#man i loved season 2 even though it was only 5 episodes long
lasagoofs · 10 months
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some gomens doodles from the past few days. I’m so normal about them
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trutrustories · 7 months
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining) Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta. I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Soooo EPISODE 1, le´t go: 1)"Mobius It´s me!" few second in and we have slowmo chasing scene with detail on Loki, and Mobius and then THIS Loki´s heartbreaking look on his face here.
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2) "Tell me, you recognize me!" (Loki trying to desperetly find Mobius, and then running towards him) Also If this Time slipping didn´t triggered anything external, but It´s just his own, unlocked power - I honestly don´t know, how they will explain that - does that mean, that he unknowingly unlocked this power, because he was send by Silvie into the past, and then he was simply desperete and Mobius couldn´t recognized him so his body reacted by time slipping to place and time, where Mobius would know who he is???
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3) this very unexpected exhibition of touches (meaning Mobius practicaly glueing himself to Loki for this entire section)
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I´m sorry, but my man here is like "no, I´m not about to let you have a personal space. NOT. AN. OPTION. let me hold you some more" xD
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4) This scene in in an elevator first of all, that was a second time, he slipped and was RIGHT back with Mobius, the very next second. secondly: Mobius being scared for Loki and insisting he needs immediate help thirdly: Loki reassuring Mobius, It´s not that bad.
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also this "we just had sex in a cabin" shot:
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and lastly...
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Big thanks to the film crew for this shot to give us an idea just HOW MUCH OF AN UNUSED SPACE was in the elevator! 👌
5) Mobius and Loki talking to OB. being perfectly coordinated team and smoothly working together, while standing on a same spot, but in a completely different time.
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poetry... just poetry!
6) Distressed God and his Happy Face just so we know: how long is it, since their reunion? Because I would swear that not even five minutes ago Loki was in state of complete panic, and look at him now:
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Look at him smiling, enjoying view at struggling mobius 💚
few minutes with this man, and HE forgets all about his trauma and just vibing.
me too, Loki. Me too 🥲
btw, this thing over here?!!!!
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7) bickering, like married couple, part 1
8) "Mobius if I don´t make it back" and "You´ll make it back". What was it, what where you about to say Loki? It sounded important! next time TALK FASTER!
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9) Mobius risking his life SKIN for loki and refusing to give up on him.
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10) Loki saves Mobius in an epic fashion and they end up in a hug: also they roll around the floor together
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I mean... this whole scene was absolute TOP! So yeah. That was a first episode. before the premiere I was litteraly hoping, that I will see our Loki and our Mobius together at least ONCE, before first end credits. I actually couldn´t believe my own eyes, holy shit!
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cocogum · 3 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 1)
We obviously start with the ✨sadidas✨ Armand and Amalia (as we should 💕) coming back from the assembly meeting with the Eliatrope goddess.
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Okay so were starting off pretty strong lol
I LOVE how Armand thinks about the Eliatrope goddess cuz yeah we were pretty much thinking the same thing (about how she’ll pretty much stalk them and will put her children in their world) and I just absolutely LOVE how he’s keeping his guard because of her and has become even more doubtful of Yugo. (Just look at his eyes as he stares at Amalia!!)
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Because yeah, even though he wasn’t as wary of Yugo before, some hints were still shown in the OVAs when he called him “a king without his people is unheard of” but Yugo shrugged his comment off.
BUT NOW WE GET TO SEE MORE OF ARMAND SLANDERING YUGO and basically exposing Amalia acting “not rational” when she talks about Yugo.
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Armand, my man, your sister’s clearly in love with Yugo OF COURSE SHE WOULDN’T BE RATIONAL WITH HIM (you should’ve seen how she kissed Oropo tho you would’ve lost your shit lo)
I just ADORE Az and his family playing on their tree Tofu tower they look so adorable ☺️✨💖 I already made a headcanon that Yugo and Alibert built it (while Chibi and Grougal just watched).
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Look at these two not doing anything and just being lazy bums 😭😭🥰💕💕
Also I need a gif of Yugo and Alibert hugging with Az and his kids in the background asap ✨
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But all cuteness aside, in all my years of being a Wakfu fan, I literally never saw Yugo make that face before. Like it was so uncalled for that my heart literally dropped when I saw him like that. I never thought that the face of terror and shock (combined with the booming sound in the background) could go so well on him and now I wanna see it more!! I HOPE YOU TORTURE HIM ANKAMA!!
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Btw the Eliatrope goddess is such a fraud and can’t think for herself even though she said she wants to rule a freaking planet but okay (u fucked up the first time by default when ur kids had one planet for themselves but ur already messing up ur second time cuz ur running away from ur problems when U AND NORA WERE THE REASON WHY THE NECROMES GOT OUT ARE U KIDDING ME- YOU DIDN’T CHECK?!!!???!)
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Armand’s really trying hard not to say something racist right now.
Dude can’t even look him in the eyes while saying hi lol
Also can we talk about what Armand told Yugo??? :
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No because im legitimately scared that something bad will happen to her, why else would Armand say these kinds of things to YUGO of all people????
I swear I will actually cry if this ended up being foreshadowing cuz honestly wtf…why did Amalia ever do to you people….My fear for Amalia was already there even before Season 4 so why do you gotta make my paranoia resurface like that??? Why do u gotta do me like that???? 😭😭😭
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This is the guy who started a genocide against his own people and has more common sense than the GODDESS right in front of him. I get that she’s traumatized cuz of what happened to her but you gotta realize that they’ll always run after you if you just keep running, so the least you can do is throw your kids to fight for you. I just love how the only reason why Qilby is saying any of this is because for once, he’s not the one in control of the fate of the world and can’t redirect the signal or stop it himself lol
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hellolulu · 2 years
MAN Shigeo has grown.
[WARNING Another long post about Mob Psycho 100. Contains spoilers for s3 of the anime]
In season 1 any small situation was cause for a sudden +30% or more, and any danger immediately overwhelmed him and put him straight to 90%-100%. He was so easy to upset and anger, and we know that's because a. he's a teenage boy, b. he's not like the other kids, and c. he was always subconsciously trying not to feel anything, so as to not cause anyone any trouble. And anyone who has ever done this knows it is absolutely the best road to destruction.
Then in season 2 he started thinking more about himself - his place in the world and what he wanted. Accordingly, his % climbs (though still fast) were smaller, or at least took a longer time before hitting 100%. He had more control over his feelings but was still easily overwhelmed or swayed by the thoughts and feelings of others.
I think something that goes a little unnoticed is that during season 2, when he met Mogami, who was stronger than him and technically won their battle (but technically he gave up to Mob's ideals instead, which definitely impacted Mob's thought process of "I can help people by talking to them" which he never gives up on) - he learned an extremely interesting and unnoticed lesson from the guy; sure, he re-learned that he loves his friends, aw, but also, he learned that he of all people is easy prey to become an evil spirit - I think that's a big reason he spends the whole season considering his own feelings more, enough to argue with Reigen, based on Mogami's story, but I can talk about that in another post or this will get REALLY long. He also met that spirit family and realised some spirits just Live Here, which definitely pushed him to question his ideals on spirits and people blah blah (this happened before meeting Mogami, in case u need the refresh, and once again, I can talk about this in more detail another time).
He also met Suzuki senior in season 2, someone that he felt he could have an equal fight with. He enjoyed the fight, and finally got to have a feel for his powers. For a moment, he stopped ignoring the extent of them, truly feeling his powers out and letting them be destructive, even if only for one battle (the manga readers will understand my deeper meaning that the whole story is literally teaching him how to handle the final arc, anime watchers hold onto your hats - it's Good.) He was grinning and having fun, fighting someone that could match his energy (until he couldn't aha Suzuki senior loser moment) but when he remembered the people who needed him to protect them, he calmed himself down. And he really did!! Underrated Shigeo moment! He remembered his goals and he refocused himself toward them after being carried away by his feelings for much much longer than ever before!! Boss energy!
So in short, he spent the whole of season 2 questioning what his powers really mean to him, how much they are a part of him, and how despite them, he can live as a person just like everyone else. He's discovered that it is possible to be an esper and a person, and he goes into season 3 balancing these two sides of his life much better.
And now we already see in season 3 (there are only 5 episodes so far as of writing this) that Shigeo is not only able to think coherently about how he feels, and able to contemplate on much more complex, abstract thoughts, but he's also consciously able to choose how he wants to express them. He uses his powers in a new way through the season, moving and thinking at the same time, confident in his powers AND the way he wields them (the first instance of his gentle-but-powerful power show was probably during the end of the separation arc tbh, using it on all the cameras and such in front of a big crowd of people - able to show his powers in front of people, knowing with confidence that he's in control of them. Again, I can elaborate later).
And geez, the things he's encountering in this season would have made s1 Shigeo climb to 100% in a heartbeat - Hanazawa earnestly trying to fight him again despite being his close friend; everyone he knows being brainwashed in a way that leaves them intact but makes him their enemy; Dimple trying to push him to fight while also pulling his punches - the complexity of these situations are things s1 Shigeo definitely wouldn't know how to deal with: season 1 mob would be a mess. And WHEW, he would NOT have been able to calmly move past Ritsu getting brainwashed (regardless of Reigen's impact on him, s1 mob would have handled it much worse).
But s3 Shigeo is out there, consciously trying to understand the situations he's encountering, his own feelings, and the complex feelings of those around him, figuring it all out while he's in the moment. The extremely slow incline of 1% at a time again and again throughout this episode (s3e5), is so new to see, but it proves that he's got himself handled, and it's a true testament to his growth! He's in control of his own actions and feelings now, because he knows with confidence that he won't use his powers to hurt people unless he makes the conscious choice to - and he knows when it's appropriate to fight, to talk, and to run. He won't hurt people because he chooses peace.
Man, just, he's grown so much from the boy who was afraid of losing control at any given moment, and I'm really proud of him. That's one cool protagonist.
Side note: I cannot WAIT for the people who haven't read the manga to see what's coming in the rest of the season - it's incredible and I'm already losing my mind with excitement.
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cleabellanov · 2 months
Jet-Skiing through Identity: a deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 5)🚤
The analyst is now going on missions, and he is doing such a great job. Plus, he's looking damn good doing it.
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I think that in episode 2, "Breaking Brad" (one of my favs, like i really really love this one) , we get to see both extremes of Mobius as a character, which is great! We begin with his steady personality, looking for trouble to resolve it, not to cause it.
This is when we can see Mobius and Loki use that trust that they previously built, and working together. The comfort emanated in the scene where they're trying to fix that TemPad, for example, feels so good and natural specifically because it has background. (...and they're very, very good together. And Tom and Owen always knew what they were doing. Anyway, you get the point.)
Brad/ X-5 is a complicated person, and the others knew that when trying to get information out of him. Does that stop Mobius from trying to ease the atmosphere with one of his jokes? No: he's still running to the beat of a good heart, he can't help it. His way of being, this approach, is part of him, and we've seen that in season 1 as well.
