#marble fic recs
chai-berries · 25 days
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you and i got lost in it by amongtheshadows
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nowgiveusakiss · 2 years
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loki laufeyson masterlist (updated 8/13/2022)
"outside of time and space" by @mochie85
"make you sing" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"on the throne" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"don't move, darling" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"one more week" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"do i haunt your mind?" by @sarahscribbles
"when you play with fire part 1 | part 2" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"i want to make you feel wanted" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"little green dress" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"14 hours to cape town" by @sarahscribbles 18+
"bliss" by @mellowswriting 18+
"qui dormit" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"lost on me" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"as you sleep" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"the place you need to reach" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"the mirror in his eyes" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"friendship set to music" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"talk honestly" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"soft things" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"through the night" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
"under the lights" by @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
untitled prompt blurb by @wheredafandomat 18+
"welcome home" by @lokisgoodgirl 18+
"breakfast" by @britishserpent 18+
"occupied" by @britishserpent 18+
"master laufeyson" by @lokis-little-fawn 18+
"bad dragon" by @lokis-little-fawn 18+
"full" by @cake-writes 18+
"ostara" by @cake-writes 18+
"2:33am" by @cake-writes 18+
"every breath you take" by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash 18+
"all i wanted" by @andsheloved
"library card" by @lowkeyorloki
"the king and queen of asgard" by @lowkeyorloki 18+
"stolen" by @lowkeyorloki 18+
untitled break up blurb by @lowkeyorloki
"gentle | harsh" by @lowkeyorloki 18+
untitled blurb by @clandestineloki 18+
"the seven deadly sins: pride" by @clandestineloki 18+
"norse gods and magazines" by @scandalous-chaos
"do you accept?" by @give-me-a-moose
"sketchy" by @give-me-a-moose
"wait a minute" by @give-me-a-moose
untitled drabble by @megthemewlingquim 18+
"revenge is complicated" by @tricksterlokilaufeyson
"calling to join them the wretched and joyful" by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor 18+
"the hands that hold you" by @stjarnaloki 18+
"cherry on top" by @stjarnaloki 18+
"what did you call me?" by @stjarnaloki 18+
"playing his hand" by @stjarnaloki 18+
"partners in lust" by @stjarnaloki 18+
"sworn to you" by @grippingbeskar 18+
untitled president loki blurb by @sserpente 18+
"kneel" by @bellesque 18+
"in shades of blue, he'll dream of you" by kneel-bitches on AO3 18+
"a lesser evil" by @silver-tongued-bby 18+
"time away - a keeper tale" by @silver-tongued-bby 18+
"overcast - a keeper tale" by @silver-tongued-bby 18+
"tear you apart" by @silver-tongued-bby 18+
"on the trail" by @silver-tongued-bby 18+
"the darkest timeline" by @silver-tongued-bby 18+
"birthday tricks" by @geminigirl0298 18+
"after" by @earlgreydream 18+
"jealous" by @earlgreydream 18+
"correction" by @earlgreydream 18+
"starlight" by @emeraldiis 18+
"t as in toxic" by @emeraldiis 18+
"falling for a god" by @emeraldiis 18+
"pillow talk" by @emeraldiis 18+
"ravish me raw" by @inklore 18+
"so very bad" by @clints-lucky-arrow 18+
"even ice can burn" by @theshireisburning-so-mordoritis 18+
"to love the man, to love the monster" by @theshireisburning-so-mordoritis 18+
"holy things in this world" by @modern-vellichor
"stay safe" by @thesnowsoldierwrites 18+

*all recs will be tagged under #loki x reader*
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buoyantsaturn · 1 year
friends rec i have so many friends i love you all sm
there are so many of you......where did you all come from........
best fics in the whole world (as of january 1st 2022) below the cut
loml marblebee @marbleheavy
like a dog with a bird at your door [22,127 words]
Nico and Will got married, more or less, and Nico has to watch as it all falls part.
ethan @ethannku (and sunny @thebigqueer hi sunny <3 ) 
caught a vibe [10,179 words]
Nico lunges towards Percy, his hands flying to try to get his phone, but Percy just puts his hand against Nico’s face and holds the phone in his other arm higher. He squints at the screen and reads, “‘You look cuter in it anyway?’ Oh, Nico, is this that blond guy you were making out with the last time we went to a party?”
liz @solange-lol my belovie
don't want to hold you back (can i just hold you now?) [2,445 words]
Nico had started to recognize what love felt like while being with Will.So good, in fact, that he could tell the exact moment that Will fell in love with someone else.
rosy @rosyredlipstick 
either way / we're not alone [101,932 words]
Chasing mysteries, hunting ghosts, pulling masks off monsters—you know, the family business.
leafy @gayleafpool 
 “FUCK” piper screeched, staring in dismay @ her unfinished arts and crafts project “we r out of glue :(“
“not 4 long” leo says as chiron walks by 
(but fr have some warrior cats fic: how it ends [1,870 words])
ember @gatesofember (follow for rescued cat updates)
The Sign for Rainbow Rose [91,550 words and counting!]
Childhood friends Nico and Will have been inseparable since reuniting by chance in college. Now they’ve been roommates for the better part of the past decade and Nico can’t imagine his life without Will in it. But they’re definitely not dating. Nico doesn’t get why people always assume otherwise.
wordsofink on ao3 
put a ring on it [3,863 words]
Will's trying to propose. If only his boyfriend wasn't so oblivious.
remi @pinkerpick 
the catch [4,874 words]
There is something in Will’s house.
tori @torsamors (my oldest mutual <3 crazy about that old man <3 )
Ask me again in the morning [26,169 words]
Bones is stuck in a time loop. Jim isn't. He relearns this everyday.
katherine @yrbeecharmer 
help me hold onto you [1,089 words]
“Hey, baby,” Will says softly. “I just thought I’d check if you want anything to eat before I come to bed.”
emi @thelordofshrimp
and all i've learned has overturned (i beg of you) [12,215 words]
a lot can happen when you find out that the hot nurse at the blood drive is a little more than meets the eye
[red cross au!!!]
anna @solace-seekers
i can feel the flames on my skin [1,666 words]
Will and Nico and how it goes in the demigod world
allison @rainnows
if you wanna walk away, just do so softly [1,350 words]
Nico felt like shit on a good day, but waking up to sunlight streaming through the windows of Will's fifth-wheel made him want to curl up and die. 
[from the series Rodeo AU]
alfie @lordstormageddidnt
Your Eyes Whispered, "Have We Met?" [2,746 words]
Will is just hanging out with Cecil and Lou Ellen when an unexpected guest shows up. Really, he should've seen this coming after Nico kept insisting he didn't tell his friends who he was dating.
