#mentha talks
vorpos · 2 months
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eclipse day, bay-BEE
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lamiaceae-doodles · 1 year
how would i explain myself nearly 20 years later to little kid me that i’m running a tumblr blog named after a plant family yet has no drawings or posts about plants at all.
like sorry kid, ik u had a hyperfixation on wildflowers and plants but this lamiaceae blog is full of posts about a dude named after a wild mint species.
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gray-doestheart · 7 months
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They’re all stupid, your honor
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cactusblossom · 11 months
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As the group disbanded and no one spent money like Knox invited them out for, Mentha went to find Cactus and see who she was talking to.
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lindyloosims · 7 months
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Since the sickness seemed to spread around the kids, they were given the opportunity to be immunized, so they took it!
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Flint is progressing really well, he's now achieved the reach milestone! What a little star!
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Well if the politics don't work out when you're an elder, maybe you could be the world's oldest athlete, eh Scarlet?
SCARLET: What could've been! *sigh*
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Dijon enjoys a lovely rose petal bath and thinks about his lovely fiancee! Or maybe he's thinking about science...or rockets...or space...who knows with this one!
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Mellow's dream is not as enjoyable or exciting as Scarlet's, it's actually rather scary and gloomy! Eesh! 😶
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Mentha comes out to freak out her grandson as he tries to improve his logic skill...
DIJON: Dammit Granny Green, we talked about this!
MENTHA: You're no fun anymore since you grew up, I'm dead, I need to get my jollies somehow! Go eat a bag of dicks!
DIJON: Rude Granny Green, very rude!
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thewordwideweb · 7 months
Mmmm...minty fresh
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Just so you know, I don’t make any money writing this Word of the Day crap. (Um, I mean these informative, entertaining blog posts.) Nope, I’m not making a mint here.
A mint. Hmmm. That might make a good Word of the Day!
There’s a pretty cool fable behind the word “mint.” (Note: we’re talking about the aromatic herb from the Lamiaceae family that gives its name to the popular and refreshing flavoring, not the place where they coin money, which – as we’ve already established – I don’t get.)
The Latin name for “mint” (again, the plant, not the money place) is “mentha,” which is also where we get the word “menthol.” The Greek word for it was “minthe,” and that’s where the fable begins.
Hades, Lord of the Underworld, was married to the goddess Persephone. But Hades was a real horn-dog. One day, while touring his hellish domain, he espied (Note: things are not just “seen” by Lords of the Underworld; they are “espied”) Minthe, the nymph who watched over the Cocytus. (Get your mind out of the gutter! Cocytus is one of the rivers of the underworld.) Anyway, Hades not only espied her, he became smitten with her, and carried her off to his underworld abode for a bit of canoodling.
As you might imagine, Persephone was not amused by the infidelity of Hades. So, being the goddess of agriculture and vegetation, she directed her wrath at Minthe and turned the nymph into a plant. Hades couldn’t turn her back, but he was able to make her a sweet-smelling plant so she would still be attractive.
And that’s why we call the sweet-smelling plant “mint.” The end.
Okay…not quite the end. The “mint” where money is coined is derived from a totally different word, and a totally different mythological character. The Old English word for the money-coining place was “mynet,” and those Old Englishmen coined their word (see what I did there?) from the Latin “moneta.” The Roman goddess Juno was the protector of the community, the goddess of women and fertility, and many other things. Different titles were added to her name to signify her different roles. She was called, among other titles, Juno Lucina (goddess of childbirth), Juno Curitis (spear-holder), and Juno Moneta, whose temple was where Roman coins were minted. “Moneta” led to the modern English words for mint and money...which, as previously discussed, I don’t get and ain’t got.
The end.
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tipsycad147 · 10 months
Magical Plants: Mint
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The Properties of the Magical Plants Mint and how to use it in your Magic
If there’s one plant I always have on hand, it’s gotta be mint. Extracts, essential oils, dried or fresh, I have just about every preservation type of mint you can have. magical
And it gets used quite often. Headaches, stomach aches, cooling off, you name it. But while mint has a ton of medical and edible properties (touching more on that on Tuesday next week!) it’s also got some leaves in the magical world as well.
Depending on your knowledge of herbology and plant magic, you may not know what the magical properties of mint are. So we’re gonna cover that today so grab a pen and your grimoire and prepare to take notes!
Mint, Mint, the Magical Plant
No matter what you are using it for, most mints are pretty interchangeable. Out of the over 600 types of Mentha (yeah there’s that many) the distinctions between the types are pretty hard to pick out. (Mint likes to intermingle and make new kinds so if you grow more than one type, make sure they are on opposite sides of the garden!!) Some of the more notable species of mint are spearmint, peppermint, apple mint, chocolate mint, apple mint and penny royal.
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Many of the herbs used for cooking are in the Lamiaceae family along with mint, such as Basil, Lemon Balm and Catnip. Most commonly when talking about “Mint” peppermint and spearmint are the types being referred to so we’re going to stick with those.
Magical Mint History
Mint primarily shows up in Greek History actually. Mint was so prized that it was used as currency in Athens. magical plants mint
We get the name Menthol/Mint from the Water Nymph(niade) Minthe. Story has it she attempted to seduce Hades and when caught, was turned into the herb we know as mint today by Persephone.( never piss off a plant goddess…)
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Mint was also commonly during funerals along with rosemary and myrtle to offset the smell of decay. It was also used as part of a fermented barley drink called a kykeon used as a spiritual psychoactive brew for initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries.( a worship of Demeter and Persephone)
In a few other cultures there are other uses and beliefs about mint in the spiritual realm. Sacred to Venus, the Greeks saw mint as an ambiguous herb, capable of exciting sexually but at the same time preventing reproduction.
The Romans intertwined crowns of Mentha Viridis to create the Coronae Veneris destined for young spouses as lucky charms.
In the Islamic tradition, mint is considered a pledge of love while in Japan, it is used as an aphrodisiac.