The trigger is, however, pulled in him when Brad tells him he's a nowhere man. He usually endures things well, so what made him snap this time?
I think that hearing it out loud, AND put like that (f u brad), Mobius finally got hurt by the emotions he was trying so hard to suppress.
Distancing from that, and all the past he knows nothing about, he alienated from himself too, because they are essentialy part of him.
Saying "You're a nowhere man" to Mobius is similar to saying "What, like you did with your mother?" to Loki. It's a half truth that hurts especially because it was left in the darkness. Like someone flashing a lantern in your eyes after you've been wandering though a cavern.
We can see he uses denial too as a coping mechanism, in our most beloved scene: the pie room one. He doesn't admit it at first, but with Loki being Loki (and the person he cares the most about as well), he admits he's wrong: "Listen, that wasn't tactical. I lost it".
So it's not pride when he doesn't want to see his mistakes! it's a need to make everything perfect, for others more than for himself.
It's also no secret that Mobius finds comfort in food, especially pie. So having a sweet with Loki certainly calms him down.
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Next, he tells Loki:
"The TVA is the only life I've ever known. I like it!"
"Something bad I can handle. What if it's something good?"
Does he really like his life there, or only the meaning of it?
I interpret him not wanting to look, not even now, for avoiding feeling guilty about leaving that behind. Maybe he even draws a parallel, and realizing that he has a life on the timeline it hits harder that so did all the people from the timelines he pruned
But also, he can't leave his mission! He can't leave Loki! Remember how in season 1 he told Ravonna that if he could go anywhere, anytime, he'd go to his place on the timeline? This changes now, when it's actually possible. A life he never known doesn't have a purpose for him. This one, though? This one definitely does.
One last thing thing I want to mention *for today* is how sweet Mobius is telling Loki that he's the God of Mischief. After years of this title being used negatively, Mobius says it as a compliment. He not only knows the comfort of touch (s2e1), but of words of affirmation too:
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see you for the next part!! I underestimated how long this series of analysis would be :)), but only 2 more parts to go 💙
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Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 5 (scattered) thoughts and first impressions (ramblings)
Major spoilers under the cut
This one is also very long because mannnnnnn did I love this episode and omg do I have big feelings about it
Also yes I do love each member of tbb but in case it’s not obvious I’m a crosshair girlie. Have been since I first heard his voice in season 7 of tcw so this is gonna be very crosshair centric (because he finally has screen time and more than like 2 speaking lines this season!!)
Lula! 🥰🥰
Is Omega in a supply closet? Whatever better than her barren room at the lab
Ah nope her old “room” the gun turret 🥰🥰
A glimpse of mornings on board the marauder: peaceful boys and caf 🥹 probably only peaceful again now that omega is home
This is Omega’s best look omg the the crocheted vest??? I wanna cosplay her now or actually just wear this outfit fr
At first I was so annoyed they kept crosshair in this ugly ass outfit but I honestly think it’s because even though it’s warm on Pabu he’s always cold because he’s so skinny now (well he always was lean but this is a testament to how much weight he lost as a prisoner) They keep trying to feed him fruit and my man keeps using it as target practice 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I honestly love when they show scenes through like either a scope or helmet visor. Like I really love seeing what they’re seeing. In this case AZI (so happy they took him from Cids bar- sorry “parlor”….it was a dive bar)
He’s so mad at his hand 😭 my poor baby he really should let AZI look at it. What do we think it is? Nerve damage? I imagine it feels tingly like when your foot falls asleep.
I love that Batcher loves him!! Animals know good people. He’s a good man Savannah! 😭😭😭 and he likes Batcher too and anyone that’s kind to animals is ok by me.
Ugh Crosshair teaching Omega about being a sniper 🥰🥰😭🥰😭🥰 one day she’s just gonna pop out with a sick trick shot lmao
Shouldn’t have given him his rifle??? Sir it’s an extension of him, it’s like you gave him back one of his body parts
“Omega trusts him and that’s good enough for me” Wrecker!!! My sweet boy!! Big man and even bigger heart. He’s now kinda caught in the middle he wants to be cool with Crosshair again but doesn’t want to betray Hunter they’ve been through a lot just the 2 of them these past several months. Crosshair and Hunter are like parents in the middle of a divorce 😭
53%???? Fuckkkkkkk way worse than we thought
Echo!!!!! Yay mom came home!
“No hug for me” screaming crying throwing up! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 💔💔💔💔he’s disguising it as sarcasm but he wants it, he wants a hug! SOMEBODY HUG HIM DAMMIT! I volunteer!!! Please
Omega between her 2 dads 🥰 (Though is Crosshair more wine aunt vibes sometimes?) And batcher by Crosshair’s feet of course
Yummmmm I bet Pabu has banging sushi 🍣 Love Wrecker being an unbothered king enjoying his sush🥰
😭😭😭😭😭 Crosshair’s face when Echo mentioned Tech. He knows. He knows he fell or perished (shh no 🤡) trying to save him. They’re twins and he lost his other half and I’m devastated!! 😭
Haaaaa welcome to parenting a teenager Hunter!!!
Are Hunter’s eyes green all of a sudden?
Crosshair being the voice of reason?? I love seeing this side of him. I HC that since he is silent and highly observant he was a voice reason often for the batch. (Can we please get a series of TBB during the clone wars?? Or like when they were cadets or something. We only see them in 4 episodes in tcw and they were just an insane suicide squad who hated regs and didn’t follow orders or have anyone in charge of them like I wanna see their adventures and their dynamic and how they are when they have downtime! Please lucasfilmmmmmm 🙇‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️)
“I’m older than you are, little brother” 😂😂😂 and she got crosshair to chuckle lol ugh I love their dynamic so much. They are really feeding us rn (please don’t take it away)
Omg he’s so brave bringing them back there! To that freaking ice planet where nothing but trauma happened for Crosshair. I know he probably wished he would never have to go back there again but he knows this will help so he goes anyway
The old armor!!!! Helllllll frickinnnn yeaaaaaa (he’s so hot in armor omg I have a headache)
“Take a guesssssss” 🥵
“He started it” 😂😂 major youngest sibling energy
Mayday’s helmet! 💔💔💔💔 somebody sedate me!! 😭
Why can’t Hunter sense the Wyrm?
TOOTHPICK!!! Wrecker defo kept his toothpicks in the armor case 🥰
Frickin ice vulture always an omen. (Animals seem to really like Crosshair though even the scary ones)
“I know you” 😭 I know Hunter meant it in a “I know you’re sneaky and closed off and I’m expecting the worst from you right now ” but it just hit me harder than that. “I know you”- you’re my brother, the youngest I’ve known you since the day you were born. “I know you- I know there’s more to your silence I know your still waters run way deeper than you let on.” “I’m your brother- I know you talk to me I know you”❤️‍🩹
Oh shitttttt thems are fightin words yes let it out everyone
“I’ll do it! 😁” Wreckerrrr I love you
Hunter’s fast af boi!
Batcher is actually ripped af 💪
Ok petition that Cross doesn’t yell anymore it doesn’t suit him at all lmaoooo
Poor Wrecker yes it’s always ALWAYS a huge monster 😭
“Fantastic” 😂😂😂
Omg this is a roller coaster of emotions! Crosshair being soft with Batcher, the nodding! Ugh nothing like fending off a giant ice wyrm to bring bros back together
He’s so pretty shut up I know his head is shaped like a lightbulb
progress 😌
“I thought I was being a good soldier 😔” * *pterodactyl screeching *
Welp Im deceased, fed and nurtured but dead at the same time.
Thank you thank you thank you for these past few episodes. Us Crosshair girlies were really in pain seasons 1 and 2
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Hi @respectthepetty, what were your top 5 colour moments in bl/ql this year?
Thank you.
@blogiamgoingmad, this is a tough one because I love all the colors I get regardless of how they come to me. In fact, I love color so much, I've written about the best visual narratives in two other posts:
Top 5 - Color-Coded Storytelling in BLs
Reading the (Visual) Rainbow Awards
So for this ask, I made sure to not pick the same moments listed in the other two posts, and this list includes unfinished shows as long as the "color moment" happened in 2023.
Top Five Color Moments of 2023
Honorable Mention: 7 Days Before Valentine - Dark Descent
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Since the show isn't finished, and I know Q is going to be completely black before the end, I'm greatly enjoying seeing him get darker and darker each episode as he erases another person from existence at Sun's request.
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Even though the lighting still shines brighter on him than Sun, I don't think that is going to last much longer, especially because I think Sun is going to ask Q to erase him which will cause Q to be the darkest he has been. I'm smiling too much at the mere thought of this to be sane, but this is a great visual narrative that I want to see more shows use consistently.
#5 - GAP - Tickled Pink
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I love color exchanges (where a character wears the other character's color to show they are in love), but Sam, a Black Brooder, took her sweet ass time wearing Mon's pink in GAP. I was Kirby holding a knife outside her house all season waiting for Sam to prove that she loved Mon by simply wearing Mon's pink.
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The last episode was upon us, and I needed to know if Sam was finally going to commit to Mon's pink; then, Idol Factory announced the finale would not be released on streaming platforms until after a paid screening. I was mad, but I'm a pirate by blood, so I watched an unsubbed version, saw Sam wearing pink as her WEDDING DRESS, and forgive Idol Factory for its season of color frustration because if the wedding didn't tell us Sam was committed to her Pink Person, the pink wedding dress sure the hell did.
#4 - Bed Friend - The Blue Light
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Uea was great at communicating boundaries with King in Bed Friend, and King was even better abiding by them. So in the second episode, after taking Uea to go get tested after they had sex, King asked Uea to try a bed friends situation out, to which Uea said okay, but then avoided King. Blue Boy King (actually bi-colored) drove Red Rascal Uea home and put him on the spot asking Uea to make a decision as they waited at the red light with the countdown flashing: If Uea said "yes," they would go to King's condo, and if Uea said nothing, he would take Uea straight home. Then, Uea GAVE HIM THE GREEN BLUE LIGHT.
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This light was blue instead of green which leaned into the color coding, but it was perfectly timed with Uea opening himself up to the possibility of something more with King. The light changing was a symbolic moment, and it was beautiful.
#3 - Last Twilight - Pink Milk
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This series isn't finished, but I hope it continues to give me Mork in pink shirts because pink = 💗love💗, and this is the perfect homage to a BL tradition. Pink milk is a BL staple, but wasn't used that much in 2023. Only Friends referenced it, but Last Twilight purchased real estate in BL Land with its ode to it. Day and Mork had a nice day out together where Day purchased that bright ass pink shirt for Mork after Mork claimed it was too pink like Pink Milk for him to ever wear. Then, after losing each other on a busy street, Mork put on the bright pink shirt so Day could see him and hasn't stopped wearing pink since.
