#meeting jeff buckley
sweetdreamsjeff · 1 year
dara's story...
Okay, so I've been informed that you guys do want to hear my long "how i met jeff" story (stories), so here goes.
My friend Fatin (also a subscriber) and I decided to go to a Velocity Girl show at a place called Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ (go there if you're ever in the area-great place! wanted to move in there for awhile). A band with the name Sunny Day Real Estate was opening up for them and I clearly remember Fatin and I standing outside of Maxwell's looking at the list (they posted the list of upcoming shows on the outside double doors) to see who was going to open up for VG now that we had the tix, and laughing at the name because it sounded so funny! Sunny Day Real Estate! Haha!
Well, we were excited for the show anyway (we were-or at least I was-obsessed with going to as many shows as possible and seeing any band that I'd barely heard of). I was doing a 'zine at the time with my writings and poetry which had my name and address on them. I brought a camera to the show so I could take pix for the next issue of my 'zine which I had decided to make less personal and more music related b/c no one wrote to me (well not no one as you will see). So I went into the show and was won over by the amazing SDRE! I didn't even want to see VG after that (well, actually I did b/c I was curious to see them live). I couldn't believe how the band just hypnotised me! I understood sex, drugs and rock & roll, or I had thought I did, but I had just been thinking of it in a Mick Jagger and Madonna wink wink type of sexuality. I was amazed by how this band had just so much sexuality to them that was not forced. It very much had to do with a love of music on theri part and a love of performance. They were definitely the type of band that I think get off from performing. So I took a lot of pictures, especially of the lead singer just because he was also quite amazing, he was right in front of me, and yes, because he was (and still is) gorgeous.
Well, they ended and VG came on (actually i sat next to Sarah Shannon on the stage for like 5 minutes and couldn't think of a single thing to say-still thinking of SDRE I think) and then they were done (not even half as amazing as SDRE-sorry). I talked to Jeremy a bunch afterwards b/c this girl named Lizzy started talking to me b/c she wanted to get copies of the pix I was taking and so I was talking to him "for her." Well after I talked to him, and Dan and Nate And William (Wm. is a flirt but really cute in person and very funny to watch while drumming-look at all the faces he makes) I went outside the concert hall (there's a restaurant there too) and started talking to some guy along with my friend when who should I spy not ten feet away but Juliana Hatfield. So I went over to talk to her. I wasn't like "wow!" b/c I had just met Evan D. recently at a signing (so cheesy I know, but hey I couldn't resist. He signed a picture I drew of him. We were the first to see him with buzzed hair. Real reason it was buzzzed? He and a friend got drunk and decided to buzz his hair-May 17 was the day of that signing, the day before he went to Cali for the MTV Beach thing)) and I actually disliked Juliana a lot at that point b/c she had recently been on the cover of Spin (long hair, white background) and she had said that she knew of no girls that could play guitar well and my feminism was offended. So I went up to her with the attitude of "oh well, another famous person to add to my collection." She was nice though and she took my 'zine and I asked her if she was here to see VG and she said "No, SDRE." Well, that was about it. Imagine my surprise when one day my mom hands me my mail and the return address says J. Hatfield. No, I'm not kidding. She asked me for copies of the pix of Jeremy which I sent to her and she wrote a lovely little note in reference to my 'zine. Suckered! I liked her now! (I also reread that article and she said "...except Bonnie Raitt, who was the female I had been thinking of, and the only female I could think of so my feminism wasn't offended anymore as much as shocked at the truthfulness of the statement). So I gladly sent her the not-so-great pix (forgot the flash at home-oops) and a letter. She did write back a thank you note. So when I found out she was having a show on June 2nd, 1995, at Roseland Ballroom (in NYC) I got tickets and so did Fatin. Last minute (and I really mean last minute), I called and asked for a back-stage ticket and she gave me one!! I guess it was a return favor. (I forgot to ask for one for Fatin but more on that later). I was ecstatic.
Oh yeah, opening for her was this guy named Jeff Buckley whose picture I had seen on the cover of this really thick magazine whose name I can't remember (not something that's a well-known magazine), and Fatin had told me about him so I was curious and excited to see him too. We got to the show and I stood on line (Fatin with me) for the backstage pass and who should happen to be just a few people behind me but Mr. Dando himself who I had a big crush on at that time (it was b/c Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill, the only other one to write me back about my 'zine after I met her after a Rock For Choice show and got backstage to ask her to speak to the newlly formed Gender Equities club at my school and gave her my 'zine too, sent me a 'zine that she was doing then -I think- about her love of Evan Dando and why and other things in her life that I won't mention). Fatin told me to go up to him but I couldn't and I didn't want to lose my place in line. Besides, if he was going to be backstage and I was too, we'd get to talk later.
So we went through the line and (the ticket guy was the same guy who had been at another show that I had free tix to but had forgotten my ID but had let me in anyway so this time I showed him my ID and said "see, I wasn't lying!") went inside, and I went to the platform stage for those with backstage passes and poor Fatin was on the side (I'm so sorry Fatin!) I watched Jeff's show and liked it but I wasn't totally paying attention to it b/c some women invited me to sit in a seat until their friends got back, and one of those friends was Janet Billig (she used to manage Nirvana, Hole, Evan, Smashing Pumpkins and signed them all-I think. She's now Vice-President of Atlantic Records at 29 and she's the one who Courtney Love said at one of her shows a couple of years ago, -paraphrasing here- "Don't fuck with Janet Billig cuz I'll have to fuck with you!" or something like that. There was an article about her in Spin I believe like 3 years ago - it was on my friend's wall), so I was really excited and nervous because this blond woman had come over and I had thought it was Janet so I kept switching my attention between her and Jeff (wasn't Janet by the way).
At the break between bands I went to the bathroom which was backstage (ran into Lewis Largent who used to host 120 Minutes before Matt Pinfield, who I had met at a previous show. Really really nice guy but very shy. He remembered me though!). Well, everyone went downstairs too, so that was weird and cool. I don't remeber this period to well but I do remember seeing Jules before she went on. After the bathroom I got on the corner of the side stage platform (can't really describe it sorry, but it was a very good spot to see the show) and danced through Jules entire set with my new friend Cristy (who looked a bit like Jules and was from Texas and her boyfriend who looked like Thurston Moore and worked at Reprise). After the set and before the encore I went back to the pit where Jules had just come off stage (was very easy then-they have since closed up that area :0( ) and watched her and Evan cutely give each other a big smooch (no tongue. by the way, Evan had a girlfriend who was tall and had brown hair and glasses and I think was his girlfriend. Sorry she wasn't the groupie type and not Mia Kirshner with whom Evan had just gone to her (MK's) opening for that movie she was in where she played a stripper who dressed in school girl outfits who this guy became obsessed with. haven't seen that girl -not MK- since) before Jules went back on for the encore.
After the show I wheedled the guard to let Fatin come backstage (right before that who should I knock into but PAUL MCCARTNEY!! and HIS WIFE! NO JOKE!!) even without a pass, and they let her. I was planning on taking her to meet him b/c I knew it would make her REALLY happy.
Well, we found Jeff looking passed out and sweating right by the stairs off the platform that go towards the backstage but not in the downstairs backstage part sitting on the floor drinking a water bottle and talking to some girl standing up. I said "Good show" he said "Thanks" and then I asked him if he knew where Jules was and he said probably downstairs. I said thanks and we left. Fatin couldn't say anything (I don't think) and at that moment I decided he was pretty cute and talented and I liked him too. Oy vey. Well, we went downstairs and looked for Jules and she told me about SDRE being on the Batman Soundtrack and I gave her my new 'zine issue and she said thanks and went back to talking to her friends. She is very shy and not too comfortable with people she doesn't know, but when she's with her friends she's really comfortable it seems and outgoing and fun. Well, Fatin and I floated around like lost (if you don't know anyone in the biz- and I do mean the business side of it, it can be really uncomfortable and boring) souls, although I talked to Tanya Donnelly (wearing a very cute and cool outfit I remember. Very nice WOMAN, 5 feet tall just like me). I then remember going over to wear Jeff was talking to some chicks with Fatin and we talked to him, standing not two feet from him. He was flirting completely. He gave me a water bottle (he was drinking one too and I asked him where he got it and he just handed me one. I had forgotten that Fatin and I had bought one earlier but oh well, I'll take a water bottle from Jeff anytime, even if I'm drowning), and I lit a cigarette (Newport). He said "Ooh, Menthol" and shared the cigarette with me!! A little later Evan Dando came by and wanted a cigarette and looked to Jeff who looked at and pointed to me and I gave Evan a cigarette and lit it for him off of mine! It was a miracle I seriously believe that I actually lit the cigarette and not something else! Hell, with Jeff and Evan standing around paying atttention to you, wouldn't you have missed? I didn't thank g-d!)
Well Evan left us and he said something really weird like "yeah, i pretended i just did coke" or something like that. don't quote me on that ok? (Evan has a really weird sense of humor. You know that sense of humor where you know you should say something in response but you just aren't on that wavelength yet and you just don't get where they are coming from -much like my sense of humor, which is a big part of the reason that Fatin and I became friends- well that's what Evan's sense of humor is like). The other two women who were hanging in our little circle I don't remember much except one who was tall, thin, black, and looked REALLY familiar, but I still don't know where from! No she wasn't a model (although Melissa auf der Maur was there too - and flirting a bit with Jeff or trying to be near him so no Courtney didn't lie that she had a crush on him - and I knew she looked really familiar but I couldn't figure it out where I knew her from so I thought she was a model till it dawned on me who it was). Well, this particular girl had a broken arm and I asked her how it happened and our Jeff quiped "Masturbating accident." Heehee. He's got a great sense of humor I think.
Well, guess what happened just after that? The clock struck 12:30am (Fatin and I both had Achievement tests to take the next morning!! argh! so we had to be out of there by 12:30) and my MOM came down!! No joke (unfortunately)!! You should have seen the look on Jeff's face when he saw her (and mine!) We had to leave and so I like turned and grabbed his arm with my hand behind my back and said (somewhat jokingly) "No! Don't make me go!" And so we left. I don't blush but I sure as hell was after that (well, it wasn't as bad as when my dad came looking for me after the Pearl Jam show-but that's a whole 'nother story!). Oh, my mom told me later that when she tried to get in (we had agreed to meet at the front doors but they were locked so my 'rents went around to the back doors where a shitload of kids were standing outside with guards and a security block thing, and the guards originally wouldn't let my mom in but then she said that she had a sixteen year old in there -whoa! I was 16!?!? forgot about that!- who had to take the SAT's tomorrow and he let her in - why?!?! - to the jealousy of all the kids outside! When she went downstairs, somebody looked at her and said "uh oh party's over" and my mom replied "do I look that much like a mom?" to which they then replied "uh huh!"). Then we went home and I've been unhappily ever after ever since. Until Lollapalooza.....
But that's Part 2 of the "How I Met Jeff Story" which I'm going to have to write another time because I've been happily procrastinating for way too long now. The last of the name-dropping of that night is that I think Eric Erlandson was there too but not with Drew and only for a short time if he was.
write me if you have any comments, questions, etc.
love to everybody, dara
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idiotcurls · 9 months
I have uploaded the first chapter of the Rockstar Eddie + Student Steve AU to AO3. It's called "The Fleetwood Café"
Summary: Steve's favourite place to study, is a small Café in Chicago. He likes the staff, he likes the coffee, he likes the ambiente. The only thing he doesn't like, are bands playing at the venue. They are usually noisy and Steve needs quiet. On that particular friday, he is especially cross. Why you ask? Because of Eddie Munson. When the lead singer ventures into the café area, to steal some napkins, he accindentally tips over a glass of water with his guitar case. Of course, the spilt water lands on Steve Harrington's laptop and he about mc fucking had it. He hates the guy. A coincidence, or fate for all we know, brings them back together in a different setting. Steve learns, that his preconceived notions are sometimes wrong. Eddie learns, that ex-Jocks can be nice people too.
Or, the one where Steve is studying to become a teacher, Eddie and his band are trying to get on the big stages. They meet in the worst way possible. But Steve slowly falls in love with Eddie and his musical talent and he understands, that the yearning Eddie's music evoces in him, is something he has to deal with.
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
InKorn - Hallelujah
It’s @heretherebedork​‘s birthday and you once mentioned to me that you want a video edit of InKorn to Hallelujah so I made one. Hope you like it!
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kkoiboyy · 10 months
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MEET THE ARTIST !! check me out ^^
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amayalul · 1 year
rules: shuffle your ‘On Repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks.