According to the ancients, it could scatter snakes, overcome evil, overcome a fear of death, and recover from hydrophobia. So as you can tell it’s got a few uses. magical plants mint
Take caution when growing your own!
If you plan on growing your own mint, a word of caution!
Mint grows extremely well in partial shade areas and if planted in the ground will take over quickly! Either set aside an entire garden bed for your mint or plant into containers to keep at a more manageable level.
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Keep different types of mint(peppermint, spearmint , catnip) away from each other. They can cross pollinate and make a hybrid that may not be as tasty/ strong.
Other than that, once you have a started mint cutting, as long as you don’t cut it down constantly/too much, you’ll be set for a long time. I brought home 1 single stem of mint from my great grandmothers beach house 9 years ago and it now covers a spread of 2-3 feet deep by 10 feet wide and it’s still going strong!
Magical Plants: Mint Correspondences
Gender: Masculine Deities:Hades, Nyx, Persephone, Tyche Element: Air, Fire Planet: Mercury, Venus Uses: Happiness, Healing, Love , Luck, Money, Travel, Vitality, Prosperity, Mental Ability, Protection, Visions Stones: Malachite, Prehnite,Jade,Pyrite,Rose Quartz, Flourite, Pink Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Kunzite, Rhodochrosite, Aventurine,Morganite, Lepidolite, Onyx, Chrysocolla, Dioptase and Leopard Skin Jasper. Heals: Nausea, stomach issues, headaches, lethargy, miscommunication Protects: during travel, from curses, evil and accidents
How to use Mint in your Magic
Mint has a variety of uses in the magical realm. Feel free to use it as a tea, dried leaves, fresh leaves and various infusions.
The main uses for Mint are Protection magic, Money/ Prosperity magics and Healing magics.
Use Mint Magic to remove negativity from a place or after a person visits, attract prosperity, love, visions and money or just to make the room smell good.
Ways to use Mint in your Magic
Wear a Mint Leaf in your shoe to prevent curses.
Wash your hair with a mint rinse to promote mental clarity and activity.
Rub mint on your piggy bank or put a mint leaf in your wallet to draw money.
Make a spell jar for money, customers or protection.
Hang over a doorway to prevent arguments.
Add to your mop water or make a floor wash to use before and after people visit, especially negatively draining people.
Stuff a poppet with mint leaves to relieve a stomach ache
Put under a pillow or in a sachet to promote prophetic dreams and protect you in your sleep.
Wash your front door with mint and warm water to draw prosperity to your home.(I mix mine with rosemary and a few other essential oils to make a super spray for prosperity, protection and cleansing)
Use in a diffuser for prosperity, protection or mental clarity.(Also good for headaches)
Give to a loved one when they go on a trip to protect them(It’s also a good idea to call on Athena to further protect them on their travels.)
Keep with your tarot cards or runes to cleanse them.
Hang over a sickbed to encourage healing.
Dry it and keep it in your work space ( or in your register with some basil if you own your own business)
Drink and use the tea for Divination( and then use the tea for a tea leaf reading when you’re done)
Put on your altar after a ritual to clear the energy and promote a fresh perspective as well as attract good spirits
Spellcrafts you can make with Mint
Here’s some recipes for spell jars and oils you can make and use using mint.
Money/ Prosperity Oil
Using essential oils, combine in a small jar or roller bottle. Use on your wallet, your skin for sigils or for dressing a candle for money spells.
2 drops Mint oil 1 drop Patchouli oil 1 drop Orange oil 10 ml Carrier oil
Prosperity Spell Jar
Using equal parts layer in your jar and seal with cork and green wax.
Salt Basil Chamomile Ginger Mint Bay leaf Talisman stone or sigil paper
Protection Spell Sachet
Fresh Rosemary Fresh Mint Thyme Dill Cinnamon Sticks Bay Leaves Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Combine in sachet and invoke with the following incantation.
“Sea, air, fire, earth, cleanse and bless this soul and hearth. Drive away all harm and fear, only good is welcome here.” Carry on your person or hang in your home or car.
These are just some of the spellcrafts you can use mint for. Check out Pinterest for more ideas, like a sachet spell for social anxiety, a candle ritual to get you out of a depression rut, different types of prosperity abundance jars and more. And don’t forget using mint for tea for headaches and other medical ailments can be powered up with some extra healing energy as well.
How Will You Use Mint in Your Magic?
So there you have it! That’s the basic boil down for mint magic. As you can tell mint is really good for prosperity spells, protection and charms but feel free to test it other ways using your instincts.magical plants mint
What are some of your favorite ways to use Mint in your magic? Will you be trying some new spells now? I’d love to know. Feel free to leave me a message in the comments below if you have any questions. And remember to check out our Pinterest board on Magical plants and their uses for this and other plants like violets and dandelions!( if you haven’t saved those pages yet on our Blog, find them here and here)
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dreamerswriter · 10 months
Twisted Wonderland OC: Proserpina Ver
Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting in a long time, but I was busy. I've got a lot of events to do, but that's fine! I can't wait! Anyway, I hope you don't mind that I share my OC on here!
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This is Proserpina Ver!
She was drawn by EarthyEthics! Here is the link to her stuff! You should check out her awesome stuff! She did such a good job with her!
Now, here is her bio! Just a quick warning, there will be spoilers for book 6, 7, and the masquerade event!
Please do NOT use her, but if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer!
Now! Without further ado, here is her bio!
Name: Proserpina Ver (based on the Spring Sprite + Persephone)
Other Names: Player 2 (Idia) Pina-Pear (Idia) Big sister (Ortho) Pina (a nickname for everyone) sunfish (Floyd) Mademoiselle de fleurs (Rook) 
Age: 19
Birthday: May 6 
Gender/Pronouns: she/her
School: Royal Sword Academy 
Year: 3rd
Favorite Food: pomegranates poppers 
Pastime: playing video games with Idia or by herself, reading plays with Ortho, talking with Malleus, gardening, and creating life around her, taking naps outside in the warm sun. 
