#lots more tiny differences in dialogue.... he sounds a bit more tired
catboyroycebracket · 2 years
ohhhhh a post ive queued links to clear uncommentated footage of the 2013 e3 demo *v* quick messy writeup of all the fun details:
completely different opening sequence thats the empty set flashback and intro as one
refers to the transistor as “an incredible weapon”
looks like the in-engine lighting effects hadnt been fully implemented yet/werent set up for this
mansistors dialogue seems rougher writing-wise but his tone is really close to final (compare the really old version of the post-separation cutscene found in the files where he sounds incredibly frustrated)
no panicking on being separated from red THOUGH it makes sense for something like that to have been quickly edited out just for this demo
he outright namedrops the transistor for a title drop and seems to know a LOT about it
the “thats not me” sequence is presented at the start rather than the end...
“im safe in here. safer than you” <- AGH
“more than a hundred missing persons cases in twelve months” 👀?? MUCH higher than the cameratas final kill count (that we know of at least) + firmly establishes the fact he had been investigating things himself rather than leaving it up in the air
the “gross” line is a reaction to hostile process being defeated rather than the “flowers” during the flourish button reveal
says “dont let go” rather than “dont let me go” ...
reds older bouncy run animation!!!
the turn gauge and current equipped functions bar look much different !
theres an early icon for jaunt
no passive nor upgrade slots in sight, nor is there a configuration screen (setup utility) ever shown
the white blocks are outright listed as “process” (in final its more like theyre processed parts of town)
opening track is vanishing point, then switches to old friends once red goes up onto the overpass; the final game opens with old friends then switches to vanishing point upon rising up
both tracks feature much earlier, rougher versions of the humming stems(!!!!) these versions are not in the final files at all
the old friends humming follows the instrumentation MUCH closer
the mixing overall both in and out of turn feels a bit different
a foot status effect icons show up above process that have been struck with crash. badcells can inflict it upon red as well. not sure why its a foot as it seems to indicate “slowed/stopped”..?? this icon as well as a few others in the same style are still in the texture files i believe
no xp screen upon leaving a combat area
the break point is called a “barrier” and features an early camerata logo rather than an sd card/thumbdrive shape with a red cloudbank logo atop it
when struck/activated it changes to what looks like an older version of the cloudbank logo..
lots of sound effects are quite different from final. a lot of it sounds more laser-y
pink dress lillian! mr moyle has different clothes!
no ovc terminals
theres a observation spot by the poster right where the fashion week terminal is in final, complete with dialogue incredibly similar to the finals post-terminal dialogue 🤔
the traces seen on the overworld use the same art assets as flood (!!)
lillians trace lists “temperament” rather than “disposition”
junction jans appears WAY earlier on and doesnt have its logo nor unique building asset
the spines vocal stem for the younglady encounter seems to only play in left speaker
red slips into a “process pocket” in the courtyard that introduces the access points in final. here she finds the transistors root access which kicks her out, hurts her, and makes her lose all active functions.. then levels her up
this is the teal “inside the transistor” area seen in the trailers!!!!!!!!!!!!
mansistor calls this “their home” ...
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^ this hurt/fall animation doesnt exist in final
dormant and forecast still play in these fights, but their humming stems sound remarkably close to final
different graphics for the first motorcycle cutscene!!!!!
completely different backdrop (or at least, the lighting is dramatically different in the final so that its not immediately apparent the telescope view art is reused here)
early transistor placement and art that looks more like a mockup. its a 3d model pasted on to the bike in a way that honestly looks like hes about to fall off. red isnt holding him at all
early camerata graphics featuring their prototype designs 🥰 but only 4 members! “grant” has a little ponytail
the camerata and the process are being equated as the same force MUCH harder
title fades in after the cutscene, prompting a reboot of the demo:
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Fic Writer Interview
thanks @allthebooksandcrannies for tagging me!!
How many works do you have on AO3: 160!! yes i have a problem
Total AO3 word count: 844,446 oh god
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?: 5 i think? dc comics, young justice, voltron, the teen titans cartoon once, and that one tiny fic i did for the lunar chronicles which is the only time i ever strayed from my fic-writing comfort zone lmao
Top 5 Fics (by number of kudos): the #1 fic is "obedience" with 3395 kudos, #2 is "don't touch me," #3 is "no pain, all gain," #4 is "hi bi, i'm dad," and #5 is "the same mistake twice" with 1353 kudos
Do I respond to comments, why or why not: i tried to respond to all of my comments at one point, but it was a lot of work to keep up and eventually i just gave up after a month of that. nowadays i try to respond to the longer comments that people put actual effort into or if they have a question or something
Do I write crossovers (and if so, what is the craziest?): nope nope nope. it's just not my thing (unless you count the ones where i give characters plots or traits from other forms of media like my "tim sees ghosts" au but that's about as crossover-y as it gets) (also julie and i come up with crossover ideas all the time but for my real, public writing, it's a hard no)
Have I ever received hate on a fic?: oh gosh so so SO many times. it's never fun
Do you write smut?: nah, it's not my thing. i've thought about it sure, just to branch out my writing style and to see if i'd be any good at it, but it doesn't match my audience so it's a no for now
Have you ever had i fic stolen: i hope not? i actually don't know what that means but it doesn't sound fun
Have you ever had a fic translated: yep! a couple have been translated into different languages and a few awesome people have done podfics for my stuff :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before: sort of? sometimes julie or i will write stuff together, but it's usually in a way where one of us will write a fic based on headcanons we've come up with together and then we'll credit the other when it's posted. there have been a few times when we've written actual fics together in the same document and everything, but i tend to step back and let julie do most of the work because i'm inherently bad at working with others and my instinct when partnered with other people is to shut down and let them take over everything 🤷‍♀️
What’s your all-time favorite ship: i don't know actually?? i'm sure i have one, but as far as writing goes, i tend to mostly lean on ships like jayroy, timsteph, spitfire, and birdflash occasionally. there are plenty of other ships that i care about way more than those four, but most of them i just haven't written for yet so yeah. for someone who's obsessed with love and romance, i'm pretty lukewarm on most ships
What's a WIP that you want to finish but probably never will: oh gosh. oh man. foster dad bruce au, my beloved. i love that fic with all my heart but like icarus, i forgot my sunglasses and rocketed straight into the ball of burning gas. this fic gives the phrase "bit off more than you can chew" a physical form. the fourth chapter has been sitting in its document half-written for months now and i know i vowed to never ever ever ever EVER post a fic and never finish it because i always hate when people quit on fics i like,,,,, there's a 50% chance that i will get back to that fic. it's just too long. i've only finished 3 out of 7 chapters and already it's at almost 59,000 words, i'm TIRED okay i'm sorry guys maybe one day i'll reclaim my braincells and finish that fucking thing
What are your writing strengths: i'm good with the mechanics and stuff, like the way my sentences are arranged and thought-out, but this is also my biggest weakness, which sucks. it's like in monsters university when mike spends so much time studying the technical aspect of scaring but he can't do it naturally like the other monsters can? yeah. i'm so focused on the mechanics of my writing that it's hard for me to let loose and actually let myself think and go loose with it. the only times i can really WRITE without one hand tied behind my back is when i'm overly tired or caffeinated. i have a feeling i'll be one of those writers who can't write anything of value without a bottle of wine lmao
What are your writing weaknesses: see above
What’s your thoughts on dialogue being written in other languages in fics: i don't know what this means?? is this asking whether i approve of dialogue being written in other languages?? or is it asking how i want it formatted?? what does this mean?? sometimes a story requires dialogue in another language, idk what to tell you man
First fandom you wrote for: oh god. don't make me think about my fanfiction.net days. i'm not strong enough (it was batfamily btw because what else do i write)
What’s your favorite fanfic you’ve written: my young justice gsa au <3 my pride and joy <3 that au was when i truly peaked as a human and it's only downhill from here <3
tagging uhhhhhh @damthosefandoms @haljordangreenjedi @catboykonel and @magebirdi because i have very few friends
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
YYH Recaps: Episode 1, Surprised to be Dead
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Hello, all you hypothetical readers! It's a beautiful spring day and I have a free afternoon ahead of me, so what better time to start another massive project while I guilty stuff my other WIPs deep into the depths of my hard drive? Yeah. Iffy life choices aside, someone mentioned a few weeks back that they'd love for me to recap a show I have more positive things to say about than negative (RIP RWBY) and ever since Netflix announced that their live-action adaptation of Yu Yu Hakusho is in the works, I've been itching for a re-watch of the anime. With the RWBY hiatus underway, it seemed like the perfect time to fulfill both desires.
Before we begin though, I'd like to touch on a few things that are going to influence this project.
First, YYH is near and dear to my heart. Written by Yoshihiro Togashi in the early 1990s and later adapted for an American audience by Funimation, I had the pleasure of experiencing this story five different ways: as a serialized tale in Shonen Jump, a binge read when I had the money to buy the manga, tiny snippets of the anime on Adult Swim late at night — don't tell my parents ;) — as an after-school treat on Toonami, and then years later as a re-watch when I introduced it to a friend (who, in turn, blessed me by having us watch Fullmetal Alchemist next). I used to keep a Hiei bookmark in everything I was reading, the spirit gun made it into our witch-wolf-space adventures on the playground (middle school was wild), and there was a long period of my life where I tried very hard to teach myself to stand with my hands behind my back, precisely as Genkai does. Spoiler alert: I failed. So to say I love the series is... a little bit of an understatement. I bring this up simply as a way of demonstrating that there's more than a bit of nostalgia attached to YYH for me and that will inevitably cloud my reading of it. How can it not? So that's just something to keep in mind as I work through a series that, like any having hit its 30th birthday, has its outdated, flawed, and other questionable aspects.
Second, but very much connected to the first point, is that these are pretty casual recaps. I summarize and extrapolate, focusing primarily on plot and dialogue (but with the occasional cinematography aspect tossed in). I'm not conducting research on the cultural history here — something that will come up at least once in this episode — I'm not arguing an overarching thesis, and I've never been someone who focuses on the author/production/trivia of a series. I'm here for the story as the story is presented to the viewer. If you've read my RWBY Recaps, this will function precisely the same way, with the only difference being I'm engaging with a finished text as opposed to an ongoing one, so there’s a lot less, “Maybe ___ will happen” theorizing going on. 
Third, I obviously recommend that you watch the show yourself (you can find it on YouTube!), but you don't have to know the series to follow along. As these massive paragraphs attest, I tend to be both detailed and verbose, so we'll be covering every major plot point — and most of the smaller ones too.
Finally, I'm working from the dub. I know, I know, the horror. But it's what I grew up on and, honestly, I think it's superior to the sub. YYH's dubbing is in a class all its own and to this day there are very few shows that compare to it. Trust me, it's a good call.
That's enough of the boring chit-chat though. Let's get started!
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Our very first episode "Surprised to be Dead" opens on a crowded street. We see lots of traffic, people going about their business, and a pedestrian crossing sign that, crucially, turns red. This is our normality and, like in every genre story, you need to break that normality at some point so that the protagonists can go on their fantastical/supernatural/science fiction journey. YYH eases us into things by first breaking the normality of an everyday afternoon: there's a screech of tires, quick shots of a man pushing a child out of the way of an oncoming car, and then his back is hitting the windshield. We begin this story with a horrible — but otherwise mundane — car crash.
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Now, these flashes alone have a fair bit to unpack. Despite later getting a brief shot of the man's scared face right before he's hit, the moment's focus is really on the child. He's the one foregrounded in the initial, slow-mo shot. He's the one who appears in color while the man is kept in shadow. This isn't just a hit, it's a rescue. The camera is also careful to follow the soccer ball this kid was playing with (more on that later in the episode), with it flying through the air as the man is hit and bouncing to a stop in the street, acting as the dramatic finish. It's childhood! It's innocence! It's play on a sunny afternoon! And it's all gone wrong.
This moment is chaotic and even a bit confusing. Not in the sense of what's happening — that is quite obviously a guy being hit by a car — but who the victims are, how precisely this came about, or even why we're meant to care about this beyond a generic capacity to feel for other human (fictional) beings... that's all removed. And it works. As the crash takes place, the camera pans across the stunned crowd and we, the viewer, become a part of that crowd. They don't know what precisely is going on either. We're all just horrified onlookers as a sudden tragedy takes place. We're all watching the same show.
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So everyone realizes this guy has been hit. People are staring in shock and someone calls for an ambulance. We see the driver fall to his knees in the street, distraught, shakily saying, "I didn't mean to..." It's a very serious and emotional scene that —
— is immediately tempered by this guy waking up, complete with a cute 'pop!' sound effect when he opens his eyes.
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This is YYH's brand, this Very Serious Circumstances skillfully interwoven with casual indifference/comedy. It's admittedly far from a unique brand, but it's an excellent choice given that this is the same attitude that will drive 99% of our protagonist's interaction with the world.
Speaking of said protagonist, our guy wakes up, opens his eyes, and realizes that he's floating. There's a great, disorientating shot from his perspective where everything is upside down, causing him to nearly fall out of the air. Well would you look at that, he's as confused as we are. It's our audience surrogate!
A narrator says, "And so it all begins. This boy's name is Yusuke, he's fourteen years old, and he's supposed to be the hero of this story. But oddly enough, he's dead."
Game of Thrones might have made it popular, but YYH did it better.
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(Yeah, yeah, I know one death kick-starts the journey and the other is a shocking twist. Just let me have this.)
Now, it's a weird introduction, right? At least at the end. The announcement that change has occurred, a name, an age... that all checks out. But "supposed to be the hero"? What the hell is that “supposed to” mean? Our narrator gives us the easy, surface answer: "But oddly enough, he's dead." We're capitalizing here on the audience's expectation that death ends a character's journey and though they may have been a hero previously, they can no longer be one moving forward. That function within the story has passed. So it's this intriguing question of, "What kind of hero do you have when that hero is dead from the start?" but as we'll see soon, there's an additional meaning here of, "How can Yusuke be the hero?" As this premiere sets up, Yusuke doesn't act like the hero is “supposed to” act. 
Until he saved this kid.
But right now he's just confused: "Okay, this is weird. Stupid weird."
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Two EMTs arrive on the scene and are hilariously useless. You know how in any medical drama a doctor will stop CPR after a couple of seconds because obviously you're not going to spend half the episode on realism? Well, that's this only a thousand times worse. One guy just looks at the kid and announces he's fine except for some bumps and bruises. Meanwhile, the kid is sobbing.
"Well, at least one of them is," replies the other EMT, because I guess he can tell Yusuke is beyond hope without taking a pulse or anything? "I hate cleanup," he complains as they load his body onto a stretcher because that's? An empathetic response to have??
Honestly this scene is wild.
Yusuke is understandably upset that he's, you know, dead and all. He starts hounding the EMTs who, unable to hear him, just go about their business of taking the kid and his body to the hospital. "You think you can just do whatever you want because you have that stupid uniform on? You can't just write me off. Listen to me!" and Yusuke tries to punch one of the EMTs in the head, resulting in him floating right through.
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What a great way to introduce your protagonist's personality. We see here that when things go wrong Yusuke's default emotion is anger and it starts creeping in even before he thinks the others are ignoring him: "Stupid weird." He has problems with authority — "You think you can just do whatever you want because you have that stupid uniform on?" — is used to others listening when he gets angry — "You can't just write me off!" — and is poised to use violence at the slightest provocation. Yusuke is a guy who, right now at least, is ready to punch first and ask questions later.
As Yusuke floats back up into the air and the ambulance drives away, he finally cools down enough to try and think his way out of this. "It's not like this is the first time you've been in a jam,” he thinks. Yusuke recalls that yeah, something was different about today...
...he actually went to school.
Catch me laughing that this idiot boy equates the weirdness of him dying with going to school. Good lord. 
Anyway, this jumpstarts our flashback. We open on a generic, anime middle school (that always feels like a high school to me) where the principal is calling for Yusuke through the loud speaker. Oooo someone’s in trouble! We follow a young girl up to the rooftop and she gets a classic hair-blowing-in-the-wind moment to  establish that she's our love interest. Meet Keiko Yukimura.
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Keiko finds Yusuke hanging out and immediately starts lecturing him for trying to chew gum and refusing to wear the boys' uniform. "Oh, give me a break, Keiko. I look better in green." Note that it's here we learn her name and it's an easy, casual way to introduce it. I bring this up because Yusuke's introduction via our narrator is very much... not that. It's an on your nose statement about his name, age, and importance to the story, and if you're just starting the show in 2021, it might come across as a rather armature move. Like something out of a kid's show, perhaps. Yet here we see that this was a deliberate choice, considering that YYH is capable of introducing character information naturally when it wants to.
This moment also tells us that Yusuke cares a great deal about his image. More on that in a bit. Because Keiko isn't finished her list of grievances yet, going on to say that his attendance record has hurt their entire class, hurt her as class representative, and if he keeps going down this path he won't even graduate middle school. "Sometimes I think you don't care about anyone but yourself and then you don't even do that right!"
They're legit complaints. Too bad Yusuke is busy looking up Keiko's skirt.
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Yeeeeah. Sadly, this is common for anime, particularly a 90s anime like YYH. Even presumably more progressive series like My Hero Academia feature characters like Mineta, whose entire personality is being a pervert, and the creation of abilities that "require" kids/young women to be scantily clad. See: Yaoyorozu. YYH is no different in this regard, with various forms of sexual harassment functioning as a shorthand for how much Yusuke secretly likes Keiko. "Boys will be boys," right? Obviously not. 
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Like so many others series, the creators get away with it because they’re framing it as a bad thing. It's totally fine because look, Keiko slaps him! This is  teaching the viewer how wrong this behavior is. Never mind that this is clearly an established habit between them, that Yusuke laughs off Keiko's discomfort, and that the whole scene is meant to be funny for the viewer. That's the real purpose here; it’s not a PSA on harassment. 
That, and to establish the long-suffering love Keiko has for Yusuke in turn, largely stemming from a life-long friendship. "Dumb boy! He hasn't grown up a bit since he was four years old." We see that Keiko's early interactions with Yusuke have given her insight that others lack. As she heads down from the roof she runs into two girls hiding around the corner, too scared to come out lest "the great Urameshi" set his sights on them. Isn't Keiko terrified of what he might do to her? "Or worse, what others might say of it?" Like any classic high school middle school setting, one's reputation is king. Yusuke cares about how others see him — maintaining that tough boy attitude — and the girls care more about what the rest of the school might think of Keiko's interactions with him than the presumed harm Yusuke could do to her. They heard he can summon 2,000 men with just a whistle and that he "kills for fun!" But that means nothing in the face of people talking about you. Despite being one of the most popular girls in school, Keiko is the outsider here via her disinterest in what other people think.
The animation changes here, giving us a good look at how the girls picture Yusuke: tough, scowling, surrounded by shadows, and backed by an entire army.
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In contrast, we've already seen what Yusuke is really like.
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Keiko laughs the image off too. Yusuke is more like a "lamb" than a killer and besides, he couldn't order around two people, let alone two hundred. "He doesn't have many friends."
"That's not what I heard," says one of the girls. 
"Yeah," goes the other. "I think we would know." 
Again, rumors rule here, with whispers in the hall considered more reliable than someone who interacts with Yusuke on a daily basis. Keiko doesn’t have a hope of changing their minds. 
Oh, as a side note, I love that they gave Keiko Miyazaki-esque hair. It's very emotive.
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Yusuke escapes outside where the principal is still calling for him to report to his office. He overhears a conversation around the corner and we cut to two boys, one of which is showing a wallet off to the other. He explains that some bully tried to rough him up, but he said he was Urameshi's cousin and the bully took off, dropping his wallet in the process. The guy's friend is impressed, but what is he going to do if Yusuke ever finds out he lied? Not to worry, he says, that "blockhead" would probably think it's true even if he did somehow hear.
Yusuke, obviously, does hear about this and he, also obviously, does not believe this guy is his cousin. He looms ominously and they scurry up against a wall, terrified and offering him the wallet as an apology.
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"You think I want your money?" Yusuke yells.
YYH is, in many respects, a rather simple story, but I appreciate the hints of complexity in these otherwise straightforward interactions. It's not that this guy used Yusuke's name to steal a wallet, he used it as a form of protection against another bully — a far more sympathetic motivation. It's not that Yusuke's fearsome reputation has resulted in any genuine respect because once people think they're safe they reveal how little they think of his intelligence — he's a "blockhead." And Yusuke, though intimidating and violent, is not your average, schoolyard bully. He doesn't care about money, only the insult and the damage this guy using his name might have done to his reputation. There's a little more nuance here than you might otherwise expect.
Also, note how dark the boys' standard uniforms are and how much they blend into the rest of the world. Yusuke, as our protagonist, stands out in his bright clothing. He was right, he does look better in green!
So he's ready to clobber this kid when one of the teachers arrive: Mr. Iwamoto.
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Iwamoto demands to know what's going on, but the boys are too terrified to rat Yusuke out. Noticing the wallet on the ground, he assumes that Yusuke was after their money, something that greatly offends him: "Whatever!" Iwamoto goes on to say that, "No good weeds like you should have been plucked a long time ago," making it clear that he considers Yusuke a hopeless case. The positive aspects that Keiko sees, as well as the complexity the viewer sees — to say nothing of his introduction of saving a kid — aren’t considered here.
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Notably, Iwamoto exists in part to show us what Yusuke could become. Not a teacher (he's obviously not attending school enough for that!), but a cynical man who is cruel for cruelty's sake. Yusuke is already barreling down that path, ignoring Keiko's advice, terrorizing other students, trying to punch EMTs, etc. If his life (or afterlife...) hadn't changed through that accident, this is the kind of person Yusuke might have grown up to be, and we can see that clearly in the visual parallels between them. Dark haired men dressed in green who scowl with ease and toss out cutting insults. Yusuke is staring his future in the face.
For now he walks off with a final shot, "You shouldn't talk. It makes you sound stupid." This time Yusuke makes it to the school's entrance and tries to enjoy his second attempt at chewing gum, but someone hits him in the back of the head.
"Okay, somebody's DEAD — ah. Sorry, old man."
"That's Mr. Takenaka to you."
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Our principal has finally left the office and hunted down Yusuke for himself! Putting this interaction immediately after the one with Iwamoto allows the viewer to compare them. Yusuke might be irreverent towards his principal, but it's clear there's still some kind of respect between them. Yusuke only starts threatening because he doesn’t realize who hit him and once he does realize it's Takenaka, he immediately apologizes. That "old man" comes across as a teasing insult and Yusuke allows himself to be briefly dragged back towards school, rather than throwing a now classic punch. In turn, Takenaka cares enough about Yusuke to try and keep him on the straight and narrow. He utilizes Yusuke's preferred language — violence — but in a casual way, nonthreatening way: slight hit to the back of his head, noogie, pulling him along by the ear. 
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It's the sort of physicality we're used to seeing in media between a parent and child who are outwardly antagonistic, but actually share a deep bond. Takenaka is also careful to frame their return to his office as a "discussion," not a punishment, and offers Yusuke tea along with the conversation. Whereas Iwamoto considers Yusuke to be a "weed" that should have been plucked from their school long ago, Takenaka is determined to help Yusuke bloom.
If we're continuing the flower metaphor :D
Yusuke isn't in the mood to play along though. He gets away by using a fake ear, startling Takenaka when it unexpectedly pulls free. Yusuke escapes the school grounds and Takenaka, suffering a back twinge from his fall, can't chase after him. Poor guy. I understand that pain lol.
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Yusuke heads home where we're introduced to his mother, Atsuko. Most notable in her first shot is the soft lighting that highlights her looks. We're not told how old she is here, but I believe she's around 28 — and she looks it, if not younger. Given that Yusuke is 14, that means Atsuko was a mom at his age. This is a quick and subtle way to tell us about Yusuke's home life. There are more overt details in this scene — it's at least lunchtime and Atsuko hasn't left her bed yet, she demands that Yusuke make her coffee instead of greeting him, it's all meant to imply (before we actually see) that she's an alcoholic — but her age is another way to highlight the broken household here. There's no partner in sight and she clearly had Yusuke as a teenager. He hasn't had a strong parental figure to take care of him. If anything, Yusuke is taking care of Atsuko here.
"Oh great, mother of the year!" basically sums things up.
Atsuko wants to know why Yusuke isn't in school and he says that everyone is pissing him off today, particularly with their preaching. "Dear, if you hate preaching so much you should live on your own... but you can't do that, can you?" Alongside a rough upbringing, Yusuke is suffering from the common problem of being trapped in a dead-end life. He hates his school, his town, and coming home to find his mom hungover. Yusuke has no prospects and, outside of one principal, no one who is actively working to help him find some. Even the little things he hates, like being preached to, are unavoidable because if you want to live on your own, that requires money. Good luck pulling that off as a middle schooler whose only skill is street fighting!
Yusuke walks off in a huff, literally shouting in a street about what a bad day he's having (and hilariously scaring off pedestrians in the process). His shout brings trouble though. A couple guys appear to ambush him, their boss close behind. The music increases the tension, Yusuke's expression is serious, and we even get a Dutch angle thrown into the mix. 
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For any who don't know, the Dutch angle is a popular film technique to establish that something is wrong. There's tension in the scene, something uneasy is at play, and the world is now literally off center. It's perhaps most famously used in Do The Right Thing to establish the friction between an Italian-American pizzeria and the predominantly African American neighborhood it's based in.
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But it's also used a great deal in horror as a way to say: yup, shit just got real. Scary real.
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This Dutch angle introduces a character you may not appreciate at first, but absolutely should: Kazuma Kuwabara.
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He's initially the comic relief and that's clear in his introduction. Within seconds we move from that intimidating arrival to, well, seeing him. To be clear, I've got nothing against redheads with big chins, but compared to Yusuke's design, Kuwabara is meant to be the funny looking one. His threat level plummets the moment we get a look at his face, especially in a series that will occasionally use looks as a (supposed) measure of intelligence. 
Also, Kuwabara is dressed in light blue so, like Yusuke, we know he's important!
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Any assumptions that his appearance isn’t meant to imply a goofy, embarrassing personality are put to rest when Kuwabara starts rambling about how they last time they fought Yusuke just got a cheap shot in and he'll definitely win this time. Yeah, he won't. Yusuke is thrilled by this diversion though and we get a shot of him looking almost as creepy as Keiko's friends think he is. Whatever else might be said about Yusuke, he is absolutely a monster in a fight.
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Which we see here. If anyone picked up the series without knowing this was a fighting anime, they'll realize it now. Yusuke's choreography is stylized to show off his skill: he disappears with a 'whoosh' and dark lines to suggest inhuman speed,
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attacking Kuwabara with a knee to the face, utilizes flying kicks, lands perfect, precision punches, and ends it all with the toe-tip landing we've come to expect of all powerful fighters. Kuwabara never even got a hit in. 
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Happy as a clam now, Yusuke wanders off whistling and Kuwabara's friends are left to pick up the pieces. AKA, his likely broken bones. I love that they're legit friends though and not just nameless goons for the sake of giving Kuwabara a small gang (though their names won't come up until later). "That makes 0 wins an 156 loses!" one of them cries, trying to get Kuwabara to stop ending up in the hospital, probably. We establish that Kuwabara is The Most Dramatic Ever when he pulls his broken body into a seated position, shouting, "No! I almost had him that time!"
Then he passes out.
Kuwabara, honey, you obviously did not almost have him, but god bless you for the outlook. The most optimistic thing on this Earth is a well-loved Golden Retriever, but Kuwabara comes in at a very close second.
With his dream to one day beat Yusuke in combat established, we cut to Yusuke wandering the street where the episode opened. "Okay, I'm remembering" he says in a voiceover. "After that I met the kid."
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The soccer ball reappears as it rolls to a stop at Yusuke's feet. He grabs it and immediately starts yelling at the kid. Horrible protagonist, right? Well, Yusuke is trying to instill in him the danger of using this street as a playground, a worry the viewer already knows is 100% justified. “Listen, kid, that’s dangerous! There are cars going by that will splatter you into the pavement!” It's one of those quick moments where we get to enjoy Yusuke's duality: he's someone who is nearly making a toddler cry, but for rather understandable reasons. He's got the right idea, but needs to go about it in a more mature manner.
Which is precisely what he attempts to do. Sort of. Yusuke changes gears, though whether it's a more "mature" route is certainly up for debate lol. He tries entertaining the kid instead, raising and lowering the soccer ball to reveal goofy faces.
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When these fail to impress, Yusuke goes full out by stuffing the ball into his pants, pushing his nose up with a pair of chopsticks he got from god knows where, and generally just putting on a display.
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So Yusuke cares very deeply about his reputation... but only when it comes to those who are an established part of his life. Keiko, Mr. Takenaka, and the other kids at school all need to maintain a particular image of Yusuke, one that he's carefully cultivated. But random pedestrians on the street? Who cares about them? Let them talk.
This shows us that Yusuke does indeed have priorities over his own, selfish goals. Namely, the happiness of some kid is more important to him than looking "cool" for a bunch of strangers. Lots of characters with Yusuke's surface attitude would sneer at the idea of degrading themselves for — their words — some brat. But Yusuke, as we constantly see, actually does have that heart of gold. “Well, if all else fails I can still make kids happy.”