1. Exist for Love - Aurora
2. Cupid De Locke - The Smashing Pumpkins
3. Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles
4. Heroes - David Bowie
5. My Way, Soon - Greta Van Fleet
6. Forget Her - Jeff Buckley
7. Hybrid Moments- Misfits
8. Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
9. Shades of Cool - Lana Del Rey
10. Flower Power - Greta Van Fleet
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total-dxmure · 4 months
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you’re a single mom just doing the best that she can to make ends meet. ellie can’t help but think that you're the kindest, most beautiful girl that she’s ever met. compared to taking care of a little girl that's in her terrible twos, coming to terms with the fact that you’re a lesbian is a walk in the park. awkward first encounters, ellie’s broken gay-dar, and her overwhelming urge to take care of the care-giver. . . the road to domesticity is a long one, but it’s well worth the pining that it takes to get there. 
total word count: 17.1k
✮ chapter one- ellie somehow manages to embarrass herself a total of four times in front of the prettiest girl she has ever seen in her life. the upside is that you don't seem to mind. you don't seem put off by the fact that she's a total loser and she sees no issue that you're a young mother. the only thing that is proving to be quite the problem is her lack of a gay-dar. ellie has no clue whether or not you're interested in women. . . and she's far too shy to come out and ask straight away.
✮ chapter two- ellie had all but given up on the idea of ever seeing the beautiful stranger again. she had your number saved in her phone but had been too terrified to reach out to you. rejection is a bitch. it's a miracle when you run into ellie at the grocery store. . . or just dumb luck. you land yourself an explanation for her lack of communication and she lands herself a date. . . or so she hopes. she still hasn't gotten that gay-dar fixed yet.
✮ chapter three- who knew a broken screen door could somehow be the best wingman you could have ever asked for? seven stitches and an urgent care visit later, the two of you find yourselves well and truly aquatinted with one another. (smut warning)
✮ chapter four- you aren't the only person in your household that is absolutely besotted. your daughter has taken quite the shine to ellie as well, and you couldn't be happier. though the two of you haven't put a label on things, you're starting to believe that the two of you don't really need to ask the dreaded "what are we" question. you and marley are ellie's girls. . . and she hopes it always stays that way.
✮ chapter five- to be continued. . .
ೃ࿔ fic “soundtrack”
poison tree - grouper
grace - jeff buckley
locket - crumb
crazy for you - slowdive
clementine - elliott smith
when you sleep - my bloody valentine
luna (moon of claiming) - cemeteries
into you - glare
undenied - portishead
drifting - night tapes
be my angel - mazzy star
take care - beach house
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diordeer · 4 months
“it's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter. it's never over, she is the tear that hangs inside my soul forever” - jeff buckley (smau)
CONTAINS charlie bushnell x fem!reader CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR BOOK THREE, this is a bit shorter bc i cant do much drama in the comments considering they dont know eachover yet
DESCRIPTION reader plays as artemis in season 3 of percy jackson (can we pls pretend artemis is in an older body), and also does ballet .. there is no specific face claim but she is white with blonde hair
TAGLIST @amoreva @liviessun @reet8713 @m00ng4z3r @tortured-poets-depxrtment @izuoyarmin @perseus-jackass @poppyflower-22 @pleasingregulus @balletfilmss @bowerfeithwk @tomblythsslut @mysterioussmae @niktwazny303
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Liked by leahsavajeffries, dior.n.goodjohn and others
yn.ln life rn 🩰
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user1 did u guys see the percy series post??
↳ user2 omg shes playing artemis!!!!
user3 ur account is so pretty
↳ yn.ln 😘😘
user4 i cant wait for artemis and zöe they are my favs!
↳ user5 i dont think i will be able to deal with her death!
user6 omg AND ariana greenblatt?! we are getting fed!!
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Liked by walker.scobell, iamcharliebushnell and others
Percyseries joining the cast of season 3 of ‘Percy Jackson & The Olympians’ are yn.ln and Ariana Greenblatt, as Artemis, and Zöe nightshade
Ln’s Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, is a daring and brave warriors who leads the group of her ‘Huntresses’.
Greenblatt’s Zöe Nightshade being one of those, as a loyal lieutenant. She is a determined, yet stubborn character, who leads the quest in saving Artemis.
tagged yn.ln, ariana_greenblatt
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user1 OH MY GOD ?!?!
user2 the hunters of artemis are my roman empire
user3 the artemis and zöe we deserve!!
dior.n.goodjohn excitiinggggg
Direct Messages:
Dior: heyy yn!
You: hi!
Dior: i was just wondering if u wanted to meet up with a few of us before filming? Like to meet eachover ☺️
You: omg obviously!! When?
Dior: maybe this weekend? Its not everyone, like just me, charlie, walker, and aryan, i think leahs busy not sure tho 😞
You: alr!! Ill check if im free!
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Liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others
yn.ln had so much fun meeting everyone 😋
View all comments.
aryansimhadri THAT MUG OF ME?! UNCALLED FOR!
↳ yn.ln you posed for it… all i did was post 🤷‍♀️
leahsavajeffries i cant believe i couldnt make it!! argh im so upset, i have to meet up with u soon!
↳ yn.ln ikkk 😖 give me a date and time ill come at ur will
user1 how is luke still alive this man is invincible
↳ user2 are we complaining tho 🤷‍♀️ like anything for more charlie screen time lets be real
dior.n.goodjohn already missing u 😖
↳ yn.ln im suffering withdrawal!
walker.scobell that food was banging
↳ aryansimhadri i want it again NOW!
user3 i love how she just met them and they already seem so close
↳ yn.ln who said that? I literally hate them all
↳ iamcharliebushnell yeah this girl is the bane of my existence, i saw her and instantly knew i didnt like her
↳ user3 exactly my point!
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I loved your peter vs Alastor story, can we possibly get a part two? Like maybe Peter is looking for her and she hears about it through the news or something from missing persons reports. She’s changed her name and Alastor has told her there’s nothing to worry about, but keeps having dreams about Peter finding her? You can choose how it ends!
A/N: I didn’t think people would want a part two to that but since you asked you shall receive! I love writing about Yanderes going against each other it’s so much fun 🤗. I watched the first four episodes of Hazbin Hotel and guys i LOVE IT SO MUCH. I’m so glad I waited for this show, and I’m so glad other people are enjoying it as much as I am. Special thanks to @a-bookworms-teashop or also known as @forbidden-sunlight, for helping me with this short story! As per usual we all know I like cliffhangers so expect a part three soon <<33 happy reading & enjoy!
Warnings: violence, obsessive tendencies, mentions of blood, lots of manipulation, talks of mental abuse, lots of dark content ahead!!
Songs you can listen too while reading: Close to you by Rihanna. Slipping through my fingers by ABBA. Desire by Megan Myers. Love on the Brain by Rihanna. Forget her by Jeff Buckley. Meet me in the hallway by Harry Styles. The Grudge by Olivia Rodrigo.
Part 1
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!
Forget her
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Living in New Orleans was nice. People were always so kind, and everyone was so welcoming. Getting a new name was easy, surprisingly. The government didn’t make it hard to run away from psycho ex boyfriends who didn’t know how to take a hint. Living with Alastor was nice. He was always a gentlemen, a gentle man, a good lover too. He made sure to never treat you the way Peter did.
In fact he was quite the opposite with you. Inviting you out to parties with him, keeping you out of the public eye as to not bring the wrong type of attention around. Everything felt like it was starting to get better. He would bring you flowers, take you to work with him even, or work from home. Alastor was nothing short of the perfect boyfriend. In fact he was perfect and more.
But lately, something seemed to have you on edge. He had been fidgety. Checking his phone constantly but always reassuring you with the polite smile. A reassuring one he tried to keep on, but you saw right through. He was hiding something and you wanted to know what.
According to Husk, Peter had since moved out of the apartment he had been living in, with no notice too. He had gone completely ghost. There was no sign of him anywhere, according to your knowledge. It was a Saturday evening when it had all happened. When your intuition had finally proved to be right.
“You said I wouldn’t be seen.” You said, the article about an appearance the two of you had made up on your phone. Alastor was walking through the kitchen, tossing various ingredients into a large pot, his jambalaya coming along nicely.
“ Dear please, there hasn’t been any sign of you for months. I doubt the bastard has even seen it, let alone have any access to technology.” He brushed you off with a chuckle, sliding the ingredients off the cutting board and into the pot. You sighed and put your phone down on the counter. Maybe you were being over paranoid. But ever since reading the article, a chill had ran up your spine that didn’t seem to be leaving any time soon. Alastor noticed you looking off to the side, lost in your own mind. He reaches out, hands brushing your sides gently. “Why don’t you take a bath, hm? Ill even set it up for you. What do you say dear?” He asks calmly, a hand on your lower back, ushering you out of the kitchen and past the open living room, making your way down the hall to the bathroom.
“ Alright fine. But we need to talk about this later.” You say, and he responds to you with a kiss on your cheek. You go to your shared bedroom, going through the large walk in closet to find a change of clothes for after your bath. The water is running in the bathroom, the smell of fragrances light on your senses. You make your way back to the bathroom to see Alastor leaning over the tub slightly, candles already lit on the sides of the tub to allow you to relax. There’s your favorite book next to a cup of wine, along with the radio playing light jazz. Everything is perfect, as it should be, and for a moment you can forget the feeling of strained eyes on you. You can forget it all as you’re embraced by a man who loves you. Who truly cares.
“ Take your time darling. I must run out for a bit to get some extra ingredients. Will you be fine without me?” He asks, taking the robe from you as you sink down into the tub, eyeing you carefully, enough to give you butterflies. You smile, one of his favorites and nod, reaching to the side to pick up your glass of wine, the red stains your lips slightly as you pull the cup away.
“I think Ill be okay, thank you love. Be quick please, I might just nap here.” You say jokingly. Alastor smiles, folding your robe up neatly in his hands before nodding to you lightly. He leans down to kiss you, a soft tender kiss, before leaving you in the bathroom alone. It’s when you hear the front door shut that you sigh, now knowing he’s gone. The water is just right, just warm enough on your skin for you to rest your eyes a bit.
A bit turns into an hour, and when you hear a loud glass shatter from the kitchen is when you wake up from your nap. You hadn’t been serious about sleeping in the tub, but mistakes happen. You quickly pull at the drain, the water slowly slipping down as you grab your towel and get yourself dressed, sliding a simple nightgown on before stepping out of the bathroom. “Alastor?” You call, but you’re met with silence. Your vision is hazy, the steam from the water seeming to create some sort of film over your sight, but you manage. Walking down the hall and into the living area, you see a vase shattered on the ground. What you don’t expect to see, is a distraught Peter standing across from you.
“Guess again Baby.” He says with a smile. He sighs and takes in your appearance, eyes completely devouring your appearance. “What are you doing here?” You ask, panic written all over your face.
“How did you find me?” You ask again. Peter tuts at you, standing straight up, revealing just how tall he really was in comparison to you. He has a folder in his hand, one he throws on the floor in between the two of you, and it just barely touches your feet as it slides across the floor. “What is this?” You ask, eyeing him closely. He grins, hands behind his back as he watches you pick up the folder.
“Your perfect boyfriend.” He responds. The pictures inside reveal themselves before you can even process whats going on. Pictures of Alastor and you about in the city. Ones of the two of you at home, the two of you at dinner. Intimate moments, things that were supposed to be private. All laid out right in front of you. A picture of Alastor and you at a friends wedding. His face was burned out of the photo, but you knew who it was. The more photos you looked through the more you found. Magazine clippings of Alastor with you in the town. Paparazzi seeing you both together at parties, dancing around each other like no one was watching but the worlds eyes were on you. Peters eyes were on you.
“He told me-“
“Told you what?” Peter snickered, stepping closer, the broken glass crunching under his feet. You kept going through photos, one right after the other. Then, one really caught your attention. Mimzy. She had been so obsessed with Alastor and how you were no good for him. Now, in front of you was a photo, the two of them with their arms around each other, almost like lovers, but not quite friends. How long ago was this? Why didnt he tell you about this?
“He doesn’t love you. Not the way I do.” Peter said, stepping closer, arms raising for a hug. “ Let’s just go home. We can put this all behind us. I can forgive you.” He said, a smile on his face. He was still the same. He thought he had done no wrong. He lowers his arms when he sees you don’t come closer, but instead reaches for your hands, pulling them to his chest. “What do you need? Money? I can give you that. If- if you want more freedom we can go out! We can do whatever you want-“ He pleaded, eyes begging for yours to look at him. “Please, just come back. He took you away from where you were safe. Now you have everyone judging you, when you don’t need that.” He said, hand cupping your chin to force you to look at him. “Are you really happy here?” He asks.
