#maybe eat snacks and share weird cat videos at each other
dietmimo · 1 year
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Chilling and eating snacks with work buddy while looking at cat videos.
“Dokja look, doesn’t this cat look like Sooyoung?”
“Wow it does. Want more Pepero?”
“Yes. Gib”
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stjernehiimmel · 3 months
ever since writing the bf felix hcs, ive thought about doing them for all the members....... a banger idea imo
random bf skz headcanons.
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bang chan:
he's often busy, but texts you a lot during the day and night, to make sure you're okay.
whenever he's not busy, he's cooking homemade meals for you. you always tell him how he's spoiling you by doing this, to which he smiles (totally showing off those cute dimples on purpose.)
you two would definitely wear cute matching tshirts and hoodies.
you absolutely love to ruffle his hair, especially when he's got his natural curls. he doesn't get why you like his hair so much, but he thinks it feels nice when you run your fingers through it.
lee know:
soonie, doongie and dori all love you. it kinda makes your boyfriend jealous (but don't worry, it goes both ways.)
you often go visit cat cafés together and pet cute kitties, totally making minho's beloved cats jealous when you come home and they smell the stranger cats on your clothes.
sometimes he says the most random and kind of unsettling things at random times. while others would find him weird, you respond in the exact same way, totally enabling each other’s chaotic and random vibes.
the things you two talk about make no fucking sense sometimes.
he says he likes watching movies by himself, but you've definitely seen his slight smile when you say you want to join.
he'll gladly flex his muscles for you if you ask him to.
all jokes aside, you two often work out together. imagine you trying to do a pull-up and you find it difficult...
he'll come help by lifting you up by your waist 🤭
whenever you don't work out or go out to eat together, you watch either really shitty or good horror movies.
it's always a 50/50% chance if the movie is good or not. usually it's changbin choosing what you're gonna watch and he has a tendency to choose kind of cheesy and bad ones.
but in the chance that it's a good, scary one, he'll hold you close so you don't get scared.
you can definitely expect to be a model - or at least inspiration - for his paintings. he always tells you that you're beautiful and that he wants to paint something that reminds him of you.
other times you both have chaotic energy and go terrorize the public with it. like that time hyunjin wanted to record a video of you dancing the choreography to lalalala by a fountain and then you proceeded to slip and fall into the water by accident. he has never laughed that much before in his life (after making sure you were okay, of course.)
you’re both total drama queens, but that’s what makes the two of you so good and funny together.
sometimes, however, you have to remind your boyfriend to not side eye people. mostly because you’re scared he might get airfryed… again.
most of the time you two just chill and lay around, occasionally showing each other a funny tiktok you found.
and then at other times you will go buy snacks and drinks, then put on a good anime and cuddle close under a cozy blanket.
✨ just introvert things ✨
whenever you have both decided you've been inside for too long, you'll go for a long walk to get fresh air. sometimes you'll even stop by a café and get a coffee (and maybe a slice of cake you can share too!)
and then back you go to chilling 🥹
he'll definitely bake brownies and other tasty things for you.
he looks expectantly at you as you taste what he's baked for you. don't upset him 🥺
you'll often play video games together.
felix tends to be a bit of a nerd in the games you two play, but you think it's cute. especially when he's secretly built something special in minecraft for you (probably from a build he saw on youtube)
you and felix go shopping for clothes as well.
he'll wait patiently outside the changing room while you're trying on clothes. and if you're ever in doubt about something, you can ask for his opinion.
coffee dates. always.
he gets very excited about grabbing a coffee with you. often he'll have a small gift with him.
you two always take cute selfies together.
you can definitely expect him to be the one to take the best photos of you. he's talented!
he's super quick to notice when you're feeling sad or angry. and he'll do his best to cheer you up again.
you go on marvel marathons often. even though you've probably watched all the movies over 10 times.
he likes cooking, so you two do that a lot together. although, he often ends up breaking something... he's a bit clumsy.
he just (nervously) laughs about it while you're scolding him though.
you always end up forgiving him. you can't be mad at that smiley face.
you two will also just lay around and shop for clothes online, showing each other what you're planning on buying.
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midasinc · 3 years
les amis and their love languages:
enjolras: he isn't the best at expression his affection. he gets really nervous when it comes to showing his love for people because it always feels unnatural for him to tell people out right "you mean a lot to me". he's really good about listening when he loves someone. if he actually stops and listens to what somebody is saying, he cares about them. and weirdly enough, movies are his love language. enjolras will always suggest they watch a movie if somebody is over and he likes sharing the movies he enjoys. sharing something as simple as a movie is something that he only reserves for his close friends because he knows all of the bts fun facts and the other roles the actors have been in and he likes to infodump on people he cares about
combeferre: he's really big on physical affection. combeferre will gently punch people's shoulders or bat them on the back or flick at their nose. sometimes when enjolras gets so wound up and frustrated, combeferre will just come over and hug him for a moment and let him breathe until he feels okay to get back to work. combeferre is really touchy with people he likes and it's really noticeable when he isn't as close with others in the group because he isn't physical with them. he's also a note-giver. combeferre will write sticky notes on courfeyrac's bathroom mirror reminding him to take his meds or he'll leave a sticky on feuilly's bag telling him that the point he made in the meeting was really good and so on. combeferre loves sticky notes, he'll leave them everywhere
courfeyrac: he's really big on trying to prove that he loves people. courfeyrac does everything- touch, gifts, hanging out, you name it. most of the time he's just desperate to keep people around and that's why he relies so heavily on making sure that they know he likes their company. he buys people personalized gifts most often and if he's at a cafe or a restaurant, he always offers to pay for them. money doesn't buy happiness, but courfeyrac is convinced that it buys friendship
jehan: they show their love through physical touch, similarly to combeferre. jehan will lean against shoulders and greet people with a kiss to each cheek and they always offer to play with people's hair. if someone's hair is longer than a buzz cut and they're sitting next to jehan during a meeting, they'll get propositioned with a "can i play with your hair?" jehan is also really good at scalp massages, but enjolras had to take them aside and tell them to maybe not do it at meetings because people were falling asleep when they did it. they're also like a cat bringing their owners dead bugs that they killed- only with jehan it's little trinkets. they bought a sparkly pen for combeferre because it reminded them of him, or they got bossuet a pair of funky earrings, and so on
marius: he's a talker. he's such a talker. if he likes who he's sitting with, he feels comfortable and just infodumps on them. around unfamiliar people and people he doesn't know as well he starts to clam up out of pure nervousness, but around courfeyrac and cosette both he could talk for hours. when he has a good day he wants the people he loves to know. he really really values conversation in relationships
joly: food. so much food. joly is really considerate when it comes to people's diets. if someone has food restrictions and they're over, he'll make them food they can actually eat and enjoy. if someone mentions that they didn't have time for lunch or breakfast, it's totally okay because joly is already pulling something for them to snack on out of his bag. he really cares about people eating enough and that really shows in the amount of baggies of carrots or fruit gummies he keeps on him. whenever grantaire is around, he'll make sure to bring a snack because god knows he doesn't eat enough
feuilly: he shows his love through texting and calling, which is very subtle at first but is very evident as people grow closer to him. he sends really nice good morning and goodnight texts every day to the people he loves and he sends them updates on his day as well as asking for updates of their own. when he really likes someone, he can hold a five hour video call with them and not even notice. it's just nice to have someone to talk to when he's eating dinner and getting ready for bed. he also sends a bus load of memes to the people he likes. he's really big on stuff like that. he'll find like a shitpost of fnaf porn and send it to bahorel with a simple message of "us" because he knows that his friends find it funny
bossuet: he values quality time probably more than anyone else. bossuet loves irl company so much and he frequently comes up with plans and such to have people around. all of his friends can guarantee that there will be some sort of activity to do on the weekends and that their lives will never be boring. bossuet always comes up with new and interesting things to do that he knows will also be fun for the people he's inviting. he wouldn't bring enjolras to a bar and he wouldn't bring joly to a public pool. bossuet is really good about making sure people don't feel left out. if someone new joins the friend group, he's the first to ask them if they want to hang out (with courfeyrac in tow. they're what's called the 'welcome committee')
grantaire: similarly to enjolras, he's really bad at showing affection. for a long time, he really thought that perhaps he couldn't show it at all and that's why no one could stand him. now he sort of catches himself showing his love in weird ways. if he drinks the last beer at someone's house, he'll buy them a new case without telling them. if he sees something in a window that he thinks is cute, he'll send a pic of it to someone who would like it. he's good about listening when he needs to and talking when others aren't sure what else to say
bahorel: he's another physical touch guy. bahorel greets the people he loves in bone-crushing hugs and he loves napping with people in a platonic way. he's also really big on compliments. new shoes? bahorel noticed and he will be informing whoever's wearing them that they're nice. new haircut? bahorel is already going ooooooh i love it. he really knows how to make people smile when they need to hear it and he isn't picky with who he compliments. he'll compliment everybody and it's always really genuine. he has this way of making people feel comfortable around him and he's given a lot of people compliments that they will never forget
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noname-friend · 3 years
NCT Hybrid Au?
I dunno just felt like sharing what animals i think each member would be lol 
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Taeyong: (Grey) Wolf
-a pack animal, feels most safe surrounded by others
-playful yet protective
-probably the best at maintaining animalistic behaviors
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Taeil: Koala 
-loves a good snuggle 
-can’t find him? Then he’s taking a nice nap in a tree probably
-doesn’t play much, usually too tired
-earned the nickname “old bear” because of that lol 
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Johnny: (White) Bengal Tiger
-how beautiful is he
-always turning heads
-rather large in both human and tiger form
-just kitty that likes some pets though
-give him a nice spot in the sun and he’s content
-does like a good jog or game as well
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Yuta: (Ussuri) Bear
-Absolutely intimating upon first meetings
-even when he smiles, sometimes those large canines scare people
-really sweet and fun!