[from the series Nothing to See Here (solangelo missing person au)]
becca @thebhorror
he’s been haunting my dreams at night [2,413 words]
“The poor sap,” Cecil commented finally, breaking the silence. “Imagine being condemned to haunt the library of all places. How dull.”
lori @sunflowersandscreams
i picture you, soft, and i ache [3,278 words]
"You might be more excited about this than I am," Nico said.
"Well, you should be very excited," Will replied, tossing an armful of sheets and blankets at him. “This is an honour, really. An Apollo cabin tradition.”
niamh @ikeasharksss
darling, our love is much too strong to die [6,125 words]
Nico and Will are two immortals who meet in 1965 and become friends who meet once a decade. In which Nico is an English teacher, Will is a pediatric doctor, and they fight themselves to not fall in love.
honorable mentions bones @rattledazzlebones and rissa @lesbianiconsteveharrington i do not read for your fandoms but have linked your ao3s. and also eli @starreli and annabel @bookplush who did not write anything this year but have kept sw going ty team great work <3
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villruu · 4 months
I am strong, I am brave, I do not fear going working from the oldest to newest fics in AO3 I do not fear it! [opens last page. Read Series. Gets attached. Last updated 12 years ago]
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robitherat · 2 years
what’re some mh fanfic recs ? been trying to get back into reading more of em
am I allowed to plug my own AO3?
no but forreal tho, there's so many good ones im just gonna link my favs from my AO3 history (Note that most of these are Jam fics because im a basic little bitch and love my comfort couple okay)
putting a keep reading bc i added a LOT lmao
"Next to You" I think this was one of the, if not the absolute first fic i read for mh back in like. 2017/18? It's a wingfic/ angel and demon AU, and I'll admit its not the absolute most fantastic piece of literature, but it's a classic in my heart so
"One Day" Very Very adorable jam fic, post mh domestic bliss, there's chickens and disgusting amounts of fluff. Read It.
The entire Hotel Hopping series by rebiTV. Still semi-patiently awaiting the next upload because Oh My God. Just the usual hotel shenanigans. Some are funny, some are angsty, and the most recent post to it left us with a cliffhanger that i think killed my soul a little bit in the best way.
"3:27 am" A super well-written fic depicting Jay Going Through it. The whole thing is basically Jay dissociating, so slight warning for that, and it's kind of trippy to read but honestly it's so good dude.
"Lazy Mornings" This one's a Bram fic featuring some fluffy cuddling of unknown origins. Good little light read and one of my all time favorite fanfics ever.
Pretty much anything by jaythewriter, their work is fucking phenomenal and I rlly wish they'd post again honestly but also yknow. stuff happens. I'll just re-read all their works again instead.
"Don't You Hear Me Howling" Another bram one, this time featuring the Masked Boys and how complicated a relationship can be when your partners don't remember you when they wake up. It's super well written and makes me sob every time i read it <3
"Farm Boy" Super soft and sweet fic about Jay kind of remembering his love for farm animals when he and Tim have to stay in a barn for a night. TW for implied animal death (maybe? it's up to interpretation) but I swear it's an honestly really well-written soft fic that makes me feel so many feelings. I also just realized this is another from jaythewriter but yknow what it's so fucking good im keeping it.
"All The World Is Green" Honestly i don't even wanna describe this one you just have to read it. I promise it's worth it.
"Never Write Lovesongs On The Ukulele" Collection of vignettes of Tim reminding Jay that he's in love with him. love
"To Cut The Taste" Very Early in the hotel hopping days, basically just an awkward conversation Jay and Tim have about Tim's trip to a gas station
"For The Loneliest Blackout" Super trippy to read, very dream-like. Highschool (?) AU with t4t jam and a whoooooollleeeee lotta metaphors. or just one really long metaphor.
"scenes from a movie" god okay iw was looking for this one for like an hour oh my god. Of all the fics ive read this one honestly sticks with me a lot just because of how fucking cool the writing style is to me. I loveeeee vignettes so much and this is one of the longest vignette fics ive read. it's so so so sos o good please read it it has a happy ending
"Build Your Own Noodles" and "Potato Cakes" Both by the same author, both brim, both adorable pre-canon fluff.
"who took heroin, then sleeping pills, and who lies in an alabama hospital" TW for bug imagery and also mention of spider bites. Listen I have entomophobia and arachnophobia so anything with bugs freaks me the fuck out but this is really well done and honestly just the way that it's handled is so fucking fun to read.
The Lost Time series. theres only two stories and theyre both great. A little funky to read because it's, of course, about jay and tim losing time and forgetting stuff about each other. I think there's some?? implied sexual content??? but it's not explicit and otherwise i don't think there's any necessary warnings
"Patterns of Safety" Basically just Jay and Brian bonding over having OCD. I fucking looveeeeeee Same Brain type fics and also jay and brian both having OCD scratches my brain. No One In This Series is neurotypical
"Starting Over At The End Of The Line" Finally a multichapter fic. I promise I read things other than oneshots i promise. N E ways this is pretty much a polyhornets everyone lives AU featuring Brian's lovely gay aunts. You'll notice I commented on almost every chapter because i Love THis Fic SO Much
"No One's Ever Going To Treat You Right; You're Attracting The Wrong Kind" This one isn't a shipfic actually!!! It's sort of Tim's spiraling reaction to finding out what Jay's been hiding from him and the events that lead up to the meeting in the parking lot. The imagery is sooooo fucking good in this one, it's honestly kind of disconcerting the way it's written just because of how In-his-head Tim is the whole time. it's soooo fucking good it's so good.
"psalm 38:8" OKAY LAST ONE this is a great one to end with. It's pretty much just Jay's introspection on his own standing with religion and also hopeless pining that maybe isn't so hopeless after all.
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
made this playlist for my friend @cheatghost's BEAUTIFULLY wonderful fic show me the place where he inserted the blade. i put a lot of thought into the playlist and was talked into doing an analysis. I will be diving into each part of the fic by going over how and why the songs i chose for each section relate to the themes and events that take place. each part will have it's own post.
here is Part IV. Hope
IV. Hope
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There's a tone shift with this part, that begins right as the Searching portion comes to a close. Sure, the desperate optimism in Steve remains, it hasn't left, but there's something different in the air, something different about the trip, there's something hopeful lingering about, even if he's the only one who feels it, and then BOOM! He sees the rings. The flare has been detected, hope is here, and it's explicit!
The songs I chose for this section reflect that hope. I would argue that the hope lingers even past the moment when they reunite. The hope doesn't immediately turn into home. Steve just spend over a decade in his search for Eddie, he's not going to foolishly relinquish his hope when they reunite, he's waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under him. But it's not.
