#look at my giant cabbages
cryptidbait · 1 month
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Kung Lao, descendent of cabbage man
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ettelenethelien · 3 months
Hobbit music genres:
Cautionary Tale About How Listening to Wizards Will Get You Eaten by A Dragon (But With a Happy Ending Because We Aren't Barbarians)
That Time the Major Ended Up Looking Ridiculous
My Uncle Grew The Biggest Cabbage Ever
Making Fun of Lotho Pimple
Something That Might Have Been a First Age Legend But Went Through Several Fairytales and Is Now Unrecognisable
Something That Might Have Been a Newer Legend and Is (Only) Somewhat More Recognisable
My Grandma Lost Her Prized Saucer
I Am Not a Poet But the Lass I Love Is Pretty
I Like Spring and Flowers
We Are Tooks and Gandalf Is Actually Fun
Tooks Are Weird
Bucklanders Are Also Weird And Breelanders Are Weirder
Cautionary Tale Why Boats Are Dangerous
Islands Are Dangerous Too (We Heard One Drowned But We Thankfully Don't Know Any Details So We Made Up a Story About Giant Turtles)
There Might Have Been an Elf in the Wood and We're Not Sure How We Feel About That
Gondor music genres:
My Love Got Killed While He Was in The Army
Let's Lament Lost Numenor
Rousing Patriotic Song
We Still Love The Tale of Beren and Luthien
There Once Was a Mortal Man Who Killed A Dragon and We're Very Proud of This (The Rest of the Story Is Horrible and We Don't Want To Remember It)
Origin Story for the Mysterious Singer By the Sea (Accuracy Level: 2/10 But At Least We Correctly Guessed It's an Elf)
Ithilien Is Occupied By Mordor and This Is Sad
We Will Show Sauron Not To Mess With Us
Drinking Song With Way Too Nice a Melody (A Wandering Minstrel Made It Up and He Might Have Been an Elf)
The King Will Return. One Day.
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ghouljams · 10 months
My brain does weird things. Anyways, I think Love would steal Liebling’s seed (assuming she didn’t throw it out) and plant it for her. That just seems like a very Love thing to do.
This is really dubiously canon... Love had sticky fingers and her luck finally runs out, or does it?
You stare at the sprout pushing its way out of the dirt in your little terracotta pot. You spritz it with water, and watch the leaves curl happily. Like fingers.
"Hey Si?" You call over your shoulder. You've made some... well you hesitate to call them bad, but questionable decisions in your life. Usually your luck carries you through, but you think it may be running out on this particular gamble.
Simon hums from the couch, half listening as he sketches the monarch wing you'd found into your journal. You don't know if this is really worth his attention. You don't really know what it is. You sort of... stole it.
"Is it stealing if it was technically trash?" You ask, without really thinking. Simon's sketching stops, and he turns to look over the back of the couch.
"What did you steal?"
"Weird seed the bestie didn't want." You poke one of the leaves, letting it wrap around your finger. That gets Simon's attention. He's quick to get off the couch and over to you, pulling your finger out of the plant's grip.
"Christ Love, is that what you've been nursing all week?" Simon looks over your hand with concern, you nod until he kisses your palm giving it the all clear.
"What is it?" You poke Simon's cheek to get your hand back. He lets you go to pick up the pot and inspect the new growth.
"No clue," he tells you, "did, uh- shit-"
"Works well enough," Simon pokes at the plant, watching the leaves move, "Did she tell you want it was?" You shake your head. He pinches a leaf between his fingers, inspecting it. "Doesn't look dangerous."
"Then I'll keep watering it." Simon shakes his head but settled the pot back on the windowsill.
"We'll keep an eye on it."
"We?" Simon flashes you half a smile, you return it in full force, "I love when we do stupid stuff together."
You don't know how long it's supposed to take flowers to grow, or even how they're supposed to grow, but it feels like this is going really weird.
You stare at the giant flower bud that's blossomed in your little terracotta pot. It sort of reminds you of a cabbage. It feels like a rose when you pet it, the petals under your fingers silky and soft. You don't know quite what to do with it. Simon sets a cup of tea next to your head where you're resting it against the windowsill.
"Looking good Love," You hum at the kiss he presses against the top of your head, "How's the cabbage?"
"She's fine, still overgrown and weird." You sit up, grabbing your mug and letting Simon take over the daily plant inspection.
"Doesn't look deadly yet."
"Yet," he agrees. You both sip your morning cup and stare at your poor decision making skills.
"You haven't put any magic in it to make it big." You confirm for the thousandth time.
"Not a drop, gardener must've dreamt this up." He reminds you, also for the thousandth time.
"Maybe we can enter it in a gardening fair or-"
Simon yanks you away from the bud as the petals quiver and bloom. You're very quickly put behind your very tense partner, forced to look around him at whatever is going on. You've never seen a flower open up that fast, but you think gravity must be doing the lions share of work. The actual rose is huge, far bigger than the bud would've suggested, and heavy enough to finally break the little pot it had been growing in.
Simon is faster than you, grabbing the flower as it's weight causes it to tumble off the windowsill. You tense, your breath caught as you wait for him to do anything, move any muscle.
"What? What is it?" You whisper after too long a moment without a breath.
"I don't-" He mumbles, catching the end of his sentence behind his teeth so he can curse, "Shit."
You peak over his shoulder, hoping you won't see your weird plant smashed to bits. Instead you stare down at a baby. The smallest thing you've ever seen cradled gently in Simon's arms, blinking big brown eyes and white lashes up at both of you. Your heart swells.
"Holy shit," you breath, watching it yawn and wiggle in its rose petal wrap. It's perfect little nose scrunches with the motion and you need a second to adjust to how cute that is. "Did we do that?" You press closer against Simon's back, and reach to stroke your fingers over the downy hair on the baby's head, "I mean she's got your eyes, it's gotta be-"
"I don't know," Simon mumbles.
"Well what are we supposed to-"
"I don't know!" He snaps, and you finally look at him. At the absolutely confusion and concern dripping from his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. You've never seen him cry before, well not like this at least.
"Give her to me," You tell him, sitting back and holding your arms out, he looks unsure. "Please Simon," you soften the ask, pulling a tether so he knows you're sure. He's so careful, if a little clumsy. You have to adjust his hold as he's passing the infant to you and it seems like he's watching the way you shift her in your arms for his own reference later. You hold the baby close against your chest, feeling that strange comfortable purr rise in your throat as she blinks her big eyes closed.
"What the fuck do we do?" Simon whisper yells at you.
"Call Soap right the fuck now and text Lieb that I'm gonna fucking kill her," you coo at the dozing baby in your arms. Simon nod and scrambles to find both your phones.
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oneatlatime · 4 months
Appa's Lost Days
Dare I hope?
You know, if ten year old me had turned on my TV to watch my weekly dose of Avatar and been greeted with a nearly two minute long uninterrupted sequence of a frightened and distressed animal being mistreated, that TV would have turned right back off again.
I don't buy that a ten tonne bison who has the leverage of his own weight as well as his airbending abilities would succumb to so few people.
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Name one other character that Avatar has presented as so thoroughly without any redeeming characteristics. Even Zhao was at least kind of funny. Everything about the chucklehead on the left is rotten to the core. "What's your dad going to do when he finds out we broke his stuff while doing crime?" "Nothing. It's not his stuff; it's previous crime."
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I thought beetle-headed was a commentary on their intelligence, but it's actually a description.
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that I should have waited to get my hopes up until I came to an episode called Appa's Found Days. Is this whole thing going to be a series of near misses with the Gaang?
You know, if I had a nickel for every time an animal companion on this show has been threatened with a trip to the butcher's, I'd have two nickels. In the space of two episodes.
This is not fun to watch guys.
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Not if I break you first asshole.
The way this Nurse Ratched type circus guy says "earn it" is chilling.
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Of course the Fire Nation would find a way to turn bending into animal abuse. Of course.
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a) that cage is way too small b) who knew cabbage suction could be so cute?
Completely unsubtle parallel with the boy here, right down to the complete disregard they show to the threats thrown their way.
Stubborn and wilful are not adjectives I would use to describe Appa this episode, or ever.
Wind buffalo. Wind Buffalo. Really? Was Fart Cow taken?
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That's a very relatable facial expression.
That makeup and costume is awful.
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Now that's satisfying.
Is the Fire Nation kid voiced by Aang's voice actor?
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Nevermind. THAT'S satisfying.
I was right - this episode is Appa always being a step behind the Gaang.
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Baby Appas! This almost makes this episode worth it!