-truly a healing lad
-loves to give some bear hugs
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Kun: Lion
-Another natural pack/pride animal
-enjoys leading
-always looks his best
-do not touch the mane 
-chooses to watch rather than join
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Doyoung: (Amur) Leopard or (New Zealand) Rabbit
-can’t decide to be basic or basic lmao
-He can be feisty like a rabbit
-but also seems to like to be alone like leopards
-either way he packs a punch (kick or bite lol)
-fast runner and good hider
-if he doesn’t want to be found you won’t find hiim
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Ten: Kangaroo Mouse- 
-I know I know, weird choice lol
-but these little lads are good runners and jumpers
-fast and small, like ten-
-sometimes sings in the middle of the night
-can’t help it, just an animal behavior 
-no pets
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Jaehyun: (Arctic) Wolf
-piercing eyes like no ones business
-not so much a leader as a fighter
-strong, loves to spar with Johnny
-happy growls 
-likes pup/cubs/babies in general
-like his tail will wag every time 
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Winwin: Red Panda
-intimidation: -10
-pretty shy
-his tail is long than his body, which he’ll wrap himself in
-adored by everyone in the house
-might hide behind Jaehyun or Kun 
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Jungwoo: (Border Collie) Dog
-cuddles cuddles cuddles
-be his friend pls <3
-people pleaser
-loves to be a companion even if it’s just vibing on the couch
-absolutely loves pets and praise
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Lucas: Jaguar 
-beautiful and illusive
-be weary- he’s a pouncer
-despite being a big cat, likes to lay on laps so he might crush you
-it’s ok the big smile he gives you is worth it
-loves to play with Jungwoo in the yardd 
-might play a little too rough with the smaller hybrids
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Mark: Cheetah 
-I couldn’t help myself
-easy to get to purr (fun fact: cheetahs purr :D)
-genuinely thought Johnny was just an albino cheetah so he wanted to get close to him
-eventually realized he was not but they still got close!
-often wrestles with Lucas for fun 
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-come back to 
-head empty
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Hendery: (Bengal) Cat 
-This guy really stumped everyone when he joined the house
-thought he was a jaguar cub, Lucas wasn’t too happy about that
-it’s ok he’s a domestic house-cat so no issue
-Very pretty though, in both forms he’ll turn heads
-very playful but also kinda shy
-usually sticks to others he’s comfortable with
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Renjun: (Fennec) Fox
-So soft and small and cute
-Not so cuddly
-Likes to steal socks just to be a nuisance 
-very slippery as in it’s hard to catch him without just full on tackling him
-even then he might manage to get away
-has a cute little butterfly-like marking on his fox form nose
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Jeno: (Samoyed) Dog
-Full of energy and smiles
-Yet also strangely chill
-good vibes all around
-part of the workout squad of hybrids
-also probably the smallest in that group, he keeps up though
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Haechan: Puduu
-How can I not make him a Pudu? It suits him so well-
-If not a Pudu, a Grizzly Bear
-Him and Yuta would have some good ol bear matches in that case
- Either way, he loves berries, wild berries are just so sweet and good
-Kinda knows which berries are poisonous- sometimes
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Jaemin: Caracal
-Caracal are one of those big cats that get along greet with doggos 
-would you happen to know his best friend is Jeno the doge?
-in his human form, he seems like he’d be a rather big cat
-in his caracal form, he’s rather small (smaller than cheetahs)
-chilled and love to daydream
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Yangyang: Ram
-ah be careful, he likes to headbutt
-no one else has the head strength or durability to headbutt him back 
-usually a game of runaway from yangyang then 
-sometimes the cats will give him a nice headbutt+nuzzle which is much gentler but he appreciates it anyways
-Maybe when Sungchan’s horns grow in he’ll want to 
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Shotaro: Bobcat 
-would never imagine he was a predator
-nevermind a big cat and not a little domestic cat
-well he’s not a big big cat but still
-good climber
-does play like a house cat often though
-he likes the little sting toys lol
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Sungchan: ( Caribou?) Deer 
-big beautiful eyes like galaxies
-does get seasonal horns, he’s not full grown so they’re not full size nor hardness yet
-spooked rather easily
-though he’s pretty huge, the predators can overwhelm him often
-no fault of theirs, just an animal behavior
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Chenle: Panda
-snacks all day
-usually lounging with Taeil 
-comfy life 
-most expensive - in sense of food
-usually inside playing video games though
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Jisung: Hamster
-absolutely stuffs his cheeks when eating
-just a habit he can’t break
-him and Doyoung(bunny) share snacks all the time
-thinks it’s fun to scare the members 
-but also gets scared easily
-because prey intsincts
-burrows sometimes, usually clothes and blankets usually
Yoo i figured out how to fit them all on 1 post! Nice! These are fun to do lol Let me know some suggestions for things I should write!
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marauder-exe · 4 years
AU list!
hi! These are a bunch of Au’s that i could write,and you could request! (reposting because it didnt work the first time)
Fake dating (My personal favourite)
Coffee shop
Modern Royalty
Running From The Police
Rebel Against The Goverment
High School
Law school
Road Trip
Arranged Marriage
Professor-Student (of age)
More detailed
21.You were singing/playing guitar/etc. in the park to protest the war and a policeman tried to dismiss you for 'disturbing the peace' but you argued that you were promoting peace and things got heated and next thing you know you're being arrested for assaulting an officer. You intrigue me, so I'm here to bail you out and maybe take you on a date?
22.the nice one who everybody loves with the grumpy and strict one that the students hate and the students wonder?????????how what the fuck
23.we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward
24. i sit at the rental booth at our local ice rink and watch you teach children how to skate
25. alternatively, i watch kids teach you how to skate because you’re a terrible skater
26. i’m running late to an important interview/meeting and you accidentally spill your hot cocoa all over my outfit
27. you’re my hot ski instructor and i’m failing the bunny hill
28. i slip on some ice and you’re the stranger who catches me
29.  i gave my winter coat to a homeless person and come into your store to warm up
30. our friends rent a cabin to go skiing and we’re the only ones who stay inside
31. you’re the asshole of our group and we don’t get along, but then i find out you make soup for the local shelter
32.we’re waiting in line for the club when you complain that your roommate stole your gloves so let me warm your hands up with mine
33.my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and i’m so sorry
34.the power goes out in our apartment building, but i’m not prepared for this, and you come to check on me
35.i’m having a snowball fight with my friend in the park and i hit you instead
36.a storm is delaying our flight home and i’m afraid of thunder, please talk to me while we wait
37. we’re both in small claims court and i got into a huge fight with the person suing me but you stepped in to hold me back before security got there
38. i drove two hours to the closest video rental store that’s still operating and you were checking out the only copy of the movie i was after
39. i hit you with my car but luckily you’re okay, but we should still exchange information i guess
40. i was worried about buying something off of someone creepy from craigslist but oh no you’re hot
41. my friend talked me into playing a drunken game of spin the bottle even though we’re all adults and now we have to make out
42. we both decided to take a [yoga/fencing/cooking etc] class and we’re the only two assholes not taking it seriously and everyone else is giving us dirty looks but we keep grinning over at each other
43. my date just made a scene in public and got arrested and now i’m stranded in a city without a ride home
44. sharing a cab together
45. you’re trying to get me to sign a petition and i have no idea what you’re talking about
46. you’re drunk at this festival and dancing on the table and when you eventually fell i caught you
47. we both play this stupid game online and you keep beating me every single goddamn time so i called you out and you are pretty cute but can you not
48. im a bartender and you just came in here without shoes sat down and ordered a chocolate volcano and idk what the fuck that is and im scared to ask
49. we are neighbours and every night at 3:14 am you start yodeling for no fucking reason??? why???? is that you yodeling??? its been 2 months???
50.im a pizza delivery person and i just delivered a pizza to someone in the middle of a satanic ritual and they gave me their number???
51. i woke up this morning to find you sitting in my living room with a goat in a poncho??? who are you??? why is the goat wearing a poncho??? how did you get the goat in here i live on the 12th floor???
52. we work out at the same gym and you always look super legit but i know you sing hannah montana in the shower and you know i know
53. im a cashier and i saw you stuffing you pants full of potatoes and i would stop you but you already have 27 and i want to see how many you can fit
54. its 4 am and im drunk as fuck in a mcdonalds and you have been watching my trying to eat this burger for 30 minutes
55. i was playing beer pong with a coin and i accidentally threw it right into your eye at a party
56. i’m at the beach and some kids thought it was funny to bury me in the sand when i dozed off can you please dig me out
57. it’s unbearably hot and we’re both fighting over the last handheld electrical fan at the shop at the amusement park
58. hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but i get sunburned really easily so can you please help me put sunscreen on my back?
59. thunderstorm after a menacing heatwave and we’re both getting weird looks for dancing in the rain
60.i have no idea who you are but you just fainted right in front of me holy shit dude you need to drink more in this heat
61. we both chased after the leaving ice cream van like ten-year-olds and now we’re both out of breath and a bit embarrassed
62.i clearly reserved this deck chair by putting a towel on it why on earth are you lying on it who the fuck do you think you are
63. My friends bet I wouldn’t buy these three weird and questionable items and you’re my cashier.
64.Once a week I go visit the pet store just to stare at the cute kittens and puppies and you’re the nice employee who always lets me hold them and wait I think I’m going to cry hold on.
65.You’re the DJ of the University’s radio station and every time you give an opinion on a current event I have to call and argue with you because could you seriously be anymore wrong?
66.We both wait tables at the same restaurant and you’re always mad at me by the end of the night because I make more in tips
67.We have the same class and once a week you wear this graphic shirt I don’t understand and I really want to ask you about it.
68.We both work at the same craft store that literally has no customers so we have nothing to do and I’m always reading at the register but you always have to criticize my book choice what the hell?
69.I’m working the concession stand for this week’s home game and this is the fifth time you’ve come back for snacks wait are you flirting with me?
70. we’re at a bookstore and you and I seem to have similar taste in books have you read this one? How about this one?
71. you look like you need help and I’m a professional roller/ice skater but I don’t want you to feel bad about how much you suck but wow you suck
72. You ordered your food before me and they gave you a drink you didn’t want so you gave it to me
73. We’re sitting at adjacent computers in the library and I’m taking extra care not to look at your screen out of respect but what the fuck do you keep laughing at
74. as a joke I yelled out “happy birthday to someone!” in this store and you called back “thank you!” who are you
75. You heard me talking about a TV show in class the other day and now you’re passionately yelling at me about how good it is we’ve never actually spoken before
76. It’s 10:30 at night and I left my glasses at home so I can’t read any of these labels and you’re one of the only people in the grocery store and GODDAMMIT DO YOU HAVE ANY TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT CHUNKS
77. We go to the same support group; I have social anxiety and you’re a kleptomaniac who sorta stole my heart
78. You thought you were alone at the bus stop so early in the morning so you started passionately singing Fall Out Boy but your Patrick Stump impression could use some work and I’m not really afraid to point that out
79. I’m an artist and you have a really nice face so would you mind if I drew you?
80. We’re rival up-and-coming singers and every time one of us releases a new single the other does a cover to try to make it better; we’re always trying to top each other and out-cute each other, but half our fans aggressively ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet because it’ll be popular; unfortunately now that we’re in the same studio and I’ve seen what you’re like I really wanna know what your lips feel like
82. We were both stood up for dates at the same nice restaurant so we decide to eat together and split the check but I dunno you’re pretty interesting aside from your distractingly enormous eyebrows
83. We met at a mutual friend’s cheesy masquerade party and we agree that the only good thing about this party is the masks so you can’t judge a book by its cover only now that we’ve been talking I want to see your face but I don’t know how to ask
84. You used to date my friend who absolutely hates your guts after a messy breakup and now you’re flirting with me and I really shouldn’t be so interested in you but I am
85.We pass each other every day while we’re biking on the same path so we’ve started smiling at each other and one day you’re stopped because you’re having an asthma attack so I offer you my extra water bottle and now we’re talking and now I’M the one who’s breathless
86.I lost my little sibling in IKEA and I need your help finding them
87.I'm a private detective hired to follow you, but you're endearingly boring and mostly I just like watching you and oops, I sort of find you adorable.