I. Light and Love by The Lemon Twigs
This song is pivotal to the fic, as the chapter titles are from this song and, after listening and reading, it is clear that it was used for inspiration. To me, it is the perfect start to this part of the story, as the tone of the song reflects the tonal change of the story. The intro of the song, that first minute feels like the clouds separating as light pierces through moment that Steve feels after he sees the rings on the magazine.
You're my deer inside the headlights When I'm swerving and crash into a tree
The deer in the headlights moment as MW plays on the radio is such a beautiful scene, especially since the "big brown eyes like a deer" was his descriptor for Eddie throughout his search. The letter. Where he recounts the scene. This song is just the beginning of hope!
II. Our Day Will Come by Amy Winehouse
The optimism is different this time. The hope is different, sure he's cautious, but there is this sureness that wasn't there before. Every instance of his caution feels like a reflex, to protect his heart, to protect himself from the disappointment that he's become too familiar with.
No lyrics to pull from this one, the vibes just seemed to fit perfectly!
III. I’ll Be Seeing You by Billie Holiday 
Another oldie full of longing, but also full of hope.
I'll find you in the morning sun And when the night is new I'll be looking at the moon But I'll be seeing you
I think this song compliments the scene where Steve buys the ticket to the show -
Don’t Forget Me. Same red letters, slightly faded with time. Don’t Forget Me.
He's waiting, what we come to find out, for the last time. The fear transforms a bit in this scene, he's scared that Eddie has forgotten about him. This means that he's started to convince himself in a way that this IS it. He is about to see Eddie, after years and years. We also know, based on the glimpses into Eddie's world, that is not true AT ALL. They are still looking up the same stars. Eddie is putting all of his eggs in the basket that is the Phoenix show - he will be seeing him.
IV. Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine
This song feels exactly like the moment for Steve. The moment - It's him. It's him. It's him. The emotional build up of this song, the powerful lyrics, the singing, the way it feels like a wave crashing is EXACTLY how it feels to read this entire part. The slow start, the way it feels like Steve is moving and reacting in slow motion and fast at the same time, how he is pushing his way closer and then -
And the arms of the ocean are carrying me And all this devotion was rushing out of me
Eddie stopping the music, jumping off of the stage, grabbing him - even if the suits showing up scares the fuck out of Steve, sending him right back to 1987. But it's 1998. "It’s 1998. Eddie gets out of their hold. He moves until they lose their grasp over him and he runs back off the stage, past the guards, towards the railing." He grabs him and he's not letting go. It's different now, he's worked for this, this is the moment. "He digs his fingers deeply into his skin and he knows it might bruise, but he can’t let go, won’t let go, won’t lose him again, not again, not again , not again" Not again.
The moment he realizes it's not going to happen again, when Locke says "'Then I’ll see you in October,' she answers, like it’s the simplest thing in the world." And it's finally over.
And it's over (never let me go, never let me go) And I'm going under (never let me go, never let me go) But I'm not giving up (never let me go, never let me go) I'm just giving in (never let me go, never let me go)
V. Hello Stranger by Barbara Lewis
This song, in general, puts me in the most feelings of feelings. It's about old lovers reconnecting, it's about lovers lost and found again. It's them. I decided to end this part with this song because it is them, but it shows that they can breathe now. Steve talks about the kids and they can breathe. Wayne looks delighted to see him, and they can breathe.
Remember that's the way it used to be Ooh, it seems like a mighty long time
This song is the representation of the last part of this chapter, the two of them picking up where they left off 11 years ago. Lovers lost, but the love stayed put, never lost. They got to bed, breathing for the first time in 11 years. "They have tomorrow."
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hazel-wand · 2 years
I reread this story recently. It’s A/B/O, which I know isn’t for everyone. A non-guilty pleasure of mine is Alpha! pre-serum Steve. This fic is a nice example. Steve is small and underestimated and you can see that it used to bother him a lot and he’s had to work to make peace with it, but mostly he’s focused on making Bucky feel comfortable and valued and loved.
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dolorum-magne · 2 years
Wanted to read huckleberry ghosts by Metronomeblue again to try and draw some inspiration for a ghost au but barely got a little while into it before I almost started crying man
If you've not read it please do, it's so good. The authors writing is just so beautiful and I cried multiple times reading it the first time. Also there's hopefully going to be a part 2 to it eventually!
Link to the fic, please read it
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falcon-writes · 3 months
i need fic recs
or to co-author something
something to get my brain goign
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marxy-06 · 5 months
Favorites Fic Recs 5
Thank you to all the amazing writers <3
Kim Seokjin
Broken happy ever after (@taexual)
Of bears and bonds (@yoonia)
Switched (@i-am-baechu)
Scale (@shina913)
Kyoho (@jeonqkooks)
End of the line (@kookslastbutton)
Min Yoongi
Only for you (@beautifulfuckup99)
Fix you (@casuallyimagining)
The one that I adore (@gimmethatagustd)
Man of the year (@raplinesmoon)
Wishes (@i-am-baechu)
Set me free (@casuallyimagining)
Jung Hoseok
Flower (@readyplayerhobi)
Dinner plans cancelled (@souryoong)
Close call (@xjoonchildx)
Bloom (@7deadlysinsfics)
Kim Namjoon
My girl (@beautifulfuckup99)
Like couples do (@jinkookspencil)
Face sitting (@euphoricfilter)
B.S standards (@katnisspeetaprim)
Pregnancy insecurity (@katnisspeetaprim) NAMJOON
Park Jimin
Love Bug (@httpjeon)
Photograph (@i-am-baechu)
Wanna watch a sex tape (@gimmethatagustd)
Into you (@phenomenalgirl9)
Kim Taehyung
Still waters run deep (@btsmosphere)
Something blue (@moni-logues)
A human touch (@snackhobi)
Let love be enough (@jingabitch)
My tears ricochet (@augustbutwinter)
Goodbye (@jjksblackgf)
Wanna watch a sex tape (@gimmethatagustd)
That Irish barista (@i-am-baechu)
Race to your heart (@jjkeverlast)
Loverboy (@kookslastbutton)
Jeon Jungkook
Do it right (@rerefundslocals)
Gold is dull (@kookluvre) -> (hasn't been updated in awhile but def worth the read)
Best friends (@trivia-yandere)
Need you (@archivedkookie)
Across a crowded room (@monimonimoon)
A little reminder (@beautifulfuckup99)
University superstar (@jungkookstatts)
But we loved too young (@jl-micasea-fics)
Skirt chasers (@1kook)
Big enough for both of us (@btsmosphere)
Bodywork (@angeljeonjk97)
Deep in the woods (@angllicjk)
Angel in the marble (@venusjeon)
Was it better (@gyukookswhore)
97 (@rrjkive)
Lemon sherbet (@extravaguk)
The m-word (@hansolmates)
Head over skates (@mercurygguk)
Gun (@kooeater)
Café o lay (@taesspark)
Guilty pleasures (@kookslastbutton)
Purple car (@fruitmins)
Until my last breath (@iamjungkooked)
Don't want your sympathy (@sketchguk)
Couples shoot (@katnisspeetaprim)
What we need (@jungkookstatts)
Praising (@neo-percs)
Show you what devotion is (@euaphoric)
Pluto (@katnisspeetaprim)
Cherry candy (@bonny-kookoo)
Before I leave you (@hollyhomburg)
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ruins-posts · 8 months
Hiii I love love love love love your writing, so I was wondering if you have any fics recs for our beloved Sukuna? If you aren't too busy, please do share! Love your writing just so much. Thanks!
