#monsta x senarios
slutforleeminho · 5 months
would you write for monsta x????????
ahhh i don’t know anything about them😭 if you can educate me on them than i could definitely try
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darksidedmonstax · 4 years
Most to least likely have a baby first
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-Admin Ghost  👻
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clariannahoney · 3 years
Miracle (A Lee Jooheon Story)
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This is my first time writing an imagine & I’m nervous
(A/N : Play Miracle by GOT7 while reading please)
Here I am on an especially cold, freezing kind of night supposed to be happy but i’ve haven’t been the same since I lost my mother & i’ve been struggling on my own although I have a good job that pays me very good, I’ve just been so unhappy with myself from time to time.
“Excuse me, Miss Y/N?” My boss says as I look up from the computer to him.
“Sir?” I answered, “you can go home if you want” he says. “Wait what?” I thought, “Are you sure? You don’t want me to stay here & work over time?” I asked. “Nope, you’re already a hard worker” he says, I was surprised so I told him thanks before finishing the paper & packing up my belongings then left the building.
I was walking home then i couldn’t help but look up at the sky & admired how beautiful it was at nighttime until I heard a loud sound & see lights
I was waiting for an impact but felt nothing when I opened my eyes there was a man kinda around my age looking up at me with such beautiful eyes, dimples so deep I could poke & those kissable lips.
“You have to be careful, my love” the unknown man told me
“Who are you?” I asked
“You’ll know soon, my love” that was the last words I heard before I blacked out
The Next Morning....
I wake up in bed still in my work clothes wondering what happened then I realized that my off days are on the weekend so I have time to myself today.
I take my clothes off & get into the shower trying to figure out what happened last night while washing up.
Until I hear a knock from the bathroom window & I see a beautiful blue bird.
“Hello? you’re pretty” I said admiring the bird then I get out the shower after drying off & putting on my clothes. I go downstairs make me some delicious Jjjangmyeon & watch me some tv before Show! Music Core comes on.
As I watch some of my favorite artists perform, I hear something strange but realize there’s nothing there then I bump into someone behind as I turned around ready to fight, I see the same guy that saved my life.
“Don’t be scared, I just wanted to check up on you” he says
“Who are you? Why are you in my house?” I asked
“I’m Jooheon & I’m your soulmate” he says
“Uhm, there’s no way” I look in disbelief & start to laugh
“It’s true” he says
“You’re pulling a prank on me!” I say
“No, I’m not” he argues back
“Seriously just leave before I call the cops” with that, I go upstairs to go to bed & I screamed when I see him again. “Dude! get out!” I exclaimed.
“Y/N, I’m telling you the truth” he says
“No, you’re not real” I argued back
“Why don’t you see the book your mother left?” he tells me
I was getting annoyed until I see a book that my mother has gave me on my nightstand and I begin to go through it until I see something that shocks me.
“Dear y/n,
If you ever read this, I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much also you’re probably not gonna believe what’s in this letter but Before you was born, your father & I met in the strangest but beautiful way but I was unable to have children due to a chronic illness I had then he told me that he wasn’t human, he was an angel & I couldn’t believe it at first but he made my days so perfect, he even broke the forbidden rule to have an other female angel to be a surrogate & when you was born, my life changed for the better but then your father faced severe consequences for breaking the rule & he died. I had to raise you on my own, show you the way of life. Jooheon was your father’s friend, he treated him like family. He even saw you as a baby & your dad told him that whenever you grow up make sure you’re okay, support you throughout your darkest days & teach her how to love. If you ever read this, just know I’m sorry I never told you this. I love you
Your mother
After I read the letter, tears started to run down your face that you clutch it to your chest then I turn back & see jooheon’s gone
“Oh mom, i miss you so much” I kept crying until I went to sleep
The Next Day in the middle of the evening....
I’m drinking coffee at the cafe thinking about the letter & Jooheon. I still don’t know how I am gonna accept the truth.
“Excuse me, Miss? Is this seat taken?” An elderly man asks me
“No Sir, in fact you can have the whole table.” I say before paying then leaving. Soon I keep walking & walking until i stop in the middle of the park then I feel a hand touch mine
“Are you okay?” Jooheon asks
“Is it true what my mom said in that letter?” I ask
“Yes, I wanted to tell you but i couldn’t” he tells me then I crushed my lips against his & I could feel sparks flying through me
“I didn’t know what to do” I say
“It’s okay, I’m here” he says
“Please stay by my side, Jooheon” I plead with him
“I will and I always will” with that, he kisses me on my forehead before hugging me
I feel loved & that’s what I always wanted.
