#me: [vibrating out of my skin] DONT YOU WANT TO STOP BEING KIND. DONT YOU WANT TO JUST GO APESHIT⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
scottspack · 1 year
it’s so so so weird to go back home and visit normies living normie life and realizing that that’s so far disconnected from the life I’m living and that our goals and motives and day to day lives are so fundamentally different that it’s actually hard to relate to them and talk to them normally
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kdipshit · 1 year
Souljah For Life ;
I am not writing to please anyone, thats the beauty of coming online and starting at the bottom, with no promotion, no… well thats about it, I haven’t told anybody I’m doing this, I’ve done it before, but never like this. Its kind of scary, but like I said, being scared kind of keeps me cool. I give thanks to jah. I’ve always known that one day I’m gonna have to deal with all of this shit I’ve been pushing down, its kind of exciting and gives me something for my scatterbrain to do lol. I don’t know what writing to post does to me yet, I just know I don’t want to depend on anyone or anything else, and its kind of hard to see a different outcome by doing all I know. Who taught me all I know and how open is their mind? What kind of person are they? Where did they learn that? Why do they believe that, and are they open to broading their horizon?
i will continue to express what ever it is that needs expressing.Ramble writing, lol. I’m sure theres gold in some of these sentences. To put my mind in order enough to contract said sentence, is the struggle itself. When I speak, it comes out jittery, anxious and embarrassing, so I kind of just don’t speak, without looking around after wards. Im grateful because maybe thats why I see myself as such a brilliant writer, I have the right amount of time to process and figure out what I want to say, not right off that bat, but once processed.
See I’m speaking as if thats something I do, Im always saying things I want to do and trying to speak into existence the person I want to be but the thought of me not being able to do it throws me off, but now that we know emotion can only grow from thought, the best move would be to change the thought… right? The thought : everyone is judging me…. Counter thought : No one cares, no they dont, they don’t care. Just speak. Just write. Just express yourself because no one cares if you do or if you don’t. It make me feel good, and I’m sure, I’m sure of it, theres gotta be gold in here.
Anyways girls, skins looking tight, hair hopefully less orange by the time I read this again, weed is up, feeling like a true winner. How could anything go wrong? Looking at life as if it’s someone I’m in love with is the easiest for me, considering how easy and natural love is for this libra. My Venus is in Leo and I think that means I’m confident in my love, which explains me effortlessly. I haven’t felt love in a long time, big S word about it, I guess I just sit here.
I am stronger and wiser than I was the day before. Every ‘now’ moment I find myself in, I am better than the last. I’ve been learning to think differently, now that I’m aware of my power over them, just small things like stopping myself from holding onto the automatic thought and instead changing it to the positive opposite. My younger sister told me she loved me today, but meant it as she loves the person I am, and that I can go through so much and still be a good person afterwards, and not a crackhead or someone who took the ‘easy’ way out, for the record I don’t think that’s the easy way out. She’s someone whose opinion about me I value because of how much I have let her down in the past, with my drinking and absolute psychotic episodes, I’ve always wanted to be the good older sister, and I’m here. This is usually around the time I start to self sabotage, but I choose to feel so much differently, instead actually embracing the change instead of running away to my old ways, just because I know them so well. I’m so excited on my new journey with my new flower bed of a brain. I brought a new sweater today and I swear to god im the cutest thing ever.
My mind seems kind of empty and its so freeing, The vibration that the music projects is feeling nek level kahi. I’m here, I’m in this moment, I feel okay….. I feel level, I feel high, I feel so grateful, I feel full of love energy, I feel light blue, yellow, green. I feel good here. Blue and yellow together is so beautiful and eye opening and makes you feel so fresh right??? Thats how I feel anyways.
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semischarmed · 3 years
I was out on a socially distant walk by the woods when I notice a fire dance across the night sky and into the woods. Against my better judgement, I decide to investigate.
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A small glowing silver ball sat among the forest wreckage. I reach out, almost by trance, and immediately feel a spark course through me on contact. In the process, my clothing ignites in brilliant green flame. Then, I feel a presence. Immediately, I turn around, still holding the orb. Amidst the green flame was a puddle of metallic gray slime. It vibrates before sending out a little slimy limb which slowly rocks side to side, as if to examine me, before jumping for my face.
For once in my life, I react quickly enough and instead catch the thing in my hand. It was slick, and unbelievably cold. The mass begins to glow dimly, as I hold it out in front of me. I stare at it expectantly as it again forms a tiny limb, re-examining me. In a flash of green, the little wad of silver goo transforms into what appeared to be a tiny silver human. No, human’s not quite the right word. It was humanoid, sure, but the proportions were all wrong, almost cartoon-like. It had a larger more bulbous head with large reflective eyes and a small, near indiscernible mouth. The hands were larger as well, while the arms and legs were far thinner. Despite strange the sight before me, I sense no ill intent. Its beady little black eyes watch at me, displaying not only life, but intelligence. Words cannot explain how I knew, nor can it explain why I ask my next question out loud in a language it certainly did not understand. “What are you”?
Its eyes begin to glow as it opens its mouth to speak, “Human...” it states in plain english. I jump back, almost dropping the thing out of my hand before catching it. “Thank you. I have chosen a form and language most suitable to your own. I am weak from my crash and from your atmosphere. You are not afraid or angry?” It takes its little arm and gently strokes my skin. “Your body appears to be incompatible with my physiology... perhaps due to your contact with my craft. As I understand it, your species is incredibly hostile. If you are intending on destroying me, my only wish is for a swift and painless death.”
I stood dumbfounded until I realized the small orb-egg-thing he came in was some kind of craft. “uh... this yours?”
“You seem unafraid of my presence and do not appear to intend to destroy me, despite these circumstances. Perhaps my information is incorrect? Has your planet had contact with other such beings previously?” it asked. “No.. uh, I can’t explain it but you don’t really seem like a bad-“
“-Guy” it corrected me. “My closest equivalent to your species is what you would classify a male. You appear shocked. Are you alright?”
Holy shit an actual, real-life alien! And it speaks English! I screamed in my head. Despite the absurdity, I cannot help but respond plainly, “Oh, um, this planet has not had any contact before. At least not that I’d be aware of.”
“I see, you are a friend then. Thank you human, I am in debt to you” it states. Looking at the small humanoid before me, I cannot help but want to protect it. It obviously did not intend to do anything or it would have killed me by now. Still, I felt somewhat bad, he really did not seem like a bad guy and, from the movies, it never usually ends well for the alien.
“You came in a big crash, right? So the government or whatever is probably looking for you. We should probably find a safe place for you, um... what can I call you, anyway?” I ask. It looks at me in silence again, then flashes an impossibly bright, green light from its hands before pondering for a moment, and stating “You have not lied. Thank you for your sincerity and your support. I may be called Ben.”
“Ben?” I can’t help but chuckle a little. “You travel all the way across the universe and you’re just plain old Ben?” Its formed its own little smile, which I find endearing. “My true name is—“ the rest was unintelligible. “Ben it is!” I laugh, “Look, we need to get you out of here. I’ve seen what they do to aliens in the movies.” Ben produces a small oddly heavy rock. “Understood. Please. Drop this into my crash site. It should cover our traces” it states in a weak smile before falling over momentarily. I oblige.
“Cool, cool. So...um.. what now? Also, are you alright?” I ask.
“Your planet... It is poison to my form. I am moments away from death. I need a genetic input to adapt to this atmosphere. I would feel safest inside a human.” Inside?
“Well.. uh... i dont really have much going on, on a friday night so...”
It smiles again. “I appreciate the gesture, friend, but as I have mentioned, our forms are incompatible. As such, I require a different vessel. Please select any of your choice.”
“You’re a little forward, buddy” I add playfully.
“Apologies human, your language is somewhat difficult to grasp. I appreciate any and all attempts at assistance”. The little silver alien in my hand sits down.
“Ok, let’s get you somewhere safe... Anyway I know just the guy....”
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Fucking Austin. That smug tool was the my bully from way back when and was/is a massive jerk. He was also fucking hot and he knew it. I think he got off on it too- After years of torment, I couldn’t wait for this little alien to do whatever it needed to do inside him.
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The walk back is embarrassing as my naked form scrambles in the dark, hoping to avoid any onlookers. Thankfully, it was the dead of night, and our neighborhood is fairly empty. I walk up to his garage, lit by a lone bulb, where he was presumably working on his car. Sweat and grime cover his torso. Of course, he strips to shirtless as soon as he notices me, offering me a tantalizing peek, like he always did when he brought a girl over. “Why are fucking naked you creep. The fuck you want, fag?” He sneers as his eyes immediately lock on to the small orb I am using to cover my junk.
“THIS!” I shout, extending out my other arm, holding little alien man. For a moment, nothing happens and he raises his eyebrows in amusement. It quickly shifts in shock when Ben springs to life, jumping onto Austin’s bare chest. The little silver man clings to his sweaty chest hairs, using them as leverage to scramble up Austin’s face.
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“The fuck?!” He spat as he swats at the little alien. With a fervor, Ben dodges and continues inhumanly and follows with his quick dash, crawling up to Austin’s right nose. Austin attempts to get the little silver man off him but to no avail. Despite his shape, Ben is incredibly slippery, and Austin’s thick fingers cannot get a good grasp.
Austin screams as Ben has lodged himself inside Austin’s right nose, secreting a silvery slime while he burrows ever deeper into him. Austin’s eyes shut tight and his mouth opens in anguish. “FUCK!” he shouts as he tries to pull my friend’s tiny legs out. Ben is victorious in this struggle and Austin’s fingers again slip. “AHRRG” He shouts, while right side of his face crinkles in pain. I watch in amusement as Austin is reduced to small, rhythmic grunts. “....Fu-...Fu-... FF....hu...hu”. I no longer see any semblance of my alien friend so he must have crawled deep, deep inside of Austin.
Stillness washes over Austin before he starts again, mumbling slowly. “S-stop.... get out” he repeats, as his body starts swaying back and forth and his head bobs forwards and backwards. His eyes roll to the back of his head in delirium. Abruptly, he screams “GET THE FUCK OUT” in an angry growl and one eye rolls back go lock on to me. “YOU!” He shouts. Before he can move any closer, the veins in his body flare to life and I notice they start writhing, throbbing, coursing with some silvery liquid before returning to normal. Austin’s face quickly goes from anger into unconscious stupor as a line of silvery drool escapes his mouth and his entire body begins trembling. He slumps foward and then falls. I run forward and struggle to try to hoist the massive pile of quivering meat up. Still, he topples over, falling right on top, crushing and pinning me beneath the weight of his muscled form.
Despite the situation, I am completely entranced. I can barely breath from the weight of Austin on top, only managing steady, shallow breaths. He continues convulsing, causing the day’s worth of grime and sweat to smear onto me. Hot. Just feeling him like this, feeling his skin meet and rub across mine, was turning me on. This was physically the closest I have ever been to this man. His convulsions slowly die down, until he is just sleeping on top of me, pinning me to his dirty garage floor. I remark him, the breathing in his shallow breaths, the heat from his previous struggle, his salty, putrid sweat that now caked both of us. I was taking in all the Austin that I had previously only dreamt of having.
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His gentle sleep is broken when his eyes shoot wide open. They’re incredibly wide, dilated, glassy. Silver tears escape their corners. His lips curl into an open mouth, breathy smile, and he motions to speak “..... ahhhhhhh” he states moving the muscles on his face and vocal cords as if for the first time. Despite the absurdity of the situation, I could clearly tell what was happening. Enough movies and TV and wishful dreams to more or less grasp what had just occured. The man before me was not Austin-at least, not the Austin I knew. This was all Ben.
“Sorr-“ he murmurs, as he pushes himself and his weight off me. He watches himself, first moving his digits one at a time, while he examines how muscle and sinew stretch and contract to accommodate his commands. He gently rubs his hands together, as if to wash them, remarking on every feeling. With these gentle fingers, he traces over his left bicep, following it’s curves and valleys, as if he had sculpted them himself. He tugs a little at strands of his armpit hair, remarking on the new texture, before sniffing the droplets of sweat that had clung to his fingers and making a sour face. “You humans are so fascinating. It’s like this body is constantly producing its own serum. what a wasteful process. Such a high temperature as well... your are.. inefficient models.” He licks his right bicep like a cat, which causes a stirring in my pants. “Still, these byproducts of your living... they are quite delicious”.
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Austin’s tour then follows his chest. “I see you are bound to your forms, with no ability to shift”.’ He cups his left nipple, remarking at the musculature within. “Hmm... that description is inaccurate...You appear to be somewhat capable of physical change, though not as drastically as my species.” He twirls a finger around his left nipple, smiling slightly at the stimulation. “Oh...though your species has a far heightened pleasure ceiling. This is...” He trails as he repeats the maneuver with his right nipple and stifles a moan. I stand, awestruck and slightly horny at the sight of my former bully pleasuring himself. He continues, taking his hands further down and feeling each ab before he stops at his pants. Austin pauses, curious, raising his head as if to scan his own brain for information, before flatly stating his catchphrase “Bet you’d like to suck this fat cock, wouldn’t you?” He spat to the side before immediately resuming his former tone, “Apologies, human emotions are... difficult to reign in. This vessel is responding to my intrusion unpredictably...“ He then wears Austin’s personality again. “But anyway thanks bitch, for giving me this hot, hot, jock cock. Time for me to pay up. I got cash... booze... weed... other shit” he winks. “So what’ll it be?”
In the heat of the moment, I could only reply back what I wanted. What I’ve always wanted. “Let me suck your fat cock” I reply automatically.
The mood shifts immediately and Austin’s face is perplexed. “This function you are requesting, it does not lead to procreation. It lacks any of your societal benefit...What good does it do you?” I decide to push a little further than I normally would have. “Let me show you” I state, giving him a wink. I strip Austin down and gently grab his thick cock, relishing in the moment. It flares to life, slowly hardening, increasing in size. I clasp my hand a little tighter around the rod start with slow, rhythmic strokes. Of course, I look to the face Ben was wearing for any cues, but it remains emotionless. I start to pull away before Ben finally speaks up “I see... benefit. Please, continue demonstrating”. Fuck. After all these years. All his teasing, he was finally here and he was finally mine.
“My body appears to recall this... this behavior is consiered gay, yes”
“Fuck yeah it is....”
“My body... these memories I have commandeered indicate this is something Austin is neither familiar nor entranced with. I will try to apply its equivalent knowledge accordingly” he stated flatly, somewhat confused at the situation. “Apologies... as I have mentioned, your language is a little complex.” I ignore him and continue.
“I personally.. to find this behaviour... hmmm.... acceptable...but.. he.. appears to.. I... Hmmm.... Fuuuuck!” he screamed, as his body abruptly leaned forward. His emotionless face begins to dance with a wellspring of feeling. It cringes first, then flashes into one of bliss, then pain, anger, intimidation, until settles into sneer. Mine of course flashes imminent doom. Oh Shit.
“Uh.. little buddy? You there?” I ask nervously. He grabs me, dragging my face near his. I am prepared for the worst.
“You know, he really fucking hates this. I can feel him resisting... Fuck you!” He spits. I still cannot tell who is who, until he clarifies. “Austin must really, really hate you.... but I dont” He leaned his face further in, giving me little chance to react before he jams a thick slimy tongue into my mouth. When he pulls back, his face then showed an odd emotion-cute, even. He was looking for approval. I, turned on by the past events, quietly nod in shock. Emotion immediately shifts back. “Come here, bitch!” he screams, pulling me back to him, bringing our faces close together while he hocks a wad of Austin’s spit at me. That part, I was familiar with and I instantly wince, expecting the normal pummeling I’d get. Instead, he sticks his hand down to scoop some of cum he had just released and aggressively smearing it all over my face and running Austin’s seed through my hair. “You’re mine forever, you get that right? Fuckin twerp. You fucking want this, right?” Austin stated with a sneer. He jams his tongue into my mouth again for another sloppy kiss and I explode cum in my underwear. Goddamn this was hot. Fuck. All those years of torture and in the end, here he was, seeking my approval, seeking to be mine. The sneer plastered on his face shifts immediately to one of concern and validation-seeking.
“Are you alright, friend? I apologize for the scare, I was attempting to follow-“
“No, no, no...” I mumble in heat. “Turn... FUCK...turn whatever the fuck that was back on. This is, god, this is everything.”
My little buddy complies, rolling Austin’s head and eyes back before immediately shifting his face back to his trademark sneer and giving my face a sloppy lick. “Bro, this body fucking hates you. You know? Feelings are created by brain and all that shit, like damn... all I wanna do inside this hunk of flesh is give you the pummeling you fucking deserve.” he states menacingly, before giving my face another lick. “But dont worry I fucking love you, bro. Look at me when I’m fucking talking. I am Austin. New and improved. Maybe this was what I was missing in my home-world. Maybe your degenercy has tainted me. Maybe this vessel has. To be honest, we don’t really give a fuck. Well, he does but I speak for us both now. This little... experience...has been a delight and a revelation. According to this meatbag’s brain ‘you’re gay as shit’ so, help me to help you. Austin’s gay as shit now too. For you at least. Help your daddy Austin betray his species find me some more of these kinds of males. Whichever you like. I’ll make our wildest dreams come true.” He comes in for another sloppy kiss, and sticks his muscular hand down my pants, corralling my seed and scooping out it out moments later. It is slick with my cum. “Hahaha this body finds this act so revolting. According to his memories, he finds you utterly disgusting. Well... I’m into it, let’s stick some of you inside Dear old Austin. I’ll stuff your cum so deep in him, he’ll never get it out. Our boy is quite the fighter too, he’s resisting me, even now”. Austin regains momentary control. “NO FUCKING WAY” His arm struggles and shakes as it brings the cum-covered hand to his mouth. In the end, Ben is successful and Austin has no choice but to jam the slimy hand to his mouth, slurping each digit individually, caking his insides with me. “Mmmmm but you taste so fucking good...bro... well to me at least. This body physically hates this. Too bad our little Austin isn’t in control right now. And when I’m done with him, he’ll come back wanting more”. He repeats the gesture with his other hand, and cracks his neck, piloting Austin far more naturally. “As long as we keep him well-fed, I can continue to pilot this hot piece of ass without resistance. We will transcend this meat-suit. With me running the show from this fucking hot bod, and you at our side, we will be unstoppable.” He states in deranged glee. I worry slightly until Austin’s persona flips to Ben’s normal formal tone. “Ah, apologies, as you know, this body thinks very highly of himself” he states with a slight chuckle ”but no worries... no more outbursts.”
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“Some more information about myself, while I make some rearrangements to this body’s brain. My species has the ability to commandeer others into vessels, though I believe this is a byproduct of our formless nature more than our intended purpose.  You see, home-world has isolationist tendencies. We keep to ourselves. I am somewhat aberrant in this matter. We are powered by genetic diversity, yet they choose to remain within the one world when there is a whole universe outside of home to explore. I am different. I want it all, I want to see, hear, feel, experience what this wonderful universe has to offer. For that, I was cast away, to travel this lone plane with my craft. This life is a quiet one, so I am fortunate to have met you.” He strokes my cheek lovingly with Austin’s hands. I initially wince out of habit, but he seems to have understood. “Thank you, for everything,” Ben says sincerely with a kind smile. I beam back but immediately blurt out what had been on my mind throughout his whole monologue “why me though?”
“As you know, each human’s genetic output is a mix of information.”
“Uh huh” I trail, struggling to follow along.
“Well, your specific combination produces a nectar to our species which we would find intoxicating. Perhaps it had been slightly altered by my crash.”  Ben stares at me with Austin’s eyes, relaying an intelligence that my former bully had never previously had. “Beyond that, in my eons of travel, I have never met a more kind or accommodating individual”
“I like your genetic material, your signature, your blend...it is... hmmm...there is no equivalent phrase for this- at least within your capacity of emotion- but make no mistake, it’s delicious and I would like some more.” His demeanor shifts. “Do you like Austin? Do you like me?” He asks in a playful tone as he circles Austin’s nipple with his finger. Austin then grabs my arms, rubbing them across his abs. “Yeah, this meatsuit is a fucking keeper, isn’t he? I can tell you love this bitch” He teases with Austin’s mannerisms. Ben has been getting really good at this, he’s practically imperceptible from Austin when he’s acting. I nod eagerly in approval, still feeling up my former tormentor as he stretches his arms and gives a yawn.
“Good, good. Well he’s all set. Let me just get our friend Austin prepped. I will to give him some autonomy but, given my penchant for your genetic information, you may see a slight adjustment to his personality.” He winks. “Please bring my pod over, I must conserve some energy, I believe to you humans to understand the equivalent to be hibernation.” I pull the pod up to Austin. “Lower bitch” he commands, grabbing my arms and pulling the pod to his dick. He strips Austin naked before wrapping Austin’s vascular hands over mine, moving them in a way that splits the pod open. He then uses Austins hands to slowly wrap my fingers around his dick. “Pump,” he commanded. I comply, masturbating his dick until it explodes a stream of silver all over the pod. The silver gel congeals into the pod and Austin’s body drops unconscious. I catch the pod and gently place it on his table.
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I watch Austin expectantly. He wakes, showing me a look of confusion before sternly asking “the fuck are you looking at, fag?” He then sniffs the air, raising his thick biceps to quickly verify if the smell had been emanating from his armpits. He grimaces, “Goddamn I reek...Did you do this?” Eyes lock with mine as I see only fury blazing. His eyes go wide as his face displays the recollection of our nightly encounter. He quickly runs over, blocking any escape route out of his garage. “You bitch!” He shouts. Before I can react, Austin pushes me up to the wall, shouldering my body and neck and locking me and my airways in place. He raises a fist, and I flinch until... well... nothing. I watch his face, attempting to discern what had just occurred. He releases his grasp slightly, allowing me to finally catch my breath.
He was still furious. Unimaginably so, but I see it tinged with something else as well... shame? And I then notice another feeling, as I begin to feel his heartbeat and breathing quicken. It’s an emotion I have only been able to see in him once- only when Ben had been controlling him. It was lust. He again motions angrily to punch me with a muscular right hook, before stopping his own hand, mere inches from my face.
“I UGH...FUUUUCK....” he shouts, looking away seemingly angry at himself before he punches the wall beside me, leaving a dent. He looks back at me, motioning to give my cheek a tender stroke before he catches himself and shakes his head in anger. “That spiteful bitch! I dont know what little trick you pulled you little asshole, but... hmmmm” he moans, smelling the scent of my fear and desperation... ”man have you always smelled this good?” he mumbled quietly to himself. I decide to take a little risk with this opportunity “Yeah bro? I taste pretty good too,” I state seductively.
