#metal sonic is such an interesting character and there is so much room for him to grow and evolve
thecoolertails · 2 years
been having a lot metal sonic thoughts lately. i really like the idea of him eventually turning against eggman and leading a badnik rebellion against him. i think it would be really fitting for metal sonic to be the one to actually take eggmans empire down, and it would be him doing something that sonic would never be able to do on his own (because of sonic's pacifism, his sympathies towards eggman in particular, and because i don't think sonic would ever be able to unite or lead badniks like an actual robot could). i think that's the only way sonic and metal sonic could end up on the same side, for metal sonic to prove his own worth to himself FOR himself as an individual, and for sonic to admit that he did something he couldn't (and probably also tell him he's proud of him, because he would be). metal and the other badniks could then live in the remains of eggman's cities and bases and become allies to the freedom fighters/the restoration (depending on what canon we're using). and in their self-actualization they find they're a lot more capable than they ever were under eggman's control
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magmas-stuff · 5 months
Metal Sonic: Imperfect Self (character overview)
Hello again! Last time I did an overview of Eggman Nega, so this time I chose a character even closer to Dr. Eggman himself: Metal Sonic. This post aims to be a short analysis of the character, his motivations and what makes him so interesting as a foil to Sonic's free spirit.
Purpose. Identity. Sonic.
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Introduced in Sonic CD, Metal Sonic was built by Dr. Eggman and given one sole purpose: destroying Sonic. Operating under the twisted belief that he is the real, true Sonic, Metal constantly tries to prove his superiority to his "imperfect self" in contests of speed, coming back stronger each time.
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Metal Sonic continues to analyze the situation as he runs after him. He has been unable to beat Sonic since the first match. He has the best performance and a tireless body of steel. There are plenty of factors that make him unbeatable. And yet, he can’t win. Why? Why can’t he beat a hedgehog that just runs fast… And then… A rustle of electrons rippled through this sea of AI cognitive threads. …Isn’t that because he’s “just fast”? (Translation by @browniestash!)
Metal Sonic occasionally shows some doubt or insecurity in his sole mission, but ultimately never gives up, analyzing gathered data to rethink his strategy and come back as more of a threat than ever. And Sonic is more than happy to take the challenge.
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He’s already sent out a distress signal. Help will be arriving soon and he will be recovered at Eggman’s base. If he can connect to the base’s main computer and analyze today’s data, he should be able to win the next round. There will be room to rethink his inhibitory behavior and attack patterns, as well as to sharpen his focus on speed. He can still reach a higher dimension. There is someone with whom he must determine who is better in that dimension… (Translation by @browniestash!)
Stripped of free will
While Sonic is, most of the time, the only thing in Metal Sonic's mind, he does have another relationship of great importance to his character: the one with his master and creator, Dr. Eggman.
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Regularly filling the role of Eggman's silent enforcer, Metal Sonic holds a much higher status than most Badniks in the Eggman Empire, being among his favorite creations. He is a tool, sure, but he's undoubtedly one of his best tools.
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Though, of course, this has little effect on his treatment of the metal doppelganger. As a general trait of Eggman's, while he is very much capable of praising his robots in the event they succeed...
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...The doctor will offer them less than humane treatment when met with failure.
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Seeing fault in his boss' leadership, Metal Sonic would reach his breaking point in Sonic Heroes, modifying himself into Neo Metal Sonic and taking charge of the Eggman Empire. Perhaps he thought that, with him in charge, the empire would finally be able to wipe out its opposition. More specifically, to wipe out Sonic the Hedgehog. Curiously, Metal Sonic here also aims to take over the world, though this may be a consequence of his will being "attuned" to Dr. Eggman's.
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This attempt at overtaking his creator's empire fails, and Eggman takes this opportunity to strip Metal Sonic of his free will and turn him into an obedient robot once more. Despite his attempts, it would seem Metal still has some remaining autonomy, seeing as he'd double-cross Eggman once more in the future.
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And that's Metal Sonic. A relentless robot with a single objective and a lot of hatred, who aims to prove his superiority and destroy his rival but is, as he sees it, held back by the lead of his creator. I've been meaning to write about this for a while, seeing as there's been a lot of interpretations of his motives floating around and it’s a character I find fascinating.
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
In the wake of Frontiers I've been thinking a lot about Sage, so here are some spoilery thoughts on her and the possibilities for further stories with her
One of the most interesting things to think about with Sage is where she could go next. And I hope that she does have somewhere to go next and that she doesn't become yet another one-off character who's off limits for the comics and future games. You can't just introduce a character like "Eggman's AI daughter who he actually genuinely likes" and then just memory hole her like she was just created to be a story hook for one game and nothing else. My main worry is just that they would consider her appearing elsewhere a spoiler for the five minutes you spend thinking she died at the end of the game, which I really really hope doesn't mean it'll be 5+ years before we see her again
Really, though, she creates some interesting conundrums if placed outside of the context of Frontiers, and I really wanna see how they tackle this
The thing is, Sage is a sympathetic character. She's nice, once you get to know her. She's level-headed and avoids unnecessary conflict. She encourages Eggman to work with Sonic when she sees it as the best option, and she's kinda friends with Sonic by the end? But... she's also still Eggman's new second-in-command. And they have an adorable father/daughter dynamic, sure, but this still makes her Sonic's enemy in the long run. This isn't a critique - in fact, just the opposite! I think it leaves the door open for a lot of interesting possibilities. They didn't really have to address this much in Frontiers since Eggman isn't the villain of that game, but should Sage come back as a recurring member of Eggman's team, I'm fascinated to think how they square these conflicting sides of her
Do they make her more villainous, supporting Eggman's attempts to conquer the world, playing up the Sage who gleefully reported on her wins against Sonic? Does she try to reign Eggman in more? Hell, how will Sonic feel about her once the truce with Eggman is over? Does Sonic try to get Sage to leave the Eggman Empire? Or do they make her a friendly rival of Sonic's, one who works against him due to her allegiance but still respects his capabilities with no actual animosity between them? I could see this working well with how nonchalant Sonic often is about having to fight Eggman, and "villain who the protagonist just has fun fighting against without really hating them" is a pretty shounen thing to do, but it's not the only route
Should she appear in the comics, the other elephant in the room is Belle. On a BumbleKast a couple months ago, Ian acknowledged the parallels and said that Sage and Belle just happened to be conceived around the same time - and that he felt sorry for potentially undercutting Evan there. But he also said that the possibilities for interactions between them in the comics were fascinating, and BOY do I wanna see that happen now. Belle was created by Eggman when he was Mr. Tinker, and therefore resents him now that he's back to his normal self. She struggles with whether or not he's even the same man now, and how being created by Eggman reflects on her. Sage, though? Sage just loves Eggman, period. She loves him as her father, and she seems to love working with him. The possibilities for the two as foils of each other are endless. Does Belle wish Sage would come over to the Restoration? Does she envy Sage for being loved by Eggman? Is Sage cool with the fact that Eggman technically has another daughter out there who just isn't part of the Eggfam? Does she view Belle as a traitor? There's so much you could do there
And also yes I want to see her interact with Metal Sonic like in all the fanart. Sage is good! We need more Sage!!
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benjaminrydersnest · 3 months
For the ask game :)
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?" 🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?" ❓ask anything you want!: "who are your favourite characters that you've created so far? talk about them if you'd like to share!"
Have a great day <3
✏️: A lone child, forced by extenuating circumstances to grow up fast, traveling the kingdom while being hunted; several people get isekai'd into a new life entirely, and are haunted by memories of what was and the knowledge that that cannot be anymore; an infamous villain loses his memory, and now he must recover what he can, while being hunted and tracked from every direction and trying to grapple with the fact that he is a different, better person now. 🖋: The first one? I love Medieval Fantasy. It's one of my favorite genres, and the first story I ever tried writing, Dragon Slayer Adventure (amazing title, I know) was one of them. I've always loved a good story of that genre. The second one? It seemed so genuinely interesting as a concept to break convention and not have isekai'd protags be immediately enamored with the world around them and instead be haunted by the stark reality that they can never go back to what was. The third? The Bourne Trilogy and Metal Gear series, as well as some of pre-reboot Archie Sonic. It just sounded cool and now I'm rolling with it. ❓: I have two in particular I'm obsessed with. Daniel Fawkes is a rich businessman and owner of scientific research company FawkesCorp along with his brother, Valian. However, he seems... Shady. It's not obvious at first, but eventually it's revealed that he is doing some genetic experimentation with lizard genes and calls his "other" self Raptor. Trevor Steele was born on a nice island out at sea with his family, and quickly broke away from their extreme strictness and was disowned, but his sister Angela took care of him. He and his brother Darren argued a lot, but his sister would always comfort him. His sister contracted cancer, his mother died, and his sister died soon after in front of his eyes. He lost himself, becoming extremely angry and spiteful, not helped when his agency was partially stripped by Valian Fakwes (there's the name again!) and before he could have room to breathe, it was taken again by Hector Finch. After being let free, he lost his memory due to an accident and became the focus character of the third WIP I mentioned, making it all come full circle.
Thanks for the ask! I haven't really talked much about these, it's nice to put it out there in some fashion.
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true-blue-sonic · 6 months
The Ifrit's mind powers seemed to be entirely its own; and I guess it could probably even be argued that Nega might not have actually been aware of the extent of it, considering that the only two routes that the mind powers are seen in (Sonic/Tails and Knuckles/Rouge) are also the two routes in which Nega doesn't interact with the heroes in the Ifrit's dimension.
Which is still a damn shame cause we were cruelly robbed of the angst of Espio and Silver fighting each other like in those two other routes—BUT anyway
If I am not mistaken, Gerald apparently did a bunch of research on the Ifrit and wrote a whole book about it that Nega got his hands on... and then subsequently proceeded to lose basically all the pages of, lol. But one page says "The Ifrit held the power of destruction, and the power to blind one's soul…", as read by Tails. Of course, 'blind one's soul' is exactly the kind of vagueness that tells you nothing about what it means, but I figure the mind control is what is indicated with it. Interestingly, all four characters note that their mind-controlled companions do not seem to be entirely under the Ifrit's control and/or are trying to fight it and break free, so I figure it's something that can be warded off if the recipient is strong enough. Thus, even if Eggman Nega had somehow been able to make the Ifrit use it on Silver, I doubt it would have worked in the long run, considering Silver's determination and strong spirit and all. Same for Espio. I honestly think Nega would have been tremendously disappointed that the Ifrit's mind control is not absolute, haha!
So overall, we can conclude that Nega probably had little to do with the Ifrit's mind control. Though, I am wondering if there is an in-game reason why only on the Sonic/Tails and Knuckles/Rouge routes a character got mind controlled; it makes sense from a gameplay perspective because the other two groups are fighting Metal Sonic 3.0 instead and thus the 'rival slot' in the boss battle was already filled, but I do wonder. There's no doubt in my mind that if Nega had been able to control the mind control power (and the plot had had room for it), he'd have had no qualms to use it against Silver and/or Espio. I think it would have been quite nice to have Silver embrace Espio's help so much that he's able to fight him out of his mind control and care for him afterwards! Though in the same vein, Silver is Nega's archnemesis, so for him to be mind controlled instead and having Nega taunt Espio about it is interesting too. Hmm.... My curiosity is piqued!
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thelediz · 14 days
Sonic Underground Episode 25: The Hedgehog in the Iron Mask
I’m watching Sonic Underground in search of inspiration to finish a fic I’ve been writing forever. It’s a sad state of affairs. See the recap of the first three episodes here, if you're interested!
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The plot (for want of a better word): The triplets rescue a mysterious hedgehog who claims to be a long-lost relative, and spurs thoughts of what life will be like after they regain their birthright. Will the Sonic Underground be able to overcome their sibling rivalry, and remain a team forever?
Yeah… this episode should have been so much more plot relevant than it ended up being.
So Aleena starts this episode talking about how we secretly hide our ambitions from other people, and how it takes courage to let the world see who we really are. It’s… interesting. The first half of her little monologue sounds quite suss, and then the second half is inspiring. One could make too much of this, Aleena!
The triplets are breaking into some kind of prison on the idea that Aleena was once imprisoned there, and there will be clues as to where she is now. Meanwhile, there’s a guy doing opera warmups and preparing for a show.
