#mistletoe kiss fics
maxinemaxmayfield · 5 months
For the STWG daily drabble prompt: missed mistletoe
gen • 450 words • steddie
Why he had allowed the Party to use his house for their Christmas get-together, he’ll never know.
Why he had allowed Max and El to decorate without supervision, he’ll really never know.
He doesn’t know if they’re trying to get Lucas and Mike, respectively, to kiss them, or if they’d been trying to get the boys to kiss each other, but either way, Steve is now left tearing down sprig after sprig of mistletoe as he scours every nook and cranny of his house.
Sure, the girls will probably complain, pout and say he ruined their fun, but he isn’t risking it. No way.
Luckily, Eddie had stopped by and offered Steve a break from babysitting duty, which he was now using to reverse the damage the girls had done.
He double-checks each room, finally satisfied that all the mistletoe has been removed, and heads back into the living room after dropping the lot in the kitchen trash and grabbing two beers from the fridge.
“Hey, they doing okay?” He asks, handing the second beer to Eddie and leaning against the wall next to him.
“Getting into less trouble than I did at their age, so can’t complain,” Eddie answers.
“I don’t even like thinking about what I was up to at their age.” Steve cringes at the very idea.
They don’t realize that the group has fallen silent until too late, staring at them and suppressing giggles.
“What?” Eddie asks, bewildered.
But Steve doesn’t need to ask. Steve knows. Can see the path their eyes are taking from the ceiling down to both their faces.
Goddamn. Fucking. Mistletoe.
“Oo-ooh, you have to kiss,” El tells them, pointing at the leaves above them. “Those are the rules.”
Steve jumps in to shut that idea down before anyone else joins in. “We are not kissing.”
“Chickenshit,” Max goads from the corner.
“Do you have no respect for the rules of Christmas tradition?” Lucas asks.
And fuck, they aren’t gonna leave it alone, that much is clear.
Steve throws up his free hand and turns to Eddie. “They’re never gonna shut up about it if we don’t,” he says with a sigh.
Eddie doesn’t speak, just shrugs and nods with a look in his eyes not unlike a deer in headlights.
Steve braces himself and leans in.
His whole world tilts on its axis, like gravity has reversed, like everything he’s ever known has been thrown out the window.
Because kissing Eddie? It’s not like any kiss he’s had before. It’s electric. It’s everything.
He’s ruined for all other kisses.
He doesn’t even hear the choruses of “ewww!” and “get a room!” coming from the very kids who brought this on themselves.
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neondiamond · 5 months
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Mistletoe Kiss
1.2k | by neondiamond
A little bit of mistletoe is just the thing Louis needed to let his roommate Harry know he’s got quite the crush on him.
Read it now on Ao3!
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shitouttabuck · 6 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @transboybuckley and @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove <3
hello this is a bit from near the start of my christmas fic (it’s preceded by 600 words of fighting? why have i started a christmas fic with fighting? how festive)
Buck’s been avoiding him for most of this 48-hour. Which is fine, because Eddie’s still pissed about the way he ran back into that house on the verge of a flashover for that little girl’s alarmingly geriatric greyhound, but sucks, because Eddie and Chris are leaving for ten days of Christmas holidays in El Paso tomorrow morning. Without Buck. So every minute Buck about-turns and ducks behind the rig like maybe if he can’t see Eddie, there’s no way Eddie can see his long-ass legs poking out from under, is one less minute Eddie gets to have him this year. Eddie’d kissed him behind the engine, soot-stained and grubby after delivering the skinny dog safely to her owner, before stepping back and shoving him in the chest. “As if Chris doesn’t have enough parental trauma associated with Christmas-time,” he’d hissed. “What the fuck would I have told him?” Buck had scowled back, face one giant smudge of ash when he replied, “Don’t worry, I’d have had plenty of time to heal up before I saw you next year.” And Eddie didn’t know what to say to that, because he asked Buck to come to Texas with them, of course he fucking did, but Buck said no, over and over, because he was going to spend Christmas with Maddie and Chim and Jee. That’s not stopped him from acting incredibly weird about it. Of course I wanna spend the holidays with my sister, Eds, Christmas has always been our thing, he’d say, and in the next breath snipe, yeah, well, it’s not like you could be gone for any longer than you already are. It’s driving Eddie up the fucking wall, because he doesn’t know what Buck wants and all Eddie wants is to make Buck feel happy and loved during a time of year that’s notoriously difficult for people who come from unhappy families, but he can’t do anything unless Buck tells him what’s got his sweet overthinking brain in this miserable tangle.
barely wrote anything new but i DID do some gross real life tasks i’d been putting off which hopefully means now i actually have time for this without the looming guilt of ignoring shit i should be doing! sexy
tagging beloveds @onward--upward @rewritetheending @housewifebuck @try-set-me-on-fire @eddiebabygirldiaz @jeeyuns @athenagranted @anakinfallen @chronicowboy @zahlibeth @buckactuallys @eowon @devirnis
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cookies-over-yonder · 5 months
i just want you for my own
Taylor and Link share a moment under the mistletoe while preparing for a Close-Foster-Swift family Christmas party, and things get a little fiery.
christmas gift for @happi-tree <3
[title from All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey]
Every year Taylor and his mom have spent Christmas together, just the two of them curled up on the couch watching Frosty the Snowman: The Anime and eating the gingerbread houses they built hours before.
This year is different.
Taylor has always had an affinity for Christmas, but this year he has a whole new side of the family that shares that sentiment. And they are throwing a gigantic party. Link and his dads came early to help set up, Taylor’s dad will be here soon, the others will arrive after, and Glenn will surely be “fashionably” late. It’s going to be great.
Right now, Taylor is barely balancing on a stepstool trying to string lights at the top of his door frame. If only his tiny wings emerging from his back could actually help him fly.
“Need help?”
Taylor nearly stumbles off the stool when strong arms wrap around his waist to steady him.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“Here,” Link says, holding Taylor’s hand and helping him down. Then, Link spins him around by his shoulders and lifts him up with both hands on his tummy.
Taylor can feel Link’s hands under his loose tee shirt and his hands are quite cold in contrast to his naturally high body temperature. He fights back a shiver at the sudden contrast, and sticks the lights to the door frame with tape. Link sets him back down, and he hopes he can’t see how red his face is, or hear the breathlessness in his voice when he says, “Thanks.”
“No problem. It looks cute.”
You look cute , Taylor wants to say.
Taylor isn’t the type to get crushes. Well, not ones like this . Sure, he’s found people cute—he can recognize attractiveness when he sees it—but man …
Link’s always been cute, and dreamy, and charming, and…
Taylor doesn’t know when it got so intense, but at this point it seems that everyone knows but the boy himself. Scary won’t let up on the teasing, but Taylor just retaliates by teasing her about a certain mascot.
It’s true though, Lincoln Li-Wilson has got Taylor down bad.
The doorbell rings.
“Dad!” Taylor shouts, nearly tripping down the front step in his excitement.
“Hey, kiddo!” Nicky’s already ruffling his hair as soon as he reaches the bottom of the steps.
“Hi!” Taylor says, burying his face in Nicky’s torso and wrapping his arms around him. “We’re still decorating.”
“Ooh, well I brought something for you.”
Taylor pulls away. “What is it?”