It feels like time freezes for a moment. Were you really happy? All the press, Alastor always being gone or out at parties. The social events. The liquor, the drugs. The dancers and the crowds of people together. With Alastor, it was always a party. But with Peter, things were different.
With Peter, you were quiet. Alone but without the drugs, the partying and the social interaction. With Peter you really never lifted a finger, not like you physically could. Peter always brought gifts home, even if he was upset with you. He always did laundry, had things neat and tidy, or as much as they could in the small apartment. With Peter, you were taken care of. With Peter, you lived a calm life.
Well, at least that was how he saw it.
With Peter, there was a constant fear surrounding you. Suffocating you. He never let you live, took away your freedom and your life to keep you tied down to him. He had hurt you on multiple occasions, raising a hand to the person he swore to love so dearly. He had threatened to kill your family, your friends, anyone who stood in between the two of you. Peter didn’t love you, no, he was obsessed. Did you really want that life back?
“I.. I am happy here.” You finally said, pulling yourself away from Peter. His eyes looked defeated. He looked, complex. In a matter of seconds his demeanor changed entirely, standing tall in his anger, his pride.
“Happy? Happy with a man who took you from me?!” He yelled, lunging forward and caging you between him and the wall. His eyes looked manic, like something had snapped. It was only then you noticed him reaching into his pocket, glass shard in hand. “I told you what would happen if you ever left.” He said, hand in the air as the shard came down quickly. A slice to your cheek had you sliding down the wall, tears streaming down your face as blood ran down your neck, fingers shakily holding onto yourself for some support.
“Peter please-“ you pleaded with a whisper. Even after all these months away from him he still managed to make you feel so small.
“I see what’s going on.” He said, chuckling a bit. He crouches down, eye level with you now. “He has you completely brainwashed doesn’t he. I’m sure he-“ He stops when he hears the front lock being turned. The door opens to reveal a humming Alastor, eyes shut as he hums a song to himself softly. He turns to lock the door, before turning back around, finally opening his eyes to see the sight of Peter and you on the ground.
Everyone is quiet for a moment. Peter looks panicked, Alastor looks, unreadable, and you look, frightened. Alastor drops the bag of groceries, and before you can process what’s happening there’s a knife being drawn from under his shirt sleeve. Not a large one, but a size big enough to kill a man. To kill Peter. Peter stands quickly, clutching the glass shard in his hand so tight he begins to cut himself. The two meet in the middle, Peter swinging to try to slice Alastors neck. Something about the way Peter misses, the way Alastor inhales sharply. His eyes widen but in a different way. One you’d never seen from him before. There’s a difference in the way his eyes gloss over, the shine in them just a bit brighter than before.
Nothing would ever be the same after tonight.
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the-dixon-effect · 11 months
Lover, you should've come over
A/N: i had this idea a while ago just never got around to writing it. it's v fluffy, a little angsty and just the right amount of trauma, and the title from jeff buckley ofc. hope you enjoy lovelies :')
era: season 6, pre-Negan Alexandria
prompt: "Ya don't ever have to say sorry. Not to me."
summary: Y/N is feeling particularly affected by her past trauma sometime during the group's transition to the suburban atmosphere of Alexandria.
words: 1.5k
pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader
warnings: self-harm, anxiety, suggestive
9pm The garage; dark, gloomy, the perfect hiding spot.
The rest of the group was having dinner, courteously cooked by Carol, in the dining area of your shared house. Rick was right, it was going to take some considerable time before everyone properly adjusted to the strange atmosphere of the unaffected suburban paradise that was Alexandria. It seemed, however, that despite the incredible amount of time your people, your family, had spent surviving outside these walls, everybody was fitting in just fine.
The houses were strange, untouched, and the people even stranger. It was like this tiny pocket of the new world was a time capsule, a preserved artefact of an ancient time, all but forgotten to most. It felt like if you were to get too close, immerse yourself too much, the time would come when this place would come crashing down, and bring you down with it. Not only did this place feel like a fever dream about the old world, it also brought back certain memories from the past that you'd tried so desperately to leave behind.
So here you were, an empty seat at the dining room table. You pressed your back against the wall and hugged your legs to your chest. You wondered if they would even notice you weren't there.
Almost-silent sniffles were the only sounds that filled the dim room. The last of the daylight filtered through the tiny gap between the garage door and the ground. You rolled up the sleeves of your flannel shirt to reveal a checkerboard of familiar scratches and cuts, only half visible due to the distinct lack of light in the room. Your head rolled backwards, almost on its own, and hit the wall with a thud. Your eyes swelled with tears just as quick as the memories had come flooding back.
Maybe it wasn't this place. Or the people. Maybe it was just you. No point running now, you thought. You can escape from everything and everyone you love, but you'll never escape yourself, a part of you tried to tell yourself. No matter how far you run, your past, your scars, they will always remain.
9:30pm Despite Y/N's assumption that her absence at dinner would go unnoticed, she was wrong. A certain archer's eyes searched for yours but failed to meet them across the table. "Where's Y/N?" he asked, filling the silence. When all he received was a fleeting glance around the room from members of the group, he swiftly returned to his former position of silence.
"She's probably over at Aaron and Eric's. I heard they were having a couple people over for dinner tonight," said Michonne, a little dismissively.
Daryl shared your feelings about this strange community, and he too understood your lack of trust. Even before adjusting to the end of the world, he certainly would have felt uneasy in a place like this. People like him, like you, they're not supposed to be living in a place like this, pretending to forget about the world outside the walls. Paradise is no place for us, he thought.
Once dinner was finished and the chatter had died down, Daryl slipped off in an effort to find you, and he couldn't help but worry.
9:45pm After searching the whole damn neighbourhood and finding no one who knew where you were, he started to assume the worst. What if she left, ran away somehow? What if she went on a run and got hurt? No, no, he couldn't lose you, not when the both of you had just got here.
Suddenly he remembered the conversation he had with you last night, out on the porch. The stars were out, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, you could look up and admire them in somewhat safety. And they were beautiful. And the two of you sat and talked and talked and just watched those stars. He loved to just listen to you, in truth, he wanted to hear all your stories. Even the bad ones, the regretful ones, perhaps he just needed to hear your voice. He thought back to something you'd said, and his mind suddenly went overdrive with worry. A particular memory you'd recalled, and said that you'd never told anybody this before, alluding to an especially bad habit you'd broken. Could that be... self-harm? He was pretty sure he'd seen those marks on your arm, or he saw something, at least, that wasn't caused by walkers.
He started to go over every single place in his mind where you might be hiding, doing more harm to yourself than good by not speaking up. Your bedroom, the attic, the basement, the yard, the garage. The one place the rest of the group wouldn't think to look for you, if they even came looking at all, you thought. Except for Daryl, who had been working in there on his bike all day.
You could even sense it now, the oil, the tools, and the summer heat, even in the nighttime. As you thought of him, the whole place started to feel like him. You weren't even sure if you liked it or not, the familiar fondness you'd developed for him, but despite your loveable manner, you were so determined to be alone. To not appear as some anxious little presence going about the place.
The door swung open and the first thing you noticed was the light that streamed in, illuminating your tear-stained face.
"Y/N! Y/N, are ya' in here?" You buried your face in your hands as you approached the archer, weakly.
"Hey, hey, what's goin' on?" he drawled. Daryl placed his torch down and stepped a little closer to you, not in a threatening, fearsome way, but in an intimate way, a way that felt like you could be safe with him.
"Can- Do you think you could shut the door?" you said, sniffling a little as you spoke. He followed your request and returned to where he stood before, deep blue eyes locked on your pitiful face.
10pm It felt like there was nothing to be said, no way to express your feelings in a way that somebody could understand. It would be just perfect if, in this moment, he was able to read your mind somehow. Hesitantly, you rolled up your sleeves as you had done before and looked straight up at him with those wide eyes. It was a sight to behold, that was for sure, and if he could put aside every ounce of sorrow he felt just looking at the scars, he was grateful to be the one who you came to.
"This place, it's like- it's like a well," you were struggling to speak. The tears were flowing now, and you felt embarrassed to have this much emotion on display. "Couple days after we got here, I just started to remember, you know. The stuff you don't wanna remember. Just feel trapped, you know," your voice seemed to trail away as your closed your eyes. Nothing to be done now, you supposed.
When you looked up at Daryl again, you were suddenly overcome by a rush of guilt. "Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Daryl..."
He pulled you into a tight hug at once and whispered into your soft hair that he held so gently. "No, no darlin'..." he spoke. "Ya' don't ever have to say sorry. Not to me." Perhaps if you were thinking straight you would've tried a little harder to appreciate the moment. His distinct scent, the notes of sweet cigarettes, pinewood and thunderstorms. Instead, you cried into his shoulder as his other hand rubbed gentle lines up and down your back.
You pulled away from the embrace, keeping your arms draped around his neck. He was captured by those pretty eyes of yours, though glassed over completely, and held the silent eye contact. He lifted his right hand and softly held your arm, tracing your goosebumps with his calloused fingertips. And you just stared up at him, looking for the reassurance in his eyes that you knew you would always find.
Sensing your pain, Daryl brought your forearm to his lips and pressed sweet kisses on those same self-inflicted scars. You gazed up at him and mustered the best smile you could, as a sign to continue. You slipped off your flannel shirt revealing the little white t-shirt that you wore underneath. Moving further up the length of your arm, he planted soft kisses on your shoulder, and then your neck. The intimacy brought more overstimulated tears to your straining eyes. The only thing you knew how to do in this moment was simply grip him tighter. "Never let me go," you whispered.
Perhaps you didn't need to be alone after all.
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
Tumblr media
I'm on Fire
biker!Eddie x fem!artist!reader
Part 4
🚨MDNI, 18+Only, implied smut, eventual smut, angst, sexual tension, adult themes, alcohol consumption, cheating (not on reader), biker!Eddie, biker!Steve, mutual pining, slow burn, mention of violence, brief use of Y/N (again, sorry).
Word count: 6.8K
Series Masterlist
In part 4, you meet another one of Eddie's dear friends, Robin Buckley, and get invited to a barbecue. Eddie tries to cut ties with a messy part of his life as his feelings for you grow. Your time with Eddie gets cut short again when the darker elements of his lifestyle comes calling. I've purposely left out physical details about your roommate Katie, so that you can picture her however you want.
A/N: I am so honored by the enthusiasm some of you have shown for this, and please know I think about you all the time as I write it. Also, I've barely been posting here a month, and I'm always open to any tips or suggestions. Love to hear what you thought and what you'd like to see happen 👀
It’s a good thing Eddie left with Charlene because he didn’t have to see how tipsy you got, stumbling out to the car at the end of the night, shoes catching in the gravel, babbling to Jeff how much you loved him and how glad you were that he was your friend.
“Girl, you better tell me everything that went down,” Jeffery said as he got in behind the steering wheel and helped you snap your seat belt together, because your aim was awful. “What did Charlene say to you?”
In the 8 months that he’d known you, Jeff had never seen you like this. Sure, you had a bit of that eccentric, scatterbrained artist way about you, but you were always professional and, if something someone said ever got to you, you never let it show.
“Charlene WHO?” You asked, and then you laughed hysterically, tossing your head back against the seat, as if what you’d just said was the most hilarious thing ever.
Jeff coughed out a laugh, looking over at you, wishing he had a tape recorder to play this conversation back for you on Monday.
You took a drink from the water bottle in the console, swallowed a few times, and then told him the story, as best as you could remember it, as Jeff maneuvered the car out of the long country road and back to the freeway.
“Who was that girl you were talking to?” Charlene asked Eddie as they drove off into the night. They were in a sleek, black utility vehicle this time, complete with heated leather seats.
“A friend,” Eddie told her. Not to minimize the crush he had on you, but he didn’t know what else to call you. If you were someone he was dating, he would’ve said that, but whatever the two of you had barely qualified as anything yet.
She reached over to squeeze his leg right above the knee, and tried to slid her hand further up his thigh, but he pushed her away. “I’m not in the mood,” he grumbled.
“Well, I didn’t mean to break up your little romantic moment, or whatever it was,” Charlene shrugged and looked out her window to the cars passing by on the freeway. “I just didn’t want you to make a fool out of me in front of my friends.”
Eddie had his wrist high resting on the steering wheel and he looked over his arm at her. “You don’t own me, you know that, right?”
Charlene adjusted her skin tight dress and began to fidget with one of her gold bracelets. “I own the things I pay for, and you were supposed to be mine for the evening.”
