#lmao like 'you don't know her like i do how dare you use her name'
tooteadoo · 2 months
whenever i hear my real name it never feels right, its like someone mentioned a ghost i talk to regularly
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keerysfreckles · 4 months
omg i just rewatched mamma mia. what about luke as sam and the reader (child of apollo) as donna. like luke doesn’t turn to kronos but him and the reader break up so she disappears off the face of the earth (aka she runs off to greece). thalia’s tree somehow gets poisoned and the oracle sends luke, percy, and annabeth to go look for the camp’s former best healer. they reach a remote greek island and find the reader there, working as the local nurse/healer (and if you want, they also find out she has a little baby girl, sophia aka sophie 🤭 lmao luke and reader as teen parents). so much angst lol
the name of the game — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x apollo fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, HEAVILY based on mamma mia (my fav movie ever), angst angst angst!!!!!!
a/n: i literally watched mamma mia here we go again today i love both movies with all my heart ALSO THE PJO SZN FINALE???????? HELLO?????????????
masterlist !
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
y/n l/n didn't plan on leaving camp half-blood.
she didn't plan on leaving her siblings and close friends, and her boyfriend. well, now ex boyfriend.
that was too complicated for her to even understand. one moment luke wanted everything to do with her. he wanted to be around her 24/7, and show how much he appreciated her. but recently he got distant, and wouldn't explain why.
y/n hated confrontation, so she decided to just ditch camp all together after the couple officially split less than 24 hours ago. she doubted anyone would go looking for her.
oh how wrong she was.
annabeth chase and percy jackson were on a hunt for luke castellan.
they were given direct orders from chiron to find the child of hermes. neither of them dared to question the centaur, making them search for luke as quick as they could.
annabeth's shoudlers dropped in relief once they came across luke. he was practicing his sword work against a dummy made out of hay and old fabric.
"do you have any idea why chiron would send us looking for you?" annabeth was straight to the point. percy was standing beside her, just as determined to get answers.
luke shrugs, "is there another new camper?"
percy shakes his head, "he seemed pretty urgent about it. you might want to follow us back to the big house."
the trio walked in silence back through the woods and through the cabins until they got to the big house. chiron was waiting for them anxiously at the end of the steps.
"thank you percy, annabeth," chiron thanks them for finding luke. "i'm not sure if you three are aware, the camp may be in danger. thalia's tree has been poisened. we aren't sure how or why, but all we need is the solution. a healer."
chiron looked towards luke when he finished his statement.
"again, i'm not sure if you're aware that y/n of apollo cabin has been missing since late last night."
all three have different expressions of shock on their face. luke however is mostly hurt. he couldn't believe y/n would just run off like that. he wondered if it was from the argument they had.
"i'm sending you three to go find her, and bring her back safely in order for her to save the tree and the camp," chiron instructs.
"we don't even know where she went," luke points out.
"yeah, she could be anywhere in the world," percy adds.
annabeth looks between the two boys, "wasn't she saying how if she could get away for the weekend she'd go to greece?" she ends her observation while looking at luke.
the boy quickly nods, "yes. she always loved the idea of," he pauses and his voice gets quieter, "running away to greece together."
after a moment, chiron speaks again. "so it's settled. you three will go search for y/n, daughter of apollo, and bring her back to camp to heal thalia's tree and save the camp. good luck to you all."
"we've been in this boat for hours," percy groans.
annabeth stops steering the large boat as luke stops tying a rope. they both turn to him.
"we've been on the water for maybe twenty minutes seaweed brain," annabeth teases.
"wait," luke walks closer to the younger campers, "if your dad's poseidon, why can't you just push us all under water through like an air bubble?"
"it would look a little suspicious if three teenagers showed up to an island with no boat and dry clothes," annabeth mentions, making luke's idea sink to the bottom of the ocean.
luke speaks up again, "what if y/n doesn't come back to camp with us?"
annabeth and percy don't have an exact answer for luke. that only makes him worried this quest won't work out in their favor.
"we'll cross that bridge when we get there," annabeth responds. "right now we just have to get to greece."
after docking their own boat at the port of athens, the trio was quick to buy three tickets for the local ferry. annabeth grabbed a map as luke and percy were trying to figure out the best method for finding y/n.
they agreed to search all the islands as quick as humanly possible. they'd ask locals if they knew of a strong healer, and if any of them were given an answer that resembled the idea of y/n living there, they'd know to check that island.
after searching through three and a half different islands, getting on and off multiple ferries, and still with no luck of finding the apollo girl, the trio was debating on giving up. until annabeth looked at the map again. she mentioned to luke and percy about one more island where y/n might be. it was much smaller so they could search more thoroughly.
it was almost sunset once they reach the island, meaning they had maybe an hour or two to find y/n in the daylight.
the trio split up as soon as they stepped foot onto the dock. percy searched the perimeter near the edges of the water. annabeth searched through the bundles of shops and hotels. while luke searched through abandoned looking buildings.
as all hope was feeling lost, luke noticed a building of to the side of the commotion. there was a dirt path leading up to it, with no shops or houses surrounding it.
he could only hope and pray that y/n would be inside.
the inside of the building did not match its exterior. the outside looked as if it was going to fall apart at any gust of wind. however the inside was much more lively than luke expected it to be. there were people inside rushing to get past one another. it seemed as if they were all rushing to get to the same person.
luke pushed through the small crowd, and all the air left his lungs when he saw y/n. she was helping someone from the island, who seemed to have a deep cut on his leg. luke could finally guess this was the hospital on the island.
"y/n," luke spoke up, making the commotion in the room subside.
y/n and luke's eyes locked. neither of them were sure what to do.
y/n excuses herself and drags luke outside by his wrist.
"what on earth do you think you're doing here?"
"i had to come and find you," luke tried to explain but y/n only cut him off.
"so you just followed me? i seriously don't want to be around you luke. i thought running away from you and camp would've gotten that through your head."
"y/n i didn't chase after you to try and fix this," he gestures between the two of them, "there's a serious problem at camp."
y/n chuckles, "what? did peter fall off the climbing wall and scrape his elbow again? or did sophie run into a tree for the fifth time this week?"
"y/n this is serious," luke tries to tell her.
"you can't be serious. you dragged annabeth and percy with you?" y/n gestures to the pair walking towards them with urge in their steps.
"i didn't drag them here, please you have to come back to camp," luke tries again.
"is he telling the truth?" she asks percy.
he nods, "thalia's tree is in danger, and so is the camp."
"why didn't you start with that idiot," y/n hits luke's arm before running back inside. she was quick to grab her things. she kind of threw everything into one bag that she might need at camp. most of her healing equipment and a change of clothes.
the boat ride back to long island was awkward, to say the least. percy and annabeth were both asleep in the downstairs area of the boat, while luke and y/n were dealing with directing the boat back to camp.
luke was steering, while y/n was sitting beside him. an awkward silence filled the air.
"what made you go to greece?" luke asks, not expecting the girl to answer.
"i just needed to get away," she busies herself with her rings on her fingers.
"from me?"
"from all of it. i just needed a break."
silence falls upon the two again. y/n only moves over to lean her head against luke's shoulder, instantly catching him off gaurd.
"i'm sorry i left," y/n admits, her voice as quiet as a mouse.
"you had your reasons. it just caught us off gaurd, that's all."
another beat of silence passes.
"that night, of our argument, i found something out. about us," y/n turns to face luke. he does the same to her, not caring about steering the boat at this very moment.
"i don't even know how to tell you," y/n rubs her hands over her face. luke simply takes her shaking hands into his, and runs his thumbs over her knuckles.
"i'm pregnant."
luke's world stopped. maybe he thought he was just hearing things. the waves probably distorted y/n's words.
after luke still didn't respond, y/n started explaining herself.
"i was worried you wouldn't react too well to it. so i figured not telling you would be the easiest thing to do. and coming here, to greece, was the best bet."
y/n's heart broke as she watched luke stand. he silently put the steering wheel in it's locked position, before going down the stairs where the four twin beds were.
y/n knew she fucked up. she didn't know how to fix it. or if it could even be fixed.
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leviathansshadycorner · 3 months
Be Realistic ( Leon x reader)
Short blurb because I'm in a mood - Yes based off of that Britney broski audio lmao Warnings: low self esteem reader, body issues ALSO I LOVE ASHLEY GUYS SO DW DW SHES MY BBG SHE JUST SEEMED APPROPRIATE TO USE IN THIS SCENARIO LMAO
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Rebecca and you sat at the edge of the backyard, both of you sprawled out on the lawn chairs. Claire had thrown a summer pool party, deciding it'd be a smart idea to invite people from work. Ada and Claire were chatting among themselves, sipping away at their colorful drinks, Luis urging everyone to put on sunscreen, and Carlos, Jill, and Chris having a competition to see who could do the best cannonball. Among the partygoers was Ashley Graham, the owner of the house in which Claire was throwing the party.
"She's so gorgeous," Rebecca comments, her sunglasses protecting her brown doe eyes.
"I know." You added, the two of you ogling at Ashley's beauty. She wore a cute brown-colored two-piece, with a metal ring in the front that held the top together, which accentuated her complexion and made her appear like a Victoria's Secret model.
"Hey guys, have any of you seen Leon?" Ashley called out, holding the deflated pink dolphin in her hands.
His name made your stomach twist, and you swear you could've felt your heart pang. The way his name rolled off her tongue was so natural, almost melodic.
"Right here." Leon came out from behind the glass sliding doors. He was the only one still in his normal clothes, deciding he was too cool or some shit for the pool party.
The man walked his way along the perimeter of the pool to Ashley. His muscles showing as he carried the air pump to the girl.
"Dumbass, why did you bring it all the way out here?" Chris commented.
"Easy access." Came Leon's response.
"Thanks, Leon!" Ashley beamed, her pouty pink lips curling into a smile that even made your heart flutter. Leon stood close to her, handing his hand out for her to give him the floaty. She complied, and handed it over, their exchange making your eyes lose their gleam.
"My hero." Ashley was excited, her floaty finally being of use.
Rebecca noticed you from the corner of her eyes. She knew about your little huge crush on Leon. The girl watched as your face crept with sadness- dare she say- disappointment.
"Kind of funny how he's still in his normal clothes." She tries to distract you. "Typical Leon."
You looked at her and smiled, "I know. I was hoping to see him shirtless." The two of you giggled, letting out cackles, Ada and Claire looking your way to see what the commotion was about.
"Why don't you go ask him to take it off?" She teased, turning her body to look at you.
"Hmm, maybe." You said boldly, even though you knew you'd rather fall in the pool and drown than do that.
"Bet. You won't." She smirked, challenging you.
"Pftt I totally would." You played yourself up.
"Then go." Rebecca eyes you.
After being riled up by Rebecca, a burst of confidence shot threw you. It couldn't be that hard right? You and Leon bantered and flirted on missions before, so what difference would this make? Plus it was totally appropriate for you to tell him off about his weird pool attire or rather lack of it.
"Watch me Chambers." You told your best friend as you got up from the lawn chair. You were wearing a (top of your choice) that you brought a size too small to make your figure pop. The shorts that you wore were Rebbeca's basketball shorts that she had let you borrow last minute after you changed your mind about wearing a one-piece.
Feeling confident in your tight outfit you began to strut toward Leon and Ashley, the sun's beams hitting the floor making the cement beneath your feet warm. As you approached you caught a glimpse of yourself in the glass sliding doors. Immediately your confidence shrank.
How could you have been so delusional to wear this out? It looked nothing like the way you pictured it in your head. Your model like posture returned to that of a hunchback as you shamefully scurried past Leon and Ashley, walking along the whole edge of the pool, stopping by the coolers to grab two waters, and heading back to a frowning Rebecca.
Leon and Ashley to focused on judging Chris and Carlos' Cannonballs to notice you.
"What happened?" She ask as she noticed the shift in your demeanor.
"Nothing." You sighed handing her a water.
"(Y/n) we already have water." She pushes her sunglasses up to her head as she stares at you. You take a seat on the same lawn chair.
You whined. "Why didn't you tell me I looked like shit?" It was only loud enough for her to hear.
"What you don't though.." She reassures you as she places a hand on your back. "(Y/n) you look hot!"
You didn't believe it. Surely she was only saying this because as your best friend she was obligated to. Your mind flashed back to the image of you in the glass doors. Your hair was flat yet awfully frizzy at the same time, you stood like a toddler who barely knew how to walk, and your legs looked like they were overflowing in Rebecca's tiny shorts. To make things worse you were sure the chlorine from your previous dip had made your skin look all dry.
You looked around for the oversized shirt you came here in. When you found it you shielded your body from the eyes of the partygoers.
"(Y/n).." Rebecca looked concerned.
"I don't know why I even tried talking to him. I probably look like an idiot." You leaned on Rebecca's shoulder as you two blankly watched the Beefy Brazillian splash into the pool.
"Because you like him. And I'm pretty sure he likes you too." She giggled.
"No- he likes Ashley." You said defeated, your emotions coming out now that you'd made yourself vulnerable. You saw the way those two looked at each other. They had something you wish you had with Leon.
"I don't think so." She wraps her arm around your waist. Smirking when she notices Leon glance over at you two.
"I think I'm just gonna accept my Leon-less life." You said leaning into your friend for comfort. Your eyes occasionally glancing over at an out of place Leon as he shouts at Chris.
"What? You're just not gonna try?"
You sighed. "There's really no point Becca."
She scoffed, "(Y/n)- you're totally out of his league. You can get him if you wanted to."
"Becca!" You groaned, your inner teen always came out when hanging out with her. "I can't. Have you seen the way she looks? She can get him!" You laughed, deciding to find the humor in your failed attempts at love.
"Oh (Y/n) you can too!" Her short hair bounced as she shaked you.
You turned around your hand practically digging into 's shoulder as you stared at her dead in the eye. "Be realistic. Be so fucking for real." You shook her back, your voice that of a goblins.
The two of you laughed as you spewed out nonsensical noises.
The conversation then shifted to celebrity crushes, "You think I have a chance with Josh Hutcherson?" Rebecca lays down on the lawn chair.
"Hundred percent yes." You replied, "What about me and Nick cage?"
"I see that." Rebecca smirks.
"Wait. What about me and Da-" Before you could finish your sentence Leon's shadow loomed over you, causing both you and Rebecca to jump.
"What about you and who?" He asked as he took a seat on the lawn chair you were previously on.
Your heart fell to your ass. "Oh my god you scared me." You and Rebecca giggled.
"You're not going in the pool?" Leon asked, leaning back in the chair.
"You know we were about to ask you the same thing. What's up with the clothes Kennedy?" Rebecca raised an eyebrow, she then nudged your shoulder.
"Yeah, lose the shirt, Leon." You said on cue. A fire growing in your stomach.
"I will if you do." He hooked his hands under his grey shirt as he began to pull it off.
Scratch that. The fire in your stomach was now a full-on Volcano.
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leclercloml · 5 months
Bunny? It's MIFFY | FT7
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Pairing: Ferran Torres x french!reader
Summary: in which ferran's girlfriend is obsessed with the miffy plushie.
Genre: SMAU
Warninga: grammar mistakes probably, google translated spanish & french
Author's note: this one is made specially for @zowanew the og miffy girl, ilysm and i hope you like it 🤍 (most of the pics contains Sira Martinez and I know she's not french but for the fic let's pretend she is)
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liked by ferrantorres, pablogavi, mikkykiemeny and 234,638 others
yourinstagram the love of my life and Ferran 🐰🤍
view comments
ferrantorres WOW, thank you??
⤷yourinstagram you're welcome.
⤷username lmfao 😭
ferrantorres did I just got replaced my a literal stuff toy?
⤷yourinstagram stuff toy? STUFF TOY??! her name's MIFFY.
⤷ferrantorres stuff toy.
⤷yourinstagram blocked.
⤷username Ferran ilysm but don't you dare call miffy a stuff toy ever again.
liked by yourinstagram
⤷username she liked 😭😭
mikkykiemeny my girl 🤍
⤷yourinstagram ILY !!!
⤷username the IT wags.
username they're so cute tho 😭🩷
ferrantorres I love you ❤️
⤷yourinstagram I love you too I guess.
⤷ferrantorres you guess?!!
⤷pedri 😂🫵🏻
⤷username LMAO 😭😭
pablogavi i could use that as a punching bag.
⤷ferrantorres please do, you're doing everyone a favour
⤷yourinstagram DON'T YOU DARE GAVIRA.
⤷username that's something gavi would definitely do.
username okay but can we talk about how cute these two are?? No?? Anyone??
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liked by yourinstagram, pedri, pablogavi and 2,629,729 others
ferrantorres Mi novia 🩷
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yourinstagram he won a banana for me cause there was no game which winning prize was miffy 😔☝🏻
⤷ferrantorres be grateful?!
⤷yourinstagram I AM.
⤷username y/n would choose miffy over Ferran anyday
liked by yourinstagram
⤷username she liked the comments lmfao, poor Ferran.
pedri why was I not invited?
⤷ferrantorres as if you don't thirdwheel us 6/7 times a week.
⤷pedri exactly. It should be 7/7
⤷yourinstagram no. give us a break.
⤷pedri R U D E.
⤷pablogavi it's ok bro, we both can hangout 🫂
⤷pedri i would rather chew on a glass.
⤷username HELPP
⤷username golden retriever gavi x black cat pedri>>>
⤷username my man was tired of driving him to training everyday 😭
username okay but the 2nd slide, I might kms.
⤷username ikr they both are WAY TOO adorable
username can someone kiss me? with a gun? down on my throat?
⤷username ayo chill 💀
username still can't believe how Ferran bagged her.
⤷mikkykiemeny me too.
⤷username mikkyyyy lmaoo 😭😭
username everyday i open Instagram, saw these fuckers on my feed, wonder when it'll be me, cry myself to sleep, and then repeat.
⤷username us moment 🫂
yourinstagram added to story 10 mins ago
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caption: Ma vie 🩷 (my life)
view replies
ferrantorres thought that was that rabbit but okay te amo ❤️
⤷yourinstagram for the last time ferran torres garcia it's MIFFY.
⤷ferrantorres rabbit.
⤷yourinstagram sleep at Pedri's today.
⤷ferrantorres I'M JOKING.
mikkykiemeny can't believe I got replaced by a basic white boy 😔.
⤷yourinstagram OFCOURSE NOT, you're my no.1
⤷mikkykiemeny I better be
pedri why was I not invited again.
⤷yourinstagram can you shut the fuck up?
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look what I just found
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Ferran mfing Torres!!!!
You better bring one of em home
One? Nah.
Je t'aime tellement!!! (I love you so much)
Come home as soon as you can.
I love you too!!!
On my way
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liked by ferrantorres, mikkykiemeny, sophiawebber and 2,638,920 others
yourinstagram the gift giver vs the gifts, Je t'aime 😭🩷
view comments
ferrantorres te amo ❤️
⤷yourinstagram je t'aime aussi ❤️(i love you too)
⤷pedri ew.
⤷yourinstagram go away hater.
ferrantorres the gift giver>>>
⤷yourinstagram get over yourself
⤷pablogavi fr fr and give pedri back
⤷ferrantorres no.
⤷pablo kys.
⤷username I'm dying lmaaaooo
username cuties 😭🫶🏻
username i would die for them but that's just me tho.
⤷username me too girl me too
mikkykiemeny I'm better than both
⤷yourinstagram ofcourse you are wifey 🤭💍
⤷frenkiedejong no.
⤷ferrantorres no.
⤷username the real couple is actually mikky and y/n, Ferran and Frenkie are the side chicks here.
username I want what they have.
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Grace's note: this one was quite fun, I hope you like it @zowanew and Ferran literally loves you.
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chaengluva · 3 months
Loving You Differently
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Reneé Rapp x Fem!Reader: 1.4k Words: Masterlist
Requested: Yes/No: Send Requests!