88. You've been sketching me for half an hour now, and just shuffled up to hand me the finished product and it's TERRIBLE but you just wanted an excuse to talk to me.
89.  I'm at an art exhibit and I just badmouthed the art, because I don't get it, okay? And it turns out you're the artist. I'm so sorry, maybe I could get you coffee and you could explain what it was supposed to be?
90. We're the only two people who turned up to an underground gig and it should be awkward, but the band is amazing and you asked me to dance and hey, there's nobody watching but us.
91.  You live in the apartment next to me. We're not supposed to have pets, but I KNOW you have a cat. I'll make you a deal, I won't tell, if you let me pet it.
92.  I punched you because I thought you were insulting my friend, but it turns out you know each other and it was an inside joke and I'm so sorry, let me drive you to the hospital?
93. We both wanted to rent a bike for an hour but the only one they have is a tandem bike
94. I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waitor please help me
95.Our dick landlord just evicted us both
96.I’m your neighbor and I can hear you fucking someone who  shares my name
97. You’re sort of famous and we vaguely know each other through bumping into each other all the time but the media thinks we’re dating
98. Your roommate cheated on me and I just threw your laptop out the window thinking it was his
99. It’s 2am on the night of my 21st birthday and we gotta fix this fucking mess by morning or else we’re fucked
100.Fuck you and your bee farm I’ve had enough
Feel free to use any of these as your own! If you wanna request you could drop an inbox saying ‘ could you do ____ AU with this character’!
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bakuthedeku · 5 years
KatsuYami Week: changing routine
Day 5: Childhood / Trading cards / Sleepovers | @katsuyamiverse
Read on AO3
“Let’s have a sleepover!”
Beside him at the table, Yami looks up from his work, eyes lowered in falsified disinterest. The little sparkle in his uncovered eye gives away his excitement.
“Katsuki, we’re sixteen. We’re too old for sleepovers.”
Speaking, Yami does a better job hiding the happiness that undoubtedly wants to creep into his voice.
Classic Yami, monotone and moody to the day he dies.
“I’ll be too old for sleepovers when I’m dead!” Katsuki flops in front of his best friend, half in his lap. He grins, wide and happy, the way that makes Yami call him an oversized puppy and pet his hair.
He gets no hair pets this time (dang it), but Yami’s poorly crafted expression fades to sincerity. Something soft, with little crinkles at the corner of his eye and the faintest whisper of a smile on his chapped lips. Yami rolls his eyes and pushes Katsuki back into his seat.
“Why do you want to have a sleepover, anyway? We see each other every day,” Yami says, turning back to his long-completed homework.
“It’s different at sleepovers. There’s snacks and pyjamas, and I get to spend the whole night with Yami!”
“I’m right here. Why are you speaking about me in the third person?”
Katsuki waves off the question. “So you’ll come to my house after school?”
Yami sags against his chair, sinking down so he’s half under the table. There’s a small smile on his lips as he bemoans, “Do I have a choice?”
“Nope!” Katsuki cheers, chipper as the cat who got the cream. “Sharp as ever, my freckled friend.”
They go home together like usual, walking to the train station and riding to the stop closest to their shared neighbourhood, then walking leisurely to their homes. They go to Yami’s house first, then Katsuki’s. They’ve maintained the same routine since middle school.
Yami likes to complain about the amount of walking they do, especially when Katsuki leads them on the scenic route through the park, but they both know his supposed lack of stamina is bullshit. They’re in the hero course together, after all, and Yami trained hard for it. A few minutes of walking beside Katsuki is hardly going to wind the lazy boy.
Katsuki, at least, enjoys their walks. An enduring tradition between them, it’s something that feels theirs in a way few things do. With each synchronous step they take, they’re followed by the ghostly memories of years passed, nostalgic as they look to the future and stride towards their goals.
Yami moans and groans enough that they stop by his house instead of going straight to Katsuki’s, because apparently, “Clothes are necessary, Katsuki, I’m not wearing any of your oversized stuff.” And honestly, boo. He’s no fun. But Katsuki wants this sleepover, so he agrees and chats amicably with Yami’s mother as he packs an overnight bag like the fussy nerd he not-so-secretly is inside.
Katsuki snatches the bag from Yami’s hands as they leave, calling a cheery goodbye to his Aunty as he does so. Yami sighs and lets him take the bag, knowing by now that Katsuki won’t give it back no matter how hard he tries.
At his house, Katsuki plays the part of a good host, offering drinks and snacks and putting Yami’s stuff away in his room. Yami’s been here more times than Katsuki can count, with evidence of his presence speckled through each room, but it’s been more than a year since their last sleepover. It doesn’t hurt to refresh the knowledge, to lend a hand, right?
They sit down on the couch together and watch old hero cartoons; Katsuki’s choice, barely contested by Yami since he enjoys the cartoons just as much as Katsuki does. The hour passes quickly, humming nostalgic tunes watching the television like particularly attentive children.
They’re interrupted when they get called up for dinner. The meal is reminiscent of the past, with Yami awkward and stiff like an emo robot and Katsuki’s ma and pop ushering him into conversation. Katsuki stuffs his face, and Yami cringes at his enthusiastic eating, hiding his laughter behind a hand.
They go up to Katsuki’s room once they’re finished eating. This time, for fairness’ sake, Katsuki lets Yami pick what they do. They end up next to each other on Katsuki’s bed, sharing one earbud each as they listen to Yami’s videos. Heads ducked close for the headphones, their thighs press warmly together. Yami is soft at Katsuki’s side, elbow poking into his ribs only a little, the bony thing.
Katsuki finds himself watching Yami more than he watches the screen. (He’s on Yami’s fringe’s side, so he can get away with it.) From so close, he can trace the star-speckled expanse of Yami’s skin, can observe the way his tongue flicks out to wet plush but dry lips, can bask in his quietly comforting presence.
They stay like that for hours, far beyond Katsuki’s usual bed time, but he can’t bring himself to call it a night and pull away. Katsuki lets his head fall to Yami’s shoulder as he closes his eyes, lulled to rest by the soft tones of music and Yami’s support at his side. Idly, Katsuki contemplates that Yami’s warmth is just like a bear hug in the middle of winter, or a sunrise observed from under blankets, or falling asleep curled up by a heater and waking in bed.
Gentle shaking stirs Katsuki to wakefulness. He blinks heavy eyes open to find earphones pooled in his and Yami’s laps and Yami’s arms around him, keeping him from falling off the bed. He tries to relax against his short friend, wishing to sink into his warmth and find sleep again, but only gets shoved for his attempt. It works in his favour, though; he lands right in Yami’s nice, pillow-like lap, and stays there. Very comfy.
Yami concedes to sleep only when Katsuki starts nodding off again in his lap, just seconds after falling into it. It’s almost a shame, Katsuki thinks, since sleeping on Yami has always been so nice and comfortable.
“Alright, you big lug, get off me. It’s sleep time.”
“Wanna sleep here,” Katsuki slurs into Yami’s stomach.
“Katsuki,” Yami warns, exasperated and a touch flustered—desperate. The hint of distress in his voice is enough to have Katsuki sitting up, turning away and preparing for bed.
After rushing through his bedtime routine, Katsuki settles into bed (on the far side, as is tradition) and waits for Yami to finish putting on his special, better-than-Katsuki’s-stuff pyjamas. For someone who always looks so sloppy, he sure does take his time getting dressed!
Yami comes back from the bathroom in an oversized All Might shirt and plain black shorts. The wide neck of the top exposes his freckle-covered neck, shoulders and collarbones.
“I don’t have anywhere to sleep,” Yami says, and snaps Katsuki from his distracted state.
They’ve always shared the bed during sleepovers. From four years old to fourteen, they’d squished up under the covers together without complaint, whispering after lights out with legs tangled and fingers interlocked. They kept secrets from the morning in little giggles and innocent touches, a truth uniquely theirs.
Katsuki wriggles aside, moving closer to the wall. “We can both fit.”
Yami’s nose scrunches. “Katsuki, that’s weird.”
“Only if you make it weird, Yami-kun~!”
It’s been more than a year. Since their falling out in middle school, things haven’t quite been the same. Which, Katsuki knows, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Change can be good, refreshing, healing! But this is change Katsuki never wanted.
A shiver, and he’s being glared at. Katsuki pouts in response.
“Never use that honorific ever again.”
“Only if you get in bed. Come on, it’ll be just like when we were younger.”
And maybe it’s not good that Katsuki is clinging to the past. Clinging to Yami.
But he’s loved Yami since before he knew what love is. Selfish as it is, he wants one last sleepover. One last chance to huddle close, be together, before life tears them apart and Yami outgrows him. One last hug, one last joke, one last smile. One last relived memory of simpler days. It’s all Katsuki wants.
Yami turns the lights off, washing the room with soft darkness. Pale skin stands out against darker clothes.
Yami edges onto the bed, movements stiff. Eyes considering. “It’s different now, though.”
Hope blooms, light and feathered, in Katsuki’s heart.
“Is not.” A lie, but a nice lie to tell.
“It is.”
“Is not.”
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Yep, and you love me anyway!”
Katsuki loves Yami. He believes that, in some way, Yami loves him back. Platonic, romantic, familial; whatever it is, Katsuki will take whatever he can get.
Yami’s cheeks and ears go a little pink, almost imperceptible in the low light blanketing the room. Katsuki would love to see it in full, but Yami would cut his fringe and sock Katsuki in the face before allowing himself to be seen blushing of all things.
Yami grumbles as he climbs into bed, snuggling under soft sheets.
Katsuki turns onto his side to face his friend, sighing happily.