It's funny how a single feature can contribute so much to a character's design. Arrowless Aang is just some kid. Let me rephrase that, since such a big part of Aang's character is the fact that he's just some goofy kid. Arrowless Aang is indistinguishable from other kids for the first time this series, because every other time we've seen him on screen he's either the only child airbender with his arrows, or the only airbender left.
Lady monks. Nuns? I don't think I've seen those before.
Appa and Aang share a dreamscape? That could be useful.
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There's dumb, there's really dumb, and then there's 'wake a completely asleep and therefore harmless unknown creature with threats of violence' dumb.
Close call for Iroh. Do you think he's suspected that Appa (and presumably the Avatar) haven been in Ba Sing Se this whole time?
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Bipedal Appa is strange. A very effective fighter, but strange to look at.
I'm amazed that giant boar thing walked away from that.
And now they're hitting me with an 'Appa's given Up' montage. Someone who works on this show hates me.
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*Heroically refrains from ranting about the impracticality of using white fabric for an active warrior's glove.*
"This could be our most important mission yet." Foreshadowing?
Did Suki and Appa actually meet at any point in the Warriors of Kyoshi episode?
Turns out 'Aang' is a magic word.
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Appa kisses!
Appa is apparently legally banned from having anything good for more than five minutes. Although it's good writing that they're using a previously established weakness - Appa's shedding - to bring the danger ladies back in.
I guess they have Azula drop the line about her brother to remind the audience of who she is, but surely Suki's like "Who are you? Who's your brother? Why should I care?"
Azula going after the Kyoshi warriors is completely unnecessary right? The Avatar isn't there. Neither are Zuko and Iroh. It doesn't even net her Appa. She's just looking for someone to beat up.
WOW this is bad writing. Like really bad. My Immortal levels of bad.
Would it be too much to ask for the Kyoshi warriors to do even slightly ok against the Azula ladies? Couldn't they at least get a couple of hits in?
Kudos to Suki for essentially sacrificing herself and her warriors to save Appa. 'Most important mission yet' was a bit on the nose.
Out of options, Appa goes home. Ouch.
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Someone explain this to me. Air Bison teething ring?
My what a human sounding cough you have buddy.
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This is why you don't use Air Bison as guard dogs.
I like what this Guru is saying. Fear displacing trust but not love feels more accurate than how I usually see the consequences of trauma discussed.
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The music playing throughout this sequence fits so well. I think it's some sort of metal thing you hit - I want to say a variation on tubular bells, and maybe something Glockenspiel adjacent? It's unlike anything I've heard in this show before and it fits so well that I'm nerding out a bit.
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Disney princess Guru. Aang has Disney princess moments too. Maybe it's an Air Nomad thing?
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No wonder the monks built a temple here. Even destroyed, it's gorgeous.
And Appa decides to trust again. I love it when an animal visibly comes to a decision about your trustworthiness.
This energy reading stuff makes sense given that Aang and Appa already share a dreamscape.
He IS a great beast. The best!
Someone whip up a wanted poster for Long Feng: Cattle Rustler. It had also never occurred to me that he was an earthbender.
That flip move with the earthbending platform must have caused Appa to land on his back. I bet that hurt.
One of the times I am very grateful that the closing credits music is so upbeat.
Final Thoughts
@aboutiroh I see why you recommended I save my chocolate for this episode.
The Tale of Momo was really just a preparatory taste of things to come, huh? Almost a microcosm of this episode.
This is the first episode where I had to take breaks while watching. Especially the circus sequence, I think I got up twice to do things like get a cup of tea and stare randomly out windows at squirrels. I didn't even have to do that with Zuko Alone, despite freaking out a lot about it, because at least that episode took breaks from the child abuse to check in with Aang being miserable. This episode was unrelenting.
If I had seen this episode when I was the age of the target audience, this may well have turned me off the show for good. If my Mom had seen this episode, I would have been banned from watching the show entirely. Not a decision I'd agree with, but my Mom is the type of person who banned her kids from watching Bambi.
To watch through all of that unrelenting animal (at best) unhappiness, and still not get Appa back at the end of the episode? That's a bit much. It's not often that this show ends its episodes without at least a little bit of something positive.
Once again, the music did a lot of heavy lifting this episode. The animal noises weren't quite as emotive as the ones in Momo's Tale, but Appa's face is more expressive, and more was shown through his expression than through Momo's, so I feel like this episode had just as much non-verbal animal communication as Momo's Tale.
I think I'm renaming season 2 "the Suki redemption arc." I really didn't like the Warriors of Kyoshi episode, and I didn't like what her character did in that episode. But every time Suki appears in season 2? She absolutely nails it.
The show since losing Appa has taken to wallowing. Even with bright spots like the poetry bouncer, the overall tone since Appa's appanapping has been ever more dark. If this keeps up for many more episodes, it will no longer be fun to watch.
Somehow I don't think this one is going on my rewatch list.
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spicymushroomz · 4 months
Mess Ups
Leander Prewett x Reader
Summary: Reader works up the courage to ask Leander Prewett out after 2 years of liking him.
Word Count: 978
Warnings: None
Authors Note: this is my first fic! Please enjoy
You had been going to Hogwarts for only 2 years, and a lot has certainly happened. But the most confusing thing of them all had to be the boy you found yourself in love with.
Leander Prewett. A tall, freckled, red-headed boy in Gryffindor. He was the prefect, and had a tendency to brag. The catch was that he messed up quite a lot. You found it quite endearing.
Your first time seeing him had been in DADA where he and Sebastian Sallow had started dueling. Leander had almost gotten a giant skull dropped on him. If not for Professor Hecat. Your first official meeting however, was in Herbology where he had volunteered to show you the chinese chomping cabbages.
He walked behind you, letting you lead the way as he complimented your dueling against Sebastian in DADA.
“That was quite the duel. It’s nice that somebody finally put Sallow in his place. I would’ve done it myself if not for Professor Hecat.” At his compliment you felt your cheeks flush.
“Thank you Leander. It was actually my first time dueling.” You replied, unable to look him in the eye.
“That’s quite impressive. I hope to see more of your dueling feats.” He said, unaware of the way your heart seemed to leap out of your chest.
That day changed many things for you. As you found yourself catching feelings and constantly seeking out Leander. You thought he was charming. You thought he was charming. His smile, his laugh. You especially loved how even if he failed he still tried again.
Your friends did not share this sentiment.
“Prewett? Really?” Asked Natty in disbelief.
Imelda nodded her head. “I have to agree with Natty. He’s a bumbling idiot, and a fool. He probably puts his shoes on the wrong foot.”
You argued back. “I think he’s dashing. So what if he messes up, don’t you think he’s just adorable?”
They simply looked at you.
You sighed. “He’s very brave. Even though he messes up, even if he’s teased, he still tries. That makes him so very valuable to me.”
You reminisced on a time in your 6th year, when a group of Gryffindors laughed at you for messing up a simple wiggenweld potion.
“What kind of idiot messes that up?” One asked.
“How can the ‘Hero of Hogwarts’ be such a dud?” said another.
You thought it was stupid that it bothered you, it shouldn’t have. You’ve fought trolls and hordes of goblins. You didn’t need the approval of some jealous Gryffindors, and yet you still found yourself crying under a tree afterwards.
Their scrutiny hurt. After all you had done for this school people still didn’t like you. It pained you.
As you sat with your knees against your chest looking at the ground, you felt someone sit next to you. It was Leander. You quickly wiped your tears, embarrassed he had found you in such a state.
“O-Oh Hello Leander.” you said nervously, glancing at him. He looked at you with furrowed brows. “What are you doing here?”
“Garreth told me what happened in potions. Don’t listen to those twats.” He said, looking at the ground in frustration.
“It’s okay. It doesn’t really matter.” You told him. Your heart fluttered at the fact he came to find you.
. “It’s not okay. How could they say that to you?” He turned to look at you. “After everything you’ve done for this school, tf they made fun of you for something as simple as a failed wiggenweld potion then there’s no hope for the rest of us.” he chuckled sadly.
“You’re very sweet.” You told him. Your mind felt lighter at his reassurance.
“I’m jealous of you, you know.” He told you candidly, cracking a cocky grin. “You took everything at Hogwarts like a fish to water. I’ve been using magic my whole life and yet I can never do anything correctly.” He smiled as he said this, but you could see his sadness. “If there’s one thing I learned, It’s that you can’t let people get to you easily.”
He patted your shoulder. “We need to get back to the castle before curfew.”
He stood up, and pulled you to your feet.
You smiled at him. “Thank you for your encouraging words, Leander. For the record, I think you’re a wonderful person.” You saw his face turn fuschia, and you let out a giggle.