Warnings: Angst, No happy ending, considering a part 2
Disclaimer: I know Reneé would never do things like this or act like this, this is just a oneshot, everything is fictional (except for reneé and towa lmao)
You couldn't deny the way your heart dropped when you saw the pictures of Reneé and Towa, you couldn't even scroll through twitter peacefully, every second tweet was about the them, everyone seemed so happy for them, while you were in your bed, loving her from affair.
You knew it wad going to happen eventually, each day Reneé would come home and get in bed with who she called her best friend, she would talk about how much she liked Towa, same with every crush she has ever had, while you're just hoping that one day she will admit that she likes you, but you know that won't be anytime soon. She has done this every single time. 
"Y/n,Y/n,Y/n,Y/n,Y/n,Y/n,Y/n,Y/n,Y/n," Reneé says loudly, pocking you each time she said your name, "What?" You ask tiredly, "Lisa" She starts, you tired of only hearing that name. making you roll your eyes, she hits you, making you groan in pain. "Don't be annoying!" She exclaims, but she smiles when she looks back at her phone. 
"She wants to go out with me!" You smile slightly, trying to be the good best friend and be there for her, "That's great Reneé! When?" You ask, trying your best to not sound sad or hurt. "Tomorrow."  You sigh loudly, feeling very betrayed, "Oh.." You start, she turns to you, raising her eyebrow, "But, It's my birthday tomorrow." You say sadly, hoping she would rethink it.
"Yeah, but you don't mind! this is more important." She started, ouch, that stung. "Besides, we will spend the morning with you." You nod, not wanting to say anything, the only thing you wanted to be was the girl that was special to Reneé. When you slept, you just felt empty that you would have to spend the morning alone, at least you have the morning together, right?
She didn't wake up still 12pm, she only had 2 hours before she had to get ready, you wanted to be mad at her but when she gave you her puppy eyes you just had to forgive her, the 2 hours went by really quickly, before you knew it, her date was at the door, picking her up, you didn't dare let any tears fall before she left, but right after the door was closed, they fell. 
You didn't know how long you were crying for, but you were interrupted by a phone call from one of your other friends, Rosie. You tried to calm your voice down so it wasn't clear that you had been crying, but it didn't work, she knew right away. 
"Is it Reneé again?" She asks, you nod as if she can see you, you realise she couldn't so you mumble a quiet, "Yeah." You hear her loudly groan, "Y/n! I know you like her but she's using you! She's never there unless she needs you! Please don't let her come back to you like you always do. She needs to know what it feels like losing someone as good as you." 
As much as her words stung, you knew they were true, you talk for a little bit more then you hang up, deciding that you would leave before she get's home, but it doesn't work out because you hear the door open. 
A sobbing Reneé walks in, you stare at her as she walks closer to you, you try to think of Rosie's words but you can't leave Reneé like this, you wrap your arms around her and let Reneé cry into your arms. "She humiliated me!" You played with her hair, to give her comfort at the time she needed it
Reneé has you wrapped around her finger, and you hate yourself for not being able to let her go.
Present time. 
The thing that hurts the most is the mixed signals she gives you, some days your so close to confessing your feelings, but other days telling her your feelings isn't even a thought inside you. 
You have been friends with Reneé for longer then you can remember, you have also had feelings for her for almost as long as you have been friends, you never want to confess because your scared of losing over 10 years of the friendship with her. 
When Reneé  didn't have many fans, you would always be there, supporting her, she made so many promises that you knew she wouldn't be able to keep, she promised to take you to her award shows as a plus one, but that hasn't happened yet. 
A days hours later after you saw the news on twitter, you were in your kitchen, looking in your fridge for something to eat, you decide to make a sandwich, just as about you're about to start eating it,  a knock on the door made you jump, you put the sandwich on the plate, then you walk downstairs, when you open the door you smile seeing your best friend, standing there with open arms. "Y/n!" She says loudly, giving you a hug. "How are you baby?" You hate the fact she calls you that, you hate it because of the effect she has on you. 
"I'm good." You smile slightly, she walks in, taking her Jacket off, walking upstairs, you slowly follow after her, when you get up you see that she's sitting down at the the table, you look at the kitchen contour and see that your sandwich had disappeared, you look back at Reneé and see her eating the sandwich. 
You sigh, walking over to sit next to her, taking the sandwich from her then eating it, making her pout. You don't bring up the news, you're way to hurt by it, the two of you just sit in silence until one of you speaks up. 
 Reneé, is the one to break the silence, "So, I'm assuming you have heard." She starts and you try not to roll your eyes, the pure feeling of jealously, hurt and envy is flowing threw your veins, she smiles brightly, "Towa and I are dating." You smile, "Nice," You say coldly, you could have pretended to be happy but you were so sick of pretending. "I'd thought you'd be happy for us." She says, making you roll your eyes and tense up, "I am happy." You lie, which Reneé notices. "
"You're lying, I can tell." You just roll her eyes, which makes her more irritated, "Jesus Y/n! Just tell me! Is it because you like Towa?!" She asks, how could she be so oblivious?  "You're the one I like!" You yell, instantly regretting it after you confessed, you notice how her eyes soften, she goes from annoyed to confused. "I'm sorry... I didn't know." Reneé says quietly, "How could you? You're never here!" You yell, she opens her mouth to say something but you beat her to it.
"I have been there for you all the time, I have been there for you when you need me, when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need to ramble about someone, when you first started your music career." You yelled, tears falling, as you yelled at her, Reneé stood their quietly, taking everything that you said and listening to it. "I had to listen to you talk about all your crushes while I had eyes for you., I know it's not your fault you don't like me.. but.. I never got that shoulder to cry on, I never had the support I needed for me to start my dream it was always about you. " 
The guilt quickly began to wash over Reneé, she saw everything for herself now, but she knew that it was too late. "Y/n.. I'm sorry." She reaches out to grab your hands but you pull away, "No, You don't need to be sorry, I need to be sorry with myself, for not letting you go earlier." Reneé's heart breaks more then it has ever broken before, "No.. You don't mean that" she starts, you wipe the tears running down your face, "I do, It's the only way I'll be able to move on from you."
Reneé's tears are now uncontrollable, she thinks of the past 10 years of her life and how losing you will be the worst person she has ever lost, she slowly walks downstairs and she swears her heart breaks even more when you don't follow her,  she opens the door and leaves the house she used to call her second home.
You let out a sigh of relief, it was hard letting her go, you felt like you just lost a piece of yourself as you saw her drive off for the last time. 
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glorysalazar · 1 year
No Duolingo, no problem
Jere Pöyhönen / Käärijä x Fem! Reader
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Summary: You moved to Finland a few weeks ago and can't seem to feel at home: you're starting at a new job, you don't understand the language, you're kind of going through a break up... One tired and cold evening you head into the first bar you can find and briefly meet a cute guy you can't stop thinking about for the next few weeks. You try to forget about him, but when you go back to the same bar for some random gig your coworkers have invited you to go to, you find him again. [This takes place way before Eurovision]
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: English isn't my first language and I got a little lazy mid writing. Also they smoke a vape oops (seriously now don't do it it's shit for your health). Maybe smut implications at the end?
A/N: I didn't know what to name this lmao. I cannot believe I wrote fanficiton for the first time in YEARS because I fell in love with a Finnish guy after watching Eurovision. Anyway, I noticed an enormous shortage of Jere fics and decided to risk my final exams to serve the people. I hope it's worth it! Also apologies if the Finnish translation is shit I used a random website for it lol
"Anteeksi, pudotit takkisi" -> "Sorry, you dropped your coat"
"Jere, istuimme takapöydässä" -> "Jere, we are sitting at the back table"
"Olen tulossa" -> "I'm on my way"
"Hetkinen, kiitos!" -> "One moment, please!"
"Jere, sinun vuorosi on kymmenen minuutin kuluttua" -> "Jere, you're on in ten minutes"
"Minä menen nyt" -> "Coming"
"Hei kaikille, miten meillä menee tänään?" -> "Hi everyone, how are we doing today?"
"Kiitos, Mikko, arvostan sitä todella" -> "Thank you, Mikko, I really appreciate it"
"Miten uskallat tulla tänne?" -> "How dare she come here?"
"Meidän on hyödynnettävä sitä" -> "We'll have to make use of it"
"Mikä on sana?" -> "What's the word?"
It was cold. Hell, it was colder than she could have ever imagined before coming here. Sure, she had checked the country's temperatures before moving, researched online about what to expect for someone who was used to easy winters, had bought the fuzzy-fur-on-the-inside-boots and the heavy jacket and all that was recommended to face the never-ending snowing. But still, it somehow hadn't been enough.
A job offer and the need to find some new purpose to latch onto had led (Y/N) here. Now three weeks in, with no friends and hardly a place to call her home had helped regret start to settle in. So many things felt out of her control: the way her colleagues seemed to think she was a mess, the cashiers at the supermarket sighing because she still didn't understand the language, everyone from her hometown rolling their eyes when she announced she was leaving in a way that meant you're not gonna make it.
Yet being thrown outside her comfort zone, and being forced to move on however she could manage, made her feel at least some kind of thrive. Which was far more than she had back home.
As she walked down the street for some place to find shelter in, hands shaking and breaths almost uneven, a neon sign caught her attention. Even though she couldn't figure out the name, it looked like a pretty okay bar. She didn't need much convincing anyway; anything would do to get out of this freezing gale. She made her way in.
The warmth was a instant relief. Stripping down from the many layers of upper clothes, she took a quick glance to check the place out. Not many people, which was fair for a Wednesday evening. There was low music playing, mild chatter and a bunch of people sitting alone in the stools, which was a relief. At least she wouldn't be the only one.
As she ordered a beer (one of the few phrases she had made sure to master) she felt her hands come alive again. The beverage came along and she took a long, much anticipated sip. It tasted significantly different from the brands she was used to, but it was just fine. Alcohol is alcohol.
Finally feeling at ease, she took her phone out and started mindlessly scrolling through social media to kill some time. It was still early in the evening since she had just gotten out from work. An extra challenging day is what had led her to wander outside for a bit instead of heading back to the dull apartment she hadn't even been able to decorate yet. Going home right after would've led her to start overthinking if this job was even right for her, if she had gone crazy by moving hundreds of kilometres away from what she's always known, if her ex-girlfriend had been right when she accused her of being too impulsive, if it would be such a bad thing to give it up already and leave—
"Anteeksi, pudotit takkisi", she heard a voice say behind her.
When she turned around to give her "sorry I still don't speak Finnish" speech, she was met with a blue-eyed, dark-haired, funky but sweet looking guy holding her jacket, which she now understood had fallen to the floor. It caught her by surprise that she somehow forgot how to speak for a brief moment.
"Oh! Thank you, I hadn't noticed it was on the floor" she ended up answering, taking the jacket back as the man handed it to her with a confused look in his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not from here. I don't speak Finnish yet" she added with a small chuckle.
"No, don't worry, Finnish, uh- hard language to learn" he answered through an amusing smile, with a thick accent and a clear struggle to speak English.
She half laughed at his answer. Until now, people hadn't been so kind about the language-barrier impediment. "Yes, it is a little bit", she followed, now taking in his appearance.
Painted nails. Double nose piercings. Earrings. Facial hair. A bowl cut? Interesting choice, but it suited him surprisingly well. Her brain decided through that brief examination: he was cute. Attractively cute.
"You can try Duolingo. I use for my English, but don't work very very well" the man said the second part more as a correction to himself, making both of them laugh from the random half advice. He tried to fix it: "Maybe for you works better".
"Maybe. I'll check it out. Thank you again" her response was going to be followed by an invitation for him to sit down with her, as she felt a sudden wave of boldness: I need to make some friends in this town or else I'll go crazy. But a group of three other guys that had come in after him caught her stranger's attention.
"Jere, istuimme takapöydässä", one of them said to him, while walking to a table at the back corner of the bar.
"Olen tulossa" he turned around to answer, then looked at her once more, "I go now with my friends. Enjoy your beer" he smiled and small-waved goodbye, as she copied his gesture. "Enjoy your evening".
That small interaction was enough for her to spend the next half hour looking up from her phone, which she had retreated to, to glance at him from time to time. His group of friends and him seemed to be having a good time, and she enjoyed the view of him. He looked like a very interesting person, too, and if she was being honest, she hadn't been struck by someone new in quite some time. Not by her neighbors, not by the people she was starting to coincide with at the grocery shop, not even by her co-workers.
She noticed him looking at her from time to time as well.
When her glass was empty and just as the clock on her phone struck seven, she got up and got prepared to face the freezing wind once again. At least it wasn't that long of a walk to her place.
She lingered for a moment before exiting the bar, then finally did so while warning herself not to get too caught up on the nice stranger she suddenly felt she was leaving behind. It was just a one minute interaction. You probably won't see him again. Quit this teenager act. Focus on the important tasks ahead of you.
It was already pitch black outside, snow accumulated on the sidewalks, the air was even colder than before.
Excitement started to bubble up in the pit of her stomach.
Two weeks had gone by and although she had been meaning to return to the bar, she just hadn't find the time to do so. Once the job's training period ended, the hectic rythm started. In her free time, when she wasn't taking care of the house or just resting, she was trying to find some language academy where she could actually properly learn Finnish. Cute guy had been right: Duolingo just didn't do the trick.
She had hoped he would appear around the neighborhood, that maybe he lived nearby. But there had been no luck. It was fine, though. She knew she would let go of it rather quickly at that point, it's not like she had been thinking about his addictive smile or pretty eyes or soft-looking hands. Not at all.
It was Friday, and some acquaintances from work she had managed to pull off had invited her to a small gig. She didn't even remember the musician's name nor did she know where it was going to be, but nevertheless she was happy to go and actually get to have some fun with other people. Who knows, cute guy might even be there.
She didn't even realize they were headed to the bar until they were right in front of it. Inside, a small stage platform had been set up and tables and chairs had been removed to make space for the audience. It wasn't very spacey anyway, the place could hold about a hundred people squeezed together tops.
"Huh, hadn't even thought of this place as a venue" she let her thoughts trail out loud.
"Have you been here before?" her coworker Aubrey, who she had slightly bonded with because she was also a foreigner, asked her. "Only once" the girl explained, already searching for a certain someone's face in the crowd. "So, who have you brought me to see tonight?" she asked, in the hopes of at least getting some conversation non-work related flowing. "I don't really know, coming here was Mikko's idea. He's always trying to get us into these weird small rap-rock Finnish bands, and listen, I've lived here for over a year now and I still don't really get the hype" Aubrey explained making both of them laugh "But it always ends up being fun when we go out" she added.
The rest of the group had moved forward to get a good spot near the humble stage, as Mikko babbled on and on about nonsense the two women couldn't figure out from the distance. "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Mind saving me a place?" (Y/N) asked her colleague, who answered affirmatively.
She made her way through the crowd in between "excuse me's" and "sorry's" but got there with quite ease. One of the two toilet doors had a sign that read "Out of order", so she knocked on the one that was left to check if anyone was inside. A voice that sounded vaguely familiar came from the other side: "Hetkinen, kiitos!"
Nervousness suddenly struck her. Is this who I think it is?
When the door opened there was no doubt. Cute stranger was standing in front of her.
"Oh! Hello" he blurted out just as he saw her, sounding surprised. Today he was wearing eye makeup and bottom eyeliner, which suited him very, very well. He has such a pretty face.
She realized now she had not been able to get over this guy in the two weeks of not seeing him, even though she didn't even know his name.
"Hi" was all she could manage to say. She had been looking for him when she entered the bar but she was convinced he was not actually going to be there, "It's good to see you!" she added, as a way of avoiding an awkward silence.
"You as well. You, uh, you come to... concert?" he inquired, struggling to find the last word while pointing towards the direction where the stage was to make sure he was being understood.
She noticed he was wearing an all yellow outfit that consisted of corduroy pants and a button up. He looks good in it.
"Yes, some work friends brought me here. But if I'm being honest I don't even know who's playing" she confessed, slightly covering her mouth with one of her hands to joke around, as if she had spilled a dark secret. Stranger burst out laughing. His laugh was cute. "Do you know if he's good? I wanna know if I'll be wasting my time or not" she asked him, pretending to be a diva to keep his laugh going.
He had his arms crossed and his tongue between his teeth as he slightly giggled. "No, I think he's pretty ok. I think you will like, even if no understand" his answer was playful and accompanied with another small laugh. She continued joking around, this time putting her hands up in pretend self defense "Hey, I'll try my best. Maybe using Duolingo for two days actually did something" she shot back, realizing after saying those words that she had just told Mr. Stranger she had followed his advice.
He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head playfully "You did what I say to you" he stated. "Yes, but you were right. It's not really helpful. Now I just keep getting emails from the goddamn owl and feel scared that he's going to find me and kill me for not going back to the app" she explained exaggeratedly, which made their giggles grow bigger and even he bent his knees with laughter.
Their little chit-chatting was cut when a man who looked like he had been searching for someone stopped in his tracks at the beginning of the bathroom hall and shouted at them: "Jere, sinun vuorosi on kymmenen minuutin kuluttua". She turned around to look at the source of the voice and then back at stranger when he answered "Minä menen nyt". She wished she knew what they were saying, but she assumed it had just been his friend telling him to hurry up. Also, was Jere his name? She had heard it two times already.
"Someone's always calling out for you", she commented when they were left alone again. "It's because me popular, yes yes" he joked, putting a hand to his chest and shrugging. "Listen, I go now. Concert starting soon" he explained, pointing out to the stage's direction once again "I see you there?" he asked, eyebrows raised as he put a hand to her shoulder, looking into her eyes. His blue ones had her mind going blank for a moment. That seemed to happen a lot when he was around. "Uh- yeah, sure, see you there". He smiled again then moved past her to return to the hall. She stared at him leave as she opened the door to the bathroom and finally went inside, smiling to herself and biting her bottom lip.
She hurried back once she was finished not only in fear of missing out the start of the concert, but more so in fear of not finding him again. Aubrey raised her hand to catch her attention and she followed the lead back to the group. The place was packed, it was hot, and there was a lot of chatter going on.
"What took you so long?", Aubrey asked as she got to her side, just in front of the stage, "They're about to start". (Y/N) was standing on her tiptoes and turning her head in all directions. She had just talked to him and the bar was not that big: where the hell had he hid himself?
"There was a long line to the bathroom..." she started off distantly, then turned to face Aubrey "Hey, this is going to sound weird, but have you seen-" just when she was going to make the question, she noticed some people walking up to the stage and everyone started cheering.
As she looked up, she couldn't have been more dumbfounded.
It was him. Mr Stranger was the one performing tonight.
"Hei kaikille, miten meillä menee tänään?" he shouted out to the public, (Y/N) assumed as a way of greeting everyone. He took no time noticing she was right there, which made him grin even wider. "I see we have international people tonight. Good" he said while looking directly at her. She felt her coworkers eyes on her.
"Do you know him?" Aubrey whispered-shouted to her, "I- uh, no, yes? Briefly" she responded back as he continued on in Finnish. She remembered the question she had made him earlier and mentally facepalmed. This cheeky dude. Lying to her face just so he could later get her reaction.
Since there was no way of understanding what he said, she concentrated on what she could see. Two men behind him wearing pink shirts and shorts and sunglasses. A DJ table, no instruments. There was a sign hanging from the wall that read "Käärijä". Was that his artistic name? She was very intrigued by everything going on and wondered what genre he was going to play.
She had no idea what was coming.
As soon as he stopped talking and the music started playing, his demeanor changed. His stare became fiercer, his movements provocative and unleashed. He walked around the stage like he owned it, stared at the audience like he knew they would do whatever he asked them. Every beat before he started singing rumbled inside her, made her hold her breath in anticipation. She let it out once the words started to fall from his mouth.