That seems to have set him off. He was still somewhat angry obviously, but the lust only seems to have only deepened and overtaken him. He rushes our bodies closer. Sweat drenched abs hover tantalizing close to my stomach, as his sculpted biceps and vascular forearms bound my cheeks. He leans in, inches from my face.
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“You want this ass, right? I can be a fag too, only for you” he whispers, leaning even closer to me as I breath in my prior bully’s hot steamy breaths. I instantly go hard. He notices and proceeds by planting a slow, sloppy kiss on my lips. I have to admit, Austin was a great kisser, better than Ben even. Hungrily, Ravenously, his lips pry mine open as his thick tongue dances inside my mouth, greedily tasting me. I reciprocate. In turn, he hugs our bodies together, and I feel his large form encapsulate my own with a warmth and an odd tenderness that I had never even fathomed him capable of generating.
He pulls back, breaking me out of my trance. “But, can you put that little thing back in me... I... uh... together...we uh...look, I want him back. I need him back.“ He begs. “Something...missing inside me.... fill it”.
Goddamnit Ben. I gesture with my head to the motionless pod containing my friend while I chuckle to myself. “He’s sleeping”. Slight adjustment my ass.
He looks back at the pod, obviously disappointed. Then he looks at me, gaze softened, the facade from his usual persona all but broken, “Sorry, can’t help myself... well fuck it, I know you always wanted this anyway,” he mumbled as he nuzzled my neck and shoulder, taking in my essence in deep inhales. I feel myself blush as he continues and then does a quick survey of my body. “When he’s using me.. I can feel... I-I know he loves you... look, I know he wants more... but you fucking better- I’m gonna stay your fucking favorite right? You can use me too, or whatever. I can be your bitch. I can be whatever you want me to me... Just, keep me around, ok? And keep him inside me” I muse at how the old me would have killed to hear similar words from Austin, years ago.
He pauses for a moment, looking away in disgust at his own actions before yielding and scratching his head as he forces out his next words:
“look man... just... the thing that’s missing from me... well this is gonna be weird ask bro, but...can you cum in my mouth?”
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I’m a little bit shit with the titles but thats neither here nor there. Used some other similar stories I’ve read in the past for inspiration. Hope y’all like it. Next one’s probably gonna be a continuation on that Chrysalis one. What kind of possession stories are your favorite? 
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yinses · 3 years
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kinds of tattoo artists 
|jjk edition|
rqst: after sukuna i cant staph thinking about what the others would be like as tattoo artist
a/n: these are probably my favorite things to write. i love the format. 
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G O J O  S A T O R U — he has a story for every tattoo ever. one’s he owns, seen and inked himself. they could all be true, but you find the vibrating hum of the needle against your skin easier to ignore when you focus on the vivid imagery of his tales instead. he’s a very good storyteller, never skimping on the details and adding comical commentary around every corner. you connect the threads of each narrative to the accompanying bold lines stretching up the length of his arms. swirls and various shades making for very convincing illustrations to the novel he’d created. before you know it, your hour is up, cutting his retelling just short of the art peeking under his shirt. you could get lost in those baby blues as they twinkle with mischief. they leave you so wrapped up in strings of intrigue that you actually consider a second tattoo despite your hesitations of the first. he looks proud of his work, and should be, deserving off all five stars you planned to give on his review.  “don’t like it too much. tattoos can be pretty addicting, after all.” he remarks as he rubs cream into your swollen flesh.  yeah, you think, addicting was the right word. 
G E T O  S U G U R U — the look he gives you when you tell him it’s your first is almost enough to make you reconsider. it’s not rude but there is a hint of condescension as he coaxed you to go into more details about location and coloring. ultimately, you end up in his chair anyways, lip bitten as he goes about preparing supplies. the point of no return comes all too quickly as he peels the sterile needle from the one use pack. “i would offer to let you hold my hand but-” you look up from the skin pinched between two of his fingers to the same smug grin that had greeted you at the door. something on his face must have changed, because slowly so did his as he breathes out a sigh. he surprise you by guiding one of your hands just above his knee, fingers squeezing around yours once before pulling away. “if it gets to be too much squeeze hard but don’t jump. id rather give you a breather than have you pass out on me.”
I T A D O R I   Y U U J I — if anyone was going to do your tattoo, you’re glad it’s your boyfriend. he’s more patient than most artist would be. attentive to every squirm and flinch and mindful how a single twitch could leave you with a permanent mishap. you’re going nearly thirty minutes over what was expected, but he’d scheduled out an ample block of time prior, mindful of your skepticism. “hey, hey, we’re almost done,” he mutters, hand stopping when he notices the water behind your eyes. “want to stop, baby?” you do. want the endless burn to finally go away, but you want to finish it equally as bad so you steel your nerves and shake your head. something akin to pride curls at the corners of his lips as he starts back up the motor but not before pressing a quick kiss to yours. “it’s going to look beautiful on you. just you wait. it’ll be worth it.” and you believed him. 
F U S H I G U R O  M E G U M I —he’s not one for conversation, choosing to rather concentrate on his work than idle chatter. but he doesn’t seem to mind if you do. and so you find yourself talking about any and everything as the clock ticks on. the entire process is almost cathartic. pent up tension escaping you with every word and each pin point of the needle etching away at your skin. this was suppose to be your bold change. something different to stamp a revision on your life while mounting a memorial of your past. or at least that was the speech used to butter yourself up to the idea. at the end of it all, you’re staring at something better than you’d imagined, and dont delay telling him as much. your words ignite a blush that crawls up his nape, barely hidden by the sheepish hand rubbing over the skin. “i-uh... don’t mind doing your next one. if you want one to remember your friend by.” he’s already turning away from your blink of shock, throwing care instructions over his shoulder as he prepares the bandage. 
F U S H I G U R O  T O J I  — it comes as a surprise, because he’s the owner. something pointed out to you by a friend when you’d accompanied them to the shop in the past. he only took on special guests, you’d been told. spending half a day bent over a customer completing yet another work of art that keep the business in high praises. he didn’t bother with the small things. so why he the one offering to pierce the little stud above your naval? eventually you would get a tattoo but you weren’t quite ready to take the plunge. but you’d been eying the cute studded crystal since your last visit. it looks as good as you thought it would, twinkling bright under the hooded lamp. he seems to think so too a thumbs over the tender flesh just above the piercing. “you were so good for me. not even a flinch.” you found yourself caught staring at the sharp cut stretching across both lips as they work into a smile. “you’ll have to come back and let me mark you up for real.”
C H O S O —he thinks you’re cute as you stumble through the explanation of your design. accommodating but insistent when you began to doubt yourself. ultimately, your idea hadn’t changed but you felt it lacking as you stared at the temporary imprint reflected in the mirror. you were his last appointment of the day, and surely eating up his time, but he refused to let you just go through with it. there was a light scold in his voice as he rubbed alcohol against your skin to wipe away the markings. “if you’re going to do this, we’re going to do this right.” you should have been halfway through your tattoo now as the neighboring stations close down for the day. but he waves away your timid glances as he nudges a new sketch book your way. in a way showing you his work had been somewhat counterintuitive, rather than help you settle on a design, you’d been overwhelmed and visibly intrigued by the numerous portraits and motifs. you spent more time compliment the his steady hand for being able to produce such detailed works than you’d progressed to coming any closer to honing in on your own tattoo. eventually he’s the one to call it a night, chasing away your frown with an offer. “tomorrow’s my day off. why don’t you meet me at the cafe around the corner and we can brainstorm this with the help of caffeine.”
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marigold-doms · 4 years
Could I request an ATEEZ one? How would they react (as doms) when y/n disobeys/is a bad girl? Thank you so much!
A/n: I’ve never done reactions before but... there’s always a first! I ALSO went ahead and added what type of dom I think Ateez would be.... guys, I had a liiiiiittle toO much fun with this.... I apologize in advance if some members aren’t that elaborated. You guys can always request for more... [PLZ. Plz REQUEST MORE LIKE THIS i had fun:)]
(Know that these are based off of the interpretation and personal opinions that I have of the members)
||ATEEZ Reacts|| to their S/O being a bad girl
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When you’re a bad gorRL... Hongjoong is def not the type to say anything about your behavior out loud. You’ll just know.
By the look he gives you. The way he reacts to you. Even the way his hand goes to grab at your side when your in public.
He just has his subtle ways of reminding you that you’re crossing the line.
He’s traditional. 3 strikes and you’re out. Meaning if you refuse to listen to his warnings the first three times. You better pray that when you finally arrive home the he’ll be too tried to actually punish your dumbass.
In which-he never fails to do.
You know how he threatens the members by telling them “come to my room after this.”?
Girl don’t be surprised when he lowers his lips against your ear to whisper “I better find your disobedient ass in my room after they leave.” Literally as the members hang out and have a good ol time in your apartment.
He doesn’t like repeating himself and when he punishes you he definitely makes it a point to make sure your know what your did wrong.
Hongjoong is the type not only to make you count as he spanks you but he’s the type to make you say “I’m sorry daddy for *insert terrible sin*.” After every hit.
His smirk grows wider from the increasing amount of tears that flow from your eyes. (Kinky mans)
I personally love a sadistic dom lol besides the point
He probably likes when you tell him that it hurts.
“Good. I want you to hurt, sweetheart.”
“Daddy can’t hear you. Moan louder for me.”
The type to tease you and when you least expect it, enTeR you. nO prep. LIKE DAMN.
Questions you. “Such a bad girl... I didn’t even touch you.” Hongjoong sharply rotates his hips against your dripping core. Filling your walls as he stuffs himself to the hilt. “who told you to get this wet for me?
No one asked but ...he’d eat it out after fucking all of his cum into you.... okeiii NEXT-
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I wouldn’t want to cross daddy Seonghwa if i were you.
Not only is he sadistic boy number 1 here, he’s also a power bottom.
You can be one of two types of a bad girl.
One: a helpless submissive with absolutely NO dominate tendencies in her what so ever or TWO: the sub where BRAT is literally her first, middle, and last name.
Too bad for the both of you- Seonghwa has a solution (read:punishment) for both
“Fine.” His intense eyes glare at you as he finally stops holding your wrists above your head. “Since you want to be like this, Get on top of me.”
You: 👁👄👁huh?
You’ll either be shocked or jump at the opportunity to take the small ounce of control that he’s letting you have.
Whatever you choose, He uses this to his advantage. Once you’ve settled yourself on top of him and he’s fully inside of you, he makes sure that he has your full attention before devastatingly telling you “You better not slow down or I’m. Not. Fucking. You.”
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In the most disappointed voice, “Baby, what did I tell you about not listening to me?”
His form of punishment.... NO. TOUCHING. AT. ALL.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s a soft boy...buT THAT DON’T MEAN HE AINT KINKY. (Kinky... but make it PRETTY)
He’ll tie you up with cute little silk ties and make sure your legs are parted as he settles in between.
Baby. Get ready for sum sensory overload because this boy LOVEs to tease you.
Those slow...soft, gentle kisses and strokes to the inner parts of your thighs. All leading up to your leaking-DESPERATE core.
-only to go RIGHT back up to your shaking knees.
30 minutes to a whole hOUr. He will keep your toes curling from the LACK of “center” attention.
Your panties completely soaked through and the most he’s done is breathe over your aching folds.
It wrecks him just as much as he wrecks you.
DONT GET ME STARTED ON THIS MAN’S SIZE kINK. (Thank you giant line for giving atinys size kinks)
You wont even have to trigger him for this. As soon as his hand goes to cup over your tiny core. He groANs.
“...You’re so fragile and tiny, princess...” His hands travel over your goosebumped navel. “My cock would break this tiny, innocent body of yours...”
He LIVES for the reaction that your innocence has from his dirty talk (is that a corruption kink I see👀??) that crimson flush that your face has or the way your eyes tear up. He just UGH! He almost wants to give you something you don’t deserve.
“But... only good girls deserve daddy’s dick.”
You plead to him that you’re a good girl and it’s just MUSIC to his ears. But he likes to play with his food before he devours it.
“Maybe I shouldn’t make love to you, baby... You couldn’t possibly take all of me.”
He just wants to see all the disobedience and brattiness leave your body before he finally fills your needy cunt with his warm cum😳
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Rigger!dom (lowkey a cocky shit too. I see him tying his sub up and teasing her like that)
“I don’t care. Ass up, face down.” The vibrator buzzes through your body as he forcefully presses it against your unexpectant clit.
Our precious dom Yeosang here loves to admire how much of a mess your body can make with barely lifting a finger over you.
It’s the opposite and he doesn’t even make contact with your skin.
You decided to act up and you also decided to test his limits by questioning his authority over you.
Granted he doesn’t use toys often but thats why it’s called a punishment.
You don’t get what you want.
Yeosang knows that what you really want is the rock hard dick throbbing inside of his pants.
He gets “mad” at the mess you make from cummming. “That’s all, baby? You can cum from this useless little toy?”
Yeosang lowers his face to level with yours as your high spirals. Making sure to flash you a contradicting smile. “Guess you don’t need my dick then.”
He ties you up, cuffs you, latches you-honestly you can pick— and make sure that you are completely unable to move.
Bitch. He’ll masterbate in front of you and force you to watch him please himself.
“You had your fill, Doll.”
With your arms above your head and legs spread for him to bask in the pool leaking out of your wetness, he’d bring himself closer and closer to the edge. Until finally coming over to you, getting between your legs...and releasing his cum all over your deprived body.
You’d whine and try to twist out of your restraints, feeling totally wronged.
Not to worry tho. Yeosang loves punishing you, just not as much as he loves fucking his cum into you.
“I think my bad little girl’s had enough.” Spreading his cum over your stomach.
“You deserve a good fuck.”
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He LOVES when you’re bad.
It gives him a reason to punish you and release the sadistic beast inside of him.
Degrading, dirty talk, overstimulation, spanking, face slapping, teasing....
I could go on but i wanna save the suspense for when you talk back to him-
He’ll chuckle. “So you think it’s funny?” San seems like the type to grab your hair to get your attention so he’d hold your hair in his hands as he forces you to look at him. “We’ll see how funny it is when my dick is fucking into your delinquent little mouth, princess.”
Contrasting stimulus
-and what i mean by that is:
He’ll be pounding into you ruthlessly while whispering so gently into you ear like “look how pretty my girl looks with my dick filling you up...aww baby, you look absolutely adorable...”
Orders you do do things that are basically impossible. Fully aware that you’ll never be able to obey even if you wanted to.
“You better not cum all over my cock with your filthy little pussy.”
....obviously, you cum around his dick and he takes your face into his hands and slaps you for disobeying as he keeps rutting himself into you.
“Aww...” Watches your eyes tear up from the overstimulation. “My pretty toy can’t take what daddy gives her....”
He stops momentarily to shower your tear-stained face with kisses-
“Too bad my bad baby... “ His hips begin to rock into you with a vice. A devilish smile spreading across his face as he sees the mess he’s making of you. “ You’re giving me another one.”
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This tall punk loves knowing that he’s the one messing you up.
Add the size kink and there you go!
He’s talking all kinds of “damn babygirl, look how fucked out you are because of me.” Or “I am I too much to handle that you’re near tears?”
borderline degrading but with a tasteful amount of self praise that lowkey gets him more hot than you actually telling him that.
What a Leo.
When you’re being bad.... Mingi is not his name.
You call him one of two things.
“Master” and/or “Sir”
He does not answer you unless you call him either of those things.
“I think my pretty little fucktoy forgot how to address her superior....”
I have a feeling that there will be a lot of orgasm denial
He’ll draw you deliciously to the edge at LEAST 3 times before he’ll even consider letting you cum.
He won’t be satisfied until he thinks you’ve had enough.
Which is-trust me- probably too much for your body to handle but hey-
—but also... rag doll y/n??? Anyone??? No?? just me?👁👄👁ok—
-more over
He might have slight sadistic tendencies but it’s more for pleasure than it is for actually inflicting pain unto you.
He’s a little soft in that aspect because he would hate to think that he’s harming his lovely baby
Mingi basically wants you putty in his hands
Once you’ve finished playing the back and forth between who’s truly in charge, it’s basically a battle of who can make the other more of a mess.
I genuinely think that dom Mingi is the type to start out punishing you but by the time he’s lost in the pleasure of it all, he loses it and completely showers you orgasm after orgasm.
Talk about making a punishment into a fun-ishment.
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Degrading!dom🥵 (evil dom pt2)
Oh my goodness help me- this is about to be spicy... he WRECKS me in ways that I truly want him to
He wants you to know that you’re a bad girl.
Acting up? “You dumb slut.” Grabs a fist full of your hair.
Talking back? “Say that again, my cute little whore.”
Turning him on during the most inappropriate time? “I can’t wait to get home and fuck you into submission.”
DELICIOUS DIRTY TALK i will say at the very least.
Not that Wooyoung is sadistic but he likes seeing you in sexual pain.
He’ll make fun of how much your body loves his fingers, dick, tongue—as you should.
“Fuck. Look at your pussy drooling from just one of my fingers, you dirty slut.”
Teases how you moan and stutter
“Huh, baby?” He leans in as he fucks into you. “What? “D-daddy-please I can-I cant” what? You can’t what, princess??” He practically laughs at you for being so delirious and fucked.
I feel like Ateez doms just love a good stream of tears rolling down their sub’s faces. Whether it be from overstimulation, pain, or pleasure. They just sadistic like that.
Soo that being said. “Cry for me baby. Come on babygirl, cry for me. Show daddy how fucking good he punishes you.”
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He’s definitely into power play.
The type of play where you test his limits and when you think you’re winning-bUt the game is sO rigged that you lose EVERY time.
Loves pinning you down to get your bratty ass still.
It excites him so much when you talk back to him.
Almost as if he expects you to be bad.
Get used to bending over.
He LOVES spanking you over his knees.
There’s something so visceral about his hand creating red marks on your pretty skin that makes his cock throb from how much you squirm and beg.
Not too much dirty talk is exchanged... rather... Master Jongho likes to act. He wants to SHOW you how bad you are.
From the marks on your ass to the hickies he leaves over your breasts.
POSSESSIVE. Even if you aren’t thinking of other guys, I have a feeling that he’d somehow punish you for even looking too good.
It’s the simple grope to your ass when no one is looking and the way his eyes pierce yours as if he’s a lion on the hunt, feasting his eyes on his helpless prey.
“Didn’t I tell you not to wear this out?”
You’re trained so well that for the rest of the night, you try to obey him.
YOu sEe... that’s not how things work when Jongho gets riled up.
As soon as the door closes and right when the lock clicks.
He’s forcing you to your knees and makes you apologize to him.
Either you listen or it’s your bare ass meeting his hand, belt, paddle, ruler...etc.....
Begging? That’s a HARD yes for jongho. It’s practically what fuels him into turning into more of a harddom.
The punishment is basically the ride up the top of the roller coaster. When he finally sticks it in?? GIRL expect to be sore for DAYS.
A/n: I hope you guys liked my first reaction!💕~ sorry if there are errors, I wrote this in a rush of excitement.
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
Loved your latest chapter and Im so excited to see what happens under the mountain!
I was wondering if I could request a one-shot?(up to you how long and you can do it in your own time)something along the lines of:
Feyre( from either ACOWAR, ACOFAS or ACOSF) time travels back to ACOTAR, but instead of finding herself back in her human body i the spring court, she's still in her fae body and ends up trapped in velaris, having to explain to the rest of IC who she is and why she cant go free their highlord(add some mistrust from the IC)
🙈🙈Id its very similar to what youre doing rn with your other fic but, if you find the inspiration sometime could you please do this? Ive wanted to read a fic for ages were feyre rime travels and meets pre-acomaf inner circle who dont know/trust her, but Ive never found a fic like that
Thank youuu
Hi lovely anon! It makes me so happy you enjoyed my latest chapter! I’m supposed to be working on a project for uni, but I couldn’t resist gratifying my lovely friends (because you're anon and won't be notified I was getting sad at the idea of you checking my blog and not seeing me respond) <3 I’ll admit I’m a bit scatterbrained at the moment, so I hope it’s okay!
I was having trouble brainstorming a reason for Feyre getting sent back in time because I didn't want to borrow the reasoning from ACoFD. So I was vague and twisted the pre-existing rules around the Ouroboros, and ended up getting quite carried away with the story since I don’t like not giving things a happy ending (even though it’s a little cheesy, sorry)
Anyway, I hope this is what you were looking for! I know you wanted the angst of not being able to save Rhys but... I couldn't just leave my poor bat-boy behind, you know? ;)
Also if this didn't quite scratch that itch, I'm always happy to take more requests
Word count: 4,446
The Ouroboros.
It was a massive, round disc—as tall as Feyre was. Taller. And the metal around it had been fashioned after a massive serpent, the mirror held within its coils as it devoured its own tail.
Ending and beginning.
From across the room, Feyre could not see it. What lay within.
She forced herself to take a step forward. Another.
The mirror itself was black as night—yet… wholly clear.
She watched herself approach. Watched the arm she had upraised against the wind and snow, the pinched expression on her face. The exhaustion.
She stopped three feet away. She did not dare touch it.
It only showed Feyre herself. Nothing.
Feyre scanned the mirror for any signs of… something to push or touch with her magic. But there was only the devouring head of the serpent, its maw open wide, frost sparkling on its fangs.
Feyre stared and stared, but all she saw was herself. There was nothing else. Then—
Feyre woke with a gasp, sitting up in bed to shake away the cobwebs of sleep and the strange, foreboding feeling that felt draped around her shoulders like a weighted cape, pulling her down. It hadn’t been a particularly horrifying nightmare. In fact, it was perhaps of the tamer dreams she’d had in the last year.
Yet something about it clung to her, perhaps a lingering agitation that she’d yet to retrieve the mirror the Bone Carver had requested. That must be it.
The bed space beside her was cold. The sun peaking through the window was not high, it couldn’t be long past dawn. However worrisome her own dream, her mate’s must have been worse to draw him from sleep so early. Worse still for him to sneak away.
Feyre rose from the bed, reaching absently for Rhysand’s dressing robe to wrap around herself. She always loved to steal her mate’s clothes, to be wrapped in his scent.
With gentle steps, she made her way to the study, where she could only assume Rhys had sequestered himself in the lone hours of the night. She’d noticed the weary draw to his shoulders, the dark circles under his eyes. This war was weighing on him heavily, and he was nervous. Feyre wished he didn’t insist on shouldering the burden alone.
“Rhys?” Feyre called softly as she got to the study, knocking on the door before she cracked it open.
Peeking her head around the door, she was met with the sight of Rhysand’s abandoned study. The scattered papers and war maps that had become characteristic of his desk space were surprisingly missing. In fact, the whole space had been cleared away and there was a thick layer of dust on every surface as if no one had been in here in years.
