#lots of the floor is lava games
rhipheus · 2 years
Continuing with Makeb., here's a compilation of today’s chaos
its 4am, and my sense of humour is broken, so idk if its funny, but. it was to me
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r3medialch8os · 2 months
devastating trobed quotes (a list)
does thinking of troy and abed ever make you inexplicably upset? well, it's all in the text! aside from troy and abed serving as frequent comedic buffers, they are given some weighty emotional scenes throughout community's run. just look at the meat of these lines!
we just won't get masking tape (what a beautiful, simplistic way to portray how troy is able to think around abed's systematic manner of viewing their friendship in its beginning stages as well as an illustration of how he deals with conflict)
i love you (pure honesty in a moment of intense distress)
i know (both a reference, because it's easy, and the truth)
you don't like people who tell you what to do, and i don't wanna be one of those people (one of the more heartbreaking things said between the two of them, with troy knowing exactly abed's qualms and negative experiences with being controlled, not wanting to add to it, and still having to fall into the pattern for the sake of keeping him safe, fearing he's risking their friendship by doing so)
you weren't supposed to think those things (you of all people, the person i trust most in this whole world)
this is going to be the last thing we ever do together, we can't stop (what the actual fuck)
i know you hate when people do this in movies (whispered quietly to abed by troy, without anyone else hearing, one of the most romantic, intimate lines in the whole show, argue with the wall)
you're gonna have to trust that you're gonna have to trust me (said to someone with severe trust issues, and for good reasons, just an incredible invocation of the bond they have)
for the first time in my long history of being locked inside things, i knew someone would come (as someone who was bullied in high school, this line hits so fucking hard, aren't we all waiting on this moment?)
you were out there somewhere, and you weren't looking for me? (devastating in a way where i simply cannot believe they throw words like these around casually)
the floor can't be lava forever, the game's gotta end (troy, perpetually insistent on indulging abed, on letting him do his thing, on enjoying his imagination, has to be the one to bring him back to reality this time, and even if he tries to do it as gentle as possible, it will never not rip my fucking heart out)
it's not a game for me troy. i'm seeing real lava because you're leaving, it's embarrassing. i don't wanna be crazy but i am crazy so i made a game that made you and everyone else see what i see. i don't want it to be there either, i swear. i want you to be able to leave but i don't think the lava goes away until you stop leaving (fuck it, i'm putting the whole thing, not a lot makes me cry but abed so clearly experiencing disillusion and trying to assuage troy while also communicating to him how hard it is to accept him leaving all with an air of embarrassment and hopelessness and desperation will do it for me, thank you very much)
i'm not leaving, okay? i promise. the floor's not lava now, just give me your hand (all i can say is that i bet it tore abed to pieces hearing these words)
i think i might be able to let troy go now (the way he says it too)
when i cloned you i had to patch some missing parts of your dna with genes from a homing pigeon. you may notice side effects like a compulsion to come back (in other words, i am in love with you and i never found the right time to say it)
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blueweaver1 · 4 months
This is part 2 of my Oathbound AU
Click here for part 1
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I been working on this AU some more, as you can see. Above are the different forms that Impulse and Skizz can shift in-between. I just realized I forgot to add Skizz's scruff, please pretend he has it. Below has more details about forms, the environments they grew up it, and how this AU interacts with the Life Series.
Impulse prefers his human form. He works a lot with redstone and machinery so lots of tight spaces and moving parts. So while having horns and wings is cool those parts are more likely to get stuck or pinched.
Skizz prefers having at least his wings out. However, he doesn't like it when random people clock him as an angel. To remedy this, while he has his wings out he'll store his halo in his inventory. If anyone asks what type of hybrid he is, he'll just saying some type of white hawk. Impulse would say Skizz is a type of pigeon.
So the places that Angels and Demons are form aren't new dimensions, but more like extensions to existing places. The placeholder names are The Upper and The Under. I thought about using the Aether name, but ultimately decided against it.
The Upper is a place far above the sky. Past the limit where fireworks refuse to ignite. Past the limit where elytra start to freeze and shatter. Past the limit where even the sturdiest avians refuse to go. That is where you'll find the angels.
The Upper is a very cold land. Water isn't a thing up there only ice. However, it's no winter wonderland given that it's much too cold to snow. Angels are built for this type of environment, because while they can eat food most of their energy comes from light. Shelter and tools are made from stone and wood-like materials. Although most angels are perfectly fine just finding a nice, flat, floating rock and sleeping on that. The air up there is very still and quiet.
The Under is a place far below the Nether. Beneath the lava lakes of the Nether, in netherrack that is partially baked from the intense heat and weight, you'll find the demons.
The Under is a very hot land. Winding tunnels and caverns that were dug out connecting with chaotically formed ravines all of which is only lit by lava that has snuck through the cracks. Demons are mostly fire proof, because of this they are able to crawl up from the lava lakes are search for food on the Nether floor. There are things they can eat in The Under, but almost all Demons prefer the stuff from the slightly above. The tunnels are often quite noisy.
If it wasn't clear: The Upper is above the overworld, The Under is in below the Nether.
--Who did the Oath first?--
This was answered in the comments of part 1, but I also wanted to put it here.
So if you asked them directly they would probably give you a different answer time. 1: because it's very personal 2: because it's funny. So what actually happened is both Skizz and Impulse thought of the idea independently, but it was Skizz who brought up it up first. However it was Impulse who did the oath first. Of course it took multiple years for him to psyche himself up to do it, not because he didn't trust Skizz, he was just very nervous about it.
Impulse is also just a "tiny" bit competitive and wanted to go against the demon stereotypes. While Skizz would've preferred it to happen sooner and was will to go first, he understood that this was important to impulse. He does have fun needling Impulse that it took him soooooo long, but it's all in good fun
--Life Series--
I personally like seeing that the Life Series started as a fun hardcore series that turned into a death game due to outside forces. Impulse and Skizz (in their human forms) understand that things are going wrong when the second game starts. While everyone's hybrid abilities are being suppressed by the outside force so no one get too much of an advantage. Yes, they could brute force it by going Eclipse mode and getting everyone out they don't know if that would help in the long run. I mean what if it happens again but since they outsiders how of their powers they don't take Impulse and Skizz and the two of them completely lose track of their freinds?
So they settle for trying to pick up clues and win at least one of the games...
.... why are they so bad at this ....
(though it sounds like angst, it's probably going to end up as a comedy if I'm going to be honest...)
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Bad News First, Eddie
Part One 🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇FInal Part
This was getting longer than both Steve and Wayne's parts combined, so I'm gonna break it into 2 parts. Posting part 1 now, and part 2 should be up within a day. Thank you everyone for the wonderful replies/reblogs. I screenshot them cause they keep me going haha.
Trigger Warning: Child abuse referenced, as well as one scene of a child being slapped. Use of slurs in a derogatory manner.
Bad news first, Eddie thinks to himself as he swings the trash can lid turned shield, this is a fuckton of bats. Good news, Dustin is safe.
The bats are overwhelming but he's holding his own. He can do this. He can buy them more time. He's done running away from the things that scare him.
Bad news, Eddie thinks, watching Dustin sob above him, I'm gonna die here.
Eddie dies. He knows this because all the hurt stops. The world has faded into itself, dimming to a blackness deeper than Eddie's ever known.
The afterlife is a bit disappointing if he's honest. He's not sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't nothing. Endless, unfathomable nothing.
He kinda hoped he'd see his mom or something, but that's delusional. If the afterlife was heaven or hell, he wouldn't end up in the one his mom went to, that's for sure. Too many sins under his belt for that.
Death is pretty boring though.
Time is impossible to track. He's tried a few times, counting seconds to make minutes but that's so boring he loses his train of thought. Ends up humming some tune or another before repeating the process.
The day he finds himself humming a Wham! song has Eddie a little panicked. He doesn't listen to Top 40 stations. He spent a good deal of time avoiding learning any Wham! songs, actually, so now that he's somehow gotten one such in his head...
This has got to be capital H Hell.
Well. Everyone in town thought he was on the road straight to it. Laugh it up, Hawkins. You were right. The Freak went straight down.
Eddie misses Wayne. He can't remember the last thing he'd said to him. When did he last tell his uncle he loved him? Wayne knew it though. He had to know it. They didn't say it out loud but they didn't need to. Right?
In the distance, Eddie sees something. A light? He's not sure what it is but it's something new. Something different.
The light leads him back into the Upside Down. The bats are swarming and he just crashed the bike- fuck fuck fuck, run. Run, Eddie, get the fuck out of here!
He's screaming at himself to run but instead his body stops. Turns. Pulls the shield and spear from his back and screams at the bats.
Eddie rips himself back, away. Crumples to the ground, folding into himself. Not that. Anything but that again.
A soft humming sound. Gentle, warm.
Eddie unfolds himself to see what it is.
His mom smiles down at him, reaches out to ruffle his hair as she hums. Eddie knows the danger has passed and he is safe now because Mamma only hums that when it's safe.
"There's my handsome boy," she moves the hand from his hair to boop the tip of his nose. "How about we play a little game, hmm? The floor is lava!"
She scoops him up and plops him on the kitchen table. There is a crunching sound beneath her feet as she moves. Lava sounds an awful lot like Dad's broken beer bottles but if Mamma wants to play pretend then Eddie can do that for her.