Family: Mater Terram (mother), Idia (betrothed), Ortho (little brother-in-law), Shroud parents (parents in law)
Race: goddess/human
5'3' ft 
Medium to short light, green hair 
Green, lively eyes 
A little bit of a tan
Dorm Uniform: Duo with Idia
Green, flowery, flowy shirt with dark green shorts up to her knees. She has strong, brown boots. 
A belt with a few gardening tools and sometimes carries a bag to carry a handheld console. 
She has pink flower pins in her hairs, a blue hair tie, and silver bracelet 
Traditional Outfit: Duo with Mentha 
Wearing golden bracelets in the forms of vines on her wrists and ankles. 
Golden, wreath of flowers neatly placed on her head. A few white flowers bloomed in her hair as she shook her head. 
She has a pair of golden sandals. 
She wore a green toga with a golden belt wrapped around her waist. The edges were brown and vine patterns along it. The trimmings are brown with another green robe hanging from her left shoulder and down. 
Magic badge. Good at gardening. Good at turn base video games and very good at farming games 
Signature Spell: Spring Forth: this spell can bring to life any dead plants and animals.
Wants everyone to live their best lives, wants Idia and Ortho to be safe and not destroying the worlds. She also wants to do her best for her company and learn as much as she can. 
Lively and energetic, filled with life and wanting to bring life to everyone. She can be emotional at times. When she cries, she cries a lot. 
Loves a good, calm video game such as farming, open world, and turn base strategy with those adorable creatures. 
Cares for all living and death beings. She is protective of her friends, especially Ortho and Idia. She is caring too the point where she has a tendency to self sacrifice herself for others, much to the worry of her friends. 
She can be stubborn and loves to make jokes to lighten up the mood. She is fascinated by technology due to her place being old fashion and not making new stuff like programs and codes. She is not as smart as others, but she is trying her best. 
She works very hard for her company and at school. She doesn't want to disappointment her mother and Idia the most. Since she is the sole heir, she does feel the pressure of managing the company one day. 
She is worried that she isn't smart enough to run the company nor to be Idia's partner since she grew up without technology. She works harder and tries to understand it, even if it is too much to her. 
She has excellent strength and works hard to maintain her strength. She is very talented with magic as well. Her magic is just as strong as Idia's, but she wants to be stronger in both strength and magic. 
She does not stand bullies. She will show those who do pick on others her wrath of nature. 
She is very selfless and often does things for others than herself, much to Idia's worry. She takes so much and not care for herself that she can breakdown. When this happens, nature tends to die, so Idia rushes to care for her. 
Born to her families lavish, green, farms, her family creates the trees, crops, fruits, and vegetables. As a result, she grows up learning how to care for plants and life. Her parents loved her dearly and wanted her to have the best life. They spoiled and cared for her as well as teaching her their skills. 
She has a good relationship with her mother, but she was often busy running the company. She doesn't want to bother her mother and often carries out whatever request she has for her. She learned how to work hard from her. Her father is the one who took care of her. As a result, she learned to help others and be there for others who may or may not need help. Her dad was her role model even after death, she does think about him. She was upset when her dad did die, but she knew that it was the cycle of life and death and that her dad would want her to be happy and live life to the fullest, so she does. 
She meets Idia during a business meeting and later Ortho. She is informed of what happened to the brothers after Ortho's death, but she still remains a close friend to Idia as best as she could by writing letters and texting Idia. She discovers that Idia and Ortho were the ones who indirectly killed her dad, but she doesn't hold it against them because she knew they were kids and wanted to be outside. She was sad that she not only lost her dad, she lost Ortho, and she and Idia barely spoke in person anymore. 
She loves life and wishes to for it to flourish without suffering. She was hurt that Idia ceased visiting her in person, but after hearing what had transpired on S.T.Y.X during high school, she is pleased to see Idia is stepping outside and Ortho is his own being and a student. She is even more delighted that both are making friends and wishes to be a part of them. 
She attends Royal Sword due to her family's standing and her skills with magic as well as her pure strength. She does excel in history and literature, but she does have a hard time with the rest. She is skilled with alchemy by making potions but not with the written portion nor backgrounds. Most students at the school look up to her for being independent and working hard while keeping an upbeat attitude in any situation she is in. 
Both met a company party. Idia was keeping to himself, but she marched right up to him and wanted to be his best friend. Since then, they exchanged letters and soon texts about their lives. He introduced her to Ortho and all three were close until Ortho's death and her father's passing. After they died, Idia closed himself from her, but she continued to send texts and letters. Idia responded years later, but he was so depressed, much to her concern. She still remained a close friend and gaming partner. 
After his Overblot and informing her of his friends, Ortho, and Ortho's friends, she was relieved, delighted, and sad. Relieved that the two most important people in her life are safe, delighted that both have friends, and sad, because she wasn't there to help either. She blames herself for not being there, but Idia reminds her she wouldn't be allowed there and not her fault at all. Since then, she is pleased to see Idia out of his room and exploring the world and Ortho enjoying life. Both include her as she is important to them. 
Idia finds Pina beautiful, lively, comforting, and fresh. He can talk with her so easily and doesn't fear of being judged nor hurt by his passions. He doesn't understand how she wants someone like him, but she will always remind him that she loves him for who he is. Idia is impressed by her strive to be better and help others. As a result, he learns to help others too. He enjoys hearing her speak and loves to dance with her as well. He and she often have gaming nights. He always invites her to his school. He knows about her self-sacrificing problems, tendency to be selfless, and overwork herself. He will force her to take a break and relax with him while he handles it. He enjoys her near him and is the main reason he has a constant sleep schedule. 