Nicky pulls a flaming plant out of his pocket and holds it out in the palm of his hand.
“A mistletoe?” Taylor asks.
“I thought it might come in handy,” Nicky whispers, glancing off to the side.
Taylor follows his gaze to see Link, wrapping a shimmering garland around the railing.
“Dad!” Taylor whisper-shouts back, feeling his face flush.
“Come on, I see the way you look at him,” Nicky says, pinching Taylor’s cheek and ruffling his hair again. “It’s a special mistletoe from Hell. I kissed your mom under it way back then.”
“Oh my god, Dad!” Taylor shouts, taking it from him. It’s hot, but a little fire never hurt a tiefling like Taylor.
“Go hang it up,” Nicky pats Taylor on the shoulder.
Taylor can barely contain his own sheepish grin as he runs back up the steps to the entrance of his room.
The mistletoe is connected to a small hook, one he could hang on the lights fairly easily if he weren’t too short.
But then there’s an arm around his shoulders and a hand over his, picking up the mistletoe and hanging it over the lights like he had planned.
“What is that?” Link asks, moving his hand to the small of Taylor’s back in a way that almost makes him feel faint.
“It’s a—a mistletoe,” Taylor says, shifting to lean his back against the doorframe to take some of the weight off his feet. “From Hell. My—uh, my dad gave it to me.”
Taylor could not be more thankful that Link’s more focused on this flaming, flickering mistletoe than how red his cheeks must be with the way he can feel them burning up.
Link’s wearing a red sweater with white snowflakes patterned across it and Garfield on his stomach wearing a little santa hat. He’s got a white collared shirt underneath the sweater, though the top few buttons are undone…
He’s smiling, and the glow of the fire is lighting his gorgeous brown eyes. “It’s pretty.”
“You’re pretty,” Taylor breathes out despite himself.
“What?” Link asks.
“What? Sorry, wha—uh, what did you say?” Taylor stutters, biting his lip.
“The mistletoe, it’s pretty.”
“Yeah… I… uh… my family likes these traditions a lot. On my dad’s side, mostly.”
“It looks like we’re standing under it,” Link says, looking back down at Taylor with a mesmerizing gaze.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s—it’s a uh, it’s a silly tradition, we don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Taylor barely squeaks out, surprised he hasn’t caught fire himself yet.
“Well, It is your family’s party, so I might as well honour your traditions,” Link says, leaning forward a little and brushing a strand of hair out of Taylor’s face and tucking it behind his ear.
Taylor’s hands take purchase on Link’s shoulders and snake their way up his neck. He sucks in a shuddering breath and shuts his eyes as Link cups his cheeks and leans the rest of the way in.
As timid as Link can be, he kisses like he’s in charge. He slides his hands to hold Taylor by the waist and dip him ever so slightly, and Taylor can feel the heat from the mistletoe as if it’s consuming him whole.
“Mm,” Taylor hums into the kiss, and he feels heat rushing past his lips.
“Taylor,” Link whispers, pulling away a little.
“Taylor, you’re burning up.”
“What?” Taylor opens his eyes to see flickers of light at the ends of his hair. “Oh my god, I’m on fire,” he breathes out, and ah, smoke. Smoke leaves his lips. “Oh god, oh my god, oh my god—” Taylor stumbles away from Link and hits his back against the doorframe, wincing.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Nicky comes running up the stairs. “It’s okay, it’s normal, I promise. Just breathe, kiddo,” he says, putting a hand on his too-hot shoulder.
He hadn’t even realized how unsteady his breathing had gotten. Closing his eyes, he slows it to the best of his abilities, though when he opens them, the ends of his hair are still very clearly flaming.
“Look, now you’ve got aesthetic demon flames to add to your look,” Nicky winks.
“Dad!” Taylor shouts, pressing his hands against his cheeks. “I—I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Bye!” Taylor squeaks, before running through the doorway in his room to the bathroom connected to it.
And looking in the mirror he sees it: flaming hair and flaming horns, and a glow in his eyes he’s seen before but only in the dark.
“My first kiss, and I immediately catch fire,” Taylor grumbles to himself, “Just another day in the life of Taylor Swift.”
“I’d say it’s not the worst of days.”
Taylor whips around to find Link with his a firm grip on the doorframe, gazing at him like he’s something special and not just a ball of uncontrollable fire.
“Link!” Taylor presses his palms against his cheeks once more. Burning and bright red. “Uh—hi. Hi. Sorry.”
“It’s okay, Taylor. I—I like the hair… flames.”
Link steps a little closer and reaches for Taylor’s hands, but he pulls them away. “I—I don’t want to burn you. Sorry, sorry—”
Taylor feels the tears start to form, but then they evaporate with the heat of his cheeks.
“It’s okay, I can handle a little heat, I promise. And your dad told me it’s not enough to leave any real damage. Not when it happens from, uh… excitement, I guess.”
“Oh my god, this is so embarrassing, I’m sorry, we should continue preparing for the party,” Taylor brushes past Link, unable to look him in the eyes.
“Wait,” Link says, taking hold of Taylor’s hand. It’s coolness is refreshing in comparison to his boiling temperature. Taylor turns back around to gaze at those beautiful brown eyes once more.
“Can I kiss you again?” he asks, shy and timid.
“Ye—yeah, you can,” Taylor nods, perhaps too eager, but as Link pulls him in again, he doesn’t seem to mind.
This time, Link dips him all the way, and the flames get stronger, but Link doesn’t seem to mind.
“Mm,” Taylor hums into the kiss, and breaks away for air before going back in for more, His arms draped over Link’s shoulders.
Taylor starts to trail kisses across Link’s collarbone, briefly forgetting that his lip gloss will make his skin all shiny, but with the little giggles he makes at it, it’s all worth it.
When Taylor reaches Link’s neck, he briefly wonders if he could leave something resembling a vampire mark with his newly sharp fangs, and as he’s about to figure that out, there’s a knock.
“Door’s still open, kiddo!”
Taylor clamps a hand over his mouth and turns to see the wide open bedroom door.
“Either close it or help decorate!” Nicky shouts, already down the hall.
Taylor turns back to Link, whose eyes are just as wide as his own.
“You wanna decorate?” he asks, letting go of Taylor, much to Taylor’s dismay, but alas, there are duties that need tending to.
“Yeah. We should—yeah.”
And as they walk out the door, Link says, “Hey, now you match the mistletoe!”
Taylor giggles at that, and leads him by the hand down the hall.
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roe-and-memory · 7 months
dont think about (redhead) lightning having freckles all over his face and arms, Dont think about sally counting them or connecting them with a pen and calling them stars and constellations and DONT EVER think about how fucking silly they are. dear god theyre so in love. i thought about them once and exploded into confetti.