Now in your 7th year, you decided you would finally work up the courage to ask him out to Hogsmeade.
It was breakfast, and you made your way over to where Leander sat at the Gryffindor table.
“Hello Leander.” You said, as you nervously fiddled with your fingers. He turned to look at you, face stuffed with toast. You giggled at the sight.
“Yes?” he said, looking at you curiously.
“Well, I-um, I’ve been in love with you since 5th year, and I just was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me later?” You waited a beat.
Leander paused.His face turning fuschia once more. It felt like the entire breakfast hall had gone quiet at this confession.
“You want to go to Hogsmeade…with me?” He asked in disbelief. You nodded your head. He stared at you blankly, unable to comprehend how anybody would want to go out with him. You started to falter. He wasn’t responding, you clearly had embarrassed him. Just as you were going to turn away he finally answered. “Yes!” he answered, a little too enthusiastically. He cleared his throat. “Ah- I mean, of course. I would have to be a fool to say no, and I am no fool.”
You felt elated. “So would 3 o’clock be okay?” You asked happily.
“That would be wonderful.” He said, still bright red.
You gleefully went back to your table, feeling this was the start of something beautiful.
I Hope you enjoyed this! It’s a bit short but I think I might do a part 2 where they go to Hogsmeade.
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catindabag · 4 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (67)
*How Sejanus got accepted by his Capitol peers* Read [this] first.
Festus: Hi, Snow bro!
Coryo: Hi, Creed. How’s life?
Festus: Pretty great! Yesterday, my mom even gave me some sweet baby potatoes to share with my rats!
Coryo: Your mom’s weird.
Festus: She’s on her ✨me and myself era✨.
Coryo: How about your dad?
Festus: Rehab.
Coryo: Poor guy.
Festus: Don’t worry about it. I’m practically the man of the house now!😎
Coryo: Festus, you’re 8.
Festus: You’re 8 too.
Coryo: I’m an orphan.
Festus: I live in a cozy dumpster without any parental supervision. So technically speaking, I’m also an orphan-
Sejanus: *appears out of nowhere and hugs Coryo like a koala* Greetings, my love!😍
Coryo: Hi, Seji Pie.
Festus: Coryo, who’s the new kid and why is he hugging you like a giant koala on crack?
Coryo: He’s my new friend-
Sejanus: Hi! I’m Coryo’s boyfriend and future husband!
Festus: Future husband?
Sejanus: Yup! I’m Sejanus Plinth! Nice to meet you!
Festus: Um- I’m Festus Creed-
Sejanus: Do you want to be the ✨Best Man✨ at our wedding?😀
Festus: You’re already planning your wedding?!
Sejanus: Of course we are! After all, it’s going to be the ✨Royal Wedding of The Century✨!😍
Festus: But I’m too young to be your ✨Best Man✨!
Coryo: And I’m too young to have a boyfriend or fiancé, but here we are.😑
Sejanus: My Coryo is so cute and shy. I want to hug him forever!
Festus: Forever?
Sejanus: And ever and ever!
Festus: Snowy, my cabbage loving brother, are you sure about him?
Coryo: His family is rich.
Festus: Richer than Arachne?
Coryo: Yes.
Festus: Nice! *turns to Sejanus and gives him a bear hug* Welcome to the Capitol, Sej! You’re now my new best mate!
Sejanus: *hugs back* Oh, thank Panem! A new friend to keep and hide in my home!
Festus: You’ll keep me where?
Sejanus: I’m so happy, my love!
Coryo: Whatever you say, Babe.
Sejanus: We should celebrate!
Festus: Yey! Free food!
Coryo: Can we order chicken nuggets and fries today?
Sejanus: Anything and everything you want, my love!😍
Festus: Can Odysseus and Penelope celebrate with us?😀
Sejanus: Sure! Where are they?
Festus: *shows them his 2 favorite freaky pet rats instead* This is Odysseus and this is Penelope! Aren’t they cute?🥰
Sejanus: They’re rats?!
Coryo: Ugly looking rats.
Festus: Yup! But I just call them Ody and Penny for short.
Sejanus: Are they even clean?
Festus: Clean as me!😊
Sejanus: Do they have rabies?
Festus: Rabies? Is that edible?
Sejanus: Festus-
Coryo: *whispers to Sejanus* Creed is currently living in a “cozy” rat infested dumpster without parental supervision.
Sejanus: *whispers back* Why? Is his family homeless and poor?
Coryo: No. They’re rich.
Sejanus: So why the dumpster?
Coryo: His crazy mother is the current ✨Queen of Neglect✨.
Sejanus: And his dad?
Coryo: Rehab.
Sejanus: Rehab?!
Festus: Yeah.😞 My germaphobe dad was forced by my evil mom to live in a dumpster for 2 years because of the rebels.
Sejanus: That’s so sad!
Festus: More like a tragedy. He was even loved and respected by many. However, after the war, my poor dad became borderline catatonic and unresponsive.
Sejanus: But what about your mother?!
Festus: She’s on her ✨me and myself era✨.😔
Coryo: It’s the war trauma. I mean, Mr. Creed’s a germaphobe and he was forced by his crazy wife to hide in a filthy dumpster for too long.
Festus: It’s ok. I still love my dad and my darling dumpster.
Sejanus: You’re making me cry, Creed!😭
Coryo: Babe, don’t feel bad. Festus is fine. He’s doing great! Look!
Festus: *is now talking to his pet rats* Oh, you look so beautiful as always, Penny!☺️
Penelope: *happily squeaks in return*
Festus: Oh, thank you, Penny!
Odysseus: *squeaks in jealousy*
Festus: Ody, don’t be jelly. Penny is your wife.
Coryo: Yup. He’s totally fine.
Sejanus: But he’s talking to rats!
Coryo: That’s normal. It’s part of the ✨Capitol Culture✨.
Sejanus: Talking to ugly rats is a ✨Capitol Culture✨?!
Festus: And heritage!
Sejanus: Coryo-
Coryo: Talking to “sacred” animals is part of being Capitol, my love.
Festus: Except for birds. We don’t talk to birds.
Sejanus: Why?
Coryo: Birds can snitch on you.
Sejanus: That is so weird.
Coryo: You’ll get used to it.
Sejanus: Have you ever-
Coryo: Talked to animals before? Sure! I do it almost every day! I even had to bargain with an angry wild dog for some lima beans and expired ham last night.
Sejanus: You can bargain with wild animals?!
Coryo: It’s a Corso thing.
Festus: We’re both from Corso.
Felix: *jumps out of nowhere* Hi, Coryo! Hi Creed! Who’s your new friend?
Sejanus: Hi! I’m Coryo’s husband!
Felix: Snowy is married already?!
Coryo: Not yet. He’s my friend-
Sejanus: Boyfriend.
Felix: Oh, ok. Nice to meet you. I’m Felix Ravinstill!
Sejanus: You’re an evil scheming Ravinstill?!
Felix: I’m sad now.😢
Coryo: Babe, don’t call our poor Felix evil. He’s sensitive.
Sejanus: But he’s a Ravinstill!
Festus: He’s our baby!
Felix: I’m baby.
Sejanus: Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know.
Felix: It’s fine. I’m used to it.
Sejanus: Being called evil all the time by complete strangers?
Felix: Along with my family.
Sejanus: And you’re not bothered by that?
Felix: It’s a reoccurring Ravinstill problem.😞
Festus: True. I mean, the Districts already hate us for barely winning the war.
Coryo: To be fair, we only won the war because everyone on both sides quickly declared a ceasefire to mourn the death of my gorgeous father and his gorgeous looks.
Sejanus: Oh, yeah! My evil old man mentioned that tragic news to me before. He was even crying his heart out and screaming at everyone that he will never ever recover and truly love again.
Coryo: My father’s death really affected your Pa that much?
Sejanus: Yup. My scheming father and ✨Gorgeous General Crassus✨ were extremely close-
Coryo: How close?
Sejanus: They were roommates.
Coryo: You do know that my dad’s death was just an accident, right?
Sejanus: Really?
Coryo: Unfortunately.
Festus: The rebel who shot Snowy’s daddy even cried and confessed on live TV that it was just an honest mistake on his part.
Felix: True. The poor bastard was supposed to aim his rifle at the sky to signal their whereabouts, but ✨Gorgeous General Crassus✨ was such a catch that he and his other rebel friends got distracted-
Coryo: Leading to my poor daddy’s accidental death. End of story.
Felix: However, because of that incident, people from both sides began to hate my family even more.
