deathbyglam · 3 years
this exists now:D
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deathbyglam · 3 years
spoilers for episodes 9 and 10 plus just me rambling
rewatching metal family for the 9th time and while episodes 9 and 10 are my favorites they are still so upsetting genuinely
one of the scenes that breaks my heart the most is when sebastian is in the shower and puts his arm under the water. the way they portrayed his expression and pain really hurts
this also goes for when he freaks out after the family scolds him about being with ches
and when gustav got drunk
who am i kidding EVERYTHING out of these episodes hurts except for the story of my life part in ep10 but they really did make me love glam/sebastian as a character
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deathbyglam · 3 years
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metal family dan fan art master post
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deathbyglam · 3 years
tw // sc@rs, @buse, general sadness??
also some spoilers for ep 9/10
ok but imagine being there when glam got box 37 from the will and you just sit and comfort him ??
he isn't very responsive to it but in his head he appreciates it so much more than you could ever know. he had never had anyone except ches to comfort him throughout his life (i don't think vicki is very good at it)
you never ask him about his past, but after getting home that day you see the mask he wears fall apart . he tells you about how gustav treated him and lydia as kids and pulls down those bracelets he always wears, showing you the scars on his arm from where he used to be hit .
you don't do anything except hold him and comfort him and run your hands through his hair while, for the first time since you have ever known him, he cries . he had told almost nobody about his past with abuse and seeing that box felt, to him, like he was forced back into the past . he no longer felt like glam, he felt like sebastian again . he felt the scars sting like they had just been reopened . but you were there to keep him grounded, you were able to remind him that he is not who he was .
you just sit and wipe away the teary mascara and let him cry . finally, for one of the few times in his life, he can feel vulnerable .
you knew that by tomorrow he would be back to his mask of a smile and perfect manners, but today you saw behind it.
your hearts felt connected for a short moment before he got up, apologized, and closed himself away in his office.
he really was something.
hehe imagine type thing or something idk I haven't gone into writing territory in ages but writing within the metal family fandom is usually incest so..
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deathbyglam · 3 years
thinkin about holding glams hand . that is the post . he got big hands c:
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deathbyglam · 3 years
beloved beloved beloved beloved ♡♡♡♡
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Metal Family - fanart
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deathbyglam · 3 years
hi! my name is lucas!
I want to officially revive this account (finally..) so here's my intro and a link to my carrd!
I'm a part of a lot of fandoms but my main ones currently are metal family, jurassic park, and a variety of russian communities including sovergon, rendell, dk, slava marlow, and more!
I want to find more friends who like what I like and I think tumblr would be a good place for it :D
(I only speak english!)
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