“Thanks mom” I thought while in Jooheon’s arms
A soulmate is the one person whose love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soul, to do the emotional work of self-discovery, of awakening.
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joohvney · 5 years
*you feel insecure about yourself sexually*
our sweet boy jooheon: who cares if you don’t have a thigh gap? I’m going to separate them for you anyways princess.
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inadaydream99 · 5 years
Who’s cuter?
Monsta x (ot7 x reader)
Fluff and very mildly suggestive (if you count a bad description of kissing/ making out suggestive)
Plot: you get jealous when your new adopted puppy gets more attention than you.
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The guys of Monsta x had been sat in the living room all morning obsessing and giving all their attention to the cute little puppy you had all decided to adopt together. You had been so excited the day Shownu walked through the door holding a tiny little back and white puppy.
You all decided to call your puppy Spotty due to her fur and also because none of you could agree on any other name.
You couldn’t leave the little cutie alone, constantly playing with and showering her with attention. That was until the guys started paying more attention to Spotty than they did to you.
As the days went by with nothing changing, you started to become a little bit jealous of all the attention your adorable pet was receiving. So in a moment of desperation you decided to play a little game to see if you could get the attention of the guys you craved back.
It’s no easy task going up against a small, fluffy and very cute puppy, but you had no choice. You were starting to go insane with the lack of affection you had received.
You walked into the living room with determination, confident strides and a slight sass in your walk. As you entered you saw a space on the sofa next to Minhyuk, sitting down and instantly cuddling up into his chest. You look up at him through your lashes only to see that he hasn’t taken his eyes off of your dog who is now laying on her back whilst Kihyun gives her belly rubs.
You feel a little hurt that Minhyuk doesn’t move a muscle to show he acknowledges your presence. You huff quietly and stand up again, walking over to sit on the floor with Changkyun, instantly leaning your head on his shoulder as you purposefully sigh louder than normal. Nothing. Determined to get some sort of attention you place your hand on his thigh, using the tips of your fingers to draw patterns.
“Can you stop doing that (Y/N), I’m trying to watch Hyungwon teach Spotty to sit.” Changkyun says as he moves your hand away from him.
You had had enough now, feeling embarrassed and angry at how you were being treated. You got up and stormed off to your room, tears in your eyes as you flopped onto your bed and buried your face into the pillow.
“What’s gotten into (Y/N)?” Jooheon questions as everyone looks in the direction you had gone.
“She seemed pretty needy for attention.” Hyungwon answers, Changkyun’s eyes gong wide as he realises the situation.
“Damn, I think we’ve been so focused on Spotty that we haven’t been paying (Y/N) any attention.” He adds as they all look at each other with guilt washing over them.
“I’ll go an check if she’s ok.” Wonho states as he stands up, Changkyun following behind him to your room.
A soft knock on your door is heard before its opened and a very guilty looking Wonho and Changkyun walk in. They sit on either side of your slumped frame as you don’t move to acknowledge them. Being very aware that two of the guys are next to you, but not knowing who it was, you battle in your mind whether to take a peep or to just ingnore them until they give up and leave.
Your curiosity gets the better of you and you slightly turn your head, lifting it from your arms that are resting on the pillow, to the right. You see Wonho perched on the edge of your bed looking down at you sympathetically. He places his hand on your waist giving you reassuring touches as you roll onto your back with a huff and look to your left. Realising that Changkyun was there and feeling most anger toward him, you instantly look back at Wonho and take his hand in yours.
Playing with his fingers you mutter “what are you doing in here.” Wonho looking down at you fondly as he lets out a breathless chuckle.
“We wanted to make sure you were ok.” You scoffed at his words and look at Changkyun who is sat motionless, sensing your upset towards him.
“Wouldn’t you rather watch Hyungwon teach Spotty to sit?” You questiond, mocking his words from earlier as you glaired at him.
“I’d rather spend some time with you, actually.” Changkyun responds as he finally makes eye contact with you. Your feel yourself soften at his response as you see his apologetic expression and use your other hand to take his.