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Mork fell first. He fell harder. And we don't need pink milk to know he is a member of the rainbow community. He has pink shirts to let us and Day see him for who he is - a man in love with another man.
#2 - Moonlight Chicken - Alan's Glow Up
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Alan was in his feelings for most of his part in Moonlight Chicken. He was still in love with Wen and trying to make it work living with him, but Wen was done done. He was upset that Wen was seeing someone else. He broke a limb being drunk over Wen! He was sad, cold, and alone. Then, he spoke to Jim at the funeral after speaking with Kaipa, and he seemed to brighten up a bit.
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Alan's color continued to brighten and become warmer as the series came to a close due to a combination of realizing Wen had really moved on, and that he, too, could do the same.
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I won't give his newfound "friendship' with Kaipa all the credit because I truly think being friends with his ex and friendly with his ex's new boyfriend is what really warmed Alan up. Knowing he had a community, which was a theme in the series, was the support Alan needed to glow up.
#1 - The Eighth Sense - Monochrome Metro
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This moment actually belongs to @how-to-be-a-tree who brought it to my attention, but Jae Won was color coded black and dark while Ji Hyun was a colorful and light person. When they went on their not-date-date, as they sat opposite of each other on the metro, their sides of the empty metro car reflected their respective color coding.
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A few people in the reblogs and tags pointed out it was the BL version of the above meme, but it truly was a moment of pure awe that the show went as far as to color edit the seats to reinforce the story being told. Jae Won wasn't magically a lighter person simply being around Ji Hyun. He was still dark, and it wouldn't be until the end of the series that Jae Won actually became a bit lighter because HE was finally ready for change, which speaks volumes about depression and mental health.
Bonus: Jeff Satur x SHAUN's "Steal the Show"
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Because it was gay (canon to me), color coded, and beautiful!
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x12 New York City Serenade
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(gif by @pirateherokillian)
Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 938
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Killian tossed the bean into the churning sea and then jumped just as he saw the smoke of the newest curse billow toward him.  He let out a long breath as the portal closed around him.
He’d made it.
Now came the real challenge.  Before he’d left the band of heroes, Regina had told him she’d given Swan and Henry a life in New York City.  Killian recalled the one and only time he’d been in this New York.  It had been a land of noise, bustle and endless people.  It was a strange land where he could walk among the citizens dressed as a pirate of old, and no one batted an eye. (Aside, of course, from that group of giggling women who had requested he take a selfie with them, whatever the blazes that was.) 
How did one even begin to search for someone in this sprawling metropolis? Killian supposed he could always break into Baelfire’s apartment and use it as a home base of sorts while he waited if that proved necessary. 
The portal deposited Killian upon a sidewalk and he fell to his knees with a wince.  He got quickly back to his feet, looking around himself, pleased to see this particular sidewalk was largely deserted.
Killian glanced around to find that he’d landed in front of what may be a lodging house of some kind–an apartment building, he believed it was called in this land.  It seemed to be outside of the heart of the city, the sidewalk lined by well manicured trees and shrubs.
Perhaps he’d been fortunate.  Perhaps the portal had deposited him in front of Swan’s abode.  He strode toward the gate before the building and pulled at the handle.
It appeared to be locked tight.
Killian peered down at the lock and frowned.  It didn’t seem to require a key.  All he could see was some manner of keypad.  How was one to pick a lock such as this?
He was still trying to determine the answer to that when an elderly lady came to the gate and gave him a disapproving look.
“Just why are you loitering here, young man?” she asked, frowning up at him.
Killian bit his lip to keep from laughing at the “young man” comment.  If only she knew his actual age!  “I believe my girlfriend lives in this building, madam,” he said in his most charming tone, the one that got even Granny herself to blush.  “Emma Swan?  Can you help me get in?”
If anything, the woman’s frown deepened, and she folded her arms.  “I’ve met Emma Swan’s boyfriend, and you are not him.”
Killian ignored the nasty, jealous feeling the statement evoked.  It was vital he get to Emma as soon as possible and restore her memories.  He hadn’t time to reflect on the current state of her love life and the emotions that dredged up within him.
“I think you must be mistaken,” he lied smoothly.  “That relationship is at an end, and she’s with me now.” 
She continued to watch him carefully for another moment, and then nodded, turning toward the keypad and unlocking the door.  “Well, I can’t say I’m sorry to see the end of Walsh,” she said.  “There was always something kind of….shifty…about him.  I’m not sure that you’re any better, though.  Don’t think I can’t see right through that charm you ooze.”
“You find me charming?” he asked, flirting shamelessly as he followed her into the building and then surreptitiously glanced at the buzzer board in the entryway to find the apartment number he was looking for.  His grin widened as the elderly woman finally blushed.
“Don’t let it go to your head, young man,” she said, turning to open an apartment door on the ground floor.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Killian was still grinning from the encounter as he climbed the stairs until he’d reached Swan’s floor, but the grin was replaced by nerves when he reached her door.  Was he ready for this?  Was he ready to see her again and see the lack of recognition in her eyes?
Would his plan to bestow a True Love’s Kiss on her work to restore her memories?  He knew she cared about him; he’d seen it in her eyes when they’d bid each other farewell at the town line.  Was it enough to break a curse?
He took a deep breath and then stood taller, looking at the door determinedly.  There was only one way to find out.
Taking one more fortifying breath, he raised his fist and knocked.
Five minutes later, Killian hobbled down the stairs and back out onto the sidewalk, his heart smarting as much as his nether regions at the failure of his first plan.  Aye, it had been a long shot that his True Love’s Kiss would work.  Perhaps her feelings were not as strong as he’d hoped they were.  Still one hardly wished his kiss to his beloved to be followed by a swift knee to his groin. 
For a moment, as he got his bearings and began making his way toward Baelfire’s abode, Killian allowed himself to feel the sting of rejection, but then he firmly put it aside.
So his first attempt had failed.  He still had the potion.  Aye, he had hoped to give it to the lad after his kiss had restored Swan’s memories, but he could adapt.  It was time to rethink his approach and strategize.
Getting through Regina’s memory spell was going to be quite the challenge, but he loved a challenge, and he loved Emma.
She was worth fighting for.
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butterflydm · 9 months
wot deeper dive 2x1: a taste of solitude
Today is all about 2x1 for me! I am going to go scene by scene, talk up some thoughts about where we're starting with all our lovely characters in this first episode of season 2.
This specific post I am going to avoid any spoilers from the books! I will be doing another post later today that includes those spoilers and related thoughts.
Our first scene is the meeting that Our Friend From the Eye is having with his buddies, which I've talked about before since it was one of the released teasers but I really do love how it sets up some themes that I'm sure we'll follow over the course of the season -- what is evil? How can you tell if something or someone is evil? I really get the vibe that we're going to do a deep interrogation of Why People Become Darkfriends and I am here for it. I love him setting up his own philosophical view on the world here.
What the Man is arguing here is essentially that the Trollocs (and, by extension, the Shadow) aren't immoral but are amoral instead. "Hungry" rather than "malicious".
2. I do mourn the loss of our lovely little title sequence. I guess they wanted to squeeze every last possible second that they could for content!
3. I love the sort of bait-and-switch here where Moiraine is working her ass off... in order to fill a bath for herself. But this whole sequence is so touching and heartbreaking. When she tries to heat the water but fails to reach the Source. Heartbreaking! And when she's all alone, you can really see how she's despairing over her situation and her helplessness. She can't hold in her tears when she's alone.
4. And Lan is feeling his own sense of despair here. Equally heartbreaking. Going from a feeling so deeply connected to someone to them just being gone, and not as a temporary thing but, as far as you know, a forever thing.
5. Verin and Adeleas (and Tomas) are a fun set of characters. I just found their entire setup very charming and I enjoyed everything with them. Poor Adeleas is so thirsty though, lol.
6. It really is hard to see Moiraine staying at such an emotional distance from Lan! She didn't even look at him.
7. Egwene's Journey Through The White Tower did a good job setting the new expectations for her current situation and her role here as a novice -- cleaning the Amrylin's room, enjoying the view, the little bow she gives Leane, trying not to watch Alanna having fun with Maksim and Ihvon, passing by the Warder sparring area, and ending in the kitchens. We learn here that the Amrylin is off traveling. Hmm. I wonder where she went (I mean, it's likely an excuse to not have the actress for this set of episode -- I'm guessing we'll only get Sophie for one episode, maybe two, for this season).
8. Nynaeve telling Egwene to stop smiling over doing her chores, lol. I don't think we get a 'time-stamp' yet in this part -- I think it's Perrin who first lets us know how long it's been since they parted at Fal Dara. I'm guessing that they didn't leave Fal Dara right away and needed to take time to recover before heading to Tar Valon -- I even wonder if maybe Perrin & co actually traveled with Nynaeve and Egwene to Tar Valon as an escort? Because they all celebrate Bel Tine later in this episode, so it's been one year since 1x1, but Perrin notes that he's been hunting the Horn with the boys for "five months". This would also mean that Loial could have gotten some Aes Sedai healing at the Tower. I don't think that the show will go back and address it because we are barreling forward but... things that make me go 'hmm'.
9. Nynaeve is SO ANNOYED and feels so bait-and-switched by Siuan's promises, lol. "I have enough character". Amazing, perfect, no notes.
10. I love so much how Alanna's lesson is folded into the chores! She's teaching them but also showing them useful things (purifying water is a VERY useful skill!) while also giving them an incentive to get better as quickly as possible lol. Alanna as the Charming Green is such an interesting contrast to Liandrin the Bitter Red, especially since they're both getting explored as full, rich characters.
11. Egwene takes lessons wherever she can find them -- here, we see her avoiding using her hands because she doesn't want to be helpless if someone ties her hands up again, like Valda did. Ah, we do get the "five months" timestamp here too -- five months "in this Tower", so that's not including the travel time it took to get there. That matches what Perrin is saying, so I feel like there is an implication there that Perrin & co escorted Egwene & Nynaeve to the Tower. Five months is a long time for Nynaeve to have completely failed to channel again despite being surrounded by teachers, so I understand why she's so frustrated.
12. Nynaeve drinking the glass of filthy water is just so disgusting but also perfect. And Alanna just going ??? what is wrong with that girl???
13. So... holy shit, a novice died under Liandrin's teachings. Wild that she was given permission to 'talk' to Nynaeve. I'm with Alanna on that, 100%. Liandrin should not have been allowed anywhere near Nynaeve.
14. Liandrin gives us some world updates: Hunt for the Horn declared in Illian; Trollocs raiding Arafel; and a new false Dragon is Saldaea. Thank you for the world info update, Liandrin! I appreciate it!
15. Perrin writing letters to his friends really gets to me. It makes me very emotional. I love that sense of connection getting to still be present. And Perrin has been writing them regular letters!! And Perrin is also writing letters home and asking if Mat has found his way back!!