His mother is beautiful. The most beautiful woman in the world. He takes after her in a lot of ways. Matching curly locks, the same face scrunch when they're angry, their noses, big brown doe eyes. Eddie even shares her voice, just a different pitch. The point is, Eddie's mom is beautiful and he's got enough ego left at four years old to think of himself as beautiful, too.
The problem, then, is that Eddie makes the mistake of saying it in front of his Dad. 'As pretty as Mamma,' he'd said. They'd, he and Mamma that is, were sitting crosslegged on the floor in the living room. Dad had been in the kitchen, Eddie could hear him puttering about. Mamma had booped his nose and called him the best looking kid in all of America.
Eddie nodded fiercly, "yeah! As pretty at Mamma."
It used to be a fuzzy memory, what happens next. A flurry of movement and shouting. Now he's witnessing it with terrible clarity. His dad's hand curling around his upper arm and yanking him into the air, crushing hard enough to bruise. His dad's shouting at him. He remembers not remembering the words but now they hit him like the slap his dad delivered to his face. "No son of mine is going to be a fuckin' fag, thinkin' he's some pretty little girl. Is that what you want, you little shit? To be a little girl?"
"Stop it! Stop it! Let him go, he didn't mean anything like that!" he hears his Mamma plead but his Dad won't stop shaking him and screaming. He bursts into tears because it hurts and he's confused and his Dad's never hit him before- "Hit me! Hit me! If you're gonna hit someone, hit me!"
Eddie gets tossed aside. He lands on back and sees as his Dad does exactly as his Mamma demanded. Eddie's never been so scared in his life, he can't watch. He scampers down the hall as fast as he can and crawls under his bed to hide.
If Eddie had to guess, that's the memory that ingrained his need to run.
He's reliving his memories. He's a little embarrassed how long it takes him to figure that out. They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die. They don't tell you that the quote flash unquote takes a really fuckin' long time. Like, you know, your whole life long time.
It's so strange to witness, too. Like he's both watching the memories as an outsider, but also through his own eyes. He has both the knowledge that he had when he died, and also no experience beyond what he's seeing in the memory.
He watches his Dad beat his Mamma, beat him, but also watches his Dad push him on the swings and slow dance around the kitchen with his Mamma. And that's the worst part, he thinks. That his Dad could have been an awesome one. If he'd stayed sober like he kept promising. He didn't though, couldn't. Hell, maybe it's even a wouldn't. He watchs Wyatt fucking Munson pick beer and drugs over him and his Mamma time and time again.
Couldn't even put them down long enough to be there when Mamma got sick.
Eddie is seven. He's just had his head shaved, bald as his Mamma now. He regrets doing it as soon as he sees his Mamma's smile falter when Uncle Wayne drops him off at the hospital.
"We match, Mamma," Eddie says shyly, eyes downcast. "I wanted to match..."
"Oh, baby, come here," and she's scooping him into a hug, genuinly smiling again, "I love that we match. So long as it was your decision to cut your hair."
Eddie realizes now why her smile had faltered. She thought Dad had shaved his head against his will, probably because long hair was for woman, as he liked to say. Eddie in the memory didn't know that, though, so he just cuddles closer and says, "Yeah. Uncle Wayne did it for me, so it would be nice and even, he said. Wanna hear what we did in school today?"
There is something looming at the edges of his vision. Eddie can't seem to make whatever it is come into focus. It's not a memory because those always focus. It's something else. Something new.
His dad teaches him to hot wire a car. Makes him learn how to pick the lock on car doors and handcuffs. When he sees how easily Eddie took to lockpicking, he makes him learn other locks, too.
Eddie misses out on school because his dad can't be bother to enroll him and Eddie doesn't know how to do it himself. He's too scared to, anyway. Afraid his dad will start swinging and won't stop until he's dead.
When Eddie is eleven, a lot happens. It was a pivitol age for him. He got his first crush (a boy named Jimmy) and a first kiss (a boy named Jeramiah). Eddie also ends up in the hospital because his Dad caught him kissing Jeramiah.
It's not his Dad that picks him up from the hospital, though.
Eleven is the age he is the day his Uncle Wayne moves him to Hawkins, Indiana.
He's also eleven the first time he hears Black Sabbath.
Eddie is also eleven years old when he decides that he wants good news delivered last. To end with something good.
He relives becoming himself.
Catching up in school because he's not stupid, but falling behind because he is kinda dumb (schoolwork never seemed as imporant as hanging out with friends, or starting a band, or playing dungeons and dragon, or any other number of things).
The relief he feels the first time he meets another person like him, learns there's another word besides faggot for what he is. Gay. The immense pleasure of feeling truly seen the first time he says that out loud to someone (it's his best friend, Jeff) "Bad news, Jeff. You might hate me for this. Good news, I'm gay."
Good, good news. Jeff doesn't hate him!
There's a fear that Wayne might be like his Dad regarding all this, so he can't tell him; won't tell him.
But then Wayne comes home unexpectedly when Eddie is a freshman and catches him with another boy's tongue in his mouth. Eddie has a panic attack that winds up with him in the hospital.
He remembers the paralizing fear when Wayne came to pick him up upon his release. Eddie had walked to the pickup numb and afraid. He climbed in, buckled the seatbelt, and waited for the worst.
Wayne climbed in and started the pickup but didn't put it in gear. Instead, he spoke, "Life is gonna be rough for you, boy. Rougher than it should be."
Eddie cannot make words form to reply. Can't do anything but shake.
"Eddie," Wayne says and he feels the seat move as Wayne shifts to turn towards him, "the bad news is, life is gonna be rough, but the good news? Living under my roof isn't. Won't be. Eddie, my boy, I love you. And nothing, absolutely nothing, will change that."
Eddie breaks, like a puppet with its strings cut, sags in the seat and sobs. Never, never had Eddie ever bothered to entertain the idea that this might be Wayne's response.
Eddie is a sophomore the first time he notices Steve Harrington. It's fucking awful. It's also amazing.
Because noticing Steve Harrington means noticing Steve Harrington. He's immidiately popular because he's good looking and good at sports.
Eddie's not gonna claim to know Steve, he doesn't. There's just these little clues that King Steve isn't a default jerk. For one, Steve doesn't partake in bullying. He stays silent. Lets it happen.
But Eddie's also been witness to two times when Stever did step in; both times when it was escalating to be a phycical altercation.
"Hey, Tommy, don't," Steve had said, not quite stepping between Tommy and the other kid, but enough to be within Tommy's line of sight. "The game is tomorrow. You throw that punch and your hand is gonna hurt like a bitch through the whole game. And I swear to God if we lose this game because you can't handle it-" Steve didn't finish the sentence, didn't have to. Tommy lowered his arm and scoffed. Walked away mutter about how the kid wasn't worth it anyway.
The other time, it had been Jeff he'd defended. Jeff hadn't even been doing anything. Just stumbled into some asshole from the basketball team and knocked him over. Eddie had been the one who'd shoved Jeff (because Jeff was teasing him) and he was ready to place himself in the way when Steve had beat him to it.
"Fucking relax, it was an accident," Steve stood face to face with Roger. Eddie and Jeff just stared at the back of Steve's head. "It's not Jeff's fault that barely tapping you knocked you down like a house of cards. Right, Jeff?"
Eddie and Jeff blinked at each other in a sort of stunned silence because since when does King Steve know either of their names? Steve turned to look over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised. Jeff stammered out, "R-right. It was an accident. Sorry, man."
"See, he's even sorry."
Eddie reached out, wrapped his hand around Jeff's wrist, and tugged him away. He could not stay here and witness anymore of Hero Steve or he was going to embarrass himself infront of the entire cafeteria in the worst way possible.
That was the tipping point for Eddie. When he finally had to admit he wasn't just noticing Steve Harrington. He had a full blown crush on the dude.
Watching his memories play, Eddie realizes he spent far too much time in high school trying to get Steve's attention. Bumping into him on purpose, being antagonistic to his friends just get a response, or trying his best to use Jedi mind powers to make teachers pair them together for projects in the rare few classes they shared (this never worked; teachers liked Steve too much and hated Eddie).
Steve changes between junior and senior year and still doesn't notice Eddie. Eddie's kinda bitter about it.
Then Steve graduates, but doesn't leave. He's always hanging around, bothering the freshman Eddie's taken under his wing. He's not jealous that Dustin Henderson thinks Steve hung the moon. He's not. (he is).
Anyway, the bad news. Steve graduates but doesn't leave and Eddie can't get over his stupid crush. Good news, he and Steve share a mutual friend in one obnoxiously lovable freshman, so that's like one step closer to Eddie being Steve's friend, right?
The thing that's looming finally comes into view when his most recent memories come up. Or, more accurately, it -she- makes herself seen.
He's holding a broken bottle to Steve's neck demanding to know what he's doing here and then the scene pulls away from him until he's watching himself threaten Steve. The memory moves in slow motion.
He screams because Jesus H Christ nothing else in the afterlife has ever spoken to him.
"I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you," she says. Eddie can see her now. She doesn't look like either an angel or a demon. She just looks like a regular person, a girl with shoulder length brown hair, wearing jeans and a yellow shirt that looks too big for her.
"Uh, it's fine?" Eddie says, because what else is he going to say? "Who're.. who are- what are you?"
"I am Eleven. It has been difficult to reach you, Eddie. Had to try, though."
Eleven nods, like someone has said something he can't hear. There is a long pause before she speaks again. "Do you want to wake up, Eddie?"
"What do you mean wake up?" Eddie feels like he might start having a panic attack.