Slowly, Yami does the same, and they’re face to face, under the cover of sheets and the night. Katsuki breathes as softly as he can, as if one too-strong exhalation will scare Yami off, a deer into the woods.
Yami is looking at him, and he looks back, unsure of what he’ll find but eager to see it anyway.
His heart beats in his ears as their eyes lock, red and green, sleep slick and sparkling with wakefulness. Both of Yami’s eyes are bared, his hair tied back for sleep; they’re round and sharp at once, speckled with crystalline fractals of an entire spectrum of red.
Maybe this was a mistake. It’ll be impossible to fall asleep like this.
Katsuki’s heartbeat, so loud in his ears he fears it will shake the bed like an earthquake, shows no signs of calming, and his hands are sweating. Yami will never forgive him if he sets his quirk off by accident.
“Katsuki?” Yami’s voice comes in a whisper, breath brushing warm on Katsuki’s face.
“Mm?” Katsuki scoots closer, magnetised and helpless to fight his draw to the other.
“You’ve been weird, lately. Less dopey smiles and stuff. Are you okay?”
Katsuki swallows. “Things feel different, I guess. We don’t hang out like we used to. We don’t. Touch like we used to.” He licks his lips, eyes flitting away for a moment and finding Yami still watching him as he looks back. “Is that weird? To miss that?”
Yami moves closer, and their knees bump. The heat of two bodies mingle, trapped under the covers and near stifling. Katsuki moves closer still, and their knees overlap. They’re both too gangly for this bed, now.
“Dunno. Maybe. But most people think we’re weird anyway, right?”
Katsuki huffs out a laugh.
In primary school and middle school, they’d often struggled to have friends outside of each other. They made for a strange duo; Yami, quirkless and deadpan and ‘creepy’, and Katsuki, bright and fiercely defensive and kind of rude.
They’ve always made it work, nonetheless.
“Right,” Katsuki agrees.
Their arms, curled up in front of their torsos and just slightly touching, tangle together. Yami reaches to poke Katsuki in the chest, and he fakes a wince.
“What was that for?” he whines.
“Stop being weird. I don’t like doing the heart to heart stuff, it’s your territory. So don’t make me do this again, dumby.”
Katsuki takes Yami’s hand from his chest. Scarred, freckled, soft, familiar. He squeezes tight, cradling it between his hands, and Yami closes his eyes.
“Okay, I promise. Let’s sleep, it’s way past my bedtime.”
In the darkness, for Katsuki’s eyes only, Yami smiles. The hand in his squeezes back.
“Goodnight, Katsuki.”
“Sleep well, Yami.”
I love you, he doesn’t say. But he thinks Yami gets the message just fine.
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Dates at Home with Loona
Prompt: Can you drabbles about how Loona would dates at home with their girlfriend ?
A/N: I forgot how hard it is to come up with things for 12 members- but anyway I hope you all enjoy! Also this ended up being super long so I put it under a read more (for all that that does) - Admin Kiwi
♡ Tip Jar♡
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Haseul is kind of down for whatever you want
But she would enjoy dates at home
Especially if they involved cooking with you
Working hard to cook something delicious would be rewarding to her
And then getting to eat it with you over a candlelit dinner would make it even better
Especially if you were happy when you ate her food
The two of you would work together to wash the dishes and clean up
Although she would usually get distracted by the music she likes to play
Singing and dancing and splashing you until you laughed and joined in
Eventually, the night would draw to a close, usually quietly
Sometimes the two of you would watch a movie
But the two of you would usually do other things
She would like to play the guitar and sing to you
Because it made both of you feel at ease
And sometimes the two of you would chat over card games
Or a cup of tea while watching the stars
She’d like to tease you quietly, and you’d roll your eyes and tease her right back
She’d be the type to curl up into your side and rest her head on your shoulder
Content to spend the rest of the night in your arms, occasionally leaning up to kiss you
(And sometimes, she’d do just that)
Vivi is a very go-with-the-flow type of person
But she would really, really love to spend time with you at home
Especially once the two of you were dating for a while
She would like to cook with you
Although she would also love getting chicken delivered
She would chat quietly with you as the two of you ate
Telling you about her day and then listening to you with a smile as you talked about yours
She would also love, love, love to bake
Especially chocolate cakes or cakes of any kind
And usually the two of you would end up making and decorating a cake together to eat after dinner
A lot of times after dinner, the two of you would read together or do something separate in comfortable silence
Drinking tea and occasionally holding hands, just happy to be with each other
The two of you would usually then end the night by watching a movie
A huge movie buff, she would like to be able to talk to you about them afterwards
Excited to share her love of movies with you as the night drew to a close
She’d then kiss you goodbye with a gentle touch of her hand to your face
Saying “I love you” without actually saying it
She would love hanging out with you at home
Quality time would mean a lot to her
Especially if it meant she got to try cooking some new, special, fancy recipe that her friends might not like
You’re a bit of a guinea pig for her recipes, but you get food out of it so it’s a win-win
She likes to drink wine or special drinks with you
And always lights candles on the table or puts flowers there
Because she’s a hopeless romantic at heart
(Even if she wont admit it)
A lot of times the two of you will drink after dinner and chat for a while
Sometimes out on balcony, or on the couch, or in the bedroom
Probably likes to get a little tipsy or drunk with you on some nights
Because she’s an adult and thinks it makes playing board games or watching bad movies a lot more fun
She definitely gets clingy to you as the night draws on
Kissing and cuddling up to you and even acting cute
(Again, she’d deny it if you ever told anyone)
A lot of times the two of you just end up spending the night
Because it’s nice and cozy together, and neither of you want to leave
And because a-few-drinks-in Yves makes it hard to leave regardless
At first, she would have to be in the mood for a home date
Just because she’d love going out with you so much
But after the two of you were dating for a while, she’d warm up to the idea
Finding that she loved just spending quiet, quality time with you
Although just how “quiet” these times are is... debatable
Because she talks. A lot.
Honestly she just loves hugging and cuddling and kissing
And home dates would give her the chance to do that all night without anyone complaining, so she’d love them
Sometimes you would end up looking over her shoulder as she showed you things she wanted to buy online
You’re 90% of her impulse control then
“Do you really need a cat banana opener?” “No, but it’s so cute!” “Please don’t buy that.”
Likes to end the night with reading or watching something with you while wrapped up in big, fuzzy blankets
Even during the summer
Cuddling up to you and whining for kisses every few minutes
It would be annoying if she wasn’t so cute, and if you didn’t know that it was just her way of showing that she loves you
Kim Lip:
She’d like dates at home just because she likes to chat with you
And what better place to do it than at home?
She’d also enjoy being able to just chill with you
Her hair up in a messy bun and dressed in comfy clothes with fuzzy socks
Not worried about anything and just happy to be with you
Eating would be a must
The two of you would probably just snack the entire time
Her favorite thing to order would be pizza
Until you got sick of it and demanded something else
Whatever the two of you did
Whether it be watch Disney movies (per her request)
Or play games or watch whatever weird YouTube videos she’s found
She would chat almost the whole time
Making jokes at the movie or trying to explain things or just talking
You would learn to love it, though, and wouldn’t even notice it after a while
Used to listening to her talk whenever she could
The two of you would usually end the night with a kiss goodbye
That is, unless one of you spend the night
Then the night wouldn’t end until much, much later
Dates at home would be rare with her
Because she just loves to be out adventuring with you
Or just out in general
She’s very hyper and full of energy
And she’d get kind of bored at home
However, she would like to play board and card games with you
Maybe over ice cream or a home-cooked meal
Especially if it’s after a long day of work
And she wouldn’t mind finishing up the night with a movie
Cuddled up against you and usually wrapped up in a blanket
Whispering jokes about the movie into your ear
Although she would usually fall asleep before the movie ends anyway
It becomes normal for you to wake her up with a little shake and a kiss on the cheek
“The movie’s over.” “Oh. I fell asleep again?”
It’s so cute that you can’t get annoyed at her
Especially not when she gives you a sleepy smile and a kiss
“I had fun tonight. Thanks for coming over.”
Surprisingly, although she’s hyper too, she would love at-home dates
Growing up in the countryside, she’d understand the value of just hanging out and chatting with someone
Watching out the window with you as the world went by
She’d like to do crafts or try new things when you came over, though
“Hey, I saw this video on how to make couples bracelets, want to try?”
Honestly, she always makes a huge mess
Especially when she wants to try to cook something new
But the outcome is always cute, and it’s fun to try things with her
So you don’t complain
She also might play the guitar for you and sing, if she’s been working on a cover for a new song
She always goes to you for your opinion first
The two of you usually end up cuddling and chatting
Snacking on whatever the two of you made that day as you tell each other about everything going on in your lives
Sometimes one of you will stay the night, sometimes not
But she always gives you a smile and a kiss at the end of the night, no matter what
A little token of her love for you
This girl is... kind of weird
One night, the two of you might have a normal dinner and chat
And then the next, she wants you to help her try and see if she can eat bread while standing on her head
She’s also not really one for home dates, unless it’s raining or snowing outside
If the weather’s bad, she’d like to grab a bunch of blankets
And sit near the heater with a cup of hot tea or cocoa
Wrapped up with you while the two of you watch the rain or snow outside
Chatting and making jokes in the warm cocoon of blankets
Otherwise, the two of you would usually end up eating some sort of dinner
(Usually takeout, she hates cooking most of the time)
And then playing games
She definitely has a mini table tennis set
She beats you every time, because she has too much energy
But she also sleeps early, so she kicks you out before it can get too late
“Goodnight, I need my beauty sleep.” “Well I love you too, Hyunjin.” “Hey! You know I love you! Are you dissing me? Wanna fight?”
This is why you usually go somewhere to tire her out before going home
Choerry is another one who wouldn’t really like at-home dates
She’s too bubbly and full of energy to stay stuck inside
So these dates would usually only happen after a day of work
Or a long week, where she might just want to rest
Even then, she would be full of energy
Asking you to watch a new YouTube video she found
Before chatting your ear off about her new interests
She hates sitting still and lazing around
So that’s is why these dates would usually happen at night
It’s the only time of the day where she wouldn’t mind sitting down and resting
The two of you would probably order takeout and chat late into the night
Probably looking out at the stars and trying to find constellations
Although she would just end up finding weird shapes to make you laugh
The two of you would eventually end up in the living room cuddled together
Either watching some weird anime movie that she’s recently found
Or just talking about things
Until she notices the time and tells you that you need to go home to sleep (even though you know that she wont be sleeping any time soon)
Go Won:
Although her favorite dates would be shopping, she would like dates at home too
Especially if you brought her flowers when you came over
(They always die quickly, she doesn’t know how to take care of them, but she likes the way they look on the table)
She always likes to talk to you
But it would depend on the day for what the two of you would do (other than talking, that is)
Sometimes she’d like to play video games, other times watch movies
You’d always be subjected to watching lots of Oh My Girl videos, though
“You haven’t seen this fancam yet, have you?” “I feel like you showed me this before.” “Oh well, let’s watch it again.”
