#lots of doodles my apologies
saprozoicworm · 1 year
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months
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400% sure he would love steven universe
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
Do u still have that height chart u made of all the characters? Im trying to find references, no prblem if u dont!!!
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You might be referring to my old one, but this is my updated one! Forgive the hastily doodled on clothes - this is also my body type/scar/tattoo/etc/general ref sheet, and while I've posted it without the colors before, it feels weird posting it with colors cause for some reason then it looks like theyre all naked, lol. Ref sheets are funny that way. So doodled on clothes it is.
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oneluckydragon · 10 months
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We'd both been so excited for it-- to change, to grow stronger, to pass another life-changing milestone on our adventure together. But after I evolved, it took weeks before Sora could even bring herself to look me in the eyes. It went unsaid between us, poisoning our hearts like a cold, bitter curse and haunting every intake of breath. Although, the worst of it all... was that even without words, we both knew why it hurt so much.
Like some sick joke, I had become the spitting image of him.
Ya'll know that feeling when you [Hero] try to evolve into a Leafeon to be closer in spirit to the best friend you lost [Grovyle] because you miss him so much it physically aches, but instead you end up looking like the guy you trusted/adored that betrayed/tried to kill you and your girlfriend? Cause damn it hurts.
Anyways ever since I replayed EOS and evolved at Luminous Spring I've had thoughts about what Sora's reaction would be to Echo's evolution into Umbreon. And lemme tell you that it's an emotional roller coaster. To say that Sora has complicated feelings about Dusknoir is an understatement, and Echo isn't so happy about it either since she had put her faith in him. They've got a lot of trauma to heal.
But to add to that, I like to write about my girls in my spare time when I'm not drawing cause it's fun, so maybe I'll post some little blurbs sometime if anyone is interested?? Hm. Yeah might do that eventually, we'll have to see.
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payasita · 1 year
can I see your verison of, Bishop Lamb?
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beloved beheaded :>
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silverskye13 · 2 months
hello hello :) I suddenly became curious about the durability of Tanguish’s spike thingies on his back (definitely spurred on by how lizard coded he is). The way you draw them seems to resemble sculk shriekers which is pretty neat if that’s the case :3 Do you imagine them about as strong as keratin or softer? Do they shed? Anyways, this is such a small and probably insignificant detail but I’m curious about your thoughts 🎤
See his little back spikes are actually in a really funny place for me, because in the context of art, they're there. But in my mind when I'm writing him, they're not there. Schrodinger's back spikes. They're gone until you can see them--
That being said! I always imagine them a lot like Godzilla's crest funnily enough. They're somewhat hollow on the inside, with a lot of veins, which I think would follow then that they could be flushed with color? Like how they used to [and still might I'm not into the paleobiology scene] think Stegosaurus spikes could flush with blood and get more colorful. The idea that The Little Guy could suddenly blush and all the spikes on his back would turn red [or maybe light up and glow like the spots on sculk] is very amusing to me. Mood ring lizard spikes.
As hollow keratin bits, they probably bleed a decent amount of they're broken off, ouchie, but he probably does shed them naturally every once in awhile? Imagine him getting really itchy one day and the spikes fall off, and Helsknight is left going, "What the heck. Are you okay. You are falling to pieces. Help. What is happening. Oh my god."
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puppyeared · 1 year
Hey I’m new to the LMK fandom, why do so many people ship Sun Wukong and Macaque??
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A lot of people like the hurt/comfort potential because of their backstory and because they’re just really good counterparts lol. Macaque even makes a whole play about their past relationship, which is where a lot of that fuel for the ship comes from and the whole “the hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon” spiel that people love using for shits and giggles. There’s also a really strong enemies to lovers sentiment and i think it’s kinda sweet
Personally, I just really like riffing off the divorced energy. To me, these idiots would rather beat the shit out of each other than make up and I really really eat that up. Not just as a joke, maybe as a way to cope with their feelings like “I want things to go back the way they were but this is all I can do”
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minuutti · 1 year
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call me little sunshine
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riveluart · 2 years
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Apologetic friend
Pyrrha is really relatable for this because I too apologize a lot
Ren Nora
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sleepinglionhearts · 7 months
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H-how does a MERMAID even get lost at sea, huh?
Say hello to Wakely! 🐟
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sysig · 9 months
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Care for your sparring partner (Patreon)
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#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Sylvia#Wander#Everyone asking Peepers questions that just skirt that line: The Series lol#Shoutout to Autumn for directing my attention this way and encouraging my brain to think about this A Lot lol#Drawing Peepers sliding around 'cause he just throws himself into everything ✨ That's it that's the whole thought lol#I haven't worn a binder for long enough to lose my breath so apologies if this isn't quite how it goes but y'know - *gestures at The Vibe*#He would overwork himself to the point of nearly passing out if it meant he could keep fighting the way he wants to pfft#Sylvia's rough and tumblr and she can be mean but even she won't kick him while he's down! Mom friend activate haha#She's grown a lot <3#Also getting a bit easier to draw her >:3c She does have a fun design :D#Her mouth is the most fun haha ♪ It really reminds me of Moomin! Cute cutout shape :3#''Why are you fighting with like five coats on'' ''Dysphoria'' ''Ah''#Notice how he covers his chest when she brings up his ''tank top'' ♪ She just goes on giving him a lecture and he's like ''Did she notice''#She didn't lol especially if that bonus is any indication#Weeks/Months/Years later and she's just like ''So that time we were fighting he was- He wasn't- :0000'' Lol#Bonus Wander brushing her comb ♪ Gotta take care of his best friend/steed! Probably just knocking the dust and dirt off haha#Their discussion would probably be silly hehe you know he'd ask and then /she'd/ ask#''Did you know??'' ''I don't make it my business to pry into other's personal matters-'' ''First of all that's not even a little bit true''#It's just all about respecting boundaries! All the way around :) Respect the sanctity of the relationship whether it's friendly or combative
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businesstiramisu · 6 months
I'm only a little way into the third fourth level of Chants of Sennaar but I think it would be great if the way you learn the Alchemist glyph for "little" is for a guy who looks like this to just come up and start ranting at you
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sakasakiii · 1 year
Thank the Valars ur back!!!💖💖💖 But if you need your rest, take them and have time! Remember we'll all support you always no matter what!😇until you post another i will wait patiently..... I am so thankful to you since I read the silm after i saw all ur amazing works.