"I am not good with words. Not delicate, Mike would say," Eleven says, "so I will be frank. You are alive. Can be alive. Doctor Owens says you retreated into yourself. To protect yourself. But it's safe now. It is all safe. The Upside Down cannot hurt you again."
Eddie feels the panic set in almost instantly at those words. The memory explodes into black and the girl vanishes.
The more Eleven shows up, the more aware of other things Eddie becomes. Occasionally the sound of conversation drifts in but it's far away, muffled. He can taste food on his tongue that he had not eaten. Feel a brush get stuck in his hair.
They don't really talk, he and Eleven. She takes her queues from him and since he's got no idea what's happening he doesn't know what queues to give.
"So, you're not here to like... send me on, or something?" He asks. They're sitting cross-legged in front of each other. Eddie in the outfit he died in and Eleven in shorts, a crop top, and an oversized jacket.
"Where would I send you?"
"Y'know. Like... Hell or wherever."
Eleven is silent a long time before she says, "I don't want to send you anywhere. I want to bring you back."
Back. He can go back? That doesn't seem right. That doesn't seem like it should be an option. "You mean like, back to Hawkins?"
Eddie's not sure what to make of that. Is he gonna be a ghost? Because if it's Hell or being a ghost, the latter sounds infinity more fun. Plus, as a ghost he could probably check in on Wayne.
"Alright. You win, Eleven. Take me back."
Eleven stands up immediately, offering a hand to help Eddie up. "You have to want it."
"Want to be a ghost?"
"No. You have to want to be alive."
That makes sense, Eddie supposes. Wanting to be alive is probably what makes ghosts be able to like, be ghosts. "OK. OK. I can do this." He does a full body shake, dancing from one foot to another to pump himself up. "Alive. Alive. I want that. I want to live. I want to see my uncle again. Want to give Hawkins a big fuck you for thinking I'd end up in Hell. I want to see Jeff and Gareth! I want to haunt the fuck out of Dustin Henderson for trying to follow me! I want to know if Robin, Steve, and Nancy won! I want to know if they made Vecna pay!"
He is yelling by the end of it, and Eleven is beaming at him like she's proud of him.
"Yes! Yes! Now, wake up!"
Eddie does wake up. Sort of. He's already awake, sitting in what appears to be someone's living room. He blinks several times before exhaustion washes over him and he sags back into the chair he's sitting in. "Wh-" he tried to speak but his vocal chords don't seem to want to work.
"Holy shit." A voice says off to his side. It's vaguely familiar. Like a distant memory. "Call Owens! Call Owens right fucking now!"
Bad news is this. He's been stuck in his own head for several years. His fucking body has been moving around without him yet the amount of physical therapy he has to do is torture. Fucking Owens won't let him contact anyone until he gets the all clear from his new therapist. Oh, and his uncle believes he's dead.
Good news is this. He's alive.
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raainberry · 8 months
« When good feelings or relationships blossom, they develop and become stronger. »
Sana x gn!reader
Angsty Fluff
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synopsis - Your relationship with Sana was perfect, until you realized it wasn’t. That caused quite the argument, but you’re determined to come out of it stronger.
wordcount - 1.8K
A/N - This one’s for @donburiburrito and anyone who likes to read about Sana. Hope you like it!!
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“Forever isn’t real, Sana!”
You felt your eyes watering, regretting your sudden outburst and the words it made you spit out.
Your voice had never risen around her. You never had any reason to, nor did you even want to. As much as your patience was put to the test at times, it was always a last resort in your books.
You prioritized your feelings, and found it easier to express them when you took the time to sort them out instead of reacting to them in heat of the moment.
Usually you’d just take some time to gather yourself alone.
However, that night it just didn’t feel like an option. It felt like giving in to that pressure inside your mind was the only way out.
Like it was necessary.
You loved Sana. It had come to that point. It had been two years since you had entered each other’s lives. Two years since you both decided to entertwine them with the same intentions in mind. You had been clear about it all since the day you had taken her on your first date.
You walked side by side ever since then, hand in hand as you helped each other through whatever life threw on your path.
You were by her side the whole time.
Yet she didn’t seem anywhere near where you had ended up.
That would have been completely fine, if only she wasn’t the one leading the way.
“What are you talking about?”
Her voice was small, and her tongue seemed unsure of itself. As if it was hesitant on pronouncing words you already knew were for show.
Your vision blurred itself slowly, but you could still make out Sana’s shaken features through the tears before wiping them away.
In the time you’ve known her, you’d never once thought she would be the reason behind the frustration tears you hated so much. The ones you were all too familiar with and tried to avoid as if in a petty game of the floor’s lava.
That’s how ridiculous it felt when they managed to break through. That feeling was erased though, when her arms suddenly wrapped around you.
It felt warm for an instant. Comforting, like it’s always been. Then it turned awkward.
Maybe it was the silence that hung heavy in the air around you. Or the fact that for the first time, your arms didn’t immediately reach around her waist to pull her even closer.
Sana noticed the latter. How couldn’t she? She expected it every time.
Pulling away, she expected your eyes to meet hers. That didn’t happen either, and she felt her heart pick up the pace as she slowly realised what was happening.
“Y/N, tell me what you mean.”
You looked up from the ground, and it was only then that she noticed the heartbreak you held in your gaze.
It seemed like it had been there a while, weighing on your mind and keeping you up at night according to the faint bags under your eyes.
Tears started to burn and pick at her own too now.
How long had this been going on? When did she start hurting you this way? Why didn’t you say anything?
“Are you breaking up with me?”
The words pushed an ugly chuckle past your lips.
That wasn’t even a thought in your mind. Well, it was, but again: it was a last resort.
You wanted to sort things out first.
“I don’t want to do that.” You finally spoke up.
Sana allowed herself to breathe again, closing her eyes shut as relief lightened her heart.
“But it sure feels like you do.”
Her eyes opened again, allowing you to catch a glimpse of something you always knew she was hiding a part of.
Her love for you. Or at least, it looked like she cared about you a whole damn lot.
Enough to trigger a sort of sensory alarm within her.
“What— No, I don’t. What makes you say that?”
Her words were quick. Seemed like her tongue had gained a bit more confidence.
Was she being truthful?
“Then why does it feel like you’re holding out?” You argued.
She wasn’t going to get away with it so easily anymore. If she cared about you as much as she claimed to, this could only end one way.
You just hoped it actually would.
“On what?” She asked, a bit confused.
“My question is for what.” You corrected. “Why do you feel so distant and unsure about me? It’s like you’re holding out for something else. Lately I can’t help but feel like you’re even hoping for something else.”
Your voice was surprisingly steady as you aired out your mind of the frustration that had been building up over the last few months.
“Are you scared of anything, or do you actually want something else? I need you to be honest with me, Sana.” Your voice faltered this time, the sight of your girlfriend losing the fight against her own tears getting a bit hard to see.
It hurt knowing you had something to do with that one drop rolling off her cheek. Seeing it land on the fabric of your pants as she refused to look at you for some reason didn’t help either.
A soft sigh escaped your lips, and you looked out the window for some soothing in the familiar landscape. It had long been plunged in the dark of the night, and your damp lashes rendred the various lights a bit blurry.
Your mind made a wonky comparison of it to the future of your relationship. It was startling to think about when not too long ago, the life you had imagined with Sana looked just as clear as the sound of her strangled cries.
The dreams and goals you revealed to each other over time allowed it to get as real as it had gotten. The shy giggles you shared made you bask in bliss whenever your conversations wandered into that hopeful and almost naïve subject.
Back then it was so dreamy. How did it turn into some nasty fuel, lighting up the worst argument of your relationship so far.
Your mind drifted back to a few minutes ago, and replayed the words that had lead you down to this awful moment.
“I can’t wait until we live together.”
You wondered how it had escalated to this point. It wasn’t like you had asked her to move in tomorrow. Your best guess: it was the drop that spilled the glass, but whatever it was, you just wanted to clean up the mess.
“Sana.” You spoke after a while, surprising the both of you.
You looked back at her, and your chest warmed up when her eyes finally acknowledged you.
“Do you remember during the last holidays?” You started. “When you went on about how much you missed me over the phone, and we ended up talking about what it would be like to live together? How awesome it would be to get back home to each other every day, in a place we made our own?”
You watched as your girlfriend bit her bottom lip harder with each of the words that came out your mouth.
“Do you remember?” You asked again, pulling a nod from her. “Did you mean it?”
“I did.” She sniffled.
“Did you mean everything else you’ve told me?” You asked, almost desperate. “Do I really know you and what you dream to be?”
“You do.” She cried, breaking down in your arms in a matter of seconds.
You caught her of course, like you always have, and felt the cries she let out into your shoulder all the way down to your heart. It hurt. You hated it, but endured every time. You knew she was hurting a lot more in those moments.
However, ‘hurt’ wasn’t even close to describing the way she was feeling.
A painful shame is what her tears were rather translating. Came with it a weighing guilt as she came to realise the amount of damage she had been inflicting to both you and your relationship.
And as much discomfort as she felt, a part of her was glad you had put your foot down.
Who knows how long it would have been until you’d left her behind, clueless.
Believe it or not, she was oblivious to her own doings until you’d raised your voice.
The words had shaken her to the core, and it took a hot second to piece it all together, but at least she was aware now.
She realised how blind she had been in her quest towards perfection.
The perfect relationship, where both her and her partner would move to the next step at the perfect time.
It seemed to be stuck in the back of her mind, no matter how much time she spent with you.
Something perfect that could last forever.