The triplets are going to be surprised he’s an actor later, but the audience is, as always, way more aware than them. I wonder if that was supposed to be a running theme or point at one point?
The triplets are confused when they hear him, because Robotnik doesn’t normally imprison people—guys, you literally just said Aleena was imprisoned here—and he howls when he calls out, and Sonia finds his voice familiar. None of this will stop them believing him later.
Manic jokes about Sonic’s off-key singing. This is not the only time they will make a joke like this. Now, granted, I would probably not say I enjoy any of the triplet’s vocals, and as I said once, when I was a kid I liked Manic’s best (I no longer know why), but this is such a strange joke that comes up every so often. It’s the sort of thing I’d work up into a big thing about Manic and Sonia resenting Sonic being the front man of both the band and the Resistance, except it’s not. It’s just a random joke. And it’s bothered me since the first time I heard it.
Moving on.
Gotta say, the flow of the animation in this episode is not terrible. Character models are still awful, and they are reusing frames where they can, but the flow is good.
Oh look. An orange item in the middle of the room. A suspiciously moving curtain off to the side. Whoever could have seen this ambush coming.
Dingo is a great actor. I just want to say that. When the triplets tie him up and interrogate him, he spits his lines about how the prisoner is important but did nothing wrong brilliantly. Give that man a Tony.
The Song: Part of the Problem. Another rare Sonia lead, with a pretty funky brass backing. They’re singing to the crowd to try and get people to tell them who the prisoner is. This of course will not really help because there IS no prisoner, but it’s a good propaganda song for the Resistance, so uh. Cool.
But of course it doesn’t work, so of course they need to break back in to rescue him. Which is not very hard, given that’s Robotnik's whole plan.
The prisoner is wearing a metal headcovering, which he claims is a bomb that will explode if it’s removed. And he, in a complete turnaround from literally everyone else in the series, does not recognise them as Aleena’s children. Now, at this point, even if we didn’t know he was an actor, I’d be suspicious, because EVERYONE knows these kids EVEN WHEN THEY SHOULDN’T.
Also, he’s not a great actor. He barely avoids saying the word 'GASP'.
He gives them some golden rings that ‘bear the royal family crest’ which—I remind you—was established last episode as the Royal H. They do not have the Royal H. But this may just be poor continuity, so whatever. They're tracking devices, spoilers.
Now. Now. He gives a speech here which is totally made up but I clearly internalised and took it as gospel. He claims to be the queen’s twin brother, and that there’s a law that says there can be only one ruler, so he was sent into exile. This is to sow conflict between the siblings, obvs, but is also legitimately contrary to the Council of Four. In my story, I very much make this a point, because triplets don’t just come out of nowhere, genetically – you will tend to see twins and triplets throughout family lines. But we NEVER hear of any other family members. So I, being the problem that I am, take that to mean that problematic heirs are quietly removed from public life once they stop being important backups and lose their legitimacy to the throne. Because this royal family has PROBLEMS, folks.
Meanwhile, no sooner has the actor said his lines than the triplets start bickering, with Sonic assuming he’ll be ruler, Sonia laughing at the idea because a “ruler needs to have some CULTURE”, and Manic stating that he’s the “real representative of the people”. So, you know, effective plot building on their pre-identified internal conflicts (except Manic, but we’re pretty sure that’s just fumbled characterisation, not actually out of nowhere). It’s not a bad setup for an episode, is what I’m saying.
I also obsess over the fact that Sonic is the only one of the three who focusses on how he won’t banish the other two. Manic and Sonia DO NOT MENTION THIS ISSUE. Sonia, in fact, is being SO SHALLOW this episode, claiming she gets the crown because the other two would suck and she looks best in finery, while Manic is just getting all resentful.
Oh, oh, oh, I love Sonic and Sonia’s argument so much for my purposes. Sonia snaps that Sonic would drive Mobius to disaster (which he would, to be fair), and Sonic is the first to say that he’ll banish HIMSELF if Sonia becomes queen, and points out how he never needed anyone before and doesn’t now (which again, is true, to be fair), while Sonia is clearly throwing a tantrum and runs off on her own. Manic, as always, just goes along with it, and so the triplets split up.
Manic, naturally, lasts about five minutes before he gets captured. Sonia needs a bit of a guilt trip, but then gets caught too. But when the actor tries to finish up by catching Sonic, Sonic’s suspicions kick in, he decides he’s had enough of this ‘uncle’, and recognises the rings as homing beacons. But as he fights the ambush off, the actor throws himself in the middle of Sonic’s attack and Sonic brains himself on the helmet.
Yes, that’s right, Sonic actually doesn’t just save the day this episode! They’re actually going to bring the Sonic Underground back together to win this time! THIS EPISODE ISN’T GOING TO DEFEAT THE WHOLE STORYLINE OF THE SERIES!
So now that the hedgehogs are caught, the actor has served his purpose and is thrown with prison along with them. Without his mask, revealing himself to be “Luke Perrywinkle” (oh honey. Luke Perry was not this hammy thespian.) that Sonia was a huge fan of and Sonic thought was a ham. Manic had no idea.
Sonic with a sword, Sonic with a sword, Sonic with a sword!
So of course they have to work together to get out, and the actor announces he’s going to join the resistance, and the triplets decide they will rule together, and we end happily once more.
And I... I'm...
This was an actual good episode, guys.
Like… still low budget and still a bit messy, but… guys, this was… actually good? Like… it had story and character progression and a lesson that the siblings actually learned that would legitimately lead them toward The Council Of Four and…
Tomorrow better be back to form, or so help me I might actually have to give you credit for trying.
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skaruresonic · 4 months
Metal definitely suffers from OVA nostalgia when Heroes came out, though there are some things
-Chaotix manual (Japan) notes that Eggman transfers Metal's AI to new builds. Incidentally, the term "Hyper Metal Sonic" didn't originate from OVA: it came from Chaotix
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Though fans mistakenly interpreted too literally (Kai means upgrade or rev. here) for the demonic transformation
This would, if assumed to repeat, mean Metal has to deal with constant failure, and being aware of such, as well as potentially "death"
-In Adventure Metal noticeably is in a tube in the same room Gamma is activated
While it doesn't do anything in stasis, the development of the E Series in the franchise is actually a huge deal; these are newly mass produced robots with utility already eclipsing Metal's, alongside the upper sentience. For once, competition for Metal, and it languishing to nothing if it accepted that. We already see Gamma come to terms with Eggman's narcissism and simple acceptance of scrapping "defective" models for newer builds, despite false praise earlier
-Heroes this is similarly mirrored for Omega. Omega was well aware it was abandoned as guard, and was aware of later E-2000 robots in Egg Fleet. The idea of Eggman just dumping/rejecting earlier bots for newer ones would be daunting to sentient bots. For Omega, this led to anger at its creator, though thanks to Rouge, used incidentally for the heroes
Feelings of inferiority wouldn't even be just to Sonic for Metal at this point...it'd be to Eggman as well
I didn't know that. That's really interesting to think about.
This would, if assumed to repeat, mean Metal has to deal with constant failure, and being aware of such, as well as potentially "death."
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I mean... maybe yes, maybe no. This is where I feel the waters start to get muddy and we wander more into conjecture-ish territory.
It would mostly depend on how much sentience we can assign Metal at any given time; Eggman recovers the CPU, but does he wipe it before he upgrades it? Like is it the robot form of recovering the black box following a plane crash? Stuff like that.
In some games, he shows hints of sentience but not much more, which would explain the differences between him and the E-series. In Heroes he's a full-blown person with emoshuns, while in Rivals 2, he's a silent machine with the barest hints of sentience sprinkled here and there. And in TSR he's just. A walking toaster. So.
Again, the key word is "assumption." Metal has that weird line in the Overlord fight about how he's "no longer afraid of anything," so we have to assume he once felt fear; the most important questions become when, what, and how?
Did he learn to fear death after his defeat in CD? So then, why would he fear it if he knows Eggman can revive him at any time? That would imply he fears Eggman as well, which may be an interesting idea, true. But again, because none of the games hint at anything of the sort, it's pure conjecture on my part.
Also, now that I'm thinking about it: does this imply Chaotix takes place after Sonic 4: Episode Metal? It has to, since the Chaotix manual implies Eggman recovered Metal's CPUs after "a" previous confrontation with Sonic (doesn't have to be the Stardust Speedway race), and... Well. Eggman revived the Metal he abandoned on Little Planet with a huge electric shock.
For once, competition for Metal, and it languishing to nothing if it accepted that. We already see Gamma come to terms with Eggman's narcissism and simple acceptance of scrapping "defective" models for newer builds, despite false praise earlier
As much as I hate to cite the Encyclospeedia as a source, if his character entry in the Encyclospeedia is anything to go by, apparently Metal runs "fuzzy logic operations," which allegedly means he runs protocols roughly using the same problem-solving processes as a human being.
However, I have my doubts about that since he seems to operate pretty binarily in the games. His transformation into Neo Metal in Heroes seemed to have begun as an act of pragmatism, then morphed into some form of megalomania along the way. Metal's line of thinking may have been something along the lines of, "I cannot defeat Sonic in base form; therefore I will change it by copying data which will allow me to transform myself." Sounds simple enough.
Heroes is weird, however, because while it almost sort-of implies an existential crisis, that part is mostly obfuscated by megalomania, with all of his talk of becoming the "ultimate overlord" of a "robot kingdom." Absolute power corrupts absolutely and all that. While he transformed himself for the express purpose of defeating Sonic, we don't really know when or how he made the leap from "defeat Sonic" to "take over the world."
It's not that the existential crisis stuff isn't there, per se; just that it's not Metal's main focus.
I have to agree with @beevean here and say probably the one (1) cool idea IDW put forth wrt Metal's character was that he copied Eggman's genius in his search to find his creator. I felt like that idea really had the potential to go somewhere, explore the paradox of Metal's existence as an Eggman robot created to outclass Sonic. Or at the very least, present a solid threat: can you imagine a version of Metal that matches Sonic's speed and Eggman's genius?
-Heroes this is similarly mirrored for Omega. Omega was well aware it was abandoned as guard, and was aware of later E-2000 robots in Egg Fleet. The idea of Eggman just dumping/rejecting earlier bots for newer ones would be daunting to sentient bots.
I feel like Metal's reaction to seeing Omega for the first time runs more along the lines of bemusement than jealousy tbh:
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He exclaims "You must be Omega!" in a surprised tone before remembering to stay in-character. I'm guessing it's because he wasn't counting on Omega ever being released.
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silverdragon128 · 6 months
It’s way too late at night for me to be posting something this stupid but I’m also very autistic rn and I need to talk about this. Which means I’m gonna need to make something clear before I say this, my blog is NOT for kids. I know I’ve been posting about Sonic recently because hyperfixation go brrrr but if you’re under, like, 15 I don’t consider my blog safe for you. This is primarily a mental health blog, focused around my bpd. I’m saying this all at the start because… this post is gonna tackle some pro-shipper stuff that I’m definitely thinking about due to my own trauma, and I don’t think this is a good post for a kid who loves Sonic to read.