She definitely has Dance Dance Revolution and LOVES to play it
Probably has embarrassing videos of you dancing on her phone
She has a very specific taste in movies
So she mostly just wants to watch the same ones over and over
The two of you play rock paper scissors to see who chooses the movie
Because you got tired of watching Hunger Games over and over
Usually at the end of the night, the two of you end up talking until some really late hour
Until one of you either has to go home, or spend the nigh
Olivia Hye:
If the two of you are at home, it’s video games
She loves playing video games, especially with you
Shoulders touching on the couch as she laughs
Amused by the way you’re playing the game
She’d tease you for losing but then immediately let you win
Or watching someone else play video games on YouTube while cuddling with you
Honestly, if you want to get her away from video games
You’re going to have to take her out of the house
Or distract her with food, any food will do
Acts like she wont share her food with you but does anyway
She would also enjoy just sitting with you after the games were done
Tangled together on the couch and talking about anything and everything
“Hey, do you think spiders have ears?” “Why are you asking me that?”
She’d usually end up falling asleep on your arm only to deny it later
“I was resting my eyes!”
She would try her best to stay up with you
Even if it made her a little grumpy
Still, it would be cute, and you wouldn’t mind letting her rest for a while before you had to go
She’s a homebody at heart
So she would love dates where she doesn’t have to leave the house
Especially if she can just lay around in sweatpants
“Let’s just lay on my bed and chat.”
She would also like playing video games
And she seems like the type to fall down YouTube rabbit holes
Both of you watching videos for hours before you realize how far you’ve gone since the original video she wanted to show you
“Just one more video, I promise!”
But she would also be down for board and card games as well
Blanket forts would also be a thing
Because eventually she’d get tired of just laying around
And would want to do something with you
Also she saw it in a movie once and thinks it’s THE cutest thing to do
She’d also like painting your nails as the two of you hung out
Or painting her own nails, if you didn’t want any
She would usually be doing something with her hands, even while laying down and resting
Full of energy but also lazy at the same time?
It’s fine though you love her
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Age is just a number?
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Person: The Quiett(Illionaire)
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1k+
Warning: None
Requested by Anon
“You want to meet Illionaire?”
*CHOKE* “I thought you wouldn’t ask me sooner, YES HASHIE!!”
“Geez are you okay? I know you’re excited but don’t die.” You were hanging out with Hashswan on his day off, you were classmates with Hashswan and people always teased both of you when really, everything was mutual, “You want to go?”
“Really? I kinda look crappy,” It was just a meet-up so you didn’t dress up too much, it’s not like you have a life besides work.
“Yeah you do, but today is also their free day. They just texted me if I wanted dinner, I can invite you.”
“So this is the advantage of being your friend,” You two were basically frenemy and couldn’t see each other in other ways. Hashswan didn’t care too much because he gave the same shit back to you. At a point you didn’t care if he dissed you, you’d just do the same back.
“You want to go or not, if you do we’re leaving now.”
“Yessir!” Another advantage is that since Hashswan is basically rich, you get to ride in a fancy car rather than taking the bus.
“Wait maybe I change my mind, I feel kinda cheap. What if The Quiett judges my fashion? Oh my gosh, I don’t have money” This will be your first time meeting everyone besides Changmo. Dok2 and The Quiet are the big bosses so first impression is important.
“You’re fine, it’s not like we’re going to a fancy restaurant. It’s fine, I can pay for you since I brought you out.” Blessed to have a friend like Hashswan, where would you be without him? “Look we’re here.”
You stepped out of his car and looked down to see if you look fine. You fixed your shirt, patted your pants, and straightened your belt. You took your phone out to check your face, luckily is wasn’t oily or dry; your hair was also fine, didn’t look too messy. You followed behind Hashswan, you didn’t’t realize that you linked your arm around his from nervousness. He found the reserved room where Illionaire and Ambition were sitting.
“Let go of my arm, it makes us look like a couple,” He shook you off.
“That’s not what I’m trying to do, I’m just nervous okay?”
“Hey they don’t bite or anything,” Hashswan opened the door mid-sentence and you saw everyone look up from looking at the menus. The world slowed down for you. Today was really the day you meet them. Dok2 had all that swag aura around him and The Quiett surprisingly looks nice rather than cold like in SMTM. Beenzino look handsome on real life too and Hyoeun looks so luxurious. Ash island is also there, and the two new members of Ambition.
“Hey Y/N! How’s it going?” Changmo got up his chair and headed your way. He grabbed your hand fully knowing that you were too nervous to move a centimeter.
“Uh I’ve been fine…” It was awkward, you didn’t know what to say and felt out of place,” I’m Y/N, Hashswan invited me but I feel like I crashed into this.”
“Oh no, you’re totally fine. Have a seat, we’re still ordering. Here have my menu, I’ll just share with Q.” Dok2 passed you his menu and all you could do was blush as Changmo seated you next to The Quiett out of everyone. It couldn’t be by Ash Island who was nearly the same age as you or Hashswan whom you came with. It just had to be next to the person who seemed the most intimidating.
“Gosh thank you very much” You looked toward The Quiett since he was right next to you, and bowed your head. From your knowledge, he is around 10+ years older than you. You took a look at the menu, you haven’t ate anything. Right after work, you went to meet up with Hashswan for a coffee and a light snack.”Is it fine if I order some meat?”
“Of course! Anything you like, you don’t need to be shy. We’re here to eat not watch out calories,” Dok2 said. He was so chill, it looks like he makes money, “Besides, it’s The Quiett treat”
“Order anything you like, you don’t need to feel bad about anything. It’s good to finally see a girl around.” The Quiett said, although it didn’t seem to come out the way he actually meant. ”Uh not in that way, I meant to say it’s nice to treat a girl out when all these boys can pay for themselves but don’t want to. Sorry.”
“Um, it’s fine you know you didn’t mean it in the weird kind of way. Anyways thank you very much, I’ll enjoy then.”
“Thank you very much for the meal but I have to get going. My housemate if nagging me to come home.” Your phone kept buzzing every two minutes because your housemates always text you if you don’t get home by 11. She puts a curfew as if she was your parents. Knowing who she was, you didn’t even mind looking at the text besides the most recent one which was “Have a good night!”. You replied with “I’m coming back now” as you cleaned your area.
“You guys have a good night! Hash I’ll just take the bus home since you’re still talking.”
“You sure?” You nodded and gave a finally 10 bows to everyone and closed the door behind.
You got on the bus and sat in the back window seat and smiled from ear to ear. Today was the most coolest day of your life. Also you didn’t enter in most of their conversation because it was about albums and such. But you got to hear some tea that was going around the community and learn about the other members too. They were all very nice, especially The Quiett. He cut all the meat for you and gave you the best ones. He looked so handsome cutting the meat, he seemed so skilled whenever he cut a slice. He must be great with his hand. Lord have mercy.
You finally got your place to only realize that your keys weren’t with you. You began to panic but remembered you housemate existed. Instead of texting since she’d probably be asleep, you called her.
“Hey babe, do you mind opening the door for me? I think I lost my keys somewhere.” You felt so bad to wake her up, she works more hours and days. Your housemate wasn’t anything near lazy and messy.
“Oh you didn’t read all my text did you. I’m out of town, I’m visiting my parents for my dads birthday. Sorry babe”
“Oh gee, that’s fine. Have a safe trip” and you hung up the phone.
You looked at your phone to see Hash was calling you. It couldn’t have been a better timing.
“Hm so how much you gonna pay me to deliver your keys?” Of course this is something he’d do, you thought to yourself.
“Dude c’mon” It was getting late, and you were getting nervous from being outside for so long.
“Hey I’m busy so some one is going to drop it for you okay? Bye!” Before you could even ask who, Hash hung up.
In the meantime of waiting, no one came home. Everyone in the apartment are mostly likely to be asleep. You watched a thousand cats and dogs videos already on Instagram. Even played Pubg and Candy Crush, only 20 minutes went by.
“Hey Y/N!?” You looked up to see the least expected person.
“The Quiett?”
“You don’t have to call me that. Call me D(addy)ong-Gab”
A/N: it was fun writing this. It was meant to be short but maybe I’ll do a series. Was listening to playinwitme by Kyle ft. Kehlani
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@detectivegordons So I saw you were looking for new youtube channels to check out and boy, do I have some gems for you. I started writing this as a normal ask but it quickly got waaay too long so we’re doing a classic text post + add where I can comfortably link the channels and also the rest of my peeps can check them out if they’re interested. So. Let’s divide and conquer:
Bon Appétit (Test Kitchen) - One kitchen. Various series with their own themes and style by a specific cook. We have Claire who does ‘Pastry Chef attempts to do x/y/z’ of snacks and treats (e.g. ‘Pastry Chef attempts to make Gourmet Twizzlers’, ‘Pastry Chef attempts to make Ferrero Rocher’) and it’s a delight to watch her struggle through the process of replicating it as closely as possible. There’s also Brad doing ‘It’s alive’ featuring everything involving Fermentation, basically. The editing on this one is the best. There’s Carla inviting celebrities and doing follow alongs and back to back cooking. Ugh, and so many more, I love them all! 
House Renovations 
Wabi Sab-E - Follow this couple on their journey to renovate and old barn doing everything by themselves - construction, pluming, painting, tiling. It never gets boring due to the faster pace of the video and the really thought out and lovely edit. They’re a cute, genuine couple with two dogs and a cat as far as I can recall and just in general awesome folks.
Madeleine Olivia - Apparently she does lifestyle as well but I only watch her renovating videos. She and her boyfriend (fiance/husband??) bought a very cute cottage and just started remodeling the whole thing. She’s not as knowledgable or skilled as the other channels but watching her talk throughs and bringing bits and pieces together really calms me down.
Three Birds Renovation - Now, this is a professional channel. The three birds are three ladies from Australia renovating whole properties and really glamming up the lots. This isn’t diy it’s full on money and glam but if you want to watch houses getting remodeled and basically almost built from scratch again, this is your channel. They usually take on a house and then upload each room as a separate video. My favorite (as I guess most people’s fav is) is their forever home series where they each do their own houses and really kick it out of the park. Extravaganza. 
