#marinette will bid for him
anna-scribbles · 2 years
what... what do you mean like how schools auction off boys for girls to buy a date???? where and when was this a thing??
okay on second thought I have never heard of this happening in real life and I think I was just projecting the basket boy auction scene from flipped onto real life and also my drawing of adrien agreste
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theerurishipper · 8 months
Part 2 of my Paris special commentary (Part 1 here) because Tumblr is an ass and has a word limit.
Disclaimer: This is long asf.
Marinette here playing 5D chess, queen shit.
The most important thing the special confirmed is that Gabe added the word "dark" to his transformation phrase on purpose cause he's a dramatic bitch.
I am here for Claw Noir mocking Gabe. Go off, king.
"Oh nO, iT WAs aN IlLusIon!" That giggle is adorable. She's so cute.
Ladyfly is an ass name, but she looks so great.
Not Gabe getting annoyed at Claw Noir's teasing. See, now this is why we stan Claw Noir on this blog.
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Gabe's plan isn't half bad, actually.
Symbolism? In my children's cartoon? It's more likely than you think.
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They're having a pun-off.
RIP Chat Noir's ear.
Gabe got feathered lmao
Monarch dipped like a little bitch.
A mirror, I called it. It'll make for some nice symbolism.
"Let alone a calm and gentle mom" I wonder what Sabine is like in their world to make Emonette feel like she's so alone.
I like how they handled the villains tbh. I wasn't a fan of making it seem like Marinette was one step away from becoming a supervillain at all times, but it seems less like that's the case and more like The Supreme took advantage of her suffering and vulnerability at her lowest moments.
It's also nice that they established that Shady and Claw weren't the actual big bads and are just hurt kids who got recruited into a fight they weren't ready for. Their motivation isn't some rehash of Gabriel's, they are literally trying to survive under the rule of someone who will kill them if they don't do his bidding, and because of whom they're dying. Their life is literally full of suffering and they're trying to find something that'll give them a way out. Shady wants Marinette's life, and Claw Noir wants his mother back.
Like, it doesn't excuse their actions, but it does add a more humane element to them that lends itself better to the kind of redemption Miraculous likes to do, which is to fix things with a speech. That's why this redemption works, and Gabe's doesn't.
The back and forth between Chat Noir and Claw Noir was pretty funny ngl.
And we discover that Claw Noir wants his mother back. Of course.
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When Marinette was talking about how she was also angry and hurt, but chose to love herself and the world around her and chose to try and fix it... that hit hard. Honestly, it did. It's everything I love about Marinette in one speech. I love it.
And then onto my personal favorite scene in the entire special, possibly in the entire show.
That whole conversation was powerful. "I'm as well as I can be anyway," that's so profound. Like, of course you aren't going to be 100% okay after losing someone you love, but Adrien wants to move on and be happy like his mother would have wanted him to. This scene really showcases Adrien's empathy and his strength, when he acknowledges that having no friends can make it harder for Claw Noir to move on, and then he tells him that only he can make the choice to stop being alone. And that's really true. This scene really showcases everything amazing about Adrien, his hope and optimism, his empathy and his strength. How he finds the strength to keep going by choosing to not be alone. It's beautiful.
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Like, it could have been so easy for both Marinette and Adrien to give into their darkest impulses, and Shadybug and Claw Noir really are just representations of how letting your hurt overpower you can lead you down a dark path, and it really highlights their strength, that they choose to make the right choices everyday, despite everything. It really highlights their characters and their arcs. And they're able to take everything they've learned, and look at what they could have been in the eyes and help them change too. It's so poetic.
It would have been a little more impactful if the show had spent more than 10 minutes out of 5 seasons focusing on Adrien's grief and how it has impacted him, but whatever.
Anyway, it also had some Adrien and Nino friendship crumbs, and I'll be darned if I didn't gobble it up like a starved animal. Also, we have confirmation that "Space Mutants vs. Ghost Shark" is Nino's favorite movie, so Nino stans please say "thank you Paris special."
And they are REDEEMED.
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Shadybug fixes everything with her Lucky Charm after spending the whole special making destructive ones. My heart.
Shadybug and Claw Noir stop being evil and immediately go from hating each other's guts to flirting shamelessly. They just speedran enemies to lovers in a matter of seconds. They literally just defaulted to flirting. Truly, the natural state of Ladynoir in any universe. We stan.
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Gotta be honest, I'm not a fan of the new designs. Wish they had kept the old ones. I'm one of those people whose toxic trait is liking Claw Noir's design, so I'm a little unhappy with it, but hey, it's a sweet scene.
Also, Claw Noir's hair went from the color of rotten bananas to ripe bananas. If that was intentional, I applaud the writers for being both profound and funny as hell.
Aaaaaaand Gabe is back, because we can't have nice things.
The montage going through different realities was great, it was small but I enjoyed it.
They're literally so cute omg. Couple behaviors fr. I'm so obsessed with them.
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They're holding hands... already... like they're in love... I'm so emotional... I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS
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And they're gone. But their adventures will continue forever in my mind and in my fanfics. And in other people's art that I will ravenously consume.
Cute Alya and Marinette scene. This is really sweet, I love the exploration of the impact Alya has had on Marinette's life.
And now, I'm not an Alyanette shipper, but I think they should kis- oh, wait, never mind, they did it.
And thus, the endless night comes to an end (it happened a while ago but that's just semantics).
Final thoughts
I really loved this so much. Sure, there were some exposition dumps that probably should have happened in the actual series, but that's not the fault of this special. This is probably my bias talking but this is the best special and it's literally perfect, no I will not take any constructive criticism on that. This, this special and everything in it, this is what Miraculous is all about. This is exactly what I wanted, this is what I signed up for. It's literally the best thing ever to come out of this entire show.
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literaphobe · 9 months
i actually think it would be so funny for evil love square if emo marinette still had a huge messy crush on emo adrien she can’t tell him about and evil chat noir is still wildly obsessed with evil ladybug and does all her emo evil bidding like if they are having their own insane push and pull and identity shenanigans. just like with WAY more eyeliner and dark lipstick and ripped clothes
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mostmagical · 8 months
Chapters 1/1 (1,396 words) Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Emo Adrien Agreste/Emo Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Spoilers for ML Paris Special. . . After meeting an alternate version of himself, Adrien decides to take the first steps towards making a new friend.
Takes place immediately after Paris Special!
Read on Ao3 or under the cut!!
She was holding his hand.
She was holding his hand.
After so long of being at each others’ throats, of feeling lost and lonely, the warmth of her hand in his felt like a dream. Like being pulled out of the ocean after so long drowning. Even after passing through the portal into their own world, she held on, and Adrien had trouble focussing on anything else around him. Hesperia was saying something, talking about their next moves to take down the Supreme, but the words simply passed through one ear and out the other as all he could do was stare down at where their hands were connected.
Why… Why hadn’t she let go?
His heart pounded in his chest, faster than he could ever remember it beating before. The pretty bakery girl was holding his hand, like she wanted to, as if he was more than just a stranger on the street to her. And, well, he supposed he was, considering they had been working together for months, albeit without liking each other or knowing one another at all. It was all new sensations and feelings, rushing through his body in a way that made his head swirl.
“...but we can reconvene later,” Hesperia said, on the tailend of some conversation that Adrien had missed entirely. “I think we could all use a little rest.”
Toxinelle— No, Ladybug stuck out her other hand, shaking with Hesperia as the fingers in the hand she held with Adrien’s squeezed just ever so slightly. Maybe that had been in his imagination though. “I agree,” she said. “I hope we can continue to work well together to take down the Supreme.”
“The feeling is mutual, Ladybug,” Hesperia replied. “And you, Griffe– uh…”
Adrien smiled. “I’m still working on it.”
Hesperia smiled back. “I wish you good luck figuring that out.” The butterfly hero folded his hands behind his back, regarding the both of them over his glasses. “I’d offer to show you both out, but I think you’ll find it’s the same way you came in the first time,” he supplied, a lilting tune to his voice.
Ladybug smiled wryly. “Yeah, sorry about that,” she said. “We’ll be going now! Good bye!”
She slipped her fingers from his hand, Adrien already feeling colder, to sling her yoyo through the exit.
“See ya!” he bid to Hesperia before following right after her. She headed towards the bakery– now he knew why— and Adrien couldn’t stop himself from following along. So what if his house was in the opposite direction. He wanted to spend just a few more minutes with her, if he could manage it.
She dropped down onto the bakery roof, quietly releasing her transformation and leaving behind Marinette, the bakery girl.
Adrien’s heart skipped a beat again at the sight of her.
He dodged behind the chimney stack on the end of her rooftop, suddenly nervous. He wasn’t sure how she would react to him being there. Everything was so new and their relationship was so… He wasn’t sure what. It was different.
“I saw you following me, fleabag,” she said, startling him. “No use hiding.”
Lithely, he jumped from his spot, landing in a crouch in front of her. He looked up at her through his bangs, watching her expression for that same old disdain he was used to. There was none.
“What is it?” she asked.
Adrien straightened, searching for the right words in his head. To be honest, he wasn’t sure what he wanted at all. All he knew was that he had been drawn to her, like a thread he had to chase. Other Adrien’s words rang through his head, and sudden clarity filled his being.
He wanted to make friends.
He couldn’t miss his chance.
An excited grin twitching on his lips, he let his transformation fall to match her, putting them both on equal footing. Keeping things neutral had always worked for the two of them in the past.
Marinette raised her eyebrow at him, and suddenly he was struck by how big and blue her eyes were. He had never seen them up so close before. She was so pretty.