Festus: Not gonna lie, sending ✨Panem’s Prettiest Player✨ to the front lines without any warning or explanation was our country’s biggest mistake.😔
Felix: Coryo, I’m so sorry!
Coryo: Felix, it’s fine. You don’t have to feel sorry for me all the time.
Sejanus: Even though District 13 started the war that almost eradicated all of you?
Felix: District 13? What’s that? Is that food?
Coryo: *whispers to Sejanus* His irreversible war trauma is currently protecting him from the ugly realities of this world.
Sejanus: *whispers back* So District 13 still exist?
Coryo: I’m poor. So let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist anymore.
Sejanus: Whatever you say, my love!
Coryo: But seriously, Felix is a good guy. You can rely on him.
Felix: Half of my family is either crazy or shady.
Sejanus: And the other half?
Felix: They’re just a bunch of Bichon Frisé puppy worshippers.
Sejanus: And which half do you belong to?
Felix: I’m a Bichon Frisé puppy worshipper.😔
Sejanus: By force?
Felix: Yeah. My family doesn’t even know that I’m actually a big Hello Kitty fan.
Sejanus: Do you even like dogs?
Felix: I have to like them or else my granduncle and my mother might disown me.
Coryo: His crazy granduncle is the ✨President of Panem✨.
Festus: And his mother is the ✨Vice President✨.
Felix: They’re also the leaders of the famous ✨Bichon Frisé Cult✨.
Sejanus: Your mother is the same woman who declared that eating cold spaghetti on Winter Solstice is a crime against humanity?!
Felix: Yeah. That’s my mom. She’s a true Ravinstill through and through.
Sejanus: And your dad?
Felix: Is also a Ravinstill.
Sejanus: So your parents are related?
Felix: We’re Capitol Nobles.
Sejanus: So?
Felix: That means that we’re all related to each other. Even Coryo, Festus, and I are family.
Festus: By blood!
Coryo: We’re cousins.
Sejanus: Really?! How come?
Coryo: We all share a common great great grandfather.
Sejanus: That still doesn’t add up-
Festus: He had 24 daughters and 16 sons.
Felix: And I have hundreds of cousins roaming around the city.
Sejanus: Yeah, I can see it now.
Felix: Don’t even ask me about my deadly family reunions.😞
Sejanus: So that means that my future children with Coryo will have the crazy Ravinstill blood running through their veins-
Felix: You can’t run from my ever expanding bloodline, bro. Sooner or later, your family will also be part of it.😔
Sejanus: But that’s impossible!
Coryo: Just accept the inevitable.
Sejanus: Ok! No problem, my love!😍
Felix: So can we start over?
Sejanus: Sure! You start.
Felix: Oh, ok. Um- Hi! I’m Felix and I love butterflies!
Sejanus: Hi! I’m Sejanus and I love my Coryo!
Felix: That’s great! I support you! Let’s be friends!
Sejanus: Yey! Another new friend!
Coryo: Yey. I’m hungry. Let’s go eat and celebrate, Babe.
Festus: Free food!
Felix: New friend!
Lysistrata: *slides out of nowhere* Can we be friends too?
Apollo: Let’s be friends, new kid!
Diana: Me too!
Androcles: And me!
Gaius: Do you like squirrels?
Io: Do you like cheese?
Dennis: Let’s do some business ventures together!
Persephone: Have you seen my stew?
Palmyra: Try this expired muffin! I baked it myself!😀
Vipsania: Do you workout?
Domitia: Do you like cows?
Iphigenia: You can buy your groceries at my place!
Juno: A rich District peasant?!
Florus: I’m just here for the food.
Arachne: Is your sandwich recipe better than mine?
Urban: Do you like meth- I mean, math?
Pup: Do you like to sleep upside down?
Hilarius: Do I look good in shorts?
Festus: No! Shoo! Go away! Sejanus is my new friend!
Coryo: And my boyfriend!
Felix: Can we order pasta?
Apollo: Please be my friend!
Diana: Pretty please!🥺🙏
Florus: Where’s the food?
Androcles: Let’s be war baddies!
Coryo: Do you mean buddies?
Androcles: They’re the same thing.
Coryo: No, they’re not.
Androcles: Then we shall-
Sejanus: Fine! We can all be best friends forever!
Androcles: Really?🥹
Sejanus: As long as you eat my gumdrops.
Androcles: Ok!
Livia: Ew. No.
Hilarius: By the way, shouldn’t we all be in school right now?
Arachne: Shouldn’t you?
Hilarius: Nah. School is boring.
Arachne: But-
Hilarius: Let’s go celebrate our newly forged friendship instead!🥳
Sejanus: To friendship!
Everyone: *except Livia and Arachne* To our shotgun friendship!
Florus: Free food! Let’s go!
Io: I’m so excited! This is my first time skipping school!
*Meanwhile, at school*
Clemensia: *is currently sitting alone with her pet hamster* Hercules, this is weird. Why am I the only one sitting in class today? Where is everyone?
Hercules:. . .
Clemensia: Seriously, where the heck is everyone?!
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rpmemes-galore · 1 year
Discworld ... sentence starters
“I'm your worst nightmare!“
“And if the truth is terrible?“
“I'm not a lady. I'm a witch.“
“Cake is not the issue here.”
“I assure you I will not kill you.”
“Good. No preconceived ideas.“
“I am so fed up with being young.”
“Is this a dagger I see before me?“
“The money should be on the inside.“
“It’s a sword! It’s not meant to be safe!”
“I hope you're not going to kill anyone.”
“History needs shepherds, not butchers.“
“I’ve heard of them. Bloody dangerous things.”
“Open your eyes and then open your eyes again.“
“When you break rules, break 'em good and hard.“
“People don't want to see what can't possibly exist.“
“The answer is that, terrible or not, it is still the truth.”
“It's like chess, you know. The Queen saves the King.“
“I just think the world ought to be more sort of organized.“
“We walk out of here unharmed or the girl gets it, all right?“
“Don't put your faith in gods. But you can believe in turtles.“
“You’re saying humans need... fantasies to make life bearable.“
“Oh, all true. Most of them. A bit of exaggeration, but mostly true.“
“It would seem that you have no useful skill or talent whatsoever.”
“You've haven't really been anywhere until you've got back home.“
“You cannot fool me anymore. Or touch me. Or anything that is mine.”
“You had to find the truth for yourself. That is how we all find the truth.“
“I'm the one where this man comes out of nowhere and kills you, stone dead.“
“It seems that you have managed to retain this even though you are authority.”
“It's not gambling to play against someone who's no good. It's common sense.“
“You mean... the one with the giant cabbage and the sort of whirring knife thing?“
“I always used to consider that you had a definite anti-authoritarian streak in you.“
“She doesn't stand there and scream helplessly. She makes other people do that.”
“Ye mustn't be afraid to ask for help. Pride is a good thing, my girl, but it will kill you in time.“
“You can sort of tell the difference if you look closely. It doesn't have as many sharp edges.“
“You forced the world to give it to you, no matter the price, and the price is and always will be high...“
“Sometimes the moon is light and sometimes it's in shadow, but you should always remember it's the same moon.“
“What we're going to do is keep the peace. That's our job. We're not going to be heroes, we're just going to be... normal.”
“But you've found it, even if at the time you didn't know what it was you were finding, and you grabbed it by its scrawny neck and made it work for you.“
“No-one likes being told it's their lucky day. That sort of thing does not bode well. When someone tells you it's your lucky day, something bad is about to happen.“
“You think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.“
“Odd thing, ain't it... you meet people one at a time, they seem decent, they got brains that work, and then they get together and you hear the voice of the people. And it snarls.”
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Incorrect BNHA LOV quotes Featuring: Sarcastic Viewer!
Dabi: Just trust me.
Viewer: Last time you said that my apartment complex was reduced to ashes.
Dabi: Be happy you didn't die.
Viewer: At this point I wish I did.
Tomura: Oh. You're still alive.
Viewer, wrapped in bandages: Don't sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me.
Kurogiri: Your arm is bleeding.
Viewer, letting blood drip on the floor out of spite: Oh really? I hadn't noticed that my blood was currently being used as floor cleaner as it flows from my gaping wound. Thanks for letting me know!
Viewer: Well. This is a nice change. of scenery!
Tomura: It's a prison cell.
Viewer: I was being sarcastic.
Dabi: I think I actually hate you.
Viewer; waving him off: Yeah. I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.
Dabi; tired of their shit: Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?
Viewer; irritated as all hell: Not till four.
Viewer; putting their coat on:
Spinner: Where are you going?
Viewer: Hell, most likely.
Dabi: I'll kill you.