16. Oh, hello, Mysterious Golden-eyed Tracker. Nice to meet you, Elyas.
And the way they're doing everything with Perrin is interesting. I feel like given the audience something to experience is important, rather than it being Perrin narrating what he sees/smells, especially since he hasn't talked about any of what he's been going through with anyone on-screen, really.
17. Padan Fain killing a young woman and helping slaughter an entire caravan of people who follow the path of non-violence. What was that about not being able to tell if someone's actions are evil or not, Man from The Eye of the World?
18. One of the children escaped, and one of the Tuatha'an dogs killed one of the Darkfriend soldiers protecting the young girl's escape but died protecting her.
19. Moiraine is very successfully sneaky here with Doman, making him believe she's after one thing but getting him to haggle down on the thing that she's truly interested in. And I think she realizes that Doman has something real because of his mention that he's being followed and then the whole, you know, "Old Tongue written in blood" thing. She plays him good. But then when she realizes how much danger he might be in, she gives him another ten marks to help him out.
Lan's thoughts on the bond are very poetic. I love him getting to talk these things over with another Warder. And Lan is very aware that Moiraine is trying to push him away and is determined not to let her freeze him out, but it's hard!
20. Nynaeve finding so much more comradery with the Warders than with the Aes Sedai (but then also that moment when she insults Alanna and they make it clear that she's gone too far). We also get a bit of a look into the Alanna-Maksim-Ihvon poly dynamics. Nynaeve does try to reach out to Egwene but Egwene is never in her room!
21. It is so funny that Alanna thought that Egwene came to her for advice on poly relationships. Egwene trying to mirror Alanna with how she leans against the cushions: also hilarious. (who does Alanna think that Egwene is having sex with, I gotta wonder, lol) Poor Egwene. Once Alanna realizes what Egwene is actually asking, though, she gives her some solid advice.
22. Nynaeve practicing Alanna's lesson on her own because she DOES want to learn but she doesn't want to fail in front of other people. And Liandrin's entire scene with her was so well done but also: wow, yikes ouch. Nynaeve's reaction to being shielded by Liandrin (getting teary; looking at her hands afterwards) reminds me of Moiraine's reaction to what happened to her at the Eye. Liandrin is also really good at getting under people's skins. Hearing the official Red policy on Warders is really a sad way to look at things, but does explain a lot (but she's also trying to get Nynaeve to react). "You saw that weave only once but you were able to copy it" - Nynaeve's a quick learner, when she can touch the Power. Such an intense scene!
23. Really liked the funeral scene. Elyas buries the brave dog who protected the little girl. Ingtar and Perrin talk about Darkfriends and revenge and grace. "All men deserve a proper burial". Perrin talking about being worried that the rage will overwhelm him (which is directly what led to him accidentally killing his wife in the premiere). "Anger won't bring my men back." But Perrin can't stop thinking about how open and warm his people were to Fain, and then Fain betrayed them all (with a smile!).
24. Lan telling Moiraine not to smile at him while they're in a terrible situation like this, and she's pushing him away. Getting two flashbacks from that -- a. Nynaeve telling Egwene not to smile about doing her chores earlier in this episode and b. Siuan telling Moiraine not to smile back in episode 1x6. This does hurt and I think it hurts Lan that he knows what she's doing, trying to drive him away, and it's still working anyway because he doesn't feel that intimate connection that they've shared for the last twenty years.
25. Us getting that lovely moment of Perrin writing the letter, and Egwene and Nynaeve receiving it, and Rand all on his own, thinking of his friends, and then poor Mat, getting tormented by Liandrin by her only reading part of the letter, making him believe that his friends don't care about him anymore. The way Egwene and Nynaeve are able to connect for a moment, and how all five of them are thinking about each other on Bel Tine (which tells us that it's officially been a year since 1x1). Perrin is a wonderful correspondent, with a very nice way with words.
26. "A dozen letters now, and not a single mention of Mat Cauthon." Liandrin is very very good at knife-twisting. Also, Perrin has sent them a dozen letters in only five months. He is a very faithful correspondent. Ugh, I was immediately gutted by the look on Mat's face. And this is confirmation that Mat has heard that Rand is dead (and from Liandrin, probably the worst person to hear it from!). Ah, we have a "six months" timestamp from Mat here, so it took Egwene & Nynaeve roughly a month or so to get to Tar Valon from Fal Dara, since they've been in the Tower for five months. Ugh, Liandrin has been picking and picking at him for six months. My poor darling. And I bet he's especially emotional over it right now because it's Bel Tine.
27. Mat can't afford a lantern this year either, and he doesn't have any other ways of getting one. Perrin almost says goodbye to Laila here but can't quite do it (that's how I'm interpreting the moment with the ring), which means that this lantern is only for Rand. And Nynaeve and Egwene also put out a lantern for Rand, to say goodbye. Then we see Rand with a lantern, all by himself in a city. We only get this one glimpse of Rand in the whole episode but it's still very emotional.
28. Love the reveal that Mat is secretly trying to work on an escape plan. Great moment to end his little scene here on.
29. Also love Lan getting some Warder therapy from Adeleas, Verin, and Tomas. Also, lol, Adeleas just wants to eat her meal. I love Verin and Adeleas's relationship. This is such a good scene.
30. Apologies to my dearest Moiraine & Lan, but I never have much to say about fight scenes. That scene sure did... fight. Good fighting in that scene. Their hands touching at the end got to me though. I liked getting to see Verin channel Tomas's sword to be on fire. That was pretty cool.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
Notes for the 5th and final season of Crownless, the Young Aragorn show that has lived rent-free in my brain since a slightly insane message to a friend at 1am sometime in 2019:
[s1&2, s3, s4]
A few quick notes before we get juicy:
- Gandalf still appears once per season this whole time
- hopefully Stephen Colbert has been doing the same thing, as a random assortment of unrelated very minor characters
- the man who's herb-loremaster of the Houses of Healing in RotK, who explains the linguistic history of athelas rather than producing any of the plant, is a junior apprentice with the healers. We met a young Ioreth in Lossarnach in a MotW episode in s4 I think
- reminder that the theme song is a setting of the "All that is gold does not glitter" poem and that young Aragorn is SO hot. We WILL cast someone who could slam open the doors of Helm's Deep and swagger in like sex on legs.
- I am definitely playing fast and loose with canon timeline and geopolitical events this season
Okay, real stuff now:
Until now I’ve mostly just described character arcs and plot points but now it’s time for MAJOR THEMES. As manifested by character foils.
[maniacal delighted laughter]
Note: this season, Aragorn is like 40% protagonist and Arwen and Denethor are both 30%, and Dúnawen, Halbarad and Roddis are solidly secondary cast - but, to an extent, more notable than in s3-4, because we're spending less time on monster of the week with all its minor 1- or 2-ep characters.
Yes, we've completed the slow transition from pure MotW to nearly pure season-long plot. There's still an element of new problem and/or location each week, but the driving issue all season is the increasingly unavoidable war with Umbar. There is at least one episode where Aragorn is back in the northern woods with Halbarad and Dúnawen and they save a random hamlet from trolls or something...but it's not as simple as it used to be...but maybe it still feels more right than all the work Aragorn has been doing in the south...
[we'll get to that]
So, ideally, this show is a 5-season musing essay on leadership…and Denethor is a good leader. He is a good Steward of Gondor. I WILL die on this hill. He is too proud to bow his head to any other and he looks first to Gondor's advantage and only sometimes beyond that, but these are not terrible failings in the Steward of Gondor. By the time we meet him in LotR, he has led his country in an increasingly hopeless war for four decades, and they love or at least respect the hell out of them -
No, actually, let's talk about amdir vs estel.
Both are forms of hope. Amdir, as defined in the Athrabeth Finrod a Andreth (courtesy of Tolkien Gateway) is "an expectation of good, which though uncertain has some foundation in what is known." Denethor, I posit - I write in this show - has a good capacity for amdir. He believes in the strength of Gondor and its people...but Sauron overthrows his hope of victory by showing him the seemingly overwhelming forces set against him. Denethor isn't pessimistic by nature, but even when he's optimistic, he's realistic. He cannot bring himself to believe in goodness beyond what there is at least a glimmer of evidence for.
Estel is an unfortunately symptom of Tolkien's Catholocism more synonymous with "faith" than "hope." Finrod describes estel as, "not defeated by the ways of the world, for it does not come from experience, but from our nature and first being. If we are indeed the Eruchin, the Children of the One, then He will not suffer Himself to be deprived of His own, not by any Enemy, not even by ourselves." Or, if we strip out some of the religiosity for network television and my own preference: estel is hope beyond reason or any real evidence, save perhaps gut instinct. Estel is sending 2 halflings alone to take the Ring to Mordor and hurl it into Mount Doom, and in the end using yourself as bait to give them more time. Estel is the belief that joy always lies on the far side of sorrow, no matter how long the journey through the dark.
Aragorn, of course, is literally named Estel.
And estel is the empirically correct choice in Middle Earth, because that's how the world and story (same difference) is built. The characters do not and should not know that, but it is - we the audience knows that the answer to the question "who should rule Gondor, Denethor or Aragorn" is 100% "Aragorn." But the characters don't! And therein lies the conflict.
(Ecthelion is still here, being the actual Steward of Gondor. But Finduilas's death and the loss of his friend Thengel, and the mounting stress of the rising power of Mordor and how it's riling up all their southern and eastern neighbors, compound with his genuine age...he is still mighty in heart and mind, but his time is passing and everyone knows it.)
The question of the first 4 seasons, for audience and characters alike, was, "can Aragorn be King of Gondor?" Is he wise enough, is he charismatic enough, is skilled at diplomacy and at war, does he know how to care and command without being overbearing, he capable in a practical way at bureaucracy, tolerating fools and the hundred little tasks which a king must do daily...
By the end of s4, we all know that the answer is "yes." He still lacks experience, but he always will until he starts the job - Aragorn did some clever stately thing at the end of s4, and when Thengel fell he took able command of the battlefield before handing it gracefully to Theoden, and if Ecthelion died tomorrow Aragorn could successfully claim is crown and lead Gondor in the war they all know is coming...
The question now is: should Aragorn be King of Gondor? This is really multiple questions: Does Gondor need a central ruler at all? (What about democracy?) If so, does Gondor need a King, when they have a Steward? Does Gondor need a King right now? What about Arnor?
The answers, which will be clear by the end of the season, are in order:
1. Yes Gondor needs a central ruler; this isn't even really a question the show poses. We are NOT dropping modern political theory into my medievalesque fantasy show, thank you very much. We will continue to explore hte internal Gondorin politics set up in s4, though - the Steward's power isn't absolute; there are fiefs to the south and there are always other lords, merchants, scholars, craftsmen, farmers and laborers with their own power...
2. Gondor doesn't necessarily need a King...but it does need Aragorn more than it needs Denethor, see: amdir vs. estel. It will especially need Aragorn more, Aragorn's personal and political philosophy more, when at last the war is won and there is rebuilding to do for nor just Gondor but all Middle Earth...