Whatever that ever meant in her mind, it now sounded so… Foolish. Almost ridiculous.
Yet she got so lost looking for it, she acted as though she had forever to find it.
Like she’d have you by her side forever while she figured it out. Whether that perfection was with you or not.
You eventually noticed that, but denied it until you simply couldn’t anymore, leading you to confront her just moments ago.
Needless to say those words of yours dragged her back to reality rather abruptly.
“I’m sorry.” She apologized through shaky breaths as she pulled away.
The soft caresses of your hand across her back had helped her calm down.
The comfort you managed to bring her with just a touch was heavenly. It had soothed her from the ugliest meltdowns, leaving her with a sense of plenitude she had been taking for granted.
But she loved that feeling.
She loved you.
“I know it’s not an excuse, but I just wanted to be happy and got lost, I’m sorry.”
“I know.” You nodded, wiping her tears away with your thumbs.
“We’re not breaking up, right?” She asked, and you laughed despite the clear worry in her voice.
“We’re not breaking up.” You smiled, cupping her face and bringing it to yours to place a kiss on her cheek.
“Just promise me you won’t hold back anymore.” You pleaded.
Might seem pathetic, it sure felt like it. But all that mattered was Sana.
All you wanted was to be with her. To love her. You wanted her to know that. You made sure she knew that.
If that made you look pathetic then so be it.
Because you knew she felt the same about you anyway, and the kiss you received in response only proved it.
The kiss was a bit too salty, though, due to the amount of emotions spilled in the past few minutes. However that only tilted those emotions into the positive side as you both pulled away, laughing about the taste of each other’s lips.
You teased each other, putting the blame on the other before you settled the playful argument with another kiss on her cheek.
You giggled as she returned the favor rather quickly, yet a bit shy, and the words she whispered into your ear turned your smile into a grin.
“I love you. Let’s just grow and be happy together.”
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sigmalvrr · 5 months
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If you have long hair, sigma loves to braid it since he has long hair of his own, it does tend to get a little tangled. he also teaches you to braid it yourself if he isn’t around, he also does take you to the casino on occasions but mostly makes you stay in his office and gives you random stuff to keep you entertained for a few hours while he deals with other things, sigma does play some child like games with you, for an example he does enjoy playing hide and seek, tag, sometimes even the floor is lava! once you guys played and you tried to climb onto him(you both ended up falling into the imaginary lava)
If you have nightmares, sigma is surprisingly really good at singing you back to sleep, if you can’t go back to sleep that way then he’ll either read you a story(classic) or lets you sleep on his lap and soothes you back to sleep while rubbing circles on your back, if you don’t wanna go back to sleep then he’ll let you stay up a bit longer and you both can watch movies until you’re able to go back to sleep, he’ll even let you make hot chocolate or any drink of your choice!
Sigma usually keeps you away from fyodor and nikolai, he doesn’t quite trust them to be around you as much, he knows what they’re fully capable of, and he doesn’t wanna lose you. He has lost a lot of people even though only being in 3 years of existing in this world, hes been through a lot, he cares about you deeply.
When your birthday rolls around, he actually goes all out on your party! he gets you a lot of gifts and for your cake he gets a cake that was commissioned making everything detail to your liking, you want vanilla? Done! you want chocolate? Done! you want strawberry? DONE! Anything you want! he also gets every gift to your liking as well, you like books? He’ll get your favorite genre, or you want toys? He’ll get everything toy you wanted that you mentioned to him once, and if you convince him you’ll wear matching party hats! Overall sigma is glad to have you as his sibling !
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foolofatook001 · 6 months
woooo hermit horrors week! excited for this one :D
Day One - Season 8/Game Mechanics
cw mind control, temporary character death
Zedaph has never really had a hard time talking anyone into doing something for him. He’s a very persuasive kind of guy, when it comes down to it, and of course the other hermits are always so very helpful, so it doesn’t take much to convince them into whatever scheme he’s cooked up lately. 
This really comes in helpful for this season, especially now that his chamber is ready for live hermit experimentation. His first subject is Tango, and it’s an easy job getting him into the chamber— just a little word in his ear, a mere suggestion, really (and a directive to sign the waiver, before they begin), and they’re ready to go. Tango is always so willing to help him out with these science experiments, it’s really very kind of him. It’s one of the reasons why they’re such good friends. 
He has to be careful when the subject is actually in the chamber, though— he doesn’t want to taint the experiment. Each solution to the task set before them has to come from the subject’s own pure brain, without any hints or nudges from him. But Zedaph has lots of experience, and the push-to-talk intercom system certainly helps him be a little more deliberate when he speaks. 
He gets lots of interesting results from Tango, and sends him on his way with a casual Go ahead and toss yourself in the lava there, sending him up to the bed to respawn and exit. 
It’s a few weeks before the chamber is properly reset and cleaned out, and by that time Zedaph has landed on Bdoubleo as the next subject. Bdubs is not as used to helping Zedaph in the lab as Tango is, but a few choice words set him on the right track, and by the end of the session, he is performing marvelously. The results are absolutely incomprehensible, but the process was so very fun that he sends Bdubs off with a suggestion planted in his mind— Just something to think about, but— come back to the lab sometime soon. For some follow-up tests, of course. 
Bdubs says he definitely will. Zedaph is very happy that Bdoubleo has discovered such an interest in science. He checks the “willing to return” box on the subject information sheet.
The next subject is Beef, and Beef is such a character in of himself that Zedaph doesn’t even really need to tell him what to do— he’s content to observe through the soundproof glass as Beef goes through the various tasks he’s set. Mumbo, too, is highly independent— though he looks awfully tired, Zedaph notices, marking it down as a note on his clipboard. There’s a certain sluggishness to Mumbo’s movements, and it’s dragging out the series of tests. Zedaph clicks on the mic. “Er, Mumbo? Go ahead and pick up the pace a little bit.” Mumbo speeds up, limbs moving jerkily as they try to keep up with his suddenly galvanized mind. The rest of the tests go by at a much faster tempo, and Zedaph is satisfied with the results. He also marks down a strange and only-just-suppressed urge toward violence from Mumbo, despite the man’s commitment to— what was it again?— right, “Peace, Love, and Plants.”
It’s been a while since the last hermit experiment now, though. For one thing, he hasn’t decided on a new subject. He’s been thinking of giving Xisuma a call and asking him to come over, out of pure curiosity, but it’s not urgent. For another thing, the seismograph has been going absolutely mad lately— there’s been tremors all over the server, with no discernible cause whatever. If this keeps up, Zedaph’s going to have to go out and do some actual field work. 
He shudders at the thought. 
A rapidly pulsing red light blinks on at the top left of the security monitor screen, just a moment before the proximity alarm goes off. Zedaph whirls around and gets a split-second look at Mumbo looming over him like a bespoke string bean before Bdubs tackles him at the waist and he hits his head on the tile floor. The next few moments come through in dizzy flashes: lab lights, far too bright for suddenly sensitive eyes—being picked up and carried, his head throbbing with each step—an uncomfortable heat radiating near his arm, but he can’t muster the words to tell it to go away. 
His stomach suddenly drops and for a moment he flails through empty air before landing with a sickening crunch on the dull white floor. He’s not in instant respawn territory yet, but he’s close, and his kidnappers seem to know this, because he hears shattering glass quite near him, and then comes the bubbly, prickly feeling on his skin that only happens with splash regen and healing potions. 
His headache clears after a moment, and he’s able to get to his feet. “Oh, goodness me,” he says, upon realizing where he is. 
Tango, Bdubs, Beef, and Mumbo all stand on the other side of the tinted glass, wearing lab coats and looking somewhat vindictive. Mumbo’s got a clipboard and pen. 
“This is highly unusual,” Zedaph says, crossing his arms over his chest. “There’s procedures for these things, you know. Standards and that.”
Tango steps over to the desk and keys the intercom. “Hey, Zed, ol’ buddy.  I know you’re probably a little confused, here. Let’s just say we didn’t, uh— didn’t appreciate being your little lab experiments very much, my friend.”
“Informed consent is a big part of the scientific process!” Mumbo says, looking up from the clipboard, clearly unaware of the hypocrisy of his statement. The bags under his eyes have grown even deeper since Zedaph last saw him. 
“You signed the waiver when I asked,” says Zedaph, but of course they can’t hear him. They take turns putting him through his paces, making him do— well, frankly, they’re quite silly things. He has much better things to be doing with his day. If he could just talk to them—
“Make a contraption that will blow something up,” says Bdubs, and Zedaph sees his chance. He intentionally builds it just a little too close to the glass— not so close that Tango and Mumbo will be able to realize what he’s doing right away, but close enough that the blast has a chance of damaging the barrier. 
The TNT, when it goes off, leaves his ears ringing and all his nerves buzzing. But as the smoke clears, Zedaph spots a block of glass up near the corner that has shattered, and he giggles. Perfect!
“Bdoubleo,” he calls, and Bdubs turns to look at him suddenly. “Come in the chamber!” Bdubs immediately pulls out his pick and smashes through the nearest two blocks of glass beside him. He steps through the jagged hole and then pauses, looking confused.
“What was that?”
“This is all really very funny,” Zedaph says to the other three “scientists,” and replaces the glass that Bdubs broke, leaving the hole up at the top. The alarm melts off their faces, and they begin to laugh at Bdubs’ predicament. 
“Mumbo,” says Zedaph, and now Mumbo snaps to attention, meeting his gaze through the glass. “I think for the next test, you should have me do something you’ve really, really wanted to do this season but can’t.”
