significant by @softlyspector He's been calling you riduur for months and you still don't know what it means. Once you find out, that's when the fireworks start. I don't know that I've read dialogue for Din and his sweetheart that affected me the way the last two lines of this fic did...... *swoons*
Watercolor by @iamskyereads I mean, give a sellsword a bath and you may be in for trouble. But not this man. This man just needs a little care, and while he may not say much, he make good on all kindnesses. I would do anything to give this man a bath and have him speak kindly to me.
Date or Inseminate by @sirowsky Now listen. You're gonna have to read the warnings on this, because I for one get really squicked by dub-con mixed with medical malpractice. I didn't read the warnings and it came out of nowhere....but I'm telling you my eyebrows shot up and then I just giggled through the whole thing like WHAT IS HAPPENING. Sometimes fic is just there to be fun and slap you silly. IRL? No please. But this? Go in with the right mood and it's just strangely and shockingly delightful smut.
Formula 101: December to Remember Part 2: Take What Comes by @littlemisspascal There's a lot to love about Rae's F1 media fic. Even outside of the easter eggs in the worldbuilding and the lovely way Javi and Oddball's relationship develops, there are the delightful media interludes--emails, texts, instagram posts complete with character comments--that use pictures and dialogue to move the plot along in a unique way. I love how a short text chain not only sets up a later story locale, but illustrates a history and relationship between two characters so fluidly. Every chapter is a delight to see how the media enhances the storyline...a storyline that is moving in a very interesting direction...
Hiding Away from the Galaxy by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 I love a good reunion story. Here, you're an ex-Jedi who has a past with Bo and come to find her when all the wars are done. I'd agree that it's worth the wait when she takes you in her arms....
My Knight in White by @flightlessangelwings 🪐 Jey's been doing a year of protectiveness, and you know I don't mind that AT ALL. I would love nothing more than to have Marc follow me home and protect me. And then, yeah, if he let me follow him home...and into his bedroom....I wouldn't complain..... *swoon*
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marveltournaments · 6 months
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lockley-spktr · 8 months
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This look gives off Jake Lockley energy.
I will not be elaborating at this time. It’s just the vibe I get from this picture.
📷 from Instagram.
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hanzajesthanza · 1 month
cahir in chapter 5: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach remained tactfully silent.
cahir in chapter 7: [punches soldiers to prevent their flight] “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING, MOTHERFUCKERS?!”
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age-of-moonknight · 3 months
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“What If…Venom Had Bonded to Wolverine?” What If…? Venom (Vol. 1/2024), #2.
Writer: Jeremy Holt; Penciler and Inker: Tadam Gyadu; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Ariana Maher
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moonknightblog · 1 year
When thinking about how I would write after what happened after season 1 of Moon Knight and how they would meet Jake I sorta headcanon that he would called Khonshu father and like here’s an example:
Jake: Well you know father, he has flare for dramatics Marc…
Marc: You mean Khonshu? Well anyways, It’s doesn’t matter! You still let him have us, why?
(Like for me, I think Jake kinda hates their real dad for not stopping their mom. When they almost died, Khonshu “saved” them, Jake nows think him a fatherly figure and Khonshu would played along, you know to manipulate him)
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chelshiart · 2 years
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my boys!! oscar and issac!!
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halogenseas · 1 year
Congrats to Aaron Taylor-Johnson for joining Oscar Issac and Hailee Steinfield in having more than one Marvel role. 
Edit: Here’s an updated list of more actors who have more than one Marvel acting credit. Sorry for forgetting anyone. 
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Khonshu choosing an avatar:
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Tawaret choosing an avatar:
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bambeedeere · 7 months
unironically moon knight was the best tv show marvel has made so far, hawkeye and loki afterwards
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crystal-lillies · 8 days
God. I. mm. I really want to like this series bc Ncuti and Millie are doing so well but mm. mmmm. I'll keep holding out until the end of the series. and also. RTD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHY WOULD YOU LET THEM LESSEN THE EPISODE COUNT TO EIGHT??? EIGHT????? EIGHT????!!!!!!
Jodie's 13th doctor was held back by the cutting of episodes why the absolute holy fuck would you allow them to be cut any more. doing Ncuti's run dirty in ways that Jodie's had but worse!! WORSE!!! and if this is a wider BBC decision to cut the episodes and you wanted more, I'm sure you could have EASILY rallied tidal waves of support to pressure the BBC into giving Ncuti more episodes. Would I still have been a little bitter in that scenario that he would get the proper amount that Jodie lacked? Probably! But I'd have been happy for Ncuti! He deserves that much!
What the FUCK is the problem with longer episode runs across the board?? Short-form is great when it's done well for a limited series (and even then, "done well" is the key phrase) but it's not good for everything! Serialized TV shows need to fucking BREATHE.
I'm so sick and tired of the corset-compressed shows with 6 episodes, 8 episodes, 10 episodes, of things that WOULD have a decade ago gotten 15, 20, 22 episodes, or more! and would have thrived off of it!
Character arcs, story arcs, worldbuilding, all the Good Shit(tm) being shunted into little boxes and trimmed of any ounce of fat, but then the lean meat isn't even that good because it was rushed out by compressed writing rooms and overworked staff.
it's just one thing after another like, Moon Knight was amazing but an anemic SIX episodes. It was paced relatively fine, but it felt overall like a movie cut into six pieces rather than a TV show. And it was helped by everyone giving great performances and the origin story being pretty tight. Then Ms. Marvel REALLY suffered with her series ALSO being only six episodes! and her story felt a lot more like a teen coming of age fantasy that needed more room to breathe. Iman Vellani and her costars did a fantastic job, but I was left feeling like the story was missing pieces, and it needed. more. room. to. breathe.
Do I even need to mention Percy Jackson and NATLA? Both had young relatively green cast members give their all in a severely compressed version of a good base story, and we all are praying that the showrunners will learn from their mistakes.
Is this just "the way things are in streaming now"??? because for the most part, it sucks! and who the fuck decides "oh for streaming, we're just going to do super short seasons now" because they're stupid! Look at Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi! We're getting weekly drops in an era of all-or-nothing, AND we're 20+ episodes in and still not at the end! And it's GREAT! DO MORE LIKE THAT!!
jfc sorry this turned into a rant but god damn I'm so upset Doctor Who got sucked into the gross streaming trend of fewer episodes too. it just ruins so many good stories.
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