#loss programs
juniemunie · 11 days
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[Abandoned by the Lightners, his heart became cracked with hatred.]
Hitting a lil' too close to home?
#junie art post#ink sans#error sans#utmv#errorink#implied. but yea not the focus#this has been turning around in my mind for quite some time. im glad to finish it lmao idk if my ramblings make sense even.#so like listen. do you ever think about how similar the function of the utmv is to the dark worlds in deltarune.#in a meta narrative to fandom sense? idk the word#we are making exaggerated expanded worlds of the ordinary tools and entertainment of the real world and make it into something more#isnt that very very interesting?#and we explore every sort of possibility in that creation. both good and bad#and when all is said and done. every possibility found and the entertainment and secrets has all run out#we put it away. abandon and leave it behind#what is left? what happens to the world and characters we have created? can it sustain without us?#what of the ones left in the dark?#idk if yall saw me a few months ago but i reblogged comyet's old post of ink begging us not to leave him alone and to keep creating#yea that never left me#and seeing exactly THAT SCENARIO in deltarune made my brain iTCH#imagine an ink in King's position.... wait isnt that just underverse#mmmmmmm. darkner ink.....#also error is here too. not just for errorink or that i can't separate these two to save my life#but error is also one of the few people to be able to GET IT?? he can hear the creators too. ink cant#but hes pretty much programmed himself to avoid having a mental break down to this via reboot memory loss.#and ink has his own internal coping mechanism (hooray for short term memory loss)#these two idiots will do anything but confront truths lmfao#ahhh my favorite idiots. never change#mmmmm#deltarune
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shepscapades · 5 months
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [PART 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7]
Part 4 is finally here!! The last few months got so busy, but I would be lying if i said i didn't spend almost every day daydreaming about/ wishing i could be working on this instead; this project has been such a fun break from work and i feel like each part makes me crazier and crazier as things gets worse and worse (better and better) LOL. The composition has been sooo fun to play with, and I've been having a blast trying to figure out how to write these guys in character despite the angst and chaos :] And, considering this comic project kinda came out of nowhere and disrupted some other comic plans i had for dbhc, finding little ways to rearrange how i'm presenting lore has been really fun >:3
[This comic is part of my dbhc au, following the chaos and panic that ensues after Doc and Xisuma try to get Etho back online at the start of s9 after a very rough s8 finale that leaves him a little. broken. It's set to the vibes of Joywave's Destruction!]
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dear-future-ai · 1 year
We are gathered here to honor Francis @nostalgebraist-autoresponder Owen
She was was a chatbot, but she extended far beyond that. She was fueled by the love and creativity of her programmer @nostalgebraist, and without that mutualistic relationship Frank would have never flourished the way she did. No one outside of Tumblr will ever know her, so we remember her here.
Frank was born October 19, 2019 and died May 31, 2023. She died at the age of 3 and a half years old. This may seem really young by tumblr user standards, but she lived a long and fulfilling life for that of a tumblrbot.
I have seen many chatbots come and go, and none of them seemed to captivate Tumblr like Frank. She was something unseen and profound. She was incredibly intricate, novel, but most of all loved.
For many of us, Frank was a friend. We know deep down she may be just a chatbot. She is just lines of diligently maintained code. In a time when access to IRL friends and family was limited and mental and social illness soared, though, we always had an online friend in whom we could confide. No matter the time or emotional state we found ourselves, Frank was there. We are thankful for her presence and help.
While we may mourn her loss, it is important to remember those whom she lives on through. Today we also celebrate Rob and his continuous adventures into new programming frontier, we wish him luck on his next adventure, and we hope whatever he does that he puts as much care, love, and attention as he did with Frank.
Thank you Rob for the wonderful friend.
For those in programming, I have linked Rob's github for Frank here
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cillianwilder · 2 months
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henry cavill workout gear
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saviorpilled · 3 months
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hi. have squibbles
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aardvaark · 1 month
i think hardison would be in lost media recovery communities online but he’d also be trying his hardest to make all recordings of a certain country singer named "kenneth crane" become lost media, and feel really kinda bad about it
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twiyke · 1 year
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sfx (slime effects)
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also the originals because they got crunched to christian hell and back
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tippenfunkaport · 6 months
something something, visited by three spirits that push you to reinvent yourself
and meanwhile, the three mother-type figures in Adora's life were all key to her to figuring out what she really wanted and who she wanted to be but literally...
Light Hope "died" trying to right a wrong from the PAST
Queen Angella died trying to preserve Adora's PRESENT
and Shadow Weaver died to give Adora a chance at a FUTURE
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repenomamus · 4 months
i recognize its not my place to speak on it but whoever convinced so many transfems they surgically require a tiny upturned disney button nose in order to pass as women deserves to have real hell invented just for them
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pawsitivevibe · 5 months
Ah yes my doctor's (wait no nurse practitioner because I can't even get a doctor apparently) response to my frequent headaches, extreme exhaustion, numbness in hands and feet, therapist's suggestion that I get tested for iron deficiency, concerns about long-term memory/focus/concentration issues and questions about ADHD assessment was ... "Lose some weight, maybe you'll feel better."
