#manifesting appearance changes
honeytonedhottie · 7 months
so manifesting my desired appearance in full took roughly 2 weeks, also this post is pretty long bcuz im not gatekeeping anything, im giving u guys the full story, the full scoop on how i did it so here we go...
some things that i remember doing was, before going to bed i'd either read what my desired appearance looks like (i wrote a list bcuz me as a person, i LOVE writing things down) and i'd read that list before bed like it was fact.
or if i didn't have the list with me, when i was the state akin to sleep i'd talk to myself (ik it sounds weird but its natural for me so it worked) and i'd be like "ik for a fact that i am (fill in the blank)" or "ik for a fact that i have (fill in the blank)"
and i'd just say it to myself, or sometimes when i'd shower, for every part of my body that i'd wash (i separated it into sections) and for each section i'd talk about an aspect of my appearance as though it was from someone else's POV. for example, part of my desired appearance was a difference in hair texture so i'd say "omg honey's hair is SO long and glossy". like i'd talk thru someone else's pov ABOUT my appearance in either a tone of admiration, envy, or indifference.
even if i didn't see movement a couple times or got discouraged, i went back to what feels RIGHT and thats affirming for me.
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some key statements i used :
i know for a fact
i have my exact desired appearance bcuz im god and i said so
another thing that rly helped me was visualization, i was living PURELY in my imagination, completely in my head. i was REAL delulu. i have a vision board on pinterest that was SO helpful for me.
when i saw things in the 3d that didn't please me i completely disregarded it, and when i tell u COMPLETELY, i completely dismissed anything that i didn't like, or that didn't sit right with me.
another little exercise that i liked to do was actually bcuz of a bad habit. so i have a RLY bad habit of checking the 3d but i used it to my advantage. my habit was that every morning the first thing i'd do is go and look in the mirror. when i manifested my desired appearance what i'd do, is i would go to the bathroom mirror and tell my subconscious what i see. so my logic behind this was that since the subconscious didn't have any eyes i could tell my subconscious that i had the head of a unicorn and it'd believe me 💀. so i would talk to my subconscious and tell it what i saw. "i see an angel skull" "i see rly rly long lashes" "i see waist-length hair" etc etc.
i went to the end and i BASKED in it. moral of this manifestation story :
persist regardless of what u experience with ur 5 senses
time is an illusion so forget about it
dont settle for less than what u seek
go straight to the end and bathe in it bcuz u can't try and be something that u already are 
failure doesn't exist
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yourmoonie · 3 months
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Your manifestation can get externalized in infinite ways (based on your beliefs)
Do u want white teeth?
- you might wake up with it
- you might get the money to book an appointment with your dentist
- You might get an offer out of thin air
- etc
So stop beating yourself up over the process and movement
Your life and circumstances are unique to you.
If someone "manifests" $5000 within 5 minutes, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME or with any of my desires because I know that I will have mine and even better.
And YES you getting the money and booking an appointment with your dentist to whiten your teeth is a success story too.
Live your life! Live your best life!
And the same thing goes with appearance changes.
Ask yourself, "What would it be like to have my desired body? How would I feel if I had my desired white teeth?" Stop TRYING and start BEING
Maybe you want a new nose
- someone might offer you a free rhinoplasty or your body might make specific changes & many more
Just because you got an appointment and had a procedure done doesn't erase the fact that it was also a huge success story.
Be proud of yourself and celebrate your achievements.
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thejournallo · 5 months
Manifesting Physical Appearance
Remember that you are perfect just the way you are.
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When we manifest physical changes, we tend to do so as a result of our imperfections or because we want to feel accepted.
To fully change ourselves, we have to first change our mindset and then manifest physical changes. I say so because many times our insicuritis will not let us be happy even with our desired body.So first mindset, then body.
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To manifest a change in our mindset, we have to remind ourselves that we are worth so many things! and especially that you are worth having a healthy mindset!
To manifest a healthy mindset:
To manifest a healthy mindset, I used the method "act as if" because everything is about confidence. Even supermodels are inscure, darling! but they fake their way to successuntil they become confident! Subliminals are game changers, even in this!
To manifest a physical appearance:
subliminals! best way ever! I love exercising and listening to subliminals that boost my results! Even words of affirmation (again) can be great. A good example is "I love my tiny nose." Even if it is not true, it will change with time, and you will find yourself with a tiny nose. We start as neutral, and as we call ourselves ugly, our body and energy will respond to that and act on it. So if you believe that you are hot, well, you are! Changing your appearance is as simple as that, and no one should tell you otherwise. Any method can be adapted to help you change your appearance!
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). and have a wonderful day or night!
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vividdreamsrock · 6 months
Really persisting in ignoring the 3d just going full on delusional over here
I’m not gonna lie when I say it’s really fun. Like ah yes just living in imagination absolutely vibing.