“Well, I was thinking,” he said nervously, all his earlier bravado draining out of him now that she was looking at him with those eyes, “since I don’t have any friends, and you don’t have any friends—that I know of!” He glanced at her face, worrying he might find a glare, but instead she continued to just look at him with wide eyes. He cleared his throat, pushing through the rest of his request as he scratched at his cheek. “Maybe, if you want, we could be friends? With each other?”
Her mouth twitched into a small smile. Adrien had never seen her smile before. He found that it suited her quite nicely. His heart did a funny little flip in his chest.
His jaw dropped. “I– uh– Okay?” he sputtered.
Her smile spread wider. “Yeah.”
“Even though I’m a rich jerk?”
“I guess I can let that go,” she teased. “This time.”
Unbridled happiness— is this what that other Adrien felt? All she did was say ‘okay’ and it was as though the heavens had opened. He was warm, starting in his chest and spreading from the inside out, a euphoria he had never felt before.
“Besides,” she continued, giving a small shrug of her shoulders, “I think you’ve grown on me a little in all this time.”
The delight only grew. “You mean, I’ve cat your attention?”
She shook her head, a frown on her face, but the corners twitched again, as if she was trying to hide a smile. “And you’re going to lose it if you keep up with your awful puns.”
“My claw-ful puns?”
“Watch it, whiskers,” she said, but, for once, there was no bite to her tone.
“Aw,” he cooed, loving the way her nose scrunched up at the sound. “You don’t mean that, buggy.”
“‘Buggy’?” she questioned. “What happened to ‘cockroach’?”
“Well, I’m not going to call my friend a cockroach, now am I?” he said. “Why? You don’t like it? I can workshop some more names.”
She laughed, and, wow, what a wonderful sound that was. “Maybe after you figure out your new name.”
“No, no, no.” He wagged a finger. “This is important.” He proceeded to stalk around her, acting as though he was appraising her like an art piece with a hand to his chin. Actually, he supposed, she was an art piece, not that he’d ever told her. Maybe he should. “What about…” he drawled, lengthening his vowels, “Scarab?”
She wrinkled her nose. “No.”
He hummed. “Buginette.”
A scoff.
“You’re joking.”
Her deadpan told him all he needed to know. Adrien stopped his stalking, once again standing in front of her. It had to be personal, something to tell her how much she meant to him, how happy he was to finally have someone he could call a friend in his life. Something to connect them. An idea lit up his brain.
“My lady.”
He could be wrong, but he thought she might have stuttered a breath. A dusting of pink settled on her cheeks. Oh! Oh, that was a good reaction, wasn’t it?
“You like that?” he asked. “My lady?”
She swallowed, eyes cast away from his face and down on his shoes. Her arms crossed over her chest. “I suppose that might be acceptable.”
He smiled. “My lady,” he repeated, the words rolling off his tongue as if they were always meant to. He bowed dramatically, smiling when he heard her soft chuckle. “I’m glad we could settle this.”
She snorted. “If you’re supposed to be a prince, we have some work to do.”
“Maybe not a prince, but I’ll happily be your knight.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
His smile was practically bursting at the seams, stretching his cheeks wide enough for a dull ache to settle in. “I’ll let you enjoy your day. Until next time, my lady.” He called his transformation back, readying himself to head home.
“Until next time, Adrien,” she replied, another soft smile gracing her features.
He leapt from her roof, darting away as his heart beat a staccato against his ribcage. Next time he saw her, he would be seeing his new friend.
A friend.
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mc-lukanette · 7 months
If being embarrassed was a sport, Marinette would've won the game all by herself. If being embarrassed was a river, she'd be carried violently downstream screeching "Why did I do that?!" If being embarrassed was the goal of the night, she'd have succeeded with flying colors.
It was not, in fact, the goal of the night.
All Marinette had wanted was to spend some time with Nino at a charity event, make a few jokes about the guys who were auctioned off as temporary dates, and go about her life after a mildly fun night where nothing of interest happened.
Clearly, that was not the case, and it was all she could do to find the quickest opportunity to sneak out. It felt vaguely like she was abandoning Nino, but she suspected that he had similar plans.
Unfortunately, she'd barely made it out into the hall before a familiar and unfairly smooth voice called out, "Hey, Marinette."
She jumped. The hallway was so empty and quiet that his voice seemed extra surprising, and Luka just stood there, casually smiling away like she hadn't just made a complete fool out of herself.
Maybe if I pretend not to know him, he'll go along with it, she thought desperately.
Only it was too late, Luka idly toying with his bangs as he admitted, "I didn't expect you to buy me."
Her face flushed pink. The sound of her hitting the table and shouting out her price probably could've been heard throughout all of Paris, right? She could already see the news articles about it: Desperate Woman Has Superhuman Vocal Chords.
And did he have to word it like she bought him and not a date with him?!
"W-well..." She dropped her gaze to the floor, rubbing against the rug with her foot. She debated on whether to claim I just acted, or I wasn't thinking, or it was just a joke, but ultimately decided to admit, "I didn't want anyone else to have you?"
She dared to peek up and saw his brows raise in surprise. Feeling the intensity of the auction come back, she stomped at the floor her foot and clarified, "B-because all those people don't know you, and you don't know them! You can't know what their intentions are!" With a small 'hmph', she crossed her arms and added, "And they were even advertising you as Jagged Stone's son, not Luka Couffaine!"
"I'm probably not a popular face, even with my dad," Luka replied, having the audacity to defend them.
"But you're a kind face!" Marinette protested, committing to her argument and pointing at him. "They kept bidding weak prices for you and I couldn't let them get away with that! It was like they didn't even respect your time!"
He choked out a laugh, covering his mouth to stifle the rest of it.
"D-don't laugh! I'm serious!"
"I know," he said through his giggles, clearing his throat to try and cut himself off. "I just feel lucky."
She faltered, confused. "Lucky?"
He nodded, smiling at her. "Thank you for looking out for me, Marinette. I really appreciate it."
"You're right. Maybe I could've been in danger."
She relaxed her shoulders, seeing that he actually understood. Of course, she knew she had "other motives" to buy a date with him, but at her core, she couldn't help worrying about him. She worried about everyone.
"...Still." She rubbed the back of her neck shyly, adding, "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just bought you like that. I know it's for charity and I'm glad the money's going to it, but—" She covered her face to whine into her hands. "—I've never done this before! It feels like I'm claiming you! You don't even have to go on a date with me, really!"
There was a pause, followed by Luka letting out a slow breath. She tensed, sensing what she was fairly sure was disappointment, only to then feel Luka's fingertips against the back of her hands. He caressed downwards until he could grab her wrists, gently tugging to make her reveal her face to him.
"Disappointment" was not what she saw in his expression.
"What if I told you that it was okay?" he asked, almost in a whisper.
She blinked, then looked around to confirm that they were still alone. No one else was around, so her only guess was that Luka wanted to ensure that this conversation was only for them.
Blush intensifying, she swallowed and asked in reply, "F-for me to feel like I'm claiming you, or for you to go out on a date with me?"
He grinned instead of answering. "I'm looking forward to it, Marinette."
"Me claiming you, or going out on a date with me?" she asked again.
He continued as if he didn't even hear her, "I'll have to try my best to give you the kind of date you deserve."
Is that just... a yes?!
Before Marinette could respond, the two heard rapid footsteps approaching them. They looked just in time to see Nino fleeing the scene of the event, Adrien following closely behind and calling after him.
Chuckling sheepishly as she watched them go, Marinette noted, "I guess he'll have to explain it like I did."
"You didn't buy a date with Adrien?"
Luka's tone had shifted entirely and it occurred to her that he must've been elsewhere when the date with Adrien was up for auction. She turned to look at him, replying, "No? I didn't bid for him.... ah—" She waved her hands desperately, realizing that she'd just trapped herself. "—not that I think he doesn't deserve protection! But... um..."
"Hm." He hummed, a sparkle in his eyes like something had clicked in his head. Reaching out to press his hands to hers and intertwine their fingers, he added, "Don't worry. I think I get it."
She tilted her head to the side. "Y....you do?"
He followed along, tilting his head in the same direction. "I'll call you later so we can schedule our date. I'll pay, of course."
"Wait—no!" She pulled away. "You didn't ask to have a date with me!"
"I don't have to ask to want one," he retorted without missing a beat, unusually direct.
What did I get myself into?!
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sweetcloverheart · 9 months
I feel like if the writers genuinely wanted the end of "Strikeback" to be Marinette's fault, there were ways to actually make it her fault -
Have Felix act suspiciously and several characters comment, only for Maribug to ignore/dismiss it because of her Adrien-shaped rose tinted glasses
Have Chat be in on picking him as the Dog holder and be suspicious because of what happened the last time his cousin cosplayed as him, keeping a close eye and being a bit aggressive towards him, which leads to Maribug interfering and accusing him of being unfairly jealous (this could also be used as a reveal to Marinette's crush on Adrien for Adrien, giving him something to chew on during S5)
Have Luka be in the episode and realize what's happening, and try to warn Ladybug to be careful of Flairmidable- but because he's also trying not to let her know that he knows both her and Chat's secret identities, she misunderstands it as a warning to "watch out (as in protect)" for Flairmidable and proceeds to be overprotective of him while overlyharsh towards anyone trying to get close or expressing concerns over his behavior, which makes her miss a bunch of red flags in the process
Have Marinette know it's Felix and because of that, not tell anyone because she thinks she can handle him herself now that she's aware of the ruse, leaving her vulnerable to him stealing the other miraculouses because she didn't warn the others (specifically Chat, who could of helped) to keep an eye out for him doing anything strange
Pull a "Heart Hunter" - Have her and Chat agree on who to give the dog to (or have Chat say he saw Sabrina not be affected by Risk and tell Maribug where he last saw her), only to see the unmarked Felix-as-Adrien getting ready to board the train and impulsively pick him instead in a bid to keep him in Paris (Plus this would justify Chat being pissy about the new guy because he felt Maribug went back on her word and also because she didn't tell him until after the change was made)
And the last but most simple - don't let Marinette get affected by Risk. That's it, nothing else to it. Make it so that the Froggy mark hit one of her plushies, or got one of her parents twice, or hit Tikki. Just make sure she doesn't get hit. That way, all of Marinette's choices and mistakes in the episode are her own and not the result of having her decision making abilities magically impaired
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kawaiichibiart · 4 months
....fuck it, here's more stuff in my AU where Felix becomes Argos as early as S1/S2:
He talks his mom into letting him transfer to DuPont. So what if he's already graduated? This way he and Adrien can bond!!