Pina loves Idia and finds him handsome, smart, fun, and a wonder. She can be herself around him with no fear of being scrutinized. She even expresses her ideas for gaming and gardening with him adding his inputs and ideas to help her improve. She is very happy to be with Idia and promises to stand as his equal in their companies and in life. She is impressed by Idia's knowledge on technology, engineering and magic as well as being a leader to his dorm. In turn, she strives at her talents and skills to prove she can keep up with him. He loves listening to his singing and hearing his heartbeat, reminding her that he is alive and wanting to live his life. She enjoys coming over and gaming with him at his school. She is aware of his depressing outlook on life and how he is trying to improve which she helps with. She also knows of Idia's terrible sleeping schedule and fears of the outside world as well as running his company alone. She helps him sleep since she needs to sleep, goes out with him to see places of interests to both, and promises to help him when they are both tasked with running their companies.  
Joked about being the powerful couple, but they are not lying. Both are powerful and have a unique spell and item to show for it. Pina will use her nature to rip her foes apart and strike them down. Idia will burn his to crisp with a snap of his fingers. Together with the spell of Rebirth, they will defeat their foes. 
He loves Pina and views her as his big sister before his brother and her do get married, much to Idia's dismay. He often looks to her for guidance when it comes to understanding life and emotions since he's learning. He will not hesitate to summon Pina to get his big brother to do stuff. He loves her hugs and powers of nature. He also wishes to learn how to garden to help her. 
Pina adores Ortho and spoils him rotten and is extremely protective of him despite Ortho not needed her protection. She doesn't want him to get hurt. She loves hearing about his stories and his times in the film club and his freshman friends who she finds hilarious and concerning. Since she is protective of Ortho, she will do everything for him if she can. She loves hugging him and enjoys spending time with her little brother. 
When she and Idia started school, she was surprised to see the robotic Ortho, but she recognized him as Ortho and includes him in everything she and Idia do. Hearing about S.T.Y.X, she rushed to Night Raven and was relieved to see both safe and sound. She was so happy for Ortho for being a student and taking part in the film club. She tries her best to help him understand emotions.
If either is threatened or Idia, the foe will know nothing but pain and suffering. Both are very powerful and look for each other and their friends. They are caring and protective as well. 
Mater Terram 
Pina loves her mother dearly, but she is not ok with how she treated Idia in the beginning. She respects her mother for taking over their company when her dad passed away during his visit to S.T.Y.X. She admires her for working hard and managing the busy business while being a caring mother if not overprotective to the point where she had limited friends. Pina wants to be strong like her mother, but does not wish to trap and keep others away from her. Though, their relationship has improved and her mother is letting her be free and slowly approves of her relationship with Idia. 
Her mother thinks highly of her daughter and wants the best life for her. After her husband passed away from visiting the Shrouds along with the terrifying stories of the Shrouds, she doesn't want her daughter near them. She made sure her daughter is sent to the best school, knows how to garden, and can handle her magic without her. She worries about her daughter and the future of the company too much. 
Currently, both are setting proper boundaries and trying to work together. Her mother is working to transfer everything to her daughter and understand her freedom and boyfriend. Pina tries to understand her mother's worries and follow her example when she will take over the company and help others who benefit from them and those who are not. 
Malleus is fascinated by her drive to improve her strength and wanting to fight him. He indulges her by promising a future fight, much to Idia's distress. Though, Malleus will never fight her for fear of losing three friends. 
Despite that, she loves to hang out with Malleus and show him her powers. Malleus is fascinated by her powers as well as he drive to be the best manager and ruler to her company. He is grateful she and Idia are in a similar situation to him and wanting what is best for others. He does worry that Pina pushes herself too hard for her company and the Shrouds and will use his powers to make her rest if need be. 
She finds Malleus lonely and tries her best to bring a smile to his face. She loves his little tomogachi and even helps him take care of him when he cannot. 
Besides Ortho, Malleus wishes the best for her and Idia. He is grateful for Idia for finding someone to love and spend his life with. Though, if anyone insults their relationship, Malleus will be there to defend them. 
She loves hearing Lilia's stories about his past, much to horror and surprise of everyone else. She is fascinated by his magic and talents as well. She also loves hearing about Malleus' childhood. She notices his past is much deeper than he lets on. She is very curious about his doting nature on Silver. 
Lila is impressed with her strength and magic as well as laughs at her attempts to fight Malleus. He notices her bright personality and how it benefits others, but he is worried. If she keeps thinking of others than herself, that would be a problem. He helps her be selfish secretly and enjoys playing a round of video games with her as well. 
A huge fan of his and enjoys his work. She finds him beautiful and a wonderful actor. She is impressed by how hard he works to achieve his dream. She sees this as an inspiring feature and wishes to have the same drive as him even though she can be lazy at times. She finds him to mature and serious, but she does hope he takes breaks and enjoy his pastimes. 
He is relieved Idia has someone like her in his life along with Ortho. He is very impressed by her strive to better herself and wanting what is best for others since he did the opposite with the latter. He even plays a round of video games with her. He also helps her with wearing appropriate clothes since she has a terrible taste in fashion.
Although she is unaware of his poisoning against Neige, she is pleased to know he rushed to save Idia from ending his life and feels she owes him a debt. She keeps this to herself as she doesn't want to worry either about this. She supports his work as a secret benefactor. He is unaware of this, but he is grateful. 
She does not like Rook for his hunting aspect. She believes no one should be hunted to death. She wishes him to stop hunting and let everyone live their long lives. He finds her adorable and wishes to see her powers in action to see all the wonderful flowers. 
She is surprised at how strong Rook is which is another reason she wishes to improve her strength. She wants to protect those who are living and away from Rook. Rook finds this as a fun game and joins in to chase her. He will not hurt her for fear of Idia and Ortho coming after him. As well as fearing her strength. 
Loves his cooking and enjoys his caring nature. However, she finds it surprising that he only wants to run a bakery and be a dentist since she sees both contradicting each other. 
 Trey finds her caring nature a breath of fresh air since everyone else in his life is a little crazy. She creates fresh ingredients for him to use as long as she gets to taste test it. 