Eddie worked his jaw in silence, realizing in at that exact moment that he was done being her little bitch. Her attention and the money had been flattering, and the sex had been exciting the first couple times, but he could barely stand to look at her anymore, no matter how gorgeous she was. The radio was on low (Head Like a Hole by NIN) and he wondered about what you’d asked him earlier, about why he never called. He should’ve called to thank you for the painting, that was true, but the days of the week started to blur together, and he never saw Steve to ask him for your digits. Plus, what would he say to you? He was admittedly more of a hands-on type of guy, and not great over the phone, but he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for you, if you needed him to.
“You’re coming in, right?” Charlene cooed, noticing that he wasn’t following her into the house after he parked the car in the garage.
Eddie shook his head, lighting a cigarette, about to head over to hop on his chopper that was hidden along the side of the house. “I told you, we’re not doing that anymore.”
In response, Charlene rolled her eyes and gave an exaggerated groan, digging in her purse to pull out a wad of cash. “Well, here then,” she shook the handful of hundreds at him. “Take your money. That’s all you care about, right?”
Eddie had to scoff. Money was all he cared about? Her manipulation techniques were first rate, he had to give her that.
He hollowed his cheeks to take a long pull off his smoke. “Nah, keep it,” he said on the exhale, a plume of white smoke exiting pursed lips, turning his back on her and flipping his collar up on his leather jacket. “Save it for your next bodyguard. I’m done.”
One of the garage doors was still open, but Charlene seemed to forget and raised her voice. “Eddie, wait! I’m sorry!”
Her voice seemed to echo through the entire street, but Eddie kept walking until he disappeared around the corner of the building.
“You can’t just walk away from me like this!” She added, but he was already revving his bike and shifting into gear.
You’ve had a couple doozy hangovers in your day, but a red wine hangover? They were the god awful worst. You got up to hydrate and eat something early in the morning, and then you went back to bed.
Later on, you sat on the couch with some tea and your eyes half open and the hood to your sweatshirt over your head like a shroud while Katie told you how expertly Steve had rocked her world the night before. Apparently, before he fucked her 8 ways to Sunday, he took her to one of the new bars on the outskirts of town where a band was playing, and there were two of her old students there who recognized her.
After the show, she gave Steve road head, and then they ended up doing the dirty in the back seat of his car like teenagers.
“What is happening to me?” She asked you, feeling all sorts of sore and stretched out. “This is not how I saw myself acting at this age, but I can’t say I hate it. How was your night?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you said with a shake of your head, the movement making your temples throb. “Tell me more about Steve. What’s his deal? Does he have family here or?”
Your mind kept flashing back to the look on Charlene’s face, and how sloppy you’d been in the car with Jeff, and it made you want to cringe and bury your face in your hands.
“He didn’t mention his parents, but he’s got a little kid. A son named Oliver,” she used the remote to change the channel on the TV, but the sound was on mute. “The mom isn’t in the picture anymore, though, I guess she split when he was just a baby.”
Your eyes snapped open to full awareness, recalling that Steve had similar eyes and hair coloring to Eddie, and you pictured the photo of that doe-eyed toddler taped to the dash of his tow truck.
“How old is he? Steve’s son, I mean?” You asked, the opportunity to put new pieces to the Eddie puzzle together snapping you out of your malaise.
“He just turned 5 last month,” Katie said through a yawn. “And you will never guess who Steve lives with,” she held her breath there for a few beats, suspended, waiting for you to pull a name out of the air without any hints. You couldn’t even begin to try; your brain was about as active as smashed peas.
After reading your vacant stare, Katie continued, bobbing her chin with each word, “Robin Fucking Buckley.”
Katie had been interested in both men and women since you’d known her, and Robin was a woman she’d met when she first moved to Hawkins after college, and had an instant crush on. The crush never went anywhere, though, because Robin was in a relationship at the time, and Katie had not yet come out as bisexual, so she wasn’t sure what to do about the feelings she was having, but you vividly remembered hearing how she gushed over her.
“They’ve been raising Oliver together,” she continued. “He told me about Robin after he and I had sex though, so then it made me feel weird and I didn’t tell him that I used to daydream about being with her.”
“I can’t believe what a small world it is here,” you mused, suddenly wishing the phone would ring, and that it would be Eddie, and he’d say, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” But, that didn’t sound like Eddie, did it? It was more likely for him to bring a spare tire by and mow your lawn while you were at work. Superficial words of adoration? You weren’t sure that was his thing.
“Are you planning on seeing Steve again?” You were curious for selfish reasons, because Steve was your only current link to Eddie.
“We talked about the fact that we’d rather this be a fuck buddy thing than something serious, but he did invite both of us to a barbecue they’re having at their house on Sunday.” She smoothed her lips together and stared at the carpet, her eyes getting glossy from not blinking. “I’m not sure how weird it would be for me to see Robin again, though. I really had it bad for her.”
Sunday was a day away, and you hoped that your hangover would be gone by then, because it didn’t feel like it was dissipating any time soon.
The little boy with the thick head of wavy, golden brown hair screeched, “uncle Eddie!” as he ran toward him at full tilt, and then dove at his shin and wrapped is arms around his legs.
Eddie bent down to latch his hands under the tiny monster’s arms and swung him up in the air. “What’s going on, big man?” He adjusted the kid at his hip like it was second nature, like he was born to be Uncle Eddie.
Robin Buckley was just shutting the door to her car in the parking lot of Munson’s Garage and following behind Oliver at a stroll, grinning as she watched the two of them together. She pushed her sunglasses up into her blue-streaked hair, and the hoop piercings on her eyebrow and lip glinted in the sun. Eddie had just dismounted his bike and was taking his helmet off to hook it on one of the handlebars.
“Can you watch him for a bit?” Robin asked, her hands in her back pockets. She had on a Bikini Kill t-shirt on under a red and black flannel and holes in the knees of her jeans. “I have to run some errands, but Steve can pick him up in two hours.”
Eddie was actually just in the middle of rushing to several different places trying to get a project finished, and had a billion things on his mind, but Steve and Robin and Oliver always came first; they were his family.
“Oh I think I can manage that,” Eddie turned to Oliver, and Oliver put his hands on Eddie’s cheeks, smooshing them in a little. “What do you think, Ollie, wanna have some beers and play some poker with me?”
Oliver nodded, ecstatic, his mouth open.
“Ha ha,” Robin bent forward to brush some hair out of Oliver’s eyes and planted a kiss on his cheek before stepping back. “Maybe Uncle Eddie will make you some of those butter noodles you like.”
Oliver said, “airplane,” and Eddie scooped him on his belly with both arms so he was horizontal, and spun around in a circle a few times. Uncle Wayne saw them from the office window and was already headed over with his arms out.
Eddie lowered Oliver to his feet and said, “go say hi to uncle Wayne,” to which the boy took off as fast as his legs could carry him across the pavement. Eddie reveled at the joy on Wayne’s face as he bent down to hug the kid tight, and then took his hand to walk him back to the office. There was a TV in there with a bunch of cartoons on VHS just for Oliver, and some of the building blocks and toys he liked to play with.
“How is he?” Robin asked. Wayne was too far away to hear them, but she waved.
“Same,” Eddie cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the lump he felt there. “I don’t think the chemo is doing jack shit, but what the fuck do I know.”
Robin knew how much of a toll Wayne’s illness was taking on Eddie, but it made him uncomfortable to talk about it, so she didn’t push him.
“So, when are you coming to the barbecue tomorrow?” She asked as they made their way over to the shade of the awning just under Eddie’s apartment.
“Shit, that’s tomorrow?” Eddie frowned like he was working out a math problem, scratching the stubble on his jaw. “Why did I think it was next week?”
“Because dingus probably didn’t remind you like I told him to,” Robin dropped down into one of the plastic chairs with an ‘omph’. “There will be plenty of food, just bring some beer, or whatever alcohol you want to drink.”
Eddie sat down on the picnic table bench across from her, elbows on his knees. “I’ll bring beer and burgers, but I can’t drink that much for a couple days, Fight Night is next weekend.”
Robin dropped her shoulders and gave him a look. “Please tell me you’re not getting in the ring this time?”
“I have to,” Eddie shrugged, leaning back to plant his forearms onto the top of the picnic table, stretching his chest out. “I won the last one, remember? Winner always gets challenged.” He brushed something invisible off of the front of this work shirt. “But this will be my last fight for a while, Rob, I’ll forfeit if I have to.”
“Good,” she snorted her approval. “You and Steve are getting too old for this shit. We’re all getting too old for recreational activities that could possibly end up in broken bones and hospitalization.”
“No one is putting me in the hospital, I promise you,” he raised his eyebrow at her, confidentially.
Changing the subject, Robin shifted in her seat and narrowed her eyes. “What do you know about this chick that Steve has been talking to lately? You met her, right? Her name is Katie something.”
Eddie’s heart raced at the mention of Katie, but for other reasons. “Yeah, her and her friend saved our asses that night that we almost got pinched by the cops.”
“Okay,” Robin nodded. “What else do you know? Steve said you’d met her before?”
“What’s with all the questions? I don’t they’re as serious as---”
“Because, Edward, he went ahead and invited her to the barbecue, a complete stranger, without running it by me first. You know I don’t like Oliver to be exposed to every transient piece of ass he has a fling with, especially if they’re just another bar fly who tries to sneak a line of coke off the tank on our toilet like last time.”
Eddie knew she had a point; although Oliver wasn’t biologically hers, Robin had been helping to raise him since he was 7 months old, and she had turned into a fierce momma bear. He lost his train of thought for a second because if Katie was coming to the barbecue...then maybe….
“Earth to Eddie?” Robin clapped her hands together once.
“Yeah, sorry,” he shook his head as if to clear it. “First of all, she’s employed, she’s a teacher at the high school. English or Geometry or something.”
Alright, Robin liked the details so far. Dating a woman who had gainful employment was an improvement for Steve.
“I guess I sold her weed years ago, before I moved away, but I must’ve blacked a lot of that time out because I don’t remember her. I knew her brother Danny though, and he was a nice kid.”
Robin was biting her lip, drumming her fingers on the arm rest, taking in the information, and then she decided to change the subject, cocking her head. “What about you? Seeing any one special these days? Anyone you’d want to bring with you tomorrow?”
Eddie ran his fingers through his hair a couple times, pondering if he should tell her about you, but then decided against it. He didn’t want to answer a bunch of questions and, more importantly, he didn’t want to jinx anything.
It was one of those picture perfect days for a barbecue; the sun was out, but the temperature was mild, and all of the cherry blossom trees along the street were blooming. Steve and Robin’s house was located in a neighborhood that had a reputation for being a sketchy, but the yards were all well kept with little gardens. The house itself was Easter egg blue with white trim, a front square of lawn that was neatly edged and mowed, and then a driveway along the side that led to the back patio. There were three motorcycles parked on the street among the other cars, as well as that black Chevelle you saw at the garage.
“He’s here,” you breathed, balancing three dishes of food in your lap as Katie turned the car off and you both looked around. “I know he’s here. Wait, please take me back home.”
“Forget it,” Katie laughed. “We talked about this. The safe word is ‘pineapple’ if one of us is having a really awful or uncomfortable time.”
You tilted your head so that you could look up at the house. “What if he brought that Charlene lady?”
“Eddie might be a little oblivious at times, but I don’t think he’s an idiot,” Katie assured you. “Besides, that bitch does not want to catch these hands.”
“How well did you say you knew Robin?” You asked, stalling.
“We worked together when I had that warehouse job back in ‘89 or ‘90. We barely spoke ten sentences to each other, and exchanged a few goofy looks. I doubt she’ll even remember me.”
Oh, Robin remembered her, alright. You could tell by her face when she caught site of the two of you walking up the driveway from the living room window.
Robin gasped and ducked behind the curtain, pressing her back against the wall next to the bookshelf, out of sight.
“Steve!” She hissed, trying to get his attention in the kitchen, waving him over. He was bending down to grab another beer out of the refrigerator, talking to one of his buddies from the bar he bounced at from time to time.
He stopped what he was doing and came over with a look of concern on his face, his eyes scanning around for what might be bothering her.
“What is Katherine Clayton doing here?” She asked in a tense whisper.
Steve peeked around the curtain to catch a quick glimpse of who she was talking about, just as the two of you disappeared up the driveway around the corner of the house.
He was shaking is head, confused. “That’s Katie. What are you talking about?”
Robin’s eyes widened. “You had sex with Kathrine Clayton?” And then, as the realization sank in that Steve had done the deed with one of her long-standing secret crushes, she groaned and headed for the bathroom so that she could sit on the floor in there for a few minutes and regroup.
“Wait!” Steve whispered after her. “Please tell me you didn’t fuck her too?”
“I wish!” Robin yelled, just as she shut the bathroom door and he heard it lock.
