#daras story
sweetdreamsjeff · 1 year
dara's story...
Okay, so I've been informed that you guys do want to hear my long "how i met jeff" story (stories), so here goes.
My friend Fatin (also a subscriber) and I decided to go to a Velocity Girl show at a place called Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ (go there if you're ever in the area-great place! wanted to move in there for awhile). A band with the name Sunny Day Real Estate was opening up for them and I clearly remember Fatin and I standing outside of Maxwell's looking at the list (they posted the list of upcoming shows on the outside double doors) to see who was going to open up for VG now that we had the tix, and laughing at the name because it sounded so funny! Sunny Day Real Estate! Haha!
Well, we were excited for the show anyway (we were-or at least I was-obsessed with going to as many shows as possible and seeing any band that I'd barely heard of). I was doing a 'zine at the time with my writings and poetry which had my name and address on them. I brought a camera to the show so I could take pix for the next issue of my 'zine which I had decided to make less personal and more music related b/c no one wrote to me (well not no one as you will see). So I went into the show and was won over by the amazing SDRE! I didn't even want to see VG after that (well, actually I did b/c I was curious to see them live). I couldn't believe how the band just hypnotised me! I understood sex, drugs and rock & roll, or I had thought I did, but I had just been thinking of it in a Mick Jagger and Madonna wink wink type of sexuality. I was amazed by how this band had just so much sexuality to them that was not forced. It very much had to do with a love of music on theri part and a love of performance. They were definitely the type of band that I think get off from performing. So I took a lot of pictures, especially of the lead singer just because he was also quite amazing, he was right in front of me, and yes, because he was (and still is) gorgeous.
Well, they ended and VG came on (actually i sat next to Sarah Shannon on the stage for like 5 minutes and couldn't think of a single thing to say-still thinking of SDRE I think) and then they were done (not even half as amazing as SDRE-sorry). I talked to Jeremy a bunch afterwards b/c this girl named Lizzy started talking to me b/c she wanted to get copies of the pix I was taking and so I was talking to him "for her." Well after I talked to him, and Dan and Nate And William (Wm. is a flirt but really cute in person and very funny to watch while drumming-look at all the faces he makes) I went outside the concert hall (there's a restaurant there too) and started talking to some guy along with my friend when who should I spy not ten feet away but Juliana Hatfield. So I went over to talk to her. I wasn't like "wow!" b/c I had just met Evan D. recently at a signing (so cheesy I know, but hey I couldn't resist. He signed a picture I drew of him. We were the first to see him with buzzed hair. Real reason it was buzzzed? He and a friend got drunk and decided to buzz his hair-May 17 was the day of that signing, the day before he went to Cali for the MTV Beach thing)) and I actually disliked Juliana a lot at that point b/c she had recently been on the cover of Spin (long hair, white background) and she had said that she knew of no girls that could play guitar well and my feminism was offended. So I went up to her with the attitude of "oh well, another famous person to add to my collection." She was nice though and she took my 'zine and I asked her if she was here to see VG and she said "No, SDRE." Well, that was about it. Imagine my surprise when one day my mom hands me my mail and the return address says J. Hatfield. No, I'm not kidding. She asked me for copies of the pix of Jeremy which I sent to her and she wrote a lovely little note in reference to my 'zine. Suckered! I liked her now! (I also reread that article and she said "...except Bonnie Raitt, who was the female I had been thinking of, and the only female I could think of so my feminism wasn't offended anymore as much as shocked at the truthfulness of the statement). So I gladly sent her the not-so-great pix (forgot the flash at home-oops) and a letter. She did write back a thank you note. So when I found out she was having a show on June 2nd, 1995, at Roseland Ballroom (in NYC) I got tickets and so did Fatin. Last minute (and I really mean last minute), I called and asked for a back-stage ticket and she gave me one!! I guess it was a return favor. (I forgot to ask for one for Fatin but more on that later). I was ecstatic.
Oh yeah, opening for her was this guy named Jeff Buckley whose picture I had seen on the cover of this really thick magazine whose name I can't remember (not something that's a well-known magazine), and Fatin had told me about him so I was curious and excited to see him too. We got to the show and I stood on line (Fatin with me) for the backstage pass and who should happen to be just a few people behind me but Mr. Dando himself who I had a big crush on at that time (it was b/c Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill, the only other one to write me back about my 'zine after I met her after a Rock For Choice show and got backstage to ask her to speak to the newlly formed Gender Equities club at my school and gave her my 'zine too, sent me a 'zine that she was doing then -I think- about her love of Evan Dando and why and other things in her life that I won't mention). Fatin told me to go up to him but I couldn't and I didn't want to lose my place in line. Besides, if he was going to be backstage and I was too, we'd get to talk later.