Feyre frowned at the sight, and how different it had been just the day before. Where had all the dust come from? And more importantly, where was Rhys? Perhaps he’d taken a morning flight to clear his head.
Where are you, love? She called to him through the mating bond, but was met with silence.
“Who are you?”
The voice was cold and venomous. Feyre turned, coming face to face with Mor, whose face was twisted into a threatening scowl.
“Mor?” Feyre asked, confused by her friend’s cold demeanor. “What do you mean? Have you seen Rhys?”
Mor’s face turned deadly, a look Feyre had only ever seen from Mor in the Court of Nightmares. “Is that some kind of joke?” she snarled.
Then, before Feyre could process what was happening, Mor had gripped onto Feyre’s wrist and they were enveloped in darkness. They stepped into the House of Wind, into the dining room where Cassian and Azriel abruptly stood up.
“Mor?” Feyre questioned when the blonde didn’t release her steel grip. She looked to Cassian and Azriel quizzically. “Guys? What’s going on?”
Cassian crossed his arms, assessing Feyre with a hostility that put her on edge. “Who’s this, Mor?” he asked gruffly.
Feyre frowned as she watched Azriel reach for Truth-Teller.
“Is this a joke?” she asked, flitting her eyes to each of her friends. Where she sought that friendly warmth in each of their gazes she was met with hard stares, filled with distrust, ready for a brawl. She couldn’t make sense of it. Was this an act Rhys had put them up to?
“I found her in the townhouse,” Mor said. “I don’t know how she got in there. She was in Rhysand’s study.”
“And she’s wearing his dressing gown,” Azriel noted dryly. Cassian did a double glance, his eyes going wide, then narrowing with a rage Feyre had never seen from the male. Certainly never directed at her.
There was a whisper of shadow, then suddenly Azriel was behind her, Truth-Teller poised at her throat.
Feyre startled. “Azriel!” she said sharply. Even if it was a joke, Feyre couldn’t imagine Rhysand would sanction this kind of threat. And the energy in the room was off, the tension too thick. “Stand down.”
“And who are you,” he breathed in her ear, his voice coated in shadow and nightmare, “to command the Shadowsinger of the Night Court?”
“I’m your High Lady,” Feyre answered steadily, not letting Azriel’s shadows, nor cunning voice, shake her resolve. “Now, I don’t know what is going on with the three of you, or what strange joke you’re trying to pull, but you will listen to what I say. Put. Your. Knife. Down.”
“High Lady?” Cassian repeated with a snort of disbelief. “You’ve got balls, little girl.”
Truth-Teller danced across the skin of her neck, pressing lightly enough to intimidate without breaking skin. “Do you even know to whom you speak? You should be bowing before the acting Queen of the Night Court.”
Too stunned to properly resist, Azriel kicked his feet out to knock Feyre to her knees in front of Mor. His fingers slid into her hair, gripping it tightly to pull her head back as Truth-Teller resumed its threatening position at her throat.
“Breaking into the High Lord’s personal residence, impersonating a high position within the Night Court, lying to the Morrigan’s face,” Azriel listed, increasing the pressure of the blade with each transgression. “You throw our High Lord’s generosity and protection in his face, something we as his acting Court do not take lightly.”
“Acting court? Acting Queen?” Feyre repeated, feeling as if she’d woken to a different reality. “What are you talking about? Where’s Rhysand!?”
“We’re the ones asking the questions here,” Cassian growled.
Feyre looked to each of her friends, studying their faces. Beyond their militant expression, she could see their grief. Could smell it. She repeated, “where is Rhysand?”
She felt the snarl that rumbled through Azriel’s chest behind her, vibrating against her back. When the question was once again unanswered, Feyre abandoned all sense of patience.
Darkness exploded through the room. She heard Mor gasp as the walls of the House shook from the might of her power. Feyre folded into the shadows, winnowing out of Azriel’s grasp so she stood in the center of the three of them.
“Az, Cass, Mor, you are my friends and I do not want to hurt you. But I am also your High Lady and you will answer me this instant, where is Rhys? Where is my mate!?”
Siphons gleamed red and blue through the thick tendrils of night, illuminating the Illyrian males’ faces. Cassian’s jaw had fallen open, while Azriel was studying her through narrowed eyes, wisps of shadow surrounding him. Feyre wondered what they were whispering to him.
“Mate?” Cassian echoed, the first to break the heavy silence.
Mor took a cautious step forward, her countenance completely changed. Her pupils were blown wide, twin brown depths churning with sorrow and gentle astonishment. Azriel went rigid at Mor’s approach, but no one moved to stop her as she came face to face with Feyre.
“Where did you get this?” she whispered, taking Feyre’s left hand, eye fixed on her mating band. On the sapphire-star ring that once belonged to Rhysand’s mother.
All eyes befell the subject of Mor’s attention. Cassian swore softly in recognition.
“It’s my mating band,” Feyre answered measuredly, still puzzled that the inner circle, her family, didn’t seem to have any memory of it. Nor of her. “I won it from the Weaver, as was the task set by Rhysand’s mother. But you were all there for that. I don’t understand what’s going on. Where. Is. Rhys?”
“Under the Mountain,” Mor whispered, her voice soft and pained.
The darkness ebbed away like a receding tide. Feyre felt her heart sink as she tried to process this information. “He—What?”
“He’s been Under the Mountain for the last 50 years,” Mor said, firmer this time. “And if you were his so-called mate, you would know that.”
“No,” Feyre said, shaking her head vehemently. “No, that’s impossible. We got out. We—”
This was a nightmare. It had to be a nightmare, and she just hadn’t woken up from it.
“Amarantha’s dead,” Feyre insisted, mostly in an attempt to console the unparalleled grief and panic that were raging inside her. “She’s dead, and Rhys and I got out.”
The grim faces of her friends said otherwise. They stared at her, in unbearable mixtures of pity and horror.
“I think she’s having a mental break,” Cassian said, not unkindly. “Should we get a healer?”
“Let me show you,” Feyre said meekly, casting her magic out to tap on their mental shields.
They all tensed, clearly not aware they’d been in the presence of a daemati. Trained well by Rhys, they all cracked their shields just enough for Feyre to send her conjured memories through. She showed them going Under the Mountain as a human, winning the trials and being resurrected, falling in love with Rhys, and eventually becoming High Lady of the Night Court. In turn, the three of them pushed back their own memories, of the current state of the world. Of Rhysand sacrificing himself so that his Court and Velaris would be safe.
A sob broke out of Feyre. “How is this possible? How am I here?”
It was Azriel who immediately went for the jugular. “More importantly, if you’re here as a High Fae, how is Rhys going to get out? How do we stop Amarantha?”
Feyre fell to her knees, grief-stricken by this realization. She was no longer human. She couldn’t stride in as Tamlin’s human lover and undergo the trials. Feyre had her powers, but they were untested. Would she be able to take on the whole of Amarantha’s court?
“What do I do? How do I save him?” she whimpered, staring in mute horror at her mating band.
Mor tentatively reached forward, laying a comforting hand on Feyre’s shoulder. “Rhys sacrificed himself to keep the people he loves safe. He wouldn’t want you getting yourself killed trying to save him.”
“I have to try,” Feyre answered desperately. “Amarantha she’s…” Feyre couldn’t bring herself to say the word, rape. Not to his family, who wear his sacrifice for them like an open wound. “She’s doing unspeakable things to him. He’s suffering so much. I can’t leave him to that fate. I have to try.”
With renewed conviction, Feyre accepted Mor’s outstretched hand and picked herself to her feet. “Rhys said it himself once. Amarantha’s biggest weapon is that she keeps the High Lord’s power contained. She can’t access them herself. But I… I have access to all the High Lords’ powers. And that bitch has my mate. My wrath will be plenty to take her down.” She faced her friends, who watched her warily. “You have my word as your High Lady,” she swore to them. “The High Queen of Prythian is going to fall by the night’s end.”
Winter had not yet fallen in the Mortal Lands. Feyre wondered if across the world, there was a version of herself curled in a bed with her sisters, clinging to any shred of warmth and survival.
That version of Feyre was very different from the version who strode up the sloping hills of the Spring Court with Azriel by her side. Rhys would be furious that Feyre had allowed him to accompany her. Should anything go wrong, it would destroy her mate to know his family had been put in harm's way after everything he’d done to protect them. Which was why it was only Azriel who came with, the only compromise she could reach with his Inner Circle, who insisted on coming with.
Who better to sneak into the Mountain with than the very soldier who taught Feyre the art of stealth. He was the obvious choice, since Mor needed to stay to rule the Night Court and Cassian was too heavy-handed to handle such a delicate task.
Their footfall was silent. Feyre wrapped them in the shadow of Night as they winnowed through the cave network. Her heart hammered in her chest, panicked to be back in the source of so many nightmares.
But Rhysand was more important than her fear. For him, she would not falter.
With the Shadowsinger by her side, Feyre snuck through the winding tunnels until she came to a familiar passageway. They slid into a massive, dark bedroom, lit only by a few candles.
To attack Amarantha in the throne room would be too messy. Too many variables to contend with, should Amarantha have enough wit about her to use any faeries as a shield. Especially Rhysand.
After several hours of waiting, the lock on the door clicked and swung open. Darkness swirled around the room as Rhysand took in the sight of Feyre and Azriel on the bed.
Immediately, the door slammed shut.
“No,” he whispered, voice dripping with horror. “No.”
“Rhys—” Feyre started, but her mate wasn’t paying any attention to her. He was looking at Azriel as if his whole world had shattered.
“Leave,” he said, his voice cold and commanding. This was no happy reunion between brothers. This was Rhysand’s worst nightmare. “Leave this instant, you stupid fool. That is, if you’re lucky enough to have avoided detection when you passed under her wards.”
“I took down the wards,” Feyre said. They weren’t particularly strong, either. Amarantha had gotten lazy, perhaps thinking herself secure with the only spell-cleaver under her control. Or so she believed.
Rhys turned that quiet fury towards her. “And who are you?”
“Your mate,” Feyre answered steadily, tipping her chin up.
Rhysand laughed. A desperate, humorless sound. “Then you are just as foolish as my idiot brother. And you have both sealed your deaths by being here. Do you understand that?”
Feyre scratched along those familiar adamantite shields. Rhys’s eyes flickered in surprise, but otherwise he looked unruffled as he cracked a sliver open for her.
It would be unwise to underestimate me, mate.
I wouldn’t be going around boasting about such a thing, if what you claim is even true, came his icy response. And I wouldn’t count on a few party tricks to save you, either.
And what if I told you, she purred, that I possess the power of all seven High Lords?
That, at least, garnered a reaction from the stoic male. He narrowed his eyes in disbelief, studying Feyre carefully. His gaze caught on her hands, at the lace tattoos that flowed to her fingers. And the mating band she still wore.
Feyre watched those violet eyes go wide, the silver constellations dancing in astonishment at the sight of his mother’s ring.
Where did you get that?
It’s a long story, love, but you’re going to have to trust me. She lowered her mental shields completely. Have a look for yourself. I’m telling you no lies. I am your High Lady, and I am here to free my husband.
She felt those familiar talons wrap around her mind. A foolish thing to do, to give a daemati unrestricted access to her mind. And if it were anyone but Rhys, it would have been. But his touch was gentle, and he took only the information he needed.
“I don’t understand how this is possible,” he whispered, breaking the silence of the room. Azriel had been waiting patiently, but looked relieved to be included in the conversation once more. “And I hate that you’ve put yourselves in danger for this, but it could work.”
Rhys considered for a long moment, then he looked between Feyre and Azriel and said, “do it when she’s sleeping. That bitch has been playing dirty for 50 years, you might as well level the playing field to give yourselves the best chance. Let’s do it tonight. I’ll leave the door unlocked, wear her out, and signal you once she’s asleep. Her spell prevents me from harming her, but I’ll make sure she’s restrained. All you have to do is drive the ash dagger through her heart, but have your magic ready for damage control.”
Feyre and Azriel waited in Rhysand’s bedchambers for his signal. There was a revelry tonight, as there was every night Under the Mountain, and Rhys was expected to be in attendance. Afterwards, he’d join Amarantha in her bed and make sure she was, in his words, “thoroughly exhausted”.
It was torturous for Feyre. To know exactly what the implication in those words were, to have to use her mate’s body in such a way. She wanted to roar at the Mountain, at the Cauldron, at anything that would listen, but instead she was next to the quiet, brooding Shadowsinger, and lamented in silence.
She’d begged Rhys to reconsider, to perhaps help them stage a more physical encounter that didn’t rely on his own suffering. But he’d denied any plan but the one he’d proposed, insisting it would cause him more anguish to but Feyre and Azriel in harm's way.
So they waited the long, agonizing hours until she felt a delicate pull at her chest. She’s asleep, Rhys called. Be on your guard.
He sent her directions to Amarantha’s bedchambers. There were guards outside, but Feyre and Azriel winnowed past them, cloaked in night and shadow.
Amarantha’s bedchambers were huge. Feyre had never been inside them before, but she was unsurprised to see they provided any luxury a High Queen could wish for.
Atop a large bed of red, silken sheets, lay her mate and Amarantha, both stark naked. The smell of sex clung to the air, Rhysand and Amarantha’s scents intertwined. Feyre thought she might be sick.
Even more sickening was the sight before her, of Amarantha’s arms restrained to the headboard in cloth. A clever way for Rhys to restrain her under the guise of sex, but horrifying nonetheless, to see the proof of what they’d been up to. The female was fast asleep, so convinced of her authority that she could fall asleep tied-up and not feel vulnerable doing so. How satisfying, Feyre thought, that such arrogance would be her downfall.
Feyre warded the room, putting up a shield of darkness so that no sound would break through to alert the guards. Rhys watched their approach warily from where he perched beside Amarantha, so still Feyre was convinced he held his breath.
He wouldn’t risk moving to wake her up, which terrified Feyre. Should something go wrong, her mate would be susceptible to Amarantha’s wrath. Naked, vulnerable, and completely under her control. It was such a dangerous game they were playing.
The room was as quiet and still as the bewitching hours of the night, their footsteps silent as they picked across the room. Azriel held the ash dagger. If Rhys could not kill Amarantha, his brother wanted to do it on his behalf. Meanwhile, Feyre summoned tendrils of night that carefully wrapped around Amarantha’s legs, slithering up her body like a snake, ready to constrict and restrain.
The female stirred in her sleep, perhaps feeling the ghostlike touch of Feyre’s magic. But she did not wake. Not as Azriel raised the dagger over her chest, and not as he plunged it down.
Amarantha’s eyes shot open as the dagger pierced her chest. She let out a shriek of agony and ire, moving to claw at her attacker. She raged against the restraints, spewing obscenities until they died at her lips as the blade sunk into her heart.
Rhysand’s chest was heaving as he watched the female still, then slump. He looked from her dead body, to Azriel and Feyre.
Feyre’s heart sank as she watched her mate process that it was truly over. There wasn’t a trace of elation in his eyes at being liberated, but she understood why. Rhys would finally be returning home, but as a much different man than the one he had been. He’d survived, but not unscathed, and he’d need time to process this.
Feyre came to him, reached towards her mate with the hand that bore his mother’s ring. Rhys looked to it, then up to her. His eyes were clouded with sorrow, with a melancholy she could only hope to chip away at in time. But she could see stirring beneath it was a breath of hope, perhaps the first he’d allowed himself in a long time.
“Let’s go home, Rhys,” she said gently.
Slowly, Rhysand nodded, moving to grasp her hand. She felt him jolt at the touch and, as she glanced at him questioningly, she saw his lips part in wonder.
I suppose you weren’t lying about being my mate, he whispered, the words a sensual brush in her mind. Thank you for coming to rescue me, High Lady.
Feyre grasped onto Azriel, and together the three of them stepped into darkness.
Then, they were above the House of Wind, tumbling through the night sky. Feyre unfurled her wings before Rhys could move to catch them, worried that her mate would struggle after 50 years without flight.
Both males stared in astonishment at the sight. Rhysand’s eyes danced in awe as Feyre, albeit clumsily, carried them to the training ring on the roof.
Rhys snapped his own wings open as they landed. Feyre watched him tilt his head back in rapture as he felt the wind against his wings for the first time in decades. Then he opened his eyes, his expression shifting to reverence as he beheld the night sky.
“I was beginning to think I’d never see it again,” he whispered, his voice a heartbreaking blend of exaltation and disbelief. “And for this gift… for my salvation to be courtesy of my mate and of my brother… I’m a bit overwhelmed,” he admitted sheepishly.
Feyre hesitated. If this was the Rhysand from before, the one to which she was mated and married, she would come to comfort him. But this version of Rhys had only just been freed from enslavement, and she didn’t know what he needed.
As though sensing her hesitation, Rhys cast his eyes back to the sky. “I know they’re all waiting for me downstairs, but I’d like a little bit of time with the stars. Will you let them know, Az?”
Azriel nodded, though he seemed conflicted. His reunion with his brother was perhaps not as merry as the male had expected. But right now, she knew the Inner Circle would hardly deny Rhys anything. Perhaps for a long while yet. So Azriel headed downstairs to inform their friends, who were sure to be anxiously awaiting their arrival.
Rhysand regarded Feyre carefully once the two of them were alone. “Mate and High Lady,” he mused. “You seem to wear many hats.”
“You forgot ‘wife’,” Feyre said lightly.
“Yes, and ‘Salvation’, ‘Queen Killer’, ‘Most Beautiful Female in Prythian’, it seems there’s many things I could call you. Could we start with your name, perchance?”
Feyre was shocked. She’d assumed he’d taken such information out of her mind earlier, but it seems he’d been even more respectful than she’d expected.
“Feyre,” she answered. “My name is Feyre.”
He looked wonderstruck. “Feyre,” he repeated, testing the name on his lips. A gentle smile curled at the corners of his mouth, the first she’d seen from him yet. He extended his hand towards her. “Would you like to watch the stars with me, Feyre?”
It was an offer she couldn’t refuse. Her hand found his with all the casual grace of a dancer, as if it were a routine they’d been perfecting their whole lives. Their fingers interlocked and as one, they stared up at the dazzling night sky.
This reality wasn’t perfect, Feyre thought. This Rhys was different from her own, and he still had a lot of healing to do. But if she could be there for him, to help him in a ways she hadn’t before, then she would be grateful to the strange eddies of the Cauldron for bringing her here. For allowing her to end his torment early. For giving them this extra time.
She watched a shooting star dart across the sky and smiled as it passed. There was nothing she could wish for except that her mate find peace in all that he’d endured the last half century.
His deep, velvety voice cut through the silence. “Do you often wish on stars, Feyre?”
She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He was watching her with a heart-wrenching wistfulness.
“Only when I have a wish worthy of the stars.”
“And do you?”
Feyre looked to the northernmost star, which shined brightest in the sky. “I wished for a light in the darkness,” she told him. “I don’t think the stars would ever begrudge such a wish.”
Rhysand nodded solemnly. “It’s true that they would be begrudging themselves in doing so. But I see no need for you to wish for such a thing.”
Feyre looked to him. He was still watching her, but something in him had shifted. He was smiling at her gently, that lingering sadness already receding. “Why’s that?” she asked cautiously.
That gentle smile widened, showing off his brilliant teeth. “Why, Feyre, to find such a thing, all you’d need to do is look in a mirror.”
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obey-only-me · 3 years
Portfolio By: Akuzondelivery
Warnings // threesome, F!MC, mentions of female anatomy, slight domination, netorare themes, slight exhibitionism.
Simeon has been learning more about his camera and his new interest in photography. He studied and tried different art styles and approaches and now he was inspired by a book at the library. Wanting to add new pieces to his collection and to try something out of the box. Something he might not have been able to do before. But now that he had you, your support and love, he felt he could do anything. And of course you wanted to show your love and support; so when he asked you to be his model for you agreed right away. It was when he asked for Lucifer’s help you started wondering what kind of shoot he had in mind.
“It’s a boudoir shoot. So I have something for you to wear while you pose with Lucifer.” Simeon said it so calmly you almost didn’t register what he had said.
You were at Purgatory Hall, well his bedroom, setting up the scene. You felt a little nervous standing in such sultry lingerie under the short robe you were using to cover up. But trusted your loving boyfriend and loved seeing him smile excitedly. After placing his tripod in just the right spot he walked over to where you are.
“If you don’t want to do this...I’d understand. Are you sure you want to?” Simeon brought you into a tight hug, his big hands gently caressing your back.
“Hmm. I’m a little nervous but, I’m excited too.” You confessed with a shy grin as you pulled away just enough to look at him.
“...you look beautiful.” His eyes sparkled slightly as he said it, making you blush.
“Kiss for good luck?” You teased.
Soft, familiar lips caressed yours for a moment, parting just as the door to the bedroom closed, Lucifer now joining you and Simeon.
“Ah. Well excuse me.” Lucifer said with a hint of humor. “Have I interrupted?” His smirk was as sly as ever.
“Finally our second model has arrived!” Simeon joyfully called his friend over. You were excited to be working with Lucifer. You trusted him, and he was so handsome it made you excited to be touched. But more work was going to be fun for the three of you.
“So what am I wearing?” Lucifer quizzed as he looked you up and down, pausing a moment on your short white robe.
“I thought I’d have you stay in your suit. Minus your coat. I’m hoping to keep a lot of focus on MC.”
Again you shifted nervously, and with excitement.
With that the shoot started. Keeping your robe on you sat on your knees in the middle of Simeon’s bed. Simeon took a few test shots. Set his timers. Readied his digital camera he would be manually snapping shots with. And had Lucifer join you.
He sat on his knees behind you and under Simeon’s direction, Lucifer began by opening and removing your robe slowly. The shutters started and slowly Lucifer and you were entangled. His gloved hands holding your waist, slowly exploring your body. The eye contact Simeon wanted was turning you on more than you’d like to admit. Lucifer’s gaze was confident and dominating, his touches light and feather like. He made no attempt to hold back where he was touching, not that you minded.
“Your face is so red MC...are you enjoying this?” Lucifer whispered hotly into your ear.
Simeon’s eyes caught the perfect moment, your reaction to Lucifer’s whisper.
“That was great. Whatever you did, keep doing it.” Your photographer was inspired now.
Lucifer let out a low chuckle, continuing to whisper and began grinding against you slightly. He removed his vest, gloves, and tie before continuing.
“Keep your eyes on me...” Lucifer’s large hands roamed up your sides, teasingly caressing your breasts and rear. “You’re irresistible like this...”