Eddie was at the grill cleaning it off, his back to you, and your eyes locked on those unmistakable broad shoulders in a black t-shirt that had Megadeth tour dates half covered by his long hair, dark wash jeans cuffed at his boots, and a blue handkerchief hanging out of his back pocket. One knee bent out to the side; wallet chain draped over his thigh. Muscular triceps flexing under various colors of tattoo ink.
“Pineapple,” you said under your breath. A tape deck and two speakers were on the steps as music by Soundgarden blessed the event. You scanned the other 10 or so people there and didn’t see Steve, but another guest in one of the lawn chairs greeted you with a tilt of her beer.
The sound of the greeting made Eddie turn his head nonchalantly, but then once he saw it was you, he dropped what he was doing and spun around, wiping his hands on a rag as he went.
“Where should I put these?” You asked, referring to the stack of side dishes in your hands.
“Here, let me take them,” Eddie came over and bent down a bit to get his hands under what you were carrying, and his fingers fumbled on top of yours for a few seconds before the pass was complete, hard edges of his rings grazing the underside of your palm, both of you letting out a few goofy laughs. You had a low cut shirt on and you were delighted to find his gaze hovering on your cleavage more than once.
“This way,” he inclined his head for you to follow him over to a long table by the fence, his mouth kicking up on one side in a grin.
Steve’s head was still reeling over the fact that he accidentally slept with a girl that Robin had a crush on when he came out to welcome Katie with a hug and ask her what she wanted to drink. Steve was in full biker attire with his leather cut on over his t-shirt, leather pants, and his sunglasses on with his hair slicked back.
“Whatever you’re having,” Katie shrugged. “I’m easy. But, you already know that.” It was a joke, but under the circumstances, it made Steve feel worse. There were very few women on the earth that Robin admitted to having crushes on, and he managed to bury his cock inside of one. The sex had been fucking amazing, too, but he tried not to think about that.
Steve and Robin crossed paths as she was coming out and he was going in to get Katie a beer, and then Robin made her way over to greet her, trying not to let the disappointment read on her face.
“Long time no see,” Robin quipped, sliding a hand into the front pocket of her distressed, baggy denim.
“I can’t believe you remember me,” Katie balked, sincerely shocked.
“Whatever,” Robin looked down at the ground shyly and flexed her toes inside her Converse. “I used to use the water fountain on the other side of the warehouse just so I could get a glimpse of you in those daisy duke shorts you used to wear.”
Wait, Katie’s brain raced, was Robin insinuating that she used to have a crush on her too? That whole time??
“I know it’s been 6 years, but I still have the shorts,” Katie assured her, winking as she took a sip of her beer.
You were about to walk over to grab one of the folded chairs leaning up against the house, but Eddie told one of the guys to get up so that you could have his chair. You were about to protest, but the young dude with a full sleeve of tattoos popped to his feet and went to find another seat before you could get the words out of your mouth. Eddie wanted you to sit next to him, and that was that.
Eddie was still standing, about to ask you what he could get you to drink, when the screen door slammed open and a little dark haired boy came down the steps with Steve. “I’ll push you on the swings until uncle Wayne gets here,” Steve cooed in a very daddy voice.
“I owe Wayne big time for watching him tonight so that I could get drunk,” Robin said across the patio to Eddie.
“Are you kidding?” Eddie put his hand on your shoulder as he talked, casually showing ownership to everyone else at the party. “He loves hanging out with little big man.” You peeked at his ring-clad fingers that cupped your shoulder out of the corner of your eye and your stomach exploded with butterflies.
Oliver went over and hid behind Robin’s legs, and she introduced him to you and Katie. “He’s really shy around new people,” she said, tousling his hair. “But once he gets to know you, he’s a chatterbox.”
The little boy locked eyes with you curiously from behind Robin’s pant leg and continued to keep a silent watch on you until for the next 30 minutes until Wayne picked him up.
Everyone sat in an informal circle, and you were introduced to each person at the party, most of their names you forgot as soon as they were said to you. You found out that Steve was a tattoo artist, as well as being bouncer at a bar, and a couple of the guests worked with him and brought their significant others. One of the women was Robin’s ex, who she was still good friends with, and a woman she knew from the coffee shop she worked at. You also met one of Eddie’s bandmates Gareth, the only other original member, and his wife. You drank your first beer on an empty stomach and Steve encouraged you to tell your version of what happened that first night you all met at the Hideout. Eddie discouraged it, wanting to forget most of that night ever happened, but you continued. A few things you said made everyone laugh, and Eddie clapped his hand on top of yours at one point to squeeze it, giving you a wink and a little bitten-lip half-smile as he did so. You turned and met his eyes, the chemistry of your cosmic pull sparking little glints at the corners of your mouths; the unspoken hope of something new, something special.
When it was time to eat, Eddie asked you how you liked your burger, and when you told him you were a vegetarian, he startled you by clutching at his chest dramatically, pretending that you shot him in the heart, dropping his shoulder back. “Burgers are one of the things I do really, really well though,” you were sitting in the chair closest to him as he worked on the patties for everyone else.
“What are the other things you do well?” You were being coy, feeling a slight buzz as you sipped your second beer.
He looked at you over his shoulder and playfully raised his eyebrows a few times. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Eddie was having a hard time restraining himself from not bending down to kiss you with how adorable and flirty you were being. The only thing stopping him, besides not being sure you even wanted him to kiss you, was the fact that every single relationship he’d had with a woman for many years had been purely sexual, and things always escalated quickly. He was tired of sticking his cock in warm bodies he barely knew. Or worse yet, warm bodies he had grown to despise, like Charlene. He was tired of riding this hardcore persona every minute of every day. He wanted you to see the geeky side of him, the devoted, adoring side of him that he never let out of the bag because he didn’t trust himself to be vulnerable.
“Will you look at that,” Robin whispered to Katie who was in the chair to her. Her eyes were trained across the way at how close in proximity Eddie and you were. You were both making each other laugh, sneaking in whatever opportunity you could to touch each other, if only a brush of the elbows. “Did you know about this?”
Katie leaned over in her chair, putting her head to her shoulder. “It’s been brewing for a couple weeks now,” she told Robin. “Y/N has had a really rough couple years. She hasn’t shown interest in anyone since she moved here.”
“How come I’m always the last to know these things?” Robin asked, indulging herself with a deep inhale of the cinnamon spice smell of Katie’s hair, and then she turned to look at her, and the two of them shared this moment when their faces were extremely close in proximity for a heartbeat before they both jumped apart.
Just as the sun was starting to set, they lit the scattered tiki torches and the hard alcohol came out. Robin was the first one to throw back a shot, followed by Steve and Katie. The crowd thinned out by half, and you walked over to talk to Katie and grab a can of beer. He came over as you were about to pull the tab open and he stopped you, holding out his hand.
“Shotgun one with me?” He asked, his cheeks rosy, and his full pink lips inviting.
“Yasssss,” Robin overheard and stood up to get her own can with a hop in her step. “Steve! Shotgun with me!” Robin was definitely feeling the alcohol, and it was a happy sight for Steve because his best friend worked tirelessly every day to take care of him and Oliver and to keep their lives organized. He’d be running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to raise Oliver and work two jobs if not for her.
You looked around, and then down at Katie, who shrugged her shoulders.
“I’ve never...I don’t know how,” you laughed, hoping he wouldn’t think you were super lame.
Eddie winked, “I’ll teach you, Princess,” and then he held up the beer in his hand and explained how to hold it as he used the metal teeth from one of his keys to punch a small hole in the aluminum, and some of the beer misted his neck.
You watched how Steve shotgunned his, and you hoped it didn’t activate your gag reflex in some embarrassing way.
Standing in the grass behind where Robin and Katie’s chairs were, Eddie kept eye contact with you as he brought the punctured hole in the can to his mouth, lips wrapping around, and then he tilted his head back and flipped the tab so that the liquid went shooting down into his throat. You watched his Adam’s apple jerk up and down as he swallowed, some beer seeping out the corner of his mouth.
He made a refreshing ‘Ahhhhhh’ sound when he was done, and then he took your beer can to puncture it in the same way.
“Ready?” He asked. You weren’t, but you said yes anyway, liking the way his mouth kinda hung open, waiting for your answer.
He took hold of the back of your neck as he brought the can to your mouth, careful not to spill any of it on you. After a preemptive, nervous swallow, your hand replaced his on the can and you closed your eyes tight just as you flipped the tab and it hissed, shooting the cool liquid right over the back of your tongue and into your throat.
Some of it came out of your nose as you bent over to cough, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, snorting at how it tickled in your nostrils. With his hand still clutching the back of your neck, Eddie pulled you close and said, “good girl,” in your ear in a low octave that made your pussy twitch.
Once your coughing spasm was over, you tilted your head up, and suddenly his fingers were cupping under your chin, his thumb swiping from the corner of your mouth over your bottom lip to catch a drop of beer left there.
It hadn’t meant to be a sexual gesture, one that made the blood run to his cock, but it became so in the time it took for his thumb to make it from one side of your mouth to the other, and one of your hands went to rest on his waist.
A few feet away from you, Steve screamed, “bullshit!” and the group broke into laughter at something Robin said.
Stolen from his reverie by the jolt of reality, Eddie lowered his hand from your face and dropped his chin to his chest. “I’m sorry about the other night,” he said, gnawing a few tiny bites on his lower lip. “The whole thing that happened at the art show.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” you told him, sincerely, moving your hand from his waist to crook your finger into one of his front belt loops.
When his eyes lifted to yours, it was from under his lashes and his heart swelled up a bit at the way you were looking at him, like he really hadn’t done anything wrong. He felt like maybe, if you could forgive him for some of the things he’d done, then perhaps he could forgive himself.
“I don’t work for her anymore,” he confessed, crushing his can flat on his leg with a violent crunch, and then taking yours to do the same, before tossing them in a pile with the others. “I quit.”
The joy it made you feel probably widened your eyes a bit, but you tried to contain any visual tells as best you could. “It’s probably for the best.”
Inside, the phone started ringing. Robin had to turn the music down to make sure it wasn’t her mind playing tricks on her. Normally, they’d just let it ring, but with Oliver at Wayne’s, Steve ran inside to pick it up.
“So,” Eddie took a deep breath and took hold of your forearm, working along with finger stokes you might use on a guitar. “Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?”
You were hanging on his every word, but just then Steve leaned out from the screen door. “Eddie! Phone for you.”
Eddie made a face. “Is it Wayne?”
Steve shook his head. “I have no idea who it is, man. She just said it was urgent.”
“I’ll be right back, okay?” Eddie gave your arm one final squeeze. “Don’t disappear on me.”
You watched him go into the house, and then you turned to look at Katie who was taking another shot with Robin and another guest, and you realized that you needed to keep your wits about you because you would be the one driving Katie’s car home, and it had been a while since you’d operated a stick shift.
There was an open window to the kitchen on the side of the house, and you made sure no one was looking before you made your way over there to creep up beneath it and see if you could eavesdrop on what the phone call was about.
“How did you get this number?” Eddie barked into the receiver after he picked it up and found out who it was. The person on the other end said a few things, and then he added. “Don’t ever call here again.”
Robin turned the music up and some of what he was saying was drowned out, but you kept getting bits and piece as you strained with your ear just below the window. “….you need to stop….stop acting like it was more than fucking….go spend time with your husband….”
But then he was in the middle of saying something else when he got cut off abruptly, as if the other person hung up. Eddie slammed the phone onto the cradle of the receiver with a curse and it made you jump. After only a couple seconds, the phone shrilled again, and he picked it up before the first ring could finish.
“WHAT DID I TELL YOU?” he growled through gritted teeth, frustration burning in his chest.
But then, his tone changed, “oh, hey, sorry Bones. I thought you were someone else. What’s up? Yeah, Steve’s here he’s busy….this is Eddie…..how much…..yeah I’ll be there….”
You heard the phone click back onto the receiver again, gentle this time, and you came around to find Robin and her friends belting out the lyrics to Jealousy by Gin Blossoms as it played on the stereo.
“Tomorrow we can drive around this town and let the cops chase us around...
the past is gone, but something might be found to take its place….”
What the fuck happened to this night? Eddie wondered to himself as he stood just inside the kitchen with his back to the door, clenching his fingers into white knuckled fists, trying to calm himself down. He had finally worked up the nerve to ask you on a proper date and every single ghost from his past had to come back to bite him in the ass. First Charlene, who was threatening to show up at his place, and now a favor for the Coffin Kings. Not a favor out of the goodness of his heart, of course, he would be getting paid a decent amount, but still---horrible timing. He snatched his leather jacket off the hook in the alcove near the back door and puffed his cheeks out on a heavy exhale loaded with emotional exhaustion.