Hi! I hope you don't mind...but I don't read much nowadays, so I'll do my personal favourites for Sukuna, and I might add a few more later. Thank you so much for your love! 💕💕
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Permission (by @xxnghtclls) If I could write an essay, I would, because no amount of words can explain how wonderfully written this masterpiece is. It's just...perfection. Go read it.
Selfishness that Knows No Bounds (by @literaltrashforeverything) Again, I love how Sukuna is potrayed, but make him alpha 😏
Tryst, too tempest (by @vagabond-umlaut) Just adorable and sweet, and yet so true to Sukuna's character...it's just *chef's kiss*
In love, I fall your victim (by @nezuscribe) I cannot even explain how much I love this one, it's to beautifully written and Sukuna is so well portrayed, and the angst hits right in the feels 🤌
Soft dad Sukuna (by @peachsayshi) this is so soft and cute it just melts my mind into mush 🥺
Colours of Dawn (by @sukunarii) The best yandere Sukuna out there y'all ✋
Sabotage (by @marble-anime) Sukuna +a breeding kink + a great plot = I'm always in.
Ryomen Sukuna and his Hindu! Bride (by @gojoshooter) I love Sukuna, and well, my culture, and both in one? I love it 💕
Cigarettes! (by @sujikuna) Cute Cute Cute! 🥰
'Til kingdom Come (by @moshimochis) so soft my heart melted into a puddle 🥺
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mediumgayitalian · 18 days
fic rec friday 16
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
best friend, baby by @ghosttotheparty*
“You— You make me feel so… good,” he finishes lamely, his head void of any words that could describe it, because how can Will describe the peace he finds in Nico’s presence, or the way he feels like he can finally breathe whenever Nico looks into his eyes? “You’re my favourite person,” he breathes. “My best friend.”
hooooooo boy the intimacy tag was NOT joking. i was gagged. yall tell me all the time how high u value will angst and like....this one DEVASTATED me for him??? like do yall ever think about how the first dialogue we hear from will in nico's perspective is self-loathing. yall ever think about how nico has always known him hating himself. well this author did. "i know you hate yourself but just because you hate yourself doesnt mean everyone else does too" hey what if we FOUGHT. also im going back in to all my FRFs to star my FAVE FAVE FAVE fics bc this is one of them LET ME TELL YOU.
2. just a dumb game by @ghosttotheparty
Nico di Angelo is not a party person. But Will Solace is going to be there. So.
they are SO FUCKING GAY and SO FUCKING IN LOVE and SO FUCKING STUPID. god i love them so fucking bad like they are inherently down bad obsessed with each other and this is how they should be. this is the way of the world.
3. even in the silver light by @ghosttotheparty
Nico is back. Will is still smitten.
first of all. latino and nb will. thank you. second of all. i am (obviously) obsessed with this author bc they KILLLLLL w burning intimacy. like you have no idea they write them like there is a twice burning fire only alive within them it's CRAZZZYYY. i also fckn LOVE that this is like. okay so the author says its plotless and it is kind of 45k of plotless, yes, but idk theres something to be said of love as a plot?? of learning and loving each other as a storyline.
4. splash by @ghosttotheparty
Annabeth is reading her favourite book. Someone walks directly into her.
yeah okay i think this is another one author week. sue me. this fic made me GRIN okay. it was so fucking cute and sweet and soft and autistic annabeth my beloved!! my love and light!! they are so in love in every universe fr and i fckn LOVE them dude i am OBSESSED. when this author writes people together it's as if you can hear them click.
5. isnt she lovely by @ghosttotheparty
Their eyes always meet in the halls. Her eyes are grey and shiny, and they make Percy think of stormy skies and marble sculptures. (She could be a marble sculpture, in the entrance of a museum, surrounded by scholars and artists and mesmerised passersby. Fucking beautiful in a way that only art ever is.) - - - Percy has had a crush on Annabeth since eighth grade. (He doesn’t know she likes him too.)
percy hitting the ground when annabeth kisses him 😭😭 HES SO REAL. i just recced this fic on instagram and i am here reccing it again bc it is EXCELLENT. i rly rly love to see pjotv percabeth in fic like i DO. theyre so fucking cute. and i LOVE how this author writes autistic annabeth!! it is so important to me!!! and this one is so CUTE like percy had such a huge crush on him.....like not just he liked her he had a CRUSH on her. god. i am melting.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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mlbigbang · 6 months
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2023 Ladynoir Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why��to be able to help them. He just…didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
This fic explores the aftermath of the season 5 finale and provides some badly needed hurt/comfort, lovesquare communication, and vandalism ; )
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask. The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes. It wasn’t meant to be this way.
It tore at my heartstrings! It deals with a unique Ladynoir 'enemies' premise in a beautiful way
Let Me Count the Ways (aka Chat Noir's List of Ladybug's New Habits) by @sariahsue
Chat Noir thought it might be a good idea to start keeping a list of all the strange things Ladybug had been doing lately. It might help him to figure out what it all meant. There was the stumbling, the stuttering, the blushing. It had appeared out of nowhere. No, that wasn't quite right. It had all started when they were dancing at the gala, when she'd been so nervous that she tripped over the perfectly flat marble floor and smashed her face into his chest.
Like Smoke from a Furnace by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
Marinette and Adrien give up their Miraculous. Ladybug and Chat Noir never meet again.