The lyrics could have been shit for all she knew. His deep voice, the exotic pronunciation, the hard rapping from the boy who had seemed so sweet and wholesome but was now showing another side of him, the song's rhythm and tone. She was all in. So in, that her body started swaying to the sound almost like an automatic response, and jumped around alongside everyone else when the music demanded to do so.
"Ok, he's really good" she said to her coworkers as the crowd sung alongside him. "Mikko, you were right, he's really good" she insisted to the boy beside her, who was clearly enjoying himself. "I told you!" he answered amidst chanting, "Jere is my most talented friend". Oh, okay. Mental note taken.
As he performed his songs, (Y/N) couldn't help but admire the dedication Jere put on and the absolute fun he looked like he was having. Also, she realised he was at least kind of known around here, because people were singng alongside him.
The head banging, self touching, slightly undressing and sticking his tongue out only added more to his eclectic movements and gestures that made the show feel like a mix of energetic, passionate and, why deny it, lascivious state. Her eyes were glued to him in a capitative stare, that he would catch from time to time and hold for a few seconds. Then he would turn to his attention somewhere else, but a smirk would make a clear appearance on his face.
Whenever he finished a number, the loud clapping allowed him some time to take a sip of water. The clothes he was wearing and its material soon became unbearable, which lead him to take his shirt off completely. "Sorry, it is hot in here" he stated into the microphone pretending to excuse himself as a joke, as everyone in the room made a fuss about it. He was heavily sweating all over his face, neck and torso.
If she had previously been absorbed by him, at this point it was almost unbearable. She had not expected to see so much exposed flesh, and the pectoral tattoo nearly had her weak on her knees.
For some reason, freehing himself from his clothes somehow made him behave even wilder from then on out. He started getting closer to the front row, some even holding out their arms to interact with him, him receiving the gesture with no issue. The Fin looked so confident in what he was doing, it only made her feel even more attracted to him.
He moved so quickly (Y/N) didn't even have time to process when he positioned himself right in front of her, amidst performing a song, and full on stroked her cheek for a few lasting moments, all the while mainting direct eye contact. It was as if no one else had been around them, as if this instant had been theirs only. She didn't respond to the touch by touching him herself, since she couldn't find the strength to be as bold; but the breath hitching and swallowing saliva right after were a clear sign to Jere that he made her feel things. He would quite probably feel embarrassed about it later, but right now it made him feel close to powerful.
The whole gig ended on a high note, the applause was strong and lasting. (Y/N) clapped her hands so fast they even started hurting a little, and could understand through the noise that Jere was thanking everyone for coming out to see him. As he was about to exit the stage, some music started playing over the speakers as to signal that the performance was over and everyone could retreat to either leave the bar or get a drink and stay there for a longer while. As the people from the front row turned around and waited to have a chance to move, (Y/N) felt a hand on her shoulder.
Jere looked exhausted, but it also seemed like the whole night had riled him up. "You don't leave now?", he meant to ask, but came out more as a plead. She wouldn't even dream of doing so right now. "No, no, I'm staying" she rushed to answer. "Good. Wait for me?" he went on. She could only manage to nod her head yes. He smiled and quickly went "backstage" to freshen up.
"Okay, what the actual hell was that?" Aubrey took no time to pry her, "It did not look like knowing each other briefly". (Y/N) shrugged while putting her hands in the air and half laughing, not knowing how to beat those allegations.
"It's classic Jere. Finds a girl cute and cannot stop himself" Mikko chimed in, while grinning, "Now I understand, you must be the girl he saw a couple of weeks ago over here, right?"
"He's talked about me?" she said, a bit shocked, while Mikko lead the way for the three of them to go grab a drink. "Yes, well, now that I connect the dots, that evening you came here, it was a Wednesday, right? I came too, but it must've been after you left. When I arrived he was commenting it".
Some of the other coworkers were starting to leave, not without commenting the elephant in the room before grabbing the door. "You're gonna be the talk of the office now", Aubrey asserted, making Mikko laugh and (Y/N) grow redder by the minute. "I don't even- we haven't even talked that much, really. But watching him onstage was..." she trailed off, letting out a sigh and grabbing the drink Mikko offered her, thanking him in the process. "Yes, it's his special trait. That magnetism he holds is what's gonna get him places", he agreed.
"Okay, but does this whole act mean that he always does this? Like, does he take advantage of his concerts to mindlessly flirt with random people?" (Y/N) suddenly tried to rationalize the fast track of actions Jere was taking on with her. Sure, she liked him, and she really, really wanted to have some fun. Needed it, even. This bonding moment with Aubrey and Mikko right now, this non-work related, exciting chatter; the going out; as precipitating as it sounds she was starting to feel like she was finally making friends, establishing a life. But she also didn't want to be played around with.
"Ohhh, no, not necessarily" her coworker laughed, calming her down "Käärijä the performer is seductive, provocative, even uncontrollable" he took a sip from his drink, "But Jere the person is another story. Dude wouldn't even hurt a fly, I mean it" he reassured her. He then was about to say something else, but stopped on his tracks when they all noticed the man of the hour and the tow men who had performed with him coming over to them. However, he quickly commented to the girls the following before Jere could hear them: "If anything, he's the one who has been played around with".
Jere approached Mikko first, going in for a hug, which made total sense given the fact that they were friends. (Y/N) appreciated it, because his last comment had caught her by surprise. He had changed into some track pants and graphic loose t-shirt, and over all he already looked far more calmed down and back to his more, to put it some way, innocent self. Aubrey and (Y/N) exchanged a look before introducing themselves to the guys in pink, who had not changed their outfits. Their names were Jaakko and Aleksi.
"Hey, I recognize you. You were all in the bar that day I was here" she said as a realization. "Yes, we were planning tonight" Aleksi answered, "Did you like it?" he added, to both her and Aubrey.
While the four of them engaged in small talk, the girls understood that Mikko was congratulating his friend on his performance and Jere was thanking him, "Kiitos, Mikko, arvostan sitä todella", he said with appreciation on his face, closed smile and big puppy eyes (Y/N) couldn't ignore. With one last ruffle on his hair from Mikko, the two men stayed with one arm over the other's back and turned to the group.
"Alright, let's talk in English now so we can all understand each other..." Mikko started off. "I see you guys have already introduced yourselves, very good. Now let me introduce you girls to Käärijä himself, although maybe a certain someone doesn't need it" he playfully remarked, making Jere look away while hiding his face and (Y/N) roll her eyes. "Jere, these are (Y/N) and Aubrey from work. Aubrey, (Y/N), this is Jere" he played around using a formal tone and letting out of their embrace.
"Nice to meet you" Aubrey answered, shaking hands with him and gently pushing (Y/N) forward once she was done to signal her to do so as well.
"I finally know your name" he commented, making her chuckle, "Yes, I guess you do". Mikko and Aubrey swiftly moved to give them some space, going over to Jaakko and Aleksi, who were all in in the same unspoken plan.
"You like the show?" he seemed a bit nervous as he rested his elbow on the counter and signaled the waiter to get him a drink, while attentively listening to her answer, "Honestly, I'd never been to one quite like this. I mean, I've been to rock concerts and such, but this energy you guys put on stage was totally new for me. I really enjoyed it tho, you're really good" she sincerely said.
"Oh, thank you, really" Jere put a hand to his chest as to show gratitude, "It was first concert after months of not doing", he further explained, "So means a lot all people who come here, yes. I'm so happy for this, I was worried if not work well". He sounded so humble (Y/N) couldn't help but grow to like his personality even more. She was curious to know why he hadn't played in a way, but also didn't want to intrude, so she opted for another response. "Well you should be. We all had a blast".
"You understand anything I sing?" he wondered with a perky smirk, before taking a sip from the beer that had just landed in front of him. "I didn't need to", she let it out without giving it a second thought, almost as if this was the only real answer she could give, which to her felt absolutely true. He was shocked by it and spilled some of the drink out, quickly catching the dripping by covering his mouth with a napkin.
"Ah, I make fool of me now, great!" he tried to cover up by playing down the incident. She couldn't stop laughing out loud, some people even noticing the whole scene between the two of them, specially Mikko and company who laughed as well from a distance, "That's what you get for lying to me before" she joked, but grabbed a napkin as well to clean his shirt up, softly patting it on his chest. "Sorry, I wanted to surprise" he justified. It was in that moment that she noticed they were almost the same height. When her gaze moved upward from the stain she was cleaning up, his stare was way closer than she had thought. He carried on talking.
"Also, before, I hope I not make you... uh-, mikä on sana epämukavalle?" he looked over at Mikko for help regarding a language inquire.
"Yes, that" Jere said, "I hope I not make you uncom... uncomfortable when I, you know-" he tried to explain himself, struggling with the pronunciation. He stroked his own cheek to interpret what he attempted to say. "Oh! No no, don't worry, it was- it was okay. I liked it, actually", his relief was evident after she assured him. He let out a nervous giggle.
Then, something caught his attention. His gaze had travelled to the door, past (Y/N), and what he saw made his face turn dead serious, although also sad. Mikko, Aleksi and Jaakko very quickly noticed what was happening. Aubrey and (Y/N) also turned around to check it out: a girl was standing by the entrance looking for someone with a worried expression.
"Miten uskallat tulla tänne?" Jaakko expressed angrily. The three men addressed Jere, who suddenly was a loss of words and course of action.
"Ex alert" Aubrey whispered to (Y/N) while sipping from her drink's straw. "They're asking him if he wants to go talk to her" she informed her friend, which (Y/N) was thankful for. It was really tiring to not catch anything on her own sometimes. While the four men were talking to each other, deciding what to do next, (Y/N) grabbed Jere's arm and everyone's attention fell on her. She just couldn't stop strongly empathizing with him because she had also recently been through a break up and knew how shitty it was. Jere seemed more at ease when she talked, "Are you okay? Do you want to get out of here?" he looked past her again, everyone following his direction and realizing his ex was coming over to them. "I do, please", "Then we're getting out of here", (Y/N) decided, "You guys coming?" she asked the rest. "No, you guys go on. We'll make sure she doesn't follow" Mikko stated, thankful for her determination.
They said rushed goodbyes and (Y/N) got ahold of his hand to guide him towards the door. When they walked past her, she tried to talk, but they were quick to get out.
As per usual, it was freezing. They started to wander off to anywhere.
"I'm sorry about having to go"
They had found a comfortable spot in a park overlooking the town's river and had settled there. They had walked for a while, him trying to talk about anything else but his ex.
"Don't sweat it. I fully understand" she comforted him, then took the vape he had previously offered to her and took a puff before continuing, "I got broken up with three months ago... I hate to admit it, but it's part of the reason I ended up deciding to move here", she explained. He listened to her attentively, with a stern face.
The night was silent over here. It was only the sound of the stream and their hushed voices
"Can I ask why the break up?" he inquired, not wanting to pry on too much. "Only if I can ask why the break up", she made him chuckle. "Yes, of course" he accepted.
"She said I was too impulsive and that she couldn't trust me to maintain a steady and stable relationship, because I couldn't even do that with my own life" she sighed after her explanation and rolled her eyes.
"Wow" Jere said, disapproving look on his face "Hard thing to say".
"Yes, but honestly, I don't hold a grudge anymore. She had her right to think that way too. I do so too sometimes" she admitted, handing back the electronic cigarette, since they were taking turns to smoke.
"That's shit" he commented, which made them both laugh, "But I understand, too. "My ex, Sofia, that's her name, she uh- said she not approve of music career" his gaze moved upfront, "She said It's either me or music, and I think she not like my answer" Jere let out a half-sad cackle, "This is all I ever wanted to do. I loved her, I feel like I still do a bit, you know? But..." he nodded negatively before finishing the sentence, "I need someone who give support. What I told you before, the not doing concerts? A part of it was because I got, uh, insecure".
Silence fell between them as they both got lost in their own thoughts for a brief moment.
"You know, for someone who claims to not be good at English, you can maintain quite a deep conversation" her words made him belly laugh again. He looked at her and handed the vape once more. "Don't need Duolingo for that" he referenced. He was about to speak again but cut himself. "You can go on, it's fine", his doe-like blue eyes seeped cherishment.
"Oh, I not know, talking about ex was not in my plans when being alone with a girl I like" he made her blush, "I just thinking that, you know, I'm almost... mikä on sana" he struggled again with the language "Thirty year old?" he doubted if he had said it right, and the girl nodded to indicate him he had, "Thirty year old, and when younger I thought Oh, I achieve my dreams at thirty, have the family, all that... You know? And... nothing of that" he described, "My songs, some say that. But you not understand, so..." he added jokingly to lighten the mood, erupting laughter from her.
"Hey, I'm trying really hard to find a place where I can learn Finnish! Give me a break..." she defended herself, while the giggling from both of them died down. "But, just so you know, most of us feel this way too. Having your life figured out at thirty? That only happens to the lucky ones, I can assure you" she saw his tired expression and put a hand to his shoulder, "And by the way, you're crazy talented. We were all mesmerized by your performance. You can get to whatever place you want to be, and if you don't, well... It won't be because of your fault".
They were once again looking in each other's eyes. His gaze travelled down to her mouth. They were sitting close to one another as to avoid the cold wind. Her heart beat faster. How come did she feel like he had known him for such a long time if this was practically their first ever proper conversation? Yet she couldn't fight it. She had seen so many sides of him in such a short amount of time; she swore she'd never been that much of a romantic but the alcohol, mixed with how vulnerable they both felt in that moment and the fact that she was finally feeling at ease after more than a month of such a big change in her life, probably did the trick.
"Can- can I...?" he started nervously, but was interrupted.
Their lips crashed, finally killing the anticipation. Her hands cupped his face and his ones settled on her waist. She felt his long eyelashes touch her face, his beard tickled her jaw and his hoop piercing was cold on her nose. (Y/N) enjoyed feeling all these parts of Jere on her. He truly was so pretty. And suddenly, she wanted to make sure he knew just how pretty he was and how much he deserved to know it. The wave of boldness she had had to ask him to sit down with her those two weeks ago, but had been interrupted, came back as a stronger force.
When they separated to catch their breath, (Y/N) kept his face close to hers. He was panting through a timid smile and hot red burned his cheeks. She noticed her face doing the same thing.
"My apartment is a five minute walk from here" she suggested.
"Meidän on hyödynnettävä sitä" he whispered, hands going up and down her sides, and the Finnish language had never sounded so seductive to her.
"I didn't catch that",
"You don't need to. I will show you".
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itsjustpoopeh · 1 month
actually I take back what I said about Eddie deserving better than Marisol. the one who deserves better is *Marisol*
cutting bc long post lmao
like. I took a shower and I thought about it and I think I've figured out what has been setting my teeth on edge about Eddie and Marisol this whole season is that she's basically being treated, narratively, as an object. basically as a hole for him to fuck. which is NOT in character for Eddie btw don't get it twisted as me calling Eddie a misogynist
but the choices in the writers room about this don't make sense. Marisol has no character development. none. she doesn't even have a last name. we've never seen them have a real conversation except when Eddie kicked her back out of his house. and she took that with a smile!
WHO DOES THAT? WHOMST AMONG US? like he's pretty and apparently has the best dick game on the planet but who would not have told him to yeet himself out of the solar system for that? bitch I packed my bathroom up and you're telling me to hit the streets? it would be ON
and she just. smiled about it.
the nun thing. that had the potential to be a conversation about, you know, her and her past, maybe family, the reasons she left, the reasons she joined the convent, all kinds of juicy shit
it ended up being solely about how it makes men feel. Eddie's Catholic guilt was all about feeling weird about fucking a former novitiate
and then in bucks loft. I mean. that was weirdly sitcom tropey. all "haha how weird and irritating that the little woman dare to keep texting me after I disappeared for hours and hours and I can't go home and have a grown up conversation with her that would be ludicrous" type of thing. you know what I'm talking about
and that ALSO is not really Eddie's character? yeah he's bad at communicating but he's not disdainful of his partners about it! he knows it's a him problem not a them problem! and reducing it to "what if she wants to YoU kNoW?" like what? you've been avoiding her and ignoring her texts all day she's not gonna want to fuck you
idk none of it is sitting right and I want to think it's deliberate for a reason because they've been doing other things so well but also they compared a traumatized Black child to a reactive dog soooo
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kyoriis · 2 years
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featuring !! — iluna x gn reader.
synopsis !! — when you don't say ily back *gasps*.
format !! — headcanons.
warnings !! — a lil cursing. the use of word " bro ".
kyori's note !! — fist post ayyyy. pog. stan iluna besties <3
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he just finished streaming, and he was tired asf.
"i love you baby" (◕ᴥ◕)
"mhmm" ( ̄(エ) ̄)
he gasps. i just know he's a dramatic mf in private <3.
"aight no kisses for you" he smirks.
now that's scary but you maintained ur composure cause ur pog.
"babyyyyyyy i love you" insert more whining.
if that doesn't work well, our alien prince will use plan b. tickling.
won't stop until you say ily back LMAO.
laughs proudly when you say it cause he's a cheeky mf. ( pls i love his voice sm bro- )
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so y'all were cuddling.
"i looooove you" she kisses ur forehead, expecting a response but you just nod.
she literally goes (´⊙ω⊙`)!
"love, is something wrong?" she asks a lil confused.
"y/n?" oh shoot not the name-
idk why but i feel like she'll lowkey try to remember if something upset you because she's such a sweetheart.
she won't talk unless you say something so u finally tell her it was a prank.
will yeet you lovingly off her lap ( ◜‿◝ )♡
scarle yonaguni supremacy indeed.
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baby boy just yeets himself onto you to tell you how much he loves you.
"god i love you so much mwah" ( ˘ ³˘)♥
"wanna play smash bros?"
are you fr? y/n are you seriously ignoring ur adorable lover? honey no.
"umm uhh sure?" he replies, his voice slightly breaking.
literally for the entire three matches you both played he looked more and more sad :(
the guilt that filled you when you looked at his lil pout was enough for you to explain that it was a prank and apologize.
"so umm so like can you say it now?" he chuckles, hugging you.
"i love you too kyo."
don't do that again, or else ಥ_ಥ
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my precious lil being.
how could you do this to her y/n?
"i love you" she says shyly, hiding her face in her hands.
she's confused. (・o・)
was this supposed to happen?
that's not what she learnt from google tho-
like my girl literally goes out of the room to ✨research✨ ur reaction.
a true #girlboss indeed.
like your had to chase her down and explain it to her lmfaooo.
"oh" pls i love her sm aaaaa.
please tell her ily again bro.
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pretty boy was always pretty nervous when it came to expressing love.
"i love you y/n" he whispers (◍•ᴗ•◍)
i feel like he's very sensitive when it comes to this type of stuff.
he gets very worried. immediately apologizes before dashing out of the room.
ur lover is crying cause of ur stupid ass prank y/n. ಠ︵ಠ
"ASTER BABY NOO IT WAS A PRANK" you try to comfort him.
poor baby :(((
stop crying after a lil while.
"i love you too ! i love you so much" you kiss his forehead <3
cuddles to make him happy. NOW.
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she knew what was going on.
queen shit amirite?
"i love you, you lovable idiot." she smiles.
but that sweet smile turns into an amused smirk as soon as she hears no response. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"babe please, you're too easy to read"
if you still don't budge or pretend to be confused. ( which is epic btw i would just surrender lol )
"no more cuddles" and you know she's deadass about it too.
instant panik.
a prank <<< cuddles from aia amare 😍
so you end up admitting it because who tf would wanna be banned from cuddling with such a beautiful woman?
aia : 1, y/n : 0.