She enjoys talking photos with him and dressing up, but she does sense a deep sadness in him. She creates wonderful flowers to brighten his day and to go out and enjoy the fresh air. Cater does appreciate this and always takes pics of Idia and Ortho as thanks. 
She is pleased to know that he and Idia share classes together and hopes both can support each other with their sadness, but she can always help. 
She enjoys a good nap with him when they can. She is also aware of how smart he is, even if he doesn't show it. She is impressed with his skills and his caring nature, even if he denies it. She also enjoys a good fight against him and is grateful he treats her as an equal. 
He cannot fathom how Idia of all people have her as a partner. Though, he does understand why they work so well together. He hopes she takes breaks and doesn't push herself so hard. He will force her to take a break and nap with him and make Idia do stuff. He doesn't want Idia to take Pina for granted. 
They will create chaos together. Whether it is school, extra activities, or free time. They love spreading joy and making others laugh when they can. Sometimes they can cause too much trouble, much to their classmates' annoyance. 
She does love Chenya's carefree nature and jokes, but he can annoy her when she wants to get stuff done. She knows he's talented in magic, but she finds it annoying that he does not apply himself with their school work. She helps him escape from their school to visit his friends and he covers for her when she wants to see Idia and Ortho. 
Chenya loves to pull pranks and jokes with her, but he worries she's working too hard like Riddle. As a result, Chenya will tease and annoy her to take her mind off her work. He knows she will be working hard in her life, so he wants to her to have some fun while she still can. 
Pina believed Mentha to be a good friends until Mentha hypnotized, tricked, and wished to marry Idia. After that, Pina is defensive and protective of Idia. Pina often views Mentha as someone she wished to be since Mentha is beautiful, smart in business, and elegant like a true lady. Idia will disagree and give her a full list with reasons and cited sources proving her wrong. 
Mentha looks down on Pina, believing Pina to be inferior to her in every way. Though, she knows Pina is stronger than her with her strength and magic. She despises the fact that Pina is an heir and has known Idia his whole life. Mentha vows to best Pina at something and prove herself to Idia one day. 
She and him do not get along due to Rollo growing a flower that should've been extinctic by nature's laws. Rollo isn't pleased to know she came back from the dead and defied the natural law as well. She doesn't like him for also trying to harm Idia, Malleus, and Chenya. 
Yuu + Grim: 
Pina adores Yuu and finds it amazing that a magicless human can do so much. She is also grateful Yuu rushed to stop the Shrouds and save her friends. Pina is also aware of Yuu's crush on her dear friend, Malleus, much to her delight since she was worried Malleus wouldn't find someone. Pina is protective of Yuu, but she is aware that Yuu can defend herself with her own judo skills which she is also impressed as well. 
She finds Grim adorable and wants to cuddle with him. Though, much like Idia's concern, she wonders about Grim's past and magic since he has flames similar to Idia's. She isn't pleased that Grim isn't too pleasant around others, but she does notice Grim's attachment to Yuu which is sweet. 
Special Relationship: 
At first, she was upset with him for hurting Ortho and fighting Idia. She is in awe that he is skilled with magic and his quick skills with the keyblade. She is surprised that Lea's much smarter and more serious than he lets on. She knows he's experienced a lot and wants to help him relax and have fun. 
Lea finds it amazing that she loves Idia of all people, but he is relieved Idia has someone like her. He is amazed at how hard she pushes herself to do her best with her friends, company, and Idia. He reminds her to take a break from time to time by having some ice cream with him. 
She is fascinated by Brain's skills with technology much like she is with Idia and Ortho. She may not understand it, but she loves the passion Brain has with it. She wishes to learn more, but she knows he can understand it and care for Ortho when he can. She is surprised by his powers, but he brushes it off. 
Brain is, in turn, amazed by Pina's magic, much like he was with Idia's magic. He's never seen magic like hers and wishes to understand this world and functions. Although, he has to ask Idia's help with it more than hers. She does provide help when she can. 
That's all for her! I've got a few more to show, but that will take some time to have an artist draw them! And who knows? If we get more Hercules characters, I would be glad to update her profile! For now, thanks for reading and getting to know her! Have a nice day!
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softlimefluff · 2 years
Hey Ari!
If you're not swamped with requests already (and only if you want to of course!) would you make one of those lists for Ghiaccio please? Either way is totally fine by me!
By the way, Rohan loves you so much!
-Sal (@self-shipyard)
Hi Sal!! Thank you for your patience while I gathered links for this! Ghia loves you too mwa mwa <3
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-Ghia's stand is inspired by The Beatles White Album, so definitely add it to your playlist rotations. My personal reccs are Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Martha My Dear, and I'm So Tired
-For actual character themed merch, there's a Mini Ghiaccio figurine for a reasonable price and definitely bootleg but still cute Ghia tomonui, and this kitty Squadra themed keychain
-If you want sticker options, there's a transparent White Album one, tiny ghia figure, smol ghia head, and a no talk me I angy ghiakitty
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-Taking inspiration from Ghiacchio's outfit, here's a pair of blue light filtering glasses (choose the shade "crystal red")
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-white finger loop gloves like the ones he wears
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-his pants look a lot like black and white stripe chef pants, so here's a unisex style with a wide range of sizes!
-for shoes, here's a red pair of converse and a pair of mint green laces
Taking inspiration from White Album the stand, here's a pair of white lace cat ears, a white cat ear beanie for the colder months, and even white cat ear light up headphones (I actually have these and I love them sm)
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-a pair of yellow mirrored shield glasses, like White Album's visor
-to represent the purple kneepads, I picked a pair of purple legwarmers instead (smaller size and plus size)
-finally, this cool spiral stim toy to represent the purple spiral on the front of White Album's helmet
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-leaning into inspiration from Ghia's ice powers, here's 2 snowflake pendants -- one silver with a central moonstone and the other inset with blue topaz all over
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-if you want to carry a wintery mint reminder with you, there's this snowflake diffuser locket! You can drop mint oil (peppermint, spearmint, or wintergreen) onto the little felt pad!