It's hard to categorize this. Is this a ship or is it gen? It's strictly Adrienette because they're married. But pre-reveal. It forks after Kwami's Choice and asks the question: How would LB cope with LB and CN never getting their miraculous back after Kwami's Choice? But the story's title seems to indicate that this is kind of a "forbidden Ladynoir" fic because it's an allusion to the potentially devastating effects of "looking back" when you shouldn't. I've read this fic like a dozen times and am completely obsessed.
telepathy by @thelibraryloser
There’s a certain amount of telepathy created after several years fighting beside someone. It’s a mix of chemistry, history, and probably a bit of actual magic, and it comes down to this: Chat Noir usually knows exactly what his Lady is thinking. So, when a bike messenger hands him a three digit number written on a piece of hospital stationary, he knows exactly what Ladybug is asking him to do. He just can’t believe it. 
soft and sweet and much ladynoir! <3
A 'Super' Guide to 'Super' Dating by @mysticraven20
When Ladybug just scrapes into the top 10 of Paris’ favourite heroes list, she asks her partner and her best friend for help. After they decide she’s not personable enough, which in result, makes her unapproachable, Marinette goes out to try and become one with the public by writing her very own dating blog. As the blog turns into an overwhelming hit, Marinette finds herself in an awkward position, once again falling for the guy she’s always longed for; a guy who has started his own search for love following her ‘Super’ guide to ‘Super’ Dating.
I just love the idea of Ladybug writing a dating column as she tries to find love in the city.
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robitherat · 2 years
i said as much in an end note for a chapter in "tell me what you see," but i once admitted myself to a psychiatric hospital after a major depressive episode and stayed there for several days (this was years ago and i'm fine now). there was a separate children's wing at the hospital for inpatient and outpatient kids. we never saw the kids, but one day, in the little courtyard where we'd get to take breaks and do outdoor activities, a saw the words "i don't trust anybody" written in chalk on the sidewalk in a child's scrawl. that has always stayed with me and probably always will. it haunts me; it broke my heart.
and then after watching "marble hornets" and hearing about tim's time in the hospital and reading the forms more carefully and figuring out just how young he was when admitted, that "i don't trust anybody" in chalk came back to me. and i'm just like, "tim 100% would write that on the sidewalk at his hospital."
God honestly reading that part in your fic broke me, then reading that is was based on real events broke me all over again. I've thankfully never had an experience in a psych hospital (came close in 8th grade a couple times, but, yknow, 8th grade) but ive got some friends who have, and honestly I can't even begin to imagine the kinds of things those kids must face. I mean, hearing the stories about it is heart wrenching enough, but then you get things like that chalk message and it's like. Fuck. These are real kids. There are real kids out here that feel like they have no one and it fucking breaks me.
This is obviously a bit off topic from mh, but shit man. Just from an outsiders' perspective, and as someone who's dealt with severe mental illness and episodes and similar shit to an admittedly lesser degree, the fact that Troy, Joseph, and Tim were able to so accurately portray those types of issues without even necessarily meaning to when so many other storytellers fall short when thats what they set out to do is just. It's phenomenal to me. I mean obviously I can't speak for everyone and I definitely cant speak on some of the specific issues shown (or implied) in mh, but it seriously impresses me, and I think it says a lot that so many people with things like schizophrenia, DID, and the like are drawn to the series and specifically Tim's character. Like, I know Tim Sutton didn't sit down and say "I'm portraying a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder" but fuck if he doesn't show it. Like, theyre all just such talented actors and storytellers and the subtleties in the characters and their sheer relatability show that.
Just. This fucking show, man
(on a related note, please please please please please go read kit's fic Tell me what you see because it owns me. like a little purse dog does it own me.)
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onlymingyus · 2 years
this w wonwoo i-
Oh well, I mean...why not.
cw; jeon wonwoo x afab reader - unsafe link, smut (minor dni), this is just filth pwp, rough unprotected sex, impact play (spanking on the ass and thighs), hair pulling, some manhandling, dirty talk, reader and wonwoo both called pet names and degrading names.
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"Fuck...just like that. When you push your ass back on me like that. Such a good little whore for me aren't you?"
A loud moan slips from your lips when Wonwoo's hand makes contact with the side of your ass. His cock buried deep inside of you pushing you over the kitchen counter,. Wonwoo's free hand snaking under your shirt to grasp at your breast while he leans over you fucking into you.
Neither of you had made it very far into the house after all the teasing in the car. He had grabbed your face pushing your lips together, looking into your eyes with that lust filled gaze while your hands made quick work of his jeans. Now you were panting his name and grasping at the marble under your fingertips as he pushed you roughly against it.
"Yes baby. God you feel so good, your cock is so good. I'm not the only whore in the room Wonwoo...the way you are fucking me you'd think you were starving for me."
A laugh falls short from your lips when you tease only to feel Wonwoo's hand slap at your outer thigh harshly. "You love talking dirty don't you? Seeing what you get when you do huh?"
When you nod Wonwoo smirks reaching up to grab at your hair pulling you off the counter towards him. Your back arching, his hips slapping against your ass loudly, Wonwoo groans warm against your ear before running his tongue along it. "You'll get filled to the brim, that's what you'll get baby girl. Don't you worry about a thing."
Wonwoo watches you nod, his lips moving to your jaw, a grin against your skin before he pushes you back down to the counter causing you to lose your breath. His thrusts harder and faster when his hand meets your ass once again with a loud slap. "Now moan my name again like a good slut."
tag list; @bangchanbabygirlx @just-here-to-read-01 @niktwazny303 @strawberri-uyu @yeritheloml @tis-niki @noraehey @hoohoohope @otterpopchan @xuxibelle @foxdaisy @smileysuh @vern0nsworld @synthetickitsune @enhacolor @pandorashbox @yeosayang @gyuhanniescarat @yoonguurt @jwnghyuns @xoxodino @sakurasangcl @woniewhite @fantasy2wonderland @midnightvalentines @junhui-recs @woozis-wife @cheolsbestie @sunnyteume @sakurasangcl @multi-kpop-fanfics @noseblowersanonymous @whyokoa @baldi-2 @misssugarlips @rubyscoups @httpswonwoosglasses @nikkell @midnightvalentines @onlywonus @raevyng @sstarryoong @dkakapizzaboy @noniestars @hoohoohope
please note that I am doing my best to tag all of you who have filled out the tag list form but tumblr won’t let me tag some of you. I think that is because either you have tags turned off or possibly a blank tumblr page. consider reblogging some of the fics you like from me or other writers. ♥
© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 15
Pairing: mick schumacher x hamilton!reader (she/her)
Warnings: curse words, mentions of food and alcohol, mentions of sex (no smut tho), tooth-rotting fluff, not proofread, etc etc. Minors DNI!
word count: 4.1k
part. 14 | series masterlist | part 16 | taglist
Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he throws cautious carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
A/n: There are a bunch of moments between Gina and Yn, and Yn and Corrina, and especially Mick and Yn. I know some of you are curious as to what happened after the last smau chapter, but I need to show Yn and Mick before so that you can understand what happens and why it happens when it does. I hope you guys like it! Thank you so much for all the reblogs, comments, and likes, it means a lot and I would love it if you guys kept it coming (they really motivate me to get things done faster lol). I will probably be posting some extras during this week and, hopefully, chapter 16 which will be a regular chapter too. Let me know your thoughts, and make sure to send my work or this fic to a friend as a rec *mwah*
*The first part happens right after the China GP (chapter 10 here)
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“Can you turn it off?” Yn mumbled, moving her face closer to Mick’s neck, burying herself there as if by a miracle the sound wouldn’t reach her from that spot. 