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wangxianficrecs · 5 months
Christmas Eve at Number 16 by liulans
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Christmas Eve at Number 16
by liulans (@liulans)
T, 9k, Wangxian
Summary: Lan Wangji considers that for a moment, squaring Wei Wuxian up. And then he says, “You are asking– if I would like to spend Christmas with you?” “It doesn't have to be, like, Christmassy,” he reminds him. “We can just hang out. Maybe you can come over tomorrow evening, and I'll have you back in your apartment before midnight. And then on Christmas day, I'll bring you an apple for luck, and that can be that.” “Okay.” Lan Wangji says, after a moment of brow-furrowing contemplation. “...Okay?” “I will see you tomorrow. I will– spend Christmas with you.” --- [Prompt: Character A can’t travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbour Character B.] Kay's comments: A very soft and sweet story where Wei Wuxian can't visit his family for Christmas, because they are snowed in, so he instead asks his neighbor (and crush) Lan Wangji to spend Christmas with him. They are just so incredibly sweet with each other in this story and what's Christmas without some mutual pining? Excerpt: “So you just, what, you worked through it?” He asks, as softly as he can. He definitely shouldn't pry, but Lan Wangji is letting him in. He's letting him close in ways only Wei Wuxian has opened up between them before. “You didn't take a lot of convincing. When I asked you to be here.” If he had tried to refute it, it would have been a lousy fight. There's something there, something quiet and unspoken; Wei Wuxian thinks, quite ardently, that he'd like to meet this shufu of Lan Wangji's, give him a piece of his mind. “Uncle meant well,” Lan Wangji explains, as if reading his mind. “He raised us as we were raised. There was never much room for such holidays. But you said you wanted to spend it with someone you cared about.” “Ahh, you know I didn't mean it to guilt trip you, right?—” He nods once. “I felt that it would be—mutually beneficial. To keep you company, so that you wouldn't feel like missing out. To spend the day in company I can tolerate.” That draws a laugh out of Wei Wuxian. It bubbles out of him, from the depths of his chest; it has him swaying into Lan Wangji's side with the force of it. “Tolerate? How romantic of you, Lan Zhan. So what's next on your list now, hm? How else can my tolerable company make your day special?”
pov wei wuxian, modern setting, modern no powers, christmas, holidays, christmas fluff, christmas decorations, getting together, mistletoe, first kiss, neigbors, friends to lovers, love confessions, mutual pining
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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haystarlight · 1 year
I'm tagging @avatarmerida because I know she'll love this one!
Happy holidays to all who celebrate! (All who don't, happy December!)
"Amity! Amity! Amity!" Luz called out, excitedly and a little too loudly. She was eagerly pointing at the ceiling, where she'd just got done hanging up a tiny piece of mistletoe.
Gus, Vee and Willow were sitting at the kitchen table, trying to make gingerbread cookies. Vee was making sure they had actual supervision this time, that way they might actually cook up something good that wouldn't make Luz and Camila sick. However, once they heard their human friend yelling, all 3 of them stopped to look at what she was up to.
Amity walked towards her girlfriend, annoyed but happy.
"Again? You know, if you want to kiss me, you can just say it," she shook her head with a laugh.
"Aww, but that takes the fun out of it!" her human girlfriend pouted.
"What? Kissing me is only fun when it's under a plant? Is that what you're telling me?" Amity smirked.
"What?! No! I didn't say that! I just meant-"
"Come here," the witch roller her eyes before grabbing the human's face and pulling her into a loving kiss. Luz's hands went to Amity's waist, Amity's hands stayed on Luz's cheeks. Amity's leg went up like it always did.
As they kissed, the other 3 each had different reactions. Gus laughed, made a fake gagging noise and pretended to throw up on the cookies. Vee cooed and then grabbed the cookies before Gus could throw up on them. Willow pulled out her camera and took a picture of the lovebirds, deciding to include it on her holiday scrapbook.
When Amity and Luz finally stopped kissing, both of their faces were red.
"You guys just love PDA, don't you?" asked Gus.
"Is it really PDA when there's only 5 people here?" replied Luz, letting go off her girlfriend.
"Whatever, pass me the oven mits, I'm putting these in the oven before something else goes wrong," ordered Vee.
Gus passed her the oven mits and watched as she put the cookies in the oven.
Willow, on the other hand, went to the 2 girlfriends. Her curiosity was peaked.
"Hey, Luz, I need to ask; what's with the mistletoe?"
"Oh yeah! I didn't tell you guys about this, didn't I?"
Willow shook her head.
Camila had been kind enough to welcome Gus, Willow and Amity to stay at the Noceda house for this Human holiday called 'Christmas'. It looked really similar to the Demon holiday 'Krampus Night', but it also had some differences. Luz had been teaching them all about the stories and traditions over the past few days, but it looked like she never ran out of things to show them.
"When it's Christmas time, we sometimes hang mistletoe up on doorways or from the ceiling or we just hold it over our heads or wear it on our hair," Luz explained "the tradition dictates that if you and another person end up under the mistletoe, you have to kiss them. Primarily on the lips, but not necessarily."
"It's like a fun, little game that makes Christmas more romantic," added Amity. Luz had obviously explained this to her already.
"Interesting," commented Willow, scratching her chin as she came up with an idea.
Hunter and Willow had been dating for almost a month now, their relationship was still fresh. They had been getting more affectionate than before, with hugs that lasted longer and kisses on the cheek or forehead and holding hands. But they hadn't kissed on the lips yet. Willow understood that Hunter was waiting for the right moment and she knew better than to rush him.
But she could maybe nudge him in the right direction by creating the right moment... right?
She went down to the basement, where her boyfriend was working on something on the sewing machine. He was wearing his glasses and he had his tongue out in concentration.
"Hi, Hunter."
"Oh, hey, Captain," he greeted without looking up.
"Whatcha working on?" she sat down in front of him, crossing her legs and tapping her knees like she did sometimes.
"Luz said a crucial part of Christmas is silly, matching outfits," he explained "primarily personalized sweaters, so I'm making a sweater for each one of us so we can take a picture on Christmas day. Look, I'm already done with Camila's!"
He proudly held up a large, red sweater with a million different patches and embroidery on it. Amongst them, there was a Dominican Republic flag, a yellow planet with many rings and a patch that read 'BEST MOM'.
Hunter was smiling so bright, it was contagious. He was so cute.
“Oh, Hunter, that’s so sweet! I’m sure she’s gonna love it!”
The Grimwalker blushed happily as he went back to his work. Willow always made sure to compliment him at every chance she got because his reaction was always worth it. 
“Caaaaan I see mine?” she asked playfully.
“Ah, ah, ah!” he wagged his finger, as if he was reprimanding her  “you know how I feel about spoilers! you have to wait until Christmas like everyone else.”
She laughed. “Fine.”
She watched him work a little more before deciding to act on her plan. The plant witch drew a circle in the air with her finger, making a long chain of mistletoe appear in front of them, hanging from the ceiling. Hunter noticed it and looked up. He saw his girlfriend smiling at him, expectantly, sitting under the mistletoe with a blush on her cheeks. He raised an eyebrow at her, confused. But, then, his knowledgeable brain provided him with a possible answer and he frowned.
“Um, Captain, are you okay? is something wrong?”
“I’m fine, everything’s great, actually,” she smiled, still hopeful.
“Are you sure? you know you can tell me anything, right?”
“Yeah, I know. I promise, everything is awesome.”
“Are you mad about the sweater? you just have to wait a few days, it won’t be long,” he tried to reassure her.
“It’s fine, Hunter, really,” she laughed “I can be patient.”
“Then why-?” he was about to ask but then he got interrupted. 
“Hey, guys! the cookies are finished! come upstairs!” Gus called out from the kitchen.
