#mandela catalouge mark
fizzzyz · 11 months
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”It followed me home, Cesar„
My hands are aching from drawing this and my back is bent like a cheese doodle. I love drawing silly goofy goobers.. 👨‍🦽
I might open doodle requests soon maybe, I dunno.
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jemiu · 9 months
Probably never getting finished :( but here’s a old wip from a few months back :3
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1-800-moondust · 2 years
Mark Heathcliff x GN!Reader (Platonic Headconnons)
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Bro please give this man a hug he needs one desperately
His bed covered in stuffed animals, most of them coming from when he was a baby. He refuses to throw them out because of sentimental value
Mark also has a nightlight that he keeps on everyday
If you make fun of his stuffed animals or the fact that he has a nightlight he will cry
Mark is a pretty paranoid person and struggles with depression so he'll come to you and Cesar for comfort
The two of y'all have a secret handshake that he likes to do everytime he sees you
Once the alternates come around it makes him extra paranoid and just over takes a heavy toll on his mental health
So to help ease his worries y'all made secret knocks, passwords, and phrases to insure that he would actually be talking you and not something else
He tried to get Cesar to join in too but he declined the offer much to Mark's dismay
Mark is a pretty jumpy person so watching horror movies would be a no go with him
But if you did he would stay up all night being too scared to go to sleep. Sometimes would shake you awake and ask "did you hear that?" creeping you out too
He really likes comedy tho and will only watch a rom-com if it's laughably bad
Mark is a nice and polite dude so if notices that you're cold he'll totally lend you his hoodie
Just give it back tho, he doesn't tolerate thievery
With the alternates running around Mark plans as many sleepovers with you and Cesar as he can for group protection
Plus it makes him feel good knowing the two people he cares about the most (besides his sister) are safe
Mark begs for you and Cesar to get protection for yourselves (preferably a weapon) so that y'all would have a chance at survival if it ever came down to that
At the end of the day he's a caring and loving friend who wants to see his friends be happy and safe
Just enjoy your friendship with him before the incident happens
Sorry if this is bad I didn't check for grammar at all 💀
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c3s4rxd · 6 months
Well, I tried to request something from another person, but it didn't work out, now it's interesting to find out from you, it seems to me quite curious. I want to ask headcanons or something about relationship fem reader with Mark and Cesar. When been were childhood friends, so the reader and Mark started dating, but because of Mark's paranoid thoughts (which made the reader feel bad because of the inability to help) they broke up, then after a while the reader and Cesar started dating. I would like to see their relationship after all this, possible feelings that they are still experiencing, maybe a love triangle or friendship without obligations. Thank you for your time
Mark x Fem!Reader x Cesar - romantic headcannons!
Possible trigger warnings; mentions of paranoia, mentions of poor mental states, mentions of possible polyamorous relationships.
I Hope I did your request justice, dear anon!
-Host Cesar
How did this all begin?
You and Mark were friends since childhood and had always cared for each other.
You both met at some form of daycare Center and ever since became inseparable.
Although it seems that mark had started to grow feelings for you quite close to the end of secondary school and he had asked you out just before the invasion begun.
Needless to say you accepted your dear friends confession and started dating him!
Although when the invasion had finally started he had changed.. not much! But he wasn’t the same, he seemed more paranoid and scared than ever before.
He was constantly begging for you to stay at his for the night in fear that something bad would happen to you, and whenever you wasn’t there with him he was constantly trying to call you and praying to God that you and him would be safe.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you was trying to relax in your room, you had finally come back home from staying at your boyfriends house for a couple of nights, but just as you had sat down on your bed you heard the house phone ring. You slowly ascended from your bed and walked over to the phone, picking it up expecting it to be a family member or someone who had called the wrong number but was surprised to find that it was your boyfriend, Mark! “Hey babe, I know that you literally just arrived back at yours but I just wanted to make sure nothing happened!” Mark said with a weary voice “yeah I’m fine honey, don’t worry about me!” you replied honestly, happy that he wanted to make sure you were doing alright. That was only the first call.
Every time you got home from anywhere, you’d revive a call from your boyfriend and it slowly became a problem as he wanted for you to stay at his house or always call him. He worried too much for you too keep up with and you could never seem to convince him that nothing bad would happen and that you’d be fine, and you just felt so bad that your sweet boyfriend was driving himself half mad with thoughts of what could happen. You didn’t want to break up with him but soon felt hopeless at your inability to help him and keep him carefree so you decided it just had to happen.
After the break up.
You had told him that you’d love to stay friends with him and continue to hang out with him, to which he seemed quite content with.
After a while he had introduced you to his best friend; Cesar Torres, you had seen him around before but never thought that you’d ever get to know him.
You found that Cesar was quite extroverted and loved to talk to you and mark, he had a fondness of suits and whenever he came round to yours or Mark’s he would always be wearing one, he was also quite the gentleman and he’d always bring you a nice bouquet of flowers whenever he came to visit you.
You had soon became good friends with Cesar and he visited you often!
Soon enough friendship moved onto a relationship and you had found yourself spending less and less time with your childhood friend, Mark, and spending more time with your new boyfriend.
It worried Mark as he thought that he was no longer worthy of your love, no longer needed. And so, the phone calls started up again.
It was nothing but sweet short casual chats.
During one of those chats he mentioned that he still liked you, although he had no idea you and Cesar were dating.
So you had to carefully drop the bombshell on him.