-these acrylic ice cube earrings are another cute and funny nod to Ghia's ice (there's a short pair and long pair in this set)
-since we all know Ghiaccio could use some stress relief, here's a glittery snowball themed stress ball
-for a snowy themed nail polish, I found this opalescent essie one in the shade "crystal clear intentions"
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-for another minty fresh Ghia inspiration, I recommend Lush's dirty springwash shower gel!!! It smells sooooo good and is the prettiest blue green color
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-Rounding out the list with two bath and body works recs, here's a vanillamint mentha lip shine and a "frozen lake" 3 wick candle (the scent description online says lavender leaves, cool eucalyptus and juniper berries!)
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-As always, I recommend writing your f/o a letter (either in a journal or on @ jojolovenotes), sketching your favorite screenshots, rewatching the episodes your f/o shows up in, and making a playlist inspired by your f/o (including their music namesakes).
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vorpos · 3 months
it's my birthday today!! i'm not asking for anything, but it would be nice if you bought some eSims for Gaza or donated to Care for Gaza, or even donated to a GFM for someone living in Gaza -- or did all 3 or something that i didn't list if you're able to
that is all. happy thursday and keep fighting for a free Palestine 💪
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tweedledan · 2 years
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Hi loves, Jasper got another girlfriend Brenna, with all the girls coming over Mentha gave him the woohoo talk, that awkward moment you bring one of your crushes over to watch a movie and find out she’s attracted to women, and Jasper presented his promposal to Saffron behind the school good thing Brenna didn’t see. He currently has 2 prom dates. 
Jasper is at charisma level 5, with 14 days until he becomes a young adult.
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strangeite · 2 years
DnD Update
Okay @fuzziedinosoup, sorry it took so long, my brain has been mush, but here we go, update from the last two games that wrapped up this nightmare!
First, some background info:
PCs Izz/Candor: My character (dur), changeling Oath of the Ambling Rose (homebrew) Paladin/"tiefling" Persona Samir: Our beloved. Vampire Twilight Domain Cleric and resident himbo Rowan: Halfling Draconic-Bloodline Sorcerer Mint/Mentha: Tabaxi Circle of Dreams Druid/his humansona Patty Newman the Human: Human Warlock with Archfey patron Vaygan: Harengon (bunnyman) Order of the Lycan Bloodhunter. Werewolf bunny Bert: Deer-centaur Swarmkeeper Ranger. His swarm is bees. Bert's bees. NPCs Mbali: Undead fey orc (?? still figuring out her situation) Wildfire Druid, priestess of the god of death. Current leader of our caravan Sayf: Dragonborn wizard (I think), overseeing the caravan Omar: Rowan's dad, traveling with the caravan Yan: Changeling assassin/ranger. Izz's sibling, estranged for over a decade, now taken by Mbali as kin Cabernet: Maybe-baby of the Patron, the owner of the Sapphire Caravanserai, who we are (mostly) currently working for. Slayer Haira: Cleric and investigator at the Amber Haven, the hospital we're trying to get Samir out of Zlatan: A celestial spirit in the form of a dog that Izz summoned for Samir because he wanted a dog and getting your vampire not-yet-boyfriend a dog is obviously the proper use of the Find Steed spell. Situation Setup: So. We got dumped with Cabernet, the maybe-son of the caravan's boss. Samir had, mm, rather loudly spoken about his and Mbali's undead status in Cabernet's vicinity. Turns out Cabernet is a slayer, and takes it upon himself to get rid of these monsters, going after Mbali when she goes off alone. Stakes her but doesn't manage to kill her, gets a nasty bite in response. Vaygan gets Mbali out just before the scene is found, Cabernet gets taken to the Amber Haven. A couple days later, the day before we were planning on leaving this city, Mbali is going to send Yan to off Cabernet. Samir protests this and talks her around to letting him, Rowan, Mentha, and Patty (and Zlatan) go try to talk with Cabernet first, with Yan still going as Plan B.
Samir is very quickly found out/outs himself as undead. Rowan gives Yan a signal that means it's time to kill, hoping to just indicate that things are going bad but Yan is Very Good at the one thing they know how to do and goes for Cabernet. He's saved by Mentha, but the attack got rid of the curtains which means the room is now in sunlight. Samir, being the self-sacrificing himbo that he is, decides the best course of action is to walk out into the sun and burn up so he'll turn to mist and go into the coffin-shaped bag of holding that acts as his resting place. APPARENTLY NOT KNOWING THAT THIS WILL KILL HIM FOR GOOD. Thankfully one of the Amber Haven paladins drags him out of the sunlight, but he goes into bloodlust because of how much damage he took. Patty manages to get away but Rowan and Mentha are detained for quarantine (the Amber Haven treats undead like a deadly disease) and Samir is thrown in a cell. Zlatan is discorporated because the Haven doesn't want an extraplanar being in their quarantine. Which brings us to...
The Rescue
Back at the hotel we'd been staying at, Candor gets a report from Zlatan that folks are going to be quarantined and is then aware that Zlatan is poofed. Mbali knows that Cabernet was near death, via some death sense thing, and so knows shit is going down. Patty and Yan get back to us and give us a more detailed rundown. We formulate a rushed plan:
The story is Samir was turned by Mbali (not true) recently but we didn't know what was up until Cabernet showed up and clocked Mbali and went to take her out. He didn't succeed, so Candor, as a paladin of the Amber Eye, went to hunt her down. Finally get her, which is when the group goes to the Amber Haven with Samir. Patty and Bert find Candor injured and then bring him to the Amber Haven. The hope is to scope things out and find out where are friends are so we can figure out how to get them out. We find a spot to make it look like a fight happened, Mbali actually bites Candor, and we're off.