As the shutters continued, Lucifer’s touches became firmer, more teasing. You glanced over at your boyfriend, wondering if he was okay with Lucifer’s direction. He seemed excited still, a tinge of red across his cheeks.
You felt Lucifer’s lips against your neck, making a moan slip from your lips. Simeon’s face jumped from behind his camera to watch you shiver and squirm under Lucifer’s touch. He watched as Lucifer kissed up your ear, dragging his tongue in small areas on your neck as he did so. Instead of jealously however...he wanted to see more.
“...MC...let Lucifer...Touch you more. If you’re okay with that...” he timidly spoke, this was the first uncertain direction given.
Caught up in how warm your core was growing under Lucifer’s touch you nodded, wanting more as well. Lucifer didn’t hesitate to oblige, a hand moving to touch you between your legs. Rubbing your sex through the lace and thin fabric.
“Spread your legs MC. Let him get a nice picture of you.” Lucifer whispered again, making it impossible to hold back your sighs of pleasure. Simeon watched with dark eyes as you spread your thighs open, letting the shutters capture your pathetic state.
Lucifer’s other hand crept under your bra to tease and pinch at your nipples.
“L-Lucifer...” you whispered to keep from moaning out. He pressed his hips against your ass, making sure you felt how hard he had grown from teasing you.
“Saying another man’s name in front of your boyfriend...how naughty.” Lucifer let his hips grind against you as his finger slipped pass the fabric covering your heat to kiss your sensitive pearl. Now your moans fell freely from your lips, filled with arousal and shame.
“Mmmnnn...!” You looked to Simeon again, wondering how much he would let happen before he made them stop. But he paid little attention to your gaze as he continued to move around the room and take pictures.
“Look how hard Simeon is...watching you be played with.”
That’s when you noticed how erect Simeon was. His cock pressing tightly against his pants. Now your arousal built, knowing Simeon was enjoying it made you want more.
Lucifer brought your gaze back to him, pulling your chin to kiss you deeply. You moaned into the kiss as he pulled down the lace bra to free your breasts. The cool room made your nipples stiff and sensitive. His fingers dipped further under you, pressing into your entrance. Your arm curved so that your fingers could tangle in his hair, your hips moving against his fingers and grinding against his hardened cock at the same time.
Lucifer began roughly entering you, pushing into your pillowy spots. Your legs shook as the heat within you kept building. Lucifer’s breathing was heavy and staggered. You noticed then that the zipper of his pants was being pulled down. Now his bare, hard cock pressed against the small of your back. You could feel how thick and big he was. Your walls twitch with anticipation. And Lucifer definitely noticed.
“You want it dont you? You want my cock deep inside you while your boyfriend watches.” His fingers picked up a merciless pace, bring you close to an orgasm. You tried to cover your mouth to muffle your loud moans, but a voice spoke up.
“L-let me hear you...MC...”
You looked at Simeon who was stroking his own cock, his lengthy member weeping with precum only a few feet from you. The glazed over look in his eyes was familiar. He was really enjoying himself.
“C-cumming...” you moaned out as your walls clenched around Lucifer’s fingers.
“Good. Let go MC. Cum for me and Simeon...” Lucifer kept whispering praises and encouragement against your ear until you finally moaned and shook from your blissful burst.
Breathing heavily, you moaned until finally level headed again.
“You’re so cute MC...” Lucifer teased before pushing you forward onto your hands and knees.
He slipped your panties down your thighs, letting his cock slide between your slick covered lips from behind. You were still sensitive from cumming so your moans were strained.
“L-Lucifer! Your cock feels good...” you moaned shyly, remembering your boyfriend was still watching, stroking his cock vigorously while he took photos of your breasts and your weeping pussy.
“I’m going to make you feel even better. Do you want it?”
“I-I do.”
“I...I want to see it.”
With everyone’s consent, Lucifer slowly pressed his thick cock inside you. You could feel him stretching your body in a new way, making you shiver around him. His hips moved slowly, but even that was enough to build another orgasm.
“Lucifer! Simeon! So good!” You moaned out without thinking, mind completely focused on how good it felt to have him drill into you.
“Good MC. You’re taking me so well.” Lucifer hissed as he held on to your hips, his own snapping into you roughly as you relaxed around his shaft.
By now Simeon had set his camera aside to pull his own pants further down, stroking himself as he approached the edge of the bed.
“MC...would you....”
Lucifer lifted your face by gently pulling your hair up.
“Order her Simeon. Tell her what to do.”
Locking eyes with you, your usually shy boyfriend took his friend’s advice.
“MC. Open your mouth.” Without hesitating you followed his order and greedily sucked the tip of his cock as he eased forward. “Good Girl. You’re so good...” As he slowly eased down your throat, his large hand took Lucifer’s away and gently held the base of your neck.
Familiar with his shape and size, it was easy to suck and lick his pulsing hot cock.
Your moans vibrating around him made his hips buck for more. He felt a bit impatient but loved being down your throat. The room was filled with the low guttural moans of both men and lewd sounds of skin on skin. Being filled by two people you love admired was a new sensation. You loved looking up and seeing the erotic expression over your boyfriend’s face. And Lucifer was building you one of your hardest orgasms. His quiet stream of curses made your face hot.
“You’re so tight MC. I see why Simeon’s is late to see me on your days off. You must stay in bed all day with her.” Lucifer teased as his pace quicken even more.
Simeon also picked up his own pace, eagerly thrusting himself down your throat. His moans were breathy, gaze never leaving yours.
“I’m going to cum soon.” Simeon huffed. “Can I-Mmmn. No.... Drink it all down MC.”
“I’m going to finish soon. Take all of it like a good girl.” Lucifer hissed.
You held Simeon’s hips as he uprubtly stopped to release in your throat and filled your mouth.
“MC-!” He moaned out as he finished.
Lucifer’s thrust were wild and rough but he too came soon after with a loud grunt, still inside you to empty himself.
Pulling away and out of you, Lucifer shifted on the bed to rest on his back. Simeon sat on the edge of the bed next to you and you found yourself weakly falling next to him. You hadn’t cum yet, and Simeon wanted to see you make that face you make when he takes you over the edge.
Lucifer cleaned himself up with his bedside tissue. Redressing as the both of you talked.
“Let me know when you need another partner for MC. I’m more than happy to teach you more Simeon.” Lucifer said with a wink before fixing his tie and jacket and leaving the room.
“Simeon..?” You timidly watched his back as he stood to strip himself of his clothing, throwing them in a pile.
Turning around you saw he was still aroused. Still yearning for your heat.
“MC...I love you. I hope you had fun.” He sweetly cooed as he flipped you onto your back and hovered above you.
“It was fun. I hope you...enjoyed yourself too.”
His sweet kisses on your collar bone became nibbles as he pressed his hips against yours.
“You were...really sexy telling me what to do.” You admitted with a bright flush. His kisses trailed down your stomach, guiding himself down between your legs.
“I...like telling you what to do. Lucifer wanted to teach me how but I didn’t think it would be...this way.” He admitted himself. He couldn’t look at you, instead mesmerized by the sight of your entrance leaking Lucifer’s seed.
Leaning down, disregarding another man’s cum leaking from you, Simeon sucked and licked at your sensitive clit. Electricity shooting through you with even the slightest touch.
“I love you...Simeon.” You moaned out as he licked and sucked at your nub. Your legs were already shaking from having built up such a strong orgasm earlier and Simeon was bringing it back. Letting your moans fall freely, he was egged on as you continued to buck your hips against his rough tongue. His palms held your thighs to the side as he lapped at your beautiful pearl.
“I l-like it when you call me a good girl too.” You huffed out through moans. Hearing you say that made his cock twitch.
“You are a good girl MC. You’re my good girl.” He cooed against your heat.
He shifted again, aligning his already harden member with your entrance. “Do you want it? Tell me you want to be my good girl.”
“Please, I’ll be your best girl.”
With that, Simeon eased himself deep inside you. His cock stretching and pushing against your walls. His pace was even and gentle, but having him hit all of your favorite spots was making your vision see stars.
“Mn. Simeon!” He liked hearing you call his name. But he kept himself steady, making sure not to hurt you.
“MC, you feel so good...” he sighed just before kissing you deeply, letting his tongue guide yours around.
The room was quiet for a while, only the sound of skin slapping skin could be heard as you kissed and moved against him. Your hands moved to gently run through his hair as you kept kissing. Dark locks slipping through your fingers. You exchanged heated whispers of I love you’s and each other’s names as you both chased climax. Each thrust bringing you both closer together.
“Good Girl MC. I can’t hold out much longer...”
“Cum inside me Simeon. I want you to.”
Trapping your lips once more, Simeon picked up his pace, almost erratically. Your whole body was tensing and relaxing as your core finally unravel and shook though you. Feeling you clench so tightly around his shaft, Simeon spilled himself deep inside you. Both of you continued to move through your gasping moans and sighs. Once completely empty, he pulled out to watch his seed begin to leak from you.
“MC you’re so beautiful. Don’t move.”
Like you could move after such a powerful orgasm. Simeon returned with his camera, a normal occurrence in your own bedroom. Of course he has his own secret stash of pictures of you. But what made you most embarrassed was the collection of pictures of you weeping his cum. From your mouth or from your entrance, Simeon loved the way you looked with it dripping down your body.
“Simeon-!” You bashfully covered yourself after a few clicks of his shutter.
He chuckled lowly, knowing you would ultimately decide if he got to keep any of these photos. Crawling back on the bed he held you close, resting your head over his pounding heart. You held him tightly as you cuddled him back.
“I love you Simeon.” You said just before kissing him. “Do you think...we can do this at my place next time...?” You blushed at the thought of there being a next time.
He laughed lowly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Anywhere you want to be. As long as I’m there with you.”
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corysmiles · 3 years
Imagining the scene where ranboo saves Tommy from the lionwolves like he just has consigned himself to his death and just as he thinks it’s all over a HUGE dark shadow comes over him and he hears the animals screech and run, ranboo silently picks Tommy up by his shirt between his teeth and Tommy is too messed up to even attempt to comprehend it so he silently lets it happen thru tears. They make it back to the cave and ranboo delicately sets him down near tubbo and starts to lick and then start getting random pieces of fabric to wrap Tommy’s wounds and Tommy after a long silence is like.... why are you still being kind to me???? And ranboo sits there completely confused until he’s just like “we’re friends” and he carefully brings Tommy to where Michael and tubbo are and curls up around the 3. And it finally clicks in Tommy’s head like. Oh okay ranboo is an okay dude I will allow it -🌻
Tossed to the Wolves
Friendly Giant Au
I hope it’s okay that I left out the mouth stuff but yes Tommy would be extremely confused
Also this is a continuation of this post :] and it’s WAY before caught (again) in the timeline
Tommy sprinted through the trees. Branches snapped all around him catching on his shoes and ripping his pants, but he couldn’t stop. Behind him loud growls and the harsh rhythm of paws chased after him.
Trying to escape, Tommy frantically dug his hands into the side of a nearby tree. The bark ripped into his skin drawing small pricks of blood, but the roaring of the beasts kept him going.
Branch by branch he scaled up the tree until the wind became so cold it stung his face. Their barking didn’t stop though and when he looked down the pack of agitated lionwolves were scratching and circling around the base of the tree. One large one in particular jumped up and tried to climb up to get him.
“Fuck,” Tommy exhaled. He glanced around him at the endless ocean of branches and leaves. The mild greens and soothing bird calls would have been calming if not for the situation below.
Above him through the trees he could see the twinkling of stars against the black sky. And just barely he could still see the smoke from his home.
After almost an hour Tommy felt exhausted. His hands had started to sting now that the adrenaline had worn off, and the cold wind was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Carefully he leaned over to glance down at the ground and sure enough the lionwolves were still there, sleeping piled up over the tree’s roots.
Maybe he could get down if he was careful, he thought. So step by step, being extremely careful to be quiet, he climbed back down the tree. When the warm air from below touched his frozen skin he had to hold back a sigh.
However, Tommy was only a few feet away from the ground when everything went wrong. He stepped down onto the next branch and a loud snap echoed around him. The glowing yellow eyes of the lionwolves snapped open and within moments he was slammed onto the ground by massive paws.
Sharp claws tore into his clothes and ripped at his skin while he desperately tried to hit them away. Giant teeth crunched into his arm making him shriek out in pain, and he felt darkness close in on his vision.
“Help!” he screamed as teeth dug into his legs, tearing at the skin, “Help please help!”
Then as suddenly as it started the monsters bolted. Tommy whimpered as a shadow loomed overtop of him and a much more gentle weight touched his body.
“No no please!” he cried. Terrified, he wrapped his arms around his head to protect himself.
“Hey hey it’s okay,” a familiar voice whispered to him, “Oh god Tommy.”
Tommy flinched away from the touch and tried to escape as he felt himself be lifted up. The warm pressure against his wounds felt like fire.
“Hey shh it’s okay,” the voice whispered again.
Tommy cracked open one of his eyes and was met by Ranboo’s worried gaze. He was only a couple inches away from the giant’s face and he watched with fascination as Ranboo’s ears flicked up and down in concern.
A small hum left Ranboo’s lips and Tommy felt the giant start to move. The hands around him were carefully avoiding his injuries and one of his large thumbs softly rubbed against his hair.
When they finally got into the den Tommy felt completely dazed. The combination of the gentle rocking and blood loss was lulling him to sleep, but every time he shut his eyes Ranboo would poke him.
“Stop... lemme sleep,” he groaned.
“Nope,” Ranboo said quickly, “Stay up, please.”
Tommy grumbled and leaned into the side of Ranboo’s palm. He wanted to sleep so bad.
“Tommy!” he heard someone call from below- it was Tubbo.
Tommy yawned, “Hmmm Tubbo?”
Slowly he felt himself get moved again and then Tubbo was right in front of him. His brother looked terrified as he stared at Tommy’s injuries.
“Holy shit what happened?” Tubbo asked.
“Lionwolves,” Ranboo muttered after a second, “Can you please get some water and bandages? He needs them.”
Tommy could barely keep his eyes open as he felt himself get shifted around more. At one point water was forced down his throat and he had to resist a painful cough. The voices of Ranboo and his brother wavered in and out of his consciousness, begging him to stay awake.
When he finally was able to open his eyes again he was lying on something warm and soft. He cuddled closer to it and noticed that his leg and arm were both wrapped up with clean white bandages. It still hurt but it felt considerably better than it had before.
“Tommy?” A voice whispered, “Are you up?”
Tommy looked to the voice and was met by Ranboo’s tired eyes staring back at him. The soft thing he was laying on was Ranboo’s chest, and the green fabric of Ranboo’s cloak rested over top of him.
“Yeah I’m up,” Tommy grumbled, rubbing his eyes, “Thank you by the way...for saving me and shit.”
Ranboo hummed and gently ran a finger over Tommy’s back. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I? We thought you were uh...we thought it was serious.”
“Yeah Tubbo would have lost his shit if I died to some fucking dogs” Tommy laughed weakly.
Ranboo frowned, “I would’ve cared too, I wasn’t just going to let you die Tommy.”
“Don’t gotta be pretending Boob,” Tommy scoffed, “I know you saved me cause of Tubbo.”
Slowly a giant hand shifted Tommy upwards so that he was face to face with the giant.
Ranboo’s ears twitched back in concern, “Youre my friend Tommy...I know you don’t trust me but, I think of you as a friend.”
Tommy squinted at Ranboo but only found sincerity on the giant’s face. He was a good liar...
Tommy’s mouth opened to argue before he was pulled up under the giant’s chin. All around him he felt the gentle vibrations of Ranboo purring.
“I care about you Tommy,” he whispered, “I know you dont, but I do.”
“...you do?” Tommy whispered after a moment.
All he got in response was a soft hum before he was pushed even closer to Ranboo. It wasn’t long before he fell asleep to the soft sound of the giant’s heartbeat under him.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Non-con/dubcon (overhaul), overstimulation, light bondage, dom reader, reader milking overhaul, Overhauls in taurus, handjobs, slight blowjobs
A/N: I have no regrets in making this. This is the peak of my existence. I would like to thank god and my love for frosted sugar cookies from walmart.
@zuffer-weird-girl @hello-lucky-luka i shall warn you both that this is extremely smutty and I have absoultely no regrets in making this. This was way longer then I expected it to be soo....
“Who the hell are you? Another guard to tease me?” Overhaul said with venom as you walked into his room. His eyes sent glares your way but also with confusion. Its usually only males that come in here. Disgusting ones at that. Quirk filled and sick.
“Oh no, they just hired me. Now I’m gonna need you to cooperate with me, its either that or the hard way, and im sure you dont want that right?” You smirk as you bring in your supplies. Ropes, a gag, a blind fold and a chair.
“What the hell? What are you doing. Leave me alone at once. Do you know who I am?” He spat. He felt his anger rise as he saw you place your little ‘equipment’ near his bed. He tried to scoot back away from you only for you to grab his foot and jerk him near you.
“I’m gonna give you another chance, you either sit in that chair willingly and let me tie you up, or, I pour dirt on you. Your choice.” You glared at him right back. You were trying to be nice, give him at least a chance but you saw why they told you they would pay good money to do this. 
Your job is difficult to describe but what made them hire you was that your quirkless. It was the least they could do for him. Have a quirkless girl mess with him until he was a shivering and whiny mess.
Funny thing is, after your appointment with this gem you also have to go to a few different places. You’ll talk about that later. But for the time being, you had to figure out a way to get this man on the chair.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh I would. Be at least grateful that im quirkless. They could have sent someone with quirks.” You say hoping it was enough to get him to shut up. 
“Pefect!” You smile as he turned around and got up off the bed. You dragged him by his shirt and plopped him on the chair. His face never changing his glare. You roll your eyes as you quickly tie him up, making sure that no matter how hard he tried he wouldn’t be able to move a inch. He tried struggling but that only made you tighten the ropes.
“What the fuck is this for?” He snarled at you. Hate oozing from his pores. How dare you touch him with your hands? Do you have any idea how many bacteria you hand could have?!
His skin started to break out in hives. You saw from the corner of your eye. as you rolled your eyes. Jeez you knew he was a germophobe but holy shit man.
“Calm your tits Chisaki, i took to showers and washed my hand 3 times. I think your can manage.” You snap at him. Once your finished with tying him to the chair you grab you blindfold and pin it around his eyes. You snicker when you here him mumble curse words at you.
“I demand you take this off at once!” He said jerking his head trying to get it to fly off. His fingers were curled into a fist out of anger as he felt helpless. He couldn’t see where you are or what you were doing.
“Nah.” You giggle in his left ear before taking it between your teeth and giving it a nice tug. Your hands go up his back and over his shoulders and down his chest as you kept on tugging and nibbling on Chisaki’s ear.
Your fingers tapping on his chest as you moved your hands near the end of his shirt. You made extra sure your hands where cold so that you could see him shiver. You lift his shirt up before pushing your hands up, letting your cold fingers touch his nipples making him let out a gasp.
“Aw does pretty boy like that?” You laugh in his ear as you move your fingers to grab his nipples. Pinching and twisting him while you kiss his neck, giving it a few kisses and some harsh sucks.
“You better stop this instant!” He yelled at you before letting out a yelp once he felt you sink you teeth into his neck. He could feel you using your tongue licking away the blood that had surface. Your fingers finally left his nipples alone after tweaking them raw.
You moved your body so you were on your knees in front of his crouch. You were so lost in your thought on what to do next that you almost didn’t notice the way Chisaki was panting. Your lips curved into a smirk before running your hand up his thigh watching him tense up.
“What the hell are you doing?!” He screeched at you. You only ignored his ranting as you move your hand to be above his crotch slightly pushing down on his dick. He jumped at the pressure before struggling trying to get out of his cage. 
You smirked wickedly before you started rubbing him in a fast pace. You held the outline of his dick and moved your hand up and down, giving it a few good squeezes here and there. 
You finally grab the zipper of his pants and pull it down letting you get a good sight of his boxers and his semi hard cock. You move your face closer to it before putting your lips on the fabric that covered his dick and let out a few puffs of hot air. Which in return gave you the feeling of his cock twitch and throb. You couldn’t tell if he was trying to buck his hips up or not, nor did you care. It was therapeutic to see what use to be a powerful man, now reduced to nothing but getting teased and now getting his cock milked dry until hes a crying overstimulated mess.
Your fingers tug at the waist band of his boxers before sliding it down so Chisaki’s dick had popped out. The cold air hitting his dick making him shiver. He moved his head to try and look down at you but the blindfold made it impossible.
You grab his cock and took a good look at it. Tbh you figured it would be small cause you know the saying, big egos tiny dicks, well Chisaki didn’t fit that description. He had to be at least 7-8 inches. Damn and to think you were gonna tease him.
“Wow, never thought you of all people would have such a big package. And all for me? Your too kind.” You laugh at him as you saw his face go beet red. Your soft hands slowly grabbed his cock, your nails skimming the underside before bringing his cock head to your mouth.
You let out a few beginning licks before taking his whole cock head in your mouth, making him let out a squeak. You started sucking harshly and running your tongue over his slit while both your hands were working on jacking the rest of his cock off, and the other massaging his balls. You looked up at him and you felt a sense of pride was over you as you saw Chisaki huffing and moving his head back. Noticing his toes where curling and his knuckles turning white. 
“You-you better s-stop, I-ahhh- You don’t know h-how many germs a-are in peoples mouths?” He was stuttering over his words as your harsh sucking was taking every rational thought out of his mind. It felt so good-no! He can’t just give up so easily! He needs to -FUCK!
While Chisaki was having his internal conversation, You finally enveloped his entire cock in your mouth, making him let out a loud groan. You moved your head fast while sucking him like your life depended on it. Your tongue wrapping around his cock while it disappears and reappears inside your mouth. Your fingers are massaging his balls causing him to twitch inside your mouth. He cries out in pleasure. This feeling is all foreign to him. He’s never had any sexual intimacy due to always on the job and seeing any sexual acts as disgusting.
You pull his dick out of your mouth making it let out a pop sound. If you weren’t listening closely to the sounds he was making you would have missed the little whimper that erupted from his throat.
You move your hand slowly at first, making your saliva and his precum as makeshift lube. his cock twitched in your hands, begging to have some more friction, which you gave you quickly gave.
You hand started pumping his cock furiously while laying your head on his thigh. You smirked as you watch the once feared Yakuza boss crumble under the feeling of your hand pumping his cock.
Chisaki flipped his head back and let out moans of ecstasy, His entire being shaking by the feeling of you pumping his cock so fast. He could feel the line in his belly about to snap as his eyes rolled in the back of his head. Oh god he couldn’t get this feeling out of his head. It only worsened when he felt your lips sucking on his sensitive balls.