Both boys smile at each other as you lay there holding both their hands knowing they were forgiven. Wonho moves first, laying down behind you and pulling you into spoon, his large frame engulfing you as his arms wrap around your waist. He kisses the back of your neck and you can feel him smile into your skin when you giggle at the tickling sensation it gives you.
Spurred on by the older male, Changkyun follows suit laying down to face you. His hand still intertwined with yours as he uses his other one to caress your cheek.
Your faces mear millimetres apart, you connect your lips softly, starting out with a gentle kiss. But that soon becomes more intense and passionate as you get lost in each other. Small whimpers emitting from you to encourage Changkyun, letting both men know of your enjoyment at the intimacy.
As you break the kiss for some air a hand grabs your chin and turns your face to the side. Seconds later another pair of lips come crashing into yours as Wonho twists you to face him so he has a better angle to deepen your kiss. You feel his tongue against your lips and open them to allow him access. Your tongues battling for dominance, but Wonho’s winning and you feel his smirk as he brings you closer to his chest.
You are interrupted by Jooheon walking into the room, stopping in his tracks as you pull away from Wonho to look in his direction.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt anything, we were just wondering what was taking you so long to get (Y/N) back.” Jooheon says, addressing the two men who were both still holding you close.
“We were just making up.” Changkyun answers, a cheeky grin on his face as he turns to look down at you. Shifting himself so he can sit up on the bed and stand up.
“Come on, lets go join the others now.” He holds his hand out for you to take as Wonho reluctantly lets you out of his grip and follows suit.
You all walk into the lounge. Still holding Changkyun’s hand you pull him over to Minhyuk who is sat in the same spot as earlier. As you reach him he opens his arms for you, inviting you to sit in his lap and cuddle. You smile at him as you accept his offer, letting go of Changkyun’s hand so he can sit in the seat beside. You place a quick peck on Minhyuk’s lips and snuggle into his hold.
You look around after a minute of silence, noticing that all the guys were watching you. A blush creeps up your face as you try to hide yourself in embarrassment.
“Look how cute our (Y/N) is!” Shownu exclaims as the others laugh along. Spotty yaps at Minhyuk’s feet and you twist your body to pick her up.
Jokingly you turn to everyone and hold Spotty level to your face.
“Who’s cuter?” You question and everyone bursts into laughter at your undeniable cuteness together.
Hey, I hope you enjoyed this scenario I randonmly wrote. I wanted to write something with all the members of Monsta X for my first MX post! 😁
Requests are open if you would like a scenario, imagine, au, oneshot or reaction with any of the members! I also write for other groups, if you would like to know which ones then I have a post for it on my blog.
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kpop-sprite · 5 years
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monbebezen · 6 years
Monsta x with curvy girls? ✨
Okay soooo this is going to be multiple post because ya girl creativity takes time and I dont want you to wait.. also I am doing this a bit differently and going to tie into another anon ask… umm soo yeah… I hopes you like it :D
It was a week before the comeback and he promised he would spend sometime with you before all the chaos of the comeback started.  Shownu had sent you a text earlier in the day telling you to be ready by 8 and to check the back of your closet for a surprise,  In the closet you see a pretty black box with a gold bow, and inside a beautiful red dress with a high slit. 
Surely, he didn’t mean for you to wear this in public you thought. I mean this was the most form fitting outfit you’ve had so far. You thought what the hell and went and put the dress on. It fit you in all the right places showing of your curves in the most sexy way, oh and the slit stopped right your thighs perfectly. You never realized a dress like this could fit you so well.
“Wow..” Shownu says
You jump not realizing he was there. You had be standing in the mirror admiring yourself for so long you lost track of time.
“Sorry I’m not ready.. I just lost track of time” You say as you start to do your hair and makeup
“No…that is perfectly fine… I mean look at you”  Shownu grabs you by the waist and slowly runs his fingers down the slit of the dress and your thigh making your tremble.  A few moments of him kissing your neck and feeling you up you smack him away shooing him to get ready so you can go eat.
Shownu spends most of dinner staring you down and doting you with little kisses, he loves showing you off and thinks you are the most perfect woman..Shownu starts running his hands up your dress though out the night making you crave him more and more. Finally the waitress comes by 
“Any Dessert?” She ask
“Yeah but we will take it to go..”  Shownu says with a smirk
-Minhyuk- | -hyungwon- | -Jooheon-
next part smut
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Scenario Monsta X Wonho pt 1
Requested: no
Idol: Monsta X Wonho
Warnings: a bit cringey
Road trips...