Kinda a repeat of when Lila joins the class, he's just not lying (much) to people. (By not lying much, I mean he pretends to be a nice, good, boy, but he's secretly enjoying bidding his time to be an absolute menace, bonus points to him if he can get Adrien in on it).
Nino likes him instantly after he hears Felix refer to his uncle as "that whiny, candy cane, little bitch? What about him?"
Lila returns and immediately believes Felix is Adrien but gets surprised when Adrien walks in a few minutes later. To her further surprise, he pulls his "twin" away from her and takes him to the back, to their seats (another thing she was unaware of). Nino is sitting with Marinette and Lila has to sit with Alya.
Felix, indeed, managed to get Adrien to act like a little menace (there are his bonus points). The rest of the class doesn't know whether to feel proud or betrayed.
People send the Ladyblog pic after pic, video after video, of Chat Noir and some guy (?) dressed like a bird. Some have even captured a clearly mad Ladybug in the background.
Argos makes his "official" debut after that.
Reporter: Chat Noir, why have you been patrolling less with Ladybug? Are you replacing her with Argos? Chat Noir:...he knows things about me, I know things about him. It's complicated but only to people who aren't....us. Reporter:... Are...are you not concerned? If he knows things, he could risk your identity!! Chat Noir: Nah, it's fine. He loves me too much. Argos, in the distance: FUCK YOU!! Chat Noir: See? (:
Fast friends with Kagami. Neither have any understanding of social cues.
Unsure where he stands with Marinette. On the one hand, she seems to genuinely care about Adrien and wants to see him happy. On the other hand, where the fuck did she get his schedule? He doesn't believe she uses it for all her friends/classmates. He's calling bullshit on that.
Gives Nino free ammo to use against Gabriel.
Ladybug still tries to get him to hand over the peacock Miraculous, or at least tell her who he is. He continuously tells her to kiss his ass.
He's also done that to Hawkmoth.
Akuma of the Day: HAND OVER THE PEACO- the peacock Miraculous?? But, don't you- Hawkmoth: YES, YES, I WANT THE LADYBUG AND CAT MIRACULOUS, BUT THAT, THAT- Argos: Go ahead, take your time. What am I? Hawkmoth: HE STOLE IT FROM ME, I WANT IT BACK!! Argos: let me think about it... No. Hawkmoth: HAND OVER YOUR, I MEAN MY, I MEAN MAYURA'S MIRACULOUS!! Argos: You can join Ladybug (Ladybug, knowing what's he's about to say: Hey!) and the Guardian in kissing my ass, this Miraculous is mine. Argos: bitch.
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aalissy · 26 days
Movie Night
A bit of reverse crush Marichat bc they're my favorite <3. I hope you like this lil chapter :). Lemme know what you think!
Marinette's room was aglow with her soft lights, casting a warm and cozy ambiance. It was a quiet evening in Paris, and Marinette had just settled down with a bowl of freshly made popcorn, ready to enjoy a movie night in her room. She began scrolling through the computer on her desk, browsing through her collection of favorite films.
As she was about to hit play on a romantic comedy, a familiar thump sounded on the balcony above. Marinette grinned softly as a familiar black figure poked his head into her room. It was Chat Noir, with his playful grin and mischievous eyes, who had obviously decided to come and pay her a surprise visit.
"Hey, Marinette! What's on the agenda for tonight?" Chat’s voice carried a hint of excitement as he leaped down into her room with effortless grace. He landed on her bed, sliding down the ladder to come and greet her.
Her eyes widened in surprise, an even larger grin forming on her lips. "Chaton! I was just about to watch a movie. Do you want to come join me?"
"Absolutely! Movie nights are always better with furiends," Chat replied, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
Standing up, Marinette pulled over another chair by her desk, making room for him to sit comfortably beside her. She handed a bowl of popcorn over to him, which he happily accepted.
"Thanks, Marinette! Did you know that you make the absolute best popcorn," Chat said with a wink before taking a handful.
They settled in, munching on the popcorn as Marinette started the movie. The room filled with the sounds of laughter and the soft glow of the screen. Chat occasionally made witty comments about the movie, eliciting giggles from Marinette.
As the night wore on, they watched movie after movie, losing track of time in their cozy cocoon of friendship. Chat’s presence brought a sense of comfort and joy to Marinette, making her forget the stresses of being Ladybug and the constant battles with akumas. 
At one point, during a particularly emotional scene, Marinette found herself leaning against Chat’s shoulder, feeling a sense of contentment and peace. She sighed softly, leaning closer to him. Focused on the movie as she was, she missed the way that he glanced down at her with a gentle smile, his eyes softening.
As the movie approached its climax, she felt a mix of emotions swirling within her. The characters on the screen were also falling in love with their best friend, almost exactly like what she was currently feeling. Her gaze moved up, trying to sneak a quick peek up at Chat. She blushed as their eyes connected before Marinette quickly snapped them back to the screen.
Finally, as the credits rolled and the screen faded to black, Marinette turned to him with a genuine smile. "Thanks for coming over tonight, mon minou. This was exactly what I needed right now," she said softly, her eyes gleaming with gratitude and softness. She tucked a stray strand of hair back behind her ears, feeling suddenly shy.
"Anytime, Marinette. You know I'm always up for movie nights and anything else that you might need," Chat replied, his voice warm and sincere.
She grinned over at him before turning back to the screen as she picked out another movie for them to watch. They continued watching movies until the late hours of the night, enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence and occasional laughter as they made little comments. 
Finally, when it got too late for him to stay any longer, Chat bid her goodnight. He kissed the tip of her forehead and her cheeks absolutely burned at the touch. How was she meant to ignore her feelings for him when he did things like that?
“Goodnight, Marinette,” he murmured ever so softly. “Have the sweetest dreams.”
She watched him climb up the ladder to her bed and leap back out onto the Parisian rooftops. Her ears strained to listen to the quiet jingling of his bell as he lowered the trapdoor back down, heading out into the darkness of the night.
Leaning back on her chair, Marinette gazed at Tikki and rested her cheek on her fist. “Tikki, I’m in so much trouble. I think I really am falling for him. I mean did you hear the way he said goodnight to me?! And he even kissed my forehead,” she was unable to stop herself from gushing, giggling happily to herself.
Tikki simply shook her head with a roll of her eyes, watching her holder beam as she crawled into bed. These two were going to be the death of her someday. Either by cuteness or frustration. She was absolutely certain of it.
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msweebyness · 6 months
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths Intro
What's up, ya'll? As you know, I was inspired by Sparky's Creepsters Intro from a while back to make some for our other AU's! Here's the next in the line-up! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
("Calling All the Monsters" begins to play. The camera shows a wide shot of a gothic palatial school, before lunging forward to zoom up to the building's massive front doors.)
(A human boy with bright green eyes and messy golden hair waves to the audience with a welcoming grin, pushing the doors open and beckoning us to come inside.)
*TITLE CARD: Adrien Agreste: Monster Ally, Human Sunshine*
(The camera swings around to where a cloth girl with pigtails made of yarn and large blue buttons for eyes stumbles to a stop in the hallway, giving the audience a shy wave with one hand and sheepishly clutching her arm with the other.)
*TITLE CARD: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Voodoo Doll: Clumsy, but cute as a button*
(Marinette jumps before gaining a fond smile as a floating, transparent girl with eerie purple sclera and chains around her limbs phases through a wall to her side. The ghostly girl looks at the audience, winking with a smile as she snaps a picture with her cell.)
*TITLE CARD: Alya Cesaire, Ghost: Paranormal reporter with a spunky spirit*
(Alya bids Marinette a wave goodbye before she finds a green arm on the floor. She picks it up with a fond shake of her head and flies down the hall. We see a POV above Alya's head as she flies, and she stops in a room where several students are dancing. She tosses the arm across the room, and it lands in the outstretched hand of a green-skinned boy covered in stitching, who is operating a set of turntables. He attaches the arm before sending a jolt of electricity into the turntables with a huge grin, kicking the tunes up a notch.)
*TITLE CARD: Nino Lahiffe, Stein Monster: Stitched together to be the life of the party!*
(We hear high, girlish laughter, and Nino sends a jolt of electricity through a cord, which we follow to a large stage, where a set of bright pink curtains opens and reveals a skeletal girl with short blonde hair and a brilliant smile, twirling around as she belts a high note, until one of her hands flies off into the crowd.)
*TITLE CARD: Rose Lavillant, Skeleton: Sunshiney singer with punk rock in her bones!*
(The boney hand is caught by a jet-black bat with a purple streaked lock of hair over its forehead, which then swoops down to the stage, transforming into a tall girl with long black hair and deathly pale skin, who gives Rose a fanged smile before taking up her bass guitar.)