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© KYORIIS 2022
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ghost-proofbaby · 11 months
Steddie — Electric Touch (even though we don’t know the vibe, but like…the title was giving)
electric touch (steddie's version)
warnings: use of shock therapy toys (i don't know what else to call those), use of a flogger, blindfold, and leather cuffs (reader is restrained to bed), mentions of a riding crop and nipple clamps, teasing, talk of safe words, talk of overstimulation, overall sexual themes. overuse of nicknames (it's me, what did you guys expect?), minors DNI.
wc: 1.1k+
a/n: hello my luna!!! okay. i know for a fact this song will not have this vibe. i know. but... electric touch? i'm supposed to receive a steddie request with fuckin electric touch and not take this sinful route? c'moooon. i already know this filth is getting me blacklisted by t*ylor n*tion lmao.
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“What’s… that?” you question with a hesitant glance between the two boys, watching their smirks widen as Steve ruffles through a bag. 
“Oh,” Eddie answers for the both of them, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We just thought we’d try something new tonight.” 
You weren’t in the position to argue with them. They’d already arranged you at their mercy – each wrist and each ankle locked to the four posts of the bed, spreading you wide for them to do as they please. 
“Something new?” you squeak, trying to turn your head to get a better look of whatever toys Steve was retrieving. Eddie is quick to step directly into your line of sight for the other boy though, crouching down so that all you could see is him and his smug face, “What are you idiots about to-”
“Now, now,” Eddie tsks, shaking his head. He’d put his hair up in a bun, and the moment you’d watched him pull back those messy curls, you’d known he meant business tonight, “Is that how you’re supposed to be speaking to us right now, baby doll? C’mon. Play nice.” 
You purse your lips, daring him with a solid stare before you obey, “Can I please know what new toys you two bought?” 
He reaches out a palm, and against your better judgment, you lean into it, “There’s those stellar manners. I’m so proud of you.” 
“Quick playing with her, Munson,” Steve calls as he finally tosses the empty bag to the side. 
“Oh, but it’s so fun,” he murmurs, “Just playing with our little toy before we get to absolutely devour her.” 
“That’s not very polite,” you choke out, wrists pulling on their binds automatically with the need to just reach out and touch your boys. Whether it be your hands messing up their hair, palms against their stubble as you pulled them in for a searing kiss, running your fingertips over their bare torsos – you just needed to feel them. 
Eddie shrugs playfully, “I never said I play well with others.” 
He stands suddenly, and the distance only makes your chest ache worse. They’d had their fill of teasing, you had thought, leading up to this moment. Mouths all over you, a petal pathway of bruises leading from the back of your knees and over the dips of your hips, all the way up to the jugular of your throat. You couldn’t see, but you knew Eddie had left teeth imprints somewhere along the way, on your shoulder if you were remembering correctly, from all the times he’d bitten into your flesh to hear you cry out his name. 
And Steve had been no better. In fact, he’d been worse. Fingers had danced along the inside of your thighs in subtle circles, never reaching where you needed him most. He’d been the one to secure your wrists, and when you’d winced and started to complain about the tightness, he’d only grinned devilishly as he tightened the leather strap further. Went so far as to press chaste kisses to your inner wrist pulse points, reveling in the way your heart was already racing for them. 
Steve subtly passes something to Eddie, keeping whatever fabric was in his fist out of sight until it was in Eddie’s grasp, before he leveled you, “You remember your safe words, sweetness?” 
“Bandana,” you blandly reply, purposefully saying the wrong word out of spite. 
It makes Steve nearly sneer. Eddie is unphased, though, approaching you with a clenched fist behind his back before he leans down to bring his face closer to yours.
“Not even close,” he breathes out, lips close enough to brush over your cheek, “Try again and be good for Stevie.” 
You try to fight the shudder that runs down your spine as you tilt your head, looking Steve specifically in the eyes as your bratty act begins to falter, “Green, yellow, red. Now, please, for the love of God-“
“Don’t think he’s the one you’ll be worshiping tonight,” Eddie butts in, not deterring you as he had hoped as you continue to direct your words at Steve.
“-Touch me.” 
Eddie brings his fist between you two and let’s it slowly unfurl, finally letting you see the silky black fabric he had been holding onto. 
A blindfold.
“As you wish,” Steve says, and you get one quick glimpse of the toy in his hand — a flogger, “Put it on her, Munson. It’s time to play.” 
Your breathing only quickens as your vision is taken from you, feeling Eddie’s rough fingertips linger against your cheeks before his touch has vanished completely.
You hear a buzz in the distance, before Steve steps closer. His expensive cologne is dizzying, even from a distance. Something sweet, something fresh, something deceiving. 
He’s going to fucking ruin you.
“Color?” he asks of you, and you can feel one of his fingertips reach out to touch you, staring at your navel before it’s featherlight touches trail up between your breasts.
“Green,” you sight out, voice already quivering. 
“Good. Now, remember those toys you were eyeing the last time we took you to the shop?” 
Oh. Fuck. “I remember.” 
A new line of toys — all based on electric currents. Meant to shock the recipient. Whips, floggers, nipple clamps, riding crops. All charged to inflict pain amongst the pleasure.
“Good girl,” Steve continues to taunts. The buzzing grows louder now, right along with the thrumming in your chest, “Remember — yellow for slow down, red for stop. Understood?”
A hard swallow. “Understood.” 
“Excellent,” his touch retreats just as he reaches the hollow of your neck, pausing to press in to accentuate his praise before he’s back to keeping his hands to himself, “Now, I think I’d like to play a game, honey. I want to see just how many times me and Munson can make you cum before we even lay a hand on you. Sounds absolutely electrifying, right?” 
You only hum in response. And you aren’t prepared when suddenly, several leather straps smack against your thigh, the normal sharp pain of it overcome with a shock that has your entire body jumping and your already hot cunt clenching around air.
“Use your words,” Steve’s low voice commands.
He doesn’t have to ask you twice.
“Y-Yes sir! Yes, please, fuck, I-“ you can’t get out a proper sentence, skin still tingling where he’d whipped you. 
“Look at you,” Steve chuckles lowly. This time, the leather drags softly over your torso, still shocking you along its path, leaving a molten want and need rolling in your lower abdomen, “Haven’t even started yet, and you can’t even speak. We’re going to have so much fun, honey.”
Eddie’s voice calls out from where in the room, “Who’s playing with her now, Harrington?” 
“My bad,” he doesn’t even apologize — he’s not the slightest bit sorry, “What do you say, Munson? You up for the challenge?”
Your legs are already shaking. Thighs quivering as they stay spread wide, the cool air of the room against your exposed heat sending shockwaves up your spine. Your mind spins, and you question for a moment how you’ll survive this night.
“I say it’s time to play, big boy.”
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monpalace · 10 months
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ships .. (ocarina of time/majora's mask) link/reader, (linked universe) time/reader.
content .. it's only natural you search for your nephew after he enters the lost woods on a dare. you can't have a problem with the hand dealt to you when the beast who gives you shelter is so kind.
warnings .. no beta, we die like the promise i made to finish this before the summer after my junior year ended (i started this in april, it's august). i didn't know where i was going with this after a certain point and i think that's obvious. reader uses she/her pronouns. large, legal age gap (reader is in her 30's - 40's, time is a few hundred years old). less of a fic and more snippets, but it's almost 7.5k+ words. i don't think i explicitly say which link it is, so i guess it's ambiguous? nephew is named because this would be a pain to write otherwise.
notes .. prompted (not inspired!!) by beauty and the beast, but also the batb fanfic i found after my friend showed my an nsfw ao3 tag account on twitter. beelzebub / lord of the flies from fear and hunger was a huge inspo for link / time's physical description but there is leeway for how he can be envisioned. he's still large as shit though lmao. the layout of the manor was this, only because i wouldn't be able to write this without knowing.
supposedly there's gonna be a second part. supposedly.
idk. i might hate this enough to just. not.
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The Lost Woods wasn't as intimidating as everyone talked it up to be.
Yes, it felt like the trees moved when you turned your back to them, and, granted, there were a few mobs of monsters that could get the jump on you if you weren't paying attention, but you had managed to get away with a few scrapes the few times it had happened.
The only thing to keep you company was the howling winds that grew in intensity and your own thoughts that were sprawling into whatever corners they could reach, but that was fine. You'd gratefully take decades-old gossip from the next town over instead of the creeping paranoia of what was behind you.
Of course, you would willingly go through this, that, and whatever else one thousand times over if it meant finding your nephew— and to keep yourself from reprimanding yourself from reprimanding the teens that had dared him out into the woods, but that was another thing.
Along your investigation, you'd found a broken trail of breadcrumbs that led to nothing when you followed them. They were torn pieces of fabric from his clothes, just big enough to be noticeable but small enough to keep himself protected from the elements.
(You'll forever be thankful that a younger your drilled the idea into his head.)
You'd long since discovered calling his name was useless. The only thing you've managed to do was draw the attention of a few wandering stalfos dressed in clothes from centuries ago.
The ones that had managed to find weapons were always the most painful to deal with.
If your determination weren't so established, you would've lost your sanity within the first day.
Food and water were no issue, you were smart enough to pack more than a week's worth of both. There were non-perishable options and several choices for your nephew when you found him; he'd no doubt have his fair share of cravings after being lost for so long.
(Three days was an eternity to you.)
Just before the sun had reached its crest in the sky, you'd realized that there were more empty clearings than trees. Wildlife had become scarce as well.
Where deers and wolves previously ran abundant, birds and squirrels that ran from the smallest of noises replaced them.
The wind had calmed, at least. It no longer wanted to push and shove you in whatever direction it pleased or steal the bag full of items you brought along. You didn't have to hug your sweater to your chest in fear of it being ripped from your arms either.
Instead, it was still.
Admittedly, the clearing gives you more paranoia than anything else.
When your mind starts to wander to places you'd rather it not reach, you begin to hum a quiet tune to yourself— your nephew's favorite— and allow it to ground you.
You were here for a reason. You wouldn't leave until you found him. You'll be fine until you find him, and you'll find some way to live in the forest that refuses to let its inhabitants go peacefully.
It's hours later when you hear the first sound of life (or suspended death) that doesn't feel like a threat— though, in hindsight, you should've been smarter and more suspicious of it when you first heard it.
A high-pitched instrument repeats each croon you let out, eventually taking over and silencing you. You follow the tune without much of a thought. If it were some sort of elaborate trap to lure you in, you couldn't be mad at yourself if you fell for it.
Clusters of trees become less and less as you follow the instrument and its recreation of your nephew's song. You call his name and are met with nothing but the music (from an ocarina, you quickly recognize) growing louder as time passes.
To say you're shocked when a large and, admittedly, well-kept manor enters your field of view would be an understatement. It's covered in vines, invasive arrowroots, and spreading flowers, but looks lived in if the smoldering smoke slowly dissipating in the afternoon air was anything to go by.
You couldn't begin to imagine who lived inside before the woods took it over (or what lived in it now). The architecture says it predates the Hero split in four, but you doubted the inhabitants of the floating sky built something so elaborate when they returned to the surface.
Your eyes jump past the crumbling pillars and dilapidated statues to the half-glass double doors that seemed to open on their own.
The music was coming from inside the manor now.
Steeling your nerves and squaring your shoulders, your hand grips tight on the strap of your satchel as you walk up the stone stairs covered in moss. You have to hold onto the guardrail installed next to it just as tight. Looking down, you find the carvings of it sorely separating it from the older antiquity of the manor.
Taking in smaller details (for future escapes or weapons against whatever lived inside, you'd figure out later), you find that the small pools of water that came from the sides of the manor and ran and fell alongside the stairs you climbed held small clumps of straw-colored fur. Some caused the surrounding water to turn into a pink hue that reminded you of fairies you've seen in childrens' books.
(Your hand reaches into the satchel to make sure you brought all of your nephew's well-loved books as well as a novel or two for yourself.)
(You did, thankfully.)
There's a smell filled with musk that permeates the air the closer you get to the manor, thick with amber and ginger and it reminds you of the times you come across a pack of wolves during your childhood.
Upon entering the manor, you find it was strongest in the wing of the manor to your right. It took over almost the entirety of your senses, but it wasn't an unwelcome or overwhelming sensation. If you paid close enough attention, you could sense the homely feeling underneath the ferality of it.
You prayed you'd be able to tell when the beast returned; if it was gone in the first place.
You take close note of how the foyer wasn't truly a foyer with how it was filled with windows rather than walls that led to a courtyard and how the only way to enter the wings of the manor was the winded stairs that connected via the terrace.
You don't fail to notice how the wing coated in the musky scent is coated entirely in shadows despite all the sources of light.
You couldn't decide if you were thankful or filled with loathing at the idea of what roamed on that side of the manor.
It's a struggle to turn your eyes away from the darkened wing of the manor, but you do manage when the music picks up once more from the left wing. It's significantly brighter and doesn't fill you with a sense of dread as the right one does.
Trap be damned, your nephew was here, you knew it— you felt it.
Reaching the top of the stairs, you find that you're inside a parlor room that leads to three other pathways. One was a library, another was a dining room, and the last was a small hallway.
In any other situation, you'd explore some more. The supposed beast that possibly lived in the manor kept everything in better shape than what you'd expect— or hopefully it was the forest spirits that lived throughout the forest.
Hopefully, those same spirits kept your nephew safe.
You have to close your eyes to better determine where the music is coming from, the only thing you can hear beside it and your own breathing being the manor settling. Your ears guide you inside the hall and you find it branches into a corridor, a bathroom, and two bedrooms.
Common sense seems to leave you when you spot the back of your nephew's head. Your breath quickens as you watch him clap along with the ocarina, you force your eyes to keep their clarity when you hear him hum each note just as you remember.
"''ire," you call in a weaker voice than you intended or thought you had. The nickname he claimed he hated so much tumbled from your lips so easily as you rushed inside the room, one arm rushing to remove your satchel while the other reached out to almost check if he was real.
The Lost Woods were known for their tricks, after all.
When he turns to face you, he's scrambling over himself in the bed. You're able to see how he limps on his right ankle and knee, how the entirety of his limbs were wrapped in bandage wrap as though done by a child. There was no blood, so you hold off on checking him over.
(The bandages were stained, thankfully not with blood. It was mostly dust and grime.)
(You'd have to sanitize whatever was wrong.)
You meet him more than halfway when you catch the way he winces and hisses with each movement.
"Auntie— Auntie— Titi!" His voice is airy as he speaks, emotion causing his words to come out as chokes. His arms reciprocated the tight hug you had on him, forcibly keeping his arms from trembling due to either nerves or injuries. "Titi, Titi, Titi!"
The way he says the word makes him sound like some chittering bug. If you listened hard enough, you could tell how his teeth clattered together, but you couldn't decipher if it was from a chill or emotion.
All you wanted to do was keep his head against the crook of your shoulder and neck while you pressed kisses to the crown of his head and kept him as close to you as you could, but you knew better.
Pulling away, you reach back for the satchel that you previously discarded. "What's wrong? What happened?" You force your voice to even out when you speak, hands already reaching for his arms after you sit the bag against your hip.
He shakes his head, but you've known him long enough to know there was something wrong. "They're from when I first went in the forest," he answers, voice quivering. "It's all healed. I think."
He doesn't push your hands away or pull his arms back when you skillfully unravel the bandages, carefully pulling and prodding the scars that littered the skin, and he was telling the truth despite the coloring.
"Did you forage like I taught you? Why are most of them green?"
"The spirits."
"The spirits?"
"And the soldier." He looks over your shoulder as though searching for their figures. "I haven't seen him yet, though."
Your eyes squint as one of your hands rubs over the strange texture of the scar, the other reaching for the antiseptic and clean fabric in your bag. "Are these spirits children or small trees with masks?"
You'd heard of both in legend. No one's ever seen them.
You're not sure which you'd rather watch over your nephew.
His eyes drift to his side before peering back over your shoulder once again. His brows furrow as he thinks of how to answer, head tilting as his pupils dilate.
"Both," he answers, "and ones that look like scarecrows. I asked them to bring you."
You force your gaze to keep itself on your nephew. You wouldn't let it wander to spirits you couldn't even see. "The ocarina?" You instead ask another question jumping around your mind, sucking your tongue in appreciation when he nods. "Smart boy."
An airy laugh leaves him, his face lighting up with a smile. "Learned from the best," he snorts.
You risk pressing kisses to the apples of his cheeks and forehead at his flattery, hands cupping themselves on the nape of his neck to bring him closer.
A younger him would push you away without a second thought, whining on about how you were embarrassing him in front of his friends.
He lets you do so now regardless of the spirits that surround you both.
"What've you been eating?" Your hands drop to his biceps when you pull away. They weren't thin like you'd expect them to be after three days in the forest; they were fatter than they had been before he left. "Who's been feeding you?"
His answer of "the Soldier," is quicker than you would've liked. "He goes out and hunts. He always brings back meat. I think it's deer.. it tastes.. bland."
"He.. cooks it, right?"
Another laugh wracks through your nephew's body. He knows you're only being cautious, but he can't help it.
"All the way through," he hums, flexing his arms when they start feeling stiff. "I think I don't like it because it's not your cooking."
He knows what your response is going to be before he finishes speaking, years of having lived under your guidance making him attuned to the smallest of your movements.
When your expression shifts from being relieved to disappointment with a twitch of your eye, he can tell you're not pleased with his statement.
Dousing the fabric in the antiseptic, you take his arm in your hand and begin wiping it down. "Don't be rude." Your voice takes on a less-than-pleased rasp, speaking lowly as if you knew the Soldier was near; but you still apologize when the sting sets in. "Have you thanked him?"
(You're sure you would continue to speak quietly regardless of the context of the conversation. You didn't want to risk "the Soldier," doing anything unfavorable.)
(Your nephew's words of praise did little to ease your stressed heart.)
"I never know when he's here. He drops the food off while I'm asleep. He brings books and carvings too." He watches as you wrap his arm in another roll of (cleaner) bandages, undoing the old one on his other arm while you prepare another piece of fabric. "The Spirits say I'm the most excitement he's had in a while, so he doesn't mind."
His voice was beginning to grow hoarse from speaking so quietly. You tap his throat to tell him to relax.
"They say he's nice," he continues, doing as told. Tapping the fingers of his now free hand against your shin, he tries to recall what all they've told him.
"I think they said he used to live in another part of the woods when he was a kid?—" His eyes glance back over your shoulder, suddenly becoming sure of himself. "— Ah. They did. They said he left and came back when he was older."
You raise a brow but don't speak your question.
Your nephew takes hold of your retreating hands in both of his.
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A clatter and snippy huff outside the bedroom door rouses you from your light sleep.
Nearing a week into your stay at the manor, you'd think you'd be more accustomed to the noise, but you aren't.
You carefully remove your nephew's head from your arm, using even more caution when trying to remove the conjoined weight of several spirits from your legs as you slip out of the bed.
It's hard, but you manage to do so without waking any of them— you hope.
(You still couldn't see any of the Spirits, but over time you could feel when they crowded around you and when the wind moved as they rushed past you.)
The floorboards creak beneath your feet.
You hear the sound of claws scratching against the floor on the other side of the door.
Pressing the crown of your head against the door, you tap your fingers along the handle to give the Soldier a warning and wait a few moments.
If you listened hard enough, you swear you could hear him scurrying into one of the other rooms before he shut the door behind him.
It reminded you of a dog.
Smiling to yourself, you're careful opening the door, keeping your head to it and your eyes on the floor. You turn to the other side of it to close it, waiting for the click of the lockset to speak.
"Are you decent?"
His confused "huh," sounds more akin to a gasp than any other noise.
You rap your fingers against the handle again. "Can I look up?"
"Oh—" he sounds choked. "Yeah— Yes. Yes. You can. Sorry."
"Thank you," you hum, leaning down to pick up the tray of food. It consisted of almost entirely meat with a few vegetables you figure are exclusive to the woods. "For both the food and taking care of my nephew."
There was a thumping noise behind the door, the frequency of it was like a tail beating excitedly.