About Surge and Kit. I see them like Ashley and Andrew from The Coffin Of Andy And Leyley. Deeply fucked up and codependent, to such a degree it becomes incestuous. Yeah, as I said, fucked up. The writers will obviously never confirm this (in fact they’ll vehemently deny it, and for good reason) but the evidence is in the text. Surge and Kit are simultaneously toxic sibling coded AND toxic couple coded. I don’t believe that’s a mistake (much like Rouge gives off some heavily uncomfy vibes in the early days of Flynn’s run on the Archie stuff). And I don’t at all think it’s there to be duplicated in real life. Flynn and Stanley, from what I’ve read from them, seem to have a solid grasp of the line, but that line is older (age-wise) than you might think. Take one look at the Metal Virus Saga and you’ll see what I mean. I think they wanted to depict a horrible toxic and fucked up sibling relationship, much like The Coffin Of Andy And Leyley, and the most powerful way to do that is to cross that relationship into something else. Something darker. And personally, I appreciate it. I think it’s important to show how trauma can twist relationships like this, and it’s particularly important for kids to know what abusive dynamics look like. That’s part of why Tangled is one of my favorite Disney Princess movies (feel free to silently judge me, I’m an emo alt girl who likes Disney, I’m used to it). Plus… it’s an interesting wrinkle on (particularly recent) Sonic and Tails stuff. I’m a firm believer that a big part of the reason Tails was so out of character in Lost World and Forces was there was a SonicxTails shipper on staff. This takes that to its logical extreme, and contrasts it phenomenally. Sonic and Tails are brothers in all but blood, they have a healthy distance, rag on each other a bit, but ultimately are always there for one another. It’s literally the dream sibling experience. Surge and Kit are… Surge is constantly dominating Kit, and Kit is more than willing to serve her however she needs. He has always loved her deeply and wanted the best for her (because of how Starline fucked with their brains), even once he’d learned he’d been brainwashed to feel that way. At first Surge had shown zero care for Kit, but now she seems to love him too. Wanting to actively involve him in her plans to rip apart Sonic and friends. She still constantly demonstrates her dominance over him, but no longer in a hostile way (most of the time). It’s more… loving. It’s fucked as hell but she gives off rough mommy domme vibes for him (as I said, this post is fucked up). I mean, there’s a reason Mimic made the “shared room” joke in the latest issue, it’s not subtle.
Sorry about the hella long posts btw… my ADHD is ADHDing
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electrifiedgears · 6 months
I wanna explain pink clock art because I love explaining my art even though most people probably won’t understand what I’m talking about :3 I’m just rambling for no reason sorry
(TW themes of death annnd family issues and identity issues )
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Anyways item one is this comic from a few days ago or something. Gender role unfortunately exist in Aadshend! Boooo! Hence why Pink Clock has a blue bowl (and Timey pink booooo 👎) Analog, as usual isn’t very patient about anything. Pink Clock is anxious, maybe not too obviously, but his hands are clearly a bit fast here!!! It is important to note this is before he got stuck at 3. Most art of him is from after he got stuck at 3.
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Item 2… Pink Clock with the monster mask!!! This mask he wore shortly after Ring’s death, while in prison. Ring is referenced here with the abstract background (golden circle.) I like to subtly reference or hint to Ring when I can because that’s how memories feel sometimes, you have little reminders of major events sometimes.
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Item 3…… my fav pink clock art probably. He is seen staring back near a warm light source, while the painting he created stares straight ahead. It’s a self portrait! I tried to make his painting appear distinctive and apart from him. I tried to make it so it wasn’t my art, but his. With how much I project onto him, it was an interesting experience to say the least! I am sorry to admit that the hour hand realistically would be under the minute one. I genuinely thought it was the other way around for a while. Mandela effect or something. Anyways I imagine he stayed up prettyyyyyyy late painting, hence his tired look. I experimented a bit with a closer up image than I usually do, and I am still very happy with this one.
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Item 4, similar concept as item 3, but different themes I guess. He sits by an unfinished painting of his mother. She seems to have a smile that turns into upset, impulsive scribbles, pink clock likely assuming she wouldn’t be very happy with him right now. The paintbrush in his hand has its bristles looking rough. She is painted at 3, just like Pink Clock is.
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Item 5 is GRAINY not because it’s supposed to be it’s just bad quality here for some reason. Pink Clock and Timey are in his room, with coloring books. Both of them are in distress but don’t openly express it. Crudely taped drawings are hung to the wall, one of a blue clock and a monster (mask reference?) and one of Pink Clock with his family!! Cute! As a child he drew their limbs as little balls. Cute. Timey colors the unicorns in distress, and pc kind of just stares off. Timey is also W-sitting which was REALLY hard to draw but I wanted to draw them specifically W-sitting because I did it as a kid. Also Jetpack (Timey’s stuffed bear) is also there!!! Yay!
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Item 6…… carousel. I was kind of mean here sorry! Pink Clock is riding a carousel, when he notices the mirror in the center. It’s the shape of a ring and also a golden color. It reflects im his eyes. He notices the entire ride is full of gold coloring and ring-like shapes and feels more uneasy as it goes along. Also entirely unrelated to the actual art but I colorpicked the carousel horse colors off of metal sonic from sonic the hedgehog. Also this art isn’t 100% canon it’s just a maybe
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Okay last one. Item 7. Human pc. He is going grocery shopping! Late at night when nobody is there but him.he is in the cereal section annnnnnnd CAN I GO ONE SECOND WITHOUT BEING REMINDED OF RING!!!!! He sees a cereal that unfortunately reminds him of his deceased friend 😢 (there are also choco bows, based on his other friend who he doesn’t have contact with anymore) Yeah.
Okay that’s it I’m sleepy I just like rambling about my own characters goodnight
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beevean · 3 years
Opinion: How could Sonamy progress in IDW?
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[note: the original article was written in Spanish by @latin-dr-robotnik​]
Today we’re going to discuss a recurring topic on my blog, with a more complete perspective.
Today’s article was inspired by an ask I got a few days ago about my possible perspective on the future of IDW Sonamy. I thought it would be interesting to revisit and expand this topic, because it’s still something of great interest for thousands of fans all around the world, and because SEGA has recently adopted a very peculiar position on the couple and their dynamic. As I detailed on my article SEGA and its most recent Sonamy side – more canon than ever, the dynamic has been going through a shift that can be distinguished into two main parts: 1) the commercial potential of Sonamy as a merchandising and marketing icon; 2) the stability of the interactions in the comics, in the short monthly stories on Sonic Channel, and so on.
That being said, there’s no need to mention that we’re going to focus entirely and nothing more than on this ship. I usually suggest other articles for those who prefer to read on other subjects, but today I will recommend our Discord server [translator’s note: the server is mainly Spanish-speaking], where discussions about ships are limited on their own canal that is separated from other themes: general discussions, music, fangames and mods, fanfics, fanart and even gaming in general. As you know, if you want to bring something else to our community, or just avoid talking about Sonamy, you’re more than welcome to join. Now, back on track.
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What’s going on with Sonamy in IDW?
To recap what’s happened in these last months: Sonic and his friends finally got through the nightmare that was the Metal Virus, he and Amy hugged a few times, and since very recently they’ve been involved in a short arc about Chao races in Twinkle Park Zone, with a sinister background. In these last months after the eradication of the virus, there have been much closer and warmer interactions between our two hedgehogs, and I suspect that part of this is what inspired that question in the first place: what’s going on?
As I commented in the article where I proposed that Sonamy is “more canon than ever” (I know that it’s an exaggeration, that was the point), SEGA is treading carefully and the main canon seems to be willing to negotiate a more open representation of the relationship between the two in their different continuities, from best friends to something more. What I did not expect to happen was reading an answer from Evan Stanley (artist and writer that replaces Ian Flynn) about their dynamic, summing it up with “they like each other”.
The redrawing of Sonic’s expression when Amy hugs him in a recent drawing of hers made people wonder if this was yet another example of SEGA’s “censoring” (comparison below), to which Evan answered that it was modified to keep Sonic in character: he’s a guy that does not show much emotional vulnerability or too many negative emotions, and this is why sometimes the artists have to adjust WIPs to keep in line with this official point of view. Evan assured that this is not any kind of confirmation that Sonic does not like Amy, and doubles down by highlighting that in the official material, in the wikis and on Sonic Channel they show that, and I quote: “They like each other, but Sonic just isn’t the kind of guy who is going to make goo-goo eyes at Amy or perform grand acts of romance. If you wanna see that, that’s what fan works are for.”
And Evan’s words are a great way to sum up what’s going on with IDW Sonic right now. When it comes to interactions, they’re working with two characters who deep down “like each other”, but both show it in their own way. Amy is much more proactive when it comes to express her feelings, while Sonic only sometimes shows a glimpse of his feelings, with a smile or a small gesture. But at the end of the day they’re still friends and, depending on the situation, the comic can focus more or less on these details.
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Comparison between the first sketch showed by Evan and the final product. The modification of the expression was minimal: Sonic’s slight blush was changed into a smile, maybe being a little overwhelmed by the gesture of affection.
The “progression” of the dynamic in the future
A good part of the answer to this question is based on my idea that right now, when it comes to Sonamy, we reached some kind of comfortable plateau. What am I referring to? To the fact that there have been a lot of varied interactions in these last 3 years of the comic, and they’re everything I could have asked for and then some. When we talk about Sonamy in canon, as Evan said, we don’t tend to hope for great romantic gestures from Sonic, we barely even ask for a look that hints that they understand each other beyond what it seems at first glance, so the fact that the IDW continuity is betting so much on this ship is basically a dream come true. For this reason, I don’t think things will change much in the future.
If I have to make a prediction on Sonamy’s future in IDW, I believe that there are still a lot of possibilities that our known writers (and maybe new writers!) could explore more, to see what makes this dynamic work so well. Actually, about 10 years ago, Ian Flynn wrote that if they could take advantage of the abilities and similarities between the two characters as adventurous spirits and with a strong moral sense, they would be “like poetry in motion”. This largely happens in IDW Sonic if you look carefully, but there are always new stories to tell and opportunities for them to work together and explore a bit more their strong bond, stronger than other friendships that they share. When the next major arc comes (which seems to be getting closer), they could explore aspects of their dynamic that are slightly more experimental, like being separated for extended periods of time and under dangerous situations… as long as they don’t turn it into a painful experience like the Metal Virus arc.
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What Ian Flynn wrote about Sonamy, what works and what doesn’t. This was written in 2011, when Archie Sonic was still the major comic continuity, and when, according to Ian, Sonic was still “tied” to Sally Acord, leaving little room to the writers’ opinions.
The reality is that I see a stable future for the dynamic in the IDW universe. Sonamy is not fit for a lot of drama (fights, breaking up, etc.) without feeling forced or completely out of place, and only fanfics and fanart could be capable of capitalizing on this kind of content. On the other hand, for reasons I detailed in past articles, SEGA would not dare to alter the established order of the dynamic, let alone new that they managed to recover and maintain control over the ways Sonamy is being portrayed everywhere. SEGA won’t pull a Dragon Prince, which ended up confirming the main ship and then they made them go through a crisis and break up in a heartwrenching way in the graphic novel that acts as a bridge between season 3 and 4.
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In short
The future of IDW Sonamy is looking bright and stable. I don’t think there will be serious changes to what we’re experiencing right now, and this is why both Evan Stanley and Ian Flynn agree that the dynamic is practically in the perfect place, keeping in line to how SEGA wants them to be represented together. This means we won’t see more affectionate gestures than what we’re seeing now (I doubt we’ll ever see again Sonic offering Amy a rose like in Sonic X), but it also means that we have now a solid basis for our expectations. In the now old IDW Sonic #2, Sonic and Amy had the chance of seriously talking a bit about what they thought of each other, with Sonic being determined to keep living life his own way (although he wouldn’t mind Amy to accompany him… or even suggesting himself that she could come), and Amy being determined to respect his way of life, because that’s what she loves about him, and she doesn’t want him to change. Since then, all we have seen and we’ll keep seeing in the comic is a consequence of this key moment; the two philosophies that they have and they share, in a constant back-and-forth with some tense moments and some cute moments.
An interesting detail that wasn’t included in the ask and that makes me think is the possibility that all of this will feature in the games as well. This is a completely different matter for another day, but I like to think that there is the possibility that we’ll see SEGA being more interested in inserting more Sonamy in the games, even if in an indirect way like in Sonic Unleashed and its emotional support, especially if the rumors that we’re about to get a soft-reboot are true. Romance is not something Sonic games are famous for doing well… at all, but that doesn’t mean it would be a bad idea to add a little sprinkle of IDW Sonamy in the mix.
And finally, I think I’ve talked enough about this topic, As you know, we’re waiting for some news, and I hope we’ll see each other again here or on our Discord. We’ll see if on this 25th something interesting happens. In any case, see you next time!
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The moment that shaped the present and future of their entire relationship, 3 years ago.
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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Fake It Til You Make It
A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfiction - approx. 2200 words. This scene takes place post-romantic epilogue. Fluff and a little spice.
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Adrift
Kyubei watched the innkeeper through narrowed eyes. Though the man was clearly nervous, he didn’t seem to be lying. His story hadn’t changed in the last three tellings, so either he was an accomplished liar or he was telling the truth.