The couple looked at each other for a second before they both got up from their seats to go.
“We can talk later,” she said, simply. As if that explained everything. 
Then, she kissed him on the cheek. If she wasn’t gonna get a mistletoe kiss on the lips, she was at least getting a tiny peck. Hunter was now completely bewildered, and his face was red again. But yeah, they could talk about whatever was bothering her later, there didn’t seem to be an urgency. He took off his glasses and they both went upstairs with everyone else.
This kept going for a few more days. Everytime Hunter and Willow were alone in a room together, Willow would magically create a mistletoe on the ceiling over their heads and stare at him. It was weird, to say the least. Hunter knew that Willow always made plants appear when she was having really strong emotions, like how her hair had filled with flowers when he first asked her out. He also knew that mistletoe was a poisonous plant, its consumption fatal for both witches and humans. So, he thought, the logical conclusion was that Willow was upset about something but, whenever he asked, she always said she was fine. He was simply at a loss for what to do.
Finally, he decided to go to Luz for advice. Luz was in her bedroom with Amity, sitting on the lower bunk bed, watching something she’d referred to as a ‘Christmas Rom-Com’ while her witch girlfriend braided her hair. 
“Hi, guys, I need help with something.”
“Yeah, okay. What’s up, bro?” Luz paused the movie to let him talk. 
“I think Willow is angry with me,” he confessed, obviously upset.
“What did you do?” Amity asked, more focused on her love’s hair than on her friend’s problem.
“Amity! don’t be rude!” Luz went back to her honorary brother  “what makes you think she’s angry with you? I thought you guys were fine.”
“I thought so, too, but now, everytime we’re alone together, she makes mistletoe appear,” he said this like it was an obvious tragedy.
“So?” Luz shrugged.
“So? SO?! Luz, mistletoe is a poisonous plant! it’s toxic! Willow makes plants appear when she’s having really strong emotions and the plants always relate to her feelings,” he started walking in circles  “soooo... if she’s making mistletoe appear when she’s with me and mistletoe is a toxic plant, she must be mad about something. Oh Titan, what if she breaks up with me? what am I supposed to do with her Christmas gift if she breaks up with me before Christmas?”
“Hunter, even if she was mad, she’s not gonna dump you during the holidays,” Amity tried to be logical  “that’s like the worst possible time to break up with someone.”
Luz laughed and started singing. “Last Christmas I gave you my heart but, the very next day, you gave it away.” 
Amity stopped braiding her hair and Hunter stopped pacing, they both looked at her confused.
“It’s a human song,” she said, easily, before going back to the matter at hand  “Hunter, I don’t think Willow is mad at you. But, if you don’t believe me, ask her!”
“I already asked her, she keeps saying everything is fine but I can tell she’s not being completely honest.”
“Did you actually ask her about the mistletoe?” Amity said, hands on her Batata’s hair once more.
“I... no.”
“Then ask her about the stupid plant. Don’t make a big deal out of it, just talk to your girlfriend, be direct with her,” the purple witch said  “if I learned anything with Luz, is that communication and honesty is important in relationships.”
“Awww,” Luz swooned. Her awesome girlfriend was so mature.
“Okay, I’ll talk to her,” Hunter resigned  “thanks for the advice, girls.”
“Good luck!” Luz told Hunter as he left. Then, she said to Amity:  “10 Snails says they end up making out.”
“I think I know better than to bet against you now,” Amity said, remembering all the money she’d lost when Willow said yes to going out with Hunter.
“Yeah, okay.”
The Grimwalker found his partner in the living room, working on her holiday scrapbook. She was trying to make the perfect paper snowflake to stick between a picture of Gus catching snow with his tongue and another picture of Vee making a snow Basilisk. When Willow saw him, she left her project to go hug him. He hugged her back, always happy to do so.
“Hunter! hi!”
“Hey, Willow? can we talk?”
“Yeah, okay,” she sat back down on the couch and patted the space next to her. He sat.
“Every time we’re alone, I’ve noticed you keep making mistletoe appear,” he started.
“You noticed?”
“Yeah, and I don’t really understand what it means... I know mistletoe is a poisonous plant, so I thought that maybe you were angry with me about something? but every time I asked, you always said you were fine, so I just got more confused...”
“Oh, Hunter,” Willow laughed.
“I know I’m not very good at this relationship thing but I don’t like that you’re giving me mixed signals and I understand if you want to break up with me but-”
“Hunter, that’s not what the mistletoe means.”
“Then, what does it mean?”
“I mean, you’re right, mistletoe is poisonous. You definitely should not eat it,” she clarified  “but Luz told me that humans like to use it as Christmas decoration. They hang it up on doorways and stuff and it’s supposed to be like a game. The rules are, if you and another person are under the mistletoe together, you have to kiss... like, on the lips.”
“Oh,” Hunter said, then he took a moment to think about what that meant and finally understood  “ooooooooh, you were... ooooooooh...”
His face was now bright red at the thought. He was somehow relieved and embarrassed at the same time. What a strange combination of emotions. 
“Yeah, oh.”
“Why didn’t you just ask me?”
“I didn’t want to pressure you if you weren’t ready. I didn’t want to rush you. But I thought... if I dropped some hints that I wanted you to kiss me, you would feel more comfortable doing it when you were ready.”
“Aww, that’s sweet, Willow,” Hunter smiled  “but I think you need to stop dropping hints, I’m never good at picking them up.”
They both laughed, it was true. Then, he realized.... if she wanted him to kiss her... then...
He slowly moved both hands to her face and held her softly. Willow looked at him, blushing and hopeful. They both looked at each other for a second, quietly asking for permission before Hunter finally went and did it.
It wasn’t a very long kiss but it felt right. His hands remained on her face while hers went to his hair. They could feel each other smiling. Willow felt him sigh in content as he relaxed and that sigh made her shiver a little. They pulled each other closer. The kiss would’ve gone longer if they didn’t suddenly forget how to breathe.
When they stopped, Hunter saw his girlfriend’s hair was full of beautiful, colorful plants. Mainly holly, Christmas roses and, of course, mistletoe. He took a moment to admire her before laughing again.
“Next time you want to kiss me, just tell me.”
“Oh, but that takes the fun out of it!”
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jon-withnoh · 5 months
Hi, I'm here to claim my third prize for my very wishful thinking
How about some Danvich + a mistletoe kiss? (ik there's one in Was wird aus uns but I'll never have enough of those two)
Congrats on finishing Nie wirst du! I can't wait to see how it continues!
“Could you hand me that box?” Danny asked. 
I passed her the box of Christmas decorations I was holding and turned my attention back to the chaos I’d created on the desk. The idea had been to cut new pieces of string for all our baubles and ornaments. Somewhere along the line I had briefly forgotten what I was doing. Now, the desk was covered in trinkets and bits of twine. 
I sighed and began to separate everything into two piles — the ornaments that were ready to be hung on the tree, and the ones that weren’t. Danny was sitting on the floor, sorting through the remaining decorations. Why we had brought four boxes of Christmas ornaments to the cottage with us after selling Manderley neither of us was entirely sure. 
“Oh,” Danny said suddenly. “Oh, you’re not serious.” 
“What?” I turned. 