Liziqi - A fairy queen from another realm. Absolute beauty shots of her doing her daily life, ranging from picking wild mushrooms, building a love seat from scratch with bamboo, making her own tools, cooking in a self made stone stove. No dialogue, mainly just music and her occasionally trying to keep the sheep from eating her cabbage. You NEED to watch at least one of her vids, I cannot describe this to you! 
Claire Marshall - Claire makes beautifully edited lifestyle vlogs featuring fashion, travel, reconnecting with her past, her cat, make up, drafting/doodling or just life and her thoughts on it in general. She has a much more calmer vibe which I personally prefer to a louder and up beat video personality and her flow, aesthetic and visual presentation really drew me in.
Grackle - A cute little every day vlogger from England. Nothing fancy, nothing out of the box, just plain good and old vlogging and following her around. She’s an absolute dork, a gentle soul and I find her family very funny and relating, lol.
Damon & Jo - They used to do a lot of travel vlogs and I mainly followed them because of their older videos, now they’re both kinda doing their own thing but they’re still great, still traveling the world on a low budget. They’re very very talented when it comes to languages and I find them going on adventures in foreign countries highly amusing. 
Eve Cornwell - Eve is a soon to be proper lawyer currently finishing her masters degree (I think?? I need to catch up on her, lol). She drinks too much coffee, is a relatable student who struggles through her workload and shows you what it takes to get that law degree. Also her editing is just *chef kisses* super cute.
Paperbackdreams - I just saw a few of her vids bc I’m mainly not that much into booktube but her video about after just had me snorting all the way through so maybe you enjoy that. Also, a very small curly haired bean.
LilyCReads - Lily got famous for her rant videos and I just love how she picks apart shitty plots. Mainly, because she swears a lot. But she also has a series of her reading the Harry Potter books for the first time and I quite enjoyed them. Simple, very entertaining. 
Readwithcindy - Only watched a few of her videos but I love her style and her vibe a lot. Also, she has the same favorite books as I do so ... maybe that’s a reason as well. Oh, yeah. And we share the depression part and I can relate on t h a t.
Movie Commentary
Dylan is in Trouble - Basically a dude watching our favorite chick flicks, guilty pleasure or teenage obsession shows and comments on them. That’s it. That’s the whole content. He started a series where he was watching the cringiest shows and see how much he could take and it basically evolved from that to .. watching movies and commenting/ranting/questioning various parts that we all questioned. 
Alex Meyers - Alex comments on shows and sums up weird stories very well and he does so with the help of animation. Basically, he’s an artist making fun of weird shows but it’s very light hearted and mostly not ill intended. Also, his animations feature his dog so if that doesn’t get you selling idk what does. 
Trin Lovell - She’s like Dylan. But female. And asian. And much more energetic but just as funny (if not even more). Also, way more edited and dramatic but I like it. So, yeah, a movie commentary channel watching everything from Twilight to Riverdale, lol. 
Emily Artiful - I mainly followed her because of her Sketchbook Storytime videos where she draws and chats/rants to her viewers at the same time and it’s not only beautiful but highly amusing as well. Love her presence and her way of telling a story and getting riled up about it. 
Max Joseph - I know, it’s the guy from Catfish but hear me out. He’s got like 2 vids up where he really took the time and effort and met with very interesting peeps. One of the videos is about if you need to be an asshole to make it as a director in the movie industry. The other one is book related, how to read more books and such and I found them highly intriguing and fascinating! He doesn’t have that many videos yet but those two are like an hour long so grab a snack, sit back and enjoy! 
Film Analysis/Video Essays
Now, those are channels focusing on movie analysis and explaining shots and film for you and why we, as the audience, feel a certain way because we’ve been set up. So if you’re interest in that (I LOVE those) that might be your niche. They’re mostly doing the same thing so I’m just gonna link their channels down below! 
Lessons from the Screenplay
Tyler Mowery
Let me know if you knew any of those already or if you liked any of them! :) 
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lizziethereader · 6 years
a bunch of 11 questions tags
I was tagged in a few 11 question tags over the last few weeks and am finally getting around to them. I hope you don’t mind me putting them all together in one masterpost under the cut. 
thank you so much  for tagging me @anassarhenisch, @thereadingchallengechallenge, @books-are-portals, @maddie-mux and @bibliophilecats! I really do appreciate getting tagged even though it takes me a while to doing the tags. 
I’ll put my own questions and the people I’m tagging up here and the answers to all your questions under the cut ;) 
my questions: 
1. What are you looking forward to most when it comes to the upcoming holidays? (whichever holiday you want to refer to) 2. Have you been to a concert lately? Which one?  3. Which piece of media (book, movie, video, etc.) are you looking forward to consuming next?  4. If someone wrote a fictionalized (and heavily embellished) novel of your life, which genre would you like it to be? 5. What’s the last song you had stuck in your head?  6. What’s the weather currently like where you are? 7. How many open tabs in a browser is too many? (asking for a friend) 8. Are you good with money? (if so, teach me your ways!) 9. What’s the coolest thing a teacher of yours has ever done? (I wanna become the cool teacher, so I need to do some research, haha) 10. If money, space and time didn’t matter, which animal would you like to have?  11. Share a random fact about yourself! (please?) 
I’m tagging @bookvoyage, @lilymaidofgallifrey, @dreamingofreadinggoals, @aliteraryprincess, @flamingmirrorbookish, @the-forest-library, @manuscripts-dontburn and @thelivebookproject (no pressure though)  and anyone who just feels like doing this, of course! 
sooo, let’s get crackin! 
here’s @anassarhenisch‘s questions: 
1. Celtic rock, yes or no? 
I have honestly never listened to it... I’m not averse to give it a try though!
2. What’s the last book you quit reading?  quit as in abandoned? I don’t really do that... The last book I finished reading was ‘Big Mouth and Ugly Girl’ by Joyce Carol Oates
3. What’s your favourite fall activity?  baking and drinking cider! (yes you can do that all year round, but it just feels cozy, right?)
4. Do you believe in ghosts?  I’m probably a ghost agnostic. I don’t know if they exist but I’m not saying they don’t
5. When’s the last time you went to a circus or carnival?  There’s this big children’s festival in my town for two weekends every August and there’s always a circus, too. They did a special performance for all the volunteers who help with the festival and I went to that. So, long story short, like 2 months ago?
6. What does your favourite shirt look like?  hmmm good question. If we’re talking about T-shirts then it’s probably my Portal shirt. 
7. Do you like eating fish?  hahaha, not at all actually! I rarely meet other people who don’t. But yeah, I actually don’t like any seafood. 
8. Who’s your favourite artist?  oh man, this is a very difficult one! I’m not sure I can name a favorite. I like just being in awe of a piece of art (be it a painting, piece of music or something else) and I wouldn’t say I have one person I like better than all the others. Sorry for the lame answer!
9. Do you have any celebrity connections?  none whatsoever (that I know of) 
10. Are you a sports fan?  only equestrian sports and even then I don’t need to see every event there is. But I do enjoy watching the occasional tournament
11. How comfortable are you embarrassing yourself in public?  NOT AT ALL. Good thing I became a teacher then, eh? :P 
next up: @thereadingchallengechallenge‘s questions: 
What are you currently reading?  I just started reading Children of Blood and Bone!
Favourite snack?  I can’t pick just one, so: popcorn, macadamia nuts, chocolate covered raisins and all things chocolate :D
Do you set yourself a reading list or pick books by mood?  half/half. I have some types of books to read each month (1 poetry book, 1 classic, 1 nonfiction book) and then choose one of those based on my mood. And then I randomly select 3 books from my tbr. Those are always a surprise! 
Have you travelled anywhere so far this year?  Yup. I went to Germany 2 times (to a theme park), flew to London for book shopping and musicals twice, and went to Budapest with two friends for a weekend 
Reading anything spooky before Halloween?  Not really. I’m not a spooky books (or movies) person. 
Binge watching anything at the moment? I just finished binge watching Star Trek Discovery yesterday but I’m sure I’ll find something new soon. 
Who’s the author you’ve read most?  Douglas Coupland, apparently
What’s your favourite season and why?  Spring! Everything is getting warmer and greener again, my depression gets better and things are just generally looking up (usually)
Are you looking forward to any new releases?  I don’t think I’m waiting for anything at the moment...
What’s a quote you love?  “No, we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars” from Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere's Fan
Recommend a book?  With pleasure! It Devours! by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor 
then we have @books-are-portals‘s questions: 
1. First thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “waffles”?  the amaaaaazing waffles at my town’s children’s festival each year. Also Leslie Knope 
2. Have you ever knitted anything? What was it?  When we learned to knit in school I knitted a scarf but I haven’t knitted anything since and I’m not sure I still could
3. What’s been the weirdest book you’ve enjoyed?   idk, what’s a weird book? Welcome to Night Vale is purposefully weird, if that counts? I’m not sure I’ve read any proper weird books...
4. Pick a random book from your shelf and recommend a film based on that book.  book: Tin Man by Sarah Winman - movie: Third Star (totally different storyline, but similar vibe, maybe?)
5. Top 5 clothing items.  - not really clothing but my riding boots (I love them. They fit me perfectly and weirdly give me so much confidence??)  - my new Pikeur breeches (yup, riding stuff again)  - the black business dress I graduated in (both High School and university)  - my Dirndl (you gotta have one if you’re Austrian :P )  - my (fake) leather jacket because it makes me feel cool  not sure this is an accurate list since I don’t really think about clothes much... 
6. Name the first song that comes to your mind based on your current read. Why that song?  hmm, I’m only 50 pages into my new book, this is very difficult! maybe ‘Battles’ by Hudson Taylor? The lyrics just seem to fit and I have a feeling the book will be harrowing, which the song definitely is. 
7. Would you rather visit the Moon or Mars?  I kind of want to go to Mars and see if Curiosity Rover is alright. 
8. What’s your favourite scent?  top three: freshly cut grass, new tires (I know, this one is weird), and the smell of tress like cedar, fir, and pine 
9. What’s the last thing you ate? Was it good?  kinder Schoko Bons and YES. 
10. Name 3 positive things you’re good at.  don’t do this to me! uhmmmmm reading? singing? maybe cuddling cats? 
11. What’s the strangest word from your first language(s)?  Well, I don’t really know what would be strange to you but I’m really fond of ‘oida’. It’s sort of an exclamation that can be used in a lot of different ways and its meaning depends on how you say it. So it could mean you’re really disappointed, angry, shocked, disbelieving or it could just mean something like ‘dude’. I love it and use it way too often considering it’s sort of lower class slang, I guess. 
aaaand here’s @maddie-mux‘s questions: 
1. First fictional crush?  I’m not entirely sure. Maybe Ziegenpeter from Heidi? :’D 
2. 11 authors (dead or alive) who you would want to spend a night in a haunted house with?  oh no, that’s a) way too many people and b) not something I would ever want to do 
3. Kiss, Marry, Kill - authors  I don’t really feel qualified to answer this. I don’t really get into people as much as I get into their characters and fictional universes. Doing this with real people feels weird, too, because I don’t want to do any of those actions with anyone.... I’m sorry to cop out of yet another of your questions!
