#male nev
flamsinger · 8 months
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A parrot-inspired male nevrean, done with inktense pencils  =)
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seizethenightagain2 · 2 years
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Nev Schulman and his fabulous furriness 💜
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Woof 🐶 Woof 🐶
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 years
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Interesting, so it’s not like our protagonist HAS to restart if Jea-Ha dies, it’s just she can’t imagine a world without him, so she actively makes a choice to restart. So I wonder if accepting his death, and that that she can’t get the ending she imagined, is part of what will actually break the loop. Once she sees this world can offer more than him, that her life can offer more than him. That would be pretty tragic for Male Lead obviously (who might not be the angel he appears to be), but a cool way to move the story forward.
That’s where we have to stop for now, but this is definitely an interesting start. I have a huge fondness for time loop stories, and hey, we’re shaking it up by doing ‘loop to save the guy’ rather than ‘loop to save the girl’. We’ll have to see what happens next time we can pick this up.
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KorTac members are WHORES, you’re only safe because you’re Colonel’s favorite.
You never talk, always have your mask on and the clothes and gear you have to wear daily doesn’t give too much information about what you could be. Male? Female? Only you know, and only you’ll decide when and how you’ll tell others (at least that’s what you thought).
When women from the base hit on you, hugging, tugging on your arms, pressing their tits all over you, you definitely get flustered, but you don’t know how to break it to them, that you’re actually a female and pretty much enjoy yourself every night by watching big muscled men jerking off on the unholy sites, with their hairy torsos and their angry looking cocks.
One day, some rookies (too fed up with your mysteriousness) drag you to the communal showers, laughing and calling you out on never joining them for one. Making silly jokes as ‘you’re afraid of us or our dicks?’ ‘What’s it big boy? Your cocks too big to grant us the pleasure of its presence in the same room as us?’ Or ‘no I bet it’s actually small, he just doesn’t want us to see it!’ Or ‘guys leave him alone, you’re gonna get in trouble with colonel’
As you are being dragged, you arrive inside the showers, everything is on display and you know it, there’s no curtains, no privacy, of course, that’s why you shower always at night and ALONE. But when you’re thrown inside and all you can see are huge junks, wet muscles, tensed abs and men moaning, you truly understand how much you actually fucked up for wanting to cover up your identity so bad and leaving people just assume your gender.
Your colonel suddenly facing your way with his hard dick pointed directly at you it’s not making it easier for you. But the rookies starting to trash you around, throwing you from ones arms to another, while starting to jokingly remove your clothes it’s not of help either.
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Hlep I have some big ideas w this one c:
I just wanna say that the rookies will definitely not be playing with us in that sense, and this will probably be a KorTac x some other members probably from taskforce141. Probably an orgy thingie or idk, still have to decide.
Under here a poll with the characters I have in mind, just vote and the most rated ones are getting it. I thing of making it with at least 5 men x reader :3
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dilfl0v3rss · 11 months
poly basketball player ony and aran
having two very successful professional athletes as your boyfriends was a blessing and a curse. they were caring, smart, passionate about what they were doing, and gave you everything you could ever dream of having. there hasn’t been a day where you felt any less of the queen you already are and from the outside looking in, these men were calm and delicate when it came to you. always around to keep you safe and happy. you were as happy as can be with them, but every relationship has their issues. the main one in yours was their competitiveness.
“i won nigga get off the sticks and go wash the dishes” aran yelled, pointing to the kitchen where you were standing. you had told them an hour ago to wash the dishes and instead of just doing it, they decided to bet a game of 2k on it. the yelling and screaming coming from the living room irritated you so much that you washed them on your own to try to drown out the noise. as ony walked up to you, his tall figure already saw over your head that the dishes were done. a remorseful look on his face as he leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek. “my fault mama, thank you” you rolled your eyes, ignoring him before walking towards your room.
this was a constant thing in your house whether it be who dressed better, who was smarter, who should get the bigger plate during breakfast, and the most common, who loved you more.
“i love her so much, i bought her a plane when her flight got delayed” ony smirked as he talked, his big hands rubbing on your back as you laid your stomach on his thighs, the rest of your body laying on aran’s lap. his big hands rubbing all over you ass while he replied. “that ain’t nun nigga. i love her so much, i bought her a house in every state so she don’t ever gotta worry about sleeping in a hotel when my matches are far away” ony rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, giving him a “duhh” look before replying. “how you think she be getting to the houses nigga? she takes the plane….dumbass” aran looked away, an embarrassed look on his face as he thought about what ony just said.
“well my dick is bigger nigga, now what?” the dark skin male laughed, his hand leaving your back to cop a feel of aran's manhood. he gave him a knowing look. “be furreal nigga y'know my shit bigger. that was cute tho” you rolled your eyes, sighing loudly as you got up from the both of them. “ohh my goddd do y'all ever just shut up?” you spit before walking away to your room. before you reached the door a small smirk graced your features as you came up with an idea to help them get along. “both of y'all dicks is little so ion even know why y'all arguing furreal”your words brought a mix of confusion and anger to both of their faces before ony and aran turned to look towards each other. silently communicating there next actions before getting up and making their way towards you. “we gon see about that”
your boyfriends argued almost everyday, using there bantering as a way to show their love for each other. you knew they'd never downplay each others love for you for real, always in the others defense in the media when different blogs would try to put them against each other. they always saved their arguing for when they were in private or in the comfort of their home and when at home there was only one way to shut them up.
“mhmm i know ma” aran mumbled as he listened to your pretty whines. his big hands outstretched on your ass while you made out with ony. all three of you sat on your knees as aran fucked you from behind and you stroked ony's dick in front go you with your pretty hand, your other hand on ony's his shoulder to keep yourself from falling over. “how she feel baby?”he moaned as he felt your hand tighten around him. aran matched his boyfriends moan with one of his own. “good...fuck...real good da” his dick twitched inside of your wet walls as he watched his the darkskin male tightly grip your neck before giving you a sloppy kiss. ony's eyes never left aran's as he let his tongue slide in and out of your wet mouth.
aran knew was ony was doing, purposely teasing him to bring him closer to his orgasm, but he had just the thing for that. his big brown hands gripped your hips before he started deepening his strokes, his pace increasing to get you to moan into ony's mouth just the way he loved. "aauughh fuck papa m'finna cum" you whined, your hand slowing to a stop on ony's dick as you felt your orgasm approaching. before you knew it, there was a hard slap brought to your ass by aran, his thrusts never faltering as he spoke. “don't stop touching him mama, daddy gotta cum too” a smirk grew on ony's face at the interaction, his dick twitching in delight at your obedience when you brought your hand back to him.
you were enjoying every minute of this. letting the men you love take control over your body and bring you to some of the best orgasms you'll ever received. ony squeezed your neck, pulling you from your thoughts as he brought his lips to your ear. “throw that shit back mama, make em feel real good so he can fill you up. you want papa to fill you up right?” you quickly nodded your head, listening to his command instantly. the feeling of your ass meeting his thrusts made aran moan, his release getting closer and closer as he felt your arousal begin to drip to the sheets. your walls fluttered repeatedly as you felt your orgasm begin to rush through you. "m'cummin oh my god m'cumminnn" your pretty cry brought ony to his orgasm as well, his dick pushing out thick streams of cum that rolled down his tip and onto your hand.
aran began to deepen his thrusts, using your release as lubricant to move quicker inside you. “fuck mama ima give you all this nut, hold still f'me” you tried your best to listen, stilling you body from shaking in overstimulation as you felt all of his inches move in and out of you. as aran fucked you, you watched ony make his way to his side, letting you fall to the bed before giving aran a sloppy kiss on the lips. his hand rubbed up and down aran's chest just the way he liked as he continued to let his tongue dance inside his mouth. in no time he was cumming, his thick load shooting into you had he slowed his thrusts. “thank you da” aran sighed as he caught his breath. ony gave him another slow kiss on the lips, his hand still on his chest as he spoke. “of course baby”
as they brought their attention to you, they noticed that you were already asleep. chuckles flew from both of them as they got off the bed to clean up. “where you goin?” aran asked as he watched ony begin to carry your towards the bathroom. “we finna take a bath while you clean the sheets” the brownskin man sucked his teeth before walking towards your sleeping form in his boyfriends arms. “you took a bath wit her last time, you said you was gon take a shower wit me this time after we bathe her together” ony rolled his eyes, before turning back around to go in the bathroom. “that was before you made me wash your dishes nigga” aran opened his mouth to argue but was cut off by your sleepy, annoyed voice. "if y'all don't shut up y'all gon be together on the couch" the two men looked at each other, silently communicating that they did't want to have to share a couch between their big tall bodies.
“my fault ma”
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momolady · 5 months
Jasper the Bugbear
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First story of the year and I'm giving ya'll a double decker one to set off the year right! This story feature intrigue, espionaige, fucking over the rich, and a cozy bookstore featuring a very handsome bugbear. Female Main Character: Male Monster (both cis)
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The letter arrived first thing in the morning, delivered into my hands by someone who whisked away as quickly as they appeared. I had been hunkered down in this small town waiting on this for a while now.
“Geez,” I mumbled over the letter. “Who did they let write this thing?” I squinted over the paper, trying to decipher some of the illegible handwriting. I scoffed, pulling back and rubbing the bridge of my nose. I’d been restless waiting for this thing to come in. I had been placed here for a while now in an attempt to blend in. I posed myself in town, scouting things out, selling trinkets under the guise of charity. I was growing bored with it, not many of the people I had been charged with finding were the type to just go out into the market.
“Dear Caranina,” the letter started off.
“Not my name,” I grumbled. In a bit of spite, I took my own quill and scraped it out, writing ‘Carina’ over it.
“We know you have been waiting long to wehdhjfjfhshj from us. It has taken us quite a while to jshdjhkfjihf and ahdfhrjhuidhh in order to assure your mission runs smoothly.”
You scoffed under your breath. “Were they writing this letter under siege?”
“The festival coming up is the start. While the festival is important there is also a banquet the the aedkfehkjekhkdj family of the ajhdhfkjhdjkd holds every year. It is important that you Caranina-” I scratched that out again, “-must attend the jkfgkjjfeuedhus banquet. This may require you attaining a date from those on the guest list. We have provided to you a guest list, sent to us from another scout in the city.”
“Please let someone else have written that list,” Iyou muttered under myyour breath.
“We have provided it below for you.”
IYou leaned back in Myyour chair and rubbed the bridge of my nose up and down. I took in a deep breathbreat to quelel the frustration bubbling in my gut. “It’s fine. It’s fine, surely I can read one of them.”
“It is imperative you find your way into this party. We will contact you again soon with details of our target, most of which should already be known to you. Warmest regards hdfjjfdkhfeljirorhfdhjjd.”