Danny was holding up what had once been a piece of mistletoe. Well, it was still a piece of mistletoe, even if it was so shrivelled up as to be unrecognisable. In her lap was the paper she’d unwrapped it from.
“Why would you keep something like this?”
“You don’t remember?” I went over to her and snatched the branch from her hands. A few dried leaves tumbled to the floor. “It’s from our first Christmas together. You kissed me after everyone else went to bed. You think I’d throw something like that away?”
Danny laughed. “You’re incurably sentimental.” 
“I know. It’s part of why you love me so much.” 
“Correct. But still, just look at it. It’s falling apart in your hands.” 
A few more leaves fell from the branch as if to underline her point. I rolled my eyes. “Fine. I’ll get rid of it. Under one condition.” 
I sat on the floor next to her and held the branch up over our heads. “Kiss me.” 
“Very well.” She leaned over and kissed me, softly. I put my free hand on her cheek, pulling her closer. A second later the branch was snatched from my hand and tossed in the fire. 
“As if you need any excuses to kiss me.”
“True.” I leaned in again. “But this time you better not interrupt me.” 
Thank you so much for voting and your kind words :) Please do keep the drabble requests coming! It might take me a while to get to them but I have a lot of fun writing them when I do have time. Belated merry Christmas!
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strawberrywinter4 · 5 months
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Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Rated: Teen and Up
Relationship: Sherlock/John
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Sally Donovan, Philip Anderson, Original Female Character
Notable Tags: Jealous Sherlock Holmes, Fluff and Humor, Insecure Sherlock Holmes, Established Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Christmas Fluff, Cuddles
Sherlock Holmes has never had such a relationship in which his significant other treats him like John does. John treats him like he's the most precious thing in the world. Sherlock can't lose that, he can't lose him.
When a new recruit of Scotland Yard seems to take a liking to John, Sherlock does everything in his power to keep John from leaving him when his insecurities get the best of him.
Chapter one up on Ao3
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wyvernquill · 1 year
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Art for my fic My True Love Gave To Me
Happy Holidays, everyone! (Image ID under the cut)
Image ID:
Art of Iruma Suzuki and Asmodeus Alice (”Azz”) from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun!
On the very top of the image, a purple sprig of mistletoe is being held by some sort of talon hanging from above. It is snowing. At the bottom of the image, under the mistletoe, Iruma is kissing Azz, his eyes closed, while Azz’s are open. He is also cupping Azz’s cheeks. Both are blushing, Iruma is wearing his second-year school uniform, and Azz his blue hairtie.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Mistletoe Distraction
12 Days of Christmas: Day 3
Plot: While in the office late at night, Lou uses a familiar tradition to distract Y/n from the stress of work.
Pairing: Lou Ransone x Gn!Reader
A/n: Though it is about mistletoe, Christmas is not mentioned in this oneshot
Warnings: A kiss obviously lol, and a slightly suggestive conversation, but that's it.
Words: ~1k
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Sitting on the edge of Lou's desk, you read through the report one more time. You had been stuck on this case for the whole day, making no new headway and it was getting to you. Catching no new information you could use, you closed it.
Setting it down on his desk, you sighed and stood up, stretching "There's nothing in these reports we don't already know."
Lou closed the file in his own hands as he nodded "Yeah, I know. Maybe we should take a break for the night."
Walking into the doorway and looking out into the office, you noted that most of the lights were off as everyone else had already gone home.
Looking at the clock, you saw it was close to midnight. You had known many cops and detectives to stay well past working on their own cases.
Turning around, you leaned against the doorway and looked in on Lou "Why does it feel like we're the only one's that care about this case?"
Lou smiled and shook his head "We're not, we just happen to be the only two obsessed enough with it to stay after work until-" He checked his watch and peered back at you "Midnight."
"I've seen cops stay longer for their own cases." You mumbled before you leaned it against the doorway. "And I'm not even tired."
Lou watched you for a moment, before his eyes slowly rose, catching on the decoration hanging above you. He felt a small jolt in his chest as he remembered seeing one of the deputies hang it on his door as a joke earlier in the day. He was on the phone so he had forgotten about it.
Looking past you and out into the office, his eyes scanned the empty precinct before he looked back at you, seeing you were clearly lost in thought as you stared into space.
He watched you for another moment before a small smile crossed his face. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this moment. Especially since the two of you were now alone and technically off the clock.
The two of you had given into your shared feelings a few weeks prior. Your professional relationship stayed the same, never showing any signs of a relationship during work.
Lou would be lying if he said he didn't hate how long he had to wait everyday to focus on the non "professional" part of your relationship. And he was fairly certain some people knew about it, but never said anything.
Rising from his desk, Lou casually made his way towards you before leaning on the opposite side of the doorway from you. His eyes scanned the precinct one more time, and he was confident there was no one else around. Even the janitors had gone home already.
His hands sat in his pockets as he watched you for a moment, wondering how long it would take you to leave your own thoughts.
It was only a few moments before you noticed his closer presence. You looked up and met his eyes, seeing a soft smile on his face, you felt your heart jolt lightly.
You couldn't stop the small smile that spread across your own face "What are you smiling at?"
Lou tilted his head slightly as he spoke, his face showing his amusement "For someone who tends to notice every small detail, you sometimes miss big ones."
Confusion showed clearly on your face as you processed his words. Was he talking about the case? Did you miss something obvious? If that was so, why would he be smiling?
"What do you mean?" You voiced with confusion as you turned towards him fully, arms crossed.
Lou smiled as he motioned his head upwards.
As your eyes shot up, you immediately noticed the obvious. A green plant tied with red ribbon, hanging from Lou's doorway. You felt heat rise up your neck as you repressed a smile. How had you not noticed it? How long had it been there?
Looking back into his eyes, you spoke with a mix of mild amusement and bewilderment "Mistletoe?"
"Hastings put it up earlier, as a joke."
"Funny joke." You said with a note of sarcasm. You knew Hastings had a not so secret thing for Lou.
He shrugged as he pushed himself away from the doorway, and stepped closer to you, staring down into your eyes.
"It has it's usefulness."
You tried to repress the grin tempting it's way onto your face as you narrowed your eyes and tilted your chin up "Oh yeah? Like what?"
Stepping a bit closer, he leaned his arm on the door frame above your head, as his face hung just above yours "Like, providing a distraction from the work we're focusing too hard on."
Your lips twitched into a small smile as you saw his eyes flick to your lips briefly.
"And what kind of distraction were you hoping for exa-"
Your sentence was cut short as Lou leaned down, and pressed a kiss to your lips. Without hesitation, you deepened the kiss. As he leaned closer to you, his hand cupped your face, your hand gently reached forward and grabbed onto the collar of his shirt.
Lou's hand moved to the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. A few moments later you broke apart, breathless. You stared into each others eyes for a moment before you smiled.
"My favorite kind of distraction then?"
Lou smiled as he pressed his forehead against yours "I think I saw some more mistletoe in the elevator. You still determined to work the case, or do you want to get out of here?"
You smiled up at him "There's nothing else we can do tonight anyways."
"Exactly." He said softly before pulling away, moving to go grab his jacket.