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minkizone · 2 years
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"i always wake up..." affirmations
i always wake up to my desired body
i always wake up in my dream apartment
i always wake up next to my sp
i always wake up with everything i want
i always wake up richer than the day before
i always wake up looking pretty and unreal
i always wake up to my desired face
i always wake up to my sp texting me
these are some affirmations i came up with, u can change it according to ur liking! lmk if this helps <3
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dearevangeline-blog · 8 months
Believe and get results
hi queens! Im back to continue with the blog and explain this so get a nice snack and relax
Oki so im going to be completely honest, to get results you need to stop thinking as a victim
you are just the victim of yourself and you also have the power to stop that !
Guess what, no one is doing it for you you’re the only one that has the power to do it or not, you also have to choose if you will continue “trying” or just think dang it im not going to let this shit win.
My experience
So i was manifesting my ideal face a while ago and I remember it was 2 a.m. and i went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror and i just thought damn I have two choices, I can just go back to bed and wonder what went wrong for 3 days and start over again just like always or go back to bed knowing im doing it right and i already have my desire and when I realized that I just did something I had never done before I was so proud of myself and im not gonna lie I thought about it for 3 hours LOL and when I went to the bathroom again and saw myself I saw someone beautiful (from the outside) and just thought to myself “this is a process and you’re doing it great” but this took me almost 2 years to do LIKE LMAO and this takes us to our next point.
Some people can actually control their feelings and continue with their manifestation and some others need some time
Some people do not care that much about their desires and some others are so obsessed, how to get rid of that? Okay so this might not be what you expected but time is the solution, think about whatever you want to think even if its about not having your desires try to slowly control your feelings and know how to calm down.
Okay but does it take long ?
The time can vary depending of how much u desire something, it took me one year and a half but it might take you a week, a month or 5 years or maybe more or maybe it could be in 10 minutes who knows!! But how to know you already got detached? You will know when you’re able to continue with your manifestation even if you see no results, having a better confidence and loving yourself more than ever. Its not about changing your manifesting methods, it’s about beating the situation <3
Just remember I love ya so muuuuuuch 🤍
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kissestomyexes · 3 months
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Success story from Sammy Ingram video ❤️❤️❤️
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necrogfie · 9 days
nooo why are the subliminal actually working for once... i remade my subs playlist and added a few to be sick (they won't be permanently in it, i plan to take them out tomorrow lol) bcuz ... reasons, and im already not feeling good rn.
i don't fully believe in subliminal because i am still a skeptical at heart but like ?? magic ??
(also kinda hoping the others subs work too then :3)
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v-v-x-x · 2 years
I'm not gonna go into detail with it, but last night I had this crazy ass dream. I didn't really look like the same person but I was still recognizable. I pretty much had the desired face I've been manifesting for awhile. I had my desired hair, face structure, eyes, height, everything. It was interesting and I wonder what that means. I'm not gonna explain what my dream was about because it's unimportant and was kinda stupid too lol. I'm just wondering by me having these dreams what does it mean?? It felt so real.
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herminia-lee · 10 months
Todos nos comparamos de vez en cuando con los demás, incluso involuntariamente, y si no, alguien más puede compararnos con otros. Compararse con los demás no es necesariamente algo malo. Incluso podría decirse que es algo inevitable. Lo importante es poder compararte sin que te afecte negativamente; ser capaz de que, aunque te compares de vez en cuando, esto tenga poca importancia y no sea central en tu vida.
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Cuando nos comparamos con los demás constantemente, dejamos de sentirnos bien y nos sentimos con menos fuerza. Al compararte con alguien más, pierdes de vista todo lo que tienes para ofrecer al mundo y una manera única en la que solo tú puedes hacerlo. Al pasar por alto esto, es más fácil que encuentres historias en las que te digas que no estás a la altura, que no eres lo suficientemente bueno. Todo esto termina por aumentar tu nivel de estrés e impide que puedas expresarte con creatividad (lo cual, a su vez, te da más razones para sentirte en desventaja al compararte).
A continuación te describimos 6 pasos que puedes seguir para dejar de compararte con los demás.
Pasos para dejar de compararte con los demás
1. Reconoce que te comparas con los demás cuando lo haces
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El primer paso es reconocer que te comparas con los demás. Parecería algo sencillo, pero no lo es. Cuando existe ya un hábito de compararse repetidamente, la acción se vuelve involuntaria, es decir que la realizamos inconscientemente, sin darnos cuenta. Una vez que tomas conciencia, puedes empezar a tomar acciones respecto a este problema. En ese momento puedes intentar dejar de alimentar estos pensamientos y en cambio empezar a focalizarte en las cosas positivas que puedes aportar a las personas alrededor tuyo.