Road trips were everything. Especially with the right people and right now the right people were you and your boyfriend Hoseok. Just driving and driving and no going back.
You guys took a break to watch the beautiful sunset. You too sitting on top of the truck with a blanket on your laps, so you wouldn't get so cold.
Looking up at the stars that lighten up the dark. You see a shooting star. "Look Hoseok, a shooting star, you have to make a wish" you said excited.
He just looked at you adoringly. "What should I wish for, when I allready have what I want?" He smiled at you and you slightly blushed.
"I love you, Hoseok"
"I love you too"
So this was my first scenario that I wrote. I hope you like it and if you want more or if I should write about an other idol pls let me know... you are not a burden to me.😥🤗
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uwupinkmilk · 5 years
🍓🥛 m o n s t a x• m a s t e r l i st
Welcome 친구를! This is the Monsta X masterlist. Please let me know if the links are messed up or if it is not updated(I probably just forgot😅)! Enjoy 즐겨!
🍓- n e w
🍊- c o m i n g s o o n
🍌- r e q u e s t e d
🍋- t r i g g e r w a r n i n g
• r e a c t i o n s
-To S/O Being Good w/ Kids🍓
• b l u r b s
• m t l
• s e r i e s
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savingjess · 5 years
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Note : [+] - fluff ; [-] - angst ; [~] - crack ; [!!!] - suggestive
lee hoseok | 이호석
s u n s e t – {social media au ; +} {discontinued}
   ↳ “when the sun has set, no candle can replace it”  he thought that his sun had set, until they came into his life.
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sugabearz · 5 years
Request smut and fluff for me to write!
I'll write for like exo, seventeen, monsta x and bta rn. Just someone request so I have something to do
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darksidedmonstax · 3 years
MTL: burn the birthday cake they make for their s/o
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- Admin 👻
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peachesandsodas · 5 years
Le papillon (ballerina!oc x photographer!kihyun) - 2
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Part 1 | Part 2 | word count : 2519
“ You know how it feels like? When those butterflies decided to flutter inside you and your heart starts to beats fast? I never felt those before-- but-- it feels nice. It’s warm, and comforting. “
listen to this while reading
Sun light peeks in through the gaps of white, linen curtain, and the sound of rustling branches slowly wakes Jooyeon up. Her eyelids flutters awake and a faint groan escaped from her lips as she stretches her limbs on the bed. Pushing herself up, sitting straight and her eyes landed on the clock, sitting nicely on the night table next to her bed.
Good, still have some time to get proper breakfast before I'm out, she thought. Jooyeon walked out from her bedroom, greeted by a smell of earl grey tea brewing in the kettle pot, and her mother cutting some fruits on the kitchen counter. "Good morning, my little princess." Her mom greeted with a warm smile. Jooyeon smiled shyly, approaching the island bar and took a seat on the stool. "Mom, don't call me that.. I'm already 23 years old.." Jooyeon replied yet smile still painted on her sleepy face, tying her long maple-coloured hair into a messy bun. "23 or 50, you're still my little princess." Her mom chuckled softly, handing a plate of well cut fruits to Jooyeon and a cup of peach yoghurt topped with granolas for her breakfast. "I heard the audition for the upcoming concert is today?" Her mother asked, Jooyeon is busy with her yoghurt so she replied with a nod. "Hopefully the audition goes well, hmm? I know you've been waiting for this moment to come."
It's been years since she joined the SRBA (Seoul Royal Ballet Academy), she started her ballet journey at such young age and it leads to where she is right now. She jumbled between school and ballet, until she graduated college then she start being a ballerina full time. It is a tough job, 6 days a week with 9 to 10 hours of schedule in the Academy. Being the resident company dancer has been tough, tons of auditions, exams, and hitting the 3 year mark in the Academy put a little bit pressure on Jooyeon's shoulders as she is known as one of the dancers who is a strong candidate as a principal dancer in the Academy. So, she has to make sure she nailed this audition after years of dedicating her time to rigorous trainings.
"I will do my best in the audition, okay?" Jooyeon replied, this time with a smile as bright as the spring sun and giving her mother a highfive.
- - -
"Yo. Kihyun. Got the camera ready? We have to leave soon and get to the Academy."