Looking up at the mistletoe you smiled, before you felt Lou's hand slip into yours as he pulled you along with him and towards the elevators.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
911/Lou Taglist: @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms, @locke-writes, @persephonesportal, @pockyandme, @soultrysworld, @averyhotchner, @iinmysights, @that-marvel-simp, @gatefleet, @will-grammer
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Disclaimer: I wrote this prior to having any real knowledge of what mistletoe actually is and then I looked it up and I think Willow might actually hate it because it turns out it’s like a parasite for trees?? Pretend they’re in the human realm into Christmastime and Flapjack is still alive and everything is fine for a little while longer, okay? Happy holidays Huntlosers 
“I think my favorite part of human holidays is how plant focused they are,” said Willow excitedly as entered the living room before taking a seat on the ground beside Hunter, who was focused on cutting the most intricate paper snowflake possible.
“Camila said you’d like it,” said Hunter with a smile as he struggled to force the scissors through the paper he had definitely folded too many times.
“Who wouldn’t?!” Willow beamed, rummaging through her bag. “They’re all so pretty! There’s poinsettias and holly, not to mention you bring trees inside the house??” Willow added with gusto. “I’ve been doing that for years! And it’s like the main thing, I mean a holiday all about trees? Brilliant!”
“Woah that is cool,” marveled Hunter as Willow continued, looking at the snippings and twigs she had gathered. Camila had wanted to make their first human holiday season special, and apparently this time of year was nonstop holiday prep and who better than Willow to handle the plant aspect of the holiday? “What other plants do they bring inside?”
“Oh, this one has gotta be my favorite,” mused Willow, rummaging through her bag to get the sample she had found. “It’s a magical plant called mistletoe.” She said as she carefully handed it to Hunter.
“It’s magic?” He said, examining it. 
“Well, human magic at least,” said Willow with a shrug.
“‘Mistletoe,’ huh?” said Hunter, thinking it resembled neither of the things it was named after. “What an odd name. How do you activate it? Do you eat it?” He asked as he went to take a nibble.
“Oh no, it’s actually highly toxic,” said Willow, taking it from his hand. “It’s supposed to be hidden high up so you don’t see it right away.”
“Oh why? What’s it supposed to do?”
“Well, apparently when you’re under it with someone you have to kiss each other.” said Willow deviously. 
“Really? How interesting.” Hunter asked, intrigued. “Is it just a seasonal rule people agree to abide by or does it release magic when you’re under it that makes you want to kiss someone?”
“Hmm, I dunno let’s see,” said Willow, sitting up to kneel closer to him as she raised the plant over their heads. “Do you feel like you wanna kiss me?”
Hunter’s eyes went wide, literally having no idea how to answer that. He didn’t know how to tell Willow he was not the right person to tell if the plant was magic or not because its magical properties would be redundant if he was beneath it with her.
“I, uh-.”
“Oh wait, we probably have to hang it up properly to really see how it works. Could you put it above the entranceway?”
“Oh, yeah sure, of course.” he said quickly, rising to his feet to grab the step stool and making haste of tacking it on the archway in the living room. Willow stood beside him as they admired its placement “So now what? How do we know if it’s working?”
“Hmm maybe it’s supposed to trap you beneath it, and you can’t leave or enter the room until you kiss the person you’re trapped with,” said Willow, still trying to figure out the exact lore as she stood beside Hunter.
“Interesting,” said Hunter, taking a step back to test the theory. “It doesn’t appear to emit a force field or warning sound. How does it enforce the custom?”
“I dunno,” said Willow, sucking her teeth. “Maybe it inflicts a curse if you don’t.”
“Humans are so weird,” said Hunter fondly before he processed Willow’s words. “Wait, a curse? Like an actual curse?”
“I mean, maybe,” said Willow, adjusting her glasses. “This holiday seems very light and jolly on the surface, but then a lot of the stories Luz showed have a man watching your every move making a list of all the things you do wrong and ghosts haunting people who break customs.”
“Ghosts?” Hunter asked, trying not to panic. There certainly wasn’t room in the already crowded house for any ghosts.
“Yeah,” said Willow, still focused on the mistletoe, waiting for it to move or suddenly grow ten times its size to try and crush or attack them. “And they can like ruin your future, but it was only three ghosts so-.”
As Willow continued to think aloud, Hunter, not wanting to anger any holiday spirits, bent down and kissed her quickly on the cheek. She stopped herself and turned to look at him with wide eyes, a small smile pulling the edge of her lips as he stared back at her nervously, his face undecided about what emotion to express.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, his face turning seasonally red as she fidgeted with his hands. “I-I just didn’t want you to get haunted or cursed or anything.”
“I should take this down until we know the effects and how to control them,” continued Hunter, trying to hide his stammering. “J-just in case.”
“Oh, right,” said Willow, snapping from her small daze, briefly touching the spot Hunter had kissed as the wheels in her head started turning. “Let me get the step stool for you.”
She went over to the living room and brought over the stool to place before Hunter, who hopped up. But before he could remove the mistletoe, Willow let out a small gasp that stopped Hunter in his tracks. “What?” He asked, concerned.
“I left the room and came back and now I’m standing under the mistletoe again,” she explained. “What if I re-triggered the curse?”
“Oh, do you have to kiss every time?”
“I don’t know,” said Willow, her voice adopting a concerned tone nobody else would believe. “I mean, maybe it’s fine.”
“I don’t think we should risk it,” said Hunter, leaning down and placing his hand under her chin to direct her face up so he could kiss her forehead. He was less flustered this time, more focused on keeping her safe than on any other implication the action could have. Willow was delighted.
“Oh no, but what about you?” Willow pretended to suddenly realize right before Hunter could remove the plant.
“I need to make sure you’re safe from bad luck,” said Willow, reaching up to pull him back down to her as she went on to her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. She lingered a little longer than Hunter had, probably to make sure it worked.
“Oh, uh thank you,” said Hunter, clearing his throat. “For keeping me safe from ghosts, I mean.”
“Of course,” she smiled sweetly, overjoyed at his awestruck look before he reminded himself what he was supposed to be doing as he went back up on the stool to finally remove the plant.
“Such an odd tradition, I wonder why humans keep it going.” Hunter wondered as he placed the plant back in Willow’s bag.
“I’m sure they have their reasons,” said Willow with a twinkle in her eye. “I’ll investigate it further, see if it has any other magical properties.”
The Nocedas went all out for Christmas. Every wall, every window, every inch of the house had something festive to display. Camila made sure each child had something special on the tree and Hunter took the liberty of crafting everyone their own stocking (“One giant sock? By the fire? Are humans ok?” Gus had asked). But despite the lack of understanding, they were all captivated by the house’s transformation and quickly fell into the holiday spirit.
Some more than others.
Evidently, humans really did value mistletoe because suddenly Hunter couldn’t enter a room without it hanging over him. Luckily, most times he’d be with Willow and she’d happily oblige and help free him from any impending curse. Willow was always better at spotting it and very often Hunter couldn’t even see the sprig she spotted before she would pull him down to kiss him to protect him from its magic. “Mistletoe,” was all she had to say to justify it, not that Hunter required proof. Hunter admired her commitment to keeping the house and him safe from holiday ghosts.
