#lunch break redux
danthropologie · 1 year
Okay but the way I saw that Daniel vid and I’ve been waiting to read your tags on it for the last half an hour. They DID NOT disappoint
sorry it took so long, i had to scream "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" 15 million times and pace around my house for 30 minutes before i could even put together a single coherent thought
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marvelsuperfangirl · 2 years
Bucky Barnes’ Fic Rec
 A/N I’m creating this fic rec mostly to be able to find all my favourites without too much trouble, hope you’ll enjoy it as well!
By the way, I didn’t write any of those fics, all the writers are credited and their blog linked to make it easier for y’all to find their work.
New fics will be added here and there from time to time
Chubby!Bucky :
Chubby !bucky masterlist – ofstars and vibranium
Buckycuddlebuddy – chubby !bucky masterlist (chubby!bucky)
Chubby!Bucky x Personal Trainer!Reader - boxofbonesfic
Spoiling Chubby!Bucky - angrythingstarlight
Chef’s Kisses - ofstarsandvibranium (chef!bucky)
Roommate!Bucky :
And they’re roommates – golden-barnes
So, This is love - ofstarsandvibranium
“My turn ons?...”   -  persuasivus
Favorite Mug - ladyvesuvia
Student!Bucky :
Disturbances - toastedkiwi  (college!bucky)
Twelve - toastedkiwi (collge!bucky)
Study skills – jobean12-blog
Roommates - Kaikat (student!bucky) 
Interested -  imaginedocx (college!chubby!bucky) 
No Such Thing - sanguineterrain (college!bucky) 
Her name - barnestruck
Softcore - kaikat
Naive - sebystann
Save Me - espinosaurusrexex
Biker!Bucky :
And he’s feeling good – angrythingstarlight (biker!bucky)
All Bikers are Hell’s Angels -  sweet-barnes (biker!bucky)
The boogeyman and other monstrosities - pellucid-constellations
Biker!Bucky smut - holylulusword 
Fighter!Bucky :
Fight for You - revengingbarnes
Angel - toastedkiwi (ufcfighter!bucky)
Prize – metalbuckaroo (fight club!bucky)
  Artist!Bucky (artist, tattoo artist, musician...) :
Timid Touch - aries-writingblog (artist!bucky)
Petals and Ink - onceuponastory (tattoo artist!bucky)
Lotus Flower Bomb - nexusnyx (musician!bucky)
Groupie Luv -  qyllenhaal  Smut  (rocker!bucky)
Make it count - serpienten
  Coffee!Shop / Bar AU :
Bucky with a smiley face - winterdrag0n
Perfect Blend - moonlightsolo
gin, tonic & a lemon on top - romantic-barnes
Favorite Bar - westviewtroubles
On the job - gentlybarnes
The regular - angie-likes-to-art
How you get the girl – barnesafterglow
Mafia!Bucky :
Barnes Bakery - hallowdeaths  (Mafia!Bucky) series
Mafia Bucky & Tattoos - angrythingstarlight
Kinanabinks’ Mob!Bucky Series
Mafia!bucky / « leaving notes in each other’s lunch box when they know i twill be a steessful day at work »  - lokithealligator
Alpha!Bucky :
Break Lights - boxofbonesfic
Zealous-whispers-of-us-redux  - Masterlist ( alpha!bucky  x vampire!reader )
How they met.. - angrythingstarlight
Flashing Light - pellucid-constellations
Convalescence - pellucid-constellations
Drunk in love - toastedkiwi
How you get the girl - captainscanadian
Athlete!Bucky :
For the love of the game - pellucid-constellations
Out of bounds - foreverindreamlandd (athlete!bucky) 
Anger issues – hailhydra920
Beefy!Bucky :
Beefy!Florist!Bucky Universe - navybrat817
Beefy Burrito - jobean-12
Soul tie (A hair tie love story) - jobean-12
Soul tie 2 - jobean-12
Soul Tie 3 - jobean-12
Whatta Man (Soul Tie 4) - jobean-12
Alpha!Bucky :
Being alpha!bucky’s soulmate – thefanbasewhore
snuggles - toastedkiwi
Miscellaneous :
Here’s looking at you, kid - boxofbonesfic
Mr Grinch -  alisonsfics (enemy!bucky)
Snowfall, softly - sweetdreamsbuck (lumberjack!bucky)
Neighborly Behavior - angrythingstarlight (neighbour!bucky)
Learn your lesson  - avengersfangirlimagines (avenger!bucky)
“My turn ons?...”   -  persuasivus
Waiting it out - ofstarsandvibranium
Five confessions Bucky makes - capatinrogerss (avenger!bucky)
motioncvpture - “Don’t come in...”
Morning Kisses - Buckybleu  (avenger!bucky)
It’s too early for this shit - persephonesinfernos
Moderator – toastedkiwi (streamer!bucky)
Cowboy !Bucky / I.IG.Y.M.H.W.Y.T.I.A.M.M.T.H.M.I.T.W – mcuimaginesandstuff
Unlovable - thewxntersoldier (Bestfriend!Bucky)
Barrister’s beau – jadedvibes (lawyer!bucky)
Simply delicious – 440mxs-wife (chef!bucky)
Getting scared gone too far – subwaysurf45
Favorite - barnestuff
main thing baby – nexusnyx
your roommate’s boyfriend – schmucksbucks
“what are you going to do, sue the ghost?” – vibraniumcollar (sugar daddy!bucky)
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madameriasims4 · 4 months
Helloooo, I've recently discovered your blog and downloads. My favourites are the items from Basic Reduxe. I just had one question (its not a WCIF, but similar). In the Velvet Valentine set, the centre sim has a hair I've fallen in love with. Who is it by? I don't mind doing more searching (and I have done a lot), or finding it myself, but I am struggling to find anything remotely similar to investigate the creators. I've even tried reverse google searching with your image too!
Hi! That super cute hair is the Adéla Hair by @isjao!
Edit: Sorry, you asked who made the hair, not a wcif! I guess my brain cell is on its lunch break lol! I'm just going to leave this as a wcif post just in case it helps anyone else though!
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nickgerlich · 7 months
Robot Redux
One of our recurring topics this semester is the use of robots, and how they are being used to replace humans in the workplace. The most common examples have been in QSR—Quick Service Restaurants—which include many of the fast food and fast-casual places people like to patronize. And, as you might recall, there has been public outcry over jobs lost.
This is followed by the predictable response that robots create new jobs in their wake, albeit jobs that require more skills than the mundane ones the robots replace. Don’t you mind the usual mantra of robot-specific benefits, like never calling in sick, not needing a potty or smoke break, working straight through lunch, never joining a union, and never walking out on strike. Those are shining attributes in the eyes of some companies.
Then there’s the announcement by Amazon a few days ago that it will be testing humanoid robots in some of its fulfillment centers. These robots do not have wheels. No, they have legs—and arms—just like humans, and can walk up, down, around, anywhere they need to go. Just like opposable thumbs give humans, and not to mention some of our simian relatives, a huge evolutionary advantage, these robots will be able to grasp and not drop, run and not fall.
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I’m sure the folks at Amazon HQ are drooling over the prospects of a rank and file who do everything they are told to do, even if it is by virtue of programming.
Amazon has already gone on the defensive, correctly anticipating the push-back from critics and labor unions. They argue that humans will always be part of the fulfillment process. They’re probably right, but they conveniently dodged the ultimate question, which is: How many net jobs will be lost?
Good question indeed. Amazon went on a hiring spree recently, both before and during COVID. In fact, the firm went from 798,000 employees in 2019 to 1,608,000 in 2021. Last year, they shed 67,000 jobs, which some people took as a sign that Amazon was on its way down. That declaration was made in haste, because it is anything but the truth. Essentially, they had to right-size a bit after their seemingly drunken hiring binge.
Humanoid robots, though, could eliminate more jobs, or at least keep more humans from being hired. As the race continues to heat up over delivery times, these robots—along with drones and drivers revving their engines—could work together to deliver the goods faster than the next guy. That next guy, of course, is Walmart, and if ever there were a retail Dodgers v. Yankees rivalry like baseball of old, this is it.
Sure, as we have noted other times this term, robots have a huge up-front expense. But the benefits start to accrue from Day 1. Well, that’s as long as they work as designed. But those are technical issues, and when they are working flawlessly, they eliminate all of the random quirks and foibles of humans.
It’s not like Amazon hasn’t already deployed robots, because they have a workforce of 750,000 thus far. And while the company swears the new ones will “free up” humans to do other tasks, it does hint that these “other things” will be skilled jobs.
The broader message to the workers everywhere is clear: If you are unskilled labor, your job is in peril. You really could be replaced by a machine, and at any time. Keep beating that union drum, and it could happen sooner than later. Fail to show up and perform consistently, and you’re writing your own pink slip.
Still, in the long run, robots tend to cut costs, as well as resolve a litany of HR issues. It is understandable that companies would look to them as substitutes for humans, especially for tasks that do not require a bright and cheery face. Essentially, any repetitive task that is conducted behind the scenes is a candidate for replacement by robots.
And like one of my students pointed out yesterday in the blog about supermarkets kind of having come full circle a century later with humans picking orders, this is just one more example. But this worker doesn’t talk back when you tell it to work on the weekend.
Dr “I Could Use One Of These At Home” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Oh my gosh, little dudes! Instant favorite, best stand in the whole part.
Also yeah, this is Part 5 Redux, this time with ACTUAL CRIMINALS!
...hope this doesn't mean these lil dudes need to take lunch breaks.
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fistful-of-fandom · 4 years
Every time I start a “casual” xf rewatch I end up getting in way too deep.
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
My Warrior Wolf - Ch. 3
Marvel - A Bucky Barnes Werewolf AU
Warrior! Bucky x Human! Female Reader
800 Words
Here's Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
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-Chapter 3-
When things come to light.
It had been a few days since you had seen or heard from Bucky Barnes. Oddly enough, you missed him. There was something very comforting about his presence - something that felt like home.
Either way, your house had been keeping you busy. You had sanded the floors and stained them, plus painted the walls, just in time for your couch to arrive. It was the first of the furniture.
The season was turning warm, slowly but surely, so you decided to take a break from inside and work on the outside. The lawn needed mowed. The snow had matted the green grass at one point, but the sunshine had caused it to sprout up like crazy.
There were also a few flower beds that lined your house, and one around the mailbox. They were an overgrown mess.
The work in the house was fun, but this was your favorite.
Early Saturday morning became late Saturday afternoon. You wiped the sweat from your brow, straightened up from your position when a car driving up catches your attention.
You knew the car right away. Bucky.
He got out, pushing his sunglasses on top of his head. "Hey," he greeted. "You hungry? I was just on my way to town for lunch. I was hoping you'd come with."
He looked very nice, as usual. The dark clothing suited him, and the shadow of a beard made you imagine how it would feel to kiss him. You shook the silly thoughts away.
You bit your lip to contain a giddy smile at his invitation. "I'm starving. Do you care if I shower first?"