So we went through the line and (the ticket guy was the same guy who had been at another show that I had free tix to but had forgotten my ID but had let me in anyway so this time I showed him my ID and said "see, I wasn't lying!") went inside, and I went to the platform stage for those with backstage passes and poor Fatin was on the side (I'm so sorry Fatin!) I watched Jeff's show and liked it but I wasn't totally paying attention to it b/c some women invited me to sit in a seat until their friends got back, and one of those friends was Janet Billig (she used to manage Nirvana, Hole, Evan, Smashing Pumpkins and signed them all-I think. She's now Vice-President of Atlantic Records at 29 and she's the one who Courtney Love said at one of her shows a couple of years ago, -paraphrasing here- "Don't fuck with Janet Billig cuz I'll have to fuck with you!" or something like that. There was an article about her in Spin I believe like 3 years ago - it was on my friend's wall), so I was really excited and nervous because this blond woman had come over and I had thought it was Janet so I kept switching my attention between her and Jeff (wasn't Janet by the way).
At the break between bands I went to the bathroom which was backstage (ran into Lewis Largent who used to host 120 Minutes before Matt Pinfield, who I had met at a previous show. Really really nice guy but very shy. He remembered me though!). Well, everyone went downstairs too, so that was weird and cool. I don't remeber this period to well but I do remember seeing Jules before she went on. After the bathroom I got on the corner of the side stage platform (can't really describe it sorry, but it was a very good spot to see the show) and danced through Jules entire set with my new friend Cristy (who looked a bit like Jules and was from Texas and her boyfriend who looked like Thurston Moore and worked at Reprise). After the set and before the encore I went back to the pit where Jules had just come off stage (was very easy then-they have since closed up that area :0( ) and watched her and Evan cutely give each other a big smooch (no tongue. by the way, Evan had a girlfriend who was tall and had brown hair and glasses and I think was his girlfriend. Sorry she wasn't the groupie type and not Mia Kirshner with whom Evan had just gone to her (MK's) opening for that movie she was in where she played a stripper who dressed in school girl outfits who this guy became obsessed with. haven't seen that girl -not MK- since) before Jules went back on for the encore.
After the show I wheedled the guard to let Fatin come backstage (right before that who should I knock into but PAUL MCCARTNEY!! and HIS WIFE! NO JOKE!!) even without a pass, and they let her. I was planning on taking her to meet him b/c I knew it would make her REALLY happy.
Well, we found Jeff looking passed out and sweating right by the stairs off the platform that go towards the backstage but not in the downstairs backstage part sitting on the floor drinking a water bottle and talking to some girl standing up. I said "Good show" he said "Thanks" and then I asked him if he knew where Jules was and he said probably downstairs. I said thanks and we left. Fatin couldn't say anything (I don't think) and at that moment I decided he was pretty cute and talented and I liked him too. Oy vey. Well, we went downstairs and looked for Jules and she told me about SDRE being on the Batman Soundtrack and I gave her my new 'zine issue and she said thanks and went back to talking to her friends. She is very shy and not too comfortable with people she doesn't know, but when she's with her friends she's really comfortable it seems and outgoing and fun. Well, Fatin and I floated around like lost (if you don't know anyone in the biz- and I do mean the business side of it, it can be really uncomfortable and boring) souls, although I talked to Tanya Donnelly (wearing a very cute and cool outfit I remember. Very nice WOMAN, 5 feet tall just like me). I then remember going over to wear Jeff was talking to some chicks with Fatin and we talked to him, standing not two feet from him. He was flirting completely. He gave me a water bottle (he was drinking one too and I asked him where he got it and he just handed me one. I had forgotten that Fatin and I had bought one earlier but oh well, I'll take a water bottle from Jeff anytime, even if I'm drowning), and I lit a cigarette (Newport). He said "Ooh, Menthol" and shared the cigarette with me!! A little later Evan Dando came by and wanted a cigarette and looked to Jeff who looked at and pointed to me and I gave Evan a cigarette and lit it for him off of mine! It was a miracle I seriously believe that I actually lit the cigarette and not something else! Hell, with Jeff and Evan standing around paying atttention to you, wouldn't you have missed? I didn't thank g-d!)