3. But the sort of unlikely alliances at which Aragorn excels (because he is capable of thinking of other nations before Gondor) will not save then now, or, will not save them when Sauron truly begins to attack, except with Rohan. Rhun might be convinced to neutrality, but there is too much bad blood with Harad, with Khand, with Umbar... Aragorn can be king of this realm, he should be king of this realm, but there is nothing he can do for it for now that Denethor cannot...
4. And there is still trouble in Arnor, where there is no glory to be had for dealing it [see: aforementioned 'back in the woods' episode]. S5 is based out of Minas Tirith, but there is more travel - the designated "land of the season" is really the Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor as they will be in the Fourth Age. it opens with a 2-parter diplomatic mission to (Rhun?) to avert whatever war would otherwise have started from the attack on Rohan at the end of s4. Aragorn spends a lot of time in the southern fiefs (Lossarnach, Lebannin, Dol Amroth, etc), especially as the threat of the Corsairs of Umbar becomes paramount. And he returns to Arnor, as he has only a couple times since s1...
Though mostly it's Arwen who spends time in Arnor this season. Arwen's questions are different than Aragorn's. She's been competent this whole time - she has studied wise, strong, gentle rule with some of the greatest stewards Elvenkind ever knew. She did have to figure out how to adjust to Men, but she's done that, and moreover, she knows she wants to do that. She loves Aragorn, she loves Minas Tirith and Gondor, its hills and shores and people; she could make a life here, even if a short one, and something in her trills at the mystery of what would come next...
It also scares her. That she wants it, the ferocity with which she wants it, scares her. And the cost is so high...
The show's 100th episode would happen this season, and I would beg, I would blow half my budget, I would ritually sacrifice an unpaid intern...I would hopefully have proven myself enough with s1-4 that I could convince the Tolkien estate to sell me the rights to the extended Tale of Beren and Lúthien, or the Lay of Leithen or whatever complete form they're willing to share, for just one episode...so the 100th episode would some sort of flashback/dream sequence/illusion cast by a skilled elvish minstrel of the complete tale of Beren and Lúthien with Aragorn cast as Beren and Arwen as Lúthien, and etc. characters in corresponding roles.
(I'd do it with just what we have in LotR+Appendices, but I want the full rights so bad. For just 1 episode!)
With literally 22 episodes per season, this would be ep 12, in which case it is the final straw that prompts Arwen to flee Gondor and the fate she feels drawing in on her. If it's earlier, same. If later, she might've gone already, and this flashback/imagining comes as Galadriel tells her the story as she literally saw some of it.
There's also some sort of plot for Arwen to get involved with, maybe Dol Guldur again, or the barrows...Arwen with the Dúnedain, because she will be their queen, too - much easier than Gondor, for she has long been their cousin! but still a new thing. We ABSOLUTELY get 1 episode of pure Arwen, Elrohir and Elladan being a badass team.
She also discusses her Choice with them, and goes home to Rivendell and discusses it with Elrond. I forget what fic I read suggested that Arwen consciously makes the Choice not of Lúthien but of Elros, but it's SUCH a good point/interpretation and it 100% comes up in some conversation.
(I dunno if each episode is showing events in the south and north or if they wholesale switch back and forth or what.)
Throughout this, Arwen and Aragorn also start to develop the long-range dream-sharing they sometimes do in the LotR movies. They haven't done any of the traditional things elves do to bond telepathically (sex, cooperative meditation, etc), but they've grown close and the Great Song pulls them closer.
There’s an early-season episode in which Aragorn and Denethor both go back to Rohan to help young King Theoden with [stuff], and they both start to get competitive over it. Theoden ends up telling them both, “Full offense but I’m the King of Rohan actually, so thank you for your help and get the fuck out of my court.” Aragorn is duly chastised, and reminds himself to keep his pride in check. Denethor is chastised…for a while, and his pride will not forget this, we it has never forgotten any slight.
S5 is kind of a tragedy, and the tragedy is that Aragorn and Denethor could achieve so much if only they could get along. Or rather, if only they didn't naturally occupy the same ecological niche, that niche being ruler of Gondor.
Could Denethor ever serve Aragorn as Steward to King? No, because Denethor's pride is too great - he will never bend the knee to one he considers unworthy, and he will never consider anyone worthy above himself. Could Aragorn stay anonymously in Gondor forever, serve as Captain to Denethor's Steward? (This is Ecthelion's plan.) For Aragorn's pride...yes, Aragorn is capable of that with someone he deems greater than himself...but Denethor just does not qualify. Equal, perhaps, but not greater, and inevitable Aragorn would feel the need to step up and do what he thought right, and then there would be trouble...
Could they be true equal partners? No, because this, too, would try Denethor's pride, and Aragorn's more humble but also more righteous pride - and then Gondor would be lost, because if you took a poll in late s5 for who should succeed Ecthelion as Steward, Denethor or Thorongil...Denethor would win, but it'd be pretty close. Civil unrest–close.
(It needs to be clear why Aragorn could walk into this city 50 years later with no warning and be hailed and accepted as king)
(Denethor knows he has his father's support. He also knows he doesn't have many of his people's. This stings bad.)
(Aragorn is hurting his popularity a little by a couple times this season disappearing back north for Things up there)
(Also, to be clear, Denethor and Aragorn are both predominantly focussed on the growing problem of Mordor and its allies, and too wise to sabotage each other/themselves in that with rivalry...much.)
Btw the existence of the Minas Tirith Palantir was introduced in s4 (someone stole it maybe, and Aragorn had to get it back ASAP?). S5 sees Denethor start to use it...secretly. One time he's nearly found out; another time, he nearly tells someone...but he is not and does not. He promises himself he will only use it in diremost need, and he does hold to that promise (in these early years)
Then, late-season, Denethor finally figures out who Aragorn is. What Aragorn is. A comment let slip? A sketch of Isildur in the archives? A comment Finduilas made, before she died, about how Arwen plans to be a queen of somewhere someday soon? The Palantir?
Before he can do more than digest it, however, Ecthelion is assassinated! (Or, a harbor is deliberately attacked while he was visiting? They were aiming for him but it wasn't a 'knife in darkness' thing.)
Gondor is now AT WAR with Umbar and probably Near, maybe even Far Harad!
Yet on the eve of a big fight - or a month or so before, because travel times - Aragorn is needed urgently in the north! He must choose!
...He chooses to ride north. Just before he goes, Denethor confronts him about this abandonment of his duties to Gondor - and about his heritage. It ends with Denethor spitting, "Come back for your crown or don't come back at all!"
(Denethor regrets his words as soon as Aragorn is out hte door. What if he did come back for his crown? Would they tear Gondor apart between them? Denethor tells himself that for Gondor, he would hand over his scepter of office peacefully...but he knows he wouldn't. What right has Aragorn's ancient blood to the country that Denethor's family has served with blood and sweat all these generations! ...Anyway, he has more important things to worry about. The Corsairs besiege the coasts; the Haradrim advance from the south.)
Aragorn rides north as fast as can be, with (Dúnawen or Halbarad? Both work for different reasons). They meet up with Arwen and the Dúnadain to deal with the rising barrow-wrights (threatening the Shire, ultimate symbol of peaceful civilians!) Meanwhile in the south, Denethor, Halbarad and Roddis go to war--
Aragorn wraps up the fight in the north...for now. It'll be a problem again in the future...
He borrows a ship from the Havens and he and [whichever OG Ranger Trio friend] race the wind back south. (Arwen stays in the north)
Gondor has had victory in pitched battle on land, but the main problem is still the Corsairs. Was always the Corsairs, as Aragorn warned Ecthellon ago. Gondor has a navy, but not enough to win a pitched sea-battle, much less enough to guard their whole coastline.
Aragorn reaches Umbar ahead of the bulk of the army (which Denethor is with). He meets the vanguard, containing his friends (skilled scouts that they are)
Aragorn: I have an idea. Dúnawen: Is it another of your impossible plans based on ancient history. Aragorn: Maybe.
With a dozen-odd small ships as bait, they lure the bulk of the Corsair fleet into a vulnerable position... and then they burn the motherfucking pirates to the waterline.
When the Gondorin army catches up, they are met by Roddis, Dúnawen, and whoever else walked away from that naval escapade...with a message from Aragorn. [this text is pure canon!]
"To the Steward," Dúnawen said, and bowed to Denethor (though her voice was pitched to carry to all those watching). "He said, 'Other tasks now call me, lord, and much time and many perils must pass, ere I come again to Gondor, if that be my fate.’"
Denethor internally: what the FUCK does that mean. Is he coming back or not? If he comes back after this dramatic victory, the people will surely support him...
But he says something gracious and grateful, and goes home to be Steward of Gondor, watchful and warlike ever toward Mordor
Dúnawen stays in Gondor and marries Roddis. A couple weeks later, though, she hikes up the mountains behind Minas Tirith, where she spent much time in s3, and meets Halbarad, who spent much time there with her, and who left with Aragorn after the battle in Umbar. They catch up a little, clarify that she's staying, he's going north...
Dúnawen: You'll visit, I hope? Halbarad, looking out over Minas Tirith and the lands stretching out from it: No. The next time I lay eyes on these fields shall be the last.
(But he comes south anyway, in the War of the Ring! He knows he'll die there and he comes anyway, because there is Aragorn to aid and evil to fight!)
Dúnawen says, "Ah. Then Roddis and I shall have to visit you - and our crownless king, of course!"
Halbarad warns, "He meant his words, you know, and more. He will not return until the need is greatest and the time is right."
Dúnawen says, "I know. Aragorn always means his words. I did say we would visit you."
Halbarad laughs. "Indeed you did! Well, wait a few years - when we parted ways, he was paddling up toward Lothlórien, in expectation of meeting a lady there. Who knows how much time will pass in that enchanted wood, ere we see either of them again!"
The camera lifts as the music swells - Gondor's theme, Arnor's theme, the theme of the King as the camera flies through Gondor up the Anduin, passes a boat pulled over below the Falls of Rauros, passes the status of Anárion and Isildur by Amon Hen and Amon Lhaw, and catches up with a Man in a dark green cloak as he steps at last beneath the boughs of golden Lothlórien. He knows where to go, though they never discussed it, only shared a dream. The music changes to the theme of Aragorn and Arwen as he comes to where she waits on the white-flowered hill of Cerin Amroth. They take each other's hands while looking deeply into each other's eyes, pledge their troth, and embrace with a long kiss as the camera pulls out and twilight fades to dark...
And the dark turns to the flipping pages of a closing book, as the camera pulls out further to show once more a middle-aged Sam Gamgee - comfortably portly in his fireside armchair in Bag End - reading to half a dozen children.
"But aren't they going to get married?" a young hobbit-lass asks.
"Not in this story," says Sam.