The German scratched his eyes with the back of his hands, stretching his body as far as he could with Yn’s weight on top of him, “I fear we have to get up.” 
“No, can’t do,” she answers while trying to merge her body with his, which takes a bunch of her curls to Mick’s face. It tickles him, and Mick can only chuckle, especially when she adds, “I think I’m still hungover. How can you even consider leaving the bed?” 
“C’mon, I gotta shower and find something healthy to eat before getting to the paddock,” it’s the German’s response, fingers tenderly trailing down Yn’s body. 
The Hamilton pushes herself up, elbows propped on Mick’s naked chest, her sleepy brows raising, and her hand confidently lifting to him in a greeting manner. Mick snickers, foreseeing her dirty joke, but Yn did not crack, only smirks and joshes, “Nice to meet you. Did you know my middle name is Healthy? Pretty close to Hamilton as you can tell too.”
She looked so pretty, he thought, all giddy and smiley, wearing nothing but his shirt, perched on top of him, body still soft with sleep, and coated by a post-orgasm glow. Mick huffed moving one of his hands to her waist to keep her in place while the other pulled some of her curls from her face. Her brown skin gleamed under the natural light coming from the big window in front of them. He swore he could spend days admiring her without getting even remotely bored. 
Meanwhile, Yn was doing the same, studying him study her. The way his blue eyes would move attentively, sometimes using his fingers to trace the path his eyes took. He would brush it around her collarbone, under her chin. He would draw her lips without even noticing he was doing so, and she would smile because nothing ever felt quite like that. 
Nothing ever felt as natural as being with Mick.
“Shower sex?” she breaks the moment with another playful joke and shrieks when the blonde gets up, hauling her body on his shoulders and power walking to the bathroom. Their laughs echoed right before their moans and silent promises. They had yet to choose which one was their favorite symphony. 
Yn had just finished drying her hair and was now giving the final touches, Mick was sitting patiently on the marble of the sink, attentively observing her movements, “We should go sightseeing later today,” he suggested. 
“That would be nice, actually,” the Hamilton agreed, breaking the distance between their bodies with short steps. Less than a second and she was standing between his legs, grinning up at him, “thought, I would agree to do about anything if it meant staying close to you,” she confessed, and Mick felt his heart falter a beat. It was still new for him the way she openly praised and confessed what she was feeling and thinking. 
He was enchanted. 
Mick beamed pinching Yn’s chin between his pointer and forefinger and bringing her face for a tender kiss. Their lips brushed tentatively, and she found a home for her hands on his shoulders and waist, her gentle touch made him humm in appreciation right before he dived into her, exploring each other as much as the physics of the position permitted. Everything was amplified by the feeling of their body heat and the fast pumping of their hearts. Tingly stomach, clenching lungs, burning cheeks, sweaty palms. Kissing someone never felt like this before, and they were both over the moon to experience it with the other. 
It would be hard to go around their days without touching after discovering every little detail and feeling they did. Yn could only pray her eyes didn’t turn her in. 
And as it turns out, her eyes didn’t turn her in because they were together for almost a month. What did screw things up, however, was the internet. The media started to speculate even more, which meant tons of paparazzi around her and, worse, Mick’s family. Lewis was used to the flashes and the comments, and he knew his sister and the Schumacher were together, Yn told him during the Baku week, nonetheless, he was stressed about how everyone was invading their privacies, things went as far as the oldest Hamilton giving a rude answer when asked about it. 
So that meant Yn was as stressed as ever, and she felt responsible for putting everyone on the spot. That’s what she told Corinna while they were having breakfast at the paddock. It was the Miami race week, things were hectic, everyone was super busy with everything, and still, they had to deal with the internet’s attention. Both Yn and Corina were aware that their breakfast trip too would be all around Twitter before the day was over. 
“It’s not your fault, honey,” the oldest Schumacher assures Yn, hands extended at the table, fingers intertwined in an attempt to calm Yn.
“How did you deal with this when you were younger?” Yn asked, but then added, “If you’re comfortable, I don’t want to make you talk about something that may make you sad.”
Corina smiled at Yn’s consideration. She was always a sweetheart, yet would joke around and make everyone laugh. The Schumacher understood why Mick was head over heels for the youngest Hamilton. “You get used to it, sometimes you gotta set boundaries and tell people what's off limits, but there’s a part of your life that inevitably has to be public,” she explains. “You’re both famous in different fields, but connected by your brother’s career too, so I think that’s the reason why everyone wants a peek into your relationship,” Corina’s voice was soft and she delivered every word holding tightly Yn’s hand, the oldest woman knew how it felt to have to choose between love and privacy. She knew how hard it was in the beginning and she knew the importance of having guidance. It wasn’t just being exposed as a person, but as a couple, and that added extra pressure to the relationship. “I love Michael, so it was an easy choice. It didn’t change the fact that I had to get used to everything, but it helped me think about our future and present together whenever I got anxious.” 
Yn took a deep breath. She liked Mick more than she initially thought. Being closer to him, sharing secrets, thoughts, fears, and affection with someone always brings them closer, and the Schumacher was so near her heart that she was afraid he was already with half of his body inside, making a home for himself there. Still, it’s a difficult situation when you’re in between with your feelings, and you don’t know if you love them or you just like them a lot, and it gets hard to make decisions such as Corina’s. It puts you in the mirror facing your own wrongdoings and fears, you have to ask questions and deliver honest answers because the next step will be supported by it. One wrong wording, and you can trip. 
“I’m really sorry for putting you in the spot again with all the paparazzi and internet comments,” Yn glances at her untouched plate, heart heavy and body tired. 
“Hey,” Corina calls, “I don’t care about it. It is an inconvenience, but it’s nothing new to me or Gina, or Mick. What I do care about is my children's happiness, and Mick cares for you, he smiles more when you are around, and even Angie seems to be obsessed with you. I can’t be more unbothered by noisy people who don’t really know about our family, talking on the Internet,” she offered.
They shared eye contact for another minute, smiling knowingly and affectionately at each other. And so with her heart warm and with a big smile on her face, Yn tossed part of her fears away and started a new topic, a fun one, finally biting on her food. 