He had a few theories about mistletoe; maybe if the ghosts’ wishes were honored, they offered some sort of protection  and used the mistletoe as a way to communicate their presence. Maybe it was an invasive species trying to escape the cold the winter months brought, though he had a hard time linking this theory to ghosts. He wasn’t 100% how involved ghosts actually were. Or that it used its magical kissing ability in a misguided way to try and make this time of year more cheerful despite how awful it could get outside. He also wondered if the plant was drawn to him and Willow somehow, he could easily tie it to her abilities as a plant witch and his... own plant like features. But despite the mysterious and possibly dangerous nature of the plant, Hunter had become very fond of it to the point where he started seeking it out and it soon became an unofficial game the two played, seeing who could spot it first before they removed it so others wouldn’t risk being exposed.  
Something inside him hoped the holiday season would never end.
One day they were returning home from the library, each carrying a tote full of books. They swore it was all for research, but every book Willow saw with a wolf on the cover she checked out on Hunter’s behalf, delighting in quizzing his every growing knowledge. They reached the front door and as Willow rummaged through her bag for the door key, Hunter acted as impulsive as someone who had been thinking about doing this all day could. While she was distracted, Hunter dug a piece of mistletoe they had removed for the kitchen entrance earlier in the week from his pocket and skillfully stuck it above the door.
“Oh Willow,” he said softly, his voice a mixture of nerves and giddiness. She looked up at him and when she did she was met with a gentle kiss on the side of her face, right at the corner of her mouth. A small gasp left her lips, the breath frozen in the cold air and she looked up at him with wide eyes, her cheeks flushed with a gentle shade of pink. Hunter’s heart flipped at the reaction, at the fact that there was a reaction. Was she impressed he had found it before her? Was it because of the cold? They were both fairly familiar with the tradition by now; why did this time feel different?
“Um, m-mistletoe,” Hunter stumbled, pointing up to explain.
“Oh. Oh,” Willow looked up, genuinely surprised. “Huh, where did that come from?”
“Yeah, ya know it’s really so weird,” Hunter chuckled nervously. “It’s so weird how it just randomly appears, randomly. Like totally at random.”
“Yeah, totally random,” said Willow, raising her eyebrow. “It’s just so odd how it’s never appeared here before.”
Hunter’s face fell. Of course she’d know more about the migration patterns and typical locations of the plant! How could possibly think he’d be able to fool her?
Was he trying to fool her or was he just looking for an excuse to…
“It was me,” Hunter confessed as though being interrogated, averting his eyes to the ground, his deception weighing too heavily on him. “I put the mistletoe there
She gave the anxious boy a small, reassuring smile.  “Oh Hunter, I-.”
“I know it was wrong of me!” He went on, too ashamed to process her gentle tone. “It was risky, we don’t know what ghosts here are capable of or the rules of where they go but I guess I just...”
“Hunter, it’s okay! I-.”
“I know it’s a human custom and we shouldn’t be messing with it and we don’t understand how it keeps appearing-.”
“Hunter, I’m the one who keeps putting mistletoe everywhere,” said Willow quickly.
“Yeah,” she confirmed with a laugh, demonstrating by making a circle to summon a piece to appear above them to accompany the one Hunter had brought. “It’s okay.”
“Wait, so… is it dangerous?” Hunter asked, becoming more confused.
“Not exactly,” Willow said, smiling. “Camila said it’s actually harmless, most humans use it for decorations. They think it makes the holidays more… romantic.”
“Sooo…” Hunter began, kicking at the snow beneath him. “W-why did you keep summoning them? For decoration?”
“I mean, half the time I didn’t even bother to summon the mistletoe, I just thought saying it was like... our code that we wanted an excuse to...” As she continued, the look on Hunter’s face made it clear that he was not aware of the code. Her confidence faltered as her eyes darted from Hunter to her bag as she continued to search for the keys. “...but I guess maybe that was just me, sorry. Uh, it’s cold, we should get inside before-.”
“So- you still wanted to…” He fumbled over the word, the thoughts still swirling in his mind as he fought the chill the newly fallen snow brought. “Even though you didn’t have to?”
Willow looked back up at him and felt at ease by the familiarity of his flushed face. Maybe it was just because it was cold. Or maybe…
 “I guess I kind of like the silly tradition,” she admitted, tugging at the end of her braid. “I mean, didn’t you wonder why it only ever appeared above us?”
He did wonder that, he just really didn’t mind.
“I mean, it’s obviously a… very powerful magic,” Hunter said as eloquently as he could. “Which makes sense, if they were coming from you and you’re so powerful and talented and-um.”
“Hunter, since we’re being honest… Luz told me that there's no curses or ghosts linked to not kissing under the mistletoe.”
She nodded. ”It’s really just a harmless decoration. Nothing more.”
“There’s really nothing magical about it?” he said skeptically. ‘
She shook her head.
“Huh, weird,” he said, absentmindedly adjusting Willow’s scarf, assuming she was chilly from the crisp wind. “Then why do I still feel-?” He looked back up to Willow who eagerly awaited the end of his sentence but suddenly he felt frozen and he knew the cold had nothing to do with it. 
“Feel like what?” she asked with a smile that suggested she already knew. The rush he’d get when they’d walk in a room together, the ease with which she’d pull him down, the warmth the contact brought. 
“Like… I wanna protect you from ghosts.” He said bashfully.
“Maaaaybe it was a different kind of magic,” Willow said sweetly, stepping closer to him. 
“Ha ha, I uh um m-maybe,” he chuckled nervously, standing still as Willow continued to move closer. “A-are you cold? Your glasses are fogging up, do you want to uh here-.”
“Ya know, Luz told me something else about mistletoe,” Willow said, so close to him Hunter could feel the heat of her breath on his cold face.
“O-oh really?”
“She said usually when people kiss under the mistletoe, they kiss under the mistletoe…” she trailed off and raised her eyebrows playfully to him, taking his hands in hers to see if he understood the word within the word.
“They… ki-oh,” the deep scarlet that consumed his face like a brick let Willow know he understood. He cleared his throat as his response fought to come out, but he knew the answer was more than something he could merely say. The trill of the wind was the only sound as Hunter filled his lungs with the cold air and Willow held his hands tightly as he leaned down, just as he had earlier.
She slowly closed her eyes as she went up to meet him in the middle..
He brushed the hair that had escaped her hat to the side, small flakes of snow sticking to her black locks like stars in a night sky. One hand rested on her cheek to protect her from the snow as his own closed. They bumped noses for a moment before their lips gently collided. Her soft lips dusted his chapped ones as though testing the waters Hunter immediately reciprocated, titling his head to kiss her easier. Willow wrapped his scarf around her hands to pull him closer and his hat fell to the ground but he didn’t care, there was no cold that could reach him now. The cold metal of her glass bumped his cheek, and he gently used his free hand to move them up atop her head as though it was second nature to him.
Willow took that as a sign that he didn’t mind kissing her a little bit longer, suspecting that he too now felt immune to cold as she did. They had completely abandoned their tote bags, lost to the snow that continued to cover them. When they parted, Hunter kept her close and rested his forehead down against hers. “L-like that?” he said softly, hoping she would have corrected him sooner had that not been the response she had been seeking. She simply giggled in response, burying her nose in his vast scarf and he moved his hands around her back to embrace her, the chill catching up to him as he looked up at the dangling plant.