4. One author whose books you automatically buy, of no matter what?  either of the Green brothers
5. Favourite fictional place?  maybe Night Vale? But not because I want to live there, just because it’s so wacky. 
6. Kiss, Marry, Kill - characters  this one is easier!  kiss: Poet from Trick (before he is spoken for, of course, I’m not a home-wrecker!)  marry: farmer Oak from Far From the Madding Crowd  kill: there’s so many to choose from! but I really really hate Aaron from The Knife of Never Letting Go!!
7. Favourite place to read?  on the go 
8. 11 characters who you’d take for an eternity on a tropical island?  nope nope nope - there’s nobody I would want to spend eternity with 
9. Hands down, all time favourite book and why?  you should be ashamed of yourself! you know most readers can’t answer this question :P (well, I can’t anyway)
10. Favourite fictional nonhuman animal character?  is it too basic to say Black Beauty? 
11. Fiction or nonfiction?  both! I read more fiction, but I wouldn’t want to live without nonfiction in my life! 
last but not least, @bibliophilecats‘ questions: 
Your favourite word from your first language.  I’m gonna use one of my previous answers for that and say ‘oida’ just because it’s so fun and versatile. Do you know ‘oida’ in your part of Germany? 
And your favourite word in any language.  Not sure I’d pinpoint it as an absolute favorite, but I quite like ‘alas’ because it sort of embodies my view of life, haha 
Name 5 positive things about yourself.  5?? It took me 10 minutes to come up with 3 for one of the questions above! Unbelievable...  - I try my best to keep an open mind  - I try to also get my students to do this  - but I also like to question things  - I’m not blind to my shortcomings  - and I do want to become a better person, though I need to put more effort into it 
And now 3 things you are good at (I kept that one from @books-are-portals list because self-love is important)  I am NOT coming up with more because I am absolutely unable to do so. Sorry! (yes, I have issues, I know)
What’s your “Patronus”-memory, i.e. the happiest moment in your life?  ooooh good one! maybe the day I got my degree and graduated from university. (because leading up to this point my mental health was so bad I wasn’t sure I’d live to see that day...) 
Recommend a book which you think I should read.  maybe ‘Welcome to Night Vale’ or ‘It Devours!’? 
Do you set yourself a reading list or pick books by mood?  both! see above for a more detailed answer
Did you make friends on tumblr that you met (or want to meet) in real life?  I would love to meet quite a few of you! (sadly I haven’t, yet)
Last book you read that was completely outside your normal reading preference. Why did you pick it up and did you like it?  Probably the Kite Runner? I picked it up because sooo many people and many of my friends love it. I, however, did not. 
Favourite christmas book?  I haven’t read many so far, but Dash and Lily’s book of Dares!! 
Favourite christmas movie?  I’ve always loved Miracle on 34th street but I haven’t rewatched it in years so I don’t know if it hold up
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hellyeahrpmemes · 6 years
here’s sentences from 10 more of jenna’s videos! feel free to change names/pronouns/zodiac signs/etc.! more jenna sentences
“I’m not very good at drawing things.”
“Yours won. Yours so won.”
“It looks like a feral cat.”
“You’re just pretending to be a chef.”
“I made your forehead in pancake form.”
“Don’t look at mine - don’t look at mine…!”
“She looks like a ghost of herself.”
“It looks like a tombstone walking a dog.”
“It looks like a can of silly string gone wrong.”
“That’s a bunny. You draw it every single time we’re at dinner and you find a crayon or a pen. That’s the one thing you know how to draw really, really well.”
“So it’s a flamethrower?”
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“I’m gonna put this on your bed tonight. On your pillow.”
“It’s an Ankylosaurus, duh.”
“Can you autograph my pancake?”
“I wonder if it tastes good.”
“It looks like a weird calculator.”
“If he can do it, we can do it, too.”
“In the end, we both lost.”
“It was a lot harder than it looks.”
“There are some moths in my house, and I don’t really want to kill them, but they are driving me crazy. I swear to god, if they start chewing my clothes, it’s gonna be game over. I’m gonna burn this house down.”
“I have lost my mind a little bit.”
“Worship me, Pinterest.”
“I feel like I am now the queen of DIY.”
“We would just sit there, and maybe look out the window, and maybe talk to each other.”
“You really needed a friend, but I really liked to play with it alone.”
“What did you do? That looks so cool!”
“I forgot I had a rope, and I forgot this thing called friction happens, and I sawed it in half.”
“I didn’t say anything to my dad, because I knew that that would be certain death.”
“I am a really bad liar and I have a terrible poker face.”
“My brother wasn’t going to tattle on me, because he is not a snitch, and I appreciate that.”
“It was like top ten most angry moments I’ve ever seen my dad.”
“Shut up, my gerbil is not fat.”
“Dude, your gerbil is so fat.”
“It was the most disgusting thing I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Sometimes, if your mom can’t take care of you, she’s just going to eat you.”
“I took a pair of scissors, and I decided to give my cat a haircut.”
“Damn it, now the cat’s gonna get his head stuck in everything.”
“I’m fired, I quit, I’m fired.”
“I got Julien a drone for his birthday.”
“He really just loves to chase it.”
“Why fight it when you can just work with it?”
“It really is completely hysterical.”
“This is what I want to watch on the Internet.”
“We love each other forever.”
“I would never do anything to put him in any sort of danger.”
“We work together to make fun things happen.”
“It’s just really cool and really amazing and I just wanted to share it with you.”
“You don’t even care, do you?”
“Do you need a snack or anything? You good?”
“I think avocados are propaganda in Southern California.”
“You hate something as meaningless as an avocado, Jenna? Really?”
“If I was a ghost, I wouldn’t just help people when they needed me, I’d be there all the time.”
“What’re you doing? Cutting your nails? I’m gonna stand here and watch.”
“Are you ever truly alone? I say no.”
“Why am I turning? I hate this chair…!”
“I don’t think ghosts and/or spirits just limit their visitation hours to when you need them. I think they’re there all the time. Creeping on you.”
“I think parasailing is boring as fuck.”
“That looks intense, count me out.”
“It’s very boring. It’s not worth it.”
“Why are you so famous? It really bothers me to the core of my being.”
“I think almond butter tastes like blood. I think it’s gross, and it tastes like blood.”
“I think tonic water tastes like earwax.”
“I think that making a salad is way too much work for the end result.”
“I’m not really talented at hard manual labor, which I’m sure my grandparents would find as a character flaw.”
“I think Jenna is the best name ever. Sorry, all other names.”
“I would buy her a drink like the gentleman I am.”
“I have a landlord that says no, but I say otherwise.”
“Go check out the otters. You won’t be disappointed.”
“They’re literally just there to have a great time.”
“I mean, it’s cool to see you, man, but you seem sad.”
“I think curtains are way too expensive for what they are, and a waste of money.”
“I’d see that, like, four times in the theater.”
“I’m legitimately terrified of prescription drugs.”
“I don’t really care what anybody says. I mean, I do a little bit.”
“Think for yourself, use your own brain, it’s a fun thing to do.”
“Guess what? This is life.”
“I think it’s funnier now that the song is two years old.”
“If I paid money for it, I’m angry about it.”
“This is the weirdest fucking app.”
“I think it’s genius. I think it’s great.”
“Does this not know that google exists?”
“Did that horse fall?”
“Is this porn? Is this porn? This feels porny.”
“This one makes me feel like I’m really there.”
“That’s pretty annoying.”
“It’s not the worst, but it’s also not not the worst.”
“One small tattoo for man, one giant leap backwards for mankind.”
“Oh my god, oh my god, that’s nightmare fuel.”
“It’s so stupid that it’s amazing.”
“Just that name is the funniest thing ever.”
“Oh, I hate this so fucking much.”
“Think of all the times you just needed a candle, but you don’t have one.”
“Whenever I find something really cool, I just tell Julien, and he never appreciates it, so I hope you appreciate it.”
“It’s time to go.”
“This is the cutest shovel I’ve ever seen.”
“I got this on sale!”
“I feel crazy.”
“I like to sew, even though I’m not very good at it. I just refuse to fail.”
“We used to have to take home economics, where you learn how to sew and cook and stuff, and, apparently, people don’t take that anymore.”
“I still am mediocre at it.”
“If shit ever went down at a zombie apocalypse, everyone’s gonna be butt-ass naked, and I’m gonna be over here, sewing, with electricity.”
“I’m just gonna try and sew myself a sick outfit.”
“I also don’t want to spend a lot of time doing this.”
“Fuck patterns, fuck all that shit, let’s just do it live.”
Everything that I sew is gonna be with navy blue and/or black thread, which, if you have a problem with, just go away now.”
“I’m gonna make a long maxi skirt, ‘cause those are overpriced.”
“I would do this drunk, but it seems really dangerous to sew drunk.”
“Something smells like burning.”
“It looks crooked, but you just pass it off as fashion.”
“Get your scissors, and cut whatever the fuck is bothering you the fuck out.”
“Backwards and forwards and backwards, it’s just like life.”
“The best way to learn is to just look at a shirt, and make it.”
“Just don’t even bother finishing anything.”
“Yes. Yes, cape, yes.”
“Somebody could have made something really nice out of this. Not me!”
“I’m literally wearing a tube of pajamas, and I love it.”
“When I was at the fabric store, I saw this, and just really couldn’t resist.”
“What lady going to a ball couldn’t fit this into her wardrobe?”
“A fun, exciting fabric to make a hat out of is denim.”
“Don’t laugh, it’s fashion!”
“If you saw this, you’d be like, that is couture.”
“I really should’ve just made my entire outfit out of this, but that’s for next time.”
“Looks great. I’m scared of you, but it looks good.”
“I feel like the outside matches the inside.”
“Yes, bitch, you fuck that outfit up.”
“Honestly, I’d wear this shirt. And this skirt.”
“I’m also sorry. But not that sorry.”