Rosie comes in from where she was leaning contentedly on the doorway and says, "Not until after the king helps your Da and Mr. Frodo save the whole world. But--"
[young hobbits clamoring for that story! Nine-Fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom! Samwise the Brave! I wanna hear about the spider!]
"But," Rose repeats more loudly and firmly, picking up 1-2 children at once, "that's a story for another night. Right now it's bedtime."
"Listen to your mother!" Sam says, puts the red-bound book on a side table and gets up to lift a slightly larger protesting child. "This Da is getting too old to be reading at all hours anyway!"
They usher the children out, to bed. The camera lingers for an extra moment the cheerful living room: where Sting hangs on the wall above the fireplace and on the adjacent wall, a small but expertly woven tapestry, with gems-encrusted threads which almost glow with their own light, of a star breaking through dark clouds to shine on a small figure holding a mirrored-shining glass in a dark land [implication: personal gift from Arwen]. There is a mayoral sash draped haphazardly over the back of one sofa, toys and a late-snack plate or two scattered about, and the thick red book from which Sam was reading, with the bookmark only about 3/4 though. The tale is never over, you see.
Fade to black for real this time, credits roll over a choral cover of the full poem: All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king...
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fallloverfic · 7 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 5 thoughts
Screaming through my tears. Spoilers under the cut (also book/story spoilers, for folks just coming in from the donghua). CW: Blood.
Poor San Lang, gets knocked over* by his gege T-T Xie Lian feels so bad about all of it. He's really hurting for how he destroyed San Lang's residence.
*Picked up and maybe dropped on the floor
Also the fight scene was really pretty!
I also love how much this episode emphasizes the differences between martial officials and non-martial officials. Shi Qingxuan thinks differently than Xie Lian, a martial official used to combat, does. (Also Xie Lian is so easily and masterfully competent, he just doesn't show off).
The back of Xie Lian's mind is "My cabbages!!!" but it's "San Lang's armory!!!" instead lol
Hua Cheng like "I don't see any heavenly official there. That's my subordinate." T-T Telling Xie Lian not to get involved in this stuff. He doesn't like endangering Xie Lian in the mess with Ming Yi and Jun Wu. I do like the idea that he doesn't mind Xie Lian getting caught in the fight crossfire in this instance because he knows Xie Lian is strong enough to dodge. It's a nice sense of trust in your partner's competence.
Also Xie Lian trying to brush aside his being injured, poor bean T-T Remember when he tells Ling Wen earlier that he's fine, he hasn't lost any limbs yet because I DO T-T This man and his low bars for his personal safety/what he's just fine pushing through because he's gone through so much and knows he can muscle through it and doesn't think he deserves help/anyone would or should want to lower themselves for it.
Feng Xin being so worried about Xie Lian just -screams- And looking over him. It's kind of drawn differently in different shots and I love all of them.
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Feng Xin's sad expression. Xie Lian being embarrassed to be fussed over, particularly publicly, particularly by Feng Xin, particularly while Mu Qing is standing there being disapproving... Not wanting to ruin Feng Xin's reputation or be a burden or anything just... Ahhh T-T
(though it is funny how long Feng Xin is standing there, not fixing Xie Lian's arm aldkjalkda I know the idea is that Jun Wu only does a little fix and then Mu Qing brings the medicine later, but it's funny to get multiple angles of Feng Xin standing there, being sad and useless alkdjaldja this poor man so overcome with sadness for his Dianxia that his abilities go poof)
Mu Qing of course saying, "So what?" Ah Mu Qing, if only you knew that Xie Lian hadn't asked for the attention and probably agrees...
I also love seeing Mu Qing healing Ming Yi. Wonder if he'll hate himself later for that. I really loved all the magic in this episode.
Also Xie Lian looking so ashamed of it all. The pain in his eyes, not even from his physical injury... (Not to mention you know... remembering all the stuff with the coffin...).
Also Mu Qing debating that Xie Lian is who Qianqiu says he is and that Qianqiu might be wrong :3 Ah Mu Qing kind of got Xie Lian's back sometimes:
“Mu Qing’s argument sounded like it was in Xie Lian’s favor, but the truth was more complex than that. Mu Qing must’ve determined that Lang Qianqiu was quite convinced of his take on the evidence, and the more he doubted the truth, the more adamant Lang Qianqiu would be to prove himself. This was not the least bit helpful to Xie Lian’s situation.” (Volume 2, Chapter 18).
The flashback sequence was fun.
All in all a wonderful episode. And I think the English subs were better? Or else I'm just starting to not notice the issues as much lol
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn't start till episode 3):
S02E05 (you are here)
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knee-stockings · 1 year
So I’ve been listening to lots of podcasts at work lately to break up the monotony of my office job. Mainly they’re horror, suspense/thriller, drama, that kind of thing. Trying to give ratings without spoilers~
(Check out updated pod recs here)
The Left Right Game (a journalist investigating an urban legend that gets increasingly more dangerous as they go): 5/5, this being one of the first ones I listened to set the bar really high tbh, it was great, immersive sound design, genuinely suspenseful and creepy moments, interesting plot, my only gripe is that I didn’t love the ending but I couldn’t dock a star just for that, highly recommend, maybe I’ll retire to Wintry Bay someday 
Alice Isn’t Dead (delivery trucker goes searching for her believed dead wife, comes across supernatural towns and creatures and a conspiracy that goes way deeper than one missing woman): 5/5, so so good, enjoyed a lot, I loved learning the truth about the Thistle men, still don’t completely understand oracles but that’s okay, some delightfully creepy moments, this will be high on my recommendation list (also it’s by the Welcome to Night Vale people, which I actually haven’t listened to lmao)
Harley Quinn and the Joker: Sound Mind (it’s a Harley Quinn origin story basically): 5/5, very enjoyable, sound design great, plot was fun, I don’t know how accurate this story is to the original Harley Quinn origin story but I liked this a lot
The Burned Photo (two women try to fight a familial curse haunting their bloodlines): 4/5, not bad at all, I thought the sound design was great and immersive but I thought the monster’s voice was a bit goofy idk, the plot wasn’t bad though ofc it was pretty bittersweet and sad in the end, tho I think it was never going to be happy for everyone involved
Blackwood (group of teens investigate the town urban legend and uncover more than they bargained for): I can’t decide…3.5 maybe? It was okay. I didn’t love it or hate it, I’m pretty neutral about it. It was interesting enough
Gaslight (girl goes missing and then reappears to her best friend years later with little explanation): 3/5, feels like there should be another season, wasn’t as dramatic/suspenseful as I thought it would be (maybe that’s my own fault tho, from the description and stuff I thought there would be more to it)
Ice-Cream (teens suspect the friendly neighborhood ice cream man of abducting little kids and uncover a dark secret): 4.5/5, interesting and a lil creepy, there’s something oddly funny about hearing someone scream “fuck you Beelzebub” even in context, sound design is pretty good and voice acting is great, finale was also pretty good but I’m docking half a star bc of that very last bit and bc I said so, overall short n’ sweet, no pun intendo (I’m kinda glad that it’s only the one season and not super long, gives the feeling of not overstaying its welcome. Also in awe that they made it within like a month, gonna go listen to their other podcast Cascadia too)
Cascadia (submarine expedition to uncharted waters, gone wrong, we almost died!?): 5/5, by the Ice-Cream people so I expected great sound design and voice acting and said expectations were met tbh, yes god love the drama, ocean depths are inherently scary to me so this is top tier horror, season one was chef’s kiss beautiful and I heard season 2 is coming so I’ll be waiting eagerly for that
Listening now:
Within the Wires (season 1 is relaxation cassette tapes from another world, season 2 is a guided museum tour I think): also by the WTNV people, interesting so far, the plot that unfolded in the first season was cool to watch as it played out, but also I am so sad. I like it so far
Rabbits (girl goes searching for her friend who disappeared because of this mysterious Rabbits game): feels like a really slow start after a few episodes, I kinda wanna get to more action soon please
Wake of Corrosion (apocalypse where characters are trying to find other survivors and also answers): mild shrug, not sure what to make of it just yet. Only like 2 episodes in so I think I need to give it a bit
Ars Paradoxica (scientist accidentally invents time travel and is thrown back to the 1940s): pretty interesting so far, science is fun 
Spoiler comment for Cascadia under the cut bc it's the one I just finished and I have Thoughts
As much as I enjoyed Cascadia, when I think about the expedition for more than 2 seconds I get confused. Not the whole alien thing, that’s fine, it’s Badger and Maria and their ulterior motives. Why in the world did Badger spend millions of dollars to make a submarine that’s faulty on purpose? And there was so much media coverage around it so the second something went wrong reporters were practically beating him over the head with microphones, so why risk so much bad press? Plus sacrificing three other talented divers who trusted him with their lives??? That’s the most confusing to me. There’s no way Badger foresaw them getting attacked underwater and losing Declan alone, so he must have been fully prepared to lose captain AND crew. Holden said that he saw Badger as a father, and yet he chose Holden to die? He said he handpicked them, so what did Holden, Alia, or Iris ever do to him to deserve being sent on a suicide mission? Doing all this just to get rid of Declan and be with Maria doesn’t feel right. Feels like there should be something more there. Tldr: surely Badger had another reason for conducting the suicide mission, right? Also since season 2 starts with Lila all grown up, a diver just like her father, I wanna know her opinions of her mother and of Badger. Did she learn about her mother’s betrayal? Is Badger still involved in funding deep sea diving or did the FBI take him out of that? Omg who’s the father of her little sibling…I’m so curious…
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deathc-re · 2 years
october  "♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ
summary ;; a date in october with your new boyfriend tomura shigaraki 
warnings - swearing & slight implications of sex at the beginning ;; 2.9k words !!
wrote this last year in october but i just got to see my man in the latest episode and thought why not share it here ! my writing style is so different from this now tho lmao
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you woke up to the sound of a headboard hitting your wall. your neighbor had just gotten a new girlfriend and they obviously couldn't keep their hands off each other. you and your other neighbors had complained about the noise every so often because they did it at the most unconventional times but it never stopped, even though they promised to keep it down.
sucking your teeth you grabbed your phone off your nightstand. 10:14 am, October 23rd.
you loved fall, it was the season of crunchy leaves and slutty Halloween costumes. but also the season of scary movies and pumpkin-flavored everything. the cool air brought you a sort of inner peace that no other season could achieve.
you skimmed through your notifications and smiled at the one from your new boyfriend. though the relationship had just started you couldn't help but feel an intense pull to him. it also didn't help that he was just type. well, not entirely but he fit into a couple of stereotypes that you enjoyed.
sliding your hands down your face you got out of bed and head toward the bathroom. your apartment wasn't that big but it was big enough for you and the very occasional guest.
2 bed, 2 bath, living room with a lovely view of...the building across and a decent sized kitchen. it was close to all the places you needed and not too far from family. your friends lived walking distances away so that wasn't really a problem. well, it was a problem when the weather was being nasty but otherwise not a problem.