“Great, I’ll have to tell hdfjjfdkhfeljirorhfdhjjd their hand writing sucks,” I mumbled under my breath.
Below was the supposed list of names, most, if not all of them, were illegible and wonky. I could only make out a few of them. I recognized one, a miracle in its own right. The fellow worked at a bookstore in town. Jasper Synclayr Humbeclaw, a bugbear, and a real smart guy type who seemed to have his fingers in a lot of pies and has done well for himself financially. His intellect could easily be mistaken due to his imposing figure. But I can’t help but think that is why the upper echelon like him so much. An oddity is one thing, an educated oddity is another.
I walked into his bookstore first thing that morning. It was dark outside still, the sun had risen but the clouds had not parted and were growing heavier and thicker by the moment. I could smell the rain that was to come, and I knew if it came, I could extend my visit with Jasper that much longer without it seeming odd.
“I thought I heard the bell.”
I looked up from the book in my hand to see Jasper standing there. Tall, imposing, and dressed very well. His fur was well groomed, his beard trimmed to give the illusion of an extra sharp jawline. Thick brows that gave an air of distinguished intelligence. He certainly looked the part of a bookstore keep.
“Good morning.” He set a thick stack of books down upon the counter. “Are you looking for anything in particular today?”
Just you, I thought to myself. “No, thank you.” I was at least sincere there. “I wanted to look around for a bit. I’ve always walked by the shop but I’ve never been inside.” I smiled politely, at least I didn’t have to fake much. The guild knew what it was doing, sending me in after all.
Jasper nodded, gently taking off his glass. “Yes, I’ve seen you around the last few weeks. You’ve been selling jewelry around town, haven'tahven’t you?”
“Prayer beads and religious charms,” I corrected with a bright smile. “Something to send back to the monastery.” A tiny lie. I was keeping the money.
He nodded, using a small cloth to wipe off his glasses. “What’s the monastery?”
I thought quickly. “Esmeraude Monastery. It’s far, far up north. Very snowy, very cold.” I wasn’t lying when I said it was going to Esmeraude, it’s my last name, and I did live up north as a child.
Jasper placed his glasses back on. “Sounds like a beautiful place,” he chuckled softly. “Well, don’t let me bother you. Books are meant to be perused, so enjoy yourself. Should you need any help, I’ll be around.” He picked up the stack of books and walked out behind the counter, disappearing behind a row of mahogany shelves.
Thunder rumbled outside and I smiled excitedly. The bigger the storm, the more likely I would have to linger inside. Not that I would mind, there were worse placesd to get trapped in than a bookstorebook store.
I wandered around to appear nonchalant at first. I looked through books, easing my way closer to where Jasper was working. I found him close to the back, taking books down from a shelf he was cleaning. Thunder growled low in the distance again, and Jasper turned his head slightly, spotting me.
“Sounds like a storm is coming,” he says.
“Such things do happen when one is busy,” I tutted. “I hope you don’t mind me getting caught here if it does.”
“Not at all. I would hate for a lovely lady such as yourself to get caught in that mess.” He wiped down the top of a book and sets it back upon the shelf.
I was a bit surprised by his comment. It made my cheeks flush ever so slightly. “Thank you.” I inched in even closer. “Would be a shame if the rain continued into the festival though.”
“True,” he sighed. “The people do look forward to it.” He turned a book over in his hands, inspecting the cover as if something was wrong. “Have you ever attended the festival here? It’s quite the event.” He set the book back upon the shelf after his thorough inspection.
“Afraid not. This is my first time here. I am excited to attend and see everything first hand for myself.” I reached for the exact same book as Jasper, causing our hands to collide. I notice how large his are, in comparison to mine. It shouldn’t have been surprising, after all, he stood head and shoulders over me. But his hands, to my surprise, were quite marvelous.
Jasper gently recoiled. “I beg your pardon, Miss.”
“No harm done.” I took the book, opening the pages. “Cara.”
His brow pinched.
“My name. You don’t need to call me Miss,” I chuckled.
He nodded, a slight smile appearing on his lips that curved up past his tusks. “Nice to meet you, Cara.” The way he said my name had a low, deep growl to it. My reaction of excited heartbeats surprised me.
I ducked back down into the book to hide my blush, but perhaps that would help me. “I heard someone say there was a banquet at the festival. I’m sure that's the highlight of the event.”
“Well, for some I’m sure,” he said hesitantly.
I looked up from my book. “What do you mean? Is the town full of horrible cooks?”
His smile returned, brighter and larger. He laughed and shook his head as for the first time he turned to fully face me. “There is a banquet, just for a select few I am afraid.”
“Which select?” I asked knowingly, offering him back the book in my clutches.
He took the book, his fingers brushing against mine again. “From tThe sound of your tone, I take it you can already tell.”
“The big wigs of the town have their own celebration away from the commoners?” I glanced back, seeing that rain hadhas begun splattering against the window.
“Would you want them to mingle?” Jasper said with a laugh.
A slight twinge of resentment came from that remark. Whether he was joking or trying to make some commentary, it came off wrong. “Are you suggesting the two should not? Because you are talking to the wrong person when it comes to such things.”
The hair on the back of his neck bristled, and the way his broad shoulders tensed I could tell I had struck a frightened nerve. “No I-”
“It’s a shame to me that there is such disparity as to create a sense of them and us,” I continued. “That money and class should separate people who are all the same when laid open. What good is wealth when there is suffering of your own kind? It is a shame. A sham really. A lie told to people to make them feel superior, when any number of the supposed wealthy are probably worse and more classless than the supposed brutes and commoners they’re trying to separate themselves from.”
His eyes are glassy, wide and surprised.
I huffed and shook my head. “If you let it, money will take your soul. I fully believe it!”
Jasper hung his head, looking disparaged. “I am sorry, Mis…Cara. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way.”
“You live and work in a part of the town that’s profitable, that’s marked in high regard by these elites. I suppose you wouldn’t know what to mean.”
It was quietquite for a long moment and the storm came in, with howling winds and growling thunder to fill the silence.
“You’re right,” Jasper let out a breathy laugh. “It has been a long time since I looked beyond my own comfortable place. I should know better than to joke.”
I gave him a soft look. “At least you can recognize . Iit.” There was something about him, I’m not sure, but I do think I could like him.“I hope I didn’t frighten you too badly. You looked like a kitten being barked at.”
Jasper smiled. “Hard lessons are my favorite to learn. Sometimes a fellow needs to be reeducated, I should thank you for the fright.”
My heart leapt into a quicker pace, and a genuine grin grew. Oh no. Perhaps I already do like him. “Think nothing of it,” I laughed it off. “In my line of work, it’s a constant thought.”
“I’m sure.” He knelt to get something from the floor then stood back erect. “Do you have any of your wares with you? Perhaps I could sell some here in the shop. I’ll match whatever is sold so you can send double back to your monastery.”
“Oh uh-” Guilt hit me like a sack of bricks. “No. Uhm…it wouldn’t oh-” What do I say to this? Think Cara think!
“Or-” Jasper’s tone went distant and I saw in his golden eyes that he became lost in thought. “I know there is always some sort of argument over the charities my friends give to. They’re always trying to one up each other.”
I held my breath, surely he wasn’t going to suggest what I was thinking. “Friends?” My voice cracked.
Jasper’s glance twitched my way, and his usual expression returned. “Oh sorry. The banquet coming up, there’s always some form of competition about what charity they’re giving too.”
I frowned at him and he shrugged.
“I know. It’s ridiculous. But it’s something they sincerely try to one up each other on. Perhaps you could take advantage of that.”
It wouldn’t be the only thing I’d take advantage of that evening. But wait…what? Did he really suggest it?
“Come with me. I usually don’t have a date for these evenings, so it might be fun.”
I was gobsmackedgodsmacked. How did it turn out to be that easy? I thought I’d have to seduce him first! “You’re serious?” I gawked. “You’re inviting me, just like that?”
Jasper just smiled. “If it helps your monastery.”
My gut was frothing in confusion over how to feel about this. But, I succeeded, I would be going to banquet!
“I wouldn’t want to impose.”
Jasper turned back to the shelf, loading it up with books again. “Don’t think of it that way. You’ll be my guest. I’d be honored to have such a lady as you with me that evening. Besides, I call them friends, but I do find them all quite boring.”
I bit down on my lip. “What makes you think I’m not?”
Jasper chuckled and looked back over his shoulder at me. “I have a sense about these things, Ms. Cara.”
The blush rose up to my cheeks, tingling slightly from his expression alone. I can’t catch feelings for Jasper, not when this mission is against the people he associates with. Bad move, Cara, you know better!
Despite this, I decided it would be smart to gather knowledge from Jasper. After all, if I was going to this banquet, I wanted to know what I was up for. I could gather information about him, send back some of my findings in advance. There were a few of the banquet attendees we were after, so anything and everything was helpful.
I returned to Jasper’s bookstore the next day and the next under the guise of nervousness for the party. He seemed glad to see me each day, inviting me in, chatting with me, I even helped him dust shelves and tend to misplaced books. He shared tea with me, even invited me for dinner one evening.
“I feel I am taking advantage,” I told him. It was the truth. I was starting to grow a gnawing sense of guilt. But this was my mission after all, and it was my fault for growing attached to Jasper.
“Not at all. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a friend over that I enjoyed.” Jasper filled my tea cup then returned to the stove to deal with the food.
I chewed the inside of my cheek for a moment. “You don’t like any of these people you deal with, do you?” I finally asked. “The way you’ve spoken about them recently… I’m sorry if I’ve taken this all wrong, but you don’t sound very fond of them.”
Jasper sighed heavily. “There is some truth to what you say. Most of them I know would rather take me or leave me. Some I don’t have much respect for.” He covered a pot then came to sit back down at the table with me.
“Then why associate with them?”
Jasper scoffed. “You want to know the truth? To keep them coming to the shop so I can get their money.”
I smiled despite myself. “So you’re playing the long con?”
Jasper had been raisingrising his teacup to his lips but he set it back down. “Not a con, exactly. They are getting exactly what they pay for but-” He huffed and took off his glasses. “I know if I don’t associate with them, create some sort of fashion out of the experience, I wouldn’t make ends meet, let alone maintain the life I do have.”
“A grifter then,” I teased. Under the table I felt his foot tap against my leg in a playful kick. It was a move I was not expecting, nor was I prepared for the reaction it would give me.
“We do what we can to survive,” Jasper said in a low, whisper-like murmur. “And I do not wish to go back to my former method of survival.”
This shift in tone bristled the hairs on the back of my neck. “You can’t just say things like that and not expect me to ask for a follow up.” I gave him a soft smile to urge his story forward. “What was survival for you before the bookstore?”