“Most of it just stems from being terrified of authority. I’m scared of getting in trouble.”
“Whenever someone asks me for my phone number, I always give out my real phone number. I can never lie and give them a fake number.”
“I’m terrified of having that confrontation.”
“Yeah, I got it really wet. It’s soaking wet. Just fully submerged in water. It’s wet.”
“I just wish that I could lie, but I feel too bad, I have to tell the truth.”
“I could’ve saved myself a lot of money with just a couple lies.”
“Their dogs are not therapy dogs, and you can tell.”
“I know for a fact that, by saying yes to that question, I’m just gonna get a lecture for the next ten minutes.”
“I don’t need to hear the lecture. I know the lecture.”
“Eggplant? Ew! The fuck is wrong with — my god, no…!”
“I don’t need to violently argue with someone when they say they don’t like something.”
“I can never, ever, ever lie to a police officer or a cop, ever.”
“I wasn’t speeding that much, but I was definitely speeding.”
“I was listening to R. Kelly’s World’s Greatest, and it was just getting me so hyped up that I just, I went so fast, I didn’t realize how fast I was going.”
“He gave me a $300 speeding ticket.”
“That started the ‘do not play’ list in the car.”
“You’re singing with your eyes closed, which is not good for driving, at all.”
“I think this is a good look. I think we should make this a thing.”
“Some of you guys are fuckin lying.”
“Oh my god, how’s it going? So good to see you!”
“Hey, thanks, I’m a catch.”
“It’s a conversation, we should listen.”
“I don’t wanna listen…”
“I’m gonna use my eyes and pretend I’m listening.”
“She just asked us a question — did you hear what she asked us?”
“So how’s, uh… how’s what’s his face?”
“I just don’t want her to tell the tree story again.”
“One time, I was climbing this tree in my backyard…”
“She can smell your fear, you know.”
“I can smell time. It’s 11:30.”
“I can rap. Quadruple threat.”
“Did you watch the baseball game the other night?”
“Are we drunk?”
“This is bad, we shouldn’t have said that, why did we say that?”
“Hey, we should get this pierced.”
“Do you feel like breaking something?”
“I really love you so much.”
“She’s already drunk ‘I love you’-ing.”
“At least she didn’t make any drunk plans yet.”
“We are not going to remember that. Not at all.”
“What do you think happens when you put a ton of lettuce into a woodchipper?”
“I fucking hate you guys. You guys are idiots.”
“My brain is a terrifying prison.”
“Why are you laughing already? Stop laughing.”
“You put the heel of my boot in my mouth? What are you, insane?”
“This touches the ground?”
“I was mad, sorry.”
“No, this is not going to turn into you solving a Rubik’s cube.”
“Who makes appointments a year in advance? I do.”
“This is my inhaler, you asshole!”
“Did you just say scoff?”
“You sinus-blasted me?!”
“Do you have any idea the mental preparation you need to have before you take one of those!?”
“As soon as it hit my tongue, I knew I was fucked.”
“Open up, we are playing a game.”
“Julien, my mouth tastes like Christmas tree!”
“Oh my god, what the fuck is that? It’s wet…”
“Open up all the way.”
“You put yeast in my mouth. That was fucked up.”
“Wow… I hate you.”
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vcg73 · 6 years
Hummel Holidays 2017: Happy Solstice
Prompt #21 – Winter Solstice (also includes Movies, Candles, Traditions, and Family)
Rare-Pair: Is a trio today.  One Three Hill.  :)
 Sitting side by side on the living room sofa, hands folded in their laps like obedient schoolchildren, Dani and Elliott exchanged bemused glances.  Dani flicked the fluffy white faux-fur ball at the end of the red stocking cap she wore and said, “Thoughts?”
 Elliott played with one of the jingle bells dangling from his own red and green jester’s hat. “Santa had an opening for new elves and Kurt got us try-outs?”
 She laughed. “He’s in one of his fabulous hat design phases, but all the mannequins already had jobs at Macy’s?”
 “Someone forgot to pay the bills and this is Kurt’s way of warning us that the heat and power may go out at any second?”
 “No, that would be your apartment,” Dani said, flipping the long knitted scarf around her throat so that the fringed end smacked him in the face.
 Elliott fluffed his own fleecy red scarf with great dignity. “That only happened once.”
 She held up two fingers.
 “No, the first time was in summer and we just had a brown-out. That doesn’t count.”
 “Whatever.  So, back to subject number one. Why are we sitting on Kurt’s couch in the middle of the afternoon wearing silly hats and scarves?”
 Elliott shrugged. “Because he asked us to. And we’re both complete suckers for that big-pleading-eyes thing that he does.”
 She nodded. “He looks like a little puppy when he tucks his hands under his chin and gives you the big eyes. What can I say? I’m weak.”
 Shaking his head to make the little golden bells jingle, Elliott grinned crookedly and Dani laughed, acknowledging that she was not alone in that.
 “Oh, you guys look great!” Kurt interrupted, walking back inside his apartment from wherever he had disappeared to twenty minutes earlier after welcoming his two friends inside with a big smile, handing them each a hat and a scarf, then instructing them to put them on and wait for him. “Here. This is for you, Dani. And, Elliott, this one’s for you.”
 Elliott and Dani each accepted the gift bags Kurt handed them. Like them, Kurt wore a hat - a blue conical item with silver lace around the base and a silver bell at the tip – and a matching blue and silver striped scarf, and he carried a third larger bag. He set the bag on the floor in front of him as he helped himself to a cozy seat in between his two confused band mates.
 Looking from one side to the other, he smiled sweetly at them both. “Over the last year and a half, the two of you have come to mean a lot to me. You’ve been more than friends. You’ve stood by me when people I thought I could count on turned their backs. You’ve supported me and encouraged my ideas, even when other people said they were dumb. You’ve given me space to grow and support to change, when everyone else tried to keep me rooted in the past. And when the going got tough, you two just got closer and that means the world to me. You’ve become family to me, and so I thought it might be nice to share a very special tradition with you.”
 Dani and Elliott were both touched. Elliott cleared his throat and said, “Aw, man, that’s really . . . it was no more than you did for us, y’know?”  
 Dani did not even try to find words, she just latched onto Kurt and hugged him like she’d never let go. Finally, she dabbed carefully at the corners of her heavily made-up eyes and said, “So, what’s with the hats? Yours is awesome, by the way.”
 He grinned. “Thanks! I made it myself.  I’ll explain in a second. First, open your bags.”
 Eagerly, the two dug in, looking even more puzzled at the contents. The two were identical, each containing a candle, a gingerbread man, a brooch shaped like a pumpkin, a small basket filled with assorted snack foods, a bottle of wine and a plastic wine-glass.
 “Happy Solstice!” Kurt said, pulling a similar stash from his own bag, along with a dozen or so dvds, which he spread on the table in front of them.
 The other two grinned at the array of choices. “This is awesome,” Elliott declared. “I never participated in a Solstice party before.”
 “Me, either,” Dani said, picking up a video case to examine. “What gave you the idea?”
 Kurt gestured at the presents and said, “Well, as you know, I happen to be an atheist. My dad isn’t, but he also isn’t much of a church person, so he always encouraged me to go my own way with stuff like that. We continued to celebrate Christmas every year, but when I was about ten years old I read a magazine article about ancient pagan religions and how they influenced a lot of our modern-day holiday traditions. Rites concerning bounty, sacrifice, renewal, and so forth. Masquerades to disguise one’s self from evil spirits was also a big deal, but it’s too hard to watch movies wearing masks, so we went with funny hats and scarves instead.” He flipped the end of his in demonstration. “One of the biggest pagan festival times was the Winter Solstice, so that first year I talked my dad into figuring out a way to celebrate it, and we had so much fun with it that afterward we did it every winter that I lived at home. Until Dad got married again and we decided that having a pagan festival in our living room might seem a little too weird for Carole and Finn.”
 Dani picked up on the unspoken part of that statement. “Wait, so you’ve never shared this with anyone else before now? Other than your dad, I mean.”
 Kurt looked down at his hands, which were rolling the little apple-scented jar candle they held. “No. I kept thinking that maybe I would share it with Rachel one day, or with Blaine, but it just never felt right somehow. I think if Adam and I had lasted longer, I would have shared it with him but, well, things happened and . . .” He sighed, the sound filled with regret for what might have been.
 “And now you’re in a different place in your life,” Elliott said, voice filled with encouragement, not willing to let Kurt dwell on sad thoughts. “You’re giving single life a try, and concentrating on other things. You’ve started living without constant reminders of the past, and moving on with other people, and other things. So basically, this year you have a bounty of friends, a sacrifice of old dreams, and a renewal of going after the things that make you happy, instead of just going along with whatever makes everyone else happy. Am I right?”
 Even Kurt looked surprised at his easy summation. “I suppose you are. I hadn’t quite thought of it like that.” He picked up one of the movie cases and waved it. “At any rate, most of our family tradition involved eating and drinking; though it was sparkling cider when I was a kid; and watching non-traditional Christmas movies together.”
 Dani laughed. “Is that what these are? I’ve been trying to figure out what ‘Die Hard’, ‘Lethal Weapon’, ‘Trading Places’, and ‘Meet Me in Saint Louis’ all had in common.”
 “They all take place during Christmas, that’s right,” Elliott said, nodding and making his hat ring merrily. “And you said you started this tradition with your dad. Having met Burt, I can totally see why you would have some ‘80’s action movies in the mix.”
 “And the older movies are to honor my mom, who adored the classics,” Kurt explained as Dani picked up an old Humphrey Bogart film called ‘We’re No Angels’, raising an eyebrow as she read the description on the back. “That one’s a comedy about murderous convicts, believe it or not.”
 Elliott snorted. “I think I need to see that one. Oooh, you have ‘Gremlins’! I love that movie. Oh, geez, and ‘Batman Returns’. Isn’t that the kind of horrible one with Danny DeVito as the Penguin?”
 Dani snatched the box from his hand. “And Michelle Pfeiffer in the skintight leather cat suit!  I vote we watch this first.”
 Both men laughed, but Kurt obligingly got up to put the disc in. He paused to set up his laptop on a TV tray nearby, plugging in the charger and then pulling up a waiting website showing a continuous loop of a log burning merrily in a fireplace. “Yule log,” he said.
 Kurt offered no further explanation, but the others just nodded and started divvying up the goodies as their movie began to play. Scented candles were lit, wine was poured, and snacks were evenly divided as the three of them piled together on the couch and happily spent the first of what they all secretly hoped would be many happy family Solstices together.
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