*TITLE CARD: Juleka Couffaine, Vampire: Queen of darkness who's batty on the bass!
(Another bat, this one with teal-streaked bangs swoops into the room with a musical shriek, before landing on the stage beside the two girls and transforming into a boy with a striking resemblance to Juleka, who flashes his own fangs in a grin before playing a deafening riff on his guitar.)
*TITLE CARD: Luka Couffaine, Vampire: Charming and cool vamp who lives to rock!
(Wafts of steam rise up through the floorboards, and we drop downward until we end up in an old-fashioned machine workshop, where a boy made entirely of copper is working on some gadgets at a table surrounded by tools and small parts. His face lights up with a smile as he finally works out an issue with his latest invention. His rocket boots fire up as he goes to show his friends.)
*TITLE CARD: Max Kante, Steam-Powered Robot: Old-fashioned chap with a talent for tech!*
(As Max jets down the hallway, a couple of older students smirk and prepare to trip him up...only to freeze in place as they become marble statues. The camera pans around to a short girl with coral snakes in place of hair, slipping a pair of dark shades back up to cover her reptilian blue eyes.)
*TITLE CARD: Alix Kubdel, Gorgon: Daredevil viper with a stony stare and a serious attitude!*
(A frisbee cuts across the screen, catching Alix's attention. She rolls her eyes as the camera zooms to focus on a tall, muscular boy with furry arms and a wagging wolf tail, panting as he chases after the frisbee, before letting out a loud howl as he jumps into the air.)
*TITLE CARD: Le Chien Kim, Werewolf: Oversized puppy who looks out for his pack!*
(Kim catches the frisbee in his teeth, before the camera follows him racing down the hall towards a large fountain with water so deep you can't see the bottom. As the werewolf approaches, a girl with wavy red hair and scaly blue skin rises from the water, giggling as Kim greets her by affectionately licking her cheek before she gives him a scratch behind the ears.)
*TITLE CARD: Ondine Rivas, Aquatic Monster: Fish out of water with a bubbly personality!*
(A thick cluster of vines covers the screen, before clearing to reveal a beautiful and vibrant greenhouse. The giant monstrous plants are being tended to by a petite girl with thick vines for hair and bright green skin. She hums a sweet song to herself as she waters a plant's roots.)
*TITLE CARD: Mylene Haprele, Plant Monster: Gentle flower child with two green thumbs!*
(Mylene gasps as a stray vine knocks a large flowerpot over a ledge, sending the plant hurtling toward the ground, only for a large gray hand to catch it midair. The camera zooms out to show a huge, burly boy with dark gray skin and forearms covered in white fur. He sets the pot down before looking up at Mylene, his surly expression changing to a gentle smile.)
*TITLE CARD: Ivan Bruel, Yeti: A mountain of a guy with a gentle heart!*
(The scene flashes back to the main hall, which is now filled with a whirlwind of sand, which parts to reveal someone in the center of it. Posing dramatically with her arms raised is a girl with tanned skin wrapped in bandages and adorned with lavish jewelry. She smiles smugly as she now holds everyone's attention.)
*TITLE CARD: Chloe Bourgeois, Mummy: "Mean" Queen of the halls with a softer side under her wraps!*
(Chloe squawks with slight indignation as she's lightly pushed to the side, and ushered towards the classroom by another mummy girl, this one wearing a white beanie and more casual attire, who rolls her eyes fondly at her sister's dramatic antics.)
*TITLE CARD: Zoe Lee, Mummy: Egyptian princess who'll never make you bow!*
(The camera pans back to the massive sand pile, where a girl with messy ginger hair and rotting skin picks up the book bag that Chloe accidentally left behind, shaking her head with fond exasperation as she adjusts her glasses, before heading down the hall with her head buried in a textbook.)
*TITLE CARD: Sabrina Raincomprix, Zombie: Shuffler with some serious BRAAAINS.*
(The camera pans upward and zooms into a cranny to reveal a pile of treasure in a small cave alcove, on top of which a girl with bronze scales and reptilian green eyes sits with a regal poise, using a blunt stone to sharpen her large horns.)
*TITLE CARD: Kagami Tsurugi, Dragon: A regal reptile with a slight hoarding issue!*
(We zoom out of the cave and up to a high tower of the school, where a boy made entirely of granite with shaggy red hair sits, sketching the scene of students walking into the school. His expression is cold and reserved, and his eyes carefully watch for any trouble arising.)
*TITLE CARD: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Gargoyle: Dedicated sentry with a passion for the artistic!*
(Nathaniel's stony expression melts into a soft smile as he sees another boy flying up to his perch. The boy, who has adorably big green eyes and giant grey moth wings, sits next to Nathaniel, taking out his journal as the boyfriends share a quiet moment together.)
*TITLE CARD: Marc Anciel, Moth Monster: Shy and sweet writer who's just a bit jumpy!*
(A loud holler sounds from somewhere below the two, and the camera pans down to show a tall, dark-skinned student with wild curls and thick brown fur on their forearms. With a mighty bound, they leap over the school's high walls, high-fiving several students as they enter the halls.)
*TITLE CARD: Denise Cabello, Sasquatch: Big feet, bigger voice, biggest personality!*
(Denise fondly shakes their head as they watch a boy with messy red hair and a single, large green eye in the center of their forehead bump into a wall of lockers, his head having been buried in something he was doing on his tablet. Looking up, he adjusts his large, single-lens glasses.)
*TITLE CARD: Simon O'Connor, Cyclops: Techie who says one eye is better than two!*
(The scene changes to the school's observatory, where a girl with starry blue skin and silvery pigtails is looking through the large telescope into the sky. She turns to add some notes to the star map she is making.)
*TITLE CARD: Aurore Boreale, Extraterrestrial: Straight A student from a whole different world!*
(Aurore turns and smiles as bright blue ooze begins to rise up from a grate, taking the shape of a girl with tar-like black hair and loose-fitting clothes. With a frown, the girl pulls a few miscellaneous small objects out of her slimy skin.)
*TITLE CARD: Mireille Caquet, Slime Monster: Jiggly and shy sweetheart who leaves a trail behind!*
(The scene changes and the camera is skimming along the high walls of the school, where a girl with bright yellow skin and a pixie cut made of leaping flames is doing impressive parkour stunts, leaping from surface to surface.)
*TITLE CARD: Lacey Greene, Fire Elemental: A real hothead who never turns down a challenge!*
(The screen is covered by a thick velvet curtain, which is then pulled back to show a large stage in the center of the school's vast catacombs. A rousing tune is being played on a massive pipe organ by a ghostly boy with pale purple skin and a bedazzled half mask over the left side of his face.)
*TITLE CARD: Jean DuParc, Phantom: Snazzy spirit with a heart full of song!*
(Jean smiles lovingly at a boy sitting on the body of the pipe organ, listening in content to the song his boyfriend is playing. He wears a long cloak and taps the end of his scythe on the floor to the tempo of the music, before blushing as Jean pulls out a black rose to offer him.)
*TITLE CARD: Austin Tomassian, Reaper: Showing us death is nothing to be afraid of!*
(We cut back to a hallway in the school, where a gargoyle boy with badly coiffed blond hair and clad in varying shades of purple is running with a fearful look on his face as he's holding a red cloak. The camera pans behind him and we see a student with dark curls, large horns and hooves in place of feet charging after him with an enraged snort.)
*TITLE CARD: Cosette Bellamy, Minotaur: Run the other way when they're seeing red!*
(The camera pans up to the ceiling, and we see a large collection of massive spider webs, in the center of which sits a girl with six red eyes and six arms. She holds a set of knitting needles in each set of hands.)
*TITLE CARD: Reshma Leghari, Arachnoid: Spider Lady with seriously stylish threads!*
(Reshma hears a purring sound behind her and turns with a smile to see her best friend stretched out on a ledge. Batting a cat toy between his hands, a boy with black cat ears and a feline tail gives the spider girl a cheeky smile.)
*TITLE CARD: Ismael Prisk, Werecat: Snarky kitty with a mind for mischief*
(We change to a shot of two classroom doors. A woman with a messy ginger bun and rotting skin knocks on the door, holding the head of a woman with purple hair. A woman's headless body comes to the door, taking the head from the zombie woman and placing it on her neck, before the two share a laugh.)
*TITLE CARD: Caline Bustier, Zombie & Olga Mendeliev, Headless Horsewoman: DuPont's top teachers and total mama bears*
(A bright ray of light shines in through a stained-glass window, which opens to allow a girl with glowing eyes and flaming wings to fly in, working on sketches for her latest cartoon, a bright smile on her face.)
*TITLE CARD: Ayesha Reynolds, Angel: Ray of sunshine descended from the heavens above!*
(We zoom over to a corner, where a boy with crimson skin and large devil horns sits with his legs crossed in the center of a ring of hellfire, deep in meditation. His eyes suddenly open, giving us a mischievous smirk.)
*TITLE CARD: Anthony Mathis, Daemon: Born to be wicked, but good at heart!*
(The camera zooms in the doors of the front office, where a stack of documents appears to be floating through the room. We hear the sound of fingers snapping, and a girl suddenly appears holding the papers, her limbs translucent at the ends. She goes over and begins filing the papers.)
*TITLE CARD: Dot Waverly, Vanisher: Not always all 'there', but always on top of things!*
(Dot suddenly jumps as a darkly mischievous smile appears before her, rolling her eyes as theatrical laughter fills the room. With a dramatic swoosh of her parasol, a girl dressed in a gothic kimono with three swishing fox tails appears, giving us a playful grin.)
