#maybe pin later
lesenbyan · 1 year
also also in case there's about to be a Thing about that anon from anon or anyone else
you're talking to someone who's highest fic on AO3 is a teenage girl being fucked by three different grown ass men. and isn't sorry for it. description says problematique shipper for a reason.
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dizzybizz · 4 months
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ms jay herself (and apple)
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knifearo · 5 months
daily gentle reminder that the words we use to describe ourselves are labels. they're not immutable states of being, they're not all-encompassing, they're not permanent, they're not universal; labels are just words that we use to indicate something about our experience that we find important enough to communicate to others. if your experience with attraction is significantly different enough from a typical allo experience then aspec labels are there for you to use as long as you want them; and conversely, what aspec labels communicate is just that someone's experience is aligned enough with what we describe as aromanticism/asexuality to warrant telling people about it. you never need a label, you never need to keep a label, you never need to justify a label, and you never need to use a label for anything besides what you want it for. it's not a contract. it's an adjective that you can choose to use or not to use. all it needs to do is be useful for you. 💚🖤
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madmutts · 9 months
Facing Fears: Lapse Arc.
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Angelo sniffles and huffs to himself as he sits just outside the lair. He feels shame for crying yet again, but he simply couldn't hold it in. With his hoodie draped over his lap, he scrubs away tears with a sleeve. The turtle grumbles to himself, "Just.. jus go in…"
He has to go home eventually. His brothers will find out whether he wants them to or not… Angelo takes a deep, shaky breath, then stands up on wobbly legs. He uses the wall to support himself, dragging his feet as he steps through the entryway to the lair. It's quiet… Angelo can feel anxiety spike inside his chest.
He barely makes it halfway to his train car when he hears a voice from behind, making him freeze.
"Angie! Where've you been?" It's Lee. And he doesn't sound happy… Angelo's hands shake. "You were supposed to text one of us every hour, you-"
The box turtle holds his breath when Lee cuts himself off. He can feel him step closer, and Angelo shrinks in on himself a little, still not having turned to face his brother.
"Mikey… Why do you smell like that..?"
When the younger turtle finally takes in air, it's shaky. He blinks away the sting of tears, only turning further away from Lee. "I.. I don.. know wh. what you're.. you're talkin about…"
Lee's stern tone makes Angelo tense further, and he whimpers, those tears blurring his vision. It's only when his older brother is just a step away that he speaks again, his voice small and timid. "I'm sorry… I don't-.. I d-d-..."
The hand not gripping his hoodie and mask raises to his face, covering his eyes as he grimaces. He hates crying so much like this… He feels childish.
Angelo flinches when a hand lands on his shell, and he looks up at Lee, whose face holds a… worried expression. Not mad. Just.. concerned. And that makes Angelo cry harder. Why isn't he mad? He should be very mad.
"Oh, Angie…" Lee mutters, brows creasing and arm going around his little brother to pull him against his plastron. He leans down to rest his beak against Angelo's head. The younger turtle hiccups and whines, crying against his brother's stupid shirt.
"I'm sorry… I'm-.. I tried. I was- they-" Angelo lets out a small irritated groan, face scrunched up. Why is it so fucking hard to just talk? "I tried. so hard. n-not to.. I- hh.."
Lee gently shushes him, rubbing his hand along the younger turtle's shell. "Slow down, little brother… Take it easy."
The box turtle clings tightly to his older brother, his hoodie and mask abandoned on the subway floor. "I didn't want to- I-.. I don't wanna.. b-be like this anymore.. I-"
With a quiet shush, the slider nuzzles his beak against Angelo's head. "I know. I know, Angie…"
Muffled hiccups and sobs leave the smaller turtle, his babbling quieted by the hand on his shell and soft words from his brother.
There's a long moment of Lee just holding Angelo, standing in the middle of the lair. But eventually, Lee leans away a bit to look down at the box turtle. "Hey.. let's get you to bed, ok? We can.. talk about this later. When you're not… like this."
Angelo just sniffles, nodding against Lee's chest. The slider bends down to pick up that orange hoodie, then gives Angelo a pat on the shell. He guides his wobbly brother to his train car, trying to be as gentle as he can as he nudges Angelo into bed. The box turtle feels so heavy with exhaustion, sighing as he finally lays down under his soft sheets.
Lee tucks his little brother in. As he goes to stand, he feels a tug on his shirt. "Stay.. please.."
He gives Angelo a small nod, and sits back down at the edge of his bed. "Yeah.. ok."
He watches as Angelo easily gets comfortable and very quickly falls asleep. After a long moment of silence, he looks over at the doorway, seeing their other two brothers standing there. Tello has his arms crossed, and Raphie needs to bend over to even see inside. They all share an expression.
"...We can talk in the kitchen."
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starrysharks · 8 months
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"we wanna see a reeeeally heart-thumping blood-spilling cool fight, so don't be another boring target! pleeeease!"
needles of the church, an assassin and one of the key characters in reassassination. a prodigy who sees death as a game, she 'fights' using pins, a giant zombie who protects her from harm, as a weapon.
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des-fangirl · 2 months
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. INFO POST .❀ *₊° ❀
☆ I'm Des, pronouns are they/them. My native language is russian + im still in school so my English isn't perfect but im trying! Birthday is on 29 of May btw :3
☆ currently I'm obsessed with discworld, especially Vimes & Vetinari <]
But my other fandoms (that i have made/will make fanart of) are: Hollow knight, Good omens, Pokémon, Professor layton, Ace attorney, Sherlock Holmes (and many others that i can't remember now)
☆ I'm always happy to interact!! Feel free to send asks, leave comments or ask anything. But get ready for lots of happy tags & comments and asks because once i like you it's all over for you. (:3)
☆ my main tags:
#desfan-art - my art tag
#des-shitpost - my shitpost tag
#ask - my answered inbox tag when i remember to use it ofc...