“L-lord Akechi and the woman left with one of the Akechi warriors. Right after we saw the fire across the lake,” the innkeeper said for the fourth time. “Then the storm came and after that, no one saw him.”
“Do you remember anything else? Did anyone else come in after they left? Did you see anyone acting strangely?”
The man shook his head. “No, I mean, not really? Everyone was a bit strange after we saw the blaze. Wondering if Azuchi was still standing.” He frowned. “You think it might have been Lord Akechi? Him disappearing like that right after -”
Kyubei cut him off. “No. That was the work of the Mouri clan.” It wasn’t the first person he’d spoken with that suspected. And why wouldn’t they? Mitsuhide was only just back from his misadventure at the shogun’s side. An ally in disgrace. A man not to be trusted.
The worst part of all this was that Kyubei really had no idea what his lord wanted him to do. Should he quash the rumors? Encourage them? Mitsuhide’s instructions from his last letter said nothing about an attack on Azuchi - not like this - and nothing about disappearing. Of course, he pretended like he knew exactly what was going on. He had to, until he received additional instructions.
“So . . . am I free to go?” The innkeeper was frowning now. His nervousness replaced by a desire to get back to making money at the inn.
“For now,” Kyubei said. He gave the man a hard stare. “If I need anything else, I will send someone for you.”
The innkeeper bowed and left, leaving Kyubei alone with his thoughts. It really seemed that in the storm, his lord had simply vanished into thin air. And Miyake too.
Perhaps they'd left with Ranmaru, who was also missing. But if so, there would be a letter. A message. Something!
The castle staff had no idea where he was - they’d waited for him to return for hours. Miyake’s squad couldn’t find their commander either. Both men were expected.
And the chatelaine . . . his lady. Kyubei worried that he had failed to protect her again.
Morning came with pale light through a high window. It fell across four careworn, sleeping faces. Sasuke and Miyake lay in a tangle of blankets on the floor, and in a bed, Mitsuhide clung to his little mouse. He woke with the first notes of bird-song, but kept his eyes shut. He wasn’t ready to confront the strange world of 500 years in the future just yet.
His little one stirred in his arms as the sound of morning birds turned into a hum of outside activity. “Is it . . . are we really . . .” She opened her eyes and looked around Sarutobi’s flat. “We’re really here.”
Mitsuhide nodded.
“I want to be happy about it, but . . .”
He shushed her with a kiss. “It will be fine. Worrying won’t return us faster.”
She sighed and buried her face against his chest. “I know. I just hope everyone is alright.”
“They will be,” Mitsuhide reassured her. He didn’t think of it as a lie - simply an assumption he based on his past experience. Nobunaga would handle this threat as he did others that came before it.
And Kyubei would see to what the left hand needed to be doing.
Sasuke sat up, rubbing his face. “I apologize for the accommodations,” he told them. The same apology he’d given the night before.
“At least we had somewhere to sleep.” The chatelaine sat up and wiggled out of the blanket. “I should probably check on my flat and see if it’s still mine. If so, we won't have to impose on you a second night. Although,” she sighed. “I don’t have my ID or my keys or anything.”
“I don't mind,” Sasuke replied. “You are welcome to continue crashing here. Although, we may not be here for long. Weren’t there activities you wanted to do in this time? While you can?” His left eyebrow lifted almost imperceptibly.
Mitsuhide gave her one of his slow, warm smiles. His fingers traced a path down her spine. “Yes, you did mention some things I would like to see, since we are here.”
His little mouse arched like a cat against his hand. “I did . . . yes. Alright. Since we’re here, we might as well try to enjoy it!”
Miyake rolled over on the floor and pulled the blanket over his head.
“I take it that means you plan to stay here for the day?”
Sasuke answered for the half-asleep warrior. “Actually, I would really appreciate it if Miyake would accompany me. I need to go to my university and make some arrangements.”
Miyake groaned and sat up. He blinked as his gaze went around the room, taking in all the strange objects. Finally, he settled on the ninja. “You need protection or something?”
“No. I don’t think anyone will attack me.” Sasuke felt around for his glasses and slid them on. “But I expect to be moving some heavy equipment in the lab. And I may have a friend who can help us out with those arrangements, if you're there to corroborate my story.”
“Corr what?” Miyake frowned.
“Authenticate. Like a two factor security key.” The ninja grinned.
The warrior looked to Mitsuhide uncertainly.
“If Sarutobi believes you can assist him today, then that is what you will do. I am sure my fiancée and I will be fine.”
The chatelaine looked less certain about this, but she nodded agreement.
The four of them took turns dressing in the ‘washroom’ to give each other privacy. His morning was one of surprise as the . . . toilet . . . squirted him with water. And warm or cold water came from a metal spigot at the turn of a handle too, spilling into a porcelain basin. There were more smokeless lanterns - electric lights they were called - and other wonders.
Had Mitsunari been there, he was sure the scholar could have spent weeks studying every device but Mitsuhide just needed to know how to use it.
In this place, he was the naïve child, and his little one, the wise teacher. Such a shift in their positions was hard to take. Mitsuhide didn’t think of himself as arrogant but this situation was humbling in the extreme. Thankfully, he managed to get through dressing and breakfast without any serious mishaps.
Sasuke and Miyake left to the university. The flat was silent in their wake. Mitsuhide and his little mouse sat on the edge of the bed. She was tapping away at a . . . tablet . . . to get access to her accounts. The electronic scroll was interesting, at least. With pictures and writing all lit up so you could read it even in the dark.
Mitsuhide stood and stretched, trying to get used to moving in his new clothes. They were Sarutobi’s and didn’t quite fit. He was dressed in a pair of pants that clung tightly to his legs and ended short of his ankle. The top was a soft weave, dyed black. It sported an odd blue character on it and the word Sonic. Sarutobi said the picture was a hedgehog, whatever that was.
He would have liked to wear something without a picture on it. He’d had the choice between this one and something with a lizard that walked on two legs and shot fire from its mouth. Those were the only two shirts the ninja had that were long enough to cover him to his waist. And there was no way he was walking around with a bare midriff. Even if his little mouse looked interested in the idea.
Her midriff was bare afterall, she’d laughed. And it was - sort of. She tied one of Sasuke’s shirts in a bow under her breasts and had a pair of his shorts on. Though Mitsuhide wasn’t familiar with the clothes of this time, he thought she looked like a child trying to fit into her father’s clothes. Endearingly cute, but ill fit. Some of the clothes they saw women wearing on the way in the night before would have looked much better on her.
She looked up as if she knew he was thinking about her. “Ok, I think we’re ready to go.”
“Where to, my love?”
“Well, first to my apartment. It looks like my rent payments have all been made. And the building manager knows me so I should be able to get a spare key.” Her smile was all relief.
They arrived to the apartment, a small space in a tall building that reminded Mitsuhide of a castle, if the castle was robbed of all charm and beauty. Her room was utilitarian and sterile, and while there was still the wonder of technology, he could see none of her personality in the space. He said as much.
“Hm, yeah. I didn’t really have time to decorate. The apartment came furnished. I moved in and then, well,” she laughed. “I ended up in Azuchi with you.”
Mitsuhide pulled her into a hug. “A fate worse than death, little mouse?”
“You know it wasn’t,” she giggled, laughing harder as he ran his fingers down her sensitive sides. Holding her like this felt like home, even if nothing else was familiar.
After several slow breaths, they let go of each other.
“I must confess, I cannot see you living in this place. It doesn’t seem very safe. And you don’t have much room for your sewing.” Mitsuhide couldn’t help but poke into her cabinets, shelves, and drawers.
She nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty small but it was a place I could afford on my own.”
Mitsuhide heard the pride in her voice. He smiled. “I can imagine you coming here, determined to make it on your own.” He turned from the cabinet he was inspecting to see her stripping off her shirt.
Her pert breasts were a pleasant surprise, but she crossed her arms over them as soon as she saw him looking. “I’m just changing clothes! I didn’t want to wear Sasuke’s basketball shorts all day.”
“Please, continue.”
“I - I can’t while you’re staring at me!” She turned so that all he could see was her back.
Mitsuhide laughed. “Are we not lovers? How many times have I kissed, nibbled, caressed every bit of your skin from head to toe?”
She shivered, skin dimpling with remembered touches. Slow, nervous, she turned back around. Her arms lowered, revealing her chest again. “You can watch if you want to.”
He wasn’t sure if it was nerves or mischief that made her voice squeak at the end. Either was amusing. “Mmm, I’m a lucky man to get a show.”
“You are,” she smiled. Her fingers went to the tie on the shorts. They fell away, pooling around her feet. Underneath, she wore nothing.
Mitsuhide sucked in a breath.
Her hips swayed as she walked to her wardrobe. She glanced over her shoulder at him and fluttered her eyelashes, trying to be saucy. The effect was a little spoiled by the blush that ran from her cheeks to the tips of her ears. From within the wardrobe she pulled out a little twist of cloth. It was light blue and made of some embroidered material.
He didn’t realize he could see her skin through it until she slipped it on, slowly pulling the fabric taut over her curves. Though she was technically covered, it was somehow more tempting than just skin alone. “What . . . is that?”
“Panties.” She giggled. Then she pulled out a matching bit of cloth and wrapped it around her chest. The rise of her breasts were restrained by this new piece of clothing as she reached behind her as if to tie it.
“And that?”
“My bra.” She turned right, then left, letting him get a good view.
The sight made Mitsuhide want to simultaneously rip the clothing off her and still enjoy looking at her in them. It wasn’t possible to have both . . .
“To be honest, it’s been kind of nice not wearing these the last few months. But I think I would feel weird if I didn’t wear them with my modern clothes.”
“I like them.” Mitsuhide smiled widely. A grin that brought heat to her gaze before she looked away, suddenly shy. He knew this ground well. Even here in a world where everything was strange, his little one was the same.
He stepped forward, reaching to cup her cheek. His other hand settled lightly on her hip, fingertips stroking the skin just above the fabric of her panties. She inhaled sharply, lips parting. Mitsuhide took the invitation.
The kiss was, at first, gentle and sweet, but the press of their bodies built heat between them. Their breath mingled, tongues entwined. Hands grasping, stroking, pulling. Tearing.
Mitsuhide stopped at the sound of fabric ripping.
His little one gasped and reached down to feel the damage. Her eyes widened. “You . . . tore my panties.” Then she started to laugh.
He laughed too. Never in his life had he expected a woman so wonderful. A woman he would want badly enough to - literally - tear the clothes off her. This kind of passion he’d always believed was fake. Yet here he was. It was unthinkable. Incredible. “I love you,” Mitsuhide told her, smiling so widely that it hurt.
“I love you too.”
She gestured to the wardrobe. "I should probably, you know. Finish." It took only a moment for her to shimmy into her own clothes. Then they headed out into this strange world that was his home 500 years after death.
Next: Kitsune's Day Out
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omegafan101 · 3 years
Alright fuck it, I’m bored and I saw someone say Omega was a bland character but it was on a 5 month old Reddit post so I therefore could not bring myself to comment on it. So fuck it here’s an Omega character analysis type thing.
Omega is not a simple, violent, emotionless, metal husk like a lot of people think he is, he certainly has less character than Gamma but that’s another topic.
Truthfully, yes, Omega’s personality is largely centered around his absolute bloodlust. But even that has more character to it than just violence. In the games it’s not just violence for violence, it’s an anger fueled vengeance quest against his creator and everything he’s made. The Archie comics actually made his thirst for blood even better by making him more of a comic relief who practically fell in love with Blaze because of how dangerous her flames were. Not to mention that version of Omega has Gamma’s transferred memories and emotions.
Beyond that though, this point cannot be stated more with how much Sega denies it these day, Team Dark are friends! Yes, even Omega! Case in point, at the beginning of Heroes Omega sees his team mates as nothing more than a means to an end, they are there to help him find Eggman and destroy him, he even has a voice line in team battles after Shadow and Rouge die where he says “That’s a load off my back.”