He turned off the car and followed you inside. "Wow, it looks great in here, Y/N." Your name rolled off his tongue and you shivered slightly.
"Thank you. I can finally offer you a seat," you giggled, and he offered you an endearing smile that stunned you to the core. "I'll just be a minute."
Bucky took his time wondering your place as you showered. Slowly, you had added a personal touch and the whole house wrapped him in a warm hug. He had never felt this way before, not for Steve or Sam or anybody. And as much as he loved it, it also confused him. What had he done to deserve you? Why did he get his mate and his best friends didn't?
"Your work has been a gift to mankind, but if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and the world can't have the freedom it deserves. Does it seem fair that you mutts get all of the special abilities?"
Bucky shook the dark memory away. The pain still lingered. He would never forget the way it felt being tied down.
"Are you okay?" you asked softly, placing your hand on his arm.
He jumped back, looking alarmed.
"I'm sorry. I thought you heard me. I called your name," you stumbled through your words, confused by his reaction.
"Don't touch me," the words were a throaty whisper, and you tilted your head, wondering what was going on behind those haunted blue eyes. It looked like Bucky was experiencing something that wasn't there.
"I won't," you promised, still feeling bewildered. You could feel heat rush to your cheeks as a feeling of embarrassment swarmed you.
Bucky sucked in a deep breath, thankful for his leather jacket. What if you touched skin to skin? The feelings he had been fighting would have been magnified, and the already overwhelming situation might have become too much.
That wasn't the problem though - not the main one, at least.
Yet, he felt like an asshole for making you unsure and invalid. He was going about this all wrong. Maybe he needed to suck it up and talk to Steve before he screwed up and lost you for good.
"I'm sorry," he said finally, sincerely.
"You don't have to apologize," you mumbled, rubbing your arm as anxiety crept up your neck.
"I panicked. That's all." He wanted to make it better. He wanted to fix the awkward he created. "Are you ready to go?"
You weren't sure you wanted to anymore, but you couldn't exactly tell him to leave, not when he had come all the way out here to take you.
You gave a nod, "Okay. Are you driving or me?"
"I can drive."
Bucky followed behind you, pulling his phone out as you lock the front door.
Bucky: sos. screwed up. panicked when she grabbed my arm. think I've ruined everything. I don't know what to do.
The text from Steve was instant.
Steve: Tell her the truth.
Here's Chapter 4.
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Tags: @marvel-3407 @rebekahdawkins @lakamaa12 @zealous-whispers-of-us-redux @ive-been-worse @miindfucked @drayshadow @austynparksandpizza @girlfriday007 @hollarious @imaginecrushes @callmeyesterday @nixrebel @valhalla-kristin @madethisinenglishclass @leyannrae
I appreciate you all so so so much. ❤️
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veliseraptor · 3 years
okay yeah i’m gonna 150 words meme this bitch i think, i need external motivation of some kind so
send me a number and I’ll write you 150 words in that fic, you don’t get to read what I write but sometimes I do finish things out of this and I usually end up making a solid amount of progress at the very least so
nine choices this time, wip descriptions here. and only one of them’s pwp
1. “I’m not worth staining your pretty, pure hands?” Xue Yang said. He meant it to be sweet but something of a snarl got in it, somehow. 
Xiao Xingchen’s nostrils flared in obvious displeasure. “No,” he said. Then, “I’m trying to decide what to do with you.”
“You asking me for ideas?” 
“No,” Xiao Xingchen said, and then pursed his lips and said, “what would you suggest?”
“Free me and give me back Jiangzai and the rest of my stuff,” Xue Yang said promptly. “Obviously. Might think about not killing you or the little brat, even.” 
Xiao Xingchen shook his head. “I meant - in my position.”
“I wouldn’t be in your position.”
“But if you were,” Xiao Xingchen insisted. 
“I wouldn’t’ve picked someone up to help to begin with,” Xue Yang said. “If I was feeling nice I might kill them fast. And I don’t take prisoners.”
Xiao Xingchen’s frustration was obvious and Xue Yang laughed, even if it kind of hurt. They’d fucked up his ribs pretty bad; he’d have to watch that. Xiao Xingchen’s frown intensified.
“This isn’t a laughing matter,” he said, clipped. 
“I don’t know,” Xue Yang said. “I think it’s pretty funny.” (the backyard is full of bones)
2. “I can’t believe I’m actually starting to wish you could talk,” Xue Yang said. “You’re even more boring this way.”
I’m terribly sorry to bore you, Song Lan thought, still not looking up. Your ease is, of course, my first consideration.
Xue Yang made a disgusted noise. “If you just make me talk to myself you’re not going to like it,” he said. 
That was true. There was a limit to how long Xue Yang would tolerate being ignored before the knives came out. 
No, Song Lan thought. I am not going to be threatened into conversation I don’t want and can scarcely even have, because you threatened to make my life - even more - difficult. (Walking Far From Home)
3. “What the fuck,” he shouted. “You couldn’t say something? Couldn’t yell up that you weren’t dead? I should break every bone in your body, I thought you’d gotten yourself killed and I’d never hear the end of it–”
“I did!” Wei Wuxian protested.
“Then you could’ve yelled louder,” Jiang Cheng said. 
“I didn’t know what was going on with you! I didn’t want to distract you if you were fighting for your life or something and since I’m fine - mostly–”
“Mostly?” Jiang Cheng snarled dangerously, and then remembered what Wei Wuxian had said about breaking something and said, “sit down. I hope you broke your leg so you spare me the effort.”
Wei Wuxian sat down. He was looking at Jiang Cheng with a sort of funny expression on that it felt like he should recognize and didn’t. (Slippage)
4. “Chengmei,” Xiao Xingchen said, his voice different, softer, sort of. That weird shivery feeling was back only worse and his head’d just...gone somewhere else. Without him. “Say something. Please.” 
If he opened his mouth something was going to fall out of it that should really stay where it was, inside. His heart, maybe. He pictured that for a second, just - coughing it up into his hands, still shuddering with those last few staggering beats, and telling Xiao Xingchen now look what you did, you fucked me up bad, Daozhang.
That wasn’t a thing that could happen, physically. Not without a lot of effort and rearranging of things. ((already here) in this promised land)
5. The problem wasn’t getting past the barrier. The problem was getting past the barrier in a way that meant no one would notice someone had gone inside. Not that anyone would probably look too close - again, most of the cultivation world seemed to like it better pretending that there was no Burial Mounds anymore - but this was technically Yunmeng territory and Xue Yang had no interest in getting snapped up in Sandu Shengshou’s jaws.
Get in, get out, be back to Yi City and Xiao Xingchen before long. 
He did manage to slip in with just a little bit of careful work, without breaking anything, and stepped  into the Burial Mounds. 
He felt it right away, the hair on his skin rising a little, the aftertaste of resentment almost a taste in his mouth. It wasn’t suffocatingly intense, but it was strong enough that he held still for a moment, waiting. Letting it sweep over him, caress his skin, coil around his wrists. He didn’t try to fight it. 
This part’d always been easy. It was like pain. Something that could be bad, if you let it be, but you could take it in and make it part of you, let it become power. (a symphony for the departed)
6. What if you can reach him, reason with him, help him let go?
The people here were in danger. The right thing to do was clear. It would be irresponsible to delay in acting decisively to help them simply for his own selfish reasons. He had already failed them; delaying further would make it worse. 
He still knows you.
There was a knot in his chest. 
He needed to fix this. (the fair and the brave and the good must die)
7. “You brought me a present?” he said, with such transparent and delighted shock that she almost laughed; she held it back, suspecting he’d take it as mockery. 
“I brought you a lunch,” she corrected. “I made some soup. I…” She paused, and then said, honestly, “I used to cook for my family, and I missed it.” 
“Huh,” Chengmei said, something slightly quizzical touching his expression for a brief moment before he said, “thanks, jiejie! Let me have some,” and held out his hands expectantly. Again she felt that strange, almost searing fondness, and rode it to take out the pot and bowls, ladling a serving out for him. 
“Don’t you get enough to eat at Jinlintai?” she asked, seeing how hungrily he was eyeing the small bowl.
“Yeah,” Chengmei said, “but you never really forget how it feels to be hungry.” (this world is gonna break your heart)
8. He said it as a joke. Well, mostly. And not so much a joke as an annoyed wish, because he was trying to read and Xue Yang was feeling bored and neglected, which meant, like an understimulated husky, he was going to make it everyone’s problem.
At least right now it was just manifesting as trying to drag Song Lan into a conversation he didn’t want to have, and then trying to provoke him into something else, which he wasn’t going to indulge, and finally he lost it a little and said, “cut it out and stop bothering me for ten minutes, I swear someone should put a muzzle on you.” (heel, stay)
9. A-Qing was quiet for a few moments. She shifted on her feet. 
“Was he hot?” she asked. 
Xiao Xingchen shot her a dirty look. “I thought you didn’t want details.” 
“If you’re going to make terrible choices I at least want to know if your terrible choice was hot.” 
Xiao Xingchen debated with himself how much judgment he could take this morning, and decided that he might as well finish it out. “It was him,” he said. “Xue Yang.”
“Who?” a-Qing said blankly. 
“The guy from the hospital,” Xiao Xingchen said helplessly. 
“Dumpster guy?” Xiao Xingchen didn’t bother to confirm. “You fucked dumpster guy?” Xiao Xingchen could feel his face getting even hotter. (Redux)
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violexides · 4 years
[slides in here] forest is here to be predictable and request “why can’t you just talk to me” saiouma if u can tysm <3
Ouma’s late again.
It’s not something that would inherently bother Saihara, is the thing. He’s always the earliest to places, always walks home quickly and gets back to his apartment nearly the same time each day. He usually has to wait for others-- his friend, Yumeno, took nearly an hour to come visit, once-- so it’s not something that should bother him. He shouldn’t be upset.
But, Ouma always does this. Ouma always has some business to take care of, something Saihara can’t discern (and what kind of detective-), and the supreme leader is always a step ahead, always disappearing somewhere and Saihara never knows where he is for hours, and the veneer of patience slips every time Ouma slips on his shoes, kisses his cheek, and goes off the grid. 
It’s terrifying, gives the phantom sense like there’s something Saihara could lose, something he can’t afford to lose, after litanies of missing-people cases he’s so terrified Ouma could slip through his fingers, but he can never articulate that in a way that Ouma would understand. Because, when Ouma loses people, he changes the rendezvous location, he runs, he plans, he tries again. He keeps those losses tied down inside him and would rather die than show how it’s hurt him. 
(Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like anything can hurt Ouma. Which makes Saihara worry, but how do you even breach that? How do you even ask someone about something like that? How could he even be sure Ouma isn’t lying, when he’s lied so many times, when he’s said he’ll come back so many times that he has to break the pattern at some point, get bored of Saihara and never return, and then? Then, would it even hurt Ouma?)