The Soldier lets out a croaking noise and you know his mouth started moving before his mind was able to catch up. "No, I should thank you for looking for him— and for telling him not to use his name."
You let out an airy laugh. "It's common knowledge where I'm from. I wouldn't be a good parental figure if I didn't."
Another noise leaves the Soldier as you fix yourself to open the door. You can't discern what this one means. "I don't know when they started calling me the Soldier, but it's not— uhm.. A favorite.. of mine."
"Soldier," he sounds more confident in himself and you don't have the heart to tell him you heard him the first time, "it's a nickname. I don't know where the kids got it, but I don't like it."
Readjusting the tray to rest against your hip and forearm rather than in both your hands, you hum curiously. "So what should we be calling you?"
He pauses longer than you'd think it'd take to remember your own name, but you wait.
"Like in a chain?"
".. Yes."
You nod even though you're sure he can't see you. "I'll be sure to tell 'ire."
"Thank you." There's more thumping from behind the door.
"And thank you."
There's another noise from Link you struggle to understand, but you figure it's because he starves for conversation. "I heard what your nephew said about the food, too. I'll try to find something to flavor it with next time I'm out."
"Thank you," you repeat. Your eyes curve with your smile. "He'll greatly appreciate it."
Link raps his fingers against the door in response, but he doesn't say anything. You take that as your queue to reenter the bedroom.
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"How come your side of the house is always dark?"
You gently pinch your nephew's elbow and he swats your hand away, leaning impossibly close to the door that separates him and Link.
There are a few moments of silence from the man that 'ire filled with bated breath. Link takes an audible, steadying breath before knocking what you think is his nail against the door.
"I wouldn't want to scare you both off."
It was an answer you expected, but you were disappointed nonetheless.
"Boo," your nephew groans. You're sure Link could hear the pout in his voice if the quiet chuckle he lets out was anything to go by. "You can't be worse than what I've seen out there."
There's genuine intrigue in the noise Link lets out. "Oh? What exactly have you seen then?"
Pure excitement fills your nephew's expression when he turns to look at you from over his shoulder. His fingers tap against the floor restlessly, tongue already listing off whatever monsters he's encountered (read: come up with) in his twelve years of life.
"— but their teeth are the worst! They're poisonous and there isn't a cure for it!"
You have no clue as to what creature he was talking of now. There were at least fifteen of them who injected poison through their teeth, eight of which had no cure.
(You don't have to strain as hard to see the Spirits as you did two weeks ago. The shadows and light shift around then as they move to sit around your nephew, seemingly hooked on your nephew's every word.)
(You remember when he would crowd himself around you similarly whenever you would tell him a story.)
You close the book that sat in your lap more for decoration than entertainment at that point and place a hand over your heart.
"I drew a lot of them too! My aunt brought them with her!" He pushes himself through the motions of standing up before immediately stopping and returning to his seat in front of the door. "I'll show them to you if you eat dinner with us!"
There are a few stammering noises from the other side of the door and yet you can't bring yourself to apologize for your nephew's bargaining.
Your own curiosity was quickly starting to get the better of you against your wishes.
The noise he had made several nights before makes itself heard again. His claws (you discovered those a few nights ago) scratch against the wooden flooring as he moves to sit against the other wall rather than the door, his voice moving with him.
"I don't want to— I wouldn't want— want to disturb you— either of you." His words are muffled by the door and his growing quietness, a  regretful lilt stuck in his throat. "But thank you for the offer."
If he truly didn't want to join you and your nephew (and the spirits) for dinner, he was terrible at showing it.
"I know I wouldn't mind," you hum, standing to put away the book. A loud thumping makes the floor vibrate and 'ire has to stifle a laugh. "I wouldn't mind picking up a pot and pan again either."
"No!" Link quickly apologizes for his tone after realizing his outburst. "You don't have to. I wouldn't be a good host if I made you do that."
"Are you scared I'll poison you?"
Your nephew's voice drops to a whisper he swears you won't be able to hear. "She can't. She's the best cook ever."
You're not sure how the two correlate, but you'd take thew compliment.
"She won't?" Link's voice drops to entertain your nephew despite his earlier convictions. It takes on a playful direction, fur rubbing against the wood-tiled floors in excitement (based on prior interactions). "You've never gotten sick? Not once?"
'ire begins to shake his head but quickly stops. "Only from eating too much— which you will do, by the way. Best cook around," he reiterates.
Link chuckles, tapping his fingers against the floor restlessly. It takes him a moment to come up with something to say and neither of you push him to hurry.
You were both too hooked on his every word to do so anyway.
"I'll.." He's shy for all the attention. You wonder when the last time he got so much focus on him outside of the spirits. ".. I'll be sure to think about your offer. Why don't you tell me about a few of your monsters so I have more of an incentive?"
Your nephew jumps on the opportunity while you think over the plethora of recipes in your mind.
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It wasn't rare for one of the imps to accompany you outside when you went foraging.
You never strayed too far from the manor— the last time you had been dragged outside of the area you had designated for yourself (and your nephew) by the children, Link had to come and rescue to lot of you before the sun had gotten too low.
Suffice to say, it was a rather humbling experience.
Kneeling, squatting, or sitting on the ground had never been easy on your knees or back, but the grass below you had felt as though it were a pillow hailing from the Heavens itself.
Your body works on picking herbs from the ground before placing them in your bag repurposed for your (new) everyday tasks while your mind wanders elsewhere.
You're humming to yourself when a twig snapping breaks your focus.
It was a nice reminder that the imps hadn't, in fact, accompanied you that day.
Your head lifts to survey the surrounding woods. Your entire body was still, mimicking a deer caught on a hunting trip.
There was nothing immediately in your line of sight that could be seen as a threat, but you had lived a long enough life to know that wasn't enough reason to let your guard down.
You're slow to rise to your feet and your ears are strained as you listen for whatever had made the noise.
"I'm sorry!"
You can feel your body relax when you hear Link's voice call out from behind a tree. You sink back to your knees without much thought, clutching the fabric of your top to calm your battering heart.
You weren't sure what you were going to do if it were an actual danger anyway.
"I didn't mean to scare you," he continues. His arms move and you can see one drop against the side of a tree while the other tightens around the corpse of an animal. "You were so still, I wasn't sure if you were okay."
A quiet, breathless noise leaves you. You're not sure if he could hear it, but you can see his shoulders relax when you do. "You're— You're fine! I just.. didn't know that you'd be out and about at this time."
When the hand not occupied with that week's dinner (barely) lifts to grab ahold of a tree branch, you're shocked to just now find out how tall he is.
"It's not your fault. I didn't know you were out here," he grunts while gently tugging at the branch. "Are you alone?"
Your eyes drop to the flora that surrounds you to not feel so invasive. Your fingers rub against the blades of grass idly when a restless feeling overtakes you. "A few of the kids said they'd join me later, but I'm not too sure when that's supposed to be." A short, genuine laugh leaves you. "I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot."
Link lets out his own, quiet laughter that you can only clue together when you see the entire tree shake in your peripheral. "I wouldn't take it to heart. They say they'll join me in hunting all the time but never do."
"Have you ever given them a stern talking to? I've heard that usually works with spirits."
"They barely listen to me as is. I think you'd have more luck than me."
"Is that an offer?"
"Are you headed home now?"
A strange vice tightens around your heart at his wording while you look through your bag. "Mhm," you hum, standing now that your legs aren't like that of a newborn. "You'll have to remind me of the way, though."
"I can guide you," he hums in reply. "You just can't look back."
Turning your back to him, you're surprised you don't jump when a sharp claw gives a ghostly touch to the center of your back.
You're shocked that you disregard the urge to check over your shoulder every step back to the manor.
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You were no stranger to 'ire's night terrors.
They'd gotten better over the past few years as he aged, but all that progress had been undone during the near month you'd been in the forest.
Wiping away the tears that had managed to slip out, you ignore the prickly and uncomfortable feeling that comes with keeping your lulling head up so you can watch him.
You'd done it a thousand times before and would do it one thousand and one more if it meant he felt better.
You don't miss how his grip on your arm tightens when you start humming his favorite song. Your hand trails up to his hairline, nails (claws?) tracing the paint on his face that refused to fade.
You'd spent so long trying to scrub them and the green marks off, you hadn't even realized his skin had started to pale into a sickly grey in patches while darkening into (what looked like) a necrotic black in others.
You didn't even want to think about the changes that had started coming to your body.
You were, however, thankful you weren't thinning into a stalfos.
"You're not as sneaky as you'd like to think."
"How'd you know?"
"I have a young nephew. You learn quickly."
A brief laugh leaves Link from behind the cracked door. Though you didn't face him, you could see the way his eyes illuminated the wall in front of you, even managed to catch on some of 'ire's face.
It was a pretty blue color.
You don't comment on it.
"What's wrong?" Your voice has a deep rasp to it, your hand continuing to stroke your nephew's face even after he begins to calm down.
He'd slowly begun dropping more and more barriers (physical and mental) when it came to communicating with you both, having taken up shadows in their stead. He had gotten more confident in conversation as well, stammering and stuttering less the longer your nephew forced him to talk.
It makes you wonder how long it'd take for him to finally make true on those dinner plans.
"I heard him," Link hums just as quietly, the glow of his eyes moving to instead look over the sleeping spirits that crowded themselves around the space not occupied on the bed. "I was worried. Do you want help with them?"
A soft laugh leaves you when one of the imps buries their head onto your calf as though it were a pillow. "They've been like this since we first got here. 'ire," you press a kiss to his forehead when he rouses, waiting for him to settle before speaking again, "says they like to cling."
"You don't mind?"
"He's not too far off from them nowadays."
"Does he miss anything?"
Laying on your back, you being 'ire's head to rest against your shoulder. Your gaze is finally able to see how he'd take up all of the doorway (and then some) through the crack of the door.
You'd be shocked he hadn't flinched away if it hadn't been for the way his hand reached out to clasp it.
The tips of his fingers reached well past the frame of the door, his claws further, and you could only imagine just how much space he was taking up in the small hallway.
You were confident he could fit five or six of you in his hand without trying.
Your eyes jump back to the three (possibly four?) eyes before he can become self-conscious.
"Almost everything," you answer after pulling yourself from your thoughts. "His clothes, his dolls.. He could go without his friends, though."
His eyes jump from your face to the window as he huffs out a nervous laugh. It makes you wonder if he knows something you don't, but you don't push. "And you?"
"And yourself," he clarifies, "what do you miss?"
You're silent.
What exactly did you miss?
The feeling of your village's grass between your toes after the rain, the baker's treats that no other could replicate, being a part of such a tight-knit community, the sun after a particularly muggy morning—
There wasn't any need to be a sap.
"I'm not sure," you finally say after a long period of silence. You hadn't realized your eyes had left Link, yet when you force your gaze back to him, he holds it without issue. "I struggled with becoming attached to things unlike 'ire."
"I can't remember the last time someone said something like that."
"You have visitors like us often?"
"More than you'd think."
"And what's become of them?"
The glow of his eyes drops to the sleeping spirits that litter before looking to the window again and you quickly understand.
The hum that leaves your throat is more lackluster than you intended it to be, but given how quickly the topic had changed, you give yourself the grace.
"Well," you start after clearing your throat, "what's something that you miss?"
The manor creaks when Link leans against a wall and his confidence in the movement tells you more than you'd expected.
You don't think you'd ever have the same amount of trust he held in it.
There's a playful tone in his voice when he speaks, one of his hands raised to scratch against his chin. "You'd have to promise not to be dramatic when I say."
"Is it my fault you use such outdated terms thousands of years behind my time?"
Link turns away to stifle his laughter, shrouding the room in darkness and forcing your eyes to strain with it.
"I can't say I've had the easiest experience understanding you or your nephew's sayings," he hums, drowning you in the light of his eye when he turns back, "the kids have to keep filling me in."
"Shame, and here I thought you'd been closer to my age. Have you been leading me on this entire time?"
Link's claws knock against the wall, his tail wagging against the floor while he huffs his amusement. "Have I? When I don't even know your name?"
If the weight of 'ire wasn't on your shoulder, you're sure you would've had a physical reaction of some sort.
"It'd do you good to not forget it," he hums, the movement of his tail slowing until it stops entirely. "Titi and Auntie, as much as I hate to say it, won't do much good."
Another lackluster noise leaves you as the arm trapped underneath your nephew lifts to rub your thumb during his forehead. "How fun."
"The kids are too attached to do anything now." The door slowly creaks open before stopping. It shuts so there's only a crack instead. "You'll be fine to share your name now."
"You never answered my question."
"Which one?"
"I haven't asked a lot," you huff before taking a softer tone, eyes rolling closed. "What is it that you miss?"
Link quietly snorts, muffling it by pressing his face to the door. He takes a steadying breath before saying a quiet, "a lot, I suppose. I can't name just a few things." A low noise leaves him, it's similar to a growl. "My friends? Playing music as well— my hands aren't good for much but skewering these days. My horse, Epona, too. She was the prettiest mare."
"Is she red with a white mane?"
"You saw the kids' drawings?"
"I've seen her before, I think— or maybe it was a hallucination?" The hand stroking 'ire's forehead stops as you scrounge your memories. "When I saw her outside the forest, I knew it was real. Another fated hero was mounting her."
You'd like to think yourself a master of figuring out what each noise he makes is meant to mean, but the one Link lets out once you finish speaking is short and of a higher pitch than normal.
When he begins to stammer over his words as he had when you first interacted with him, it feels like years' worth of progress has been undone.
"I— uhm— You— I don't— err— Thank—"
His tail thumps three times before he knocks his head against the door with a heavy groan. He lets out a quiet "Hylia, be damned," you couldn't help but think he hoped you wouldn't hear to go along with his frustration.
"It's been a long night," you finally prompt. "You'd best get some shut-eye before 'ire bombards you with more from his imagination, yeah?"
"Yeah," Link answers in a weak voice. "Yeah," he repeats to himself more than anything, "of course. Good night," he steps away from the door. "Sleep well."
"Same for you."
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The night Link finally takes you and 'ire up on your offer for dinner, your nephew and the spirits had taken to floating around the east wing's dining room to prepare it for such a grand event.
"Titi, titi!" One of the Kokiri exclaims, tugging at the fabric of your skirt (that Link had made out of a spare bedsheet). Her voice had a strange echo to it— all of them, really— and had given you migraines up until you'd finally become accustomed to it. "'ire says that you'll make your world-famous pudding! Will you? Will you?"
You ignore her exaggeration in favor of forcing yourself to wrench your eyes away unless you wanted her puppy dog face to work on you. "Should I? I.. I can't say any of you have been acting well enough to deserve it.."
Even in your peripheral, it's not hard to miss the absolutely crushed look on her face. Her eyes were wide and her bottom lip wobbling like she was about to cry despite your joking tone.
"But why—y," she whines, dragging the last syllable on while hiccuping on her breath as she went on. You know the tears pooling in her eyes are just as fake as your rejection of her request— but you know just as well who'll win the battle at the end of the day.
"I—" hiccup. "Want—" hiccup. "Cake—" hiccup.
You raise a brow. "Pudding or cake, sweetheart? I can't make both."
The girl begins to climb your back while you return to sautéing the vegetables, arms wrapping around your neck so she can press her cheek against yours. "Cake! No, pudding! No! Cake! No—"
"I'll tell you what," you interrupt, taking the pan from over the open flame once the food is charred to your liking. Your skin thanks you when you step away and douse the fire, the arid air leaving through the open window. "Why don't you ask a few of the others which they want then we can try and get Link to bake it after dinner?"
The girl jumps off your back with stars practically filling her eyes. She cries out for several names while she runs off, hands clapping excitedly as she shouts out the change in plans.
You're left in peace until your nephew enters with his journals clutched between his arms, bouncing between his feet while he watches you finish plating each food item on dishes you could only dream of owning where you're from.
"D'you think he'll come?" 'ire's voice is low, almost as though scared Link will hear. You know he does if the night of his nightmares a few months ago were anything to go by— but he didn't need to know that.
"He'd better," you answer in an equally low tone. "I didn't spend so long slaving away at this just for him not to."
"Is that a threat?"
The plates in your hands aren't spared by the flinch that wracks through your body. Your reflexes are quick to catch them before any of the food can hit the floor.
'ire, on the other hand, has no issue with voicing his shock in the form of a scream, scurrying from the doorway while dropping his journals. He jumps behind you, hands clutching the fabric of your skirt while he hides himself behind your hip.
Placing a hand over your racing heart after putting the plates down, your other hand comes down to rest on 'ire's head. "It's rude to sneak up on people, you know."
The blond fur of his chest rustles with his laughter. It was difficult to see much else other than that, what with the way he hid himself behind the wall connecting the kitchen to the pantry.
You hadn't even heard his footsteps or creaking floorboards when he first approached. Had he been there the entire time and 'ire hadn't seen him, or had he only walked in after 'ire entered?
You wondered if he was naturally quiet or if he just learned which floorboards were loose.
"Is it sneaking when you were expecting me?" Link's voice is lighter than it usually is, a slight tremble could even be heard if you focused on it enough. He rocks on his feet and briefly leans forward, a less organic-looking side profile coming into view before leaving right after. "If I knew I would be this unwelcomed, I—"
"That's a joke, right?" 'ire stomps away from your side while he speaks, stepping over his discarded compilations of works to stare up at Link with wide eyes. Your nephew ignores the way Link's hands raise to cover his face and how he backs away as soon as he pivots in his foot to face him. "You're not actually gonna pansy out, right?"
Your feet lead you to the two before you can have much of a thought. "Zaire," you say in a terse voice, taking hold of his shoulder and bringing him against your front so you can stop him from interrogating the poor man. "Don't be rude."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Whatever argument he has dies on his tongue when he takes a good, long look at Link. His mouth gaped open like a fish, one of his fingers lifting so he could push it into the fur of his stomach, watching the skin beneath sink with the force of it as though it were the most interesting thing in the world.
If you had any less sense of dignity, you'd let yourself have the same reaction.
"Don't be rude," you reiterate, pushing Zaire's hand down until it finally reaches its rightful place at his side.
"No," Link breathes into his palms, clearing his voice to try and rid it of the anxiety (and, possibly, humiliation). "He's— he's fine. This wouldn't be the first time someone responded like that. I'd be more concerned if he did any other way."
Zaire shrugs your hands from your shoulders, stepping until he is toe-to-claw with Link. "Then why are you hiding your face? It can't be that bad," he says, tugging at the fur of Link's elbows, rubbing them between his fingers so he could better be accustomed to the texture.
Spreading his fingers enough so you both could see the four holes in the inorganic material, Link lets out another heavy breath. "I'm self-conscious," he can tell the answer doesn't please Zaire and continues speaking, "It's been.. too long.. since I've shown anyone either of my faces."
"A mask is.." Your voice falters off when you finally find the words to speak, losing them again when you fail to find a proper way to articulate your thoughts.
"It's mostly you and the kids, no?" You try again when you figure out a way to better word it. "Is a mask not.. Is it.. necessary?"
When the blue light that emits from his eyes lifts to look at you, an unidentifiable emotion shoots through you. He holds your gaze for a few, silent moments before turning his head and dropping his hands.
"It's like a second skin," he simply offers.
"Sad," Zaire sighs, backing away and turning until he stood in the center of the kitchen. "Can you still eat with it? Like I said, Auntie is the best cook in all the realms and you have to taste it to believe it."
Curse your nephew's skill of lightening a mood.
Rather than let his insecurities keep him from looking at either of you for the duration of the night, Link looks down at Zaire with a playful jolt of his shoulders. "It's not fused with my face."
Zaire's eyes curl into crescents while he grabs two of the plates from the counter. "Good!" His tail (a terrifying new addition when he first started changing) wraps around the third dish, walking himself past the two of you in the pantry so he could place each one on the dining table. "You'll love this then! Auntie," you don't miss the way he adds your name causally, "always makes this on a big day!"