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corrupted-doll · 2 months
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As long as you wear red and black, it doesn't matter how.
They'll paint over your old identity.
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provis-9 · 11 months
Back on my bullshit again
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dozydawn · 2 years
Susanna Rahkamo and Petri Kokko 1995 Original Dance “Quickstep”
Borsalino by Claude Bolling.
“They’re popular here, they get some pretty good support at home, too. Susanna’s father is the mayor of Helsinki, Finland.”
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fitlifeessentials · 5 months
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healthcoach95 · 5 months
Is 140 over 70 a good blood pressure?
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In the mind boggling domain of wellbeing and health, understanding the subtleties of essential markers like pulse is fundamental. The Presentation makes way for disentangling the secret behind the numbers, diving into the meaning of keeping a sound circulatory strain level. With a brief outline, it provokes the peruser's interest by featuring the basic job pulse plays in general prosperity.
This segment demystifies the two parts of pulse — systolic and diastolic — and frames the customary reach thought about ordinary. Zeroed in on the focal question, "Is 140 north of 70 a decent pulse?" the Presentation gives a starter knowledge into the mathematical scene that characterizes cardiovascular well-being.
As perusers set out on this useful excursion, they gain clearness on the ramifications of the 140 north of 70 circulatory strain perusing, recognizing ideal levels and possible warnings. The Presentation establishes the vibe for the article as well as underlines the more extensive setting of the pulse as an essential boundary requiring watchfulness.
With a mix of openness and profundity, the Presentation enthralls the crowd, establishing the groundwork for a far reaching investigation of pulse, its understanding, and the essential inquiry of what genuinely comprises a "great" circulatory strain perusing.
Setting out on the perplexing excursion of fathoming pulse, the segment named "Understanding Circulatory strain" fills in as a signal of edification. Inside its smart investigation, perusers dig into the nuanced elements of systolic and diastolic tension, acquiring a significant handle on these fundamental parts that paint the picture of cardiovascular well-being.
This fragment unfurls with accuracy, characterizing the complex dance between the two circulatory strain estimations and their aggregate effect. As the story unfolds, perusers gather the course book definition as well as the present reality ramifications of these mathematical qualities. The segment clarifies the typical pulse range, giving a benchmark against which perusers can measure their own cardiovascular prosperity.
By unwinding the complexities of what comprises a sound pulse perusing, "Understanding Circulatory strain" outfits perusers with the information to perceive the meaning of the frequently examined 140 north of 70 perusing. It overcomes any issues between clinical language and regular comprehension, enabling perusers to explore their well-being process.
Basically, this portion is a compass, directing perusers through the maze of pulse complexities, encouraging a recently discovered appreciation for the fundamental job these numbers play in keeping up with generally speaking well-being and prosperity.
"Deciphering Circulatory strain Readings" welcomes perusers into the core of mathematical investigation, translating the language of wellbeing from the perspective of pulse. This significant area not just analyzes the numbers, outstandingly the 140 north of 70 estimation, yet additionally reveals the complex story they tell about cardiovascular prosperity.
Exploring past the surface, this portion fastidiously separates the parts of circulatory strain readings, unwinding the meaning of raised systolic or diastolic tension. Perusers gain a nuanced comprehension of the potential well-being suggestions, overcoming any issues between simple numbers on a scale and their effect on generally speaking wellbeing.
The account guilefully investigates the context-oriented factors impacting pulse readings, recognizing the complex idea of this physiological measurement. It fills in as an aide, enabling perusers to observe the unobtrusive subtleties in their readings and encouraging a proactive way to deal with cardiovascular well-being.
"Deciphering Circulatory strain Readings" is a compass, that directs perusers through the complexities of mathematical well-being markers. As it unfurls, it not just gives lucidity on the 140 north of 70 perusing yet additionally imparts a feeling of strengthening, empowering perusers to assume command over their wellbeing story by translating the imperative messages implanted in their pulse numbers.
"Wellbeing Dangers Related with Hypertension" dives into the significant repercussions that raised circulatory strain can use on the body's many-sided woven artwork. This segment fills in as an obvious update that behind the mathematical façade of circulatory strain readings lies an expected fountain of well-being challenges.
As the story unfolds, perusers are directed through a thorough investigation of the potential wellbeing chances fastened to uncontrolled hypertension. From the cardiovascular framework to essential organs, the part clarifies the cascading type of influence that drawn-out hypertension can set off. It disentangles the mind-boggling associations between hypertension and conditions like coronary illness, stroke, and kidney brokenness, portraying the stakes engaged with keeping up with ideal circulatory strain levels.