*TITLE CARD: Eri Tanaka, Kitsune: Mischievous Yokai with a love for all things gothic and dramatic!*
(We are transported with a swish of Eri’s tails to the school’s art room, where a student with rainbow-streaked hair and large glasses is firing bolts of color from the iridescent horn on her forehead at a canvas, smiling brightly all the time.)
*TITLE CARD: Petra Markov, Unicorn: One-of-a-kind artist and true free spirit!*
(We are now in the cafeteria, where a group of students are smiling blissfully as a hauntingly beautiful singing voice fills the room. The camera then zooms in on a lovely girl with feathery wings and fish scales along her arms, singing the beauteous melody.)
*TITLE CARD: Evie Balthazar, Siren: Sweet-natured lady who'll enchant you with song!*
(Hearing the sound of hoofbeats, Evie flaps over the window, smiling as she waves and blows a kiss, which is caught by a brawny boy with the lower half of a horse, as he’s sprinting across the school’s courtyard.)
*TITLE CARD: Brecken Sutcliffe, Centaur: Big-hearted country fella who's more horse than cowboy!*
(Some older students are harassing a monster from the younger grades, when suddenly, one of them hears a loud *crunch* right behind their head, turning around to see a short but burly student with a body made entirely of stone glaring at them.)
*TITLE CARD: Roxie Richter, Stone Golem: The most hard-headed person you'll ever meet!*
(The scene transitions to the school’s chemistry lab, where a student with long pointed ears and leathery bat wings combines different chemicals into a vial, giggling enthusiastically as she awaits the reaction to occur.)
*TITLE CARD: Anais Ackerman, Werebat: Nocturnal Brainiac who's batty about chemistry!*
(In another area of the lab, a girl with strawberry blonde curls and mint green skin is stirring a bubbling cauldron as she hums a Hex Girls tune to herself, prepping a spell to help the theater club.)
*TITLE CARD: Candace Fletcher, Witch: A real Hex Girl who'll cast a spell on you...if you give her sufficient reason.*
(The scene transitions to the gym, where a tall and lean boy with orange scaley skin, spiky multicolored hair and blunt horns jumps up to score a slam dunk…only to stumble as he hits the ground again.)
*TITLE CARD: Soo-Yeon Park, Dokkaebi: Anxious bean who's a beast on the casketball court!*
(In another area of the gym, a girl with messy red hair and the lower half of a serpent sits on the bleachers, scrolling through her phone and only looking up to make a snarky (but good-natured) comment about the slip-up.)
*TITLE CARD: Staci Kwan, Naga: A snarky snake who refuses to be charmed.*
(The scene changes to the school’s shop class, where a girl with six pink tentacles and a bright smile is helping move several large stacks of wood, humming a cheerful tune to herself.)
*TITLE CARD: Margo Jorgensen, Kraken: Sweetest caecilian in the seas who will always lend a helping tentacle!*
(The scene moves back to the school’s massive pool, where a girl with messy green hair, scaley green skin and finlike feet is holding a stop watch, barking commands to the swim class she is leading.)
*TITLE CARD: Parker Beauregard, Nixie: Swims to the beat of a military drum!*
(The camera exits the pool just as a girl with pointed ears, wild red curls and rapidly fluttering wings whizzes by on a skateboard with a sharp-toothed grin and her prosthetic leg on display.)
*TITLE CARD: Aggie Findlay, Faerie: Spunky sprite who will punt ableist asses!*
(The camera suddenly goes through the lens of a video camera, ending in the school’s news studio, where a student with eagle-like wings, and the claws and tail of a lion smiles spacily as they operate the camera from their bedazzled wheelchair.)
*TITLE CARD: Mona Truffaut, Gryphon: May be confined to the ground, but their head is in the clouds!*
(The shot changes to a pan down of a huge blackboard, where a girl with shiny wire hair and polished chrome skin, the orifice lines glowing with energy effortlessly solves a complex math problem, before loading the results into her data receptor.)
*TITLE CARD: Eloise Matuidi, Hi-Tech Bot: Mathematical genius with all the latest updates!*
(The students in a nearby hallway nervously avert their eyes, hoping not to catch the attention of a boy with immaculate blonde hair woven with golden snakes. He pauses a moment to send a sharp look to the camera, pulling his pink-lens sunglasses down with a challenging look.)
*TITLE CARD: Austin Armbruster, Gorgon: An asp fashionista with a cutting remark at the ready!*
(The hallway suddenly shakes with a deafening shriek, and the present students all shoot annoyed looks at a smirking boy with messy red hair and solid white eyes, who only gives them a smug laugh in return.)
*TITLE CARD: Austin Quinlan, Banshee: A temperamental tormented spirit who'll scream the house down!*
(We hear a loud shout of anger and the camera pans over to a boy with hairy hands and large horns, who has just crushed a gaming console in his hands after losing a game…only to pull out another one and start a new game.)
*TITLE CARD: Austin Boulet, Troll: Dedicated gamer with a big hidden temper!*
(The school’s pompous principal, M. Damocles, an owl man creature, is walking down the hall and suddenly lets out a loud shout as he steps on a trip wire and slips head over ass in the hallway. The camera pans over to a laughing student with small horns poking out from her curly brown hair, adjusting his red cap with a clawed green hand before taking off down the hall.)
*TITLE CARD: DJ Detweiler, Goblin: Impish prankster who stands up for the little guys!*
(As Damocles gets up with a grumble, the scene transitions to an in-school dance studio, where a muscular boy with a cowl of hair that resembles a rooster’s crest, reptilian eyes and scaley skin performs a flawless pirouette, before readjusting his dark black shades.)
*TITLE CARD: Austin Spinelli, Basilisk: Resident tough guy with a petrifying power, so don't mess with his friends!*
(The camera zooms to the music classroom nextdoor, where a tall student with thick blonde curls, mottled green skin and large fangs belts out a window-shattering high note, smiling shyly as she receives thunderous applause from other students in the room.)
*TITLE CARD: Mindy Blumberg, Ogre: Gentle-natured ogress with a serious passion for song!*
(We transition to a large ramp set up by the school’s pool, where a student with a tall, finlike Mohawk and a shimmering fish tail is about to perform a daring jump in their wheelchair, other students watching in awe as she begins his descent.)
*TITLE CARD: Victoria LeSalle, Mermaid: 'Stuck' with a tail, but not afraid to get dangerous!*
(The camera cuts over to the school’s grand main stairwell, where a girl with wild red curls, and the lower body of a goat slides down the handrail with an excited squeal, landing with a graceful bleat and a bright laugh.)
*TITLE CARD: Lotta Jameson, Satyr: Half-goat, half-girl, all adventurous spirit!*
(From above, Lotta hears a goat-like shriek and looks up with a smile, waving to a girl doing pull-ups from the rafters. The girl has cropped blonde hair that takes a backseat to her large horns, as well as leathery black wings and cloven hooves.)
*TITLE CARD: Gia Griswold, Jersey Devil: Nothing devilish about this military brat but the horns!*
(From underneath a table, a very small student with short red hair and a tall hat steps out, flipping through various notes of incriminating info on the principal on zir phone.)
*TITLE CARD: Rochelle Weams, Gnome: This little gnome knows what's up with everyone!*
(We hear a loud whoop, the camera pans up to the rafters, where a girl with a messy blonde ponytail, reddish-brown fur on her forearms, and large sabertooth tusks swings back and forth, before leaping down with an impressive tuck and roll.)
*TITLE CARD: Kendra Anne Gunderson, Yowie: Audacious Aussie with serious acrobatic skills!*
(The scene changes to a secluded closet of the school, which is filled with shelves loaded to the brim with vials of multicolored sand. A student with short mint green hair and blackened limbs meticulously labels and organizes each container.)
*TITLE CARD: Mason Ewing, Bogey: Super organized but a bit too nervous to get his scare on!*
(The scene transitions to a bog located on the school grounds, the waters beginning to bubble. A tall boy with shaggy red hair, moss-coated skin and a prosthetic leg rises, inspecting a strange object with a technological magnifying glass.)
*TITLE CARD: Gerard Grundler, Swamp Thing: The most brilliant marsh man you'll ever meet!*
(We cut away from the school for a moment, to a nearby human town, where two teens, a fidgeting Hispanic boy and a short and stocky blonde girl are hanging a poster for a monster activism event. A book suddenly hits the boy in the shoulder, prompting the girl to whip around with a fist raised in threat, causing the harassing assholes to scatter.)
*TITLE CARD: Jesse Ortega & Missy Rutherford, Human Allies: Fighting alongside Adrien for monster rights!*
(We flash back to the school, to a hallway where several sets of students are arguing, a few about to fight physically. A girl with ragged black wings and sharp talons laughs as she revels in the chaos she’s caused, babbling nonstop to her compatriots, hidden in the shadows.)
*TITLE CARD: Lila Rossi, Harpy: A devious birdy who lives to cause misery and chaos!*
(Suddenly, Lila is silenced, a hex preventing her from making another sound. Ignoring the harpy's indignant gesturing, a blonde boy wearing a menacing Jack O' Lantern mask appears in the monsters' midst, terrifying them and sending them running, making him smile with malevolent glee.)
*TITLE CARD: Felix Graham de Vanily/Jack O' Ripper: Leader of the Anti-Monster Brigade with a draconic fixation!*
(A sort of toxic gas fills the hallways, making many of the monster students fall to their knees, holding their throats. The camera pans over to a tall and muscular boy, littered with scars and wearing accessories made from monsters he's killed. His smile is cruel and sadistic.)