Saihara flickers with his phone, leaning against a cupboard while dinner cooks on the stove. He could call. He could call, but Ouma always says only call me if it’s important and this isn’t really important, is it? This is just how he is, and he would love to think that Ouma would take the call and would reassure him, swoop by and save Saihara from the stress of loving him, but neither of them are damsels in distress and neither of them could really ever be saved. 
Should he call? Should he call someone else, flip the phone and call Harukawa, who will sigh and listen to him with vague exasperation, a redux of the two of them years ago, eating lunch together, where she said he’s not good for you, not good for anyone, and Saihara wrote her off. He could call Momota, who would threaten to beat Ouma’s ass but back off if Saihara presses, but he doesn’t like that victory. And Yumeno is probably asleep, and Chabashira might not listen, and Kiibo is really busy these days, and Shinguuji is too, and and and-
Ouma picks up on the third ring. 
“Heyyyyyyy, Shu-shu!” he greets energetically, sounding vaguely out of breath. Saihara’s brows knit (but it’s not exactly like he can breathe, either. He’s a hypocrite). “Is something up? I didn’t think the baby was due for, yet!”
Neither of them could ever raise someone, not even attempt, if they would just follow their footsteps. Still, it’s a joke, and Saihara isn’t laughing but he is relieved that Ouma is joking. “Ah, no, unfortunately,” he replies, slumping a bit against the wall. “I was, uhm, calling to ask to see where you are?”
There’s a distinct pause, one that Saihara breaks with a sigh, and eventually Ouma replies in a slightly-off tone. “Oh, y’know, I’m at a courthouse committing arson!”
“Well, you asking where I am takes the fun out of it, detective!” And what kind of detective- “... Jeez, fine! I’ll be back by tonight. I always am!”
You’re not, Saihara wants to reply, because if you always came back, then I wouldn’t be so afraid, right? I wouldn’t be scared that you’ll leave, that you’ll disappear, that you’ll die. I wouldn’t be so scared, because I’m not impractical, I’m just a worried lover but I’m not fussing over you, there is a reason to be afraid, and-
Ouma has a subtle way of making Saihara feel like he’s losing control of everything. It makes the control he does have all the better, but when it slips out of his hands, when he doesn’t know…
“Jeez, am I that boring that you had to fall asleep on the phone? Wake up, Shu-shu!”
Saihara realizes how quiet he’s been and awkwardly coughs, speaking up again. “Ah, sorry. I got lost in thought, uhm.”
“Anything else I can do for you, my beloved? I have to run away from the cops now, so…”
“Why-” Saihara cuts himself off before he can start. He knows that it’s unfair, that putting that on him is so fucking unfair, but nothing about the two of them is fair, or just, or right. Because he’s always so scared, and there’s a kind of thrill in their relationship that he didn’t expect, didn’t want, and all he really wants is for Ouma to come back with no injuries, no scars, no fines, no prison sentences. And, Saihara knows he can’t set his expectations that high with the other, that he has to numb it down to something like can’t you just be honest with me, but is it even right, to lower the bar at all? And, and, and- 
Before he knows it, he’s saying, “Why can’t you just talk to me?”
He immediately wants to bite it back, the sharp silence on the line setting him on edge. It’s… it’s important to talk to Ouma about this, he knows he has to, he knows that their relationship isn’t all that great and he needs to work through it with the other in some way, but the quiet reminds him of his hesitance. 
Ouma responds, eventually, his voice as casual as ever, but with an undertone of something, a flicker of an emotion Saihara can’t discern. “Are we not actually talking right now. Ring-ring-ring, honey, I’m calling you on the telephone, can you hear me?” Can you hear me, can you hear me-
“I meant, uhm-”
The emotion is less discreet when Ouma interrupts him, stating, “I know what you meant.”
… What does Saihara say to that? “Uhm, s-”
“It’s been super super fun, Shu-shu,” his voice is back to normal again, the anger shining through before being carefully suppressed, and all Saihara can think is dammit. “But I gotta go catch a flight to Vegas! Really sorry, I hope to talk to you soon, my schedule is sorta filled with embezzlement plans but-”
Saihara is the one who hangs up.
He slides to the floor, looks at the ceiling, ignores the dinner still cooking-- probably burning-- on the stove. They need to work through this, can work through this, just need to get a couple counselor or spend a couple hours talking about everything…
… but Ouma feels so, so far away from here, and Saihara isn’t even sure where here is.
And. And, that’s just the way their game of chasing each other has always gone, even if neither of them want to play it anymore.
(Ouma does come back, gets home when Saihara is half-asleep at some hour of midnight, kisses him as an apology and stays at home, with him, for the next two days. But by day three, Saihara gets up to a rose on the bedside table and a text message, and he wonders how long one person could ever chase another.)
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JORDAN WHERE: Bawadi Mediterranean Grill (6304 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22044) (now with Turkish traveling companion Yusef! And a chef's daughter from Jordan! So much love!) Now that I'm getting to some of the smaller countries, I've started a new method of my madness wherein I parse through some menus online of miscellaneous Asian/Mediterranean/African to find restaurants that have at least one item from the country I'm searching for-- this miscellaneous Mediterranean grill for instance had Mansaf from Jordan, but when I tried to go there for a late lunch today I found that the problem with this new game plan is that some items are not offered all the time. After some asking around, I found that Mansaf is only on the dinner menu. I told them I would come back for dinner, but the manager suggested I try their lunch buffet because he assured me it was good. I still decided to come back for dinner. It was a good thing I did-- when I returned for dinner, the restaurant manager was waiting for me and he asked if I still wanted the Mansaf. I said yes, so he told the waiter who was serving me to get me the best piece. I didn't even have to look at a menu. I think he even did that side clap and I kind of felt like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Um, okay, wow! The place itself was really beautiful. Incredibly authentic. I have never seen so many hijabis in my life. Everyone was so polite, very happy-- the girl next to me was also eating alone. So she introduced herself and joked about me really being interested in the Mansaf. I explained a bit about my project and that I wanted to eat some traditional Jordan food. She said it was a very interesting project and then asked what I knew about the country of Jordan. "Not much." I said sheepishly, "I'm going to have to start learning." "I'm the daughter of the chef. We're from Jordan, that's why I asked." And suddenly I realized that my new gameplan for smaller countries was working AMAZINGLY. So I started asking her all about Jordan. Then I did some learning on my own when her break was over and she had to get back to working. She was really sweet and motivated me to get my learning on post haste. I found out that Jordan is a very peaceful and loving country, which seemed perfect for the grand finale on Valentine's Day. It's one of the only countries in the Middle East that is pretty peaceful and one of only two countries that has made peace with Israel. It's also where Petra is located, the historical and archaeological city. And it's biggest claim to fame is that it was featured in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. “Aren't you going to eat something?” A guy next to me who was also sitting alone asked and caused me to pause my research. He was really cute and gestured to the buffet. I guess he was wondering why I hadn't gotten a buffet plate. I told him I was there for one of the special dinner items that wasn't on the buffet. I ended up explaining a bit about my project when he asked. He was really fascinated and asked how far along I was on my travels. I showed him the app with the map and the colored-in countries. Then we started talking about how he was from Turkey himself and he suggested some good restaurants that served Middle Eastern food. And before I knew it we ended up in a two hour long conversation-- about food and traveling, families, blogging, different languages, the fact that THREE different people tripped or broke dishes within the course of our time there (heh, there was like a curse) and how we were both eating alone on Valentine's Day. He asked me to email him my Master List of restaurants and asked if I would like someone to go food adventuring with in the future. So.. basically met a cute Turkish guy at a Middle Eastern restaurant while eating alone on Valentine's Day just because we were seated next to each other. Totally blew the past few Valentine's Days away. It was a perfect ending to my day, what a perfect grand finale! The restaurant's food was AMAZING as well! Mansaf ended up being “lamb cooked in jameed/yogurt soup served on top of rice and shrak bread with jameed/yogurt soup on the side” (though at the time I was confused about the soup.. I thought it was like dipping butter). After Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Jordan food all ending up on the top of my favorites list, I think Middle Eastern food in general might be my favorite cuisine I wouldn't have tried without this project. Top marks all around! The things Jordan does with lamb and yogurt... just wow. I love lamb, I really need to eat more lamb. So soft and sweet. The mango juice on the side was good too, a bit more pulp-y than an Indian mango lassi. I'll be very pleased when I get to go back to Bawadi for the Palestinian meal they offer if it's anything as good as their mansaf. :) ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ JORDAN REDUX Holiday Yum Yum Box has arrived! It's their annual holiday box with a bunch of assorted countries and snacks based on the holiday traditions from those countries. Gingerbread from Poland, raspberry chips from Spain (they eat raspberries if they want love in the new year on New Year's Eve apparently), Baklava from Jordan for Ramadan (which is sometimes in winter but not this year), ect... Perfect for hibernating, drinking wine and watching bad Hallmark movies, which is all I've been doing this week (other than working).
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Bad Things Happen Bingo Masterlist
Card and Request Guidelines This will be updated periodically as requests are made and written. If you would like to be tagged for this series or for all fics, please let me know!
Death of a Bachelor  Prisoners set in an unfair game, Logan and Remus plan to both come out alive.
Knot A Prank  Patton tries pranking Remus in an effort to make him feel more welcome. It does not go as planned. (Happy ending)
The Letter  Janus finds a letter Remy wrote for him.
Across The Hall He Waits For You  Logan wakes up in a confusing environment with an even more confusing man keeping him prisoner. But just when he thinks he's finally free, he only becomes more trapped.
With Forceful Permission  Being repeatedly dismissed has Logan’s emotions finally boiling over, leaving Remus to try and scrape together the aftermath. (Happy Ending)
All Dolled Up  Fearing Roman’s newfound obsessions after the events of SvS Redux, Patton decides to break things off with him before they can get worse. If only he realized just how bad it could be.
My Sunshine Part 1 Part 2  Patton thinks he’s finally caught the break he needs when he finds and falls in love with Roman. Ignoring the warning signs until it’s too late Patton ends up losing more than he had dared to gain.
Experimental Socialization  Logan was raised by the government to be nothing more than an experiment and a weapon, utilizing his unique abilities as a mutant. When he finally escapes things are much different than he imagined they’d be but thankfully finds others like him willing to help guide him right where he needs to be.(Happy Ending)
To Cure the Inevitable  Roman is so tired of endangering himself and everyone around him everytime he changes. Logan promises to help cure him, an old agreement never straying far in his mind
The Perfect Manicure  Roman hasn't answered anyone's calls in a week. Patton wants to know why.
