#mod Cesar
c3s4rxd · 5 months
Can you write thatcher davis x male reader? Anything about him really
Thatcher David x Male!Reader! (Small hc’s)
Possible trigger warnings; mentions of poor mental state, mentions of depression, mentions of MAD, (might be slightly ooc?) (REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!)
Thank you for requesting this! I hope I did Thatcher justice (considering host Adam probably wouldn’t…)
-host Cesar!
(I know that thatcher is in our “characters we won’t do” but I’m sure Adam wouldn’t mind if I decided to do him)
Thatcher gives of chill, rarely panicked, vibes. But underneath his calm facade, he’s actually quite anxious.
Idk why but I just feel like he’s super good at making soup- like all types of soup..
His nicknames for you are; babe/baby, darling, (my) love, doll, and babyboy(as a joke)
He needs help getting outa bed sometimes cus he just doesn’t feel like getting up
The relationship-!
You probably met him at the site of an accident,, like maybe a car crash in near you that lots of people went to check out(including yourself)
^although that was before the invasion .
He’s a pretty friendly guy honestly and probably liked to chat frequently with you whenever he got the chance!
Once you two finally got into a relationship it was quite some time before what happened to Ruth.. and he was a tad bit cold, not mean or anything you know? Just a bit closed off..
He constantly needs reassurance that you love him, no matter how much you show your affection, just tell the man you love him randomly and it’ll lift his mood quite the bit.
After the…incident.. he had been prescribed with antidepressants . You sometimes have to remind him to take them.
On another note to the antidepressants, he wouldn’t let you near him for a bit because he worried that he may of contracted M.A.D… although his suspicions were quickly dismissed and life went back to.. somewhat normal
His love language is words of affirmation
Other than that I think a relationship with Thatcher would be quite fluffy.. lots of hugs/cuddles!!
Sorry if this was short, but you can always dm us for specific hc’s!!
-Host Cesar!
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bigtopstims · 3 months
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suspiciously shaped child/agere steve stimboard -mod cesare
🤡 🥣 🤡 🥣 🤡 🥣 🤡 🥣 🤡
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captainpuffys-kinhelp · 6 months
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𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐀𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐒 ★ stimboard with; themes of red, cake, and stars. for anon.
★ ★ ★ - ★ ★ ★ - ★ ★ ★
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sexymancatalogue · 6 months
Tumblr Sexyalternate Of The Day #0144
Cesar Torres (The Mandela Catalogue, 2021)
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Art By Mommabd on Artstation!
List Of Archetypes
Distinctive Voice
Eye Imagery
Twist Villain
Urban Legend Aesthetic
Monster Features
Submitted by Anon!
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Lula ousts head of Brazil’s army in wake of insurrection
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President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ousted the head of Brazil’s army on Saturday, moving against the most senior military officer to be held accountable after the Jan. 8 insurrection, when right-wing rioters rampaged through this nation’s halls of power.
The order to fire Gen. Júlio Cesar de Arruda was delivered by Lula’s defense minister, José Múcio, according to a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak candidly.
The removal of Arruda came six days after The Washington Post reported that he had sought to protect rioters and supporters of defeated former president Jair Bolsonaro who were sheltering at a camp in front of army headquarters after storming and ransacking the presidential palace, the supreme court and congress.
In addressing Arruda’s firing on Saturday evening, Múcio suggested Arruda’s conduct on the night of Jan. 8 was one reason for Arruda’s dismissal.
“After these last episodes, the issue with the camps, the issue of January 8th, relations with the command of the Army suffered a fracture in the level of trust. And we needed to stop that right at the beginning,” Múcio told reporters in Brasília while standing next to Arruda’s replacement, Gen. Tomás Miguel Ribeiro Paiva.
Continue reading.
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- Y'know, I'm really regretting going to college right now
- yeah, cause you suck at calculus
- oh fuck off Cesar
Mark and Cesar are open for asks
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ernestlaytonpolls · 1 month
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hazyaltcare · 7 hours
Cesar Torres introject here can I have some positivity especially due to the whole Alex Kister situation rn and I feel bad about it
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Hey Cesar,
Remember that you are not bound by the constraints your creator gave you. You are a dynamic being who is capable of feats beyond your source's creator's imagination. You are capable of change, and you are capable of being whoever the Hell you wanna be in this life.
Don't feel trapped by others' perceptions of you. That is their own prison, not yours. If anyone gives you shit, remember that all that does is show how sad their own lives are. Don't waste your time wondering why lowlifes won't accept you.
Alex Kister's actions aren't your own. Even if the allegations against him are true (we aren't really familiar with the situation), that doesn't say anything about your character. If you want, you can always get some distance from your source and focus on yourself. There's no shame in wanting space from something you once may have found comfort in.
I get that the situation seems uncertain and distressing. Your feelings are valid. You are allowed to have feelings about anything, and that absolutely includes drama and allegations that don't directly affect you.
Just please do your best to focus on the good that exists in your life as this situation passes. Take time to take in the fresh air outside, and listen to the birds. Sometimes, being able to ground yourself can be enough to get out of a negative loop.
This too shall pass, and you'll still be here. Undefined by your creator. Never forget your strength.
Wishing you well,
Mod Haze (🙂Mr. Mercedes)
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cesare-das-wunder · 1 year
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(have been a bit busy so I’ve put this blog on the back burner, but have this in the meantime)
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aceblubee · 1 year
Reed and Manny from the secrets in helene reboot I LOVE GHEM THEY ARE THE SILLIES
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laytonkinsandedits · 5 months
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pride icons for my favorite characters part 3
Requested by:n/a
-Mod ernest
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davekatkins · 9 months
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Cesar Tores stimboard
With themes of red roses and black for anon!
Feel free to send another ask if you want anything to change.
Read out DNI (pinned) before interacting!
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bigtopstims · 3 months
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cesare stimboard i finally got around to making :o) -steve
🩸🧠🩸 🧠🩸🧠 🩸🧠🩸
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u6uuut6rfyjblog · 2 years
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???: What is your sleep pattern?
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sexymancatalogue · 6 months
Tumblr Sexyman Of The Day #0129
Cesare (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, 1920)
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Art By P0Cc on DeviantArt!
List Of Archetypes
Eye Imagery
Pale Twink
Twisted Freaking Cycle Path
Technically Antagonist
Submitted By Anon!
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meltingangels · 1 year
These are the rough bases for an upcoming mod; done to figure out placement and the various shades of red etc.
4 Iconic Jokers as overlays for Both Vs:
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