Jasper glanced away, his eyes flickering towards the door to the next room. He stood and waved his hand for me to follow. “I’ll show you.” He took me into a parlor-like room with nice furniture and everything was a varying shade of deep green or gold. On the wall over the stone fireplace was a sword of grand size. The blade glinted gold in the light of the fire, and the handle was wrapped up, covered by thick woven bands.
Now, I am not a strong person at all, by far I’m the weakest of my group physically. The sword on the wall was daunting for me, but I could tell it would give most members of my guild some extreme effort to raise. This was the sword of no mere fighter. No, this sword belonged to another type of creature altogetherall together.
“Your words from when we first met reminded me of what I came from,” Jasper muttered. “I was ashamed to think about what I had turned into.”
I turned my attention to his stony expression. “Don’t say that. We all make changes in life.”
“Yes but, it is a fool who forgets where they come from, Cara.” His voice becomes a low, almost angry growl.
I reached out to him, taking hold of his hand and squeezed it extra hard. He turned to me, looking at me with glassy eyes. He  rubbed his large hand over his face, sniffling and trying to regain himself.
“You obviously remember,” I said to coax him.
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His hand squeezed mine back. “I am forgetting something at this moment, Cara.”
I furrowed my brow and tilted my head up to him in confusion.“Which is?”
“How to be a gentleman. I almost bent down and kissed you like the ruffian I once was,” he said with a laugh.
My stomach knotted up, not in a bad way, but one of expectancy. “You could ask me.” The words poured from me, I didn’t mean to be so blunt.
Jasper chuckled, smoothed his beard into a point again. “I shouldn’t.”
I shrugged. “Try me.”
Jasper turned to face me, placing his hands first upon my shoulders then moving one up along the side of my neck and onto my cheek. His palm was so big and warm, it was amazing as he touched me. I shivered a bit, excited and conscious of what this could lead to.
“Cara,” he said with a shaky breath, “I am going to kiss you now.”
“I dare you then,” I giggled.
Jasper began to lean down towards me and I was stunned. I close my eyes, accepting his kiss. His tusks were cool against my skin, his fur was soft. I reached for him, touching the sides of his neck then slowly moving my palms over his broad chest.
When he pulled back, both of us were a touch breathless. He moved in to kiss me again, but he gasped and pulled back. I looked up angrily, but he moved off swiftly to the kitchen. “Excuse me, Ms. Cara! But our meal.”
“Oh!” I followed after him. “Right! Dinner.” I laughed as I returned to my seat at the table. I was flustered, fidgeting with my robe as I tried to distract myself from the thoughts blooming in my head. This was bad. I wasn’t supposed to be falling for Jasper. —
It was the night of the banquet, and I was considering turning Jasper down. It didn’t feel right to go. I’d made a mistake by possibly falling for Jasper. Each time I kissed him, the guilt was unbearable. It almost came to a head a few days before the kisses began turning into something much more. His storage room was small, warm, and dimly lit. I’d been helping him find a certain stash of books and we’d gotten smashed together.
His body was close, quite literally on top of mine. He was a mountain of a man, but I felt so safe, so strangely turned on by the moment. The room grew hotter, our bodies were pressed so tightly together you couldn’t fit a page between us. Jasper was hard against my hip and I was growing wet.
Jasper growled low in my ear, sending ripples through my body. He kept rutting himself into me so I could feel the entirety of him. He was thick and I could only imagine what that thing would do to me. His hands pushed up my skirt, touching bare skin, groping my rear. He growled again against my neck as his fingers slipped between my thighs. I touched him, grabbing hold of the shaft and stroking slowly. His voice became more hungry, so desperate. I wanted that voice to come out louder, deeper. I undid his pants, taking that warm, thick cock into my palm.
“Cara,” he snarled.
I nodded, breathing hard as I took both hands to hold him. “Like that?”
He grunted, pushing me into the wall as my fingers wrapped tightly around him, pleasuring him so deeply he began to shiver.
“Big thing like you could devour me, couldn't you? Those teeth…those hands…could rip me apart-” I whimpered.
“Cara-” he moaned again.
“I want you to,” I moaned, leaning up close to his face. I saw his eyes and I suddenly went still, my body was wracked with guilt. But the bell rang at the same moment, so Jasper mistook it for another kind of fear, and we left there.
I paced back and forth in my place, thinking about what I should do. If Jasper found out what I was up to could he forgive me? Would he understand? Or worse, would he hate me?
There was a knock on my door and all blood drained from my face. I approached the door, peering through a crack to try and see who was outside.
“It’s me, Cara,” Jasper announced with joy in his voice.
My mouth flopped open. “I was meeting you!” I fussed.
“I know, but I have a surprise for you.”
My guts churned. No, no, no, not a surprise you big fool! I slowly cracked open the door, peering up at him. “I’m uh…I’m not exactly ready yet, Jasper.”
Jasper had a smile that stretched past his tusks. “That’s fine. I have something for that anyways.”
I let him, silently stepping aside as he came into my room. His eyes darted around before looking back at me, his huge grin not fading. “You’re not nervous about tonight, are you?” He asked.
“A little,” I played into it.
He came to me as I closed the door, taking hold of my hand. “I’ve got you. There’s nothing to worry about. Besides, if I know anything about you Cara, it’s that you could run circles around them effortlessly.”
I smiled weakly and rubbed at my arm. “Thanks, Jasper.”
He squeezed my hand then reached into the pocket of his waistcoat. I was so nervous I hadn’t noticed how sharpley he was dressed. His fur was combed, his beard trimmed, he wore that mix of green and gold that looked so good on him. He was so handsome.
“I got you a present.” He offereda small box to me. “Something special to wear tonight.”
Why did he do this? Why did I have to hurt so badly from a small box? I took it into my hand, opening it up to see the drop earrings inside.
“They’re made from moonstone. I saw them in a shop and they made me think of you.” The moonstones were shaped like water drops, topped with silver and a single red gem in the center. They were beautiful, I loved them instantly.
“You didn’t need to do that,” I murmured.
Jasper came forward, taking one of the earrings in one hand then holding my head with the other. “I know. But the moment I saw them, I wanted to see you wearing them.”
Those words mingled with his touch made me sigh out of pleasure. He slipped the hook into my ear then stepped back and repeated it with the other ear.  Jasper took a step back to look, and I saw on his face the same expression from the storage room.
“How do they look?” I murmured.
He nodded, keeping his mouth shut.
“Jasper-” my voice caught in my throat as I walked towards him. I placed my hands upon his chest. He kissed me, sweeping me off my feet. I didn’t fight it. Perhaps if we carried on we would miss the banquet and he would never find out why I was here, why I was with him.
I clung to him, leading him to believe in my desperation. I wanted him to kiss me longer, deeper, I needed him to grow just like that day in the storage room. He pulled away though and gently set me down upon the ground.
“I should let you finish getting ready,” he cleared his throat.
My mouth flopped open and closed. I then shut it tight and nodded. “Yeah. I should-” An idea struck me and I took a few steps back. “I need to change mostly.” I undid my clothing, letting it slip off my shoulders then down around my ankles. His eyes grew wide and his nostrils flared.
I smirked with some smugness as I saw the fire behind his glasses. I touched the earrings then dragged my fingers tip down my body in a slow agonizing way. His eyes lingered the entire time.
He finally jerked, looking away and putting on his airs. “Cara! What are you doing? The banquet!”
“They prefer if you’re fashionably late, don’t they?” I walked towards him, feeling less guilty if I tricked him this way. I slid my hand up his leg, rubbing my palm to his groin. “Please, Jasper?” I whispered.
He growled low, and that sound sent wicked little shivers through my body. I continued to touch him, grinding my palm into him as he began to stiffen. His strong hands gripped onto my bare shoulders and I took off his pants. I felt bad they would get wrinkled, but I needed this now. I could throw myself into passion, to desire, and forget how I’ve used him. I could tell him the truth later, once we missed the banquet and my job was ruined.
I grabbed hold of his cock, leading him over to the bed. I pushed him down upon it and crawled on top of him. He looked so beautiful all made up, and I was going to ruin that too.
“Cara, where did this come from?” Jasper gasped.
I smirked down upon him, rubbing myself against him. “From the moment I saw you.” I gasped breathlessly. “And that other day in the storage room. I’ve not stopped aching for you.”
Jasper grabbed hold of my hips, grinding his teeth the more he felt me. His deep moans echoed through my brain, driving me forward to keep going. It was working, I just hoped I could keep him entertained long enough. I looked down, taking hold of the base of his shaft. I caught his eyes, making him watch as I rubbed his tip against me. He was so thick, could I really take him?
“Easy,” he grunted.
“I’ll do as I please.” I began to lower myself down onto him. I lost my breath for a moment, then I let out a pleasurable cry. Jasper was moaning, wriggling slightly the more I took.
He was deep inside me, and I forgot everything except every touch of him upon me. His great big hands began roaming up my body, his large form was held tight underneath me, and inside me, oh by the gods, he was so deep inside me.
“I’m dizzy, Cara,” he snarled.
“Not too sensitive are you?” I said with a smirk. I circled my hips, taking him and grinding him inside me. I wanted to tease him, but it was backfiring! I’m sure I was feeling it more than he was.
“Not that…just…so long,” he grunted between breaths.
“Then maybe I should have started off with something easier,” I panted. “Maybe I should-” I started to pull away from him, knowing I had to waste my time wisely.
Jasper grabbed a hold of me and I was stunned for a moment by the force. He pushed me down on my stomach, anchoring his large body over top of me. He slid his cock between my cheeks and held his hands upon my wrist.
“Not so fast,” he chuckled with a dark tone.
“Listen to yourself,” I panted. “You almost scared me.”
His cock slipped between my thighs, rutting against me again. “You can’t just give me the sweetest treat in the world and pull it away. Let me savor it a bit longer.”
“I wasn’t.” I lost my voice and all my breath as he pushed back inside me. My smile became goofy upon my lips and I had to moan into the bed.
“Yes.” He released one of my hands in order to grab my hair. “Just give me a few moments. Oh Car-” his voice cracked. “I need to feel you.”
That was fine by me. He could have done anything to me right then and I would have been okay. It had been quite a while for me, and I wanted Jasper all this time. I trembled, squeezing tight around his shaft as he made small, gentle pushes.
“Oh fuck,” his deep voice rattled in my brain. “We’ll be so late. But you’ll be too full to eat anything at the banquet.” His other hand freed my wrist and he rose up taller behind me.
Oh my god! Why did that sound so hot?
He pushed in deeper, pulling out while his hand clapped down hard upon my ass. I cried out against the bed, it was too much, too good. He spanked me again as he pushed back inside and I laughed in a crazy tone.
He smoothed his soft palms over my cheeks, pushing them together then squeezing them. He pulled out again and rolled me over, laying me so I had to look up at him. His eyes glazed over upon seeing me, his mouth hung open slightly as drool collected around the base of his tusk.