Sunday proved to be a tough experience for both Hamilton’s. One dealing with privacy problems, and the other dealing with a sixth position in a race that was supposed to treat him right. Yn watched everything with her dad, Corinna, and Gina by her side, and although it wasn’t the outcome they were waiting for, it was a good experience to share that moment with them. Gina was an avid watcher, whilst Mick kept attentive eyes on the screen, only occasionally speaking, Gina would cheer and grab Yn whenever Lewis had to slow down for a curve or a car got too close. It took a couple of jump scares for Yn to get used to how Gina would suddenly go for her arms or almost yell something, but by the middle of the race, the Hamilton would be ready for her friend’s manner. 
When the race was finally over, Yn was leaning on her father, a small pout on her lips thinking about how bummed her brother must be with the results. Lewis, just like her, would always set high goals and would do just about anything he physically could to reach it. It was something that she admired about him, and he admired about her, and both worried about each other. Their similarities made them share similar problems too, and at those times one of the few people who could calm their racing minds would be their dad. 
“It’s time to get you cape, super dad,” Yn tried to lighten the mood, and Anthony, her dad, chuckled. He turned, planting a kiss on her forehead, and smiled when he saw Mick approach them. 
“Gina’s in the bathroom,” Yn pointed behind her, and the German nodded.
“Yeah, I saw her leaving… I- uhm got you some water and the chocolate bar you like,” he moved the two things in his hand, “I didn’t see you eat nor drink during the race. I thought this could lift your mood a bit too.” 
Anthony watched everything unfold in front of him. The way his daughter stared at the blonde in front of them, how her lips curled in a genuine smile and her eyes twinkled in a way that only someone who had known her since forever would notice, the way it did when she was trying to bottle her emotions, to keep her reaction’s a whisper, instead of let it be heard by others. 
“Thank you, mouse,” Yn smiled, taking a swing from the water and eagerly opening the sweet bar, but nothing tasted sweeter than knowing Mick was paying attention, that he thought about her, that he worried about her even when his mind was focused on something else. 
“Would you like something too, Mr. Hamilton?” Mick asked. “I didn’t-” 
Anthony interrupts with a playful chortle, “You didn’t pay attention to me,” it’s a statement, but although it could be interpreted as a bad thing, it doesn’t sound like something terrible for the oldest Hamilton seeing as he is smirking at Mick. “But you did share your attention between the race and my daughter, so I gotta give you that.” Anthony jokes, and Mick relaxes. “I’m good, got some water and food while you kids were focused on not cursing or screaming.” 
Just as he finished his sentence, Gina returned from the bathroom. “I’ve been watching races since a kid, but it still stresses me and makes me wanna curse a pilot or two,” 
“Or twenty,” Yn added, and the whole group shared a laugh. 
“Or twenty,” she agrees.
“Twenty what?” it was Corinna’s voice approaching.
And so they tried to focus their conversation on the light topic before Yn and her dad went to Lewis for some much-needed family time. Yn let her dad do the talking, while her brother leans on her, sweaty forehead on her shoulder and one of his hands clasped on hers. It’s their silent way of communicating they got each other’s back. A reminder that the other is there and won’t leave. Lewis tried to argue about how sixth wasn’t good, but neither of the Hamiltons’ were having that, so they stayed together until Lewis had media duties, now with his mind in the right place. And Yn made him promise her they would go out with their friends to celebrate the points. 
And that they do. 
Monday starts early, or at least that’s what Yn gathered when she woke up to soft kisses on her naked back. The room was still fairly dark just a bit of light was spilling from the sides of the big curtains giving the space a nice coloring. She spotted her clothes scattered on the ground along with Mick’s, and she mumbled in her hazy state when his lips found her shoulders.
“It’s time to wake up,” it was a whisper, but his voice was always thicker in the morning, which gave Yn chills. 
“Two more hours,” was her plea. 
Mick laughed, his lips now on the sweet spot of her neck, kissing and biting, and taking a meowl out of Yn’s lips, “You’re the one who came up with the idea of going out today. C’mon, it’s a beautiful day,” his voice is so melodic, spoken between kisses, in synchrony with his exploring and gentle hands on her. It feels like a beautiful day indeed, but Yn just wanted some more hours of sleep after spending most of the Sunday night talking in bed with Mick. She could still hear their laughs and feel her belly hurting from how much they did it. 
“How come you know it’s a beautiful day if the curtains are closed?” It’s her sassy response, but Mick knows she’s just trying to buy a bit more time. He will answer, she will mumble something back, he will answer yet again,  and this time she will be snoozing. 
He’s attentive. 
Mick loves to observe Yn. 
So his answer is simple yet effective, “We went to bed together and woke up together. How could it not be a beautiful day?” 
And that get’s Yn full attention. She turns, her back now on the mattress, Mick’s weight deliciously on top of her, his sweet, yet sleepy smile takes her breath away for a second or two, “You’re so cheesy,” she whispers, one hand rubbing her eyes, the other holding Mick’s bicep as if silently telling him to stay close. 
“I got you to wake up.”
Yn nods her head lightly, eyes closing again, but this time to contain her lips from forming their own sentence, confessing what her mind has yet to discover. She smiles, and it’s so beautiful. Mick wants to keep the image in his head forever. 
“You’re right.”
“About what?” Mick asks, dipping his head to kiss her naked skin again. Yn’s fingers thread throw his blond strands messing his hair a bit more. 
“It’s a beautiful day.” She opens her eyes again, big brown orbs getting lost in the soft details of Schumacher’s face. “Why can’t we stay here forever? This could be our kingdom,” it’s her sleepy comment, but something she has been thinking about a lot. Life was so much simpler when it was just the two of them inside a room. She wanted to keep and cherish their feelings. It was so precious and intimate sometimes Yn wished it could be their secret for longer than they knew would be. 
“Queen of my heart,” Mick purred in her ear, lips trailing kisses from that spot to her face. 
“King of mine,” she breathed her confession lacing her arms around his naked chest and melting into the hug that followed. 
Both of them were aware of what their confession meant. 
It felt too soon to say I love you, but it was never too soon to swim through it, to discover their feelings, to get used to how each praise and word sounded, to the secrecy and intimacy of sharing how falling for the other felt. 
There were many ways to confess, show and feel love.
Mick and Yn were discovering it day by day. 
“And don’t take forever, please, Sir!” Yn joked, and Lewis rolled his eyes before slamming the bathroom door. Mick laughed at the siblings' antics. 
It was about an hour after the couple had woken up, and they were now in the process of dragging Lewis out of his room. The oldest Hamilton was usually, contrary to Yn, the early bird. Lewis would be up and doing just about everything before the clock hit seven am, but it was a post-race Monday, and sometimes he gave himself the luxury of sleeping in (which would usually consist of sleeping until eight am).