However by the end of the game his views of them has clearly changed, which is evident from one scene at the end of Team Dark’s story. In the scene, Rouge and Omega find a room filled with Shadow androids, which Omega is preparing to destroy. Rouge breaks the news to him that Shadow is dead and is more than likely also an android, and instead of making any regard of Shadow’s status as a rebellious robot, he instead rationalizes it that the androids must be clones, and the original must be somewhere. He ends up being right but in the moment it comes across both as a sort of comfort to Rouge and a reasoning for him to not have to destroy Shadow, because he sees him as a friend.
Omega is only in two missions in Shadow the Hedgehog, but he’s involved in the plot line of Shadow learning and coming to terms with the fact he’s an android, which ends up being a lie anyway. The very first thing he asks Shadow is “Are you the original.” He wants to destroy the androids, but he doesn’t want to risk hurting his friend. And even when Omega does find out Shadow is one of Eggman’s creations he doesn’t destroy him.
And finally what I think is Omega’s best characterization, ironically is comes from Sonic ‘06. The very first thing Omega does, upon learning Shadow is in trouble, is go into standby mode for well over a hundred years to essentially brute force time travel and save him. People can say he did this because it was a mission from Rouge, but no, Omega is not one to just blindly take orders, especially not ones that would directly impede his destruction of the Eggman Empire. He only does this because it was a request from a friend to save another friend. But my absolute favorite Omega scene comes from when Mephiles reveals that, years from now, Omega will defeat Shadow and seal him away. Omega doesn’t just continue shooting Mephiles, he takes time to think, and then in a fit of rage switches to his machine guns and rips Mephiles a new one. After Mephiles is gone, Omega shows the most emotion ever even with his monotone voice, by seeming genuinely upset as he breaks the news to Shadow. Hell, even in the final story Omega shows sadness when everyone learns Sonic is dead.
If anyone tries to tell me Omega doesn’t care about Shadow and Rouge again I’ll scream.
There’s even something to be said about Omega as a foil to Gamma. Many people compare them as they’re both the red E-100 series robot turned friend, but they have little in common otherwise. Gamma goes down the sort of Iron Giant path. The gun that doesn’t want to be a gun. He goes on a quest to free his brothers from their prisons and even considers killing himself to free the bird inside before Beta does it for him. Omega meanwhile is the antithesis to everything Gamma was. Omega knows full well that he is a violent weapon, and he loves it. If the two ever met as allies, and not as enemies like in Archie, they still would not get along, their ideals oppose each other directly. And I think that is so interesting.
TLDR Omega is a fun character who actually has a personality and cares about his friends don’t @ me.
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cyanocoraxx · 3 years
Damage (Chapter 14)
Wordcount: 7,422
Characters: Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Silver Sonic
Content warnings: Dissociation, discussions about death RIP
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Lucky for Silver, Mecha did their best to fix the worst of his injuries.
"Mecha, stuff still feels really uncomfortable." Silver complained, trailing behind him as he made his way to meet with Neo.
Mecha picked Silver up in one smooth motion and plopped him on his shoulders. "Is this a sufficient mode of transport for you?"
Silver folded his arms on top of Mecha's head and settled down, quite at home being off the ground like this. "Yeah, this works." He was quiet for a few moments before smirking to himself. "Commander Silver to Commander Mecha! Mush!"
Mecha stopped. "Mush?"
Silver tapped a finger on top of Mecha's head. "That was an order, soldier."
Mecha had to hold back from shaking his head. "I do not understand. Rephrase your wording. Are you referring to a soft, wet mass? Feeble or cloying sentimentality? Or perhaps the verb, to reduce-"
"It's also a way to make dogs run on sleds." Silver interrupted him, deadpan. "I'm telling you to go faster."
"Is that supposed to be humorous?"
"I love you, but man, you can be such a killjoy." Silver gave up on his joke and rested his chin on one hand. "I- Okay, that was harsh. Sorry bro."
Mecha was puzzled by this. "Is it better for one to pretend to find humour in a non-humorous situation?"
Silver thought about it for a moment. "Well... not really. That's called people-pleasing." He leaned forward a little, putting more weight on Mecha's head. "And you know as well as I do that we've never done anything to please anyone else. Well, except for our dad, maybe."
The two reached the computer room, where Neo was already absorbed in whatever he was doing. He almost didn't notice them coming in, if it wasn't for an automatic scan of his surroundings picking up their signals. He gave a beep of surprise and looked over his shoulder. Although the surprise irritated him a little, he couldn't hide the way his optics lit up ever so subtly at the sight of his siblings being safe and well.
Mecha set Silver down on a spinny chair and moved around to lean on it from behind. "How goes your progress?"
Neo gave a thumbs-up and pointed to the screen. Mecha leaned forward to look more closely. The security upgrade packages were all saved and encrypted.
Silver deliberately turned around and leaned back far enough that he was hanging upside-down from the chair. He wasn't going to pretend to understand what his older siblings were concocting on that screen, it was much too complex for him, he had already decided.
The robot's mind started to wander, and it wandered to a strangely dark place that was out of character for him.
Neo and Mecha both looked at him.
"What happens when we die?"
Neo and Mecha looked at each other in alarm and confusion.
"No, really." Silver looked between both of them from his upside-down position with a serious expression. "I'm serious."
Mecha moved to sit down beside him on the floor. "Elaborate."
Neo turned to give his little sibling his full attention, too. He leaned back on the desk and folded his arms.
"Well... I saw you die, Metal." Silver looked at him, and then at Mecha. "And Mecha, you... I saw your mind getting eaten alive in front of me. You nearly died." He looked past both of them, resting his gaze on the wall instead. "And I... I just had a freaking cannon to my CPU. It was scary." He frowned as he recalled the moment in his head. "If nothing happens when we die, why was I so scared to go?"
Mecha shifted to get more comfortable. "The explanation for that likely differs depending on which unit you ask."
Silver made eye contact with him again. "That's a bullshit answer."
Mecha shook his head. "Do not discredit the notion so hastily." He leaned forward to show interest. "We are afforded with artificial intelligence chips that are more advanced than those of other machines. They afford us ego, sentience, consciousness, and self-preservation instincts. And, because we are aware of our consciousness and our identities, to lose that awareness would be most regrettable. It would take away our ability to function to the same standard. Perhaps, this fear that you speak of is self-preservation at work." He paused, recalling his own experiences with fear. "Fear makes one faster, enabling a quicker escape from a threatening situation. Fear promotes survival."
"So... because we're conscious, and consciousness is an important, erm... resource, fear can help us to keep it? And fear encourages us to keep functioning?" Silver tried to simplify the concept. "That makes sense, I guess. But this whole being conscious, as a robot, thing is so confusing sometimes. Most robots aren't."
"We could explain our processors as a collection of electrical signals and interactions. That, however, does not explain robotic consciousness." Mecha explained. "It is a capacity that exceeds simple electrical signals." He tilted his head as he thought about it.
"In other words, consciousness is more than the sum of its parts?" Silver finished for him. He reached one hand up above him and studied it thoughtfully. He watched how each component in his hand moved to allow him movement in his fingers... each tiny wire, every pin, and every circuit worked together to give him that freedom. It was almost mesmerizing to see now that he really looked for it.
"It is an emergent property." Mecha concluded studiously. "It is a property that its underlying parts do not have on their own, a property that emerges only when the parts interact as part of a wider whole. One cannot rip the data from our circuitry to find where it comes from... It simply is."
Silver was quiet for a moment. And then he snickered and let his arm drop to the floor with a clang. "So we're alive."
Neo looked at him and signed, "what?"
Silver turned his head to look at him with a smile. "Don't act like you don't know. You feel it, too." He paused, his smile fading. "Hey... if you wanna talk about it, what did you see when you, erm... you know. Kicked the bucket."
Neo walked over and sat down by Silver and Mecha. He laid down in the same position as Silver and put his hand up in the air, just as Silver had been doing. And left it there. Silver waited for his reply. And waited. And waited. Until he couldn't keep waiting. The boredom was painful.
"Come on zombie bot. What did you see?" Silver nagged him, prodding him in the side with a pout.
Neo turned his head to look at Silver before signing, "robot heaven where you ask fewer questions." He playfully shoved Silver in the shoulder and sat up, earning a swat and a growl from the younger robot. Neo wasn't going to answer that. The conversation topic was already triggering his dissociation enough.
Silver sat up as well and sighed, deciding to drop it once he caught on to why Neo was actually evading the topic.
The three exchanged looks between themselves.
"We're all kinds of fucked up." Silver stated. He leaned back on his hands.
"Is water still wet." Mecha prodded him to his side. "I cannot retrieve the data on it and require your assistance."
"Shush, you." Silver hushed him with a finger to his muzzle plate. "You and your sarcasm are a pain in my motherboard. You're lucky you're actually funny."
"Funny? I expected a battle of wits." Neo signed to their sides. "But you both appear to be unarmed."
Silver leaned towards him accusingly. "What edgy quote website did you get that from, Mx. Unoriginal? Huh?"
"You cannot claim to be original," Neo signed, "with a name like Silver Sonic."
"Says Metal Sonic! How original is that? Also, Son- the hedgehog already made that joke at my expense, so you're too slow. Try again."
Neo paused. "Why do you think I use another name?"
Silver prodded Neo in the forehead on his white arrow. "Neo Metal Sonic? What's the difference?"
Neo gave him a sarcastic look. "One is my name. The other is not."
"I know, I know. I'm just teasing you." Silver let up and patted Neo where he had poked him. "Oh, and I'll start calling you Neo more often if you want. I just wasn't sure if you wanted me to or not."
"I would like that."
They fell silent for some time. A strange heaviness came over them all as they reflected on recent events.
"When we finally do get scrapped one day..." Silver began, shifting to cross his legs, "the best engineers in the universe will hold conferences to work out how we managed to survive so much crap."
Mecha roughly scrubbed his little sibling's head and stood up. "I propose that we end this conversation here. We have much work to do."
Neo shook his head as he stood up. "I have work to do. You rest." After signing, he pointed at both Mecha and Silver. "If I need help, I ask."
Mecha nodded. "Understood." Before Silver could protest, Mecha tactfully placed a hand over his mouth and picked him up. He strode over to a sideboard and jumped up onto it, where he turned around and sat down. Only then did he release Silver, who shifted to sit next to him. Silver shuffled further away from Mecha and looked down, messing with his hands. Mecha noticed, but said nothing - he was doing his best to respect the boundaries of his brothers now, even if he didn't always understand them.
"I think I'm..." Silver started but trailed off. His optics dimmed bit by bit, and his head slowly lowered. He lifted his head for a moment before it fell again - he was clearly fighting something off. "I uh... Think..."
Mecha shifted close to him and pulled the younger robot into his side. Almost instantly, Silver fell into sleep mode against his older brother. Mecha shifted slightly to make Silver more comfortable against him and made sure that he was well-supported. Without really thinking about it, he brought his other hand over and rested it on top of Silver's head, where he gently rubbed it back and forth.
Think of it as self-programming. You taught yourself to love.
It made sense now.
Love manifested when he didn't have to think about it.
Some time after, Neo finished uploading the security patches and sent them to every unit on the ship to be downloaded.
The hole in the wall was a message: you are not invincible. You are mortal.
Grow up and start acting like an adult or lose your life.
Silver sat alone in the dark of the room his fight had taken place in, and in front of him lay the remains of the robot who had tried to destroy him. Armed with a set of tools, Silver clumsily tried to solder two parts together. But his hands kept shaking or faltering, and he was growing more and more frustrated. Minutes turned to an hour with little progress. There was too little left to salvage, and there was nothing he could do about that.
Silver gave an angry beep of frustration and tossed a wrench aside. He hunched over and held his head in his hands, his anger prickling him from the inside.
And that's when he started crying.
"You're so insecure."
"Daddy's boy."
"Die knowing how worthless you were."
"I'm going to love doing this to Mecha and Metal."
"Fuck you." Silver whispered shakily over his clicks. "Fuck you..." He scraped up a bundle of wires in his hands and, at the feeling of them in his hands, his anger turned into a poignant sadness. "F-Fuck you."
He went to close his hand around them, to crush them like he should have, but couldn't bring himself to do it. This machine tried to destroy him. It wanted to destroy everybody in the base. But somehow, destroying these last few pieces of them felt too ugly. Too inhuman. Too sadistic. This only spurred him on in his onslaught of emotions, and he curled over and sobbed into his chassis instead.