Hold Onto Me  Patton had just wanted to deliver lunch to his husband when he saw the emergency vehicles at the construction site. All he can hope for is that keeping ahold of his hand will be enough. (Happy Ending)
Faulty Logic  Remus is bored and no one’s seen Logan in a while. He’s probably just shut up in his room…right? (Happy Ending)
Rage Against the Machine (sequel to Faulty Logic)  The door at the end of the hall has been locked tight for some time now and things seemed to have finally calmed down. Truly, that's where their first concern should have been (Happy Ending)
Cold Hard Bitch  Janus is sick and Virgil is at a loss for what to do. Deciding he needs to brave the field that separates them from the others in the mindscape he finds out that things are definitely not always as they seem- sometimes for the worse. (Happy Ending)
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shaineybainey · 4 years
“Noble Intentions”
Lab Rats [T]
The Lab Rats and Mighty Med teams face off with the greatest threat to humanity yet: The Incapacitator, a supervillain bent on becoming the most powerful in the planet. …Which makes things super awkward for Leo, considering that their newest nemesis is his father. AU. Lab Rats vs Mighty Med redux.
tagging: @vcnting @clockradio93 @neshatriumphs @weareoutofmaplesyrupdave @aaaaahhhhh1234 @serpent-princess @verified-dumbass
II: On the Verge of a Storm
Leo punches in the last batch of information on the computer while a song from the newest Childish album thumps softly through his headphone. He double checks the record – approximately mid-September 1995 – just to make sure he got it right.
He huffs. All of these repetitive tasks are killing his brain cells. Day in and day out, he does the same things. He’d been an assistant for his stepfather for about three years now. He really thought they would give him a new job, especially since they have an actual school to run.
But no, of course not. All they did was stick him behind a bigger, fancier desk and change his title from Mission Specialist to Information Manager.
They’re not fooling anyone. It’s the same old job.
He sighs, leaning back on his swivel chair. He really should be out there helping them. He should be a mentor! There are some things he can teach the students.
Secretly, he finds it a little laughable that Bree really thinks she can handle the Modern Living classes. What’s worse still is that his stepfather and his brothers actually think it’s a good idea, too.
Modern Living? With a girl who’s only been out in the world for three years? What does she or any of them know about living in the world out there? They’re rich, they’re powerful, they’re good-looking. Not once in their lives had they ever had to adapt to the harsher realities of real living.
They’ve never known what it’s like to be followed in stores, to feel like people’s idea of welcoming them is by distrusting them. They don’t know what it’s like to avoid certain neighborhoods out of fear for their lives. They don’t know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, to see things and have their hearts break when they realize they just don’t have any money to even want for those things.
They’ve never wanted - they’ve just always had.
Wait. What are you thinking? He shakes his head then pulls down his headphones to his neck. He can’t think like this. His father thinks like this, and…
No. That doesn’t mean he’s becoming like him. That doesn’t mean he would turn into him.
Desperate for a change of thought, he returns his attention back on his task. He double checks the entire record, making sure no blank is left unfilled. Once he’s done, he clicks on Update. 
He takes a calming breath as it loads. It’s okay. It doesn’t make you a bad person, he tells himself as condemnatory feelings from earlier thoughts loom like a dark cloud at the back of his mind. It’s just not a good day. You’re just super irritated. It’s okay.
“Hey, Leo!” Chase greets as he and their father stroll into the quarters. “How’s data entry going?”
“Oh, you know. Peachy,” he tells them, grinning sardonically. “I feel like I am making such a difference in the world by making sure we know Donald the Third’s birthday is sometime mid-September.”
“You are making a difference in the world,” Donald says as he approaches the kitchenette. “You’re helping us have an accurate record on the students. Plus, we have to know when the students’ birthdays are!”
Right. As opposed to knowing when my graduation was and being there to support me, Leo thinks bitterly but doesn’t say. “How did the webcast go?” he asks his stepbrother.
Chase scoffs. “Mr. Davenport didn’t let me talk.”
“So it went great,” Donald says, grinning.
Chase rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s just find a company that will mass produce the energy transponder.”
“I…already did.”
“As soon as the presentation was over, I made a phone call. That was it. After that, the deal was done.”
Chase frowns. “Why didn’t you consult me?”
“Yeah,” Leo chimes in. “I thought this would be your ‘big project’ together.”
“Well, if I did that, then I’d have to listen to him,” Donald says, pointing to Chase. “I don’t know if you know, but he tends to drone on and on about things that no one is ever interested in.”
“Hm. Wonder where he got that from,” Leo says, brows hitched as he stares at the tech mogul.
“Well, did you at least go with a company that’s environmentally conscious?” Chase demands.
“Well, I considered that – and many, many other things,” Donald says then grins, “but in the end I just went with the one that will make me more money. Ka-ching!”
Leo and Chase watch as their father walks out of the quarters, a bottle of water in hand, grinning from ear to ear. 
Leo leans back on his chair and crosses his arms thoughtfully. “Sometimes I wonder about his fitness in being a father.”
Chase sighs. “Don’t remind me. I’ve got a feeling this won’t be the only time he’d do it.”
“Well, what are you going to do about it?”
“What is there to do? It’s not like companies would deal with me,” Chase says. “To them, I’m just a collaborator. I’m just his kid.”
“Don’t you have a copy of the blueprint?”
Chase looks at him thoughtfully, bordering suspicion. “Are you suggesting I make deals on my own?”
“I’m suggesting you’re the other half of this project. The company he’s chosen can’t do anything unless you both sign the agreement.”
A smirk of understanding slowly pulls at Chase’s lips.
“The ball is still in your court,” Leo confirms, smiling. “The buyers can look at you anyway they want, but the fact is that you’re 18. Chase, you’re not exactly a minor anymore. You’ve got a say in this.”
Chase grins. “You know, Mr. Davenport won’t be happy that you pointed that out to me.”
Leo slowly turns his swivel chair away from his brother. “Pointed what out to you?” he feigns cluelessness before turning his back completely on him.
Chase grins as his younger brother slips on his headphones back on.
After Chase exits the quarters, armed with a tank of newfound confidence, a text message comes in through Leo’s phone.
Monday, 12:16 PM
Hey. You with your mom?
Leo frowns at his phone.
No. She’s out in Bakersfield on an assignment. Why?
12:19  PM
You’re with your family?
Yeah? Why?
You didn’t tell me you’d be there.
It feels like he had been doused with cold water.
That doesn’t sit right with him. He doesn’t like the suspicions and theories rising in his head one bit.
Please don’t tell me you’re trying to do something
You agreed they’re off limits
I agreed YOU’RE off-limits, and your mother.
Leo gets up, taps the phone icon on top of the text messages, then places the phone on his ear. He crosses the quarters as it rings, looking around to make sure there’s no one within earshot. He walks out as far as he can from the building and from the surveillance cameras that might hear.
The other line rings for a few more seconds. Then: “Leo?”
“Dad? Where are you, and what are you doing?”
He chuckles. “I’m used to this level of suspicion from superheroes, not my own kid.”
“Because it sounds like you’re planning something.” Leo glances behind him and sees no one. He whispers, “Why do you ask me if I’m with them? You wouldn’t have done that if you didn’t think I could get hurt.”
“I just wanted to know where you are!” his dad says. It grates a little on Leo’s nerves to hear him laugh. How could he find this amusing? “What are you doing right now?”
“I’m helping out my stepdad with their student records. I just finished the last file.”
There’s a pause. “You know I don’t like you doing this,” his father finally says, and it’s not difficult to pick up on the inkling of disappointment. “You’re a smart young man. You finished high school earlier than your stepsiblings. You can create and do things no one else can! Why are you letting them do this to you?”
“What about you? You could have chosen to be a superhero.”
His father sighs. “Superheroes are fighting a lost cause, son. You know that,” he says. “And you know why I won’t be like them. They’re incompetent. Why would I willingly work alongside them?”
Leo closes his eyes in surrender. Of course. His father never liked heroes because of what happened to his family. “I’m sorry, Dad. I’ve just been super irritated today. I don’t like this at all either,” he confesses wearily. “I’m wasting away behind a desk. I know that, too.”
“You know you can always join me.”
Leo smirks. “What, and get pummeled during our first fight? I barely survived the ones I’ve gone on with my stepsiblings.” He chuckles. “You know I’m not like you. I don’t have any abilities.”
“But you’re smart. You can just put together what you need.”
“I’ve told you about the attack orbs. It ended up in a disaster.”
“Ah, it’s been a year since. Plus, I can always help you.”
Leo grins. He would never admit it, but the thought does make him feel a lot better. “You said you’ll let me choose what I’m going to be.”
“If your stepdad doesn’t promote you any time soon, I’m gonna have to change my mind. The heroes are just wasting your talent.”
Leo laughs. “Seriously, Dad. Where are you? What are you doing?”
“Nothing important. I just finished lunch.” He pauses for a moment. “I’ve been working on something. It’s all for you.”
Leo smirks albeit with his brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’ve been thinking about your future. I’m not going to get any younger, Leo. My line of work is thrilling, and even though I think most superheroes aren’t bright enough to catch me, I know that one day someone will come along and end my career.” He chuckles. “I’m not exactly in a line of work where people can just retire. Others…make us retire.”
He knows his father is being realistic, and it’s good that he views the future with some humor. Still, he can’t look at it with the same level of apathy. “Please don’t say that. That’s not funny.”
“I’m just being real. I won’t be a good father if I just filled your head with fantasies,” his father replies. “Hey. We should meet up soon. I want you to see this one place. When will you have some time off?”
Leo thinks about it. “It’s smack dead in the middle of summer. Since I’m not a student here, and I don’t really care to stick around to be their errand boy, I’d say sometime tonight.”
“Your stepdad won’t be suspicious?”
Leo scoffs in disgust. “He’s too busy conning my stepbrother and daydreaming about more money. I doubt he has any room to think about anything else.”
“Hm. Your mom really could have married anyone else. She could have married Tecton, and I would have preferred that a lot better.”
“Usually, I would say that it’s not a good idea, but you know what? Today, I agree.”
His father chuckles. “All right. I’ll call you soon.”
“Okay. Bye, Dad.”
“Bye, son.”
Leo hangs up but stares at his phone a while. I’ll call you soon, his father says. He chuckles. He really should ease up on the paranoia.  
Urged with thoughts of hunger, he comes back into the main building then heads for the cafeteria. He thinks of the fact that he would get to spend time with his father soon. They didn’t get to hang out after his graduation, probably because his mother was there. He saw him in the crowd during the ceremony but he was gone right after.
The hopeful images of him being taken away from there bring a certain lightness to his steps. He likes the island, but he doesn’t like much what goes on between the people who live in it.
As he lists the things he’d like to do on his vacation, he neglects to notice the alert that the hydroloop is jetting inland at lightning speed, carrying with it the person he didn’t know was already coming.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
WINX REDUX AU SUMMARIZED: SEASON 3 (The Fugitive from Omega)
Or, in which I give the basics of what I’ve changed about the story for the AU. It was originally way more descriptive but if I kept it in that style I would have finished in 2039 and I ain’t got time for that. Let’s cover Season 3 at last!
After a month or so of summer break, Stella calls everyone up for a meeting in Magix to start getting the stuff for her birthday party/princess ball going.
Aisha is a bit down, however - while she did inform her parents that she’s dating Musa now, they’re still going on about her arranged marriage and she wishes they would stop.
The girls then go to a few stores in Magix to buy a few things Stella didn’t get in Solaria - she’s making her ballgown for the event and she wants some extra decorations, as it’s the last time she’ll appear as the Heir of the Sun and the Moon and wants to honor both celestial objects.