Beef and Tango break out into another round of chuckles.
“Now hold on a minute,” says Bdubs, looking around, panicked. 
“Well,” says Mumbo slowly, lowering his clipboard and taking a step closer to the glass. Zedaph nods encouragingly. “I would like you to… describe… how you would go about killing Bdoubleo using only things in this chamber—”
“Hey!” Bdubs screams.
“—and then do it and tell me how good it feels,” Mumbo finishes, all in one breath. Tango lets out a surprised wheeze of laughter, and Beef is wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. 
“‘Course,” says Zedaph brightly. “Have to do what I’m told in here, don’t I?”
“No, no, no,” Bdubs says, backing away. 
“Come on, Bdubs,” Zedaph coaxes. “Hop up on this dirt block here and stay put.” Bdubs’s face goes slack and he does as Zedaph asks. “Great! Well, Mumbo, the first thing I would do is get him in prime killing position, like so.” He gestures up to where Bdubs is standing, now looking around wildly. Mumbo nods enthusiastically, taking notes down on his clipboard. “And then I would place— er—” He goes digging through the scattered chests in the chamber to find what he’s looking for. 
Oh, perfect. 
“I would place some obsidian,” he says, triumphantly, sticking the block down next to Bdubs.
“No, no— no, wait,” Bdubs says, desperation clear in his voice. 
“You’re killing me, man,” Tango says breathlessly, clutching his ribs. Zedaph tips an invisible hat in his direction and sends him off in gales of laughter again. 
“Yes, yes, go on,” Mumbo says impatiently, pen tapping against his clipboard. 
“And then I would place one of these,” Zedaph says, pulling the end crystal out of his inventory and setting it hovering over the obsidian base. He swears he sees Mumbo’s eyes light up.
“Go on, then,” Mumbo says, leaning forward eagerly. 
“If you say so,” Zedaph says, and detonates the crystal. 
It kills him as well as Bdubs, of course, but that only sends him back to his actual bed, and out of the range of the other would-be scientists. That had turned into rather a fun little tangent, actually. 
It probably went without saying that none of them would want to come back to the lab, though. 
Well. He’d just have to ask.
also on ao3 :D
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semolinapudding · 1 year
Floor is lava game with Genshin characters? C:
You didn't specify which so I guess I can choose.
🍮The floor is lava with genshin characters
Venti, Cyno, Tighnari, Wanderer, Xiao, Ayaka, Hu tao.
He likes games. He also plays hide and seek with Bennet sometimes.
He's gonna tease you with this one, because he can fly himself up with his anemo powers. In fact you feel like is useless to even play this with him.
But he's gonna make this fair for you and not use his anemo powers, in case you don't have an anemo vision or other powers that can allow you to compete with his godly ones.
Once he's not allowed to use Anemo, he's a loser. He panics and can't find a good spot in those 5 seconds. When he does, he manages to fall. He climbed a big barrel of wine, and he was struggling to climb it for a good while, with his foot on the top of it and the other leg hanging. You end up helping him by pushing him by his ass because you have mercy.
He thought he won once and proudly made a "Hehe" sound, just before a cat jumped in his head, hissing.
He's not bad at climbing trees, but the problem is that he can't get down without his Anemo powers.
He's faking that he can't climb places just so that you get to carry him and lift him. And you know that very well.
"I can't climb that. You're not gonna let me die in lava are you? :(("
You can go ahead and princess carry and lift Venti up. You probably only want to play this game for the sake of doing that. You get to touch his thighs pretty often.
"I'll lift you up Venti, don't bother your beautiful princess ankles."
He sprains his ankles.
Climbs the tables at Angel's share and gets beaten up with a broom by Diluc. He just cleaned those.
Also climbs the stair margin at angel's share and he is gliding down on it. Another broom on his back. Those were cleaned.
Takes it more seriously than you thought he would.
He starts doing calisthenics on everything, everywhere, anyhow. He'll find a way. Somehow, he'll always find a way to stay suspended in the air.
You thought it would be impossible to play in the plain desert, with only one vertical rock around. What is he gonna do? Glue himself on the rock? There is no way he wou—
His spear is sitting with one part stuck in the sand, the other leaned against the rock, on the spear he's standing in his HANDS in perfect equilibrium, using a lot of muscle groups for that.
The desert is not so fun to play this in. But the forests and cities in Sumeru come with a lot of possibilities.
So he will always hold himself up, dead hanging, if possible, and because you want him to lose and stop being such a perfect calisthener, you grab onto his legs and dead hang too. Good workout. Now forest rangers and akademiya students are gonna walk past you and wonder what are you doing. What is General Mahamatra doing? Must be some serious workout.
It slowly becomes workout routines and you don't even realize it, neither Cyno. You're now doing calisthenics in all kinds of positions.
"Tighnari. There is this new game I like."
He is dead hanging by a tree branch, with you climbed on his legs, and he lifts his legs up, training his legs and abdomen.
Once is your turn, wether you can handle or not, I don't think you can really escape it because he's also gonna dead hang on you.
Tighnari doesn't even bother to bring this up. He ignores when he sees you and Cyno playing floor is lava with calisthenic workouts.
Got lured into the game by seeing you and Cyno go crazy with calisthenics all around the forest, or you convinced him.
"Don't hurt yourself."
Thinks the game is embarrassing at first.
But he's a happy fox, he's not gonna hesitate much if all he has to do is climb trees. He's good at climbing trees. He always climbs random trees at times and Cyno finds him sitting there for no particular reason.
You don't even get to find a place because you already see him up in a tree, staring down at you. He's a winner.
If you get Cyno to play with you two, Tighnari is irritated by Cyno's need to be extra with his calisthenic positions, but secretly, he likes it.
You can dead hang with him too. But he's not got such strength as Cyno to last for a long time if you're hanging by his waist or legs.
He's probably the one used as workout material by both you and Cyno. But he's a sly fox and can use you or Cyno as ladders to climb up trees. Following his own interests. You and Cyno can stay there and die in the lava, together with his jokes and everything. He hits you with the tail in the face by mistake.
You accidentally drop him in the water a few times, and when there's not enough space on a spot, you both trip and fall in the water and he swims out, and had to dry his wet tail. You laugh at his wet tail.
You then get chased by a fox with wet tail.
"I'll show you!"
"What the HELL is that?" You want him to play games with you? "HA! You're such a baby!" He ends up playing it. He's a baby too.
His superiority complex is pleased. He can now just rise himself above you and laugh at you, worm, who's on the ground.
You tell him to play without his anemo powers and he didn't accept it at first.
"The rules are that I don't touch the ground! WHAT DO you want?"
Once you two are playing without powers from visions, he's really agile and fast, but If you follow his place he's gonna push you down so that you fall in the lava. Then he laughs. He's so kind.🩵
He even follows you when there aren't many possibilities around, and he pushes you off! He's definitely putting you as his first priority.🩵
Sits on a Hilichurl tower with his legs crossed like a queen and looks down at you, who didn't manage to climb up. Then a Hilichurl throws an apple in his head.
You push him off as well. You pull him by the legs and grab him off. If you can't win, neither should he. So it turns into stupid fights. You grab him by his clothes and you accidentally almost pull his pants off.
You also grab his foot and the shoe slips off from how much force you were putting into, while he was holding himself by that tree with all the stubbornness in the world.
"That's what you get. Stay with the shoe."
"Now put it back." And Cinderella raises his foot for you to put the shoe on.
Oh, another calisthenics practicer.
"Games. You want to play with me..."
He makes a promise that he'll play with you and he keeps it. You tell him the rules, and he finds it fair simple.
"Like mortals. I get it."
He just stands there prepared and waits for you to start.
He's agile and strong and puts too much effort into a simple game, because of getting used to be tense and ready to fight all the time.
"Not gonna leave you die in the lava." And he misses the point of the game by carrying you under his armpit when he finds a spot.
After playing a few times, he becomes the one to ask you to play together, which is unexpected.
"Can we play that game again? I don't remember how it was called."
You watch him doing pull ups on a bar, so you're now going crazy to hold yourself by his waist and him to easily do pull ups with you.
When it's about moving around without touching the ground, he jumps. And if the distance is too long or high for you, he's gonna carry you.
Xiao is more of a parkour practicer, like Spider-man, like Batman at night.
He is moving from hand to hand on high up bridges with wood planks.
He doesn't stand in place, he's fast. He's pole vaulting his way, Pole vault which is a sport in which you jump high with the help of a long stick.
If you're happy, she is happy so she doesn't mind playing with you.
She uses her ice vision to make an ice platform under the ground.
"This is not how we play? But is ice. Ice beats lava."
Instead of you two picking up different spots, fate makes it that you both choose the same one by coincidence, and you just awkwardly run together and climb together. And the coincidence keeps repeating, she's just thinking of the same thing as you.
She's a warrior with a katana so she must be physically strong enough to climb up high places.
She falls on you once. Didn't expect her to feel that heavy.
Then she comes with the idea of stepping in water. She can't lose if she's in water. You cry when you see her in the water with the socks on.
You end up racing with her to who goes first to climb up trees.
She wants to lift you up by your waist so that you reach first. Not that you can't climb on your own, she just likes to lift you.
Hu tao
She's the lava in the game.
She is making fire on the ground just to scare you, because is funny.
"Ashes to ashes! There's a 10% funeral discount if you are ashes."
She is the one to count and it makes you run for your life. She runs after you and you scream and then she screams and you scream again.