I propped myself up on my elbows and the earrings dangled against my neck. “Jasper, I have something I need to tell you.”
He spread my thighs wide open. “I do as well.” He laid his cock against my belly, rubbing himself there.
“I…I can’t go to the banquet.”
Jasper licked his tusk. “I know. Not like this anyways.” He eased himself back inside me and I whined quite loudly.
“No…not like-” My eyes began to roll to the back of my head. “You don’t…oh!”
He pushed my head down into the bed, turning it so my ear was facing up towards him. He licked around the edge, snarling so close to me it was like my skin would vibrate off my bones.
“I need you now. I can’t stop. But I need to go to this banquet.” He bit my neck then my shoulder.
“I do too, but I-” I shivered again and my mind went blank.
“I’m an informant,” he whispered before delivering a mighty blow that rocked me, knocking around any thought I had and squashing it. My body was inflamed, tingling and crackling all over. I lost my breath, my vision for a moment.
Jasper pulled away, leaving me heaving heavily as he went to pour himself some water. He stood by the window, his back turned to me as I rose from the bed.
“These people, I need them Cara. Not in the way you think.”
I was afraid to stand up, I’m not even sure how he was. Wait…he didn’t finish! I brushed my hair out of my face. “Who are you an informant for?”
“I’ve never met them, just the fellow I meet with. But back before, back when I had nothing, they gave me the footing to start my business and live the life I wanted. I just had to pay them back. I was afraid of telling you. You work so hard…you’re such a-”
“Stop,” I snapped. I managed to stand and walk to the desk, taking out the letters I had been given about my mission. I looked them over then back at him. “I think I know who it is.”
Jasper’s thick brow furrowed when he saw the handwriting on the letters. “How do you know when you can’t even read the handwriting?”
I dropped the letters back onto the desktop and the two of us looked at one another for a long while.
“You were using me?” He asked quietly.
“At first,” I murmured. “But I couldn’t-” I shook my head and looked away. “I was trying to miss the whole evening by…by fucking you. Which I wanted to do regardless, mind you!” I looked into his eyes, seeing a smile he was trying to hide.
Jasper unbuttoned his waistcoat and took it off with his shirt. He stood naked there at the window, and I was breathless again. “Why did you?”
I couldn’t tell if he was mad. “Because I-” I took a step closer to him. “Because I care. A lot actually.”
Jasper took hold of me and set me upon the windowsill. “We’re working together now,” he whispered, gently pushing aside my hair and burying his face into my neck. “Informant and spy.” he eased himself back inside me and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
The glass was cold against my back, but I could barely tell it was there. I still wasn’t sure if he was angry, but his body and mine melted together and I could sense he was nothing if not elated. I grasped onto him, letting him do as he wished to come. I wanted him to. I needed him too.
At the banquet I was a bit delirious. I gazed off into the distance, but Jasper snapped me back into attention.
“Remember why you’re here,” he whispered.
“Right, donations.” I drank a dark red punch filled with berries and nectar. “I’m still trying to process this.”
He smirked. “What, our lovemaking?”
I hissed at him then looked over the crowd. “No. That’s your the-” I held my breath as some people walked by us. “The you-know-what.”
“You still have to apologize for trying to use me,” he said with a smarmy tone. “But I’ll forgive you.”
I pouted up at him, setting my glass down as a group gathered around us. Jasper was listening, taking in everything while I put on the show and did the work. I managed to make quite a bit of coin off these fools as they tried to one up themselves.
“You should come to my home, I can donate a lot of old knick knacks around the house my wife keeps collecting,” one man blurted out without much thought.
To my chagrin, it was one of the men I needed to get close to. I reached back, taking hold of Jasper’s hand. “I would be honored, sir!”
I got more invites after that, others who continued to try and show off to each other rather than try to perform a good act. As they dissipated when the music began, I took Jasper’s hand and kissed each soft pad on his palm.
Jasper took the bite of food he was eating and set it aside. “What was that for?” He chuckled.
“A small start to our victory.” My expression melted as I looked up at him. “If you still wish to work with me, that is.”
He took my hand as well, kissing it in return. “Partners from here on out. Like it was all meant to be.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
on my face
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words: 1.1k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, dry humping, male receiving oral, cum play/eating
“hey baby.” rafe smiles as you come into the room, practically bouncing as you come to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“missed you so much handsome.” you say, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and leaning against him as he continues to work on the computer, tapping away.
“are you almost done?” you ask, already getting impatient from the lack of attention.
“come on, baby girl, you know i have to work.” rafe says. he looks up at you with a frown, also wishing he could be done. you connect your lips in a kiss, tugging on his bottom lip to signal how much you want him.
“why don’t you sit on my lap while i finish, yeah, pretty girl?” he asks, hand coming to your hip, rubbing over the thin material of your mini skirt. 
“kay!” you say, slotting yourself into his thigh. you take it for now, resting your head in rafes neck as he continues typing. you occasionally press a kiss against his skin, giving him a little nip when you start to get impatient. 
“come on princess.” rafe says when you grind your hips against him. 
“i want youuu.” you plead, dropping your hand to rub over his crotch. “please, daddy.”
rafe throws his head back, and you know you’ve got him in that moment, unable to resist the nickname. “yeah?” you smile at him giving over control. you slide between his legs, batting your eyelashes up at him as you rub over his thighs, closer and closer until you rub over his cock, now hard in his sweatpants.
“let me suck you.” you say, tugging at the waistband. rafe sarcastically rolls his eyes with a smirk, lifting his hips and pulling his underwear and pants down all in one go, letting his hard cock spring free.
you let out a moan at the sight of him, taking the base in your hand. you waste no time, taking the head of his cock into your mouth and giving him a suck. 
you hear rafe start to type again and get annoyed that you’re on your knees, giving him your full attention, while he’s going back to work, so you relax your throat and lower onto his cock, pushing past the urge to gag.
“fuck, baby.” rafe groans. “you’re really eager, huh?”
you pull off his cock with a smile, “want you to feel good daddy.” you say, giving the very tip of his cock a kiss. you look up at rafe, biting your lip as your hands go to your low cut shirt, pulling your boobs out so he’s able to see them. 
rafe throws his head back when you retake his cock in your mouth, only to quickly snap his head back down to look at you as you begin to take his cock in and out of your mouth, building up a rhythm. 
“yeah, feels so good baby.” rafe says, watching your tits sway as you get your whole body into sucking him off.
you give him a brief smile before you close your eyes to continue to concentrate, especially on not gagging. you feel your throat tighten and constrict every time his head presses in, but you breathe through your nose to overcome it.
rafe lets out a series of moan as you bring one hand up to play with his balls, holding them and gently squeezing. you take a second to pull off, taking a few deep breaths before licking up the bottom of his cock, right along a vein until you get to the tip, swirling your tongue around to collect the bit of precum that is leaking out.
rafe grabs the back of your head, pushing down to signal that he wants back in your mouth. you take one more deep breath before wrapping your lips around his cock, bobbing your head as rafe tightens his grip on your hair. 
“that’s it.” rafe moans, pushing his hips in time to make you sputter around his thick cock, choking slightly but you continue, not letting rafe pull you off, wanting to get him there quickly.
you feel rafes cock pulse in your mouth and you pull off, much to his dismay as he tries to guide you back down. “want you-” you have to pause to take a breath, “want you to cum on my face.”
you begin to stroke rafes cock, not letting him think too hard about what you just said. he’s never cum anywhere but your mouth before when you were giving him a blowjob, but you wanted something different this time, you wanted to feel his cum hitting your skin.
“baby, are you sure?” rafe asks, chest heaving as he tries to hold off cumming.
“yes, please daddy.” you ask, moving your hand faster. you lean forward and lick at his tip, wanting to keep him close.
“okay, fuck.” rafe says, leaning back against his chair but keeping his eyes on you as you sit back, closing your eyes and sticking your tongue out to catch what you can. his eyes drop to your tits, bare and waiting for his seed to fall on.
his hand wraps over top of yours, helping you stroke as he groans loudly. you feel it suddenly, his cum dropping onto your face, onto your waiting tongue, and sliding down your chest. “fuck baby.” rafe moans, slowing his hand as he finishes, squeezing every last drop out of him that he can.
you flutter your eyes open, glad that he had avoided your eyes. you look down at yourself, at the mess that he made, and then look up at rafe with a wide smile on your face.
“thank you daddy.” you say. rafe chuckles and tucks his cock back into his pants. 
“can’t believe you wanted that baby.” rafe says, leaning forward to press a kiss against your forehead, avoiding any of the cum on your cheeks.
“gonna get something to clean you up, sit still.” rafe commands. you watch as he leaves, running your finger along your chest and cheeks to gather as much cum as you can before sucking on your finger, moaning slightly at the salty taste.
rafe comes back in to see you mostly cleaned off, and he feels his sensitive cock starting to swell in his pants at the sight. “goddamn, baby.” rafe says, dragging the wet rag across your chest, pausing to give your nipple a pinch, then up your neck and cheeks to clean your face.
“i loved that.” you say, tucking your breasts back into your shirt. you stand up and stretch out your back and legs from kneeling for so long.
“thank you, daddy.” you say, kissing him gently, keeping your mouth closed because you know rafe doesn’t want to taste himself. “you can go back to work now.” you giggle, skipping out of the room.
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hellsite-detective · 5 months
Can you find this post for me?
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Like preferably the whole thing with all the reblogs. Thanks so much!!
findin' this post was relatively simple. the first thing i did was went to the first blog in the chain and did some snoopin' around for evidence, filterin' for "some boy aesthetics™" and found the post pretty quickly. i then came back over here to file it away when i realized... there was more to the screenshot. i forgot to scroll down when i began my research.
so i went back to the drawin' board, now lookin' for the LAST address in the chain. but that blog didn't exist anymore. great. so i went to the original file i had and scrolled through the reblogs of that post, filterin' for "yawn" when i stumbled across the post i wanted. the reason it wasn't poppin' up for me was because the username was changed from PESSIMISTICviruoso to OPTIMISTICviruoso. glad to see some change in perspective!
here you are! your post! i hope you enjoy this long list of male positivity! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 months
Girl this is exactly how I feel people treat Severus’s character
YEAHH I ALWAYS THOUGHT THIS, what they do with Sev’s character is literally exactly how they treat any female characters with male love interests/exes/etc. Like hi his “ex” may have been the reason he initially defected and began redeeming himself, but not every single thing he does is about her. People forget that he (+ female characters who get this treatment) is his OWN PERSON and his whole life doesn’t revolve around a woman/man. A lot of y’all like to say “oh Snape bullied kids cuz he couldn’t get with his crush at like 16,” even though he.. bullied kids.. due to his own upbringing and trauma shaping who he is as a person and because he just wanted to bully them? It doesn’t all have to be secretly related to Lily, he didn’t bully Ron bc “oh Ron had red hair and Lily also had red hair so-”, nor did he bully Hermione because “oh actually she’s a good student and a muggleborn so that must mean she reminded him of Lily-”. He bullied them because 1. of their association with Harry 2. their troublemaking 3. Hermione disturbs his lessons and yells out answers 4. Ron is lazy in his lesson and barely listens to him. Honourable mention: there’s absolutely no proof Snape hated Neville because he could’ve been the Chosen One instead of Harry, how would Snape even know about that? It’s like people who say this are just choosing to ignore Neville’s insane inadequacy at Potions, Snape’s reasons for hating Nev are crystal clear, yet y’all still choose to make up different fanon reasons for the sole purpose of bashing him. And also, Snape being a hero doesn’t mean he can’t be an utter asshole too, who said you can’t still be a petty little bitch while saving lives? Sometimes even his own fans can forget that, though thankfully not the majority of us.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 2 days
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Word count: 2500+
Warnings: nightmares; mentions of wounds, blood, trauma; Tamlin kind of breaks down (let's be honest: he needed a breaking point. That male holds everything in for too long🫂, but...)