2. Focalízate en lo que eres y en lo que tienes y no en lo que piensas que te falta
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Concéntrate en la manera en que puedes contribuir positivamente a la vida de los demás. Evidentemente tienes muchas cosas que aprender, en la medida en que, como los demás, no eres perfecto. Sin embargo, no es comparándote ni sintiéndote mal que vas a fortalecer eventualmente tus debilidades. El primer paso para hacer esto es confiando en ti mismo y en tus capacidades.
Esfuérzate en hacer cosas positivas que te hagan sentir bien contigo mismo, y verás que, sin darte cuenta, fortalecerás muchos aspectos de tu vida.
3. Sé más auto-consciente del daño que te ocasionas
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Date cuenta del hecho de que compararte con alguien más está ocasionándote dolor, y que este dolor lo estás decidiendo tú mismo. La persona con la que te comparas está dirigiendo su vida a su manera e ignora que te comparas constantemente con ella. El dolor que sientes te lo haces tú solo, y es completamente innecesario.
4. Enfócate en aprender y no en competir
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Es claro que nadie es perfecto, y que tú tampoco lo eres. Sentirte mal al compararte con los demás es signo de que no tienes suficiente humildad para aceptar que puedes aprender de alguien más. Puedes intentar en desarrollar una actitud de aprendizaje. Utiliza la comparación para inspirarte. Si tienes una actitud de aprendizaje y de gusto hacia la comparación, puedes aprender muchas cosas, y dejar de tener un problema. Si experimentas malestar al compararte es probable que te enfoques en competir y no en aprender.
5. Limita tu tiempo en las redes sociales
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La gente muestra su vida en redes exclusivamente desde su mejor ángulo. Se puede tener la impresión de que estas personas no tienen problemas ni dificultades y muy pocos defectos. Es fácil compararse con ellas y tener la impresión de que no se está a la altura, lo cual da lugar a pensamientos que pueden quitarnos mucha energía. Pues el mensaje que te envías a ti mismo es: “no soy lo suficientemente bueno/a, necesito tener más”. Sin embargo tú sabes que efectivamente esto es falso, que las personas de las redes sociales tienen dificultades, defectos y frustraciones, etc.
Por esta razón, es recomendable limitar tu tiempo en las redes sociales. Exponerte demasiado tiempo a ver situaciones que no son reales, exige en ti mantener activos mecanismos de defensa para protegerte y te debilita en tanto que te expones a situaciones que no son reales.
6. No estés en conflicto con la imperfección
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Nadie es perfecto. A pesar de que sabemos esto a nivel intelectual, emocionalmente tendemos a sentirnos mal cuando los resultados no son perfectos. No somos perfectos y nunca lo seremos, y esto precisamente nos hace humano. No se trata de no equivocarse, se trata de tener una buena actitud frente a las derrotas y equivocaciones: de modo que podamos aprender. Las comparaciones son algo inconveniente precisamente porque nos aleja de la posibilidad de seguir aprendiendo, y nos hunde en una dinámica en la que creemos la ilusión de que nuestra seguridad proviene de que el otro pueda ser inferior a nosotros.
10 razones para no compararte
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Las comparaciones son siempre injustas. Pues usualmente comparamos lo peor de nosotros mismos con lo mejor que presumimos de los otros.
Las comparaciones requieren una métrica. Ten en cuenta que no existe una manera de medir los aspectos internos y que los aspectos externos de los demás pueden ser fingidos.
Eres único y singular como para poder comparte. Tus talentos, habilidades, éxitos, contribuciones y las maneras de hacer todo esto solo pertenece a ti. No pueden ser comparados adecuadamente con nadie más.
No tienes nada qué ganar, pero sí mucho qué perder. Al compararte descuidas tus propias capacidades y a la larga terminas perdiendo tu seguridad, tu dignidad y tu pasión.
Las comparaciones te roban tu tiempo. No es comparándote con alguien que consideras mejor que vas a mejorar en tu persona. Al juzgar nos enfocamos en lo que no tenemos (y nos imaginamos que al tenerlo seríamos mejor) en lugar de enfocarnos en lo que tenemos y podemos fortalecer.
Las comparaciones no tienen fin. Este hábito no se supera aunque logres tener éxitos. Siempre habrá otras personas más en las qué enfocarte.
La comparación coloca el foco en la persona equivocada. Ten presente que solo puedes cambiar una vida, la tuya. Precisamente es atreves de enfocar tus esfuerzos en tu persona que vas a poder lograr algún cambio.
Las comparaciones pueden alejarte de amigos. Al compararte con amigos puedes reaccionar de mala manera y ocasionar conflicto en tu amistad
Las comparaciones te quitan alegría. Compararte no te da valor, sentido ni ningún logro en tu vida - más bien te aleja de ello.