Ps. I made this tumblr account to send❤❤❤❤to u and ur works. People like u always make my day! I wish I can draw and make headcannons like u! 😢 I think ill have to stop since the ps shhouldnt be longer than the tezt above(idk what they call that... I am EFL so i think im forgivable😎)
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hiiiii!!! thank you for all your encouraging words and for taking the time to send in such kind messages ahhhh 🥺 im really honoured you like the stuff i put out! i have a lot of fun drawing them, and learning other people enjoy it too really gives motivation to all my doodles 🙇‍♀️ also you read the silm after finding my work?? 😭💖 that's very high praise but u are far too kind! the tolkien community here on tumblr is such a wonderful place with so many talented creators and amazing content, so i hope you continue to explore and enjoy your time!!!
i must send this back to you, because people like you make my day as well ❤❤❤ And don't give up!!! anyone can draw and make headcanons so long as they have an idea of what they wanna do-- that's the fun and freedom of fanwork, isn't it! i hope one day to see you putting your stuff out there as well... ehehee... 🥳
i'm also very happy you like the Asian-themed clothes in my artwork! i really do enjoy studying historical and traditional clothes, and i hope to keep incorporating them into my designs over time. since you asked for makalaure, here is a little doodle of him and maedhros in hanbok :DDD
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i wanted to practice studying some more traditional styles, so i did a few other sketches of Maglor in various styles of historical East Asian styles + idril, nerdanel, and aredhel to model some female clothes hehe....
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thanks again for your wonderful support bc it's really made my day, and hey!!! im super guilty of rambling too much in all my posts so honestly, write as much as you want in the P.S.s because word limits are a goofy concept 😎 all the best with ur EFL studies friend-- u can do it!!! fighting!!!! 💪 and have a wonderful rest of your day!
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sweeteastart · 1 month
Why do you love the Legend of Zelda? What first drew you to it?
That's.... A complicated answer lmao well more like long. sorry for the ramble !!
What drew me in
First off, unlike a lot of people I know I wasn't raised with the games. My parents were more Square Enix games people. Dragon quest and Final fantasy were the big games from my early years. So I had and still have very limited knowledge of the Legend of Zelda licence.
That's my dear friend @lennsart that got me into it. Unlike me, Loz was a huge part of their childhood and they know the lore better than even the Zelda encyclopedia-- They are 100% the one to thank for even bringing the games to my attention !
The first game I played of all the possible games was Hyrule Warrior with Lenn. I really enjoyed playing it and it got me intrigued. I mean look at Link in this game. Fabulous boy going to war.
Recently, they got really into Link meet AU.
To be more precise, they got into @bonus-links . One look at Warrior and I was smitten. He didn't even appear yet in the comic that i adopted the guy. Love this man. I want to become cosplay him so bad.
Also they read This is an Adjuration by @not-freyja and wanted to get their feelings out. I listened and stumbled HARD into the fandom. Drew Warrior as consolation because I was not okay I really have to sit down and read it before the end ....
I even had the privilege of a full PowerPoint presentation of each boy so I could understand LU/Link meets AU and read their fanfic A cave like a net (and a spilled secret) if that's not dedication I don't know what else is.
You could say I'm here thanks to lenn, @bonus-links and @not-freyja --
What I love about the legend of Zelda
Unsurprisingly, I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan so the complicated timelines and plots drew in the gremlin in me.
Then I started to really look at the lore and characters.... And dang is there lots of fun things to learn. My knowledge of it is still scattered and random but that's really fun !!
I really love the music too. That's the side of the games I first learned about before even playing Hyrule Warriors. Song of storm and song of healing have been my go-to for a good decade now.
Recently I started playing Ocarina of Time and I'm counting this as another reason I love the Legend of Zelda. That's very fun even if I have negative skills in video games ahah
TLDR : My friend got me into Zelda by talking about @bonus-links amazing and delectable paneling and colours, scaring me with @not-freyja masterpiece This is an Adjuration and talking about LU (also their fire fanfic).
I love Zelda for the complex timeline and lore shenanigans, the music and my first time playing OOT very recently.
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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smile-files · 1 year
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pov: you are a little bug or maybe a flower
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starfables · 1 year
a school doodle dump of stuff i wanted to draw digitally but am probably not gonna get to it because i burnt myself out. whoopsies 😋
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(i did do this one on digital, i just ended up liking the sketch better than the final product so here is solanum (again))
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also technically kinda canonically the ship log is capable of saving pictures taken by the scout so the hatchling would absolutely take selfies EVERYWHERE. i made more of these but they r gross so just these 5 for now
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