He couldn’t handle this intense pleasure anymore before the line in his belly snapped and his cock spurted out ropes of cum everywhere. He let out a whine while he was coming down from his high.
His whines and pants were music to your ears as you stopped your hand movements and licked his cum off his hand. Considering he ate healthy his cum was not sweet but not salty either so you could thank him for that. Its thick consistency made you struggle to swallow all of it but you managed.
“Now since we finished that, on to the man show!” Chisaki’s eyes widen before he heard a low humming noise. Right as he was about to say something a vibration was sent along his shaft before reaching the base. He let out a little moan before the blinding light of his prison cell was stinging his eyes. 
“Aw look at you. All red face and panting, all because of little old me?” You giggle before you begun to take off your clothes. Your shirt and pants where the first thing to go before you grabbed Chisaki’s face and made him watch your take off your bra and panties, leaving you naked.
You walked towards him and moved your legs to where you were hovering over his cock as you straddled him. You moved your hips to where you were slightly stroking him but not giving him the friction he and you wanted. Chisaki’s mind was to occupied by the vibrating cock ring and your pussy  to notice that he was in fact drooling. He was so sensitive since it was all new to him that when you actually put his cock inside you he came again.
“Aw so sensitive aren’t we?” You slowly begin to move up and down while grabbing your gag and placing it in Chisaki’s mouth making more drool appear. You roll your hips and bit your lip as the cock ring you put on Chisaki was also sending vibration to your clit making your shiver and moan to.
You started to move up and down quickly as you put your hands on his shoulder and dig your nails into it. Your mouth goes down to his neck and you started whispering dirty things into his ear.
“Look at you, who knew one of Japans s-ranked criminals would be losing their mind to pleasure by a quirkless girl.” You whisper in his ear while the only answer you got was a low groan along with a sight of a few tears streaking down Chisaki’s face.
“Its such a shame that such a pretty face like yours has to be hidden from the public eye. So strong and muscular Chisaki..or should I say Overhaul?” You smirk when you felt his cock twitch while you said it. 
“Oh you like me calling you Overhaul? Why does it still give you a sense of power? Oh sweetie in here, I’m the one who has the power.” You laugh at him before speeding up your hips as you watched him throw his head back farther and more drool escaping his mouth. You laugh as you take out the gag and throw it to an unknown corner of the room. You grab his face before grabbing his bottom lip between your teeth, giving it a good tug.
Fuck it Chisaki couldn’t care anymore. You were so warm and tight. It felt like you were squeezing the cum out of him. Once you started tugging on his bottom lip he couldn’t help but kiss back. Your lips were so soft. So kissable.
He was so close please just let him cum. He didn’t know how much longer he could last in your tight walls. His eyes were fluttering close as it was all to much for him to handle.
“I-I have to cum...please I can’t t-take it anymore.” When did he resort to begging? The Yakuza boss would never beg!
“Well since you’ve been such a good boy I think you deserve it just this once.” You giggle before speeding up as you bounced up and down his cock. His cock was hitting all the right spaces and the vibrating cock ring kept hitting your clit giving you sparks of pleasure.
Chisaki’s eyes blew wide before he let out a scream of complete euphoria. Tears streamed down his face as ropes of his cum painted your insides white. You gripped his shoulders in an iron grip while your cunt clamped down on his cock and came all over his cock. You both were taking a breather before you decided to move your hips again making Chisaki whimper. He was even more sensitive then before. He couldn’t handle another round!
“I-I can’t do another round. My cock is so sensitive please you’ve won! you won!” Chisaki cried out as you bounced on his cock even faster than before. You leaned your head into his neck, giving it little kisses and praising him for being so cooperative. 
“Oh my sweet Overhaul, this game is no where near over.” You laughed in his ear while bouncing on his overstimulated dick. His eyes were puffy and red from tears and drool dripped down his chin. 
He hid his face inside your shoulder so you wouldn’t see how badly you were affecting him. His moans were muffled by your shoulder and your shoulder became wet with his tears and drool.
“Now tell me Overhaul, who does this cock belong to hmm? Who does this body belong to? Say the right answer and I’ll stop.” You laugh at him. It gave you some sort of twisted arousal to see this once powerful man tell you that he belongs to you. You enjoyed watching over him and seeing how far you could push him to the limit. You could tell he was trying to speak but he was still holding onto once sense of pride.
“Well if your not going to answer i have no where to be until 5pm and considering its only 11am, I say I have all the time in the world to hear you say you belong to me. And only me.” And you swore the look in his golden eyes was gonna be something you would never forget.
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bibbawrites · 3 years
She - Carrie Wilson x Female Reader (SMUT 18+)
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Request: girl x girl with Carrie having a bad day cause of Julie and needs to let off the anger with giving the reader an/some orgasm(s)?
Word Count: 1770 words
Summary: after being upstaged by julie at the school spirit rally carrie needs a way to work her anger out, and you are more than happy to be of assistance 
Warnings: sex (obviously), oral sex (female receiving), fingering, use of sex toys, swearing, overstimulation, slight dom
A/N: i finally got the motivation to write this and i dont completely hate it which is good haha sorry for any mistakes in editing, i got a bit lazy and just skim read it while cuddling a kitten lol so if theres any mistakes thats why  also no hate to julie or flynn but obviously carrie’s girlfriend wouldn’t like them and neither does carrie so yeah thats why they get shit on   anyways, hope you enjoy!!!
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​​​ @littlemissaddict​​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​​​ @headheartbellarke​​​ @lovesanimals​​​ @bartok-the-magnificent​​​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​​​ @fandomxreaders​​​​ @ifilwtmfc
“I swear Molina does this shit on purpose, just to piss me off.” Carrie ranted as the two of you walked down the hallway after the spirit rally.
“Do you know how hard I worked on that routine? And she just has to go and upstage me with some stupid fucking hologram act? Which came out of nowhere, might I add.” She continued, and you nodded, not wanting to sat the wrong thing and make it worse. 
You stood back and watched as your girlfriend confronted Julie, rolling your eyes at Nick who decided to step in. He never truly knew how to deal with Carrie. He followed as Carrie walked away and you hurried to catch up, grabbing onto your girfriend’s hand as she repeated her rant from earlier. 
The bell rang as Carrie turned to walk away, pulling you along with her. 
“Where are we going? Science is the other way.” You questioned. Carrie shook her head. 
“We’re not going to science.” She replied, pulling you into a janitors closet and shutting the door behind you. 
“Oh.” You said, understanding the situation. 
Carrie pulled you towards her, your lips crashing against hers. She tasted like she always did, like her favourite peach lipgloss and mint. Kissing Carrie was like the perfect duet, her lips were made to intertwine with yours. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Carrie shoving you against the wall, her lips moving from yours to trail down your neck, sucking marks into your skin as she went. 
“Carrie.” You mumbled. “Are we really gonna do this here?” 
She took a step back, eyeing you carefully, before pulling out her phone and pressing it to her ear. 
“Dad? I need you to call the school and excuse me and Y/N for the rest of the day.” She spoke and your eyes widened. You could hear the muffled sound of Carrie’s dad talking on the other end. She bit her lip. 
“It’s a girl problem.” She said after a moment. Her dad replied and a smile appeared on your girlfriend’s face. 
“Yes that kind of girl problem. Poor Y/N is feeling horrible, the cramps are just so bad on the first day of her cycle.” Carrie put on a sympathetic voice and after a moment she gave you a thumbs up and said goodbye to her father before hanging up. 
“How good are you at acting?” She questioned. You shrugged. 
“Decent enough, why?” You replied.
“My dad is coming to pick us up and drop us home at my house. You’re having a really bad period and you need to get some rest.” 
You nodded in understanding, and together you made your way outside, waiting for Trevor to arrive, and once he did you made sure to clutch at your stomach and lean on your girlfriend as she helped you into the car. 
“Do you need anything Y/N?” Trevor asked, as he drove the two of you home. “I can get whatever pads or tampons you need, and I can heat up a heat pack or get medication for your cramps.” 
Your heart swelled at the caring gesture. 
“I should be okay with just a lie down.” You replied. “But I’ll let you know if I need anything. Thank you.” 
“Of course. Anything to make you more comfortable.” Trevor responded as he pulled the car into the driveway. 
“I’ll go get you girls some pizza. I know Carrie loves comfort foods on her period.” He offered. You and Carrie exchanged a look, but agreed, and before you knew it you were flopping down onto your girlfriend’s king sized bed. 
“I feel kinda guilty.” You admitted. Carrie sighed. 
“Me too. Why does he have to be such a good dad?” She groaned. 
“Too late now to backtrack.” You said. Carrie nodded, rolling closer to you and pulling you into her arms. 
“Guess we should just make the most of our time together then.”
An hour and several slices of pizza later and Carrie and you had her whole house to yourselves, with her dad leaving for some meeting that would take several hours. 
Carrie had been staring at the wall for the past 15 minutes and you were starting to get worried about your girlfriend. You moved slightly, placing a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to look at you. 
“Are you okay?” You questioned. 
“Just thinking about Julie again.” She explained, an annoyed look appearing on her face. 
“You need to forget about her babe. She’s not worth your time.” You stated, but Carrie ignored you, staring back at the wall again. 
“I just can’t believe she upstaged me after all the hard work we put into our performance.” She ranted. You took her hand. 
“If it makes you feel better, I thought that Dirty Candy was better by far.” You said, squeezing her hand. 
“You have to say that, you’re my girlfriend.” She rolled her eyes, but the light blush on her cheeks told you that she appreciated the compliment. You fell into silence for a moment, before an idea popped into your head. 
“Carrie.” You said. 
“What?” She replied, without even looking at you. 
“Remember that time that Flynn called me your bitch and I got so pissed off at her and you worked my anger out with some of the hottest sex we’ve ever had?” You asked. That got her attention, and she turned to look at you. 
“Yeah?” Her eyes lingered on your lips for a few seconds. 
“Use me.” You stated. She bit her lip. 
“You sure?” She checked. You nodded. 
“Positive. I’m all yours to do whatever you want to me.” You assured her. 
“In that case...” Carrie sat up, her look suddenly very serious. “Take off your clothes. Now.” 
You obeyed, pulling your Dirty Candy t-shirt and your denim shorts quickly, and after a quick glance at Carrie, stripped your underwear and bra off too. 
“Lie down.” Carrie instructed, and you did as she said. You watched as she moved down her bed and spread your legs, her eyes never once leaving yours. 
She lent down and licked a strip up your pussy and you moaned loudly, not holding back since you knew that Trevor was gone. 
Carrie smirked, before moving to eat you out, her tongue swirling against your clit as she inserted a finger into you. 
“Carrie.” You moaned out, and she grazed her teeth along your clit as a response. 
“Holy shit.” You muttered, tangling your fingers through her hair. 
She added a second finger and your head fell back in pleasure. She really wasn’t holding back. You could feel the familiar feeling of your orgasm pooling in your stomach. 
“I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.” You breathed out, and she ignored you, curling her fingers inside you to hit your g-spot. You gasped loudly. 
“Carrie, please.” You moaned. 
“Cum for me baby.” She said, her mouth never leaving your clit, and the vibrations sent you tumbling over the edge, cumming with a loud moan of her name. 
She worked you through your orgasm before moving away, and you shut your eyes to take a moment. The bed dipped as Carrie climbed back onto it, and before you could react she was pressing a vibrator to your already sensitive clit. 
“Carrie, what?” You asked, eyes opening quickly. 
“You didn’t think I’d stop at one, did you?” She teased, pressing the vibrator against you again, causing your already sensitive body to twitch. You bit your lip, unable to respond. She grinned at you. 
“How many orgasms have you had in one go before?” She questioned. 
“Three.” You answered. She paused, thinking. 
“You can do more than that.” She decided, and your eyes widened. You opened your mouth to reply but she pressed the vibrator to your clit again, this time turning the level on the vibrator up. You squirmed, not even having time to warn her before your second orgasm hit. 
Smirking, Carrie left the vibrator on your clit, holding your hips down with her spare hand to stop you from trying to move away. The intense vibration so soon after your second orgasm had you cumming again in what felt like no time. 
“Please no more. I can’t take it.” You begged. Carrie shook her head. 
“Yes you can baby, I know you can.” She assured you. 
“I can’t Carrie, please.” You whined. She paused. 
“One more.” She decided. You whimpered as her fingers entered you once again, stretching you slightly, before she slid them out and slid the vibrator into you. 
You cried out, hot tears spilling down your cheeks as Carrie put her mouth back onto your clit, every little movement sending shudders through your overly sensitive body. 
“Come on baby, one more, you can do it.” Carrie coaxed, her tongue swirling against your clit. She angled the vibrator to hit your g-spot and that was enough to bring you to your fourth orgasm. 
“Good girl.” Carrie praised, removing the vibrator from you. Your body was shaking and your face was wet with tears. You knew you looked like a wreck. 
“I think we should have a bath.” Carrie decided, helping you into the bathroom. 
She helped you to sit on the closed toilet, before starting the bath, adding in your favourite Lush bubble bar that she always kept for when you were over, and some soothing bath soak. Once she was done she turned back to you. 
“I’ll be right back, okay?” She whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You just nodded, too exhausted to speak. 
Carrie was back in no time, carrying two pairs of soft pyjamas, and some apple juice with ice. She placed them down on the cabinet before turning the water off on the bath and adding in a bath bomb. She lit the candles surrounding the bath before turning her attention to you. 
“Ready to get in?” She questioned. 
“Yeah, I might need some help though.” You replied, your voice shaky. Carrie grinned, walking over to you and wrapping her arm around your waist to help you over to the bath. She helped you climb in before stripping off her clothes and climbing in with you, sitting herself behind you so that you could lean back against her. 
“Feel better now?” You asked in a soft voice. Carrie pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. 
“I do. Thank you, I love you.” She murmured. 
“I love you too. And anytime, I’ll always be here.” You responded, shutting your eyes as you snuggled against your girlfriend. 
And you meant it. 
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violetnotez · 3 years
d r a m a t u r g y
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Itadori x reader | Jujutsu Kaisen
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 1072
⤷ Warnings: maybe cursing???? maybeeeeeeeeeee idk its been awhile 😂
⤷ Author’s Note: Ahhh my first Jujutsu Kaisen fic! Im honestly kinda scared to write for a new fandom, but hey ya only live once! Immediately after watching Jujutsu I swear to god I feel for Itadori faster than any anime boy in my entire life- so it is safe to say Yuuji is my new husbando 😛
⤷ Song Recs: “Youth-Dabin”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: 
“Yuuji, you almost done yet?” you sighed, your body dangled across your boyfriend's bed, head so low your scalp was almost touching the floor.
You knew you sounded desperate, your voice taking on a whiny tone-not too far off from a child impatiently waiting to get a treat. 
You grimaced internally at the way your tone of voice, frustration riddling in your body at your situation.
One kiss- one measily peck on the lips….thats really all you wanted...and this man had the audacity to deny it to you.
Yuuji chuckled, the sound warm like honey as it dribbled from his mouth.
“Aw cmon, babe, you really miss me that much?”
You sighed exasperatedly, your voice full of yearning as you yawned out a “yes”, your mouth forming a pout as Yuuji chuckled once again to himself at your clinginess.
Something about Itadori Yuuji drove you wild inside….the way he touched you was so intoxicating that you felt your lungs stop in the most blissful ways. He always took your breath away, palms trailing against every expanse of skin, the intoxicating smell of his cologne mixed with his detergent making a scent that made your brain fuzzy and body more desperate to mold into his. 
Yuuji was never a serious lover, always giggling or cracking jokes, constantly praising you with his kind words and beautiful sounds. He was such a ball of warmth, melting into you and making your whole body feel completely bathed in comfort and heat.
So why would he deny you that bliss?
You exhaled again, a prickling sensation filling your stomach as you stared at your boyfriend. He was working so calmly and diligently on his homework, unknowing to how  your mind was racing as you imagined his hand on your body, the way his lips ghosted on your skin…
You heard him clear his throat, the sound breaking your lonely day dream. You swiveled yourself up from your upside down position, watching carefully as his writing hand slightly stalled against his paper.
He slowly turned to look at you, his frosted pink hair cascading over shy, choclate brown eyes.
“Why-why not come here and sit?” He smiled weakly, “ Im almost finished, it shouldn't take too long-”
You could hear that tell tale sign of nervousness in Yuuji’s voice-you had been dating him for 6 months now, and had known him for even longer as being best friends for many years. 
But the poor guy was always, always seemingly a nervous wreck when he initiated physical affection- and it honestly was the most adorable thing ever to you. They way he’d try to crack jokes to make it more lighthearted, or how his cheeks reddened from just being so close to you, made you just fall for him even more. It also didn't hurt that poor Itadori was quite bad at hiding his true emotions, even his smallest white lies so easy to read it was almost comical.
So you knew without a doubt Yuuji was practically dying inside from offering his lap to you- but God could he be any more adorable though...
You grinned devilishly as that statement echoed in the room, now a mantra replaying in your mind.
Finally, finally some desperately needed, selfish attention.
You scrambled off his bed, making the short distance to his chair and plopping yourself in his waiting lap, legs bending against his outer thighs and hands wrapping against his neck.
It felt like bliss- you melted your body into his, succumbing to that intoxicating scent, snuggling your face into the crook of his neck.
You felt Itadori chuckle, the vibration tickling your cheeks as you grazed his exposed skin.
“I dont think Ive ever seen you run over to me that quickly, babe-Maybe I should do that more often-”
That small joke made you feel even more possessive over your boyfriend, your hands  wrapping deeper against his skin to soak up as much warmth as you could.
“Don't be getting any ideas,” you scolded playfully, your voice muffled from being so close to him, “ or Ill take away your cuddling privileges,”
Yuuji laughed again at your weak threat, his digits trailing against your scalp and dancing against the soft skin behind your ear
“Like you could really stick to that, “ he smiled, “youd give up on the first day,”
You scrunched your nose at the jab, bringing yourself to look at Yuuji.
The freaking punk- you could already hear the smirk in his voice, but it was even worse when you looked at him. This man looked like a smug puppy, always desperately wanting attention and flaunting it when he got it. It was written all over his face that he was loving how needy you were for him.
You pursed your lips to the side, your eyes squinting slightly at your smug boyfriend.
“And youd be begging me in the first hour”, you retorted back, trying your best to look stern.
It was so hard to do that with Itadori though- he was just so damn comforting you couldnt help but just want to smile and drown him with all your affection.
Yuuji’s smile slowly dwindled to a dreamy grin, his eyes softer as he reached out for your face, cradling your cheeks against his hand. That faint smell of cologne lingered in the air, the scent even stronger now. You closed your eyes, your body riddled with a tingling sensation as you sucked in that intoxicating smell.
“Oh really,” he taunted back with a soft smile, “Id be begging?”
Shit-you creaked your eyes open ever so gently, kicking yourself internally for being so obvious.
He knew exactly what he was doing- Yuuji sometimes forgot how charming he could truly be, but when he remembered- it was game over for you. You could barely think straight, only able to focus on him and his touch.
Yuuji placed a kiss on top of your forehead, the sensation sending an explosion of fire works across your whole body, the spot almost ticklish.
You couldn’t even deny him-he was your whole world, and you'd go crazy if you weren't with him.
“Its okay though,” he smiled, his voice soft as his thumb brushed against your cheek.
“Id go a little crazy without you too.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Masterlist   |    Tip Jar    | Requests Open for Jujutsu Kaisen + Haikyuu! 
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Edge (Smut 18+) [pt.1]
This is the first smut I'm attempting, please DO NOT read this if you're under 18.
Word count: 2k
Genre : Smut, 18+, mild fluff, angst
Warnings : Oral sex, Edging, Eating Out
read this as a prologue
Chills went down your spine just thinking about what your first time with Hongjoong would be like. Sure, you'd had sex before, but making love with someone you actually love is something you had never experienced.
His cold hands delicately made contact with your stomach and you shivered. At the moment, you were straddling Hongjoong, facing him. He noticed you were getting chills and he just chuckled pecking the tip of your nose.
He slowly glided his fingers up reaching the band at the bottom of your bra. He looked up at you and you nodded. He slowly cupped one breast and squeezed it eliciting a soft sigh from your mouth. He then trailed both of his hands to the back of your bra and skill-fully unhooked it even without looking. The way his hands grazed the skin of your back was really pleasing and you wrapped your hands around his neck, playing with the longer hair in the back.
He let your bra fall to the base of your waist, and pulled it out of your shirt. He then stopped for a moment and tilted his head up pulling you in for a kiss. You were surprised by how much time he took for everything, giving you all his attention. Your lips softly crashed into each other and he sucked on your top lip. You sucked on his bottom lip making his groan, giving you deeper access to his mouth. He swiped his tongue along the side of yours briefly, and just as he was about to deepen the kiss further, you pulled away, leaning down and kissing his jaw.
He held onto your waist, nearly able to hold your entire waist in his hands. He tilted his chin up, and the ways his eyes were fluttered shut, eyelashes fallen gently on his cheeks encouraged you, you were whipped. You disconnected from his jawline and he took the opportunity to pull off your top. You were wearing one of his loose tops anyways, so he could see everything through it anyways.
He pulled it over your head, and you once again wrapped your hands around his neck. He hoisted you higher up on his lap so your chest was level with his face. He licked a stripe right in the middle of your chest and you groaned at the feeling. He continued teasing you so you wrapped your legs around his waist, locking yourself trying to get him closer to your chest. He deeply chuckled, mouth still in contact with your chest, and the vibrations radiated throughout your chest.
He finally decided it was enough teasing and blew on one of your nipples, you shivered, closing your eyes and he took that moment to take one of your breasts in his mouth. You jolted forward into him, hitting his hard chest, wrapping your legs together around his waist. There couldn't have possibly been any space in between the both of you at this point. He sucked on your breast and took the other one in his other hand. He cupped it and gave it a good squeeze. You started shifting in his lap and he groaned from the friction.
Ignoring his own needs for the moment, he sucked and kissed your nipple as well as the underside of your breast making you groan loudly. He then released with a soft kiss and moved on to working on the other breast. He blew on it again and instead of taking it in his mouth, he simply stuck out his tongue, flattening his tongue against your hard nipple. You dug your fingers into his scalp as a mode of praise and he continued. He then took just the tip of your nipple in his mouth sucking on it. You started feeling that familiar bubbly sensation rising in the pit of your stomach and you were surprised by how he was able to get you so close without even touching the lower half of your body. He kept kissing your nipple and took the other one in his hand. You moaned as you felt you were starting to get closer. He took the other nipple in between his fingers and started tweaking it.
You gasped feeling your orgasm quite close.