You did your morning routine and started your breakfast. you had opened the living room window the night before so there was a nice breeze coming in. staring as the coffee pot did its job you munched on some toast and thought about mindless things.
the thumping from next door had stopped by the time you finished breakfast and you were grateful because you were just about to get ready for your day.
tomura said he had planned a lovely day for the two of you and you were quite excited. it wasn't rare that he planned things for the both of you but you still enjoyed the suspense of what he had planned. it was always something different and you loved the playful glint in his eyes when he denied you the information of your destination.
turning on your speaker you shuffled through your playlist looking for something to get dressed to. you were in the mood for some Steve Lacy. typing the song name into the search bar you picked the song and set your phone down, swaying to the beat as you picked out an outfit.
you got dressed, fixed your hair, and made sure you had everything before walking out and locking the door. tomura had asked you to meet at the park by your house, which was about a 5-minute walk but you didn't mind.
the cool air in your lungs and the sound of your shoes hitting the concrete made you smile. a singular earpiece in you continued to listen to the r&b playlist [preferred music app] created for you.
getting to the gates that welcomed you into the park you searched for your man, only to see him sitting at a park bench; hands in his pockets staring up into the trees. no doubt admiring the browning leaves. he looked so peaceful, so beautiful. you would fight yourself if you didn't capture the moment. moving as discreetly as you could you took a picture of him and quickly made it your lock screen, it was something you were sure to cherish for as long as possible.
you noticed how long you must have been standing there staring at him when an older woman came and asked you if everything was all right. you sheepishly assured her that you weren't planning anything sinister and head over to sit next to him. plopping down and placing your hand on his thigh he glances at you before smiling and returning to looking at the leaves.
"good morning," he whispered, he still sounded tired and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"good morning! shall we get going or is this the plan for today?" you said, pushing him with your shoulder.
"no, no. we have plans I was just enjoying the scenery."
"I can tell."
taking a deep breath he got up and turned to you, offering a hand. you smiled and took it, letting him pull you up. intertwining your finger you and tomura set off for what you assumed to be your first destination.
the two of you walked hand in hand down the sidewalk, ignoring the rude faces and mumbles of passersby for 'taking up so much space'.
you had been to this side of town only rarely so you couldn't do your usual guessing as you made your way. you could tell you were getting closer though by how tomura excitedly swung your hands. he was an intimidating-looking man but he was adorable regardless.
he stopped you in front of a store with a half-burnt out neon sign at the front. you could see from the outside multicolored lights flashing and a fading colorful carpet. the sound of laughter and competitive teasing made you smile as you stepped in.
the arcade.
as much as shigaraki played the newest things he always talked about his love for older games. it reminded him of the good in his childhood. it brought him peace, kind of like fall for you but of course with deeper meaning.
"you know, im surprised you never brought me here before," you admitted while walking to the change machine.
" I've always wanted to take you, it just...never happened I guess." he chuckled airily.
tomura handed you your cup of coins and pulled you in the direction of your first game. the further back you went the older the games got. it was almost like a time capsule, seeing all these games. it reminded you of when you went to the arcade as a kid, racing around the store and yelling about who won with your friends. it brought back so many memories you almost didn't know what to do with yourself.
"...but yeah I think this would have to be my all-time favorite game!" shigaraki beamed showing off the slightly dusty game. yeah, you were totally lost but played it off like a pro.
"great choice! I didn't play it much as a kid but I think I'll be able to give you a run for your money." you pulled up your sleeves and chuckled at the excited smirk on your boyfriend's face.
you both played for a while, laughing and shoving each other like children without a care in the world. when you finally accepted your obvious defeat you quickly searched for another game that you knew you could beat him at.
when your eyes landed on the large structure with flashing lights and tacky music streaming out of it your face morphed into a wicked grin the could put the grinch to shame. pulling a confused and slightly worried man behind you, you marched over to the 'Dance Dance Revolution' machine.
nodding for the kids on it to scarm you hopped on and picked the hardest song you knew you could still win at. you could tell by the small smile on tomura's face that he already admitted defeat and you couldn't help but snicker.
just by looking at him, you could tell that he had little to no coordination and couldn't dance to save his life so you already had this in the bag. moving from arrow to arrow you won with a giggle and kissed him on the cheek to ease the pain of utter loss.
(I'm so dramatic lmfao)
you both went around playing games, smiling and laughing not paying attention to anything but each other and how much you enjoyed the company. you noticed tomura check his phone and audibly gasp.
"shit! we're gonna be late, c'mon!" he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the arcade.
"but we didn't get to cash in our tickets!" you whined, still trailing behind him nonetheless.
you followed him down the road, hands in your pockets as you talked casually. you tried asking where you were off to in such a rush but of course, he evaded the question skillfully and led you somewhere mysterious as always. you finally had enough of the secrecy though when you got on the subway. you loved the fact that he was always surprising you but if where ever he was taking you was so far that you needed to take the subway you needed at least a vague idea of where the fuck he was taking you.
the possibility of him being a murderer and this just being his method was not high but still not zero.
"fine, fine," tomura sighed, grabbing hold of the railing "we're going to one of those haunted houses but the actually scary ones. like the ones you have to be 15 and older to enter." you raised a brow.
"whattttttt!" his whining made you giggle "I thought it would be fun! bonding and whatnot."
"going to a haunted house so scary that they have to put an age limit? totally sounds like a blast!" shigaraki rolled his eyes at your sarcastic remark and you just leaned into him, making him shake his head in amusement.
once you finally got to the building it was taking place in a woman in about 8 inches heals greeted you at the door.
"yo, welcome to the Mad Mansion. you sign your waivers over by the bloody fountain and get your flashlights over by the headless guy with a crowbar. good luck and make sure you use the bathroom before entering. thank you."
"now WHY in the ever-living fuck do we need to sign a whole ass waiver!?" now you were actually getting nervous, why did you need a waiver? it was just supposed to be jump scares...right?
tomura simply smiled at you, obviously trying to ease your nerves, and pulled you to the blood fountain. you read the waiver very carefully but still signed it. getting the required supplies the both of you made your way to the entrance.
you grabbed tomura's hand and interlocked your fingers, shaving your hands into your hoodie pocket. he squeeze your hand for reassurance and you walked in. it was dark and had a stuffy smell. the sound of water dripping and other people screaming was all you could hear until someone jumped out of a hole in the wall beside you.
yelling and grabbing hold of your shoulder, they shook their head violently. screaming and stumbling back into shigaraki you cocked your arm back and swung boom! the sound of fist cracking bone made the area silent. quickly realizing what you had done you rushed to make sure the person was ok though their hisses of pain made it clear they weren't. they tried laughing it off but when actual blood came gushing out of their nose they were quickly ushered out by one of their colleges.
you turned to shigaraki and in the dim lighting you could make out his bewildered face.
"I told you this wasn't a good idea." you felt bad, it was of course a natural reaction but that probably ruined your plans! what if they kicked you out? or worse?
"babe," you looked into his eyes while he pulled you guys off to the side. "everything is all right, ok? I'm bet they understand. this is a haunted house I'm sure this isn't the first time they got punched on the job." you tried to hold back a smile.
"there you are! now c'mon, let's get going. if you want I can walk in front, keep you from assaulting any more innocent people." he chuckled, stumbling back after you shoved him.
"innocent my ass! goin' around scaring people...the fuck is wrong with them!"
the rest of the time was spent with you screaming, bumping into tomura's back, running, dodging running men with chainsaws, and of course, swearing like there was no tomorrow.
once you finally got out the other end you sighed loudly in relief.
"i ain't never doing that shit again, you hear me?"
you enjoyed yourself but you were never gonna let him know that. while inside he promised to get you apology food and you weren't gonna miss out on a free meal.
walking out you waved at the woman in the heels and head back into the subway.
"what are you in the mood to eat?" tomura asked.
"hm... maybe some tacos?"
"oh oh oh! I know this great spot that sells the best birria tacos!"
"for real? bro I haven't had birria in so long!" just the thought made your mouth water.
after eating and thoroughly thanking everyone that worked in the shop you and shigaraki left, large smiles on your faces. you made your way back to your apartment, deciding on taking the long route and going through the park.
the scene was gorgeous. falling brown and orange leaves, people walking their dogs, and jogging along the concert paths. teenagers laying in the patches of grass reading novels, having a picnic, and talking endlessly with friends. you and tomura walked hand in hand down the path, enjoying the comfortable silence that had fallen over the two of you. the feeling of content and ease flowed through your body and all you could do was let out a sigh.
when you finally arrived at your apartment the familiar smell of home made you smile. tomura walked in a quickly got settled. he took off his shoes, placed his jacket on the rack, and plopped on the couch.
"movie marathon?" he asked.
"um duh? lemme just get relaxed first cause I'm definitely gonna fall asleep." the both of you chuckled as you head into your room. removing your layers of clothes and putting them away you undressed and walked into the bathroom. adjusting the water temperature you stepped in a sighed at the hot/cold water hitting your back. today was wonderful, shigaraki really was an amazing boyfriend.
you hummed a sweet tone as you did your nightly routine. checking your phone as you head into your room you were shocked at the time. 5:57 pm. still pretty early.
damn I was in the shower for a minute tho!
when you looked up from your phone you were shown a view of tomura in nothing but a towel around his waist. water dripped from his hair and down his skinny but muscular arms. it was definitely a sight for sore eyes. he was rummaging through your closet, most probably looking for a change of clothes he'd left here.
"stop staring pervert. you were taking forever so I decided to shower too." his unbothered tone made the embarrassment even worse. you giggled nervously and said a quick apology before slipping into something comfortable.
a hoodie that surely wasn't yours and some random shorts were what you wore while making something to drink for the both of you. black coffee for tomura with an unhealthy amount of sugar and some plain ole tea for you. on nights like these it always made you feel as though you were in a book, living out your childhood fantasies.
cupping your tea in your hands you walked over to your window and stared out. looking past the building across and all those that followed and into the horizon, watching the sunset and the sky change into a beautiful mix of colors.
shigaraki came up behind you, placing his chin on your shoulder and a hand on your waist. you stayed there like that for a moment, enjoying the view and the feelings of having someone to spend these beautiful intimate moments together. you loved him, though it was still early you really did. you wanted to say it, to shout it at the rooftops but you stayed silent and sipped your tea. giggling while he places gentle kisses along your neck, reassuring you of all his feelings regardless of what he said, or of what he didn't.
when the sun finally disappeared and the sky morphed into deep shades of blue you both settled on the couch. mugs placed atop coasters on the coffee table while you pressed your back into his chest, tucking the blanket securely under your arms.
tomura kept his arm around you, glad that you were comfortable, and pressed play on the movie you guys decided. with the curtains closed and all the lights off the only light came from the tv. he looked down at you, watching to colors dance along your face, and admired the beauty that you held.
god, how he loved october.