Although... I'm not sure what to make of his display itself. I have the distinct sense that there's something prejudiced here that I'm not able to fully articulate, what with the chopsticks, slanted eyes, bald head, and the like, though to be entirely frank I don't have enough knowledge of Japan's history to say precisely what it might be. Or, really, whether it exists at all. Just something to chew on.
What I am sure about though is the importance of having the child label Yusuke as monster — "Yeah, monster! — but in a delighted manner. Yusuke is indeed some kind a monster, someone who disappoints adults and terrifies his classmates, a demon fighter on the streets too, but here that identity is reworked into something positive.
Having successful secured a laugh, Yusuke tells the kid — calmly this time — to go play elsewhere. The toddler stares up at him with the blank expression only kids can manage.
Well, kids and whatever headspace I'm in after writing these metas.
To absolutely no one's surprise except Yusuke's, the kid does not go elsewhere. Instead, he continues kicking the ball down the street, causing Yusuke to exclaim, “Dammit, what’s the use? The kid can get smashed by a car for all I care!” Liar, liar. 
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The picture becomes desaturated as the kid kicks the ball and it flies into the street, time slowing down to show it landing precisely in the middle of the road. Yusuke again yells for him to stay put, but when has a toddler ever listened? He begins to walk into the road as our driver arrives, speeding, swerving, and paying more attention to the girl at his side than what's in front of him.
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This time, we see the accident from the front with both Yusuke and the kid presented equally.
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There's a cut to black and when we return we're in the present, Yusuke floating above the policemen now investigating the scene. “So that’s it? I’m roadkill?” As Yusuke realizes he's dead, specifically that he's a ghost, a voice goes,
"Bingo! Bingo! You win the prize!"
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A woman has appeared who is quite obviously othered by the standards of the episode so far. Unlike the greens, blues, and browns of the series' modern clothes, she's dressed in hot pink kimono with blue hair to match. She's also, you know, floating on an oar.
“I didn’t expect you to figure it out so quickly," she says, referring to Yusuke's revelation that he's dead. Apparently, those who meet unexpected and/or violent ends tend to take some time coming to terms with their demise. It's a nice acknowledgment of Yusuke's intelligence in an interaction that's otherwise... not great for his self-esteem.
Meaning, this woman is about to drag him lol.
She introduces herself as Botan, pilot of the River Styx and guider of souls to the afterlife. You might also know her as the Grim Reaper.
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(Hey, RWBY fans: I originally wrote that as Grimm Reaper 🤦‍♀️)
It's an claim Yusuke takes issue with because 1. Botan is too pretty to be the Grim Reaper and 2. If she was really some god of death she'd be taking this much more seriously, not laughing and saying, "Bingo!" For the audience this does two things. First, it acknowledges our own expectations and validates them. Yusuke's world isn't so far removed from our own that he takes Botan's looks and personality at face value, he also expected a skeleton with a scythe. So don't worry, all the weird stuff in this series is weird to our protagonist too. They'll be explanations. Or, even if there’s not, you’re not wrong for being surprised. 
Second, it sets up the very common theme in YYH of undermining those common assumptions again and again and again. We've already seen it with Yusuke, wherein characters who look and act a certain way are, supposedly, destined to be that person and nothing more. Yusuke is meant to be just a "weed," a dumb, violent, angry loser who goes nowhere in life... but we already know he's more than that. Botan is supposed to be scary and serious, but she says nah, I want to be cute and bubbly instead. No character in YYH embodies who they're "supposed" to be when you look past those surface characterizations. They play the part of archetypes — and do keep certain parts of their expected personalities — but they're also far more well-rounded than that. Which yeah, is something most people expect from any story nowadays, but YYH is particularly adept at making you think you're watching Simple Show A only to turn around and surprise you with More Complex Show B.
It's great, trust me.
So Yusuke is pissed that Botan isn't adhering to those expectations, in the same way that he works hard to validate others expectations of him. He doesn't know how to deal with someone challenging his world view yet. Rather than angering Botan though, she just nods and says that this response makes sense for him. “Rather than being scared, or surprised, you yell a lot and tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about." Taking out a notebook, she quickly summarizes everything we learned in the flashback — minus Yusuke's complexities: he's fourteen, in middle school, is ill-tempered, violent, hates authority, and is a horrible student.
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Typically, Yusuke responds by getting angry and trying to snatch the booklet out of her hands, only for Botan to pull it out of his reach, laughing. The tables have turned! Rather than being surrounded by people who cower at Yusuke's imposed authority, he now finds himself faced with someone who laughs at his transparent attempts to take control of the situation.
Calming down, Yusuke wants to know if the kid he saved is really alright and Botan offers to let him see for himself. That offer produces Yusuke's first, genuine smile.
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They fly to the hospital where a doctor is in the process of giving the kid a clean bill of health, his mother crying with relief. 
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That's enough for Yusuke. “Alright, Botan, I’ve got no regrets, so you can take me to hell or wherever it is I’m going.”
That tells you all you need to know about Yusuke's self-worth, despite his bad boy attitude. His life is a dead-end as far as he can see and most of those around him haven't done anything to dissuade him of that idea. He says he doesn't care if the kid lives or dies, but then instinctively saves him. Post his death, Yusuke doesn't have anything he considers a regret, or anything he'd like to do before he leaves, like saying goodbye to a loved one. Oh, he's also pretty sure he's going to hell and has resigned himself to that without a fight.
Botan just laughs though, saying that she's actually here to offer Yusuke an "ordeal" that could bring him back to life. See, he wasn't supposed to die today — let alone die saving a kid — and frankly they don't know what to do with him. It's another neat summary of what we've already learned: Yusuke is a far more complicated case than the afterlife assumed and now, when push comes to shove, deciding whether he belongs in heaven or hell is... muddled.
There's a fantastic story there about the problems with an afterlife that reduces a person's entire life to a few surface characteristics recorded in a book, refusing to acknowledge the context of their situation, or their capacity for change. “Run someone with your credentials a thousand times and they never would have saved a kid like that." Except, of course, Yusuke did save him, so those "credentials" are suspect, to say the least. However, YYH is not a story that explores these issues. Instead, I recommend you watch this!
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Rather than being upset at the afterlife's low opinion of him (because let's be real, Yusuke shares it), he latches onto a little detail Botan let slip. If he wasn't supposed to die today... then was the kid?
Mmm... no. Actually, without the chaos of Yusuke jumping into the road, the driver would have swerved at the last second and the kid would have not only lived, but actually come out with one less scrape.
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So Yusuke is obviously upset by this news! I would be too!! Holy shit, hang onto the "it's the thought that counts" message with everything you've got.
Also, don't think too much about the fact that the afterlife apparently knows exactly what will happen to people, down to how many cuts they accumulate in an accident. Also, don't think too much about where the afterlife foreseeing the crash begins and the unexpectedness of Yusuke interfering ends. That way lies madness. This will never come up again, so just let it go.
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Sorry, 2013 me hijacked the post for a second.
As said, Yusuke is understandably upset by this revelation and as he fumes I'm reminded that this series likes to pull some amazing expressions.
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Botan reiterates that it's all fine because Yusuke can come back to life. Weren't you listening? He should feel honored, in fact, considering that an offer like this only arrives every 100 years or so. Well, that explains why all of humanity isn't grappling with people coming back to life on the daily. One person every generation isn't going to cause much of a stir.
However, instead of jumping at the chance Yusuke announces that Botan is just like the teachers at school: she doesn't know what she's talking about. “You said yourself my life was kind of pathetic, right?” he says, going on to explain that everyone will be happier now that he's dead. His school won't have to deal with his behavior, Keiko won't have to nag him, and his mom will be able to party whenever she wants. It's a win-win for everyone involved. 
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Hmm, this feels familiar. 
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Don't worry, Yusuke doesn't need to experience a whole alternate reality to get the message.
“I’m sorry you feel that way at such an early age," Botan says and she is sorry, because despite her teasing nature that's a legitimately horrifying thing to believe. Yusuke won't budge though and after a little back-and-forth Botan leaves, telling Yusuke he should think it over while visiting his wake. She'll come back once he decides what to do.
“Do you have worms in your ears, lady? I did decide!” but Botan is long gone.
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We cut to that night where Yusuke has indeed decided to attend his own wake. Maybe because of Botan's advice, maybe because he's just morbidly curious. We’re not given insight into the decision. 
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Atsuko is a mess, to put it mildly, not dressed for the occasion and sitting slumped against the way, staring vacantly as the guests offer their condolences. Yusuke is surprised by the fact that his entire class is here, but quickly writes them off when he sees two of the boys laughing. I'm on the fence about this detail, which I'll unpack in just a second.
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First though, Yusuke sees Keiko exiting the house, inconsolable in her grief. She collapses on the ground with her two friends trying to offer comfort, despite the fact that they had nothing good to say about Yusuke himself. Good on them.
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Before he can think too long on this though, Yusuke is distracted by Kuwabara's arrival. Unlike Keiko's crying, he expresses his grief through yelling. Specifically, yelling at Yusuke. For dying. For daring to "run away." His own friends are physically holding him back as he charges into the wake, screaming, “Who am I gonna fight now, huh? Who am I gonna fight?" It's not really about the fighting, of course. At least, not the fighting alone. "You’re supposed to be here for me," Kuwabara finishes, the punch he's thrown at Yusuke's photo going limp and catching his first tear.
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You know, for all the  goofy expressions, this show really is gorgeous. Just wait until we get to the fight animations.
Kuwabara's reaction is why I hesitate to write off the classmates like Yusuke has. Granted, we have no reason to believe that they care for him as Kuwabara does — they're nameless background characters defined only by their terror of "the great Urameshi" — but it's still a split second taken out of context. We don't know what they were laughing at, or if laughing is a part of their grief. God knows I personally laugh at the most inappropriate moments. If you tell me someone has just died there is a very good chance I will laugh awkwardly as I try to process that. It’s just a reflex. All of which I bring up not because these side characters are important, but because Yusuke's perception of his own worth is. The point of each of these moments is to show that those around him have always cared for him, even if Yusuke didn't notice. It's nice to think that extends to his classmates too. The variety likewise exists to show us how people grieve differently, with Kuwabara's friends not understanding that this is how he's working through the trauma: “This place is for mourning!” He is mourning, even if his way of mourning isn't as socially acceptable as Keiko's. So if screaming and throwing punches is valid, crying is valid, staring stoically in a drunk stupor is valid... why not laughter too?
Not likely, perhaps, but possible.
As an additional possibility to chew on, watching this premier again, it struck me how more emotional Kuwabara's scene is compared to Keiko's. Don't get me wrong, crying and calling Yusuke’s name gets the point across, but it's two seconds of generic grief compared to a much longer scene rife with intensity. When Kuwabara arrives the music swells and everyone is forced to pay attention to him. His grief is loud, violent, and given symbolism with his fist and the photo. There's more effort put into his reaction, frankly, so it wouldn't surprise me if fans started shipping them after this. That grief combined with an "enemies to lovers" possibility is a pretty potent mix. To be clear, Yusuke/Keiko is the (oh so obvious) canonical endgame and in the fandom Yusuke/Kuwabara can't compare to another slash ship that will turn up later, but this is a good example of how writers can craft some Very Gay Scenes without realizing it. When you have the girl crying prettily for a second and the guy absolutely losing his mind over Yusuke's death, questioning his purpose now, his support network, and then collapsing in grief... don't be surprised if your audience goes, "Oh hey, maybe they'd be a good couple instead."
But I digress.
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The only people who are unquestioningly happy about Yusuke's passing are Mr. Iwamoto and his co-conspirator, Mr. Akashi. You know Akashi is another bad guy because he has bucked teeth and "ugliness" is an easy way to code for evilness. YYH is not immune to those mistakes :/
These two are really something else though, standing in the middle of a wake and claiming it's “too bad that car wasn’t big enough for them too," referring to Kuwabara and his friends. Wow! What stellar members of the academic community. Iwamoto goes on to say that Yusuke dying at least accomplished something good. Not, mind you, saving the life of a child, but rather looking good for their school's reputation. Akashi agrees, but says it's likely Yusuke only accidentally saved him while trying to steal the kid's lunch money. Remember, that accusation of theft is the one thing Yusuke has said outright that he does not do.
He's pissed listening to all this — wouldn't you be? — but knows by now he can't do anything about it. In another fantastic shot, Yusuke hovers his hand over Iwamoto's shoulder, desperate to grab him, when Takenaka's arrives there instead.
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“What do you suppose is more disgraceful? That boy showing his misery, or your insensitive and idiotic words!”
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HELL YEAH. You tell 'em, Mr. Takenaka.
Yusuke gets his third shock of the night at this passionate defense. Takenaka leaves the teachers to go pay his respects, but admits to Yusuke's picture that he just can't speak well of him. He was surprised to hear that Yusuke gave up his life for another and it's a fact that he acted selfishly. Though he doesn't say it in as many words, Takenaka explains that he's not grieving because Yusuke was a good person, but because it's so clear to him that he might have been. “Why didn’t you stay? You could have made something great out of yourself.”
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Normally, "Why didn't you stay?" is just something for the living to grapple with, as the dead obviously don't have any say in what happens to them. But Yusuke does. It's here that the lighting grows soft again and Yusuke considers Takenaka's words. Keiko and Kuwabara grieve for who he was, but Takenaka grieves for who Yusuke could have been — someone that might still exist if Yusuke decides to undergo this ordeal.
Atsuko adds fuel to the emotional fire, breaking down and hiding her face in her knees.
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Finally, the kid Yusuke saved arrives with his mother. Because yes, Yusuke saved him in every way that matters, considering no one else knows — or will know — that he'd have lived anyway. I like that the show doesn't allow that knowledge to undermine the emotion of their arrival, or what Yusuke’s act meant to them. 
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The mom tells her son to pay his respects and the kid thanks Yusuke for saving him, and for "making faces." He clearly doesn't get what's going on here. This is confirmed as the two leave and he asks his mom if he can play with Yusuke again tomorrow. “I know some people sounded angry at him, but he’s really nice!" 
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They're probably just crying because they want to play with him too, he thinks, which just makes his mom join in. Everyone is crying in this club tonight.
Those words are the cincher for Yusuke and with a brief montage of all the grief he's witnessed, he makes his decision.
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We cut to later that night where Yusuke floats above the city, admiring the moon. Botan reappears and he asks, “Have you ever not known about something that seemed obvious to everyone else?” Yes, everyone has experienced that at one point or another. She asks if he's made his decision and Yusuke agrees to try and come back to life.
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Emotional revelations out of the way, we're allowed another tone shift as Botan yells with joy, speeding off and causing Yusuke to grab hold of the end of her oar, lest he be left behind. Cranky as always, he demands to know where they're going. "To the spirit world, of course!" They're off to see someone who can explain the ordeal and give Yusuke the tool needed to complete it. Just hang on and enjoy the ride.
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Thus ends our very first episode! Ah, the nostalgia. This is part one of a four arc series, with the anime cutting out a lot of the filler stories found at the start of the manga — a smart decision, I think. They primarily do the work of teaching Yusuke what he learned at the wake, so if you can accomplish that as quickly as the adaptation did, all the better. Especially since Yusuke needs to grow a great deal beyond the basic understanding that people might, sort of care for him, and that work will occur primarily through a job he's going to take on. The series isn't really about his death and it's not about an attempt to come back either — it's about what happens once you get that second chance. So this is the setup, but it's important setup all the same.
No need to skip ahead though. I've blathered enough for one recap. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you when the writing gods next bless me with energy! 💜
45 notes · View notes
glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow
Minghao: Chapter 1 (Sirens)
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Characters: Minghao x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, smut, angst, fluff, potential blood mentions, genocide, runaways, domestic violence, child abuse, blood mentions, death mentions, gang activity mentions, lots of dick jokes, suggestive content, tiny drug mention if you squint, violence. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written.
Author’s Note: I recommend listening to Sirens by Cher Lloyd. It’s a strange choice I know. It doesn’t necessarily go with this chapter. But i think it’s actually a pretty good song, so I used it for a loose inspiration for Minghao’s opening Chapter.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Slight 🥀 but mostly ☁️
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow Master List
Chapter 1: Sirens
These last few days have been some of the best days of Minghao’s life. Not to say he’s had a bad one, he actually considered himself quite fortunate in that aspect compared to his brothers. Most of his pack didn’t even know what Minghao had done before he joined them. They just figured it wasn’t anything good. He had this… bad boy aura about him that they couldn’t quite place. So no one really ever wanted to fuck with him, not that he was complaining. I mean don’t get me wrong, he could do some SERIOUS damage to an opponent, he just didn’t want to have to. He was done with and over all the fighting. He fought his whole life. Now, he was tired. Boy, was he tired. He got so tired sometimes that it felt like his bones were scraping each other and if he didn’t lay down in the middle of whatever he was doing, they’d crack and break apart from his body. He’d never tell his brothers that though, he didn’t like them worrying about him. He wasn’t helpless, he was quite capable of taking care of himself and others. He just never had to because he had the Alphas looking out for the pack all the time. It wasn’t his problem to watch out for anyone and he liked it that way.
That is, until he met you. Before you, he saw the world for all its horrors and terrors. With you around, he saw all its beauty and grace. He never thought that imprinting would be like this. He felt almost high when you were around. No one ever really explained it all in depth to him. He didn’t realize that just someone saying your name would make his heart jump out of his chest. He took one look at you and he realized you were all he cared about. Sure he loved his brothers, but he knew if push came to shove they could protect themselves. Apart of him knew that of course you could too, but for the first time, he actually WANTED to take care of someone.
He always needed to be sure you were okay. He’d ask how you slept, if you ate, how you were feeling, if you were happy. It frazzled his brothers, he’d never done that with them. It was strange seeing such a loving side of him. They knew he loved them because they were his brothers, but they absolutely KNEW he loved you because you were his mate. But seeing him worry himself sick over your well-being was… different to say the least. They were actually pretty sure you had replaced him with an identical looking version of himself when they weren’t looking because, again, he just wasn’t even acting like the Minghao they knew.
You didn’t mind of course. You actually loved that he cared for you so much. You were so tired of having to take care of yourself for all this time. You didn’t think you were very good at it and, quite frankly, it was exhausting. You had been on the run for centuries before you met the pack. It was lonely and if there was anything in this world that you actually hated, it was being all alone. You came from a tribe where the bigger the family, the better. You missed it. So when you realized Minghao had imprinted on you, you couldn’t have been more happy. Because now, not only did you get a mate who loved you more than life itself, but you got his crazy pack brothers too. You figured he loved you anyway, he hadn’t actually said the words to you yet, still, you could just… feel it. You could even feel that his brothers loved you. They reminded you a lot of your original brothers. They were loud and rambunctious, and they’d do anything to protect you because you were their brothers mate. It was perfect.
As you both lay asleep in your now shared bed, you cuddled on top of his toned chest like always, you heard a loud, almost in human, scream from outside. It made you jump almost a foot in the air, and had you falling in the floor. You had let your instincts and guard down quite a bit since you came to live with them a few weeks ago because you felt safe. So the terrible noise from outside scared you a great deal. Minghao was quick to act of course, rushing to scoop you in his arms and quietly rocking you to calm you down.
“Shh. It’s okay baby it’s gone now. Don’t worry. It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He spoke softly as he stroked your hair gently, still rocking you in place.
“I- I know I just wasn’t expecting it. Who the hell screams like that this early in the morning?” You questions, both of you knowing it was more rhetorical than anything.
“More like who screams like that in general.” Minghao said, half joking and half concerned, though he was trying his best to hide it from you.
He had come to realize any sounds out of the ordinary could set you off into a panic attack. He didn’t like seeing you scared, and he didn’t like your heart rate spiking for anyone or anything other than himself.
“I just hope it’s over now-” you start, but just as you were about to finish your sentence, another loud screech forced you to jump from Minghao’s arms and hide under the bed.
He knew he couldn’t help it, it was now part of your instinct to hide in the darkest place possible from danger as you were out alone in the woods for decades and it was the way you kept yourself alive. Still, he couldn’t help the small whine that came from within his chest as he saw you hiding. He hated the fear in your eyes, it made him feel so helpless. He tried to coax you out from under his bed by trying to tell you it was just a passing noise. But, once again, the noise came back. Except this time, you actually managed to hear it without the sleepiness or your mating pull clouding it. Oh no! You quickly go out from under the bed and grabbed onto Minghao.
“Hao, where are the other boys??” You asked quickly, the fear in your eyes seeming to amplify.
“Probably asleep, like we should be so let’s-” he tried, still wanting to attempt to get more hours.
“No Hao! We need to find them. We need to find ALL OF THEM right now!” You all but yell as you quickly grabbed a pair of shorts, slipped them on, and threw open your bedroom door.
“(Y/N)! What the hell?? They’re all sleeping come on let’s go back to bed” Minghao whined, clearly not understanding the gravity of the situation.
You ignored him as you opened the door closest to your bedroom, you were greeted with Chan sitting on the edge of his bed, you could tell he was also woken up by the loud scream. Good, he’s safe. Now the others.
You then opened the door across the hall from your room. In it, you found Seungcheol yawning putting on pants in order to try and investigate the strange noise. You then pushed open Joshua and Jeonghan’s rooms, in them, you found both boys to be just as shocked from your actions as Minghao was. But nevertheless they were safe so you didn’t care how crazy you looked. After them, you dashed to Jun and Soonyoung’s shared room, letting out a quick relieved sigh seeing them both already standing close to their door.
You kept doing this until you had finished your rounds of Jihoon’s, Seokmin’s, Seungkwan’s, Wonwoo’s, and Hansol’s rooms respectively. You were so beyond happy that all the boys were okay that you almost cried real tears, they were already brimming at your waterlines.
“(Y/N), we all heard the noise. But it just sounded like someone yelling. We’re all fine. You worry too much.” Seungcheol assured you, giving you a small pat on the head to show gratitude for your care for them.
“No Seungcheol. You don’t understand. That wasn’t just any random villager screaming. That was something more vile than you could even imagine. And it prays on men, specifically horny-” you stopped yourself mid-sentence. “Wait.” You paused. “WHERE’S MINGYU??” you said, realizing very quickly that one of the wolves you were thinking of while saying your piece was unaccounted for.
You dashed to his room and busted the door open. And sure enough, his big ass form was there laying in bed, sleeping like a baby. Thank God.
“Alright. Somebody’s been hanging around Jun’s paranoid ass too long.” Hansol joked your way, earning a chuckle from a few others as well.
“Hey!” Junhui tried to defend himself.
“No you guys don’t get it. That scream, that was a siren’s victory call. I was legitimately worried for your lives.” You protested, Minghao coming up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist.
“A siren? What’s that?” Chan asked as all the boys looked to you for elaboration.
Boy, you sometimes forgot how young and inexperienced with the supernatural they were. They were far better with people than you were that’s for sure, but when it came down to other magical beings, it was like you were speaking a different language. And you only really ever did that with the foreign wolves as you knew both English and Chinese.
“A siren’s one of the most deadly creatures you can find. They look like regular people, most of the time, they’re absolutely beautiful. That’s what makes them so scary, they look like angels. But they’re pure evil, they lure people to their deaths late at night, mostly men. Mostly horny men. They use them for sex, to procreate. Then they kill them in brutal, horrible ways. Afterwards, they let out that God awful scream. That’s why I got so worried with you guys, I thought that…” you trailed off, shrugging your shoulders slightly.
“That what? One of us got our dick wet and our head chopped off?” Joshua laughed out, clearly amused that you considered them all horny men.
“Well yeah, kind of. You can’t blame me. I know what most of you go to the village for late at night. When I realized what the scream was, I just had to make sure you were right. I didn’t want to wake up the next morning to have to go out and find a fucking body.” You huffed as Minghao gave you a small peck on your shoulder to try and ease your tension.
“Well, thank you for caring for our safety. But we’re big boys. We can take care of ourselves. Well most of us…” Soonyoung assured you, standing more proud than he should’ve as he looked at Jeonghan.
“Yeah… that’s kind of what I’m worried about…” you let the joke pass your lips, trying your best not to laugh.
The other boys went into a roar of laughter as Jeonghan tried his best to hide his own amusement behind a fake angry face. The laughter seemed to be just enough noise to wake the life of the party up finally.
“Hey guys” Mingyu yawned. “What’s gonna on? Why are we laughing?”
“Well (Y/N) seems to think we’re gonna get our dicks chopped off.” Jeonghan responded to Mingyu, earning another quick chuckle and a slap from Jihoon.
“Oh well… that’s nice… any particular reason it’s me and you or is everyone else invited to the dick chopping party too?” Mingyu spoke again, trying his best to hide his obvious confusion with a joke.
“No man. It’s mostly you two.” Laughed Seungkwan. “You’re the ones who always seem to need to bury your dicks in something, not us”
You snort as you turn yourself to bury your face into Minghao’s chest, now wanting to go back to sleep knowing everyone’s alright.
“Alright alright you horny kids. All jokes aside.” Joshua spoke up. “(Y/N) how serious is this siren threat?”
“Well I’ve seen one siren take out half a town before. So pretty serious I’d gather. I dont know where all this dick chopping came into the conversation, but I’d say everyone needs to stay inside once it gets dark out until further notice, just to be safe” you mumble out from Minghao’s chest.
“Okay guys. You heard the all knowing wolf lady” Seungcheol said, earning a playful glare from you. “No more going out at night. Not for a while. No exceptions. All dicks must remain in tact” he declared.
“Aw man” Mingyu pouted, he was disappointed but also understood that the pack’s safety came before his hormones.
You let out a small giggle as Minghao lightly laughed as he placed a little kiss on the top of your head.
“No that’s enough excitement for one night. Everyone back to bed. We’ll talk more in the morning.” Joshua decided, ushering everyone back into their rooms.
Once your bedroom door was closed, Minghao picked you up mumbled an “I’m exhausted” before he placed you on the bed, the bags formed under his eyes showing you just how tired he must be. He joined you moments later and hovered himself over you.
“Do you really think the guys will stay inside because of the siren?” He questions while moving a lock of your hair behind your ear. You clasp your hands behind the back of his neck and place with his hair.
“Hmm. Don’t know. I guess we’ll see. If someone wakes up without a dick, we’ll know they didn’t listen” you said with a cheeky ass smile, much to the delight of your loving mate.
“Got it, no dick means they’re the siren’s bitch” he said aloud causing you to chuckle at his thought process.
“I promise I’ll still wake up with mine though” he added, earning a sweet smile from you. God, what did he do to deserve such a cute little mate?
“Good. I’d be real disappointed if you woke up with it gone.” You playfully pout, stroking his cheek during your sentence to further add to your point.
“Well you know how I hate to disappoint love” he said, a hint of mischief in his eyes as he pecked your lips with a bit more passion than you thought he would’ve used this early in the morning.
“I thought you were tired?” You questioned as best you could while he was trailing his kisses down to your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin gently.
“I was.” He mumbled into the crevice of your neck. “But I realized just how hard it is to resist your cute self. So now I’m thinking of some… other things we haven’t quite gotten to just yet” he answered with a playful smirk, making his intention completely obvious to you. Boy, this morning was already off to a fun start.
Another Author’s Note: I know what you guys are thinking, you’re thinking I meant succubus. But I meant Siren. There’s many different versions of both and I just happened to use the Siren version where they sing the men to lure them to their deaths on land. On another note, I finished three chapters in one day. I’m a bit proud not even gonna lie. I hope you guys liked this one. Minghao’s next chapter will be smut as I want to get their first time together out of the way as soon as possible. I don’t really know why. It just feels right you know?
(Updated 7/27)
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furymint · 4 years
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All Prompts
#02: Sway
#03: Muster
#06: Bonus
#08: Clamor
#09: Lush
#12:  Tooth & Nail
#15: Ache
#16: Lucubration
#20: Bonus
#22: Argy-Bargy
#24: Beam
Header  | Reflection of some of my favorite peers’ prompts under the cut!
@aethernoise​ -- #11: Ultracrepidarian
tired curses!!!! i also really love this contrast in their work..... its rly cute. alyx just saved the world and aymeric is hating the dictionary. i like how rough his narration is and then alyx calls and everything speeds up, and i especially love him staring into the empty room. it put another contrast between their circumstances, but its also rly damn accurate abt how it feels to share a moment over the phone w someone. it made me smile a lot
@ahlis-xiv​ -- #23: Shuffle
this one made me laugh ksjdf ahlis’ distaste for the saucer despite being drawn to it is hysterical, but it also mirrors a lot of her character flaws: avoiding vulnerability, placing stoicism before genuineness, planting her frustration on external things instead of herself. even confronting her own feelings draws some curses out of her, and i love that display of her personality.
@autochthonousone -- #09: Nonagenarian
i love me some reflection and mentorship. also im obsessed with “let ‘lone this ‘n”.........dialect is such a hit or miss thing when writing or reading, but god youve got it and i love that line so much. barry’s relationship w stalwart is even better tho, and i cant repeat enough how much i love their dynamic of fair/stern/wise and distant/brutish/actually-paying-complete attention.
