#pipit writes
pinewoodpipit · 4 months
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Been a while since I last drew them kissing in warm lighting
this is art of my gamer au which is why Fade has a slightly crooked scar instead of her canon nose bridge line, but you can look at it any way you like! I just wanted to draw my favourites ❤️
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skyward-floored · 26 days
*shuffles in* the people wanted to see it, so I’m posting it. Here’s a scene from an oc Link story, the Hero of Sages. He’s got six sisters, in case you didn’t know.
This is before he’s a hero, but not too long before, maybe a few weeks? I’m also trying to figure out how old he is, maybe eleven or so... I’m still working things out. But have this scene in the meantime.
“C’mon Berry, the cuccos need tending!”
Link frowned as his sister pushed a basket into his hands and began shoving him in the direction of the coop, bracing his feet and pinwheeling his arms as she pushed.
“But it’s your job to do the eggs,” he said, struggling against her hold, “and the cuccos hate me!”
“I’ve got to study,” Iris huffed, pointing towards the coop. “Grandpa says I need to focus more on history, and that means I don’t have time for chores right now. So cuccos. Go.”
“But I did them for you yesterday! And I already have to hang the laundry ‘cause Lily is busy!” Link protested, but Iris wasn’t swayed, turning away to head back to the house.
“Sorry Link, you’ll just have to do both. I’ll make it up to you later!” she called behind her as she jogged away, and Link drooped.
Their grandfather had always worked on studies with his sisters, but in the past week, he’d been practically obsessive about it, constantly pulling them away to have them listen to him lecture or read or whatever it was they always did. It seemed like they did practically nothing but study lately.
Leaving Link alone to do all the chores.
Link sighed and dragged his feet as he walked to the cucco coop, looking at the birds with a nervous frown. The cuccos had never liked him, and he usually avoided their coop like the plague.
Which is why this is usually Iris’s job, not mine!
Link swallowed, and edged his way inside the coop, stepping around the birds as he tossed food on the ground. He quickly collected their eggs while the birds were distracted, only having to suffer a few pecks from the stubborn remaining few.
He’d almost finished gathering them all when he accidentally stepped backwards, right onto a cucco’s foot. The bird shrieked in anger and leapt at his face, and Link spent the next several minutes yelling as he tried not to get clawed to bits by the entire flock of swarming birds.
He finally managed to escape the coop, slamming the door behind him and panting as he clutched the basket of eggs to his chest.
“Whew...” he gasped, then jumped as a cucco made a hissing sound behind him.
Link stuck his tongue out at it, then winced as the motion made his face ache. He wiped at his cheek, frowning at the blood on his hand, then sighed as he remembered one of the bigger birds had slashed him with one of its claws. Not to mention all the smaller scratches the birds had left on his hands.
Link dropped his now-bloody hand, and walked up to the house to drop off the eggs, steps heavy. He could faintly hear his Grandfather talking in the other room when he set the eggs down, but didn’t linger, turning around and walking back out of the house.
He certainly wasn’t going to get any help here.
Link pushed their gate open and headed down the hill and into the village proper, cheek stinging with every step. He would have been grumpy enough without the scratch, but every throb was a reminder of the repeated busyness of his sisters. It seemed like he’d barely seen any of them the past week, and the multiplying chores were only adding to his grief.
“This is all that dumb monster’s fault,” Link grumbled to himself, hiding his cheek as he nodded hello to some of his neighbors.
He headed straight for the general store near the village entrance, brushing off stray feathers from his clothes as he went. Nobody much was really around at the moment, which Link was immensely grateful for, since he didn’t want anyone to come out and start fussing over him, and doubtlessly laugh at his unfortunate cucco injury.
The way this week is going, that would be about right, he thought with a sigh.
Link finally reached the store, and paused to look up at the sign like he always did, eyes trailing over the colors one of his sisters had helped paint. Then he walked inside, the door jingling, and saw his oldest sister sitting at the counter, marking something in a book.
“Del?” Link asked, and she looked up, immediately zeroing in on the blood on his cheek.
“Oh Berry, did the cuccos get you again?” she asked in a slightly exasperated voice, and Link nodded as she hurriedly stood up and came around the counter. Del tilted his cheek up, studying the scratch with a worried frown, then went back behind the counter, gesturing Link to a stool. “Those birds just have it out for you, don’t they?”
“They never peck Iris,” Link grumbled, still a bit annoyed at his other sister.
Del sighed, and pulled her own stool up beside his, pouring something on a cloth and reaching out to clean his face and hands. It especially stung on his cheek, but Link held still while his sister cleaned the cuts, her motions quick and practiced. Del then put a bandage on his cheek, and smoothed it out, making sure it would stay.
“There you go. All done,” Del smiled at him as she leaned back, and gave his unhurt cheek a pat. “They should heal pretty quick, even the one on your cheek isn’t too deep. Just don’t mess with it.”
“Thanks Del,” Link said quietly. She sighed again, looking him over.
“Been a hard week, hasn’t it?” she said, brushing some stray dust off of her apron.
“Ever since Pip came through yelling about that monster he saw, Grandpa keeps making you guys do nothing but study,” Link moped, his annoyance suddenly sharpening. “And Iris keeps dumping her chores on me and Poppy keeps being all snappy and Coriander didn’t even want to hear about the kittens I found yesterday!”
Link slumped in his seat, flicking dirt off his boots.
“All this for one dumb monster,” he mumbled.
Del’s face creased for a moment, but it didn’t last long, and she gave Link’s hair a ruffle.
“Monsters are dangerous,” she chided, pulling a stray feather from his hair. “And there’s rarely just one. Pip got lucky.”
“I know, I know,” Link grumbled.
Del gave him a little smile. “Hey. I know you’re getting frustrated Link, but Grandfather will ease off on our studies soon. He’s just... worried. He wants us to be prepared.”
“How will you guys studying help with that?” Link asked with a frown.
Del hummed, and Link saw something weird in her eyes again. “It’s always good to be prepared, Link.”
Link sighed, and Del ran a hand over his head again, her face thoughtful.
“I think what you need is a pick-me-up,” she decided, and turned back towards the counter, blue skirt swishing. “Be right back.”