Kihyun quickly walked out from the studio's office, fingers busy tapping onto his phone screen, replying some messages regarding to his upcoming solo exhibition, which will follow through after the ballet concert project that he got in the first place. "It's settled near the sofa in the lobby. I thought Minhyuk already told you, Hyungwon?" Furrowing his brows yet his eyes never left the phone screen. The tall lad who called Kihyun just before, Hyungwon, shrugged his shoulders, "Nope, he didn't told me that things are in place, he just went out to get some coffee." He said, passing by Kihyun who's still busy with his phone and walked out from the studio. "Yah. I think your hand got some superglue or something, that phone never left you since last night." Hyungwon teased before he disappears to the studio's lobby.
(kakao)Kihyun: Hyung, make sure the Academy will sponsor the exhibition.
(kakao)Hyunwoo: I'm discussing it with Hoseok right now, we'll make sure it will happen, okay? Just need some talking and more sweet-talking with the board members before we could sign off the papers.
(kakao)Hyunwoo: But for now, make sure we give our best to their project first.
(kakao)Kihyun: No worries. See you tonight.
Kihyun slipped his phone to his pants pocket, rushing to the lobby and get his camera gear along. Heading to the Academy with the help of Hyungwoon and Minhyuk (who's now hands are full with coffees and pastries).
It took him years to finally be able to set up his own photography studio, alongside with a great team consists of his college friends. Kihyun being the founder of KH-Visuals working as the resident's head photographer; Hyungwon and Minhyuk both are his college friends majoring in Photography and Hyunwoo, Hoseok working as the agency's admins helping out their fellow friend to manage all the schedules, clients, projects, and everything behind the scenes. Thanks to Hyunwoo's connection to the performing arts circle, they landed a project with Seoul Royal Ballet Academy to photograph behind the scenes of the upcoming concert, in vice versa, the Academy will provide sponsorship to Kihyun's first solo exhibition.
He hopped into the car and took a seat behind Hyungwon who already called shotgun, while he put some faith in Minhyuk to drive, heading straight to the Academy in this bright morning.
- - -
"Oh my gosh, it's audition day."
"I'm nervous."
"Who do you think will be chosen this time?"
"I don't know, I heard there are so many strong candidates this year."
"I think it has to be Jooyeon, she's been auditioning since day 1 and this has to be her moment."
"What title are we going to bring to this concert?"
"I heard it's an original play from the Academy?"
"Let's just do our best."
"Oh she's here."
Jooyeon entered the Academy halls, and the whole resident dancers' eyes are now landed on her, yet she shrugged it off. "Good morning, Jooyeon, ready for the audition?" One of the younger resident asked, Jooyeon simply smiled and nodded at her. "Just gonna do my best, and let the board members decide." She said, heading straight to the studio she always use for warming up and some lone time. "Yeonie! Hey, wait up!" A female voice heard behind her, and tugged onto jooyeon's white knitted sweater that covers her black leotard. "Heejin? Hey! You're back from the Russia exchange?" Jooyeon pulled her long-time-no-see friend into a tight hug, almost crashing Heejin's lungs. "T-too tight.. Yeonie--" Heejin tapped Jooyeon's back and a hearty laugh heard from both of them. "Damn, I miss you so much. Oh hello, soon-to-be principal dancer. Yes, I am back, but just for vacation and then I have to go back to Russia. Ready for the audition today, my little princess?" Heejin teased, now walking next to Jooyeon to the skylight studio. "Seriously, now you're like my mother. You should stop. And for the audition.. I don't know, we'll see later on. Will you be watching though?" Jooyeon replied, opening the studio's door and Heejin quickly walked in. "I will be watching the audition, and try not to scream your name too loud. You know me and my loud cheering voice." Heejin sat down on the floor with her back resting onto the mirror behind her. "Which almost got you kicked out by Madam Lee? Iconic." Jooyeon laughed, placing her bag next to Heejin. She changed her pants, and wrapped herself with her lavender-coloured chiffon skirt. Taking out the worn out pointe shoes from her bag, she started to wear it, tying the laces properly before standing up and stretching her leg muscles and her body. Heejin watched Jooyeon closely, admiring her childhood friend that already grows so much even after being separated for only a few months. Jooyeon did a few warming up routine, a few pirouettes until her eyes landed onto a familiar figure that walked pass the studio.