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cocogum · 3 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 2)
Okay I just HAD to devote the full Alibert inn scene from episode 5 here CUZ WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YUGO GOING BACK TO EMELKA!! I know I already mentioned Chibi and Grougal (as well as the tree Tofu tower) in part 1 but part 2 will basically be about all the rest of the inn scene cuz tumblr couldn’t let me have more than ten images per post (I know the site apparently lets u have more but I always use the phone for it so shush.)
But first, we finally get to see Alibert again after all those years 💕
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Alibert. Sweetie. Baby. You can take care of two (technically four) kids with the addition of a freaking INN, you COOK for the customers, AND, ON TOP OF ALL THAT, you’re the MAYOR of EMELKA, that same place where you run the inn and take care of your adopted sons.
You do much more than just “taking care of an inn”, you got three jobs AND you’re still sane. You’re three in one, a whole package, props to you king. He’s such a boss ass man I love him 💕💕
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Not these ppl trying to avoid the inflation 😭😭 I don’t blame them tho. I would’ve said the same thing lol.
(Also is the wine a call back to Gustavio? Plz it would be so funny if the reason why Alibert is angry is cuz these ppl are saying how “bad” it is just so the prices can stay the same but also because he’s mad that they’re calling Gustavio’s wine “disgusting” even if they were all just trying to make him not raise the prices!)
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Love how Yugo doesn’t say that same shit to Ruel after all those years of cooking for his ass and never getting anything from him.
Like even the whole Brotherhood calls Ruel a “cheapskate” but the only time where we see Yugo say that same shit is when he says that to his own CUSTOMERS?!?
Gurl bye Yugo’s such a silly little hypocrite!! 😭😭
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Adamaï get your stupid lizard ass over here.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen these two just laughing and hugging like this 💕💕💕
Also, Ankama tried being very slick with Az and his wife.
Nah cuz how can you not see these two and not think about Yugo and Amalia?? Does the thought never come to mind or what??
They literally give off the same energy, how did no one say anything before???!!?
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Okay now the next part of the Alibert inn scene is very important to me so listen.
Recently, I came scrolling on @moths-are-better’s recent posts about Yugo and I came up on the one where he drinks the “milk” that was in the cup in the scene below.
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But like-
Look at all the other people drinking in the inn before they left: they all had that same kind of cup, insinuating that they were drinking wine (and also cuz they confirmed it was wine while trying to avoid any possible future inflations with Alibert).
I just love how Ankama deliberately shows us small scenes like this to remind us that Yugo can do adult things even though he looks like a kid. Because THIS is one of those scenes! Just look at how Alibert quietly pulls the cup of wine away from Yugo as soon as the guy starts ranting about his problems.
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That’s clearly not milk lol I just love your delusions @moths-are-better 💕💕
But not only did this scene made me realize that nothing can stop Yugo from doing adult things despite how he looks, it also helped me realize that Yugo is the type to only drink when he’s having problems. We clearly see him about to drink more while ranting to Alibert before he carefully pulls the wine away from Yugo cuz he KNOWS Yugo would drink more just for that.
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That level of attention to detail is amazing and I’m so glad I managed to catch up to the hints early on.
Alibert be looking like Yugo’s bartender AND therapist in just that moment alone lol
Ngl I would’ve loved to see a drunk Yugo if he had been able to drink more before Alibert intervened.
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👏 BE👏 LIKE 👏 ALIBERT 👏 ❤️❤️
This is making me wanna have kids too man….
His caring and calming attitude towards Yugo and the way he just treats him, cares for him, and acts like a responsible parent during all these years really makes me wanna do the same thing someday. Alibert is so good at his job(s) that he’s even beating a freaking goddess. Let that sink in. (actually any good parent like Alibert would beat the Eliatrope goddess’ parenting easily lol)
Alibert is genuinely so sweet, patient, thoughtful, and understanding of Yugo. Like even though he just heard Yugo say he finally found his true family, Alibert doesn’t take his words as insults and would rather just let him spill out all of his words to him.
When I said I missed these two like this, I really meant it. This inn is not only where Yugo was raised in but it’s also Yugo’s comfort place.
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My ass knows this is foreshadowing.
It just knows.
Older Yugo where u at? We need to talk.
Ankama’s gonna ruin this family and laugh about it while eating some croissants.
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lou-iz-stat · 2 months
Well I got to episode 5 in my IWTV S1 rewatch…
Truthfully I probably won’t say much about this episode since there is so much of it in season 2 that I think will be revisited. On top of that I am at the end of my semester at school so I probably won’t say much because of that too. Also out of all of the episodes of s1 this the episode that I have seen the least.
But we still have 3 more weeks until season 2 where I have no doubt that s1 will be tame when compared to it. I’m getting more and more nervous each week not going to lie.
Ok… here we go!
IWTV S1 E5: A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart
The episode starts with Daniel reading Claudia’s diary and how she records the last words of the people she kills.
But then Daniel is interrupted by Louis feeding on ‘Rashid’. It is pretty nasty for Louis and Armand to do this in front of Daniel. He even reads his mind to try and throw Daniel off his game. I notice that whenever Daniel tries to talk about something negatively about Claudia, Louis will always try to do something to throw Daniel off that even holds through in the ‘Paris sucks’ clip we have in s2.
It’s funny that Armand tells Daniel he would not let him anywhere near his neck. He must still be mad at Daniel for something maybe Devil’s minion related? 👀
Then we go back to 1923 where Louis thinks that she has gone on a hunger strike because of Charlie but Lestat knows that she is just escaping when they have to go feed. Since they are so similar Lestat knows that Claudia would not skip out on meals.
Also the line “I know what I’d do, but you cut my hands off.” Like!!!!! Fucked up Nikki reference. 😭
Also Lestat reading the diary and the dairy being so graphic ugh… 🤢
Everything is just such a mess… oh boy… with all the bodies coming up
And of course Tom Anderson is trying to distract Loustat since the Police chief is there in the speakeasy.
I feel so much anxiety with all the cops in their home! And Claudia is not helping! 😬
There are still some comical bits such as the “We sell… incinerators.” Louis’s little shrug at Lestat. “To various American cities.” The delivery is actually very funny.
Also what’s funny is Claudia’s acting when the cop opens her door. Her face when she drops the blanket and the closet door opens to show the rotting man.
But all the fun and games stop when the cop is homophobic.
Yes Lestat is a jerk and treats Claudia like shit and still sees Antoinette so Claudia only feels like she has to leave.
Also establishing that Claudia is unable to turn people is a great thing to set up now.
And even though it’s heartbreaking I do love that Claudia gets mad at Louis for not just taking her to a hospital but made Lestat turn her into this monster. Bailey’s acting is just so perfect here.
We go back to Dubai and Daniel is telling Louis some harsh truths about what the public could do with Claudia. Yikes
And their home turns into a ruin after they wake up from their long nap
Man…Fuck Bruce
The part where Louis makes Daniel’s Parkinson’s go out of control as always annoyed me even if Daniel was stepping out of bounce it just never sat right to me. And of course Armand is there to ‘calm Louis down’
We go back once again and we see the scene of Louis saying his final goodbye to Grace and his makes Claudia come home after everything.
Lestat is such a bitch when she comes home. I understand what he is trying to do but it’s just all wrong.
And the fight happens. We will revisit what happened during the fight in the coffin room that we don’t get to see. But as an indication by some parts of the trailer we have already seen a glimpse of it. Hopefully the writers handle it well…
Also the during the drop scene it sounds a lot like what Armand said to Lestat before pushing him off a tower in TVL so I guess we’ll see what comes of it.
Okay good got through that one. Now I can get back to some class work lol.
I cannot believe that we are now 3 weeks away from seeing the premier for season 2 and for some of you, you will be seeing it in about a week and a half. Good luck to the NYC people that get to see it early.
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cleabellanov · 3 months
Jet-Skiing Through Identity: A deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 3) 🛥️
But why am I doing this? What is it that's so calling about Mobius's character?
Simple short answer: a lot of things. Simple but slightly longer aswer:
- His relationship with Loki being the only constant in the show, the only things we as viewers knew we can actually follow through the episodes. Being the one to treat "the villain" differently, Mobius already wins some ground from Loki's fans.
- He is relatable. Now of course, relatibility differs from viewer to viewer. But Mobius just has the charm of getting closer to you without really doing anything special.
-He is comforting, and I don't really need to bring arguments when that's his way of being. Also, we all know that if Loki can be comforted hy this character, so can we. Little variants of their own, these broken hearts... :))
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Now, we got to the part where Mobius doesn't just give up when the hard thing to do is the thing that has to be done (just wait until I get to season 2. It'll get crazy).
The last episodes of season 1 are the ones in which this choice and internal conflict reach the climax.
After he gets pruned and ends up in The Void, Mobius doesn't let go without a fight. Actually, he quickly finds a car to get him away from Alioth and helps Sylvie along too. But why is he doing this?
The rush of adrenaline, the resolution that Renslayer: his friend for eons, just ordered his pruning, and the obvious life or death situation he is in. They all call the survival instinct - but also the adventurous side of Mobius - to action. I would like to insist on the second one, though. You can wipe a man's memory thousands of times, but that doesn't mean you wipe him the way he is. Those memories still exist, even though not in Mobius's present consciousness.
Then, his line in "Journey Into Mystery" is one I will never forget:
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He has known so many timelines that got pruned, traveled in time and apocalypses, yet when it comes to change, it's never too late.
<<It's never too late to be what you might have been>> (George Eliot)
And again, why? Where does this strenght of character come from?
This willingness to change, this spark also has a lot to do with Loki. When he was saying that, he was talking to the other Loki variants. A simple man among them, yet one they seemingly trust. Seeing how his Loki was able to change and looking at these variants of him, he probably believes he can do the same, be an example for others that might need it. If the God of Mischief was able of "the word of a friend", Mobius is able of turning away from the very thing he diverted his life to. And that's because he know the truth now.
However, where Loki is an external factor, Mobius's strength and courage are an internal one. None of this wouldn't happened without him. Actually, things would've ended pretty quickly without the 1, that person to give Loki a chance. And, as I said before, the rest is history.
In the beloved miraculous historical scene where they hug, Mobius first gives out his hand. A signal that he's not very familiar with touch, and I imagine they don't often give hugs at the TVA.
So it has to be Loki that makes it into a hug. Mobius accepts that wholeheartedly, and I am so very grateful we got to see it on screen. The characters needed it as much as we did. And still do.
I had to put that in here, you can never get enough of them.
So here we are, at the end of the season. This character has come a long way, from the analyst that plays the comic relief at times - to the trusting, rebellious and loving companion, working with the opposite side to bring down the front on which he used to be fighting. More than ever, he is ready to fight for free will.
But there is still a longer way to go, because good characters never just stop playing with our hearts and evolving into someone new.
Therefore, see you for parts 4 and 5, because we're getting to SEASON 2 MUAHAHA
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