Link repeats your name under his breath before doing the same with Zaire's. He lets out a thoughtful nod as each one rolls off his tongue, one pair of eyes looking at you while the other continues to follow your nephew.
He wrings his hands together when he catches the way you examined him oh-so-carefully, arms crossed with your head tilted.
"It's nice," he gulps as though every inch of nervousness had reentered his body. "It's a nice name. I like it. It suits you."
You don't know if you were teasing him prior, but you decide to do so now.
"I'd hope so." You pat a hand against his arm as you walk into the kitchen, ignoring the oily feel of his fur. You ignore the feeling of him watching and instead focus on searching through the cupboards for the drink you had foraged around to make just days before. "I could say the exact same for you, thankfully."
"Now, why don't you have a seat so I can play host this time?"
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carbondioxidewater · 1 year
hello >_< part 2 hihi
I apologize in advance, I got a little carried away lmao. hope this is still somewhat enjoyable, as I said, I'm not familiar with writing smut. 🌸🌷
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warnings: nsfw, eren x fem!reader, age gap, slightly obsessive/possesive eren?, slight stalking, fingering, oral (m! & f!receiving), belly bulge, unprotected sex, explicit sexual content, feelings involved (🤮)
word count: 7K
Senses (Pt. 2)
The next day you woke up with instant regret. You felt embarassed at your acts the night before, you weren't really yourself and you did not know why, you were confused of that unknown and unrecognizable side of yours. You did not dare to leave your room until you heard the front door close, meaning your two visitors left.
You went straight into the kitchen and drank a cold glass of water, the room reminding you of how you were bent over the window seat a few hours ago. But why were you feeling some type of excitement in your stomach?
No no no, shut down those feelings, you thought to yourself when you felt your core throbbing.
You took your phone into your hand and called your friends, telling them everything about last night and hoping they would judge you so much that you would never dare to speak to Eren again, because you knew something inside of you was aching for his touch and you were not liking it, or so you pretended.
Much to your dismay though, your friends squealed in excitement and asked you for all the details.
"I told you you just needed the right person, all the others were just big ass losers, unable to make you cum properly. This Eren apparently knows how to do it." your friend cheered.
Deep down you were kind of relieved that they were rooting for you, not wanting to let go of this fresh, exciting self-discovery that you wanted to explore further.
"I still have doubts though, I mean he's so young. He probably only wants to get me in bed too." you were concerned.
"But isn't that what you want? You don't want anything serious anyways, do you?" your other friend asked.
"Of course not, I've had enough of that. But is it really okay for me to go after it? I feel like I'm using him for his body."
"And he isn't?"
"Yes, but I'm the older one, the mature one. I shouldn't lust after someone younger, I should know better, act better. Also, he's in a whole another phase of life. I don't know, I just feel weird." you admitted, but your friends quickly talked you out of it.
"At the end of the day, he is a grown up too. Plus, he isn't even that young, but I know what you mean. If you feel so uncomfortable, then don't do it. But keep in mind that he knows what he does. He knows you were the stepmom of his best friend, and he still goes after it. He isn't innocent."
You thought about her words before responding.
"Yeah, I don't know..."
"And didn't it feel good? Wasn't he forcing you to look at the moon? That's so intense." she asked and your face turned red at the thought of it.
"Ugh, it did! It felt amazing, I can't even put it into words-..I've just never felt something like this. I never had someone to eat me out, and in complete silence at that! And his tongue! Oh my god-" you enthusiastically exclaimed, not noticing how you were basically worshipping Eren and you couldn't see it, but at the end of the lines, your friends were smiling to themselves.
"See? You want it, he wants it...Just do what you want and don't overthink too much." they declared and left you indecisive.
"I guess...Let's wait and see." you figured, kind of aware of the fact that they probably didn't have the best influence on you.
"Ahhhh, I want to see what he looks like so bad. I'm sure he is a sight, by the way you described him." your friend wondered.
"I don't have a picture unfortunately, but I can guarantee you he is."
"Doesn't he have any socials?" they further questioned, but you couldn't tell.
"I don't know, I don't even know his last name..." you admitted, wondering if you ever even knew or if you simply forgot about it.
A few days later, you were working in your office as usual, bringing around your new design of a closet and leaving work on time. You were one of the top employees, always hard-working and had long years of service behind you, which, together with your charisma and charming beauty, contributed to your promotion as the co-CEO plus your newly found selection as the face of the company. You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when your colleagues voted for you as the poster girl, but apparently it was just some upcoming photoshoot to advertise your business. Easy.
Heading home, you texted your friends when suddenly someone bumped into you. You looked up and, to your shock, it was Eren.
"Oops, sorry." he said, looked down at you, his lips slightly parted, and continued his way.
Did he just ignore you? He definitely recognized you. Turning around to take a look at him, you realized he didn't even bother to look back to you, casually walking down the street while your gaze spiked his back.
You were confused. And even more when you started having dirty dreams with him as the protagonist, waking up aroused almost every morning at this point. What was it with him that didn't let you go?
You knew obviously, but you didn't want to obsess over it, especially since he apparently didn't think much of it himself, considering he ignored you as if you were nothing to him. That's why you didn't even tell your friends about this small incident.
The next time you saw him was after work again, sitting in the metro and working on your laptop, you didn't notice him sitting right in front of you and staring at you in silence while your eyes were on your screen.
You never noticed when he was sitting to your opposite, literally staring holes into you as he enjoyed your concentrated expression. He's been doing it for a while already and now that he got a taste of your sweet little pussy, he just can't stop scanning your thighs, your stretching, semi-transparent tights testing his self-control.
He always got up before your station, moving to the other end of the train and waiting for you to hop off before following you on your way home, making sure you'd be safe.
Only this time, you exceptionally looked up from your screen, his smirking self already looking at you while his arm was around the shoulders of the girl next to him. Your heart dropped to your feet and started beating uncontrollably the very next second, eyes taking a quick glance at the foreign girl who seemed to be too distracted by her phone to witness Eren's obtrusive behaviour, before looking down your screen again.
You couldn't concentrate though, too furious at the bold male who didn't stop ogling you until you almost missed your station, hastily exiting this uncomfortable encounter.
Eren excused himself, leaving the girl on the train on her own and quickly following you.
He called your name but you didn't stop, you're a grown woman and didn't have time for such trivial games.
"Hey-.." he ran up to you and you thought he would say anything to clear up this whole situation, but instead he asked for something else.
"Can you give that to Miles? You'll see him today, won't you? Didn't have time to drop it off myself, I've been pretty busy..." he handed you a small package and scratched behind his ear.
Does he really pretend as if nothing happened between the two of you?
You decided to play along, smiling broadly up at him.
"Sure, leave it to me."
And with that, you parted ways, calling your friends as soon as you arrived at home and updating them, deciding to give a lucky guy a chance to take you out tonight to get Eren out of your mind once and for all.
You responded to one of your many devotees, meeting him at the bar after turning down his offer to pick you up, you didn't want him to know where you live.
Arriving at your destination, you sat down the bar waiting for your date to approach you any second. After good 15 minutes, you already ordered a drink and drank on it, someone finally came up to you, but it wasn't the man you were expecting.
"What a naughty little girl, meeting up with other guys after you got intimate with someone else not too long ago." Eren's voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you choked on your drink.
"I'm not the only one, am I?" you emphasized the last part and met his gaze. Eren tried to surpress a smile.
"What are you doing here and how do you even know? Don't tell me you're jealous?" you snorted and he brought light into the dark.
"Miles told me." he briefly explained, leaving much room for interpretation, but you didn't care.
"Uh-huh." you said and took another sip of your drink, trying to be as calm as possible about his sudden appearance.
"Well, as you already know I'm waiting for someone, so could you please get out of my way?" you requested, annoyed, but he obviously wouldn't do you the favor.
"I could, but you're waiting for nothing. He won't come, I took care of that." he pointed to the corner of the bar and you followed his fingers, seeing your date sitting and talking to another woman.
You sighed.
"What do you want from me, Eren? The train has already left." you declared, telling him that it's too late and his time is over.
"You think so?" he teasingly asked, coming closer to you and making you nervous. His gaze traveled to your trembling hands, face not stopping to move forward until it was next to yours.
"See, your hands are shaking..." he whispered into your ear now, stating the obvious. His lips were just inches away from your skin.
You took in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of Eren's aftershave and slowly growing impatient. His scent...it reminded you of that night.
Just touch me already, you thought, but you'd never say it out loud, not wanting to give in so easily. You didn't know if the alcohol in your body contributed to the desperation you felt, but you were definitely still sober and clear to your senses.
And suddenly, his lips were on your neck, roughly moving over the skin and gently biting at it, causing you to catch your breath in shock. You let out a small whimper you couldn't suppress, hoping that he didn't hear it, but he did. His hands traveled down your waist and held you steady and, without thinking, you moved your body towards his, aggressively grasping his shirt and pulling him closer. He let go of you and chuckled.
"The train has left, huh?" he devilishly grinned and you were embarrassed that your body betrayed you like that. You didn't know what to say or do so you tried to stand up and leave but Eren didn't let you.
"Let me go, I don't have the time or energy to deal with your games. Go back to whoever wants to be played by you." you expressed and pushed him by his abdomen, your fingers tingling at the sensation of his hard abs against your hand.
He stopped you by your wrist, tugging you back, spine against the counter as he placed both arms beside you, caging you in between so you couldn't escape.
"Eren, we're in public, don't make a scene." you looked around in embarassment, but no one seemed to care about the two of you.
"I'm disappointed in you." he pronounced.
"Oh, you're disappointed? Interesting." you scoffed.
"I'm not playing any games with you."
"That didn't seem to be the case earlier." you spat out, crossing your arms and looking to the side.
"You mean my cousin?" he beamed and you turned your head, eyes widening in surprise. You felt some kind of relief, but then you got a flashback.
"The way you put your arms around her is pretty unusual for cousins..." you narrowed your eyes and he chuckled lightly.
"Do you know how jealous you sound?" he smiled and you furrowed your brows.
"I did it on purpose, to get a reaction out of you. I already broke off contact with every girl long time ago." he guaranteed but you didn't know if you could believe him.
"Pretty immature if you ask me." you just professed. He laughed quietly.
When Eren was sure enough you wouldn't leave, he let go of the counter.
"You know, you hurt me too when you didn't even want to see me the morning after our nightly session." the guy proclaimed and you turned red, not knowing that it was such a big deal to him.
But it was. You didn't know it, but you were making him extremely nervous. Being near you drives him crazy and being not even more. He truly felt hurt, and he wanted to see if you'd feel that way too, he wanted to punish you for making him feel this way. It reminded him of the time when you weren't taking him serious, and he didn't like that at all. But he couldn't stay mad at you, he wanted to be the only one for you and he panicked when Miles asked him to come over because you weren't there.
"That was immature too, don't you think?" he wondered and you agreed. You criticized his childish behaviour, but you weren't any better. You were on the same page actually.
"I'm sorry." you apologized, head turning down in shame.
"Don't be." his deep voice mumbled. He took your chin in his hand and raised your head up.
"I can tell you not to worry, but I'd rather show you." he said before kissing your lips softly, and you let him.
It's just sex, you thought to yourself, rejecting all of your doubts and allowing him to touch on you.
"Show me then." you weakly let out and he caressed your hair.
"No." he announced and it left you confused.
"You had a drink." he unfolded and you tried explaining that you weren't under any influence.
"I just had one drink, I'm pretty much sober."
"If I'm having you, I'm having you with a clear mind." he clarified and you were getting the hots at his consideration.
He dropped you off at home, not accompanying you because Miles was there. You thanked him for driving you, but you probably should've thanked him for preventing you from making a mistake and meet someone else too.
You didn't know yet that you slowly started to grow true feelings for Eren.
The next day you woke up from a dream, a dream about Eren again. You wondered when the time came that you'd finally feel him inside of you but to your delight, it would come sooner than you imagined.
Miles left early in the morning, meaning you had your apartment for yourself again. You went to work, clueless to all the things that would await you that day. Bluebells were sent to your office every hour, each of them containing a small message with a single letter on it and when you collected every letter after the whole shift, it formed one word:
It beared Eren's trademark and you grew excited at this sweet, adventurous action. No one before him put so much effort into their gestures and you were practically on cloud nine, looking forward to whatever Eren has planned for you.
After work, you hurried home so you could take a long all-in-one shower to be fresh and clean. After shaving and applying lotion to your whole body, you put on your best set of lingerie, a sexy black lace corset and matching panties, over it you wore a tight black lace dress.
Furthermore, you put a few strands of hair up in a black ribbon, put on your favourite silver jewelry and lastly, put on some make-up and painted your finger- and toenails, also of black colour of course. When you were done with everything, it took you hours and you had to re-do a few of your fingernails because you accidentally smudged them, it was almost 10pm.
You were growing more and more excited the more time went by and you were just about to tell your friends about it when it ringed on the door already.
You opened it and Eren walked up the stairs. What felt like an eternity were just a few seconds in reality, but when he finally arrived at your floor, you wanted nothing more than to jump onto him.
Eren was wearing a tight black turtleneck pullover that was flattering his biceps and black suit pants. His hair was tied up in his usual man-bun and he was wearing a silver chain necklace, bracelet, dangle earrings and a few rings. You've never seen so many accessoires on him but hell did it look sexy, you almost drooled.
Eren too was taken aback by your appearance, standing there in utter shock for a few seconds, processing the goddess, as he thought, before him. The way you dressed up specifically for him didn't go unnoticed by him and he felt like crying tears of joy at the sight of you. He never thought you could make him forget about his now uninteresting fantasies with just one glance, who needed fake scenarios anyways when you were right in front of him, looking like the sweetest, most beautiful angel in heaven. And the fact that you were doing all this for him made his heart pound uncontrollably in his chest.
"Whoa..." he was searching for words but there were none that could describe his adoration for you.
"You look heavenly." he came up with and wasn't satisfied with his choice of words, still not moving his body until you asked him to come in. You gave him the sweetest smile and complimented him back, although you were low-key with your words.
"You look handsome as well." you told him and you were sure the hearts that formed in your eyes were visible. Eren cleared his throat and drew out the flowers from behind his back, roses this time, giving them to you before showing you the small bag in his other hand.
"I know bluebells are your favourites, but I figured you probably have enough of them."
You weren't any less happy about the roses, taking them from his hands, yours briefly touching his and making you both twitch a little, and taking in their smell.
"Thank you so much, Eren." you thanked, closing your eyes while sniffling them.
"I hope you didn't spend too much money on me." you felt guilty.
"There is no 'too much' when it comes to you." he confessed and you blushed at his comment.
"I brought some...fruits...strawberries...they're apparently aphrodisiacs..." he let you know, even though he was certainly not needing any help with getting his cock up, already being rock hard under his pants for you for years.
"Oh, I see, maybe we can prepare something with them in the kitchen." you suggested and you two went into said room.
But when you were there, so close to each other, not able to stop yourselves from seeking each others' touches, the strawberries were long forgotten. Unable to keep your eyes and hands off of each other, it only took you two one last straw, that being Eren's crotch pushing against your ass, to drop your plans and head straight into the candlelit bedroom.
Eren picked you up and threw you onto the bed, impatiently ripping off your dress, holding your corset around the waist while mustering you up and down and growing even harder.
"You're so fucking hot, just looking at you feels like a sin." he worshipped you and it fucking turned you on. You've never felt this treasured.
He held you like this for a while, his fingers wandering over the fabric before pressing down his hands on you, slowly moving them up, passing your tummy and finally stopping to wildly massage your breasts. Simultaneously, he started smooching your neck passionately, leaving a few marks. You leaned forward at his touch, holding your breath and enjoying his kneading skills.
He then started to put his body weight on yours, slowly grinding himself against your covered clit, stimulating the both of you even further while continuing his former movements.
At some point, his hand went underneath your tight corset, playing with your bare tits for a while before taking off the whole piece, admiring your topless appearance before appreciating them with his mouth. His hands were placed behind your back, holding onto your shoulders to hold the both of you stable. His lips gracefully nibbled on your now hard nipples, luring out a heavy moan that you tried to suppress for too long.
"That's it, don't keep your cute noises to yourself, sweetheart." he said and went down your core. He kissed over the fabric, then grazed over it with his fingers, hitting it a few times with two of them. He pulled down your panties and was pleased with the sight.
"So eager for me, aren't we?" he teased and you couldn't even answer, patiently waiting for him to touch you in any way.
He saw the desperation in your eyes and didn't let you wait any longer, instantly licking at your clit and fingers playing with your folds. Your toes were curling at the sensation of this godly tongue you were feeling again, wishing you would feel it clashing with your own at that.
He licked over your folds now, sucking in your sensitive skin and brushing it with his teeth from time to time, the bony fangs giving you small shocks. His mouth was wide open while he was devouring you, hungry for more and preparing your first orgasm that night, and it came pretty soon. He used one of his digits to widen your hole, sending in another one until you were eventually stuffed with three of his pretty fingers, cumming around him in an instant and whining in pleasure.
You were practically feeding him with your juice as he took you through your release, licking up every single drop of your essence and swallowing it in pride.
He was slowly running hot which is why he took off his shirt. His eight-pack was fully visible to you now and looked unbelievably inviting in the warm and bright colours of the candles in your room. Before you could even think twice, your lips were already on his muscles, going further down with every little peck. They felt like steel, but maybe that was just because Eren was stiffening his muscles at the sudden feeling of your mouth against his skin.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." Eren voiced, knowing that you were about to give him head. He obviously wanted this, the thought of it alone was re-playing in his head non-stop. But he didn't want to take the focus off of you, in the end, all he ever wanted was to satisfy your needs. You shouldn't have to get dirty.
"I want to get a taste of you, too." you expressed and he was turning into a red, flustered mess.
You unbuckled his pants, ready to see what was expecting you, and pulled them down, his boxers stretching around the big silhouette of his shaft. You could already see he was massive, and it was thrilling you. Eren observed you sharply, his cock pulsating at your sudden touch. You rubbed the clothed erection for a while, then finally pulling down the boxers, his member jumping out and dangling from his body.
You stood there in amazement of his big girth, it was long, thick and veiny, already leaking a good amount of precum. It was really pretty though, as far as dicks can be pretty, but Eren's really was. The tip was pink and soft-looking and you were dying to suck on his balls. The only thing that was unsettling you was the question if he even fitted inside you. But that would be a problem for later.
You started your own way, groping over it, squeezing it between your fingers and going up and down his outstanding length. Eren inhaled deeply and on that occasion, you tenderly kissed the tip, cleaning it from the precum and starting to take it into your mouth. Eren struggled to hold himself back, concentrating so he wouldn't cum in an instant because your mouth around his tip alone almost made him.
When you licked your way down his dick, taking in more and more while doing so, then taking it out of your mouth completely to capture his heavy sacks in it instead, he swore to himself that he would thank you endlessly after it. Your careful approach that turned into a rapid back-and-forth movement shortly afterwards made him lose control.
"Shit, your mouth looks so good around my cock. It simply belongs there." Eren hissed and you got chills.
Knees on the mattress and his body leaning back, he roughly gripped you by your hair and started aggressively face-fucking you. He pushed his head back in pleasure, taking your mouth as he pleased while working up his own high. Your little chokes around him made him even go faster, not without making sure you were alright with it though. Before he came undone, he pulled out of you. He wasn't planning on coming already, not before he didn't make you cum at least three times.
"Fuck, I'd love to cum all over your pretty face now, but we have to save that for another time." he said when he saw your drooling mouth.
Eren forcefully pushed you down the bed next. He stroked your clit once again to prepare you for his girth, planting a small kiss on top of it before asking you the question.
"Are you ready?" he made sure, slapping his tip at your clit a few times and drawing it through your folds. You nodded in excitement.