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Night after night you woke up with a scream, covered in cold sweat. Your mind played games with you, bringing out the worst of the moments of your life, pushing you to live through them over and over again, twisting them in the most horrific ways.
It left you so disoriented that at first, you didn't know where you were or that it was already over. The only comforting and grounding thing that brought you every time back, was his hand rubbing on your back and his voice whispering you soothing words.
Every night awakened by your nightmares Tamlin slipped into your room, under your blanket and gently held you until you calmed down and eventually fell asleep again. His closeness, that sturdy presence, always lulled you into the dreamless slumber. You felt safe with him. He was like an ageless, indestructible stone that even the worst of the nightmares couldn't penetrate through.
Little you knew that he himself couldn't sleep, haunted by his own nightmares. That he waited every night, afraid to close his eyes, and welcomed any opportunity that would give him a reason to be with you in the same room, same bed and to hold you close. Your petite body in his arms was all he needed to feel at ease and sleep soundly.
Mornings were the most embarrassing for you, but you would lie if you said that you didn't enjoy them the best. Waking up so close to his broad, strong and very bare chest, surrounded by his calming scent, made your heart pounding hard, blood rushing to your cheeks. You knew he was awake because his heart echoed yours, matching with its speed. He certainly knew you were awake as well, but it took some time until he released you pretending to be just waking up.
You didn't mention it nor the reason that brought him to your bed and he did so, too. Thankfully, you had time to only exchange a brief greeting before Lucien came with some food and called for you. He never said a word about you two coming down side by side, although all his thoughts were written all over his face accompanied by knowing grin. You couldn't and didn't even want to imagine what he thought that you two did at night in your room. It was already hard to look him straight in the eye.
Tamlin grew stronger every day, but it wasn't before he got back to his original shape that his powers slowly began to return. Lucien waited a few more days and then he declared that it was the time for him to return back to his friends and to his duties. You were sad that you had to bid him goodbye even thought he promised to check on you two every few days.
Except of your brother's everyday visit and Lucien's occasional stop by, your life returned to its former ordinariness. In the morning you woke up, made breakfast with Tamlin's assistance and went for a walk. As before, Tamlin carried a basket for you while you collected different herbs, mushrooms and berries in it or you two sat by the river fishing.
You noticed that Tamlin was avoiding turning into his beast form and when he decided to go on hunt, he did so on foot with bow and dagger. He once again became a quiet companion lost in his thoughts, his smile became rare, sad and never reached his eyes. You wondered what caused that, but you fell right back into your previous habit of not asking each other things, not until the other one decided to share it.
He seemed to be especially distressed when your brother appeared on your threshold. The two of them were avoiding each other, never speaking a single word, not even exchanged a simple greeting. You preferred to stay outside with your brother and sit under the trees while talking, but when it rained you had to stay inside. At such times Tamlin always retreated to your room and returned only after Rhys was gone.
Rhysand, ever loving and protective brother, never forgot to check on you.
"You look tired. Did you sleep well?"
His words snapped you from your thoughts about Tamlin. You couldn't help it, but you worried about him and wondered what he was doing all alone now.
It was beautiful sunny day and sweet scent of blooming flowers wafted through the air. You were seated under huge tree, your backs rested against its trunk.
You smiled as best as you could. "I slept well. I guess I'm just tired and need more rest."
His eyes narrowed on you. "Do you again have nightmares? You know you can talk with me about anything." Suddenly he straightened up with wide eyes and sharp inhale as if only now something occurred to him. Then he glared at your cottage.
"I hope that he doesn't touch you or I will-"
"Rhysand!" You blushed fiercely.
He threw up his hands dramatically. "What? I'm your brother. I have a right to worry. He is a male and lives alone with you in the forest."
"But it doesn't give you a right to-to poke your nose into my privacy."
Frowning he rolled his eyes and crossed arms on his chest.
"But did he try anything?" he tried it again after few moments of silence.
You gaped at him in disbelief. "No!"
"You would tell me if-"
You hid your face in your palms. "Mother spare me," you grunted under your breath.
Rhysand grumbled something, but at least he stopped snooping into things that had nothing to do with him.
That day you were glad when he finally handed you a basket with your favourite pastries and fruits and left.
His questions made you think about the strange tingling sensation you felt every time Tamlin was too close or touched you. You still weren't ready to recognise your feelings and face them. With your newfound memories and everything that happened, it was too much for you at the moment, no need to say you were scared it would be just one-sided. Moreover Tamlin needed time to heal and you were afraid that your feelings, especially if they were unwanted, would only add to his already heavy burden.
With heart still pounding hard, you marched in and slammed the door shut behind you little bit too harshly. You left the basket on the table and angrily sat down in your armchair.
Tamlin poked head out from under the staircase where he was seated on his bed. His expression was tense but otherwise unreadable.
Carefully observing you he stood up and came closer. He got down on one knee next to you. Hesitantly, he reached for your hand. He sought out your touch after every Rhys' visit as if he needed a reassurance you were still here. It was so sweet, but at the same time the gesture was breaking your heart into pieces.
You squeezed his hand and tried to smile.
"Something happened?"
You shook your head. "Everything's alright. I'm just..a bit upset, I guess."
"Did he say something to you?"
"Not really. He was in a bit of a grouchy mood today."
He nodded, his eyes sliding to your lap. Ever since he turned back, he retained certain animal needs. Resting his head on your lap while being caressed, was one of them.
You breathed out deeply, already feeling better, and pulled him closer. Corners of his mouth turned upwards, emerald eyes shining bright. Making himself comfortable, Tamlin wrapped arms around you and closed his eyes. As soon as your hand touched golden strands of his hair, playing with them, his tense shoulders relaxed.
You stayed like this until both of you felt better.
The day slowly began to turn into night, the forest outside the window darkened. It was time to prepare a supper.
Without a word, Tamlin stood up together with you and helped you to wash the veggies and then mix ingredients in the pot.
You were cleaning and cutting veggies and gradually adding them to the pot. You were cutting carrot when a knife in your hand slipped and cut finger of your left hand. It wasn't a deep cut, but still some blood welled up and dropped on a cutting board. You'd never felt nauseous or had any problem when you saw blood, especially your own, but this time it was different.
You froze, watching another drop of blood sliding down your finger.
Screams of dying Fae echoed in your ears.
Stones painted crimson red, streams of blood running in between.
Your mother's last cry.
Your wings tossed into a dirt.
Drop drop drop
All your senses shut down at once, room went dark. You didn't know what happened afterwards.
Next thing you saw, was a canopy of green leaves disappearing in the darkness above your head, strong arms held you firmly.
"It's okay. You are safe here. Nobody's going to hurt you ever again. I won't allow it. Everything's fine now," a deep voice whispered soothingly into your ear.
Tamlin held you, rocking with you back and forth, repeating the reassuring words over and over again. One of his hands was gently combing through your hair, the other one was holding some fabric wrapped around your finger.
You blinked, trying to focus. "What happened? Why are we outside?"
His emerald eyes found yours, kind smile tried to beat over the pain, hide it.
"You cut your finger. It's nothing serious, I guess it's already healed."
You knew it was healed as well as you knew he sped up the process.
"But why are we outside?"
He looked away from you, his expression guarded. "You screamed and ran away."
You looked around, only now noticing the lack of the light. Your cottage was nowhere to be seen.
"I'm fast, but it took me some time to catch up with you."
"I'm so sorry," you tried to sit up, but he wouldn't let you. "I didn't mean to-"
"Don't apologise. I'm the one responsible for this. You suffer just because I was weak. I'm so sorry for this, Y/N. I wanted to apologise much sooner, but I didn't know where to start.."
"Tamlin," you whispered, reaching out your free hand to his face, but he shook his head dismissively.
"I'm responsible for everything bad that happened to you, yet you.. you showed me nothing but kindness.. you even saved me.. twice.. I don't deserve you.. any of this."
It was too dark even for your eyes, but you could swear you saw tears in his eyes before he closed them, turning away from you.
"Tamlin.. how can you say something like that. You saved my life. If it wasn't for you I would die that day. I'm alive just thanks to you."
He shook his head again. "You don't know everything.. You should really hate me.."
"No, I couldn't possibly."
He suddenly turned back to you, his hard gaze piercing you. You could feel tips of his claws poking your flesh. He heaved with effort to control himself, his anger. His arms slightly trembled. "But you should. If I wasn't such a weakling I could have stood up to my father and returned for you that night. But I didn't."
Shaking your head you opened your mouth to speak, but he wouldn't let you.
"When they returned I knew instantly they're up to something. I could feel unfamiliar scent on my father, saw him coming out from dungeon after hours being there. I overheard them talking about getting back with this, letting Night Court's High Lord suffer. I knew they had somebody down there, somebody important, but I didn't have guts to go there, not until I became High Lord. I found proof of you being there for who knows how long. Blood, bandages, medicines. If I wanted to I could have followed your smell, I could have found you centuries earlier. Yet I decided to do nothing. Nothing!"
He spatted each word out with such a self hate that your head was spinning. A single tear rolled down your cheek. You were at loss for words. He watched you with those cold eyes, waiting for your sentence.
However all you could say was, "Did you know it was me?"
His jaw clenched, claws fully sliding out. "No," he said, his voice hard. "I only found out when Rhysand appeared here on Solstice claiming you are his sister."
You swallowed hard while trying to sort your thoughts.
"But nevertheless, your pain, your fear, everything. I caused it. I." He beat his chest desperately, claws cutting through his shirt and skin. He ignored it all, eyes on you, pleading. When you didn't say anything, he pleaded more. "Say something. Tell me how much you hate me. Shout at me. Send me away. Command me to leave and never return back. Tell me you want me pay for that. Tell me you want to see me dead. Anything. Just say something already."