*TITLE CARD: Lucien Van Helsing, Monster Hunter: The latest in a family line of murderous evil, Felix's right-hand man.*
(The villains yelp in pain as they clutch at their necks, which suddenly have sharp pain shoot through them. They turn and see Marinette, a needle pressed in the side of her neck as her button eyes are glowing, focusing her hoodoo powers on them. Through the pain, Felix manages to teleport them out of there. Marinette's partners hug her proudly, and all the monster students gather in the main hall before turning to the screen for a group shot.)
(A flash of lightning cracks across the screen, revealing the title in gothic, cursive script: "DuPont School for Monstrous Youths".)
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! Keep an eye out for the final installment!
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Queens Second Chance thought but I imagine Hawk Moth's plans alter because of the heroes "Stepping up their game".
Like, it makes no sense not to try and prepare for Heroes Day and maybe try and ensure some key Akumatization don't happen (Kim) While still letting there be enough to lure Hawk Moth out to try and take him down.
This likely fails due to butterfly effect, but they probably don't run into the same issues and maybe HK even realizes they were prepared for this. He can't imagine a leak so while he may not deduce the exact reasons, he may try and adjust his plans to be more unpredictable.
Anyway, with Sass around there is likely no attempt to summon Nooroo, so Fu is still hidden. But given him, its likely that Ladybug & maybe Chat are still going back and forth for reinforcements. Or otherwise make it clear there is somewhere other Miraculous are stored by sometimes having them sometimes not.
Chances are, Kagami's whole thing with her mother likely goes the same.
Even if she & Adrien are together, I can't see Marinette passing up on the competition and Tomoe being well, Tomoe. Plus Chloe may have mentioned Kagami uses the dragon in a id not to be petty.
If her identity is still revealed then HK likely zeroes in on her.
This is both bad and good. On one hand he doesn't have as much insight or access to her as he does Chloe, nor is Kagami of the same mindset as Chloe.
On the other hand, she is rather like stone, you can strike her hundreds of times and nothing happens but hit a fault line and she crumbles & Hawk Moth & Mayura have empathy powers.
Thus one avenue would likely be trying to foster negative emotions in Kagami and generally spying in a bid to see where the Miraculous come from, hell likely even scouting.
Lila also likely gets a "Promotion" in that she as Chameleon & a stealth Sentimonster are sent around town to try & uncover a key location. Or are otherwise watching in secret during battles to gather intel.
There's no logical way Miracle Queen would even be attempted though Heart Hunter might work like Oblivio and just be another big Akuma. Though Chloe would be paranoid as hell on the day itself.
All in all, he likely tries to rely more on spying and his ideas for a MIracle Queen Scenario likely involve finding an identity, then engineering a scenario to Akumatize a Miraculous Wielder.
Either while they are using their power, or to have them transform after the fact.
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teawinx · 2 years
I'm going to have a lot of hate for this but it had to be said and it was said
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Neither of them are the perfect protagonists and instead of blaming each of them they should realize who is responsible for the lack of communication and teachings in their relationship
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I agree
This is now an anti-Fu page Mans has ruined Hawaiian shirts for everyone forever
(Warning, long post)
Jokes aside, it's easy to pin the blame on one or more characters for the shortcomings of a show, but it's really all down to the writing.
I've joked that Fu could be removed and very little would change, but it's true. All the exposition and potions could be handled by the Kwamis, and there's no real reason why LB and CN couldn't just summon the other Miraculous because they're the sacred duo.
To me, Fu just feels like they desperately wanted to include a "wise old mentor" character without properly considering the choice. It's just derivative of other media (Harry Porker, Star Wars, LOTR, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda etc), shoving Fu in because you HAVE to have a mentor character right?
And it sucks because I think Fu's character does help the story in a small way. I like that the heroes aren't special chosen ones. Anyone could wear the earrings or the ring, it all depends on what kind of person they are. The kwamis didn't choose their holders. (Piss off, Kwami's Choice) So in that regard, I think Fu works. But then, besides Feast, they proceeded to do nothing with him and then didn't have the balls to kill him off.
At the end of the day, Fu is still the worst. He picks two literal children to do his bidding after doing nothing for over 100 years, while having access to all the other Miraculous, which is includes the TIME TRAVEL Miraculous. Doesn't do any background checks on these two children, so doesn't know if they'd be able to drop what they're doing at any time and go save Paris. Proceeds to only "train" one of the two heroes, and treats meeting him like a privilege they have to earn. I think they "earned" the right to meet him the moment he picked them to fix his mistakes. Barely properly trains Marinette (or it's all off-screen) and just ignores Adrien. Then when his own identity is at risk, he confiscates the Miraculous and proceeds to run away, leaving Paris at risk with 0 defenders. But at the end of the day, he's meant to be viewed as a wise martyr who just made a couple silly mistakes, and can now go live a carefree life despite doing fuck all to make amends for what he's done.
If you want a story about a disgraced mentor who's fucked up bad but then makes amends and grows from it AND is super entertaining? Just watch Rise Of The TMNT's Splinter. He's fantastic.
Fu rant aside, the true villain is of course the writing
In the hands of a good writer, Marinette and Adrien could be gold standard protagonists, I can feel it in my bones. But the show's... interesting (derogation) writing choices prevent them from living up to their true potential.
If you have the time, I recommend everyone take a look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfSszhlZVoU
How to alienate your audience. It's a very good video and super helpful for learning about writing. The short version is: A good writer presents a character without telling you how to feel about them. If you treat your audience like morons, lecturing them about how to feel about a character, you've failed as a writer.
And that's one of ML's biggest failings. It doesn't want you to have a nuanced viewing experience. It's either "Character X is good" or "Character Y is bad". Despite Fu being the fucking worst, the show bends over backwards to go "No no he's a amazing person. His not death is really tragic, be sad about it damnit!" Ladybug and Chat Noir can't be upset at Fu for his failings. Adrien can't get angry at him for neglecting him (but can then get mad at Ladybug for the same thing despite her NOT neglecting him. Fuck you, Kuro Neko) Marinette can't be upset at Fu for basically hijacking her life by choosing her to be Ladybug and then the Guardian The only character who's been angry at Fu is Su Han, but he's then "well actually"-ed into letting the issue go.
Fu gets to become a "tragic" character who just wants to be with his one true love. Ok, then use Time Travel to fix your mistake. Or unify the Ladybug and Black Cat to fix your mistake. Or use a power pulled outta the Rooster's ass to fix your mistake. And he doesn't have the excuse of "The Guardian can't use the Miraculous" because Ladybug and Jade Turtle are right there. I'm not gonna feel sympathetic for the guy who sat around, did nothing, ran away and then made Marinette do all the work for him. Am I talking about Fu or Adrien? We may never know.
Rant done.
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flightfoot · 1 year
I'm not sure, but judging by how things have been going on the Adrien front, I am guessing this is how it's gonna go down:
Felix: Adrien is an idiot. I'm not telling him shit.
Marinette: Adrien is blissfully ignorant. I'm not telling him shit.
Kagami: Adrien is too soft. I'm not telling him shit.
Lila: -walks in with Nathalie file- Hey Adrien. 😏 Wanna hear a secret?
...you know I could actually see this being how it goes down. Like, Lila steals Adrien's amok, then goes to him and taunts him about how he's going to have to do her bidding while mind-controlling him. I hope not though because dammit, Adrien deserves to NOT go through that, it's bad enough that Gabriel's been able to control him. I guess maybe Plagg could help though? Assuming that Lila doesn't find out about him, Plagg would presumably hear the whole thing and be able to relay it to Marinette.
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literaphobe · 7 months
btw. i resent the assumption that adrigriffe ONLY liked toxinelle once he realized she was emonette. in fact i think he was actively attracted to her, but since they met after he fell for marinette, it was hard for him to comprehend that -> he’s a One Woman type of person! he’s a romantic!
so like. it made him lash out at her More as a coping mechanism. it Helps that toxinelle is rather abrasive towards him usually, so he can retaliate AND also convince himself that he Doesn’t Like Her At All, since they’re being Mean to each other
BUT a lot of the hater-core shit he does to her is either a) a direct mimicry of things she’s done to him -> stealing miraculous, blaming, shoving OR b) a bid for ATTENTION, which he likes obtaining. he pushes her buttons on purpose because he enjoys her responses. if he gets ignored, he gets bored and stops. he plays his ‘disdain’ for her in the most theatric, ostentatious manner BECAUSE it gets him the biggest reactions eg. pretending to catch her in a fake voice of concern only to side step at the last second when he could’ve Not Done All That
just like how chat noir would take ladybug’s lead regarding what romantic shit he could get away with -> griffe is doing the same with toxinelle, but he’s been learning what sort of behavior CAN ignite her WITHOUT actually separating from her
we see this in his hesitant attempt to take her miraculous -> the best thing would be to remove her earrings SWIFTLY, using both his hands to take Both earrings away at the same time. however, he does it cautiously, almost like he’s toeing the line, but doesn’t want to cross it. doesn’t want to rid her of her miraculous, because it would mean she wouldn’t be around him anymore. in contrast, when she removed his miraculous to attempt to make a wish, she did it very quickly before he could retaliate
furthermore! when he argues with her about miraculous theft, he doesn’t have his own nefarious motives for wanting to take toxinelle’s earrings aside from -> you started it!!!! she on the other hand, can come up with reasons why she would benefit, whereas he is just upset that she has those reasons
it’s like. when he wants to open the hatch in marinette’s room, and she tells him to stay and help. he decides to stick around and be a nuisance -> but that’s the thing. He Stays. he’d rather be in a room screaming his head off with her than alone in a pit of silence
tl;dr when they identity reveal he’s able to reconcile all his complicated feelings and realize all these intense emotions he’s felt are all for The Same Girl, not -> oh my enemy’s my crush! guess i like her now!