@brave-horizon -- #12: Tooth & Nail
talk abt using the setting..............i rly struggle w incorporating setting so this was a little mind-blowing to me. we got a really cool action scene plus established an entire town and conflict all at once?? battle scenes are hard. but ur vocab is so precise and stuff like “seized midstride” and “spilling its pilot” are rly inspiring me rn!! wind magic is smth ive brainstormed in the past but u have such good ideas w it and im so pumped just rereading it. its so good
@erstwhile25 -- #05: Matter of Fact
oh my god. some kind of dialogue god comes down and hands kail all his words, or else he’s just the dialogue god himself. im leaning towards the latter. i wish to god i could say “very small dogs with the barest streaks of sanity” in daily life, and honestly i might start to. the crew of the rook are always a joy to see + the development of their conversation takes such a meaningful turn that it really sticks after the laughs
@endangered-liaison​ -- #05: Matter of Fact 
sorry not sorry jaejh is cool!!!! he’s super nasty and terrible and interesting and i loved his voice, but i esp love how well he pushed the conflict and just Ruined Everything. i rly live how his influence bleeds into the others through their fear. The kids go from hoping or expecting to smth better, to not even debating that he’s lying bc it will just turn out worse. the berry stains as a gun on the wall never struck me either, and i was SHOOK
@high-and-away -- #10: Avail
honestly this was the hardest one to pic a fav for. i rly loved so many of these bc they check a lot of boxes for my Brand. this one sits the longest with active conflict + does a fantastic job staying clear despite all the trails it picks up w max’s foil n comradeship, the chocobo’s higher level of pity over people, the chaotic pack of Resistance members, and the highlander that vicky reasons over n kills. i love that word “limning” now; ur vocab always finds ways to surprise me w the way u use them (esp in describing settings)
@holyja -- #03: Muster
usually when i think of lizzy writing, i think of how perfect ur verbs are, but this time i really liked the visuals and tone. hyana pushing food around her plate and sitting on the rooftops had such a lonely feel to them, but at the same time were rly enjoyable and clear imgs despite not having to be described forever. serella’s dialogue was perfectly on-the-nose, too. usually i rly linger on what is given too much detail, but this rly showed me how nice it is to air things out n leave the thought monologue unsaid.
@karoiseka --  #24: Beam
hell yeah memory lane time. i loved seeing CT from karo’s pov and seeing where her priorities lay or moved. i also liked the life u gave to the little parts left untouched by the narrative, like walking through CT and the heartbeat in the soul vessel. idk what could be more satisfying that a reunion either, so following karo into the ocular was some Good Shit
@mythrilreflections -- #15: Ache
does this get bonus points just for being in o’ghomoro? yes. i love how the tunnels are characterized by the senseless kobolds in them. the added pressure from their reasonings for being in this hellhole is even better, and i love the sigils concept. jace’s narration is so cold, too, which makes both the kobold’s ferocity and the team’s desperation more poignant: he doesn’t sound the type to exaggerate.
@norhimorovine -- #14: Part
this one just screams fairy tale to me. the others do too, but the repetition of events rly knocks this one up the flagpole of ‘belongs in some mid 19th century kids story collection.’ i LOVE the sisters’ banter, and how the younger daughter gets incorporated a bit further for her attention. having the soldier take little pieces of each environment to prove they were real made them a lot more real to me, too.
@snowbird-down -- #03 Muster
if u think im NOT gonna lose my mind shrieking over stream of consciousness as one of the #1 ways of writing trauma, u have not been around me for very long. the varying sentence length is rly successful here, and i esp love the part where people are rushing into the ship and she has to stab a dude to keep him from coming aboard. it’s such a back and forth determining who is humanity and who is the faceless antagonist for a minute, n ofc i love that.
@stars-bleed-hearts-shine​ -- #28 -- Irenic
i was p surprised that my fav of urs came so late, but i feel like this piece has a lot of what your really good at, and which i admire a lot: you aren’t afraid of emotional dialogue or arguments based in more than factual debate, and you capitalize on casual thoughts that reveal a lot more than they do at face value. i esp like that you rly make the most of two characters that overlap in values and personality so often--they acknowledge that overlap and work together with what they share.
@yunkinko​ -- #05 Matter of Fact
im gonna forget abt that little rat line bc the last line is a kick in the teeth. i always admire ur ability to expand tiny details into lasting events. x’arhll’s musings also cut so different from the rest of the scene, separating her from the others and mhifa even further from her, so i love that contrast. the “arc of water” stayed with me for a while too.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
Ngl whenever I see OC asks I'm tempted to just ask all of them lmao
Buuut, let's see... from the OC creation asks, maybe 12, 15, 19? And for the other one, 1, 8, 52, 69? For any OC you'd like ~
I’m not shitting you when I say, DO IT. 
It’s my favorite time of the day~! Do you think I’ll ever shut up? Not likely, so let’s gooo! >:D 
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
You know, I always think about this to be fair because it’s something that can be a bit of a block for me when writing any of my OCs since they’re all really different personality wise. Fane, in particular, is a bit of a challenge. Especially when it’s not his POV. He’s hard to explain at times, and it’s why I take so long to create one shots or chapters because I want to make sure I’ve been as clear as possible with him or how other’s perceive him. I have to think in my head, ‘How would such and such really feel about Fane’s personality? How would they respond to his outbursts or his views on the world?’ It takes a lot of reviewing banter from Inquisition and seeing how characters interact with one another for me to confidently piece together dialogue in regards to Fane, and at times, my mind wanders into non canon territory to where I then have to yank it back. Fane lets my mind explore, but the wanderlust gets to be a bit..much. I think so, at any rate. Lol. 
On a more personal level, Fane is also me, in a way. He’s a persona that allows me to express what I tend to go through mentally at times. While it’s a sort of comfort for me to get things off my chest through him, I also have to take a step back and breathe, especially if my mind that day isn’t in the best of places. I mean, I want to write during those times, but it can be incredibly difficult to formulate words with enough sensitivity so it doesn’t hit too hard for anyone else and come off wrong.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
I’m gonna use Estoria for this because one thing I’ve created with her always makes me smile and giggle like a madman. That thing is, is the fact that she’s a flirter, but if it’s directed at her then she’s a bumbling fool. She’s all miss big bad mercenary elf until someone says, “You’re eyes are truly a delight.’ and then she just laughs nervously and nearly crumbles into a ball at their feet. 
And you bet your ass that Solas’s smooth talk kills her to where she actively has Cullen syndrome and runs away--tripping and stumbling over her own feet because she can’t. Then, when she does manage to get away she just sits on the floor and goes with all the enthusiasm of a teenager, “He..he thinks I’m graceful? He thinks I’m graceful!” Then she just rolls around on the floor, kicking her legs like a happy little flower. :3
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
That Fane has a sweet tooth. Hands down. Man becomes a literal puppy around cake, cookies, anything sweet. I have it in my fluffy little head that he swipes those things from Skyhold’s kitchen without anyone seeing because he’s embarrassed. He’ll try to be all sneaky and slick, but someone always stumbles upon him stuffing his face and then..well, you know. Fane becomes Aterian and Solas has to be called to tame a dragon before the walls come down. *smiles pleasantly*
1.  What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
We’ll go down the line for this one!
Fane is ‘Tempest’ due to his ‘calm before the storm’ demeanor when in battle. Varric gave it to him when he saw how fast Fane could move despite his size, and how hard he could hit once closing in. He’s literally a lightning bolt as he’s never in the same place twice and he does it all without batting an eye like how a real storm can destroy everything in its path, but when the clouds part, it’s calm, controlled without a shred of guilt towards the wreckage.
Estoria is ‘Snapdragon’. He adoptive father gave it to her as a sign of affection and to let her know that she is strong, even if the world believes she’s just a delicate little flower to be set on a window and forgotten. It also came about whenever he saw just how fierce a fighter she could be and how passionate she would get towards specific topics--’snapping’ like a dragon does with their treasure hoard or young. 
Mhairi is ‘Snow bird’ or ‘Fawn’. Courtesy of Varric and Dorian! Snow bird is Dorian’s nickname for her and it’s mainly due to her proclivity towards ice magic. Fawn is Varric’s choice due to how wide eyed and curious Mhairi is, like a newborn fawn discovering the world for the first time.
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
This is Fane’s. Fane’s, Fane’s. Only because I have so many thoughts about his voice that I have to try to explain it! All right, so his voice is deep, obviously. However, it’s gruff, it’s tired, and it rumbles like the softest of thunder. You can take the man out of the dragon, but you can’t take the dragon out of the man. He always has a slight growl to his voice, even if he’s not irritated. He does have an accent, more or less along the lines of what the game gives us, but it’s deeper, has more timbre and husk to it. It drops dangerously low when he’s furious--almost warbling with the natural growl. It jumps a slight octave when he’s flustered--sometimes cracking on specific syllables. When he speaks Elvhen though..well, let’s just say Solas has an existential crisis to where he blanks for a good twenty seconds because how the words just roll near perfectly from a deep, deep, near criminally seductive grave. It’s a good time. *waggles eyebrows*
52. What are some of your OC’s motivations?
Oh god. Well, it is time to try and explain why Fane does the shit that he does! Namely, why the hell he supports the destruction of the Veil, even if he knows it could kill people he loves.
One: Fane is heavily devoted to Solas. Centuries of bonding and losing each other does that, after all. He strives in every fashion to lessen the burden on Solas’s shoulders because he’s seen it happen before. He’s seen and felt Solas practically scream for an end. So, he refuses to abandon him again to that torture, even if he has to bloody his hands from those he had come to consider friends. It’s a difficult road for both of them, but Fane tries to keep a tiny shred of hope in his heart that everything will be okay in the end--that they’ll be okay. He just wants to protect Solas with everything he has, even if it brands him a monster. So, in a way, Solas’s continued presence motivates Fane to keep pushing, even if it’s indirectly.
Two: Fane is passionate towards his kin. He wants to free them from the world they are forced to endure. Another reason for why he supports Solas beyond their close bond. He knows that dragons are needed for the world to survive. So, the thought of his kin being able to show what they are truly made to do is what guides him to endure a lot of the heart break and a lot of the words that are eventually hurled at him. It doesn’t make fighting them any easier though.
Three: Fane is heavily mired with family or those he considers family. He took Mhairi’s place in his father’s experiments because he wanted to protect her, not himself. He throws himself in front of blades, magic that’ll make him ill, and kin bearing claws just to keep those close to him alive because he can’t stand the thought of their eyes going dead and grey. He doesn’t want to kill; he wants to preserve, even if eventually, he’ll have to turn his back because of necessity.
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Fane likes snowy, cold, frigid weather. He was a snowy dragon. Who lived on mountain. Had ice in his lungs. Boy melts in the desert, trust me. Besides that, he just likes the way the world looks when its blanketed with snow and ice. It’s still and quiet. Those aren’t things he’s used to, so he greedily indulges in them when they’re present.
Estoria is the opposite. She loves the heat, but primarily she loves rain. She’ll stand out and just look up at the sky with a huge smile on her face--completely unconcerned that she could get sick. All because it reminds her that the world is still moving along, even if the people in it believe it’s not. It’s still growing, flourishing, thriving, and that gives her comfort and joy.
Wowee! That was a lot, but damn was it fun! Thank you for the ask, as always! I can ramble, ramble, ramble like my life depends on it! XD 
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millennial-ring · 3 years
Can we get more info on 5-7?
             5. Dear God
So this one is ANCIENT (2012!!!) and idk why it’s still in my WIPs folder because I do clean it out/reorganize it every few years or so (which is why that unfinished powershipping christmas fic wasn’t on the list, cause I moved it to a different folder). Sadly the title makes it seem more interesting than it actually is - it’s just a few paragraphs and nothing really happens at all. 
Russet eyes were glazed over as they watched the rain pelt the ground, each drop making tiny indents in the dirt, puffs of the still-dry earth floating up with each splash before settling down again, the process repeating over...and over... Rain drummed against the body of a beaten up jeep, the only prominent sound within miles, save to the sound of the rain falling in the grass, and the dirt, and the leather jacket Bakura wore. 
The man blinked as water ran down his face, following the curve of his brow and rolling over the crease of his eyelid, flowing into his eye. The water pooled between his lids, blurring his vision for a few moments until he blinked again, and the water was squeezed out to mingle with the rest on his face, like a single, solitary tear. He inhaled slowly, then let the breath out in a quick huff, turning away from the long stretch of dirt road in front of him. Behind him, another long chunk of drivable desert. He growled under his breath and began to pace, wet sand squishing under his boots, gravel shifting with each step. 
How could be trapped here, in the middle of fucking nowhere, with a flat fucking tire and no spare? 
It was inspired by this Avenged Sevenfold song and I vaguely remember that it was going to be thiefshipping, about the various trials Bakura goes through to get back to Malik after a fight or something but... 🤷
              6. Domestic Disturbance
This one is also super short, more fleshed out in my mind than on paper, and I started writing it after we had to call the cops on our neighbors because they were having a very loud and long argument (like, over an hour of yelling). Inspiration comes from the dumbest places with me, haha, but this is another one of those “why is this still in my wips” documents because I don’t have any intention of finishing it. After writing what I did I kinda had a “maybe these kinds of situations shouldn’t be your inspiration for fanfics, weirdo” moment and I scrapped it. But anyway! 
The story goes that Bakura was playing some Wii game, lost grip on the controller, and accidentally chucked it and broke a vase because he wasn’t wearing the wrist strap. Malik hears the crash and comes around the corner, lecturing him about “how many times have i told you i s2g bakura why are you like this” even as Bakura’s already beginning to clean up the mess. Bakura gruffly tells him to chill out because nothing important was broken anyway, just “that ugly ass vase” and he holds up a piece for Malik to see. The tension thickens immediately and Malik speaks with measured anger instead of the usual screaming, so Bakura knows He Fucked Up. “That was a gift from my sister.” Bakura panics a bit on the inside, but outside he scoffs and he’s all like “even better, tell her she has awful tastes” because ykno. He’s like that. Doesn’t wanna admit he fucked up, doesn’t wanna take responsibility or acknowledge he hurt Malik’s feelings. At this point I’d stopped writing it, but still have the basic outline. The regular bickering becomes a super intense all out screaming match about basically anything and everything, all the tiny little things they’d been burying for as long as they’d lived together finally coming out, start demanding why they ever thought this would work and they’re just about to get to that great crescendo where they're about to break up (”Well then maybe you shouldn’t have brought me back!” “At this point I’m inclined to agree!” Bakura’s shocked. “Well...then is this going where I think it’s going?” “I think it is.” “Then say it.” “...” “Say you want to break up!” “I...Bakura, I...” when someone knocks on the door. Heyo, it’s two cops, saying someone called in a domestic disturbance. Malik snaps that they’re fine, still pissed from the fight, but obviously like no Malik that’s not gonna help. So one officer brings Bakura out into the hall to question him and the other stays with Malik. Cop asks if they’re together, how long, what the fight was about, etc etc, and then if the fight had been physical at all. Bakura recoils in shock and practically screams “No!” “You never hit Malik?” “I would never!” “And Malik wouldn’t hit you?” There’s a few things there, bc I wasn’t sure how I wanted Bakura to respond; make an “only if he asked wink wonk” joke that the cop rolls his eyes at, or stammer that “i mean he’s smacked my head once or twice but it never hurt and i was being super annoying at the time and it was more like playful slapping” but either way the cop asks for a more direct answer or for Bakura to elaborate and Bakura gets pissed, says Malik would cut off his own hand before he hit Bakura because obviously. Cop seems taken aback but nods, and then lectures Bakura a bit about volume, tells him maybe one of them should pack a bag and stay with friends or family for a few days. Their partner comes out soon after and the two cops leave. Bakura goes back inside, where Malik is standing with his arms crossed, looking shaken with red rimmed eyes. They look at each other, feeling awkward, but then they make tea, sit down, and have a calmer “are we really like that?” conversation. they admit a lot of their fights are pointless and stupid and they’re just fighting to fight because it’s Their Thing and aha, aren’t we so cute and quirky, arguing is our foreplay - which it is, but they admit they’ve taken it too far, gotten too used to snapping at each other when something happens, and some of their issues (like Bakura disrespecting Malik’s siblings, and Malik’s control freak attitude) really need to be sat down and talked out, not screamed out. They apologize, foreheads pressed together, and Malik thumbs a tear from Bakura’s cheek. Bakura strokes his fingers through Malik’s hair. Malik makes a “well you know the best part about fighting, right?” and Bakura laughs, and then it ends.
               7. But he came back
So if y’all didn’t know I recently commissioned a(n amazing) fic from @/sitabethel (not properly tagging cause i don’t wanna bother them). In it, Bakura promises Malik he’ll come back after his final showdown with Atem, but ten years pass and Malik gets engaged to Seto. It’s corporate theifshipping and obviously I recommend reading it - but it’s based on an RP I did with a friend of mine years ago. In the RP, Bakura was pissed Malik hadn’t waited for him and does the whole “why did I even bother coming back I literally only came back to be with you?????” and Malik being like “Sorry? But you took a long fucking time and I had to do something to stop the loneliness.” We never finished it, but when we dropped it Bakura was starting to heal and move on and we had plans to end it powershipping and tendershipping - and Bakura catching the bouquet at the wedding and Ryou immediately being like >:) but anyway. The concept stuck with me and I really liked the idea of Bakura coming back to that situation and more so rolling with it - maybe a touch bitter at first, but hey, he’s nothing if not adaptable, and he absolutely invites himself into the relationship in the clunkiest way possible. 
“But he came back” was the start of my own attempt to write something with that kind of plot. When I write a fic, I start with a vague collection of ideas or scenes I want to write, and then when I have enough to work with, I begin organizing them into an outline. This doc is just a very small collection of ideas and dialogue, mixing some things taken from the RP and my own ideas. It’s mostly things like how Malik and Kaiba get to the marriage point, starting with an impromptu kinda tipsy make out session hidden away in the kitchen during a party Yugi’s throwing, and how they navigate each other’s trauma and fumble their way into a genuine romance despite everything. I’ve never managed to sit down and work it out into an outline of any kind, and the way I wanted to explore Malik and Bakura’s relationship before the show down, Malik and Kaiba’s relationship building afterwards, and then the relationship building with all three of them meant 30 chapters, at least (the original rp is over 2,500 pages and again, we had only just started with Bakura wanting to ask Ryou out and going to Malik for advice adjklj, when we dropped it) and well. yall know i’m bad at writing multi fic chapters 
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riathedreamer · 4 years
So, I talked about “File Not Found” which was a fic @creatrixanimi and I planned, what, three years ago, but was eventually abandoned. I realized I actually had the first chapter ready, written such a long time ago, and while the story won’t be continued, I might as well share it with you here on tumblr instead of just letting it rot in my folder. Here you go.
File Not Found
Sole Survivor
”That’s not how it works.”
 “Pfft. It’s totally how it works.”
The scene was so familiar at this point. The two of them were standing on a ledge, staring at Chorus’ tropical landscape below. Maybe the one change was the fact they were no longer holding onto a rifle. With the newly achieved peace, weapons were no longer needed, and they could enjoy the view of the sun rising above the treetops unarmed.
“You are comparing a bite with a phobia. Just what is the connection between those two?!”
“Batman. Spiderman. Animal plus man equals superhero.”
“Okay,” Simmons admitted gingerly, “but what about the superpowers? Batman doesn’t have any. Spiderman got his from the bite of a radioactive spider. Batman just had a phobia of bats.”
Grif snorted as a slightly offended look snuck its way to his usual bored expression. “Well, maybe he got bit by a bat! Maybe that’s why he has the phobia!”
 “That does not make the bat radioactive!”
 “It’s a bat, Simmons. It doesn’t need radioactivity – it’s already fucking terrifying!”
They had reached that point of the argument where Simmons would throw his hands in the air. “Batman does not have superpower! He chose his name after his chiroptophobia!”
 “So what. Chirowhatevername is cool!”
 “Just because you are afraid of bats as well it does not make the phobia cool,” Simmons let him know.
Grif crossed his arms. “Cooler than your snakophobia.” 
 “Holy crap, how did your tongue not cramp up?” When Grif’s question was answered with a light shrug, he continued,  “Whatever. My point still is – Batman and Spiderman are the same shit. You have the recipe for a cool superhero right there. Take an animal and add man to the end of the word.”
 Simmons had opened his mouth with the argument against that statement ready on his tongue, but before he could utter a word, Donut seemed to materialize out of nowhere.
The pink soldier gasped in excitement. “So if you take the most dangerous animal on Earth, you get the toughest superhero!” He spread out his arms for the dramatic introduction. “Mosquitoman. When he first starts sucking, men will fall to their knees before him!”
“Nope, this conversation is over. Donut ruined it.” Grif groaned and looked up at the sky that had changed from red to blue as the sun rose. Somewhere back in the headquarters, Sarge must be going through his daily round of disappointment as not even the sky would cheer for their team.
But Donut’s interruption had managed to direct the conversation towards something Grif was not ready to discuss (Mosquitoman’s sucking abilities had to wait for another day - where Grif preferably was not present) and that was a problem bigger than it would seem like.
 It was important to keep the dialogue flowing. A statement from Grif, then Simmons would disagree, and so they were kept busy with light-hearted bickering. Grif even had a mental list of possible subjects ready (ukulele versus guitar where ukulele would obviously win - did the fruit pie or the meat pie come first - since this place was called Chorus was there a planet called Verse).
 It was rather uncharacteristic for Grif to be so well prepared since it was usually Simmons who would worry himself sick over future scenarios that only might happen. But the bickering was necessary now since it kept them from talking about certain subjects that had appeared when a certain someone had shoved his stupid thing inside a place where it never should have been.
 Just to clarify: stupid Tucker had stuck his stupid sword inside the stupid temple, and suddenly Grif and Simmons had been stuck in a too hot closet and some stuff had happened that should never ever be brought up again unless you truly wanted Simmons to swallow his own tongue in pure bewilderment.
 The bickering was familiar and required little to no effort since it was almost a bit too easy to make Simmons frown and argue against his points. It was a nice little dance between those two, steps well-known after years of practice. Nothing like Simmons on an actual dance floor which was just a disaster waiting to happen.
 “Ugh, Donut.” Simmons’ tone revealed he was just as disappointed with the interruption. “Didn’t you say you would stay and help the Lieutenants?”
 “They’re doing fine! Well, either they are planting the trees or they are feeding the birds, but either way helps the wildlife!” With the war finally done, it was time for the planet to heal. That meant rebuilding since humans had a habit of fucking up stuff and so they had to make up for that destruction at some point.
 Actual functional cities were starting to appear, people were slowly starting to take off their helmets every once in a while, revealing too young faces with too many scars, and an odd sense of peace was finally beginning to settle. It had taken a while since the Temple Party had stirred up the planet (in a much happier way than a war, at least) and then the reporters had shown up like too many annoying flies on the cadaver called the fall of Hargrove.
 “But Kimball said she needed you two back at the headquarters and since you two weren’t wearing your helmets, I of course had to intervene.”
 They could feel Donut winking at them through his visor, and it was rather clear that he had his own imaginations of why they had felt the need to take off their helmets on their break. Not that it mattered since they knew the truth; Grif had taken off his to smoke, and Simmons had mirrored the action to reveal his very dissatisfied frown at the sight of the cigarette.
 “What now?” Grif groaned at the same time that Simmons worriedly asked, “Has something happened?”
 “A new ship landed,” Donut revealed with excitement in his voice.
 Grif could not relate. He groaned for the second time within a minute - Donut had the ability to make people moan like that, and oh god that was a thought Grif immediately regretted due to poor wording. “Is it another reporter?” he asked. “Why are they all asking the same stupid questions?! Why the fuck don’t they just steal each other’s work or just make up something? Way easier.”
 The swarm of reporters had actually grown to the point where Kimball had talked about relocating them. Which Grif might not disagree on if it could give them some well-deserved peace. He was tired of answering questions over and over, where most of his answers would be “no comments”.
 “Kimball says this person is… different.” For dramatic effect, Donut could not help but spread out his fingers in a weak attempt of jazz hands.
 Simmons tilted his head. “Different?” And Grif had to resist to moan again. Different was not good unless different meant someone giving them a free vacation to Hawaii or decided to thank them with a supply of snack cakes instead of those meaningless handshakes and empty words about how much their work meant to the rest of the galaxy.
 “Maybe the reporter is from Vogue!” Donut suggested with too much hope in his voice. “That would certainly be much more interesting.”
 To be honest Grif would probably rather deal with the normal news reporters than someone from a fashion magazine. It was tempting to stay away, but if Kimball was this firm about them facing a newcomer it would mean they would have to show up eventually; if not by their own choice, then one of the Freelancers would track them down and drag them back by the ear.
 And Simmons had already picked up his helmet, back turned towards the ledge as he was already lifted his foot to march back to base. “Fine,” Grif said and shoved his own helmet over his head, his HUD revealing the missed radio calls from Donut he would not have answered anyway. “But if someone asks me again what our plans are for the future, I’ll tell them it involves dead journalists.”
“We’ve been waiting for you,” Carolina let them know in a tone that made Simmons flinch.
 But before the maroon soldier could actually apologize, Grif leaned his head back and whined, “Why did you not start without us?” The less bullshit he had to deal with the better.
 “Because she is asking for you,” Kimball told him in a matter-of-fact voice, and despite the fact that she was looking directly at Grif it took him a few seconds before he realized she was indeed referring to him. He could not help but frown though his helmet hid his confusion.
 Apparently, he was not the only one shocked by Kimball’s statement as Tucker blurted out, “Grif? What the fuck do they want with him?” He sounded both surprised and dumbfounded but there was also the tiny hint of jealousy in his tone that made Grif narrow his eyes in annoyance.
 The entire gang had gathered in the waiting hall in front of Kimball’s office, and at Tucker’s words, they all seemed to shift awkwardly, making it clear that they were all thinking the same question.
 “Maybe they wanted a Red to have the spotlight!” Donut suggested carefully, but there was still the slight undertone that he would have been ready to sign up for the task at any time.
 Tucker snorted. “Then why pick the orange one?”
 “Tucker.” Carolina sent him a warning when the conversation just dragged out without getting closer to give them an answer.
 “Hey, no offense, but it just does not work with the pictures. Myself on the other hand…” A true feeling of humor was lacking from Tucker, proving that his stupid jokes mostly served as a distraction to not talk about all the sore subjects that were lying just beneath the surface. There had been a lot of weak jokes since the battle against Hargrove...
 “You like playing model, we get it.” Carolina turned her head towards Kimball. “But you said this was not a reporter.”
 When Simmons finally spoke, he was wringing his hands. “Then what do they want with Grif?” He glanced briefly towards said teammate before focusing on the general again.
 “They didn’t say. Yet. They would not reveal much detail before you were present.”
 “Am I in trouble?” Grif asked because, honestly, that was his biggest worry at the moment. Most of the time he would be called to an office by name the whole thing would end with dish duty, and he had better ways to spend his evening. Especially now when Simmons had brought up another Star Wars marathon.
 “Always,” Sarge let him know with a huff. “Constant disappointment requires constant punishment. What did he do this time?”
 “How about we actually face this reporter and listen to what they have to say?” Wash suggested, and no one could really disagree with that.
 One question kept bothering Grif. “If they just want me why the fuck are you assholes all here?”
 “‘cause since when have we given a shit about personal privacy?” Tucker asked sarcastically.
 Caboose made a disapproving sound. “Ah, except Tucker’s magazines. Always stay away from those.”
 “That’s right, Caboose, and don’t you ever fucking dare.”
 Kimball let out a quiet sigh at this point and turned around to enter the office, gesturing for them to follow. As the group slowly began to move forward, Grif and Simmons shared a glance. Not knowing how to answer, he just shrugged despite being aware it would not exactly calm his teammate’s anxiety about the whole thing.
 But there was only one way to gain the answers they wanted and that was by stepping into the room, pushing themselves through the crowd of colorful soldiers that had gathered, and when Grif was finally in the front, facing this strange investigator turned out to be rather anti-climatic.
 When a mysterious stranger asks for you by name, Grif had expected troubles. An intimidating presence, probably a mean stare, definitely some sort of superior who was not a fan of positive words.
 But when Grif saw the newcomer, the first thought that hit him was: whose grandma is this? That was perhaps a rather quick judgment but since this planet was mainly inhabited by battle-scarred teenagers, this investigator definitely belonged in the older end, with her grey hair and wrinkles. Though, her furrowed forehead could probably from stressful work through the years.
 While she seemed far from fragile - no shaking limbs since she was able to rise from her chair in a swift and elegant movement - she did not seem like a soldier. Her rather stern expression - thin mouth and focused eyes - reminded him of the some of the UNSC staff he had met back when he had been drafted, one of those ladies behind the desk who was spending half of her life reading paperwork.
 When her dark, almond-shaped eyes settled on him, the corner of her lips turned upwards in a polite, satisfied smile. Judging from the half-empty cup of tea on the table, Kimball had let her wait for some time.
 “Heroes of Chorus,” she said as she greeted them with a short bow. “I’m honored to be here.”
 “We still haven’t been informed of why you are here,” Carolina reminded her, keeping her voice just gentle enough to keep the statement from being rude.