^ about tags..i dont tag reblogs, and i reblog pretty much, so get ready for that ig :_) actually my blog is kinda messy i think but im comfortable with that and hopefully you will be too,,
I think that's all! Ty for reading mrmrm:3
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swsf · 6 months
lizard etho anon is back!! 4/etho or 13/bdubs mayhaps? :0
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FOUR IS CARRION COMFORT BY aeseaes ! it’s actually on my ethubs playlist, good pin lizard etho anon!
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blazichu · 1 year
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And here we have a collage of Triangles Found in the Coronet Highlands.
Including the most important triangle:
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latelierderiot · 2 months
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repurposing an old sketch bc i’m obsessed with the idea of the stars, the sun and the moon
i had to get it out of my system and now i have to figure out how i want to do it
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It caught me off guard but there’s this exchange between Hosea and Arthur that for me happened right after the bear hunt, where Arthur suddenly says his back hurts, and Hosea gleefully says “well lie down and let me get crackin” and Arthur is like haha NOOOooooo! no thank you I am backing away from this interaction haha! the implications are killing me
1. Hosea gives back massages
2. Hosea is extremely enthusiastic
3. Said massages are terrifying for the recipients, to the point that it has become a running joke in the gang.
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*saves pin* ooh im gonna draw this (🤡)
narrator: and she never did draw it… ever :)
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splatoon-countdown · 8 months
(While outdated since the DLC is now out, I'm too lazy to make a new pinned)
Hello! I was curious to see just how long we'll have to wait for Side Order, so I looked up the day that Spring 2024 starts (March 19th) and the day it ends (June 20th) for the very least and very most amount of days to wait for it. That's ignoring the possibility of delays, of course. This is how I will be calculating countdowns until we get a firm release date.
UPDATE: We got a firm release date!!! February 22nd, 2024!!
Scheduled countdowns should be posted at Noon; 12:30 PM EST, but may be posted at other times due to various circumstances (me forgetting or something like that.)
In the meantime, I'll reblog various theories, art posts, and news relating to Splatoon, especially Side Order. If you'd only like the see the countdown, I've included a list of tags and what they correspond to under the cut. Also, feel free to send asks talking about Side Order! I love to theorize and discuss all things Splatoon!
Our in-game Splatoon 3 pool is "SideOrderCountdown" ! Come join us!
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#side order spoilers The big one. Any posts containing spoilers for Side Order will be tagged with this.
#not a countdown Tag for everything besides countdowns. Some posts (such as this one) will be exceptions.
#fun stuff A tag for fun things, such as polls, discussions, etc!
#featured artwork Reblogs of art posts will be tagged with this. If I happen to post my own art alongside a countdown, it will not get this tag.
#theories Posts, including reblogs, of theories will be tagged with this. • #side order duo theory Posts about Side Order Duo Theory. View the tag for more info!
#news Posts about new information about Splatoon in general. For example, I will reblog any posts that mirror content from the official Splatoon Twitter.
#pinned Posts that are or were previously pinned posts.
Will probably add more eventually as time goes on! By the way, if you notice any mistakes or errors anywhere, please don't be afraid to tell me! This includes wrong numbers on posts, glitches in the blog's custom theme, or anything else like that!
By the way, whenever I search the tag for art to reblog on mobile, it's very tedious. If you have art you'd like me to reblog here, send me a link and I will!
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lotionsoup · 1 month
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fernifox · 5 months
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Johnathan! I love swords but cannot draw them at all so it took a bit to get it right. All the best for the dignified gentleman.
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chromaticroses · 6 months
um. if you’re our friend and we follow you please tag reblog bait posts or we’re going to unfollow you from now on. please tag it as “#reblog bait” or “#not ocd safe” or “#not chroma safe”
reblog bait is anything that tries to pressure people into reblogging it. examples of this are:
-ANYTHING implying that if you don’t reblog you’re a bad person
-things like “reblog if you support x” (implies if you don’t reblog you don’t support x)
-“like don’t reblog!” or anything similar. even if it’s just suggesting or “reminding” people about how reblogs are better than likes.
-donation posts. especially ones that censor the names of donation sites (we’re disabled and struggling and feeling immeasurable guilt every time we see a donation post doesn’t help anyone)
-“x group can reblog” (especially “must” reblog)
-“reblog and put x in the tags” (i know other people have said this doesn’t count as reblog bait. it does. it still triggers our ocd. sometimes it’s not that bad and we can play the game too but it always triggers our ocd. if you want you can tag these as “#reblog games” instead of bait. or just use the other tags.)
there’s probably more but i can’t think of anything. just think: is this baiting me into reblogging it? if the answer is yes then it’s going to trigger our ocd. i’m very very tired of constantly feeling unsafe on tumblr. of constantly having my guard up and constantly having our ocd triggered. i don’t want it anymore. if you can’t tag that’s fine we don’t judge people for not being able to tag things (we don’t tag things…) but we’re not going to follow you anymore.
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this is really stretching the 'shitty' in the blog title but fuck it the 'daily' is already a lie
keychain design :thumbsup:
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