You climb on the same spot as her and she shakes you until you fall. Making things interesting.
"Come on! Let's climb the abandoned haunted houses at night and whoever doesn't climb in time has to take a back slap from the other."
You get back slapped because you didn't climb in time. Her palm is heavy.
The house roof is old and the tiles slide down with her, making noises that awakes the grumpy old man that lives near.
She swings on trees branches and stands upside down. You climb trees and houses together and is hard to get down everytime.
She lets her imagination run wild and rushes you to climb faster because the lava is coming from the east.
"We need to climb higher! The lava is raising, Liyue is covered! There is no escape, but to spend our night time on the roof till sunrise!"
You both try to move without interacting with the ground, jumping from rock to rock, using her spear to jump, walking on the margins of the houses.
If she fails she's gonna get in her role, all dramatic, and say that she's dead in the lava now. Soap opera.
People are looking at you both running in the streets of Liyue because apparently lava is soon coming to drown the city.
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🍮Author's note: Happy Saturday Easter for Orthodox! I am planning on finishing all the requests soon.
I went all over myself with calisthenics and sports there. Couldn't help it. I had to do the calisthenic practicer Cyno master daddy.
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masterlist of episodes featuring prof duncan? I only JUST made the connection that he's played by john oliver
fantastic idea anon. I’m honestly surprised I haven't made this list yet as I am an avid duncan enjoyer lmfao and yes john oliver is great. so I’ll make the list right now. here we go:
the feat. professor duncan episode masterlist
1x01: pilot
he is the reason jeff chose to enroll at greendale
he has multiple interactions with jeff throughout the episode
1x04: social psychology
annie, troy, and abed participate in his psychological experiment in which he proves the existence of "the duncan principle"
1x05: advanced criminal law
duncan, dean pelton, and chang create "greendale court" in order to put britta's alleged academic dishonesty on trial
1x25: pascal's triangle revisited
first shown doing a therapy session with britta
constantly fighting with chang, escalating into chang punching him at the end
does his iconic rap after he gets drunk at the transfer dance
2x03: the psychology of letting go
takes over as the anthropology professor despite knowing nothing about the subject
uses the restraining order he got against chang to torment him
has a few conversations with jeff about the inevitability of death
is civil with chang by the end of the episode
2x05: messianic myths and ancient peoples
exclusively shown "teaching" the anthropology 101 class
2x11: abed's uncontrollable christmas
leads abed's "therapy" session but is generally unhelpful
2x12: asian population studies
again, just shown "teaching" anthropology 101
2x15: early 21st century romanticism
watches the liverpool vs. manchester united football game with jeff at jeff's apartment
has conversations with jeff about friendship and greendale etc.
2x21: paradigms of human memory
appears very briefly in a flashback to the events of "abed's uncontrollable christmas"
2x22: applied anthropology and culinary arts
is shown again at the head of the anthropology class, this time "administering their final" (getting drunk) but disappears very quickly as soon as the dean walks in
5x03: basic intergluteal numismatics
"helps" with the psychological aspect of the ass crack bandit investigation
(you might notice he is not in seasons 3 or 4. irl it's because he got too busy with his other projects, but in the show his character explains that he was "taking care of his sick mother")
5x05: geothermal escapism
shown briefly playing the floor is lava game, but loses very quickly after jeff knocks over the chair that he was going to jump on while chasing britta
5x06: analysis of cork-based networking
shown as a member of the save greendale committee
helps jeff, shirley, and chang choose a theme and decorate for the dance (bear down for midterms)
5x07: bondage and beta male sexuality
asks jeff to help him scheme a way into getting a date with britta, which ends up backfiring
ends up hanging out a lot with jeff. this episode re-establishes that the two of them have known each other longer than any of the other characters
5x11: g.i. jeff
appears briefly only in jeff's animated dream, as "xim xam"
(so, I guess it's not technically duncan, but it's jeff's g.i. joe dream version of duncan, so I’m counting it)
5x12: basic story
appears again as a member of the save greendale committee
5x13: basic sandwich
tries to help the save greendale committee uncover the hidden computer school but gets electrocuted lmfao
alright yep. that should be all. I personally went through the credits of every single episode to double check everything because I do not trust the lists that are already online tbh. full of discrepancies smh. also, yeah, he is indeed not in seasons 3, 4, or 6. anyway! hope this is helpful. duncan is hilarious and every single line that comes out of his mouth is comedy gold. bye
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sharedramblings · 1 year
Recreational Activities
Summary: It's your first game session with Larissa! However, what you said made you fight for your life physically.
Author's note: I can't believe the amount of notes on that first one. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the comments left either in the fic itself or in the reblogs made. Thank you! Truly. Now this one, I feel like Larissa's kind of OOC because I can't really imagine her playing nintendo but eh.
You've been playing the game with Larissa for probably 2 hours now. This was the first time that she tried playing nintendo with you, something along the line of wanting to have quality time while doing an activity you want.
"Careful. Just jump righ–"
"I know, darling" Larissa cuts you off, her gaze focused on the tv screen. You were tense as you watched her character jump through the acid on the floor, letting out the breath you were holding when she succeeded. However, the relief you felt immediately ended when your character walked in on the water.
You groaned as both of you were transported back to the checkpoint.
"What happened?" Larissa looked at you, one eyebrow raised at your wrong move.
"It was the controller! I didn't do anything!" You retort. The woman beside you hummed, not quite believing you.
"Wait! No, no! Stop!" You yelled, but Larissa's character went straight to its doom. Sending you both back to the last checkpoint.
"Go to the platform, I'll–" you stopped abruptly before looking at Larissa. Her character went back and ultimately stepped in the lava.
"Wrong button. I apologize, darling" She sheepishly smiles, and you simply nod, rolling your shoulders back a bit.
Your patience was wearing thin. You've been stuck on this level for what feels like ages now. But the fact that you're finally on the last part of the level is making you quite hopeful.
That is... before your lover's chosen character dies again.
"Nooo! We were so close!" You let your head fall back on the couch, eyes closed as you heave a sigh.
Larissa scoffs, her glare fixed on the screen. "The amount of obstacles my character faces on this level is ridiculous!" Her patience was waiving as well.
You turn your head to her, "Not really, I think we both have the same number"
"Let's switch then, prove me wrong." She offers you her controller, her irritation still evident with the way her eyebrows are furrowed. You just shook your head.
"You were just uncoordinated, babe" The older woman narrows her eyes at you, as if thinking if she heard you right.
Truth be told, Larissa actually plays well for a first timer. You've cleared a lot of levels already since you started, and she adjusted rather quickly with the controls and the game. Maybe it's the length of your game time, or maybe it's because of the enhanced difficulty that resulted in this situation.
"Come again?"
You sat upright, suddenly feeling nervous with her question. "I meant on this level–"
"I'm uncoordinated" Larissa cuts you off and repeats what you said earlier, throwing her controller on the side of the couch.
"Babe–" Her glare made you pause. You're unsure what to do, slowly placing your controller on the table to stall for a bit.
This was when you were blindsided. Your actions were taken advantage of the woman as she caged you in her arms, her fingers immediately assaulting your waist. You shrieked with loud laughter, your body thrashing in her hold.
"Stop!" The tickles were relentless, and so were your cackles. You try to get away, but it proves to be difficult as your energy was spent laughing uncontrollably.
"I played with you and you're calling me uncoordinated? Hm?" The playful glimmer in her eyes were evident, as her hands travel back and forth from your armpit and waist.
"I didn't mean it!" You tried your best to reason out in between your laughs.
"Oh, but you were quite serious when you said it darling" Her fingers now travel to your neck, where she plans to do her next attack.
"Who's uncoordinated now?" You did your best to wriggle out of her touch, your hands firmly pushing her arms away.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please!" Your eyes were now glazed with unshed tears from the relentless laughter. Larissa stopped as soon as she heard you apologize, her lips painted in a grin.
"That was mean" you were panting as you lay your hand in your stomach, and both of you were trying to even out your breathing.
"No, what you said was mean and I only gave you what you deserve" She guides you in her lap and you happily obliged. You rest your head in the crook of her neck, your hands playing with her hair.
"My stomach hurts" Larissa chuckles, her arms wrapped around you in a warm embrace.
"What do you want me to do?" You suddenly perked up, raising your head so you could be eye level with her. A wide grin plastered on your face as your hands now cup her face.
"Kisses. Lots and lots of kisses"
Larissa relishes in the warmth of your palm, eyes firmly holding yours. "I can't possibly do that. I'm uncoordinated, right?"
You whine, pouting at her reply. You can picture it now. She will use this against you for a while.
"I'm wrong! It isn't true! You're the most coordinated person I've ever known and–" Whatever you were saying, you quickly forgot because she gave you a peck on your lips and you were instantly dazed.
"More, please" Your lover shakes her head at you before kissing you. Again, and again, and again. On your forehead, on your lips, on your cheeks, on your nose, on your temple, and back to your lips again.
She showered you with kisses, and you can't help the lovestruck smile that was plastered on your face. You can feel how warm your cheeks are with the attention, your heart doing somersaults in your chest.
"I love you" was how you broke her kisses. She smiled softly at you, her hands gently tracing your side.
"And I, you, my darling" Her I love you's always make you lightheaded and giddy, as if it was always the first time she ever tells you that. You lunged forward and captured her lips in a sweet kiss, the game long forgotten as you basked in her presence.