 “My apologies. But I had preferred to keep some details confidential.” Sensing that confession did not exactly help with the tension in the room, she added, “My name is Marisol Rizal and I am currently running an independent investigation of the Uplora massacre. Which is why I requested to speak with Captain Dexter Grif.” 
As soon as she finished speaking, three words were exclaimed at once.
 It was Wash, Simmons and Caboose that had spoken - in that order.
 She briefly smiled at Caboose’s greeting, but then set her eyes on Grif again. The orange soldier had gone completely still, stiff as a statue, and Simmons had turned his head to stare at him.
 In truth, every single person in the room was staring at Grif who was a little bit too busy dealing with the invisible punch to the stomach which the investigator’s words had caused. He was suddenly grateful that he had put back on his helmet before meeting up with the others - despite the secret pride of his poker face abilities, he doubted he had been able to keep his expression neutral when he had been granted this piece of information.
 Kimball was the first to direct the attention back at Rizal. “And what do you require from him?”
 “An interview, first of all. And I have managed to uncover some evidence I would like to hear his thoughts on. The entire business should take less than a day.”
 “A day?” Carolina repeated, and Grif understood the confusion - none of the earlier reporters had requested more than a few hours from them, and they had been lucky if they had granted them the time.
 “I-” She seemed to search for the right words for a moment, eyes darting around before settling on Grif again. “From what I’ve gathered from the previous reports, I understand that you prefer to keep quiet about the experience. I can explain further under two eyes if that is what you want.”
 Grif blinked, slowly understanding that this was a question directed towards him and that they actually demanded answers. Too bad his mind was still stuck in oh shit-mode and scrambling a simple sentence together proved to be quite the task. “Uh…”
 “Wait, what the fuck is Uplora?” Tucker kept turning his head to look from Grif to Rizal, waiting for one of them to give him an answer.
 His question made Grif’s stomach twist itself again, and it was that dreadful feeling that finally allowed him to speak. “Not really a fan of interviews. So, I’ll pass.”
 “It’s important,” Rizal insisted. When Kimball looked like she was about to speak again, she quickly added, “I understand you want this business over with as quickly as possible, which is why I decided to seek you out first. Please. I am first of all doing this for the ones who lost someone dear in the massacre, and reading your profile I believed you would be interested in-”
 “Massacre?” Donut gasped. “That doesn’t sound-”
 “Look, just-” Grif held up his hands, feeling an unfamiliar and unwelcome panic traveling up his spine. “Fuck. Fine. Five minutes, but two eyes and all that. So fuck off,” he told his friends. Perhaps it came out rather harsh but honestly, the only reason he agreed to this talk with a reporter was the make sure they were not told shit.
 He has resisted the urge to run out of the room, only because he knew that it would leave them alone with this Rizal and he was not counting on her to keep quiet. Just when she had spoken the name, and oh it had been a long time since he had heard someone say it out loud, things had been stirred up.
 “Are you sure?” Kimball asked. She almost sounded concerned which just increased Grif’s need to get away from the scene.
 “Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Whatever. It’s fine. Five minutes,” he said again, and Rizal nodded.
 “I will explain the situation. You can make your choice about your involvement then.”
 The group was slow to leave the room, especially Simmons who had to stare at Grif for four long seconds before finally trudging after the others.
 When the door finally slid closed and they were alone, Rizal had already sat down in the chair when Grif turned around. She had folded her hands which were covered by white gloves. They matched the rest of her pale uniform; white with dark green trims, and her neck was surrounded by what seemed to be an uncomfortable stiff and tall collar.
 “I am sorry for causing all this. I know it must be unexpected. And unwelcome.”
 Grif considered whether to take a seat as well but in the end chose to stand. “Your point?”
 “I’m afraid I can’t say much here. But since beginning my investigation I have found remains that will, eventually, stir up attention. By contacting you now I hope to save you from potential troubles later on.” She actually sounded apologetic which reduced Grif’s annoyance, just a little bit.
 “Question,” he cut in. “Just what the fuck are you investigating?” The matter had been left behind years ago. They had asked him a lot of questions while he had still been stuck in the hospital, but then they had told him there was nothing more they needed to know. They had declared him fit for duty, shoved a glass of pills into his hand, and the day after he had been dropped off in Blood Gulch.
 It had been quiet since then, and Grif had honestly preferred the silence.
 “Because,” she said, voice careful and leveled, “I wanted to know the truth. And as I can show you on my ship, I don’t think the previously given details match up.”
“And what does that have to do me?” Grif grunted, losing patience.
She tilted her head slightly. “Because I figured you wanted justice for your dead teammates.”
He was not sure if it was intended to be a low blow, but that was what it felt like. For a brief moment he recalled pale, still faces before he forced the memories away.
“You’ve been through a lot, Captain Grif, and I understand why this is subject you would prefer to avoid. But I am doing this for your sake as well, so you can gain the truth, and so you cannot be lied to once more. I know I am asking for a lot-”
“Just what are you asking for? Some assholes in coats interviewed me back then - can’t you just copy their work? Less effort required and you’ll probably get the same grade. Worked for me in high school.”
 To his surprise, she actually laughed softly. “I wish it was that simple. But in order to get my hands on something presentable, I must gather the evidence myself. So here is what I ask from you: you come to my ship, I get to film an interview and I will show you what I have found so far.”
 “And just what am I gaining from this?”
 “I would point out that you will be doing the right thing, but I understand that is not what you need to hear. You would be gaining my discretion, and it would be the last thing I ask of you. I promise to get this whole thing over with as quickly as possible, and as comfortable for you as I can manage.”
 Her last arguments were definitely more convincing than her moral reasoning. The part that Grif found most compelling was the mention of her ship. Right now he had the growing suspicion that his teammates had their ears pressed against the other side of the door, hoping to gain some more information.
 And his friends finding out about his past was the biggest of Grif’s worries right now. The few mentions that Rizan had dropped was bad enough, and Grif knew a storm of questions would hit him the moment he left the room.
 At least he could tell them to fuck off and mind their own fucking business. But he had sensed the underlying warning in Rizan’s explanation. If he did not take care of this now, this whole thing could escalate and the last thing he needed was actual reporters on Chorus just to discuss the colony. At least Rizan had offered to keep his friends out of it.
 “What would we be discussing?” he asked, trying to sound as casual about it as possible.
 “A lot of the questions will be familiar to you since I know the UNSC did make a report after the disaster. I am looking at the entire case from a new angle, so hopefully I can shine lights on parts not explored before.”
 He did not want to talk about this whole thing, he did not what to remember what he had spent so many years to forget, but if she just stuck to the same questions like the one the UNSC had asked he could manage. He had done it all before.
 “If I go too far, you tell me, and I will drop the subject. I will share what I have found so far, if you want to. I am… deeply invested in coming to the bottom of this. I lost someone dear in the chaos, and I firmly believe that the victims, you included, deserve more than what was done. What little information you can give me would be much appreciated.”
 Grif held back a groan as the headache became apparent. This was not how he had planned to spend the day.
 And the voice back in the corner of his skull, reminding him of how close Kai had been to become one of those left behind, did not help at all.
 “Details about the investigation and its progress must await till we reach space. I am sure you of all will appreciate that we keep things quiet.  You would be back by evening, tomorrow morning at the latest. If we board my ship now-”
 “Wait, we’re leaving Chorus?” Grif frowned, unsure of what exactly this meant.
 Rizan nodded. “I’m afraid that General Kimball and I discovered that Chorus’ political situation is rather fragile at the moment. You have just been put back on the galactic map, and if this planet’s next big stunt is to be directly involved in my investigation, you are only known for rather controversial scandals. Both the General and I agreed it was best to keep Chorus out of this.”
 “So… Space?” Grif said rather weakly, unsure of just how to comment on this. He understood Kimball’s choice but on the other hand, it just left him more questions about just what Rizan was trying to discover.
 “As close to Chorus as possible. You’ll be back as soon as I’ve gathered what I need.” She smiled again, softly. “I have refreshments ready on my ship. Coffee or tea?”
 He answered the joke with an amused huff. He closed his eyes, thankful for how the visor shielded his face. “How about something stronger?”
 “A very black coffee then. Does this mean you are willing to help?”
 Her hopeful voice almost caused him to groan out loud. It was not like he had a  handful of options. There was apparently no way of avoiding this subject being brought up again - now he just had to get it dealt with as quickly as possible.
 This was going to be the most dreadful tea party he had ever been invited to.
 “And there is no way you won’t just take no as an answer?” He shrugged, not even believing she might give him a pleasant answer.
 “To your surprise, I think you might become rather invested in my case once I show you my progress.”
 “Yeah… I seriously doubt that.”
 “We’ll have to see about that, won’t we?” She winked, apparently deciding the matter was done with. “I’ll exchange contacts with General Kimball so you can be contacted should the need arrive. I would not want to steal one of their beloved Captains.”
 Grif snorted. “Beloved is a very strong word. Unless we are speaking about Matthews.”
 “I’ll meet you in an hour,” she informed him, cutting to the chase. She definitely seemed like one of the paperwork ladies now.
 “Right. And you won’t-”
 “I will keep quiet about any details of the massacre. Any. It is rather obvious you want them uninformed about this. I understand.”
 Grif searched for something to say, tongue running across dry lips. It would be nice to have the final word in the conversation, mainly to keep up the weak illusion that he actually had a say in all this, but Grif could feel his control over the situation slipping through his fingers. But it seemed like there was not anything to add to what had already been said.
 So he turned around, marching out of the room, and when the door slid open he tried not to comment on how his friends seemingly had been leaning against the wall. Tucker almost had to leap backward when Grif did not slow down his steps.
 “She wants to talk with you,” he informed Kimball with a shrug before someone else could break the silence.
 The questions came immediately afterward. “Dude, what was that about?”
 “Sorry,” Grif said without a hint of caring, “confidential knowledge and all that.”
 “C’mon. Really?”
 Grif continued his way down the pathway, more determined than ever to dodge their question. But Carolina took a step forward, slowing him down just enough for him to hear. “I was not aware you had ties with the Uplora incident.”
 At least it was not directly a question. Grif appreciated that.
 “Let’s just…” He clenched his hands in frustration.  “Not.”
 In the corner of the hallway, Donut tilted his head. “Grif-” Simmons was standing quietly next to him.
 Knowing he would have to spend the rest of the evening answering questions, Grif decided he needed a break now. He continued to walk away.
 “Where the fuck are you going?” Tucker asked, obviously not ready to let go of the newest source of slander.
 Grif flipped him off without looking over his shoulder. “Mess hall. It’s lunchtime and I am not letting Bitters steal all the tacos with extra cheese.”
 The did not follow him, at least. But he sure as hell heard the hushed muttering among his friends before he finally gained enough distance between them so he could walk in silence.
 He did not go to the mess hall. The last thing he needed right now was someone asking for yet another autograph - which meant he had to avoid Gold Team. Matthews had been saving the papers with handwriting, probably hiding them under his pillow or some shit, and Grif had discovered that Bitters was trying to gain a stock of autographs, only so he could sell them to other soldiers for some quick cash. Grif could almost respect that, had the constant requests from his soldiers not been so freaking annoying.
 If Bitters truly was smart he would just start writing fake autographs. Much easier and it would increase production. Now Grif just felt a bit disappointed in his Lieutenant.
 Grif went to the quarters he and Simmons shared. For a moment he just stood in the middle of the room, wondering what to do next.
 Should he pack? Rizan had mentioned he might have to stay overnight and so bringing a toothbrush could be a good idea… Grif nearly burst out laughing, remembering he would never bother to bring a toothbrush around anywhere.
 He sat down heavily on his bed, removing his helmet so he could run a hand through his hair.
 Grif liked asking questions. Most of his pillow talk with Simmons had started from what if’s, lot of hypothetical scenarios, questions about the mysteries of the universe where he never truly expected a final answer from his teammate.
 Switching roles and being forced to answer questions on the other hand…
 Most of the UNSC’s questions had been reduced to numbers. Grif could deal with that. Numbers were simple, short answers with no need to dig further into it. When had the attack happened, how many attackers, how many aliens had died, how many of his teammates had died, when did he wake up, how many days until help had arrived…
 Numbers. Simple and quick. The answer could be shorted down into one word, minimum effort required. Still annoying as fuck but he could deal with them.
 He could not talk his way out of this, no way to change the subject. It was not like the closet accident which he could easily avoid since neither he or Simmons wanted to bring it up.
 The first days afterward had been awkward as hell, since Simmons’ face was constantly red, and if Grif as much as said his name he would jump in surprise and his voice would break. Anyone watching must have thought Simmons was trying to cover up a murder with that amount of anxiety.
 After they had agreed that the whole thing had never taken place - since that agreement made it easier it easier not to talk about it - things had still been… tense. It was suddenly too easy to make Simmons stutter, too easy to make him blush, too easy to make him storm out of the room, and it all seemed to have lost its amusement value.
 Whenever one of them lost their cool, it could take hours before they could begin another normal conversation. When the movie night had been suggested, it had seemed like the first step towards constant normalcy. A casual, not-awkward, comfortable, totally normally friendly friendship movie marathon like they had done so many times before.
 They probably had to sit at different ends of the couch, since Simmons still withdrew his hands like if he had been burned every time they accidentally touched but it could still work…
 Grif was so busy planning a movie night that was not going to take place that he did not notice when Simmons stepped inside the room. He did, however, become aware of his presence the moment he closed the door - the action was just a bit too forceful than normally.
 Simmons placed himself in the opposite end of the room, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “You wanna talk about it?”
 “Nope.” Grif smacked his lips before readjusting himself so he was lying down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
 “Yeah. Figured.”
 Simmons had taken off his helmet, revealing a very deep frown. He seemed to be chewing the inside of his cheek.
 Grif could not help but catch the bitterness in his voice. He turned his head so he was staring at him. “What?” he asked with a slight sneer to his voice. He hated when Simmons was acting passive-aggressive. He sucked at it.
 “Nothing.” Simmons looked away, slightly lifting his chin.
 There were two seconds of silence and then Simmons started shuffling his feet. “I mean, you have apparently been a part of a big galactic controversy and you never really felt like telling me, despite knowing me for years so…”
 Grif sat up, groaning. “Seriously, Simmons?”
 “I just thought we had reached that stage where we would tell each other stuff like that.”
 “Stage? We are we - in a fucking play?!”
 “You know what I mean!” Simmons was sounding flustered again, but this time from annoyance rather than awkwardness. His eyes were narrowed.
 “Tough shit, Simmons. I love sharing tragic backstories. I am sure you are all up to talking ‘bout your sweet daddy. It really brightens up the dinner conversations, huh.”
 Simmons seemed to choke on air. “At least you know about it,” he muttered. The strength returned to his voice when he started to accuse Grif again. “I had to hear it from an investigator-”
 “Why the fuck do you care?”
 “Because I should know-”
 Grif stood up from the bed, headache stronger than ever. “What the fuck kind of right is that?!”
 Simmons inhaled sharply, finally looking directly at Grif’s face. His mouth was twisted in a manner that looked like a painful scowl. His feelings were hurt, and Grif did not want to deal with it. The maroons soldier sighed. “I just thought we were-”
 “We were what?” Grif challenged.
 Their staring competition lasted for around five seconds. Then Simmons turned his head. “Never mind.”
 “Exactly,” Grif agreed but he was not sure if Simmons heard him.
 When his teammate slammed the door behind him as he stormed out of the room, Grif could not help but flinch at the sound. He blamed the headache.
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uncultureddirt · 4 years
Waiting (Part 2/3) - Mark Lee fic
“Why do I feel this way?”
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Sunbelt’s was tiny and quaint. It sat on the corner of Roger and Maine street, right in the center of your town. Due to this, it was always busy, but not the irritating type of busy where lines spill into the road and adults get mad they haven’t gotten a table yet. It was the busy synonymous with “lively” - yeah, that’s better. It was lively, and it felt like everyone was always in a good mood. 
You walked in and pushed the door open, sounding the bell placed above the frame. 
“Morning Pete!”
“Hey y/n! How are you?”
“Good, good,” you looked around, “is my booth open?”
“Yep, follow me.” He picked up two menus and walked towards the back corner of the restaurant.
Pete was short, but built. He had a neatly trimmed beard to match his dark head of hair. He probably looked a lot tougher than he actually was. As Mark trailed you and Pete, listening in to your conversation, he noted the striking ink tatted up both of Pete’s arms. 
“Here you go,” he spoke while placing the menus on the table, “Let me know when you guys are ready.” He gave you both a smile and walked off.
“You must come here a lot,” Mark said, adjusting his specs.
“Yeah,” you laughed, “I love breakfast food.”
Mark smiled and picked up his menu, “Me too.”
You two began to talk, your conversation moving from one subject to the next. You noticed him relax, his sentences less choppy and his face absent of the constant blush. He was finally warming up to you. 
You liked to watch him while he spoke, noting moments when he grew nervous and quickly would divert eye contact, or times when he laughed loudly, throwing back his head and clapping. It made you chuckle; he was so amusing to you.
After a period of stomach growls and anticipation, Pete came back with two plates in his hand, setting both them down on your table. 
“Let me know if you need anything else. Any extra drinks or sides are on me,” he smiled, patting you on the head before returning to his work. 
You cut into your pancakes as Mark resumed your conversation, “So what do you think about this project?”
“Darten’s class?”
“Yeah,” he said with his mouth full of food. He wiped his lips with his hand and leaned back, waiting for your answer. 
“I don’t really know,” you rested your chin on your hand, “I don’t like Shakespeare. He’s so damn dramatic.”
Marked nodded his head. He watched you furrowing your brow as you thought. He couldn’t help but smile, and you noticed. 
“What? Is there something in my teeth?”
He laughed, “No.”
“Then what?”
“Nothing,” he said hurriedly, his cheeks filling in with color. 
After finishing and paying, thanking Pete and convincing him Mark was not your boyfriend, you two headed out the door. You sat on the back of your car and patted next to you for Mark to join. 
“Why do you think he was so dramatic?” 
“Pete? I don’t know he was probably kidding. I’m-”
“No,” he threw his head back again in laughter, “Shakespeare you dummy.” 
“Ohhh,” Mark kept laughing as you tried to speak and you punched his arm lightly, “Shut up, what are you, seven?”
You leaned back onto the car. Feeling the slightly warm surface touch your skin. You gazed up into the sky, squinting at the sun. Mark watched you. 
“Hm,” you paused, “I guess… actually, I’m not too sure. What do you think?”
He leaned back next to you. Your car was on the smaller side, so your shoulders touched. As you felt his skin meet yours, even the tiniest bit, your heart quickened. You wondered if he even cared. 
He did. He just hoped you couldn’t hear his pulse.
“Maybe he saw himself in Romeo.”
“I don’t know, like a hopeless romantic, doomed from the start. Maybe he had a Rosaline or a Juliet.”
“You think?”
“Maybe. It would make sense, I mean love does make you act all strange.”
Hearing the word ‘love’ exit his pretty mouth made your heartbeat quicken once again. And ‘you,’ what did he mean by you? Did he mean himself? Has he been in love?
A small word. A small, one syllable word. Why when he talked about it so casually did you feel such butterflies?
“I mean love does make you act all strange.”
You quickly sat up.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, uh, I don’t know,” he laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair, “I don’t know what I meant.”
He sat up, locking eyes with you for only a moment before quickly diverting his gaze. You kept your eyes on his face. You wanted to know why he said that, why he said what he said with such conviction. You wanted to know what he’s felt, and what he feels. 
He interjected the moment, “I gotta go.”
“I just gotta. Thanks for this. Uh, I’ll see you, uh, tomorrow.” He walked away, his attention focused on the ground. When he heard you call his name, he turned around only to wave, quickly getting in his car. 
You laid back down on the car, listening as Mark’s engine revved and then pulled away. Something inside of you was hurting. You were buzzing with questions. So many ‘whys?’ and ‘whats?’ and ‘what ifs?’. The boy was a puzzle, and you just couldn’t figure him out. 
“You’re so dumb,” he said aloud, banging the wheel with his hand.
He stared at the road, replaying the conversation in his head. Some barrier within him started to fall when he was next to you. All the emotions he kept tightly wrapped up would slowly spill, and he didn’t like it. He wasn’t ready to be vulnerable; he wasn’t prepared to face his own heart.
He met his own eyes in the mirror, “Did I give myself away?” he thought, looking back to the road. 
 “I mean love does make you act all strange.”
“That was so stupid of you,” he hit the wheel again, “You can’t just say that stuff.” 
The sun sat heavily in the center of the sky as Mark drove back home. It was golden. The kind of golden that makes pretty eyes prettier and instantly warms your skin. It poked a hole in the clear mid-morning scene, polarizing all the blue that surrounded it. Upon exiting his car, he squinted, using his hand covering the view above him.
 He slowly lowered his hand that was shading his eyes and tilted his face up to the sun. Closing his eyes tightly, he let the sun heat his face. His mind was churning; your face replaying in his mind and your voice echoing in his ears. Everything was hurting, yet he didn’t get why.
He opened his eyes and looked back at the pavement. “Stupid,” he mumbled as he unlocked his front door. 
Over the next month you two worked together silently. Your conversations were limited to strictly Shakespeare and project details. It bored you. Ever since that morning he was different; he distanced himself and grew quiet around you. It was like the shell you worked so hard to crack had rebuilt itself, but this time it was determined not to budge. 
You tried to be nice and get him to talk, but all your efforts were met with dismissal and apathy. It hurt. It burnt a hole in your heart. You felt he loathed your sole presence, yet you failed to understand why. 
As you two worked, you felt yourself staring at him, wishing you could see past his raven hair and delicate spectacles. You wished you could see into his brain and into his heart. You wanted more than anything to understand him. You wished he would let you in.
“I pushed back presentation dates a week,” Mr. Darten began, “So next Monday we will hear from Luke and Jamie, then Mark and y/n.” 
Your heart stopped for a second and you thrust your hand into the air, “Wait, if you pushed them back shouldn’t we be presenting next, next, next Monday?” You were praying he mixed up your presentation date. He must have. You two weren’t close to being done, let alone close to even holding a conversation. 
“Oh, did I say ‘push back’?”
You nodded.
“I meant forward. We’re starting presentations earlier. Nice catch y/ln,” he pointed at you and made his way to his desk. 
Your eyes widened. 
You began to work and Mark joined you, silently, as usual. 
“Hey,” you said coldly without looking up from your book. 
“Hey,” he kept his eyes low too, “Uh this new deadline sucks.”
“How’s your part going?”
“Oh. Okay. I should be done with mine soon.”
This wasn’t like you. Your answers were sharp and cut into the helpless boy like a knife. You were just tired. As plain as that. Fed up. Confusion and agitation had completely hijacked your system. You were sick of this.
He watched you working diligently. He knew you were upset, and it was clear he was the reason. His mouth was dry, and his stomach hurt. He felt like a wimp. 
‘It wasn’t even a big deal. You should’ve explained to her what happened. Why didn’t you just tell her what you meant? Why didn’t you just say, ‘hey, I like you?’’
He looked up at you as you worked, wondering if you heard his inner dialogue as loudly as he did. 
The week continued the same way: slowly and wordlessly.
To be continued...
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nazario-sayeed · 5 years
Bare body, bare soul (Nik x F!MC; N*FW)
Author's note: Some of you are probably thinking "what? you already tagged me on this fic, are you going crazy?" or whatever. Here's the thing: I was stupid using my tags and tumblr took down my previous post as a punishment for me being a whore. Anyway, I noticed it yesterday and now I'm posting it again because I'm stubborn. How I always change some stuff when I edit on tumblr for the last time, this isn't exactly the same as my last one, but there aren't any major differences. English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. I'm shitty at naming my fics, ignore that. Also I don't remember which gif I used last time, which is irrelevant so I don't know why I'm saying this.
Summary: In case there's someone new here, I wrote this fic after chapter 9 when we were cockblocked. It left me wanting more, so I decided to write what should've happened. The initial dialogue is basically the same. My mc's name is Brie. 
WC: around 5,100 (sorry) 
Rating: definitely +18 for explicit sexual content. Do not keep reading if you're not comfortable with this kind of writing. 
I don't have the tag list for that fic so I'm basically using my Jaime one, I'm sorry if I got anyone wrong (please let me know if you don't wanna be tagged): @nazariortega  @duchess-ash-flame  @lahelalove @poeticscolt @donutsgirl36 @queenkaneko @msjpuddleduck @quinnskelly @flyawayboo @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicesarehard @jlpplays1 @desiree-0816 @sibella-plays-choices
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When Nik starts stripping down to his underwear, Brie can't look away. She observes in awe the healed scars on his ripped torso, his muscular body under the soft candlelight... She feels her stomach do a funny flip inside of her, and a heat slowly spreads through her body despite of the cold air of the mansion. 
"Uh... Nik? Explain?" she says, trying really hard not to bite her lip at the sight of him exposed like that.
"Vulnerability magic, rook. Some of the most powerful kind there is. You want to see The Fate, you've gotta bare your soul" he explains.
"By stripping down to your skivvies? You sure this is lore and not wishful thinking?" Katherine questions him, raising an eyebrow.
"Summoning is all about symbolic gestures, Katy. Get with the program"
"I've got nothing to hide" Brie chipper says, already reaching behind her back to unzip her dress. "One ceremonial nudity, coming right up!" she lets her dress drop to the floor.
"That's the spirit!" Nik encourages her, trying not to stare as she undresses. Brie blushes a little under his gaze as they smile at each other.
They small talk as the group follows Nik's lead and strips down to their underwear. Brie catches a glimpse of everyone else, almost naked, and feels her face heating up. They form an incredibly attractive group, she can't deny it. She lets her eyes find Nik's frame, and can't help but notices the way the candlelight dances on his skin, lighting up every inch of his sculptured body. He catches her eyes before she can look away, and smirks.
"Like what you see, rook?" he teases her; she feels her whole body flushes with his commentary and the way his eyes are watching her right now, but she tries to play it cool.
"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about" she looks him up and down once again, letting her gaze drop on the only piece of clothing on his body, noticing the nice volume there. She licks her lips, imagining what's inside...
"Sure you don't" he smirks, before slowly scanning her body from head to toes, letting his gaze lingers a little longer on her breasts before turning away. Brie looks away, face red, and her gaze lands on Cal's bare form. She has seen him like that before, but she can't help but observe his large, strong body under the flattering light. He catches her eye and smiles, before hungrily scanning her body in a way that makes her feel like she is his next prey- and right now she kind of wishes she was.
Next to them, Nik notices the way they are looking at each other and his pulse quickens, a unsettling feeling cursing through his veins as he scowls and clenches his fists. He clears his throat to catch everyone's attention to the ritual, but mostly to stop whatever was going on between Cal and Brie.
After exposing themselves in more than one way in order to get help from The Fate, each of them goes to their own guest bedroom in the mansion, trying to escape the thoughts and emotions that their confession brought up. Every one of them is feeling overwhelmed and more vulnerable than they can remember, and the creepy air of the mansion doesn't help at all.  
Brie feels terrified even before closing the door. Even though Nik reassured her this is the safest place they could be in right now, she can't shake off the weird feeling. The shivers on her body are not from the insistent, loud wind, but from something that creeps her from the inside, and she knows she won't fall asleep.  She is feeling too lonely, exposed and guilty to sleep. 
Brie tries to think about anything other than the sounds that echo in her room, or that feeling on her spine that there's someone- or something- watching her even when she's alone. Absently, she lets her mind go back to the moment before they met The Fate.
She thinks about how that was the first time Nik ever looked vulnerable next to her, when he was talking about Elijah's death. How even though he is her bodyguard, in that moment she knew she would do anything to protect him. Her mind goes back to that brief moment when their eyes met after he had told the group about Elijah, and they both knew they were here for each other; one simple look could let her know- could let her feel- how deeply he cares about her- and she hoped he knew and felt it too.
Then, she reminisces about how his eyes went wild when she admitted she was in love with someone there. She didn't even know what she was going to say until the very moment when the words left her lips, and for the first time, she knew they were true. In so little time, she knew he had found a way into her heart- not easily entered after so many heartbreaks.
Tired of wishful thinking, Brie gets up in one movement and exits the room, letting her feet carry her to knock on Nik's door before she can think twice about what she's doing.
"Brie? Thought you were hitting the sack?" he seems surprised as he opens the door, but also amused; his lips curving up in a tiny smirk.
"Couldn't sleep. Looks like it's going around, huh?" she teases and he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. He can't help but think about the restless things he wants to do right now, and it doesn't help that she came to his door in the middle of the night.
"Sure does. Wanna come in for a nightcap? These digs are pretty swanky, I'll give the fate that" he invites her in, trying- and failing- to ignore all the inappropriate thoughts crossing his mind.
"I'd love that..." she says, and he can swear there are at least fifteen intentions on her tone.
Nik swings the door open, welcoming her in, and she slips by him, letting their arms brush lightly against each other, feeling her skin on fire with the brief touch.
"Home sweet home… for the moment, anyway. Can i get you a drink?" Nik asks.