His voice finally broke with a sob. At this point both of you were crying.
You caressed his cheek. "I can't.. I don't feel any of those things.. I can't hate you because I-.."
"You what, Y/N," he sobbed, heaving heavily. His eyes dimly shone in the darkness.
Your palms started to sweat. You weren't ready for this, but you couldn't back off now. Tamlin was waiting for your answer as if his life depended on it.
"Because you what..?"
You swallowed, mouth suddenly as dry as sand of Summer Court. Your heart hammered in your chest.
"Because I," you stuttered. "I like you." Your voice was hardly more than rustle of leaves in the distance, but he heard it, anyway.
Tamlin whined like a wounded animal and squeezing shirt on his chest, he bent over, hiding his face in skirt folds on your lap. His shoulders were shaking uncontrollably.
You were shocked, unsure what to do. Your heart hurt, shattered with rejection. Because this was rejection, wasn't it. You wanted to cry hard, scream even, but you couldn't. Not here, not in front of him.
His claws slowly slid back in. With still hidden face he reached around your waist, pulling you closer and closer until you hardly could breathe.
"Thanks Mother," he breathed out into your legs. "I couldn't live if you said you hate me."
"What?" You weren't sure if you understood it correctly. Wasn't it rejection after all? Was he actually glad?
"I need you, Y/N. More than I need air," he said lowly, his voice muffled by your skirt. "Please.. don't leave me anymore."
"I won't," you whispered your promise, still not fully comprehending the sudden twist of the events. His mood twists were so confusing. One moment he was angry, full of self-hate, next one he pleaded for mercy.
All you had was a small bud of hope, warming up your insides. The tiny piece of hope that he and you.. that maybe one day there could be something, that maybe.. maybe your feelings wouldn't be completely unrequited.
Little you knew that those three simple words and your promise started a chain of great changes that could eventually lead to your own version of happily ever after.
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Note: I'm not sure about this ending and honestly the more I reread it, the more I hate it. However, when I try to rewrite it, it ends up being even worse.. Seriously I thought about not posting this until I sort it out somehow, but weeks later I'm still at loss here. It's frustrating 😭
Also I didn't plan for Tamlin to break down. It was supposed to be a calm conversation, clearing things etc., but he decided he wants to shout and have some self-loathing moment here. I told him it was a bad idea. If only he would listened to me, it would be easier😮‍💨
@impossibelle @sevikas-whore @b0xerdancer @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @tele86 @mybestfriendmademe @nocasdatsgay @yunloyal @nebarious @isabiss @st0rmyt @lilah-asteria @ubigaia @paleidiot @acourtofimagines @harahettania @talesofadragon @ceoofyearning
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thirstingfortoxicmen · 6 months
OMG I LOVE IT! your wish shall be granted✨✨✨👍
Im skipping some plot.... just cause no reason🤭
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(not my photo credit to Pinterest for fueling my mental issues)✨✨✨
Jokes on You
Sub Sebastian x Dom male Reader
"Ok, tonight was a little crazy so go and get some rest. Ok Natty?"
"Yeah I still can believe we escaped on hippogriffs!" Natty whispered back. Her hands still shaking slightly. I embrace her for a quick hug before we part. Being quiet I move quickly down to the Slytherin rooms. Once I safely make it to the dungeons a sigh of relief washes over me. My head aches slightly from the stress of fleeing Harlow and his cronies. Slipping through the door into the common room I gasp slightly.
"So... you want to tell what you've been doing?" Sebastian questions, glancing at me from his book.
"Well you see I... uhhh... Natty needed help with somethingandIcouldntjustsaynoso-" My voice speeding up as I talk, eyes flicking around the room.
"You're lying. Tell me the truth." He demands, with a stern voice. I finally make eye contact with him and give him a sigh.
"I- fine... Natty and I were out... investigating someone and we got attacked BUT! before you freak out, we're fine nothing bad happened!" I explain, guilt lingering on my words. For lying to Sebastian and for betraying Natty even after I swore not to tell anyone about our... excursions.
"And you didn't think to just," pausing himself with a sigh, "I don't know tell me before you endanger yourself and making me think you were with someone else." rubbing his temples stress clear on his face.
"... what? you thought I was cheating on you? Sebastian I would nev-"
"yeah well when i barely see my own boyfriend for three whole days and when I do see him he's with some girl! I don't know what to think ok!" he almost yells, cutting me off. Remembering that it's past curfew and neither of us are meant to still be up quiets Sebastian. I take a cautious step to him, unknowing of his reaction. I rest my hand on his cheek, I pull his face to face my own. Our eyes connect, frustration weeping from him.
"I would Never. cheat on you Sebastian. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. I didn't think it would hurt you so. I'll tell you next time," I speak low and soft, his attention on my eyes. Kissing him sweetly, closing my eyes resting our foreheads against each other when we part.
"Next time? How much trouble do you need in one year to be satisfied?" Sebastian moves his hand to mine, our hands resting together on his cheek. Grabbing my hand, intwining our fingers. He says, "come on." before trying to drag me into the corner of the common room.
"Where- what are we doing now?" i ask confusedly.
"I'm a teen boy who hasn't seen his boyfriend for three days. Take a guess." Blushing at the realization. Sebastian pushes me against the wall next to the lake, our lips clashing. Sweet turns to heavy, our tongues fighting. Biting his lip takes him off guard, I flip us pushing him to the stone wall. The chill of the stone coursing through him, a shiver runs down his body. Leaning down I continue making out with my boyfriend, pressing my leg against his groin. A groan from Sebastian letting my tongue gain dominance. His hips stuttering into my leg. "Please... I need you," he says, the slight whine of his voice going straight to my growing member. Grasping his thighs I lift him up, pressing him against the wall. Sliding his sleep pants down, just enough I spit onto my fingers. Stretching him and teasing him at the same time. I kiss his neck, his face blushing from his sensitivity. Soft groans leaking from his lips like a faucet. "I need you- now please..." his words drawing out slowly. Shuttering from his words, I complied. Hastily removing my belt and unbuttoning my pants before spitting in my hand once more rubbing it up and down my length, till I deemed good enough. Lowering him softly onto my hard cock. He jolts with a moan. Precum leaking from his cock. I start thrusting, I groan softly into Sebastians ear. His face now beat red, I bite into his shoulder. Once I do that he clenches hard and moans rather loudly. Still holding Sebastian I move from the wall to a nearby couch. Sebastian, now the one who has to lean down, resumes our making out from earlier. I grab his throat gently, squeezing intermittently. Sebastians eyes fluttering softly his cock hitting against his stomach with every thrust up. His red tip throbbing with anticipation. I hit his prostate, "I- need to- ahh please- can i," his voice pleading me. I start reaching my limit.
"Come for me Sebastian," I whispered into his ear. I bite down once more, Sebastians cum hitting our chests. His groaning tip me over the edge I cum into Sebastian. Both of us breathing heavy, we wait for a moment before separating. Cum falling from Sebastian when he lifts off my member.
"I've missed you."
"Jokes on you. Now you can't get rid of me," a chuckle escaping from Sebastian.
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
Kuroo Tetsuro x Male!Reader
Kuroo and reader get caught in public
amab bottom male reader, drunk shenanigans, public, 18+,
The night air was cold against you skin, tree bark rubbing against your back as you sat leaned against it. Your mind buzzed heavily with alcohol and you made quick work of the bottle of whiskey wrapped up in your hand.
You looked up to see Kuroo approaching you, you looked up at him swaying. "H-hey." You were surprise he had came up to you after your argument earlier, "Hey." You could tell he was drunk, he managed to hide it better then you but after so long you had learned the tells.
"Why were you talking to that guy?" You let out a sigh through your nose, of course he had came to pick a fight. You clumsily got to your feet, grabbing the tree for support when your vision began swirling.
"Fuck sake." You mumbled out and Kuroo snorted. For some reason that snapped the last string of patience you had. "Fuck off. I'm si-sick of it. You act like a fucking jeal-lous boyfriend and yet you nev-never even claim me!" You yelled at him, barley comprehending your own words through the haze.
Kuroo's hands suddenly grabbing your shirt ripped you from your momentary daze, his lips slamming against yours had you gasping before returning his kiss. You could feel his breath fanning your face, body quickly overheating as your hands began roaming over eachothers bodies.
He pushed you up against the tree, bark momentarily causing discomfort before Kuroo's hands slid down the back of your trousers. His finger nails dug into your ass as he pulled and squeezed the flesh, you moaned into his mouth as your tongues pressed against eachother. You could barely breath, hands gripping Kuroo's back as you ground your pelvis' together.
You could feel your hard cocks press together, sloppily kissing each other without a care in the world. Before you knew it he was tugging your shirt up and over your arms, throwing it to the floor. If you had half a mind you would have scolded him for throwing your shirt into the dirt, but he bit into your collarbone and had your mind blanking.
He pushed three fingers into your mouth, eyes blowing wide as he watched you suck on his digits. Your drool pooled down his fingers, coating his palm as he wiggled his fingers in your mouth.
He pulled them out, free hand wrapping around the back of your neck and pulling you into a deep kiss. His spit lubed fingers slid into your boxers, wasting no time and shoving two into you. You moaned into his mouth, his index finger stroking your neck as his mouth swallowed your moans.
Your knees shook as his fingers dug deep into you, his fingers were long and expertly worked to undo you. You threw your head back as loud moans flew from you like a crescendo. “You look a lot prettier like this.” He had a cat like grin on his face, pupils blown wide as he stared down at you. He had seemed to have grown a little since high school, easily dwarfing you as he railed into you with his fingers.
“Ku-Kuroo, fuck, now.” You choked out, looking him in the eye. You ground back, fucking yourself on his fingers while you bit your lip in pleasure. He quickly pulled his fingers out of you, wiping them on your jeans when he spun you around.
Hard bark ground into your cheek, one of Kuroo’s hands on your upper back while the other pulled your jeans down. He spat down onto his cock, flicking his wrist as he spread it over his cock. His hand moved to grab your hip as he guided his cock into you, you let out high needy whines as he filled you. Choked gasps were torn from your throat as Kuroo bottomed out inside of you, you could hear him choking out gasps as you clenched around his cock. You could feel his cock grind against your prostate, distracting you from the sting as pleasure surged up your spine.
“Fuc-fuck. Tight.” Kuroo groaned into the back of your neck, his hot breath tickling your burning skin. Kuroo gave an experimental thrust, almost loosing his mind when you let out a loud moan and bent into him. His hands laced itself with yours, pinning them by your head against the tree trunk.
All you could do was sob as he pinned you against a tree and fucked your brains out, mind hazing away as pleasure began twisting its way through you.