“Bones just called,” Eddie told Steve as he jumped down from the porch stairs and started punching his arms into the sleeves of his leather. “They need some last minute extra protection for that run they’re doing tonight, and I told him I would.”
“Shit, I’ll go too,” Steve told him, putting his half empty beer down on his chair. “Are they paying the same as last time?”
Eddie was buttoning his cuff, but his eyes shifted to Robin form under the curtain of his bangs; she was standing behind Steve shaking her head. “It’s just me tonight, man. You stay here with your family.” Also, Steve was clearly inebriated, and these runs with the Coffin Kings always had the potential to be dangerous work. Eddie promised Robin a few months ago that he’d keep him from taking part in them as much as he could. Not only did Eddie need the money, but he needed to blow some steam off.
After the interlude with Steve, Eddie’s eyes roamed until they landed on you, standing there talking to Robin’s ex, Stephanie. You felt the heat-seeking missiles of his warm wood stare and turned your head.
You blinked both of your eyes in a double wink, an endearing, bashful wink, and ….god...he wanted to rush over and pick you up, to feel you wrap your arms and legs around him, to nuzzle his face in your neck and carry you off somewhere.
Eddie flipped his collar as he walked over to where you were, standing half in the darkness of the driveway and half in the glow of the tiki torches around the lawn.
“Walk with me?” He asked, and then he stretched his fingers down, crawling across your palm to intertwine them with yours, watching your face the whole time to make sure it was okay.
He had long strides, so you had to trot down the pavement after him on the balls of your feet, clinging to his arm as you went. You could hear the party continue on behind you as you sucked the crisp air into your lungs and took in the leather and Old Spice and tobacco vanilla of Eddie’s scent. You felt so safe with him, the safest you’d felt in a long time.
Nothing could worry you except all of his little secrets, and wherever he was sneaking off to this late at night.
He let go of your hand so he could swing his leg over and mount his bike, and then he pulled his helmet from the handlebars, his eyes never leaving you. “I’m sorry to bail like this,” he shifted on his feet so that that the huge black bike with the airbrushed bats on the gas tank rocked the other way, enabling him to boot the heavy kick stand out of the way. “I’ll have to make it up to you one of these days.”
“I’d like that,” you said, watching him strap his matte black, bare bones helmet on. You didn’t know what he was about to go do but something compelled you to say, “be careful,” just as he revved the chopper to life, spitting out its fierce grumble like a mechanical dragon.
He thought about kissing you. If something happened to him on this run and he met his fate living on the knifes edge, he didn’t want to go with any regrets. But he lost his nerve and the moment slipped away, and then he was twisting his fists on the handlebars and backing the bike up into the shadows of the unlit street.
He lifted his fingers to you in one last wave as he went, sailing into the darkness, and eventually becoming it.
Part 5
taglist 💗: @unfocused81 @manicmagicmayhem @dream-a-little-nightmare @ms1oftheboys @tlclick73 @corrodedcoffincumslut @kelsiegrin @nope-thanks @falling-solar-system @lofaewrites
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dreamsister81 · 7 months
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Jeff Buckley, 1995, Providence
"Hi not a member of this group but going through some photo albums and thought you might enjoy this picture of Jeff resting on my bed on Power Street in Providence. I was working at WBRU at the time and we hosted a meet and greet for him at Strawberries and afterwards I invited him to lunch. The restaurant was closed so we went back to my house and I cooked for him while he took a nap on my bed. He was tired. There was no sex. Just stir fry broccoli and chicken, the one thing I could cook back then."-PattyValentine417 on Reddit
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starshideurfics · 2 months
Fly the friendly skies
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We love a sexist old ad around here as inspiration for a plot bunny.
early 60s, aob, steddie with side buckingham
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Steve as the seasoned omega stewardess who does it for the chance to travel and meet people and earn his own money so he can get out from under his father’s thumb.
Chrissy is new, just finished with training and paired with Steve to learn the ropes of keeping cool while serving a four course meal to a planeful of alphas, mixing drinks and pouring coffee.
She immediately catches the eye of the co-captain.
Only alphas are ever hired as pilots, and few alpha females make the cut, but Robin Buckley was top of her class so they couldn’t turn her down.
Steve likes flying with Robin since she doesn’t leer the way the male alphas do. Even the hungry way she’s looking at Chrissy is soft.
So, Steve prepares himself to train Chrissy and lose her to mating and marriage within the year. He still has five years before he turns thirty and he’s forced to retire.
He just wasn’t expecting an up-and-coming rock and roll band on this flight.
He certainly wasn’t expecting the guitarist for Jeff and the Fireballs to earnestly ask for his P.O. box so he can write him while they’re on tour.
“Maybe take me on a date first, honey,” Steve teases with a wink.
That gets Steve invited to that night’s show.
He and Eddie get married in Vegas a month later.
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Astrology Observation pt. 2
(Thank y’all for all the support on my first one❤️🙌🏾)
*as a sag Venus sag mars pls stop asking me why I’m laughing…I’m not laughing at YOU I’m just insane😝
*moon in the 1st synastry is so therapeutic you just feel really comfortable opening up to the 1st house person and as the 1st house person I feel honored someone trusts me enough to share their feelings🫶🏾
*people w aqua and libra in their big three are the chillest mfs you’ll ever meet. Even though I’m very chaotic anytime someone describes me “chill” just seems to be thrown in there. We space out ALOT and it’s honestly embarrassing😭 Ex: Alicia keys, lil Wayne, Harry styles, Rosalia. Harry gives such himbo energy in interviews and they drag him for it in the comments but he’s probably just thinking about multiple things at once. Alicia keys didn’t even realize lil mama was on that stage and went on performing lol. Obviously lil Wayne smokes but something about his energy…he’s on cloud 9. And just go watch Rosalia’s chicken shop episode💕😂.
*honestly Aries mars aren’t that bad when it comes to temper because usually they find ways to manage it. Now mars-Uranus aspects is a completely different story. I have late mars-Uranus and it takes me a while to get mad but when I do I can’t even think anymore. My old roomie had a tight square and she would blow up on people for no actual reason like girl sit down😭
*something about Scorpio mars men is just😮‍💨 they have such a sneaky energy to them that makes them stand out. Virgo mars are fine too they’re just so skinny and no matter wtf they do they’re always nerdy ugh (ex: Matthew gray gubler, Lucky daye, Dylan O’Brien, Jeff Buckley)
*i noticed Aries moon don’t really get along w each other. They find their own energy to be too mf much (which it can be) so they prefer being around more calmer people *coughs* libra moons like me. They wanna be bouncing off the walls 🤪 while their friend is just like 🙂.
* fire risings do a lot of things fast. As an Aries rising, I walk fast, get happy fast, eat fast, workout fast. My cousin is complaining her sag rising toddler eats and drinks way too fast.
*venus in 11th…how many tiktok drafts do y’all got😭
*i talked to this guy who had similar placements as me (Venus in 8th and moon in 6th plus Aquarius and Aries placements) It was so chaotic it was literally us going back and forth obsessing over eachother while trying to keep it lowkey. But also the amount of anxiety we are naturally incline to have made the whole situation too mf much.
*i have mercury conjunct my friends mars and for years she tells me the things I say can take people there and make them wanna fight me. It’s in Capricorn and so I was confused before I knew we had that aspect
* i noticed rappers whose lines always stick out to me have Gemini mars or mercury- mars (central cee, king von, tupac, kendrick , j. cole)
*i was talking to this guy and I had Venus and mars plus pluto in his 4th house. Months after we stopped talking our friend groups meshed and he would tell me non-stop I reminded him of his mother. He said she was the same height as me and y’all I was scared to ask what she looked like cause 😫 y’all remember that episode of family guy when Chris dated that girl that looked like Lois yep 4th house synastry.
*im a true crime whore and two women who killed their bfs had sun-Uranus aspects. Their energy was erratic and very off putting in videos. I can’t remember the other one but Courtney tailor/clenney was one.
* More spilling my business on the Internet😍 i think I’m done entertaining people my age. Pluto in the 8th, Lilith in 1st, and Venus conjunct Pluto synastry has been hell. Where’s my sugar daddy/mama?? It’s ghetto out here
*gemini Lilith generation whose a year younger than me is nasty asf😭 esp the tauruses they have their Lilith conjunct their Gemini Venus and opposite their Pluto. One said he had a slept w two girls at separate times. He didn’t know they met until the girls posted a selfie together and tagged him. They later told him they wanted a threesome and he did it😭 knowing astrology I believed every word
* sidebar Neptune-asc people and trying to give off innocent vibes ugh annoying asf to me. I can see right through their bs but they’re able to fool most people.
* mercury-Pluto aspects are in fact LIARS and throw a Scorpio placement in there😮‍💨
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piratefishmama · 6 months
Beware The Thorns | Part 9
Robin Buckley made it her job to know things about people in Steve Harrington’s life. That was something she’d always done. Ever since they’d been bound to chairs back to back in a basement, ever since Steve had goaded, pushed, and insulted their captors, spitting vitriol, forcing them to focus entirely on him leaving her with barely a scratch, a sore jaw from where one of them had slapped her across the face but that was it.
Steve had been hospitalised for over a week with his injuries.
And in that time, the senior Harringtons had laid waste to the entirety of the group that’d held them captive, and had forged an odd little friendship with Buckley&Buckley, a P.I husband and wife duo who were endlessly grateful for Steve’s sacrifice to ensure their daughters survival.
A friendship that continued for years after the senior Harringtons passed their empire onto their son in their passing.
She wasn’t even supposed to be there, she’d taken it upon herself to investigate something to prove that she could. To prove that she was ready to join her parents in their work. Wrong place, wrong time. But it gained her Steve, he was worth the nightmares.
Which was why she spent her Monday morning going to a coffee shop she didn’t actually enjoy on the east side of the city, drinking overpriced black ‘artisanal’ sludge, which usually she’d be an advocate for, fuck Starcucks an all that jazz, but this place?
Dumpster fire masquerading as a ‘hip new coffee joint’, ran by a douchebag in a beanie with a moustache that didn’t fit his somewhat misshapen potato sack face shape.
All to meet with one very pretty young lady, who seemed to actually enjoy the coffee the shop served.
“I need to know where he’s going to be.” A very pretty lady, who held her coffee cup to pursed, painted red lips, bright blue eyes on Robin’s face. “And I need to know if he’s already locked down a new client, I’m assuming these are things you’ll know… as his friend.”
“Mmnnn, I mean. You’re not wrong.” She took a sip then placed her cup back down on the cork coaster provided. “I do know where he’s going to be, and I do unfortunately know his hook up schedule, but what makes you think I’m going to tell you any of it? As his friend, it’s kind of my job to keep that information on lockdown, isn’t it?”
Robin liked Chrissy. She’d always liked Chrissy, same as Robin always liked Eddie, they had similar vibes. Wearing a mask of thorns to protect the pretty petals from those who’d do them harm. She didn’t know how they knew each other, didn’t know enough about Eddie to make assumptions as to where they’d met, but Chrissy was the closest thing Eddie had to a best friend, as far as Robin knew.
Chrissy was the only friend that Robin could get to without it immediately getting back to Eddie. Eddie’s little game friends, Gareth, Jeff, and Dougie? They’d tell him the second she reached out, would sound an alarm and she’d never get anywhere near him, claiming they were ‘being good friends’, but Chrissy was smarter by far. Chrissy was just enough of a best friend, to know when Eddie happened to need something that he didn’t want to admit to needing.
Just enough of a best friend to be able to tell him he was being an idiot, and not just immediately side with him.
Like Eddie’s very own Robin.
“It is, but I’m hoping that I’m right in the fact that he’s probably been miserable since he ended things with Steve, right?” It all kind of hinged on that. On Eddie’s real feelings behind his little mask. “Steve’s pretty miserable… it’s depressing”
“So miserable he’s sent you out to track Eddie down? Or are you doing this sniffer dog bit on your own initiative?” Robin opened her mouth to reply, but Chrissy continued as if she hadn’t asked a question, asking another instead, “what makes you think he’d be miserable?”
“Which question am I answering here?”
“Mmmmm second one please.” Chrissy took another sip, so nonchalant. She had an energy about her that Robin felt strangely familiar. A countenance Robin had only ever seen in one other person.