"Yes, please! I'm dying to unwind a little"
"You can say that again. What a night, huh?" as he pours bourbon, he thinks about all the ways he wishes he could use to help her unwind right now. All of them involve her screaming his name. 
He hands her the bourbon and electricity sparks where her fingers brush against his for a second. They clink their glasses, smiling, and they both take a sip, enjoying the warm feeling settling on their bellies.
Nik walks over to the window frame, leaning against it. He lets his gaze find Brie for a long moment and she feels her whole body warming up; she tells herself it's the drink, but she knows it's not. He notices the light blush on her cheeks, and interrupts her thoughts with a question.
"So what do you think, about all this? That was a lot to take in..."
"Honestly? I don't know. I'm glad we have a name, that's huge, but now… It just…" she trails off.
"Feels more real, right? Even more unnerving than before, somehow?" he finishes her thought.
"Yes! That's it exactly" she admits. "I know it sounds weird but when The Fate said 'Cassiopeia', all I could think was, hey, that's a pretty name." Niks snorts at her comment, looking amused, but she continues with a sigh "Too pretty for someone who makes bloodwraiths and zombies. Ridiculous, right?" she asks him, feeling a bit embarrassed but also glad to be sharing this with someone, especially him.
"Nah. I get it. The mind's a tricky beast, alright" he says, as Brie moves to his side by the window and leans on her forearms, taking another sip and letting the wind smooth over her face. Their bodies are close now, too close. She can feel his heat next to her as the wind swipes over them.
"What about you? That thrice-cursed son stuff… What do you think she meant?" she asks, trying to distract her own mind. He shakes his head, his face transforming into a scowl.
"I can't be sure- I mean, who knows what all goes on in her head- but I think it means that the three people who loves me most in the world are dead" he bitterly admits, finishing his drink.
Her first instinct is to think "But you have me". She manages to hold it back, bitting her lips shut. 
"That's a terrible thing to call you" she thinks out loud.
"Not wrong though. I always make it out by the skin of my teeth, lucky me. The people who love me? Not so much" he furrows his brow and clenches his fist at the side of his body, letting the anger get to him.
"You make it sound like you're the curse…" she says, softly.
When he doesn't answer, she turns to Nik and cautiously wraps her arms around him. He stiffens for a moment, before pulling her closer.
"Sometimes... I feel like I'm as bad as the Reimonenq touch. And…" he admits, but she cuts him off.
"Don't say that, Nik. You've lost so much, and it's not your fault" she tells him, with a firm but gentle voice.
Nik sighs deeply, stirring Brie's hair, before he presses a warm kiss to the top of her head. She can feel her heart pounding inside her chest, and his too where her head lays on his chest.
She pulls back and looks at him, and he gives her a wry smile.
"...You promise?" he asks, his voice softer than she has ever heard him.
"Of course I do. I wouldn't even be standing here if it wasn't for you! And I bet I'm not the only one who owes you my life. You risk yourself every day, to keep other people safe. That's not a curse… That's a gift" Brie reassures him, trying to make him understand just how grateful she is and how deeply she cares about him.
The atmosphere between them becomes charged, electric with tension. Hesitantly, Nik reaches out and trails his knuckles gently down her cheek. She feels her breathing stop.
"I don't know what it is about you, Brie, I swear I don't, but you make me feel…" he trails off.
"What? What do I make you feel?" she insists. After gazing down at her for a few seconds, he continues:
"You make me feel like a real person"
She feels her chest bursting with affection and an indescribable need to protect him. In that moment, she doesn't care about anyone else. She's unable to look away from him, his face just inches from hers, the air between them charged with intensity.
Brie leans forward, her breath quickening. The time seems to stop while their lips come closer slowly, until the gravity is just too much and they crash against each other. 
Nik sighs wordlessly against her lips, seeming overwhelmed at first, then he pulls Brie hard against him, one hand clutching the back of her neck.
"Nik..." she moans against him, feeling the desire taking over her body and pooling by her stomach.
"You taste so good, Brie" he breathes into her mouth, and she gasps.
He trails searing kisses down her neck, all the way to the hollow of her throat, and she shudders as he runs his tongue over the sensitive skin.
"I've been thinking about this for so long..." he admits.
"Me too… Please don't stop..." Brie begs him, as she remembers the kisses they've shared before this one. Neither of them came even close to the way their mouths fervidly explore each other now. Neither of them made her longing for more like this. The kiss, which began slow and soft, quickly heats up and they don't seem to be able to get enough of each other.
Nik tugs her clothes over her head, then pulls off his own. Brie runs her palms down his sculpted chest, now face to face with the scars she was admiring earlier. She wants to kiss each one of them, learn their stories, protect him from getting any new ones. He draws a ragged breath under her light touch and pulls back to look at her.
"You're gorgeous, Brie. So damn perfect" he breathes, before guiding her onto the huge bed and pulling her next to him. He captures her mouth in another long, lingering kiss as she drags her fingers through his hair...
"Nik… I-" she moans, but a furious, icy gale from the window washes over both of them, interrupting her.
"Oh, that is chilly" Brie says, a shiver running down her body. Nik quickly gets up from the bed and closes the window with more strength than necessary, making sure it won't open again. When he turns back to her, his expression is changed and it sends a tingle down her spine, almost like a warning. 
“I don’t care what happens. Wind, rain… This whole goddamn place could go up in flames and I wouldn’t give a fuck. I need you, Brie. Ever since I saw you in your underwear earlier, I couldn’t stop thinking about ripping it off your body”. Her breath catches in her throat at his bold statement, and she can already feel her arousal pooling between her legs. She watches as he walks over to where she is laying on the bed, while he looks at her like he's about to devour her. She hopes he is.
He lays on top of her and pins her hands on each side of her face, looking down, his eyes darkened with hunger.
“Nik… I have wanted you since the moment I saw you. Take me. I’m yours.” she breathes, and he smirks almost wickedly. His faces lights up a fire inside of her, one that she hasn’t felt in a long time. Nik has never seemed so protective of her, and so ready to deliciously destroy her.
“You’re mine, rook? Then why the hell you kept looking at the wolfman today? Or do you think I didn’t see it?” he lets go of her wrists and sits up next to her, flipping her onto her stomach with one easy, swift movement, making her gasp. "You think I didn't notice the way he was practically eating you with his eyes? Like you were his next prey..." She doesn’t even have time time to answer as he pulls her to sit up on her knees in front of him, standing behind her, his chest to her back "You think I didn't notice that you were enjoying it?".
Nik runs one calloused hand up the front of her body, over her stomach, chest, stopping at her chin, as he strains her arms between them with the other. He lets go of her chin and grabs her hair, pulling her head back roughly. She lets out a moan while his mouth moves next to her ear.
“Tell me, rook. Are you thinking about the wolfman now?” he presses himself against her back, letting her feel how hard his desire for her is. She moans with need again and closes her eyes, incapable of thinking clearly, intoxicated by the feeling of him. She never thought Nik could be so animalistic, and she's loving it; her whole body needs him.
“I- I… Oh, Nik”
“That’s right, Brie. It’s my name you’ll be moaning- no, screaming tonight. When I’m done with you, you won’t even remember who the werewolf is” he says, and brutally pushes her on all fours on the bed, making her gasp with pleasure and surprise.
Nik runs his hand down her back, earning shivers from her body. She can feel the heat from his body behind her, and the thought of him taking control like that is driving her absolutely mad with lust.
He reaches her soaked panties and pushes them to the side, running his fingers along her sex. Brie is already grasping at the sheets, trying to get some kind of control over her own body. He plunges two fingers inside without warning, and she yelps. Nik lower his body so his mouth is against her ear.
"The way you're soaked right now… Whenever you're starring at shirtless Cal, I hope you remember I am the one who made you feel like that, rook." he bites her earlobe and increases his speed, hitting that spot with every plunge.
Brie is incapable of forming coherent words right now. She is so high on the pleasure he is giving her, and she prays she'll never feel low again. Brie can feel her legs shaking, getting closer and closer with every movement of his hands. When she is almost there, her whole body writhing with desire, he removes his fingers and she immediately misses them, letting out a groan of frustration that amuses Nik.
"Not yet, Brie. Be patient. I'm nowhere near done with you" he says, and flips her onto her back, hovering over her body. He leans in to kiss her passionately, his hands exploring the sides of her body as she pulls him impossibly close by the neck. Brie wraps her legs around his waist grinding on him, trying to feel any kind of friction between her legs, desperate for relieve.
Nik begins to descend his mouth on her body, sucking at her neck in a way they both know will leave a mark. That's what he wants: to let everyone else know she is his, that she spent the night giving herself to him and him only. Nik wants to wake up tomorrow and let the wolfman smell him all over Brie's body.
His mouth founds her chest and she arches her back as he reaches out behind her to unclasp her bra. He quickly takes it off her body and tosses it across the room, pulling back to admire her curves.
"God, Brie… You're breathtaking. No fucking wonder everyone else in that room couldn't take their eyes off you." her cheeks blush a little at the way he is devouring her with his eyes, and she can feel every inch of her body responding to him: her heart is pounding, her breath is quickened, and it feels like her skin is on fire.
"But I am here, Nik. I came to your room." Brie reaches out to touch his cheek gently and he once more crashes his lips into hers. He quickly moves his mouth to her neck and collarbone, nipping and not-so-gently biting his way down, until he is licking the valley between her breasts, while his hands run up her sides, stopping at the curve of her chest. He takes one nipple in his mouth, while works on the other with his fingers. His mouth and hand work together, licking, flicking, pinching until she is crying out, grasping his hair. He moves one hand inside her panties and she feels like she is going to pass out with pleasure as he nips the flesh of her sensitive nub with his teeth.
Nik lets go of her breasts and moves his head lower, trailing a path of kisses down her stomach, until he finally reaches the waistband of her underwear. Before taking it off, he kisses her above the damp fabric.
"God, Nik. Please, stop teasing… I need you" she moans, craving release. He smirks at her and pulls her underwear down her legs, leaving her completely naked on his bed.
"You have no idea of how long I've wanted to have you like that, Brie. No clothes, in my bed, at my mercy." he says, running his fingers through her body. His eyes are dark, full of yearning, lust at its most natural state.
"And now that you have me, what will you do?" she asks, almost daring him to answer.
He responds by lowering his mouth into her sex, making her moan instantly. She throws her head back and grabs his hair with one hand and the sheets with the other.
He's been teasing her for a while now, so when his mouth connects with her body, she's already close. He devours her expertly, like he has been starving and she is the most delicious meal in the world. At that moment, he can't think of anything that tastes better than her.
Nik works his mouth and tongue on her, and with every flick of his tongue he can sense the pleasure building inside her. He inserts a finger, then two into her core, making her moans grow louder. She bucks her hips against his mouth and fingers, trying to feel him closer as possible. He pulls back and she almost screams in irritation.
"You want more, rook?" he asks, still working his fingers, but slowly, barely enough to keep her on the edge.
"Yes, Nik. I want more- I need more" she whimpers, eyes closed with need.
"I wanna see you beg" his voice is a low growl, and it turns her on even more.
"Please, please, please… Nik, oh god, I need you..." the beg leaving her sinful lips is like music to his ears. He dives back in.
His mouth once again finds her center, and he wastes no time sucking her clit into his mouth, thrusting his fingers harder and faster. She cries out, arching her back, and it only takes one more flick of his tongue for her to fall apart around him in pure bliss, the feeling so strong she is sure she has reached heaven. She doesn't even notice she is screaming his name. He doesn't let go until every single drop of ecstasy has left her body, until she's ridden every wave of her orgasm. Her legs are shaking and she's covered in sweat, panting, trying to pull herself together, but never again wanting to come back down from the high. 
His mouth finds its way back to her lips, capturing them in a passionate kiss while she recovers.
"Can you taste how delicious you are, rook?" he asks, pulling back with a smirk to admire her flushed face.
"Right now, I would rather taste you" she admits, and he growls. Nik captures her lips again, wrapping his arms around her and flipping their position, getting her to straddle his hips. His hands find her ass quickly, and he gives it a small slap before squeezing it. Brie begins to run her hands down his muscular torso, enjoying the feeling of his ripped abs underneath her fingertips. She reaches the waistband of his underwear, still kissing his mouth, and lets her hand drop lower, caressing him over the fabric. He bites her lower lip and digs his nails on the flesh of her hips as she squeezes him, making him moan into her mouth.
Brie lets go of his lips to kiss his stubble jaw, then his neck and the spot right below his ear. Nik reaches her hair and wraps it around his hand, applying a bit of pressure on his hold. She begins to trail kisses down his chest and abs, taking her time kissing his strong frame, covering every scar on his torso with her lips. Unlike him, she takes no time teasing him when she reaches his waistband, quickly rolling his underwear down his legs and off his body. She runs her fingers through his strong thighs, kissing it, licking it all the way up to his groin.
When she finally reaches his shaft, she gives it a few slow strokes and runs her thumb in circles on its tip, as Nik's breath quickens. She gives it a tiny kiss, still running her fingers up and down, before taking him into her mouth.
"Christ, Brie..." he moans, holding her hair while she expertly uses her mouth and tongue on him; kissing, sucking and licking the exact spots she knows will drive him mad. As she swirls her tongue around his head, he grips her hair tighter and pulls her up "Are you trying to make me lose my mind, rook?".
She smirks at him, but it quickly fades as he roughly pulls her by the hair to his mouth, kissing her hard. He moves his head to her neck and sucks it before releasing her.
"Get on all fours" he commands, and she is too turned on to deny him anything. She gets on her knees and forearms, facing away from him, and she looks over her shoulder to see him going through his pants and reaching its pocket for his wallet, pulling out a condom.
While he fumbles with his pants and catches her looking over her shoulder at him, Nik thinks about how lucky he is. Brie could knock on anyone's room today and they would happily let her in; they all wished to be in his place right now, and there she was: on all fours on his bed, her glistening core waiting and wanting him.
He positions himself behind her, between her legs after rolling down the condom, and guides himself until his tip is touching her folds. He gives her ass a playful smack, and the sound she lets out makes him even more turned on, so he does it again, harder this time, earning a louder moan from her lips. She holds her breath with anticipation while he runs his tip up and down her entrance, teasing her. She lets out a frustrated groan after a few seconds.
"God, Nik, aren't you tired of teasing me? Just fuck me alr- ohh!" her complain is interrupted by a moan as he enters her with one hasty movement.  
"You were saying?" he teases, as he grabs her hips and thrusts hard into her, quickly creating a rhythm.
He doesn't hold back. He uses one hand to hold her hip as the other wraps around the hair on her neck and pulls her head back, making her moan loudly. He swears that the feeling of her walls around him is the most exquisite thing he has ever experienced.
Nik isn't one for second dates, he has never been jealous before, but Brie managed to wake feelings and sensations he never knew existed. He feels so protective of her, and it shows in his movements, as he tries to claim her as only his. He pulls her hip impossibly closer, hitting even deeper inside her, making an animalistic grunt leave her mouth.
"That's it, Brie. Louder. I wanna hear you scream my name so loud this whole damn fancy house knows I am the one making you lose control like that." he says, giving her all of him, driving deeper and harder with every slam of his hips, and she does exactly as he tells. The sensation of Nik filling her up is so overwhelming that she has no choice but to scream, trying to let out some of these feelings.
"Nik, oh god, harder!" she begs, not even realising what she is asking for, not even sure she can take more. Right now, he hits the perfect balance between pain and pleasure with every thrust. She has never felt so filled before, she has never been fucked like that before and she knows that now she has tried it, there’s no going back. He delivers harder, his nails so deep inside the flesh of her hips they are breaking the skin, but neither of them seem to notice or care. Tears of pleasure mixed with pain glisten in the corner of her eyes, and she is holding onto the sheets like it’s life itself. "Nik, I'm so close!" she moans, trying to breathe.
Hearing his name being screamed by her lustful lips makes Nik bucks his hips forward in a way that hits her most sensitive spot, and she comes apart around him, screaming his name so loud that he is sure she’s heard all across The Fate's mansion. Her walls clench around his length but he doesn't slow down, feeling his own release coming close. Brie is too worn out to react, so she just stays in front of him, moaning and crying out his name as he fucks her senseless. She squeezes him inside of her, and he feels the electricity beginning to rise in his body. "Brie, I'm close" he cries out, never stopping neither slowing down.
Catching him by surprise, Brie removes herself from his hold and quickly turns around, facing him. Nik is too surprised to react before she kneels in front of him, pulling the condom off him and taking him into her mouth once more. At the moment when she wraps her mouth around him, Nik’s head falls back and he lets out a groan. More gentle then he has been the whole night, he holds her hair back as she works on him. As he feels his ecstasy approaching, he tries to pull her head back, but she doesn't let him, working even harder. He has no other option but to spill inside her mouth as pleasure washes over him, and he moans her name for only her to hear.
Brie licks him clean and moves up, they both kneeling on the bed, facing each other. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and he thinks it's the sexiest thing he's ever seen. They lock eyes and smile before he pulls her by the waist for a delicate kiss.
Her body is covered in bruises, her hair is a mess, and they both are covered in sweat, but they also have that unique face of someone who has just reached the peak of pleasure and satisfaction. 
“Do you think The Fate will me mad at us?” Brie teases, as they crawl under the covers. He snorts and pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her and letting she rest her head on his shoulder.
“I dunno, rook. And I don’t care” Nik says, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“Me neither. Even if she does, it was worth it. Sooooo worth it” she says with a wide smile, kissing his chest. He absently runs his hand through her hair, smiling.
The way he’s feeling right now, not only completely satisfied but also safe, tells him he is in trouble. A lot of trouble. Looking down at Brie, comfortably snuggled with him, he feels his heart skips a beat and he can’t help but smile, but it quickly fades as he thinks about what usually happens to those who get close to him.
“Yeah, it was. Sleep tight, Brie”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I will…” she teases again, her eyes already closing as she drifts off to a peaceful sleep, and follows her, never wanting to let her go again.
What has she done to him?
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rachelstwomoms · 4 years
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CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AU: Rachel’s Birthday  (Part 3/?)
(  Part 1  |  Part 2  )
Rachel had been so excited about her birthday party-slash-sleepover that she planned it all out weeks in advance. With Rose’s assistance, she came up with a schedule that laid out exactly what she wanted to do from beginning to end, starting with the pool party in the afternoon all the way through breakfast the following morning. If they were to follow the original plan, next up on the agenda would be to return home, make ice cream sundaes and then watch a movie before bed, but since Rachel and Chloe took such a long time choosing their prizes back at the arcade, they won’t be getting home until closer to nine. While Rose doesn’t mind if the kids stay up late tonight -- it’s Rachel’s birthday after all -- it’s been such a long day that she wonders if they’ll be too tired. She knows she is.
But during the whole ride home, Rachel and Chloe chatter excitedly about ice cream and what toppings they’re going to use. Even Maxine who seemed all tuckered out at the arcade appears to have some newfound energy. They arrive back at the house and Rose sends the girls upstairs to change into their pajamas while she sets up their mini ice cream bar. Opening the pantry door, Rose takes out the candy, cookies, sprinkles, cereal and marshmallows that Rachel specifically chose for tonight and sets them out on the counter. She grabs whipped cream and chocolate syrup from the fridge, then the eight pint-sized tubs of ice cream from the freezer. Yes, Rachel had somehow convinced her that she and her friends needed that many different flavors.
“Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!”
Rose looks up and sees Rachel and her friends marching down the stairs, clad in their sleep clothes and chanting for dessert. She quickly grabs a few bowls and spoons for them before stepping out of the way and letting them go to town.
And they do.
It isn’t long before the countertops are littered with crumbs, runaway sprinkles and sticky drops of syrup and melted ice cream. Rachel finishes making her sundae first, then zooms into the living room to set up the movie. Rose moves a little closer to get a peek at the kids’ creations. As expected, Maxine’s is neat and carefully constructed, chocolate sprinkles evenly covering the surface of plain vanilla ice cream, and now she’s breaking up some chocolate chip cookies into bite-sized bits for the finishing touch. Chloe has already drowned her creation in chocolate syrup, and is now squirting a mountain of whipped cream on top. From the looks of it, Rose thinks that she put a little of everything in there.
Rose can only hope that nobody gets sick tonight.
“Hurry up, guys!” Rachel calls from the living room. “I’m gonna start it already!”
Maxine drops the last of her cookies into her bowl before grabbing her spoon and going to join Rachel. After dumping some last minute toppings onto hers, Chloe also heads into the living room. They settle on the sofa side by side like peas in a pod, and Rachel, from her cozy spot in the middle, hits the ‘play’ button on the remote control.
“Guess what!” Rachel speaks in between bites of ice cream. “My dad rented this movie right from his computer and it came in the mail the very next day. We didn’t even have to leave the house.”
Chloe speaks with a mouthful of ice cream. “You can do that?”
“Yeah,” replies Rachel, matter-of-factly. There’s a slightly boastful tone to her voice and she sits up a little straighter, eager to be the one to bestow her knowledge of online DVD rentals to her friends. “From a website on the internet. He let me get three other ones, too.” Sure enough, there’s a small stack of movies on the coffee table. Rachel leans forward and grabs the one at the very top of the pile to show Chloe and Maxine. “This one was hella funny.”
It’s a warning from the next room.
Rose isn’t listening to the girls’ conversation on purpose. She had been minding her own business, putting away ice cream and toppings, but her stepdaughter’s voice is one sound that her ears can pick up on from a mile away. That, and also the fact that the living room is right next to the kitchen and any dialogue spoken in there can be heard loud and clear.
“It was super funny,” Rachel says again, changing the offending word to one that her stepmother approves. “Me and Rose watched it together last night.”
Putting the cap back on another tub of ice cream and tossing one more sticky spoon into the sink, Rose thinks about last night and smiles. It was her first movie night with Rachel in a long, long time. Their first since moving to Arcadia Bay. Ever since Rachel started middle school, she’s been devoting a lot more time to schoolwork and extracurriculars. Her schedule is busier, she’s away from home a lot more, and Rose doesn’t get to see her as often. Even when Rachel has a free day, more often than not she ends up wanting to hang out with her friends. And recently…
Recently, even when Rachel’s at home, she’s been spending a lot more time up in her bedroom, content to entertain herself with a book or one of her many electronic gadgets. And while Rose appreciates having a little more time to herself now that Rachel’s older and doesn’t demand so much attention, there’s a part of her that kind of misses the old days.
Rose can’t pinpoint exactly when each of these little things stopped, but Rachel never holds her hand while they’re out in public anymore. She no longer comes into her and James’ bedroom in the early mornings for extra cuddles and sleepy pillow chats before they start the day. These days, she doesn’t ask for hugs or kisses at all. Of course, Rose still gives them whenever Rachel will accept them, but it certainly hasn’t been easy to adapt to these changes.
And sure, Rose understands. Rachel’s growing up. There’s only one more year before she’s a teenager, after all. Over the years, Rachel has blossomed into a headstrong, ambitious, incredibly talented individual and Rose couldn’t be more proud. As her stepdaughter becomes more and more independent every day, Rose notices that she doesn’t quite need her as much anymore. Well, deep down, Rose knows that Rachel will always need her… just maybe not in the same ways as she did when she was younger.
It’s bittersweet and, admittedly, a little lonely sometimes, but that’s just life.
Rose is still working on accepting it.
It’s the evening before Rachel’s birthday, and everything’s ready for the party tomorrow. Presents have been bought and wrapped. The kitchen cabinets are loaded with party snacks. Rose is planning to put up some birthday decorations after Rachel goes to sleep, and James will pick up the cake and balloons in the morning.
The house is quiet. James is downstairs in his office, catching up on some work, and Rachel is up in her room. Rose decides to use this unexpected free time to get a head start on some of the weekend’s household chores.
Just as Rose is about to toss in a load of laundry, Rachel comes out of her bedroom looking for her.
When Rose looks up, Rachel is standing in the doorway, headphones resting around her neck and holding her portable DVD player. Assuming that there’s only one reason Rachel has come to find her, Rose turns her attention back to her laundry basket and starts tossing clothes into the washer. “There are more batteries in Daddy’s office, honey.”
“Huh?” Rachel is momentarily confused. “No, I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch a movie with me.”
“A movie?” The words echo from Rose’s lips as though she didn’t actually hear them and she might have just imagined them. Her hand, holding a fistful of Rachel’s t-shirts, stops inches from the opening of the washing machine and they fall back onto the laundry heap. “Now? Right now?”
“Yeah,” says Rachel, picking up on Rose’s weird behavior. “Or, like, do you have stuff to do?”
“Oh, no, no!” The laundry can wait until morning. “I’d love to watch a movie with you, honey. Let me just…” Rose stands and straightens out her skirt, then quickly scans the laundry room to make sure she isn’t forgetting anything important. She won’t be back until tomorrow. “Okay. Yes. Would you like me to-” Her stepdaughter is giving her a strange look. Rose takes a deep breath, trying to suppress her elation and tries again. Heaven forbid she freak Rachel out and make her change her mind about the movie. “I’ll make some popcorn.”
A happy smile appears on Rachel’s face. “Cool! I’ll get blankets and pillows!” She closes the lid of her DVD player and zips down the hall.
It’s been about ten years since Rose moved in with James and, at the time, a very tiny, baby Rachel. Rose quit her job to become her new stepdaughter’s primary caretaker and only went back to work again when Rachel started school. After that, up until they moved to Arcadia Bay, Rose worked part-time in the mornings and James full-time in the afternoons. James would feed Rachel breakfast and take her to school, and then they would switch once Rose returned from work around noon. From the time Rose picked Rachel up from school until the end of the day, it was usually just the two of them. James didn’t finish work until late in the evenings. Occasionally, he would have to work overtime and wouldn’t get home until after Rachel was asleep.
Their movie nights first started as a way for Rose to keep Rachel happy on nights when James wouldn’t be home to tuck her in. Rose would try to make their evening of mommy-daughter time so fun that Rachel wouldn’t miss James too much come bedtime. And it worked. The two of them would change into their PJs early, and Rose would set up the living room sofa with pillows and blankets. For the finishing touch, Rose would prepare a big bowl of popcorn for them to share. Then they would snuggle up under the blankets and watch whatever movie Rachel chose for them that night.
It never bothered Rose that her lap would end up littered with popcorn crumbs and unpopped kernels, thanks to a certain little someone who would be so mesmerized by the movie that she was oblivious to how messily she was eating. Every so often, Rachel’s head would pop up and she would peek over at Rose to see her reaction to something that happened on the screen. As soon as their eyes met, she would erupt into endearing little giggles that melted Rose’s heart. Even though Rose’s side always ended up sweaty from the tiny body curled up against her… and even though her hand would get grubby from salty, greasy fingers threading their way through her own… it was worth it. Moments like these always reminded Rose of the immense love that she has for Rachel and how lucky she feels to be her mother.
As Rachel got older, their movie nights became less frequent. There were plenty of other activities that Rachel opted to do instead -- arts and crafts, games, reading. But then Rachel started middle school and Rose went back to work full-time, and they kind of just stopped altogether.  
But tonight, Rose’s heart swells at the thought of getting to spend the evening with Rachel again. As she throws in a bag of microwave popcorn, Rose actually starts to tear up a little bit, but she bites back her emotions and dries her eyes before Rachel comes downstairs. After a few minutes, as Rose is transferring the popcorn from its oily bag into a bowl, Rachel reappears, now clad in a tank top and pajama bottoms. She comes down the stairs, a pillow under each arm and dragging her fuzzy, purple blanket behind her like a bridal train.
Rachel is met with the warm, inviting aroma of hot, buttery popcorn and she inhales deeply. “That smells amazing.” She dumps the pillows and blanket onto the sofa. “Do you want me to get another blanket or do you wanna just share mine?”
“That’s okay,” Rose says with a soft smile, “one is enough.”
Rachel flops belly-first onto the small blanket-pillow mountain and lies there comfortably, waiting for Rose. When her stepmother comes into the room with the popcorn, Rachel furrows her brows and looks at Rose almost incredulously. “Aren’t you gonna change?”
Rose sets the popcorn onto the coffee table and looks down at herself. Oh. Right.
An unspoken rule for Rose and Rachel’s movie nights is that all participants must, under all circumstances, adhere to the dress code: sleepy time casual.
Rose finds it adorable that Rachel still remembers and cares enough to stick by it. “Yes, I’ll do that now. Let me run upstairs.”
“I’ll wait,” Rachel promises, eyeing the popcorn bowl. With a mischievous grin, she reaches out and grabs a small handful. “I’m just gonna taste-test the snacks.”
Eager to rejoin Rachel downstairs, Rose changes into her nightgown with a bit more haste than usual. She’s fully aware that her tween isn’t going to climb all over her for cuddles like she used to, but that’s okay. Rose is just looking forward to having some one-on-one time with Rachel because, lately, those opportunities are few and far between.
Rachel has hit that difficult age… that sort of limbo between baby and adult. She’s not quite a teenager, but she’s definitely no longer a little kid. For the past couple of years, she’s been fighting her parents for more independence and rejecting treatment that she used to be fine with. Now Rachel chooses her own clothes and has her own sense of style. She sets her own alarm clock and can wake up for school all by herself. But, although she no longer asks for bedtime stories, or for Rose to stay with her until she falls asleep, for now, she still calls Rose into her room before bed and lets her tuck her in and give her a goodnight kiss. And Rose will keep doing so for as long as Rachel will let her.