This is what Saturdays are for. A day completely shared with Larissa doing anything you both want with cuddles and kisses whenever you want to.
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kankuroplease · 7 months
Kakashi seems kinda serious in the Tattoo Shop AU. Got any silly Kakashi headcanons?
For the Tsau? He is rather silly in his own way
Gave a speech at Minato and Kushina’s wedding thanking Kushina for saying yes so Minato could finally shut up about her 👍
He wears custom socks with their dogs faces and crocs most days
Nuzzles Rin and Obito over kisses on purpose to make them lower their guard for an actual kiss. They never know when it’s coming and that’s fun for him
Bought a shirt that says ‘sugar baby’ to wear on dates with Obito because he thought he wouldn’t actually do it to goes perfectly with his crocs and socks
Tells Sai harmless misinformation because he takes things so seriously and Kakashi gets a goof laugh out of hearing the kid repeat it
Had a intervention with Naruto/the shop; asked people to raise their hands if they haven’t fucked Naruto. He wasn’t surprised by the outcome 💀
Has a few paper fortune tellers in his desk for when Yamato is being indecisive, anxious, or wants date ideas w/ Genma. Yams says he’s too old for that but let’s Kakashi do it every time
Has worn the wigs that Sakura leaves in the shop just cause
Intentionally refers flirtatious clients to Sasuke and states he’s single. every. TIME.
Does the same to his father. “He’s single.” “Kakashi” “loves walks” “KAKASHI!!” This man will list every single person he knows if someone tries to flirt with him.
Leash dad that also dresses the kids up as dogs for walks. He thinks it’s funny and cute, plus the kids have a lot of fun doing it/don’t complain about their leashes when they’re dressed up too
Will howl to get the dogs howling. 9/10 if the dogs are howling, he started it
Makes Tako sausages for the kids lunches and gets really happy when Rin makes one for his lunch too.
Participates in Ryu’s dojo, which means he’s also having to demonstrate things with Gai
Not so silly; but can’t actually mimic most singers and has a wide octave range, so has helped Chiha rehearse singing the female vocals with ease. He’s also told her she can’t tell anyone if she wants him to keep helping her.
Can’t pass on purchasing books with outlandish titles so his bookshelf is full of the most random stories
Gives Gaara dog stickers anytime they meet. He noticed Gaara smile the first time he gave him one and it’s become a thing now (Gaara isn’t even sure why it’s happening, but he keeps them)
Is in a small competition with Tsunade over the scones at the local bakery. It’s usually with him or her getting the last one because of their schedules
Thankfully, the Uchiha behave themselves when they come to his shop, but he does have a kids chair for Shisui sense he won’t stop hanging out in the shop whenever he feels like. Has his name on it and everything
Enthusiastically participates in the floor is lava. Has pushed Obito, Chiha, Naruto, Minato, Kushina, Yamato, Genma, Sakura, Sai, Ino, and apologetically placed Rin into the “Lava” in order to win
Also refuses to lose in twister, zero shame or embarrassment. He’s honestly a big kid when it comes to games 💀
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navibluebees · 1 year
begging on my knees for you to do a hc list for prager
Please read before interacting.
Oooh, well since you asked nicely. 😇💙 Also bless you because this was a ride I did not expect. He was a hard one to pin down (ehehe), but these are the vibes I got. Thank you for asking, I had such a good time with this one!
How Prager would be with his SO
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This man is TIRED, being woken up as a recom was his 13th reason, but he figured since his buddies were here too then why the hell not go with it
He goes with the flow at work, biting his tongue and following orders so when he gets home to you, he is stressed tf out.
Decompresses for a little while when he gets home, but then comes out and quietly inserts himself into whatever task you’re doing, & always eager to take advantage of his height to help you out
Not terrible with cooking but prefers to pull up a chair and be the taste tester
After you finish up chores, he needs cuddles and lots of kisses. 
Cuddles and naps where your limbs are intertwined or you’re sprawled out on top of him.
Will do literally anything for you… except squash bugs. The first time you guys saw a spider in your home, the floor became lava and you screamed at each other to get it. (Took this from the polycule because it made me laugh so damn hard. Currently picturing both Prager and his SO crouched on chairs and trying to squash the spider with a broom or something.)
Wants to be open with you, but has a lot of emotions built up, so he has a hard time finding the right words to say.
Subtly possessive. Trusts you wholly and other people for the most part, but cannot take his damn hands off of you. Pulls you into his lap, hand around your waist, gently rubbing your shoulders
Did a double-take when he first saw you and the way the light kissed your skin.
Becomes more outgoing as he gets more comfortable around you.
Animals love him. Was so excited to tell you about the time a viperwolf brought her cubs to him while he was on a mission. Refused to move until she came back to get them
Likes gaming, but gets so frustrated because the controllers are too tiny now for his big hands, so he gets you to sit in his lap and he talks you through how to play
Eyes crinkle up at the edges when you’re telling him about a funny story/ how your day went.
Has a goofy grin, 100% smitten with you
NSFW Below
In reference to loving you in his lap, he will grind subtly against you to tease you out in public. Loves when your face goes beet red and you have to pretend like you're not bothered.
Very rarely sub only when he needs a softer intimacy.
bc this man is so stressed, its gotta come out somewhere
Dominant most always. Even when you’re on top, he’s in charge
Will talk you through it just like the gaming. “Suck it like this. There’s a good Y/N” (matches well with someone who has a praise kink)
LOVES to tell you what to do step by step. If you refuse, he’ll grab you by the chin and go “Say that again. If you’re so confident, say it to my face.”
Spanking during doggy styleeeee, digging his fingers into your hips, bowing his body over yours and biting into your shoulder
VEERY much into edging. Loves pushing you to your limits more mentally than physically. And when you beg??? He fuckin loves it.
Will dirty talk your ears off, telling you what he’s about to do, praising you for how good you’re taking him
Lots of deep sounds from him, loves hearing how good he makes you feel.
After, he’s back to being a big softie, taking care of you and cleaning you up. 
Probably wouldn’t consider sharing unless you brought it up and only if it were someone he trusted. If it ever happened, he would make sure the other person knew who the alpha was
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festivating · 2 months
Elphie + Glinda + Liir family headcanons?? (I’m reading attrition rn and I love itttt)
Omggg happy you're liking it so far!! All of my headcanons will show up in attrition one way or another, so I'll try not to give too much away with these :)
Both Elphaba and Glinda are extremely protective of Liir, but in different ways. Elphaba will physically hurt anyone that hurts him, but Glinda takes the approach of showing Liir how to take care of himself via not looking for trouble and learning how to associate with the right people.
Liir is slow to trust others, because he's used to being picked on/bullied, but he trusts Glinda immediately. He and Elphaba take a bit longer to see eye to eye, but he trusts her blindly too.
Glinda cannot cook to save her life, since she's never had the need to cook for herself, but I like to think she can learn and does in fact try to learn so she can help Elphaba in making family meals.
Liir is not a picky eater, he will eat anything, but it's easy to tell he vastly prefers some meals over others and so Elphaba and Glinda both make an effort to learn how to make those.
I like to think Liir starts picking up both Elphaba's and Glinda's habits without them even trying to instill them on him. Like, as he grows he gets an interest in the things that matter to Elphie like Animal rights and social justice, but he also gets an eye for expensive things like Glinda lol
But because kids are never carbon copies of their parents he has his own things that he likes that Glinda and Elphaba Do Not Get. I don't know what the Ozian equivalent of an emo phase would be, but he would have one.
Activities!! When things are quiet and "normal" I like to think they enjoy spending lots of time together, whether that is going places or just staying at home. Even when he's a child both Glinda and Elphaba genuinely like talking to him.
Glinda and Liir are menaces together. Elphaba has never known a day of peace in her life, especially because when Glinda starts teasing her about anything Liir is always eager to join in.
When something scares him he usually goes to Elphaba because he thinks she's brave. When he's uncertain about something he goes to Glinda because he thinks she's wise.
That super common thing of the child waking up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and crawling into bed with the parents? Happens a lot. Neither him nor Elphaba are cuddly people, but just being there with them can calm him.
He is easily distracted. Elphaba comes up with the weirdest games to entertain him and he takes them very seriously. "The floor is lava" is a life or death situation. Glinda doesn't get it.
Seeing who can scare Glinda and get her to scream the loudest becomes a regular activity once they start living together. Glinda still doesn't get it, but this one amuses her even if it's at the expense of her sanity.
The three of them have the wildest abandonment issues you can possibly think of, so they're pretty tight-knit. Perhaps almost to an unhealthy degree...
But to end on a fluffy note, they all love each other very much and it shows in different ways. Elphie with her protective streak, and Glinda with her willingness to rearrange her entire life to fit the two of them, and Liir with feeling safe enough to approach them for whatever he needs :)
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fandom-junk-drawer · 2 years
The Witcher Headcanon - Winter Games
Winters at Kaer Morhen were always a little bit boring.
Sure, the Wolves had their usual ways of entertaining themselves during the winter, but there were only so many hours you could train, work on personal projects, get drunk, or make fun of Lambert before it just got boring.
And then Geralt brings Ciri home.
One morning everyone is just kind of sitting around, bored. Even Jaskier is only half-heartedly plucking at his lute.
Then Ciri asks "Does anyone want to play some games?"
The question is met with disinterested grumbles.
I'm sick of playing Gwent, and Geralt says we aren't allowed to let you play drinking games.
Ciri grins and says "Oh, they're not some boring old drinking games or card games; These are better!"