The guy who took a photo of her last week. Walking alongside with two other men, bringing a large bag and they walked straight to the Academy's auditorium studio. After their small eye contact last week, he piqued Jooyeon's curiosity, is he the new resident's photographer? Jooyeon could feel the warmth aura that radiates from him, even though he was outside the studio last week, but she felt comfort from his gaze.
"Yo. Jooyeon, you're not spotting at the right place." Heejin called out, snapping Jooyeon's attention back. "Uh? Sorry. Where were we?" Jooyeon cleared her throat, continued by Heejin who pointed out a few corrections to her.
- - -
"Oh, so this is what it feels like to be surrounded by cute dancers-- why hello." Minhyuk winked at a few dancers who's standing on the hallways, earning a few giggles here and there, Hyungwon just shook his head in embarassment, fastening his pace to stay a little bit far from Minhyuk, and Kihyun still busy with his phone as they walked through the hallway led by an older women who works as the receptionist, approaching the auditorium studio. "The audition will be held here, I was informed by the board members that all of you will start the project today? Make yourself feel like home, young gentlemen. Just make sure to always wear the staff badge whenever you're around here. So you won't get kicked out by the security." The older women said, leaving the three at the auditorium studio. The huge and high ceiling amazed them, mirrors and barres was set on the center of the auditorium, ready to welcome the resident dancers who is going to take the audition today. They took a seat on the second row from the front, prepping their camera so they're ready to start the day.
"Kihyun. Yo. You gotta let go that phone, man. Who are you texting?" Hyungwon nudged Kihyun with his elbow, "Hyunwoo hyung, he's meeting soon with the Academy's President. I just need to make sure that they get this proposal right." Kihyun sighed, now grabbing his camera from his bag, checking the lens and took a deep breath before letting it out into a long sigh.
Will she be here? Is she going for the audition today? Should I approach her and ask for her name? I really can't get her out from my mind since the first time I saw her. Kihyun's thoughts running wild and he unconsciously tapping his feet in nervousness. Minhyuk saw this antics and tapped Kihyun on the shoulder. "If you're still thinking about the butterfly girl last week, you got months to be spend here and you can just find her easily." Minhyuk said, which feels like he can read Kihyun's mind. "We'll see about that." He said, straightening his posture on his seat as soon as the auditorium door's swung open.
Resident dancers coming into the auditorium, and they immediately took their positions on the barre, ready to start company warm ups. Followed by the board members, concert director, producers, and the whole team. They greeted each other before approaching Kihyun and the others. "First time experiencing life in the Academy, gentlemen?" The directore smiled, and Kihyun replied with a soft chuckle as he nods. "I believe you'll take great photos, so, be comfortable, okay?" "No worries, sir. We'll manage." Kihyun replied.
There she is. The butterfly girl, he calls. His heartbeat starts to rise and he could feel sweat forming on his palms. She's donned with loose white knitted sweater covering her black lace leotard and wrapped with lavender-coloured chiffon skirt that he still remember she wore it last week. A worn out pointe shoes donned on both of her feet; and just the way she stands radiates so much charisma. And the way she smiles to others and the way her eyes shaped into a crescent moon as she chuckles just made Kihyun's heart went even more crazier than before.
He doesn't even know her name, personally, why did he feel things like this?
Kihyun distracted his thoughts by taking a few photos of the resident dancers, the directors, with a help of Hyungwon and Minhyuk as well.
- - -
Heejin took a seat near the directors and she waved her hand to Jooyeon, which caught both Kihyun and Jooyeon's attention. That's the second time their eyes met, only in a split second and Jooyeon smiled at him; more like both to Heejin and Kihyun. Heejin took notice at Jooyeon's smile and glanced behind, finding that Kihyun actually froze on the spot with camera still on his hands. Heejin turne around to flash a teasing smile at Jooyeon and back to Kihyun, clearing her throat to snap Kihyun back to reality. "You should get your head in the zone, bro. Go take some photos of my little princess will you?" Heejin teased, chuckling softly as she returned to face the resident dancers.
Kihyun startled but then he smiled and nodded, continuing to take photos and stealing some glances towards Jooyeon.
As a few repertoire passes and bodies fully warmed up, the director taking the resident dancers' full attention; "We will start the audition in 5 minutes, oh, I'd like to introduce all of you, these are the project photographers that will take shots behind the scenes on our progress towards the concert, because we will be having a photography exhibition led and curated by this man here, Yoo Kihyun. Helped by his team, Hyungwon and Minhyuk. Okay, now all of you can get ready for the audition. Thank you." The director introduced Kihyun and the others, he bowed slightly to the dancers and vice versa.
