#micro story prompts
1 and/or 3 for the micro story post!
Not gonna lie, the combination of “1. Don’t go” and “3. I trusted you” feels like a direct attack on my Horizon feelings and I am here for it.
The words are in her throat. Or at least, she thinks they are. Xiomara doesn’t know her own body these days, its pieces jagged and ill-fitting, grinding with each step as if about to fall apart.
But she feels the words form when sees Kaidan give her that look. The same shadow cast over his eyes as the time he spoke to her of Rahna, of BAaT, of civilian life. He looks at her like a thing to grieve, and people only grieve things they have left behind.
Don’t go.
Her heart pounds and she knows she is selfish enough to say it. She never has asked it before, but she will if it’s him, if he will just—
“I trusted you.”
The past tense echoes through her pieces. Before she can tell which one is breaking, she is walking away to keep the rest intact.
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
1. don’t leave + mercy x jacob 💕
Prompt: Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story (3-10 sentences) with the word corresponding to it.
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The empty hallways that greeted Mercedes as she entered St. Francis gave her a pause, causing her to worry something she wasn't in the loop about had taken place, yet as she navigated the familiar route to Jacob's office her demeanor remained relaxed, inconspicuous. Her knuckles rapped against the door softly, the curt "Come in" that echoed as response hinting his mood might be the reason why his men were nowhere to be found. She breezed into the room, gaze setting on him as he stood hunched over his desk that was covered in yet another set of plans doomed to fail. "Isaac said you'd asked to see me, a bit too official, wouldn't you say?", she didn't let the fact he hadn't even bothered to turn around and look at her at all discourage her from inching closer until her hands descended onto his shoulders, knitting at the tense muscles beneath her fingertips. "I did, but the situation has changed. You know the way out.", his tone was as emotionless and matter-of-fact as it could get, telling her that sending her away without explanation was something she had to accept as an order, rather than request. Mercedes rounded the desk until he had no choice but to actually face her, "What's wrong with you now?" The snarl he offered her felt forced, giving her a glimpse through the act he was trying to put on, "Absolutely nothing." The second she crossed her hands over her chest and his eyes instinctively dipped down, she had her confirmation, "You suck at acting, I believe we already established that, but I will go, Jacob, just don't come crawling back to me later, because I will not let you in." The stormy look in his eyes signaled she had struck a nerve before Jacob even opened his mouth, "I don't crawl, sweetheart, ever." "Whatever helps you sleep at night.", her lips quirked up into a smirk, before she sent him a final brief glance, "Goodbye, have fun with whatever you're doing." Mercedes twirled around with that, and where most people would have probably scurried out of his sight quickly, each step she took towards the door was measured, meant to make him hesitate. As expected, his voice rang out behind her just when her hand wrapped around the doorknob, "Don't leave."
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seeker-of-truth · 10 months
32 dust motes for the micro story
I did not forget about this I promise, I'm just very slow on the draw lately 😅 . Thank you so much for sending me one to do! (also I def had to look up what dust motes were because I don’t think I’ve ever seen that phrase, so yay for learning!)
The afternoon sun came in through floor-length windows, covering the room in a warm glow, dust motes dancing in the air. V slowly wakes up, rolling to face the bed's other occupant. She lies there face to face with Johnny. Right now he looks peaceful, the constant creases of anger and anxiety in his face smoothed by sleep, his hair partially obscuring his face and feathering out on his pillow. In this moment the world feels calm, and V can pretend that everything will be okay. Almost.
Also I’m still so down to do more of these if anyone is interested the list is here :)
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roxygen22 · 14 days
From the list
Too loud Wonka
Or pet Laurie
Too Loud
Micro story prompt
"Mamma!!!" young Willy yelled from his bed. He sat up and looked around, unable to see anything in the dark until another flash of lightning illuminated the small room of their boat. "Mamma!!!"
His mother ran into the living quarters at the sound of his cries, hair drenched from tying things down outside so they would not fly away with the wind. She found her son curled up in the corner with his hands over his ears.
"The thunder, it's too loud," Willy whimpered. She sat next to him and pulled him in for a hug.
"There, there. It's ok. It will pass. We've weathered harsher storms than this and will weather harsher still." She rocked him and hummed until he fell asleep again.
Willy sat up in his rickety bed at Scrubbit and Bleacher's, awakened by a sudden clap of thunder. Within seconds, he heard the pattering of small footsteps stop at his door. The knob turned, and the door opened slowly to reveal a scared Noodle shrouded in her blanket.
"Is it too loud?" Willy asked. The young girl nodded. He opened his arms to invite her in, which she eagerly accepted. He pulled her to his chest, and she tucked her head under his chin. He rocked her and hummed one of his mother's lullabies until she fell asleep, and so did he.
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Been a while, ain't it
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unusuallysized-sfw · 6 months
The Doctor sans companion lands upon a very strange planet, its oxygen content is liveable but extremely low for the size of the sphere.
They are even more confused when upon exiting the tardis they step on a tree.
the whole planet is 16x smaller than that of say earth. The Flora seems identical to that of most "terra like" planets but on a reduced scale, the doctor concedes that the whole thing seems like a radical exaggeration of how oxygen affects the "scale of life"
none the less they are fascinated.
especially when a huntswoman emerges into the =new= clearing. and immediately points a comically tiny spear at them.
"Hark! Giant! Be you a Demon a god amonster or Extra Terrestial, Friend or Foe, you trespass upon my forest."