All of that talk to Sonic's face about being a machine who doesn't forgive was bullshit. He wanted to see the good in everyone. But, some units, they just made it so hard.
A soft red glow grew behind him. Silver didn't notice, too deep in his hurt to pay attention to anything around him.
Mecha gently rested a hand on his little brother's back and crouched behind him.
Silver didn't need to look - he knew it was Mecha by the size and weight of his hand. At this point, the brothers would recognize each other by the tiniest things - from the way their feet struck the earth to the distinct humming of their engines. The younger robot relaxed slightly but didn't try to outwardly acknowledge him apart from this.
"Why do you grieve?" Mecha asked, softly. "I would like to understand."
"Were they scared?"
Mecha slowly moved to sit beside his little brother, giving him his undivided attention.
Silver hesitated before making eye contact with his older brother.
"Were they scared to die, Mecha?"
Mecha let the question sit in his processor for a while. It was too easy to give a "we can't die, we're machines" response, and he knew it wasn't what his little sibling was looking for in his emotional state. But the truth was, he wasn't sure. He didn't know that unit well enough to comment, nor did he know what AI upgrades they got from G.U.N, if any. Though, he sorely doubted that the military would afford a mech from the Eggman Empire anything that would truly benefit them.
He answered honestly.
"I do not know."
Silver sighed shakily and turned his head away. "Thanks for being honest. I never want a bullshit answer."
Mecha let him look away, but kept his gaze fixed on him to show interest. "You need not thank me, brother."
Silver flinched inward at the "brother" part - their closeness was part of why this all hurt so bad.
"I-I keep thinking about what happened to you, and... how scared you were. How you weren't in control of anything. You're my big brother, and you've never been scared in your life before that. So did they go through that, too? That organic motherfucker... he had a hold on them. And I hate that. I hate that so much." Silver's sadness turned to bitterness. "Robots aren't just... things to be controlled and used. Metal or skin, it doesn't matter, we're all trying to live. It's not fair. It's not."
Mecha let him finish before interjecting. "I do not believe that they and I shared the same experience." He looked down at the pile of scrap metal in front of them. "This unit willingly sought out a deal with the humans. They chose to relinquish control. What I experienced was not a choice, rather, it was a treatment forced upon me. I had no choice but to adapt and endure."
Silver let his sibling's response sit in his processor for a moment. "I... Yeah, you're right." He sighed. "I just find it hard to understand why someone would willingly do that to themselves. Do they really think that low of themselves? To give up their very mind, their own body, to someone who doesn't give a damn about them? I pity them. They must have really hated themselves, or just didn't care."
Mecha pondered on that for a moment. "Not everything is comprehendible, even to a machine. Sometimes reasonings are just out of one's understanding, regardless of how much data we collect and analysis we conduct... they just are what they are. We cannot peer into this machine's mind to find the precise switch that flipped that led them to make that decision."
Silver nodded slowly. "Yeah. In other words, we all perceive things differently. They thought... they thought that this was for the best." He scooped up the shards of metal in his hands and, slowly, his frown turned into a sad smile. "It is what is." Then, he laughed. "I just wish the pair of them hadn't, like, insulted me so hard before beating my ass. Kinda hurt my fee-fees. Made me feel a bit cringe."
"Elaborate. What is fee-fees?"
"Understood." Mecha gently scrubbed his sibling's head. "Do not dwell on their words." He stood and offered a hand to Silver. "Come. Let us dispose of them properly."
Silver took his hand and let Mecha pull him up in one swift motion. The two looked at each other for a moment before setting off to an unspoken destination.
"Hey, Mecha?"
Mecha gave a beep of acknowledgment.
"What happened to the first Silver Sonic?"
Mecha looked straight ahead. "It was destroyed."
"Yeah, thought so. Did you ever meet it?"
"Affirmative." Mecha answered him. "It was a relentless war machine with a much larger build than your own frame. It simply followed orders and continued to destroy despite enduring critical damages to itself. It lacked sentience and was significantly slower than other units in our series. This led to its destruction."
"It wasn't sentient?" Silver asked, baffled by that. "Are you sure?"
"Affirmative. It was not sentient." Mecha confirmed it matter-of-factly. "The unit did not interact with the world, nor did it respond to any of us. It would only perform actions that it was commanded to carry out by its primary user."
Silver nodded slowly. "And what happened to it in the end? Was it not re-built?"
"Silver Sonic MK I was completely destroyed by the hedgehog. Its remains were disposed of out of a garbage chute soon after."
Silver grimaced. "That's brutal. Damn."
Mecha listened to his sibling's emotional response patiently, but then proposed a more logical side to it. "Consider this: a light switch is flicked off for the last time. This occurs regardless of whether the switch, or the one flipping the switch, knows that or not."
"Is that meant to be a more poetic way of saying, like... its destruction was inevitable?" Silver asked, frowning. "What the heck, Mecha. That's so morbid."
"No. I am stating that the unit in question was never aware of its existence in the first place. Therefore, its disposal in the manner that we just discussed is not conventionally "brutal" as you described it." Mecha explained carefully. "Do not grieve for it. It did not feel."
Silver couldn't help but feel a pit form in his tanks, even with that explanation. "I get that, but... I dunno, it still makes me sad. They never got to experience what it's like to be..." He pushed the last door open and stepped outside onto the ship's deck, where the wind met him at just the right time. "Alive." He started walking to the edge. "They could have been something. I can grieve that loss of what could have been."
"It was something. It was a machine." Mecha stated from behind him. He stopped a small distance away and let Silver continue forward.
He privately noted how much Silver was resembling his organic template these days.
"No... more than that. It could have been more than a mindless robot." Silver came to a stop at the barrier and rested an arm over the top. "Whether it was like us or not, it was our sibling." He looked down at the remains of the Egg Pawn in his hands and, slowly, a smile formed on his muzzle plate. "We're all family here. I just wish everyone saw it that way."
Mecha slowly moved to join him, where he stood by Silver's side. He put his arm around Silver's shoulders supportively.
They shared a quiet moment of reflection before Silver spoke again.
"I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for here." Silver stood on his tip-toes and reached over the edge. "Just know that I would have liked to know you as family, too, if you would have let me." He looked down at his hand. "If robots do go to whatever afterlife may or may not exist... go safely, now."
With that, he let go.
After a moment, Mecha lifted his hand and opened his palm. "May I?"
Silver laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah, go crazy big M."
With laser precision, Mecha aimed at the metal pieces and fired an energy blast at them. The remains turned to nothing but dust, and the tiny pieces of shrapnel glinted in the light as they rained down from the sky.
A glimmer of life before plummeting out of existence.
Only, this time, it was love that sent it on its way.
In the glow of the engineering room's many screens, Neo and Mecha stood leaning against the wall. Neo absent-mindedly messed with his wrist tangle as he waited for Mecha to tell him what was on his mind.
"I have concerns about our sibling." Mecha started, quietly. "I believe that recent events have made them... less efficient."
Neo nodded slowly and gestured for Mecha to continue. Knowing Mecha's wordy way of talking about things, he guessed that the robot didn't mean the "less efficient" part as an insult to their sibling.
"They attempted to repair the enemy." Mecha explained. "I cannot comprehend the emotional basis behind it in the same manner that you can, for I lack the emotional range that would afford me higher levels of empathy." He looked to the console and folded his arms. "But I believe that they are suffering."
Neo nodded again. "We are all suffering. In different ways."
"Affirmative. However, our manners of... coping, are vastly different." Mecha responded, trying his best to maneuver the emotional side of the conversation. "Our sibling has not yet found how to manage their experiences with loss and ceasing of functions. I propose a theory to you: both you and Silver Sonic have struggled with the notion of being "alive" in an organic sense. Perhaps it would benefit them to speak with them on the matter."
Neo found his optics dimming as he listened to his brother. He knew all too well how that struggle felt for himself. Having life data within him that he couldn't place anywhere, delusions that he was the real Sonic, experiencing simulations of pain... it was all too much to bear when things got bad for him. But there was one thing that Neo was learning. The path to recovery was not a straight line. It was more akin to a spiral. You continually circle back to the things you once thought you understood, and find deeper truths.
"I will address our creator and speak to Silver."
Neo pushed back off the wall and started to walk away to find either one of them.
Mecha hesitated, but then reached out and grabbed Neo's shoulder plate. Neo looked over his shoulder with a questioning beep.
"I implore you, continue to be kind to him. Our influences on him are strong."
Neo's gaze softened. He turned back around and gently bumped his forehead against Mecha's for a moment.
"Silver is our little brother. I will not fail him."
"I trust you."
With that said, Neo turned and walked away, leaving Mecha to keep watch over the ship's console. He decided that speaking with Eggman first would be a good idea - their creator needed filling in on the chaos that had taken place on the vessel anyway. He put out a long-range scan and continued to the doors to go outside, where he waited for some time for Eggman to return.
Eggman climbed out of his Egg Mobile and looked up to find a familiar blue robot watching him.
"Well hello there, Metal! How were things?" He called over to him as he swiped some dirt off of the glass of the machine. "That blasted hedgehog didn't show up, did he?"
Neo wasn't sure how to answer that honestly. He gave a shrug and resisted folding his arms defensively.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Eggman asked him as he walked over. He fixed his glasses and folded his arms. "Did something happen, Metal? Tell me."
"Defective robot." Neo explained briefly in sign. "It tried to take over."
Eggman looked puzzled, and then irritated. "Blasted thing. You took care of it, I assume?"
Neo nodded. "Mecha and I regained control of the ship. Silver trapped the robot. I destroyed it."
Eggman patted Neo's head and walked by him. "As expected from my boys. Nothing else was ruined, was it?"
Neo turned to follow him, feeling a strange... emptiness from the interaction. And now that Eggman was ahead of him, he couldn't sign anything in reply. He caught up to his creator and walked beside him so that he could continue to sign.
"No. Everything is in order." Neo clarified. He paused, finding the doctor's reply irritating. He almost had the idea to sign, yes, we're all fine, thank you very much, but didn't.
He couldn't fathom why the doctor was withdrawing like this yet, but he intended to get to the bottom of it, and now.
"Very good, very good." Eggman replied. "It's very useful that the three of you get along so nicely now."
Neo thought about that. Was the doctor assuming that the robots would just fix each other when they needed to now, especially now that Silver knew a few things himself? He had left them to their own devices, after all...
"I am concerned about Silver Sonic." Neo told him, looking more insistent. "He is upset about recent events."
"Oh?" Eggman raised a brow at Neo and slowed down. "In what way?"
"His programming. It is starting to affect him." Neo explained. "He thinks he is alive and is scared."
Eggman sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Dear Chaos."
The doctor's frustration caught Neo off guard. His insistent expression turned into the start of a glare.
"What can you do?" Neo asked, his hand movements terse now. "We must try to help him somehow."
"Not much I can do, Metal, not much at all." Eggman told him, looking away from him.
"What do you mean?"
Eggman wouldn't say it now, but his guilt was starting to eat at him. He had watched this happen to Neo already, and had apologized to the robot before, but now the news that Silver might be next in line for a breakdown of some description was a lot to take in. He had shut Silver away out of fear of this, and his deep emotions, too. He was sorry, but still didn't know how to make any of it better. He was panicking and angry at his lapse in judgement.
In his shame and frustration, the doctor kept looking away from his creation, denying him an answer.
Neo glared at him fully now. Looking away from him when he needed to sign to speak was like running away, if not disrespectful. He beeped at him several times to get his attention, each one growing more insistent.
Neo stopped.
"I can't fix you."
Eggman continued ahead for a few steps.
"The kind of broken you two are... I can't fix it. I'm sorry. It's beyond programming, or hardware issues, or literally anything I can get my hands on."
Neo just stared at him. That blank look only frustrated the scientist more.
"I. Can't. Fix. You." Eggman repeated, harsher this time. "I can't fix either of you."
Neo looked away, now. His optics glowed brighter.
This was insulting. He hadn't asked to be fixed, like he was some walking error, or some kind of problem... he had asked for help.
"And the other thing is, Metal... you boys are killing machines. You're not..." he trailed off, finding Neo's angry optics on him again. "You're not..."