She walked off into the back room, and Link rested his unhurt cheek on his hand, idly kicking his feet as he looked around the store. He’d been spending a lot of time in here lately when he wasn’t doing chores, since Del was the only one of his sisters who wasn’t studying like crazy. That was only because she worked here and earned money they needed though, and she still had to study. Just not as much as his other sisters.
Link suddenly wondered if he could convince them to get jobs too.
The bell on the door jingled, and Link looked up to see a sandy-haired man walk in, face hopeful as he looked around.
“Hi Russ,” Link said, and the young man looked over at him, eyes catching on the bandage on his cheek.
“Cuccos get you again, Link?” he said with a sympathetic look, and Link nodded glumly. “Sorry to hear that. You’ll get the better of those birds someday, I bet. So uh, is Mr. M in, or is Del working today?” he asked casually, and Link held himself back from grinning.
“She’s in the back room,” he reported, and Russ nodded, surreptitiously smoothing his hair down.
Link muffled his laugh. One bright side of spending lots of time in the store meant that he got to see Russ pretend he had a real reason for coming in every day. Aside from seeing Del, that is.
“You know Russ, you could just ask her to marry you,” Link said mildly, and Russ choked, dropping the apple he’d picked up to inspect. He hurriedly retrieves it and set it back on the stand, throat bobbing as he cleared it.
“W-well, I uh—”
Russ quickly turned back to the counter at the voice, smiling as Del came back out of the storage room. “Hey, Del! How’s the store been?”
“About the same as yesterday when you asked me the same question,” Del said with a knowing smile. “What is it you need today, Russ? More sugar? New belt? Don’t tell me your boots wore out again.”
“No, they’re great. I just need some flour,” Russ said, casually putting his hands in his pockets.
“Again, huh?” Del asked with a raised eyebrow, and a twinkle in her eye. “That’s the second time this week, Russ. You and your pa must be eating an awful lot of pancakes.”
Russ laughed a little loudly. “Yeah, we uh... yep.”
Link couldn’t hide his snort that time, and Russ gave him a look. Del looked over at him as well, her eyes still twinkling, and she abandoned Russ for a moment to walk over to Link.
“Here,” Del said, and handed him a small container. “Consider yourself picked up.”
Link took it curiously, and pulled the lid off, gasping as he saw the dark, shiny contents.
“Blackberries?!” he gaped, and Del smiled, nodding. “But they’re not even growing yet! How’d you get them?!”
“A trader came through with some the other day, he said they grow faster where he’s from. I think he used magic,” Del said in a lower voice, “...but that’s just me. You can take the whole container.”
“Thanks Del!” Link grinned, and his older sister ruffled his hair again.
“Anything for you, Berry. Now go finish those chores, I’ll be back home later,” she said with a shooing motion, and Link nodded.
He hopped off his stool, and after saying goodbye to her and Russ, wandered out of the store, popping a berry into his mouth. The equally tart and sweet flavor burst in his mouth, and he couldn’t stop from skipping a little as he began to walk back home. With the flavor of his favorite berry in his mouth, he was suddenly feeling much more optimistic.
Del was right. Grandpa would calm down and ease off his sisters with their studies soon, and things would go back to normal.
Link smiled as he popped another berry in his mouth, having no clue just how wrong he was.
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There's nothing like reading Linked Universe fanfics and noticing the writer has only played 1 game and the rest is fandom head-canons that contradict in-game information.
Like, Hyrule being a social pariah that must run away from towns? I'm playing AoL and I can confirm two things:
1-Monsters are hard to kill and you must check for their patterns in order to defeat them.
2-You enter a town and people give you information about what you need and where you might find it. There's also a red lady that cures you and an orange old lady that replenishes your magic.
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argentinagp · 6 months
chalex is the perfect ship because they both act extremely cringe and then people turn it into the most soul destroying fic about them. no one else has the range :’)
it's bc of the lore!!!! but yeah they are incredibly cringefail couple and at the same time incredibly able to break your heart in fics the pining! the mess!
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
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gintrinsic-writing · 2 years
for the prompt thing, something relating to waking up or going to sleep
Twilight glanced up sharply when the inn’s stairs began to creak. The village Wise Woman, her wrists decorated with wooden bracelets that clacked with every short step, nodded at them reassuringly. “Your friend will be just fine,” she said, her voice strong despite the heavy wrinkles lining her face. “The effects of the pollen’s toxin should wear off in the next few hours. In the meantime, I suggest he sleeps; he’s bound to be a little disoriented.”
As Time thanked the woman and provided payment, Twilight let out a long breath, feeling some of his worry fade away. “Poor Sky.”
“Who would’ve thought we needed to be cautious about touching pollen?” Wind muttered. “Monsters? Cursed objects? Yeah, of course. But toxic pollen? That’s fuckin’ whack.”
Hyrule shrugged, though the tips of his ears were pink with embarrassment. “Home sweet home,” he said wryly.
Warriors glanced out the inn’s front windows. “Perhaps we should use this time to restock. One or two of us can stay with Sky in case there’s a problem, and the rest can check out the marketplace.”
“I’ll stay,” Twilight said, unable to ignore the simple urge to protect their most vulnerable member. It’d ease his mind to see Sky’s recovery for himself.
That settled, the others soon departed, and Twilight headed upstairs. He stopped in front of the last door on the right, turning the handle as quietly as possible. The effort wasn’t necessary, though, because Sky was already attempting to sit up. His bleary blue eyes drifted toward Twilight without immediate recognition.
“Easy there,” Twilight murmured, gently pressing Sky back down. “It’s alright, stay in bed.”
“You’re… here?” Sky slurred, disbelief coloring his words. “S’possible? M’okay?”
Twilight smiled, patting Sky’s shoulder. “Yep, I’m here, and you’ll be right as rain once you get some rest.”
Sky squinted in confusion, then shakily lifted one hand and bopped Twilight on the nose. For a moment, his gaze seemed to lose focus, then he grinned widely. “Pipit! S’been so… so long.”
“Wait, what?” Twilight blinked, leaning away from Sky’s clumsy fingers. “Who’s Pipit?”
Giggling, Sky attempted to sit up again. His limbs trembled from the effort, and his teeth chattered faintly. “Gotta… gotta get ready t’race.”