At the Haven, we're ushered into separate rooms. Haira questions Patty, then Candor (and heals him), then Bert, learning Samir and Mbali's names and where we traveled from (which will connect us to the Sapphire Caravanserai; fun for future us). She explains that they will be giving Samir the "Right of Unliving Testament." Basically trying to contact any family or other close relations so they can come and speak with him and he can set his affairs in order before they "let him rest." Typically they give a tenday for this to happen. We are on a schedule, but hey, plenty of time!
Except then a paladin of Bahamut from a neighboring country shows up. An elf, Reverend Sylvester "Sly". Very cowboy aesthetic with evangelical preacher vibes. So, a fuck. He's investigating a series of vampire attacks in Doskiin (which is where we're headed) and he came down when he got word there had been a possible vampire attack here, declaring that he's gonna take the vampire with him. The Amber Haven folks aren't happy about this, but the Bahamut people have a lot of power so they kind of have to go along. He goes in and lets Samir feed on him to get him out of bloodlust (Samir had been left in that state for a few hours; sorry bud...) and to see if his mark matched up with the vampire Sly is looking for. Seeing that neither Samir's nor Mbali's marks do (boyo, we had to roll after the fact to make sure he hadn't see Samir's actual mark and think there was another vampire involved; he did not), so he's not taking the vampire after all... but he is going to go investigate something else. Cuz, hm, turns out his sister, Greya, has eyes on someone who looks an awful lot like the description we gave of Mbali, who is very much both out in the sunlight and not dead.
So outside the Haven, Mbali and Vaygan had mingling with the city crowds waiting for news, and were approached by an elf woman wearing Bahamut vestments. They try to leave but she attacks them with a ball on a chain. Sly shows up, followed by Yan and Bert (who was released from the Haven), as well as Rowan (who had been released earlier when Sayf went to the Haven and pretended to be a priest of Bahamut). Now it's a fight/chase, with our gang trying to impede the siblings and get away. It does not go well for most of the second session, as Sly and Greya (way of the drunken master monk + barbarian and/or bloodhunter?) are both good at controlling the field and Sly's horse, Erik (I guess you can use Find Steed to get an actual steed 🙄), is stupid fast. Also, Grey is apparently a werewolf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Or, as Sly put it, "she was taken by the sins of the world, but through the grace of my god has been redeemed. You can all be redeemed as well." Okay bud.
Meanwhile back inside the Haven, Candor had gone to the front desk to get Samir's bag, which they gave him on a persuasion roll of 35 (nat 20 + 4 from a d4 + 11 from expertise and a boost from his legendary holy symbol. It was very satisfying). Goes back and goes in with Patty to talk with Samir - in private thanks to another good (and VERY CLOSE) roll. We get Samir in the bag and Patty casts Major Image to make it look like he's still in the room. And we just... walk out with him. Also very satisfying. (And another close roll to see if the clerics saw through the illusion; 13 insight vs Patty's DC of 14)
Outside, at the LAST FUCKING MINUTE, when everyone is back by the Amber Haven, Rowan comes in MVP and puts Greya to sleep. Sly rushes up in concern and Mbali casts Hold Person on him. He had been rolling real fucking good the whole game... but he rolled a nat 1 on his save for this. Mint, who apparently has the Actor feat, uses Haira's voice to tell the guards outside the apprehend the werewolf, so Greya and Sly are both dragged inside.
We go around the corner and then fucking book it with our flying carpet. Do two days travel without long rests to get to Doskiin, where we're now resting in a lodge and preparing for our mission here. Our DM is taking a month break from games, but we're filling it with text RP. Samir and Izz/Candor are having a talk now, which I can update you on later if you want haha.
TL;DR We got Samir out there will probably be repercussions down the line - first in Doskiin, where we will be having to deal with Sly and Greya again, and then probably later at the Sapphire Caravanserai since the Amber Haven is going to find out we're connected to them.
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vegi1 · 7 months
Does Vegan Tattoo Ink Fade Faster
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Getting a tattoo as a vegan can be a challenging process if you are a vegan who tends to get tattoos one of the first things you might worry about is the tattoo ink. Some people may believe that all inks are vegan and have plant origin.
Usual tattoo inks contain animal products such as bone char, glycerin which is from animal fat, gelatin coming from hooves, or even shellac from beetles. These are the possible animal products inside the ink and we haven’t even talked about cruelty-free aspects of this product so as a vegan it is important to live life cruelty-free as well as eating cruelty-free. So we care about what we put on our body as well as what we put in our body.
As we check the vegan ink products we can see that the animal products have been replaced by products such as vegetable glycerin, ethyl alcohol, and menthol in general, and for the color of the ink we have ingredients such as logwood, and sodium, turmeric and naphthol.
There are many points that can be pointed out to prove that vegan ink is much superior but here are a few:
 It’s organic
It was not tested on animals so it’s cruelty-free
It is much kinder to the skin (especially for sensitive skin)
It doesn’t contain any Animal products or even byproducts.
Usually, the Producers of vegan tattoo ink have the breakdown of the ingredients in the catalog or their website but these ingredients usually consist of ethyl alcohol: this ingredient is used for its powerful antiseptic and disinfectant effect on bacteria.
Menthol: this ingredient is acquired from Mentha plants and it is usually used for its scent.
Thymol: this ingredient is derived from a hair called thyme and has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
Eucalyptus:  these leaves are famous for the essential oil found in them which has antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties.
Distilled water: this water has gone through a distillation process in which all impurities and mineral deposits have been removed from the water.
Kosher vegetable glycerin:  glycerin is used to provide lubrication and Kosher vegetable glycerin is a plant-based sugar alcohol and completely vegan.
Organic pigment: last but not least is the main difference between usual tattoo ink and vegan tattoo ink these natural pigments our sourced from Earth and not one of them has Animal products in it.
As we talk about vegan tattoo inks it’s important to talk about vegan tattoo color inks and the ingredients which give them this vibrant color.