Well Evan left us and he said something really weird like "yeah, i pretended i just did coke" or something like that. don't quote me on that ok? (Evan has a really weird sense of humor. You know that sense of humor where you know you should say something in response but you just aren't on that wavelength yet and you just don't get where they are coming from -much like my sense of humor, which is a big part of the reason that Fatin and I became friends- well that's what Evan's sense of humor is like). The other two women who were hanging in our little circle I don't remember much except one who was tall, thin, black, and looked REALLY familiar, but I still don't know where from! No she wasn't a model (although Melissa auf der Maur was there too - and flirting a bit with Jeff or trying to be near him so no Courtney didn't lie that she had a crush on him - and I knew she looked really familiar but I couldn't figure it out where I knew her from so I thought she was a model till it dawned on me who it was). Well, this particular girl had a broken arm and I asked her how it happened and our Jeff quiped "Masturbating accident." Heehee. He's got a great sense of humor I think.
Well, guess what happened just after that? The clock struck 12:30am (Fatin and I both had Achievement tests to take the next morning!! argh! so we had to be out of there by 12:30) and my MOM came down!! No joke (unfortunately)!! You should have seen the look on Jeff's face when he saw her (and mine!) We had to leave and so I like turned and grabbed his arm with my hand behind my back and said (somewhat jokingly) "No! Don't make me go!" And so we left. I don't blush but I sure as hell was after that (well, it wasn't as bad as when my dad came looking for me after the Pearl Jam show-but that's a whole 'nother story!). Oh, my mom told me later that when she tried to get in (we had agreed to meet at the front doors but they were locked so my 'rents went around to the back doors where a shitload of kids were standing outside with guards and a security block thing, and the guards originally wouldn't let my mom in but then she said that she had a sixteen year old in there -whoa! I was 16!?!? forgot about that!- who had to take the SAT's tomorrow and he let her in - why?!?! - to the jealousy of all the kids outside! When she went downstairs, somebody looked at her and said "uh oh party's over" and my mom replied "do I look that much like a mom?" to which they then replied "uh huh!"). Then we went home and I've been unhappily ever after ever since. Until Lollapalooza.....
But that's Part 2 of the "How I Met Jeff Story" which I'm going to have to write another time because I've been happily procrastinating for way too long now. The last of the name-dropping of that night is that I think Eric Erlandson was there too but not with Drew and only for a short time if he was.
write me if you have any comments, questions, etc.
love to everybody, dara
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simgerale · 1 month
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✨ Coming Soon… ✨
Sequel to Regal
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kaori04 · 10 months
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what is Jaskier now, a therapist😭
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panelshowsource · 9 months
Brydon & • Dara Ó Briain Talks WILTY, Graham Norton & Touring Europe
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leafy-m · 2 years
alizayd for character opinion bingo 🧍🏽‍♀️
Thank you! 💖
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Alizayd al Qahtani is the fucking best. There is no contest. He's empathetic, he's a sass machine, he's got a backbone made of righteous steel, he's a nerd raised to be a jock and was the best zulfiqari of his generation through sheer determination. He's the smartest (and tallest) man in the room that loves to help people and is also an oblivious social loser. He's a math genius and an economic wizard that outsmarted the Royal Treasury's best accountants as a teenager to secretly fund and make the Tanzeem's illegal transactions untraceable, and *During a Recession* got a millennia-old decrepit hospital to be completely rebuilt and functional in like 6 months. He also actually listens to people, and did possibly the most romantic thing in the series by building Nahri her private Cairo-themed office. He's self-sacrificing and self-denying to a fault and all he wants to do is fix things (and swim, and read), and he perfectly fits into soldier life and civilian life.
My man has the best character arc of the trilogy as he learns and grows past his early prejudice and indecision while sharpening his best traits. He is constantly reevaluating himself and his actions while still holding on to what matters to him, like his faith and his idealism that Daevabad can be improved. Even in the depths of his bitterness or grief, he always returns to trying to do the right thing, and not holding unrelated people responsible for the actions of others. He has the best motivational speeches in the series. His great grandpa is a crocodile and their scenes together are hilarious.