Rose Amber will always have love to give, no matter how old her stepdaughter gets.
For the most part, all the ice cream and toppings have been returned to the freezer and their respective kitchen shelves. Just one last tub of cookies and cream remains. Rose stands by the sink and finds herself deep in thought, only half-watching over Rachel and her friends. She’s still thinking about what James told her at the arcade. Her hand moves on its own, reaching into the utensil drawer for a clean spoon, taking a single bite of ice cream and then dropping the spoon into the sink.
Should they tell Rachel that Sera’s coming tonight?
Rose plucks another spoon from the drawer and takes another bite of ice cream.
It’s not that she intentionally wants to hide it from Rachel. Not at all. But when Sera told her that she couldn’t make it to the party…
Shaking her head sadly, Rose grabs yet another spoon and scoops out an even larger chunk of the frozen dessert.
Rachel was so angry and hurt, and just seeing her like that was heartbreaking. And on her birthday. Her birthday.
Rose’s hand feels around for one more spoon, but there aren’t any left in the drawer.
“You know, it might’ve been easier to put some in a bowl instead of using up all the spoons,” says James, chuckling in amusement as he comes over from behind.  
Face flushing a soft pink at being caught, Rose shakes her head. “Oh, no. I was just putting it away. Just trying to clean up in here.”
James watches his wife put the lid back on the tub of ice cream and return it to the freezer. Her knit brows and the downward curve of her lips are telltale signs that there’s something bothering her. Recent events considered, James is pretty sure he knows what it is. In fact, he’s almost certain that it’s the same thing he came here to talk about.
“James, I was just thinking about…” Rose starts, but then her eyes dart over to their daughter and she lowers her voice, “about Sera. I don’t think we should tell Rachel.”
James sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I was just thinking about that.”
“I think we should just let her enjoy the rest of her sleepover. Sera won’t be here until… What time did you say she was getting in?”
“Hold on, she texted me her flight info,” says James, pulling out his phone to check Sera’s message. “Her plane gets in at around ten, but she still has to stop at the car rental place. She said she’ll call after she lands to give us an updated ETA.”
“We’re quite a ways from the airport,” Rose adds, fingers moving to fiddle with her bracelet. “I don’t think she’ll be here until midnight at the earliest.”
“You don’t think the girls will still be awake?”
Rose shakes her head. “Not this time. They’re exhausted, James. See how quiet they’re being? They’re usually chatting up a storm during movies.”
James looks into the living room. The girls do seem rather subdued tonight. His eyes wander over to Rachel and only then does he notice that she’s wearing her glasses. She only ever wears them at home when she’s tired. “Rachel might want to know.”
“I know,” sighs Rose, massaging the bridge of her nose with her fingers, “but she was so upset this afternoon. I don’t want to risk souring her mood just in case she still has some hard feelings about Sera not being there today.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“Let’s let her have fun tonight. She can see Sera in the morning.”
James agrees. Rachel is having a great time with her friends at the moment, and letting her end her birthday on a high note is the least they can do. They don’t want to rock the boat.
So James returns to his office and Rose resumes kitchen cleanup. Once all dishes have been washed and all countertops wiped, Rose decides that she has earned herself a break. She takes a seat in the dining room with a book, ready to unwind a bit while she waits for the girls to finish their movie.
Nearly two hours past Rachel’s normal bedtime, the movie ends and the credits start rolling. Almost immediately, the girls start chattering away, sharing comments and thoughts. The sudden increase of volume coming from the living room causes Rose to look up from her book and glance at the clock beside her. It’s getting late. Rose decides to let Rachel and her friends know that it’s time to head upstairs. Even if they don’t go to sleep right away, and Rose knows they won’t, it’s time to close up shop downstairs and bring the party up to Rachel’s room for the night.
Before Rose can get up from her chair, however, Rachel’s coming over to her. Rose internally sighs when she sees that all-too-familiar look on her face. It’s the one she pulls whenever she wants something.  
Here it comes. Rose braces herself. “Yes, Rachel?”
Rachel sidles over beside her stepmother, clasping her hands together. “Can we stay up and watch one more movie?”
“Honey, it’s getting late. Do you know what time it is?”
“It’s only...” Rachel looks at the grandfather clock behind Rose. “Oh. But tomorrow’s Sunday!” Rachel is well-versed in the art of persuasion, or, in other words, the art of getting her way. The gears in her head are already turning. “I wanted to show Maxine Freaky Friday because she’s never seen it before and she really, really wants to watch it.”
“You’ve had such a long day. Aren’t you tired?” Rose expects to be shot down, but… it’s worth a try.
“No,” Rachel insists, a little too quickly, “not really.”
Rose gives her a look.
Realizing that she’s going to have to crank it up a notch, Rachel moves right next to her stepmother and leans against the side of the chair. Rose scoots over to make room for her and Rachel takes a seat. She loops her arm through Rose’s and rests her head on her shoulder. “Please? I promise we’ll go to bed right after.”
“Are you sure about that? I won’t hear you three giggling all night like last time?”
Rachel plays her last card. Pouting her lips, she looks up at Rose with big, sad eyes. “Pleeease, Rose?”
After years and years of Rachel’s tactics, Rose knows that this is just a show. But Rose is soft. She’s always been soft when it comes to Rachel, who’s always known exactly how to pull on her heartstrings. Tonight, though, Rose finds it even harder for her to say no, not only because it’s Rachel’s birthday, but because of those eyes. It wasn’t as noticeable from a distance, but with Rachel sitting so close, Rose can see how her eyes are still a little puffy. And then she remembers that afternoon, and how upset Rachel was… and Rose is weak. She just wants Rachel to have the best birthday possible.    
Sighing in defeat, Rose reaches out and smooths Rachel’s hair. “Just one more movie, and only if you bring it upstairs and watch it in your room. Do we have a deal?”
Rachel squeals and throws her arms around Rose in a hug. “Yay! Thank you!”
And Rose hugs back, wrapping both arms around her and holding on tight even after Rachel starts to pull away.
“Hey!” Rachel’s voice is muffled from being squeezed against Rose. Her stepmother’s response is to hug her even more tightly, which causes Rachel to giggle and squirm around in attempt to break free. “Rose! Let me go!”
Giving Rachel’s back one last gentle pat and pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head, Rose loosens her hold. “Happy birthday, honey.”
Rachel quiets down and lingers in Rose’s arms just a moment longer. “You can watch the movie with us if you want.”
Finally pulling away, Rose smiles softly. “That’s okay. I know kids your age don’t want someone’s dorky mom hanging around.”
Rachel laughs. “You’re not that dorky.”
Those four silly words still manage to warm Rose’s heart. “Thank you, Rachel.”
“Chloe, Maxine!” Rachel calls out to her friends to share the good news. “She said ‘okay’!”
“I want you girls to brush your teeth and get ready for bed before you start your movie, okay?” Rose instructs. “And don’t stay up too late. Maxine’s and Chloe’s parents will be by in the morning, and you know how Mrs. Caulfield likes to come early.”
Rachel returns to the living room to grab their next DVD before bidding Rose goodnight and leading her friends upstairs. There are a few more dishes left to wash, so Rose collects the girls’ ice cream bowls and brings them into the kitchen to add to the pile in the sink. She wets her sponge, squirts a generous amount of dish detergent onto one side and, yawning, begins what she hopes is her last chore of the day.
While Rose is in the middle of dish cleanup, James comes out of his office. “So, Sera called.”
Rose rinses the soap suds from a handful of spoons. “What did she say?”
“She’s on her way. Should probably be here around midnight.”
“All right. I’ll wait up for her,” Rose volunteers. “You can head up to bed first. I know you have that conference call in the morning.”
“Are you sure?” James asks. “I can wait up with you.”
“It’s fine, I’ll still be up. I was going to check in on the girls in a little bit anyway.”
James comes over and puts an arm around Rose, caressing down her back and resting a hand on her waist. Leaning in, he presses a lingering kiss on the soft skin between her neck and shoulder.
“James,” Rose warns in a hushed voice, nudging him away, “the girls.”
He gives a low chuckle. “Okay, okay. Thanks. Let me know if anything comes up.”
The couple share a goodnight kiss and then James disappears upstairs. Once finished with the dishes, Rose sinks into the recliner and relaxes in front of the TV for a while. As it gets closer to midnight, Rose figures that she should pop upstairs one more time to make sure the girls are settling in for the night. Halfway to the second floor, she can already hear the faint sound of the movie playing through Rachel’s closed door. Rose knocks lightly and then waits, listening for a response.
Nobody answers, so Rose slowly opens the door, but only enough to stick her head inside. “Girls, is everything-” She stops. In the dim glow of the portable DVD player’s tiny screen, only one pair of eyes looks back up at her. Rose smiles, stepping into the room and walking slowly, silently over to the bed and lowers her voice to barely a whisper. “Oh dear. Maxine, it looks like your friends fell asleep on you.”
Sprawled out near the foot of the bed, one leg dangling off the edge is Chloe, snoozing with her mouth hanging open. On one side of the bed is Rachel, lying on her belly with her head in her arms, but flipped with her feet towards the headboard. She’s also sound asleep. Then there’s Maxine, sitting in one corner of the mattress, awake and alone and unsure of what to do.
“Would you like me to put this away?” The girl nods gratefully, and Rose picks up the DVD player from its spot against the footboard, careful not to pull on Rachel’s hair by accident. Closing the lid, she sets it on the nearby desk, then goes to rouse her stepdaughter and her sleeping friend. “Come on, girls. Bedtime.”
Rose manages to herd a half-conscious Rachel and Chloe into bed properly and get them under the covers. Only after making sure all three girls are snug and comfy does Rose excuse herself from the room. On her way out, she flips the switch on Rachel’s galaxy night light and gives a little wave to Maxine. “If you need anything, James and I are right down the hall. Sweet dreams.”
Before returning downstairs, Rose stops in her and James’ bedroom to put on something more comfortable. She’s so tired. The sight of her bed is incredibly tempting and it takes everything she has not to collapse onto her mattress and let sleep take her. But Rose changes into her nightgown and pulls on her robe, then slips into her house slippers and forces herself to walk away.
It’s hard for Rose to believe that the girls are all in bed before midnight. This might be the earliest they’ve ever gone to sleep on a sleepover night. A new record. The last time Chloe and Maxine slept over, Rose kept hearing voices and laughter all through the night…  despite sending James into Rachel’s bedroom more than once to tell them that enough was enough and that they needed to go to sleep now. It wasn’t until around four or five in the morning that peace and quiet befell the Amber house at last.
The following morning was rough, and that’s putting it mildly. Rose had to shuffle three zombies downstairs for a breakfast that nobody was in the mood for, and it only got worse when it was time for her guests to leave. Rose was overly apologetic when Chloe’s and Maxine’s families arrived, afraid that she would be seen as an incapable parent who sets no boundaries and lets Rachel rule the roost. William Price, bless him, was completely understanding and laughed it off, saying that the kids never get any sleep at their house either. Rose felt a lot better… until she returned a visibly sleep-deprived Maxine to her mother and had to grin and bear it through Vanessa Caulfield’s silent but obvious judgement.
After stopping in the entryway to switch on the porch light, Rose goes into the living room with the same book from earlier and makes herself comfortable in the recliner facing the window. Sera should be here soon. She just needs to hold out a little longer, and then she can finally, finally head to bed. It’s been such a long day.  
Such a long day…
Rose has lost track of how many times she’s had this exact thought this evening.
Sinking deeper into the chair cushions, Rose cracks open her book but only ends up reading a couple of pages before she starts to nod off. The book slips from her grasp, forgotten, into the space between her and the armrest. Perhaps she should make herself a cup of tea? Vision turning a bit fuzzy, Rose blinks, and blinks, and blinks again… to no avail. Her eyelids feel so heavy. Rose wills herself to sit up, to maybe walk around the room so she can keep herself awake, but it’s as though her arms and legs have suddenly gained a thousand pounds each and she finds herself anchored to her seat.
How in the world is she going to be able to open the door when Sera arrives?
That’s her last conscious thought before everything fades to black.
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lesbiansastiel · 5 years
still untitled fic chapter 4 (i will eventually have to post somewhere... it’s getting long)
this chapter was a mess originally bc i wrote it in like three minutes and it was nothing but dialogue but i edited it and here it is! title is ironic, reference to this song bc i’ve been reading a moomin book lately. all chapters here x
Chapter 4. Starlight
When they reach the next stop on the route to finding an exit from Sam’s heaven, Cas stops Sam near a tall tree and grabs him by the arm. Sam feels a little twist in his chest.
“We don’t have much time.” Cas says, out of breath. Sam feels relieved and worried at the same time, because hey, at least Cas didn’t bring up the previous memory, but oh no, Cas looks bad. This whole tagging-along-to-heaven -business could be draining Cas’ powers worse than they imagined. And to make matters worse, they had no idea how long they’d been here. Time works very differently in heaven, apparently.
“Are you okay?” Sam asks. Cas lets go of his arm.
“I’m running out of power. We will have to get back soon.” Their eyes look red, like someone’s who’s been crying. They have been running in a forest of some vague memory from Sam’s childhood for a while now. Sam doesn’t recognize the memory, but he has a similar feeling of déjà vu as in some of the others. Sam feels a bit guilty for having such a labyrinth of a heaven. He sighs.
“Let’s just get out of this forest. Any helpful ideas what the exit could look like?” Sam’s words come out harsher than he means. He’s tired too.
Cas shakes his head, beaten, and they keep running. Sam feels like giving up, but fights through it, thinking about how he’s doing this for Cas. This was so important to him, Sam knows perfectly well how important; finding the father who’s disappeared, even if it all turns out to be bullshit. It was a familiar quest for him. They need to at least try their best.
So, they run and run and keep running, even though Cas looks more tired than Sam has ever seen them. They don’t stop running until they come up to a bright light.
“Should we go into the light?” Sam asks, his eyes blinded by the light.
“Sam, wait,” Cas says weakly, his breathing shaky and uneven. Sam’s heart is breaking, seeing Cas like this.
“When we go,” Cas begins and turns to look at Sam’s direction, their eyes hurting from the light, too, “I cannot talk to him, he won’t see me. Look for The Garden, and think of his name, and remember that we have to return soon”. Sam nods at Cas and at the same time curses the plan in his mind. But it’s the best plan they have for now, and so he lets the light surround them, and thinks of Joshua and the garden as hard as he can.
In the next instant, they open their eyes inside a big, white, round hall. The glass ceiling is high, like the room was made for giants. Above, there are a million tiny bright lights, but not quite stars, they move too quickly, and new ones turn on as quickly as others turn off. There are tall doors at the sides of the hall, tens of them, maybe more. Sam chooses one, by random, walks up to it, and pulls it. It’s heavy and makes a loud rumbling sound as it opens. Behind it, there is another hall, with the same ceiling, and more doors. Sam backs away and looks at Cas, who is leaning against a wall, looking around as confusedly as Sam.
“I doubt this is a memory of yours?” Cas says and their voice echoes in the huge room.
“Yeah, this is… something else. You don’t recognize it?” Sam is in awe by everything he looks at. He walks up to Cas and offers a hand for them to take as support. Cas holds on to his arm, stands up properly, and they take a few steps to reach the next door.
“I have never been in a place like this before. Maybe it’s your soul’s way of seeing heaven. That would mean we are out of yours,” Cas speaks quietly.
“That’s good right? So how do we fi-” Sam is interrupted by a loud crash from behind them.
 He turns to look to where the sound came from. Cas has disappeared from beside him. One door has opened in the direction of the sound, and Sam walks towards it and notices the door has been ripped out from the frame. He walks in to a room that looks empty, but as he gets there, it’s suddenly not a room anymore. It’s an endless jungle-like place, and he’s standing in moss and there are birds singing and chirping in every direction. He’s yelling the name of Joshua, without realizing it, and his voice gets lost in all the noises of the jungle. When he turns around to see where the door was, there is a desk, and a man sitting behind it. A man with huge angel wings that are there and aren’t there at the same time. He is looking at Sam, with a smile on his face.
Sam tries to take a step back, but his feet are stuck on the mossy ground, there are roots slowly climbing upwards, tying his feet to the ground.
“You’ve come a long way. Not a lot of people find me,” Joshua’s face looks kinder than any other angel’s Sam has met so far. His eyes are dark, almost black, and his chin and cheeks are covered in grey bristles. Sam doesn’t notice himself talking before he hears his own voice say:
“But some do.”
Joshua looks at Sam, analyzing his appearance meticulously from head to toe. Sam feels trapped. He looks around the jungle and tries to find Cas with his eyes. He can’t be far, he wouldn’t leave Sam alone.
“Every once a millennium someone gets lost and finds this place. I guide them on their way,” Joshua eventually answers, taking a pen from his desk and placing it behind his ear. Sam considers what to say for a brief while, and ends up taking the straightforward route:
“I’m looking for God.”
Joshua takes the pen from behind his ear and starts tapping the push button to the desk as he answers:
“Aren’t they all?”
Sam feels strange as Joshua keeps tapping the pen against the desk and staring at him. He feels like this is an office and he’s queueing for a form for the taxes or something.
“Does anyone find... God? Do you know-”
“No, not that I know of. The Father of all creation usually appears by his own will, you see,” Joshua sounds pissed off, but Sam decides to ignore it. His feet are even more stuck to the ground, the roots climbing up on his knees now. Sam feels like he’s taking too much time. And where is Cas? He needs to ask these questions for Cas.
“There has to be a way to reach him? You’ve talked to him, haven’t you? You know how-”
“No. I don’t know anything. I merely take care of his creations, like I’m told,” Joshua’s voice is powerful, it feels like it’s coming right from next to Sam’s ears, thundering by his side.
“Who tells you?” Sam keeps questioning Joshua. It’s starting to feel like an interview. Sam is a crappy journalist, Joshua a bored politician who has nothing wise to say.
“Look, child…” Joshua begins and stands up and takes a few steps to the side of his desk and places the pen on the desk.
“I’ve been doing this since I was created. I was told, that if anyone comes looking for me, comes looking for our father, I must tell them I don’t know anything and show them to their own path.”
Sam shakes his head slowly. The roots on his legs are getting looser and he lifts one leg and the roots fall off. He takes a step and the other leg is also free. The ground feels more solid than before. He walks towards Joshua and asks, with a quieter voice than before:
“Do you know anyone who knows?”
“No.” The answer is rude and short.
Sam isn’t convinced.
“Why did you let me come here then, if there’s nothing to gain from this?”
Joshua reaches to touch Sam’s shoulder and smiles.
“Stop searching, child. It does not take you anywhere,” he sounds kind, but his voice goes darker as he continues: “And I did not let you come here. I tried to keep you out, but you had someone helping you, didn’t you?” 
Joshua lets go of Sam’s shoulder, but Sam feels caught. He looks around, not hiding his worry anymore.
“Where are you, Castiel?” Joshua asks in a roaring voice.
Cas is nowhere to be seen. Sam hopes Cas is okay, that they can still drag both of them out of here, that Joshua won’t hurt them...
“You better call your friend here, right now.” Joshua stands next to his desk, firmly, looking around for Cas. Sam doesn’t reply, he’s hoping Castiel would take it from here, whatever it is that is about to happen.
“I want to have a little chat with your friend,” Joshua says the word friend in a way that makes Sam feel uncomfortable, “I couldn’t keep you out, but I can keep you locked in, until your friend shows up,” Joshua smiles and the roots start climbing up Sam’s legs again.
This time they feel too tight. Sam considers his options: tell Joshua everything he knows and possibly buy time for Cas to get them out of here or hope that Cas knows what he’s doing.
“I don’t know if Cas can show up,” Sam says, eventually. The roots are up to his thighs now.
“Hmm, well. I can see everything that comes to heaven, and I can see that your little helper has been here, with us,” Joshua takes a step towards the trees next to Sam, and looks at Sam, again, investigating his face, “and I can see that Castiel did not want to be seen by me.”
Sam stares at Joshua, who’s not very intimidating with his kind face. Joshua continues with a an almost whisper:
“But I need your friend to know that this little crusade of finding God is useless. So, you better call Castiel, or I will not let you out.” 
Sam knows that Joshua is just following orders. And he seems very precise about following them, even more so than any other angel Sam has met. He will follow his orders, Sam has no doubt about it.
“Cas, I...” Sam begins, defeatedly, but before he can say more Castiel is standing beside him. They look more broken down and tired than before. Sam’s heart skips a beat when Cas looks at him with a sad, defeated expression.
“Castiel!” Joshua snaps out and suddenly Sam can see his wings flashing and slashing as Joshua rises up into the air, “There’s our brave little hero. Looking for God, while I’m supposed to be distracted by your human, huh?” Joshua sounds bitter, almost jealous. His expression is sourer than before, as well. Cas is looking up to Joshua, trembling and swaying on the uneven ground.
“It’s not like that,” Cas’ voice is weary and there are visible bruises on his arms, showing from under the trench coat’s rolled up sleeves. The sleeves are just like they are back at the motel, where Cas stuck his hand inside Sam’s chest, to touch his soul. Suddenly Sam realizes that he doesn’t hurt, at all, although this is supposed to hurt, the touching souls-business. Maybe there’s no pain in heaven. Sam keeps thinking about the motel, he is starting to feel close to the real world, like he’s waking up, the dream is fading… If he closes his eyes, he can hear cars pass by the window behind the couch he’s sleeping, or dying, on.
“I need to know if God is out there, Joshua! So that I can stop hoping. Because if God is still alive, he’s left us, and I want nothing to do with him,” Cas implores, their eyes still fixed on Joshua, who’s higher than before, wings flickering in the air.
“Oh, Castiel. What have you become? You’re willing to risk your own life for this insignificant little voyage!” Joshua moves closer to Castiel and closer to ground, into his personal space, and thus, into Sam’s personal space. Then he continues speaking:
“Or did you simply want to take a little peek into this mortal’s heaven?”
Cas looks at Joshua but doesn’t defend himself.
“Does God live, Gardener?” Cas asks instead. The way he spits out the word “gardener” is filled with hate Sam can’t understand.
Joshua blinks and then says slowly, each word with precision: “I, don’t, know.”
Sam wants to help Cas and asks:
“Why are you following the orders if there’s a chance God’s not alive?”
“Why do all angels follow orders, child?” Joshua looks as Sam now, intensely, “Isn’t it obvious! That’s all we’re capable of doing… Like your Castiel. Did you know that his orders are… to break them? To rebel. To stir commotion. To start a war in heaven.”
Castiel looks at Cas, who looks so tired it’s wonder they’re standing up. Sam tries to think about all that just happened, to come up with some reply, but he can’t think of anything. He just looks at Cas and tries to send a message of “hang in there”.
Suddenly Sam can feel the roots falling off from his legs and then they’re standing on solid ground again, back in the hall. 
 “I guess Joshua said all he wanted to say,” Sam says at Cas. 
Cas nods, or looks down on the ground, and then immediately falls on the ground. Sam drops on his knees next to him and touches his face. It’s burning hot. Sam’s mind is in a million different places at once:
“Cas!” Sam is frantically touching Cas’ face and chest and then their arms and the bruises. Cas shows no signs of responding.
“Cas? Please- Cas!” Sam can feel his breath’s get more uneven as he shakes Castiel. 
He can hear and smell the motel, but they’re still here, in the white hall.
“Please bring us back, take us back, please.”
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youseissi · 5 years
𝚂𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍 현실판에
Chapter 2 - Tell Me Who You Who Am I
Word Count: 9110
Chapter 1 ✧ Chapter 2 ✧ Chapter 3 ✧ Chapter 4 ✧ Chapter 5 ✧ Chapter 6 ✧ Chapter 7 ✧ Chapter 8 ✧ TBC ✧ AO3 ✧ Masterlist
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Everything had settled into a peaceful routine that went on totally undisturbed for barely over three months since they started living together. That is until they got caught up in it again.
On a night like any other, Yunho had just hit the button to look for a match on the game he was currently hooked on at the time. He usually had a few nights per week for himself and he spent it doing just that, playing games to forget how tired college actually made him and everyone else in the whole building.
The pop up to accept the found match appeared the same time as his phone started ringing besides him on the bed, it was Hongjoong calling. He picked it up immediately bringing it to his ear, but he only heard the sound of the other hanging up on him. Weird. The screen lighted up on his hand showing a new text notification out of many many he had missed before, apparently his roommate had been blowing up his phone for a while.
He hit cancel on the game’s dialogue box that counted down incessantly still waiting for him.
8 p.m
dude anser me
its serious
look i need you to come save me
8:01 p.m
8:01 p.m
i don’t have much time to explain
cardinal at the mall
the one next to the museum we went last week
i tried running but this kid got lost
she said she lost her parents
was crying
i couldn’t leave her
now we’re hiding on the second floor
cuz everything is happening t the first floor
if i move she cries
very loudly
you gotta come help us idk what to do
if you come thru the stairs from the parking lot i think no one will see you
the cops aren’t here yet
8:01 p.m
got it
omw now
don’t move
8:01 p.m
couldn’t even if i wanted to
we’re not in a good spot
too close to the ledge
but i can see the stairs from here
joongie is now sharing his location
The way there felt like hours, when in reality it didn’t take more than ten minutes since the location was so close that he could run there by foot. Around the mall a commotion was starting to form with a few police cars and media vans setting up camp, but thankfully the place wasn’t sealed up yet as Yunho managed to sneaky in through a back entrance into the garage floor.
It was unsettling, for the first time in a while the fear creeping up around him was no one else’s but his own while walking around the empty the floor. Going through the door and up the stairs, that were clearly never used beyond emergency situations, only made him feel worse. The unnatural light and silence filled the all white space giving it a bad atmosphere.
Once he finally made to the second floor doorway he understood what Hongjoong meant by bad spot. The floor they were in cut off in a circular shape above the downstairs entrance hall with a small glass ledge to give a clear view of what each side had to offer. It didn’t work in their favor as the exit in which he stood was between storefronts making the only path besides the edge.
Yunho risked taking a peek beyond his hiding spot behind the shielding door. Downstairs
people stood filling the hall spaced out like an army formation waiting for orders, The Cardinal was easy to spot, dressed in a wine red velvet suit and sitting on a chair from a nail kiosk placed in front of his temporary minions. He looked inattentive scrolling through his phone. The other guy wasn’t anywhere in sight. Not good, Yunho thought.
In comparison to the missing invisible man, Hongjoong was easy to spot which was an even worse sign. If the villain downstairs did not continue with his back turned, he would be noticed right away. The small man hid away behind a plant pot, a small silhouette behind him barely visible as well, Yunho assumed that was the little girl he was trying to protect. They also were stuck in front of a sealed wall between storefronts.
Objectively thinking Yunho was there only to make sure they weren’t controlled, he couldn’t do much else protection wise. Would be so convenient if he just could teleport them out, but all they could do was rush to sneak away before that tall guy appeared. They couldn’t waste time. The other met his eyes and gave a nod with worry shaping his face.
Yunho tried rushing quietly towards one of the hallways by his side, which wasn’t easy with his huge body having to crouch while also trying to stay the farthest away from the exposing ledge as possible. Nonetheless he made it, not wasting time to stand straight and run further in, trailing through the maze of halls to make a covered path back to the other side in which his friend was waiting at.
The distance was short, but not simple as an obstacle appeared when he took a sharp turn and almost bumped into the until now missing sidekick. He cursed under his breath as he went back pressing himself against a wall close to the corner. He took a peek yet again waiting to see what direction the big guy went, but the man only continued to roam around for a while. As if he was looking for something. Again.
He turned his back and Yunho took the chance to take off towards the next hallway, expecting to circumvent him, but of course the phone in his pocket fell right at that moment. He stopped in his tracks practically as an instinct to try and save it, his shoes screeching against the floor so close from being out of a sight.
“Hey!” he heard a deep voice call out although he didn’t stop to get even more confirmation  that he was now being chased. He ran at full speed not minding the noise he made anymore, trying to make distance between him and the loud footsteps that seemed to keep getting closer. Finally, he made it full circle and reached the edge again now close to his target.
He stopped where the hallways and the balcony met looking behind him for the first time. The tall man just now turned the corner  with some distance between them that didn’t give him much time to reach Hongjoong and back.
“Run, go go go!” Yunho yelled at the his friend that was watching his disheveled arrival with alarmed eyes. It took the other only a small moment to register it, grab the kid and sprint forward, impressing Yunho a bit with his quick reflexes. The small girl cried loudly in his arms and he could be seen clearly from downstairs, but after how loud Yunho yelled their stealth mission had already been considered a fail anyways.
The man chasing him now already less than two meters away was ready to catch them, and Yunho didn’t really wanna wait to see whatever he was going to do with him when he did, so he lunged forward trying to push the other back enough to make an opening for himself to run as well. Unexpectedly he got grabbed and got himself pulled forward towards him.
Yunho clearly wasn’t a fighter, his long limbs more of a deterrent than a vantage in trying to get himself loose from his grasp. His opponent however had some experience and it wasn’t long till Yunho was being immobilised with his arms behind his back on the floor, the other holding him down.