“No, no,” Twilight said. “You need sleep. Sleep, Sky.”
“I… love sleep.”
Twilight laughed under his breath. “I know you do, buddy, I know.”
Sky stared at the blankets for several seconds before pulling them to his chest. “I don’t…”
“Don’t what?” Twilight asked patiently, tucking him in.
“Don’t want you to, t’leave. You just got here.” Sky frowned suddenly, and the puppy-dog-eyes he turned on Twilight could’ve melted the hardest of hearts. “I miss m’friends. Miss Skyloft.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Sky shook his head stubbornly. The puppy-dog-eyes intensified. “You can sleep over,” he said, patting the very narrow space beside him. “Like when, when we were kids.”
Twilight eyed the space doubtfully. “Uh.”
“Please, Pip,” Sky said, visibly blinking back the urge to sleep.
Twilight snorted, but he made an effort to settle beside Sky. He barely managed to fit one leg, half-hanging off the bed. He had to clutch the edge of the headboard to keep from falling. “Better?” he asked amusedly.
Sky sighed as if everything was right with the world, then closed his eyes. “Yes. Don’t lemme sleep too long. Gotta race… gotta race Groose later.”
Twilight could feel himself beginning to slide. “I won’t, buddy.”
“Thanks, Pipit.”
“You’re welcome.”
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sapphicseasapphire · 4 months
Best SS side character ong
But yeah! Pipit’s a favorite of mine haha! In my opinion, he’s the most interesting side character on Skyloft! By far! (Groose isn’t on Skyloft anymore so he doesn’t count!) He’s also one of the most underrated characters in any Zelda game.
• He’s an upperclassman at the Academy who actively stands up for Fledge and Link against Groose.
• He’s SO SUPPORTIVE. Every time you talk to him, he has something encouraging to say. He genuinely really cares about Link and Zelda and is one of the few people who believes in Link.
• He’s the only student at the Knight Academy who doesn’t live in a dorm.
• He lives at home, but you never see him there.
• The Worst Mother on Skyloft Award goes to Mallara! (Pipit’s mom). The reason Pipit’s never at home is because his home is a mess and his mother is the WORST.
• Mallara has really nice furniture and ceramics and stuff but it’s all messy. Pipit’s corner of the house is the only clean area, but his furniture is all worn down and scratched up. His blanket is patched. Everything he has is well used and mended.
• I kind of view that as a metaphor: Mallara has nice things but doesn’t care about them enough to take good care of them. She has an amazing son but doesn’t care enough about him to take care of him. Meanwhile, Pipit uses what he has, even if he doesn’t have much.
• ALSO he’s struggling financially. When you clean Mallara’s house, she gives you twenty rupees and tells you to say hello to Pipit for her. (There’s a reason she doesn’t say hello herself. There’s a reason Pipit doesn’t talk to her).
• If you clean her house enough times and then walk by it at night, you’ll hear Pipit yelling at her. I don’t know the exact quotes but he said something along the lines of “I gave you that money to buy bread and you spent it on a housekeeper! If you keep this up, I won’t be able to afford to go to the Academy next year!”
• Bro’s a full time student and also works the night watches at the Academy just to have the money to put food on the table and put himself through school. He gives some of this money to Mallara and she IMMEDIATELY turns around and spends it on Link.
• THAT’S A WHOLE OTHER THING. Mallara pays Link to clean her house because she’s too lazy to do it herself. She tells him to talk to Pipit because she’s too lazy to do it herself. She expects Link to be her housekeeper and her messenger because she’s not willing to put the work in and do the bare minimum for her home or for her son.
• This whole time I’ve been calling it her house. But the game calls it Pipit’s house. PLEASE did he buy the house too?? So that his mother could destroy it?? Crying.
• He has the sweetest little crush on Karane and the game gives you the option to tease him for it! I will always give the letter to Karane because it makes me happy to see him happy. He deserves it! “You like her?” Such a little brother response.
• He literally says something along the lines of “don’t I deserve to know true love?” about Karane. Like. This guy’s never experienced genuine love in his life. His mother sure isn’t giving it to him.
• Link and Pipit are 100% brothers and I’m writing a whole fic about how Link was adopted into that problematic family and what that means for Mallara and Pipit. Suffice to say, Link and Pip are quite close! For my au, Pipit is the first person to really and truly understand Sky since he knows Link so well (literally grew up in the same house) but also knows Aepon! (Took care of the Loftwing while Link was away on his adventure). In many cases, he understands Sky better than Zelda does. Better than Sky knows himself! There will definitely be more Pipit content from me because he DESERVES SOME LOVE.
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across-violet-skies · 3 months
Linked University AU Masterpost!
(this will be updated as the AU progresses)
–> Beginnings (Links & Malon)
–> Recommendation (Legend & Ravio)
–> Enroll (Wind & Wars)
–> Time, he/him. 38 y/o. Professor of agriculture and animal sciences. He lives on Lon Lon Ranch with his wife, Malon.
–> Warriors, he/him. 31 y/o. Adjunct professor of psychology, teaches a lot of night classes. He lives alone in an apartment, but is often visited by his brother, Wind.
–> Twilight, he/him. 25 y/o. TA and Master's degree student, majoring in education. Previously majored in animal sciences. He lives in an apartment off-campus with his roommate, Ilia.
–> Sky, any pronouns are fine, but he/him preferred. 23 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in air transportation to become a commercial airline pilot. He lives in the dorms with his roommate, Groose. He's dating Sun.
–> Four, any pronouns. 22 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in material engineering. She lives in the dorms with their roommate, Shadow.
–> Legend, he/they. 21 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in social work. They live in an apartment off-campus with his roommate, Ravio. Their cousin Fable also attends the university.
–> Wild, any pronouns. 20 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in culinary arts. Considering a minor in pastry arts. He lives in suite-style housing (on-campus) with her roommates Flora, Riju, and Sidon.
–> Hyrule, he/they. 18 y/o. Part-time student taking night classes to become an RN, specifically an E.R./trauma nurse. During the day, he works as a receptionist at the local hospital. Their housing situation is unknown, but he claims to be a local to the area.
–> Wind, he/him. 16 y/o. Warriors' younger half brother. After talking to Sky, he's decided he wants to try taking a university class on marine transportation. He lives at home with his mother, but often visits Warriors' apartment.