Viewer; done with his edgy shit: If you want to seem threatening; don't go straight for death, describe how you're gonna torture me then the way you'd destroy all I loved and stood for.
Tomura: Go to hell.
Viewer: Tried that. Devil said I misbehaved too much.
Tomura: I am this close to dusting you.
Viewer: Do it. Pussy.
Random stranger: Um... Excuse me, are these guys bothering you?
Viewer; almost immediately: Yes.
Toga; in a panic: You know us!
Twice, in the process of panicking: Its true!
Viewer: Unfortunately
Mr. Compress: Smiles are congaguious!
Viewer: Don't worry, I'm vaccinated.
Magne: That's not funny.
Dabi; snickering: I thought it was.
Viewer: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral home because you started thinking of a meme you saw on facebook!
Spinner: Who the fuck still uses facebook!?
Twice: Hold on, you DIED!
Viewer; holding an IV stand: Yeah, well it didn't stick!
Overhaul: Are you scared?
Viewer: No, I have this terrified look on my face 'cause I'm having so. Much. FUN.
Spinner: I.... is that blood?
Viewer; in a deadpan: No. It's Satan juice.
Spinner; concerned: What?...
Viewer: Of course, its blood jackass! Now come over here and help me move the body!
Kurogiri: Go on, apologize.
Toga: I'd like to apologize-
Viewer: Nuh uh.
Toga: The fuck you mean nuh uh?
Viewer: You want me to pretend getting stabbed never happened!
Viewer: I'm gonna need chicken blood, salt, five candles and a bottle of vodka.
Dabi: Vodka? For a spell?
Viewer; fed up: No. That's just to make me feel better after burning down that nursing home and making it look like an Eldrich cult!
Toga: Oh, look at all the pretties!
Viewer: Can you please stop taking about the knives the same way you talk about shoes?
Viewer: What's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there?
Kurogiri: Those are children. That's a school.
Spinner; laid back: It'll be easy! All you have to do is seduce them!
Viewer: Me? You're joking right? I'm about as seductive as a head of cabbage that was just tossed around like a socker ball!
Kurogiri; concerned: Viewer, where is your left shoe?
Viewer: The giant puddle down the street demanded a sacrifice.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 9 months
“What’s wrong with your friend?” For 5 sentence game
CW: Some frank references to dubcon/noncon, also Juliet is fucking calculated and I love her
Beringer's masterlist is here
"What's wrong with your friend?"
"What?" Juliet looks over her shoulder, blinking a few times, trying to figure out who in the hell Gina could possibly be talking about. There's at least a dozen people eating dinner in here already, and the other two dozen or so will come in on their own, stragglers fighting the wind cutting their cheeks and freezing their lungs.
"Who... who do you mean, Gina?"
She doesn't exactly have a lot of friends. She holds her bowl out while Gina ladles the soup into it.
It's been bubbling on the stove all day in a giant pot and smells like sheer heaven, slow-cooked pork with hominy and tomatillos and a pile of cilantro as big as her head waiting for everyone to decide what they want. Juliet looks down at her steaming bowl and adds cilantro, radishes, cabbage strips, a dollop of sour cream. The others add different things, and she thinks about how when she worked, she mostly just ate shit from the convenience store. Sometimes she was lucky enough to snag a tamale from the tamale cart.
Sometimes, her clients took her out to fancy dinner at restaurants that had four-month waits for reservations, but none of that food ever tasted as good as the tamale straight from a big plastic bucket, wrapped in corn husk, making her fingers damp and slick with lard and condensation, burning her tongue. Sometimes Romeo was with her and would buy her one with money he got washing dishes at restaurants, paid in cash with no question asked. He used to make more selling his mouth and hands, but he's got too many scars for that, now, he said. People want Romantics to look young and flirty and like innocence defiled, and it's hard to look innocent when half your face is a twisted line pulling your mouth to one side.
Still, he made life work.
She hopes, sometimes, that he's still out there, still making it work. But life expectancies for runaway Romantics aren't more than a couple of years, and he'd already outlived his by the time she met him.
She'd love to see him one more time, though. Those tamales, sitting on the curb with Romeo giggling over them with fruity jamaica soda fizzing up her nose, those were the greatest things she ever ate, the best times she had. Those tamales, and Romeo's good-natured cursing, tasted like home, like laughter and Christmas, in ways she isn't allowed to remember.
The posole that Gina makes, though, that brings memories, too. Headaches, sure, but lately she can get through the headaches, more and more.
Gina snorts. "Him," She says, gesturing with her ladle. Broth shimmery with pork fat drips off of it, unnoticed. She has tendrils of dark curls stuck to her forehead and cheeks and the back of her neck, where her heavy hair is swept up in something both like and unlike a bun. "That one. He's with you all the time lately."
Oh. Beringer.
Juliet shrugs. "He's not really my friend. He's the one that came in with the handler out in the shed. I've been helping him figure stuff out here. Might as well be useful before Brock notices I don't do shit around here."
"Brock's a softie, he won't make you do anything you don't want to do." Gina leans around Juliet to look more closely at Beringer. "Huh. Ophie said he was a daycare pet."
"He was, I think."
"Really? But he's..."
Gina smiles, slightly shamefaced. "Well... I just. He looks more like one of your kind, is all I'm saying."
Juliet snorts. "My kind. Right. The whores, you mean. The giant fucking sluts."
Gina turns bright red. "I didn't say that!"
"Thought it, though. Anyway, we're all good-looking, remember? It's part of the draw of the whole damn system. Get a pretty person to do whatever degrading shit you dream about with a smile on their face and a song in their heart." Juliet laughs without humor. Outside, the wind whirls snow past the windows. It stopped actually snowing a while back, but it's dry stuff, easily lifted by the breeze that whistles past the corners of every house. It races itself over the salted, plowed roads like horses hellbent on making it to the horizon.
"Well. Not everyone has to... you know." Gina's smile fades, and she won't meet Juliet's eyes as she says it.
Juliet lifts her chin. It's not her fucking fault, she reminds herself, that she only knows one way to get by. It's not her fault, she was made that way, and you can't blame someone for doing what they know. "Trust me. You might not have had to fuck them, but you still had to act like less than a person, and that's a kind of fucking, too."
Gina swallows, hard. Silence draws out, and then Juliet stomps away, over to the table where Beringer sits. The daycare pet watches the window, lost in his own mind, a cup of coffee long since gone cold in front of him.
"When's the last time you ate, huh?" Juliet sits her tray down a little too loudly, watching him jump in surprise. There are scars on him, too - she can see it on his hands, creeping up the side of his neck, just barely visible. He has more under his shirt, like cobwebs of dead skin.
"Wh-... oh, hi." His smile is brief, but gentle. She could see how he worked well with kids. There's no malice, in a smile like that. No aggression like the men at bars she'd pick up, no desire or demand like the more expensive clients who scheduled in advance. It's just a soft smile, easy as an older brother waking up for church on a Sunday morning so your mother won't know you slept in.
The little girl that's usually glued to his side is off in the play area in the big building where everyone eats, giggling through tag with another girl. One of the Domestics had come with a child in tow, too, unable to bear the thought of losing her. No one has asked if the child is hers.
Juliet wonders if she was a happy kid, when she was that age.
She'll never know.
"Hi doesn't answer my question, Beringer."
"Oh... uh. I don't know." He goes back to watching the window, and she sighs.
"He's not coming out of that shack any faster because of you making goo-goo eyes, you know."
"I know." Beringer leans forward, resting on his elbow, hand in his hair and palm against his forehead. "Rye says he's got a cough starting up. If helping me escape is what gets him killed-"
"Then it's exactly what he fucking deserves."
Beringer looks up, startled, at the flat, sharp edge of her voice. She watches his adam's apple bob as he swallows, sees the slight flare of whites around his eyes. "... Juliet. I told you, he didn't want to do it anymore-"
"Yeah, I hate to let you in on this, but that doesn't matter. Not even a little bit." She smiles to cut the sting in her words, but it doesn't work. His own eyes narrow in response. "Look. Just. You're still in it, I can tell, and it makes sense since you're so new at being out. But he's a handler, Ber. He was a handler, he's still a handler. You don't stop being a handler once you sign their fucking contract. We all know that."
Beringer's jaw works, but he only looks away, back to the window. "He's..."
"What? Nice?" Juliet laughs, bitter as raw chocolate. "Oh, sure, no doubt. Nice to you, you were taking care of his precious baby girl. But I bet he beat the shit out of someone else as soon as he got downstairs to the training rooms, or had one with a mouth on his cock and told the poor trainee it's breakfast. Handlers aren't nice."