Cesar was around at your house just paying you a ‘small’ visit as he usually did, he was sorting out dinner ‘as a gift from him to you’ is what he’d say whenever you asked why. And you couldn’t lie, he was a really good cook. You was just about to waltz over to the kitchen until- *ring,,,ring* the house phone. You knew it was probably mark and decided that he could wait a few seconds. Uh oh, bad decision [name]!
As you were watching Cesar cook you heard abrupt knocking on your door, it wasn’t aggressive, no. It just sounded a bit… desperate? So you slowly trotted over to the door to find Mark stood outside, a worried expression worn on his face. But as soon as he saw you his face lit up as if he was glad to see you. You opened the door and was about to greet him but he cut you off.
“[Name]! I’m so glad you’re alright, what happened? Why didn’t you answer the phone?! Is something wrong??” He rambled on, sounding scared and sad at the same time. “I- no, no, everything is fine Mark! Nothing bad happened I promise!” You smiled at him, hoping it’d calm his nerves. But out of nowhere Cesar called out to you. “Mi amor~! Dinners ready!!” Crap. Mark looked at you, confused for a second, but his face soon became one of surprise and sadness. “[name].. you and Cesar are dating?” His voice filled with sorrow as he spoke. “Yeah.. I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn’t know how..” you looked away, feeling guilty. Guilty of what? You didn’t know.
How Cesar reacts to finding out mark still likes [name].
At first he’s shocked, not much but still shocked.
He doesn’t know how to react, knowing that his best friend still likes his girlfriend.
He honestly doesn’t mind it, as long as you stay loyal to him that is.
(There isn’t much for me to write about his reaction because I honestly think that he’d be chill with it)
Bringing up the idea of a love triangle/polyamorous relationship with them both!
Now this could go one of two ways, number 1; you bring it up and they agree on sharing you, the two of them staying friends. Or number 2; them agreeing and also becoming romantic partners!
Either way it’d be a happy relationship between the three of you, and you all liked happily after🥳
The end!
Sorry if this seems quite rushed or perhaps I took too long, the end is quite short because I honestly couldn’t think of much, but thanks for your request anon! -Host Cesar!
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birriau · 2 years
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Come over
My mom die XD.
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folkwithjam · 2 years
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"You fucking bastard!"
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derpyhooves845 · 1 year
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any tmc fan around here? xd
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hanahaki-ghost · 8 months
Goretober day 30:Undead
Character:mark heathcliff
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forested--vampire · 2 years
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Poor Mark- the trauma this caused.
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dilutedbeanibeans · 7 months
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some tmc doodles!!!! I dont think Ive ever shown off my gabriel design here!!!
also here is my pre heaven overthrow gabe design!!! normal seraphim guy :]
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full page under the cut + rambles
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OKAY SO. I HAVENT DRAWN THESE GOOBERS IN SO LONG!!!!!! my art has DEFINITELY shot up in quality since then and it makes me so!!!!!joyous!!!!!!!
I am SO happy that Ive improved because for a long while I felt like I was stuck in a weird place of. Art Limbo and I’m so happy to realize that I’ve actually just been slowly improving this whole time!!!!!
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idk if it’s just me but seeing my art improve THIS MUCH within a year is so. amazing. I’m so proud of myself honestly
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ferigrieve · 10 months
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sound increase detected at 5:35 am. recording start.
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sparklewww · 3 months
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тяп тяп тяп💥
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danikoshi-doodles · 1 year
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Guess what I violently found myself back into and finally drawing fanart of
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c3s4rxd · 5 months
Can you write thatcher davis x male reader? Anything about him really
Thatcher David x Male!Reader! (Small hc’s)
Possible trigger warnings; mentions of poor mental state, mentions of depression, mentions of MAD, (might be slightly ooc?) (REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!)
Thank you for requesting this! I hope I did Thatcher justice (considering host Adam probably wouldn’t…)
-host Cesar!
(I know that thatcher is in our “characters we won’t do” but I’m sure Adam wouldn’t mind if I decided to do him)
Thatcher gives of chill, rarely panicked, vibes. But underneath his calm facade, he’s actually quite anxious.
Idk why but I just feel like he’s super good at making soup- like all types of soup..
His nicknames for you are; babe/baby, darling, (my) love, doll, and babyboy(as a joke)
He needs help getting outa bed sometimes cus he just doesn’t feel like getting up
The relationship-!
You probably met him at the site of an accident,, like maybe a car crash in near you that lots of people went to check out(including yourself)
^although that was before the invasion .
He’s a pretty friendly guy honestly and probably liked to chat frequently with you whenever he got the chance!
Once you two finally got into a relationship it was quite some time before what happened to Ruth.. and he was a tad bit cold, not mean or anything you know? Just a bit closed off..
He constantly needs reassurance that you love him, no matter how much you show your affection, just tell the man you love him randomly and it’ll lift his mood quite the bit.
After the…incident.. he had been prescribed with antidepressants . You sometimes have to remind him to take them.
On another note to the antidepressants, he wouldn’t let you near him for a bit because he worried that he may of contracted M.A.D… although his suspicions were quickly dismissed and life went back to.. somewhat normal
His love language is words of affirmation
Other than that I think a relationship with Thatcher would be quite fluffy.. lots of hugs/cuddles!!
Sorry if this was short, but you can always dm us for specific hc’s!!
-Host Cesar!
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1-800-pinkdoll · 2 years
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just a normal day at the movie theaters…
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folkwithjam · 2 years
Without effects
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And with effects
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Draw in your style
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