–> Lullaby, she/he. 39 y/o. Professor of statistics, but also a few general math courses.
–> Artemis, she/her. 30 y/o. Adjunct professor of physical education and sports studies.
–> Dusk, she/they. 26 y/o. Adjunct professor of classical studies and literature.
–> Sun, she/her. 23 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in music (with a specific interest in string instruments). She lives in the dorms with her roommate, Karane. She's dating Sky.
–> Fable, she/her. 22 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in creative writing. She lives in the dorms with her roommate, Hilda. Her cousin Legend also attends the university.
–> Flora, she/her. 21 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in history and minoring in botany. She lives in suite-style housing (on-campus) with her roommates Riju, Sidon, and Wild.
–> Aurora, she/her. 21 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in pharmacology. She lives in the dorms with her roommate, Dawn. She's interested in student government.
–> Dot, she/they. 20 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in computer science. She lives in the dorms in a single room.
–> Dawn, she/her. 19 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in journalism. She lives in the dorms with her roommate, Aurora.
–> Malon, she/her. 37 y/o. Professor of nutrition sciences and pastry arts. She lives on Lon Lon Ranch with her husband, Time.
–> Pipit, he/him. 25 y/o. Master's degree student, majoring in natural resource economics. He lives in the dorms in a single room. He's dating Karane.
–> Karane, she/her. 25 y/o. Master's degree student, majoring in sociology. She lives in the dorms with her roommate, Sun. She's dating Pipit.
–> Ilia, she/her. 25 y/o. Master's degree student, majoring in zoology. She lives in an apartment off-campus with her roommate, Twilight.
–> Groose, he/him. 24 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in drafting and design. He lives in the dorms with his roommate, Sky.
–> Hilda, she/they. 23 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in dance and minoring in musical theatre. She lives in the dorms with their roommate, Fable.
–> Shadow, they/them. 22 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in film production and minoring in fine arts. They live on campus with their roommate, Four.
–> Sidon, he/him. 21 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, double majoring in health and physical education. He lives in suite-style housing (on-campus) with his roommates Flora, Riju, and Wild.
–> Ravio, he/him. 20 y/o. TA and Bachelor's degree student, double majoring in business and finance. He lives in an apartment off-campus with his roommate, Legend.
–> Riju, she/her. 18 y/o. Bachelor's degree student, majoring in criminology. She lives in suite-style housing (on-campus) with her roommates Flora, Sidon, and Wild.
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whumpsday · 1 year
Writing Masterlist
content: angst, betrayal, captivity, dehydration, starvation, begging, infected wound
based on this prompt by @shywhumpauthor​!
@amonthofwhump​ March Trope-A-Thon Day 7: Angst / Misunderstandings / Betrayal / Catharsis / Reassurances
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Pipit could have sobbed looking at their empty water bottle if there was any moisture left in them to cry with.
It had been days since they’d been thrown in the cell, and no one had come to visit them. They weren’t exactly friends with most of their team, they didn’t hang out outside of work, but they were friendly enough that they thought maybe someone would come check on them. Just to see if they were okay. Especially after they’d been tortured.
But no one did. Not even Dole, someone they actually would call a friend. On the first day, Pipit had been mortified by the concept they might have to beg their own team for food and water, but now they’d do anything for the opportunity.
Would they really be left to die here? To die of dehydration, alone?
That was, if their wounds didn’t get them first. The gash in Pipit’s side where they’d been cut during the interrogation was hot to the touch, still throbbing with pain that only seemed to worsen by the day. The fact that they hadn’t eaten in days and barely drinking water didn’t help. They couldn’t even spare any water to wash it out.
But now they were out of water, too. And they were going to die.
Pipit thought they might die during the interrogation. They were prepared to die, rather than give up what they knew. But then...
They just couldn’t believe that even after surviving all that, being released and sent home, they would die at their own side’s hands instead, branded a traitor. A slow, painful, dry death.
Pipit heard footsteps approaching, and their head snapped up instantly. Someone was here. “Help!” they cried, voice raspy and dry. “Please, I’m still down here! Help!”
The footsteps continued until Dole walked into view of the cell. Dole, the leader Pipit had relied on time and time again. If they could call themself friends with anyone, it would be them. Dole was their mentor, the one who helped them become who they were. Their best friend. They’d been thinking about asking to be more.
But Dole had left them in here just the same. Dole had ordered it. And there he stood, looking at them stone-faced.
Sitting on the floor, Pipit looked up through the bars with pleading eyes, desperate. “Dole, I- I’m dying,” they croaked. “Please, you’ve gotta help me. I need help.” Their face tingled a bit with the feeling of crying, but no tears fell.
Dole unlocked the cell, thank god. Pipit tried to stand up, but Dole just glared icily at them, and-
Pipit fell back to the floor, chest exploding with pain as Dole kicked them in the ribs, hard. They knew how often Dole trained, and all that force against Pipit’s already-weakened body had them crumping into a heap on the floor, coughing and gasping for breath, only making their throat even drier.
“Do you seriously think you have the right to ask me for anything after what you’ve done?” Dole hissed.
Pipit fought the urge to scoot backward, anxious of another kick. They stayed where they were, on the floor where Dole wanted them, and sobbed drily as they clutched their aching chest. “What do you want me to do? I’m sorry!”
“Nothing you can do now,” he snapped. “You already went and blabbed.”
Pipit wanted to argue. They wanted to yell that there were hostages, innocent civilians. But they already tried that, and all it got them was put in here.
They held the empty water bottle up, looking to Dole desperately. Please.
Dole snatched the bottle away so fast it made Pipit flinch. “What makes you think you deserve to live after what you’ve done? You should have fucking died in the interrogation room. You knew what you signed up for when you joined.”
“Please help me,” was Pipit’s only response. “I don’t- I don’t know what to do. Please don’t make me die in here.”
Dole’s glare only seemed to intensify, and Pipit tensed up, afraid they’d just be kicked again.
“Fine.” He slammed the cell door shut behind him as he went to refill the water.
Pipit sighed with relief when he returned with a full bottle, barely resisting the urge to chug it immediately. They had to be smart: who knew if Dole would be accommodating enough to give them more?