"... he isn't like that-"
"They're all like that. You think it was just Romantic handlers who came to my training room to have their fun?" She smiles, and it's a grimace. A snarl. "God, no. I had to spread my legs for every kind of handler you can imagine. At least the Romantic handlers were fucking honest about it."
Beringer stares at her. He has beautiful dark eyes. The kind you could fall into. She can see why the handler out in the shed followed him here, brought him. She'd have done anything for those eyes, too, once upon a time.
"Stop," he whispers. "He was never like that."
"Guarantee he fuckin' was."
"You don't know him."
"Neither do you. Handlers go through fucking months of training, Beringer. They only keep the ones they know will do the dirty work, the worst sons of bitches, the worst bastards, the worst people on earth. I probably sucked fifty handler cocks in training, or more, and you know what?"
He looks like he'll be sick, and some part of her feels good at seeing one of the lucky ones realize what it takes to keep existing when you've been what Juliet had to be to survive. "What?"
"The only ones I saw wearing wedding rings weren't wearing them anymore a few months later. They can't stay married because they don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves."
"His wife-... Marc's wife hated what he did for work, she left-"
"She left? Lucky woman. You should be that smart. Take the kid, go to Canada, and let the handler out there rot. He deserves it. He let plenty of us rot, didn't he? That great good man out there? Looked the other way, probably did plenty of shit he isn't telling you about. While his little girl learned her ABCs upstairs, he taught one of us how to clean grout knowing they'd get shocked half to death if they ever paused for a single. damn. second."
Beringer's eyes go back to the little girl. She's stopped playing. She's watching a show about a cartoon dog, now, standing with a stuffed tiger crooked in her arm. "I-I don't-... know. I haven't really asked him... if he..."
"I know." She sighs, trying to soften her voice, and reaches out to lay a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry. I'm being really rude about this, but I swear, it's because I'm worried. If you let him take you to Canada, he'll just want to keep you, to use you. They just have people they want to use. He's using you, Ber."
"He's not." Beringer shakes his head, running his hand over his mouth. He's pale, haunted around the eyes. "He's not. He wouldn't have thought of it on his own. I... I talked to him for months, let him think I'd kiss him, made friends... flirted... did the things I saw them do on TV. I used him."
"Now you don't need him any longer." Juliet nudges his foot under the table with his own, until he looks back at her and she can give him her best wry smile. It's as much a performance as the flirty little grins she'd been so good at once upon a time. "So let him go. Thanks for all the fish, thanks for your baby girl, now go to hell."
"... Rye, he was Rye's handler. Rye said he was always so nice-"
"Right, sure. Bet he was. Then, once Rye knew how to count pills and give baths to old ladies and smile his face off, he sent him on to a house where he got the shit beat out of him by his owner's daughter over and over and over again until he ended up in the clinic four times in a year. Even when he's nice, he's not nice."
Beringer is silent for a long, long time. "What do I tell Mallie when she asks where her daddy is, then, huh? What do I tell her?"
"Tell her he died." Juliet shrugs. "He will anyway, if you're not here to vouch for him any longer. Tell her whatever the hell you want. She's not even old enough to remember you lied. She'll never know. She'll call you daddy after a few months, dad in a few years. You'll be the only father she ever knows. You can watch her grow up, knowing that he can't. Erase him from everyone who mattered to him. Just like they do to us. Take his life and make it serve your needs, what you want, leave him for dead when you're done, and once he's gone through all of it and died after, he'll have paid for everything he ever did to the rest of us who weren't you."
Beringer's breath catches. She thrills, just a little, whenever she lets a man see inside her mind and he looks that frightened afterward. She's never hurt a man in her life - but she's frightened a few, and it's always felt so good.
Romeo was never scared of her, though. He would just find some way to twist her idea and make it even more terrifying. They laughed all the time about the things they could come up with to have their revenge.
"Christ Almighty," He whispers. She's not even sure he knows he said it.
She eats her soup, delighting in the heat and lime and salt and spice, in silence until she's done. She stands to take her dishes back over to the pile of them next to sink, deciding she'll make sure she washes for a half an hour or so to help earn her keep, and pauses.
He's staring out the window again.
"You don't owe him anything." She makes her voice as calm and as gentle as she can. "Understand?"
He doesn't look at her, or answer, but she knows he's thinking about what she said.
Outside, the snow blown by the wind makes sure you can't even see the shack where that handler is being held. Only the fence, and the darkness beyond.
Right where every handler belongs.
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thequeenofthewinter · 10 months
Work-in-Progress Wednesday
Come one and come all to the great spectacle which is WIP Wednesday. Pull up a chair, grab a tankard of mead, and tuck in to some apple and cabbage stew. This week we present...soundscapes.
Tagging: @oblivions-dawn @mareenavee @rainpebble3 @paraparadigm @dirty-bosmer @tallmatcha @gilgamish @blossom-adventures @snippetsrus @saltymaplesyrup @changelingsandothernonsense @dumpsterhipster @archangelsunited @rose-like-the-phoenix @friend-of-giants @frankensonnet @skyrim-forever
As always, there is no pressure to participate, but I will still poke you like a piñata and see what treats fall out. <3
Winter’s hands creep slowly into every surface, making their presence felt in the Palace of the Kings. In a matter of days, they have managed to sweep away most of the comforting warmth of firelight and crackling kindling to spread frosty fingers over everything from tempered glass panes to untempered attitudes.
Ulfric’s rumbling voice can be heard despite the shrieking din of the wild gales trying to force their way into the Palace. If he could keep them out with the sound of his voice, he would. However, while that is not within his own capabilities, it is certainly within his wife’s. Her Voice is even louder than his own.
“Really Ulfric, it’s fine. Let the man do his job.” Dahlia places her hands on her hips as her husband looks back at her, his lips pursing into an almost scolded expression.
She shakes her head no slightly, “But nothing.”
Her husband sighs and reluctantly tears himself away from what is unfolding at the front of the Great Hall. “What is it, my heart?”
Patience might be in constant short supply for Ulfric Stormcloak, but if there is anyone who can pull at the last dregs of it and live to tell the tale, it is his wife. They have been doing this same song and dance over the last two weeks as preparations have been hastened for their coronation—which is to take place tomorrow.
Dahlia looks to her husband, holding back the words burning at the edges of her tongue and swallowing them before they can set her ablaze. She is not truly cross with him but rather the situation at hand.
Over the last two weeks, her nerves have been stretched thin, as have Ulfric’s. However, she has had to deal with the constant banging, movement, and shattering all with the grace of a pregnant, hormonal Dragonborn. All she wanted was peace and quiet, but that was never an option. “Love, could we…”
A hammer falls to the floor as one of the workers cusses loudly.
She takes a deep breath. “…could be perhaps take a walk?”
Ulfric frowns as he asks tentatively, “Where to?”
“Anywhere that is not currently here. For the love of Talos, if I do not get away from…” her arms gesture widely indicating all of the servants moving furniture to and fro; the masons hammering on the last bits of stonework for their thrones; Jorleif’s strained voice insisting that the menu is venison, not boar, and—
It is too much for her.
Tears begin to prick at the corners of her eyes as they dart around the room, not focusing on anything in particular. Shallow breaths are added in staccato to the symphony of dissonance pressing all around them. When her eyes eventually make their way back to Ulfric, she has to draw on the last of her willpower not to crack entirely.
“Please,” she adds, voice small and lost to the bigger waves of sound now drowning her out, but Ulfric can read her lips well enough as well as see the tell-tale signs of his wife in distress.
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clatterbane · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Currently waiting for my insulin to kick in, with tonight's delight ready to go. We're headed well into the rainy chilly part of the year now, and today has been a great example. So, I got to craving some soup!
That's just some makeshift chicken vegetable stuff that I threw together, involving a couple of frozen chicken leg quarters, plus some leftover fried cabbage and half a container of tomato passata out of the fridge. I did cut up an onion and a few carrots for it, but the celery and little bit of green beans are straight out of the freezer. This batch has some thyme and dill, plus a little extra pepper on top of whatever was already in the cabbage. Which also brought some more onion and red pepper flakes to the mix.
On the side: some giant slightly fucked-up looking potato biscuits. Gluten free styley, of course.
We had about the right amount of mashed potatoes left in the fridge, so why not. I haven't made any potato biscuits in ages, and actually decided to look up some reference recipes for a change. We'll see how the lazy melted butter approach works out, as compared to cutting it into the flour like usual. I just subbed in my own impromptu mostly whole grain flour concoction, and added a spoonful of xanthan gum just to be safe though I figured the potato would keep it from going too crumbly without the extra binder. Since these are buttermilk, I also subbed in half a teaspoon of baking soda for one of the spoons of baking powder like I normally would.