"Alright..." he said and pushed himself inside.
The stretch was big, but he moved slowly and gently, giving you enough time to adjust to his thick length that was penetrating you, even though he would rather want to fuck you relentlessly. He would never do something that would hurt you or that wouldn't give you the absolute best feeling, so he was very patient, very loving and very sweet to you, always asking you if you were okay everytime he pushed himself in a little more.
"Oh fuck, are you tight. Gotta focus so I don't spill my seed into you right away."
"There you go, just look at how good you're taking me, princess, you're feeling so amazing." he groaned, torturing himself by ignoring his aching member.
When you finally gave him the permission to move freely, he kept a consistent and slow pace, rolling his hips steadily and watching your reactions.
You were drowning in pleasure, his tip hitting all your best spots, spots you didn't even know existed until now, and it felt ethereal to have his full entirety fill you like a stuffed animal.
You both made eye contact during the whole act, his eyes never ever leaving yours, even when you averted yours to roll them in pleasure. He continued rubbing your clit and then changed his pace. He wanted to see all your reactions, wanted to see what he had to do to make you act a certain way, and what kinds you preferred.
His thrusts were slower but harder now, violently ramming into you, then pausing for a second. This way, he was bringing all his passion, all his strength into one thrust at a time, intensifying your pleasure.
"Oh g-god Eren, d-don't st-stop~" you moaned, your voice making his dick twitch inside of you and your legs clutching his torso, bringing him nearer to you so you could embrace his neck with your arms. He felt how your pussy was milking him, looking down to see a thick ring of your cream around his genitals.
"God, you're driving me crazy." he groaned out loud, giving you a long kiss on the lips.
"I'm gonna make you feel good now, princess." he announced and changed his pace again, thrusting at an enourmous speed and feeling how your walls clenched around him even more, fucking you through your second orgasm.
You were caught off guard by the sudden speed, screaming in pleasure and calling out his name countless times which was making him go insane, quickly pulling out of you because he couldn't prevent his own release anymore. He emptied himself on your stomach, the sight of it making you wonder how his warm liquid would feel inside of you.
"Fuckkk...couldn't even hold back anymore with how you squealed my name." were his exact words.
You dipped your fingers in his fluid and used them to paint it over your body, taking them into your mouth right after while meeting his gaze and tasting the white paste. He immediately grew hard again, taking you up and turning you around on all fours, knees and hands on the mattress as he started to fuck you from behind. He towered over you, placing his hand on your lower tummy and applying pressure on it, holding you still like this while his other hand supported him in his new position.
"I-I'm cl-..close, Eren." you sobbed, tears in your eyes and laying your hand over his on your belly.
His balls slapped strongly against your clit and it didn't take long for you to cum again.
You thought you'd have some time to recover from your high, but Eren was animalistic at this point and switched positions again, pressing you down on the mattress, face buried into the pillows, and mercilessly ravishing you. His hands were placed next to your waist and his abdomen was rubbing against your butt while thoroughly infiltrating you, lifting up your lower body in the end, ass in the air, to increase the depth.
You came again and cried out in overstimulation, but Eren turned you around once more so that your back was onto the bed again and held your hands above your head with one of his, the other one pushing your right leg up so he had a good access to your cunt. And then, he was pounding into you, as hard and fast as before. In the meantime, you were motionless and completely fucked out, overwhelmed by all the pleasure that you felt during the past rounds. Your lower belly started to hurt due to all this overstimulation and Eren checked up on you when he noticed you weren't moving and were oddly silent.
"You still there?" he asked and you weakly nodded.
"Do you want a safeword?" he questioned, not stopping his sloppy pace but being careful nonetheless.
You shook your head.
"I..trust you.." you spelled out and it warmed his heart. He loved you so much, his whole body was basically exploding at this transcendental experience. He wished he could share his emotions with you, hoping that you felt at least a tiny part of what he did.
"I'll let you ride me next, so you can set the pace." he gave out and pecked your forehead, hands caressing your cheeks.
After unleashing yet another, slightly painful orgasm, the good type of pain though, he rolled on the bed, gripping your body and sitting you onto his lap, dick cautiously sliding into you once more. The massive penetration made your hips wiggle on top of him.
"E-Eren...I c-can't..." you cried out but he encouraged you.
"Shh baby, don't you see you're already doing so well? Keep it up, use me as you wish." he fired you up and you started grinding against him.
"There, there..." he petted you when he saw the tears rolling down your face, wiping them away and grabbing your hands to hold them in his. He kissed them and brushed his gentle fingers over your smooth skin.
You stopped again, needing a break, holding onto Eren's broad chest to support.
"It's alright sweetie, take your time." he mumbled in a low voice, grazing over your pelvis.
"Want me to help?" he then asked and you nodded breathlessly.
"I'm sorry." you let out and Eren was dying inside, you were just so cute.
"It's okay princess, I got you." he assured and grabbed your hips, slowly starting to thrust into you and bucking up his hips regularly until you were worked up enough to take the lead again.
His hugeness made your stomach bulge and the bare sight of it captivated him. It was turning him on even more, he was even using his hands to put some more pressure on that part of your tummy, and he quickly engrafted this moment into his memory, unaware of the fact that he added extra rawness to his thrusts.
"Nghh...I'm really trying to slow down, but it's impossible with your pussy milking me like that." he apologized and harshly pounded into you, clasping your hips while doing so and leaving slight prints of his hands on your skin.
"Look at how perfect you're fitting around me, it's like you were made for my dick." he implied and got you all riled up.
The view of the swelling bump caused by his dick and his own helplessness stirred up your emotions, sending electricity through your body and boosting your lust in an instant.
"A fucking goddess." he mumbled as you were bouncing on his big dick, moving up and down while your breasts jerked in front of his eyes. He couldn't stop himself from sitting up and making out with your chest, consuming you like you were his last meal and your hands immediately tugged at his hair, slightly pulling it while you sped up your tempo.
You threw him back on the mattress and you could swear you heard a whimper slip out of Eren's mouth when you took over the dominance.
The sight of him under you like this drove you nuts, he looked so vulnerable, so submissive, and so breedable, his cocky demeanor nowhere to be find. Riding him at your own preferred rate, Eren cried out in agony, mewling below you like a whiny mess until you both reached your state of ecstasy.
"You'll be the fucking death of me." he growled, head squeezing back into the cushion as he quickly pulled out of you before spurting out his sticky substance on both of your stomachs.
Shortly after, you collapsed onto his body, too much overstimulation to handle. He cackled at your worn out state, wrapping his arms around your weak body and kissing your head, the smell of your hair intoxicating to him.
He laid you down on your side and started gnawing at your neck then, moving down to your decollete and sending shivers down your spine. He was cherishing your figure as he took his softened penis in one hand and started to stroke it, occasionally making contact with your inner thigh.
You grew nervous at the fact that he wanted to go for another run, thinking you were done by now. But you didn't complain, you enjoyed yourself like you never did before, the handsome man next to you making you feel like you were the luckiest girl in the world.
He startled you when he unexpectedly pressed his fingers over your core and shoved them inside, stretching you enough to enter you with his now erected cock again.
"Eren...too much." you hummed, still panting from your prior pleasure.
"Just a few more rounds, okay?" he whispered, kissing your cheek while hovering over you.
He stood on his knees, taking a pillow from behind you and lifting your body up to put it under your lower back to situate you into a more penetrable position, cock buried still inside of you.
He tossed your legs over his shoulders and you were enraptured by his swiftness. Eren packed you by your thighs and repeatedly dragged you onto his torso from your waist down, profoundly bumping into you.
"..I-I'm almost there.." you announced, shouting when he quickened his motion. Your view was getting blurry so you squinted your eyes in hopes of a soon release, but it never came because Eren suddenly pulled out and left you unsatisfied.
"Hey...stop teasing me." you weakly pleaded and he enjoyed your torment.
"But you look so gorgeous like this." he snickered.
"Weren't you saying it's too much for you just minutes ago, hmm?" he further provoked, lips coming close to yours and grazing over them.
You pulled him into a heated kiss, and he chuckled against your mouth, promptly slipping into your hole again and moving in circular movements. You squeezed your eyes shut again, arching your back and getting off on him but he was denying you yet another orgasm.
"Ereeen!" you whined once more, but he just giggled. He was edging you like a true savage.
"If you want something, beg for it." he answered, still lingering over you.
How cruel. You obeyed though, too desperate for his touch to resist.
"Please, I want to feel you inside of me." you begged, big eyes looking up at him. He didn't say anything, wetting his lips with his tongue as he sized you up.
"Say it again."
"I want you, Eren." you confessed, eyes shutting in embarassment.
"Nah nah, open your eyes and look at me." you did as he said and made eye contact.
"So obedient." he smirked.
"You want me?" he asked then and you nodded your head.
"Only me?" he furrowed a brow.
"Only you." you clarified.
"Hell yes you do." he claimed and picked up his pace again, pressing your knees against your own body and abusing your needy little cunt all over again.
"All of this belongs to me, no one else can see you like this." he possessively claimed and you nodded, too distracted by the build up of your upcoming orgasm.
"Eren, please, I want you to cum inside of me." you voiced your need of this whole evening and his eyes widened in complete shock.
"..Fuck, that caught me off guard." he hissed, gnashing his teeth to hold back his leaking and continuously hitting your g-spot.
"As you fucking wish, princess." he said and began to fasten his thrusts, making love to you endlessly and bringing you to an earth-shattering climax. You used all the strength left in your voice to scream one last moan while you squirted around him, and he was carrying you through your orgasm until he ultimately ejaculated too, emptying himself inside of you then and pumping you full of his load.
His hot semen spilled into you and the sensation of it was truly one of a kind, it was so divine. The sudden warmness that overflowed your body - in a literal sense - made you feel like you were levitating, wishing this outworldly feeling would never stop.
He didn't pull out of you yet, waiting until his dick softened, pushing his dripping milk into you with his fingers after he finally pulled out and dropped himself on the bed, body gravitating towards to yours.
"Look at how precious my sweet girl is." he and cupped your cheeks with one hand, kissing your puffy wet lips after seeing your dumbfucked face. Your eyelids got heavy but Eren made sure that you stayed awake, lifting you from the bed and carrying you into the bathroom. You groaned in annoyance, only wanting to sleep at this point.
"No time to rest yet, we still gotta clean you up, angel." he explained and dropped you on the edge of the bathtub.
He took a washcloth from the drawer and wetted it in the sink.
"How did you know where to find-" you started, but he interrupted, smirking back at you.
"I did my research."
He helped you tidying you up, or more like: he did all the work, gently but properly washing your skin, kissing the inside of your thigh once in a while - not sexually, just wholeheartedly. And when he was done, he ordered you to pee, leaving the room to your privacy and picking you up when you were done. You tried walking on your own but your legs failed, wobbling too hard.
"I can't even walk." you professed, searching for Eren's support and laughing at your own condition.
"Don't worry, I'll carry you everywhere." he offered, the subtle confession unnoticed by you.
He laid you down your bed, then leaving again to bring you a glass of water. In the meantime, you quickly messaged your friends.
"Guys, oh my god...EREN!!!" was the only text you sent, putting it on your nightstand when Eren came back and not touching your phone until the next morning again.
You sipped on the glass, the cold water quenching your thirst. Meanwhile, Eren made himself comfortable on your bed, waiting for you to lean back to hold you into his arms and play with your hair, massaging your scalp and placing soft kisses everywhere.
"Thank you." he muttered and it bewildered you.
"Now you finally got an older woman into bed, huh?" you joked, but he didn't find it funny.
"Do you really still think that was the only thing I wanted? Did you not notice that I've been madly in love with you for the past 8 years? I want to show you, in more than just one way, how deep this love goes, if you allow me to of course."
You were surprised at the thousands of butterflies that emerged in your belly, and then you slowly realized. You felt it then and there.
You were falling in love with this man. Shit.
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zhvakinnn · 2 months
HIIII how are you?? I hope you are doing well and getting enough sleep and food to eat!!
I was wondering if you can do a Logan x black fem! reader? I just love my blonde nerdy boy, he needs some lovin' frfr
You could do anything you want with it, I don't personally mind at all, yk cuz ue the writer and all lmao, plus I don't like pressuring ppl either.
Yess logan needs more attention!
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Warning's: racist (yuck)
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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You were alone because your getting teased about being black
His alone because his getting teased about being nerdy
So when you two were group its kind of awkward you were both scared to talk to each other but then he find out your in the astrology club too you two suddenly became close
Just two outcast being together, when you visited his house you met his grandparents and thought they hate you but they were kind and caring
While walking with him after school Barron always pick up on you and logan yet he was the one who always gets hurt in the end
You want to confront them but Logan just shrugged it off and told you that there's nothing to worry about
Everytime you drop him in his house his grandparents always ask you why did he have a bruise again and you always find a way to lie about it and they somehow believe you?
But even all this things you two were never not attached to the hip even the teachers wants you two to be grouped because no one ever dared to talk to you or him so you were always a pair
Then all the sudden poof you both have now a new five friends
After everything that happened logan starting to change a bit you was a bit more serious he doesn't talk to much like before
"hey (name) fun fact if you sneez so hard you might break a rib cage?"
*new trauma unlock*
On more and more blah blah stuff that you like about him starting to fade away
You miss everything about him even though you dont though you don't understand most of them you still love him blabbering every small detail about those things
That's where you feel those feelings like you swallowed a whole pack of butterflys in you're stomach yet you kept overthinking what if this was all a bet and he didn't like talking to you
What if he won't like you back because you're black (I'm no racist don't attack me)
This things keep swerling in your mind
You also noticed in the realm his more tired i mean we're all tired but his different he was starting to avoid you like if you said hi he will smile at you then walk away
Even in the real world you wanted to walk with him but he denied you're offer and said he can walk himself
You wanted to confront him but you don't wanna sound clingy so you just let it go
But he really wasn't ignoring you he was only embarrassed of his feelings too but doesn't know how to say it
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It was so awkward between you two that made your friends question what happened to the both of you
You two were attached to the hip then suddenly you and him suddenly became distance
They wanna fix what has been done because you two are cute together they even think that you and logan are a better couple but doesn't say it because you said so
But whenever they let you two sit in a room its getting more awkward and awkward causing it to just let you two out
Then they tie you up together causing you having tantrum because of how tight the rope is
They tried everything they can but ben said or wrote "its better if the two of them fix this than us fixing it" Ashlyn nodded
"aw where's you're little boyfriend now"
The woman speak she was one of those bastard that goes with Barron now what do they want..
"he's not my boyfriend you asshole"
You wanna punch her so bad but couldn't escape one slice of your throat and your dead
"what did you say to me?"
Then the door open revealing Barron and his minions, ngl they do look like a minion
"what do you want now" you frown at him and glaring
"remember that one time you literally beat the shit out of me in the arcade huh?!" The woman let go of you, and you stumbled to barron
"listen here N(word, I will not say it) my friend left me because of that boyfriend of yours"
"okay one since when did a friend do and follow you're orders because friend always helps each other not follow one because this world doesn't need a follow the leader for you and second i just told her Logan isn't mine" whenever you denied he's not your boyfriend you feel a heavy chest you wanna take back what you said
"you stupid bitch, you're gonna regret this" he smirked at you
You tried to fight but you were outnumbered you took down most of them but still couldn't
Now you were laying down near the dumpster crying that Logan was there to hug you but you just curled up taking the pain where they beat you up you cried silently
Then a hand touches you
"w..what the hell do you want now-" your words cut when you met a worried teary eyes there is the one you're looking for that face that you love, that you wouldn't get bored to stare at it
"who- what? Uh why are you just sitting here..and you're hair..." Yes you're hair was cut after you smack that womans face atleast she was a broken nose now
You stayed silent then cried Logan tried to calm you down by hugging to and you're head at his shoulder this is what you wanted. Even at this serious situation Logan couldn't help it his chest was beating so fast
"did you find?!...her" Taylor screamed then stop when thay saw you and logan
" i know you two need a moment but can i ask what happened to (name) hair?" Aiden said not breaking a smile
You still stayed silent "are you okay? Do you wanna tell us or maybe later or not" he cupped your cheeks making you dizzy you were so inlove with this nerd
"Barron.." once they heard his name they changed reaction mostly Logan "what did he do?" You can see aiden trying to calm down and angry bird i mean an angry Ben
You shake your head not wanting to say nothing more
Then logan came looking for him you tried to stop him but he got out of your grip you told your friends to stop him but they just stayed silent and took you to you're house. Tyler was piggy backing you because you felt numb and weak at the moment once you got there you asked them if Logan texted them
They shook their heads and waited Ashlyn texted Logan that you are in you're house
Not a minute later the door came busting open he was dirty but not that dirty
He looked angry and kind scary aura around him
When you walk up to Logan everybody knew it was time to leave you two alone
"don't worry that woman regret cutting your hair" he said while he hugged you and you can't help but smile even that little things he did can make your heart beat
Then now you were the one who was cupping his cheeks " thank you Logan" your face was so close to him causing you two to back away Logan scratch his nape and your scratching your arm
You two said it at the same time
"you go first" you told him
"look i know we've been friends for not that long but long enough so I'm okay if you leave this friendship once i told you this"
You're eyes were widen your feelings starting to sink you don't wanna end this friendship nor do not wanna lose this feelings for him
You were caught when your lips and him were connected suddenly then pulled away only you taking the collar of his shirt kissing him again you pulled away when the door was open" hey you two okay there?... Sorry" aidne peek then close the door you look at logan and you both giggle
"are you sure you want me? I mean I'm not that you know those skin-"
"I don't care about your skin or anything else I just know that i love you and that won't change anything" you started to tear up again and hugged him
"Once the sun asked moon for a hug they call it an eclipse "
You giggled at Logan poetry again and told him it was cheezy
"it was not?! Here is one i remember and i promise it's not cheezy"
You giggled and told him to go one he cleared his throat
"so, i love you because the entire galaxy conspired to help me find you" -paulo coelho
"alright alright that's enough" you two were giggling little do you know they were listening to the both of you smiling
"told you, you can't fix between a two bird if you invade them" ben wrote
Okay maybe he is a good at poetry too
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Masterlist | about me | rules
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randomgentlefolk · 5 months
The warning earned a chuckle from me lmao. Because why did I literally gasp while reading the first line xd
The warning for eps 166...didn't make me laugh at all.
Yayy Gwen is finally awake!! I guess thanks Leland for removing the thorny plants so she won't hurt herself :|
Nah cause Leland really dare try to kidnap a girl who asked whether he's okay after she herself just woke up from an intense nightmare 💀
Bro has the GUTS. THE AUDACITY. To start ranting about the kids he's kidnapping.
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This scene is so emotional, and I am so glad Gwen is finally starting to know who Leelathae is. Though I won't lie, I'm a little disappointed that Leland is the one to tell her :/ I was expecting a family moment with Jack and the other pastel kids. But it's all good since she finally gets to know her :D
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I would like to apologize in advance. Serpent Leland kinda made me laugh due to his abs lmaooo.
But it's pretty cool how Gwen and Frederick sees Leland as a threat (tho unintentional), though with different perspective. Gwen sees Leland as a big bad wolf while Frederick sees Leland as a serpent.
HECK YEAH!!! You go, Frederick!!! For once, his ability to misunderstand something is actually resulting in something wonderful and amazing!!
Aww the Possum immediately hugging Gwen <3
Oh uh whoops. Can Curtis see through that glasses? Hopefully...
Guys, Leland is throwing tantrum again :/ but i can see how using Laverne as a weapon against him is a really useful tactic. Considering how in the past, he bought Laverne to be a replacement for Jack. So turning Laverne against him probably feels like a 2nd betrayal for him.
OOHH....Aww man. Damn. I can feel that comb hitting Leland's hand and pushing the thorns in. Ouch...