Today, however, Lewis was woken up by his sister and his friend, chaotically fussing him to change so they could have breakfast. And what else could he do if not follow? How could he ever say no to his sister when she was so radiant and smiley in the morning? 
Lewis played the older brother part and pretended to be annoyed by the duo before finally giving in and following their script.
Which consisted of breakfast in the hotel with part of the grid, who was going to go with them, half of the morning at the beach enjoying the Miami weather and clear sand, and then a boat party, which was not supposed to be a party but rather just a gathering with some low music and drinks, but Lando was one of the few who volunteered to get everything together, so neither Yn nor Mick was surprised when the boat friendly gathering turned into a yacht party. 
Yn remembers drinking and swimming with Gina, drowning shots with Pierre and Yuki, and spending over an hour discussing music with Lewis and Charles. Between every conversation and interaction she had with her friends, her eyes would always find Mick from across the boat or in the water. They would smile at each other, sometimes stare for as long as possible without raising people’s attention, and then go about their day. She wanted to stop by his side and kiss him or help him with sunscreen on his cheeks and back, but although they were friends, they were still a secret for some new guests, and there was always the possibility of cameras catching. So they kept it to themselves.
Or at least they tried.
And they did it for most of the party.
Until they couldn’t anymore.
That’s how they found each other in the bathroom, on the bottom floor of the yacht. 
Flush cheeks, warm bodies, and loose giggles. The music from the party was muffled, and they reveled in each other’s touch. Eager hands exploring every surface of the other’s body. Mick’s arm curled around Yn’s waist, pressing against each other harder and moaning in her mouth. She grinned into the kiss, humming and biting his lower lip. He tasted like alcohol, with a salty tinge to it thanks to the sea and the sunscreen. His hair was still damp from when he was swimming, and Yn threaded her fingers between them, pulling lightly.
They pulled away to catch their breaths, and Yn attached her lips to his collarbone, kissing and biting it, enjoying the way he leaned into her, as if in surrender to her caressing. Mick cups Yn’s cheeks between his hands, staring into her eyes, and it’s like time freezes for a second. 
She smiles. 
He smiles too. 
His lips parted to say something, but before he could, there was a knock on the door. 
“Occupied!” they both shout over the muffled music and the closed door, and they laugh after noticing that now whoever is on the other side knows that a couple is making out in the bathroom. 
“We should get back to the party,” Mick sighed, and Yn silently agreed, standing on her tiptoes to give him another kiss. 
“See you up there,” it’s whispered on his lips, and he smiles, giving her another peck and finally letting her body go. 
He watches as Yn fixes her bikini in front of the mirror, and blows him a kiss before opening the door and leaving. Mick takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, and all the blood rushing through his body. He can still feel her body pressed against his, her smile on his skin. He takes some time to get ready before going back to the party, and when he does, Yn is sitting with Gina, her hands now occupied with a drink, and one of her big smiles gracing her lips. 
“This party was the best idea ever, Yn,” Gina gushed, passing Yn a water bottle. “I’m letting loose before the competition in two weeks. I feel like I was getting too anxious,” she confessed, and Yn nodded. 
“When is it happening?” Yn asked and then added, “The exact date, I mean.” 
Gina took a sip from her drink, sitting cross-legged and turning her body slightly in Yn’s direction. They watched as Mick strolled toward them, a tipsy smile on his lips, seeing the two interact. He sat on the ground, body leaning on the seat, parting Yn’s legs to accommodate his large shoulders.
“May 28th,” was the oldest Schumacher answer.
Yn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “It’s the date of the Monaco race, right?” She asked, and Gina shrugged and nodded. “You’re going?” Yn nudged Mick with her feet, and he grabbed it, directing her calf on top of his shoulders and in front of his chest. 
“I tried, but it’s a hectic season. And it’s literally race day. I couldn’t get the day off,” Yn observes Gina’s and Mick’s instance. They seem bummed with the whole situation. But who wouldn’t be? It’s his sister's tournament, and he won’t be there to cheer for her. And she felt her heart squeeze with the idea of Gina competing without a familiar face in the stands for her. 
“But Corinna’s going, right?”
Gina shook her head, and Yn bit her lip in thought. 
“She originally would, this ride was supposed to happen in the middle of the week, but something came up, and they had to reschedule,” the blonde girl explained.
The youngest Hamilton played with the strings of her swimsuit, while her mind came up with solutions for the current problem, “I could go,” she suggests. “If you want me there, that is. Only if you’re comfortable,” Yn is quick to add. 
Yn witnesses Gina’s face change from a small frown to a big smile. Her eyes twinkled, and her posture relaxed, before she pursed her lips, questioning, “But how about Lewis? He’s racing, isn’t he?” 
“Yeah, but Dad will be there, and so will Mick,” Yn grins, catching Mick’s eyes for a split second before looking back at Gina.
“Would you do it? Would you trade Monaco for Oklahoma to watch me ride a horse- It’s noisy, and very country. Do you like country stuff? Are you sure you wouldn’t mind?” now Gina’s rambling, excited but also nervous with the perspective of Yn regretting her decision. 
“G, breathe,” Mick reminds his sister, and she catches her breath, takes a sip of her drink, and then turns to Yn again.
“You’ll have a familiar face rooting for you in the stands. I will need a cowboy hat, though. I don’t have any.” 
The blonde lets out a small squeal and lunges to hug Yn spilling their drinks in the process. They laugh, and ignore the sticky and sweety tinger of the alcohol and fruity juice, embracing each other.  
Yn can’t see, but Mick is watching them from his spot on the ground. Neck turned in an attempt to get an even better view of the bond between them being straightened. He feels his heart warm with the image, how Gina’s eyes are closed and her lips spotting a large smile, how she looked more relaxed, happier because of Yn.
All because of Yn.
It’s a beat before they exchange some more words, Mick is too deep into his own thoughts, he only notices Gina getting up in the direction of the hose by the end of the yacht, and he takes the opportunity to get up. 
“I think we will need another trip to the bathroom,” he whispers in Yn’s ear, and she smiles.
“I can clean up in th-” She stopped herself when she saw his expression. A mix she now knew to be admiration and arousal. 
“Thank you for sacrificing Monaco for Gina,” he mumbled when they reached the corridor, not even waiting until they got to the bathroom to smash their lips in a kiss. 
“It was nothing,” she dismisses it, and he shook his head.
“It was beautiful, and it was a lot. You’re too beautiful.” He praised, and Yn could only let her lips be devoured, her body be consumed, and her mind convinced of every compliment Mick whispered to her in their little bubble. 
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @mellowpizzapuppy @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @Dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @chaoticevilbakugo @carojasmin2204 @wondergirl101ks
(let me know if your tag was supposed to be only for my other works and you don't wanna be tagged on the series! <3)
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