My man Alizayd has some Lord of the Rings: Return of the King-level epicness, in how he is descended from both Zaydi al Qahtani and the marid-blessed Armah. Zaydi, who rallied the djinn world against the genocidal Nahids and overthrew them to take Daevabad 1400 years earlier; and his ally Armah who commanded the marid to help take the city and Suleiman's Ring, and made the ultimate sacrifice by staying allied with the djinn. Ali is constantly compared to Zaydi in City of Brass and Kingdom of Copper, but there's this steady transfer of similarities to Armah in Kingdom of Copper and Empire of Gold, until Ali is truly representing both sides combined as he aids Nahri and a global army that he put together in three days to once again take back Daevabad from a genocidal Nahid. The man is a fucking legend, and with any other author or director it would unquestionably be at the forefront of the story. Instead it hides in background details foe readers to piece together, like it's barely worth mentioning.
This is because my man Ali also has the self-confidence/self-esteem of a shy beetle hiding six feet under the earth, and the author's subtle/vague writing style and inability to stand up for what she's trying to say when people misunderstand has created... how do I word this... A lot of wiggle room for bullshit?
Ali gets dragged a lot for being self-righteous and a fanatic, because characters that are threatened by him in the book call him that, and readers parrot it without any consideration or critical thought. Is it self-righteous to be against slavery? Or to create personal boundaries regarding drinking and premarital sex? Is it fanaticism when he argues against corruption, or practices his religion *in a completely normal way?* I dare say no! But Ali is both black and muslim, so he gets a shit load of shit from every corner, and with the author unable to really clear things up and too cowardly to even admit that Ali is her favorite character without immediately asking everyone to forget she said that (Oops. Also: no), it makes me very, very concerned for whoever ends up playing Ali in the Netflix show. Because if past is any pretext, he's definitely not gonna get paid enough for all the harassment he'll face. And if the author can't stand up for her characters and book themes now, how will she do it when the audience is much, much bigger and louder? :/
As much as I love Ali and his countless parallels with Nahri, and have a thousand headcanons for him (and a thousand fic & art ideas/wips), the series itself (or rather how it undid all its narrative themes in the end to appease loud fans who never understood what the series was trying to say in the first place, along with the author's blindspots regarding the Nahids/Daevas), has made me incredibly bitter. 🙃 I am someone who worships canon encyclopedically and remembers everything, and have come to the unfortunate realization that I cannot in good health ever read this series again.
So my beloved blorbo Ali exists for me in a weird dimension that I cannot really interact with anymore. Made worse because I still desperately want to see fandom stuff, but then also viciously tear apart everything I find. 💀
Idk how to end this. Thanks for the ask! ☺️
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lavender-long-stories · 3 months
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A Kiss for Data Purposes
Pairing: Sasori x Hinata Rating: G
Is it possible for an android to love?
Tags: Romance | Fluff | Modern AU | Robot Sasori | One Shot | Happy Ending
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I have been wanting to make a Robot!Sasori story for a while, and this one popped into my head in the middle of the night, and I spent the next morning furiously writing it.
I would like to eventually do a long SasoHina story that involves one of them being a robot again, but we will see if that happens.
For now, I have this to sit in the hole left in my heart from all the SasoHina married old couple arguments from Lavender Clouds.
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Image by Rock'n Roll Monkey
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camscendants · 1 year
Found A Thing
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There’s a typo for Ulyana it’s supposed to say Uma’s sister
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Headcanons for the modern au of the tale of crowns s/o's?
OH hoh ohoh youve done it now anon, I have so many hcs brewing for a modern!AU with these LIs and AUs give me a whole lot more creative freedom to go hog wild
They'd come from a relatively well-off family, spending a lot of time at the public library with their mother when they were a kid
That is, until their father became sick, their mother forced to take on more hours and their elder sister and them put in charge of making sure their dad was alright
Even with limited time, during middle and high school, they found a lot of fun participating in musicals and plays- although when they grow older they'll vehemently deny it.