NAHH NOT CELSO!!! My man this is why you don't scream your move when doing stealth move ���
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Did Frederick just do a Judo move.
I looked it up and this move is called shoulder throw or Seoi-nage.
Ahwguwau Frederick actually learning from moments where he got hurt and being brave tho!! So proud of him <3
I love Aurelia and her comments man XD
Frederick immediately checking up on Gwen and making sure she wasn't hurt. These guys deserve their happy ending Lambcat c'mon :')
But of course! Let's start from the beginning of chapter 166...
Lorena would be so proud if she see how Frederick tied his dad with her vines.
Yeah, Gwen definitely should start on the second page... Just reading the first page by glancing could lead to many misunderstandings.
May I just say, I love how Gwen is being stern(is that the word?) To Aurelia about how she needs to read that book and that she really want to know about her mother. Hah! Again, I love Aurelia's comment (this time about the war literally happening downstairs XD)
(Cue that batman transition music (i forgot the era))
WUJWJWHWAIB THEY??? ARE ADORABLE!!! Awww Leelathae reading them a story with Jack and Gwen & Jamie's onesie!! Also their plushies!! I'm having cuteness overload....
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Oh. Okay. That's not good. I suppose there's a side effect after giving birth to the children? That's...depressing.
But before we go deeper into that, birthday party!!
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I must say, I absolutely adore how chaotic Lorena seems to be lmao. Look at her and her little sword XD and Maria looking really elegant. She really does give the eldest sister vibe. Gwen looks so cute with the pigtails! (I forgot the hairstyle name). Jamie with the fruits and Gwen with the fruit and cooking utensils!
Also it seems that the pastel family is having a small party for birthdays instead of big ones like the plaid kingdom. I wonder why they don't invite the plaid family over? Blaine and Lance would be 6 and 5 years old at this time, so they're probably at the academy already. But what about Leland and Isolde?
Man, this family is genuinely so wholesome and that makes me even sadder for what's about to happen. CAUSE DAMN??? Leelathae passing out while holding the cake, and Jack noticing like 😭 AND THEN JACK RUNNING TOWARDS HER LIKE MARIA AND LORENA RUNNING TOWARDS GWEN I'M GOING TO CRY.
R.i.p cake (i had to do it)
Ahh I see. Okay. So the left ventricle (which is a part of the heart) is weakening and it can't strengthen back up? That's what I'm getting, at least. I wasn't aware something like this could happen. I'm just researching, and is Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM) the correct term for this? I don't know anything about childbirth beyond what I learn in school so... this one's purely based on searching the symptom in google.
Okay, let's see... *puts on glasses and squint my eyes* *clears throat*
Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) or also known as Postpartum cardiomyopathy is an uncommon form of heart failure that happens toward the end of pregnancy or in the months following delivery, when no other cause of heart failure can be found.
(This information is taken from American Heart Association website. I hope that's alright?)
Symptoms of PPCM that we've seen in Leelathae:
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Feeling lightheaded or faint
- Dizziness
For now that's the only things I can note. I mean, I'm not even sure if that is what Leelathae is going through. But it seems likely. I don't have anything to add on this matter right now, so what if we go back to the story. Shall we?
"I'm going to perish...from a broken heart"
OHHHHH, OKAY DAMN LEELATHAE. Man... this reminds me of the broken heart syndrome. It's pretty interesting. If I'm not wrong, it's a heart condition that comes from extremely stressful situation or emotions. And it is possible to pass away from it. So yes, you can die from a broken heart.
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Oh man this just got depressing real quick... The kids sitting beside Leelathae's bed, the medicines piling up overtime, Leelathe crying and Jack hugging her...
Leelathae :( she just wants to see her kids grow up and her husband man... and yet because a certain jealous man just had to steal a portrait...damn it Leland.
The witch!! It's her!! :0000
That's nice of her to offer to listen to Leelathae's vent :) though she does mistake her for a witch :')
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THIS WHOLE TIME. IT'S THE WITCH LMAO. Okay actually being mistaken as a witch has a perk this time!! And does this mean Leelathae can bake??? Like mother like daughter real.
The panel of the witch hugging Leelathae is actually pretty sweet haha. They're besties now X)
I wonder how this spell will work....
That's it for now. 2 episodes in a post! Wooo! I gotta stop procrastinating... this post was so long lmao.
Mono out! (Ngl I'm still in lmao)
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opinated-user · 6 months
So let’s review.
1.You’re part of a community that developed a hatedom for a z list YouTuber.
2.This hatedom attracts a pedophile.
3.The pedophile then tries to target the z list YouTuber’s audience of minors.
4.The z-list YouTuber is the bad guy for not reading your blogs so they can be aware of the pedophile you attract.
Lmao get fucked. This community can’t even be bothered to denounce Kiwi fucking farms, and you have the audacity to complain.
hi, LO. let me do the recapping now, shall we? you were told, explicitely so now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a predator and groomer whose main name is sparky has been in contact with your community that includes minor. so instead of dennouncing the pedophile, try to share the call out made about him that contains everything he did wrong, none of which were made by us because he was infamous before any of this, you prefer to still use to to attack Brittany. who you also accused of having who knows how many sock puppets accounts with no evidence at all, including me. at least when i call clearly bad faith anons LO is part of a joke that calls back to the sockpuppets that have been proven to be yours. i don't actually expect anyone to take it seriously. you have run with that narrative to the ground to try to silence someone you coerced years ago, just like you're doing the same with your sibling, while also being a disgusting creep that can't stop lying about having had sex with her. grow up. do something for someone else but yourself and do the responsible thing for once in your entire life. you have minors in your audience, you have vulnerable people, so when told that someone dangerous could target them you try to use them on this little charade of yours instead of warning people about them and instead lying that there was never any contact? you want to talk to me about "having the audacity"? how about you tell me, you, anon, whoever you are, how dare to come here to try to fling accusations around about "attracting a pedophile" when LO is the one who is actually lying in such a way that puts even more people at risk? how do you figure the way she has chosen to twist all of this in any way, shape or form helping anyone but herself and her own rotten image? where do you even think you have the right to utter such pitiful, disgusting words to me, or anyone for that matter? you go to the people calling out this groomer, this pedophile, this abuser, this racist lying hypocrite, who will use tranpshobia against fellow trans people, who will laugh at rape jokes at the expense of their sibling that was raped by her older brother, who laughs and celebrates along actual nazis while lying about other transfemmes in the same breath, and help out the pedophile to lie further about another pedophiles she's chosing to cover for. and you expect me to believe for one second that you care? that you have any moral high ground to stand on here? don't make me laugh. daddy is not here to clean up the messes for you, LO. i know that lying to avoid consequences has been your bread and butter since you were a child, but you haven't met me before. i have proof of everything i talk about here. you only have your lies. sooner or later, your lies are going to falter and the proof will remain.
it's your choice to make this easier or more difficult for you.
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chaostroberry1 · 5 days
Part two of Qin Shi Huang getting wrecked, please.😊 I want to know whats next.
Part 2 of cheater QSH × (possessive-ish?) reader!
⚠️disclaimer as always, no hate to any of the characters, please don't come at me alvitr and Qin shi Huang fans, I am fond of them. I just want to write smth new :)⚠️
Part 1 is here
Qin shi Huang getting absolutely wrecked lmao
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It's been a little while since you went out of the waiting room, having to withstand the embarrassment of being seen by Goll and Brunhilde.
How Goll looked at you with concern when she saw your heartbroken state, along with Brunhilde.
"(name)..? Are you alright? What happened?!"
"leave her be, Goll... she needs space right now..we need to understand."
Sobs and sniffles filled the space full of your sadness. Whatever was left of your strength, all gone, torn into pieces while you continued your onslaught of tears.
You heard footsteps, almost like they were hysterical about going to a certain destination, before-
"my dear empress!"
A happy emperor bursts through the wall, ignoring the door that was literally beside him, walking through the huge hole he created. Man is a beast bro
He was quick to walk towards you, frantically yapping about who knows what.
"my most treasured empress! my sweet dear beloved! I was looking for you everywhere!"
He walked over to you, not even bothering to care about the fact that his whole arm to the shoulder was literally severed from his body.
How did he find you? Who cares! He has an upset wife sensor!
Before even touching you, he tilted his body to the side a little bit, almost as if he was studying your state with caution. He couldn't just risk having you erupt into a crying volcano of tears—which is why playing it safe was the best way to deal with the situation.
"darling?.. Dear?.. Honey?"
He smiled nervously at you, the sight of your heartbroken state was enough to hurt more than his arm being severed off. He couldn't bare witness to this, it hurt him too much.
You couldn't look him in the eye, which made him decide to crouch down a bit, just to meet your gaze. A soft warm feeling lingered in your chest when you felt his eyes on you.
"I...I'm so sorry for what I did. Beloved, I wasn't thinking right. Please...can you find it in your heart to forgive me...?"
He stared at your tear stained face, while you couldn't find strength to return the love he gave to you in that moment. Making him understand.
But who said it would stop him from having you? You were still his.
And with that, he gently took hold of your hand, putting your knuckles close to his face while it brushed against his lips.
Might as well use his charm. Right?
"dearest, I still care for you. Don't you dare disagree with me. You know I love you, we both know I do."
He gave your hand a little kiss, before sitting down with you and laying his head to rest on top of your shoulder.
"I'm not leaving until you forgive me"
"n..no ..."
"nope! Still not leaving."
Without realizing it, a trainwreck of emotions hit you hard. As you immediately stood up and sobbed, angrily yelling at the man who sat on the couch with an oblivious face.
"why did you do that to her? Kissing her? Having her be your new bride??? How dare you!!" You sobbed angrily, as he just stared up at you with a neutral face, before smiling.
"stop that, please...If you don't want to be with me, let's just-"
"hold it."
You stare back at him, while he slowly stood up, his figure towering over your smaller body. His gaze that was once staring up at you, was now staring down.
"beloved...don't defy me like this. You are still my wife. Please...we've been together for so long, don't let my foolish mistake get to you."
He used his arm to close the gap between you, bringing you into a hug. His hand gently resting on your head as you sobbed in his chest.
"I talked to the Valkyrie girl...and to my luck, she understood me well, and even offered to look out for me while I went around to look for you."
Giving a small smile, he continued.
"I swear...I'll think better next time. What I thought were feelings of love were actually just admiration. I could never feel that way towards someone who isn't you. Especially not a partner that I only knew for less than a day or two."
He then made you look up at him, his eyes flaring with confidence and hope..as well as one more thing that overpowered it all...
You finally crack, and pull him into a kiss, which he gladly returned, as you both took your time, not realizing the three Valkyries standing in the doorway.
Alvitr, Goll, and Brunhilde who just sighed, Goll who watched with her mouth wide, and alvitr who was crossing her arms and huffing, happy that everything was removed easily.
"are you guys done or what?" Alvitr asked, concerned about how you both even make up after arguments, and why they don't last that long, but she knew better than to ask right away.
Your hands were all on his chest, not wanting to make any gaps while you both stared at each other in some lovey dovey trance.
"mhm" you and him replied in sync, not even looking at them. Eyes lost in the other's gaze. "Let's celebrate after this, alright, my sweet?"
You nodded at his words, giving him one more kiss.
"I'd be happy to."
Em done, finally. Thank you for reading!
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
since I can't insert any images while on anon, just imagine me reading this, and in between every paragraph, groaning in disappointment and frustration and then dropping my face against the table. Or maybe just putting my phone down and yelling into my pillow for every bad decision made...which is a lot, to say the least. I'm attacking this by part so I don't miss anything but also fo expect something long hahaha
Well, Bad Decision #1 (unfortunately. I hate that's its just #1. also BRANDON. I'm not saying that name has anything to do with me but I got confused for a second because that's what I've been calling Bucket sometimes so I was like? Bucky? lol), more like Bad Dick #1 ha ha. Anyway. I honestly wasn't surprised that he turned out to be horrendous at that LMAO. I mean, he's young and arrogant and on top of that, disrespectful and disgusting. While I don't condone violence, I mean, with how he was acting, he kinda deserved that dick twist. Was it too much? Probably. I thought so at first then I realized that he's probably done this to other girls before, and most of them didn't have the training Pocket had so it probably had gone worse so that was perfectly fine by me. Also her blurting out a Bucket's name during made me wince because yikes that's always embarrassing but I wasn't surprised. She was imagining him. And ha! you got to insert the "Who the hell is Bucky?" line! I absolutely read that the same way he said it in CA:CW. iconic line. Will probably set that as my ringtone.
But Pocket's last line about feeling disgusted but empowered at the same time and then wondering if that's how Banjo felt, left a little sour taste in my mouth. I mean, I'm no mathematician but 2 wrongs ain't gonna make 1 right. And I can already tell that was a power trip for her where she feels like she's finally in control of her sexuality for once and that she's not the one being used and hurting this time. That can only mean she's going to crave it some more, which, I mean, in the next part it was stated that it had become a routine at this point. The problem is, she's never going to be satisfied. No matter if they look like Bryce, they're never going to be him on so many levels. One: his dick game is supersoldier strong in both skill and size. Two: he took the time to know Pocket and her body pretty well and how to satisfy her needs. Three: well, she loves him. I'd argue sex with someone you love will always feel better than just casual sex (maybe I'm just a sap but anyway) you can't really get all of the above with random strangers. So now, she's always going to crave that power with no real satisfaction in the end.
Now, Sam...he's trying so hard to get through to her and he did make some great points. They are on a mission, there are lives at risk here so it's not only herself she's putting in danger. So her going out randomly and drinking without any communication is so reckless, and dare I say, selfish because who knows what could've happened to her. But she's so far gone now, unfortunately :( She definitely wasn't ready for this mission and she absolutely wasn't in the right headspace for it no matter how much she said she could handle it. I truly did think if Tony knew what happened to her in full, he never would've offered this in the first place. I mean, Bojack tried to stop her and I kinda saw how it was out of concern for her well-being, but, he did come off a little jealous and possessive on top of what he's done so, so that canceled his opinion. Still, I wish someone would've stopped it, but then again, if someone did, we wouldn't have this story haha. Now, the two of them being the ones to look into Hydra again though, I don't know how I feel about it. But then again, they are the ones who know Hydra the most. Still, I don't trust Jeremiah. I still do think she's a spy.
Now with what happened in that room. It's so hard to see all these innocent girls who are just trying to get by on life be taken advantage of. Obviously Pocket meant well, but she did come off as a little all-knowing when she scolded Chloe. Pocket was right of course, an 18-year-old shouldn't be there at all. But she went about it wrong. I also can't blame her because she probably felt so panicked and scared for her and these girls. But now, Pocket taking two lines right off the bat I just...that's one way to hit rock bottom running I supposed. She did it to spare one girl which is great but, at what cost? I could argue that now she's put herself in a vulnerable position where she wouldn't be able to help any of them. It was a good solution at the moment but in the long run? I mean, she couldn't even remember much of what happened while she was intoxicated, so she didn't even really get much information. I mean she said it herself, she's probably jeopardized the mission. But now, she's feeling free from all the pain and anger and hurt, so what happens after that? She'll crave that moment of peace even more. That's how she relapses. She thinks the drugs are going to be a great escape and that could only end so so badly.
I have a feeling where's still on our ride down this hole and we haven't exactly reached rock bottom yet. And I could nothing but watch and be in it for the ride. Amazing as always! Super grateful for you and for giving us three parts today. Sending you love always!
— Jnon 🤍
Dearest Jnon, Do we share a brain from opposite sides of the world?
I shall address your points by point. I'm sorry I named him Brandon-- I should have avoided a 'B' name, but when I wrote it, I had NO IDEA your beautiful trend would have taken such hold, lol. I just chose one of the most generic, boring names I could think of, lol. And it helped her fantasy that his name starts with a 'B,' too. She thinks she's trying to fuck the memory of Bucky out of her, but the truth is, she misses him; she wants it to be him, to go back to a time and place before he hurt her. She's searching for something to make her feel the way he made her feel (I'll come back to this).
I definitely don't condone The Dick Twist. I think it points to just how off the rails she is at the moment, and I wrote it as her having a trauma response to when he grabbed her. Like, she's only concerned about herself right now, and protecting her wellbeing, both physically and emotionally, and at a kind of throw-back moment where she's being manhandled against her will, she experiences a bit of PTSD. Hence, The Dick Twist (TM). One of the things I wanted to make sure I did with Pocket was ensure she wasn't a "perfect" reader insert. I wanted her to be a full fledged, rounded character all on her own, which means making bad choices and doing questionable things. I don't necessarily think Brandon is some kind of sexual predator who does this kind of thing often; I think he was enticed by the idea of guaranteed sex from a hot, older chick, and then got pissed when he realized he was just being used as a substitute for someone else, and he wasn't going to get anything out of it. He reacted the way I'd expect an immature, selfish college boy would react (how I've seen them react, unfortunately). And yes! Absolute intentional throwback to CA:TWS! It's, without a doubt, my favorite line of dialog in the entire story, lol.
She absolutely SHOULD NOT have gone on this mission, you're right. And if Tony had known the extent of her pain, he never would have sent her. If he knew what she was doing, he'd blame himself, profusely. But, her pride, and her false sense of being over her trauma, kept her from telling the one person she trusts implicitly.
Going to her last line, about feeling disgusted with herself and yet empowered, I definitely didn't make this clear enough, but it has less to do with Bucky than it does with the men who abused her throughout her childhood. She's lumped Bucky in with them at this point (because of him denying her consent after he slept with Jade), and she views her actions against Brandon as taking a kind of revenge on every man who hurt her, not just Bucky (I'm sticking with his actual name so as not to cause confusion with actual Brandon, lol). That's why she feels empowered, but she knows it was wrong, which is why she's disgusted. If that wasn't clear, that's my failure as a writer, and for that I'm sorry. Yes, it was definitely a power trip, feeling in control. She barely mentions it in one of the earliest chapters, but she was fairly promiscuous once she escaped her parents, in a way to reclaim sex for herself (and not panic every time she had it), and she's repeating that behavior here. She's reclaiming it after the way she feels Bucky violated her. It's something she's going to keep doing, but without the violence. We're actually not going to see any more of her "conquests," fortunately, but she keeps searching for someone to make her feel the way Bucky made her feel.
So, coming back to that: It's not going to happen for her, exactly for all the reasons you mentioned. The biggest is #3: She loves him. No amount of strange dick is going to compare to that. Like, they weren't just lovers, they were best friends. Her feelings for him are deep. She thinks that, because she was able to basically fuck herself out of her trauma in the past, she can do it again, but it's an entirely new kind of trauma, with such a powerful emotional component, and it's not going to work for her this time.
Her behavior is extremely selfish, definitely, and it's absolutely going to affect the mission, starting with what happened in that room. With Chloe, Pocket saw herself (and I'll spoil a little something-- Chloe isn't 18), and she panicked, wanting to protect this girl from falling into her old life, but it came out condescending, especially without Chloe knowing anything about Pocket's history. It just made Pocket seem cruel, but it was coming from a place of fear.
I confess, writing this chapter was so fucking depressing for me, I wanted it over with as soon as possible, so I did kind of go for making her hit rock bottom right away. I didn't want to keep her in this space for a second longer than I had to. She definitely put herself in a vulnerable position (as the next part will show) and put the entire mission (and something else) in jeopardy due to her actions, and she'll carry that with her for the rest of the fic.
The spiral-down will continue, but I honestly don't detail it. Like I said, it was hurting my heart, so I felt it was enough to show her get there, then just kind of describe how it continues for a bit. I want the best for our girl, and I hated putting her in this position. But she's tough. It sucks, but she needs to go through this so she can actually process the trauma of her childhood. She thought she had, but until now, she's just repressed it.
Thank you, as always, for your insightful thoughts and theories. I love reading your take things! I love you!
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