After a bit of shopping they take a lunch break, and meet Chimera there. They fight over a pizza but neither gets it, falling into the floor after a tug-o-war.
The girls meet her again when getting a dress for Bloom, and the interaction is equally unpleasant.
They finally get everything and then Stella brings Bloom and Daphne to Solaria, so they can spend a week there before the main event, so they can sightsee a bit.
During this stay, Bloom confides to Stella and Daphne that she might be developing something for Diaspro, but she’s not sure if it’s a genuine emotion or just her being happy she saved her. The other two simply tell her to think about it more clearly, and that she’ll realize what the feeling is when it happens.
At around the same time, the capsule Stormy had been in during her stay at Omega suddenly malfunctions after some ice hits it hard, allowing her to free herself. She manages to free the other 2 and immediately makes Icy cast a spell so they don’t die from the cold.
They wander for a bit before getting chased by some ice wyrms, and find Valtor’s capsule.
They free him and immediately throw him to the wyrm so they can escape again, but to their surprise Valtor manages to kill it with ease. He formally introduces himself.
They find the portal to Antocea and manage to open it, taking a break on the settlement around it (mostly abandoned warehouses full with stuff they can survive on for a few weeks), and with Valtor’s Mark, they manage to control the mermaids around the place.
Valtor is still pretty weak from the trip however, and decides to take a trip to Solaria to drain a bit of power from the Lantern of the Sun, to revitalize himself a bit.
Stella and Riven show Daphne and Bloom around, and they also finally meet Radius.
He introduces Count Alessandro of Alba, and reveals to Stella that he will be marrying him in a few months. Everyone is surprised, most of all Stella since she didn’t even notice they were dating.
Alessandro also introduces his daughter Carmilla, who turns out to be Chimera’s real name. The two girls try to remain civil but it's proving harder and harder. Stella just doesn’t like Chimera that much, and Chimera’s paranoid this will just end like how her parent’s separation ended and does not want that happening again, ever.
Valtor arrives at Solaria Castle and sees Chimera, sees how easily manipulable she is at the moment and promises her that if she helps him get to the Lantern, he will give her some extra power to ensure she wins in the end.
Chimera agrees and lends him the Lantern for a few seconds, Valtor absorbs part of its power and then marks Chimera, giving her instructions on what to do.
Aisha finds out about the current mess on Andros due to the portal of Omega being open, causing havoc near their sister nations and decides to stay home to help, informing the girls in the meantime.
The day of the Ball has arrived, and everyone is happy for Stella and how the day is gonna go, even if they’re missing Aisha. Radius introduces her as the Heir of the Sun and the Moon and then announces his engagement to Alessandro.
They dance for a bit and Stella is about to announce whether she will turn into the Heir of the Sun or the Heir of the Moon, but she’s attacked out of nowhere, falling to the ground and finding herself unable to transform. An illusion spell is cast over the entire room by Chimera, who marks her dad and future step-dad as well in the confusion. It makes everyone believe Stella has turned into a monster and order her arrest, everyone forced to flee.
After an escape through the old aqueducts, they decide to leave for Alfea for answers, and Wizgiz informs her that her magic was sealed by a very powerful spell, and that it would take him months for him to break it even with the entire staff’s help. He instead points them to the Mirror of Purification, a magical spring deep in the mountains of Soraia that can remove any curse or spell placed on a person, no matter how strong.
They manage to get there after many mishaps, but the spring is hidden in caves and Stella’s just sick of everything at that point, her ball was ruined, she was more or less exiled from her own planet, and she feels useless without her magic especially now since the ring is still broken, tying it to her worth for a bit. She manages to find the spring and takes a dive in it, but she still can’t cast magic, and everyone arrives.
They manage to cheer her up and tell her how much she means to them even if she can’t believe it at the moment, and that does manage to lift her mood. She can finally cast magic again after this - the spring removed the curse the second she stepped on it, but her fairy magic wasn’t gonna come out until she could think positively again.
Stella spends the last week of break before classes with Bloom and Daphne in Daphne’s newly acquired apartment.
Classes finally start and the girls can meet with Aisha again, who catches them up on what’s going on at Andros. Daphne’s reaction to the name Valtor scares Bloom.
Stella reunites with her friend Nova, who had moved away a few years ago to another coastal city in Solaria and catches her up on what’s going on at her country.
Musa also meets the princess of Melodeus Galatea, and the princess gains an interest on Musa due to her style of music. They strike a quick friendship after that.
a few days pass and when news break that Valtor has captured Queen Ligea of Mareia, she can’t stand it anymore WE’RE GOING TO ANDROS TO SAVE MY AUNT RIGHT NOW.
So Stella teleports them to Andros to get a way to get there that doesn’t involve flying cuz they would die trying that are you insane. She stays behind to cover for them with the Pixies, Diaspro and Nova.
She gets busted almost immediately by Daphne though, who is in the middle of a panic attack.
On Andros, after a quick check-in with Aisha’s parents, the girls get one of the private smaller ships the royal house has to get to Mareia and rescue Ligea. They meet Roy then, captain of the ship and Aisha’s friend.
As they sail onwards they’re attacked by the Trix, and after a fight, Bloom’s knocked out into the seas, a small platform rising below her.
Valtor shows up and tries to talk to Bloom, finding her familiar somehow, but he’s attacked by the Winx and as a warning, makes Aisha blind.
While everyone’s trying to deal with this, Aisha’s cousin Tressa appears, telling them that there’s a chance right now of rescuing the queen since Valtor’s occupied elsewhere, back in the Omega portal.
Everyone agrees and after Aisha swaps to her mermaid form and casts a breathing spell to the rest, they delve into the sea.
After a few missteps they arrive at the underwater palace and rescue Ligea, and try to make a run for it when Valtor attacks them in person, alongside a kraken he marked.
The kraken quickly goes haywire and attacks everyone equally however, and manages to knock both Ligea and Valtor out.
Aisha wants to take this chance and defeat Valtor right then and there (she can sense everything and “see” underwater thanks to her source), but realizes getting Ligea to safety is more important and bails, leaving Valtor to escape.
As they’re nearing the surface however, the kraken strikes again trying to drag Ligea back down, but Aisha intercepts it getting almost killed in the process to save her aunt. Everyone else reaches the surface and are really worried for Aisha, until she rises from the seas in Enchantix, having earnt the form. Her eyesight is also restored now, earning the form removing any curse or spell placed on her. She uses her Essence Dust as well to heal Ligea.
They get back to Alfea and immediately get punished to organizing the recently restored archive after Bloom kinda destroyed it last year for their stunt in Andros, thought they congratulate the girl’s bravery in helping those in aid and does acknowledge that Aisha has a duty to her people.
Faragonda and Daphne then elaborate on who Valtor is (which you can read here), and why he’s so dangerous - he also has a Dragon Aura, and unlike Bloom, has mastered control over it.
A few weeks pass and the girls are done with that assignment, and Sky invites everyone to Eraklyon for the Days of Arturia festival.
Riven confides to Stella that he might be falling in love with Sky and she suggests just saying it outright after the party in private, taking advantage of the happy mood and that even if Sky says no at least he’s getting closer to overcoming what happened a few years ago.
Sky confides in Brandon and Nex that he’s starting to think he might be crushing on Riven and doesn’t know how to deal with it, and that it’s adding to the stress of planning the event.
Brandon simply suggests to ask him out after the party so he doesn’t focus on it much, and Nex does the same, also adding that the party is the most pressing matter at the moment and that he can work out his feelings later.
Everyone finally gets to the party and start interacting, with Sky soon to be holding a speech.
Diaspro leaves for a bit to get herself something to drink and is captured by Valtor, who had shown up to the party and wanted to absorb the magic of the Sword of Storms, a magic relic of Eraklyon. She’s forced to help him and ends up then thrown into a dungeon, Valtor then taking her form and going back to dance.
Valtor still needs someone under his control on Eraklyon, since thanks to Chimera he’s running Solaria from the shadows ensuring he doesn’t get caught if a King doesn’t consider him a threat. Disguised as Diaspro, he marks Sky, who then announces he’s gonna get married to Diaspro soon, apparently having been reunited.
He knows this is what most of the noble population was expecting of those two, and this will make them more compliant to obey Sky’s orders.
The Winx and the Specialists immediately see through the bullshit and go approach Sky and Diaspro what’s going on, Riven and Bloom sounding really hurt at this.
Sky orders for them to be arrested and everyone bails, Sky calling in the dragons to attack them. Erendor and Samara are also questioning what’s going on, but Valtor returns to his original form and also sends them to the dungeon so they don’t interfere amidst the chaos.
The dragons quickly go loose and start attacking everyone, and manages to knock Radius and Alessandro, who had been invited as well.
Chimera’s frozen in fear, being just a Charmix fairy who hadn’t seriously fought before, and Stella rushes in to save all of them.
She forces her sceptre to its limit to defend her family even if she’s unsure of what Chimera’s plans are, the staff breaking and her getting hit with the full force of the attack.
Stella earns her Enchantix thanks to this, her sceptre also reforming into a new form - the Staff of the Stars. She leaves immediately after this to escape the dragons, but is happy her dad still seems to be fine, and she caught the slightest glint of remorse in Chimera’s eyes.
Everyone rests in the ship for a bit before immediately turning back, wanting to know exactly what has happened. They saw the mark of Valtor on the neck of the dragons, so they know he has a part in this, and with Brandon’s help, they sneak into the castle the next day.
Valtor on his part goes back to check on Diaspro’s cell once everything started to settle down but realizes she’s escaped, and realizing that without the princess to mark, he’s trapped in the castle in order to keep with the plan.
As everyone else bursts into the castle unnoticed, Bloom starts to realize she might have genuine feelings for Diaspro after how hurt she felt at the announcement, even when she knew it was a farce.
They find Diaspro on the way to Sky’s chambers and while initially cautious, they realize she’s not marked and Bloom immediately hugs her, happy she’s safe.
Now all together, they barge into Sky’s chamber and see him with Valtor-as-Diaspro, who immediately decides to just cut his losses and leaves Eraklyon, Sky still under his control and ordered to attack him.
After a brief fight, Diaspro and Stella use their Essence Dust to remove the mark, and Sky falls seriously ill after this, having to remain in Eraklyon.
Brandon, Riven and Diaspro remain in Eraklyon to look after Sky, as well as help clear everything that’s happened.
A few more weeks past and Valtor has settled in his next targets - Alfea and Cloud Tower. He decides to go to Cloud Tower first, and with the help of the Trix and a clever ruse, manages to enter the building and trap Griffin in the same place she was trapped by the Trix years ago, Valtor taking power from the Eye of the Eagle in Griffin’s office. He then attacks Alfea with the entire marked school as an army.
They all get thrown into a fight and the Trix infiltrate the school as a shadow, trapping a random fairy (Galatea) and forcing them to help them reach the Archive, since according to Valtor that’s where Alfea’s treasure (The Wings of Alfea, a special shield that also helps form the barrier protecting the school) resides.