“Th-thank you.” The words were empty, just a thing they knew was expected of them. Their eyes held only fear, none of the fondness that their gaze used to hold for Dole, every painstakingly build bit of trust shattered beyond repair.
Dole seemed to feel the same about them, though with resentment instead of fear. “Take it,” he said gruffly, shoving an apple at them, “And get out. I never want to see your face again. Leave the country. I don’t care how. If I find you again, I will kill you with my own two hands.” His eyes welled up with furious tears. “And I hope you think every fucking night about how many people died because you opened your fucking mouth.”
Not as many as the hostages they were threatening.
The people whose information I leaked weren’t civilians.
You didn’t see the looks in their eyes.
“Thank you,” they repeated, the words so hollow they would be surprised if Dole read them with any sincerity at all.
Pipit took Dole’s orders one last time.
oneshots taglist:
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minicomics · 13 days
How would the jesters and punk pomni react if they ever met pipit? [<---- one of my tadc oc]
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Punk P.: ......You like Rock n Roll? Dew: Well now, seems that we got a new friend to mess around with. Or a prey, I am not surprised either way~ Pam-Na (Friendly Mode): Oh Boy, new friend! Let's play. Pam-Na: (Insane Mode): Heh, Heh, heh. Let's see if your worth extra points then the gloinks. *Laughs Crazily* Callie: .... *Writing* " Could you take me with you? I prefer to be somewhere safe then with two murdering jesters and an 80's punk rock version of me.
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alphagirl404 · 10 months
Dirty Little Secret (post Skyward Sword Oneshot)
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Pairing: Zelink
Rating: PG
Summary: Life had been good for Link and his wife, Zelda. After their fateful quest it was a life well earned. Little did Zelda knew, Link was hiding a secret from her. One regarding the final words of a certain Demon King...
(Yeah, I wrote a post SkSw angst oneshot...ENJOY!)
"Link? Link, did you hear me?"
"What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said."
"I ask if next Sunday will be good?"
"Good for what?"
"For our baby shower, sleepyhead!"
Link noticed Zelda patting her baby bump, which had recently started to show. They've been putting together plans for a baby shower party for the past several days. Something that Zelda had been very excited about.
A flush grew on Link's face, embarrassed that he had not been paying attention to that. "Sunday is good!"
"Wonderful! It would be perfect for Father to come since that's his day off." Zelda wrote on a notepad. Not before she gave Link a concerned look. "Are you okay, Link?"
Link nodded his head. "Why would you ask?"
"You seemed distant today. You like to daydream but always had a time and/or place for that. You've been eager about the baby shower too. Are you sure you're alright, honey? Zelda holds his hand. "You know you can tell me anything."
Link opened his mouth to say something but a familiar instinct forced him to stop.
"She can't know. You know it would devastate her if you told her the truth."
"Link?" Zelda called out to her husband again, her concern lingering in her eyes.
He kisses her cheek. "Just having one of those days. Nothing to worry about."
Zelda seemed to accept that answer. She knows what he meant by that. There were days when she was out of it. Probably reflecting the time of their fateful quest.
"If you say so, but if something is troubling you, let me know so I can help."
"I promise, Zel."
"Good. Now try to stay focused. This is your baby too, you know."
"I know that. I helped make it."
Zelda groaned and playfully rolled her eyes. Link could only chuckle at her reaction. "After all these years, you're still such a shithead."
"You married this shithead."
"Don't rub it in." Zelda lightly punched his shoulder. "Now knock it off and focus!"
"Alright, alright. I'll be an adult."
"Good, now then."
They resumed talking about plans for their upcoming baby shower. They wrote out invitations for their loved ones. Well, Zelda did. Link tried, but he never was good with writing. Zelda was better at the subject of field. After that was taken care of, they gave the invitations for their Loftwings to deliver, with Link's bird giving them to their friends that lived in their settlement, while Zelda's bird delivered to those who remained at Skyloft.
"I can't wait for our baby shower." Zelda beamed while she and Link watched their birds fly off with the letter. "All of our family & friends will give out great gifts for our baby. I know Karane is going to make a lot of knitted stuffed animals. Probably has some extras from the ones she created throughout her pregnancy. Who knew maternity leave would give her a spark. Orielle told me that Fledge may be sewing something up. He has always knack for sewing amazing things like that pouch he made for you, Link. I hope Groose doesn't try to make us a 'mini Groosenator' like he did at Karane & Pipit's baby shower. I swear I thought Karane would pummel him right there, and I wouldn't blame her. It looked so dangerous!"
Link gave a small smile as he listened to his soulmate talk with such excitement. Despite being Hylia reborn, it hasn't gotten rid of her bubbly personality that Link adored so much.
As much as he tries to listen to Zelda talk, Link finds himself tuning out her words again. Not because Zelda was boring him. Far from it. He, too, was excited about the baby shower. Link always loved to hear his wife talk in general.
Link should feel happy. There were many reasons why that is. So much had changed since their fateful quest that saved their world.
He and Zelda had built a life together on The Surface with their respective Loftwings. They were also part-time Knights, both for the sky & land. With aid from the Sheikah Tribe, they had created a settlement down here. And they weren't alone.
Many of their friends have settled down here along with them. Pipit & Karane, now official knights like Link & Zelda, have built the village. The couple also got married and are expecting their first child next month. Fledge, after many months of rigorous training, finally achieved knighthood and moved down to The Surface alongside Orielle, with whom he had recently tied the knot. And Groose, a former Grade-A Asshole, has turned around his life the most. Since the quest, he had become a great knight, been a big help in building their community, and even married the Sheikah Chief's granddaughter. A sweet girl who did not judge him for his past. Most of all, he had become Link & Zelda's most prominent supporter and most loyal friend. Big enough that Zelda asked him to be her baby's godfather.
Life was good for Link, and he knew that. After what they had been through a few years back, he and Zelda deserve such a good life.
On certain days, one factor brings a damper to his happy life.
"My hate…never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again! Those like you. Those who share the blood of the Goddess and the spirit of the Hero…They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"
Demise's final words sang inside Link's mind on these particular days. Those last words of The Demon King haunt him. Words that he never shared with anyone.
Not even with Zelda.