The Doctor is unsure how to proceed here given any attempt to get on the level may be taken as a sign of...pity or diminishment. so they eventually just flop to the ground comically rather than bending
"Right sorry bout that, The Doctor, Probabbly Friend, Extra Terrestial, lovely planet...lovely forest too...sorry about the mess...i'll help you replant if-"
"Stay your Tongue, 'Doctor' why are you going prone, you are far too large to be inconspicuous. and far too vast for most predators to even bother." She echoes.
How would this move forward? i look forward to your ideas in the replies n reblogs!
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mgrfp · 27 days
Monster Girl Romance Fiction Prompt #137
You accidentally swallow a gnat and another gnat flies in after it. After you've been sick the littler gnat explains she's an Atomie and she had to chase down her runaway steed. You agree to meet up later after everyone's had a bath and you end up getting real chummy.
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lenievi · 1 year
For the microstory, spones and (sorry I forgot what number it was but skfnendns) trembling hands? 😳
Spock ran his fingers through the soft hair, across the temple, across the cheek. He touched the lips, fingers trembling.
“Sleep well.” He leaned down and kissed the wrinkled forehead.
The door closed behind him.
With one glance at his face, Joanna’s eyes welled with tears.
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bicyclepainting · 2 years
For the micro prompts: 31 for Milo & Sweetheart? ❤
hi beans!!! ty for the request :-)
31- cold
Sweetheart felt their teeth chattering and turned to glare at Milo. Feeling the heat of their glare, even through the biting cold, he says, "I told you to bring a better jacket, Sweetheart."
"A good partner would just give me his!"
"A good partner wouldn't because then you wouldn't learn your lesson!"
They huff and continue shifting from foot to foot, trying to warm up their body. He was right, of course he was. They did have a bad habit of underestimating how cold they would get.
Milo sighed and started unzipping his jacket. They watched him with hesitation, there's no way he'd give in that easy.
He suddenly stepped very close to them and hugged them, wrapping his jacket around both of them. The warmth radiating from him was worth more than gold.
They wrap their arms around him, underneath the jacket and lay their head against his chest so his chin rested just over their head. They sigh happily and Milo scoffs, even though he wouldn't rather be doing anything else than having his arms around them.
"You're a stubborn ass, you know that?"
"I love you," they mumble.
"I love you too."
Sweetheart never learned their lesson.
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WIP Whenever
A couple of friends tagged me for WIP stuff lately so I'm sharing a drabble-in-progress now that I have the spoons :) Thank you to all who thought of me btw! <3
They sit there, just the two of them and the view of an endless ocean beneath them.
The scent of saltwater hangs heavy in the air and flows into his lungs. It is not quite like Vancouver, but it feels like the least foreign air he has breathed in a while.
Shepard takes a pebble and launches it at the surface. “I almost drowned once.”
She says it casually, as if speaking about what she had for lunch. When he takes a look at her –and pries his attention away from the way the wind sweeps her hair–, her face is just as nonchalant.
“Were you doing something stupid?” He asks, because most of her stories about near-death start that way; but he catches himself and quickly coughs out, “Ma’am?”
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
Hi! for the micro story asks: 15. trembling hands for a pairing that comes to mind! ✨
Prompt: Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story (3-10 sentences) with the word corresponding to it.
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"Are you going to blame me for ruining another jacket of yours?", Sabrina mumbled, trembling hands grasping the back of his shirt as she sank into the embrace, allowing herself to enjoy the warmth radiating from his body. Just for a second, no more than that. "You're going to catch a cold.", whatever anger she could sense seeping from John prior had given way to concern, a switch flipped. "I'm fine." A groan broke free at the words that she had instinctively uttered out, his hold on her tightening, "I'm so close to forbidding you from using that word ever again." "Like that would work." "I can certainly try, Deputy."
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allison-dedecker · 2 years
Prompt Words: Rattle-Rose-Corrupt-Final
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roxygen22 · 14 days
Trembling hands from micro prompts
Micro Story Prompt
Kate sat next to her fiancé of five hours at the Mindy family's dinner table. Yule stared absently at the centerpiece, not even reacting to her presence. She laid her hand on his.
"Are you alright? Your hands are trembling," she asked quietly.
Her touch shook him from his thoughts. He looked at her and half-smiled. "Y-Yeah, I'm cool." He straightened his back and sat up in the chair. He interlaced his fingers with hers.
"I- I just thought we would have more time," he said. "I would have liked actually marrying you."
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withoutend · 1 year
g/t prompt 39
micro sized city that has to deal with kaiju which are just ordinary flies and ants
i wonder how they would fight them off...
lego sized mechs? figurine sized but relatively giant magical girls? normal person who is deity sized and looking after them?
is the city on top of or near something important?
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1 for the micro story game?
Link to the prompt list
1= don't leave
3-10 sentences based on the prompt
"Don't leave," tumbled past her lips, "please, please I don't want to be alone again."
"I'm sorry."
He turned away, or tried to, and sighed when her bloody hand latched onto the edge of his sleeve.
"I didn't come here to save you."
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mgrfp · 6 months
Monster Girl Romance Fiction Prompt #14
You're woken up by a strange woman on top of your body who claims you according to the law of her people. There's definite chemistry but it's an awkward relationship because you don't know each other's cultural norms and because she's the size of a hummingbird.
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