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Call the CLOWNS & tell them to vote for Jordan or RESIGN
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BREAKING: Jordan LOSES Second Bid to Become Speaker - Here are the 22 Turncoat RINOS Who Voted Against Him and Defied We the People | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger
Don Bacon (NE-2nd)- Kevin McCarthy
Linda Chavez-Deremer (OR-5th)- McCarthy
Anthony D’Esposito-(NY-4th) Lee Zeldin
Vern Buchanan (FL-16th)- Byron Donalds
Andrew Garbarino (NY 2nd) -Zeldin
Jake Ellzey (TX-6th) – Mike Garcia
Jen Higgins (VA-2nd) – McCarthy
Drew Ferguson (GA-3rd)- Steve Scalise
Ken Buck (CO-4th)- Zeldin
Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26th)- Scalise
Nick Lalota (NY-1st)- Zeldin
Kay Granger (TX-12th) – Scalise
Mike Lawler (NY-17th)- McCarthy
Marinette Miller-Meeks (IA-2nd) – Kay Granger
John James (MI-10th)- Candice Miller
Tony Gonzales (TX-23rd)- Scalise
Carols Gimenez (FL-28th)- McCarthy
Mike Kelly (PA-16th) – John Boehner🤦‍♂️
John Rutherford (FL-5th) -Scalise
Mike Simpson (ID-2nd)- Scalise
Pete Stauber (MN-8th) – Bruce Westerman
Steve Womack (AR-3rd)- Scalise
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hellishere7980 · 1 year
IMW Chapter 3
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Chapter art by danismilek
Isa-no, Marinette Dupain Cheng
Isabella couldn't believe her eyes. Who the hell would just push an elderly old man as they're crossing the street? Not even Gothamites did that (unless there was some type of crime going around).
"Are you alright sir?" She asked the elderly man, helping him up and handing him his cane.
Yes, she was the daughter of a billionaire, but that didn't stop Grandpere Alfred from making sure she was shaped into a decent human being.
"Thank you, young lady." The elderly man replied, shakily getting up. "I'm terribly sorry for making you-"
"No problem at all sir." Isabella told him with a small smile. "If anything, it gave me a slight feel of home." WHAT? He reminded her of Alfred! Sue Her!
Isabella bid the old man goodbye, not realising the perplexed look on his face.
Months passed by, it finally being September, Isa finally having adapted to her new home. But just as she started to adapt to her new life, another thing was hurdled her way.
College Françoise Dupont.
Her father insisted she attend this school, one of the few reminders that he had control over every aspect of her life.
Sighing, Isa made her way to school. She stared at the stairs that lead to the school, scoffing at the size of it. To be honest it looked like the size of the manor's library. That or perhaps Isa just forgot how the library truly was in size. Knowing that she had no other choice, Isa walked into the school and hunted for her class, looking at her timetable and at the numbers of the doors within the school. Something she quickly realised was that she was right. This school was small. Too small for her liking. She managed to find her class, located on the second floor of the building, a bit too close to the stairs if you asked her. Stepping into her classroom, she was met with several pairs of eyes. Ignoring them, Isa headed to the teacher, remembering everything she had researched before transferring to this school.
Caline Bustier - her main teacher and her teacher for French, literature, and poetry.
From what Isa could remember, Bustier is a supposed passionate teacher, eager to protect and nurture her students, hence why she has had the same class for the past several years. Apparently she begged the principal to let her keep teaching the same class year after year. While yes, it did show her love for her students, Isa took it as a sign of fear. Fear of not being able to teach another group of students that weren't the ones she had already taught before. Students that she knew how to control, not having to start from scratch to learn about their weaknesses and strengths. She feared failure, perhaps change.
"Hello, Miss Bustier. My name is Marinette-"
"So you're Marinette!" Miss Bustier interrupted, causing Marinette to narrow her eyes and scrunch her nose in annoyance. "I'm so glad to have you in our class! Please take a seat!"
Marinette simply stood there, looking at her class and then at Miss Bustier. "I can sit anywhere?"
"Pardon?" Miss Bustier asked, tilting her head a bit. That's when it hit her. "Oh! That's right! You've recently transferred from Gotha-"
"Can I or can I not?" Marinette asked impatiently.
"Y-Yes. You can sit anywhere you want." Miss Bustier stammered, watching Marinette choose the seat in the front towards her left.
Marinette proceeded to take out her notebook and go over her classes, taking mental notes on what supplies to buy and which she didn't. Everything was going swell, the class slowly filling in until a certain brat entered the class.
"Move aside! Your Queen is coming through." Chloé announces as Sabrina made sure that her path was clear.
Chloé Bourgeois, the daughter of Paris' mayor. Nothing but a spoiled brat from Marinette's research. As long as she steered away from Chloe, she was fine. With Chloé being the last person to enter, Miss Bustier started the class.
Hell. It was utter hell.
Marinette held the urge to drag her hands down her face at how boring French was. Despite already being 10 year olds, they were going over material that Marinette knew She covered when she was 7! Why was Miss Bustier still teaching this material?
After the lesson was over, Marinette left the classroom, heading to her next class. Hopefully she would be able to convince her gym teacher to get her into the fencing club. She needed to blow off some steam.
There went her chance at asking the teacher to join the fencing team. As soon as Marinette got to persuade the coach to teach her how to fence, a villain appeared, wrecking havoc with her...whatever it was she was using. Thanks to the attack, the students were sent home early, Marinette now in her room. She frowned as she paced around in her room, hating her situation.
There was a villain. In Paris. Where her father couldn't reach her. The irony. Marinette let out a dry chuckle, not believing this all.
"Father is across the ocean, there's a villain running loose in the streets and here I am! Missing the opportunity of a lifetime!"
But the universe just had to be against her.
As she slumped into her computer chair, she noticed the black box with an red emblem on the top of the hexagon shaped lid. Something screamed at her to leave it alone while a piece of her whispered to open it.
Prying the box open, Marinette watched as a red orb manifested in front of her, her eyes following it as it morphed into an odd creature. Making sure the creature was what emerged from the box, Marinette looked back down to the box, noticing a pair of earrings.
Ladybug themed earrings...o...okay...
"Hello!" The being spoke, Marinette quickly snapping from her trance. "I know this is all weird to you, but I can explain. My name is Tikki and I am a Kwami. To be more precise, the Kwami of creation."
Kwami of creation...that implies that there are others like this creature out there.
"Tikki...although I want to say that it's a pleasure to meet you, I know there's a reason behind you gracing me with your presence." Tikki nodded, handing Marinette over the earrings.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I need you to take down Stoneheart."
After Tikki laid down the groundwork on how her miraculous worked, Marinette got to work.
She managed to track down Stoneheart, surveying her actions before deciding on a plan to take down the...akuma? No, that was the name of the thing that possessed her classmate. Villain would be the better term.
"Get away from them!" someone shouted, Marinette looking to the direction of which the voice came from that was about to attack Stoneheart.
A blond boy cladded in black -black leather to be more precise- extended his staff to try and fling the 'villain' away from her new set of prey.
Sighing, Marinette sprung from her hiding spot and prevented the boy from hitting the 'villain,' earning a glare and a 'hey' from the boy.
"What were you thinking?" Marinette growled, crossing her arms.
"Well hello to you too." The boy said, eyeing Marinette's odd choice of wearing a black slit miniskirt and short black cape over her red skin tight bodysuit. "To think such a bossy-" the boy promptly shut up when Marinette glared at him.
"I'm going to forget what you just said if you answer my previous question. What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking of defeating the villain. Isn't that our job?" The boy asked in response.
"Yes, it's our job to-"
"Then let's go! The people-"
"Are you being serious right now?" Marinette dragged her hands over her face. "Are you telling me you haven't been trying to investigate the victim?"
When she saw the boy slowly shake his head, Marinette let out a heavy sigh.
"What? I see a villain, I quickly head over and fight them off. It's our job after all."
"Our job is to protect the people, but that doesn't mean we have to ruthlessly attack the victim or villain. Since we don't know the full capacity of their powers, we have to proceed cautiously. We also have to make sure they destroy as little property as possible." Marinette warned, the boy arching a brow. Just how much did he not realize? "We don't know if the damage they cause is permanent or not...we don't want innocent people to die, or do we?"
She watched as the boy's eyes widened, only then his role finally sinking in. Marinette watched as the boy looked down at his hands, trembling more as he kept staring at them.
"So what are we supposed to do?" The boy asked Marinette, looking at her with fear in his eyes.
"De-escalate the situation." Marinette said, only then realizing something. "What's your name?"
"Not your actual name, you idiot! We mustn't know each other's identities under any circumstance!" Marinette warned. "So, what's your alias?" The boy hummed before he smiled.
"Call me Cat-um, no, Chat. Chat Noir. What about you?"
"Ladybug." Ladybug provided quickly, raising a brow when Chat Noir looked at her in...admiration? "What?"
"Your name. Have you been Ladybug for a while?"
"Nope. Been Ladybug for a few hours." The two were snapped from their conversation when they heard a scream nearby. "Come on Chat, we have a victim to help."
After an hour of trying to calm the victim down, but coming to no avail, the duo resorted to fighting the victim, finding her akuma to be trapped in a piece of paper tucked in his hand.
Ladybug stood below the Eiffel Tower.
"De-evilize." Ladybug said as she captured the akuma, purifying it with her yo-yo and then releasing it. "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouted as she then threw her yo-yo in the air as Tikki had told her, watching as millions of ladybugs erupted from her tiny yo-yo and spread throughout Paris, fixing any damage and reversing the victim's effects on any person inflicted by the victim's power.