“I know he was acting, I know there are sides to Eddie that Steve never saw, that Eddie never let Steve see—”
“Like all the sides of Steve that Eddie never saw?” Robin tensed, brow furrowing “oh unclench, Robbie, the Cunninghams and the Harringtons go back generations, pretty sure Steve and I would have wound up in some stupid arranged marriage had the Harringtons not been against it.” Robin didn’t like not knowing things, why did she not know that? How had she missed Chrissy of all the potentials to have told Eddie about Steve’s life? How did she not know that Steve ought to know Chrissy? “I never said anything to Eddie and I don’t intend to, but… why should I let Eddie be dragged into such a messy life? There’s so many fish in the sea, Robin, why should I let my best friend be dragged down by a shark?” At least now Robin knew why Chrissy’s personality, her eerie calm felt so familiar.
She was Steve in prettier packaging.
“I’m at a disadvantage here, aren’t I?”
“Oh very much so, but you’re very cute so I’m letting you off.” Robin blinked once in surprise, then did her best to quell the pleasant buzz that thrummed through her veins at the not-so-subtle compliment “Please answer my question, why should I give you what you want?”
“He… Steve… He loves him, Chrissy… Steve has done bad stuff, don’t get me wrong, he’s done awful things to people, but I’ve never seen him like he is whenever Eddie’s around. It’s like he’s drowning in the dark and Eddie’s just… a light at the end of the tunnel, an if Eddie loves him too, which I think he does… why should they be apart?”
“And now the real reason, not the Hallmark movie one?” Chrissy raised a brow in boredom.
“I… I don’t know, Chrissy. I don’t know. I don’t. I’m running on best friend fuel. Steve needs him, or at least needs closure from him, and as his best friend I’m duty bound to try and get that for him. I’m sure you don’t love Eddie’s job. Right? He wouldn’t have to do any of it if he just—”
“Gave up his freedom and all the work he’s put in to establish himself in his field for a slim chance at happiness with one of the most dangerous men in the city?” Chrissy leaned back in her chair, one leg crossing over the other as she crossed her arms over her chest, coffee cup left to rest on the coaster.
“Better the devil you know though, right? Wouldn’t you rather him be with someone you know won’t hurt him… than with someone you don’t?” Chrissy’s eyes finally left Robin’s face, dipping down to the right as she thought about it.
Eddie wouldn’t be alone for long, he’d find a new client, he’d be on someone else’s arm, and he’d continue his life unchanged with a risk of being hurt.
Or… or he could have what he wanted.
Chrissy knew what Eddie wanted. They’d spent more than enough evenings on his couch with ice cream mooning over Steve Harrington and while she’d have loved to tell him that he was trash, he was a monster in sheep’s clothing… he just wasn’t. So she’d kept quiet.
She let Eddie pine away for a life he could have if he took a chance, never telling him why he shouldn’t.
“What if this new client wouldn’t hurt him?”
“Let’s be real Chrissy he’s probably already planned on reaching out to Tommy to fill in the gap in his schedule, you and I both know what kind of trash heap Tommy Hagan is.” An easy cash grab that’d probably make Eddie feel like shit. “Do you want to risk Eddie’s happiness on a what if, or do you want to tell me where he’s going to be so Steve can be there and sweep him off his feet?”
In retrospect, Robin should have probably been suspicious when Chrissy sat up straight, when she looked at Robin as if she was assessing her, and she definitely should have been suspicious when, with a short “Alright then,” Chrissy plucked a pen from her bag and a little notepad, and jotted down an address and a time. But with a small victory in her hands, and a front row seat to Chrissy’s perfectly perky… ponytail retreating for the door with their business concluded.
She really wasn’t thinking all that hard.
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xiaq · 10 months
Steddie Time Travel Fix-it: Pt 3
Ao3 Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4
Now that he’s started, Eddie can’t seem to stop watching Steve Harrington.
When he goes to school on Thursday, he’s tense all day waiting for…he doesn’t even know what. Something.
And things are definitely happening. The social order of the school has suddenly been upended in a way that is imminently noticeable. By lunch everyone knows that King Steve has quit the basketball team, had a shouting match with his former best friend Tommy Hagan in the locker room, broke up with his current girlfriend, and instead of lording over the high jock table in the cafeteria is now sitting with band-geek Robin Buckley, outcast Jonathan Beyers, and nerd girls Nancy Wheeler and Barbra Holland. None of the people at the table seem to find this unusual except Barb, who is looking at her table-mates in much the same way that everyone else in the cafeteria is: with a combination of confusion, intrigue, and curiosity.
It’s hard to focus on literally anything else, though Eddie does try to keep up with the flow of conversation where he’s sat between Jeff and Gareth.
That gets harder when Steve stands, walks to the trashcan a few feet from the Hellfire table, and dumps his tray.
He meets Eddies eyes, just as intense and fucking tormented as the day before, but he only nods, maybe a little delayed, and husks out a, “hey Eddie,” before turning purposefully and walking back to his table.
When he sits, Robin reaches over to squeeze his wrist and they have a whole conversation with their eyes before they both turn to look at Eddie again.
Robin smiles shakily, gives him an awkward little wave, and he, sort of automatically, waves back.
“Ok, what the fuck,” Jeff says.
“Believe me when I say I have no idea,” Eddie answers.
He keeps waiting for it, the rest of the day–though what it is, he doesn’t know.
He tracks Steve through the hallways between periods, and each time Steve catches his eye he nods, or says, “hey Eddie,” and then just…continues on his way. They share the last period of the day: PE. And for once, Eddie doesn’t skip. He watches as Steve steps onto the court with a weird, aggressive, awareness. He dominates dodgeball with a grim determination that feels wrong in a school gymnasium. He asks and gets permission from the PE coach to spend the last half of the period in the weight room.
Eddie slips out of the gym a few minutes later––the coach is so used to him ditching at this point he doesn’t even try to stop him. He collects his backpack and lunchbox from his locker and drags his fingers down the concrete wall on his way to the double entrance doors: freedom. 
He stops.
He makes a frustrated about-face.
He stalks back the way he came, past the gymnasium and around the corner. He stands in the hall outside the weight room and looks through the smudged window in the door.
Steve is alone, working out and looking pissed about it, sweat already dampening his Hawkins Varsity Basketball T-shirt. He racks a set of weights, grabs a second set, less heavy than the ones he just put away, and curses on his way back to the bench.
He doesn’t have a walkman or anything, he’s just––working out. And not like Eddie has seen the jocks working out before: flexing and posturing and peacocking in front of the mirrors. Steve is pushing himself through chest presses like it’s a punishment, or maybe a necessary evil. Like he’s preparing to go to war or something.
Eddie doesn’t know how long he stands there, watching, but it’s long enough that Steve gets through two more sets and then wraps his hands before going to town on the punching bag. Until there’s sweat dripping down his neck and his wet hair is in his eyes; until the soft, grunted, exhalations of his exertion start to sound like sobs.
Steve stops, suddenly, his breathing loud enough that Eddie can hear it, sharp and discordant, in the hallway. Steve clings to the bag like it’s a person, face pressed to the leather, shoulders shaking, and Eddie feels like the worst kind of voyeur.
He leaves.
He goes to the picnic table in the woods to do his after-school deals, walks home, and then sits on his bed and stares at the walkie for a long, long, time.
The rest of the week is the same: Eddie waiting for something that never happens.
By the end of the following week, Eddie would think he’d imagined it all––the bathroom, the late-night visit to the trailer, the request to be friends, except the radio Steve gave him is still sitting on the window sill in this bedroom. And Steve keeps saying hello to him in the hallways and at lunch. And he never loses the slightly desperate look in his eyes when he catches and holds Eddie’s gaze across the room: a look that makes Eddie feel like he’s lost something he can’t remember.
Until Tommy Hagan happens.
Tommy Hagan often happens to the freaks. The rich popular kid shoving around the weirdos is nothing new. It’d be unusual if it didn’t happen on occasion and there's been a weird downtick in bullying since Harrington ceded the throne. Not that Steve ever hurt any of them himself before, but in the past, half the time, it felt like his underlings crumpled someone's notes or shouted slurs across hallways as a way of gaining Steve’s attention. Like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Any attention is good attention, right?
Except now, Jason Carver and Tommy Hagan are clearly both trying to take the top spot in the social hierarchy that Steve has vacated, and they’re going about it with fear rather than respect. Groundbreaking.
 While Carver is a bit more discrete with his assholery––after all, he has to stay a golden boy in the teachers’ eyes––Hagan doesn’t have a discreet bone in his body. And he tends to fall back on predictable modes of intimidation.
Eddie’s just sat down at their lunch table, hasn’t even had a chance to take a bite of his sandwich, when Hagan smacks the back of Jeff’s head next to him and drops his hands to rest, too tight, on Jeff’s shoulders.
“I’m going to need you to leave my girlfriend the fuck alone,” he snarls into Jeff’s ear. “Saw you panting after her in the hall after third period. Didn’t like that.”
“We’re partners for the science lab,” Jeff mumbles. “I have to talk to her about our project.”
“Sure.” He lets go of Jeff’s shoulders, only to hit the back of his head with the heel of his hand again. “Guess I don’t need to worry anyway, judging by how you stare at us in the showers, huh?”
And Eddie is done.
He stands, shoving Hagan away from Jeff, both palms flat to his chest, legs braced. He grew a few inches the summer before and while Eddie is still thin as a fucking bean pole he’s taller than Hagan, now. Not by much, but he isn’t as easy a target anymore and, at his core, Hagan is a coward.
“Fuck off,” Eddie snarls.
But he’s not so cowardly today.
Eddie ducks the first punch and deflects the second. He’s never actually hit someone before and he’s deeply regretting turning down Wayne when he offered to teach him as the clamor of voices rises around them.
Eddie doesn’t even realize Steve is there until he’s standing between them, his hand wrapped around Hagan’s wrist, just below his fist.
Everything goes still and anticipatory. A hush falls.
“I need you to understand,” Steve says quietly, pulling Hagan even closer to him when Hagan tries to jerk away, “that I wasn’t joking when I said things are going to be different, now.”
“What the fuck, Steve,” Hagan whines.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Steve continues calmly, “but I will if you keep this shit up. You leave them alone.”
The cadence of his voice, the tone, is such a contrast to Hagan’s that it makes Hagan sound like a huffing child. Steve sounds like a teacher. Or a dad. Quiet. Assured. Firm. Unbearably hot.
Eddie forces himself to refocus.
“Also,” Steve says, even quieter, leaning forward so they’re nearly nose to nose. “I wouldn't be throwing around accusations about watching people shower.” He squeezes Hagan’s wrist harder. “Considering.”
Hagan’s face goes pale. The kind of pale that means fear rather than anger.
Eddie knows the look on Hagan's face because Eddie has worn it before, and the second-hand terror, the empathetic rush of fight or flight, leaves him briefly frozen, winded.
“Do we understand each other?” Steve says, his voice still barely above a whisper. Eddie is pretty sure he’s the only one hearing this exchange and he wishes that wasn’t true because he desperately wants someone to confirm that he’s not hallucinating.
“You wouldn’t,” Hagan hisses. “You can’t.”
“You have no idea what I’m capable of,” Steve says. 
Eddie certainly feels the truth in that.
“Go sit down,” Steve instructs, just as even as mild as he started. “And maybe pass on the word to Jason. It’ll be easier if I didn't have to have this conversation again.”
Hagan wrenches his arm away from Steve with a muttered “fuck you,” but he turns tail and retreats, straight back into the hall with a slam of his palms to the crash bar on the door.
And then, in the silence that follows, Steve pushes back his disheveled hair, glancing around, and sits. At the Hellfire table. 
He nods for Eddie to sit back down across from him, in his customary seat, which Eddie does. Slowly.
The rest of the guys say nothing.
“Hey, so,” Steve says, apparently oblivious to the tumult he’s caused. He leans forward, weight on his elbows, looking earnest and so fucking swoon-worthy Eddie wants to punch a wall. “I need to get the details about the new campaign from you. When does it start and what time do we meet?”
“What the fuck,” Jeff says quietly
“You play D&D?” Gareth asks.
“You want to play D&D with us?” Jeff clarifies.
“Yeah,” Steve glances between them, then settles his attention, like a habit, back on Eddie. “Didn’t Eddie tell you?”
“I didn’t know if you were serious,” Eddie manages.
“I’m serious,” Steve says. 
The statement feels loaded.
“Right. Well. We meet in the theater room on Friday nights. Six to nine. The new campaign starts next week and I need your character details at least 48 hours beforehand.”
“I think my character is ready now, but if you wouldn’t mind looking over it with me, I’d appreciate it.”
“Sure,” he says faintly.
“What are you doing after school today?”
“Band practice,” Gareth says, kicking him under the table. “Right after school. Like we do every Wednesday.”
“Right. Band practice.”
“I could pick you up after? We can grab dinner and talk about my character then?”