"Wait Joong, I think I'm about to cum, I dont-" You cut yourself off with another gasp as he quickened the pace.
"I cant-" You tried to continue but moaned as he grazed his teeth against your nipple.
"I didn't know I made you feel that way" He whispered into your chest, chuckling. His deep laughter reverberated across your chest sending vibrations and it sent you off the edge.
"Oh fuckkkk, I'm gonna cum" You moaned, grinding on his lap to get some sort of friction down there despite both of you being clothed. You grunted letting out whimpers. He continued squeezing both of your breast in his hands while occasionally tweaking them. You were already close but when he softly kissed just the tip of your nipple with his soft, lush, pink lips you shivered and that broke the tension.
"You moaned and your eyes rolled to the back your head as you shook, slumping forward, resting your head in the crook of his neck. You let out choked gasps and thrusted into his lap trying to get some sort of friction and he helped you ride it out as he continued licking and devouring your breasts, holding you in his arms. After it was over you slumped into him, as he caught your waist.
"Damn babe, I didn't know I could make you do that" He said and you regained your breath.
"I didn't know I could do that" You sighed, sitting back straight up again.
"Can I make you feel good now?" You whispered into his ear and he shuddered, at this point it was more than obvious that he was trying to hold out for as long as possible. His crotch felt hard against your bottom.
You crawled off his lap, still at the edge of the bed and sat down on the floor, on your knees. He realised what you were doing and blushed a deep red. He continued to swiftly unbuckle his belt and undo his pants. You pulled down his boxers letting his hard member spring out, hitting his stomach. It was red and swollen and you knew that it probably hurt from holding out that long. He stood up and walked to where you were, giving himself a few pumps beforehand.
You grabbed his hand which was over his member and guided it to your mouth. You knew it wouldn't be too long before he came seeing that he was already quite close. You kissed the tip of his cock and licked the tip slowly as he groaned.
"Please y/n, it fucking hurtts" He hissed from the sensitivity. You decided to do what he said and took all of it into your mouth. He groaned, hips bucking into your mouth. He wasn't big enough to choke you, but enough so that you felt him at the back of your throat. You didn't have a gag reflex and used that to your advantage to deep throat him. You cradled his member by curving your tongue and licking the bottom of his shaft, sucking on his balls, moaning into him.
"fuck I'm close, oh shit" A string of curses left his mouth and you took him in your mouth again. He grabbed your head and started thrusting into your mouth faster. You grabbed the back of his thighs to balance your self and match his pace. You swirled your tongue on the base and sides. He grunted and his thrusts got sloppy so you squeezed his thighs moving at the pace you were before as you knew he was close. His fingers dug into your scalp trying to grab onto something. He thrusted one last time before he came.
"Ahhhh fuck Y/nnnn" He whined, beautiful noises coming out of his mouth. His entire body shook and swayed as he emptied his load into your mouth. You sucked him dry, pecked his tip one last time and got back up
"That was so freaking hot" He whispered catching his breath as he made his way to the bathroom. He ushered you in and you just looked at him a little confused.
"You can spit it out" He claimed pointing at his own mouth while gesturing. The corners of your lips lifted up and with one big gulp you had swallowed all of what was left in your mouth. He widened his eyes and came closer to you.
"You're such a good girl for me, do you think I can do the same for you?" He asked and you were confused, he already made you come once...
"I want to eat you out" He clarified and you hid your face in your hands. At this point, you were still wearing pants and were only bare on the top. He chuckled and brought you to the edge of the bed. He got on his knees on the floor and guided you to sit on the bed in front of him. He slowly pulled down your leggings and left you only in your underwear.
"I will only continue if you want me to, are you sure you're okay with this?" You nodded wanting to feel his mouth on you already but he stopped you again"
"I need to hear a yes, baby" He once again clarified.
"Yes Kim Hongjoong, just fuck me with your tongue" You said more confidently now.
"Just tap on my shoulders three times if its too much okay?" He said sincerely, looking back at you. You mumbled a yes and he pulled down your underwear. You were at the edge of the bed so he had full access to you. He held your thighs in his hands and slowly opened them wider, giving him access to your heat. His eyes hungrily stared at your wet folds, no doubt the previous activities had gotten you quite aroused.
He gently blew on you and you shivered. He kissed your stomach and slowly made his way down with light feathery kisses. You felt him getting closer and closer to your heat and you anticipated for him to make contact. He spread your legs wider and finally kissed your clit. You moaned loudly and shifted closer to the edge of the bed, resting your elbows back needing some kind of support. He snaked his arms around your thighs grabbing each one firmly at the back to give more support.
He licked a stripe up from your hole tasting you. He "hmm"ed at the taste going back in. His tongue made contact again and circled your clit. You moaned and were getting impatient.
"Faster please, I wanna cum really bad" He chuckled at your eagerness and wrapped his mouth around your bud. He started flicking his tongue against it and you groaned loudly. You started grinding your gips against his mouth for more action. He grinned against you and started sucking faster on your clit. Soon enough, you felt like you were close again. You stuttered out...
"Hongjoong, I'm close"
"Hold it, wait a little longer" He commanded while you were getting lost in the pleasure. You squirmed trying to reduce the pressure since you knew you wouldn't last much longer. He sucked on your clit while bopping his back and forth, tugging it in all ways. You cried from the intense pleasure and the sensitivity.
"Babe! I can't, Hongjoong ah-" You cut yourself off, biting your lip trying to hold in the loud noises you were making. He started moving your hips with his hands and you matched his rhythm. You started thrusting into his mouth and grinding at the same pace while he put more pressure on your clit.
"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" you chanted almost rhythmically. Your eyes squeezed shut from trying to hold it in. You scrunched the bedsheets under you in your hands as you kept thrusting into his mouth at a fast pace. You shook and squirmed and felt yourself coming any second.
"Fuck! I'm gonna- ah" You tried saying but he flattened his tongue against your clit putting constant pressure.
"Joong please!" At this point tears had started to collect in your eyes from the intense sensitivity and pleasure you were feeling, and from holding in your orgasm.
"Count to 10" He ordered, tongue still pressed firmly against your clit
"one" You said biting down on your lip trying to distract yourself drawing blood.
"Very good babe keep going" He ushered you, mumbling into your clit adding more pleasure from the vibrations in his voice.
"four" You let out a choked sob but muffled yourself against your hand so he couldn't hear
"You can do it, come on" He said now rubbing his nose against your clit from side to side
"five" you grunted out
"Three more" He said, taking one of his hands off your thighs and spreading your folds apart
"I can't-" You cried"
"Yes you can" He encouraged you
"nine" he spread your folds wide open with his fingers licking everywhere, not leaving a single area untouched. You arched your back away from him bet he held you back with the one hand still on your thigh
"ten" He started moving your hips with his hands and guided you to thrust your hips too. You grinded against his mouth, slamming your clit into his tongue
"Cum for me babe" That was all it took to tip you over the edge. You thrusted into his mouth faster a few more times and felt your orgasm wash over you. Your back arched off of the bed and tears spilled out.
"Oh my goddd!" You thrashed and shook from the pleasure, eyes rolling the back of your skull. Hongjoong held on to you though, helping ride out your orgasm not letting you go and holding you in place despite your attempts to squirm away from sensitivity. Hongjoong helped you ride it out as long as possible while maintaining the same position of his tongue simply pressing on your bud putting a lot of pressure on it.
You hiccuped and gasped trying to catch your breath.
It was definitely the longest and most intense orgasm you had ever had lasting for over 40 seconds and making you feel intense euphoria. Tears left your eyes and you slumped back onto the bed from that exhilarating orgasm. You just laid back and openly sobbed and Hongjoong freaked out. You saw him instantly pop up from under the bed, nose and chin shining, covered in your juices. His face showed nothing but concern and worry. You hands flew to your face while you cried.
"Babe what's wrong?"
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wh6res · 3 years
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part of the 21 ways to kill your lover collab hosted by the lovely miss solange @du0tine
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pairing. entity! xdj & f! reader | word count. 5.4k
synopsis. he wasn’t a god, he wasn’t a devil, and fuck, he’s surely not an angel, but he will be your saviour and your light ‘till kingdome come.
warnings. tread with caution. yandere/possesive themes, religious themes, violence, mentions of gore, swearing, mentions of ptsd, mentions of physical abuse, a lot of character deaths, manipulation, stalking, and implications of suicide
disclaimer. i do not condone whatever tf i wrote in this nor does it reflect my beliefs or values or morals and such. it is all pure fiction and i also dont think xiaojun from wayv would act like this in real life.
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a soul’s vulnerability gives him strength. he has scourged far and wide and has yet to encounter a soul as interesting as yours. he never thought a heart filled with hatred and a fragile mentality can be such a sweet combination. xiaojun would be stupid not to latch his greedy talons onto you.
he hides in the darkest corners of your room at night, unseen and unheard, just watching over you like a predator to his poor unsuspecting gazelle before diving into the anticipated chase. 
he moves in with you into the cheap apartment you got for yourself here in the big city—which he thinks is an awful move because of how lonely it’ll be. but hey, it wasn’t anyone’s fault that you got chased out of your own home by your stepdad, your very own biological mom too scared to say a peep of defense to your name. 
your downfalls became xiaojun’s highlights. 
he would’ve felt sorry for you after finding out about that abusive old man. ugh, he scowls. your stepdad makes the entity’s blood boil and he doesn’t even have blood to begin with. the same man who holds the bible in his left hand when he preaches sermons for the people, is the same hand he uses to hit you across the face. 
the same hand he uses to pull at your hair. the same hand he uses to punch your gut. the same hand he uses to shove your mom down when she tries interfering. 
xiaojun may hate men of god but above all, he absolutely detests the kind your old man is—a faker, who thinks he can get away with the shit mess he’s making. xiaojun would never take that preacher’s murky soul even if he offered it to the entity voluntarily. fake. fake. fake. fake. fake. xiaojun should’ve killed him. xiaojun should’ve slit his throat. xiaojun should’ve torn his eyes out—
ah, ah, ah.
he can’t afford to make you any less vulnerable than you already are, now, can he? after all, he can be anything you want but he’s no angel. 
so he watched from the sidelines. 
watched you cry. watched you bleed. watched your scars form. watched the hate and resentment you have for your own family fester in your heart until it grew to a size you can’t hide within yourself anymore. 
and then you left home. 
xiaojun has to admit, for a second, maybe leaving home will make your soul unworthy, will break the mold he’s already had of you and will completely spoil his well-thought out plans.
so really, he can only scoff when he watches you walk around the apartment wearing that pretty dress on a sunday morning, darting around with calculated steps to shove everything inside your bag to go to church. the dress hangs nicely against your skin but he’d rather you stay and wear nothing. 
maybe you’d finally find contentment and happiness in this place, in this city, on your own. soaring high without a cage, without someone to hold you back—these things fill his thoughts like a plague until you come barging back into the door 30 minutes later. 
he’s been watching you long enough to know church service wouldn’t end for another 30 minutes or so. xiaojun’s eyebrows quirk up. why would his fragile little gazelle come back oh so early? but his question is immediately answered when he detects your shaky breaths and the unshed tears in your glistening eyes
you’re suffering the post-traumatic effects your shit stepdad has caused. seeing another preacher must’ve been a trigger, he thinks, eyeing you with a look on his face. xiaojun felt a little stupid. of course, swimming to the surface will be tough with all that trauma anchoring you down.
it’ll be tough, indeed… so why not sink you even deeper?
it didn’t take much energy for him to start manipulating your dreams. every nap, every deep sleep, he’d replay all the horrible things your stepdad has done to you and he realizes how dreams depicted from his perspective took a larger toll on you versus the ones from your own point of view—witnessing for yourself how weak and helpless you had been seemed to chip away bigger parts of you, he notices. your terrified screams when waking up in cold sweat getting louder and louder with every passing nightmare.
he pushed, and pushed, and pushed until you were standing right at the edge of sanity. until you start questioning your own self-worth and judgment, the invisible chains of the trauma too strong to break. until your radiant skin looked deathly, with gaunt cheeks and white lips. until you developed a fear of sleeping because no, you don’t want to witness those horrors again. no. no. no. no, please don’t hit me—
xiaojun can’t help but admire his handiwork but no, he doesn’t have time for that! 
the next time you fell asleep you had been desperately holding onto your 5th bottle of gatorade like it was a torch breaking through the darkness. you’ve intake so much of the energy drink that your body has grown used to it. you would’ve switched to caffeine, but from how much you drank it prior to the energy drinks, your blood is practically coffee at this point. 
“you’re living in my house now, young lady! i’d like to see some respect from your or i’ll fucking beat it into you!”
“stop! please. hit me instead, hit me!” 
“this is all your fault, bitch! how can you raise one daughter wrong? no wonder your husband left you!”
murky and black, you can’t even see the bottom at this point. it keeps pulling you down, and down, and down, until you couldn’t breathe. until your head feels light. until your heart beats erratically within your ribcage as you fought to the surface. 
with all the negative emotions surging through you in thunderous waves, it’s a wonder how no other lonesome, starving entity has latched onto you like xiaojun. although realistically, he was here first, as if he’ll let any other being like him go near you.
it took a greater amount of energy to twist and manipulate the plotline of certain events in a dream. if xiaojun hadn’t grown strong from all your negativity, he’d never be able to do it. 
he can never forget the day he first appeared to you in a dream. to have you cling onto him as you willingly took his hand—not that he was caught by surprise, anyway. every second of every hour of every day xiaojun spent plotting your demise has led to this fruitful day of “meeting” you for the first time. 
“i’m right here,” he said, shaking fingers tracing over your cheeks. a soft caress you have never experienced. 
the man in your dreams is someone you’ve never met before—you’re positive that you haven’t because you’d never forget a face as handsome as his. he appears like an angel casted over divine light, with a soft smile that can cure the plague as he offers his hands for you to take. it was beautiful, how your nightmares turned into dreams the moment the mysterious man arrived. 
how’d you ever know, that the hand you grabbed is the wolf in sheep’s clothing?
it’s sad really, how you’ve only managed to escape one horror only to jump into the next but xiaojun can’t find it in himself to feel bad. well, maybe a little, it’s a fleeting thought. something that disappeared as quickly as it had passed by.
it was only after a few weeks of constantly appearing in your dreams did his plan start to backfire. the change in your behavior isn’t subtle, either, and it angered him all the more. he didn’t see this coming, not even from lightyears away.
simple to say you’ve grown a little more… how can xiaojun put this into words? well, a little more outgoing. adventurous. meeting new people and going to new places and experiencing new things. he can see everything as clear as day—you were healing from your past, leaving the dark chapters in your life to write newer and brighter ones that revolved on having actual healthy relationships for once. 
his seething anger of his failed plans had made all the windows in your apartment burst into thousand little pieces. if you had fine china dishes displayed on your kitchen cabinets he would’ve broken those too. how can you go against him like this? look at you all happy and smiley even as the room turned ice cold because of xiaojun’s suffocating presence. you never even thought once about it—how naive. 
tormenting you through dreams isn’t working anymore. xiaojun has to up his game if he wants to break you down and revert you back to that paranoid, sensitive, and frail self that couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and couldn’t talk to any other human being without feeling the ghost of your abusive step-father’s hands against your skin. 
who says he can only control you through mind games alone? after he’s done what needs to be done, grief and self-pity will go hand in hand. a combination so cruel and heavy on your shoulders that xiaojun can already savor the metallic tangy taste of victory. 
“no! yeji—!”
xiaojun watches unblinking when he makes one of your new friends walk out the sidewalk and right into an overspeeding car. 
tires skidding across the pavement, the breaks not working, glass shattering, bones cracking against the force of the hit—dead, right on the fucking spot.
he’s never heard you scream that loud and he shudders in pleasure as the vibrations of your shrill voice courses through his veins. 
he missed this, your complete and utter misery. 
but he wasn’t done yet. 
“don’t you think it’s a ‘lil chilly in here?” ryujin asks, looking over to your side before drinking the hot chocolate she prepared for both of you. 
grieving together with a friend can be good, hence why you’re now in her apartment a month later after yeji’s funeral. 
you answer after taking a sip. “no, not really.” 
xiaojun grins, giddy and a skip in his step while making his way towards you as he side-eyes your friend, who religiously drank her hot chocolate all the while bundling up next to you so you both can watch the movie together playing on the laptop. 
this one, well, he particularly doesn’t like this one. 
if your other friend was meant to be a casualty, a death borne from not one smidge of personal vendetta, this one, this ryujin is different. heck, he even remembers her fucking name.
no, no, no. xiaojun can feel his skin crawl as ryujin cuddles intimately closer as she stares at you from her peripheral, feeling out whether you’d react or not as she sneaks an arm around your waist. his anger turns a fever pitch, seeing you with someone else driving him up the wall. you were meant to be his sad and hopeless little gazelle and his alone.
xiaojun hoped the poison travels fast or so help him he’ll fucking rip her off of you—and he would’ve, when he saw you and ryujin slowly leaning into one another, head angled and obviously going in for a kiss. he would’ve, when one of ryujin’s hands come up to cup your face. he would’ve… until the poison reached its destination in her body, right when your lips were about to touch. 
ryujin’s lungs seized, breathing becoming an agent to her demise as the oxygen from her lungs disappear into nothingness. the last thing she saw is your horrified face, tears streaming. she swore you were shouting something, probably her name, but it’s overpowered by the incessant ring in her ears.
when her mouth foamed and she laid limp on the couch right next to you, you knew ryujin would never wake again to give you that kiss. 
xiaojun steps back to admire the havoc he wreaked. two of your friends dead, that should be enough to incapacitate you—whether it be permanent or not, he just wants to see you drown in misery. 
and as he slowly dissipates into the void, there’s a little smile on his face as he stares you down, burning the image of your histeria in his head, the echoes of your woeful cries music to his ears. 
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you never dared step foot out of your apartment. 
groceries were delivered to your door, trash is slowly but surely building up, and the place was a whole mess. the entity haunting you has never seen you this… shattered, even when you left home. it was like your brain has stopped working and your body turned into nothing more but a cusp of who you used to be. 
it’s scary looking in the mirror and not recognizing the reflection—so, you painted all of them black. it was an in the heat of a moment kind of thing that took place the moment you came home from the police station, on the exact day she passed away before your eyes. 
xiaojun just has to “misplace” a few pints of paint you had used from when you renovated the apartment in the past, putting the cans where you can easily see them and think that the idea belonged to you when in reality, it’s the entity that put the idea in your head. 
there was a blanket over your shoulder when you came back from the station. it wasn’t yours, they gave it to you while you sat opposite to a stoic detective in a cold interrogation room, yet you made no move to shrug it off even after arriving at your apartment, fingers clutching the fabric like a lifeline and refusing to believe whatever that had transpired in ryujin’s apartment. 
eyes unseeing, stumbling with your steps, back hunched with the curse of the universe weighing down on your back—xiaojun couldn’t’ve been more proud of what he had done.
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you were spiraling out of control. a self-destructive cycle you cannot seem to fight your way out of as your nightmares came back to haunt you. the tall waves of anxiety and paranoia drowning and pushing you under the surface. 
for once you don’t fight the current, you just let it pull you under. 
every time you close your eyes, you can hear the deafening screech of rubber tires against concrete before the car hits yeji. can vividly see the foams of the poison coming out of ryujin’s mouth as if it was caught on tape and is now playing on loop. 
your other friends have donned you as bad luck, cursed to have a fucked up life and will fuck up other people’s lives too if they get even as close as an arm length to you. too scared to lose any more people, you decided to completely push everyone away and had completely shut yourself out from the world beyond the four corners of your apartment. 
it’s like your trauma from before has come crawling back to you, only now, he brings himself a little friend called guilt. 
what are the odds that your two friends died after the other when the person they’ve each last spent time with was you? even the police found it too much a coincidence. if it wasn’t for the cctv cams in the corners of ryujin’s apartment, you’d be facing trial for a murder you didn’t commit. 
you eye the usb stuck in one of your laptop’s ports. it’s black, with an srj poisoning case written in red ink on the small patch of masking tape pasted onto the back of the plastic. 
after being stuck in an interrogation room for the last two hours, you had sneakily swiped it out of the detective's desk on your way out of the station. you remembered it was the usb with a copy of ryujin’s cctv cams, some underling busting into the interrogation room while in the middle of your questioning, holding the tiny usb between his fingers. 
your stomach churned when the detective looked at you spitefully, as if he couldn’t fucking care less of the evidence presented to him in a silver platter and would thoroughly take pleasure in throwing you in jail himself, guilty or not. the last look he shot you still sends shivers down your spine, the sharpness in his gaze as he regarded you. “you killed them. i know you did.”
a week of self-induced isolation later and you start to believe in it yourself. 
in the middle of screaming your lungs out and cursing the gods above for your sorry excuse of a life, you had thrown the usb somewhere in the apartment. not that you bothered to look for it right after, you were too busy wallowing in self pity before passing out on the living room floor. when you wake up, you’ve forgotten all about it. 
so it was interesting, seeing the usb again after days and days of wallowing in grief. you had fallen off the couch while in the middle of a slumber and you spotted the small piece of tech lying underneath it with the other empty coke cans. 
eyeing the laptop on the coffee table, you remember you haven’t taken a look at the evidence yourself—the detective had given you the stink eye when you tried shuffling closer to peep a look. carelessly, you shove all other objects off the table to pull the laptop closer. you plant yourself on the ground cross-legged, not batting an eyelash even when you feel the crumbs of chips against your skin. 
you boot the laptop on, thankful you’ve yet to forget its password, and plugged the usb in again. it was simple to navigate, to say the least, the folder popping up in a matter of seconds. you thought it stored a whole collection of her cctv footages but alas, it didn’t, saving you the time and energy scourging through unwanted boring files. 
hands shaking, you clicked on the video. 
and it was as if you’re thrown back into that event in your life that has now become a distant memory. the hug ryujin gave you when she opened the door, her words of comfort when you opened up about your deteriorating mental health after your friend passed away, and finally, the warm feel of the mug against the palm of your hand. 
wait a minute. 
you perk up from your seat, groaning aloud when your knee hits the underside of the coffee table at your haste, fingers darting around to press the back 10 seconds button. the sweat starts forming in your forehead and palms, making your hand feel clammy and disgusting but it was the last of your worries. 
did you see that correctly?
the quality is a bit low and the camera angle isn’t optimal. you can only see ryujin’s side profile but her glassy eyes are unmistakable and her actions look robotic at best. 
this is after she made your hot cocoa and had delivered it to your shivering, sniffling form on the couch, all bundled up snug and cozy in the blanket she provided. you remember ryujin winking as she walked back towards her kitchen after you thanked her. 
the way she poured poison in her own mug ruled her case as suicice. the evidence is right there in your face but the unease still sits heavy on your stomach and confusion clouds your brain like cannabis. 
this doesn’t make any sense. 
you knew her, ryujin. she’s never one to succumb to her negative emotions, always facing her problems with head held high. her overall mindset, in general, made her the last person you’d think would ever commit suicide. you’ve replayed the video a thousand times by now, still unable to wrap your head around the fact that she killed herself. 
having the sudden urge for another bottle of gatorade, you pressed the pause button as you try hauling yourself up with your arms. 
you pause. pushing your face closer to the laptop screen, rubbing at your eyes incredulously as you eye the corner of her kitchen. 
ryujin’s apartment isn’t that luxurious, nor is it too rundown, but there can be little exceptions here and there. 
like the cheap LED bulbs attached rather messily onto her ceiling, one of the six sources of light flickering on and off. you remember how many times you’ve told her to get it fixed yet she never really paid you any heed.
with shaking fingers, you replayed it one more time, hoping on everything you believe in that it wasn’t what it looks like. this can’t be it—how is that possible—
it’s him, the man who has appeared like an angel in your dream to sweep you away from evil. but standing in the corner, under the flickering lights of your friend’s kitchen, he looked anything but an angelic. 
your mind is going haywire, your body shook in confusion, and sweat started dribbling down your neck. you would’ve thought you made a mistake because how is this even possible? the angelic man in your dreams isn’t real—he can’t be real, he can’t appear like this when you aren’t even sleeping because he’s not real!
he can’t… right?
he doesn’t look too harmless, what with his hands crossed and leisurely leaning against the wall. but one look at his eyes and you know you’re wrong. even through the shit quality of the cctv footage you can still feel the fury and the absolute hate his eyes held as he stared her down menacingly, unblinking.
stared her down as she made her own cocoa, as she hunches down to open the sink cabinets to get that pesky rat poison, as she poured it on her mug, as she swirls the spoon around to mix the deadly concoction all together in a hauntingly robotic way that looked too much like ryujin was being told what to do.
and as you let the video play the rest of its content and felt like the tragedy was unfolding right before your very eyes again—you couldn’t breathe, panic gripping onto you like a vice, the sharp talons of fear sinking deep under your skin. 
you don’t register the coffee table toppling over in your haste to stand up. desperately putting a distance between you and the laptop as you turned and stumbled towards the hallway leading to your bedroom. 
you stop, pathetically landing on your knees before the open archway. if you hadn’t been shaking in fear before, then you surely were now. 
he’s here—can you even call it a he?
the man stands at the end of the hallway. in that similar, non-threatening stature with his arms crossed and body leaning against the wall. 
but the mischief in his eyes is enough of a warning. 
he’s come for you. 
he’s come to finish the job. 