That's looking and smelling entirely too good, and hopefully the biscuit consistency will be alright once I finally dig in!
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angelosearch · 2 months
My initial screaming thoughts on the Avatar the Last Air Bender live action remake on Netflix. Spoilers for eps 1-4 below, will watch 5-8 later today probably.
I want to hug this casting director and also ask them how they pulled the chacters straight out of the cartoon and made them real.
Lol wow the dialogue is really leaving nothing up to the imagination. Exposition exposition exposition. Get why they are doing it this way but it gets reeeeeally clunky sometimes.
We must say the exact number of years that everything has happened and everyone's age
hope line in ep 1 is straight out of Ember Island Players
The ostrich horses are chocobos and I am not taking any questions
😭 The airbender genocide is horrifying (as it should be)
Animals are a tad uncanny valley but I am okay with it
I appreciate that they kept so much of the original music even though it feels a little out of place for something live action
The tone is much more mature. The themes are different in a good way - they haven't changed much of what exists in the canon, just shifted focus. Adult side characters are getting more story. Stakes feel higher. Violence! Grittiness!
Firebenders are really fucking evil so they need to balance it with more morally gray/evil earthbenders and more upfront sympathy/development for Iroh and Zuko
This show could be enjoyable to someone who has never seen the cartoon before but it is definitely written for us, those who had our hearts broken by the movie
Sokka is not overtly sexist and honestly I'm okay with it. I like that arc for him in the animated tv show but with the tone of the live action, he couldn't just be funny sexist, he would have to be dark sexist and that just wouldn't be Sokka. Plus I like how they focus more on Sokka's sense of duty because it creates a good foil for Aang.
I was never really a big Sokka/Suki shipper but DAMN.
I am getting more Zutara vibes rn than Katara/Aang idk
Okay they are condensing the plot but in really smart ways. We aren't losing much.
The set design. The costuming. SO PERFECT. Ohmashu looked great.
they mention secret tunnels. Are they gonna do it? Are they gonna keep it in?? YEEEESSSS FUCK YES OKAY THIS REMAKE IS AMAZING
I really like how they made the tunnels about sibling love tbh
Utkarsh Ambudkar disappears into the role of Bumi and it is SO GOOD
Me: *cries as Zuko comforts Iroh at Lu Ten's funeral* My husband: "Wait, listen to the music" Me: *listens* *lays down* *CRIES A LOT*
This show is very focused on showing what a 100 year war does to people and I think that was a good direction to take
Overall I am VERY happy with it. They understood the assignment, there is a ton of love for the show weaved into it, and I am excited to see more.
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in-a-brown-study · 6 months
heroes liveblogging episode 2 一 part 1
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OH MY GOD LOOK WHO'S HERE!!!! the way i squealed. what a fine man
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JSIWHDJD I KNOW RIGHT???? i was shocked too
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oh no oh no... not the dmbj..... help. the xie character is the same 🤣 heixie keeps winning whtv
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they already giving each other silly nicknames.. CABBAGE
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he knows how to play the flute????
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"my bed is big and soft, you can stay with me" OKAY???????*wriggles eyebrows* what was that
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i need to know what did he actually sing irl gotta watch the bts asap. also they look like they're having lots of fun i wanna join so bad
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pinewoodpipit · 4 months
slàinte, mo ghràdh - Fic Meta
A meta post for my fluff fic, slàinte, mo ghràdh! I'll put the meta thoughts in after a cut, as usual.
The Fic's Title
The title, "slàinte, mo ghràdh", is Gaidhlig / Scottish Gaelic for "cheers, my love". I'm not a fluent Gaidhlig speaker but I am learning, and I'm really fond of it as a language. Gaidhlig is really incredibly important to our culture, especially because speaking our native Scottish languages was actually illegal here for a long time as part of an assimilation effort to "civilise" the Highlands. Very few people speak our languages here, now, but we're working hard to try and keep our languages alive. I thought this would be a nice way to include it.
Real Places
Lots of the places in this fic are real places in Edinburgh! The museum, of course, is real.
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The hotel they stayed in is also real, and I even looked ahead of time to see what their rooms would look like.
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The restaurant they went to get the cranachan is the Abbotsford Bar and Restaurant, since I'd read that their cranachan is good and gets recommended by Edinburgh locals. The main street is, of course, real, and the park they went to when it was snowing is The Meadows, the same place where the torch procession started.
The horse statues at the end are The Kelpies, giant horse head statues which light up at night and look incredible in the snow. They're bigger than you might think just from looking at pictures!
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Foods Mentioned
Most food mentioned in this fic is real.
Rumbledethump is a real cabbage dish here, made with cabbage, potato, swede, and cheese, and you can get it in little pastries sometimes.
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Cranachans are a real dessert here, and a very historical one, originally made to celebrate the autumn harvests :) they're great, although usually better when made at home rather than eaten at a restaurant.
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Sticky toffee pudding is INCREDIBLE and one of the best things we've got. That sauce could heal any wounds. It's meant to come with hot sauce to drench the cake, and the ice cream melts into it. UGH I could die.
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Curry stuffed naan is a real thing you can get at our Christmas markets in Edinburgh - curry is also pretty widely loved in the UK. Tikka Masala was invented here by a Bangladeshi-Scottish man, Ali Ahmed Aslam, back in the 1970s! Phall was also invented in Birmingham. The UK really likes curry.
Cock-a-leekie is a real soup here. It's just chicken and leek soup. Cullen skink is also a real meal here, and it's a thick haddock soup. Seafood and fish is very commonly eaten here, and salmon is especially good in Scotland. We do seafood right.
I disagree fundamentally with "British food sucks" jokes because honestly, I feel like people who say that haven't tried actual British food. British is not synonymous with English; Britain is a collection of several countries which includes England, and just using Scotland as an example, we have some really fantastic foods. It's sad to me to see it get written off when so much of Scottish culture has had to fight tooth and nail just to exist after centuries of assimilation efforts. Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are all countries in our own right and our cultures - and tastes in food - exist independently from England.
New Year is focused on a little more in this fic, and there's a reason for that - generally, New Year is a bigger holiday in Scotland than Christmas, and there's historical context for it. Christmas was actually made illegal here back in the 1600s, and as a result, Hogmanay (or New Year) became a large celebration in its own right. The Scots LOVE Hogmanay, and New Year celebrations in Edinburgh is a festival which lasts several days, including the torch procession (a LOT of our celebrations include fire), ceilidh, live music festivals, drinking pub nights, and fireworks etc.
The ban on Christmas was lifted about seventy years later, but Hogmanay was still a huge celebration, and it's an important part of our lives, now.
The ugly sweaters mentioned in the fic are real.
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The nicer ones are also real, and I really like them! Truly though, they're not warm enough to keep you cosy in the snow. You need a thick coat, winter boots, and probably also a hat/gloves/scarf for that. The cold here is no joke; even though the temperatures don't look that cold, Scotland is so humid and wet that it's really impossible to escape and it burrows deep. I know people who live through -20C Canadian winters with no problem but HATE wintering in Scotland because it's miserable, even if it's not that cold on paper.
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The reindeer plush is a reference to my freckle fic!
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It's him, but reindeer flavoured.
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ultimateaclrecovery · 5 months
Japan day 1!
Started our day walking around Osaka castle and the gardens around it. It was raining but pretty. I loved the ivy moat and light up fish.
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After the castle we went to the aquarium. I loved how close we were able to get to penguins, but the highlight was learning about these hilarious garden eels in a room dedicated to cute fish. They bob up and down to catch food off the current. Ingot a little keychain/ornament of one (and a little seal plate because I have no self control)
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After the aquarium we got Japanese pancakes, okonomiyaki, that has cabbage and eggs.
We then had time to kill before teamlabs at the botanical gardens so stopped at this little shopping street that randomly had an observatory that was weirdly Billikens themed and overall a weird and hilarious time. And a cool observatory
The team labs botanical gardens was a light up interactive garden that was super fun. When you walked by or pushed the installations the colors would change and spread to the other installations. It was a little rainy but otherwise wonderful
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We got dinner at a yakinuki, where you grill your own meats and it was so delicious. The lights in the street of Osaka were so pretty near our hotel. I’m having so much just walking around and seeing the different street vibes.
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And now my overly long travel diary write up under the read more. I will not subject your feed to my word vomit, but I want it
Day 1 11/10
Slow wake up and some quality time with my boyfriend. We were going to do a day trip to Nara but decide it’s raining too much for that.