“Y-you sure it’s not a magical plant?” Hunter asked, and Willow looked back up at him with a spirited smirk. He was utterly captivated by the stunning combination of faint moonlight and dancing snowflakes working together to highlight the gentle rose color of her face. This wasn’t a curse, that much he knew, but there had to be some greater power behind this warmth, this comforting and terrifying feeling.
And the fact that it was mutual.
“Let’s see,” she said, still holding him tightly as she made a circle and the mistletoe above them vanished from sight. His eyes remained on her, knowing the plant was gone but the feeling still remained. “Do you… feel any different?”
“I feel…” he exhaled and the cold wind captured his breath as he searched for the words. “Like this should be a tradition year round.” 
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rd-eternity · 5 months
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Chapters: 2/5
Other Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Summary: After the pack's party goes so wrong, Liam hopes the trip can't get any worse. When he wakes without Theo and goes to find him, the night gets its perfect end under the mistletoe.
Like on instinct, the beta reaches out and brushes a strand of hair out of his eyes.  Theo nearly melts on the spot.  He nuzzles into Liam’s hand, brushing a gentle kiss to his palm.  The pads of his fingers are so soft against Theo’s skin when Liam cups his cheek, teasing smile fading to an expression more focused than anything. “Think that counts, so we won’t be haunted by the ghosts of Christmas,” Theo says.  He goes to step away, but Liam holds fast.  Every nerve in Theo’s body lights up.  A little spark of hope blooms in his chest.  A little spark of bravery.  “Liam.” The hand on his cheek drops to his shoulder, then slides down his arm, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.  Liam entwines their fingers, then does the same with the other hand.  When he finally looks up at Theo again, their faces are closer than he remembered, breathing in the same air as the wolf - who despite his own words, he would die for - and lets his eyes flutter shut.   Liam steps forward.  “Talk to me,” he urges, the words so close to Theo’s own lips he can feel them there. “Can you…” he trails off.  Fuck it.  “Can you kiss me?”
For @theoraekenapperciation's Theo Christmas Week 2023 (late)
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megatraven · 5 months
well friends, it's once again time for me to push my wintery alex x mc pre-relationship fanfiction into your faces!!
please check it out :]
The Most Wonderful Time
Summary: H.E.R.A's annual winter holiday celebration comes around in the form of a party for all of its workers- and it's MC's first time attending, having joined the organization this past year. What are the chances, then, that she winds up under the mistletoe with her best friend and boss, Alex Cyprin, without even trying to do it? Hint: the chances are very high.
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flaringgoosebumps · 2 years
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'tis the season
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku 2022 Christmas Fics
AO3 Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Art not mine … by @ thegirlinthefandom.SG.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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a midnight mistletoe kiss by osamugiris
Summary: “All the channels are broadcasting an emergency weather report,” Izuku said slowly, walking over to the window and opening the curtains.
Izuku pointed outside, showing Katsuki the absolute clusterfuck monstrosity of snow. 
“There’s a category four blizzard. No one’s allowed to leave their homes.”
Katsuki blinked once, twice, and shrugged. “Guess you’re callin’ Auntie, tonight, then. Looks like you’ll be spendin’ Christmas here.”
katsuki and izuku get stuck together for christmas because of a blizzard
everyone is just glad the two idiots might FINALLY get together
Complete | 3 Chapters | SFW
Mistletoe by silverynight
Summary: "Bakugo! Why did you only bring him cocoa? What about the rest of us?" She complains, putting an arm around Kirishima and pouting like a little kid, prompting Kirishima to chuckle. "We're your friends!"
"You can make your own!" Katsuki huffs, still frowning, although he stops as soon as he notices Izuku getting closer to him.
"It's delicious," he mumbles, watching with joy how Katsuki puffs out his chest and makes a very proud expression.
"Of course it is, nerd! I made it!"
One Shot | SFW | UA Students
christmas confessions by asuisrio
Summary: It's December 24, Katuski and Izuku are on a walk back to Izuku's house since it's Christmas break. A certain blonde has these.. warm and fuzzy feelings toward Izuku and decides to finally confess and let it out.
One Shot | SFW | UA Students
as charming as an eel by pointyhearts
Summary: “You can ask questions later,” Katsuki says through his teeth, “Just play along and I’ll pay you, alright?”
The stranger tilts his head at him, bewildered, baffled. Somewhere past all the panic and the desperation, Katsuki realizes he’s beautiful. When he grins, Katsuki is disarmed, unraveled.
“You can write the check out to the children’s hospital,” he says. “Thanks!”
Fuck, Katsuki thinks as he lets the door open and takes a good look at the pink-cheeked, freckle-faced stranger he’s convinced to be his boyfriend for the night, I hate Christmas.
— — —
Katsuki realizes he’s at a singles party far too late. To escape, he asks a donation collector to be his boyfriend for the night.
One Shot | SFW | No Quirks AU
A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE: The Joys Of One Another. by Kennyhasnopennys
Summary: There's always a chance for a Christmas miracle.
A BakuDeku love confession, that melts the coldest of hearts.
One Shot | SFW | UA Students
Golden threats by mudhamster
Summary: "Damn it." Growled the blond, grabbing the package. Izuku winced as he roughly tore the paper and two gloves tumbled into his lap. His gaze lingered on the delicate gold for a few seconds, then he looked over at Izuku almost apologetically.
"What, all this chaos for a pair of gloves I can't even wear?"
Or: Izuku goes all in, when it comes to the perfect present for Kacchan. And bit over his head in his effort not to arouse any suspicion.
One Shot | SFW | Pro Hero AU
The Only Future by SynchroTrina
Summary: After Deku decides they should stop being roommates, Katsuki discovers that he's definitely in love with Deku. Now with potentially their last Christmas living together he needs to figure out a way to take their relationship from friends/hero partners to actually dating. In typical Katsuki fashion he can't just ask.
Just a sappy Christmas fic filled with lights, holiday traditions, and Katsuki not knowing how to do anything subtly.
“I mean you can’t honestly think we’ll live together forever, Kaachan…”
Katsuki didn’t fucking see why not. It worked. In his mind Katsuki saw images of him and Deku moving into a bigger place, getting a cat and maybe a dog since those were always the nerd’s favorites. Eventually they’d get a place far away from the city, a beach house somewhere to retire together. Spend their time in some fucking boring old person way until they died.
One Shot | Explicit | Pro Hero AU
Christmas Wrapping by MamaPyjama1
Summary: “A–ah… so close,” he muttered under his breath as he scrambled with both arms behind his back, “Mmpph– almost… just can’t…”
He must have been struggling to reach the zipper tag for five minutes when he heard a low chuckle from the other side of the curtain. Izuku froze, still panting from his exertions.
“Either you’ve got a problem in there or you’re havin’ a fucking great time,” the mocking voice growled, “Need a hand?”
That voice went straight to Izuku’s cock. He briefly considered that if the owner of the voice was even a quarter as hot as he sounded, it’d be worth letting him in.
“Uh-uhh, I’m sort of… erm… stuck. So, i–if you really wouldn’t mind?” he stammered as he pulled the curtain back a tiny bit and peeked out.
— — —
Izuku meets Katsuki for the first time and can’t get him out of his head for a whole year. Will they ever manage to finally connect, or is he doomed to spend Christmas alone?
One Shot | Explicit
No Quirks AU | Strangers to Lovers
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