Simplemente tienes cosas mucho más importantes que hacer.
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Consecuencias de compararte con los demás:
Independientemente de con quién te compares, siempre te sentirás mal en tanto que compararte generalmente tiene que ver con ver las fortalezas de los otros y las debilidades tuyas.
Incluso cuando comparas tus fortalezas con la fortaleza de alguien más, la lógica de la comparación te puede llevar a sentirte bien solo si tu fortaleza es ‘mejor’ o ‘superior’ que la fortaleza del otro. Además, siempre existirán personas que tienen algo mejor o superior que nosotros.
Incluso si crees que tu fortaleza supera la del otro, puedes construir una seguridad inflada de esta comparación. Dicho de otra manera, que la condición para que te sientas mejor es que tu fortaleza sea superior a la de quien te comparas, también significa que tú necesitas que el otro sea inferior a ti, para poderte sentir bien contigo mismo. Esto te genera una dependencia con respecto al otro que realmente te debilita y limita.
También terminas con resentimiento hacia otros que les va bien, sin poder conocer realmente a la persona. Esto puede incluso afectar a tus amistades y ocasionar distanciamiento.
Al perder la oportunidad de admirar a los demás, tendrás necesidad de criticar a los demás, incluso en público, tratando de derribarlos, a veces de manera injusta.
Puedes terminar hablando en exceso de tus logros, más de lo necesario. Eso puede caer mal a los demás.
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honeytonedhottie · 7 months
fun tip for manifesting appearance change𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ᰔᩚ
ok so the number one thing that i've noticed when manifesting appearance change that has worked RLY well for me is mind saturation. and i'd saturate my mind by FLOODING it with the fact that i already look the way that i want to, and i'd do this fun little exercise every now and then that i wanna share in this post:
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OK so the first thing i do when i wake up by default after fixing my bed is going to the bathroom and when im in there ofc i'll look in the mirror. when im doing so im going to pretend like i look exactly the way i want. so if i was manifesting height increase i'd be like "OMG i grew SO much?!?!" and i would get into a rly excited state cuz im like OMG YAY I MANIFESTED APPEARANCE CHANGE IM SO AMAZING etc etc. the reason why it works is cuz our subconscious doesn't have eyes (duh) so we could tell the subconscious literally ANYTHING and it'd have to take it as fact and reflect that to us. so its kind of like, looking in the mirror and telling urself what u see.
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yourmoonie · 3 months
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And I will forever be loud and proud about my body transformation
- weight loss
- almost visible abs
- snatched waist
- thin legs
- slim face
- sharp jawline
- a flat stomach
And the list goes on
P.s. I mostly post my success stories + progress on Twitter but I might post some of them here too from time to time
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thejournallo · 16 days
can you manifest for something not to happen?? i'm really curious and just wanted to know if it would work would it basically be the same as manifesting something to attract to you in a way? if it's possible do you know how it would work
Yes, you can.   You have to start from the point of view that anything can be manifested.  When we are trying to manifest something not to happen, it comes in contrast with our fear of that thing happening.  
To avoid that our fear manifests something by mistake, we have to be aware of why that fear exists so we can send it away and proceed to manifest freely.   My list is what I tend to do. Everyone has their own ways to work around their fears; I'm talking about what worked best for me in this kind of situation. 
I too had to manifest something to happen or not happen, and it always goes in my favor because I am 100% sure that I am right about that thing happening or not happening. 
and this is on creating your own reality and owning it.
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EFT Tapping To Manifest Appearance Change/Weight Loss
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minkizone · 2 years
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as all of y'all should know by now, manifesting with the law of assumption allows you to freely assume anything you want and it'll be yours! so here are my rules when it comes to manifesting <3
1. my manifestations are instant regardless of everything
2. i can doubt and still get my manifestations right away
3. i don't have to live in the end to get my desires
4. whenever i can i'll affirm and remind myself that i have my desires
5. my manifestations conform in my 3d instantly and cannot take any longer than 3 days
6. my subconscious knows exactly what i want so i don't have to specify anything
7. persisting and affirming is not necessary because i get my desires instantly anyway
manifesting is actually very fun and should not be treated as a job. this is your life and you do you babes. whatever you want, you can get. manifesting should be easy and you should enjoy it. YOU HAVE YOUR DESIRES IN THIS PRESENT MOMENT. THERE'S NO TIME TO WASTE.
things i'll be manifesting:
desired body
desired face
desired weight
$1000 a week at least
my sp
a nice penthouse in the city
new clothes
good grades
travelling the world
a golden retriever
being photogenic & videogenic
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lucygrego20 · 1 year
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Appearance change affirmations!🌸
I did come up with these I think but inspiration credit goes to Electrasoul444 on YouTube and babygothprincess on tumblr! Background from pintrest🌷
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