When everything had calmed down after the battle with Demise, Link wanted to tell Zelda what Demise had said. He was Hylia's mortal enemy. Zelda had every right to know.
Yet…seeing how happy Zelda was that Demise was gone. Link never forgot the sounds of Zelda crying with relief that Demise had been vanquished. The weight of the world and her duty from her days as Hylia were finally off her chest. To her, the battle she had spent two lifetimes fighting was over. No way Link could ever damper her happiness. He knew Zelda was tired of the fighting. All he ever wanted was to see his friend, the love of his life, happy. She earned a life of peace.
And so he decided never to tell her about Demise's Curse.
Most days, it was hard to carry this secret. There was nothing more Link wanted to do than tell Zelda about the possible future in store for their family and those who come after them. But seeing how much Zelda had accomplished in the last few years brought her joy. Zelda had such high hopes for the future. She wanted to expand their settlement. Build new relations with the other inhabitants on The Surface. She wanted to rebuild what Demise had destroyed in her previous life as Hylia.
Link could see the joy it brought to her. He knew how passionate she was about her goals. The last thing Link wanted was to have it all crumble down. If he told Zelda about the curse, it would absolutely destroy her. Everything she is trying to build, what she had sacrificed, would've been for nothing. That is something Link will not allow. The Hero promised himself that he would do everything possible to ensure Zelda had a happy life.
That promise is the only thing holding him from not telling her about the curse. The only thing helping him cope was getting on with his life. Things such as helping their Surface village, spending time with friends, performing his duties as a knight, enjoying his married life with Zelda, and preparing himself to become a father kept him sane.
And who knows? Maybe Demise was lying. He was a literal King of Demons hellbent on death & destruction. Wouldn't it be reasonable to believe that Demise said those words just to get under Link's skin? Was Demise bluffing?
Frankly, Link was more willing to believe that possibility. Demise's existence was fading away when he uttered his final words. Could his power even carry on beyond that point? The Demon King had to be merely lying just so Link could spend the rest of his life with worry. If that were the case that it was successful on days like today.
"I love you, Link. I only want you to be happy." Zelda told him at one point
Link tried his best to keep his smile, "I know, dear. And…I do the same for you."
If Demise wasn't lying…Then Link was more than willing to carry this dirty little secret to the grave. If it meant seeing Zelda happy, it was a price he was ready to pay.
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pinewoodpipit · 5 months
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A couple of memes related to my fic, call it fate, call it karma!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Fanfiction master post
I have an Ao3 account now!! :D I’m Skye_the_Lofty_Nutcase over there, you can find my profile here.
This has not been updated in a while, sorry, I write too much lol. *sweating* However, you can find all my writing using the tag #writing on my blog and you’ll find not only the stories below but snippets, bonus scenes, and all kinds of stuff! I’ll eventually try to update this post to make things more accessible, sorry it’s a mess. >_<
A general note on my fanfiction: I work in healthcare, so sometimes injuries or illnesses might be more detailed than people are comfortable with because to me it’s just normal, but I don’t make things excessive or gratuitous. I will also never write any explicit sexual content. At best things will be steamy, but nothing will ever be NSFW.
My story tags! You can find fics and their bonus content with these :) I also have some extra highlighted tags that you can find by clicking the search bar at the top of my blog.
Breath of the Sky // Blood of the Hero // Elastic Heart // LU in Healthcare // Dad Squad // Good Ganondorf // Imprisoning War // Fierce Dadity // Secrets of the Shadows // Forsaken AU // Wild Spirit
Skyward Sword stories
A Dragon’s Care - 5+1 chapter Skyward Sword Sickfic
Summary: After the defeat of Demise, the dragons of the realm find a very sick Chosen Hero on their doorstep with no explanation and have to scramble to deal with it. Hurt/comfort. Starring Link, Faron, Eldin, crimson loftwing, and Lanayru, with a small helping of Zelda, Groose, Owlan, Eagus, Pipit, and Gaepora.
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Bonus chapter
Sleeping Dove - Two part general Legend of Zelda story with emphasis on Skyward Sword characters
Summary: When the Spirit Maiden Zelda finally passes on, she finds herself in an unexpected situation.The true nature and cruelty of Demise’s curse is revealed, and reality crashes down. Angst and more angst, with a small bit of comfort. Starring Skyward Sword Zelda, with appearances from OoT/MM Link, Fi, SS Link, Sages, OoT Zelda, BotW Zelda, and BotW Link.
Pt 1
Pt 2
Scenes from a Wedding - Couple vignettes from Link and Zelda’s wedding. Absolutely pure fluff. Starring the lovebirds.
One Last Look - Vignette, Zelda POV of a pivotal Skyward Sword scene, angst
Sparring - Zelink Vignette
Summary: Zelda hasn’t sparred in quite a while since their adventure. She decides the best way to dust off the cobwebs is to duel her chosen hero. Fluff, fun, bonding.
Adventure of a Lifetime - Vignette
Summary: Being a Hero is difficult and filled with trials. However, it isn’t all bad, and while on his quest, Link takes a moment to appreciate everything around him. Link, Fi, fun and fluff and highlighting the joy of playing this game.
For a Better Tomorrow - Vignette
Summary: On the day of Demise's first defeat, Hylia tries to find hope as she succumbs to her injuries. Starring Hylia and Fi, angst and bittersweetness and hope
Breath of the Wild stories
A Promise of Armor - Miphlink oneshot
Summary: Mipha planned on giving Link the Zora armor, yet 100 years later it was found in Zora’s domain in her family’s safekeeping. So what happened on that fateful evening when she was to offer it? Did she gather the courage or decide to keep her feelings to herself? Mild angst, romance. Starring the lovestruck champions.
The Hero’s Guide - quick cut scenes, oneshot
Summary: An idea about a fun possibility for botw 2, featuring familiar characters serving in a mentor role. When Link finds himself alone again, Hylia sends him a guide to help him along. Adventure, starring BotW Link, Hylia, and a link from the past.