“Sure,” Eddie says. “We practice at Gareth’s house. On Mt. Olive. Should be done around five-thirty.”
Steve slaps the table and stands. “I’ll see you then.” He pauses. “Oh, I meant to ask. How did your audition thing at Hideout go last weekend?”
“We got the slot,” Eddie says, and then, with forced bravado. “So I guess you’ll have to come see us play some time.”
Steve grins. “That’s awesome. Congratulations, guys. I’ll definitely come this weekend. Might bring Rob and Nance, too, maybe Jonathan if he’s up for it.”
“Sure,” Eddie says again. 
Steve’s hand drops, just for a second, to Eddie’s shoulder. It squeezes.
And then he’s gone––back to his table.
“I have so many questions,” Gareth says.
“I promise you I have more,” Eddie mutters.
Pt. 4
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afewproblems · 1 year
For the writing prompts - steddie, 3. “I’m not jealous” or 31. “You weren’t supposed to laugh!”? Pls & Ty
Thank you so much @steddierthings for your lovely prompt! I chose number 3, "I'm not Jealous" (I was trying to get both prompts but just couldn't come up with a solid enough idea for the two of them)
This is partly inspired by this post that I read recently but I really like this idea and I do hope that you enjoy!
This was the last straw, Gareth thinks to himself, his face in his hands, fingers dangerously close to plunging themselves into his eyes. 
“I can’t take it anymore man,” Gareth groans as Jeff takes a seat at their favorite table. It’s tucked away into the far corner of the Hideaway, the thick shiny veneer has been dulled over the years and the honey wood beneath is covered in thick layers of graffiti and carved initials. Jeff is particularly proud of the Metallica logo he painstakingly free-drew out on one of the corners while the bartender wasn’t looking. 
Jeff snorts as his gaze travels to Eddie at the bar before falling back to Gareth, who has dropped his hands in favour of glaring at the back of their friend. 
"If I have to hear him fuckin' harp about Harringtons perfect lips one more time I swear I'm going to lose it," he mutters before taking one last pull on the nearly empty bottle in front of him. Gareth winces at the taste of warm beer as he swallows the dregs and puts the bottle down a tad harsher than he means to. 
Jeff rolls his eyes and smirks, "I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon dude, he's too much of a chicken-shit to actually do anything about it," he shrugs and takes a swig of his own beer, "besides, you remember him after the senior swim meet?" 
"Oh my Goood," Gareth groans and drops his head to the sticky table surface, "he didn't shut up about that swim suit, or his moles, for a fucking month". 
Now admittedly, Gareth could appreciate that Steve Harrington was hot, he had eyes in his head after all. 
But he just couldn't understand this sudden resurgence of Eddie's very vocal pining from afar. 
After the whole business with poor Chrissy, the man-hunt that left Gareth and Jeff incredibly spooked, and the sudden earthquakes that swallowed much of their small town, Eddie had come back to their band with a gaggle mismatched party members that trailed after him like lost puppies -including Steve Harrington. 
Now, Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler made sense. Robin was one of their own -a band geek, sheep adjacent in her own right and Nancy was Mike's sister, whip-smart and twice as scary. 
But Steve, former jock and King of the hallways of Hawkins high? 
It made no sense. 
But, he had been there for Eddie through it all apparently. Steve had sat at his bedside in the hospital, trading off with Wayne and Dustin to let them go home for a rest while they waited for Eddie to wake up. He had brought over food to the Munson's new trailer to help while Eddie was still recovering, and even offered to host their renewed Hellfire nights at the Harrington House rather than the school. 
As much as Gareth hated to admit it, Steve Harrington actually seemed to have turned into a decent dude. 
Which brings him back to the issue at hand. 
"I just don't get why he won't shut up about him man," Gareth says with a sigh, he looks over at Jeff who is busy rolling his eyes and looking for an empty spot on their table to tag with his pen.
"I mean, you would if you've ever been hopelessly in love with someone before," Jeff says with a shrug before elbowing Gareth sharply as Eddie makes his way back to the table with three beers.
Oh…well shit.
"Maybe he just needs a little push," Gareth hums under his breath to Jeff as Eddie plunks the bottles down and slides them across the table toward them.
"What are we talking about?" Eddie asks as he takes a seat on one of the mismatched chairs on the far side of the table, he looks between Jeff and Gareth expectantly with a crooked grin. 
Gareth takes the new bottle in front of him and tears at the slightly damp paper label with his nail, as a new thought blooms, he turns to meet Jeff's eyes with a grin and lets the thought travel through their gaze.
I have a plan.
Dude, trust me!
Jeff shakes his head and hides a smile behind his beer as he takes another swig.
"We were just talking about the next Hellfire meeting, maybe we can sweet talk Harrington into hosting again for us," Gareth says, trying to keep his voice level, he leans forward on his elbows and ignores the sigh that escapes Jeff beside him. 
Eddie brightens slightly and smiles for a moment before it disappears as his eyes narrow suspiciously, "probably," he says after a beat, "why?" 
"No reason," Gareth hums again as innocently as he can manage, "Steve's great, it'll be cool to catch up on how the Hoosiers are doing, that's all". 
Eddie freezes across the table and Jeff kicks Gareth's leg, hard, he fights off a wince at the impact and kicks back. 
"I uh," Eddie stutters out as he slowly seems to gain his movement back, "I didn't know you liked Basketball". 
Gareth waves his left hand and drops his gaze back to the bottle in his right, trap set. 
"I don't follow it that closely, that's why it's nice to talk to Steve about it," he lies.
Gareth has no interest in Basketball and has not in fact spoken to Steve much, outside of thanking him for hosting their last session. He can feel Jeff's gaze boring into the side of his face, it's one lie, one little white lie and it's for a good purpose, right? For love!
He tries not to let Eddie's somber face eat away at him for the rest of the night.
It's at the next Hellfire night that Gareth decides to kick things up a notch despite Jeff's warnings. 
"Just don't do anything really stupid man," Jeff tells him over the phone before the game. It wasn't like it was malicious, Eddie just needed a little push in the right direction. 
Maybe a big push.
Gareth takes a deep breath as he walks into the kitchen of the Harrington house, he'd never been here himself during the wild party phase King Steve had been infamous for and he can see why it was the central hub for the popular crowd. 
The kitchen itself is massive and the in-ground pool outside the window seems like it would be fun in the summer without the chill of April winds and the tarp covering it. 
Steve is in the kitchen talking with Eddie, he's wearing a slightly oversized forest green sweater and tight blue-jeans which --even Gareth catches himself staring a little too long at. Focus.
He's bent over the oven and putting something on a cookie sheet onto the middle rack before standing back up and closing the door. Steve takes off the floral oven mitts and sweeps his wild hair away from his heat-flushed face. Eddie seems to be listening but his eyes are just slightly glazed over and lingered far too long on the swell of Steve's jean-clad ass as he bent over.
"Hey man," Gareth calls out from the kitchen entrance, he ignores the way Eddie freezes again before slumping into a pout.
"Oh hey," Steve says, his voice tinged with slight surprise, "you excited for the session tonight?" 
Gareth nods and siddles up closer to the pair, he leans around to take a peek at the oven behind them and sniffs the air exaggeratedly, "oh what did you make for us this time Harrington? I swear, if you cooked for me like that every day I'd die a happy man". 
A pretty pink blush blooms over Steve's cheeks and ears as he fumbles with one of the oven mitts, and Okay, if Eddie doesn't make a move soon maybe….
No. Focus up man.
Steve's large hazel eyes flick from Gareth to Eddie so fast he almost misses it. 
"Uh, I mean, it's just some pizza rolls, I didn't actually have time today," Steve mumbles with a shrug, he doesn't seem to notice the furious glare that Eddie shoots Gareth's way, too busy turning around to set the timer on the little plastic egg on the counter. 
"Next time, I'm sure," Gareth says with a smile, knocking his shoulder into Steves and leaning into his space, a startled high pitched laugh bubbles out of Steve who shrugs again. 
Eddie reaches out and slings an arm around Steve's shoulders, tugging him slightly away from Gareth and into Eddie's space. He watches, fascinated as Steve relaxes slightly into Eddie's hold. 
"Stevie here does such a good job taking care of us," Eddie says sweetly into Steve's ear, he may as well have pissed in a circle around the kitchen and told Gareth to back off and eat glass, it doesn't go unnoticed the way Steve seems to bask in the attention -to Gareth anyway.
Ah well, in for a penny.
"How is it that someone hasn't snatched you up yet Harrington? He cooks, he cleans, he hosts game nights? Like a regular Carol Brady or something," Gareth asks, his voice almost wavers as Eddie's hackles rise. Eddie's normally soft brown eyes have hardened and he's looking at Gareth as though trying to figure out if he could actually get away with kicking him in the shin, or somewhere slightly higher.
But then all at once Eddie sags, he abruptly drops his arm from Steve's shoulder and stomps out of the kitchen leaving Steve and Gareth alone as the back door slams shut. 
Well shit.
Steve's eyebrows crinkle together worriedly as he bites his bottom lip, his eyes trained on the back door, "that was mean," he says softly before finally shifting his gaze to meet Gareth's surprised face, "I know what you were trying to do, but I don't think he was really ready to talk about it yet man," Steve continues with a shake of his head before seemingly steeling himself.
Steve breathes out a long sigh and hands Gareth the oven mitt in his hand without looking at him, "that timer is going to go off in about eight more minutes, just flip them when it goes off and then put them back for another ten".
And with that Steve steps around him to follow Eddie out the door. 
"I told you not to do anything stupid man," Jeff's voice floats into the kitchen from the hall, Gareth resists the urge to knock his head into the wall beside him.
"I know, I know," he mumbles as Jeff takes the spot that Eddie and Steve had vacated, "I should probably go apologize, can you watch these?" Gareth gestures towards the oven as he hands over the mitts.
Jeff's nods and rolls his eyes again as he leans back against the counter, "I better hear groveling dude," he calls out as Gareth makes his way towards the back door, "don't think Eddie wouldn't kill your character just to spite you!"
Gareth walks a little faster at the thought.
Without a porch light the yard is dark but for the pale moonlight that stretches over the lawn and patio. He makes his way down the stairs but pauses as soft voices reach his ears. 
"I'm not, I'm not jealous man," Eddie scoffs, his voice comes out in a sharp growl.
"No, Eds, that's not what I'm saying--" 
"Why would I be jealous, I don't own you, you can date or screw whoever you want Harrington," Eddie says again, his voice now bitter and soft.
There's silence for a moment before Steve speaks slowly, "whoever I want huh?" 
"Be my guest," Eddie scoffs again.
Gareth tip toes over, closer to the corner of the house and crouches down beside the bushes before peeking around the corner, just in time to see Steve step forward and slowly cup Eddie's face before leaning in to kiss him. 
Gareth resists the urge to cheer in relief, but it's a near thing. 
Eddie is frozen for a moment before he seems to come back to himself, his hands rise up to thread into Steve's hair and around the small of his back as Eddie walks them backwards into the side of the house, he presses Steve against it drawing out a surprised gasp which Eddie swallows with a please hum.
Gareth takes this as his queue to back away slowly and tip toe back up the stairs, no need to add voyeurism to his list of crimes for the day. 
When Steve and Eddie do finally return to the kitchen, Steve's hair is in complete disarray and his lips are nearly as red as his flushed cheeks. Eddie grins widely, radiating happiness, and saunters in with his arm loosely draped around Steve's waist. 
Eddie spots Gareth hovering awkwardly near the oven, Jeff pays neither of them any mind as he takes out their treats from the oven and asks Steve for a hand plating everything for the kids in the living room. Steve smiles knowingly at Jeff, his eyes trail over to Eddie and Gareth once before he snags a platter from the cupboard and leads Jeff to the farthest side of the kitchen. 
"I suppose I have you to thank for that?" Eddie says quietly, the rising volume in the living room teases the arrival of the kids at any moment. 
"Yeah, look I'm sorry man--" 
Eddie waves him off and claps him on the back with a small smile, "eh, it's fine, I needed a little push, wasted a lot of time thinking I didn't deserve everything I wanted," he says softly. 
Eddie snorts suddenly and a playful grin blooms over his face as he brings up his hand to poke Gareths chest, "Besides, I'm your DM remember? I can throw an ancient red dragon at you guys next time and tell the kids it's your fault". 
Eddie cackles as he leaves Gareth in stunned silence to join Steve and Jeff on their way into the hallway. He slips his hand into Steve's back pocket as he joins them. 
Gareth groans quietly, and starts mentally writing out a new character backstory, he has a feeling his current Elf Ranger wasn't going to last that much longer. 
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