"That was amazing!" A girl shouted from across the police tape, Ladybug turning to see her classmate...or rather her seat 'buddy'. Alya is her name...if Marinette remembered correctly. "Say, can we know the name of the hero who just finished saving Paris?" Alya asked, smiling as she watched Ladybug approach her.
"The name's Ladybug. I'm just doing what I must to keep Paris safe." With those words, Ladybug ran off, using her yo-yo to lift herself onto a building and disappear into the distance.
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hateswifi · 6 months
Twice Fated: Chapter Four
Marinette has a tough time and Damian has emotions!?
Master List and Twice Fated: Master List
Unfortunately not long after that dinner Jagged’s tour moved on. Nonna decided to stay with Marinette and help get her more settled and just like the boys had proudly proclaimed she’s their sister now, meaning they helped her move in. They offered input for her penthouse (their advice wasn’t really used though), apparently an eye for fashion also somewhat translated over to interior design and not too long after Jagged left, Marinette was happy to call this penthouse a temporary home.
She turned one of the two guest rooms into a sewing room and decided to only dedicate a little corner of her room to baby stuff. She still has hopes to move back to Paris before the babies are actually welcomed to the world. She wants to be surrounded by familiar comforts like her family, scenery, friends, and memories.
Once everything was settled in her apartment and everyone who helped her were thoroughly fed, she bid everyone good night and was left alone in her new home. (It’s not actually home though, it’s big suffocating place trying to fill a hole it was never meant to fill)
She couldn’t stop the tears once they started. She slunk and let the tears rack her body “God damnit! I can’t believe I miss him! I wish I could go back to six months ago before I knew he was cheating or that I’m pregnant with his children. I wish I never left Paris. I wish Alya were here. I miss Mama, Papa. I wish Tikki was never taken from me,” she sobs into her knees. All her wishes could not be answered though, her sobs subside with her hope for comfort. She fully lays down and just stares at the ceiling and she wonders how she can change her future and separate herself and her kids from the past.
When she wakes up, it's to the aching of her back and to a ringing over the com, letting her know that someone wanted to enter. Marinette stumbles to her feet regretting her decision to sleep on the floor. She slumps her way into the main living area and presses the button to receive the call. “This is Marinette,” she greets with a cringe as she realizes how raspy her voice was.
“It’s Damian” comes the staticy response.
“Ok? What’s up?”
“Just let me up so we can speak” Marinette just sighs and buzzes him in. As he comes up the elevator Marinette heads back to her room to try and make herself have a semblance of togetherness. She takes out her pony tail and runs a brush through it before deciding that's all she has the time and motivation to do before Damian is at her door waiting to be let in.
When the knock rings around the area she inwardly groans before allowing him to enter. Damian stops in the doorway and gives her a side eye. “You look like shit” Damian comments.
“Wow, eloquently put. Private school really paid off, huh?” Marinette sighs, closing the door behind him.
“I wouldn’t say it if it weren't true,” Damian responds with a quirk of his eyebrow. “Are you going to deny how you currently look?”
“Doesn’t mean it’s nice to point it out,” she says quietly and quickly wipes away any forming tears with the heel of her hand. She looks up and gives a wobbly smile before waving off any potential worries Damian could have. “Sorry, sorry, its the pregnancy hormones.”
“I doubt that you’re an awful liar.” Damian says, putting a hand on her shoulder blade. He leads her to the couch and prompts her to sit. He grabs a blanket off the nearby chair before leaning over and tucking the blanket around her while saying “If something matters, I’m not the best at helping but you have people willing to help. So for now get comfy and think a bit less about what's bothering you.” Those niceties cause a new round of tears to spring to her eyes. Domain quirks an eyebrow at her before stepping away to the kitchen and out of sight of Marinette. She releases a wet laugh and clarifies “Don’t worry actually pregnancy hormones this time.”
Marinette just sits in silence, staring out the window until a mug enters her line of vision. “What is…?” she asks, inspecting the warm mug not occupying her grasp.
“Tea,” he supplies, taking a seat in the chair that had previously housed the blanket. “I may not be the best at emotional stuff, but Alfred made sure we all know how to make a good English cup of tea.” Marinette nods along with the sentiment while taking little sips. They sit in a comfortable silence bathed in the afternoon sun leaking in through the balcony’s windows. Once her tea is finished, she places the now empty mug on the coffee table. “Would you like me to contact one of my family members so you can have emotional support?” is the question that breaks the silence. She tears her gaze away from the cityline to where Damian is still sipping his tea.
“I’m fine like this,” Marinette hums, turning her gaze back to the cityline. She doesn’t feel the heaviness of her eyelids and the next thing she knows is she's waking up in her dark room and her comfy bed. She groans and stretches before rubbing the sleep from eyes. She looks around the room and decides to see if Damian had stayed.
She quietly scampers out of the room, not bothering to close the door before looking around the living area. Damian is sitting at the island in the kitchen. He’s half hunched over some papers. She gets within a couple of feet of him when their gaze meets. “Thank you for bringing me to bed.” Damian nods in acknowledgement. He takes a moment and studies her, allowing his gaze to falter on her face before continuing his inspection. He hums in approval and turns back to his papers.
“Please let me make you dinner as a thanks. Your family has probably already eaten. I’d feel bad making you go hungry,” Marinette continues. She rounds the island and opens the fridge, luckily her Nonna had stocked her fridge well due to her nutritional needs being more extensive since she’s pregnant with twins. “That’s not needed, I’m an adult I can feed myself,” Damain responds, not looking up from his work.
“I know you’re an adult, but I’d like to show my appreciation to you because you didn't have to come here, you didn't have to make me tea or bring me to my bed. You could’ve left after you put me in my room but you didn’t and that means a lot to me,” Marinette says now standing across from him, their eyes are once again locked. “Please let me show you my appreciation.” There’s a silence and the statement hangs in the air and for some reason it feels like this moment is important, like it holds a lot of weight.
“Ok, but let me help.”
The following week there’s typically someone hanging around her in some capacity and everyone is thankful that no one had seen Marinette in the state that Damian had disclosed begrudgingly after too much badgering since he had to miss patrol to stay with her. Luckily, that little revelation led to everyone surrounding Marinette fully in love (or as well as each person can). That leaves him. Damian doesn’t understand Marinette. Since she had first interacted with his family it’s like they’ve been wrapped around her finger. Jason stepping in isn’t like him at, when Damian had pressed him later on the matter all he had was shrug and said some lame line about being pulled toward her. Then there was the incident with Tim. Yes, Damian realizes that coffee is a sure fire way to get in wills with the man, but really? Coffee guardian? Bruce put his trust in an imbecile. Was Marinette truly that nice that she’d buy a coffee for a stranger? He can excuse Jason’s first interaction with her because it was not her initiating the interaction (and Damian is pretty sure he was reminded of his mother, who had been in a similar situation at one point) but the coffee shop? Then when he’d shown up at the penthouse to inform her of his family wanting her present at the manor. She’d look like she had walked through the red zone and survived. She had obviously been crying and later when he had put her to bed he could tell it was unslept in (yes, again he realizes she could’ve made it but logically if she were to answer the door she’d prefer to make herself presentable over making her bed, which is something a guest typically wouldn’t see).
Was the dinner offer just common courtesy? If not, why?
“What’s on your mind?” Damian looks up and sighs at the sight of his so-called ‘best friend’. “Nothing that concerns you,” he huffs, looking back down at the papers sitting uselessly on the desk in front of him.
“Oh it’s definitely something, if it’s nothing why are you pouting?” Jon dodges the projectile thrown at him. “You know if that was anyone else that would’ve hit me.” Damian hums in acknowledgement. “Nah but seriously what's got you in a tizzy” Damian glares. “Fine sorry, not tizzy. Umm mood?”
“The new person my family has been around, she seems off but I can’t put my finger on it?” Damian relents, the sooner he leaves him alone the better.
“Well tell me about them and what's bothering you,” Jon says. He’s ‘lying’ in the air as if he's lounging.
He rolls his eyes before laying out each individual interaction that Marinette had with his family and the reasoning behind why he believes what he does. Thankfully Jon doesn't interrupt, he just floats and nods along to Damain’s explanations. When Damian is satisfied he got his point across he lets out a breath before turning back to his work. Jon takes a minute and paces in his own sort of way which lets Damian know that Jon is taking the time to process the interactions and concerns to do with this mystery girl. Once the pacing comes to a stop Damian looks up from his work waiting for Jon’s conclusion.
“I’d be interested in meeting because I could give you a better judgment but from what you're telling me I genuinely think she's a good person. Did anything come up for you when dug into her background?” Jon asks.
“Nothing noteworthy beyond accomplishments to do with her career,” Damian admits with a sigh, unfortunately for him Jon knows him and his tendency especially when it comes to the safety and integrity of his family.
“That’s good, I realize it’s hard to trust people especially with your family’s reputation and your history. I think you should be cautious but give her a chance to prove you wrong, you may be surprised,” Jon says softly.
“I hope so because like I previously stated my family has taken quite the shine to her. I mean her grandma is friends with Alfred and he’s the best sense of character. If she has his approval it may just be not doing well with new people. I don’t say this often to people beside Alfred, but thank you for listening. It means a lot,” Damain responds before huffing and facing his desk again. “Now get out, you've overstayed your welcome and I have work to do.”
“Jokes on you, I cant overstay a welcome I never had,” Jon laughs before leaving Damian to his work. Once left to his own devices he couldn’t help but think what emotion was festering within him and why did Marinette have the power to cause this reaction.
As many of you may have realized I haven't posted a fic in literal years lol but like that motivation hits ig lmk if you want to be added/removed from the tag list (i completely understand if you want to be removed lol)
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