Musa, Flora and Bloom manage to track them down and defeat them, but the Trix still get the Wings and bail, Darcy casting a cursed fire over the room to delay them further.
Everything starts to be destroyed again and the Winx quickly evacuate Concorda and the other school Pixies as well as Galatea, but she trips with a piece of fallen wood from the bookcases.
She’s about to be crushed by the rest of the bookcases, but Musa rushes in and pushes her out of the way, getting her wings torn off and her leg hurt in the process.
She earns Enchantix thanks to this regardless, which reforms her wings immediately, but she still can’t fly properly due to the pain still being there.
Now with Essence Dust, she can undo the fire in the room, also restoring most of the books in the process.
Valtor and Faragonda had a hard fight during all of this, but Valtor manages to win and traps Faragonda in a tree.
The Winx then go look for Faragonda unaware of her fate, since most of the teachers need to help with the few possessed students they got to trap before Valtor called them back to CT, using their own powers to remove the marks and it’s gonna take a while.
After a brief but very rough adventure in Cloud Tower, the girls finally find Faragonda trapped in a tree, and after informing the staff about this they decide to send the girls to Lynphea, as the tears of the Black Willow can help them and Flora lives near that place.
Flora explains what the Black Willow is on the way there and when they arrive, they meet her sister Miele, a young Witch studying in Lynphea.
The Trix also go to Lynphea around the same time, trying to get the tears themselves as well since it would be useful for Valtor’s plans.
Flora and Miele then elaborate on what the tears are - it’s a special sap produced by the willow with incredible magical healing properties, and using it alongside some Essence Dust would manage to restore Faragonda completely, as Essence Dust alone runs the risk of Faragonda becoming part-tree forever, it’s not as strong with nature. It has mixed overtime with a natural spring around the tree, which has made it stronger but also more unstable.
They finally arrive to the place where the Willow is (a small lake and waterfall called the Water Stairway), and when getting to collect the water Miele warns everyone that the water’s so magically charged there’s no telling what it could do to them, so they have to be careful.
At around the same time the Trix arrive at the Willow, and a fight ensues, Miele showing off her Charmix form.
During the fight Miele is hit hard by Icy’s attack, knocking her out of the air, out of her transformation, and loses conscience, falling into the waters.
Flora immediately and viciously attacks and ensnares the Trix in some thorny vines before diving into the water to save her sister, and she does, managing to send her back to the surface but ends up too weak, her attack on the Trix having drained her, starting to drown.
Miele comes to on the surface and immediately screams for her sister, and Aisha is trying to control the water to bring her back. Flora then rises up on her own, having achieved Enchantix, and then uses her vines to drag the Trix into the waters herself, still pretty angry at them.
The Trix then come out of the water looking the same age as Miele and bail, taking some of the water in the hopes it’ll fix their issue as well. The Winx finally get the water as well and return to Alfea, at last freeing Faragonda.
A month or so passes with relative peace before news break out that the portal to Omega in Antocea has gone haywire, expelling insane amounts of magic due to Valtor and the Trix breaking it to pass through. Aisha once again leaves for Andros with the Winx, hoping she can meet with the still-living Sorcerer that helped make the portal all those years ago, Taboc.
After some battles with criminals that had escaped Omega, they reach the portal with Taboc (having picked him up along the way), but they find themselves unable to do anything, the Portal ejecting too much electrical magic and energy, and Taboc can’t control it, the spell to close it seemingly not working.
As Taboc, Bloom and Aisha consider other options, they realize Tecna’s not saying anything, and when they check, she’s already halfway into the portal.
Everyone else arrives and panics, asking her what does she think she’s doing. Tecna elaborates that since her Source is Electricity, she can maybe manage to disrupt and absorb the magic of the portal and close it once and for all, and asks them to say goodbye to Timmy for her, not believing she’s gonna come out of it alive.
This act earns Tecna her Enchantix, and with her new power and aided by her Dust, she starts casting the closing spell from the inside. A pillar of lightning rises from the center of the portal, and as fast as it came, it disappears, the portal fully closed, Tecna nowhere in sight.
Everyone thinks she might be dead, and in their sorrow and rage, everyone starts crying. Bloom and Musa then stand up, rage the only thing inside them, and decide to go back to Cloud Tower and face Valtor head on, blaming him for Tecna’s apparent death.
The others try to stop them but can’t, and defeated, Stella sends them to Cloud Tower while everyone else goes to Alfea in the hopes the other two will come to their senses.
Once in Cloud Tower, Bloom and Musa fight through the possessed students and fight Valtor head on, but are quickly defeated. He’s about to mark them both when Faragonda, Griffin, Saladin, Daphne and the Winx burst in, attacking Valtor head on and taking the defeated fairies out. Valtor recognizes Daphne and realizes that Bloom is the baby princess of Domino, his anger starting to rise as everyone leaves.
Bloom feels useless after the battle with Valtor, wanting to know how to get a better hold of her Dragon Aura. Daphne offers to help her, and Faragonda decides to send them both to Pyros to train under the Sorceress Maia, an old acquaintance of hers that also has a Dragon Aura.
The two princesses arrive and, after a few mishaps, meet Maia at last, and start training under her. With both Daphne and Maia’s guidance, she starts to get a better hold of her powers.
At the same time, Timmy manages to make contact with Tecna on Omega for a brief moment, and with the Winx’s help, they all go to Omega to fetch her. They end up being attacked by some of the criminals that escaped their capsules and are separated.
The Paladin Order raids Cloud Tower and finds it empty, Valtor having left the place and leaving all the marked Witches there as well. Life slowly returns to normal in the building.
Still on Pyros, Bloom and Daphne are near the end of their stay when they’re attacked by the Trix, sent by Valtor to steal a magic item, but decide to take a detour and try to take down Bloom once and for all.
A fight starts, and while they start winning, Icy starts to focus on Daphne to try and take her down as well, since she might be more dangerous than Bloom. She’s about to stab her but stabs Bloom instead, having jumped between them to protect her sister. This earns her Enchantix, and now with this power, and aided by a VERY angry Daphne, they manage to utterly defeat the Trix, sending them running.
After this event and with a new form, the two princess go back to Alfea, and learn of the fate of Tecna and the rest. At the same time, Sky and the others come back from Eraklyon, having finally recovered from Valtor’s spell. They all leave for Omega.
Once there they end up separated by the same criminals, with the guys on one side and the girls on the other. Bloom and Diaspro keep looking for Tecna until they get ambushed. Both transform and manage to make quick work of the attackers, but the struggle let a stalactite loose, coming for them.
Scared, Diaspro ends up confessing on the spot, and right before the ice hit them it got pulverized by another attack - it’s Tecna, who heard the commotion and wanted to check in.
They all hug, excited to see each other again, but then soon go back to business, trying to find the rest. They all end up falling through a crevice and find the other Winx, and after another happy hug, they all rise up again to the surface after fighting an ice wyrm.
They also finally manage to find the boys (who had all been captured), and after freeing them, they immediately book it out to the ship and back to Magix.
Back on Magix at last, Diaspro finally asks for Bloom’s answer on their feelings, and while Bloom is still not sure if she’s truly attracted to her, they do agree to try a date.
A few weeks have passed, the girls decide to go on a group outing again, as a late celebration for everyone being back together. 
They stop to have lunch, and while everyone else orders food, Aisha meets a guy named Ophir, who was asking directions at the start but ended up talking for a few minutes. He excuses himself once everyone else gets back with food, and says that he and Aisha might meet again.
Right as the girls finish eating, Valtor appears in the clouds as a projection, announcing his plans to steal the Eye of Myrari from the nearby museum.
The girls can tell something’s weird about this and go to the museum as well, and after some shenanigans and Ophir showing up in the nick of time (revealing he’s a Fairy in the process), Valtor manages to steal the real treasure he was after - Agador’s Box.
After this event, a few days go by, and Radius and Alessandro’s wedding day is approaching. Stella’s determined to free her dad from Valtor’s mark but has not been invited to the wedding (thanks to Chimera). She decides she’s done waiting around and starts to find a way to get to Solaria and fix this once and for all, and after some brainstorming and help from Nova, they decide on performing as bike stunt performers.
With tutoring from the Specialists, the girls manage to get a good handle on them enough to go to the event, and with Luna’s help from Solaria (who’s informed of all the happenings) they manage to sneak in.
At the same time, Chimera’s panicking - she knows most of the staff has picked up that both Radius and her dad are not acting right and her feelings are in overdrive, becoming more and more unhinged about the whole situation and cursing Stella. She carries out with the wedding regardless.
During the vows, with both Radius and Alessandro looking empty, Stella strikes and disrupts the wedding, calling out Chimera as an ally of Valtor and showing the mark on both of the affected. Chimera simply loses it and transforms on the spot, starting to attack the Winx.
The Winx do the same and Stella and Chimera go one on one, Stella swiftly defeating the manic noble. She simply shuts down completely and remains on the floor, broken.
Stella uses her Essence Dust alongside the others and finally breaks her father and Alessandro free of the curse, she and Radius hugging in joy.
Chimera comes back to her senses and simply says nothing, head hung. Alessandro simply sends her to the Roccaluce Rehabilitation Center, in hopes she can get better, elaborating on her actions - Chimera believes anything new coming into her life will be trouble, and after meeting Stella she convinced herself she would throw her out the second she got the chance to, entering a circle of paranoia and anxiety that overtook her.
Radius and Alessandro cancel the wedding and decide to have at another date, in hopes Chimera’s recovery is steady so they can all celebrate it fully. Stella also finally announces her new title - she’s the Heir of the Stars, and Fairy of the Cosmic Light, refusing both sun and moon and choosing her own path. She gets her Solarian mark as well.
Once back on Alfea, a few more days pass until Daphne comes to their dorm in the dead of night for a hidden mission, something she cannot share with Faragonda.
She has found out about the Liquid Aura Stars, ancient and terrible objects that could drain a magi’s Aura to almost extinguish it, and feels this might be the only thing they can use against Valtor. (Learn more about them here!)
After some calls and some clever excuses, Stella teleports them outside of Alfea and into a Red Fountain ship with the guys, who are helping them get in the area the Stars are supposedly hidden.
After another run-in with gryphons, they get there with more or less no issues, aside from Ophir also being there for some reason, claiming that he wanted to help.
They’re faced by a lot of beings on the way to the place, and Ophir shows off his powers, as well as befriending everyone on the way.
They arrive at a weird formation of gems and trees called the Crystal Labyrinth, where the Stars supposedly reside at the center of the maze. Everyone tries to enter together, but crystals suddenly cover the entrance, trapping Daphne, Aisha and Tecna on the other side and dividing them further, a voice echoing in the distance talking about some sort of trial.
The three girls advance regardless, and seemingly manage to reach the center, but there are two doors, the voice speaking again that to get to the Stars, they must pass this test.
Aisha is shown her parents finally breaking off the engagement, letting her be free at last, and on the other door, the Liquid Aura Stars reside. While she would love for her parents to finally accept her wishes, she knows she can get through them in her own, and goes for the Stars.