He proud himself in at least putting up what he considered enough of a fight. That is until he looked up to see Hongjoong still standing there looking torn, lowering the kid down. Yunho cursed his idiot friend for not leaving him behind when he cleared told him to run, like this he would be caught for nothing.
The small man looked ready to get involved and start off the fight all over again but the tiny girl hugged into his leg yelling and weeping then, the big guy on top of Yunho focusing on her as well. For a second the world stopped, none of them knowing how to make their next move when a voice behind them robbed all of their attentions yet again.
"What do we have here?" asked The Cardinal himself now standing a few feet away watching the ordeal. His voice was pleasing to the ear, his head tilted slightly in curiosity and eyes almost gentle beneath the mask. If everything about him didn't impose a impression of superiority, or arrogance as the two civilians perceived it as, then you could almost believe he had good intentions as he eyed the child clinging to Hongjoong's leg.
Everyone was frozen in place as if paralysed by the sudden intrusion. Even the kid stopped her cries, the villain now going towards her.
"Don't move." He told the kid's current protector that started to protest.
"What's your name?" He asked crouching in front of the little girl that promptly bursted into tears as a response.
"Don't cry." He ordered her and she stopped, easy as that. "You have to calm down and be strong now, okay?" He continued in a less authoritarian tone, cooing over the girl like a parent.
"What's your name?" the villain tried, but the girl didn't speak.
"Answer me." Yunho could hear his impatience growing through his more commanding tone. His mind raced as he waited for the right moment, when his assailant was distracted just enough for him to move again.
"Haseul" the little girl let out, her voice a bit hoarse from crying so much.
"That's a pretty name. Is this your brother?" The villain's tone was now back to being soft at the child's forced compliance.
"No." The kid answered and the mask covering the villain's face moved as he furrowed his brows.
"Did you come here with him?" He tried a different route than just guessing their relation to one another.
"Who did you come here with?" the villain started a interrogation now, going back and forth with the little girl, trying to figure out what to do with her.
"With Mama."
"Do you know where she is?" he continued to ask softly.
"Okay." The villain let out a sigh at that. "Do you know where the toy store is downstairs? The one right by the entrance?"
"You're gonna take that elevator, press the button number 1, walk straight ahead to the toy store and sit down on the couch by the playpen, okay? Do you understand me?" the command back in his tone, he tried giving clear instructions that even a child could get.
"You'll forget you saw me and forget that this happen. I'll send your mom to find you soon, be a good girl and take a little nap while you wait. Now go." He finished and the girl went on towards the elevator, not crying anymore as the villain watched over her till she was already inside and the elevator moving.
"Now, first problem solved. What's next?" The Cardinal said turning towards them again. " I guess you were here trying to help that kid." He said slowly his indicator hitting Hongjoong chest.
"And you." Yunho thought he was now talking to him, but his eyes went past his. "Why am I seeing you right now?" He enunciated slowly again tilting his head.
"Uh…" the guy practically straddling Yunho didn't seem to have a answer ready for that so the villain moved on.
He put both his hands on either sides of Hongjoong's face, cupping his cheeks and looking into his eyes as he starts his orders for the shorter man.
"Go downstairs, stand by the other people and wait for my next order. Understood?" He always spoke in a steady slow tone, coating every word with what Yunho could feel as his power manifesting.
While The Cardinal's power didn't affect him personally, it still reach and manifested all around him and it felt almost like what he would experience as an emotion. It left his mouth with an unpleasant feeling as if he had taken a spoonful of honey, thick and hard to swallow, a faint taste of wine made him feel light and his head felt full of cotton. His perception slowed down as if he was underwater for the few seconds the sound was resonating in the air, although he wasn’t really bound by any real weight he didn't trust himself to be sharp or precise with his moves while hearing it.
Hongjoong didn't answer immediately, his shoulders trembling slightly. He was seething with anger and Yunho imagined that at that moment he must’ve been trying his best to resist the enchantment. The people that were being controlled didn't give off any emotion, their auras a dull weak grey and Yunho could only assume that meant they were fully numb during the influence.
He had to do something fast before his friend went away, what would happen to Yunho when they realise he can't take his orders? Was his acting skill good enough to pretend he did? The fact that the big guy wasn't invisible already messed up his credibility. His thoughts raced as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.
"Answer me. Do you understand?" The villain's tone was harsher and more commanding this time, even more heavily coated with power.
It was almost pitiful seeing his friend's fingers curl up into fists as he tried his best to oppose his orders. Yunho knew how awfully the feeling of being controlled affected the other, the helplessness of the past incidents already developed in the form of a trauma in his mind.
He felt the pressure over him give in just slightly, his opponent either tired or distracted, and that was enough for him to push his weight up,not wasting any time in trying to spring towards his friend.
It wasn't even funny how he immediately got pushed down again only being able to free one arm that he stretched out pathetically as if he could reach the other. If only he got a bit further. But he couldn't, he was too far away. Tears formed in his eyes out of frustration, feeling the helplessness himself now.
The Cardinal didn't even flinch at his sudden outburst, still focused on Hongjoong.
"Yes, I understand." Yunho whimpered at how low and weak Hongjoong's voice sounded as he answered, feeling like he just got punched in the stomach.
He came here to save Hongjoong and if only he hadn't screwed up they wouldn't be going through this. If only he could touch Hongjoong for just a second. If only his outstretched arm could reach him. If only his power wasn't bound to him, he would gladly give it to Hongjoong that would use it for so much better.
As tears overflowed and his desperation only rose, he trashed under the weight of the villain's sidekick focusing on these ifs and his own power. He could feel his power surging in his hand, something Yunho had never noticed before. It coursed through his body, running up his arm until it reached and accumulated in his fingertips, his digitals feeling hot almost burning.
If only it could go beyond himself and reach Hongjoong.
But the short man's back already started to distance himself from his blurred vision, taking his first steps away from the whole ordeal.
"Second problem solved." The Cardinal now had his attention to the teary Yunho on the floor and he could only feel embarrassed at himself being seen in such a state.
His piercing eyes held curiosity as he inspect his prisoner's face in silence.
"Now what do I do with you?" The villain mused out loud. "So many questions, so little time." He held a hand to his own cheek deep in thought, gaze still focused on his prey.
Suddenly The Cardinal fell backwards, pulled with force by the back of his shirt’s collar and not being able to regain his balance. His companion reflexively moved to help forgetting about the trapped boy beneath him. Yunho took his chance again to push him away with his own weight again, this time a pair of hands helping him by pulling their opponent as he pushed.
Free from their grasps, Yunho now ran forward taking several moments to process that it was Hongjoong that opened this breach, the other running by his side. They made their escape before the villainous duo could recover and chase after them.
The next few days Yunho mused over the happenings that lead to their escape. Hongjoong felt a miracle woke him up, sure that his willpower to resist had already completely ran out by then. Yunho tried focusing on his power often trying to replicate that surge he felt.
He always thought of his own power as a passive skill. He didn't need to do anything to activate it, it was always on. Now that he knew how it felt he tried to really feel it as an entity rather than just a concept. It was like breathing or blinking, imperceptible unless you put thought into it.
It flowed through him warmly giving him the impression of what it would be like to feel your own blood circulation. He concentrated it in his hand and, without the stress and threats around him, he could feel it dissipating outwards as if heat was coming off of him.
Although he never wanted this power, he not once thought about turning it off. Now he tried to do exactly that and meditate the power to stop and flow out of his system with his mind. It worked while he kept his eyes closed, the constant invading silhouettes of colorful lights not appearing in the dark of his eyelids like before. It was short lived ending as soon as he opened his eyes.
The moments of peace would be welcome as he went through crowds or heated arguments in class if not so fleeting. He sighed, unable to escape the overwhelming amount of feelings surrounding him constantly.
As time continues to fly by, he practices it without a certain objective, just the flow of it. One day The Cardinal appears on TV and his sidekick is clearly plastered across the whole frame. It sparks an idea in his head.
Hongjoong jumps from the couch turn to him.
"It's him! It's that invisible guy! Is he not hiding anymore? Why aren't they talking about him?" He exclaimed as he walked to Yunho's side at his desk.
Yunho was focusing his power to flow towards Hongjoong. This time he could feel a thread of energy connecting them, unlike the sloppy burst of power that was all over the place last time he tried using it on him.
"Ah!" The taller boy was about to tell him about his findings when he felt the ring in his hand break apart and fall down.
"Oh, he became invisible again." His friend commented in confusion as he bent down to pick up the remaining of his busted ring.
The ring was lowkey important to him which kinda sucked, but he was more curious about why it broke unprompted. The pieces felt powdery and fragile in his fingers and he smashed the rest without much effort.
Had his power done that? Had it gone through the ring? Perhaps this was proof that it indeed took a physical form. Could he maybe capture it?
If it was energy similar to heat he was out of luck on something permanent, but it was a start. Yunho looked at the tv still showing his opponent from last week and he turn to Hongjoong that now stared at him worried.
"Hey, do you have a ring that you can lend me?"
"That would fit on your fingers? Probably not." He answered, mock on his tone.
"No, just get me a ring that you don't like that much. I wanna try something real quick." He insisted rolling his eyes.
As expected of his fashionable roommate, Hongjoong grabbed from a drawer a transparent box full of rings separated into tiny slots and brought out a few he wasn't too fond off.
Yunho grabbed one that looked more cheap and held it with a closed fist while trying to imagine the energy concentrating into it. A few moments passed before he let it go, not really knowing what to expect or when to stop.
"Put it on." He said while handing the ring back to the shorter boy.
"Why? What did you do?" He looked skeptical, but was already positioning the ring on his finger as he spoke.
Yunho immediately knew it worked because from the moment the other touched the ring he couldn't see his aura anymore. There was no dancing lights surrounding him, no worry or confusion or pent up stress or any other emotion filling up the air that Yunho breathed and weighted down on his shoulders. Only his own. That were ecstatic right now.
"Why are you smiling like this? You're start to creep me out a little." The older asked with caution, confused.
"Joongie, look at the tv."
"That guy again! Wha- ah, is it the ring?" Yunho nodded at him, a smile on his face. "Yunho that's amazing! Now we're safe, The Cardinal can't control us anymore!" His roommate exclaimed with a smile on his face and Yunho felt fond of the way he said ‘we’ even though Yunho already couldn’t be controlled.
As he said those words, he grabbed onto Yunho's shoulder in excitement and the ring fell with the sudden movement. A quick look confirmed it was broken, it's texture weak and crumbling without much pressure.
"I'm pretty sure that ring was pretty sturdy before you touched it. You kinda own me a new ring now." He pointed out, his excitement dwindling a bit. "But you can just do it again, right?"
"That's why I told you to get one you didn't really like. I can do it again, but I'm afraid it'll just end up in the same way. It might still take a while to perfect it, but I already have a few ideas on what to do next to improve it." Yunho said, mind racing with the possibilities of it. Now he wouldn’t have anymore risk of getting caught up in this incidents involving the villain and neither would Hongjoong. That made him feel tons lighter, even more thinking about the break he would get from his friend’s overwhelming feelings.
"That's great already." Hongjoong continued with a mischievous look. "With that we can finally stick it to that arrogant prick."
"I mean, it would be nice if we just never saw him in person again. Even if the ring was unbreakable it wouldn't protect you from getting beat up, you know." He interjected, frowning at the other eagerness to affront The Cardinal.
"Yeah, I guess so." He quiet down after that, deep in thought and Yunho again wished he could turn his power off on his own, guessing what the other was thinking by his feeling.
He wanted to protect Hongjoong, but now he worried he might be opening him a path into even more trouble.
The next few days, Yunho waited. Some of his classes were soon gonna move to the lab for more practical classes and an excuse to enter the labs was exactly what he needed. Until then he could just focus on his normal life and deflect Hongjoong’s nagging.
The older one now used a few accessories Yunho had “enchanted” as he called it. Yunho didn’t particularly felt that was the right word for what he was doing, but he still couldn’t describe it better. Metal seemed to work best, so maybe it could be considered forging.
That had also given some better perspective on the items lifetime, when Hongjoong used it out of his view it lasted with no problems whereas around him everything wore off quickly. It probably had to do with actively repealing Yunho’s power which wasn’t a good sign if it was supposed to be used against the villains that seemed to have way more aggressive powers than him.
As much as his roommate wanted to be protected, he was clearly getting tired of losing his accessories to his experiments. Yet Yunho pushed him to keep using them around him, summing up some lames excuses to just have a break from feeling way too intense emotions that weren’t his.
Yunho made that much effort to live alone before for a reason. Feeling everyone else’s feelings twenty four seven was exhausting and Hongjoong in special was a constant rollercoaster of emotion. The other just always felt so intensely all the time, it didn’t give him a break.
Usually the power holder could identify two or three types of people when it came to this. The most common were the people that lived mildly just going step by step, emotion by emotion not bothering him much.
Then there were people that were moved by reacting, feelings constantly activated and affected by their surroundings, living bound by their own perception of others. He could tell this type easily by how often he’d feel worry and relief from them, the clear anxiety keeping him on edge, but overall they were easy to get used to and he knew how to deal with them well, showering them with validation gave him great payback.
And then there was the type of people like Hongjoong that were just actively feeling all the time, regardless of anything else and laced with confidence in his own self. He just had a fire in him that didn’t dwell down, opinionated and vocal about everything he was involved in.
And Yunho felt that fire, he felt Hongjoong’s usual distraught at the news and his excitement while he worked on reforming clothes to his style and his huge satisfaction when his intuition was right and how inquiet he got when him or one of their friends was going through a down phase that had nothing to do with him and the boy couldn’t help.
It was just so strong and it never stopped.
Yunho mused that the other was someone to look up to with the way he lived to the fullest even when they were just college students getting beat up by student life. A great motivator, you could just look at him and feel inspired which was great, but sometimes Yunho felt invaded.
As if everyone’s feeling was being pushed onto him so much that he couldn’t notice his own anymore. And he knew that sooner or later that’d explode on him if he wasn’t careful. He had learned the hard way that his feelings had to be tended to, as a kid it was hard to distinguish what were his emotions and what wasn’t when he was still not self aware.
Life is a pursuit of happiness, yet no one could feel happy all the time, right? But young Yunho had started to believe he could, if everyone around him was happy he could feel happy too even if he himself wasn’t. It wasn’t long till he grew up compressing his real feelings, pushing them away for better ones. Even if his weren’t half bad, so so was not enough when he could just feel pure joy from someone else.
The drop when he couldn’t brighten the mood around him would affect him more than it should. Being alone felt empty and numb. It took a long depressing time and a feel heartbreaking situations to understand what was wrong and he still couldn’t handle serious situations well.
Now having Hongjoong not filling up the room with his emotional presence he could breath and take a second to just feel in peace with himself.
It was still one of those waiting days that Yunho saw his suspected lifelong nemesis again. He wasn’t expecting it at all and the thought of the situation still made him feel unsafe at his own living space as one day he opened the door to their room coming back from class and just saw the gigantic silhouette going out the window.
He might’ve thought it was an animal had the room given to them not been in the fifth floor. Looking at the direction it had come from, in Yunho’s bed laid an phone on top of his messy covers. Not any phone, his phone. The one he dropped around a week ago.
A single notification popped up as he turned on the screen, a message from an unknown number.
12:30 pm
Stay away from the cardinal or there will be consequences.
12:45 pm
don’t worry i don’t wanna anything to do with all this
12:46 pm
Good. We’ll be watching you so don’t even think about trying anything funny
The thought that they knew who he was and that now he was under surveillance was frightening, specially the fact that the guy had been there inside his room. Yunho didn’t really know how to react to that. At hindsight he should’ve told Hongjoong, it was also his room after all, however he didn’t wanna give the other even more reason to feel personally attacked by the villains.
He couldn’t get it out of his mind the rest of the day though, as the initial shock faded his own curiosity rose up. He didn’t want anything to do with it, but now that he had a contact to text, why not, he guessed.
14:57 pm
so you’re the invisible dude right
The typing indicator came up a few times, but after an hour Yunho wasn’t expecting an answer anymore.
17:33 pm
I gave you a warning, seriously it won’t end well for you Yunho.
Don’t contact me again
Okay, not really up for talking I guess… After that he dropped it, slightly creeped out from seeing the other calling him by name.
He didn’t want to be involved, but he was still curious about the invisible guy’s origin, because realistically it would be too much of a coincidence for him to be his brief childhood friend. Nonetheless, the thought persisted on his mind that there could be a chance that it was the same person he knew of and it had him intrigued beyond his usual caution.
Maybe it was his guilt conscience that had his interest peaked. He didn't like to dwell on his regrets, but his initial reaction of running away from that kid years ago was something he wished he hadn't done. At least not so lastingly, after all their powers may have been different, but their overall situation wasn't so much.
If anything Yunho might’ve been the privileged one for the first time in his life, for having such easy to hide powers. Both were scared to show their true selves and be rejected for being different, but Yunho could just pretend it wasn’t his case while the other most probably could not.
Powers like theirs didn’t come with an instruction manual, even now at twenty years of age he kept finding out new aspects to it still. To him the potential now felt unlimited as he learned more and more exciting things he could do with it, to control it, but that was a perspective of his adult self.
As a child they had no control over it, powers were like an involuntary act like blinking or breathing and the kid just didn’t know it was abnormal or ‘wrong’. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like growing up invisible, how the other must’ve struggled at being thrown into the world not even understanding his own self and already having to deal with the consequences of it.
And to top it all off, the only person that could see him shunned him away the moment they noticed he was like that. Yunho felt like trash thinking about it.
Finally the lab days arrived, and Yunho had so much planned out already. At first he cursed having those chemistry classes, he was coursing a computer engineering degree and he didn’t think it was particularly useful to get the same generalised class as all other engineering courses, specially when he just wanted to write some code or explore game design.
It did pay off now tho, giving him enough insight to know what he was looking for and what to do with it. Sneaking in with his access code later on in the day, he swiftly took up a spot in front of a microscope and rushed to take out his research material out of his backpack, not wanting to stay there not even a moment more than necessary.
Switching two pieces of the same ring under the lenses, he analysed the difference closely. Yunho had been hoping he could identify what his power did to make them break so easily, and if he was lucky signs that his power had any physical form.
And lucky indeed he was, it seemed his power made the material structure more spaced out with little invisible to the eye grainy crystals forming in between any microscopical free space they found.
He tries forcing more of his power into it and that explained why things would become porous and dissolved like sand, with this tiny shards expanding into it until they overcame the original material.
That meant he could definitely make something more sturdy with better material. He’d have to study a lot of atomic structure and boring stuff like that and it made him groan at the thought of it but he was willing for the pay off.
Suddenly the door opened with a loud thud, interrupting his thoughts and almost giving him a heart attack.
“Hey, found anything useful?” The fashion major said making his way to Yunho without much discretion.
“Ah… you know, it’s rude to come in without knocking” Yunho ignored his question still grasping his chest and trying to recover from the jumpscare. His roommate laughed at the exaggerated reaction, stopping to sit down next to him. “I understand how this works better now, so soon I’ll make something durable and stop breaking your accessories.”
“That’s great, I was running out already. Care to explain what am I looking at?” Hongjoong asked a bit sarcastically as he leaned into his space to look at the microscope himself.
“Do you see those little clear dots? It’s probably my power, it grows till it takes too much space and makes the ring break.” The taller said towering over the other’s back to look too.
“I see” Hongjoong hummed. He sat back and watched Yunho gather the things he brought over back into his backpack. “So, I was thinking…”
By the other’s aura Yunho already knew whatever it was, it was trouble. The yellow hesitance swayed in his vision with sprinkles of orange and red fierce tones, fitting of Hongjoong’s ever so warm visual presence.
“I was thinking, if you can make it last, couldn’t you make something to stop The Cardinal as well? Maybe sprinkle some of those crystals on handcuffs or something? I know you said it was hard to approach him, but that was when I couldn’t see the other guy. And I’m not thaaat defenceless I’m sure I can put up a good fight if I can see my opponent.” Hongjoong went on, continuing to list reasons to convince Yunho that they could win with his power.
The younger was appalled at Hongjoong eagerness to take on both of the villains like this, but he’d be lying if he said that his curiosity wasn’t peaked at making a device that could stop The Cardinal’s power.
With his power taking physical form it was indeed possible, even if temporary. If he could make a device that rendered the other powerless for just a while…
Developing something like that presented itself as a puzzle way too stimulating for Yunho’s mind, already scheming what would it take to make it for real, what approach he should take that would be the most effective and he had to grip the table and stop himself for a moment before he fell into that rabbit hole.
“I just hate it, even if I get to be immune to his power I don’t think I can stand by as everyone else is dragged into it. Yunho, please you’ve got to help me. I understand the risk I’d be taking, I’m not dumb. Just give me something to fight with and I swear I won’t bother you about it again.” Hongjoong pleaded, and Yunho hated the feeling overwhelming him, pure, desperate and selfless.
“I think this will be a mistake, but if my best friend asks me like this how can I say no.” Yunho answered with a sigh giving in and Hongjoong smiled widely practically bouncing off his seat to hug the younger.
“ But ,” Yunho continued holding up a finger before the other got too excited. ”I really don’t want anything to do with this past this part. You can go play batman, but I refuse to be your Robin, okay? Consider me James, I’ll try and see if I can give you some equipment that works against them. After that you’re on your own, I refuse to go get my butt kicked with you.”
“And who said I’m getting my butt kicked?” Hongjoong retorted with a pout, but the corner of his mouth couldn’t contain his lasting smile. “I get it you don’t want to fight, that’s your choice and I respect that. You’ve already been doing more than enough by protecting me all this time with your powers, I’m thankful really.”
Yunho couldn’t help but smile too at the other words.
Turns out building little prototypes for Hongjoong was way more fun than Yunho had predicted. The younger already had a natural hand with technology and his creativity combined with years of reading comic books filled his head with ideas not only of ways to apply his own power, but of plain weapons to help the other fight and capture the villain.
If The Cardinal was a supervillain then Hongjoong would have to be his antagonising superhero, and so that inspired the fashion major to work on an uniform to make himself easily recognisable, but also cover his identity.
Much of their enemy’s tactic fell on swaying the public’s mentality and the last thing Hongjoong wanted was to be publicly recognised by his little internet following. Standing up to the other was sure to earn him a spotlight over all types of media and he hoped it would work out in his favor, raise the moral of those that had been controlled before.
That being said his uniform wasn’t flashy or anything of the sort, just a very stylistic and accessorised black suit, followed by a mask and hat covering the lower half of his face and shadowing his eyes.
In a week he had it done, Yunho finishing some of his projects soon after, thanking the god’s for the college’s facilities offering so much for his course. It was truly amazing what you could do with a 3d printer plus some chips and cables.
Hongjoong was dressed up in his attire, showing off his designer skill to his friend in their room when Yunho presented him with his first set of gear.
“So I made these three items so far, they are still prototypes and need testing, but are ready to use already.” Yunho started dropping the tech on the table.”I’m making something more permanent to deal with their powers for good, but that might take a long time still.”
“Okay, walk me through it.” The new hero asked.
“So those earphones, I made them embedded with my power. I made them hollow inside so that the piece of rubber I added inside has space to expand well before it becomes too much. So it’s not like it’s unbreakable or anything, but they do have a trick to them to help you out in that case.” The technician started explaining, Hongjoong looking slightly lost, but understanding for the most part humming along.
“They are completely noise cancelling, all you hear will actually be filtered by a mic, that way if the duration runs out the mic breaks as well and you’ll hear nothing. It’ll be a pain, but it should be enough for you to make a escape without hearing The Cardinal’s voice.” He continued.
“Ah I see, you thought it out so thoroughly, I’m impressed.” Hongjoong stroke the other’s ego seeing how excited he looked talking about his creation, making him bashful to the the point of his ear reddening.
“Yeah, I mean, nothing I make can last forever so we’ve got to consider what to do when it breaks. I made this one rather easy to do maintenance with refills for the inside though so I would rather you didn’t let it get to that point. Also if you press the button here on the side it calls me. You know, for emergencies only.” He finished describing his most fond masterpiece.
“Got it” The older nodded. ”Next.”
“Okay, those gloves then. Easy to explain, they are basically a weak taser. Mainly to take care of the big guy, they give a nice stun for you to get past him. Just use it as a last case scenario trick up your sleeve since they don’t have much charge. I’m working on something better and long ranged, but maybe in the meantime you should actually go out and buy a taser.” Yunho explained, and Hongjoong hummed in response.
The older had mentioned not wanting to use any heavy weapons, taking the ethics of the heroic role seriously, and so Yunho was trying to accommodate his wishes, although it was hard to escalate the effectiveness without also escalating the pain.
“The last one is just a charm for you to put on in a bracelet or necklace to use in daily life. It’s easy to open and refill so you can use it around me as well.” Yunho explained handing him a little tiny star.
Hongjoong swirled the tiny sparkly item on the tip of his finger analysing it from every angle.
“It’s so pretty.” He mumbled, a soft smile falling on Yunho’s face. “You know, sometime you need to really explain to me why I should use it around you. We never talked about your power since we first met.” The smile in his face faded as fast as it came. “I just don’t want to make it harder for you, if you need me to use this there must be a reason, right?”
Yunho sighted at that, knowing the time to open up would come. He just never knew how to talk about serious things like that, his power specially.
“I just see and feel things in a different way and it can be overwhelming sometimes.” He answered not really wanting to get deeper into it.
“You know you can talk to me about it if you need to. I’ll try to understand whatever it is.” Hongjoong said softly leaving the tiny star on the desk, his emotions now noticeable again. The soft orange hue of his compassion warming Yunho up and breaking through his walls, just a little bit.
They had been rooming together for a while now, he might as well open up. He only hoped the other didn’t think he was praying onto his feelings, he was sure this should be a major privacy invasion. Not that he could do much about that.
“Have you ever heard of empaths?” He started off dreading it already.
“Like people that can understand other people’s feelings well?” The older turned back to him while taking the outer layer of his suit to put it away.
“Not quite, it’s not just understanding. I- I can feel it myself, the emotions of other people. In a very different way than normal people would feel them.” Yunho was hesitant to continue explaining, but Hongjoong waited patiently for it.
“With every sense I can feel it, I see auras and I feel it in the temperature, even in the smell in the air and in the taste on my tongue and sometimes I can even hear a ringing in my ear when it’s too strong. It’s tiring and invasive and I can’t really turn it off. That’s why it gives me a break if you use it.”
He ended spilling his secrets way too easily, glad to get it off his chest, barely stopping himself before saying how Hongjoong’s emotional was specially exhausting.
Hongjoong stretched a hand to touch his shoulder, looking at him with a soft expression in his face as he said his own thoughts.
“I see, that explains a few things. Yunho, I know it must be hard for you to open up about it, but I just want to let you know you can trust me. I won’t judge, I just want to help. So next time I hope you feel comfortable to tell me anything you’re struggling with earlier.”
Yunho hummed in response, a pout on his lips to hold back the teary sensation overcoming his face. The other seeming satisfied with his own speech and went away to change the rest of his clothes.
Hongjoong sometimes felt like a father figure to Yunho, already knowing his troubles before he even said anything, but waiting patiently for him to come to him for advice instead of intervening by himself.
And Yunho was glad for it, to have someone solid in his life that he could always rely on and fall back onto when he needed help or it all became too much, that didn’t push him too hard or demanded more than he could give.
He just wasn’t used to being vulnerable like that with someone else and it would take more than just a few months to reach a point where he would be comfortable venting out his inner struggles, specially after internalising it for so long.
The first time Hongjoong actually went out to fight the villain came sooner than he expected and Yunho was a ball of nerves, yet he didn’t back down on his decision to not get caught up in it.
It was still early into the night as they saw the news, The Cardinal shouting into a megaphone from a varanda of a low building, stopping a whole avenue with just his voice.
His attacks seemed to follow a pattern now of growing in scale, installing fear in the citizens heart, continuing to record it through the wide web. It supplied them with a previous test of their equipment when he started a ig live a few days back, so now they were all set knowing the earphones worked.
He was getting greedy and his roommate that had been itching to just go there and punch him in the face got ready in record time, jumping through the window into the fire escape to not attract any attention to his suspicious outfit.
Since Yunho forged those little gadgets to help him out and he finished his own uniform, Hongjoong had been out “patrolling” as a “superhero” a few time. Yunho found it cringy to just think about it, but the other had a point that he needed to practice, both using the gadgets and porting himself like a vigilante, as well as fighting and being inconspicuous.
He managed to even catch a few petty thieves and drunk harassers on the street to his best friend surprise. It wasn’t that Yunho doubted Hongjoong, but he didn’t expect the other to own up to this persona so well.
In theory his part was to just be mindful of his phone in case Hongjoong fucked up too bad, otherwise he was supposed to be free of responsibility. That didn’t make him any less nervous and he knew he wouldn’t be able to calm down on his own, neither focus on anything else so he just made sure his phone was ringing as loud as it possibly could and took a couple of pills to sooth his anxiety and maybe rest his eyes a little bit.