Their passion for reading and writing continues throughout their childhood, pushing them to major in English
It's during college when they'd meet the other LIs, first bumping into R at the library
After college, they'd find work as a writer, enjoying a pretty relaxed life off of the royalties
They'd dabble in poetry and might even write up a screenplay or two due to their background in theatre
Outside of that, they'd spend a lot of time with their family, taking care of their sick father when their sister couldn't
I also think there's a real possibility they may turn to teaching as a profession too
Being a professor or high school teacher for literature, they'd try to instill the same love for reading in all their students
Nothing embarrasses them more, however, then going out to catch up with friends just to see the latest novel or book they've published being passed around
Honestly the most 'normal' of the LIs in their childhood
They come from a military family, at least on their mom's side, so it left them with their other parent most days while she traveled.
Was a kid that kept themselves busy with different types of extracurriculars
They'd take on a sport or two, but find real passion in martial arts
Surprisingly, they also enjoyed choir, being a bit of a natural at it
Despite the family ties, they'd have little to no interest in actually serving, however, a free ticket to university is a hard offer to pass up for most families struggling financially
Still, seeing the effects that it had on their mom gave them second thoughts
Regardless of whether they get it covered through a military program, their athletic prowess alone could easily get them plenty of scholarships if they committed themselves to a sport
The first person they'd meet in college would be A, the two bumping into each other on the way to the gym
They'd probably major in kinesiology considering the career they take up
After college, they'd teach self-defense to others and be damned good at it too. They're strict, but it's more like they're particular over form- not wanting improper form to hurt their students.
They might even own a gym or a center that they'd teach in. They'd be a strong motivator for those wanting to get healthy, and an invaluable resource for those looking to find introductions to new interests like judo or rock climbing.
Though, sometimes they think they do their job too well- X constantly pestering them to spar or challenging them to beat a personal record whenever they stop by.
Was adopted at a very young age so they don't know much about their birth parents
Since they showed a lot of promise when they were young, reading books far beyond their reading level in elementary and winning science fairs left and right- they skip grades
A handful of them
It also helps since they don't come from a lot, so their performances win them a shit ton of scholarships
It's a little surprising for those who see the teen in college, their first encounter with the other LIs being with X who assumed they were a high school student that had gotten lost
Due to their love for animals, they opt for the veterinarian path, majoring in biology with a focus on zoology
They may double major in the humanities or literature just to make the most out of their time at university
During college they'll find a great professor that quickly becomes like a mother to them, helping them find internships and job opportunities after college- even including them in research projects done over the summer
Unlike the others, being very young when they start college lets them spend more years fitting in classes that are neither for their majors nor minors
So long as have their funds covered, they're happy to explore and take classes that interest them
Hell, they probably have so many scholarships the school itself might pay them to attend
And once they're ready, maturing enough, they'll start their work with animals- keeping in close contact with the small handful of friends they've made over the years in university
Was raised by a single mother for most of their childhood, until a housefire left them an orphan, both emotionally and physically shut off from others
Bounced around in the foster care system until they were brought into a family in a rough neighborhood
Luckily, that's where they met two kids around their age, quickly becoming friends
Coming from a poorer family, they worked a few odd jobs here and there with their friends to make it into a good university
But instead of going down a direct path, they opted to attend part-time, continuing their work outside of that
It certainly helped pay for a lot of their classes, but was a way they could support their family, their tight-knit community back home
And make enough money to support a rather lavish lifestyle
Didn't really major in anything specific, but did take classes that offered them certifications that would help with getting the job they did want
To be a firefighter
It's actually where they met D, the two bumping into each other during their first aid certification courses
Even after their college days are over, they are certain to keep pestering the more intriguing characters they bump into
And besides, they'd have to keep in contact with their college friends- there were far too many jokes unmade, challenges unwon for them to do otherwise
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oc-cinematic-universe · 6 months
it does also rule that joe and dara immediately get normaler once they get married. they already did the self sacrificing bullshit over the course of the comic and getting married confirms they actually like each other as people and not just the acts they're putting on and they both go ohhhh ok this is so much nicer! and then they love each other in a super normal way instead of constantly setting themselves on fire
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
I'm back and I'm FUCKING insane holy shit.