Tecna is shown all the knowledge in the world, all at her disposal, and on the other door, the Liquid Aura Stars reside. While part of her wants to just delve in into all that information, she knows her friends and the Stars are more important, and she can acquire all that information on her own, after all.
Daphne is shown Domino fully restored, her parents and her people okay and alive and happy, and on the other door, the Liquid Aura Stars reside. While Daphne would love nothing more than to restore her home immediately, she’s certain she will find the way on her own, and Domino, as much as it hurts her, can wait. She goes for the Stars.
They all arrive at the center and retrieve the stars in their casket, the maze disappearing around them and reuniting with the rest, going back to Alfea.
They somehow manage to get by without Faragonda or the rest of the staff knowing about what they just did (since taking the Stars is HIGHLY ILLEGAL), and decide to celebrate this as well as Stella freeing her kingdom by going out at night all together, with special permission from Faragonda.
During this trip, Sky and Riven decide to talk at last about what happened in Eraklyon, and how Riven helped Sky to get better. They both end up confessing to one another and start dating.
At the same time, Ophir shows up and reveals his true identity to Aisha - he’s Nabu, the man she’s supposed to marry. He wanted to meet her before the deal was done since he heard Aisha was already dating someone, and since he doesn’t want the marriage either they decide to arrange a meeting with their parents once and for all to annul the arrangement.
As they leave, Valtor appears in the sky as a projection again, challenging the headmasters of the schools to a match out of nowhere.
Everyone thinks this is suspicious but the headmasters take the challenge regardless, leaving their colleagues to protect the schools if something bad happens.
The battle starts but at no point Valtor fights in it, instead casting a powerful illusion spell to make it look like everyone is fighting Valtor despite actually fighting themselves.
He teleports to Alfea to look for whatever the Winx took recently - he knows they have something but doesn’t know what is.
The Winx intercept him, however, and a battle breaks. Valtor manages to defeat Aisha and Stella and almost marks them until Bloom barges in with the Stars, and starts draining Valtor of his magic.
She stops right before it would have gone to lethal levels, and almost detains him if it wasn’t for the Trix’s interference, who manage to drag him back to their hiding spot.
While Faragonda congratulates the girls on their plan, she also tells them they’re gonna have to go to court once Valtor is dealt with since they did violate some heavy laws getting the Stars.
Valtor, still weak, pulls one last power hidden in the Box (which he has been using to hold all the stolen powers so far), one he stole a long, long time ago and has been saving as a last ditch resort - the Spell of the Elements, one of the strongest powers ever created.
He casts different natural disasters to all the schools plus Magica City (an inferno to Alfea, tornadoes to Red Fountain, a flood using Lake Roccaluce’s water to Cloud Tower, and an earthquake to Magica), and demanding Bloom to face him once and for all, wanting revenge and nothing else.
Faced with the disaster, Bloom agrees, and the rest of the Winx plus Diaspro and Daphne go with her, Daphne wanting him to pay for what he did to the Lake, still holding a lot of memories for her.
Once they arrive they’re immediately dragged down to a makeshift cave made on the lakebed, the Trix arriving to fight the Winx plus Diaspro while Bloom and Daphne face Valtor head on.
As they fight, Valtor reveals what his plan was - to undo the curse on Domino, and free the country from the eternal winter. This leaves everyone confused, until he elaborates further that he himself cast the spell of eternal winter, but it has been tampered with and modified over the years, which made it impossible for him to undo.
He’s been stealing powers and getting people under his control from different realms so that once he frees Domino, he can finally take over it as its new king, aided by the people he has under his control to support him.
However, explaining his plan has made him careless, and after a good hit on him by Daphne, Bloom rushes to Agador’s Box. Valtor tries his hardest to stop her, but he’s in turn stopped by the rest of the Winx that have already defeated the Trix, and Bloom destroys the lock on the box, freeing all the magic Valtor has stolen from all the realms, leaving him powerless.
He decides to call back the elements with the last spell in his possession, and the waters of the lake start rushing back at a fast pace. Everyone starts to make a run for it but Valtor remains down there, still transformed somehow, frantically searching in case a spell still remains there. The waters come crashing down and the cave collapses with Valtor still there, and everyone else made it to the surface more or less safe. Valtor is never seen again, and is presumed dead.
The Paladin Order arrives as soon as all the other disasters stopped, and arrests both the Trix and the Winx on the spot for their crimes. A month of court meetings and cases ensue, held in trial for different things for both teams, with the Specialists, Helia and Nabu also held accountable.
After a month, a verdict is finally reached - while the heroes did break a very important law, it was done to protect the realms for an even bigger threat, and as such are charged with 2 months of community service, fixing all the damage Valtor’s spells have caused as well as just general helping around, and in the case of the magis, they’re cursed with a magic-restraining spell that will fade in a month, heavily limiting their magic usage.
As for the Trix, they cannot be sent to Omega as the prison is still a mess after the portal shenanigans, so they will be held in the Order of Mana’s dungeons until a more fitting place is found.
There are still 3 months of school left, and with the magic limiter it’s gonna be a pain, but the teachers are understanding at least so they’ll just have to work extra hard on finals. The worst has passed.
Daphne is called to Faragonda’s office and is given a book full of notes - it’s the one thing Valtor left behind untouched, found in a cave nearby. It details all the research he was doing on Domino’s curse, and she felt Daphne could use it.
Teredor and Niobe, alongside Nabu’s parents, show up to Alfea called by Aisha, and both she and Nabu finally face them and call them out, denying the arranged marriage. Teredor and Niobe finally agree to cancel the wedding as it’s clear neither of them wish to marry, and to strain their relationship with their daughter even further is unwise. Nabu’s parents also agree, but they seem more hesitant about it. The two young adults celebrate, and Nabu earns his Glamourix thanks to finally expressing his true feelings.
Sky and Riven also officially announce their relationship, as do Bloom and Diaspro. Everything seems to be going fine, and aside from having to pay for their technical crimes, everyone is happy the rest of the school year is going to be more calm...
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linerwriter · 5 years
Rain Redux
So I recently hit 200 followers! Yay!!!
Thank you so much for everything you guys do as followers. I always love to see what you guys think of my works, how you react to them, what you comment on them. It always makes me happy to interact with all of you no matter the form it comes in.
In celebration of me passing 200 followers, I decided to rewrite one of my more popular fics because a) everyone seems to like and b) I was very much unsatisfied with what I had written. Not gonna lie, though, I am kinda nervous about how you guys will like it, so I hope you enjoy it!
For the @linkeduniverse AU. 
“Hey Wild?” Wind asked, “Why’s there so much rain in your Hyrule?”
A couple of months had passed since they had met their newest member, and they were finally back in his land. Since they had only been in it long enough to pick up Wild, everyone was quite eager to explore and map out the kingdom. However, once they were traveling, they ran into a problem:
“Yeah, why is it that whenever we want to climb something, it starts rainin’?” Warriors grouched from the back, “Is Mother Nature upset with you or something?”
Wild simply shrugged, content to look at the forest around them as they walked. This question had come up a few times already, and each time, some of the other more literal Links would get into heated debates about the reason for the copious amount of falling water.
“Maybe karma has it out for us?” Sky suggested, looking around curiously.
“Ooh, what if it’s some deities fighting?” Four wiggled his fingers mysteriously, “And we’re just the poor, poor victims?”
“Don’t say that, Four!” Hyrule cried.
“Why not?”
“‘Cause it could be true!”
“And how would you know that?”
“You know Wild’s told us stories about the monks that controlled the weather!”
“And you believe him? Yeesh…”
Wild shook his head and continued walking down the path. Footsteps crept beside him, the source coming to his side in an instant. “You ever gonna answer them?” Twilight asked his friend quietly. Wild just looked at the older man calmly, then forward again as the others got into their argument once more.
Once the sun was shining again, the group stopped to rest near a cliff face. Intent on climbing the cliff after a quick break, they laid down their gear and started lunch. As they were finishing their food, though, their problem started up again.
Pit. Pat.
“Again? Really?” Legend sent a glare toward the sky, “I swear, as soon as we try to do anything, this happens! Come on, sky, you can do better than this!”
“I’m trying my best, okay?!”
“Not you, Sky, the actual sky.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“You’re good. Now,” Legend turned his eyes back upward, “to deal with you.”
“If you really want to know,” Wild finally spoke up, “It’s because heaven is crying.”
Pit. Pat.
“Crying?” Four was confused, “Why would heaven be crying?”
Wild smiled sadly. “Look around us,” he said, “What do you see?”
Everyone looked around. “Um, trees?” Wind fidgeted timidly, “Some bushes. Animals.”
Wild nodded, “What do you not see?”
They thought for a moment when something clicked. Sky’s head turned rapidly towards Wild’s, “People.”
Wild looked out with grief in his eyes, “Exactly.”
All of them realized on an intimate level that, no matter what they had done, no matter the type of enemies they had faced or the obstacles they went through, this Hyrule had suffered so much worse. People, good people, were gone, only remembered by their families. Bustling towns were reduced to ruins, populated travel routes held dangers too terrible for the regular person. A once prosperous kingdom had been reduced to a shell of its former self.
Yes, they were rebuilding, rediscovering lost ideas, reconnecting with other kingdoms… but at what cost?
“For every person that was lost to that foul monster,” Wild continued softly, lost in his muddled memories, “heaven cries.”
No one could argue with that.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
TwiFicMas Redux: NYE Edition
STL Alice is being a reluctant brat in telling me what she wants to say, so instead of a surprise chapter, I bring you... more of The Unexpected Second Life of Mary Alice Brandon: Magnolia. This is the official end of FicMas until I decide that the thing the world needs is some ridiculous lead up to Valentine’s Day with 12 variations on Alice and Jasper being cute. 
So, onwards my dears, and I hope everyone has a happy and safe NYE. 
(Alice has met the Cullens, had a very Pro-Jasper vision, and bailed poor Jasper up in public to try awkwardly flirting with him. Rosalie tells Alice to fuck right off leave Jasper alone, and Alice is feeling very sorry for herself, especially since her new stepsister Ellie has told everyone at Forks High that Alice was in a mental institution, and has a pretty strained relationship with her mother and sister.
Anyone who might have read Memento Mori can probably recognize aspects that I later used for it, and will probably be changed for the final posted version as recent read-throughs have agitated the Editing Badger that lives in my brain.)
Halloween was fast upon us, and everyone else seemed excited for the dance - it was already the only thing that anyone talked about. Not that many people were talking to me at school – Ellie’s rumour spreading had made me the subject of a lot of gossip, but no overtures of friendship.
And I hated Halloween.
My previous Halloween had consisted of watery green cordial in paper cups, cupcakes with chalky orange icing and a sad pair of cardboard wings I'd made in art therapy. Trick or treating at various doctors' offices and the nurses station had been compulsory and the ‘treats’ had consisted of sugar-free candy or fruit that most of us left to rot in the day room.