The color black which is the main color used we have carbon and logwood. But there are many people who like to have their tattoos use more color and not just the traditional black for them we are going to explore which natural ingredients have been used in the colors below:
For the color white we have titanium dioxide. This ingredient has a mean girl existing and is found in a number of forms some of which are anatase and rutile.
The color blue in most cases comes from aluminum and sodium but there are some cases in which they use copper to gain the color blue
The color green is derived from a carbon-based pigment called monoazo.
Red contains naphthol which is a fluorescent organic compound. Yellow color comes from turmeric a flowering plant that has herbal uses and native to the Indian subcontinent and South Asia.
The color Purple usually comes from carbazole and dioxane.
In this part, we are going to talk about the kind of tattoo that is usually chosen by people who want to be much more expressive than others. This kind of tattoo usually offers a secret way to put it sci-fi turned reality and a vibrant spin on the usual more traditional tattoos. Glow-in-the-dark tattoos are made using fluorescent colors as they are usually called UV inks.
If you are a vegan looking for work to get such a tattoo there are some options available that are completely vegan and far from chemical and animal-related ingredients.
Since there are some inks containing phosphorus try to ask about the ingredients before the tattoo process. This kind of tattoo is going to last as long as the regular ones but any tattoo with vegan ink or not is going to fade through time try taking care of the tattoo correctly and after sometimes have it touched up.
Even though these products are natural there is still a chance of allergies so if you are asking whether or not you need to be tested before getting a tattoo which we can eat the answer you are looking for is usually no but if you think that you are allergic, we suggest that you consult an expert before getting the tattoo.
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cactusblossom · 1 year
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For the next hour of work, Mentha and Jasper talked, joked, and gossiped about their other coworkers.
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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While Scarlet and Rufous discuss Mentha’s passing with Alma, Dijon has the most inappropriate expression...and a zit on his nose!
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Mentha senses she’s being talked about and comes out to play...
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...while Alma mourns her at her grave!
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ALMA: *weeps* Mentha my friend!
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Okay what’s that all about? She’s one to watch I think!
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Definitely one to watch! Poor Dijon!
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DIJON: So we need to talk about your mother...
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shanneherbal · 8 months
Medicinal Products 101: A Beginner's Guide to Herbal Medicine
Botanical medicine or more commonly known as natural or herbal medicine, is the use of plant seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. This form of medicine has been slowly integrated into the mainstream medical field as it has advanced in terms of analysis and quality control, alongside improvements in clinical research. 
With the growth of natural medicine, a wide array of herbal products has become accessible in the Philippines. With that, this article discusses the history, available products, and the benefits of embracing natural medicine.
Origins of Natural Medicine
An article from Epic Healthcare & Physical Medicine revealed that the origins of natural medicine date back to the Ancient Chinese and Egyptian writings, which documented the medicinal uses of plants. Many commonly used herbal therapies were used by the Traditional Chinese. Moreover, African and Native American cultures frequently incorporated numerous herbs for their healing rituals. Research shows that cultures all over the world have used the same or similar plants for matching medical uses.
The same article talks about the evolution of natural medicine and how it works. It delves into the fact that in the early 19th century, herbal medicine rapidly progressed as scientists discovered extraction and modification for active ingredients from plants. From there on, natural medicine was handed on to chemists who then began synthesizing plant compounds.
In addition, an article by Petrovska, B. mentions that natural medicine is as old as mankind. The knowledge of medicinal plants is a product of how many years people struggled with illnesses which led them to looking for solutions in plants and herbs. In the Filipino context, natural remedies have been used by Filipino ancestors for centuries, with knowledge regarding the topic being passed on from one generation to another. A newer interest in the topic sparked not only in the Philippines but worldwide too. 
Another article mentions that in the country, there are over 1,500 documented medicinal plants used by traditional Filipino healers. Out of these 1,500 plants, 120 plants have been proven to be safe and effective for medicinal use. 
Benefits of Herbal Medicinal Products
Yale Ledger mentions four benefits of herbal medicine in a feature article for a natural medicine brand in the States, which are the following:
Lesser side effects. Herbal medications tend to have fewer side effects since they are generally gentler on the human body. When taken at recommended doses, these treatments exhibit fewer side effects.
More accessible. There is no doubt that as the years go by, healthcare gets more expensive. Herbal medicinal products are more affordable since they are crafted from natural materials instead of being produced in the lab synthetically. 
Holistic Health. In contrast to modern science, natural medicine focuses on holistic health and maintaining balance in the body. 
Self-empowerment. Traditional healers empower their patients by imparting knowledge of natural preventive measures to reduce the risk of illness.
Individuals must also know what they are putting into their body. Here are the top 10 herbal ingredients endorsed by the Department of Health (DOH) Philippines for herbal medicinal products.
Lagundi (Vitex negundo)
Yerba (Hierba) Buena (Mentha cordifelia) 
Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)
Tsaang gubat (Carmona retusa)
Niyug-niyogan (Quisqualis indica L.)
Bayabas/guava (Psidium guajava L.)
Akapulko (Cassia alata L.)
Ulasimang bato (Peperonica pellucida)
Bawang (Allium sativum)
Ampalaya (Mamordica charantia)
Malunggay seeds– note 
Herbal Products Available in the Philippines
Needless to say, there are numerous local brands that sell herbal products in the Philippines. Consumers may find these herbal products online or in traditional markets. However, it is also important to refer to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Philippines to ensure that the brands have followed the required procedures for marketing these products to Filipino consumers. There is a wide variety of herbal products available for purchase, including food supplements, teas, liniment oil, powder, juices, and herbal medicinal products, among others. While international brands are also available for purchase, they may be more expensive than the local herbal products offered in the Philippines.
If you are new to the world of herbal medicine and looking for a liniment oil that has been shown to counter minor body aches and pains, check out our Shanne Liniment Oil Classic 60mL, other variants and sizes are available as well. Our oil contains methyl salicylate and menthol ingredients to make the skin feel cool and warm, giving a relaxing feeling to the user.
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