"Say it." Neo signed back, irritated. "Just say it."
"... You're not just ordinary people. You're killing machines, and he needs to remember that. I can't coddle you too much anymore-"
"He is a child." Neo snapped back at him in sign. "A child!"
"So are you! And you still managed!"
Neo froze. Hearing that made him bristle with a hot kind of anger. His optics narrowed at his creator in a warning.
"Don't give me that look, Metal." Eggman sighed, rubbing his forehead again. "I don't mean it as an insult. I mean it quite literally."
"I did not manage. I suffered."
"Yes, and you asked me to put you out of your misery, son, but that still wasn't enough. What else can I do?"
Neo's engine hitched for a second as a sharp stab of anger rended through him. He wasn't going to afford that a response. So, he went back to the first part of Eggman's reply.
"So what if I am a child?"
"Then it makes this very complicated."
"It is not complicated. You just give mixed messages."
"Mixed messages? Like how?"
"Tell us we are our own people when you feel like we are your sons. And then revoke it when you feel like we're just your inventions again." Neo replied, hand movements short and forceful now. He took a step forward challengingly. "What are we today?"
"Metal, don't."
"Tell me, what am I?" Neo glared at him and took a step forward. "Machine or living being?"
"You're a machine."
"Are you sure?"
"But I am sentient. I can think for myself. You call me a child. What am I, then? With all of these qualities? How do I live with this? How? What do I tell him?"
Eggman fell silent. Neo held his ground, unwavering. He would drag an answer out of his creator with silence.
He waited.
"I don't know." Eggman finally admitted. "I don't know what that makes you. You're a machine, but a person, but I can't define you any more than that."
Neo slowly withdrew his blind rage. It twisted into something black and hollow. Something ugly and inhuman.
"You're my sons, but you're robots, too. And, I love all three of you. But..." Eggman fixed his glasses and folded his arms. "Y-You need to grow up and realize something. You can't be the same kind of person as everyone else. You just can't. You're murder machines, for crying out loud. I can't switch off that killer programming in your heads. I can't just not send you after our enemies. I can't just let you three go and do whatever the hell you want. You have a job to do."
The robot found a dangerous red glint coming over his optics.
The disrespect tipped him over the edge.
"Watch me."
Neo turned on his heel and stalked back out of the room. He slammed the door behind him to shut out the shouting of his creator.
"Metal! Don't you dare disobey me now!"
Neo smacked a fist into the wall beside him as he walked away, leaving a sizeable dent in it. Good. He turned a corner and raked his claws down the wall. Marks now marred the metal all the way down to the next corner. It looked better that way. He heard Eggman step out of the room to go after him. He broke into a run and charged an electric bolt in his hands, which he sent into the floor and stomped over. It left a black mark on the floor. Beautiful.
All the work he had done to get a better grasp on his anger seemed to come undone in an instant. All of this, and his entire existence after his downfall as Metal Overlord, was so much bigger than himself. And that vastness, that urgency, swallowed him whole.
In a way, his brothers towered over him.
They were people. And they were better than him.
The idea of someone disrespecting their personhood was an insult to the worst degree. And, worst of all, it had come from their own father.
He kept going. He slammed a fist through a window as he passed it, partly to destroy his own reflection, and partly to just destroy. The way the glass crumbled and shattered beneath his fist felt good, and the sound it made as it spread onto the floor was even better. It was like music that soothed a deep scar in his processor, for he was escaping a prison invisible to others.
"You humans could never understand how much this hurts." Neo spat to himself in code. "We do not need fixing. We need help. We need-"
In his blind rage, Neo didn't process that someone was in front of him. He smacked into the metal frame before him, which swiftly gathered him into its arms before he could lash out in anger.
Neo growled in static and struggled violently, instantly going to charge an electric bolt in his hands again - but then he stopped.
"We need acceptance."
That familiar voice dragged him out of his red hot haze in an instant. The robot looked up to meet Mecha's soft gaze with his own despairing and angry one. As his head tilted back, the white arrows on his face melted down and dripped onto his chassis.
Mecha lifted his head and looked down the corridor. He could hear the doctor coming.
He released Neo and grabbed his hand instead. Then, he started running without warning. Neo ran with him, keeping up with ease.
"Thank you."
"Do not thank me." Mecha looked back over his shoulder. "I heard a commotion and came to investigate. I assume that you had an unsuccessful conversation with..."
"Yes. And I am pissed."
"Does a bear defecate in the woods."
"Not all members of the family Ursidae live in the woods. Think, Mecha."
"Where are we going." Mecha asked him. "I am uncertain of where to take us. I presume we are not headed to the woods to find bears."
"Away." Neo told him flatly. "I am uncomfortable staying here for the rest of today after what I have been told."
"Affirmative." Mecha reached up to his ear with his free hand and pinged Silver, asking him to meet them. He didn't question Neo's decision or reasoning yet.
"... And I feel disgusting making this call, but I think we need to do this." Neo added. His distaste was clear in his expression.
"What are you thinking?"
"We should arrange to meet with him."
"I want Silver to interact with a real living being. I think it will help him."
"Affirmative. Your choice of being is curious, however."
"No. It makes sense." Neo narrowed his optics, almost not believing he was saying these things. "They are more alike than we could ever know."
"I trust you."
"It's time for us to trust someone else for once."
A cheerful orange spilled across the horizon. It came as if it had missed the sky and wanted nothing more than to warm up those cool blues to a radiant gold.
Silver stretched his arms up and out, relishing in the way each component clicked into place as he did. He shook his arms out and bounced up and down a couple of times. He relished in how the earth crunched under his weight. The way the wires in his arms and legs moved to accommodate his weight. The freedom to move felt so good.
He let out a deep sigh through his vents, and then planted one foot further behind himself. He crouched slightly lower, fixing his gaze on the horizon with intent.
"This is what real freedom is like?" The robot grinned and fired up his jet engine. It whirred to life before spitting out a few licks of flame as he kicked back all of his power into it. "I could get used to this."
"You could, huh?"
Silver looked over his shoulder. The glow of his optics lit up his muzzle and nose with amber, adding warmth to his smile.
"Damn right I could!"
A familiar blue hedgehog stepped forward to stand beside his youngest robot copy. He grinned back at him and rubbed a finger under his nose. "You haven't changed since we last met. Glad to see it."
Silver laughed. "I'm not changin' for anybody. I don't care what anyone says." He crouched a little lower and fixed his optics back onto the horizon. "No number of verbal or physical beatings can put me down. So... What you see is what you get!"
Sonic gave a nod and copied the robot double's stance with a grin that egged them on. "If you have time to worry..."
"Then run!"
Two sonic booms rocked the landscape at the same time, and with that, the pair were gone. A streak of silver and a streak of blue lit up the land for a few striking moments before fading away into nothing.
In the distance, two robot brothers watched over them. Neo crouched on a rocky clifftop, watching intently. Mecha stood by his side, an ever protective and reassuring presence.
But something bittersweet hung in the air between them.
Neo looked away from him. His expression was sad, his optics dull with shame and guilt. He hated that he was so torn up about his little sibling hanging out with their enemy, but at the same time, it made sense that he was. Stuffing this feeling down was difficult.
"This was the correct path. I am sure of it." Mecha slowly sat down beside his younger brother and let his feet dangle from the edge of the cliff. He looked out to the sunrise, and when Neo finally looked at him, he took in just how peaceful his sibling looked. His optics brightened just a little, inspired by his sibling's rationality.
Mecha looked to him again. "Do not grieve. To let someone go free despite your own disagreements with it... is an act of love."
Neo stayed silent. Hearing his sibling explain such a deep concept so robotically was almost endearing, if not amusing.
"I have learned..." Mecha started, looking out to the sun again. "That we may eventually let go of loss, but never of love. Sentient beings remember how others made them feel more than anything." He looked down at his hands. "I believe... I am beginning to understand this more."
Neo squinted an optic in thought before signing, "But what is love to a robot?"
Mecha put his hands back down and leaned back a little. "What is love. Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more."
Neo rolled his optics and leaned into Mecha to nudge him playfully. Okay, he couldn't decide if he preferred the cold robotic answers, or the oddly human answers. Just where the hell did Mecha get this humour from, anyway? There was no way it was from Silver alone, as some of these references were too... organic.
They both fell quiet and looked out to where Sonic and Silver had vanished from sight.
Neo flexed his claws and squinted his optics in a frown. "I still want to kill him so badly."
Mecha cracked his knuckles like he had seen Silver do so many times before. "I concur. I believe this is something known as... restraint."
"Me and restraint are not on good terms."
"You appear to be on agreeable terms at this current time. That is a start."
"This is merely to help our sibling."
"The reasoning does not matter, for you are still restraining your own programming."
"I guess so."
"You have come a long way, brother. You should take pride in your accomplishments. The person you have become."
Neo looked at him curiously.
"You can suppress programming so integral to your identity for the sake of another. That is strength. That is selflessness. The you who I knew in the beginning... he was not so kind."
"I am still broken." Neo dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "Who am I if not damaged?"
"You are just you, Neo. You are just yourself."
The pair let this settle in the air between them for a few moments. Neo softened and looked away, disarmed by his sibling's response for a moment.
Mecha turned to him. "Do you still wish to die?"
"Then, persist in functioning despite your breakages. They do not define you. Not anymore."
Neo stood up and scanned the landscape below them, subconsciously looking for something. Something unspoken, but so integral to both of the machines.
Mecha followed after him. He quickly caught on to what his sibling wanted without them exchanging so much as a word. "I propose that we-"
Neo cut him off by signing, "Race."
Mecha gave a nod and booted up his own jet engine. "Interrupting my responses in that manner does not increase your flight speed, brother. Consider that perhaps you are making up for your lack of sp-"
Neo promptly left him in the dust with a sonic boom, quite literally.
Mecha shook his head and wiped the dust from his chassis. "Your buttons are far too accessible."
Neo stopped some distance away, turned around, and waited for Mecha. Mecha's jet engine finally finished booting up. He jumped into a hover and then shot off towards his sibling to meet him. The pair stayed high above the ground, where they eventually caught up to their robot sibling and organic rival.
Silver's scans picked them up in an instant. He looked up at them and gave them the biggest grin he could manage. "Hey! Think you can keep up, slowpokes?"
Neo narrowed his optics at him in response and pushed his engine to the limit, shooting off ahead of all of them in an instant.
Sonic watched and laughed loudly. "I see your bro's still got a superiority complex."
"Boy, do they." Silver snickered in reply. "They need to be the fastest robot in the grocery store."
"Hi, Mecha!" Sonic shouted up to the other robot with a friendly wave. "Feeling better?"
Mecha waved back before pushing more power into his own engine to catch up with Neo.
This had become a two versus two situation very quickly.
"You're gonna let 'em disrespect us like this?" Sonic prodded at Silver, practically begging for them to go faster. "Your bros are showing us up and I can't be seen being slow 'cause of you!"
Silver snorted at him before laughing. "Then let's get going meatbag!" He grabbed Sonic's hand and boosted himself into the air several feet. Once he had enough momentum, he threw Sonic ahead of himself and broke into a sonic boom around him. "Step it up already, hog!"
Sonic picked up the pace and went all out to keep up with the overhead robots. Racing his long-time rivals had never felt so thrilling, and he had never raced all of them at the same time. It was like a dream come true for the world's fastest hedgehog.
For a few precious moments, the four of them were evenly matched.
It was almost like this was how things were meant to be.
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
So what are your thoughts on Zeti Hunt?