Forks kids seemed really psyched about it. The school was decorated in green and purple streamers, with cardboard bats and twine spider webs. Cynthia was having a Halloween Costume Parade at the middle school. Every food outlet in town had Halloween specials, and even the gas station was selling costumes.
I couldn't bring myself to care about costumes or anything else. Ellie was planning on going as Marilyn Monroe, and Cynthia was going as Dorothy, bouncing off the walls in excitement over the red-sequin shoes she had made herself.
Forks High had a costume contest that involved free movie tickets or something, and it was clearly a big deal, from the plans I overheard. I had absolutely no intention of dressing up, not so much as a pair of orange socks.
It was only when mom got annoyed at me that I dug out an old, long-sleeved leotard and a frilly skirt. Paired with leggings and flats and a sleek bun, I looked like a pretty half-assed ballerina, but it passed Mom's scrutiny. I had, of course, attempted just to leave the house in PJs, but had been marched back up to my room.
With my hoodie zipped up, I didn’t look like I was in costume at all. However, everyone else definitely was – even the Cullens had managed to get in on the act. Rosalie was a gorgeous flapper, her hair pinned up elaborately to look like pin curls; the biggest Cullen who was Rosalie’s boyfriend made a convincing if friendly-looking gangster. Edward and his dark-haired girlfriend were hippies, complete with an elaborately painted guitar and flower crown.
Jasper looked about as enthused about the holiday as I was, with a cowboy hat and boots.
The teachers were handing out candy and snacks – my Lit teacher had actually made mini-cupcakes for every single one of her students, complete with little candy pumpkins. The cafeteria provided bat-shaped cookies and disgusting pumpkin-flavoured mains, which meant my lunch ended up being a cookie and a soda, and the candy from my morning classes.
I wasn’t expecting to open my locker that afternoon to find a small pile of candy and two of Ms Lowe’s mini-cupcakes on a napkin. Who even had my locker combination? Was this some ill-planned attempt to make me feel better from the administration?
Candy was candy, and I popped the cupcakes into my mouth as I pulled my books out and crammed them into my shoulder bag. I had a headache coming on, no doubt from the amount of sugar I had consumed and my tight hairdo. Yanking the pins and hairnet out, I let my hair tumble around my face in loose waves.
It was only when I shut my locker and turned around, I saw Jasper Hale watching me from the end of the hallway, an utterly inscrutable look on his face.
I popped a piece of gum in my mouth and walked out, pulling my hood over my head to avoid the ever-present drizzle. Another wet walk home, to hand out candy all evening – both Ellie and Cyn had Halloween dances at school, and Mom and Craig were chaperoning for Cyn’s school.  
As I walked across the cafeteria towards my usual corner table, I felt my vision blur and darken, and the last thing I was aware of was the sound my tray made as it fell from my hands.
Blood pooling in the snow, a house of mirrors. Feet – my feet, my old boots – running through the forest. Cold, blue lips, my father’s dead eyes as he stared at me from the seat next to me, blood everywhere, black and red and warm… My own strangled screams, and the bitter taste of powdery pills on the back of my tongue, leaving me feeling dull and clumsy. My hoarse calls. Myself screaming as the ECT went terribly wrong.
I came back with a gasp to find myself standing in the middle of the cafeteria, my tray at my feet, and people were whispering, giggling. My vision was still swimming, and I couldn’t get myself to move; I was worried I would trip or faint. I could still see myself running in the snow, smell and taste the blood.
And then there was someone at my elbow, murmuring in my ear. I heard nothing as they guided me, my legs feeling gelatinous. I was gently, carefully helped onto a seat and when I blinked I was looking at Edward Cullen, who was beside me looking concerned.
“Alice, are you okay?” he asked in a low voice.
I swallowed hard, and just nodded my head. It was pounding, but reality was fitting itself back together slowly. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again for a second.
“Alice,” the dark-haired Bella was beside me, holding a paper cup. “I got you something to drink.”
“Thank you,” I croaked, taking the paper cup. As I sipped, I realised the rest of the Cullens were at the table – the big one was staring at me curiously, Jasper was pointedly ignoring me, and Rosalie was giving me a death look.
I set the cup down on the table. “Thank you for helping,” I said simply to Edward. I knew where I wasn’t welcome, and I wasn’t going to be a verbal punching bag for Rosalie twice in one week. I could get something out of the vending machine in the doorway and hide in the library again.
“Do you need to go to the nurse?” Bella asked kindly.
“No, I’m fine now. It happens,” I offered her a smile that was far too brittle to be convincing, and stood up carefully. My balance was still slightly off but it would be enough to get me away.
“Please, sit with us for a while,” Edward said, shuffling along. Rosalie sneered at me.  “Ignore her, she’s naturally unpleasant. Stay, please.”
I knew that I probably wouldn’t make it across the cafeteria without stumbling like a drunken toddler. I also knew that Rosalie was probably one lunch break away from dumping me in a shallow grave.
But I took the seat again.
Rosalie’s gaze landed on my wrist, where my hospital band had fallen loose of my sleeve.
“What is it?” she asked, nodding at it. “A hospital band?”
I found myself almost cowering at her words, shrinking back as I slid the band back under my sleeve.
“Yes,” I said quietly. “You’ve probably heard the rumours.”
“We don’t exactly keep abreast of the Forks High rumour mill,” she sniffed as if I had told her to eat out of the garbage.
“Why should we? We are the rumours,” the big guy grinned and Rose, Edward and Bella all collectively rolled their eyes.
“What were you in for?”
Jasper. Rose scowled at me, and then him, and then refocused her ire on me. I was done. This was uncomfortable and weird and if I had wanted to be somewhere with people who didn’t want me, well, I had a lot of choices.
“I’m the crazy one,” I said and stood up. “Thanks, again.”
I felt their eyes on me as I walked away, and didn’t even bother to stop for lunch. I just headed to the library.
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mrnerdteacher · 5 years
All 32 Memorable Scenes from Avengers: Endgame, Ranked (because to leave out even one would do this movie a disservice)
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Before we begin, I wish to make three disclaimers:
Literally ALL THE SPOILERS AHEAD, so go see it first. Seriously. It’s fantastic. It’s greater than the sum of all 22 of its parts. It’s a three hour movie that doesn’t feel too long. It’s funny, heart-wrenching, thrilling, and the pay-off we all deserve. I cannot say enough good things about it. Faith restored.
Despite how critical I sound, I didn’t HATE any of these moments. Some just worked better than others.
I had to go to the bathroom three times, so if I’m missing an amazing scene, please let me know in the comments.
And now, without further ado, every moment from this epic epic, ranked from “worst” to best.
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32) Hawkeye for an Eye- Clint going on a faceless-villain killing spree after his family dies is stupidly cliche
31) One too many Cap Speeches- I hope you like your films like you like your pizza: warm and cheesy.
30) Come and Get Your Concussion- Knocking out Quill to pre-steal the power stone was just kinda funny
29) Bruce Rolls a Natural 20- Convincing the Ancient One to hand over the Time Stone felt a little too easy.
28) Picnic Panic- Watching Clint lose his family was rough, but the mom dutifully serving lunch felt cringe
27) Hulk Snaps- While I enjoyed the suspense/uncertainty that follows this moment, it’s weird that a finger snap is actually required to activate the stones powers, except all the times in the movie when it’s not
26) Iron Man Snaps- For such a hugely important moment, the “I am Iron Man” line felt eye-rollingly forced
25) Time Heist is Botched when Loki AGAIN Steals the Tesseract- What a wascally wabbit. You could practically hear the Benny Hill theme in this scene
24) Nebula Shoots Herself- I feel like the “evil” Nebula went down way too easy for the sake of pacing
23) Thor Goes for the Head- Aside from a clever moment in which you think Thanos is altering reality to defend himself but it’s really the Hulk Buster breaking through the floor, this scene is underwhelming
22) My Self-Righteous Suicide- The cliffs of Vormir is a great motif, but wondering which of the two most insignificant Avengers would successfully kill themselves lacked the punch it should have had.
21) Thor Abides- it’s nice that Valkyrie gets crowned the “king” and all, but the new role feels out of character
20) Tony and the Intergalactic Facetime- Paper football is cute, and Tony’s goodbye felt appropriately emotional
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19) Iron Dad- this film’s packed to the brim with father/daughter moments, but “Love You 3000” is a good one
18) Let Me Guess, He Turned into a Baby- who doesn’t love a “working out the kinks” tech montage?
17) Scott Reconnects with Cassie- Checking the wall of the dead, and finding her alive? Instant tears
16) America’s Ass- Cap fighting his past self wasn’t surreal enough to stop him from ogling his own butt. Nice.
15) Tony Invents Time Travel- It had been way too long since we had a “Tony does his homework” montage.
14) Every Time Brie Larson entered the shot like a literal shooting star- I will never get tired of her entrances, especially sporting her new do.
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13) The Funeral- The Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart is also proof that we love RDJ even more than we realized
12) That 70’s Show- Giving Tony the father/son talk he always deserved/needed was touching, and Steve’s creepy Jim Halpert impersonation sets the movie up for that incredible final shot
11) Passing the Torch/Shield- Old Cap made me so happy, but passing the mantle to Sam? Even happier. Hope it made racists everywhere uncomfortable
10) Emaciated, Stir Crazy Tony DESTROYS Boy Scout Steve Upon Reunion- Were we really expecting a hug?
9) Professor Hulk Takes a Seflie with Fans at a Diner- the precise moment I knew this movie would rock
8) The Taco- I had a very lousy Monday, but still laughed on three separate occasions when I remembered this masterpiece of silent slapstick.
7) Thor Handles His Mommy Issues- you know a movie’s good when it retroactively redeems DARK WORLD.
6) Elevator Redux- Everything about this scene. The tension. The parallelism. The way Steve defeats the entire platoon with a single, sly “Hail Hydra” is both really smart writing and a nod to fans of the comics & films.
5) The Future is Female- suspend your disbelief and realize that this gorgeous, empowering team-up moment is a giant middle finger to all the dude bros who review bombed Captain Marvel. Plus, there’s a freakin’ pegasus.
4) Cap Proves He’s Worthy- the most thrilling, shocking, satisfying, and important fight in the whole film. My whole theater got chills.
3) Thor Really Lets Himself Go- Fat shaming aside, seeing Thor bicker with kids on Xbox Live and belligerently request a Blood Mary is yet another believable, endearing, & hilarious reinvention of the character. The only thing that would have made it better would have been the addition of Darryl as a third flatmate.
2)The Gang’s All Here- I never thought they could pull it off, but when the resurrected heroes, all several thousand of them, return from the dead to fight Thanos’ army, it ACTUALLY felt surprising, moving, and most importantly, earned. Spider-Man’s instant kill. Black Panther emerging from the Lion King sunrise. That look on Hope’s face. IT’S ALL SO DAMN GOOD!!!
1)The Dance- Maybe it’s because I’ve always been Team Cap, but what a perfect way to close a perfect film. I cried tears of pure joy.
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