“Well, i was wondering when this was going to happen.” A sudden smug voice had you both pausing your movements, Kuroo quickly pulling out of you as you both hastily buttoned up. You located your shirt quickly and began tugging it on. “Fuck off Oikawa.” Kuroo groaned, your eyes doubling once you realised the owner of the voice.
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thought--bubble · 7 months
Kitty Cat Part 3 (Revised)
Ettore X (Neuro-Divergent Reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 1,555
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Kitty Cat Master list
Ettore Master List
Full Master list
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: Ettore, Male Masturbation, heavy petting, dubcon. Sexual themes and references.
You stood nearly still the only movement being your head nuzzling into Ettore's chest. His breathing getting harsher, and his grip on your hair tightening.
His body feels solid but warm. He has pressed his entire frame up against yours. The pressure of which you revel in .
"You bastard! Let her go!" Came Boyse's angry voice from the doorway.
"I knew you wouldn't be able to help yourself!" She seethed as she ran over prying the two of you apart.
She turned towards you and rubbed your cheek.
"Are you OK kitty?
You nuzzle her hand with a small smile on your face.
She looked at Ettore with a fire burning in her eyes as he looked back at her with a face of indifference.
"She rubbed up against me." He shrugged and quickly left the room.
"You can't get that close to him, kitty. He's dangerous." She pulls you close to her and strokes the back of your hair.
You shrug and rub your face into Boyses shoulder. The pressure and warmth keeping you calm and grounded.
I want to get close to him again.
You don't know why, but from then on, you were trying to get close to Ettore, but you never could with the great wall of Boyse blocking your path at every turn.
You could tell Ettore was getting frustrated as he was trying to get close to you, too. He would get behind you in line for food, but Boyse would slip in between you. He would stand behind you in excercises, but Boyse would grab you and switch places, and since that laundry assignment, you and Ettore had not been assigned together again.
Weeks passed like this, and you had all but given up on trying to get to Ettore instead, focusing on keeping Boyse happy.
Boyse is the priority
On a particularly restless night, you lie in your bunk surrounded by the snores of the other girls as you stare at the bunk above you and rub your cheek on your shoulder.
Time moves too slow up here.
You have spent a lot of nights like this. Unable to sleep, the cold of the sheets on your body gave you anxiety. The hardness of what they called a mattress that you laid on making sleep a difficult thing to achieve.
As you continue to lay there, you feel a presence. Like a cold chill has swept through the room, the little hairs throughout your body standing at full attention. You lazily roll your head towards the doorway, and you see him. He's ever so silently standing there staring at you, rubbing his hand up and down his stomach slowly. He moves from his upper chest down to below his belly button before returning to his chest, to follow the motion all over again.
Come closer
You stare back at him and bring your hand to your face, and gentlt rub it against your cheek. He watches you with his mouth hanging open while he drops his hand slowly but with purpose into his sleep shorts.
You can see that his hand is moving rapidly , and you watch him, an unrecognizable want growing in your chest as you continue nuzzling into your own hand. Your eyes stay connected the entire time. There is something so strange yet so sensual in the way that you and Ettore can speak to each other without words. Eventually, he bites his bottom lip and grunts quietly before swiftly turning on his heel and walks away. You watch him walk until he is out of sight. That yearning in your chest is growing ever deeper.
Why did you go?
Your eyes travel back up to the underside of the bunk above you. Sleep is even harder to achieve since you are now left with a burning in between your thighs you don't recognize.
You don't typically speak, but even if you did, you don't think that you would tell anyone about your late night visit from Ettore.
The next morning, you had an inspection by dibs, the aftermath of which had you moving very slowly due to the pain. You had never been poked and prodded this much in your life prior to boarding this ship. Especially in the area she prods.
Due to your odd behavior, you had difficulty forming normal relationships back on earth before your sentence. You've never had a boyfriend or even been kissed. So, for you, Dibs' inspections felt especially violent.
You shuffle your way to the cafeteria and look for Boyse. You're not hungry but are in desperate need of comfort. Your eyes float around the cafeteria. It's basically empty. No Boyse in sight. You see Monte sitting at one table and Ettore sitting at another.
Where is she?
You can't go to Monte. He always shoves you away when you try to make contact with him, and if you go to Ettore, Boyse might explode. You hear that familiar rushing return to your ears as you start making a whining sound and rub your face roughly against your shoulder.
Make it stop, make it stop
This causes Ettore to look up at you. A little half smirk crawls up his face as he looks around the cafeteria. A twinkle clear as day in his eye as he seems to have come to the same realization as you. No, Boyse. While this caused you great stress and anxiety, it seemed to bring a large smile to Ettore's face.
He stands in a rush, discarding his tray. He makes it a point to rub up against you as he passes. Making it seem as if he had to squeeze by. When his body comes into contact with yours, you whimper audibly.
With a small smirk on his face, he goes to exit the cafeteria. He stops in the doorway and turns around, his eyes catching yours.
He raises his hand and makes a come hither motion and very quietly says, "Come kitty".
You follow him out of the cafeteria, your feet carrying you as if you were connected to an invisible leash that Ettore was dragging behind him.
He reaches the metal ladder that leads to the box and gestures towards it "go down the ladder"
You instantly comply.
As soon as you reach the bottom and get off the ladder, it feels as if your stomach is suddenly filled to the brim with ice.
You hear the light patter of Ettores' feet as they hit each wrung of the ladder as he decends.
When he hits the bottom, you look at him with wide eyes as he decends upon you, quickly backing you up into the wall. He presses his body up against you tightly and immediately starts to shove his hand into your scrub bottoms.
Ow, ow what are you doing?
You let out a whining noise and try to move away when he brings his other hand up to your face. Gently brushing his fingers against your cheek.
"Shhh, kitty, shh," he whispers into your ear.
You feel your body begin to relax, and you nuzzle into his hand. He uses his knee to push your legs apart and quickly shoves his other hand into your underwear and into your heat.
He lets out a deep sigh into your ear once his hand reaches its destination. You continue nuzzling into his hand, purring lightly all the while. You show him no resistance.
"This is perfect," he whispers as he starts to pull your scrub bottoms down with the hand he had just had in your heat while simultaneously continuing to rub your face with the other.
Just then, you can hear that someone has started to decend the ladder. Ettore pulls your scrub bottoms back up quickly and backs away from you.
Don't go
You take a step towards Ettore, and he glares at you freezing you in your tracks.
Tchemy reaches the bottom of the ladder and jumps back when he notices you and Ettore standing there. He briefly looks between the two of you and then continues making his way to the box.
Ettore quickly makes his way back up the ladder, not casting you a second glance. Leaving you confused for a moment before making your way back up the ladder.
You start down the hallway looking for Ettore. It seems he has all but vanished.
Come back
"Kitty! There you are!" Boyses voice rings down the hallway.
You turn and see her coming towards you and you start to move quickly towards her.
"Hey how did your inspection go?" She says gently rubbing your cheek.
You make a light whimpering noise and nuzzle roughly into her hand.
"That bad, huh?" Boyse says softly.
"It's ok, kitty, come lay down." Boyse takes your hand and leads you back to the room that you share with the other female inmates.
"Lay down and rest. Movement makes it worse," she says, looking at you with a solemn expression on her face.
It's always worse
You lay down and look up at the bunk above you and close your eyes, and all you can see are the sparkling blue eyes of Ettore staring back at you.
You make a whimpering sound and whisper too low for Boyse to hear you.
"This is perfect"
A/N : for the one person who messaged me on this fic. I know he is a bad person. I am not justifying his actions, I write about what I want, and almost no one is reading this fic. Lol, let me be!
Part 4
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
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I thought I recognized the art! Erica Henderson of Squirrel Girl Fame. And I know T. Campbell...oh right, he did that comic that was a crossover with Its Walky. Well, hopefully this webcomic will not include a character who’s entire deal is she’s every single weeb stereotype about a Japanese schoolgirl at once and you get a lot of panty shots when she fights. Granted, this is a long long time after he did that one, the early 2000s and all.
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guardkeywolf · 1 year
Hello! Love ur fics sm btw!!
Idk if your taking requests but may you please write a male! Reader x any cod boi angsty smut. Like it’s an interrogation scene but the m/reader is being non- cooperative and a brat then the boys finally have enough then.. yk…
All good if you can’t though🫶🏾
Getting Answers the Hard Way (smut)
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2,000+ words...
Um... I shocked myself with how fast I wrote this but I hope it's to your liking @silly-little-grot !
I did also mention one of my OC's within it if you don't mind...
WARNING: There are mentions of blood, scars, but it's mostly mild
I hope you enjoy!
Y/n wasn't pissed when he got caught by the 141, but he had no intentions on letting them get any information out of him. 
They didn't plan on treating him nice when they wanted information either, so he opted to stay silent the entire time. 
Of course, this led to him getting plummeted by the man with the skull mask but Y/n didn't even bother flinching at the pain. He stared at the man deep in the eyes and just smiled. The man just glared at him angrily and sighed before leaving the room. 
Y/n hardly registered where his knife had pierced through his skin but barely paid attention to it as he wondered who they would send in next.
The masked man was the third of the four to come into the place they were holding Y/n, not that he was concerned but eventually he would have to get out of here and report back to his own superiors...soon.
While lost in his own thoughts, Y/n didn't hear the door open again as the black male stepped into the room.
"I'm surprised Ghost didn't crack you… He usually scares the shit out of anyone" he chuckled out, finally gaining Y/n's attention as he whipped his head up to look at the man standing before him.
Y/n stared at him with blank eyes before letting his own eyes scan over the man's features. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the attractive snack in front of him. 
The thin little hips were making him go wild, those sharp beautiful browns gazed into his very soul, the perfect height, and his voice… Damn he wanted to rail the very being out of the young Brit. 
The male stared at him in confusion before sighing and walking up to him and pulling Y/n by his collar harshly to look at him.
"You have information that we need. No point to keep it to yourself..." he growled out while pressing deep into the bullet wound in his thigh making Y/n smile even more at his eagerness as the pain spread through his body like a wildfire. 
It was cute to watch him, honestly. So why not toy with him a bit more?
"I didn't know the 141 kept such beauties around..." a knife was now going through the same thigh he had gotten shot in but he continued to ignore it as he watched the black male look at him, a much more pissed expression now painting his face.
"I don't think to realize just how fucked you are... so I suggest you either cooperate or we'll have to do things the hard way," he pulled his hair back this time, hard as Y/n just laughed at him.
"Oh don't worry, I'm already halfway there... in the meantime, why don't you tell me your name, cutie?"
The hit to the ribs made him cough up blood, but he still smiled up at the man.
Y/n really did want to know his name, he was damn near gorgeous to look at.
"You're disgusting...you know that?"
Y/n laughed more as he coughed up even more blood than before.