She proceeds to tell her Kaer Morons about the games she used to play when she would sneak out of the castle back in Cintra.
The Witchers seem a little skeptical. The games don't sound all that challenging, but they agree to play because it's better than playing another round of Gwent, or dealing with another hangover.
The first game turns out to be a whole lot more challenging than any of them thought it could be. It sounded simple enough. Someone shouts "The floor is lava!" and all they had to do was get off the floor.
The problem was that the Wolves just assumed that the game was only played when everyone got together and said "Hey, let's play The Floor is Lava!"
They quickly found out that you could be anywhere in the keep and someone could shout "The floor is lava!", and they had to jump on the nearest object to get off the floor.
It was hilarious to watch a room full of grown men scramble frantically up on to tables, benches, or any handy item of furniture to keep from 'burning up".
It was even funnier when it happened in a corridor or hallway, where the only thing you could use to get off the floor was another Witcher. The look on Geralt's face when Jaskier had scrambled up his back had been priceless.
Vesemir had been so confused when walked into the Great Hall and everyone had started shouting from the table tops that the floor was lava, or some nonsense.
The second game, which was simply called The Game, was perhaps the most frustrating game of the three. If you mentioned The Game, or even thought about The Game, you automatically lost The Game.
The only good thing about The Game, was that if you lost it, you had the chance to bring down as many other players as you could. Many a time a frustrated howl of "F******K, I just lost The Game !" rang through the halls of Kaer Morhen, followed by a chorus various angry swears.
Blood was almost spilled one night when Eskel told a suspenseful story about one of his hunts, only to have the convoluted tale end with "And the worst part was.... That you all just lost The Game!"
The third game ended up being the Witchers' favorite. It involved a mysterious hand symbol. The object of the game was to trick the target into looking at the symbol. The catch was that the symbol had to be made below the waist to count.
The penalty for looking at the symbol was a punch on the arm, or since it involved Witchers, being tackled to the ground.
Jaskier and Geralt, the only two at Kaer Morhen who knew Handspeak, found the symbol humorously ironic, considering it looked exactly like the sign for 'a**hole'.
The Witchers were impressively creative with the lengths they would go to, the strategies they would employ, the dirty tricks, and the creativity they used to get each other to look at The Circle.
Thus the long winter months passed, punctuated by screams, curses, epithets, obscenities, and wild laughter.
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shuttershocky · 14 days
Top 3 characters from any MOBA you've played gameplay-wise
Ooh this is ridiculously hard... Ive played so many over the years that I liked...
1.) Shoichi (Eternal Return) — The only video game character archetype I like more than a gunslinger is a swift dagger wielding assassin, and Shoichi took that to the utmost extreme.
Blindingly fast, incredibly squishy, and extremely prone to dying off of a single mistake, Shoichi's whole deal was that he could reset a short range, instant dash by dashing over a dagger that he drops, while his Stab, knife throw, and spinning ult all dropped daggers around him (like a modified Katalina, from League of Legends).
He's so squishy that if he misses one of his skills and runs out of dash resets, he's quickly killed, meaning his gameplan was always to ambush a target with a full combo of all his skills as fast as possible, hopefully killing them before they even properly realized they were being attacked.
This feast or famine playstyle made him a big balance problem for ER, and he tended to either instantly kill a target, or miss one skill / run out of damage on a tankier target and then just die pathetically, but that's what made playing him so fun.
He's the closest a video game has truly got to really capturing Tohno Shiki as depicted in Tsukihime, far more so than Melty Blood's. I've uploaded a few Shoichi clips here on this blog, i'm not as fast as the pros are but I'm still real proud of them (especially the 1v2s or 1v3s ive won)
2) Rubick (Dota 2) — As the original MOBA upon which all others descended from, Defense of the Ancients contains a lot of Heroes with designs that became nothing less than genre-defining, such as Pudge's meat hook being replicated throughout many, many games, from League's Blitzcrank to Overwatch's Roadhog to Super Monday Night Combat's Veteran
Rubick however, is a character based around having an incredibly generic skillset, but with the most unique ultimate in Dota. He's got an instant stun that does no damage but can move enemies around, an honest nuke that bounces, and a passive that boosts his cast range, little in the way of an identity. But, Rubick's ultimate, Spell Steal, lets him copy the last spell an enemy hero used (including their ultimates) and temporarily use it in battle.
This makes Rubick's gameplay completely change every single time, as his possible moveset is determined by the enemy's lineup instead of him. His generic but crudely effective regular skills are meant to combo with as many different stolen spells as possible, creating a real chameleon of a mage that can use even your own ultimates against you.
Due to his simple basic skills, playing Rubick is very easy, but due to his ultimate, playing Rubick well requires mastery of basically every other spell in the game, and Dota is notorious for being the sort of game where it's quite easy to grief your own teammates with a bad spellcast.
I have played this character for a ridiculous number of hours since he first got ported from Dota 1 to 2 back in 2012, and I'm still only able to grasp him at a surface level. I love the pursuit of mastery far more than actually getting good, which is why I've been hot garbage at Dota for over 12 years now and I've never tired of it. Rubick is that feeling in a single hero.
3) Captain Spark (Super Monday Night Combat) — Although it pains me not to put a representative of my love Gigantic in here, Captain Spark remains unmatched. A Rocketeer + Shark Boy and Lava Girl parody, Captain Spark took the very common trope of the teleporting assassin in 2D MOBAs, and took it into 3D space.
With the ability to blink through walls and floors, Spark played with the 3D space in a way nobody else in Super Monday Night Combat could touch. He could come from anywhere, at any time. There was nowhere you could run where he couldn't follow, and catching a guy that could simply blink to another part of the map made chasing him almost impossible. It's the closest anyone's really gotten to replicating the idea of fighting a comic book speedster, where you have to catch them by surprise, or lure them into a fight they can't easily escape from and overpowering them with bulk.
One of my favorite moments playing as Captain Spark is when another player caught me offguard and pushed me off the map to my certain death. I simply looked up as I was falling, teleported through the floor, and ended up right behind the guy as they turned around assuming I was already dead. I shot them with Spark's secondary ray pistol just to get their attention, and when they turned around, I grabbed them and tossed them off the cliff they just chucked me from (because hey, one of Spark's skills is to grab and flip an enemy behind him, perfect for such situations).
I miss SMNC. Video games sure haven't made a weird Shark Boy wearing Rocketeer cosplay kind of character again.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: The Final Analysis
Part 3
Continuing from Part 2, we get our first look at "Ganondorf" in this trailer:
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You'll notice that I've put that in quotes; that's because I'm not quite convinced it's him. At least, not entirely.
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This is Ganondorf as he appears in his official artwork, and, as we'll see shortly, how he shows up later in the video. His hair looks like actual hair, his skin is very much an olive green shade.
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The hair in this shot looks much more like the tendrils of malice that crept across the floor in the first trailer:
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And if we look at his hand, it's got glowing edges on black skin:
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To me, this looks a lot more like scales and veins than anything. Which we have seen before.
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Most importantly, Ganondorf does not speak in this scene. We don't have any confirmation that this is the same man, because it cuts just before he turns to face the viewer.
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And if we look closely
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We can see the veiny malice, as well as bare skin beneath his hair.
The following remarks are erroneous, and are corrected at the bottom of the error.
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Ganondorf wears different apparel. This same shot should have been covered but wasn't.
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Even dehydrated, Gan has this sleeve. If this isn't a different person, then some interesting things happened to Gan specifically to get to that shot.
Edit: @princessfaeron found the edge of the sleeve! I just missed it due to screenshotting it.
Our next shot has Link jumping after Zelda, like we've seen in the other trailers:
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He reaches for her hand, his own absolutely covered in malice, with the same veins on it as the man in the shot before:
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But he misses
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And she falls
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And she glows
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But the most interesting thing about this glow is that the big glow distracts from the littler, more important one.
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Here, Zelda's hand is glowing. And it's not her Triforce hand—that, like with her predecessors, has always been her right hand.
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This is her left, which is completely out of view when she falls, and is fully curled up here. She's holding something, and that something is activating.
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Next we get another shot of Gerudo Desert, this one on the northeastern side. Quicksand pits are everywhere.
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There's a Zonai glyph stepping forward
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A splotch of malice
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And one of the generator things. Interestingly, this one isn't giving off glowing spirals—the only glow on it looks like a doorway of some kind. A shrine-style entrance?
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Then we get a look at an underground cavern, presumably in Eldin. By the look of Link's gear, it's in an area that'll light you on fire without proper equipment.
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That is definitely Flamebreaker armor, so we can assume that most armor (at least the practical sets) can still be bought throughout the game.
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The architecture here has the trademark Zonai shape to it, but it looks as if lava's poured onto it. Parts are likely inaccessible because of rocks blocking the way.
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And over there might be a minecart track. Whatever it is, it doesn't look very sturdy.
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Next, we have a sky ship, presumably coming to pick Link up.
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This weather here looks like the Thunderhead from Skyward Sword; possibly an impenetrable barrier that the ship has to pass through.
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The ship's figurehead has a very Zonai feel to it, so it's likely that all the dungeons, as well as means to get to them, are going to be from repurposing old Zonai technology:
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Then there's a second ship in the back:
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Do these run on a circuit, so you don't have to wait for one to go all the way around the circle? Are there multiple ships in different directions? Is this one reddish because it's malice-infected?
I'm out of picture space again, so I'll put the link to Part 4 here once it's done!
Edit: Part 4!
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