“finally figured it out?”
you screamed, throwing the closest thing you can at him as you shuffle someplace else in your apartment. his laugh sounded pleasant in the ear when you were off in dreamland, but now? it sounded like nails grating against a chalkboard. 
your legs eventually led you to the front door. appearances be damned. you weren’t even wearing a bra and you haven’t showered for days but fuck no you’re not going to stay here with that—that—that monster!
“baby, don’t leave! the fun hasn’t even started yet!”
you grab the doorknob and twist, practically throwing yourself out into the hallway, eyes frantic as you stumble and land face first against—
sticky. the floor’s sticky and there was a smell you can’t seem to pinpoint. it’s tangy, metallic, and you can almost taste the scent yourself in your tongue and when you look down—you want to throw up. 
lying next to each other in pools of their own blood, lies yeji and ryujin side by side, faces towards each other. their eyes hauntingly empty and unseeing as they stared up at you. 
you shrieked, voice scratching against your dry throat as you threw yourself back into your apartment, the door slamming shut in itself. you didn’t care if there’s now a huge mess of blood staining the carpets on the foyer. you curl in on yourself, hair sticking to your face as you covered your ears and shut your eyes. 
“oh, my love…”
you felt his presence before you can hear him. 
a flashback plays in your head—hot chocolate, soft blankets, and a friend who you loved with all your heart. “don’t you think it’s a little chilly in here?"
you answered. “no, not really?”
the tears start streaming like waterfalls, mixing with the blood and sweat already caked in your face. ryujin knew, she felt it back at her apartment yet you disregarded her completely.
“it’s not your fault,” the entity’s hands are ice cold when he gently pulls at your wrist. “everything is as it should be. now, open your eyes. there’s nothing to be afraid of. i’m not going to hurt you.”
stubbornly, you shook your head as you squeezed your lids even tighter, refusing to look at the monster dead in the eye.
“don’t be like that, my love. if i wanted to hurt you, i would’ve done it a long time ago.”
you don’t listen, hunching and curling your knees even more against your torso as you try to block out his voice. it’s unfair how gentle it sounded but your blood ran cold when you realize this is how he got ryujin to poison herself, this is how he got yeji to walk in front of a speeding car—
“hail mary, full—full of grace,” you pray under your breath, shaking like a leaf. “the lord… the lord is with thee. blessed art thou among women…”
“you’re praying?” there’s an underlying mocking to e in his voice. “this is fucking hilarious!”
your incessant mumbling partnered with how you rocked your body back and forth, made something snap within xiaojun. he already stated he won’t hurt you! did he break you so much that now you’re unable to hear stuff properly, too?
“holy mary, mo—mother of god, pray for us sinners, now and—and at the hour of our death, amen. hail mary, full of grace…”
“stop.” his body twitches, having the sudden urge to pull all his hair out and burn this fucking building to the ground.
yet you continue. “the lord is with thee, blessed art thou among—among women and blessed is the… the fruit of thy womb, jesus…”
“i said stop, [name]. don’t fucking test me.”
“holy mary, mother of god—pray—pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our—”
you screeched in pain as your forehead comes in contact with a mirror, the sound of it shattering is deafening to the ears. his icy fingers let go of your nape, letting you fall hard to the ground. your ears perk up at the sound of streaming water. 
you weren’t in the foyer anymore, you feel cold tiles instead of the rough texture of the dirty carpet underneath you. eyes fluttering, you slowly pry them open, and the first thing you see is the faulty pipes found underneath your bathroom’s sink. patches of your clothes start getting wet. 
“you think a prayer of all things can stop me? i’m insulted!” you hiss when he grabs your face, hands so cold that it feels like you’re skin is burning off. “i was going to play nice.”
he pulls you towards him, hand encased around your throat. he shoves the open hair dryer into the half-filled bath tub as you feel him vibrate against you. “you don’t know how long i waited, how much energy i needed to appear to you like this.”
it’s with dread you realize that he’s actually giggling.
you whine, eyes feeling like it’ll pop out of their sockets when he squeezed your neck tighter. with a sudden rush of adrenaline, you anchor your wrists against his arm but it proves to be useless when he’s too strong. 
“please,” you wheezed. “i did… i did nothing wrong. let go—please.”
in the corner of your eyes, you stare at him from the mirror, stomach twisting in discomfort when you see him throwing his head back, eyes rolling up after taking a long whiff of your hair. “this—this fear you have, my love, only makes me stronger.”
“nothing… i did nothing wrong—please! please… let, let me go…” you’re starting to feel lightheaded, black spots floating around your vision. 
“nothing? are you sure about that?” 
you cringe when he licks up the tears in your face, toes curling at the sheer disgust you feel. but the words he spews next is far worse than the hand he’s wrapped around your throat. 
“didn’t you left your mom alone with that abusive asshole? didn’t you make yeji walk into that incoming car? didn’t you make ryujin drink that poison?”
he whispers them so softly, so gently that you almost mistook them as proclamations of love. 
“no…” your voice breaks. 
“yes. yes, you did,” he knew you like the back of his hand, knew what to say and how to say them for you to break in his arms. “you killed them, my love. you’re a murderer. you don’t even deserve to be alive after all of the things you’ve done.”
it’s almost pathetic how you shake your head, eyes closed, refusing to acknowledge the truth. 
“that’s… that’s not true…”
“you’re a curse to the people you love, the embodiment of they're suffering. don’t you see it?”
“stop lying!—”
“am i?” he retorts, maneuvering you around to face the mirror. you swore you covered the whole thing with black paint. “just look at yourself.”
oh, how badly he wants to shove your face against the mirror but he mustn't get ahead of himself. 
“did any of your friends even visit you to see how you’re doing?” no, they never did. he smiles like he knows what you’re thinking. “the answer is all before you now, my love. you need to see through the haze and accept it for what it really is. no one loves you. even the god you’re praying to didn’t answer. there’s nothing, no one, left.”
and for the first time since he has you in his tight hold, you stopped fighting. sobs wracking through your body as your shoulders slump and accept defeat. 
xiaojun automatically lets you go, cooing like a lover in your ear as he tucks you into his embrace. “you want this all to stop, don’t you? someone to save you?”
you nodded, unable to look at him as his hand came up to wipe away your tears. no one has ever done that for you in months ever since yeji and ryujin died.
“i’m here,” xiaojun says, running fingers through your hair comfortingly. “i’m your light, your only saviour. you want that, right, my love?” choice is a mere illusion but he likes keeping up with formalities. 
you fail to notice the steps he took towards the now overflowing bathtub, too lost in the new highs and lows of emotions you feel. 
it only took seconds to push you into the tub. its water buzzing with a live electric current brought by the hair dryer he dropped only minutes ago.
the effect is instantaneous. he watches your muscle spasm, your skin growing darker as the live water fries your body alive. quickly, xiaojun reaches down to lift your head out the water, not wanting to ruin your pretty face.
the last thing you feel is xiaojun’s cold lips pressing against your own, the gentle caress as he wiped your tears away… and the electricity finally passing through your heart. 
when the entity pulls away from your dead body, he only whispers three things—“mine, at last.”
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
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title: mad sus
→Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader (Mark Tuan x Gender-Neutral!Reader )
→Summary: “And where even is Mark, if you’re playing.” Mark leaned forwards, a grin on his handsome features. “Under your bed, Jae.”
→Warnings: this is pure, tooth rotting fluff for our Markie. All I have to warn is probably Jae being Jae, and Mark being in boyfriend-mode which could probably kill on itself.
→Wordcount: 1.1k
a/n: Written for my sister in law and ally in the universal simpcomititty for all kinds of groups @bbymrk​ Also I dont know if that is what you wanted or if you...like it?  Have some cuddles from me and my brother lmao I mean Mark.
Masterlist | GOT7 Masterlist
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“Who would do such a thing?” a female voice whined, just as you entered the room.
“Is this a self-report? Mark asked sarcastically, leaned back on his chair with his hood up. The room was darkened and all light came from the flickering light of his desktop.
“No. I swear I didn’t do it.” That was Tina, you recognized that.
You stood in the door for a few seconds, listening to the familiar voices of your boyfriend and his friends banter about something, occasional laughs breaking up several little arguments. The room smelled like him and freshly brewed green tea, something Mark had started to drink after - what you concluded - spending too much time with Jackson and a tiny bit like that one perfume he always stole from you, bergamot and sandalwood.
Just when you decided to leave him in peace and find something else to do, he turned around, a smile lighting up his face instantly. Without sparing his desktop a second glance, he rolled a few inches back with his chair and motioned you to come closer, extending his arms towards you with a small smile.
“Hi there…slept well?” he asked, wrapping his arms loosely around your waist to look up at you, chin resting against your tummy. You nodded, carefully pushing his hood back to run your fingers through his hair.
“I did. You?” he just nodded, lowering the volume of the heated discussion that was unfolding itself over the game of Among Us he had neglected for you, before turning his attention back to you.
“Are you streaming?” he shook his head, linking his fingers behind you again, pulling you a bit closer so you’d stand between his legs.
“No, not this time. But I think Tina, Jade and Jae definitely are…” your eyes wandered to the screen, over the bunch of names that were listed up. It only took Jae a split second to yell through the speakers, having picked up on your conversation. 
Obviously he did.
“I heard my name, Mark.” Mark opened his mouth to reply but you shushed him with a finger against his lips and leaned closer to the mic.
“Hello to you too, Jae.”  
It was quiet for a second. “Huh…o-oh hi there. Sorry, I thought for a moment Mark was going through puberty again. Fancy hearing you.” Your laughter mixed with the rest of the players, and Mark huffed, before pulling you onto his lap. “Dipshit.” was all that came from your boyfriend, mumbled into the skin of your neck before he scooted closer to the desk again.
“Everyone vote for Mark, he cursed at me.” Jae immediately announced and Mark gasped.
“I’ll be under your bed tonight, if you do that.” Mark grumbled, causing everyone to laugh. “If that’s the case, please, everyone vote for him.” Mark just buried his face in the crook of your neck, a heavy sigh leaving his lips.
“I hate him.” you just hummed amused, pushing his fingers off the controls swiftly, to place your own on them. Mark let you do it without any hesitation, instead settling his arms fully around you, with his hands in the front pocket of the sweater you wore.
“Stop thirsting over my boyfriend Jae, we all know who you want to have waiting under your bed, no need to lie.”
“If you say Wonpil now, I will quit this whole game.” You snickered softly, feeling Mark smile against your skin. “Getting nervous there, Park?” you shifted comfortably on your boyfriends lap, momentarily turning around to him, just to press a kiss against his lips. Tina giggled through the speakers and Jae huffed, annoyed at your effortless (and obviously successful) attempt to flip the whole conversation around.
“Anyway, let’s skip voting for this time, there is no time left.” The voice of none else than Bambam proposed, making you snap up.
“Bambam?!” a chuckle could be heard, a chuckle and probably huff number twenty six by Jae.
“Hi noona, everything alright?” you nodded eagerly, leaning closer to the mic in anticipation. “Yeah, all good! I haven’t heard from you in a while! Wait, which one are you?” your eyes wandered over the screen, looking for Bambam’s name. But none of the eight people in the game  were even close to Bambam or Kunipmook, for that matter… “Wait are you called “Skrrrt?”, Bambam-ah? Oh dear…“ Marks laughter vibrated through your whole body and you couldn’t help but grin too. “Anways, how is your dog doing?”
This time, Jae sighed so loudly, the audio crackled.
“What is it, Jae?” Tina asked, taking pity in him. “It’s just…I feel so neglected.” You rolled your eyes amused, leaning back against Marks chest. “How is that?” Jade asked, joining the conversation now too.
“There are people who do not spare me second comment but ask after the well-being of a dog.” Mark laughed out loud at that before leaning forward a bit so he’d be heard properly. “Shut up and stop sulking Jae, the timer is running out.” And with that, the next round started. Mark let you do your thing, only tightened his arms around you from time to time, pressing several small kisses against your cheek and shoulder seeming a bit lost in his own world.
“By the way, that hoodie…?” your lips twisted into a small smile looking over your shoulder towards him. “Yes…?” he cleared his throat.
“Looks cool, where did you get it?” you laughed quietly, completing your mission successfully before fully turning around to him. “It is, right? It’s from this one brand wait… “XCIII Evolution” was the name. I know the designer, you know.” His smile sharpened at those words and he leaned towards you a bit. “And how is he?” you acted as if you had to really think about that question before answering.
“Ah he’s pretty cool. Hot guy, that’s for sure.” a small cocky grin settled on his face before he cuddled himself impossibly close to you. “I heard he has a pretty smooth-tongued partner too.” You laughed out loud. “Does he? How nice for him.” he hummed but before he could do anything more (like kiss you, finally) the game came to a halt due to someone calling an emergency meeting.
“Mark is mad sus. Mad.” that was the first thing that could be heard and you gasped in offense, snapping around. “Wait what? Just so you know, I am currently playing for him and how am I sus in any way? I literally just completed my mission!” Jade laughed and Bambam whistled through the speakers.
“You literally just stood there for like five minutes, not moving at all. What in the heavens was that?” 
You clicked your tongue impatiently. “I was talking to my boyfriend, Jae, and I like to look at him when I do so.” Jae snorted unbelieving. “Lies over lies. Unless you have to walk into the kitchen to get some food, suspicious mid-movement frozen-ness is not allowed. And where even is Mark, if you’re playing.” Mark leaned forwards, a grin on his handsome features.
“Under your bed, Jae.”
— ✩ thank u for reading ✩ —
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
Promotion - (duke leto atredies x fem!reader)
A/N: holy shit this one took me forever and im so happy to be done with it lol. big shoutout to my best bud cass for forcing me to finish this mf. i needed to get all my pent up love for oscar and his beautiful beard out of my system so here ya go. sorry mom. (and cass) :’)
also idk shit about dune so im sorry if this is wildly inaccurate, im just really out here vibin and being in love with oscar’s beard dont come for me please
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: ahahaha *cracks knuckles* alright SO first off this is pwp, NSWF, 18+, mature, not for children, etc. I stg if you’re under age and read this shit im gonna slap you. so they have sex surprise surprise, holding of an orgasm, kind of a dom x sub dynamic but not really, oral sex (m giving f recieving), orgasm (both m and f), oscar isaac needs his own warning who are we kidding.
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(not sure who the GIF is by but if i had to guess i would say ms. taylor over at @/damerondjarin
The sound of your boots clacking on the heavy gray floor resounded through the towering hallways as you walked. Chewing on the meat of your lip helped to focus your racing mind. Your eyes were cast towards the dark slate of the floor and you almost missed the turn into Duke Leto's throne room.
Pausing a moment to force your thumping heart to calm itself, you faced the great stone laden door. You blinked a few times and steadied the hands jittering at your sides. Taking a deep breath, you pushed your way through the door.
A long roll of velvet struck the room creating a divide that seemed to originate from it's heart. A throne sat in the center of the room, it's legs and top decorated with rare jewels from the depths of Arrakis. A chill wafted over you and as soon as your boots met the pristine velvet you knelt, honoring the man watching from his jeweled perch.
"You asked for me, Duke Leto?" You asked, your voice barely more than a whisper.
The man stood from his throne, pushing forcefully off of the arms as he did.
You could hear his boots on the cushioned velvet as they made their way towards you but you dared not to look up, lest he find your gaze distasteful.
His grey boots stopped in front of your own and he cleared his throat. "Stand."
You swallowed and rose from your kneeling position, making sure to avert your eyes from Leto. The muscle in your chest held back it's beating as you waited in anxiety for the Duke's next move.
He moved from in front of you to stroll around your figure, his pace leisurely; although his words were anything but. "I appointed you to lead my 45th Battalion" His voice was stoic, withheld.
Your breathing intensified. "Yes, my lord."
Leto stopped beside you and leaned so that his mouth was mere inches from your ear. "I have been watching you." He said, his voice tickling the hairs on your cheek.
You snapped your eyes shut and forced yourself to focus on his words and not the warmth building in your abdomen. Your lungs kept up their nervous pumping.
"You have to be the most talented Lieutenant Colonel I have ever had under my command." Gently, he reached a hand from behind his back to meet your cheek. "I would like to show you my gratitude. If you'll let me. I have heard tell of your feelings for me." The pads of his fingers pressed softly on your skin and your eyes fluttered at the contact.
You could feel your core begin to throb against the fabric of your underwear, the first embers of a future fire. As his thumb ran over them, your lips parted under his touch.
'Heard tell? How did he hear about how I feel? Who did I even tell?' You asked yourself. The questions were soon pushed from your mind as Leto's eyes fell from yours to the fullness of your lips.
Leto could feel your breath on his thumb and the warmth of it made his heart quicken. His dark eyes trained on your lips, searching the depths of you for the passion he saw on the battlefield, the unwavering beauty he could see even in the midst of a crisis. Leto grit his teeth and slipped his thumb past your soft lips and into the warmth of your mouth.
Unsure at first, you moved slowly and drug your tongue around his thumb in timid circles.
Leto's eyes burned as you teased him and you could see his jaw clenching beneath his graying beard.
You began to suck on the thumb and moved a hand to clench the top of your thigh, vying to redirect the burning in your lower half.
Leto closed his eyes and swallowed before blinking them back open and pulling his thumb from your mouth. He let his thumb drag down your chin, leaving a wet steak behind. With both hands, he held your face just as softly as he had before, the pressure so light against you that you could barely feel it. The Duke's eyes flicked from your lips to your eyes and you could see his chest thumping quickly. His lips parted and his eyes bore into you so intensely you wanted to whimper, but you fought to hold your composure. The training this very man had given you shielding you from a loss of control.
Graciously, Leto moved his lips to yours and pulled softly. His beard was long enough to be soft against your face, tickling your cheeks and chin as you moved with him. The tips of his fingers dug into your face a bit stronger now, just enough to set your core ablaze.
You gasped softly as his tongue pressed against your bottom lip. Opening your mouth, you swirled your tongue around his own, dancing dutifully beside him.
He moved one of his hands from your face to your back now, pressing against you with an open palm.
Your chest gently pressed against his and you wrapped an arm around his neck. The smell of him, cinnamon and vetiver, flowed through your nose and created an enlightened feeling in your mind.
Duke Leto moved his hand from your back down to your waist. His fingers squeezed around your hip bone and elicited a small whimper from you. The sound of it vibrating on his lips and tongue.
Your hips jerked in his grasp, colliding gently with his own and the pressure of his half-hard dick tingled around the beating in your core.
He pulled away from your kiss, but not your arms and said, his voice now coated with lust, "Would you like to continue this in my chambers?"
Looking up at him through your eyelashes and a soft smile playing on your lips, you answered, "Yes, my lord."
Duke Leto took part of his lip under his teeth and shook his head as he looked over your form hungrily. "Follow me, Lieutenant." He turned from you, his lips puffed and red from your pulling on them and began to walk back through the throne room door.
You followed him obediently, the heat of your core hovering over your legs.
Leto walked with quickened footsteps up a flight of stairs and, when you reached the uppermost part of the home, he unlocked and opened a rather ordinary looking door to reveal his own personal chambers.
You followed him inside and tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
Duke shut the door behind you and drug his fingertips slowly from the small of your back around to hold your hips in his big hands. His eyes, their depths overwhelming, held you in their grasp so tightly you felt as if you were unable to move. Leto moved his mouth to nestle in the crook of your neck and he sucked on the skin there tenderly.
Your head instinctively lolled backwards and your eyebrows pursed as you moaned softly. An animalistic need began to rear it's head within you, a need that only the man in front of you would be able to completely satisfy.
The Duke moved one of his hands to cup the back of your head.
You wrapped one of your arms around his neck and the other worked into his hair, pulling the grey curls softly.