Ok first off
That was a cliff hanger and a HALF holy SHIT I'm so excited to see what we have next time around... oh wow, I'm so fucking conflicted about Dara cuz like. Ohhh I know I KNOW she wants the best for the kids but DAMN she's got issues.... and also HELLO???? THERON??? Ok so like. Ok. I don't know how much I'm allowed to say for spoiler reasons but the story that Rowena told made me go 🤨 BUT THE MEANING???? THE MEANING. HOLY SHIT. so many thoughts and theories and I'm rotating your blorbos around in my brain. I don't want to give away the story publicly but just know. I see the meaning. I see it. I have SO many thoughts I'm insane -Ollie
I'm so glad youre having fun this comic is my pride and joy and getting to see new people get into it is so fucking exciting. I've worked so hard for this I cannot WAIT for everyone to see what I've got in store for the next chapter there's so much more story to unpack we're not even halfway through the comic yet
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#so the thing about Dara from the Daevabad trilogy is#or rather the thing about the fandom reception of Dara#is that I think he's neither a poor little meow meow nor an intolerable piece of garbage#and I think reading his EoG arc as 'Shannon Chakraborty caving in to Dara fans' does it a massive disservice#like yes he's committing atrocities while whining about how sad that makes him but simultaneously continuing to do them#but have you considered#that we're not supposed to uncritically agree with his perspective here#EoG gives us a lot of detail on Dara's personal history and thoughts and interior world#and yes part of that is seeing his perspective on the war crimes he committed#and - surprise! - he has ways of justifying those to himself to varying extents#and those justifications start to fall apart more and more#but it's still a PROCESS#like the point here is to trace the psychology of someone who committed a slew of atrocities#and to understand why that happened#why he did those things#that is NOT the same as excusing or absolving his actions#we're supposed to understand the internal logic of Dara's thought process but that doesn't mean we're meant to agree with it#Dara's story is about redemption and it's about how that is HARD#'oh you talk about him like he's Zuko but what he did was much worse'#I don't know how to explain this to you but Zuko's arc isn't the end of all redemption narratives#some people do bad things for reasons other than 'having the emotional maturity of a 13-yo and being goaded by your abusive father'#and the books make it very clear that he's not fully redeemed at the end#he's SEEKING redemption. he's at the START of that journey. and he's very aware that he doesn't know where or when it'll end#but that that end is still very far away#also I think it IS good and thematically important that he chooses his own punishment actually#in part because what he goes for very much leans towards restorative rather than punitive justice#but more (thematically) importantly because the horrible things that he did were all fulfilments of other people's orders#part of why he allowed himself to not take responsibility is because he 'just did what he was told to' 'he was just an instrument'#(this is bullshit of course)#but I think it's really important that his life from here onward
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simgerale · 5 days
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killian: Mama gets so testy this time of year.
dara: Try being Empress to an entire nation. Oh, right—that will be me.
k: And you get especially testy. Really, what is it about spring?
gregor: The snow melts, and everyone wants to renew their trade deals with unreasonable demands. Nothing new.
k: The politics of it all… how exhausting. [mumbling] Every year, I am more and more grateful that I gave up my chance at the throne.
[The secret door shuts behind him, the mechanism locking into place with a soft thud]
g: I will take my leave, as well. How long are you going to be in here?
d: All day. As I am participating in the trade talks this time, I must know everything there is to know.
g: Oh well. I was going to invite you to the luncheon regarding magic reform.
d: Let me know if any good ideas float around, will you?
g: ...As always.
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madtomedgar · 1 year
I agree with what everyone is saying re needing plot summaries and representation style marketing being incredibly annoying but also sometimes i am in a bookstore and what i want is a (good) book (for grown ups) that is by for and about gay people. And since there's no gay bookstore anymore here (pour one out for calamus and also wild child) and bookstores (rightfully probably) don't categorize fiction by identity group, it can be really hard to find that outside of recommendations. And it would be nice if it was easier. Jussayin.
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asteralien · 2 years
hmmmm vampires are on the brain now, should I bring my elf-vampire urban fantasy story out of cryogenic stasis now
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Welcome! / Our story!
Many years ago (the 5h years) there was and still is an amazing blog that the world had never seen the likes of. Some of you may remember said blog @5hfanfiction Going forward, I must extend all of the credit to those who ran that blog. Without them, there would be no start here today. Truly they are my inspirations!
Now, most importantly, I want to assure all of the readers and authors that I am here to do you justice. I have been a reader for many years and even a fanfic author myself (still am) so we will be on this journey together building this blog and composing a wonderful archive.
I must stress I am still learning how to run a blog that works best for you all so please, ask anything!
With that said, feel free to submit your fanfics and enjoy the stories!
Thank you, Admin Dara
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wnine · 1 year
attacked by the exam reading on the first day of the year..
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