"Kihyun. Yoo Kihyun." Jooyeon faintly repeating his name as she prepared herself for the audition. "He's your type, isn't it?" Heejin sneaked behind Jooyeon, making her startled. "Heejin-ah! Seriously, you're making my life shorter every single time. And please stop, I'm not interested." Jooyeon said persistently, taking off her knitted sweater and passed it to Heejin. "You know, he seems nice. He just really drawn into you, I must say." Heejin chuckled, nudging Jooyeon's elbow. "I know, I know, you're still traumatised after the last relationship, but you gotta loosen up a bit, princess. Okay, go get the audition and nail the role. I'll be watching you." She pulled Jooyeon into a tight hugh before rushing back to the seats.
Kihyun walked past Jooyeon, who's busy stretching her legs on the barre. Mustering up his courage, he stopped, turning around to take a photo of her. "Hey, is it okay if I took a picture of you?" He asked politely, "Oh? Yeah, sure, it's okay." Jooyeon smiled at him, now with his figure closer to her, she could see the small details in his features. His sharp jawline, his high cheekbones, the eyes that twinkles whenever he smiles, oh, his gummy smile that brighten up a day. Suddenly, she could feel a blush forming onto her cheeks and she looked away trying to not be so obvious about it and focus on her stretchings. Kihyun breathed out a thank you before pressing the shutter click as he got a photo of Jooyeon once more.
"By the way, good luck for the audition." Kihyun said, before leaving Jooyeon to regain her focus once more. She only smiled at him but it is enough for Kihyun to feel like his day just got better today. Also, for Jooyeon, she couldn't help but widen her smile as soon as Kihyun said a simple word of encouragement and got this spark of energy inside her. Perhaps, this will be a good day.
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joohvney · 5 years
all for you // l.j
‘you met me at a very strange time in my life...’
genre : soft angst, fluff, fem-reader, college!jooheon, no caps on purpose.
warnings : mature theme, mentions of emotional abuse, insecurity ((un-edited))
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the way you carried yourself, no one could possibly recognise you. even the energy you carried was unrecognisable.
you loved, and you learned. you waited, and you lost.
that didn’t mean you didn’t trust too easily or never wore your heart on your sleeve, and yet you were naive enough to let yourself get hurt.
the cafe was busy as normal with a buzz of late night papers and late night breakdowns. whether it was for another pick me up or waiting for the sudden motivation to be productive it was always another comfort.
without even asking the barista greeted you with a smile already putting your order in for your sweet milk tea. although coffee would be a change once in a while it left a taste on your tongue that couldn’t be forgotten whether you wanted too or not.
sitting in a booth you pulled out the withering text that couldn’t get any more beaten by the looks of the almost failing binding or the loose pages that held on to the loose adhesive.
the colourful neat notes left a contrast that some couldn’t understand the amount of irony there was. your notebook was almost filled, statistics and marketing was something that had piqued your interest but the business side was just another aspect to it.
“__? hey.” it was all too familiar. his voice, his nonchalant tone, the scent of cinnamon and pine always left something to be desired.
“heonie? i mean, jooheon. hey.” you smiled, his dimples made him look so innocent. “how have you been?”
“i’ve been doing alright. mind if i join you?”
“no, of course not. i just got here a minute ago.”
“me too.” he cleared his throat looking around for a second.
the air was awkward. this is on you to be honest, why'd you let him sit?
“how has your progress been so far? you know with your music and whatnot?” you ask placing a bookmark back in it’s place. “last i heard there was potential with a music company.”
“yeah no, i’ve met with them a while ago and i’m not allowed to say but there’s ideas of setting up a group. training has been hard but you know. it’ll be worth it in the end you know. especially if there’s more supporters in the end.”
“that’s great to hear! i’m happy for you.” you smiled, the amount of passion he spoke with reminded you of the times you spent talking for hours like time never existed and it hurt.
you felt as though this wouldn’t come to you so fast, especially within minutes of seeing him. but he couldn’t know possibly how much he affected you. how many hours you spent wondering what you could’ve done wrong for him to leave the way he did.
he couldn’t possibly understand how much you weren’t like the others who would come crawling back with a single text. he didn’t understand how you could give him your all in hopes for him to stay. he didn’t know how much of you he had taken with him.
he didn’t know.