We head out and grab convience store food fo breakfast from Lawson. I get chicken nuggets and a pastry. And the chicken nuggets are shockingly good. My bf had said they were the best chicken nuggets he ever had and I’m still surprised by how good they are. The pastry is also delicious. We then wander around the Osaka castle gardens and see the outside of it. But we don’t have time to go in before our aquarium time. We do pay 200 yen a piece to go into a special section of the gardens. We see a cat chilling in one of the temple buildings. The leaves are pretty as are the grounds but it’s a bit of dreary day
The aquarium really funnels you through a certain path. Some of the exhibits get very crowded with everyone bunches up trying to see. The later exhibits have more viewing porta so things spread a bit. I loved seeing the dolphins and the giant tank with pacific creatures. There are gorgeous stung rays and some really giant mackerels. There’s also an ocean sunfish which is my favorite.
The best part tho was the “cute room” they had the finding Nemo fish and dory dish and the personal highlight of garden eels. They bury half their body in the sand and then bop up and down to eat plankton. It was so wild watching them go up and down like little wack a moles and swing their heads about eating. They looked like they should be in a childrens show. I acquired a stuffed one to use as a Christmas ornament from the gift shop. I also get a plate with seal faces on it. Idk what I’ll do with the plate but it’s adorable so it��s fine. 5.96 total
After the aquarium we grab food from the nearby mall. We get okanami pancakes. I get pork egg and cheese and bf gets pork and squid.
After lunch we start to head to the team lab botanical gardens but stop at a shoppingish area along the way. We walk for a bit and there’s a giant observatory tower. We decide to get tickets since the wait isn’t long. It’s one of the weirdest themed things I’ve ever done. It is all about the Billikens. And everything on the top floor is gold and everything on the second floor is disco and everything is so delightfully kitschy. On our walk through the levels in the way I take a picture with my head in a Billikens hole. It’s so weird but so fun.
Then we head to our garden tickets.
It starts to rain on our walk from the subway to the gardens but luckily it lightens up soon after we get there.
We walk around and play with the interactive blogs of light.
On the way back the by makes a reservation for dinner for nine. We stop at the hotel and I take a 30 min until it’s time to leave.
Dinner is grilling. The wagu beef and the flavor salt is so so good. I actually really enjoy the kimchi and most of the bimpap but there’s a couple flaovurs in there that aren’t my favorite. Tomorrow we will go to kyoto.
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roosterbruiser · 11 months
whenever you have the time, I’d love to hear more about Faye’s other pregnancies. I’m obsessed with Landslide. It’s a masterpiece!
sorry I let this sit in my drafts for so long!!! omg!!!
canonically, I'm making it so Faye really enjoys being pregnant (and good bc they have FIVE girls) because I've tortured her more than enough in the story :,)
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here's a blurb I wrote about Olive:
And then, of course, there was Olive. And the house was never even close to quiet ever again. A crackling baby monitor, some battery-operated toy, hiccups, crying, giggling, abused piano keys crying unceremoniously, gleeful chattering, babbling, burping, tiny feet on the kitchen tile. Olive was always relentless--plagued with a never-ending case of hiccups, especially when she was upset--and walked through life with a certain boldness only her aunt had possessed. It took Olive a few moments to cry when she was born in that white-washed hospital room just before midnight--stubborn as she is, she only relented when her daddy touched her for the first time. She is the oldest daughter, the bravest, the boldest. Self-assured, secured in her place in this world. 
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Faye's pregnancy with Joni is about as smooth as a pregnancy can get! chasing around a toddler keeps Faye on her toes, but Bradley always makes sure to spoil her rotten as soon as he gets home.
her biggest craving is giant salads. and we aren't talking flimsy little things, either. we're talking the words: cooked pasta, breadcrumbs, cabbage, butter lettuce, carrots, peppers, vinegar dressing, tomatoes, chicken, seeds, nuts, etc. Bradley would obviously start calling Faye "bunny" during this period bc of that!
after her less-than-steller experience birthing in a hospital, I think Faye would opt to give birth at home. she already knows that she can do it medication-free, but they go to lots of classes anyway! I imagine that Faye is only in labor for a few hours, just like she was with Olive. and then Joni Caroline is born late into the night on October 19th, 2023.
here's a blurb I wrote about it:
Then there was Joni--sweet Joni, endlessly quieter than Olive, but doted on relentlessly. Joni was always watching--those big, brown eyes lingering over still faces and laughing forms and moving screens and cloudy skies. But we--Bradley and I--we could always hear her. It was the humming. She hummed from--what feels like--birth. Always a low little vibration in her throat, her eyes far-away and glassy, her little lips a flat line. When Joni was born, when I pulled her from the warm water and onto my naked chest in the lowlight of the living room, she didn’t cry. Frantically, the midwives checked her airways while Bradley and I rubbed her back, cooing at her. Her airways were clear and she was breathing; she just didn’t have anything to say. 
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similarly with Olive and Joni, the pregnancy is easy. she's a surprise baby, but it's a happy surprise! chasing after two toddlers does keep Faye on her toes, but they have family living close to them by the time she's pregnant with Finch!
they keep the gender a surprise, even though they both feel like it's a boy. they don't know why other than they just assume after two girls, they'd get a boy. they settle on the name Finch and don't really look for a girl name at all!
but as soon as Finch is born and is absolutely a girl, they decide that the name Finch is absolutely perfect anyway.
here's a blurb I wrote about it:
Finch came screaming into the world on the coldest day in February, roaring herself into this serious world with a very serious cry. As I laid on the bedroom floor, the plastic sheet beneath me crinkling with my every movement, she bawled and bawled and bawled. It wasn’t until I put her to my breast, only minutes after birth, that she relinquished all thoughts of upset. Finch has always been insistent--always attached to the boob when she was an infant, always begging for more of this, more of that. But as insistent as she has always been, she has been the kindest soul to ever touch this earth. She used to rush into the house in a frenzy, holding an ailing baby bunny, begging me to save it, mommy, save it! She was the resident bug collector, releasing spiders and centipedes outside safely. She would hold hands with anyone, would never leave without kissing us goodbye, and was never embarrassed to let her dad hold her on her shoulders at concerts--even when she was too big. 
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Bradley and Faye have three sweet and perfect girls and decide what the Hell? why not have one more!
and then they get pregnant with twins. twin girls!
I feel like this is Faye's most complicated pregnancy. knowing that she is carrying twin girls is a genuine physical reminder of her own sister every single day. worrying about repeating the mistakes of her parents or repeating any part of her history is a major concern for her. Bradley's constantly rubbing knots out of her shoulders at the end of the day.
physically, she's dealing with more weight and less room in her womb, but she's been pregnant a few times by now and knows how it goes. pregnancy agrees with her, even if it's twins!
Bradley is more concerned about two newborns than anything else, especially since the other girls aren't very old yet!
but then they're born and they're the most perfect little souls to ever grace this earth. they complete the Ledger-Bradshaw family to a tee--complete with their big brown eyes and loud mouths.
here's a blurb I wrote about it:
Last came Opal and June. My last daughters stretched me to my breaking point, waiting until a cool June day to start my labor. It was my longest and most grueling one, which was unexpected. Twenty-three hours of me pacing around the house like a wild animal, heavy with two baby girls, twisting this way, stretching that way, standing up, kneeling, leaning, swaying. Little Opal was born first--and she was slow to emerge from me. Coming into my arms at four in the morning a tiny and pink thing, furrowing her brow at me as if I'd interrupted her quiet night. Shortly after Opal was June, who was sweeter and quieter. She was born with her eyes wide open and looking into mine--they were the eyes of my grandmother, deep blue and very intense. They have always been attached to me--attached to my hip. Despite being born in the same hour on the same day, Opal is louder than June. She is more than June in every way: more emotional, more angry, more happy, more hungry, more thirsty. Opal was my only daughter that cried when I left her at daycare for the first time. June held her hand quietly, diligently, but did not tear up. But when I returned only a few hours later, grocery bags in the backseat of the truck, June wrapped her arms around my leg and would not let me go. I sat in the car with them for a long time, the engine cut and the ice cream in the trunk melting, just petting their hair and explaining that I will always come back. Always. This is not to say that the twins love Bradley any less than they love me. And he loves them just as fiercely as he loves me, Olive, Joni, Finch. But they have always been my shadows. They were the last to stop breastfeeding, the last to stop sleeping in our bed, the last to take their training wheels of their bikes, the last to leave the house. And even now, when Opal needs comfort, she will openly weep and wail until we are cooing and patting her hair and kissing her cheeks. And even now, when June needs comfort, she will hold onto me and not let me go. They use their spare keys often.
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