Breath of the Sky - pre-BotW canon divergence, BotW characters meet up with SS characters! Multi-chapter story
Summary: When Princess Zelda goes to the Spring of Courage to pray, accompanied by her appointed knight, a giant magical cog spitting out a goddess is the last thing she expects, but it is what she gets. Meanwhile, the Spirit Maiden Zelda is trying to figure out what the heck is happening and where her missing husband/chosen hero is. This story is set pre-calamity and is my way of comforting poor Princess Zelda and Champion Link because their destinies made them an absolute mess, and I just get to play with my favorite SS couple too. Starring Sky Link, Sky Zelda, Wild Link, Wild Zelda, co-starring the king and the Champions. Angst, adventure, romance, fluff, all of it.
Rainy Days
- Hylink oneshot
Summary: Every year, Hylia remembered her original chosen hero, and on that day every year it rained. One year, though, she finds a surprise in the form of a connection to the newest Hero. (this story goes along with the my headcanon about how Demise’s curse works, but it can be read without knowing it) Angst, emotional hurt/comfort.
Age - Vignette
Summary: After finally defeating Ganon, Link and Zelda take an excursion to Gerudo Town to celebrate. Very brief vignette. Silliness and some bonding.
Healing - Zelink vignette
Summary: Link takes care of Zelda after defeating Ganon. 100 years locked in a fight is draining, after all. Starring the traumatized teenage team. Hurt/comfort.
Great Expectations - Oneshot
Summary: When the time comes to finally face the Calamity at the castle, Link finds himself faltering. Doubt and old anxieties suddenly drown him. Amidst his spiraling, however, a voice from the past arrives to help him, and he learns a valuable lesson about self-worth. Starring Link, a ghost from the past, and mentions of family and friends long gone. Angst, emotional hurt/comfort.
Blood of the Hero - Multichapter story, also known as Link’s Parents play BotW
Summary: The Soul of the Hero will always be there to save Hyrule. But when Calamity Ganon is nearly victorious in killing him, it's those that bear the Blood of the Hero who will prevail. Ten years after the Great Calamity, the Shrine of Resurrection is damaged and Link's parents fight to save their son and Hyrule along with him. Starring Til & Abel, Link’s mom and dad! Also starring Link, as well as many characters from the AoC and BotW eras. Adventure, angst, family kicking butt and taking names, protective parents.
Ocarina of Time stories
Statue - Zelink vignette, Zelda’s POV upon meeting the Hero of Time. Angst, romantic undertones.
What is Lost and What is Bound - Post Oot/MM oneshot.
Summary: Everyone makes mistakes. When Link’s mistake costs him an eye, a fierce deity decides it’s time to take things into his own hands. Featuring Link, FD, and Nabooru, set after Link’s game adventures. Leans heavily into my HC that FD is a Soft Dad but also bears in mind that lore and fanon believes him to be dangerous and dark, so it’s like Soft Dad with an Edge lol. Blood and gore but nothing excessive, some angst and silliness and body horror because I’m weird and can somehow mix all of those together.
Veiled Eyes - Two chapters, Zelink and Malink, and complicated feelings
Summary: Link lives in a world where he feels he doesn't belong. Zelda doesn't understand. Link looks past the princess, but all she sees is him. Heavy angst, Link dealing with the emotional ramifications of living in two eternally separated timelines and learning how to move on from it. Can be viewed as either Zelink or Malink. Starring Link, Child timeline Zelda, mention of Adult timeline Zelda, and Malon
Wind Waker stories
Ritual - Telink vignette
Summary: Link is getting his ears pierced. He’s excited, Tetra is hell bent on ensuring it’s done correctly. Quick vignette, fluff and fun.
Twilight Princess stories
Secrets of the Shadows - Wolf Link Reveal, multichapter story
Summary: When Link goes missing shortly after his adventure, Rusl is worried. Preparing to leave and search for him, he stumbles onto a wolf. This has to be a sign of trouble, right? Rusl thinks it is, and the swordsman attempts to eliminate the threat... and then realizes that there is far, far more to this beast than he thought possible. Featuring Link, Rusl, Uli mostly, with appearances from other TP characters like Renado and Colin. Heavy, heavy angst and whump and hurt/comfort.
Winter’s Bite - Ordon family hurt/comfort/fluff oneshot
Summary: Link usually shows up at Rusl's house every day. When no one has seen or heard from him in the middle of a sleet storm, Rusl goes out in search for him. i.e. Rusl gets to take care of his fluffy boy <3
Hyrule Warriors stories
UNDER CONSTRUCTION (i.e. I’m too lazy to put it in right now lol. Feel free to check out my Fierce Dadity series on AO3 and that’ll have all of them!)
Linked Universe stories
Day Trip - Oneshot
Summary: Legend and Warriors are tasked with going into town to get supplies. Their dynamic and their baggage makes the trip go about as well as one might expect. Slice of life, basically, little bit of angst, little bit of fluff, a fair amount of banter. Starring Legend and Warriors, with the other boys in the background.
Homesick - Oneshot
Summary: At the end of another day, Twilight finds Sky by himself, aching for home. Little emotional ache/comfort, Twilight being a nice big brother. Starring Twilight and Sky, with the other boys mentioned. Inspired by twilight-linkess’ lovely art of Twilight and Sky!
Mild Adjustments - Oneshot
Summary: When the Chain steps through a portal and ends up on a seemingly floating piece of rock, they suddenly realize that there was far more to the Hero of the Sky’s title than they previously thought. Starring Sky and Wild with Twilight, Legend, Warriors heavily involved, and a speckling of Wind, Four, Hyrule, and Time. General, mild angst and illness, Sky being feral and not bearing in mind how his insane actions affect others.
Fierce Revelations - Three part story
Summary: When a battle spirals out of control, Warriors finds a familiar mask in Time’s arsenal and decides that desperate times call for desperate measures. Time then has to confront what it’s like to be on the other end of the mask, and the repercussions that come with it. Emotional hurt/comfort, some introspection of a few characters, angst, and family bonds. All the boys are present but the stars are Time, Warriors, Sky, and the Fierce Deity.
Surf’s Up! - Oneshot
Summary: When the Chain settles in early, Legend seeks out some peace and instead ends up having a very eventful evening. Because where Wild’s concerned, nothing can be peaceful... especially when you throw Sky and Warriors into the mix. Fluff, fun, and chaos with the knights and the veteran.
In the Library - Vignette
Summary: The boys find a library and chill. Featuring all the Chain! This vignette was just made to accompany the lovely art by sky-squido. Fluff and silliness.