"Well it's hard to not be when I got a beautiful specimen standing in front of me... and I know you want me-"
The punch to his jaw was definitely going to sting for some time but Y/n didn't mind... the beauty in front of him could do whatever he liked as far as he was concerned.
The male walked out the room angry, slamming the door as he stormed out to his team.
"Any progress, Gaz?" Soap asked him.
"He spoke...but he's weird. It's like he doesn't even register pain-"
"HE SPOKE?! Not even Ghost could make him talk, mate!" The Scottish man said in surprise.
"Yeah, but he keeps calling me a beauty and everything... Are you sure he never said to the rest of you?"
"Nope, you're the first... Oh, we also got a name now for him... Y/n."
Gaz sighed and nodded before making his way back into where they were holding... Y/n.
The man looked the same as he left him, bloody and beaten but still smiling up at him.
"Hey, Beautiful... Miss me?"
Gaz was going to be honest, Y/n still looked too damn good considering the amount of scars and bruises they had left on him... it was partially unfair in his opinion.
"Shut up, Y/n..."
"Likewise, Gaz..." Y/n responded.
Gaz wasn't even mad that the man knew his codename, before grabbing his collar and kissing him fully on the lips.
Y/n looked surprised but continued fucking smiling at him regardless.
Gaz let himself get seated in the man's lap, and damn could he feel Y/n's member, as he continued to kiss him before groaning at not being able to get the man's shirt off.
"You're gonna have to let me out of these, Beautiful..." he shook his chains to make his point.
Gaz was going to say no, but at this point his mind was made up as he unlocked the chains they had put on Y/n's wrist.
With his wrist no longer chained, Y/n took Gaz into his arms and pulled him closer by his waist as his tongue breached Gaz's mouth.
The Sergeant cried against his mouth he felt the man squeeze his ass painfully as he tugged him even closer to his body.
Gaz quickly stripped himself of his gear, still keeping his gun and knife near, and doing the same with Y/n.
Surprisingly, Y/n was gentle with him, but Gaz didn't let his guard down despite the vast amount of pleasure he got from the man.
"You're tense, Beautiful... what makes you think I'd hurt you?"
"You're 2 times my size for one, now stop talking and fuck me," Gaz growled out again as he pulled Y/n into a deeper kiss this time.
Y/n was quick to listen as he quickly stripped Gaz himself and began to kiss down his chocolate skin slowly. Gaz let out soft moans as Y/n worked his way down his chest sinfully, looking up at Gaz each time making him turn away from his gaze and blush furiously.
As Gaz grasped and moaned from Y/n's skillful tongue, he finally managed to get a sentence out.
"Y-Y/n...fuck...eat me out n-now," he whined before turning onto his stomach and presenting his ass to their enemy.
Y/n watched in awe before picking Gaz up and laying him on the table so he could see his face.
"We are not fucking on the floor, Beautiful... You deserve better than that" Y/n said as he dropped to his knees and pulled Gaz to the edge of the table before lifting his legs up and letting his tongue swipe at the Sergeant delicious hole.
Gaz jumped at he cold and slimy feeling run over his hole before grabbing Y/n's head and pulling him closer. The man's tongue danced around his insides wildly as he ate out Gaz's sweet hole. It got even better when Y/n added in a finger to stretch him even more.
Gaz had to cover his mouth to hide his screams from the others as their prisoner rimmed him all too well.
He hated how good Y/n's tongue felt inside him, he hated how hot Y/n was, he hated his voice, his eyes, his everything. He hated how much he was enjoying this.
Gaz was sure one of the soldiers had already saw or heard them but would rather worry about it later, especially when Y/n stood up after loosening his hole more than ever.
Gaz hardly had enough energy to even lift himself up to look at Y/n before feeling something press against his hole.
The Sergeant shivered as he felt Y/n run his member over his hole even more, watching some of the pre-cum run down it as well.
It was menacing to even look at when Gaz saw it.
"You got any lube, Beautiful? I can't exactly go in raw..."
"G-Go find it yourself," Y/n stared at him still and he sighed, "first pocket on my vest..."
"Well aren't you naughty... I can only wonder who you'd keep this around for..."
Gaz only scoffed as he thought of a certain Leopardian-Arachnian that he knew as Y/n walked back over to him.
He squirted some back onto his hand before rubbing some on his dick before aligning himself with Gaz's hole.
Without warning, Y/n pushed in and waited while Gaz got use to his size.
Y/n gripped at his thighs tightly as the Sergeant tried his best to adjust while he tried his best not to move.
"Come on, Beautiful..." but the man was quickly shut up when Gaz tightened around him making Y/n groan quietly to himself.
"Just move dammit," he cried out as Y/n thrust into his vigorously.
Somehow, this man managed to his his prostate spot on, making the him scream before trying to regain focus himself.
Gaz hung on to Y/n's shoulders for dearly life when Y/n fucked him against the table before picking him up and fucking him into the wall.
The man's pace ruthlessly abused his prostate, even making the poor Sergeant hiccup ever so often.
Y/n kissed him deeply and Gaz couldn't even make himself hate it even if he wanted too. Their prisoner was doing so well that he could hardly keep up with his pace before coming himself on the wall.
Y/n was surprised and quickly pulled out of Gaz, making the man whine, before moving them to the chair with Y/n sitting down while Gaz straddled him.
Y/n didn't bother moving when he sat the Sergeant back on his member. He enjoyed watching him struggle to get some friction and he rolled his hips slowly.
"Y/n I fucking swear-"
"Fucking yourself on my dick and I'll give you the information you want."
Gaz's eyes opened in shock as he looked at the man he was supposed to be interrogating.
"You're lying-"
"I have no reason to lie to you, Beautiful, especially after this lovely treat you've already given me..." he thrusted up into him, making Gaz squirm in front of him as he put his hands out on Y/n's chest to steady himself.
"Fuck me..." was all Gaz said before using the last of his remaining strength to fuck himself on Y/n's cock, rolling his hips every now and then to relieve himself.
Gaz lifted his hands to Y/n's, grabbing them and leading them to rest on his ass before wrapping his own arms around Y/n's neck and grab his hair and pull him into a kiss.
Gaz's pace quickened as he bounced up and down on the man's cock before finally slamming himself back down and feeling Y/n feel him up.
The Sergeant gripped Y/n's scared shoulder as he looked at him and leaned in close just before their lips touched.
"You owe me that information, Y/n..."
Y/n, slightly annoyed that he didn't receive a kiss, obliged anyway.
"Let's redress at least-"
"Info. Now." He said sternly.
Y/n sighed but smiled and told him while trying to make each sentence as lengthy as possible, even adding extra information to make sure he stayed inside the Sergeant for as long as possible.
"Good boy," Gaz said as he watched Y/n face light up at the nickname.
"Why thank you, Beautif-"
Y/n groaned as Gaz decided to full unsheath himself from Y/n, watching the way some of his release slipped out of Gaz or was either still connected too Y/n member with a thin string.
Gaz huffed out a laugh as he tried to walk but ended up falling back on top of Y/n.
"Damn you..." Gaz said as his legs refused to work.
"You know you don't have to keep me in these chains, Beautiful... I'll tell you everything about the people I work for if you'll have me," Y/n grinned up at him, hoping he'd accept his offer.
"As lovely as that'd sound, I can't..."
Y/n looked at him in confusion before watching Gaz bring up one of his hands.
A simple silver band hugged his ring with a blue line going through it. He glared at it full of angst as he could only wonder who had claimed Gaz. As he did so the Sergeant on top of him chuckled a bit, before sitting up to look at him with a glint in his eye.
"So, ever heard of the C.L.A.W.S?"
I DEFINITELY did not expect to finish this today but I did...
So yeah!
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shortandslytherin · 5 months
Snowed In (Neville Longbottom x Genderneutral!Reader)
A quick little blurb for Christmas! I wanted to write something for me and all my Neville lovers out there. It's nothing special or long. Just a quick cute fluffy story.
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Request: Yes/No
Summary: It's Christmas and the reader is snowed in with their boyfriend, Neville Longbottom. The couple spend the day inside cuddling and drinking hot chocolate.
Warnings: Christmas, mention of Neville's parents, established relationship, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader's looks are unspecified, and gender neutral pronouns
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Y/N looked out the window and saw the snow coming down rapidly and immediately felt the chill in their bones. They were glad that the wind and snow couldn't reach them. They were also very thankful for the heating charm that was put over this small apartment that they shared with Neville. "Flower, is everything alright? You've been staring out the window for awhile now..." A voice suddenly asked... It was obvious who it belonged to. Y/N just shrugged. "I just feel bad I took so long getting ready this morning. I know you really wanted to go see your parents." Neville let out a little chuckle and sat down next to his partner; setting to cups of cocoa on the window sill. "Flower, don't worry. I'd much rather be snowed in here then at St. Mungoes. Sometimes, it's painful to be there and see my parents just look right through me."
Y/N looked at their boyfriend with concerned eyes and gave him a hug. "Nev, don't ever keep secrets like that from me... I want to be able to be there for you." He hugs back; squeezing a little tight onto them. He's happy to have someone so caring. He pulls away after a minute and seems shocked when Y/N wipes away few tears forming his eyes. He didn't even realize that the tears had formed in his eyes until they were wiped away. "Hey, Nev. Let's talk about something else... Maybe it'll take your mind off this." Y/N suggests as they pick up the cups of cocoa and hand one to Neville.
The brunette male smiles weakly and nods. "Sure, love." The couple clink cups and then start drinking their cocoa in silence. It was more comfortable than any words could be. They made their way to their couch and curled up together under a knitted throw blanket. Y/N's head rested on Neville's shoulder but they sat up just enough so that they could still drink their hot cocoa.
A few hours later, empty cups were left forgotten on the coffee table. Neville was staring at Y/N and was completely mesmerized by this wonderful person who he'd been in love with since his fifth year. He is sitting there with you in his arms and he couldn't be more comfortable. In fact, being next to Y/N actually takes his mind completely off his original plans for the day. They look at him with a little smile crossing their face. "So umm.... Neville... What're you thinking about right now? I'll tell you what I'm thinking about if what you're thinking about is half as interesting as it." They bargain and press a kiss to his cheek. Neville looks at them and he has the most affectionate smile on his face. He speaks softly. "I'm thinking about you... I'm thinking about how beautiful you look... And I'm thinking about how amazing it is to be around you... To have this experience with you... It's incredible... That's what I'm thinking about." Neville seems to be in another world right now. Y/N brushes their nose against his and look at him like he's something rare and precious. "I was clearly overthinking something... I thought you were still upset... But nevermind that... I love you...." They cuddle in closer to him and let out a relieved sigh. Neville smiles even bigger and it seems like he has become completely overwhelmed by the love he is feeling right now. He kisses their forehead softly. "I love you too."
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