He trailed his lips up from your neck to your jawline and finally met your lips once more. When your lips met for the second time, his touch was laced with fire. The passion in his kiss burned hot against the inside of your cheeks and tickled your tongue. His hand on the back of your head moved to support your neck as he pressed his lips into you harder than before. His tongue darting and weaving quickly in your mouth. The man pressed his hips to yours, his now fully hardened dick rubbing against your trembling vagina.
You moaned, louder this time, and did not resist as he walked you backwards so that your back was flat against his chamber wall. You sucked in air at the contact of the cool wall with your back and Leto chuckled on your lips.
He kissed you hungrily and his hands wandered up to the fasten on your top. "Can I take this off?" He whispered.
You began to tremble, your mind already whirring faster than your body. Breathless, you answered, "Yes, my lord."
Duke smiled softly and worked to undo the top fully, allowing his fingertips to drag down your bare arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. "You're trembling, Lieutenant." Leto whispered, his eyebrows pulled tight. He held the top still in his grasp as his eyes searched your face.
"It's nothing." You lied. The beating in your core was becoming deafening.
"Are you sure you want me to continue?" He asked again, his voice soft.
"Yes, my lord."
"Call me Duke when we're like this." The man whispered, moving slowly to kiss you again.
"Yes, my lord." You teased in between his lips and gasps for air.
The man chuckled low in his throat and worked the top the rest of the way off of you.
Your chest rattled wildly as you tried to focus your mind on Leto's unrelenting grasp on your mouth. His pace was dizzying and the firm grip on your hips was now slipping upwards to rest just under your breasts, his thumbs moving gently across the fabric of your bra. You moaned as his fingers found their way to your back and began to wrestle with the bra clasp. Timidly, you reached a hand out to the fasten on his shirt.
"Can I take this off, my l-" You paused and chuckled. "Duke?"
The man's eyes now rumbling and burning with passion, bore into yours and his mouth tweaked upwards in a half smile. "Very good. You may."
You blushed at his praise and stood on your tip toes to place kisses on Duke Leto's neck. His stubble scratched your lips as you worked on the fasten of his shirt.
Leto unhooked your bra clasp and slowly drug his fingertips up from the fabric to the tips of your shoulders and down your arms as he pulled the bra from you.
A shiver ran down your back and awakened the hairs on the back of your neck.
He gently pressed his palms to the sides of your breasts and moved his big thumbs over your erect nipples.
You moaned on his neck and began to pull his shirt off of his broad shoulders. As it slid, so did your bra, and the two garmets intermingled as they fell; wrapping you and the Duke together until real life called for you once more.
"What do you want me to call you when we're like this?" Leto asked, his voice gravelly and dark. He began to kiss a trail from the base of your neck to the space in between your breasts.
Your head lolled backwards to set against the cool stone wall behind you. "Call me whatever you want, my lord. Just don't stop."
The man's hands tightened around your breasts and he chuckled, the exhaling air a welcome presence on your skin. "I told you to call me Duke, Lieutenant."
"I'm s-s-sorry." Your breath caught as Leto moved his lips to your hardened nipples. His beard scratched against the reeling skin there and tickled as he moved.
He moved to the other nipple, sucking gently and using his teeth to scrape gently. "I'll have to punish you now."
Your hand squeezed into the meat of his shoulder. "Whatever you want, Duke."
His mouth pulled harder on your nipple and he reached a hand to the opposite one, toying and massaging it.
You moaned and tried to stifle it by biting your lip. You reached a hand out to clench his graying curls. The growing chorus in your abdomen was swelling with bravado now, it's sound ringing in your ears and chittering down your arms. You closed your eyes, the feeling of his mouth and hands almost completely overwhelming. "Duke, please..." You breathed, your chest catching.
"Please what?" He teased, his tongue drawing tantalizing circles around the point of your breast.
"I-" His fingers pulled hard on your nipple and you gasped. "It's too much, I need you...please."
Leto moaned on your skin and gave your nipple one last bite before rushing to take your bottoms off of you, ripping and damaging the fabric as he did.
You jerked as his hands brushed over your throbbing core, your body made alive by Leto's touch.
The Duke yanked your bottoms down your hips and dropped them to the floor below. His eyes never left yours as his hands worked your underwear down and off of your figure. He stood and let his eyes wander over your body, his tongue flicking over his lips as he did, and then whispered, "Lay on the bed."
Your breath quickened and you rushed to the bed in the middle of the room. You crawled up to rest against the pillows at the head of the mattress and bit your lips. Courage surging through you, you cast your eyes up to met Leto's.
The depth sitting behind his dark eyes called to you, wordlessly pulling you towards himself. As the Duke moved closer, his form strong and demanding, you felt like prey ensnared by a master hunter. A causality of ignorance.
Leto ran his hands up your bare legs and rested his open palms on your hips. His fingerprints burned on your skin, sending flames through your throbbing core.
Your abdomen seized at his squeezing, causing your hips to jerk towards him.
The Duke smirked and ran his hands from your hip bones to the inside of your thighs, pushing them apart gently.
You swallowed and you could hear the thumping of your heartbeat in your ears.
His breath was warm against your exposed folds, tickling and awakening them carefully. Moving slowly, Leto ran two of his fingers around the outline of your folds, touching you so gently it tickled. His eyes burned into yours, the passion behind them threatening to overwhelm you.
You dropped your head to the pillow and let out an exasperated moan.
Leto's hand moved from your folds to push against your thighs. He moved them so that your knees rested up close to your face and almost too gently, he pulled the lips of your vagina in his mouth. His beard tickled all over the heightened skin and sent trails of sparks through your body.
You cooed and reached a hand into his thick grey hair.
The man licked in between the lips now, a thick stripe up the length of you and a quick tease of your clit with his nose.
You moaned and licked your lips. Your eyes clenched closed and your breath left you.
The Duke reached up your torso to take your hand, squeezing it tightly as he buried his tongue fully into you, slurping and teasing in erotic patterns.
You moaned aloud now, the sound filling up the room above the ungodly sounds of your wetness and the Duke's tongue.
With his free hand, he began to push overwhelming circles into your aching clit.
You exclaimed and it came out strangled. Your legs jerked away from him and he momentarily moved his hands to pull you back towards him.
His beard rubbed against your sensitive skin, adding to the growing fire within you. He resumed toying with your clitoris and his tongue lapped hurriedly at your entrance.
Subconsciously, you ground your hips into his mouth and he pulled away at your pushing. "Stay still if you want me to eat you, Lieutenant."
You whined and nodded, "Yes, my lord."
Leto chuckled, ran his tongue over his lips, your slick still covering his mouth and beard. "You don't listen, do you?" His hands ran up your torso to your hardened nipples.  "I'll have to punish you now." He growled, positioning his mouth over your dripping core. His hands pulled and twisted as his mouth dug hungrily into your slick folds.
You yelled and felt the walls within you clench around nothing. Try as you might, you couldn't stop your thighs from pushing away from him.
His touch was not as forgiving this time, pulling your thighs forcefully back to his lips and wasting no time licking hasty circles around your throbbing clitoris.
You moaned and reached out to the sheets of the bed for support, curling your fingers into them tightly.
Heat was building within you and you could feel it pushing against your back, moving you up and off the bed. You moaned loudly and bit the inside of your lip.
"Don't stop." You said in between heaving breaths.
Leto chuckled and you cried out in pleasure. He continued his barrage on your folds, the pleasure growing so immense it threatened to boil over.
One of your hands wrapped itself in his hair and the other clawed at the bed sheets. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum..." You cooed.
The Duke hummed and sat back up, pulling his mouth from your throbbing vagina.
You exclaimed in annoyance and discomfort. "What are you doing?" Your breath came out ragged as you sat up to look him in the eyes.
"I told you I have to punish you." The man whispered. He ran his thick hands down the tops of your legs, squeezing when he got to the knees.
You groaned, half in annoyance and half in pleasure and threw your head back to the pillow. Looking back up at Leto, you could see a growing bulge in his bottoms, the fabric tight against his body.
"Let me touch you, Duke." You whispered, realizing that the request seemed too intense as it rolled off your tongue. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and raised one eyebrow higher than the other. "Please?"
The man shook his head no and leaned towards you again. His hand reached to grip your jaw softly. "I'm not done with you yet."
You breathing picked up as you looked over his features. Always so guarded, so stoic, calculating.
Duke met your lips with his own gently, his grip on your face relaxing.
You whined into his mouth. The insurmountable tenderness he was showing you threatened to overwhelm you. Kissing him harder now, you moved one hand to caress his face and the other to run over the growing bulge in his pants.
Leto hissed as you palmed him, the touch unexpected. He moved your hand off of him and then brought both of your hands above your head. He held them there with his hand as he finished the kiss.
"Keep your hands right here. You move them and your punishment lasts longer." He instructed. His eyes looked into yours with gravity, his heavy eyebrows seeming to divide his face.
You nodded yes and closed your eyes.
Leto ran his hands down your sides to your hips once more. He pushed your legs up and re-positioned himself above your dripping cunt. Meeting your eyes with his own, he licked a thick stripe up your slick folds and whipped his nose back and forth across your throbbing bud.
You yelped and clenched your fingers together.
Duke slipped two of his fingers into your entrance and began to move them back and forth slowly; dragging the pads of his fingers across every ridge he could find.
You clenched your eyes shut and grit your teeth. You tried to moan his name but your brain couldn't push your pleasure aside long enough to form the word.
Leto moved his mouth now to the inside of your thigh. He sucked on your burning skin with force, pinching so hard a bruise was sure to appear in the morning.
The fire smoldering in your core began to ignite and you couldn't help the tendrils of it from crackling down your back. You arched against the bed and let out an animalistic moan.
Leto moved to your other thigh, bruising and pinching the skin there too. His free hand moved up to tease your engorged clit, his thumb dragging slow circles around it. Building with speed and intensity.
Your thighs began to clench and unclench, readying your body for the orgasm creeping up your spine.
Leto noticed your body and the building tension around his fingers. He removed his fingers from you, slipped them into his own mouth and then said, "You taste so good, Lieutenant." He unfastened his bottoms and pulled them down his legs. He took his hardened dick out of his underwear and pumped it in his hand, the head glistening and weeping for you.
Your eyebrows furrowed and you flopped back down on the bed. You reached a hand to tease your clit, the sight of him pushing another wave of pleasure through you.
"Not yet." Duke scolded, the last 't' getting stuck in between his teeth.
You cried out, frustration consuming you.
Leto pushed his underwear off his body and then ran his erection up and down your folds and pushed himself against your clit softly.
You cooed and ran a hand through your hair.
The Duke leaned over you and pressed his hot mouth to your collarbone, sucking just as he had between your thighs, with passion and intensity. His teeth bit at your skin, sending ripples of pleasure through you.
"Everyone is going to know who's you are." He whispered on your skin. He kissed a trail up to your neck and bit there again, pulling the skin tightly between his teeth.
"Fuck..." You breathed, fantasizing about how you would have to explain the marks to everyone who asked.
His cock twitched against your folds, the absolutely filthy sound of your skin against his filled the room. "You're gonna cum so hard for me, aren't you, Lieutenant?"
You whined and your chest pressed against his as your back left the mattress. You nodded and replied, "Yes, Duke."
"Move to your hands and knees." He commanded, his dark eyes focused on yours.
You nodded yes and shifted your body so that your ass sat on display before him.
Leto growled as he ran his hands down your back and over the curve of your ass. He clenched the meat of you tightly and smacked one of your cheeks.
You yelped and jerked back at the unexpected movement.
Duke pulled on your hips and moved you back to him, pressing your ass against his hips. He licked his fingers and ran them up and down your slick folds.
"Duke, please..." You moaned, your head hanging limply towards the bed underneath you.
"You want me to fuck you, Lieutenant? Huh? You want me inside you?" He teased, his tone low and guttural. He pushed the tip of his dick up and down your folds, but kept it just far enough from your entrance that he still denied you the friction you so desired.
You cried out, "Yes, god, please, fuck me Duke, please."
The man's big hands guided himself into you; finally.
"Jesus, fuck..." You whined.
Leto moved into you slowly, your walls stretching to accommodate him. He bottomed out as his hands ran over your ass and stopped to clench around your waist. The man growled at the feeling of you completely absorbing him. He reached up and tangled his hands in your hair. He pulled on your hair softly; the ache in your scalp forcing your back to sit up and meet his.
Your breath came out in short spurts, the rhythm of Leto's thrusts pushing the air out of you.
His body moved cautiously inside of you, testing how far he could thrust and how intensely he could push. He wrapped his hands around your body and landed on your breasts. His fingers twisted harshly on your nipples and you could feel his teeth biting into your shoulder.
You bounced up and down on him, the pressure of your combined efforts building quickly inside you. You moaned his name and threw your head back on his shoulder. ]
Leto grabbed both of your arms in his hands and pulled you closer to him. He pressed soft kisses on your face, his beard scratching at your overstimulated skin. He picked up the speed of his thrusts now, his breath coming out ragged and pointed over your skin.
You cried out and fell against Duke's grasp on your arms, the pleasure curling within you forcing your body to weaken. You could feel yourself clenching around him methodically, your body just waiting on the cusp of pleasure for so long it trembled, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Leto could feel you becoming weak for him and he took it as a cue to push you over the edge. He moved one leg up from his knees and let your body fall forward. He held your sides gently but rutted into you with more passion than you knew was possible from one man.
You exclaimed, tears pricking at the sides of your vision. You could feel the pressure within you building, pressing against the inside of your skin, a grenade about to explode. "Please, Leto, please let me cum." You begged, all the professionalism and aloofness you had walked in with gone.  You reached a hand down to tease your clit as he answered, "You wanna cum? You wanna gush all over me, huh?"
You moaned and let your head hang limply before you. Your hand picked up it's pace on your beating nub. "Yes, Leto, please."
The Duke behind you let out several uncharacteristically passionate moans and you could feel his cock twitching inside you. "I get to cum first, Lieutenant." He chuckled to himself.
You could feel him shooting his seed into you, the streams hot and thick inside your walls. Your body began to shake, unable to contain the pleasure for one more moment.
"Fuck, cum all over me baby, shake for me." He coaxed you.
As soon as the words fell out of his mouth, your body fell limply against Duke's grasp, your entire body trembling. Your mouth fell open, but no sound emitted. The muscle in your head seized, sending shooting pain through your mind. Your arms and legs clenched, rendering you limp. You could feel your walls squeezing around him and he thrust a few more times lazily to help you come down. You let out a few staccatoed yelps and then regained enough consciousness to blink yourself back into the present moment. Your breath returned now, soft and warm inside your chest. You fell from Duke's grasp and onto the bed, your eyes dangerously heavy.
Leto moved to lay beside you, dragging his fingertips across the line of your body. He yanked the blanket out from under the both of you and threw half of it over your naked body. He worked his arm underneath your neck and then pushed a strand of your hair back behind your ear.
"Holy shit." You breathed out.
Leto chuckled, the lines around his eyes pushing together. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Probably your best work yet, Lieutenant."
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DUKE LETO TAGLIST: @yougottakeeponkeepinon​
GENERAL TAGLIST: @softly-sad​ @mcolbz14​
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Want to be kept in the loop? Let me know so I can put your handle in my taglist form. Right now, I’m writing for Poe Dameron, Duke Leto, Santi, Shara x Kes, and Din Djarin, but I have plans to expand my SW character list, and eventually add in my favorites from the MCU as well.
Thanks again for reading! Sending love! -hai
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
Kylo doesn't like wearing the skirt? Imagine if he does wear one, you could see his third leg just swinging around.
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kylo does NOT like the skirt.
“Hey,” you cooed. Running your finger across Kylos broad back from behind the couch. You leaned over the lip, giving him your best puppy eyes, “What if we did something new?”
“What do you mean,” he mumbled through a mouthful of cereal. Kylo didn’t even turn to look at you, staring directly at the screen. History channel was on, its more important than you. You traced your finger up to his ear, brushing his long hair back to expose it. Kylo shuddered as you traced it, giving you a sideways glare before taking another bite of his precious meal.
“I just wanna try some stuff with you...”
“What kind of stuff? We already do enough.”
“Like in the bedroom,” you leaned further, almost flopping into the couch in the process. “I wanna try something new.”
Kylo snorted, “I’ve already fucked all your holes, unless you want me to try and burst your eardrum there’s nothing new to work in.”
“Okay gross,” you sighed, “I was thinking some roleplay.”
You had his attention now, you climbed over the lip. Perching next to him on your heels and puffing your bottom lip out. Being sure to press your breasts together so he was nice and buttered up. “I wanted to do like a school girl role play.”
“School girl?”
You nodded.
“Angel, we haven’t been in school in like 7 years. I’m almost 30.”
You groaned, slumping into his lap dramatically. Smushing your face into the cushion on the other side of his thigh, “That’s why it’s a role playyyyy.”
Kylo smacked the back of your thigh, “Dont fuckin’ whine. What would it even be? You getting a fucked for an A?”
“Not exactly...”
“You didn’t even get As in college.”
Three nights later you executed your plan, laying out a school girl uniform on the bed. Along with various toys, you were wearing a black lingerie set. Looking extra tantalizing for his royal jackass to come see you.
“I’m home,” you heard him holler from the kitchen, you perked up right away. Vibrating from excitement as you waited. Soon he strode through the door, dead in his tracks when he saw you.
“What’s this?” He asked, his eyes dancing across your skin and finally settling on the outfit. He scrunched his forehead, “Arent you supposed to have that on?”
You shook your head, your smile wide across your face.
“Well,” Kylo kept staring at it, “Whose it for then? This isn’t like a threeway thing again, right? Because last time you picked the girl and she didn’t stop calling me for a month.”
“It’s for you.”
Just when you thought he was froze before, he somehow became even stiffer. His smirk falling into a deep frown as he back away from the bed. “Why would I wear that,” he stuttered.
You crawled to the edge of the bed, grasping his collar before he could run away. Bringing him close to your face as you whispered, “Because I’m going to fuck your pretty little ass.”
Kylo visibly gulped, “Are you serious?”
You nodded your head, placing a plush kiss before you whispered again, “Since you’ve been such a slut, needing to get your grades up by fucking your teacher.”
“Oh my god, your fucking serious right now.”
“Get your outfit on,” you pushed him away, “Dont keep me waiting.”
“This thing is uncomfortable,” Kylo whined from the bathroom, he had been in there for 10 minutes. You weren’t sure if he spent it cleaning himself or trying to break out through the window, but you were done waiting.
“Come out here or I’m giving you an F!”
“I thought you were giving me a D!”
“Just for that,” you sneered through the door, “I’m not going gentle!”
Kylo finally emerged, face beet red and scrunched in embarrassment. You were so excited, it was so snug on him. Caressing his muscles, every dip and bulge of his skin, right down to his cock. Which was harder than you expected, peaking out from under the pleating.
You placed your palms on his cheeks, sloppy kisses against his mouth. Kylo hummed into you, the tension from before melting away as he wrapped his large hands around your waist. His fingers digging into your skin as your tongues danced. You grinded into him, causing him to hiss as you squeezed his cock between the two of you. “This better be worth it,” he growled into your mouth. Lifting you from the floor and walking the two of you to the bed.
Kylo slotted between your legs, pushing your open with a palm behind each knee. He stared down at your pussy, glistening and bare. Lips parting as he spread your legs more. Kylo gathered some spit, letting it fall on your clit before he rocked his cock against you. The skirt pulled back enough for him to coat him in your juices.
“Baby,” you whined, “I’m supposed to be fucking you.”
Kylo shook his head, “Not yet, professor, I need to be sure your good enough to fuck my ass.”
His hand dropped your leg, popping the tip inside you. You moaned at the stretch, even after all these years together. He still split you, stretching and pushing you apart to make room for his monster cock. Kylo grunted as he sunk inside you, a loud squelch when he was flush with your hips.
“Am I good enough?”
He nodded silently, sucking in a breathe through his teeth before pounding into you. Anchoring himself over you, his stupid skirt covering the image of his cock ripping you.
“You like getting fucked by me?” he growled, “In this stupid outfit?”
You dug your nails into his shoulders, pulling him down to your face. “It’s a mandatory uniform you filthy slut.”
Kylo growled again, slamming harder and harder into you. He latched his mouth to your neck, sucking a deep purple welt. “Everyone’s gonna know you let one of your students fuck you, you’re going to get fired.”
You grabbed his face between your thumb and forefinger, just the way he does to you, “Do you want the whole class to know I fucked you?” Kylo froze, trying to work his jaw close from your steel grip. You brought his real close, “Get on your fucking hands and knees, you need to earn your grade.”
Shockingly enough, Kylo obeyed without a word. The slight whine from his throat was all you heard when he pulled out. Centering himself on the bed and bending over, you smiled when you saw him. His firm, pale ass up in the air for you.
And nestled inside in was a plug, just for you to take out.
You brought a finger to it, taping the base experimentally. “Look at you,” you mused, giving a light tug to it, Kylo shuddered underneath you. Nuzzling his face into the duvet, he let out a lewd moan. “Fuck Angel,” he whimpered, spreading his legs a little wider for you. Even arching his back so you would reward him with more touches.
“Are you eager to get fucked?”
Kylo nodded, “I’m eager to get this skirt off, now fuck me.”
You scowled at it him.
“Please,” he whimpered.
You reached to your side, grabbing the strap to nestle inside you. Being sure to place the base right over your aching clit, you then squirted copious amounts of lube on the length. Fucking yourself with a fist while you tugged at the plug. Kylo groaned beneath you as the largest part pulled out. Exhaling hotly once it was free, you wasted no time bringing the tip to him. Thrusting your hips slowly, you scratched your nails up his thighs. Digging them into his skin just the way he likes.
“Okay Ky?”
He nodded into the blankets, “Mhm, please move. I’m going to fucking cum if you don’t do something.”
You smiled, snapping your hips into him. Both of you groaning out from the double sided toy. You saw one of Kylos arms fold under his chest, tugging at his weeping cock. Still slick from your pussy, you canted into him. A symphony of smacks, moans, and cries as you fucked him.
Kylo cried out, “Fucking fuck! Cumming... I’m fucking cumming!” His body seized below you, followed by more choking sobs as he sat up on his hands and sank back into you. His cock spurting cum all over the covers, pooling between his legs as he trembled.
You softly pushed into him, trying to move him off so you could get out. Kylo took the hint, wincing as you pulled away. Quickly standing from the bed to grab towels and water for him.
When you came back he was still panting, laying in a u-shape around his mess. A weak had stretched out to grab the bottle, chugging the entirety in one move.
“I’m never wearing the skirt again.”
i’m hot and HARD.
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads @caillea @roanniom @contesa-lui-alucard @historyandfandoms50 @relationshipwithmybed @emeraldsiren20 @shesakillerkween @jynz-andtonic
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