On Display - Vignette
Summary: When Warriors is pressed into using his attractiveness as a distraction, Four steps in to save him from the discomfort of the situation. Starring Four and Warriors with Legend, Sky, Wind, Wild, Time, and Hyrule as supporting cast. Inspired by a post by skyward-floored, who always has great ideas. Mild angst and comfort and background silliness.
Beautiful - Vignette
Summary: After consecutive days of battle, Warriors sees Twilight struggling and reaches out to help. Starring Warriors and Twilight with Time and Wild on the side. All the boys are there, just not the focus. Angst, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff.
Paradox - Oneshot
Summary: When Sky suddenly falls deathly ill with strange markings, Time has to piece together the cause and save him. Starring Sky, Time, Warriors, Twilight, with Legend on the side and the rest of the boys in the background. Sickfic, Dad Time to the Rescue, Sky having a 0/10 experience, Wars, Twi and Ledge being scared and caring brothers.
Elastic Heart - Multichapter fic, curse reveal story
Summary: When Sky goes missing, the Chain scrambles to figure out where he is and what happened before it's too late. Featuring Sky as the centerpiece of the story, even though he’s not always actually in it, and then starring all the Chain. This story is designed to act like a LU arc, with lots of character interaction and highlights around a central plot. Angst, humor, hurt/comfort, drama, fluff, adventuring, and fun. Also featuring a sprinkling of Twilight Princess characters as the Chain explores Twi’s Hyrule.
Numb - Oneshot
Summary: Nearly losing Twilight was devastating to the entire Chain. Sky managed to hold it together the best, though, and seemed to be doing fine. Until he wasn’t. Starring all the boys with Sky at the center. Heavy emotional angst and with some mild comfort to soften the blow, Sky has a mental breakdown and it isn’t pretty.
The Caregiver - Oneshot
Summary: Twilight tries to be there for everyone, and he usually doesn't need any kind of help in return. Except on some days. Too bad he refuses to reach out. Angst and mild emotional hurt/comfort, starring Twilight being the Big Brother who decides to tough things out on his own and comforts himself
Final Hour - Oneshot
Summary: When everything goes horribly wrong, Time desperately attempts everything in his power to fix it. Wind instead chooses to be the self sacrificing Hero, but the end result isn't what Time expected it to be. Based on art by kikker-oma. Heavy angst, emotional hurt/comfort, Time throwing caution to the winds (har har) when everything falls apart. Starring Time, Wind, and the Fierce Deity. 
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skygraced · 4 months
@twilightcrested asked : 👫 / groose
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Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
1 ) GROOSE IS ONE OF TWO PEOPLE ZELDA IS COMFORTABLE FALLING ASLEEP AROUND. ever since the entire situation with demise and her... nap... in the amber, sleep has been something that evaded zelda, especially around most people. the only people she truly feels at ease around and comfortable enough to fall asleep around are groose and link, with her loosing track about the amount of times she has fallen asleep leaning against groose while they were supposed to be working on something together.
2 ) ZELDA VOLUNTEERED TO PLAY THE ROLE OF THE GODDESS DURING THE WING CEREMONY WHERE GROOSE GRADUATED. while she was never one to actively promote the fact she was hylia reborn, she was more than happy to reprise the role of the goddess for groose's wing ceremony. she remembered how excited he was to do it with her the year link won, and she was more than happy to do the ceremony with him, jokingly saying that she owed him one for his help with the whole demise situation and it was the least she could do. it was also the last time she ever did anything publicly related to hylia, which made the moment even more special between them.
3 ) THESE TWO PHYSICALLY CANNOT KEEP SECRETS FROM EACH OTHER. a lot of people confide in zelda ( and later down the line groose ) about their situations and secrets, and while they are very good at keeping secrets from the majority of skyloft or the surface, these two are the only exceptions to that. groose found out about pipit's plans to propose before anyone else because pipit had asked zelda for advice. zelda found out peatrice's crush on link before link had a chance to tell her because groose had heard link talking about it once during his journey. these two are just non-stop gossip machines between each other, and they absolutely will refuse to let anyone else in on their conversations. these conversations are for them and them alone.
4 ) GROOSE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS 100% SUCCESSFULLY HELD ZELDA BACK FROM FIGHTING SOMEONE. of course he had the advantage in this situation, considering he could physically pick her up and prevent her from going to said target to fight, but most people would have resigned trying to stop her the moment they realized she was serious. groose has been the only person brave enough to actually stop the reborn goddess in her tacks, opting to throw her over his shoulder and walk away, even if she was still screaming curses at whoever was the target of her rage. this single event has remained a legend amongst their classmates and those who were lucky enough to bare witness to the event.
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melestasflight · 1 year
✨What’s a fic you’ve posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
💞what’s the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
🤍what’s one fic of yours you think people didn’t “get”?
Thanks for the asks @sallysavestheday!
✨ Oh, it has got to be Voices That Were Once Ours
This fic has all things dear to my heart: Maglor, Finrod, Fingon, Fingolfin, tense Mithrim politics, the aftermath of the Helcaraxë, tattoed elves, rekindling friendships and relationships, battles and Orcs, reconciliations, queerplatonic vibes, elaborate landscapes, the Noldolantë!
Like Fëanor with his Silmarils, I feel like I poured a little of my soul into this one 😅 Ok, maybe not so dramatic, but I did spend about 5 months either actively thinking, researching or writing (and rewriting!) this piece. I went down some convoluted rabbit holes on the logistics of acoustic cavalry, ecosystems of cold-weather flatlands, species of prairie birds (like the Sprague's pipit whose song I highly recommend you listen to), the type of sword Maglor would carry (imagine Fëanor's bust instead of that mustached dude), and went back through my 12-year old notes on music theory. A massive shoutout to @polutrope who put up with me and still remained my friend at the end of it all lol.
I got some really, really beautiful comments on this one (including yours, thank you!) as well as this amazing art piece of Finrod and Maglor composing the Noldolantë in the Gap. But deep down, I'm still seeking something more from this. Not even sure what exactly. Maybe because I spent so much time with it, I feel like I didn't get to process it enough like other fics.
I've answered 💞 here and 🤍 here.
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
Aaaaaaand here we go again
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