He just couldn’t concentrate enough to do anything else after all. Not his smartest idea, he gets that, but they talked beforehand about not overdoing it too much on the first time and being cautious, so he just choose to trust that Hongjoong would have an ounce of common sense and not need him to intervene so early on.
Not even fifteen minutes later tho his phone rang, startling him and he groaned as he held it up, already mourning the fact that he would have to leave his comfy covers and go out in the cold weather.
The message on the screen wasn’t what he was first expecting though.
09:37 pm
Yunho I’m serious don’t get involved in this or you’ll regret it.
09:37 pm
im not involved
im literally in bed rn playing hearthstone on my phone
i could not be less involved even if i tried
09:38 pm
I’m not an idiot there’s no way this is not your friend right there
09:38 pm
it’s not him
i can testify we both here tucked in bed on our phones like good boys seriously
“Oh, really?” a deep voice sounded from his window and the frightened high pitched screech that came out of Yunho didn’t sound neither human nor manly as he almost feel out of bed jumping from surprise, his heart beating so fast he was sure it’d stop at any moments.
“You can’t lie to me, Yunho.” The invisible boy commented as he walked to the end of Yunho’s bed to face him.
“I wasn’t lying, I’m really not involved.“ Yunho said with a pout, bummed at both being caught in his lie and getting scared like that. He should be more seriously frightened, but for some reason he didn’t feel much more than just a few butterfly in his stomach, maybe the meds.
“What about your friend?” The other asked with an eyebrow raised, looking down on him.
“Ask him yourself, how am I supposed to know?” he looked away still pouting. The danger of the situation still not sinking in, although there was a feeling of vulnerability in him sitting up in his bed covered with his comforter up to his waist now.
The man in front of him let out a sight. He hesitated a second before making a move to seat there at the end of the bed. Yunho quickly moved his feet making space for him and suddenly the other didn’t look so intimidating now at his eye level, moonlight hitting his face in just the right angle to make Yunho feel some type of way even with the dark mask over his mouth. His eyes held a soft but distressed emotion that he couldn’t pinpoint.
“Look, your power… It may help you not be controlled or to see me, but that’s not enough. If you get in his way you will lose. I…” he started in a coaxing tone that Yunho wouldn’t expect  someone that was supposed to be his enemy to talk in, but soon hesitated and looked away. “We don’t want any conflict.” he finished quietly.
“I’m sorry” the taller boy answered slowly, surprising even himself. Maybe it was the fact that he was embarrassingly sleepy for that early in the night, his brain hazily trying to catch up with the situation still, or maybe it was the gentle attitude and how pained the other looked at the prospect of Yunho pushing forward that made the words spill mindlessly from his lips.
Unfortunately that wasn’t the answer the other was expecting he noted as he saw him sigh again and get up.
“Wait” he called out as an impulse. The man looked back at him while he could only dumbly stare trying to form a coherent thought. “Have we met before?”
The stranger looked away for a moment then back at him mumbling a no before going through the window off into the night. Yunho was left to silently collect his thought and chastise himself for the dumb question.
For a second, he felt like he could recognise the boy from his memories. The invisible presence in his high school that sparked into his view once in a blue moon, but at this point he couldn’t say for sure if the boy in his memory and the man that had just left were really similar or if it was just him projecting one onto the other in an attempt to make sense of either of them.
It later felt like a wasted opportunity to let him walk away like that without asking anything useful. His brain was now filled with questions, most of them more about the man himself than the conflicting situation they currently found themselves in. His reluctance to fight in addition to the care his few words held intrigued him, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t even a bit attracted to the intruder in his sleepy stupor.
He would like to at least believe it to be a simple momentous acknowledgment of the other’s physical attributes rather than him being so naive that he’d catch a serious infatuation for any handsome caring stranger.
Sometimes you look at the tv and find the bad guy hot and that was just that, he told himself pushing the thought away.
Looking back at his phone a few texts from Hongjoong popped up at the screen informing of his success and that he was coming home soon. The newbie hero’s texts were filled with hurried details about how he managed to scare the villain away, bravados of how he’d catch him next time and praise for Yunho’s first set of gadgets.
Yunho only quickly scanned through them adding a curt answer at the end before laying back again to try and clear his thought filled head before the other arrived. He decided to keep his own villain encounter to himself.
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b-rainlet · 5 years
i really loved reading what you wrote about allison and luther so how about alluther again for the new ship q&a? :D
This is years late but I just wanted to give y’all some sweet hcs while I am battling this monster of a Luego WiP!
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa
Okay have you seen Luther? Luther tries to dance and accidentally wrecks havoc across his room (which is very relatable) while Allison is a Queen who is able to flawlessly fight in heels. 
Luther will try to be a gentleman and open the door for Allison in this one fancy restaurant he invited her to on their first serious Date - because she is a movie star, she’s probably used to expensive food and champagne and guys who can talk about politics instead of scared boys who still write poetry - but he’s so fucking nervous, he pulls the door when he should push. 
And normally that would be a little hiccup for an otherwise perfect night but not with Luther. Luther accidentally pulls the door and tears it straight out of the frame. 
“Uhhh…, sorry?”
(They don’t eat at the restaurant. He isn’t allowed to set foot there anymore. He also has to pay for a new door).
(Luther is terribly sorry he ruined the night but Allison is to busy doubling over laughing to say anything).
(They eat at home, pizza and leftover pasta from dinner. Allison drinks beer instead of champagne and laughs some more when Luther spills juice on his shirt).
(Allison also thanks him for such a nice Date before kissing him, hands on his face, so maybe it wasn’t ruined after all). 
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them
Both! Have you seen them as kids, making love eyes at each other over dinner? You can bet that both of them have a bunch of notebooks that are just full of ‘A+L’ or ‘A.H. + L.H. = Hearts’ 
Allison has an old doodle she made as a kid of them on their wedding day and she couldn’t bring herself to throw it away. 
She shows it to Luther once, joking how hopelessly in love she was as a child, how childish!
And Luther looks at her for a long moment, all serious, before getting up and fishing something from under his bed. 
A box.
A box full of poems. 
More precisely, a box full of poems about Allison, some from back when they were 13 and some from only a month ago. 
Luther refuses to read them out loud - face all pink and biting his lower lip - but Allison trades them for the picture she drew. 
Once they live together, the picture somehow ends up on the fridge, along with some of Allison’s favourite poems. 
They don’t talk about it but both smile every time they enter the kitchen. 
Who starts the tickle fights
Allison is a ticklish little thing and Luther has used that to his advantage since they were kids. 
(All of them used that to their advantage, especially Klaus who liked to raid Allison’s room for nail polish and skirts). 
And ever since she was kid, Allison had hated it. 
Which is only normal, who enjoys having hands all over their body, tickling her sides?
So Luther doesn’t do it often. 
But sometimes…..
Sometimes when Allison is in a bad mood, he knows he just needs to trail his finger over the underside of her foot and she’ll be a giggling mess. 
“C’mon, cheer up a little? For me?” - “No.”
“Well, okay then.” *starts to wiggle his fingers under Allison’s shirt, scratching his nails over her stomach* Allison, immediately giggling: “Stop iiiiiit.”
“If you give me a smile.” Allison: *trying her best to smile while also trying to wiggle away from Luther’s gentle touches* “And a kiss.”
(Maybe, if Allison is honest with herself, she doesn’t hate being tickled as much when it’s Luther doing it, less because he likes how she squeals, but more because he’s earnestly trying to stop her from being moody).
(And maybe Luther touching her simply isn’t the same level of awful as anyone else touching her). 
(Maybe she likes being tickled when it’s big hands doing the tickling, touching her as gently as possible despite their size). 
Who starts the pillow fights
They rarely have pillow fights because Luther is afraid he’ll get carried away
(And do you have any idea how awful that was as a child? He once hit Klaus with a pillow hard enough he got thrown against the opposite wall and had a concussion. Luther rarely participated in any ‘rowdy’ games after that). 
But sometimes, Allison will throw a pillow at him when she wants him to pay attention to her or when she’s too lazy to move and tries to sweet talk him into getting something so she doesn’t have to stand up. 
And Luther will throw the pillow back - gently - and they’ll just try to hit each other with pillows and blankets and shirts and whatever else that’s soft enough to be flung at each other. 
They rarely do the typical ‘jumping around on the bed, hitting each other with pillows’ though, because Luther jumping on a bed? You want the bed to survive a few years, right?
He used to be more bummed about this kinda stuff as a kid anyway, no need to be sad about it as an adult. Allison still tries to get him to play wrestle with her a little, tries to pin him to the bed or just slumps down on top of him like they’re still 13. It’s cute. 
(It also leads to kissing 90% of the time now, so Luther is good). 
As teeny tiny children, Allison felt bad for Luther not being able to play with their brothers without accidentally breaking their bones, so they always played together. Baby Alluther playing house together, colouring pictures, telling each other fantasy stories and going on made up quests…...Luther would’ve followed Allison anywhere. 
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile
Depends on who falls asleep first, lmao. In a world where Skype exists, they probably facetime each other whenever Allison can’t be home, murmuring things back and forth already half asleep. And sometimes, one of them will actually fall asleep, softly snore as the other either keeps talking to them (Luther) or softly sings for them (Allison). 
They never end the calls, btw, they just watch the other sleep, peaceful expression on their face before slowly falling asleep themselves, dreaming about being able to reach out and touch. 
Who mistakes salt for sugar
This is something that could happen to both of them. Like, maybe they’re at a diner and Luther accidentally salts his pancakes so Allison feeds him bits of hers, or Allison is cooking at the mansion and after all those years she isn’t sure about which shaker contains what anymore and just grabs the one she thinks has the sugar in it. 
Although Allison would probably be thoughtful enough to check which is which first, whereas Luther lives a dangerous life. 
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning
Luther. He tries to prevent it but he’s sluggish and slow when he’s tired so he never manages to. 
Allison rarely wakes up from it though, which Luther is very grateful for because he feels a little bit embarrassed about his nightly food cravings. 
(He eats...weird stuff at night. A lot of it covered with melted cheese, whether cheese should be on that dish or not. Allison stops commenting on it once she figures out how guilty Luther feels for it). 
She does try to get him to talk about things instead of stuffing his feelings with food but it’s a long journey. 
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines
Allison likes to make Luther blush by stepping next to him and saying things like “What’s a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?” even though they’re only standing in the living room. 
Luther tries to retaliate by coming up with his own pick up lines but he spectacularly fails each time. 
“Are you from Tennessee? Because I got lost in your eyes.”
Allison thinks it’s cute though, so that’s alright. 
(Diego’s the one who tells him all the pick up lines and face palms when he gets them wrong. And then mentally yells when Allison still kisses Luther and proclaims herself ‘swooned’ because HOW?
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order
Allison doesn’t mind but Luther gets really peculiar about where certain books should be. 
He has different shelves for crime novels, for romance stuff and for books that have multiple installments (“Because they belong together, Allison!”). 
He also gets upset when Allison sets down a book upside down because that’s not good for the back of the book and in Luther’s words “It hurts the books.”
Also, Luther is the kinda person who tries his hardest not to dog-ear paperbacks, not holding them open too wildly so there aren’t any crinkles on the back. 
He got Allison rainbow coloured bookmarks for Christmas because Allison is the kinda person to just use whatever as a bookmark - even another book. 
(Allison also writes into books, highlights her favourite paragraphs or just scribbles down her thoughts on something next to the dialogue. Luther kinda hates it but sometimes he’ll turn a page and just see Allison’s elegant handwriting, spelling out “I love you!” or “Hey Handsome ;)” and he can’t help but smile. 
(Sometimes he goes to Allison and tries his best to burrow into her lap without crushing her when he finds a note like that. Allison kisses his forehead and makes space for him on the couch). 
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies
Luther is a little boy who just so happens to be 6’5 (Fun Fact! I did not make that up, Tom Hopper actually is that tall). 
So he’ll help Allison and Grace bake and hope he gets the empty bowl with the leftover cookie batter. 
He has to fight Diego over it though. And most of the time Five gets it anyway, simply because they can dial up the puppy eyes whenever they want to). 
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion
He is a big sappy romantic who buys flowers for his beloved whenever he walks past a flower shop or he sees some pretty ones outside and he absolutely won’t have dinner without lighting candles. Especially when he’s the one doing the cooking (which he does a lot simply because Allison is a very busy woman and Luther likes providing for her). 
He also prepares bubbles baths for Allison with loads of candles and scented bath bombs and stuff and they don’t fit into the bathtub together, but Allison talks him into at least dipping his feet in too. 
And more often than not, Luther will rub over Allison’s back and wash her hair while Allison idly plays with her hands or tries to get her hands on Luther’s arms or his face. 
(Allison is grabby and Luther enjoys that but not when he’s trying to wash her hair). 
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen
Allison isn’t a big artist but she likes doodling, especially when she’s stressed. And Luther never complains when she draws a little heart on his arm or his cheek. 
And it’s also a nice way of being intimate? Allison holding one of Luther’s hands with her own, his arm gently laying on her thighs as she leans over and draws on it, her hair tickling him when she moves. 
Luther actually considers getting some of her drawings done as tattoos but Allison always shakes her head, claims they’re silly little things. 
Luther loves them either way. 
(Sometimes Allison writes her name on Luther’s wrists and Luther’s name on hers. Pretends they’re in one of her romance novels, the ones she read as a pre-teen, daydreaming about Luther being her soulmate. Still does apparently. 
Luther kisses his arm when she does it, kisses her name on it and then his name on hers). 
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation
She’s the one who comes around loads, be it because she’s going on vacation with Claire or because she’s on a promo tour for her upcoming movie. 
Luther….feels better just staying home. Safer. 
Allison doesn’t push him but she does remind him that he’s always welcome to join her. Luther nods everytime, puts the magnet on the - slowly overflowing - fridge, but never takes her up on the offer. 
They have time. 
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines
Luther does every single survey he can. What kinda boyfriend is he? Does he fall for bad boys too easily? Is he trapped in a loveless relationship? What Hogwarts House does he have? What kinda Girl is he? 
He does them all. And he always shares his results with Allison very excitedly. 
Allison humours him by doing the surveys with him but she isn’t as obsessed. 
(She also doesn’t believe in astrology and horoscopes, not the way Luther does, but she still checks his horoscope daily and send him those ‘The signs as…’ posts).
She thinks they’re doing quite well, no matter what the survey results are. 
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guess-im-emo-again · 5 years
I Made Notes While I Listened To The New BMC Album For The First Time
More than survive:
- Wills signature whine translates really well to Jeremy
- It was weird to not hear the stretch in “good morning”
- “Hnn GHA I wish I had the skill”
- More dialogue!
- Wills “micheal!” Is a lot less gay sksksk
- Boyf!!!!
- MOTHERS!!!!!
- High notes?!?!?
- I really enjoy the high notes but I’m sad we lost the desperation in the last two “christine”’s
I love play rehearsal:
- I’m so happy with this! My biggest problem with the cast recording has always been that it makes Christine look boring so I didn’t like her till I started watching bootlegs. Finally my goofy queen gets the recognition she deserves!
- Honestly I went to right down every single line in this song I’m so happy about it!!!
- I have too much to say about this one lol
More than survive (reprise):
-“ At least I didn’t have a breakdown, and have to go to the nurse” me too man
The squip song:
- “So suicidal” sounds sadder oof
- Wills fucking anime voice on “yOu GoT qUiCk!?”
- Aw they cut the “picture this” verse :(
- The vocoder is supposed to be Rich’s squip holy shit
- Y’all behind the squip there’s his inner dialogue and it has a fucking lisp I’m so In love with this version.
Two player game:
- Tbh I’ve never liked this song a lot
- Micheal sounds high lol
- More 8 bit!
- How did “know that you’re my favorite person” go from “hey dude you’re my best friend” to “MICHAEL I LOVE YOU UWU”
- Honestly yeah I’m still bored by this song :/
The squip enters:
- Sexy anime girl is now sexy cat girl I see
- I....i completely fucking hate the squip.
- I cannot stand the new squid voice I want scary teacher man back
- “I do NOT”
- His singing voice is nice :)
- I hate the surfer/stoner voice so much
- Kinda a downgrade in my opinion
Be more chill pt.1:
- I do like the squips singing voice but I really really prefer to og
- I do appreciate Jason’s aggressions in the “take your hands out of your pockets” line
- Jeremy sounds so sad in this :(
- “Everything about you makes me wanna die” *hyperventilating*
- Is...is that George just doing a silly voice
- “Everything about you SUCKS”
- The looking sexy Brooke line is incredible
- -“she had a shirt just like this HEEH”
Do you wanna ride:
- Nothing is really different other than it’s a little faster and the “pink berry” but it’s already such a banging song so no complaints
- I can only think of the Boyfs version now oof
Be more chill pt.2:
- “everything about me makes me wanna die?
- “bE mOrE cHiLl....hehe~”
- Squip is a much better manipulator here, he’s not just scary
Sync up:
- “Come one go gGhAAAAA”
- This song is just a roast change my mind
- “You should ignore her” :( Jenna no
- The squip override is really funny to me idk why
- Overall a nice addition to the soundtrack
A guy that is kinda be into:
- Like “do you wanna ride” there’s not a big difference, but that’s okays because I love this song
- “I guess a part of me likes to- who knew?”
- The clapping is cute aww
- another song I don’t really like lol
- Brook got all “Janet from rocky horror” With her voice and I dig it
- THEY CUT “take me inside you forever” IM CANCELING JASONS SQUIP OVER THIS
- Jearbear? What is this fanfic?
- Jakes character development makes me so happy!
- “Sounds like” “an act? Yeah is not” oh my god they gave jake so much character
- “Player 2” Fuck Jeremy Heere, in this essay I will-
- “I’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am” watch me caption an edgy picture with that in a week
Looser Geek Whatever:
- *chuckles* I’m in danger
- “I felt....in-cons-e*quential*”
- “I knew I had no....potential”
- The beginning of this song sounds like words fail form DEH
- “Being lonely is stupid tough” OOF me too
- You shut the fuck up about Michael
- “geEk”
- I hate this I hate it it’s so much meaner than the og
- “the problem Has Always BEen ME” *music cuts out*
- Out of context this song is so good but in context it makes me big sad:(
- “I’m player one” no you ain’t
- Micheals gentleness is “Jeremy, you coming?” And then Jeremy’s panic and fear in “optic nerve blocking on” is so much better than the og
- this is my favorite song so it better slap just as hard
- “Wo-a-o-WOO”
- New verse slaps
- RICH SAYING “and gasoline” IS NOT OKAY
- I still prefer the og but this was really good
Do you wanna hang:
- I HATE this song so much already
- The dialogue really helps explain that this song is borderline assault
- Bitch sound like Lola from big mouth
- Asweep uwu
- Yeah I’m fully done with this song it makes me uncomfortable af
Micheal in the bathroom:
- Xylophone is way more prominent wow
- Come through synthesizer
- The music matching to “I wanna dance with somebody” is a gift from god
- He really portrays the panic attack so much better here wow
- That chest voice on “wish I was never born” hit me hard
A guy that id kinda be into (reprise):
- no comment tbh
Smartphone hour:
- I love this Jenna wow
- The high voice for “this shit”
- “Yeah I know”
- “Jakes house” nice addition
- “Ignore >:(“
- Saxophone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- “For a tiny guy” “aww”
- That whistle tho
- The scream lol
The pants song:
- Oh new Mr. heere oof
- The dialogue underscore is Michael in the bathroom oh no
- He says pants so aggressively
- This song is another one of my favorites
- “He called me a looser-” “he called ME a looser”
- This dialogue is so sweet
The pitiful children:
- Woah new intro
- This version is....more threatening if that makes sense? Like this squip seemed genuinely dangerous
- “Oh and Mountain Dew” “okay 😋”
- The opera singer is singing smartphone hour lol
The play:
- That director is a big mood
- THEY CUT “to bad you don’t have one of those, anymore” IM LIVID
- Wills glitches without editing wow
- The dialogue is so sweet holy fuck
- “Hewwo jake will you make jwemy dwink this”
- The in sync screams lol
- The creepy twin dialogue is better
- The build up instead of harsh cut to Christine is interesting
- “oh god” “OW” Oh God” “GAH” OH GOd” “nooo” “OH GOD”
Voices in my head:
- New intro
- It’s faster
- Rich sounds like such a dork omg
- Everyone unfollow me this is all I’m gonna talk about for a while
- New girl lines!! I like these ones better
- I just wanna know who Rich’s squip is okay
- They pitched Michael up
- Holy hell Im living for the squip interactions
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angeltiddies · 5 years
For You.
1.9K Angst, Fluff, i suppose light tw for self harm (Read on AO3)
It’s probably the 100th time he’s said it, but Dean is tired of the same old excuse.
“I did it, all of it, for you Dean.”
Cas is looking at him with the most sincere eyes, brows raised slightly, anticipating the usual response. Silence, or annoyance, or awe, but Dean is tired of hearing it, so he runs his hand over his mouth and, as his fingers trace his own chin, slightly stubbled. He parts his full lips and sighs.
“That’s not good enough Cas.” He shakes his head slightly, breaking eye contact for just a moment before continuing “Why are you even here? You already pulled me from hell. That was your job, to raise me from the pit, help stop the apocalypse, and then leave. But you’re still here. Why?”
“Dean. You know why.”
“You don’t have to keep saving me Ca-” the familiar nickname stops on his tongue “Castiel.”
Cas’ eyes drop and hesitantly, somber, he steps closer to Dean. “I know I don’t need to, but it’s- it’s the right thing to do”
Dean swears Castiel was about to say something else, but whatever it was, it had died on his tongue, replaced by lines from what seemed like a rehearsed script that Castiel always happened to have in his back pocket.
“If that’s your only reason to continue risking your life, your wings, your soul, anything, for me, it’s not worth it. There are a million other ‘right’ things that you could do out there. Ones that wouldn’t kill you and sure as hell would benefit a lot more people. You helping me, God it never really helps anyone, does it? Just hurts.”
Castiel looks resigned and he moves to sit down at the table in the middle of the bunker, placing his elbows on it and perching his chin on his own hand.
“Perhaps I should leave. It’s been many years and yet we continue to end up here. I am not naive Dean, perhaps to some of the more ‘human’ emotions that you possess, but I know more than I let on,” Cas grits his teeth for a second, but he’s staring straight ahead, ignoring Dean “but you continue to deny me. Continue to question my actions. Continue to ask me how I could possibly still be here, despite me telling you many times.” At this he locks eyes with Dean “I may not be human, but I am a soldier. I know when a battle is lost.” He drops his hand from his chin and interlocks his fingers, looking down at them silently.
Dean is lost. His brain not quite grasping what Castiel is speaking of. He approaches the table and taps his hand softly on the glossy wood, looking down at the dark hair and trench coat and the all too familiar hands that fidget under his gaze.
“Don’t. It is clear I am no longer needed, nor desired here.”
And with that, Cas is mustering every ounce in his body to use tattered wings to spiral him out of the bunker and to anywhere but at that table. He’s just as surprised as Dean that it works.
Dean is suddenly alone and stunned, not having seen Cas disappear into thin air like that in what’s felt like ages.
Castiel is hurled into a field somewhere at the edge of a forest. He leaves a crater and the whole situation reminds him of when he pulled Dean up from the grave.
He pushes himself into a sitting position and looks down to his right hand, feeling that all too familiar prickle on his palm when Dean is on his mind. Dean’s handprint had healed long ago, Castiel’s hand hadn’t.
Without thought, climbing from the dirt and moving to sit in a bed of lavender, full well knowing it’s meaning and it’s irony in this situation, he pulled his angel blade from where it sat alongside the right side of his celestial body. He switched it from his right hand to his left and set his right hand flat down amidst the flora. With a swift movement, Castiel felt searing pain and saw white as his hand separated from the rest of his vessel. He quickly healed the open wound and used his grace to touch the hand laying in the bed of flowers, quickly turning it to dust.
He turned from the spot where blood tainted the earth and walked towards the road in the distance. If Dean could live without his mark, their bond, so could he.
Dean felt a searing pain on his shoulder in this instant, but he paid it no mind as he desperately climbed into Baby and attempted to call Cas. Straight to voicemail. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He never could let himself have too much of a good thing, and Cas’ constant dialogue of “for you” had been overwhelming. He knew it would end up in pain, and of course it had, prompted by his own words. But as Dean exited the bunker garage, he couldn’t help but feel lost and empty, vengeful. As familiar as those feelings were to him, it was a different kind of an empty. It felt like before Cas when he didn’t actually know that something was missing. But now that it was gone, the constant comfort he had felt unknowingly since returning from hell, was gone. He gripped the steering wheel and kept his eyes on the road attempting not to cry at just how lost he felt. He could usually gauge where Cas would go, but now, he had no idea. It frustrated him beyond all belief and as he let this fester, he finally pulled the Impala over to the side of the road and got out of the car, kicking the dirt and kicking Baby’s front tire.
“Fuck.” He ran his hands through his hair and down his face attempting to see anything besides red. When he finally opened his eyes, angry tears threatening to fall, he saw purple. A field of lavender cut only by the sharp contrast of a dark khaki coat and a saunter, one not quite human. He sighed as he saw Castiel walking away from him towards where the road reached closer around the field. He huffed and wiped his eyes as he climbed back into Baby, silently apologizing for taking it out on her.
He rolled around the bend of the field and parked adjacent to Castiel’s path. He was looking down at his feet and the flowers as he walked so he didn’t see the familiar black car or man dressed in flannel getting out and walking to meet him where he walked.
When his ears finally caught the sound of moving grass, he looked up, startled to see Dean. Apparently the whispers of his wings hadn’t carried him as far as he has hoped. He stopped for a split second before starting up his walk again, with purpose.
As they gained on each other, he noticed the red in Dean’s eyes and his tousled hair. He put the ghost of his hand into his pocket in an attempt to hide what was missing, but Dean was too close.
“Cas, what?” Dean looked frantically at the arm that stopped at the wrist and no longer continued in a clean line to a strong hand with nimble fingers.
“I broke our tie Dean. I assume you are satisfied with that.”
Dean could barely even process what had happened, but in his mind all he thought was that he would go to hell and back if it meant getting that back.
“Fuck. Cas. You didn’t.”
“It’s easier for me to leave you, my charge, when I return to heaven,” he deadpanned.
Instead of reacting in anger, Dean simply reached up to his own left shoulder and subconsciously rubbed the skin where it had once been so raw and had so recently flared up.
Concern still stained his face, but it had softened as he stepped closer to Cas, hand still holding his shoulder,
He licked his lips as green eyes bore into blue ones.
“If I can’t have you tied to me here” he patted his shoulder softly, “then” he took a shaky breath and looked down at Castiel’s impossibly pink lips. He so desperately needed to fill the empty that grew inside of him as the pain in his shoulder slowly subsided and faded away. Before he could think any more, before he could lose anymore of Castiel he crashed his lips into Cas’.
Cas froze at the contact but slowly melted into the kiss reaching his left hand to Dean’s hair and letting his wrist rest on the skin of Dean’s hip right where his flannel lifted ever so slightly.
After a moment, he broke the kiss, looking into Dean’s eyes, searching.
Dean’s eyes squeezed shut as he rested his forehead against his angel’s. “Still not enough.” He whispered so quietly Castiel almost couldn’t hear it. But as soon as his ears picked it up, he understood, they still weren’t bonded as they had been before.
“Dean, may I-”
And even though Dean couldn’t have known what he was asking, he interrupted, breathing out a shaky “Yes.”
Castiel lifted Deans chin with two of his fingers ever so slightly and kissed him again. It was almost imperceivable to the human eye, but a minuscule amount of his grace passed from between his lips to Dean’s. Dean winced at the burn that hit his bottom lip, but Castiel just kissed him again, gently as he caressed his cheek with a soft thumb.
When it was done, and the bond was back, they parted, Deans hands coming to rest on Castiel’s hips. His tongue escaped his mouth and ran over his bottom lip in an attempt to asses the damage. Castiel blushed as he looked at the new addition to Dean’s lip. It was small, but sweet and Dean looked at Castiel curiously.
“I swear to God Cas, if you left some embarrassing scar on me, I will never forgive you”
Castiel just laughed and looked fondly at the little heart that sat on Dean’s lip, just left of center.
“I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Dean smiled and then looked down to Castiel’s right arm. “You’re a drama queen, aren’t you.”
Castiel looked down, a bit ashamed, but he smiled ever so slightly anyways as he brought his eyes back up to meet with Dean’s.
“I did it for you Dean, all for you.”
Dean huffed and laughed down at his boots before he punched Cas’ shoulder ever so playfully and then turned, holding our his right hand for Castiel to hold onto as he led them from lavender to pavement.
After he opened the door of the Impala for Castiel to climb in he made his way over to his side and sat in his place behind the wheel. He adjusted the rear view mirror and looked at his lip, groaning at the tiny, perfect heart that now sat there, and looked over to Castiel with serious eyes and a smile he was trying to hold back.
“Yep it’s official, I hate you.”
He looked back to the mirror to readjust it to its proper placement, lingering for just a moment on the heart, raised up ever so slightly from the skin that sat around it.
He smiled and looked to the road thinking of the heart. If he secretly loved it, no one had to know.
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