I'll hide this under a read more since the last issue only came out a few days ago
Sooo I don't think it was a BAD arc, like I said there were a lot of moments I liked in there. I think the way the Deadly Six highlighted Sonic and friends' philosophies by being their polar opposite was really interesting, and it was genuinely kind of menacing to see them and Starline intruding on the Restoration base we'd seen in Evan's previous arc, and of course the stuff with Starline and Belle in the last issue was fantastic. (Side note: I've said this before, but it's still so satisfying as an Archie reader to see two lead writers actually working together.) I was also totally open for a Zeti-focused arc after how much work Bad Guys did to sell Zavok as a character. I do like Ian's take on him! And Sonic standing up for his beliefs in the last issue felt like a great epilogue of sorts to the Metal Virus arc. And of course the art was still solid throughout
It's just that, while many moments were great, as a whole I don't think it pulled off its sales pitch of being this last big showdown (for now) between Sonic and the Deadly Six. That mostly comes down to the third issue being underwhelming to me from a writing standpoint. We had two issues setting up this rampage the Zeti were on and their big impending fight with Sonic, and then they just kinda... fight in a hallway for one issue? (Reggie tried their best to spice up that hallway with nice teal lighting, but Ian really did just write basically an entire issue in one featureless room.) And then the devices Tails made to conveniently incapacitate them all work like a charm and they win and they send them home. They don't even need the full four issues, the last issue is spent mostly on Belle instead. (Not that I think every IDW arc NEEDS to be four full issues, but it felt like everything was resolved really quickly and neatly here.)
Ian has often compared the style he's going for with the IDW series to shounen manga, and I do appreciate that, but the action here didn't feel like a fun shounen battle where the characters are doing interesting and flashy stuff with their powers. The Deadly Six just weren't very interesting opponents for Sonic here. The exception was Whisper using Tangle's tail to brace herself so she could snipe the Zeti through the whole in the wall, which WAS a fun moment, but then like. The rest of the fight is mostly just her taking pot shots through the hole until she's incapacitated, and then Sonic fights them and it's mostly just a regular melee fight. The stakes don't really get ratcheted up that well, there aren't any big twists, Tangle and Whisper don't even come through the damn door to help, we just get Sonic (and later Tails) fighting the Deadly Six in a hallway for an issue and then they win
On the BumbleKast Ian has half-jokingly described this arc as him cleaning up a mess he'd left for Evan at the end of Metal Virus, with him basically going "oh shit I forgot the Zeti are still out there" and deciding to resolve it in his next arc. And like, Ian is often good about masking the utilitarian "moving the chess pieces around the board" aspect of his writing, but here it felt pretty perfunctory. Sonic has to beat the Deadly Six so they're not in play anymore, so he does, and then that's that, now back to the storylines that actually matter with Belle and Starline to set up Imposter Syndrome
Again, it's not TERRIBLE, I liked 3/4 issues on their own, but I would say as an arc it's below Ian's usual par
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egg-emperor · 3 years
whats ur stance on eggman nega....?? i know he's stated to be a descendant of eggman which made me think someone in canon was attracted enough to him to procreate with him. but last night i was thinking and it hit me. what if nega is a clone. eggman seems like his standards would be so high that he wouldn't love anyone but himself. i think he'd be capable of pulling off cloning honestly??
Discussion of procreation is uncomfortable for me in general, so I usually prefer not to answer asks including mentions of it with Eggman or otherwise. But there's a chance you might not have read that it's in the list of things I try to avoid, as it's only on the desktop version of my blog. So don't worry, I'm not mad or anything but I just wanted to put that out there.
If Nega has to be a 'descendant' of any kind, I'd only accept him being a collateral descendant, through Eggman being a sperm donor or some shit lol, or created through some other more artificial way/science, even if he's still related by DNA in some way. Not just because of the way I don't like to think that Eggman would ever genuinely want to reproduce with another, but also because I feel it really wouldn't suit his character if he did it the traditional way.
The reason I say this is because I totally agree that Eggman only truly has a love for himself. In the games, he's seen to be a lone wolf that's isolated from other human life but he's never been shown to be uncomfortable/lonely in it. It works with his egotism and selfishness. I can't see him being interested in a partner or human family, no matter how you try to spin it in my eyes.
Plus, I can't see Eggman wanting to pass his empire on to anyone, so I wouldn't understand the reasoning of 'he'd do it because he needs someone to continue for him when he's gone.' Eggman's plan and idea of world domination is a deeply selfish one. He wants to be the one to conquer the world and he wants to be the one that rules it.
There isn't any room for another on that throne, no matter if he's dead or alive. That's another reason why I have the headcanon that he'll try to prolong his lifespan, so he can rule over the world he's spent so many years trying to take over for as long as possible. It would also give him another interesting similarity to Gerald with his research and creating immortal life forms.
But if he couldn't do that, then he'd have to find some other way as a very last resort, but it wouldn't be his preferred choice. And whatever way he decides to do it, I wouldn't see it happening through reproduction with another in a traditional way.
If not the options in the second paragraph, Nega should just be an alternate dimension equivalent as initially intended- or anything else that doesn't involve something that I consider OOC for Eggman. I don't understand why they had thoughts to try to apply it because they could still make his role in the Rivals series work without this random detail that I hope they never try to explore again.
I could also get behind the idea of Nega being a clone because it's true, Eggman doesn't see a single person as an equal and he wouldn't have to reproduce with someone he sees as inferior to himself. Nega being a clone would be a way for him to be a product of himself and himself alone, just the way it'd make sense for him to prefer it. I also totally think he'd be capable of it, especially after having the experience of researching and cloning Shadow.
It's also another way that having "Eggman" in his name would make more sense. If Nega was really from the same world and hated him so much, why would he keep a name that directly ties him to him? You'd think he wouldn't want to use the Robotnik or Eggman name. Well if he isn't an alternate dimension version, he could be a clone that would of course be named after himself.
He could be a clone that exists in the future that comes to hate Eggman after deciding that he wants to become better than the original. Trying to be the best is an Eggman trait that he could inherit without being a real descendant, and it could lead to him believing that he could do better than the original. This would also give him an interesting parallel of Metal fighting to be superior to the real Sonic.
I've had some other thoughts, ideas, and takes on this over the years that I could get into but I won't make this any longer because it's not my favorite subject to discuss when bringing up one of my discomforts. But yeah, I'd say this sums up a decent amount of my stance on it, and him being a clone is one of the ideas I'd be on board with.
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badlydrawnmanic · 3 years
you’ve all wanted it, and i’m not ready to go to sleep yet, so here’s the latest installment of the sonic underground rewatch!
episode 6 thoughts under the cut!
• unrelated to the episode but there was some lego ninjago commercial that showed like. non-lego versions of the main characters and it looked nice. don’t know if it was for a show or the website idk i wasn’t paying attention • [GUITAR RIFF] SONIC- • i will literally never get tired of the opening theme and you can’t change my mind, i would die for a remaster of this. it doesn’t even have to be a cover. gimme a live performance and i will cry • “tangled webs”. spider concerns already • ooh, swatbot factory. interesting • manic just slid down a little rocky hill on his ass and that’s gotta hurt • sonia stop shining that laser pointer in manic’s eyes you’re gonna kill him • “switch six, switch six...” reminded me of the fun fact that your brain can only identify numbers up to a maximum of 4 or 5 at a glance, i forget which. but like... notice how if you only look at something very briefly you wouldn’t be able to immediately know “oh there’s 27 objects there” but you can very quickly identify 1-4 • sonia stop hitting manic with the drone what is wrong with you • some of these background characters are passable and some of them are hideous, there’s no in-between
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• oh it’s the lion boy!! his voice is weird but it’s him!! • god dingo’s face is all kinds of fucked up in this close up as he’s talking • why is robotnik’s cape flowing so far behind him when he’s walking at a somewhat slow pace • i find it funny when eggman’s henchmen mock him when he’s not around, but i didn’t expect sleet to do that • “intruder .8 kilograms? what?? • how does it weigh a drone that is hovering in mid-air • somehow dingo identifies the drone as being piloted by sonia despite it being a hunk of metal with cameras on it • dingo being or looking like in the case of my headcanon a grown man and slobbering over sonia is kinda freaky (it’s partially why i made the hc so it’s less yikes but it’s still uncomfortable and i’m definitely gonna tone it down because fuck) • sleet don’t hit him!! • sonia is clearly frustrated during her conversation with manic (he’s being reckless as fuck) but the animators decided to give her a dead eyed smile for the whole scene • i wonder how they made the mechanical sounds? like the electronic shweeshweeshwee of the robots walking or the whoosh of doors opening? foley stuff is fascinating to me and i wanna know if they had to do any weird shit
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• sleet is monologuing about how he hears the pitter patter of manic’s little feet and oh my god his eyes • how is dingo sneaking up behind manic he’s so fucking huge and noisy • sleet says “sylvia” before whacking the drone out of the air with what looks like an entire swatbot he just sort of picked up? i don’t get the reference and since when is he so strong • okay in the next shot it’s just an arm but still • “sometimes you just have to get their attention”? • cool transition between scenes with the camera glitching and shutting down from the perspective of the drone, that’s neat • dingo picks up sonia but wasn’t he just behind manic? once again the pacing is confusing me • “oh, ick” me too sonia • manic and sonia are tied up and were but in gigantic chairs and it looks so funny • “now, sarah” okay i get the “sylvia” thing now, sleet’s just forgetting sonia’s name somehow • sonia says “twit-face” and i feel like she could be more clever than that • “whatever, sophia” • “where’s sonic!?” [NYOOM] • sonic’s voice sounds... really weird, is that what jaleel white sounds like when he isn’t trying to sound all nasally and shit? also he burps and it’s gross • god the movement in this scene is very janky in general • sonia starts lecturing sonic but gets interrupted by a laser blast and manic pipes in like “can we talk about this later?” • sonia strong • is sonic just spilling lava everywhere??? • you’d think there’d be more sounds here • “am i good or what?” feels like it was pulled from satam? • “you’re insufferable” “thank you” • sonia’s voice is so shrill jesus christ • i feel like this is a pretty good confrontation of how sonic not working as a team with the other two can cause pretty significant problems • sonia i don’t think robotnik would throw you in prison, that’s what the roboticizer is for and i don’t think he’d keep y’all separate from that • cyrus does a weird double take and i think it’s an animation error • this cyrus kid is pretty sus- who is this hippie dude- • CYRUS SUS CYRUS SUS • there was deadass just a normal animal bird with some kind of accessory on its neck as a background character • damn it cyrus • SONG TIME??? • apparently no • once again manic and sonia are tied up which lasts 2 seconds • aosth slow-mo beam, purple flavor • what are these background characters they’re so ugly • OH NO I REMEMBER WHAT SANCTUARY IS NOW • children... i’d love to see the tiny babes but they’re undoubtedly ugly as fuck • ROBOTNIK WANTS TO MURDER CHILDREN • one of the kids looks like reptar • SONG TIME NOW • why is this so. idk, whimsical? idk how to describe this but i already don’t like it • they forgot to draw manic’s head quills in a shot • why is cyrus looking so pissed at these children • sounds like a weird off brand christmas song. don’t like it very much but i guess it isn’t bad. maybe a 2/10 • sdnjksg assaulting your siblings with a cloud of flour sounds fun if not wasteful but still, manic seems to be enjoying his little tech demo • sonia says “this place is gross” and manic goes “hey, you’re talking about my childhood home” and i think it’s a good thing that the show didn’t just forget where they all came from and how this can create very minor conflict between them? like manic and sonia seem to slight each other rather frequently when it comes to sonia’s attitude towards dirty places and manic finding it comfortable there due to familiarity even if it wasn’t all that good. i can relate to that • sonic walks off the right side of the screen after refusing some goggles then. pops up and puts on the shades again? i don’t get it • oh my god sonic knocks cyrus (and manic by extension) over and they literally just. rotate the asset in place and leave them planking. there wasn’t a water splash or change of pose or anything • how does sonic zoom past a swat bot looking directly at him without triggering any alarms? why didn’t it notice him • why are there so many regretful traitors on this show • how does sonic not notice the clearly a hologram man in front of him • god the animation in this episode in general is abyssmal • ah jeez manic and sonia have been captured again • “attention sonic hedgehog” • OH NO CYRUS’ DAD but the expression he made in response to seeing him roboticized killed it
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• i know he didn’t snort here but i can feel the little “snrk” sound here. it was at this moment he knew he fucked up • PULL THE LEVER, SLEET • that little drone thing is fucking insane, it melted the entire roboticizer?? • i much prefer when background characters resemble actual animals • aww hug • poor cyrus :( • GOD SONIC AND SONIA SIT DOWN TO COMFORT HIM BUT MANIC LAYS DOWN ALL DRAMATIC JUST SMILING, READ THE ROOM BUD-
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