“__, are you okay?” no.
“i’m okay, yeah. just have an exam coming up soon is all.”
he can read through you, you know he knows you’re lying.
“i’m sorry for the record.” he reached out for your hand, the touch felt cold. “I didn’t mean to leave you like that, i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“jooheon...” you pulled away, you put your things away.
“__ don’t leave, please. let me apologise.” he hurried. you don’t move. you couldn’t.
maybe it’s because you wanted to hear what he had to say, or maybe because you thought this could give you some kind of closure you thought you needed. or maybe its because you just wanted to hear his voice.
“i don’t need your apologies. it’s okay.”
“look __, you met me at a very strange time in my life. and i know it was a dick move to just up and leave the way i did. i know. but it’s not an excuse, and it’s most definitely not okay, i fucked up.”
“please, let just stop before anything is said that wasn’t meant to be.” you interrupt again. you stand huffing a goodbye and walking out the shoppe in a cold silence. you felt so angry he could make you feel so weak so quick.
he sat frozen, he wasn’t expecting you to leave, that was his move. he wanted you back, maybe not in the way either of you could expect. maybe even in a way couldn’t understand either.
you kept walking. surprisingly, it wasn’t the confrontation that hurt. you forgot your tea at the table. before you could even take a drink at that. there was an inner conflict, go back with the chances of seeing jooheon again, or just suck it up and continue your study else where. but that’s just a waste of money, and you can’t afford that. maybe you’re subconsciously avoiding the real issue right now.
“you forgot something.” he mentioned as you stood not aware of his sudden appearance.
“thanks...” you pressed your lips together in a thin line.
“you really don’t want to talk about this?” he asked putting a hand in his pocket, the other occupied by a cup of coffee you assumed.
“no, not really.” you huffed avoiding his eyes. you assumed if you stared at you cup long enough maybe he’d just vanish. maybe the last ten minutes was just a figment of your imagination.
“why, was it really that much for you or something?”
“i don’t think you understand, and maybe you never will, but you met me at a horrible time in my life too. and you knew that, and if you didn’t then that’s probably my fault. but you had so much of me in your hands, how much of my heart i wore on my sleeve. i wanted you to see, to see how much of just your presence even felt to me. but you didn’t. you didn’t know that i was so goddamn scared to have someone care so much for me like you did, or how i thought you did.” confessed the air suddenly felt thick.
“__, i’m sorry.i am.”
“I don’t you think how much i wasn’t ready to say goodbye. and even when you’re not even here to hold me when i can’t think straight, how much i selfishly want you for myself, how much i feel so selfish for wanting that feeling of you next to me. i wasn’t ready to say goodbye, jooheon, i wasn’t.” you felt your cheeks burn with such a confession. or maybe it was the tears you showed without shame.
he wasn’t sure what the outcome of this confrontation would be, and especially wasn’t ready to hear about how many feelings you held for him.
“i’m so sorry, please don't cry. i’m sorry __” he huffed pulling you close, despite the new image you painted to get over him it all shattered with this one sentence, he reminded you of how much he cared for your emotions, his emotions couldn’t help but to connect with yours. he didn’t realise how much of his emotions were still in your hands either. and although he’s never been with someone after you, he couldn’t figure why he couldn’t be with someone else.
“you were gone, jooheon, it hurt so fucking much.” you sobbed, holding onto him tighter than you thought.
“it happened once, but it won’t happen again, i can promise you that if you let me.” he hushed kissing your forehead. “what can i do? how can i prove it to you?”
“kiss me.” that words left faster than you meant it to.
and he did, without hesitation. it was desperate, soft, but heavy. it made you lose track of time. it was warm, sweet, it was everything and more.
“your lips are really warm. can i confess something.” you couldn’t think so clearly, it felt like something was right, something you didn’t realise was wrong. he took your silence as a notion to continue. “i think i’m falling in love with you.”
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inadaydream99 · 5 years
I’ve just started posting on this account after never really posting much!
I’m an English Literature major still with a very long summer holiday left. So, i’m thinking of starting to write on here so if you are interested then send me requests 😊 (I’ve never written any fanfic before but I’ve enjoyed reading it for so long and wanted to give it a try).
Im looking to start off with reactions, scenarios, au’s and oneshots for any of the following groups:
Monsta X
Stray kids
NCT (all units)
Also, feel free to ask me any questions! 😁
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