#literally its so funny to me
corvusconductor · 10 months
My Opinion on the Topic of Gridball
Alright. Not a single person has probably wondered but has anyone else ever noticed the discrepancy between what Shane refers to as gridball and what Alex refers to as gridball? I'm here to put my useless two cents on the matter because whenever I come up with a new and stupid thing to think of, I always put myself wholeheartedly into things.
Alright. My thoughts? Gridball in the Stardew Valley universe is like the American football vs. futbol debate.
Here is why: When you speak to Alex and he talks about gridball, he often holds what looks like an American football and speaks about it like a football player in the real life. He's a jock, what can I say? His sprite outside of his house is also seen tossing the ball like a football and he talks about the fact that he wants to throw it around with your character (though I still get mad ab his dialog for that one if you're a woman). I've never seen Alex's heart cutscenes because I've never romanced him, but I'm sure there is some evidence there to the American football association.
Now, I looked through his dialog on the wiki and nothing there seems to stick out in terms of moving us toward his being like soccer. However! In the trivia section, they claim that his Tunnelers jersy looks like a reference to a jersey from a real-life soccer team. He does mention having been on his high school's varsity gridball team and his spouse room contains a soccer ball, which would make sense for him to have if he played it in high school. I'd also like to point out that his 8-heart cut-scene (which I have seen many times bc I am, first and foremost, a Shane lover<33) looks like it takes place in a soccer stadium, not a football stadium.
This has been an incredibly lackluster review on why my opinion is (maybe?) correct. Argue w/ the wall if you disagree thank you<3
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egophiliac · 9 months
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just thinking about hair and faces
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bastardlybonkers · 4 months
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professional-termite · 4 months
god i love star trek so much every episode its like "why mr spock ur so silly 🥰😉" "as a vulcan i am incapable of sillines, captain." "ofc ofc 😍😘" "can both of you shut the hell up"
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upon-the-snow · 13 days
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✨ thoughts and prayers ✨
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chiricat · 2 months
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ryomina demons are winning
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sanjipussyindulgence · 2 months
watching the kaiju no. 8 anime and the kafka + reno dynamic is so top-tier. contrasting reno, a sterotypical edgy anime teenager, with kafka, a pretty regular guy in his 30s, has such endless comedy to it.
they're father-son coded but reno did the adopting. he saw how lame and wet kafka was and fetched the adoption papers out himself.
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"A Dad helping his kids beat a hard level in super mario land; 1990s"
Ref under the cut!
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naomistares · 2 months
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making crappy memes about my comic instead of working on it
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lyss-sketchbox · 3 months
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That last bit didnt exactly happen like that but i like making dramatic comic shots. STILL yall should read this fic. Its such a wonderful experience that people should know about, I PROMISE ITS GOOD
Bonus scene
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Now you HAVE to read it :)
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bitchthefuck1 · 10 months
I feel like we never acknowledge the sheer comedy of the fact that when Wylan and Jesper help Inej take down merchers involved in the slave trade they're literally ratting out their shitty coworkers.
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mintsdraws · 1 year
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i saw this meme thing and couldnt resist after finally finishing the story
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bleh1bleh2 · 11 months
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"Hey Keith, what else is in your belt pouches?"
Keiths belt pouches 2/2
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candyje11yfish · 5 months
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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they're girlfriends and they kiss. what of it
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littledemo0n · 6 months
So there's this fic from @whatwooshkai that im really enjoying
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