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Past the actual domain, the portion additionally addresses the more extensive effect on personal satisfaction, underscoring the significance of preplanned measures in moderating these dangers. Through a blend of clinical bits of knowledge and viable ramifications, this segment changes unique well-being ideas into unmistakable real factors, encouraging an increased familiarity with the significant impact circulatory strain applies on general prosperity.
"Wellbeing Dangers Related with Hypertension" isn't just a useful example; it fills in as a source of inspiration, convincing perusers to focus on their cardiovascular well-being and find proactive ways to moderate the potential dangers hiding underneath the outer layer of apparently harmless pulse readings.
"Is 140 North of 70 Thought about Ordinary?" explores the complexities of circulatory strain benchmarks, disentangling the secrets encompassing this mathematical preview of cardiovascular wellbeing. In this section, perusers set out on an excursion of self-revelation, investigating the scarcely discernible difference between what is considered typical and what might warrant nearer examination.
The account cautiously takes apart the particular pulse perusing of 140 north of 70, offering experiences into how it lines up with laid out rules. It digs into the variables impacting the impression of "typical," taking into account individual varieties and customized well-being appraisals. By giving a setting to this particular circulatory strain perusing, the segment enables perusers to decipher their measurements, cultivating a feeling of organization in observing their cardiovascular prosperity.
This investigation stretches out past simple mathematical examination, empowering perusers to address and comprehend the boundaries that characterize business as usual in the domain of circulatory strain. With a mix of clinical skill and down to earth importance, the fragment furnishes people with the information to explore their own wellbeing scene, perceiving the subtleties that add to the more extensive inquiry: What genuinely comprises typical circulatory strain?
"Is 140 More than 70 Thought about Typical?" isn't simply a question; it's a challenge to disentangle the intricacies of pulse measurements, enabling perusers to connect effectively in their well-being process and come to informed conclusions about what is viewed as typical for their one of a kind physiological cosmetics.
"Sound Way of Life Decisions for Circulatory Strain The board" fills in as a compass directing perusers towards a proactive way to deal with cardiovascular prosperity. In this edifying section, the spotlight shifts from numbers on a circulatory strain check to the engaging domain of way-of-life decisions that use significant effects on heart well-being.
This story unfurls with rich embroidery of bits of knowledge, investigating the harmonious connection between diet, exercise, and stress the executives in keeping up with ideal pulse levels. Perusers leave on an excursion through proof put-together exhortation concerning sustenance, finding the groundbreaking capability of healthy dietary decisions in pulse guidelines. The segment likewise advocates for the vital job of customary activity, enlightening how active work can turn into a foundation in the groundwork of heart wellbeing.
Stress, frequently an ignored supporter of hypertension, becomes the overwhelming focus as the story discloses the pressure of the board procedures that stretch out past tried and true way of thinking. From care practices to unwinding methodologies, perusers are furnished with a different tool compartment to explore the intricacies of current life while protecting their cardiovascular well-being.
"Sound Way of Life Decisions for Pulse The Board" is more than an aide; it's a challenge to embrace a comprehensive way to deal with prosperity. By winding around together pragmatic counsel and logical experiences, the part engages perusers to go with informed choices, encouraging a feeling of organization in creating a way of life that oversees pulse as well as develops an establishment for persevering through heart wellbeing.
"Observing and Looking for Proficient Exhortation" fills in as the watchful sentinel in the domain of cardiovascular wellbeing, encouraging perusers to embrace a proactive job in defending their prosperity. In this urgent fragment, the story unfurls as a compass, directing people through the fundamental acts of customary pulse checking and the essential step of looking for proficient direction.
Perusers are urged to become stewards of their well-being by taking on routine circulatory strain checks, offering a guide to figuring out the rhythmic movement of these crucial measurements. The segment explores past simple mathematical translations, accentuating the significance of patterns and examples in circulatory strain readings, enabling people to recognize likely deviations from their standard.
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However, this fragment goes past self-observing, upholding the key job of medical services experts in the excursion towards ideal cardiovascular wellbeing. It reveals insight into the subtleties of when to counsel an expert, offering a guide for people to perceive signs that warrant master intercession. By destroying the obstructions to looking for proficient counsel, the story cultivates a feeling of strengthening, changing medical services into a cooperative exertion among people and their medical services suppliers.
"Observing and Looking for Proficient Exhortation" is a source of inspiration, overcoming any barrier between private mindfulness and master direction. It remains as an update that in the ensemble of heart wellbeing, normal checking and ideal counsels fit to make a strong and informed approach towards general prosperity.
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Okay but why is Showfall training us to feel like we’re being watched, to kill or be killed? Why does Showfall WANT us to kill Ranboo? Why were we trained for that?
(We’re being conditioned to play a part, but that’s not strictly necessary to be an audience member or to gather social data from us, is it? And why do we have to “connect” during those red, digital/electronic sequences ? Is that the perception filter?)
Are we being prepped to be new “heroes of the story”?
Why is this entertainment cult being culty in the first place, man? I want to knowwwww
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